Nike Inc (NKE) 2019 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • Welcome to NIKE, Inc.'s Fiscal 2019 Third Quarter Conference Call.

    歡迎參加 NIKE, Inc. 2019 財年第三季度電話會議。

  • For those who want to reference today's press release, you will find it at

    如果您想參考今天的新聞稿,您可以在 上找到它。

  • Leading today's call is Nitesh Sharan, Vice President, Investor Relations and Treasurer.

    今天的電話會議由投資者關係副總裁兼財務主管 Nitesh Sharan 主持。

  • Before I turn the call over to Mr. Sharan, let me remind you that participants on this call will make forward-looking statements based on current expectations, and those statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially.


  • These risks and uncertainties are detailed in the reports filed with the SEC, including the annual report filed on Form 10-K.

    這些風險和不確定性在向 SEC 提交的報告中進行了詳細說明,包括以 10-K 表格提交的年度報告。

  • Some forward-looking statements may concern expectations of future revenue growth or gross margin.


  • In addition, participants may discuss non-GAAP financial measures, including references to constant dollar revenue.


  • References to constant dollar revenue are intended to provide context as to the performance of the business, eliminating foreign exchange fluctuations.


  • Participants may also make references to other nonpublic financial and fiscal information and non-GAAP financial measures.


  • To the extent nonpublic financial and statistical information is discussed, presentations of comparable GAAP measures and quantitative reconciliations will be made available at NIKE's website,

    在討論非公開財務和統計信息的範圍內,可比較的 GAAP 衡量標準和定量調節表將在耐克網站 上提供。

  • Now I'd like to turn the call over to Nitesh Sharan, Vice President, Investor Relations and Treasurer.

    現在我想將電話轉給投資者關係副總裁兼財務主管 Nitesh Sharan。

  • Nitesh Sharan - VP of IR & Treasurer

    Nitesh Sharan - VP of IR & Treasurer

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Hello, everyone, and thank you for joining us today to discuss NIKE, Inc.'s fiscal 2019 third quarter results.

    大家好,感謝您今天加入我們討論 NIKE, Inc. 2019 財年第三季度業績。

  • As the operator indicated, participants on today's call may discuss non-GAAP financial measures.


  • You will find the appropriate reconciliations in our press release, which was issued about an hour ago, or at our website,

    您可以在我們大約一小時前發布的新聞稿中或在我們的網站 上找到適當的調節表。

  • Joining us on today's call will be NIKE, Inc.

    參加今天電話會議的有 NIKE, Inc.。

  • Chairman, President and CEO, Mark Parker; and our Chief Financial Officer, Andy Campion.

    董事長、總裁兼首席執行官馬克·帕克;以及我們的首席財務官安迪·坎皮恩 (Andy Campion)。

  • Following their prepared remarks, we will take your questions.


  • (Operator Instructions) Thanks for your cooperation on this.


  • I'll now turn the call over to NIKE, Inc.

    我現在將把電話轉給 NIKE, Inc.。

  • Chairman, President and CEO, Mark Parker.


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Thanks, Nitesh, and hello, everyone.


  • In Q3, our teams once again drove healthy growth across NIKE's complete portfolio, leading to balanced results in our key dimensions.


  • In our geographies, for example, the continued growth in North America was fueled by NIKE Consumer Experiences (sic - Customer Experience), where we have our most direct connection with the consumer.


  • China earned its 19th consecutive quarter of high quality, double-digit growth, as the Chinese consumer increasingly makes sport a part of their daily lives.

    隨著中國消費者越來越多地讓體育成為日常生活的一部分,中國連續第 19 個季度實現兩位數的高質量增長。

  • And the NIKE brand continues to accelerate in EMEA and APLA as we go deep into our key cities to seize new opportunities quickly.

    隨著我們深入重點城市,快速抓住新機遇,NIKE 品牌在 EMEA 和 APLA 的發展持續加速。

  • In innovation, we led with bold platforms like Air Max and sportswear and adaptive technology in basketball.

    在創新方面,我們以 Air Max 和運動服等大膽平台以及籃球自適應技術為主導。

  • We kept consumers coming back for more with the fast pace of fresh options in our Power Franchises.


  • And with the energy for sportswear at an all-time high, NIKE continues to stand out in the active lifestyle marketplace through our authentic position in sport.


  • And through our digital transformation, we're scaling the digital capabilities that will serve consumers more personally.


  • And we're driving significant growth through our digital ecosystem, making Q3 NIKE Digital's first billion-dollar quarter.


  • Put together, all of this work led to strong results for the quarter.


  • NIKE, Inc.


  • revenues grew 7%.

    收入增長 7%。

  • On a currency-neutral basis, NIKE, Inc.

    在貨幣中性的基礎上,NIKE, Inc.

  • revenue increased 11%.

    收入增長 11%。

  • Gross margin was up 130 basis points to prior year, and earnings per share was $0.68.

    毛利率比上年增長 130 個基點,每股收益為 0.68 美元。

  • Diving into the details, we launched some incredible innovations this quarter.


  • Let's start with Nike Air.

    讓我們從 Nike Air 開始。

  • The major leaps we've made in new designs for the Air Max, like VaporMax and Max 270 continued to energize the consumers' ongoing love for the whole platform.

    我們在 Air Max 的新設計(例如 VaporMax 和 Max 270)方面取得的重大飛躍繼續激發了消費者對整個平台的持續喜愛。

  • Icons like the Max 95 and 97 and Tuned Air are a hit with both men and women.

    Max 95 和 97 以及 Tuned Air 等標誌性產品深受男士和女士的歡迎。

  • The Air Max Dia, our new women-specific design, is performing extremely well across the globe; and the Air Max 720, a radically unique silhouette was released in a number of bold colorways, creating a strong consumer response right out of the gate.

    Air Max Dia 是我們專為女性設計的全新設計,在全球範圍內表現出色; Air Max 720 則以多種大膽的配色發布了極其獨特的廓形,一推出就引起了消費者的強烈反響。

  • We don't, however, take this high demand for granted.


  • It requires constant fine-tuning and the right balance of ceding and scaling to ensure a healthy position in the marketplace.


  • But we know as long as we're making an impact with distinctive innovation, like Air Max, our top platforms will continue to fuel our long-term growth.

    但我們知道,只要我們通過像 Air Max 這樣的獨特創新產生影響,我們的頂級平台就將繼續推動我們的長期增長。

  • At the same time, we're delivering a faster cycle of fresh assortments of our Power Franchises.

    與此同時,我們正在以更快的速度提供我們的 Power Franchise 的新鮮品種。

  • We do that by offering more options of colors and materials inspired by more targeted and relevant storytelling, and the strategy is paying off.


  • For example, in our sportswear category, which continues to grow double digits, the Air Force 1 is accelerating growth in both men's and women's.

    例如,在我們的運動裝類別中,該類別繼續以兩位數的速度增長,其中男裝和女裝的 Air Force 1 都在加速增長。

  • In the Jordan Brand, where the business grew at a very healthy rate this quarter, the Jordan 1 is a top seller across all geographies.

    在 Jordan Brand 中,本季度業務增長非常健康,Jordan 1 是所有地區的暢銷產品。

  • And in basketball, we drove energy with the Kyrie 5 and the LeBron 16 through multiple colorways and creative product storytelling.

    在籃球領域,我們通過多種配色和富有創意的產品故事講述了 Kyrie 5 和 LeBron 16 的能量。

  • We also know there are several untapped opportunities within our innovation agenda, and we've intensified our focus to amplify them.


  • For example, we're energizing the marketplace with statement innovation, and going forward, you'll see us bring more distinction at the core level.


  • Specifically for next fiscal year, we fast-tracked new collections under the $100 price point, and we're aligning the merchandising and marketing teams to support them throughout the marketplace.

    具體來說,在下一財年,我們將快速推出 100 美元價位以下的新系列,並且我們正在調整銷售和營銷團隊以在整個市場上為它們提供支持。

  • Apparel, as we've said, is another outsized growth opportunity.


  • Over the course of the next year, you're going to see a sharper focus on key classifications in NIKE apparel.


  • We'll accelerate growth by offering fresh options in our top sellers, much like we do on footwear with our Power Franchises.

    我們將通過在最暢銷產品中提供新的選擇來加速增長,就像我們通過 Power Franchise 在鞋類領域所做的那樣。

  • Our goal is to provide great apparel for every step of the sport journey.


  • For workouts, we're offering the best core items.


  • This quarter, the bra business continued to expand, and our athletic take on yoga apparel has moved us into a new market.


  • For day-to-day life, we're designing for added versatility.


  • In this quarter, the new Tech Knit has been very successful, helping to grow Tech Pack unit sales nearly 200% compared to last year.

    本季度,新的 Tech Knit 非常成功,幫助 Tech Pack 單位銷售額比去年增長了近 200%。

  • And to feed a passion for teams and athletes, we're offering premium products, like the NBA Showtime Hoodie and then cascading to core level fleece, tees and shorts.

    為了激發球隊和運動員的熱情,我們提供優質產品,例如 NBA Showtime 連帽衫,以及核心級別的羊毛衫、T 恤和短褲。

  • In just our second year with the NBA, this is tracking to be the largest merchandising season in its history.

    今年是我們加入 NBA 的第二年,這將成為其歷史上規模最大的營銷季。

  • We're at our best when we're leveraging sports moments through our athletes and league partnerships.


  • And looking ahead, the sports calendar is full of moments to elevate, starting from today's first round of March Madness all the way through the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.

    展望未來,體育日曆上充滿了值得提升的時刻,從今天的瘋狂三月第一輪一直到 2020 年東京奧運會。

  • In the next few months, we'll celebrate World Cup with our most innovative team kits and sportswear collections.


  • In the spring marathons, we'll unveil the next generation of the ZoomX platform.

    在春季馬拉鬆比賽中,我們將推出下一代 ZoomX 平台。

  • And building on the energy of the NBA Playoffs, Giannis will cap off his incredible season with the reveal of his first signature shoe.

    憑藉 NBA 季后賽的能量,揚尼斯將以他的第一款簽名鞋的亮相結束他令人難以置信的賽季。

  • We'll also continue our streak of industry-defining innovation for the everyday athlete.


  • We'll introduce a completely new cushioning system designed to get more people running.


  • And in women's, we'll launch more than 40 new styles of bras to expand our inclusive sizing considerably.

    在女裝方面,我們將推出 40 多種新款文胸,以大幅擴展我們的尺碼包容性。

  • And building off the successful adaptive basketball launch this quarter, we'll expand the platform into new categories and embed the Adapt technology even further into our digital ecosystem.

    在本季度成功推出自適應籃球的基礎上,我們將將該平台擴展到新的類別,並將 Adapt 技術進一步嵌入到我們的數字生態系統中。

  • The innovation pipeline is full at NIKE, and it gives us great confidence that we'll continue to win with the consumers for years to come.


  • While we view innovation as NIKE's #1 competitive advantage, our digital transformation will create even further separation.


  • There are teams all over NIKE piloting new ideas and proving out concepts.


  • We're testing, learning and optimizing at an incredible pace.


  • But the real key is to turn these new digital capabilities into growth at scale.


  • There's a lot to talk about here, and I'll highlight a few areas that are leading to broad-based growth.


  • First, we're supercharging NikePlus membership for even greater personalization with consumers.

    首先,我們對 NikePlus 會員資格進行了超級收費,以便為消費者提供更多的個性化服務。

  • When we offer more tailored product and experiences, we bring more value to the consumer, and it opens up more opportunities to grow our business.


  • So this quarter, we extended a new advanced algorithm in our apps that allows us to reward our most active members.


  • We added this data driven format to the release of the Nike App in Japan, and it helped lead to the most successful launch ever.

    我們在日本發布的 Nike 應用程序中添加了這種數據驅動格式,它幫助實現了有史以來最成功的發布。

  • We continue to show how important membership is to creating an increasingly seamless physical to digital retail experience.


  • In our House of Innovation stores in New York and Shanghai, over 50% of transactions are with members.

    在我們位於紐約和上海的 House of Innovation 商店中,超過 50% 的交易是與會員進行的。

  • Across our wider fleet, consumers using the Nike App at Retail average 40% higher sales than those who don't.

    在我們更廣泛的產品中,使用 Nike App at Retail 的消費者的銷售額平均比不使用的消費者高 40%。

  • Our sneakers app in particular continues to be a powerhouse in the world of digital commerce.


  • For the quarter, sneakers traffic and revenue were up triple digits.


  • 17 of the top 20 sneakers launches had 100% sell-through.

    排名前 20 的運動鞋中,有 17 款的銷售率為 100%。

  • And during the record-breaking Air Jordan XI Concord launch, our digital ecosystem showed its ability to handle scale and drive unrivaled energy, processing, on average, 300 transactions per second.

    在破紀錄的 Air Jordan XI Concord 發布期間,我們的數字生態系統展示了其處理規模和驅動無與倫比的能源的能力,平均每秒處理 300 筆交易。

  • As a whole, our digital business was up an impressive 36% in the quarter on a constant currency basis.

    總體而言,按固定匯率計算,本季度我們的數字業務增長了 36%,令人印象深刻。

  • Another area where digital is creating company-wide efficiencies is within our product creation teams.


  • We've fully digitized our palette of over 6,000 footwear materials, allowing our design teams to build on one another's work and adapt to market trends more quickly.

    我們已將 6,000 多種鞋類材料的調色板完全數字化,使我們的設計團隊能夠在彼此的工作基礎上進行構建並更快地適應市場趨勢。

  • With fewer physical samples, it also plays an important role in minimizing our environmental impact.


  • Overall, our advanced digital tools are reducing lead times, driving sustainability and leading to faster design cycles.


  • The third highlight is how we're connecting the marketplace by digitally tagging and tracking NIKE products, all the way from production through retail.


  • Our RFID initiative, for example, is improving product visibility and is an important step toward integrating our diverse ecosystem of physical and digital experiences, distribution centers and contract factories.

    例如,我們的 RFID 計劃正在提高產品可視性,是整合我們的物理和數字體驗、配送中心和合同工廠多元化生態系統的重要一步。

  • This will give the consumer easier access to product and allow NIKE to more accurately match supply to demand across the world and ultimately, fuel better, higher-quality growth.


  • We're seeing the early wins pile up in our digital transformation, and it's bringing scale to every facet of our Triple Double strategy.


  • What's so exciting is the more we invest in stronger digital capabilities, the more growth opportunities we uncover.


  • And today, the consumer rewards agility.


  • The companies who adapt and scale first are the companies who grow fastest.


  • To do that, NIKE is looking across the spectrum of the value chain from our factory partners to key cities, so we can advance -- take advantage of our most important opportunities.


  • At the factory level, that means staging raw materials so they can be quickly deployed to fill requests for our most in-demand products.


  • We did this in anticipation of LeBron's move to a new team last summer, and it cut our jersey lead times nearly in half.


  • Expect more of that with all the high profile free agency moves this summer.


  • But more broadly, this process is a critical component of our 2X Speed initiative and fuels our key city execution, so we can quickly adapt our assortments based on the demands of local consumers.

    但更廣泛地說,這個過程是我們 2X Speed 計劃的關鍵組成部分,並推動我們主要城市的執行,因此我們可以根據當地消費者的需求快速調整我們的產品組合。

  • The Express Lane is another important enabler to 2X Speed, continuing to scale and grow as a percentage of NIKE's overall business.

    Express Lane 是 2X Speed 的另一個重要推動因素,在耐克整體業務中所佔的比例不斷擴大和增長。

  • In this quarter in our geographies, the Express Lane in Greater China was responsible for over half of the products in our Chinese New Year collection.

    本季度,在我們的地區,大中華區的 Express Lane 負責我們農曆新年系列中超過一半的產品。

  • In North America, the top 10 styles in our Nike App all came out of Express Lane.

    在北美,我們的 Nike App 中排名前 10 的款式均來自 Express Lane。

  • And in EMEA, it contributed over 20% of our business.

    在 EMEA 地區,它貢獻了我們超過 20% 的業務。

  • Express Lane is just one of the ways we're driving agility in our value chain to serve consumer demand.

    Express Lane 只是我們提高價值鏈敏捷性以滿足消費者需求的方式之一。

  • We're also investing in responsive manufacturing and faster delivery capabilities for our key cities.


  • Overall, Q3 demonstrated the strength of NIKE's complete portfolio.


  • The Consumer Direct Offense is connecting our powerful brand to compelling innovation to operational excellence, all in service of the consumer.


  • And it's a strategy that gives us a very clear path to sustain that momentum over the long term.


  • This quarter, one of our greatest growth opportunities, our women's offense, experienced an important inflection point.


  • I was fortunate enough to join our team in Paris for a powerful launch for the upcoming Women's World Cup, where we hosted some of the greatest athletes in the world.


  • We were excited to unveil 14 National Team kits for World Cup 2019, a tournament record for NIKE.

    我們很高興推出 2019 年世界杯的 14 套國家隊球衣,這創下了耐克的賽事紀錄。

  • And that energy of the moment is building on our Dream Crazier, Just Do It campaign, as narrated by Serena Williams.

    正如塞雷娜·威廉姆斯 (Serena Williams) 所講述的那樣,當前的能量正建立在我們的 Dream Crazier, Just Do It 活動的基礎上。

  • The campaign is a great example of how NIKE is leveraging the power of social media platforms to carry our message.


  • Dream Crazier has broken several of our own consumer engagement records across all 4 geographies.

    Dream Crazier 打破了我們在所有 4 個地區的多項消費者參與記錄。

  • For example, in North America, it's NIKE's most shared Instagram post ever and one of the most successful NIKE tweets of all time.

    例如,在北美,這是耐克有史以來分享次數最多的 Instagram 帖子,也是耐克有史以來最成功的推文之一。

  • In Greater China, the campaign reached 600 million views in just the first 3 days.

    在大中華區,該活動僅前三天的觀看次數就達到了 6 億次。

  • This inspiring work from our brand teams is just part of our broader strategy to shift resources and accelerate our women's business.


  • In products, we've aligned our merchandising teams for one unified women's vision at retail, and our R&D teams are quickly moving to create the platforms of the future.


  • A more complete offense is taking shape, and it's incredibly energizing.


  • This quarter, you began to see the early results from those teams.


  • Our Nike 1 tight fueled our training tights business to strong double-digit growth.

    我們的 Nike 1 緊身褲推動我們的訓練緊身褲業務實現了兩位數的強勁增長。

  • Plus-size bras launched this quarter and are off to an amazing start.


  • Jordan Women's is growing strong double digits, and our women's sneakers offering is diversifying and growing, with products that range from reimagined retro styles like the Air Force 1 Sage Low and the M2K to new innovations like the Air Max 270 and the Air Max Dia.

    Jordan Women's 正以兩位數的速度強勁增長,我們的女式運動鞋產品也在多元化且不斷增長,產品範圍從Air Force 1 Sage Low 和M2K 等重新設計的複古款式到Air Max 270 和Air Max Dia 等創新產品。

  • In Paris, the celebration of Nike Women was unlike any moment I've experienced.


  • The best part is the world -- the work that we're doing this summer is just the start.


  • We want to help create the next wave of growth for women in sport, and with a fully dedicated women's offense, we see an even healthier, longer-term future for NIKE.


  • It's a great time to be in the business of sport.


  • The larger movement of health and fitness is growing the athletic apparel and footwear market all over the world, and we're excited about our role in fueling that energy and capturing even more of that opportunity ahead.


  • Thanks.


  • And now here's Andy.


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thank you, Mark, and hello to everyone on the call.


  • In Q3, we once again delivered very strong growth and profitability, with 11% currency-neutral revenue growth, amplified by 130 basis points of gross margin expansion.

    第三季度,我們再次實現了非常強勁的增長和盈利能力,匯率中性收入增長了 11%,毛利率擴大了 130 個基點。

  • Most importantly, our growth was high quality, strategic and broad-based.


  • Our execution of the Consumer Direct Offense is fueling strong demand across all 4 of our geographies, led by the 12 key cities that we believe offer the greatest platform to impact the world through sports and create brand distinction.

    我們對消費者直接進攻的執行正在推動我們所有 4 個地區的強勁需求,其中以 12 個主要城市為首,我們相信這些城市提供了通過體育影響世界並創造品牌特色的最佳平台。

  • Our broad-based global growth is being fueled by 4 underlying strategic drivers: one, editing our product portfolio, while amplifying the styles that consumers love most; two, doubling the cadence and impact of innovation that we're bringing to market; three, operating with greater agility; and four, transforming the consumer experience through digital.


  • This is the Consumer Direct Offense in action, and the direct impact on NIKE's growth is tangible.


  • First, by editing to amplify, we've reduced the total number of styles in our portfolio significantly, while bringing much greater dimension and choice to what we call our Power Franchises.


  • In any given season, our Power Franchises includes select icons within sportswear, such as the Air Force 1 and Air Jordan 1, performance franchises such as the Pegasus as well as new innovation platforms such as the VaporMax, Air Max 270 and React.

    在任何特定季節,我們的Power 系列產品都包括運動服中的精選標誌性產品,例如Air Force 1 和Air Jordan 1,高性能係列產品,例如Pegasus,以及新的創新平台,例如VaporMax、Air Max 270 和React。

  • The new dimension we're bringing ranges from collaborations with athletes and influencers to compelling new elements of design, to infusing new innovation into long-standing performance franchises.


  • Second, we are well on our way to doubling the cadence and impact of innovation on our business.


  • Once again, in Q3, new innovation platforms comprised the vast majority of our incremental revenue growth.


  • And as Mark said, our innovation pipeline is more robust than ever.


  • In Q3, we launched the Air Max 720 to strong demand as well as the Adapt BB on court in the NBA, which was a leap forward into the future of adaptive performance footwear.

    第三季度,我們在需求旺盛的情況下推出了 Air Max 720 以及 NBA 球場上的 Adapt BB,這是向自適應性能鞋類未來邁進的一次飛躍。

  • And we're scaling innovation faster than ever before, with React and our new Max Air platforms being leveraged across multiple performance categories and in sportswear within just the first year of launch.

    我們比以往任何時候都更快地擴展創新,React 和我們的新 Max Air 平台在推出的第一年就在多個性能類別和運動服裝中得到了利用。

  • Third, we're bringing innovation and our Power Franchises to market with greater speed and agility.


  • Through our Express Lane initiative, we're using closer-to-market consumer insights to update key styles with new materials, prints and colors on significantly shorter time lines.

    通過我們的 Express Lane 計劃,我們利用更貼近市場的消費者洞察,在顯著縮短的時間內用新材料、印花和顏色更新關鍵款式。

  • In Q3, product updated and fulfilled through our Express Lane drove well over 10% of our revenue.

    第三季度,通過我們的 Express Lane 更新和履行的產品為我們帶來了超過 10% 的收入。

  • These efforts, editing to amplify, doubling the cadence and impact of innovation and operating with greater speed and agility, all come together with the greatest consumer impact through NIKE Direct.

    這些努力,包括編輯以放大、加倍創新的節奏和影響以及以更快的速度和敏捷性運營,所有這些努力都通過 NIKE Direct 帶來了最大的消費者影響。

  • NIKE Direct is where the NIKE Brand experience comes to life in its fullest sense.

    NIKE Direct 是 NIKE 品牌體驗得以最充分體現的地方。

  • And increasingly, that experience is being elevated by digital.


  • Once again in Q3, our growth was led by NIKE Digital, which on a currency-neutral basis grew 36% globally.

    第三季度,我們的增長再次由 NIKE Digital 引領,在貨幣中性的基礎上,該公司的全球增長了 36%。

  • We continue to expand our digital footprint with the launch of the Nike App in Japan, and we continue to enhance our digital ecosystem through the rollout of the Nike App in our own retail stores across North America and Europe.

    通過在日本推出 Nike 應用程序,我們繼續擴大我們的數字足跡,並通過在北美和歐洲我們自己的零售店推出 Nike 應用程序,繼續增強我們的數字生態系統。

  • Our expansion is fueling the acquisition of new members at a strong double-digit rate.


  • And the new experiences that we're creating are also driving strong double-digit increases in member engagement and buying.


  • Our vision is to create direct, unbreakable relationships with our consumers, and we know the most direct connection is through the mobile device they carry with them everywhere they go.


  • As Mark referenced, we are driving a digital transformation of NIKE with an emphasis on mobile.


  • Over the balance of this fiscal year and through fiscal year '20, we will continue investing in this digital transformation.

    在本財年剩餘時間以及整個 20 財年,我們將繼續投資於數字化轉型。

  • While many companies can build a technology stack, no other brand is able to leverage technology to create the kinds of amazing consumer experiences that only NIKE can.


  • Our most significant investments will continue to be in the capabilities that enable us to better serve consumers and extend our brand leadership.


  • These include investments in new digital member services; in data and analytics; in demand-sensing technology; in technologies such as RFID that enable connected inventory across the marketplace; and in a new editorial content engine that will keep us engaged with our members 365 days a year.

    其中包括對新數字會員服務的投資;數據和分析;需求感知技術; RFID 等技術可實現整個市場的互聯庫存;新的編輯內容引擎將使我們一年 365 天與會員保持互動。

  • More so than ever, our investments are directly translating into strong and sustainable growth.


  • But before providing more context on our positive outlook, I'll first reflect on our Q3 results.


  • NIKE, Inc.


  • Q3 revenue grew 7%, up 11% on a currency-neutral basis.

    第三季度收入增長 7%,在匯率中性的基礎上增長 11%。

  • Our growth reflects double-digit currency-neutral momentum internationally and high single-digit growth in North America.


  • Gross margin expanded by 130 basis points in Q3 as average gross selling prices expanded, strong demand drove higher full price sales and higher-margin NIKE Direct growth outpaced wholesale growth.

    第三季度毛利率增長了 130 個基點,原因是平均總銷售價格上漲、強勁需求推動全價銷售增加以及利潤率更高的 NIKE Direct 增長超過了批發增長。

  • Q3 gross margin was also favorably impacted by the shift of supply chain investments out of Q3 and into Q4.


  • Demand creation was flat in the third quarter as other demand creation increased, and sports marketing declined based on the timing of investments.


  • Operating overhead increased 17%, driven by continued investment in NIKE's digital transformation as well as year-over-year compensation-related accruals.

    由於耐克數字化轉型的持續投資以及與薪酬相關的應計費用同比增長,運營管理費用增長了 17%。

  • Our effective tax rate for the quarter was 14.7%, and third quarter diluted EPS was $0.68.

    我們本季度的有效稅率為 14.7%,第三季度攤薄後每股收益為 0.68 美元。

  • As of February 28, inventories were up just 1%, reflecting a continued healthy pull market for NIKE globally and our stronger supply and demand management.

    截至 2 月 28 日,庫存僅增長 1%,反映出耐克全球市場的持續健康拉動以及我們更強有力的供需管理。

  • With that, let's turn to some of the highlights across our reported operating segments.


  • In North America, Q3 revenue grew 7% on a reported and currency-neutral basis.

    在北美,按報告和匯率中性計算,第三季度收入增長了 7%。

  • sportswear, Jordan, Nike Kids and Running led our growth across the geography.

    運動裝、Jordan、Nike Kids 和 Running 引領了我們在整個地區的增長。

  • From a product perspective, the majority of our incremental growth was driven by our Power Franchises, ranging from the Air Force 1 and Air Jordan 1, to the Pegasus and Kyrie, to the Max Air family of products, including the new Air Max Dia for women.

    從產品角度來看,我們的增量增長大部分是由 Power Franchise 推動的,從 Air Force 1 和 Air Jordan 1,到 Pegasus 和 Kyrie,再到 Max Air 系列產品,包括新款 Air Max Dia女性。

  • As Mark referenced, the Jordan XI Concord was also the biggest launch in our history, with the product selling out in hours.

    正如 Mark 提到的,Jordan XI Concord 也是我們歷史上規模最大的一次發布,該產品在數小時內就售罄。

  • The strength of our product portfolio and the fastest digital deliveries in our industry fueled a strong -- or I should say, very strong holiday season for NIKE, in that we outpaced the broader retail market by roughly 2x.


  • We also have very strong brand momentum in North America, fueled by the powerful Just Do It Dream Crazier campaign, which Mark referenced as well as our executions around NBA All-Star Weekend.

    我們在北美也擁有非常強勁的品牌勢頭,這得益於 Mark 提到的“Just Do It Dream Crazier”活動以及我們在 NBA 全明星周末期間的執行活動。

  • Creating differentiated retail experiences remains a significant opportunity as the physical retail marketplace in North America continues to go through consolidation.


  • At the same time, we are catalyzing the next generation of retail in North America, and that begins with digital.


  • NIKE Digital grew 30% in Q3, faster than all other channels.

    NIKE Digital 在第三季度增長了 30%,快於所有其他渠道。

  • We're also disrupting the physical marketplace in a positive sense, leveraging digital through new NIKE Direct concepts, such as our House of Innovation in New York and Nike Live in Los Angeles.

    我們還以積極的方式顛覆實體市場,通過新的 NIKE Direct 概念利用數字技術,例如紐約的 House of Innovation 和洛杉磯的 Nike Live。

  • Accordingly, our growth in New York and L.A. is overindexing the broader market.


  • We're also continuing to create new differentiated consumer experiences through the rollout of the Nike App at Retail in our own stores and the testing of new services and concepts with our strategic retail partners, such as Foot Locker and DICK'S Sporting Goods.

    我們還通過在自己的商店中推出 Nike 應用零售應用程序以及與 Foot Locker 和 DICK'S Sporting Goods 等戰略零售合作夥伴測試新服務和概念,繼續創造新的差異化消費者體驗。

  • We expect our strong pipeline of innovative product, the brand heat we've created and an acceleration in our creation of new digitally led consumer experiences to continue driving healthy sustainable growth in North America going forward.


  • Now let's turn to EMEA, where we continue to build extraordinary brand momentum.


  • In Q3, revenue in EMEA grew 12% on a currency-neutral basis, driven by double-digit growth in sportswear and Jordan.

    第三季度,在運動裝和喬丹服飾兩位數增長的推動下,歐洲、中東和非洲地區的收入在匯率中性的基礎上增長了 12%。

  • NIKE Digital led all dimensions of the marketplace, growing at a strong double-digit pace.

    NIKE Digital 在市場的各個方面都處於領先地位,並以兩位數的強勁速度增長。

  • One of the underlying drivers of our sustained growth in EMEA is the ever-increasing strength of our brand across this diverse geography.


  • EMEA is home to 5 of our 12 key cities.

    我們 12 個主要城市中有 5 個位於歐洲、中東和非洲地區。

  • In all 5, NIKE is rated the #1 favorite brand by consumers, and our growth is far outpacing the broader market.

    在所有 5 個品牌中,耐克被評為消費者最喜歡的品牌第一名,我們的增長遠遠超過了更廣闊的市場。

  • Take Paris, for example.


  • Mark mentioned our -- Women's World Cup launch there last week, which was by all accounts, powerful.


  • It was just earlier this year that we launched the Jordan PSG partnership, which drove incredible energy in the style, culture and football-obsessed city.


  • And of course, looking ahead, Paris will host the 2024 Olympics.

    當然,展望未來,巴黎將舉辦 2024 年奧運會。

  • It's a great reminder that our 12 key cities were not chosen based on size alone, but instead, because we see these key cities as having the greatest potential impact on our brand and business.

    這是一個很好的提醒,我們選擇 12 個重點城市並不是僅僅根據規模,而是因為我們認為這些重點城市對我們的品牌和業務具有最大的潛在影響。

  • In our APLA geography, revenue grew 14% on a currency-neutral basis, fueled by balanced double-digit growth across both footwear and apparel.

    在我們的 APLA 地區,在鞋類和服裝領域均衡的兩位數增長的推動下,收入在貨幣中性的基礎上增長了 14%。

  • From a country perspective, growth was led by Japan and Korea, catalyzed by the great momentum we have in the key cities of Tokyo and Seoul.


  • Across APLA, NIKE Digital is continuing to accelerate, with revenue growing over 60% in Q3.

    在 APLA,NIKE Digital 持續加速發展,第三季度收入增長超過 60%。

  • We continue to expand our digital ecosystem across this region and leverage digital partnerships.


  • As we look ahead to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, we could not be more thrilled with the momentum we are building in Japan.

    當我們展望 2020 年東京奧運會時,我們對日本正在形成的勢頭感到無比興奮。

  • Both the sneakers app and newly launched Nike App are resonating strongly with consumers.


  • Our Running innovation has also resonated with the highly discerning Japanese running consumer, with NIKE now having ascended to the #1 position in running across Japan.


  • So now let's turn to China.


  • This past quarter, we delivered 24% currency-neutral revenue growth in Greater China, led by NIKE Direct, with digital commerce up well over 60%.

    上個季度,在 NIKE Direct 的帶動下,我們在大中華區實現了 24%(匯率中性)收入增長,其中數字商務增長遠超 60%。

  • We have great momentum in China, but we are still far from realizing the long-term opportunity in this market.


  • On our last call, we spoke about 4 epic growth opportunities for NIKE: international, digital, apparel and women's.

    在上次電話會議中,我們談到了耐克的 4 個史詩般的增長機會:國際、數字、服裝和女裝。

  • China is perhaps the best example of our outsized growth potential internationally.


  • China is already the largest footwear and apparel market in the world, but athletic footwear and apparel represents a smaller share of total than in more developed markets, such as the U.S. That said, within that broader market, athletic footwear and apparel is growing double digits in China.


  • Sport has increasingly become more a part of life for consumers in China.


  • While basketball has long been popular with the Chinese consumer, we are now also seeing a running boom.


  • And that is why NIKE has always been a brand of China for China.


  • We have always believed that by being authentically connected to the Chinese consumer, we could help catalyze the rise of sport participation and sport culture in this market, from sponsoring the Shanghai Marathon to our partnerships with the Chinese Super League, to working with the Ministry of Sport to expand physical education in schools.


  • That is why even amidst current geopolitical dynamics, NIKE continues to deliver strong and sustainable growth in China.


  • That said, we are not taking our current momentum for granted.


  • Rather, we are more focused than ever on creating products specifically tailored to the Chinese consumers' preferences and fit and creating digital experiences that connect us more deeply to consumers through China's unique digital ecosystem.


  • With that, I'll now share our outlook for the remainder of fiscal year '19 and provide an early read on fiscal year '20.

    現在,我將分享我們對 19 財年剩餘時間的展望,並提供對 20 財年的初步解讀。

  • For the full year fiscal year '19, our outlook for constant currency revenue growth and gross margin continues to improve.

    對於 19 財年全年,我們對貨幣收入持續增長和毛利率的預期持續改善。

  • At the same time, we will continue to invest in the capabilities that are fueling our strong sustainable growth.


  • For Q4 specifically, we expect continued strong growth, with constant currency revenue growth being squarely in the high single-digit range.


  • It's important to note that we expect roughly 6 points of FX headwinds in Q4, which would result in low single-digit reported revenue growth.

    值得注意的是,我們預計第四季度將出現大約 6 個百分點的外匯逆風,這將導致報告的收入增長較低。

  • As you may recall, in Q4 of last year, we delivered 8% currency-neutral revenue growth with 13% reported revenue growth.

    您可能還記得,去年第四季度,我們實現了 8%(匯率中性)收入增長,報告收入增長 13%。

  • In that quarter, the launch of new innovation platforms, such as React and the Air Max 270, began to materially impact our performance, along with the impact of World Cup.

    在該季度,React 和 Air Max 270 等新創新平台的推出以及世界杯的影響開始對我們的業績產生重大影響。

  • So our outlook for strong currency-neutral revenue growth this Q4 is a testament to the sustainability of the growth that we are delivering through the continued execution of our new offense.


  • We also see the disparity between currency-neutral and reported revenue growth peaking in Q4 before narrowing significantly as we enter fiscal year '20 based on current FX rates.

    我們還看到,貨幣中性和報告的收入增長之間的差距在第四季度達到頂峰,然後根據當前匯率進入 20 財年,然後大幅縮小。

  • Recall that during Q4 of last year, the euro approached $1.25 before depreciating to as low as $1.15 in Q1 of this fiscal year.

    回想一下,去年第四季度,歐元逼近 1.25 美元,然後在本財年第一季度貶值至 1.15 美元。

  • A similar dynamic exists with respect to the renminbi.


  • As a result, we currently expect the FX headwind on reported revenue to largely dissipate as we enter fiscal year '20.

    因此,我們目前預計,隨著進入 20 財年,報告收入所面臨的外匯阻力將基本消失。

  • For gross margin in Q4, we expect expansion of roughly 75 basis points, ending the fiscal year with gross margin expansion that would have exceeded our long-term financial model.

    對於第四季度的毛利率,我們預計將增長約 75 個基點,以超出我們長期財務模型的毛利率增長結束本財年。

  • While we expect continued strong full price sell-through and strong growth through our higher-margin NIKE Direct businesses, that is partially offset in Q4 by higher input costs, specifically cotton, chemicals and labor; FX sourcing headwinds; and the shift of supply chain investments from Q3 into Q4.

    雖然我們預計全價銷售將持續強勁,並通過利潤率較高的 NIKE Direct 業務實現強勁增長,但第四季度投入成本(特別是棉花、化學品和勞動力)的增加將部分抵消這一影響;外匯採購逆風;供應鏈投資從第三季度轉移到第四季度。

  • As for SG&A, we expect growth in the high single-digit range in Q4 as we continue to prioritize strategic investment.


  • We project other expense net of interest expense to be roughly flat in Q4.


  • We expect our effective tax rate in Q4 to be roughly 18% to 20%.

    我們預計第四季度的有效稅率約為 18% 至 20%。

  • With the ongoing finalization of regulations related to U.S. tax reform, we've experienced volatility in our tax rate due to nonrecurring items, which favorably impacted Q3 on a net basis.


  • We will likely continue experiencing near-term volatility in our tax rate based on the finalization of regulations.


  • That said, due to the uncertain timing of finalizations, we have not factored all of the potential nonrecurring impacts into our guidance for Q4.


  • Now let me share some preliminary thoughts on our positive outlook for fiscal year '20.

    現在讓我分享一些關於我們對 20 財年積極前景的初步想法。

  • We are still in the early stages of our annual planning process.


  • That said, our expectations are buoyed by our current momentum, our brand heat with consumers, our robust innovation pipeline and the positive early signals we are receiving from our NIKE Direct business and our strategic wholesale partners.

    也就是說,我們當前的勢頭、我們在消費者中的品牌熱度、我們強大的創新渠道以及我們從 NIKE Direct 業務和戰略批發合作夥伴收到的積極的早期信號,都增強了我們的期望。

  • Overall, we expect to deliver high single-digit revenue growth as well as gross margin expansion and profitability in line with the long-term financial model we communicated at our Investor Day in October 2017.

    總體而言,我們預計將實現高單位數收入增長以及毛利率擴張和盈利能力,符合我們在 2017 年 10 月投資者日上傳達的長期財務模型。

  • Of course, we continue to operate in a dynamic environment, so we'll share more specific guidance for fiscal year '20 in our next earnings call.

    當然,我們將繼續在充滿活力的環境中運營,因此我們將在下一次財報電話會議上分享 20 財年的更具體指導。

  • We are thrilled with our current momentum.


  • That said, we are still in the early stages of executing the Consumer Direct Offense with much more opportunity ahead of us.


  • So we will continue to focus our investments on the digital transformation of NIKE and in the areas of our business where we see the greatest potential to grow and create value for both consumers and shareholders.


  • With that, we'll now open up the call for your questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Your first question is from Omar Saad with Evercore ISI.

    (操作員說明)您的第一個問題來自 Evercore ISI 的 Omar Saad。

  • Omar Regis Saad - Senior MD and Head of Softlines, Luxury & Department Stores Team

    Omar Regis Saad - Senior MD and Head of Softlines, Luxury & Department Stores Team

  • Another great quarter; congratulations.


  • I wanted to ask a question on the women's business, actually.


  • We've noticed a greater focus on the marketplace, marketing, messaging.


  • On the product side too, there seems to be a lot of innovation, obviously, you talked about it on the call as well.


  • Maybe give us an update on where you stand on that opportunity.


  • Obviously it's a key focus of the company and important part of a long-term plan.


  • Is it growing as a mix of the business?


  • Or is the men's business just too strong for women's at this point still really become a more material mix driver?


  • And then I have one follow-up.


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Thanks, Omar.


  • Yes, actually, the women's business is overindexing our men's growth.


  • And we see, as we said earlier, tremendous opportunity moving forward.


  • We are underindexed in terms of our percentage of business in the women's area, as you know.


  • So the upside there, particularly with the consumer or the market being bigger than the men's, is tremendous upside.


  • We had a great quarter in Q3.


  • The good news, it's driven by balanced growth, I think, across footwear and apparel.


  • We had particularly great momentum in Greater China and APLA, so this is obviously a global opportunity.

    我們在大中華區和 APLA 的發展勢頭尤其強勁,因此這顯然是一個全球機遇。

  • We see women embracing the sneaker culture more and more every day, so we're scaling up popular models and creating new models for women specifically, and the response like with the Air Max Dia for example, one of the newer models, has been tremendous.

    我們看到女性每天越來越多地擁抱運動鞋文化,因此我們正在擴大流行款式的規模,並專門為女性打造新款式,例如新款式之一的 Air Max Dia,其反應非常熱烈。

  • Also a great opportunity in apparel.


  • We've had real strong response to the NIKE yoga collection and the tights business, driven by the 1 tight, some innovation there as well.

    在 1 緊身褲的推動下,我們對耐克瑜伽系列和緊身褲業務產生了真正強烈的反響,那裡也有一些創新。

  • And as I said, the bra business is actually a great opportunity for us, and we've expanded the bra collection considerably, particularly in the plus-size area of the business, and we're seeing strong consumer demand there.


  • So it's really an opportunity across all dimensions of our business.


  • Jordan is another one.


  • Women's in Jordan grew a strong double-digit number this past quarter.


  • And the focus for us, this is a huge priority, is editing and shifting the resources we have internally to serve women more completely.


  • We're definitely looking at how we elevate our female athletes and influencers more completely, providing membership and access to sport, being very thoughtful in terms of design and our innovation agenda specifically for women.


  • So again, a simple -- the conclusion there is underindexed opportunity for us at this point, huge opportunity for us going forward as we shift focus.


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

  • And Omar, an area in which we will deliberately shift investment from product creation through to retail experience is to accelerate against what we see as a tremendous growth opportunity.


  • Omar Regis Saad - Senior MD and Head of Softlines, Luxury & Department Stores Team

    Omar Regis Saad - Senior MD and Head of Softlines, Luxury & Department Stores Team

  • Understood, that's helpful.


  • And then, while I have you, maybe a bigger picture on the digital capabilities.


  • Very clear the company has developed outstanding expertise in a lot of areas and learning how to scale it.


  • When you look at the other brands in the portfolio, Converse maybe isn't performing as well.


  • Is there something about the digital learnings you're developing in the NIKE Brand that's scalable or not scalable across other brands in your portfolio?


  • Is there a way we should think about that?


  • Because it's clearly working in the NIKE Brand.


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Absolutely.


  • Lots of opportunities to leverage learnings in NIKE Digital across the portfolio.

    在整個產品組合中,有很多機會利用 NIKE Digital 的知識。

  • Certainly in Jordan, we're seeing tremendous success.


  • As I mentioned, on our sneakers app platform, Jordan is a major part of that energy.


  • Converse, we just launched, and the early response to that is incredibly positive, and we see tremendous upside opportunity for the Converse brand as well.

    Converse,我們剛剛推出了,早期的反應非常積極,我們也看到了 Converse 品牌巨大的上昇機會。

  • Overall, I think the brands in the portfolio, Converse -- particularly Converse, Jordan and, of course, NIKE, are all lined up to share learnings and leverage what we -- the expertise and the capabilities we're building in digital.


  • So we're going to see a lift, I think, across the portfolio.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Jamie Merriman with Bernstein.


  • Jamie Susan Merriman - Senior Analyst

    Jamie Susan Merriman - Senior Analyst

  • You talked a little bit about the -- in terms of the digital investments, the Nike App at Retail.


  • Can you just talk about where you are in that process and what you're seeing in terms of response and sort of connection from consumers as you've done that?


  • That would be my first one.


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Okay.


  • Well, first of all, obviously, digital is up significantly for the quarter.


  • So we are leveraging what we're learning, and it's showing up in the results, up 36% for the quarter.

    因此,我們正在利用我們所學到的知識,並且它已體現在結果中,本季度增長了 36%。

  • I mentioned the sneakers app.


  • Sneakers app to me is really a signal of what's -- the future potential of how we connect with consumers in a deeper way with storytelling as part of that effort.


  • And then the connection we're making with physical to digital through Nike Live in L.A. and then our House of Innovation in New York and Shanghai, we're learning a lot.

    然後,我們通過洛杉磯的 Nike Live 以及紐約和上海的創新之家建立物理與數字的聯繫,我們學到了很多東西。

  • I mean, every day, we're learning, and then we're applying those learnings to the rest of our business across our own direct business, but also in partnership with our wholesale digital partners at the same time.


  • So we're seeing a healthy lift.


  • And we know membership is a key part of this as well.


  • And the membership is really driving a lot of the increased -- the improved performance in direct retail at the same time.


  • We've seen some impressive numbers on that as well.


  • Jamie Susan Merriman - Senior Analyst

    Jamie Susan Merriman - Senior Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And then can you just talk a little bit about apparel in North America?


  • You've talked about women's and apparel as being 2 areas particularly where you're focused in terms of driving growth and clearly seeing great results from women's.


  • But can you just talk a little bit about the initiative then in apparel?


  • And specifically, just wondering about North America as well.


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • Well, first of all, we continue to see great momentum in our apparel business, not just in North America but across all geographies.


  • And it's a balance between both performance and sportswear.


  • That said, we see a lot more upside potential particularly as we 2X our innovation agenda in apparel, we see tremendous opportunity to start to echo much of what we've seen on the footwear side of the business.


  • And we're having -- we're putting particular emphasis too on the women's innovation agenda in apparel as well.


  • So we've seen some early positive response to some of that product, some of those launches, but we see much more upside for apparel around the world, really, for NIKE, in both sportswear and in performance, for women and for men, for that matter.


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes, I'll just add that one of the reasons we call out apparel as such an extraordinary or outsized opportunity for us long term is athletic apparel, as a percent of total apparel, is much smaller than is athletic footwear as a percent of total footwear.


  • And what we're really focused on is the opportunity to go deeper in some of the classifications where we have been a player and had great response from consumers, but we haven't gone as deep as consistently.


  • And that extends to offering product that is well suited for new occasions.


  • Again, think apparel Monday through Friday as well as on court, in the gym and over the weekend.


  • And then that extends the price points, up and down the price points, from premium apparel through to the more affordable price points.


  • So we see a pretty extraordinary opportunity to both catalyze the growth of athletic apparel within the broader apparel industry and also extend the offerings that we're bringing to market.


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

  • I'd just add that we're in the infancy stages of apparel opportunity on the Jordan side of the business as well.


  • We've seen a taste of the response to the women's apparel business in Jordan, but we see a lot of upside opportunity for apparel in our overall Jordan business.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Paul Trussell with Deutsche Bank.


  • Paul Trussell - Research Analyst

    Paul Trussell - Research Analyst

  • I know it's early in the fiscal '20 planning process, so I appreciate the color given.

    我知道現在還處於 20 財年規劃過程的早期,所以我很欣賞所給出的顏色。

  • But just wanted to see if there's any other puts and takes you can provide as we think about maybe the composition of the high single-digit revenue growth outlook as well as puts and takes on margins.


  • In particular, your long-term algorithm is inclusive of slight leverage on SG&A, which we haven't seen this year.


  • So just curious on how we should think about that going forward.


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

  • We're still in the early stages of our planning process.


  • I appreciate that you noted that.


  • But we do have increasing confidence in the expectations that we've just shared for fiscal year '20.

    但我們確實對我們剛剛分享的 20 財年的預期越來越有信心。

  • We have incredibly strong momentum and demand across both footwear and apparel, brand heat and as we have shared, an incredible pipeline of innovation both in the early part of the year as well as in the latter part of the year as we ramp up to Tokyo 2020.


  • We're already receiving very positive signals from our NIKE Direct business and our wholesale partners, as I shared.

    正如我所分享的,我們已經從 NIKE Direct 業務和批發合作夥伴那裡收到了非常積極的信號。

  • All of these really contribute to our confidence in our outlook for growth.


  • Our outlook for growth is broad-based.


  • We expect growth largely in line with the guardrails that we've shared in terms of our long-term algorithm across our geographies.


  • So continued momentum internationally as well as continued healthy, sustainable growth in North America.


  • I would keep in mind that we're operating in a dynamic environment, and so we'll update you with more specifics when we get to our Q4 call.


  • As for SG&A, we see the investments that we're making translating into this extremely strong currency-neutral revenue growth and margin expansion.


  • And so that correlation has probably been more direct than ever, which is leading us to continue to invest in the capabilities that are going to drive the digital transformation we've spoken about and fuel that growth.


  • Our investments in innovation, which we've spoken about, in speed and digital are clearly having a tangible impact, so we'll continue to make those investments.


  • At the same time, as we said at our Investor Day, we do expect to be able to both make those investments and deliver slight SG&A leverage over that 5-year horizon.

    與此同時,正如我們在投資者日所說,我們確實希望能夠在 5 年範圍內進行這些投資並提供輕微的 SG&A 槓桿。

  • So that is very much still a goal in terms of the profitability of our business going forward.


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

  • And I'll quickly add that the growth that we're seeing, that makes up that high single-digit guidance at this stage, is a very -- it's as balanced as I think we've seen it in terms of complete offense.


  • Men's and women's, performance and sportswear, I think, across the geos driven by the key cities, categories, price points.


  • We do have some opportunity, I think, in core, particularly as we head into fiscal '20, and you're going to see a whole refreshed core offering from NIKE that we think is going to help to fill in our complete offense there as well.

    我認為,在核心方面,我們確實有一些機會,特別是當我們進入 20 財年時,您將看到耐克提供全新的核心產品,我們認為這將有助於充實我們的整體進攻,因為出色地。

  • And then as Andy said, and we say all the time but it's true, it's the innovation pipeline is full.


  • And I think it's going to drive some great upside for us.


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

  • And the only thing I'd add is I think it is important to note that a lot of the investments we're making are really long term in nature.


  • They have a compounding impact.


  • Innovation platforms that we can leverage obviously and scale faster over time as well as the investments we're making in digital.


  • As we've said before, from a long-term perspective, we see digital comprising the majority of our business.


  • And so these are investments that we think will have a compounding effect as we make them year-over-year.


  • Paul Trussell - Research Analyst

    Paul Trussell - Research Analyst

  • My follow-up is just to circle back on North America, and I think part of the question Jamie was asking, which was around the apparel.


  • Just is there anything from a timing standpoint that led to the deceleration in apparel in the third quarter?


  • And any other kind of just comments you can provide in North America around what you're seeing with your wholesale partners?


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • Very intuitive, insightful question.


  • There were some timing impacts related to our NBA business and the launch of certain products year-over-year.

    我們的 NBA 業務和某些產品的推出同比產生了一些時間影響。

  • There are always timing impacts in terms of product launches.


  • So yes, nothing in terms of a turn or change in consumer demand.


  • In fact, consumer demand for our apparel in North America is very strong.


  • Frankly, to some extent, it puts pressure on supply, but that's a great point of pressure to have.


  • We've got really strong demand for our apparel in North America, so I wouldn't overly index on the quarterly rate of growth.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Alexandra Walvis with Goldman Sachs.

    您的下一個問題來自高盛的 Alexandra Walvis。

  • Alexandra E. Walvis - Research Analyst

    Alexandra E. Walvis - Research Analyst

  • You mentioned in response to Paul's question that there was some work that you guys were doing refreshing the core products and driving more growth across different price points.


  • You also mentioned in your prepared remarks that you'd be giving more distinction to some of the core level products, that product under $100, and you mentioned that you'd be introducing some new cushioning product to get people -- more people running.

    您還在準備好的發言中提到,您將對一些核心級產品(100 美元以下的產品)給予更多區分,並且您提到您將推出一些新的緩衝產品來讓人們——更多的人跑步。

  • I wonder if you could dig a little bit more into -- or dive a little bit more into those strategies.


  • And then more broadly, why is now the time to bring some of that product innovation and process innovation to those lower price points and broader consumer groups?


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Well, it's basically a part of our ongoing complete offense strategy, is we see where we have opportunity to improve our offering and to create more opportunity.


  • And certainly, as we look at footwear, or our complete footwear offering not just in North America but around the world, we see the opportunity to strengthen the price to value opportunity for our footwear.


  • So part of that is bringing innovation into that price point, not just taking it down, but creating unique innovation for those price points and those consumers.


  • We have to be competitive at every level, and I think that's part of our offense, and I think there's a great opportunity for us, and I think that can drive some of the under-indexing in the marketplace now versus the opportunity.


  • So that, yes, we have -- about 3/4 of our product at the core level in footwear is going to be refreshed starting in back-to-school, and it's not a takedown.

    所以,是的,我們大約有 3/4 的鞋類核心產品將在返校後進行更新,而且不是撤下。

  • It's a making sure that we have that value at that price point, again, creating some unique innovation platform opportunities.


  • And as far as the new cushioning platform goes, I can't really talk a lot about it other than it's incredibly comfortable, and I think it is going to open up an opportunity for part of the running population that actually we don't -- might not have at this stage or at least invite more people in to it.

    就新的緩衝平台而言,除了它非常舒適之外,我真的無法談論太多,而且我認為這將為部分跑步人群提供一個實際上我們沒有的機會 - - 現階段可能還沒有,或者至少邀請更多的人參與其中。

  • I'm actually wearing a pair now, and I will tell you, it's one of the most comfortable platforms that we've had.


  • So incredibly exciting and visually very distinctive.


  • Alexandra E. Walvis - Research Analyst

    Alexandra E. Walvis - Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • That's very clear.


  • My second question was on Jordan.


  • The brand is back to strong growth, and you've called out several drivers of it.


  • I wonder if you could reflect on some of the actions taken there in the last 1.5 year-or-so to reset that North American market, how you're feeling about the health of inventory in the channel today and about the growth opportunities for that brand going forward.

    我想知道您是否可以反思一下過去 1.5 年左右為重置北美市場而採取的一些行動,您對當今渠道中庫存的健康狀況以及該渠道的增長機會有何看法品牌不斷向前發展。

  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Yes, we -- as you know, we had -- this time last year, we were on a reset mode on Jordan, and we're very pleased with where we've come in terms of cleaning up the product in terms of the marketplace.


  • I think we over -- probably overindexed a bit on the retro market.


  • We've got a rein on that, so it's a very balanced management of the Jordan product portfolio, not just in terms of retro, but actually balancing that out with our performance product as well.

    我們對此進行了控制,因此這是對 Jordan 產品組合的非常平衡的管理,不僅僅是在復古方面,而且實際上也與我們的性能產品相平衡。

  • And that's the story in Jordan too, is we're beginning to see a much more balanced product offering, both performance and sportswear, new performance platforms with retro and retro refreshed, but making sure that we're managing that in terms of the marketplace.


  • The inventory is actually quite healthy.


  • It's in a good position right now.


  • Women's is just coming on, so we -- I mentioned that women's apparel, but also footwear for Jordan, a big opportunity for us.


  • And there's a lot of great brand energy around Jordan right now, not just here in North America but around the world.


  • It's APLA, EMEA, China, a huge brand presence for Jordan in China.

    這是 APLA、EMEA、中國,Jordan 在中國擁有巨大的品牌影響力。

  • So again, we're bullish, and we feel like we've got a good rein on managing that in a healthy and balanced way.


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

  • And I'd just add that, as we've said, the demand for the Jordan Brand has been strong.

    我想補充一點,正如我們所說,對 Jordan 品牌的需求一直很強勁。

  • It was strong.


  • Even when we are in a reset mode, it still is strong.


  • And our opportunity was to, as both Mark and others have said, bring new dimension to the brand.


  • Mark touched on women's, a couple of other areas of dimension.


  • Performance basketball product, we've seen extremely strong demand for the Air Jordan XXXIII game shoe, which we amplified with the Chinese New Year and Travis Scott editions.

    作為高性能籃球產品,我們看到了對 Air Jordan XXXIII 比賽鞋的極其強勁的需求,我們通過農曆新年和 Travis Scott 版本放大了這一需求。

  • We're seeing incredibly strong demand for Russell Westbrook's signature shoe, Why Not, also a performance silhouette.

    我們看到對拉塞爾·威斯布魯克 (Russell Westbrook) 的簽名鞋 Why Not 的需求非常強勁,這也是一款高性能鞋款。

  • And then, as Mark touched on in response to the earlier question on apparel, the apparel coming out of Jordan is extremely strong, and we see a big opportunity there.


  • In fact, as I talked about in my prepared remarks, the Jordan PSG launch was largely an apparel launch.

    事實上,正如我在準備好的發言中談到的,Jordan PSG 的發布主要是服裝的發布。

  • We did have footwear in that launch, but what was really a shock and surprise to consumers in a very positive way was what we are able to do with the Jordan Brand on football apparel.

    我們在那次發布中確實推出了鞋類產品,但真正以非常積極的方式讓消費者感到震驚和驚喜的是我們能夠在足球服裝上使用 Jordan 品牌所做的事情。

  • Operator


  • Your last question comes from Lauren Cassel with Morgan Stanley.


  • Lauren Elizabeth Cassel - Research Associate

    Lauren Elizabeth Cassel - Research Associate

  • Just a quick follow-up on Paul's question.


  • Looking to 2020 on gross margins specifically, are there any specific factors, if any, that would prevent 2020 gross margin from being up as much as they have been here in 2019?

    具體展望 2020 年的毛利率,是否有任何具體因素(如果有的話)會阻止 2020 年的毛利率上升至 2019 年的水平?

  • And then my second question, just bigger picture, how do you guys view the resale markets role, the StockXs, the GOATs of the world, in the context of the overall industry?


  • Do you think there would ever come a point in time where you would partner with them directly, whether that be for collaborations or exclusive products?


  • Just any thoughts on how you view that portion of the market.


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

  • Lauren, sorry, can you quickly repeat the second part of your question?


  • Lauren Elizabeth Cassel - Research Associate

    Lauren Elizabeth Cassel - Research Associate

  • Yes, just how you guys view the resale market within the overall industry, the StockXs, the GOATs of the world?


  • Do you think there would ever come a point in time where you collaborate with those sites?


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thank you.


  • We'll start with the gross margin question.


  • As we communicated at our Investor Day, our goal, a very ambitious but we believe achievable goal, was to deliver as much as 50 basis points of gross margin expansion over the next 5 years.

    正如我們在投資者日所傳達的那樣,我們的目標是在未來 5 年內實現毛利率增長多達 50 個基點,這是一個非常雄心勃勃但我們相信可以實現的目標。

  • Obviously, in this fiscal year, we are exceeding that goal, and that's fueled by a number of factors: very strong full price sell-through; the continued outpacing growth in our NIKE Direct business.

    顯然,在本財年,我們超越了這一目標,這是由許多因素推動的:非常強勁的全價銷售;我們的 NIKE Direct 業務持續增長。

  • As we look ahead to fiscal year '20, as I said in our guidance, we expect gross margin to be largely in line with the long-term objective that we communicated on Investor Day, which is, again, a robust amount of margin expansion, especially on top of what we have delivered this year.

    正如我在指導中所說,當我們展望 20 財年時,我們預計毛利率將在很大程度上符合我們在投資者日傳達的長期目標,即利潤率大幅擴張,特別是在我們今年交付的成果之上。

  • Much like this year, as we get into the fiscal year, we may see opportunities to expand on that.


  • Certainly this year, we've just had incredibly strong brand momentum and an incredibly strong product pipeline that have -- afforded us the opportunity to outperform in that regard.


  • At the same time, I would -- it's important to note that there are a myriad of factors within gross margin, ranging from the impact of real-time foreign exchange rates to the timing of the hedges that we put on from a sourcing perspective.


  • So we'll update you with more specifics when we get to our Q4 earnings call on gross margin.


  • But suffice it to say, we are really pleased with the drivers of gross margin expansion that we've had in this fiscal year.


  • And as we shared, we expect to see continued strong margin expansion next year.


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, President & CEO

  • And just quickly on the resale market, we're not focused on that slice of the market.


  • At this time, we don't have anything to sort of add to that.


  • We are fully aware that we're a huge part of creating that market, and that's our focus, is how do we deliver the innovation and the creative energy to the product that ultimately is going to -- it's going to create an opportunity there for others.


  • Right now, we're looking at it, but we have no plans in terms of partnerships or business strategy in that particular area.


  • Nitesh Sharan - VP of IR & Treasurer

    Nitesh Sharan - VP of IR & Treasurer

  • Thank you.


  • Thank you, Lauren, and thank you, everybody, for listening in today.


  • We look forward to speaking with you next quarter.


  • Take care.


  • Bye.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call.


  • You may now disconnect.
