Nike Inc (NKE) 2018 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • Welcome to NIKE, Inc.'s Fiscal 2018 Third Quarter Conference Call.

    歡迎參加 NIKE, Inc. 2018 財年第三季電話會議。

  • For those who need to reference today's press release, you'll find it at

    對於需要參考今天新聞稿的人,您可以在 上找到它。

  • Leading today's call is Nitesh Sharan, Vice President, Investor Relations and Treasurer.

    今天的電話會議由投資者關係副總裁兼財務主管 Nitesh Sharan 主持。

  • Before I turn the call over to Mr. Sharan, let me remind you that participants on this call will make forward-looking statements based on current expectations, and those statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially.


  • These risks and uncertainties are detailed in the reports filed with the SEC, including the annual report filed on Form 10-K.

    這些風險和不確定性在向 SEC 提交的報告中進行了詳細說明,包括以 10-K 表格提交的年度報告。

  • Some forward-looking statements may concern expectations of future revenue growth or gross margin.


  • In addition, participants may discuss non-GAAP financial measures, including references to constant dollar revenue.


  • References to constant dollar revenue are intended to provide context as to the performance of the business, eliminating foreign-exchange fluctuations.


  • Participants may also make references to other non-public financial and statistical information and non-GAAP financial measures.


  • To the extent non-public financial and statistical information is discussed, presentations of comparable GAAP measures and quantitative reconciliations will be made available at NIKE's website,

    在討論非公開財務和統計資訊的範圍內,可比較 GAAP 衡量標準和定量調整表的介紹將在耐吉網站 上提供。

  • Now I would like to turn the call over to Nitesh Sharan, Vice President, Investor Relations and Treasurer.

    現在我想將電話轉給投資者關係副總裁兼財務主管 Nitesh Sharan。

  • Nitesh Sharan - VP of IR & Treasurer

    Nitesh Sharan - VP of IR & Treasurer

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Hello, everyone, and thank you for joining us today to discuss NIKE, Inc.'s Fiscal 2018 Third Quarter Results.

    大家好,感謝您今天加入我們討論 NIKE, Inc. 2018 財年第三季業績。

  • As the operator indicated, participants on today's call may discuss non-GAAP financial measures.


  • You will find the appropriate reconciliations in our press release, which was issued about an hour ago or at our website,

    您可以在我們大約一小時前發布的新聞稿或我們的網站 上找到適當的調節表。

  • We will start with prepared remarks.


  • Then, we'll take your questions.


  • (Operator Instructions) Thanks for your cooperation on this.


  • I will now turn the call over to NIKE, Inc.

    我現在會把電話轉給 NIKE, Inc.。

  • Chairman, President and CEO, Mark Parker.


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Thanks, Nitesh, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • I'd first like to acknowledge the changes we made last week to further evolve our culture and restructure our leadership.


  • We became aware of some behavioral issues that are inconsistent with NIKE's values of inclusivity, respect and empowerment.


  • I'm committed to ensure that we have an environment where every NIKE employee can have a positive experience and reach their full potential.


  • As you know, I've publicly committed to serve as Chairman, President and CEO of NIKE, Inc.


  • beyond 2020.

    2020 年以後。

  • Trevor Edwards and I both agreed to a change in leadership structure in the NIKE Brand at this time.


  • As we transition to our next phase of growth and continue to evolve our culture, Trevor will work with me as an adviser through this transition until he retires in August, and I'd like to thank him for his important and significant contributions in growing and strengthening the NIKE Brand around the world.


  • We have a deep leadership bench at NIKE, and I'm confident that our restructured leadership team will continue to strengthen our culture and drive the Consumer Direct Offense.


  • So with that, this call will be led by our CFO, Andy Campion and me.


  • So let's turn to the results we delivered in Q3 and the strong momentum we're building as we look forward.


  • Simply put, the Consumer Direct Offense is working.


  • Through 2X Innovation, we're creating and scaling new product platforms while also becoming sharper editors.

    透過 2X Innovation,我們正在創建和擴展新產品平台,同時也成為更敏銳的編輯。

  • Through 2X Direct, we're moving closer to the consumer through differentiated retail concepts, leading with our mobile apps, .com and digital partners.

    透過 2X Direct,我們以行動應用程式、.com 和數位合作夥伴為主導,透過差異化的零售概念拉近與消費者的距離。

  • And through 2X Speed, we're serving consumers at their pace.

    透過 2X Speed,我們按照消費者的節奏為其提供服務。

  • During our Investor Day, we discussed the significant potential we see in our international markets, and this quarter, we delivered strong and sustainable growth across all of our international geographies.


  • Take Greater China for example, where positive macro trends are accelerating from consumer spending to sport participation.


  • Looking ahead, we have a tremendous opportunity to expand our full digital portfolio, leading with key cities like Shanghai and Beijing.


  • We saw this quarter with our Greater China business growing 24%.

    本季我們的大中華區業務成長了 24%。

  • The end of Q3 also marks a significant turn in North America, where we expect a reversal of trend in Q4.


  • We've secured some great early wins here through new NIKE Consumer Experiences and differentiated retail across both our direct and partner channels.


  • Overall, there's a strong global appetite for athletic footwear and apparel, and we're amplifying and capturing that demand through our Consumer Direct Offense and Triple Double strategy.


  • The momentum we're building in all 4 geographies is the result of getting the right product in front of the consumer in the right moment, and it's becoming increasingly clear that the closer we connect our strong brand to consumers in the marketplace, the greater the returns.

    我們在所有4 個地區建立的勢頭是在正確的時間向消費者提供正確的產品的結果,而且越來越明顯的是,我們將強大的品牌與市場上的消費者聯繫得越緊密,我們的品牌價值越大。返回。

  • So I'm excited to share some of the highlights of how we're executing the Triple Double and fueling our growth in our key categories.


  • At NIKE, growth always begins with innovation and great product, and this quarter, through 2X Innovation, we intensified the pace and scale at which we're bringing fresh and unexpected products to consumers.

    在 NIKE,成長始終始於創新和優質產品,本季度,透過 2X Innovation,我們加快了為消費者帶來新鮮和意想不到的產品的步伐和規模。

  • And we've done that by focusing our resources to create new platforms, not just new models, by diversifying those platforms across multiple styles and categories through our complete offense and by editing our assortments to offer more compelling choice of our Power Franchises.


  • So let's start with the new platforms.


  • What's most exciting about our momentum is that it's being driven through a performance lens, delivering clear consumer benefits through platforms like the Air VaporMax and Nike React.

    我們的勢頭最令人興奮的是,它是透過性能鏡頭驅動的,透過 Air VaporMax 和 Nike React 等平台為消費者帶來明顯的利益。

  • The Air VaporMax, for example, is delivering lightweight comfort with a distinct style.

    例如,Air VaporMax 以獨特的風格提供輕盈舒適的感覺。

  • And it quickly became the #1 performance shoe above the $100 price point, and we're now scaling that platform into millions of pairs.

    它很快就成為 100 美元價位以上排名第一的高性能鞋,我們現在正在將平台擴展到數百萬雙。

  • We're doing that with new designs like the VaporMax 2.0, the VaporMax 97 and the VaporMax Utility.

    我們正在透過 VaporMax 2.0、VaporMax 97 和 VaporMax Utility 等新設計來實現這一目標。

  • Turning to Nike React, the consumer response has set new records for performance innovation launch.

    談到 Nike React,消費者的反應創下了性能創新發布的新紀錄。

  • We initially offered the product to NikePlus members exclusively, selling out within hours.

    我們最初只向 NikePlus 會員提供該產品,並在數小時內售罄。

  • And when we broadened the launch, we sold through several weeks of supply in just 4 days.

    當我們擴大發售範圍時,我們在短短 4 天內就賣完了幾週的供應量。

  • As we move into Q4, we'll leverage that demand by scaling the Epic React; launching the Odyssey, a new running shoe at the $120 price point; and leveraging our portfolio to expand React cushioning into Sportswear, Basketball and Jordan icons.

    當我們進入第四季度時,我們將透過擴展 Epic React 來利用這一需求;推出 Odyssey,一款售價 120 美元的新款跑鞋;並利用我們的產品組合將 React 緩震擴展到運動服、籃球和 Jordan 標誌中。

  • With the Air Max 270, we launched NIKE's bold lifestyle-specific Air platform with consumers responding to its comfort and style.

    透過 Air Max 270,我們推出了 NIKE 大膽的生活方式專用 Air 平台,消費者對其舒適性和風格做出了回應。

  • Both the Air VaporMax and the Air Max 270 are fueling energy across our Nike Air family of products.

    Air VaporMax 和 Air Max 270 都為我們的 Nike Air 系列產品注入能量。

  • With more Air innovation in the pipeline, we now expect to grow the Nike Air business by several billion dollars over the next few years.

    隨著更多 Air 創新的不斷湧現,我們預計 Nike Air 業務在未來幾年將成長數十億美元。

  • The greater scale of these platforms will create greater impact on our business into Q4 and beyond.


  • With other innovation platforms, we're just getting started.


  • For example, we invented a new process for Flyknit, which we unveiled with our Mercurial boots ahead of World Cup '18.

    例如,我們發明了一種新的 Flyknit 工藝,並在 18 年世界盃之前與 Mercurial 戰靴一起推出。

  • Constructed in a 360-degree form that wraps the entire foot, it gives athletes better control over their movement.

    它以 360 度形式包裹整個腳部,讓運動員更好地控制自己的運動。

  • It's also incredibly efficient, creating 60% less waste than traditional cut-and-sew methods.

    它的效率也令人難以置信,比傳統的裁剪和縫製方法減少了 60% 的浪費。

  • The KOBE 360 will be the next shoe to adopt this new process of digital knitting, combined with the Nike React midsole to create an incredible cork feel.

    KOBE 360 將是下一款採用這種全新數位編織工藝的鞋款,與 Nike React 中底相結合,打造出令人難以置信的軟木觸感。

  • And in just a few weeks, we'll unveil a new platform that I'm extremely excited about.


  • It takes digital product creation to an entirely new place, and as we did with the ZoomX, 4% for Breaking2, we're working closely with Eliud Kipchoge on this one.

    它將數位產品創作帶到了一個全新的高度,就像我們對 ZoomX 所做的那樣,Breaking2 的 4%,我們正在與 Eliud Kipchoge 密切合作開發這個產品。

  • I can't say much more today, but stay tuned in Q4.


  • We have some other truly disruptive platforms ahead, from HyperAdapt at new price points and new categories to non-powered adaptive footwear systems that improve fit, to other lifestyle cushioning systems.

    我們還有其他一些真正顛覆性的平台,從新價位和新類別的 HyperAdapt,到改善貼合度的非動力自適應鞋類系統,再到其他生活方式緩衝系統。

  • We're also innovating in apparel.


  • We've begun to unveil our high-performance World Cup Vapor Knit kits with engineered yarns and open textures for breathability.

    我們已經開始推出高性能世界盃 Vapor Knit 球衣,採用工程紗線和開放式紋理,實現透氣性。

  • In addition to designing the National Team kits, we've created full lifestyle collections for fans.


  • World Cup is such a powerful moment in sport, and we look forward to amplifying its energy (inaudible) and sportswear businesses around the world.


  • As we laid out in October, 2X Direct is delivering a vision for a more differentiated marketplace, connecting the NIKE Brand in deeper ways with consumers.

    正如我們在 10 月所闡述的那樣,2X Direct 正在為更差異化的市場提供願景,以更深的方式將 NIKE 品牌與消費者聯繫起來。

  • And we're leading with our digital business, which was up 18% on a currency-neutral basis in Q3, and we just launched the SNKRS app in China in December, and in the first month alone, we had 2 million downloads.

    我們的數位業務處於領先地位,在不考慮貨幣因素的情況下,第三季度增長了18%,我們去年12 月剛剛在中國推出了SNKRS 應用程序,僅第一個月的下載量就達到了200萬次。

  • And we're also scaling NikePlus membership with plans to launch in all 12 of our key cities within the next fiscal year.

    我們也擴大了 NikePlus 會員規模,並計劃在下一財年在所有 12 個大城市推出。

  • We're still in the early stages of NikePlus membership, but we saw strong consumer response in Q3 with new members rising more than 50% versus the same period last year.

    我們仍處於 NikePlus 會員資格的早期階段,但我們在第三季度看到了消費者的強烈反應,新會員數量與去年同期相比增長了 50% 以上。

  • While we lead with digital, we don't believe digital and physical retail operate in silos.


  • In fact, more and more, they will intersect and amplify each other.


  • For example, in Q4, we're going to debut a new concept that we call Nike App at Retail at both The Grove in Los Angeles and here in Portland.

    例如,在第四季度,我們將在洛杉磯的 The Grove 和波特蘭的零售店推出一個新概念,我們稱之為 Nike App。

  • When you enter the doors, it recognizes you and opens up exclusive products in your app.


  • You can scan for product availability in all nearby NIKE doors or check out and pay through the app with no waiting line.

    您可以掃描附近所有 NIKE 門市的產品庫存情況,或透過應用程式結帳並付款,無需排隊。

  • And if you're not in the store, you can reserve product through the app, and we'll hold it in a personal locker so you can try it on before buying.


  • There are a number of other features that'll be phased in as we test, initiate before scaling to our wider fleet of stores.


  • What really powers all these immersive Consumer Experiences is great data and the ability to maximize it.


  • And while we're constantly building these skills in-house, we're also acquiring capabilities to accelerate our strategy.


  • Today, we're announcing that we've acquired an exceptional consumer data and analytics firm named Zodiac.

    今天,我們宣布收購了一家出色的消費者數據和分析公司 Zodiac。

  • Based in New York, this team of world-class data scientists and their proprietary tools will help us deepen relationships with consumers all over the world with a primary focus on our NikePlus members.

    這個由世界一流的資料科學家組成的團隊總部位於紐約,他們的專有工具將幫助我們加深與世界各地消費者的關係,特別是我們的 NikePlus 會員。

  • Better analytics are also a critical factor in our 2X Speed initiative.

    更好的分析也是我們 2 倍速度計畫的關鍵因素。

  • As we sharpen our consumer sensing, we can meet demand faster and deliver more relevant, personalized products.


  • We've made good progress with our Express Lane teams, especially in EMEA where Express Lane product is accelerating growth in our Power Franchises.

    我們與 Express Lane 團隊取得了良好進展,特別是在歐洲、中東和非洲地區,Express Lane 產品正在加速我們 Power Franchise 的成長。

  • In North America, we're increasing our speed of delivery, particularly around key cities.


  • Our focus for fiscal '19 is to apply those learnings further and on to our biggest volume drivers around the world.

    我們 19 財年的重點是將這些經驗進一步應用在我們在全球最大的銷售驅動因素。

  • The Triple Double comes to life through our categories.


  • It's how we amplify sport's biggest moments, connect our brand emotionally with consumers and drive a complete offense to grow our business.


  • So let's touch on a few of the category highlights from the quarter.


  • The NIKE Basketball category had a very strong quarter, growing double digits with growth across footwear and apparel in every geography and key city.


  • We saw success with the launches of the KYRIE 4 and the PG 2, and through the LeBron Watch, consumers could buy LEBRON 15 player edition shoes as soon as he debuted them on court.

    我們看到了 KYRIE 4 和 PG 2 的成功推出,透過 LeBron Watch,消費者可以在 LEBRON 15 球員版球鞋在球場上首次亮相時立即購買。

  • We've exceeded expectation in our first season as an official NBA partner, growing the NBA business significantly over the last year.

    作為 NBA 官方合作夥伴的第一個賽季,我們的表現超出了預期,去年 NBA 業務顯著成長。

  • A major bright spot has been the iconic Showtime Hoodie.

    標誌性的 Showtime 連帽衫是一大亮點。

  • It's been a huge hit at retail and has driven a whole new silhouette for NIKE apparel.


  • Perhaps the greatest source of brand energy for both NIKE Basketball and the Jordan Brand was the NBA All-Star Weekend in Los Angeles.

    也許對於耐吉籃球和喬丹品牌來說,最大的品牌能量來源是洛杉磯的 NBA 全明星週末。

  • Over the 3 days, we became the first brand to sell directly through Snapchat with the Tinker AJ3 selling out in just 23 minutes.

    在這 3 天裡,我們成為第一個透過 Snapchat 直接銷售的品牌,Tinker AJ3 在短短 23 分鐘內就售罄。

  • We launched SNKRS Pass, our geolocated digital wristband that unlocks access to high-heat product as we did with our Cortez collaboration with Kendrick Lamar.

    我們推出了 SNKRS Pass,這是我們的地理定位數位腕帶,可以解鎖對高熱產品的訪問,就像我們與 Kendrick Lamar 與 Cortez 的合作一樣。

  • And we hosted thousands of consumers in our Makers' customization space.


  • In college basketball, we're in the midst of one of the most unpredictable NCA (sic) [NCAA] tournaments in history, and NIKE and Jordan once again showed the strength of our partnerships, sponsoring 85 teams across the men's and women's fields for March Madness.

    在大學籃球領域,我們正處於歷史上最難預測的 NCA(原文如此)[NCAA] 錦標賽之一,NIK​​E 和 Jordan 再次展示了我們合作夥伴的力量,贊助了 85 支男女隊的比賽瘋狂三月。

  • With the Jordan Brand, we're making the right moves to keep this iconic brand special and create sustained growth.

    透過 Jordan Brand,我們正在採取正確的舉措來保持這個標誌性品牌的獨特性並創造持續成長。

  • This quarter, we deliberately tightened distribution in the North America marketplace while also driving extraordinary heat with the consumer.


  • We launched Russell Westbrook's first signature performance shoe with the Why Not Zer0.1.

    我們推出了 Russell Westbrook 的首款簽名性能鞋 Why Not Zer0.1。

  • And we released limited-edition Jordan 3s on the SNKRS app immediately after Justin Timberlake wore them at the Super Bowl halftime show.

    在賈斯汀·汀布萊克 (Justin Timberlake) 在超級碗中場表演中穿著限量版 Jordan 3 後,我們立即在 SNKRS 應用程式上發布了限量版 Jordan 3。

  • We've talked about adding new dimensions to Jordan, and this quarter, we accelerated that strategy.

    我們已經討論過為 Jordan 添加新的維度,本季我們加速了這項策略。

  • Going forward, we will carefully manage the distribution of iconic styles.


  • We'll more completely leverage the company's innovation platforms to supercharge Jordan's performance products.


  • We'll expand into new categories beyond Basketball and Sportswear and drive our biggest growth opportunities in international, apparel and women's.


  • Moving on to our largest and most influential performance category, Running, where we're driving more innovation than any other time in our history.


  • In addition to all the platforms we discussed, we're focused on growing our core footwear business using our Express Lane to seize opportunities, and we're adding new dimensions to our Power Franchises like the Zoom Pegasus.

    除了我們討論的所有平台之外,我們還專注於利用 Express Lane 來發展我們的核心鞋類業務以抓住機遇,並且我們正在為我們的 Power Franchise 添加新的維度,例如 Zoom Pegasus。

  • For example, this summer, the women's Zoom Pegasus 35 will have cushioning that's better tuned to her, and the new Peg Turbo will include ZoomX foam making our break-through platform accessible to more runners.

    例如,今年夏天,女款 Zoom Pegasus 35 將配備更適合她的緩震功能,而新款 Peg Turbo 將採用 ZoomX 泡沫,讓更多跑者可以使用我們突破性的平台。

  • We also had a very strong quarter in our Sportswear category, which continued to grow double digits with strong growth across both footwear and apparel.


  • Tech Fleece led the way in apparel, while in footwear, we led with the Air Force 1, Cortez, Laser, Tanjun and Air Max.

    Tech Fleece 在服裝領域處於領先地位,而在鞋類領域,我們以 Air Force 1、Cortez、Laser、Tanjun 和 Air Max 為主導。

  • Our women's business overall continues to accelerate.


  • We created our first women's collection with both NIKE and the Jordan Brand.

    我們與 NIKE 和 Jordan Brand 共同打造了第一個女裝系列。

  • The 1 Reimagined featured 14 Nike Women's designers who reinterpreted 2 of our greatest icons in the Air Jordan 1 and the Air Force 1.

    1 Reimagined 由 14 位 Nike 女裝設計師打造,他們重新詮釋了 Air Jordan 1 和 Air Force 1 中最偉大的兩款標誌。

  • One of the best examples of our Edit To Amplify approach came from the women's team this quarter with the new retail concept we call Unlaced.


  • This new sneaker destination offers collections edited by leading stylists and will give access to a wider range of sizes for the first time with exclusive colors and elevated services.


  • Unlaced will be both a physical and digital experience starting with in North America.

    Unlaced 將從北美的 開始提供實體和數位體驗。

  • It'll debut at NIKE Soho this summer and then roll out to over 200 NIKE Direct and Wholesale partner doors by the end of the calendar year.

    該產品將於今年夏天在 NIKE Soho 首次亮相,然後在年底前向 200 多家 NIKE 直營和批發合作夥伴推出。

  • As you can tell, we were extremely productive this quarter.


  • We're looking at every opportunity to improve, and we're investing in the opportunities with the greatest impact.


  • We feel very good about the short-term momentum we're driving and the foundation we're setting for long-term accelerated growth.


  • With that, now here's Andy to provide more detail on the financial performance of our reported segments and our outlook.


  • Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

    Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

  • Thanks, Mark, and hello, everyone on the call.


  • Our Q3 operating results make it clear that the Consumer Direct Offense is already igniting NIKE's next horizon of strong profitable growth, and there are several key themes within our performance that speak to the long-term sustainability of our momentum.


  • First, we exceeded the revenue and gross margin expectations that we set 90 days ago, fueled by an unprecedented flow of new products and innovation platforms that will scale over time.

    首先,我們超越了 90 天前設定的收入和毛利率預期,這得益於前所未有的新產品和創新平台的流動,隨著時間的推移,這些新產品和創新平台將不斷擴大。

  • As Mark detailed, in the third quarter, we launched the Nike React and the Air Max 270 platforms to extraordinary consumer demand.

    正如 Mark 詳細介紹的那樣,我們在第三季推出了 Nike React 和 Air Max 270 平台,以滿足非凡的消費者需求。

  • We also began to scale and diversify the Air VaporMax platform, and the ZoomX platform in Running continues to sell out as we launch new colorways.

    我們也開始擴展 Air VaporMax 平台並使其多樣化,隨著我們推出新配色,跑步中的 ZoomX 平台繼續銷售一空。

  • While we're clearly doubling the cadence and impact of innovation, our product momentum is even broader based.


  • Our Edit To Amplify approach is bringing focus and accelerating growth within our Power Franchises like the Air Force 1 family of products and other key styles.

    我們的「編輯放大」方法正在我們的 Power 系列產品(例如 Air Force 1 系列產品和其他關鍵款式)中引起關注並加速成長。

  • We're running a much more complete offense, yet we still see tremendous opportunity to improve and edit how we serve our consumers.


  • Second, our results in Q3 confirm that where the NIKE Brand more directly connects with consumers, we see the greatest growth.


  • Our NIKE Digital ecosystem, in particular, is setting the pace for growth in all 4 of our geographies.

    特別是,我們的耐吉數位生態系統正在為我們所有 4 個地區的成長奠定基礎。

  • On a currency-neutral basis, grew 18% globally, driven by the expansion of our digital apps in international markets as well as the launch of NikePlus membership in North America.

    在貨幣中性的基礎上, 在全球範圍內增長了 18%,這得益於我們在國際市場上數位應用程式的擴張以及在北美推出 NikePlus 會員資格。

  • In each of our international geographies,'s rate of growth outpaced the overall marketplace rate of growth by 2x or greater.

    在我們每個國際地區, 的成長率均超過整體市場成長率 2 倍或更高。

  • And in North America, not only grew but has been accelerating over the last 2 months.

    在北美, 不僅成長,而且在過去兩個月裡一直在加速成長。

  • NIKE Consumer Experiences at retail are also resonating.


  • That includes owned and partnered digital and physical experiences.


  • In Q3, NIKE Consumer Experiences comprised more than 50% of our total revenue and drove over 100% of our revenue growth.

    第三季度,耐吉消費者體驗占我們總收入的 50% 以上,並推動了我們 100% 以上的營收成長。

  • In other words, we're both growing and reshaping the marketplace toward the vision that we shared with you at our Investor Day.


  • Third, as we exit Q3, we will put 2 significant headwinds largely behind us.


  • At current rates, we expect the impact of foreign exchange on EBIT, net of hedging, to be roughly neutral in Q4 and begin shifting to a slight tailwind in fiscal year '19.

    依照目前的匯率,我們預期第四季外匯對扣除避險後的息稅前利潤的影響大致為中性,並在 19 財年開始轉向小幅順風。

  • At the same time, as Mark said, the close of Q3 marks a reversal of trend for North America.


  • We have reset NIKE's supply.

    我們已經重置了 NIKE 的供應。

  • We're fueling demand through the launch of innovative products.


  • We have reignited brand heat.


  • We're connecting more directly with consumers through our digital ecosystem, and orders from our strategic partners are building.


  • In short, NIKE has returned to a pull market in North America.


  • NIKE North America revenue is now projected to be roughly flat to prior year in Q4 and return to growth in the first half of fiscal year '19.

    目前預計耐吉北美第四季的營收將與去年同期基本持平,並在 19 財年上半年恢復成長。

  • But before I share more on our outlook, let's first touch on our Q3 results.


  • Q3 reported revenue grew 7% as continued strong double-digit international growth and NIKE Direct growth in all geographies was partially offset by an expected contraction in North America wholesale revenue, driven by undifferentiated doors.

    第三季報告營收成長了 7%,國際市場持續強勁的兩位數成長和 NIKE Direct 在所有地區的成長被無差異化門類驅動的北美批發收入預期收縮所部分抵消。

  • Gross margin contracted 70 basis points in Q3, a stronger result than we expected 90 days ago, as our launches and stronger sell-through fueled expanding full-price gross margin.

    第三季毛利率收縮了 70 個基點,比我們 90 天前的預期要好,因為我們的產品推出和強勁的銷售推動了全價毛利率的擴大。

  • However, that expansion was more than offset by approximately 90 basis points of foreign exchange headwinds.

    然而,這種擴張被約 90 個基點的外匯不利因素所抵消。

  • Total SG&A was up 11% in Q3.

    第三季的 SG&A 總額成長了 11%。

  • Operating overhead increased 9%, driven by investments in our NIKE Direct businesses, and demand creation increased 15%, primarily driven by sports marketing and activations related to the NBA All-Star Weekend as well as new product innovation launches.

    在 NIKE Direct 業務投資的推動下,營運管理費用增長了 9%,而需求創造增長了 15%,這主要是由與 NBA 全明星週末相關的體育營銷和活動以及新產品創新發布推動的。

  • The effective tax rate for the third quarter was roughly 180%, including the onetime impacts related to the U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.


  • Income tax expense included provisional charges of $2 billion primarily related to the transition tax on our accumulated foreign earnings and the remeasurement of deferred tax assets and liabilities.

    所得稅費用包括 20 億美元的臨時費用,主要與我們累積國外收入的過渡稅以及遞延稅資產和負債的重新計量有關。

  • The onetime charges include some non-cash impacts with the cash impacts to be paid over several years.


  • The impact of U.S. tax reform is slightly favorable to NIKE in terms of both our normalized, steady-state effective tax rate and more efficient access to capital.


  • When I speak to our outlook, I'll provide more dimension on the go-forward implications of tax reform.


  • As a result, Q3 diluted EPS was a loss of $0.57.

    結果,第三季稀釋後每股盈餘虧損 0.57 美元。

  • That said, the onetime impact of U.S. tax reform had a $1.25 impact on EPS in the quarter.

    也就是說,美國稅制改革的一次性影響對該季度的每股盈餘產生了 1.25 美元的影響。

  • Excluding that impact, our profitability in Q3 exceeded our expectations.


  • As of February 28, inventories were up 9%, leading into Q4 as we scale our new innovations globally and capitalize on strong consumer demand.

    截至 2 月 28 日,隨著我們在全球擴大新創新並利用強勁的消費者需求,庫存增加了 9%,進入第四季度。

  • Q3 inventory growth was primarily driven by aligning in-season product to our stronger forecast demand, while off-price inventory declined year-over-year on a currency-neutral basis.


  • This quarter, we saw a return to modest growth in North America inventory as we anniversary our efforts to tighten supply in the prior year and shift to a pull market.


  • Internationally, our inventory levels are also healthy and generally aligned with the strong demand we continue to forecast in those markets.


  • Now let's turn to the financial performance through our operating segments.


  • In North America,, differentiated NIKE Consumer Experiences at retail, the impact of NIKE innovation and brand heat are driving increasingly stronger demand.


  • While North America declined 6% for the quarter, we expect that the momentum will now reverse the trend.

    儘管北美地區本季下降了 6%,但我們預計這一勢頭將扭轉這一趨勢。

  • While undifferentiated wholesale dimensions in the marketplace declined, we are delivering and accelerating growth in NIKE Consumer Experiences, in aggregate, across owned and partnered with, in particular, accelerating to strong double-digit growth as we progress through the quarter.

    雖然市場上無差別的批發規模有所下降,但我們正在實現並加速耐吉消費者體驗的整體成長,尤其是在與 合作的所有領域,隨著本季度的進展,加速實現強勁的兩位數增長。

  • Our partners are also increasingly bringing NIKE Consumer Experiences to life in the marketplace.


  • As an example, Finish Line's Culver City store in LA was reset with NIKE Epic React as the only product available in the store across all brands for 3 days.

    例如,Finish Line 位於洛杉磯的卡爾弗城商店被重置,NIKE Epic React 成為該商店所有品牌的唯一產品,為期 3 天。

  • The execution brought together new innovative NIKE product with great storytelling through our Choose Go campaign and expert service.

    此次執行將耐吉創新產品與我們的 Choose Go 活動和專家服務的精彩故事結合在一起。

  • The results were amazing and served as a proof point for the potential of NIKE Consumer Experiences operated by a strategic partner in the U.S. marketplace.


  • As Mark noted, year-over-year comparisons in North America were also impacted by our quick and deliberate tightening of the distribution of select styles within the Jordan Brand.

    正如馬克所指出的那樣,北美地區的同比比較也受到我們快速而有意識地收緊 Jordan 品牌內精選款式的分佈的影響。

  • That said, as we enter Q4, we believe Jordan inventories are now clean, and we also began reigniting Jordan Brand heat in the marketplace through the launches and activations over the NBA All-Star Weekend.

    也就是說,當我們進入第四季度時,我們相信 Jordan 庫存現已清理乾淨,並且我們也開始透過 NBA 全明星週末期間的發布和激活重新點燃市場上 Jordan 品牌的熱度。

  • Looking ahead, we are well positioned to continue adding dimension to the Jordan Brand through both performance and lifestyle product.

    展望未來,我們處於有利位置,可以透過性能和生活方式產品繼續為 Jordan 品牌增添維度。

  • For the quarter, EBIT in North America was down 14% versus the prior year, primarily driven by lower revenues and higher selling and administrative expenses.

    本季度,北美地區的息稅前利潤較上年同期下降 14%,主要是由於收入減少以及銷售和管理費用增加所致。

  • Moving on to EMEA, where we continue to see incredibly strong momentum in a region that is at the leading edge of consumer preferences.


  • EMEA revenue grew 9% on a currency-neutral basis in Q3.

    在匯率中立的基礎上,第三季歐洲、中東和非洲地區的營收成長了 9%。

  • Two of the hottest styles in the marketplace are the Air VaporMax and Air Max 97, and we're also seeing industry leading growth in apparel, driven by our Tech Fleece business.

    市場上最熱門的兩種款式是 Air VaporMax 和 Air Max 97,在我們的 Tech Fleece 業務的推動下,我們也看到服裝領域的行業領先成長。

  • Our growth in EMEA was also aided by our Express Lane, which is already quickly translating regional consumer preferences into color and material updates with respect to our Power Franchises.

    我們在歐洲、中東和非洲地區的成長也得益於我們的 Express Lane,它已經迅速將區域消費者的偏好轉化為我們 Power 特許經營的顏色和材料更新。

  • Overall, growth in EMEA was led by very strong results as well as strong results with key strategic partners, key strategic partners who are also relentlessly consumer focused and digitally connected such as JD and Zalando.

    總體而言,歐洲、中東和非洲地區的成長得益於 的強勁業績以及關鍵戰略合作夥伴的強勁業績,這些戰略合作夥伴同樣堅持以消費者為中心並進行數位化連接,例如京東和Zalando 。

  • Categorically, we saw double-digit growth in Sportswear, Men's Training and NIKE Basketball.


  • We expect continued strong growth in EMEA, and we're excited about the impact of the upcoming World Cup.


  • On a reported basis, EMEA revenue increased 19% and EBIT grew 16% as strong revenue growth was partially offset by lower gross margin due to transactional FX headwinds.

    根據報告,歐洲、中東和非洲地區的收入成長了 19%,息稅前利潤成長了 16%,因為強勁的營收成長被交易外匯不利因素導致的毛利率下降部分抵銷。

  • Next, let's turn to Greater China.


  • Having just been in China 2 weeks ago, I can tell you that Greater China not only continues to lead NIKE in terms of the pace of growth but also in terms of executing the Consumer Direct Offense.


  • In Q3, Greater China was up 19% on a currency-neutral basis, driven by strong double-digit growth across nearly all dimensions of the business but notably led by digital.

    第三季度,大中華區在匯率中性的基礎上成長了 19%,這主要得益於幾乎所有業務領域都實現了強勁的兩位數成長,尤其是數位領域的成長。

  • Digital momentum in the quarter was fueled by the launch of the SNKRS app in China and the continued success of our partnership with Tmall.

    SNKRS 應用程式在中國的推出以及我們與天貓合作夥伴關係的持續成功推動了本季的數位動能。

  • And while our digital growth has been extraordinary, we have not even yet launched NikePlus membership in China.

    儘管我們的數位成長非常出色,但我們尚未在中國推出 NikePlus 會員資格。

  • That is now slated for Q1 of fiscal year '19.

    現在計劃在 19 財年第一季進行。

  • Also worth calling out, our women's business in Greater China has incredible momentum with double-digit growth driven by our innovation and Power Franchises, including styles designed specifically to connect with consumers around the Chinese New Year.


  • On a reported basis, Q3 revenue grew 24% and EBIT was up 30% due to strong revenue growth and SG&A leverage.

    根據報告,由於強勁的收入成長和 SG&A 槓桿作用,第三季營收成長 24%,息稅前利潤成長 30%。

  • In APLA, revenue grew 11% on a currency-neutral basis led by digital growth that significantly outpaced every other channel.

    在 APLA,在數位成長的帶動下,營收在貨幣中性的基礎上成長了 11%,遠遠超過了其他所有管道。

  • To unlock digital growth even more broadly, we will be more aggressively rolling out our digital platforms into key markets across APLA.

    為了更廣泛地釋放數位成長,我們將更積極地將我們的數位平台推廣到 APLA 的關鍵市場。

  • One real-time example is the SNKRS app, which just launched in Japan yesterday.

    一個即時範例是 SNKRS 應用程序,該應用程式昨天剛在日本推出。

  • It immediately surged to become Japan's #1 free downloaded app in the iOS store.

    它立即飆升成為日本 iOS 商店中排名第一的免費下載應用程式。

  • APLA was also fueled by the brand energy surrounding the Winter Olympics in Korea, which helped drive strong and balanced double-digit growth across nearly every dimension: women's, men's, footwear, apparel and across many categories.

    APLA 也受到圍繞韓國冬季奧運會的品牌能量的推動,這有助於推動幾乎所有領域的強勁而平衡的兩位數增長:女裝、男裝、鞋類、服裝以及許多類別。

  • On a reported basis, Q3 revenue in APLA was up 13% and EBIT grew 31%, driven by strong revenue growth, gross margin expansion and SG&A leverage.

    據報告顯示,在強勁的營收成長、毛利率擴張和 SG&A 槓桿的推動下,APLA 第三季營收成長了 13%,息稅前利潤成長了 31%。

  • And finally at Converse, Q3 revenue declined 8% on a currency-neutral basis as we rebalanced marketplace supply in North America.

    最後,隨著我們重新平衡北美市場供應,匡威第三季營收在貨幣中性的基礎上下降了 8%。

  • On a reported basis, revenue declined 3% and EBIT was down 37%.

    根據報告,收入下降 3%,息稅前利潤下降 37%。

  • Looking forward, we will continue to invest in reigniting strong, sustainable, profitable growth at Converse.


  • More specifically, we're dimensionalizing Converse's product portfolio through the One Star, Chuck 70 and other sport and sport-inspired styles, investing in more Converse-specific digital platforms and creating heat and energy for the brand through new collaborations.

    更具體地說,我們透過 One Star、Chuck 70 和其他運動和運動風格的款式來豐富 Converse 的產品組合,投資更多 Converse 專用數位平台,並透過新的合作為品牌創造熱度和能量。

  • So with that, I'll now move to our outlook for the balance of the year.


  • We remain confident we will deliver on the growth and profitability expectations that we have previously communicated for fiscal year '18, excluding the onetime impact of U.S. tax reform.

    我們仍然有信心能夠實現我們先前就 18 財年傳達的成長和獲利預期,不包括美國稅改的一次性影響。

  • We will continue to invest in the key pillars of our strategy and drive accelerated growth in the dimensions of our portfolio that we highlighted at our Investor Day in October.

    我們將繼續投資於我們策略的關鍵支柱,並推動我們在 10 月份投資者日強調的投資組合規模的加速成長。

  • We remain focused on what matters most to consumers and in turn, what will fuel strong, sustainable, profitable growth over the long term.


  • As for specific guidance, we expect Q4 reported revenue to grow in the high single-digit range.


  • This growth reflects continued strength in our international geographies and the reversal of trend we're building in North America.


  • We expect Q4 gross margin to be roughly flat to very slightly up versus the prior year, demonstrating progressively stronger currency-neutral gross margin expansion that will be almost fully offset by transactional FX headwinds, albeit lesser transactional FX headwinds than in prior quarters.


  • For SG&A, we expect low teens growth in Q4.


  • We will continue to invest in digital and membership, including completing the acquisitions of some key digital capabilities within the quarter as well as brand more marketing and supportive innovation and impactful consumer moments such as Air Max Day and the World Cup.

    我們將繼續投資於數位化和會員資格,包括在本季度完成對一些關鍵數位能力的收購,以及品牌更多的行銷和支持性創新以及有影響力的消費者時刻,例如 Air Max Day 和世界盃。

  • At current FX rates, we expect other income and expense, net of interest expense, to be approximately $30 million to $40 million of expense in Q4.

    以目前的匯率,我們預計第四季的其他收入和支出(扣除利息支出)約為 3,000 萬至 4,000 萬美元。

  • We expect our effective tax rate for Q4 to be in the 10% to 12% range.

    我們預計第四季的有效稅率將在 10% 至 12% 範圍內。

  • It's important to note that our tax rate may be volatile as we expect to continue receiving more specific legislative and regulatory guidance as to the application of the U.S. Tax Act.


  • Now looking ahead to fiscal year '19.

    現在展望 19 財年。

  • While our planning is not yet finalized, we currently expect fiscal year '19 reported revenue growth in the mid- to high single-digit range as international momentum continues and we return to growth in North America.

    雖然我們的計劃尚未最終確定,但我們目前預計,隨著國際勢頭的持續以及我們在北美恢復成長,19 財年報告的收入成長將在中高個位數範圍內。

  • We also expect strong gross margin expansion roughly in line with our long-term financial model.


  • In fiscal year '19, we will also see the full impact of U.S. tax reform on our access to capital and investments as well as the tax rate.

    在 19 財年,我們也將看到美國稅收改革對我們獲得資本和投資以及稅率的全面影響。

  • U.S. tax reform will certainly afford NIKE more efficient access to capital.


  • So as we finalize our investment plans for the next fiscal year, we're prioritizing accelerated investment in the select dimensions of our business that will fuel NIKE's Consumer Direct Offense and drive long-term growth.


  • At the top of our list is digital, ranging from new NikePlus membership experiences to new capabilities, including data and analytics, to our core enterprise resource planning platform.

    我們的首要任務是數位化,從新的 NikePlus 會員體驗到新功能(包括數據和分析),再到我們的核心企業資源規劃平台。

  • Our acquisition of Zodiac, a leading consumer data and analytics team, was a great example of us seizing an opportunity to accelerate NIKE's capability development.

    我們對領先的消費者數據和分析團隊 Zodiac 的收購是我們抓住機會加速 NIKE 能力發展的一個很好的例子。

  • We'll also continue to prioritize investment in innovation, brand distinction, new NIKE Consumer Experiences in the marketplace and a faster, more responsive supply chain.


  • The incremental and more efficient access to capital will also enable us to amplify our returns to shareholders and complete our existing 4-year $12 billion share repurchase program within fiscal year '19, roughly 1 year earlier than originally planned.

    增量和更有效地獲取資本也將使我們能夠擴大股東回報,並在 19 財年完成現有的 4 年期 120 億美元股票回購計劃,比原計劃提前約一年。

  • We currently expect U.S. tax reform to have a neutral to slightly favorable impact on our steady-state effective tax rate, which we would characterize as being in the teens on a normalized basis.


  • That said, in any given fiscal year, geographical earnings mix, the impact of the new stock-based compensation accounting rules and other discrete items will create volatility in our rate.


  • In fiscal year '19 specifically, our rate may also be impacted by adjustments to the provisional charges that we're accruing this quarter.

    具體來說,在 19 財年,我們的費率也可能受到本季應計臨時費用調整的影響。

  • Taking all of these factors into consideration, we will provide our updated outlook for fiscal year '19 on our Q4 earnings call.

    考慮到所有這些因素,我們將在第四季度財報電話會議上提供 19 財年的最新展望。

  • As Mark said, our Consumer Direct Offense is working.


  • NIKE Innovation is fueling strong consumer demand.


  • NIKE Digital is accelerating.


  • Our brands have great energy, and our organization is aligned and executing against what matters most to consumers.


  • NIKE's next horizon of strong, sustainable, profitable growth is underway.


  • With that, we'll now open the call up for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Your first question comes from Omar Saad with Evercore ISI.

    (操作員說明)您的第一個問題來自 Evercore ISI 的 Omar Saad。

  • Omar Regis Saad - Senior MD, Head of Softlines, Luxury and Department Stores Team & Fundamental Research Analyst

    Omar Regis Saad - Senior MD, Head of Softlines, Luxury and Department Stores Team & Fundamental Research Analyst

  • Wanted to ask you guys -- great job on the quarter by the way.


  • It's great to hear all the progress and a lot of information on the call as well.


  • It's much appreciated.


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Thank you.


  • Omar Regis Saad - Senior MD, Head of Softlines, Luxury and Department Stores Team & Fundamental Research Analyst

    Omar Regis Saad - Senior MD, Head of Softlines, Luxury and Department Stores Team & Fundamental Research Analyst

  • The reshaping of the marketplace, wholesale, especially going from, I think, 30,000 to 40,000 partners, can you talk about the progress along that transformation, where we are, what the impact has been?

    批發市場的重塑,尤其是從 30,000 個合作夥伴到 40,000 個合作夥伴,您能談談這項轉型的進展嗎?我們現在處於什麼位置,影響是什麼?

  • And maybe also layer in, put that in the context of the growth in the Consumer Experiences.


  • You've spent so much time talking about that aspect, where you're engaging with consumers.


  • I thought you said it was over 100% of the growth in the quarter.

    我記得你說過這個季度的成長超過 100%。

  • Are you seeing a lot of that new channel development offset that reshaping on the wholesale side?


  • Is that the right way to think about it?


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Thanks, Omar.


  • Well, let's go back to the investor meeting in October.


  • We laid out how we want to shift our -- the look of our overall marketplace.


  • To be 80% differentiated is our target, and that's over the next 5 years.

    我們的目標是實現 80% 的差異化,這是未來 5 年的目標。

  • And I'd say, as we commented, we're making some great progress on that front.


  • You pointed out, and that's what we said, is NIKE Consumer Experiences drove 100% of the growth in the quarter.

    您指出,這就是我們所說的,耐吉消費者體驗推動了本季 100% 的成長。

  • That's double-digit increases in new NikePlus members, which is a really key part of that strategy.

    NikePlus 新會員數量出現了兩位數的成長,這是該策略的一個非常關鍵的部分。

  • We've had great feedback in terms of the NBA All-Star Weekend and some of the sell-through in Basketball we're seeing, and that involves not only our direct doors but some of our key partners.

    我們在 NBA 全明星週末以及我們看到的一些籃球銷售方面收到了很好的回饋,這不僅涉及我們的直接部門,還涉及我們的一些主要合作夥伴。

  • NBA All-Star Weekend, we had kits and Revolve as 2 examples.

    NBA 全明星週末,我們有球衣和 Revolve 作為兩個例子。

  • Foot Locker was participating in that as well, and then we're bringing some of the new concepts to market here, starting very quickly with NIKE Unlaced with the digital launch and then physical coming up in summer.

    Foot Locker 也參與其中,然後我們將一些新概念推向市場,首先是 NIKE Unlaced 的數位發布,然後在夏季推出實體版。

  • The NIKE App at Retail and Hyperlive are some of the examples there.

    Retail 和 Hyperlive 的 NIKE 應用程式就是其中的一些例子。

  • As far as our -- this is impacting our overall marketplace.


  • We're working with our key partners to help differentiate them in their respective positions.


  • Those conversations are ongoing with most strategic partners.


  • We've aligned on the role that they play in serving our consumers from DICK'S to Foot Locker to Nordstrom, and this is not only physical retail, but it's how physical and digital interact.

    從 DICK'S 到 Foot Locker 到 Nordstrom,我們已經就他們在服務消費者方面所扮演的角色達成一致,這不僅是實體零售,而且是實體和數位互動的方式。

  • And then we have other digital partners, which are obviously key to this transformation, Zalando and Tmall, ASOS and even Instagram for example.

    然後我們還有其他數位合作夥伴,它們顯然是這項轉型的關鍵,例如 Zalando 和天貓、ASOS 甚至 Instagram。

  • So this is a multi-year journey for us, and I'd say we're making great progress in shaping that marketplace.


  • And I think we'll continue to elevate our own Direct business, but we will also help to differentiate and elevate our key wholesale partners along the way.


  • Omar Regis Saad - Senior MD, Head of Softlines, Luxury and Department Stores Team & Fundamental Research Analyst

    Omar Regis Saad - Senior MD, Head of Softlines, Luxury and Department Stores Team & Fundamental Research Analyst

  • And Mark, one follow-up.


  • In terms of the new shoe launches, you've talked about SNKRS and some of the other apps.

    在新鞋發布方面,您談到了 SNKRS 和其他一些應用程式。

  • Is this the new model for kind of those premium limited-distribution shoe launches, whether you're doing them internally or with a partner, versus kind of the old world model?


  • Is that the right way to think about it?


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

  • I think digital and mobile apps, for example, are going to play a big and bigger role in how we launch some of these key innovations and platforms.


  • It's definitely how consumers are shopping, and it's definitely where we're putting a lot of emphasis on how we orchestrate these launches, how we invest to serve the consumers through those apps.


  • I think you'll see more storytelling coming to life in the -- from a digital standpoint, including our mobile app-based launches.


  • So yes, I think you'll see this become a bigger and bigger part of our strategy and a bigger part of the results that we're seeing.


  • Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

    Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

  • And then just to add to that, Omar, as Mark touched on in his remarks, ideally, we're also leveraging these digital applications in the physical retail environment, and we're going to be testing and iterating on the launch of the NIKE App at Retail with our key flagship stores in our key cities, starting with North America.

    然後補充一點,奧馬爾,正如馬克在他的演講中提到的那樣,理想情況下,我們也在實體零售環境中利用這些數位應用程序,並且我們將在 NIKE 的推出中進行測試和迭代零售應用程序,包括我們在主要城市的主要旗艦店,從北美開始。

  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

  • That's a key point, is the integration of physical and digital, which obviously is something that everybody's talking about, but you'll see that happen more and more with how we roll out new experiences in our own physical retail doors, is that connection to digital.

    That's a key point, is the integration of physical and digital, which obviously is something that everybody's talking about, but you'll see that happen more and more with how we roll out new experiences in our own physical retail doors, is that connection to數位的.

  • So this connection's going to start to blur more and more, and I think one will complement the other.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Kate McShane with Citi Research.

    您的下一個問題來自花旗研究部的 Kate McShane。

  • Corinna Gayle Van der Ghinst - VP and Small-Cap and Mid-Cap Analyst

    Corinna Gayle Van der Ghinst - VP and Small-Cap and Mid-Cap Analyst

  • It's Corinna Van der Ghinst on for Kate.

    科琳娜·范德金斯特 (Corinna Van der Ghinst) 代表凱特 (Kate) 發言。

  • You guys discussed the success of the VaporMax, some of these Air platforms and the React, which I finally just got my hands on, but we were just wondering what gives you confidence in the inflection in North America when the Q3 top line was actually weaker than Q2.

    你們討論了 VaporMax、其中一些 Air 平台和 React 的成功,我終於拿到了 React,但我們只是想知道,當第三季度的營收實際上較弱時,是什麼給了你們對北美市場拐點的信心比Q2。

  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Well, we're -- if you look at Q3, there's a momentum that has been building through the quarter, and that's where the confidence we have in terms of Q4 comes from.


  • We're on the front end of -- obviously, the very front end of launching React, and the response has been phenomenal.

    顯然,我們正處於啟動 React 的最前端,而且反應非常驚人。

  • I think I said it's been a record-setting performance launch for NIKE.


  • I think that's also a case of performance basis that has also translated well into a product that can be worn on the street.


  • So there's performance actually driving Sportswear and Lifestyle in one product.


  • The other aspect of that is we are very committed to developing our platforms.


  • So React, it starts with the Epic React running shoe, but you'll see that play out in other categories and also, in more models at different price points within Running.

    所以 React,它從 Epic React 跑鞋開始,但你會看到它在其他類別中發揮作用,而且還在 Running 中不同價位的更多型號中發揮作用。

  • So I think that leverage is only going to build over time, and that's something that isn't unique to React.

    所以我認為影響力只會隨著時間的推移而增強,這並不是 React 獨有的。

  • It's also what we're seeing in VaporMax as well.

    這也是我們在 VaporMax 中看到的。

  • And then, in the quarter, has been a case of month-to-month acceleration, and that's driven also in part by these launches.

    然後, 在本季度出現了逐月加速成長的情況,這在一定程度上也是由這些發布所推動的。

  • And we think that, that is going to continue at a strong pace and accelerate really through Q4 and beyond.


  • So that's a big part of this as well.


  • Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

    Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

  • Yes.


  • And I'd just add, our results in the third quarter in North America were largely in line with what we expected in the quarter.


  • The contraction was primarily a result of declines in undifferentiated wholesale and a deliberate tightening in the distribution of styles within the Jordan Brand.


  • So that did have an impact on year-over-year comparisons.


  • But as we said, we're really excited about the heat we've reignited with that brand and the clean inventory levels that we have there, too.


  • And then to your point on innovation platforms, one of the metrics that we look very closely at is the rate of sell-through as we launch products at the initial levels of supply, and the rate of sell-through on the NIKE React, in particular, the Air Max 270 and those other styles, far exceeded our expectations.

    然後就您對創新平台的觀點而言,我們非常密切關注的指標之一是我們在初始供應水平上推出產品時的售出率,以及 NIKE React 的售出率,尤其是Air Max 270 等其他款式,遠遠超出了我們的預期。

  • We talked about supply selling out in hours with members and in days as compared to what we expected would be weeks with more broader distribution.


  • So that's a leading indicator of the magnitude of demand for those new innovation platforms.


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

  • I think it's safe to say that these key styles and platforms are accelerating at a more rapid pace than we've seen historically.


  • And we're doing everything we can to accelerate the -- and leverage those platforms within the NIKE Brand, but -- across categories but also across the brands in the portfolio.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Jim Duffy with Stifel.

    您的下一個問題來自 Stifel 的 Jim Duffy。

  • James Vincent Duffy - MD

    James Vincent Duffy - MD

  • Andy, I'll start with a question for you.


  • Your initial comments around gross margin for fiscal '19 are encouraging.

    您對 19 財年毛利率的初步評論令人鼓舞。

  • It's been a long time since FX was anything but a headwind there.


  • With FX now expected to make a positive contribution in fiscal '19, are there other offsets that are holding back gross margin to keep it within your kind of long-term objective range?

    現在預計外匯將在 19 財年做出積極貢獻,是否有其他抵銷措施阻礙毛利率維持在您的長期目標範圍內?

  • Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

    Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

  • Well, there are obviously a number of factors within gross margin.


  • As I said, we see strong gross margin expansion roughly in line with our long-term financial model.


  • We're still completing or finalizing our planning, so we're not providing more specific guidance than that at this point.


  • As for product cost, labor and some other input costs are increasing little bit, but we do still see strong gross pricing margin expansion in addition to FX becoming a slight tailwind.


  • So all of those things are incorporated in our guidance.


  • I think the headline is we see strong gross margin expansion.


  • And to your point, we're looking forward to putting those FX headwinds behind us, but we'll update you with more specifics in terms of a range on our Q4 call.


  • James Vincent Duffy - MD

    James Vincent Duffy - MD

  • Mark, question around Zodiac.


  • Do they have a particular strength or competency that you saw as strategic?


  • I guess, I'm curious, are there particular algorithms or predictive analytics that distinguish them from your in-house capabilities or other outsourced alternatives?


  • And then related to analytics, do you see that as an in-house competency?


  • Is that your objective to really strengthen that muscle in-house?


  • Or do you expect to work with partners on an outsourced basis?


  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Yes.


  • Well, first of all, the first part of your question, Zodiac is a small tech company, really comprised of world-class scientists and engineers based out of New York.

    好吧,首先,你問題的第一部分,Zodiac 是一家小型科技公司,實際上由來自紐約的世界一流的科學家和工程師組成。

  • They bring a in-depth understanding of how to optimize consumer value and understand what's behind consumer growth or potential.


  • We've been working with Zodiac for the past several months using their proprietary algorithms and models.

    過去幾個月我們一直與 Zodiac 合作,使用他們的專有演算法和模型。

  • And I'd say we're just extremely excited about how we can more fully leverage those capabilities to accelerate some of the key pillars of our strategy.


  • And one of the areas that I think I'd particularly call out is how they can help us power up our NIKE membership to better leverage the data there, to capture demand signals in our key cities and help to inform our Express Lane.


  • Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

    Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

  • Yes.


  • And I'd just add, Jim, you asked, is this acquisition versus in-house, the short answer is we are both building the capabilities in-house to drive our digital offense and selectively acquiring teams or technology to accelerate against that build.


  • So we already have made significant investments in building our NIKE membership team and data and analytics capabilities and are fortunate to have some great talent that's joined our company over the past several years, and bringing on teams like that at Zodiac and some other teams that we've been in discussion with are additive.

    因此,我們已經在建立耐吉會員團隊以及數據和分析能力方面進行了大量投資,並且很幸運在過去幾年中擁有一些優秀人才加入我們公司,並引進了像Zodiac 這樣的團隊以及我們的其他一些團隊。一直在與添加劑進行討論。

  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Yes.


  • Advancing this capability, I would just say, is absolutely fundamental to fueling the strategy that we have in front of us, which is to be more personal at scale.


  • So this is directly in line with that critical part of our strategy.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Simeon Siegel with Nomura Instinet.

    您的下一個問題來自 Nomura Instinet 的 Simeon Siegel。

  • Simeon Avram Siegel - Senior Analyst of U.S. Specialty Retail Equity

    Simeon Avram Siegel - Senior Analyst of U.S. Specialty Retail Equity

  • So recognizing the exciting innovation, any help thinking through your expectations for footwear versus apparel embedded within the North American guidance?


  • And then just any further color you can share on the Amazon test?


  • Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

    Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

  • Okay.


  • Well, we certainly see strong growth in both footwear and apparel.


  • Looking backwards, we've had incredibly strong growth in apparel.


  • I mentioned that apparel was -- our growth in apparel was industry leading in EMEA, driven by our Tech Fleece business and some other innovative products like the Flyknit Bra and other products within our portfolio.

    我提到,在我們的 Tech Fleece 業務和其他一些創新產品(如 Flyknit 胸罩和我們產品組合中的其他產品)的推動下,我們的服裝成長在歐洲、中東和非洲地區處於行業領先地位。

  • We see these launches of innovation as well as our focus on the Power Franchises fueling accelerating growth in footwear so that it's more balanced going into fiscal year '19.

    我們看到這些創新的推出以及我們對 Power Franchise 的關注,推動了鞋類的加速成長,使其在進入 19 財年時更加平衡。

  • Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

    Mark G. Parker - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Yes.


  • I'll just add that apparel sometimes falls in the shadow of footwear, but we are one of the largest apparel companies in the world.


  • I think our strength comes from both our performance position and how we leverage that across sportswear.


  • So actually, we're very excited about some of the performance innovation coming in apparel.


  • In fact, our 2X Innovation initiative commitment is equally being applied to apparel, and I think that will impact a product that you'll see at the World Cup, you'll see at the NBA Championships, you're seeing with our relationship with the NBA across all sport categories, training.

    事實上,我們的 2X 創新計畫承諾同樣適用於服裝,我認為這將影響您將在世界盃、NBA 錦標賽、以及我們與NBA 涵蓋所有運動類別、訓練。

  • And then it will wind up influencing more and more the sportswear category as well where we are performing incredibly well.


  • I'm really excited about what's coming in innovation in apparel and then our ability to kind of push on both sides of the performance and sportswear side.


  • So there's a lot coming in apparel, and frankly, there's a lot coming in footwear -- a lot more coming in footwear than we've talked about.


  • So I think our 2X Innovation investments, which really kicked in the gear about 2 years ago, are really starting to pay off.

    因此,我認為我們的 2X 創新投資大約在 2 年前才真正啟動,現在已經開始真正獲得回報。

  • Anyway, back to your second question, Amazon.


  • As you know, we have, I think you know, we have extended our pilot with Amazon, and to date, it's a smaller U.S.-based pilot.


  • It's performed quite well.


  • We've seen good sell-through on a limited selection of products.


  • We're expanding that selection of products over this next phase.


  • Our focus on this relationship really is how we can best work together to elevate the consumer experience, and that's really a key part of all of our digital partnerships.


  • So we continue to engage with the U.S. digital marketplace to look at how we can serve digital demand from consumers, and Amazon is definitely a part of that.


  • We get, just to back up for a second, get the most out of the partnerships that advance our brand through better presentation, through the sharing of data.


  • Tmall in China, Zalando in Europe, these are great examples of those types of relationships.

    中國的天貓、歐洲的 Zalando,這些都是這類關係的很好例子。

  • So we'll continue to work with Amazon to what we think will be a mutually beneficial partnership over the months ahead.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Michael Binetti with Crédit Suisse.


  • Michael Charles Binetti - Research Analyst

    Michael Charles Binetti - Research Analyst

  • I'd like to ask about the investments for next year.


  • You gave some help on the top line and how to think about some of the shape of the P&L.


  • But the investments obviously seem to be working, and up and down the commentary, you guys sound happy about it.


  • Is it -- I mean, can we think about whether you'd be interested in front loading some of those investments a little more now?


  • And can you speak to maybe how much you think SG&A growth rate would be next year?

    您能否談談您認為明年的 SG&A 成長率會是多少?

  • Is it faster than this year, slower than this year with some newfound success in the investments?


  • And just any direction on puts and takes to help us think about how the fiscal year in your early planning looks next to the mid-teens long-term EPS algorithm?


  • Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

    Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

  • Yes.


  • Well, as you know, Michael, we didn't give specific SG&A guidance for fiscal year '19, and there are really 2 reasons for that.

    好吧,邁克爾,如你所知,我們沒有為 19 財年提供具體的銷售、管理和行政費用(SG&A)指導,這實際上有兩個原因。

  • One, we've never operated because we're not.


  • We've never operated as if we are, and we aren't capital constrained.


  • So our top priority, as we look ahead to any given fiscal year, is to ensure that we're prioritizing the investments that are going to fuel growth over the long term as compared to adhering to -- rigidly to a specific metric in a short-term period.

    因此,當我們展望任何特定的財政年度時,我們的首要任務是確保我們優先考慮那些將促進長期增長的投資,而不是在短期內嚴格遵守特定指標。- 任期。

  • The Tax Act does also afford us even more efficient access to the cash flow and the capital that we generate around the world.


  • So yes, our planning process is taking both of those into account in the context of us having a new very focused strategy.


  • So we're prioritizing investments specifically in innovation.


  • I've told you in the past that we doubled the investment in innovation.


  • We continue to make incremental investments there, and I want to pause there for a moment.


  • It's really a competitive advantage for NIKE.


  • The -- we currently invest probably more than any other brand in the marketplace, but we're going to continue to make incremental meaningful investments.


  • But those investments are still relatively insignificant compared to the kind of growth and returns that they generate when you consider launches like React, VaporMax and the other platforms that Mark and I have shared.

    但當你考慮到 React、VaporMax 以及 Mark 和我分享的其他平台時,這些投資與它們產生的成長和回報相比仍然相對微不足道。

  • So innovation is certainly a priority.


  • We're going to continue to drive brand distinction.


  • You probably saw our Choose Go campaign over the last several months and the energy that, that's creating as well as some of the energy we created against the All-Star weekend and other big moments in sport.


  • And I would say, even though I'm mentioning it third, at the top of our list is digital capabilities, both building them and like we said, acquiring capabilities through teams like the team we acquired in Zodiac.

    我想說,儘管我在第三次提到,但我們清單中最重要的是數位能力,既要建立數位能力,又要像我們所說的那樣,透過像我們在Zodiac 中收購的團隊這樣的團隊來獲取能力。

  • And then there are really 2 final areas that are on our short list of priorities: NIKE Consumer Experiences owned and partner, that as Mark noted, integrate or leverage digital in the physical environment.


  • We are clearly doing that ourselves, and we're increasingly doing that with our partners all at various stages of development.


  • But we're going to continue to test and innovate there.


  • And then finally, we are prioritizing investment in speed through 2 key initiatives: our Express Lane and responsive manufacturing.


  • So in short, we believe these are the investments that are going to drive brand distinction for NIKE and fuel our next horizon of long-term sustainable profitable growth, and we're going to over index our investment in those dimensions.


  • Michael Charles Binetti - Research Analyst

    Michael Charles Binetti - Research Analyst

  • And can I ask a quick follow-up?


  • Is -- obviously, you're squeezing a lot of more fun things for you to talk about there.


  • That's good to hear.


  • But then in your comment about North America accelerating to strong double-digit growth, I know one dimension to that channel has been the closeout sales that you guys have been so focused on in the back end in the past few quarters, and you called it out in the 10-K, the markdowns or what held the margins back there.

    但是,在您對 北美加速實現兩位數強勁增長的評論中,我知道該渠道的一個方面是過去幾個季度你們一直非常關注後端的清倉銷售,並且你在10-K 中指出了這一點,降價或是什麼限制了利潤。

  • Can you give us a sense of how much excess markdowns contributed to the gross margin in third quarter that we'll see in the 10-Q?

    您能否讓我們了解一下,我們將在 10 季中看到,超額降價對第三季毛利率的貢獻有多大?

  • And do you think that line in the gross margin that you typically give us will be reversing significantly to line up with the comments that you made here today about the pull market?


  • Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

    Andrew Campion - CFO & Executive VP

  • Yes.


  • I'll give you a few data points on that.


  • Overall, ASPs for the entire enterprise were up, and ASPs in North America were slightly up all in.

    總體而言,整個企業的 ASP 均有所上漲,其中北美地區的 ASP 總體略有上漲。

  • On, we saw some of the margin upside that we delivered versus the expectations we set 90 days ago was actually based on stronger gross margin in our NIKE Direct businesses and in particular, in North America.

    在 上,我們看到與 90 天前設定的預期相比,我們實現的利潤率上升實際上是基於我們的 NIKE Direct 業務(尤其是北美地區)毛利率的提高。

  • We're seeing stronger full-price sell-through, and we're seeing better margin on the off-price dimension of that business.


  • Now the off-price dimension of digital is bigger today than it might have been a couple of years ago.


  • So on a relative basis, you've got more off price in digital in general in the marketplace both owned and partner.


  • But I would say that is -- has been a source of margin expansion for us.


  • And I'd just summarize it by saying we're really confident in the go-forward impact of both what we're doing from a product perspective in innovation and Power Franchises as well as the impact of NIKE Direct and Digital and NIKE Consumer Experiences on our margin.


  • Nitesh Sharan - VP of IR & Treasurer

    Nitesh Sharan - VP of IR & Treasurer

  • Okay, that's all we have time for today.


  • Thank you, everyone, for joining.


  • We look forward to speaking with you next quarter.


  • Take care.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call.


  • You may now disconnect.
