Nike Inc (NKE) 2015 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • Welcome to NIKE's FY15 third-quarter conference call.

    歡迎參加 NIKE 2015 財政年度第三季電話會議。

  • For those who need to reference today's press release you'll find it at investors.




  • Leading today's call is Kelley Hall, Vice President, Corporate Finance and Treasurer.

    今天的電話會議由企業財務副總裁兼財務主管 Kelley Hall 主持。

  • Before I turn the call over to Ms. Hall let me remind you that participants on this call will make forward-looking statements based on current expectations, and those statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially.


  • These risks and uncertainties are detailed in the reports filed with the SEC including Forms 8-K, 10-K, and 10-Q.

    這些風險和不確定性在向 SEC 提交的報告中詳細說明,包括表格 8-K、10-K 和 10-Q。

  • Some forward-looking statements concern future orders that are not necessarily indicative of changes in total revenues for subsequent periods due to mix of futures and at-once orders, exchange rate fluctuations, order cancellations, changes in the timing of shipments, discounts and returns which may vary significantly from quarter to quarter.


  • In addition, it is important to remember that a significant portion of NIKE, Inc.'s continuing operations, including equipment, NIKE Golf, Converse and Hurley are not included in these futures numbers.

    此外,重要的是要記住,NIKE, Inc. 的持續經營業務的很大一部分,包括裝備、NIKE Golf、Converse 和 Hurley 並未包含在這些期貨數據中。

  • Finally, participants may discuss non-GAAP financial measures, including references to wholesale-equivalent sales.


  • References to wholesale-equivalent sales are only intended to provide context as to the overall current market footprint of the brands owned by NIKE, Inc.

    提及批發當量銷售額僅旨在提供有關 NIKE, Inc. 擁有的品牌當前整體市場足跡的背景資訊。

  • and should not be relied upon as a financial measure of actual results.


  • Participants may also make references to other non-public financial and statistical information and non-GAAP financial measures.


  • Discussion of non-public financial and statistical information and presentations of comparable GAAP measures and quantitative reconciliations can be found at NIKE's website, investors.

    有關非公開財務和統計資訊的討論以及可比較 GAAP 衡量標準和定量調節的介紹,請造訪耐吉的投資者網站。



  • Now I would like to turn the call over to Kelley Hall, Vice President Corporate Finance and Treasurer.

    現在我想將電話轉給企業財務副總裁兼財務主管凱利霍爾 (Kelley Hall)。

  • - VP of Corporate Finance & Treasurer

    - VP of Corporate Finance & Treasurer

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Hello, everyone, and thank you for joining us today to discuss NIKE's FY15 third-quarter results.

    大家好,感謝您今天加入我們討論耐吉 2015 財年第三季業績。

  • As the operator indicated, participants on today's call may discuss non-GAAP financial measures.


  • You will find the appropriate reconciliations in our press release which was issued about an hour ago or at our website, investors.




  • Joining us on today's call will be NIKE, Inc.

    參加今天電話會議的有 NIKE, Inc.。

  • President and CEO, Mark Parker; followed by Trevor Edwards, President of the NIKE Brand; and finally you will hear from our Chief Financial Officer, Don Blair who will give you an in-depth review of our financial results.

    總裁兼執行長馬克·帕克;其次是耐吉品牌總裁特雷弗愛德華茲(Trevor Edwards);最後,您將聽到我們的財務長 Don Blair 的講話,他將對我們的財務業績進行深入的審查。

  • Following their prepared remarks we will take your questions.


  • We would like to allow as many of you to ask questions as possible in our allotted time so we would appreciate you limiting your initial questions to two.


  • In the event you have additional questions that are not covered by others please feel free to requeue and we will do our best to come back to you.


  • Thank you for your cooperation on this.


  • I'll now turn the call over to NIKE, Inc.

    我現在會把電話轉給 NIKE, Inc.。

  • President and CEO, Mark Parker.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Kelly.


  • And hello, everyone.


  • We delivered another strong quarter in Q3.


  • Revenues grew 7% to $7.5 billion, gross margin increased by 140 basis points to 45.9%, and diluted earnings per share increased 19% to $0.89.

    營收成長 7%,達到 75 億美元,毛利率成長 140 個基點,達到 45.9%,攤薄後每股盈餘成長 19%,達到 0.89 美元。

  • We were able to deliver results like these for the quarter by leveraging the power of the NIKE portfolio.


  • Over the last three months, the macro environment has become increasingly volatile.


  • Foreign currency headwinds have intensified, product input costs continue to fluctuate, and the political landscape is evolving in many countries around the world.


  • This is the environment in which all multi-national companies now operate, and NIKE is not immune to it.


  • The difference for NIKE, however, is that we see this as an opportunity to create further separation in the marketplace.


  • Our globally diverse portfolio of geographies, categories, brands, product types and distribution channels gives us a distinct competitive advantage.


  • By going deep into the business, we are able to see opportunities to serve the consumer and drive growth, despite the choppier landscape.


  • This surgical approach to finding new dimensions of growth ensures we capture the full potential of our brands around the world.


  • And that includes driving strong growth in areas of our business that are already well established such as Western Europe, China, North America, and footwear, as well as businesses such as women's, young athletes, apparel and eCommerce where we are accelerating development.


  • These are just a few examples of the dimensions of our business where we are continuing to identify further opportunities to expand our reach and drive growth.


  • And we do this while maintaining a disciplined approach to investing in those opportunities with the highest potential for return, so we can drive growth and manage risk over the short and the long term.


  • This complete offense is how we can continue to deliver sustainable profitable growth.


  • As you have seen from NIKE in the past, we know how to operate in a challenging environment better than anyone.


  • And you will continue to see us leverage the breadth and depth of our global portfolio to do just that going forward.


  • At NIKE, everything we do starts with the consumer.


  • It's our obsession with serving the consumer that sharpens our focus and drives our growth.


  • The expectations of our consumers are evolving rapidly and we're able to meet and often exceed those expectations because we know the athlete.


  • By working with athletes at all levels, from the elite to the every day, we have a level of knowledge and insight that is unmatched in our industry.


  • And we are able to use the insights that we gain to create new products and services that drive a new level of performance innovation across all of our categories.


  • The pace of innovation at NIKE has never been faster and our pipeline has never been more robust.


  • We're leveraging new tools and processes to unlock significant advancements every day.


  • However, the starting point for innovation remains the same and that's the athlete.


  • Many of our greatest innovations have come from going deep into an individual sport to solve a unique athletic need.


  • And let me highlight a few examples in our footwear business from Q3.


  • In running, the LunarTempo, the shoe that merges speed with cushioning for a great ride over the longer runs.

    在跑步方面,LunarTempo 是一款將速度與緩震融為一體的鞋,可在長距離跑步中提供出色的騎乘體驗。

  • And then the newly redesigned Air Max 2015, our most flexible comfortable Air Max to date.

    然後是全新設計的 Air Max 2015,這是我們迄今為止最靈活舒適的 Air Max。

  • We're seeing very strong response from consumers and I'm tremendously excited about the pipeline of products in the running category.


  • In basketball, with his tenth signature shoe, Kobe Bryant returned to a low top and once again pushed the limits of design.


  • In addition to great consumer reaction to the Kobe X, players around the NBA are wearing it for its great traction and cushioning.

    除了消費者對Kobe X 的強烈反應之外,NBA 各地的球員也因為其出色的抓地力和緩衝性能而穿著它。

  • And in football, the NIKE Vapor Untouchable Cleat was created to provide the game's fastest players with power and precision on the field.

    在足球領域,NIKE Vapor Untouchable Cleat 旨在為最快的球員提供球場上的力量和精準度。

  • We've had tremendous feedback on the performance and the look of the Untouchable from the athletes at both the NFL and the collegiate level.

    我們從 NFL 和大學級別的運動員那裡得到了對 Untouchable 的表現和外觀的大量反饋。

  • And in men's training, the NIKE Metcon 1, a first-of-its-kind high-intensity training shoe that has been incredibly popular in the marketplace.

    在男子訓練領域,NIKE Metcon 1 是首款高強度訓練鞋,在市場上非常受歡迎。

  • And it's just a hint at what's to come in men's training.


  • These innovations each deliver a new level of performance for the athlete.


  • However, we only truly realize our potential as a Company when we continue to leverage those breakthroughs across multiple sports and categories.


  • It's what you've seen from us time and time again.


  • Many of our biggest footwear platforms, such as Lunar and Free, Flyknit, and NIKE Air were initially created to solve a specific athlete need in a specific category.

    我們許多最大的鞋類平台,例如 Lunar 和 Free、Flyknit 和 NIKE Air 最初都是為了解決特定類別的特定運動員需求而創建的。

  • But now they serve as the foundation for our greatest products across multiple categories.


  • Similarly, in apparel, platforms such as Aeroloft and Dri-FIT, both originally introduced in running, set the standard for thermal regulation and moisture management in multiple categories and product classifications.

    同樣,在服裝領域,Aeroloft 和 Dri-FIT 等最初在跑步領域推出的平台為多個類別和產品分類的熱調節和濕度管理設定了標準。

  • And our NIKE Pro collection continues to drive energy in all sports, especially our Pro Bra and tight collections for women.

    我們的 NIKE Pro 系列繼續為所有運動注入能量,尤其是我們的 Pro Bra 和女士緊身系列。

  • Individually and collectively our product innovation is breaking new ground across all of our categories.


  • And as excited as we are about the technical details of these products, what's most important is how well our products are resonating with athletes and consumers, which we clearly saw in the quarter.


  • Innovation fuels more than product at NIKE.


  • It also drives how we do business and how we connect with the world.


  • In the case of our digital ecosystem, NIKE is growing a connected community of athletes all over the world.


  • This community is seamlessly engaged with the brand not only by accessing the world's best product but by fueling activity and improving their athletic lives.


  • We know it's not enough to simply interact.


  • True connections require depth and richness.


  • And in Q3 we strengthened these digital connections and added new dimensions to our digital ecosystem.


  • So, how does NIKE continue to expand our digital innovation?

    那麼,NIKE 如何持續拓展我們的數位創新呢?

  • We link experience to commerce.


  • We released the NIKE sneakers app during the NBA all-star game in New York, letting consumers on mobile devices see, share, and buy our most coveted footwear product.

    我們在紐約 NBA 全明星賽期間發布了 NIKE 運動鞋應用程序,讓行動裝置上的消費者可以看到、分享和購買我們最令人垂涎​​的鞋類產品。

  • And we broadened access.


  • We announced several partnerships with the NIKE+ running app to let runners connect to NIKE+ experiences to even more of their devices and fitness equipment.

    我們宣布與 NIKE+ 跑步應用程式建立多項合作夥伴關係,讓跑者將 NIKE+ 體驗連接到更多的裝備和健身器材。

  • And we grow our global reach.


  • We added more sharing capabilities to our NIKE+ training club app.

    我們在 NIKE+ 訓練俱樂部應用程式中添加了更多共享功能。

  • We expanded it to 18 languages.

    我們將其擴展到 18 種語言。

  • It's work like this that will continue to power our digital experiences for years to come.


  • At the same time, in Q3 we continued to see tremendous growth in our eCommerce business, as was up 42% in the quarter.

    同時,在第三季度,我們的電子商務業務繼續取得巨大成長, 在該季度成長了 42%。

  • Traffic and conversion both increased.


  • And for the first time in our history, mobile traffic exceeded desktop traffic, helped in part by the introduction of our sneakers app.


  • Going forward, we will continue to invest in this area to best serve our consumer.


  • Additionally, we'll continue to drive growth in our eCommerce business by increasing consumer access to product customization.


  • In Q3 for example, we brought exclusive new Flyknit options to NIKEiD, giving consumers the ability to take customization to yet another level.

    例如,在第三季度,我們為 NIKEiD 帶來了獨家的全新 Flyknit 選項,讓消費者能夠將客製化提升到另一個水平。

  • Overall we continue to see tremendous potential for growth in our eCommerce business as we leverage our digital platform to continue to deliver premium products, services and experiences for our consumers.


  • As we head into the final quarter of FY15 and beyond, I continue to see tremendous opportunity for NIKE around the world.

    當我們進入 2015 財年最後一個季度及之後的時間時,我繼續看到耐吉在全球範圍內的巨大機會。

  • You've heard me say many times that I see more potential for growth going forward than at any time in our history, and I certainly continue to believe that today.


  • While the current macro environment is challenging, it is not new to us.


  • We have a highly experienced and aligned Management team that knows how to continue to deliver profitable growth by turning challenges into opportunities.


  • It's what we've always done in the past and it's what you can expect from us going forward.


  • Thanks and now here is Trevor.


  • - President of NIKE Brand

    - President of NIKE Brand

  • Thanks, Mark.


  • Q3 is a great example of how the strength of the NIKE Brand drives growth around the world, even in a more challenging macro environment.


  • As Mark mentioned, the impact of foreign exchange has intensified, and Don will talk more about our work to mitigate those impacts.


  • As I normally do, I'll speak to our results on a constant currency basis.


  • While we consider the impact of foreign exchange as part of the overall management of our business, currency-neutral results provide a clearer view of the underlying operational performance.


  • So, let's take a look at the numbers.


  • The NIKE Brand revenue grew 11%, with strong growth in Western Europe, Greater China and the emerging markets, as well as in our sportswear and basketball categories.

    耐吉品牌營收成長了 11%,西歐、大中華區和新興市場以及我們的運動服和籃球品類成長強勁。

  • NIKE Brand DTC revenue increased 29%, driven by all concepts in all geographies.

    在所有地區的所有概念的推動下,NIKE 品牌 DTC 收入成長了 29%。

  • And, as Mark mentioned, we also saw continued strong growth in

    而且,正如馬克所提到的,我們也看到 持續強勁成長。

  • And global futures are up 11%, reflecting the strong growth despite the comparisons to the prior year which included strong World Cup demand.

    全球期貨上漲 11%,反映出儘管與前一年(包括世界盃需求強勁)相比仍保持強勁成長。

  • Excluding the impact of the World Cup, we estimate future orders would have grown in the mid teens.


  • Our Q3 growth is the result of the deep relationships we've built with consumers through the category offense.


  • Our laser focus on individual consumers strengthens those connections whether they're online, at retail, or live experiences.


  • NIKE's consistent focus on serving the consumer through the lens of their chosen sports helps enable continued profitable growth.


  • What's more, only NIKE has the global scale to execute this consumer focus strategy in markets around the world.


  • As we further drive the category offense globally, we continue to prove our ability to connect our brands to consumers and build compelling retail destinations that elevate, segment, and differentiate the markets around the globe.


  • To see the category offense in action let's first take a look at two of our key categories, basketball and running.


  • Both NIKE and the Jordan brand continued to deliver the absolute best in basketball with innovative products and groundbreaking experiences.


  • Q3 was the 14th consecutive quarter of double-digit growth for the basketball category.

    第三季是籃球類別連續第 14 季實現兩位數成長。

  • And as the game expands around the globe we continue to see amazing opportunity for growth in this important category.


  • Q3 was a great example of the combined power of NIKE basketball and brand Jordan to create excitement and energy in the marketplace.

    Q3 是耐吉籃球和喬丹品牌聯合力量在市場上創造興奮和活力的一個很好的例子。

  • I was in New York City for the NBA all-star weekend and it was clearly an electric experience for hundreds and thousands of basketball fans who took part.

    我在紐約參加 NBA 全明星週末,對於成千上萬參加比賽的籃球迷來說,這顯然是一次激動人心的體驗。

  • All over the city, NIKE and brand Jordan executed retail concepts and consumer experiences that showcase basketball's unique culture and passion.


  • NIKE basketball invited fans to visit the Zoom City Arena, offering them a chance to play on the first digital LED court in the United States.

    耐吉籃球邀請球迷參觀 Zoom City Arena,為他們提供在美國第一個數位 LED 球場上比賽的機會。

  • Brand Jordan transformed the Penn Pavilion into an interactive consumer experience where fans could relive Michael Jordan's iconic game winning shots.


  • And both brands created elevated retail executions at NIKE Town, at House of Hoops locations with Foot Locker and at pop-up locations around the city.

    這兩個品牌在 NIKE Town、House of Hoops 門市的 Foot Locker 以及城市各地的快閃店都提高了零售業績。

  • All of this combined to deliver a truly one-of-a-kind experience for our consumers, something only NIKE can do.


  • In addition to delivering highly engaging consumer experiences, we continued to lead with innovative product.


  • In the quarter, Kyrie Irving, one of the most exciting young players in the game today, became the newest signature athlete for NIKE with the launch of the Kyrie 1. Offering superior traction with the Hyperfuse construction, the Kyrie 1 is an excellent example of how we never stop improving.

    在本季度,凱裡歐文(Kyrie Irving) 是當今籃球界最令人興奮的年輕球員之一,隨著Kyrie 1 的推出,成為NIKE 最新的簽名運動員。 ,是我們如何永不停止改進。

  • Also seeing huge consumer response was the Kobe X, the most coveted shoe yet for the popular Kobe line.

    消費者反應熱烈的還有Kobe X,它是流行的Kobe 系列中迄今為止最令人垂涎​​的鞋款。

  • Next let's talk about running.


  • As you know, running is our heritage and our largest performance category.


  • The NIKE Brand continues to resonate with runners, fueled by the NIKE+ run club and grassroots running events around the world.

    在 NIKE+ 跑步俱樂部和世界各地草根跑步活動的推動下,耐吉品牌繼續與跑者產生共鳴。

  • And the running category continues to deliver strong results in key geographies, including Europe, China, and the emerging markets.


  • That said, core footwear within in the running category isn't performing as well as we would like, particularly in North America.


  • As a result, we're highly focused on delivering new innovation into our core product offerings to ensure we continue to serve our consumer with the absolute best.


  • With our premium performance products we continue to see strong sell-through for footwear styles like the Air Max 2015, the LunarTempo and Air Zoom Pegasus 31.

    憑藉我們的高性能產品,我們繼續看到 Air Max 2015、LunarTempo 和 Air Zoom Pegasus 31 等鞋類款式的強勁銷售。

  • In addition, our premium performance apparel continues to drive growth and we saw strong consumer response to the styles such as the new Epic Lux and the Epic Run tights.

    此外,我們的高性能服裝繼續推動成長,我們看到消費者對新款 Epic Lux 和 Epic Run 緊身褲等款式反應強烈。

  • As part of our amplify strategy, we leverage the heritage of our running into sportswear to deliver great style for consumers who appreciate the aesthetic of running.


  • This is our complete offense in the running category And running inspired sportswear performed exceedingly well in the quarter, led by strong consumer response to the Roshe platform and the Roshe Flyknit in particular.


  • The Air Max 1 collection also had strong performance in the quarter.

    Air Max 1 系列在本季也表現強勁。

  • Looking ahead, we will continue to build on what's working in running as we further strengthen our business to accelerate growth.


  • We are excited to have a robust continuous pipeline of groundbreaking footwear innovations which we will bring to the market over the next 18 months.

    我們很高興擁有一系列強大、持續的突破性鞋類創新產品,我們將在未來 18 個月內將其推向市場。

  • And we will also leverage the momentum in platforms such as the Lunar, Flyknit and our Air Max to continue to drive growth.

    我們還將利用 Lunar、Flyknit 和 Air Max 等平台的勢頭繼續推動成長。

  • Overall running continues to be a tremendous source of innovation and inspiration for NIKE and one of our key long-term growth drivers.


  • Let's talk about a few of our key geographies.


  • First, North America which delivered 6% revenue growth in the quarter.

    首先是北美地區,本季營收成長 6%。

  • Consumer demand continues to be very strong in North America as most key categories grew and futures were up 15%.

    北美的消費者需求仍然非常強勁,大多數關鍵品類均出現成長,期貨價格上漲 15%。

  • That said, revenue growth was somewhat lower than expected in the quarter due to challenges related to the port congestion on the West Coast, which escalated late in our fiscal quarter three.


  • As a result, some shipments originally expected for delivery in Q3 were delayed.


  • Looking ahead, we expect revenue growth in quarter four to accelerate as the flow of product through the supply chain begins to normalize.


  • However, we do expect it will take a few quarters to return to fully normalized product flow as there are a significant number of containers to be cleared from the ports on the West Coast.


  • To be very clear, there continues to be tremendous momentum for the NIKE Brand in North America thanks to innovative product that continues to resonate with our consumers.


  • And the category offense continues to help us deliver segmented and differentiated retail destinations with our wholesale partners in our stores and online.


  • Executions such as the Fieldhouse with Dick's Sporting Goods and House of Hoops with Foot Locker, performed very well in the quarter, as did our DTC business which delivered revenue growth of 15% and continued strong growth on

    與 Dick's Sporting Goods 合作的 Fieldhouse 和與 Foot Locker 合作的 House of Hoops 等產品在本季度表現出色,我們的 DTC 業務也表現出色,實現了 15% 的收入增長,並在 上持續強勁增長。

  • Overall, we continue to see tremendous potential for growth in North America as demand remains strong and our brand continues to resonate with consumers.


  • In Western Europe, we're seeing broad-based demand with revenue growth of 21% in the quarter.

    在西歐,我們看到了廣泛的需求,本季營收成長了 21%。

  • We saw growth across all categories and territories with particular strength in AGS, the UK, and Southern Europe.

    我們看到了所有類別和地區的成長,尤其是 AGS、英國和南歐。

  • A critical part of our successful growth strategy in Western Europe is the work we've done to transform the marketplace along the category offense.


  • We continue to develop more differentiated retail executions with our wholesale partners in our stores and online, while continuing to bring innovative products into the marketplace.


  • The JV omni-channel store at Trafford and the Pro Direct digital store in London are great examples of powerful avenues we have to differentiate the NIKE Brand.

    特拉福德的合資全通路商店和倫敦的 Pro Direct 數位商店是我們使 NIKE 品牌脫穎而出的強大途徑的絕佳例子。

  • In addition, we continue to see strong performance in our stores, with DTC up 40% and strong growth on

    此外,我們的商店持續表現強勁,DTC 成長了 40%, 也強勁成長。

  • It remains early days yet but the market growth we're seeing in nearly every territory, coupled with the market share gains, prove the success of our efforts in Western Europe.


  • Let's turn to the emerging markets where revenue grew 12% in the quarter, with six of the nine territories growing double digits.

    讓我們轉向新興市場,該季度營收成長了 12%,其中 9 個地區中有 6 個地區實現了兩位數成長。

  • We also saw strong growth coming from sportswear, running, and basketball.


  • While we feel good about the third-quarter results in the emerging markets we do anticipate some choppiness going forward.


  • Futures declined 6% for the period, in part the result of tough comparisons to the strong World Cup orders in the prior year.

    同期期貨價格下跌 6%,部分原因是與去年強勁的世界盃訂單進行了嚴格比較。

  • We are also taking proactive steps to reduce the supply to insure a healthy marketplace in Mexico and Brazil, two of our largest territories in the emerging markets.


  • In Mexico, as we have discussed on previous calls, inventory levels in the marketplace were higher than we would like, largely a result of transition issues with our distribution center in early FY14.

    在墨西哥,正如我們在先前的電話會議中所討論的那樣,市場庫存水準高於我們的預期,這主要是 2014 財年年初我們的配送中心出現過渡問題的結果。

  • We've made significant progress in clearing the excess inventory in Mexico and we expect to return to more normalized levels by the end of FY15.

    我們在清理墨西哥的過剩庫存方面取得了重大進展,預計到 2015 財年末將恢復到更正常化的水平。

  • To insure a healthy pull market we've also worked proactively with our wholesale partners to adjust the flow of product into the marketplace, which contributes to the year-over-year decline in future orders for the emerging markets.


  • In Brazil, Q3 revenue growth was modest as volatile macro-economics conditions made for a challenging operating environment.


  • The NIKE Brand continues to be incredibly strong in Brazil and we see great opportunity to reposition this critical market for sustainable profitable growth.


  • As we successfully did in North America, China, and Western Europe, we will leverage the category offense to segment and differentiate our points of distribution.


  • In doing so we will increase the productivity and profitability of the marketplace.


  • We will accomplish this by elevating the retail experiences for our consumers and presenting our products in more compelling and premium execution.


  • As we start to reset the market in Brazil, we are working proactively with our wholesale partners to pace the flow of product into the market.


  • As with Mexico, this is also contributing to the year-over-year decline in the emerging markets futures orders.


  • We are confident that our actions in Mexico and Brazil will help us to reach our goal of operating a healthy pull market in these important territories.


  • And long term we remain confident that the emerging markets geography will drive significant growth for the NIKE Brand.


  • Lastly, in Greater China, we continue to see the benefits of our strategy to reset the marketplace.


  • Q3 revenue growth was 17% and futures are up 23%.

    第三季營收成長 17%,期貨成長 23%。

  • This reflects the continued strength of the NIKE Brand in the market, along with our efforts to execute a more consumer-focused distribution strategy.


  • Our wholesale partners have continued to see strong comp store growth and expanded profitability in the doors that have been reprofiled.


  • This success aligns with the results we've seen in our own retail doors.


  • Additionally, inventory levels in China continue to be healthy, letting us better served the consumer and maintain a strong pull market.


  • Given the success we've seen in the marketplace over the last several quarters, we are now focused on evolving from a reset strategy to a new normal of how we do business in China.


  • As we look ahead we continue to see tremendous opportunity for growth in this key geography.


  • Ultimately I feel great about the results we delivered in Q3.


  • And while we will continue to face macroeconomic challenges going forward, we know there's tremendous momentum in the marketplace.


  • And we know the NIKE Brand continues to resonate with consumers all around the world.


  • And we know our relentless focus on serving the consumer will keep us in the lead.


  • We know all of this, and because we do, I personally could not be more excited about what the future holds.


  • Thanks.


  • Now here is Don.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Thanks, Trevor.


  • In his opening remarks Mark spoke about the tremendous macroeconomic volatility we've seen in recent months.


  • In particular over the last 90 days the US dollar has appreciated against virtually every other major currency.

    特別是在過去 90 天裡,美元兌幾乎所有其他主要貨幣都升值。

  • There's no question that this has and will continue to have an impact on multi-national companies, including NIKE.


  • We see these times as opportunities to distinguish ourselves both in how we deliver for our consumers and how we deliver for our shareholders.


  • The power of our brands and our portfolio, the strength of our balance sheet, and the experience of our Management team all give us the ability to navigate these conditions in a way few companies can.


  • We've always run our business to deliver appropriate, near-term profitability, invest for long-term growth, and manage risk.


  • That approach hasn't changed.


  • That doesn't mean this is business as usual.


  • It does mean we will use all of the levers of our business to deliver profitable growth, even in the face of strong macro headwinds.


  • We'll continue to make focused investments to build strong brand connections, deliver innovative products and services and create compelling retail experiences for consumers.


  • We'll leverage our strength with consumers to grow revenues and expand gross margins.


  • We'll apply innovation and operational discipline to increase cost productivity.


  • And we'll continue to deliver increasing profitability and cash returns to shareholders.


  • We've been here before and we're confident we have the business capabilities and momentum to deliver growth and profitability even under difficult economic circumstances.


  • With that introduction I'll now recap our Q3 results.


  • Third-quarter reported revenue for NIKE, Inc.


  • increased 7%.


  • On a currency-neutral basis revenue increased 13%, in line with our expectations as the NIKE Brand grew 11% and Converse increased 33%.

    在匯率中立的基礎上,營收成長了 13%,符合我們的預期,耐吉品牌成長了 11%,匡威成長了 33%。

  • Also on a currency-neutral basis NIKE Brand futures orders grew 11%, driven by a 6% increase in average selling price and a 5% increase in units.

    同樣在貨幣中性的基礎上,耐吉品牌期貨訂單增加了 11%,這主要得益於平均售價上漲 6% 和數量增加 5%。

  • The growth reflects continued strong demand across the NIKE Brand portfolio, led by double-digit growth in North America, China, and Central and Eastern Europe.


  • From a category perspective, the growth reflected strong demand across multiple categories, including sportswear, basketball and running.


  • This overall growth is especially noteworthy given last year's robust orders in advance of the 2014 World Cup, which particularly affected futures orders in Europe and the emerging markets.

    鑑於去年 2014 年世界盃之前的強勁訂單,這一整體成長尤其值得注意,這尤其影響了歐洲和新興市場的期貨訂單。

  • As Trevor mentioned earlier, excluding the impact of World Cup we estimate futures would have increased at a mid-teens rate.


  • On a reported basis futures grew 2% reflecting weaker international currencies, particularly the euro, real, ruble, pound and yen.

    據報道,期貨上漲 2%,反映出國際貨幣疲軟,尤其是歐元、雷亞爾、盧布、英鎊和日圓。

  • Third-quarter diluted EPS increased 19% to $0.89, driven by revenue growth, gross margin expansion, and a lower share count, partially offset by higher SG&A investments and a higher tax rate.

    第三季攤薄後每股收益成長 19%,達到 0.89 美元,這主要得益於收入成長、毛利率擴張和股票數量減少,但 SG&A 投資增加和稅率提高部分抵消了這一影響。

  • In Q3 the impact of FX was insignificant as the impact of the stronger dollar was largely offset by our currency hedging programs.


  • Gross margin expanded 140 basis points in the quarter.

    本季毛利率擴大了 140 個基點。

  • The increase was driven by a continued shift to higher-margin products partially offset by higher product input and warehousing costs.


  • Third-quarter demand creation was flat to last year as higher investments in digital and sports marketing were largely offset by lower advertising expenses due to changes in the timing of product launches.


  • Q3 operating overhead increased 15%, reflecting growth in our higher gross margin, higher cost DTC business, investments in operational infrastructure, and continued investments in digital, including consumer engagement.

    第三季營運管理費用成長了 15%,反映出我們更高的毛利率、更高成本的 DTC 業務、營運基礎設施投資以及對數位化(包括消費者參與)的持續投資的成長。

  • The Q3 effective tax rate was 24.4% a 190 basis point increase versus the prior year quarter, primarily due to the impact of tax expense on inter-Company transactions, partially offset by the retroactive reinstatement of the US R&D tax credit.

    第三季有效稅率為 24.4%,比去年同期增加 190 個基點,主要是由於公司間交易的稅收費用的影響,部分被美國研發稅收抵免的追溯恢復所抵消。

  • At the end of Q3, NIKE, Inc.

    第三季末,耐吉公司 (NIKE, Inc.)

  • inventories were up 12% primarily driven by unit growth in North America and Europe.

    庫存成長 12%,主要受到北美和歐洲銷售成長的推動。

  • As Trevor mentioned earlier, our North America business was affected by congestion at West Coast ports reducing Q3 revenue growth and increasing Q3 inventories.


  • While we anticipate the flow of product will soon begin to return to normal, we expect we will have somewhat higher inventory levels and lower margins in North America for the next few quarters as we work to rebalance is supply and demand in the market.


  • Now let's take a look at some of the performance highlights by segment.


  • In North America, Q3 revenue increased 6% on both a reported and currency-neutral basis, led by basketball and sportswear.

    在北美,以報告和匯率中立計算,第三季營收成長了 6%,其中以籃球和運動服裝為主。

  • Direct-to-consumer revenues grew 15% driven by the rapid expansion of, 7% comp store sales growth, and the addition of new stores.

    由於 的快速擴張、同店銷售成長 7% 以及新店的增加,直接面向消費者的收入成長了 15%。

  • On a reported basis, Q3 EBIT for North America grew 14%, driven by revenue growth, gross margin expansion, and SG&A leverage.

    根據報告,在收入成長、毛利率擴張和 SG&A 槓桿的推動下,北美第三季息稅前利潤成長 14%。

  • In Western Europe, Q3 revenues increased 21% on a currency neutral basis.

    在西歐,在貨幣中性的基礎上,第三季營收成長了 21%。

  • The growth was broad-based as nearly every territory increased at a double-digit rate and every key category grew, led by double-digit growth in sportswear, women's training and running.


  • Despite the weaker euro, reported Q3 revenue for Western Europe increased 10% and EBIT increased 22%, driven by revenue growth, gross margin expansion and SG&A leverage.

    儘管歐元走弱,但在營收成長、毛利率擴張和銷售、一般行政費用槓桿的推動下,西歐第三季營收成長了 10%,息稅前利潤成長了 22%。

  • In central and Eastern Europe Q3 revenue increased 7% on a currency-neutral basis.

    在中歐和東歐,在貨幣中性的基礎上,第三季營收成長了 7%。

  • Most territories delivered double-digit revenue growth but revenues in Russia, Israel and Turkey declined.


  • Nearly every key category expanded, led by sportswear, women's training and running.


  • Reported revenue for CEE declined 10% and EBIT fell 35%, reflecting significantly weaker currencies, most significantly in Russia.

    中東歐的報告收入下降了 10%,息稅前利潤下降了 35%,反映出貨幣顯著疲軟,尤其是俄羅斯貨幣。

  • In Greater China, Q3 revenues increased 17% on a currency-neutral basis, led by double-digit growth in sportswear, basketball, and running.

    在大中華區,第三季營收在剔除匯率因素的基礎上成長了 17%,其中運動服飾、籃球和跑步業務實現了兩位數成長。

  • On a reported basis, Q3 revenue for China increased 15% while EBIT increased 7%, driven by strong revenue growth and gross margin expansion, partially offset by investments in demand creation and DTC.

    據報道,在強勁的收入增長和毛利率擴張的推動下,中國第三季度的收入增長了 15%,而息稅前利潤增長了 7%,但部分被需求創造和 DTC 的投資所抵消。

  • In the emerging markets geography, Q3 revenue grew 12% on a currency-neutral basis, driven by strong growth in all territories except Brazil which grew at a single-digit rate and Mexico which declined mid teens.


  • From a category perspective the growth was led by sportswear, running, and basketball.


  • On a reported basis, emerging markets revenue increased 2% and EBIT increased 3%, reflecting significant currency headwinds.

    根據報告,新興市場收入成長 2%,息稅前利潤成長 3%,反映了重大的貨幣不利因素。

  • As Trevor discussed, we're seeing the results of our work to clear excess inventory in Mexico.


  • At the same time we're taking action to realign the Brazil marketplace along the lines of the category offense.


  • We're confident these steps will set us up to continue to deliver sustainable profitable growth in these territories and the emerging markets geography as a whole.


  • At Converse, Q3 revenue grew 33% on a currency-neutral basis, boosted by the acceleration of Q4 shipments in advance of a major systems go live.

    在主要係統上線之前,第四季出貨量的加速推動了匡威第三季營收在匯率中立的基礎上成長了 33%。

  • The balance of the growth was driven by continued strength in North America, the conversion of several European markets to direct distribution, and strong growth in DTC.

    成長的平衡是由北美的持續強勁、幾個歐洲市場向直接分銷的轉變以及 DTC 的強勁增長推動的。

  • On a reported basis, Converse revenue increased 28% and EBIT increased 23%, driven by revenue growth, partially offset by higher investments in infrastructure, DTC, and demand creation to enable long-term growth.

    根據報告,在營收成長的推動下,Converse 營收成長了 28%,息稅前利潤成長了 23%,但基礎設施、DTC 和需求創造的投資增加部分抵消了這一成長,以實現長期成長。

  • We've seen strong momentum in our business year-to-date and we expect that momentum to continue into Q4 and beyond.


  • That said, FX headwinds have intensified significantly in the last 90 days, especially from the erosion of the value of the euro.

    儘管如此,過去 90 天內外匯不利因素顯著加劇,尤其是歐元貶值帶來的不利影響。

  • While our hedging programs have significantly reduced the impact of FX on profitability, we cannot eliminate all currency risk.


  • Based on what we know today we expect the following for Q4 and full-year FY15.

    根據我們今天所知,我們對 2015 財年第四季和全年的預期如下。

  • We expect constant dollar revenue growth for Q4 in the low double digits, with reported revenue growth 8 to 9 points lower, reflecting the significantly stronger dollar.

    我們預計第四季度的美元收入成長將保持在低點兩位數,報告的收入成長將下降 8 至 9 個百分點,反映出美元顯著走強。

  • For the full year, we expect constant dollar revenue growth in the low teens, with reported revenue growth 4 to 5 points lower.

    就全年而言,我們預計美元收入將持續保持在十幾歲左右,報告的收入成長率將下降 4 至 5 個百分點。

  • We now expect Q4 gross margin to be flat to up about 25 basis points as the impact of higher close outs, particularly in North America and Europe, largely offset the ongoing benefits of mix shifts to higher margin products and businesses.

    我們現在預計第四季度毛利率將持平,上升約25 個基點,因為較高的結清額(尤其是在北美和歐洲)的影響在很大程度上抵消了向更高利潤率產品和業務的組合轉變所帶來的持續好處。

  • For the full year, we now expect gross margin expansion of about 100 basis points.

    我們目前預計全年毛利率將成長約 100 個基點。

  • We expect demand creation to decrease at a high single digit rate for Q4 as we anniversary investments in World Cup marketing in Q4 of FY14.

    我們預計,隨著我們在 2014 財年第四季對世界盃行銷進行週年投資,第四季的需求創造將以高單位數下降。

  • For the full year, we now expect demand creation to grow at a mid single-digit rate.


  • We expect operating overhead to grow at a high single- to low double-digit rate for Q4 and at a mid-teens rate for the full year, reflecting higher DTC expenses as well as investments in digital innovation and new operating capabilities.

    我們預計第四季度的營運管理費用將以高個位數到低兩位數的速度成長,全年將以中雙位數的速度成長,反映出DTC 費用的增加以及對數位創新和新營運能力的投資。

  • We continue to expect the effective tax rate for FY15 will be approximately 24.5%.

    我們繼續預期 2015 財年的有效稅率約為 24.5%。

  • Looking ahead to FY16 we haven't yet completed our planning but can provide some initial thoughts.

    展望 2016 財年,我們尚未完成規劃,但可以提供一些初步想法。

  • We expect to see continued strong momentum in our business and anticipate currency-neutral revenue growth for FY16 slightly above our high single-digit target range.

    我們預計我們的業務將繼續保持強勁勢頭,並預計 2016 財年(貨幣中性)收入成長略高於我們的高個位數目標範圍。

  • When combined with the impact of our ongoing work to expand gross margins and ongoing investments in our growth strategies, we would have expected EPS growth at or above our long-term mid-teens target.


  • That said, the appreciation of the US dollar against nearly every other major currency will reduce next year's reported revenue, gross margin, and profit.


  • Assuming exchange rates remain in about the same range as they are today, we expect FY16 reported revenue growth in the mid single-digits and EPS growth in the high single- to low double-digit range.

    假設匯率保持在與今天大致相同的範圍內,我們預計 2016 財年報告的收入增長將達到中個位數,每股收益增長將達到高個位數到低兩位數的範圍。

  • Currency markets remain volatile so we will provide an update on our FY16 expectations on our Q4 earnings call.

    貨幣市場仍然波動,因此我們將在第四季度財報電話會議上提供 2016 財年預期的最新資訊。

  • On our last conference call I spoke about one of our NIKE maxims, and today I'd like to highlight another.


  • We are on the offense, always.


  • As Mark said at the outset, we view a challenging operating environment as an opportunity to create further competitive separation.


  • By staying focused on consumers and leveraging our strengths, we're confident we can continue to deliver strong financial performance and create value for our shareholders, even in a challenging macroeconomic environment.


  • We're now ready to take your questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • The first question is from Kate McShane with Citi.

    第一個問題來自花旗銀行的 Kate McShane。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, thank you, good afternoon.


  • Don, congratulations to you on your announcement.


  • I have two questions today.


  • One was, there was a very big article this week or late last week from adidas talking about the NBA sponsorship and walking away from that.

    其中之一是,本週或上週晚些時候,阿迪達斯發表了一篇非常重要的文章,談論了 NBA 贊助並放棄了這一點。

  • How would you view that opportunity?


  • And can you just walk us through just sponsorship in general and how you're thinking about it for the future?


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • With regards to the NBA, there's really nothing further to share at this time.


  • We are, as you would imagine, always talking to the leagues, clubs and federations.


  • But really nothing more to report on any specific conversations with the NBA sponsorship.

    但實際上沒有更多的內容可以報導與 NBA 贊助商的任何具體對話。

  • But, as you know, the relationships that we have with leagues, clubs, federations and, of course, the athletes are key.


  • We gain the insights from the athletes that really ultimately drive the innovation that fuels NIKE's brand strength and our growth as a Company.


  • That's always been the case.


  • I can't imagine that it wouldn't be going forward.


  • We're selective in the choices that we make in terms of where we think we have the greatest opportunities.


  • And we look at those opportunities in a very complete certain holistic way.


  • Very happy with where we are in basketball and feel like there's tremendous potential going forward.


  • Trevor talked about Jordan and NIKE basketball.


  • Incredible performance in the quarter and really strong outlook going forward.


  • So, we expect that our relationships with athletes and at the collegiate level and the professional level will continue to be really an important part of that.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, great, thank you.


  • And then my second question is on the supply chain.


  • As we see faster speed to market from other apparel companies, can you talk about how you view this opportunity, how quickly the supply chain can be refined to address this?


  • - VP of Corporate Finance & Treasurer

    - VP of Corporate Finance & Treasurer

  • Kate, are you talking about the congestion at the West Coast ports?


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I'm sorry, no.


  • More of a longer-term strategy.


  • I think a couple of retailers have indicated that they're looking for more freshness in the market, as you see a lot more speed to market from other manufacturers.


  • I wondered if that was something NIKE talked about and if there was any opportunity within the supply chain to address that?


  • - President of NIKE Brand

    - President of NIKE Brand

  • Absolutely, Kate.


  • We have made a number of different investments over time and we continue to do that, both in terms of how we operate our supply chain and more closely tie the timing of production and shipping all the way through to the final consumer.


  • So, certainly on that front.


  • We've also, as you know, done a lot of work in the innovation space around how we manufacture product and how we design and develop it.


  • For example, on the NFL, we've had to do some very different approaches to make sure that we're able to respond very quickly to changes in demand, whether it be for specific teams or specific athletes.

    例如,在 NFL 中,我們必須採取一些非常不同的方法,以確保我們能夠快速回應需求變化,無論是針對特定球隊還是特定運動員。

  • And that goes all the way to the manufacturing revolution type of investments we've made around technologies like Flyknit.

    這一直延伸到我們圍繞 Flyknit 等技術的製造革命類型的投資。

  • So, we are putting a lot of money and a lot of resources against how our supply chain evolves to increase speed and make sure we deliver to consumers as quickly and innovatively as we can.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Matthew Boss with JPMorgan.

    下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Matthew Boss。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good afternoon, guys.


  • And great quarter.


  • There's a lot of talk about Flyknit marquee basketball price points, but can you touch on the mid-tier channel, the segmentation strategy you guys have, particularly any product innovation for us to watch?

    關於 Flyknit 大牌籃球價格點的討論有很多,但您能否談談中端管道、你們的細分策略,特別是有哪些值得我們關注的產品創新?

  • And just how you think about pricing power in that channel.


  • - President of NIKE Brand

    - President of NIKE Brand

  • Obviously we continue to make sure that we continue to focus our pricing strategy certainly around insuring that we give great value to our consumers.


  • It's always a balance of price to value with the consumer.


  • Our ability to bring new innovation allows us the ability to command, certainly, a premium price, and certainly our brand strength does that, too.


  • Obviously, one area that we talked about, which is in the running business, we talked earlier about the core and our ability to make sure we continue to stay focused on bringing more innovation there.


  • Our basketball business is very strong at the moment and we feel it will continue to be strong because we have an incredible pipeline of new innovations that we keep bringing to the marketplace.


  • Obviously, as you saw when we brought the Kyrie shoe into the marketplace, we're just seeing tremendous response to those products.

    顯然,如您所見,當我們將 Kyrie 鞋推向市場時,我們看到了對這些產品的巨大反響。

  • We continue to feel, again, very confident about our ability to keep the excitement in the basketball category while continuing to serve all the various segments, whether you're coming through the House of Hoops, like at Foot Locker, or you're working more of a mid-tier account.

    我們仍然對我們保持籃球類別的興奮感的能力充滿信心,同時繼續為所有不同的細分市場提供服務,無論您是來自 House of Hoops(例如 Foot Locker),還是正在工作更多的是一個中層帳戶。

  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I just want to quickly add that our innovation agenda is really about bringing a complete offense, which means across the categories, across the product types, and up and down the price point spectrum.


  • That's really important to us.


  • We have a major focus on elevating the state of innovation in our core product.


  • And I think you'll see that coming through the pipeline here in the quarters ahead.


  • Very excited about that part of NIKE.


  • Certainly innovation is not reserved for the upper price point premium product.


  • It runs up and down the price spectrum.


  • And that's a very important part of our growth strategy going forward.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • We've seen a clear top-line and bottom-line inflection, really, over the last 12 to 18 months.

    在過去 12 到 18 個月裡,我們確實看到了收入和利潤的明顯變化。

  • Mark, I'm curious when you take a step back, what do you think has been the largest enabler in the organization here as we've seen this inflection?


  • And as we think about the category offense, what do you think, what's the best way to think about the potential next leg of opportunity?


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • In terms of the category offense?


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Just largely.


  • I'd be curious as you think about what's really changed in the organization to drive both the top- and bottom-line inflection that we've seen over really the last year to two years here.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • The category offense, just touching on that for a second, is really driving deeper insights into the marketplace, which really, as you know, drives the innovation, which creates the product, which drives growth for us.


  • And it's not just the product innovation.


  • It's also the insights into consumer and consumer cultures, making sure the brand is resonating, we're relevant, we're connected.


  • I think it's not so much a difference from where we've been.


  • We're refining our ability to be highly creative and innovative but also really disciplined and operating at a much higher level across the various dimensions of the business.


  • We have a management team here that is very much aligned, very experienced.


  • We never take our success for granted.


  • We're always looking for ways that we can improve, which is really important to me and I think NIKE's success to date.


  • We are probably our own biggest critic.


  • But I think our ability to innovate and our ability to drive operational excellence at the same time, it's never been at the level that it is today.


  • And I'm actually quite proud of that.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Best of luck.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Omar Saad with Evercore ISI.

    下一個問題來自 Evercore ISI 的 Omar Saad。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, good afternoon.


  • I actually wanted to ask my first question about the manufacturing revolution, the context of currency.


  • You and the industry largely have been producing in Asia in markets where the currencies are tied to dollars, you said.


  • It's seeing unprecedented strength against all other major currencies.


  • Is now the time to accelerate the process of pulling manufacturing out of some of these markets and taking manufacturing to the end markets, and using some of the automated technologies to allow yourselves to produce in the end markets where the costs will be aligned, at least from a currency perspective where the sales are?


  • Just your thoughts around that, if this changes the equation there.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • One of the things that I made a reference to this in the prepared remarks somewhere is that when we implemented our trading company four or five years ago, one of the things that we did is we started deconstructing our payments to the factories into a basket of currencies as opposed to one currency, which lets us get natural offsets to some of the currency exposure.


  • So, we're getting some of the benefit that you're talking about here of matching sourcing currencies and selling currencies even within our existing structure.


  • The second thing is that we've adjusted, or we do adjust, payments to the factories on the basis of how those currencies move.


  • So, we are getting some offsetting sourcing benefits right now from the fact that currencies in a lot of our sourcing countries are weakening.


  • So, that helps us also net down our foreign exchange exposure.


  • With respect to your overall premise of trying to make sure that our manufacturing is closer both in proximity and time to where the product is sold, that is absolutely part of the strategy from a consumer standpoint.


  • so, I think when you look at the financial side of it, we're getting some of the benefits that you're describing through the way we've set up our trading company.


  • And that's not stopping us from keeping the pedal down on driving manufacturing revolution because we think there's a huge consumer benefit to doing that, as well.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • We definitely see the opportunity, the innovation agenda is really helping to create some efficiencies and opportunities to automate the manufacturing process, which ultimately will allow us to source more broadly down the road.


  • As Don said, that's a big part of our agenda.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • That's really helpful, thank you.


  • And then a follow-up.


  • Don, as you head into retirement there's a lot of complex things going on in the global markets and currencies and the trading companies you set up.


  • Mark, also, how do you feel about the transition?


  • Can you talk a little bit about the transition?


  • Don has been there a really long time and obviously knows the business extremely well.


  • Can you help us understand why we shouldn't be concerned about the transition going on in the CFO position?


  • Thanks.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Let me take the first cut at that.


  • First of all, rumors of my departure are premature here because I will still be in this role through the end of July.


  • So you're not quite rid of me yet.


  • I am tremendously excited about the next chapter in my life.


  • But I'm also extraordinary excited about the prospects for NIKE and have tremendous confidence in both the management team, as well as my successor, Andy Campion.

    但我也對耐吉的前景感到非常興奮,並對管理團隊以及我的繼任者安迪·坎皮恩 (Andy Campion) 充滿信心。

  • Certainly Mark can speak for himself on that but you're not quite rid of me yet and I feel real excited about it.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • Since you brought it up I'll just say that Don's impact here has been absolutely tremendous through the years.


  • I personally have nothing but incredible respect for Don and the impact that he's made at NIKE.


  • I wasn't going to go here, it's a little premature, as Don said.


  • But I will say that I'm also incredibly confident in Don's successor early into FY16.

    但我要說的是,我對 2016 財年初期唐的繼任者也非常有信心。

  • Andy Campion is really a seasoned NIKE veteran and he's been under the tutelage of Don and the incredible financial leadership team here at NIKE.

    安迪坎皮恩 (Andy Campion) 確實是一位經驗豐富的耐吉資深人士,他一直受到唐和耐吉令人難以置信的財務領導團隊的指導。

  • And I have tremendous confidence in Andy's ability to take the reins and continue the momentum that Don's helped create for us going forward.


  • More on that as we move forward.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, guys.


  • Congratulations.


  • Great quarter.


  • And, Don, congratulations on your retirements.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Robbie Ohmes with Banc of America.

    下一個問題來自美國銀行的 Robbie Ohmes。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Afternoon, guys.


  • My two questions -- first, Trevor, you mentioned in your comments the core footwear and running in North America not performing quite as well as you guys would like.

    我的兩個問題 - 首先,特雷弗,你在評論中提到了核心鞋類和在北美的跑步表現並不像你們希望的那樣好。

  • I was wondering if you might share with us more what is going on there.


  • Is it a fashion shift, is it a product presentation, or what are some of the things that we should be looking for that could get that going again?


  • And then the second question is just, as you look over the next year or so in Europe, the need and inability to offset prices over there to offset all the FX changes and how you are thinking about that.


  • Thanks.


  • - President of NIKE Brand

    - President of NIKE Brand

  • Certainly, Robbie.


  • I think the first thing I want to just maybe communicate is that brand continues to really resonate with runners in North America.


  • And one of the things I want to do is maybe unpack a little bit about how we view the business.


  • We always talk about what we say is the amplified offense, which really gives you a greater view of the marketplace.


  • So, when you take a look at it, you have the performance segment, you have the core segment, and you have the running-inspired segment.


  • If you break those down, in the performance segment we're seeing tremendous success of the new products that we've been bringing to the marketplace.


  • Whether you take the Air Pegasus 31 or the Max 2015 or any of those products, they're doing really well.

    無論您選擇 Air Pegasus 31 還是 Max 2015 或任何這些產品,它們都表現得非常好。

  • So we feel obviously very confident about that.


  • As I mentioned, in the core footwear we think there's opportunity for us to do better in that zone.


  • And, so, as Mark said, we're going to continue to bring more innovation and strengthen that part of the business.


  • The other dimension is the running-inspired business, which I mentioned, which are things like the Roshe which really speak to more the aesthetic side, or certainly people who like the aesthetic for the style component of running.

    另一個維度是受跑步啟發的業務,我提到過,像 Roshe 這樣的東西確實更多地體現了美學方面,或者當然是那些喜歡跑步風格部分的美學的人。

  • And that's doing really well.


  • So all-in all, the running business core performance is where we see some challenges but the rest of the business continues to do really well.


  • In addition, the apparel is also doing really well in the marketplace.


  • So, we feel we're connected with runners in a great way.


  • Lastly I would say that I'm very confident about the innovations we're going to continue to bring into the marketplace.


  • Over the next 18 months we have a robust pipeline.

    在接下來的 18 個月裡,我們擁有強大的通路。

  • I'm really excited about doing that and making sure that we continue.


  • Futures are actually up 15%, so we feel confident about the running business and its impact in the marketplace.

    期貨實際上上漲了 15%,因此我們對正在經營的業務及其對市場的影響充滿信心。

  • - VP of Corporate Finance & Treasurer

    - VP of Corporate Finance & Treasurer

  • Robbie, just to clarify, futures are up 15% for North America.

    羅比,我想澄清一下,北美期貨上漲了 15%。

  • Futures are also strong in most footwear and apparel for the total running category globally.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • - President of NIKE Brand

    - President of NIKE Brand

  • And your second question --.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes, thanks, Europe -- just pricing increases and how much of that is maybe, Don, in some of the guidance, the preliminary guidance you gave us.


  • Thanks.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • The first piece would be the way we approach these things, which is we think about managing the business on a long term and how we move all of the levers in the business.


  • Just because the euro has gone down dramatically doesn't mean we're going to try to get all of that back with pricing in Europe.


  • We're going to pull all the levers to deliver against our goals.


  • We do have in our expectations for FY16 that we will continue to migrate consumers to premium.

    我們確實對 2016 財年的預期是,我們將繼續將消費者轉向高端市場。

  • We're continuing to manage mix.


  • And if you look at the way our business has performed over the last few years I think we've been very successful in moving average price points higher, and we would expect to do that.


  • What I wouldn't look for is trying to get all of a very big move in currency back in the near term with huge price increases in any one piece of geography.


  • We play for the long term.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thanks very much and great work, guys.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Bob Drbul with Nomura.

    下一個問題是野村證券 (Nomura) 的鮑勃·德布爾 (Bob Drbul) 提出的。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, good afternoon.


  • Don, congratulations and best of luck.


  • Thanks for everything.


  • The two questions I have, the first one is with the US business with some of the challenges, you called out the running pieces of it, but would you attribute any of the challenges in the US business this quarter to cannibalization or potential cannibalization given the big increase that you generated on the direct-to-consumer piece?


  • - President of NIKE Brand

    - President of NIKE Brand

  • No, I wouldn't.


  • We continue to see great momentum in North America.


  • And as I mentioned earlier, the 15% futures growth continues to give us confidence about the business in North America.

    正如我之前提到的,15% 的期貨成長繼續讓我們對北美業務充滿信心。

  • Obviously we do have our DTC businesses growing but we're also growing very well and we have great relationship with our wholesale partners.

    顯然,我們的 DTC 業務確實在成長,但我們也成長得非常好,並且我們與批發合作夥伴有著良好的關係。

  • So we feel very confident about the way the business is growing and how the brand continues to resonate with consumer.


  • The demand for the brand is really high in North America and actually around the world.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Then a question on the futures, with the recorded period, can you just talk like the first half of the order period versus the second half?


  • Was it stronger in the second half or in the first half?


  • How can we think about that?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Futures are a little stronger in the second half of the window.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just last question is, which of you guys had [at UAB] in your bracket?

    最後一個問題是,你們當中哪些人曾在 UAB 任職?

  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • (laughter) Not going to go there.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • All right, thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Lindsay Drucker Mann with Goldman Sachs.

    下一個問題來自高盛的 Lindsay Drucker Mann。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, good evening, everyone.


  • I wanted to ask about your women's apparel or just the women's business in North America.


  • You've had a couple of very high profile initiatives, some shifts in sponsorship and marketing.


  • And then also we've seen a number of the training club shop-in-shops in Macy's.


  • Can you give us an update in your progress in women's apparel and maybe some of the specific things you have in the pipeline for the next few quarters?


  • - President of NIKE Brand

    - President of NIKE Brand

  • Okay, yes.


  • Our women's business -- I'm very excited about the progress in our women's business.


  • Our women's business, really across not only North America but really around the world, continues to grow at a really rapid pace.


  • In fact, it's outpacing our men's business.


  • Our strategy to really focus on the run, train and live component to the business, every dimension is actually growing, both footwear and apparel, as well as some of the things we've done certainly around the community work with our services that we're providing.


  • They are also doing really well.


  • It really is a case of every dimension of this is actually working really well so we're really excited.


  • Some of the things to point to, whether it's the Epic Lux tights, the bras that we've just recently launched, some of the great footwear, all of those things are doing really well, both in our doors, in dot-com, as well as with our wholesale partners.

    一些值得指出的事情,無論是 Epic Lux 緊身褲、我們最近推出的胸罩、一些很棒的鞋類,所有這些東西都做得非常好,無論是在我們的門口,還是在網絡公司,以及我們的批發合作夥伴。

  • So, we feel really pleased about the progress.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And just a quick maybe housekeeping item.


  • I'm sorry if you answered this already but beyond the port delays were there any other factors that drove the disconnect between your North America sales versus what futures orders suggested they might be in the quarter?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Yes, we also had some weather-related delays in the South.


  • There was some ice storms down there so we lost shipping and so on.


  • So, there's quite a bit of supply chain noise in Q3 which, as we said in the prepared remarks, we do expect that's going to sort out over the next few quarters.


  • But, as Trevor said, demand extraordinarily strong in North America, futures up 15%, so feeling really good about the underlying strength of the business.

    但是,正如 Trevor 所說,北美的需求異常強勁,期貨上漲了 15%,因此對業務的潛在實力感到非常滿意。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great, thanks so much.


  • Operator


  • Jim Duffy with Stifel Nicolaus.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, hi everyone.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • First, Don, congratulations on the well-deserved pending retirement.


  • A couple other questions.


  • ECommerce growth has been a stand out.


  • I know its also been a big area for investments.


  • As we look into FY16 is that business at a point where we can lever some of those investments or do you expect the investments there to continue to drag on the profitability?

    當我們展望 2016 財年時,該業務是否已經到了我們可以利用其中一些投資的地步,或者您是否預計那裡的投資將繼續拖累盈利能力?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • The first thing I would say is the profitability is growing faster than the revenue.


  • So, we're continuing to drive both top line and bottom line on eCommerce.


  • So, number one is this has been a winner both from a growth and a profitability standpoint.


  • The second thing is we are going to continue to invest in digital.


  • We believe that's where the consumer is and is going.


  • And that's where our brand is and is going, so we're going to continue to invest there.


  • But from an economic standpoint it has been a very positive driver for business, both top and bottom line.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great to hear.


  • And then next question on churn, sales turning nicely but the profit growth in the quarter lagged.


  • Is that simply a function of timing of investments or is there some broader influence of the repositioning in the market?


  • - President of NIKE Brand

    - President of NIKE Brand

  • No, I think from the China perspective obviously we're very pleased with the continued growth.


  • No, none of the -- it's probably more just at this point in time.


  • But it's not something that we would envision over the long term.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Very good.


  • Thanks for that.


  • - VP of Corporate Finance & Treasurer

    - VP of Corporate Finance & Treasurer

  • Thank you, everyone, for joining us.


  • And we'll look forward to talking to you on our Q4 call.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call.


  • You may now disconnect.
