蔚來 (NIO) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


蔚來公佈了強勁的第二季度收益,交付數量創歷史新高,車輛利潤率有所提高。公司推出了蔚來世界模型、NAD Arch 2.0等新技術與新產品。蔚來正在擴大其銷售和服務網絡、充電和交換網路以及國際業務。該公司旨在提供高品質的用戶體驗和可持續的未來。蔚來的長期策略規劃和研發投資預計將推動未來的成長。



使用警語:中文譯文來源為 Google 翻譯,僅供參考,實際內容請以英文原文為主

  • Operator


  • Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for standing by for NIO Incorporated second-quarter 2024 earnings conference call. At this time, all participants are in listen only mode. Today's conference call is being recorded.

    女士們、先生們,大家好。感謝您出席蔚來汽車公司 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。此時,所有參與者都處於僅聽模式。今天的電話會議正在錄音。

  • I'll now turn the call over to your host, Mr. Rui Chen, Head of Investor Relations of the company. Please go ahead, Rui.


  • Rui Chen - Head of Investor Relations

    Rui Chen - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you. Good morning and good evening, everyone. Welcome to NIO second-quarter 2024 earnings conference call.

    謝謝。大家早安,晚上好。歡迎參加蔚來汽車 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。

  • The company's financial and operating results were published in the press release earlier today and posted on the company's IR website. On today's call, we have Mr. William Li, Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Executive Officer; and Mr. Stanley Qu, Chief Financial Officer.


  • Before we continue, please be kindly reminded that today's discussion will contain forward-looking statements made under the Safe Harbor provisions of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties.

    在我們繼續之前,請注意今天的討論將包含根據 1995 年美國私人證券訴訟改革法案的安全港條款做出的前瞻性陳述。

  • As such, the company's actual results may be materially different from the views expressed today. Further information regarding risks and uncertainties is included in certain filings of the company with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, and the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited.


  • The company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required under applicable law. Please also note that NIO's earnings press release and this conference call include discussions of unaudited GAAP financial information as well as unaudited non-GAAP financial measures. Please refer to NIO's press release, which contains a reconciliation of the unaudited non-GAAP measures to comparable GAAP measures.

    除適用法律要求外,本公司不承擔更新任何前瞻性聲明的義務。另請注意,蔚來的獲利新聞稿和本次電話會議包括對未經審計的 GAAP 財務資訊以及未經審計的非 GAAP 財務指標的討論。請參閱蔚來的新聞稿,其中包含未經審計的非公認會計原則措施與可比較公認會計原則措施的調節表。

  • With that, I will now turn the call over to our CEO, Mr. William Li. William, please go ahead.


  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining NIO's 2024 Q2 earnings call. In the first half of this year, the NIO brand completed the 2024 model year [sales list], further enhancing the competitiveness of its NT2 products.

    大家好。感謝您參加蔚來汽車 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。今年上半年,蔚來品牌完成了2024車型年【銷售排行榜】,進一步增強了旗下NT2產品的競爭力。

  • In the meantime, as NIO's technologies, products, services, and the user community were recognized by more people, its order intake and delivery continued to grow. NIO's delivery in Q2 reached a quarterly record of 57,373 units, up 143.9%.


  • In China, new models had over 40% market share among all BEVs with a transaction price higher than RMB300,000. Since Q3, new product mix has been continuously optimized. In July and August, the delivery was 20,498 and 20,176 respectively. With that, NIO's monthly delivery has been more than 200,000 for four consecutive months.

    在中國,新車型在所有純電動車的市佔率超過40%,成交價格超過30萬元。三季以來,新產品結構不斷優化。 7月和8月交付量分別為20,498輛和20,176輛。至此,蔚來汽車月交車量已連續四個月超過20萬輛。

  • The total delivery in Q3 is expected to be between 61,000 and 63,000 units. In terms of NIO's financial performance, with continuous cost optimization of core components and supply chain, the vehicle margin in Q2 increased to 12.2%. As the user community became larger and more vibrant, the second quarter also witnessed rapid growth in revenues from after-sales and power services. The gross margin of other sales continued to improve.

    第三季的總交付量預計在 61,000 至 63,000 輛之間。從蔚來財務表現來看,隨著核心零件和供應鏈成本持續優化,第二季整車利潤率提升至12.2%。隨著使用者群體越來越大、越來越活躍,第二季售後和電力服務收入也快速成長。其他銷售毛利率持續改善。

  • Now, I would like to share with you the recent highlights of our products, R&D and operations. On July 27, NIO hosted NIO IN 2024. At the event, we introduced the full domain operating system, SkyOS, and the smart system, Banyan3. Moreover, we also announced the successful takeout of Shenji NX9031, our in-house-developed chip for smart driving. As for NAD, NIO continued to increase its system capabilities.

    以下我跟大家分享我們近期的產品、研發和營運的亮點。 7月27日,蔚來舉辦NIO IN 2024,會上我們介紹了全域作業系統SkyOS和智慧型系統Banyan3。此外,我們也宣布自主研發的智慧駕駛晶片深機NX9031成功下線。 NAD方面,蔚來持續增強系統能力。

  • In July, the industry's first AEB function based on end-to-end architecture was released, with the scenario coverage 6.7 times better than traditional AEB. It makes driving safer. At NIO IN, we also introduced the NIO World Model, NWM, the brand new architecture for smart driving.

    7月,發佈業界首個基於端對端架構的AEB功能,場景覆蓋能力較傳統AEB提升6.7倍。它使駕駛更安全。在NIO IN上,我們也推出了蔚來世界模式NWM,這是智慧駕駛的全新架構。

  • NAD Arc2 will also be released. This is the most advanced end-to-end architecture based on NWM. NIO features and [experiences] of NAD Arch 2.0 will be released in the second half of this year.

    NAD Arc2也將發表。這是基於NWM的最先進的端到端架構。 NIO NAD Arch 2.0的功能和【體驗】將於今年下半年發布。

  • On September 19, our family-centric mass market brand, ONVO, is going to celebrate the launch of its first model, L60. And the user delivery will start in late September. With strong confidence in this all-around product, we will spend no effort in ramping up production and fulfilling the market demand.


  • For sales and services, as of now, the NIO brand has 161 NIO houses and 408 NIO spaces, as well as 351 service centers and 63 delivery centers. The ONVO brand has already opened 105 stores in 55 cities. And we have over 200 stores at the end of the year -- by the year-end. About charging the swapping network, so far, NIO has over 2,561 power swap stations worldwide and has provided over 52 million swaps.

    在銷售和服務方面,截至目前,蔚來品牌擁有161個蔚來房屋和408個蔚來車位,以及351個服務中心和63個交付中心。 ONVO品牌已在55個城市開設105家門市。到今年年底,我們的商店數量已超過 200 家。在換電站充電方面,截至目前,蔚來在全球擁有超過2,561個換電站,累計提供超過5,200萬次換電站。

  • Besides, NIO has installed over 23,000 power chargers and destination chargers. Quick and hassle-free recharging is critical for convincing ICE owners to drive the EV. On August 20, we hosted the NIO Power Up event, where we announced the plan of Power Up Counties. In the first half of 2025, NIO's charging network will become available in every county in Chinese Mainland.

    此外,蔚來也安裝了超過23,000個充電樁和目的地充電樁。快速、無憂的充電對於說服內燃機車主駕駛電動車至關重要。 8月20日,我們舉辦了蔚來Power Up活動,宣布了Power Up縣計畫。 2025年上半年,蔚來充電網路將覆蓋中國大陸各縣。

  • By the end of 2025, the swapping network will become available in more than 2,300 counties in China. To better support this initiative, we also announced the Power Up partner plan and signed an agreement with the first partner. The continuous deployment of the charging and swapping network will help expand the market reach of NIO and ONVO, and further drive sales growth.

    到2025年底,兌換網路將覆蓋全國2300多個縣。為了更好地支持這項舉措,我們還宣布了Power Up合作夥伴計劃,並與首個合作夥伴簽署了協議。充換電網路的持續部署將有助於擴大蔚來和ONVO的市場覆蓋範圍,進一步帶動銷售成長。

  • As for market development, we are accelerating the international expansion. On August 20, NIO's UAE website went live. And in Q4, the products will be launched and delivered in UAE. While ensuring controllable investment and efficient operations, we will also actively evaluate opportunities worldwide, introducing products to more markets.

    在市場開發方面,我們正在加速國際化拓展。 8月20日,蔚來阿聯酋網站上線。第四季度,產品將在阿聯酋上市並交付。在確保投資可控、營運高效的同時,我們也將積極評估全球機會,將產品推向更多市場。

  • In the NEV quality study released by J.D. Power in early June, NIO models ranked the highest in the respective segments. NIO is also the only NEV company winning top rankings for six consecutive years. Ever since its establishment, NIO has been committed to making itself a global benchmark of quality and providing great user experience through life cycle quality management.

    在J.D. Power 6月初發布的新能源汽車品質研究中,蔚來車型在各自細分市場中排名最高。蔚來也是唯一連續六年蟬聯榜首的新能源汽車企業。自成立以來,蔚來汽車一直致力於打造全球品質標桿,透過全生命週期品質管理為使用者提供優質體驗。

  • As NIO has been [founded] for almost 10 years with a market brand strategy and the international business rolled out as well as the external change, we upgraded the company's value system in July. In the quest of Blue Sky Coming, NIO aspires to shape a sustainable and a bright future and envisions itself as a user enterprise where innovative technology meets experience excellence.


  • With new brands and the product being launched step by step, the fundamental capability and the long-term strategical planning that NIO has been developing will have a greater effect. NIO's cumulative R&D investment, sophisticated community operations, and the efficient infrastructure deployment will lead to better sales and margin. We look forward to NIO's performance in the second half.


  • Thank you for your support. With that, I will now turn the call over to Stanley for Q2's financial details. Over to you, Stanley.


  • Qu Yu - Chief Financial Officer

    Qu Yu - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, William. Now let me go over our key financial results for the second quarter of 2024. I will refer to RMBonly in my discussion today, unless otherwise stated.

    謝謝你,威廉。現在讓我回顧一下我們 2024 年第二季的主要財務業績。

  • Our total revenue were RMB17.4 billion, up 98.9% year over year and up 76.1% quarter over quarter. Revenues from vehicle sales were RMB15.7 billion, representing an increase of 118.2% year over year and an increase of 87.1% quarter over quarter.


  • The increase year over year was mainly attributed to higher deliveries, partially offset by lower average selling price due to changes in product mix and user rights adjustment since June 2023. The increase quarter over quarter was mainly attributed to higher deliveries.


  • Other sales were RMB1.8 billion, representing an increase of 11.3% year over year and an increase of 15.6% quarter over quarter. The year-over-year increase was mainly due to the increase in sales of parts, accessories, and after-sales vehicle services, and provision of power solutions, which both grow with our user base and partially offset by lower sales of used cars.


  • The increase quarter over quarter was mainly attributed to the increase in sales of parts, accessories, and after-sales vehicle services, provision of power solutions and other products, and the increased revenues from technical R&D services.


  • Vehicle margin was 12.2% in this quarter compared with 6.2% for the same period of 2023 and 9.2% for the last quarter. The year-over-year increase was mainly due to the decreased material costs and was partially offset by a lower average selling price. The quarter-over-quarter increase was mainly due to decreased material costs. Overall, gross margin was 9.7% compared with 1% in the same period of last year and 4.9% in the last quarter.

    本季車輛利潤率為 12.2%,而 2023 年同期為 6.2%,上季為 9.2%。年比成長主要是由於材料成本下降,但部分被平均售價下降所抵消。環比成長主要是由於材料成本下降。整體而言,毛利率為9.7%,去年同期為1%,上季為4.9%。

  • R&D expenses were RMB3.2 billion, decreased 3.8% year over year and increased 12.4% quarter over quarter. The quarter-over-quarter increase was mainly due to the incremental design and the development costs and increased personnel costs in R&D functions.


  • SG&A expenses were RMB3.8 billion, increased 31.5% year over year and increased 25.4% quarter over quarter, which was mainly driven by higher personnel costs related to sales functions and increased sales and marketing activities.

    SG&A 費用為人民幣 38 億元,年增 31.5%,季增 25.4%,主要是由於與銷售職能相關的人員成本上升以及銷售和行銷活動增加所致。

  • Loss from operations was RMB5.2 billion, representing a decrease of 14.2% year over year and a decrease of 3.4% quarter over quarter. Net loss was RMB5 billion, representing a decrease of 16.7% year over year and a decrease of 2.7% quarter over quarter.


  • As of June 30, 2024, our company had cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, short-term investments, and long-term time deposits in total of RMB41.6 billion. For more information and the details of our audited second-quarter 2024 financial results, please refer to our earnings press release.

    截至2024年6月30日,本公司持有現金及現金等價物、限制性現金、短期投資及長期定期存款共計人民幣416億元。有關更多資訊以及我們經審計的 2024 年第二季度財務業績的詳細信息,請參閱我們的收益新聞稿。

  • Now this concludes our prepared remarks. I will turn the call over to the operator to facilitate our Q&A session. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Tim Hsiao, Morgan Stanley.

    (操作員指示)Tim Hsiao,摩根士丹利。

  • Tim Hsiao - Analyst

    Tim Hsiao - Analyst

  • Hi, management team, and thanks for taking my question. I have two questions. The first question is about our new model, L60, because L60 started presale in mid-May. And since then, I think the model has received tens of thousands of preorders, which is very robust compared to all the new launches lately.


  • But how could you also ensure a high conversion rate this time after the official launch on September 19? Would the company consider getting more aggressive with the official pricing given the competition? And in the meantime, what client and supply chain preparation the team has done to avoid any potential supply disruption after the delivery starts? That's my first question. Thank you.


  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • (interpreted) Thank you for the question. On August 15, we have witnessed the [offline] of the very first mass-produced L60. And the head of sales of the ONVO brand is actually driving this very first mass-produced car, having a road trip in China.

    (解釋)謝謝你的提問。 8月15日,我們見證了首款量產L60的【下線】。而ONVO品牌的銷售負責人,竟然駕駛著這輛首款量產車,在中國進行了一場公路之旅。

  • And he has been driving the car for almost 20 days while doing the broadcast on the social media. It has received a lot of attention from the public. Every day, there are several millions of views of the broadcast by the members.


  • In terms of the preorder intake, it actually is pretty good and has surpassed our expectations. So we are quite confident with the overall competitiveness of this project. Regarding the pricing strategy, while we launched the product in mid-May, we have announced a presale price, which is RMB290,900. That is around RMB30,000 triple than Model Y.

    從預訂量來看,其實還不錯,超出了我們的預期。所以我們對這個專案的整體競爭力還是很有信心的。在定價策略上,我們在5月中旬推出該產品的同時,也公佈了預售價,為29.09萬元。這大約是 Model Y 的三倍人幣。

  • And before the official launch of the product on September 19, we still have some time and room for the final price adjustments and decision. But overall speaking, we will try to strike a balance between the vehicle margin and the price point of the product to find the sweet spot. In general, we will not be very aggressive as we needed to realize a reasonable margin for the project.


  • Regarding the supply chain security, our target is that by the end of this year, which is in September, we hope that we can realize a supply capacity of 10,000 units. And sometime next year, we will be able to realize a supply capacity of 20,000 units per month. Next question?

    關於供應鏈安全,我們的目標是今年年底,也就是9月份,我們希望能夠實現1萬台的供應能力。明年某個時候,我們將能夠實現每月 20,000 台的供應能力。下一個問題?

  • Tim Hsiao - Analyst

    Tim Hsiao - Analyst

  • Sure. Thank you, William, for sharing the details. My second question is about the NIO brand, vehicles under NIO brand. Because we noticed the monthly sales of models on the NIO brand have stabilized at the 20,000 levels in second quarter.


  • So looking forward, would there be any further upside to the vehicle sales and the gross profit margin based on the current product portfolio? If yes, please share with us where would be the upside to the volume and the margin of NIO-branded vehicles are coming from? That's my second question. Thank you.


  • Qu Yu - Chief Financial Officer

    Qu Yu - Chief Financial Officer

  • (interpreted) Tim, this is Stanley. Thank you for your question. Regarding the vehicle margin of the NIO brand. In the second quarter, we have achieved a vehicle margin of 12.2%. That is mainly because of the efficiency improvements on the supply side and also in the production.

    (翻譯)提姆,這是史丹利。謝謝你的提問。關於蔚來品牌的車輛利潤率。第二季度,我們的車輛利潤率為 12.2%。這主要是由於供給側和生產側效率的提高。

  • As in the past four months, we have realized the monthly delivery volume of 20,000 units -- of more than 20,000 units. We also see the opportunities for further improvements, including the cost optimization of the product as well as to improve the high-margin products in the product mix from the marketing side. With that, we will keep improving the vehicle margin in the following two quarters of this year and expect to realize a vehicle margin of around 15% by the end of the year.

    與過去四個月一樣,我們實現了每月 20,000 台的交付量——超過 20,000 台。我們也看到了進一步改進的機會,包括產品的成本優化以及從行銷方面改進產品組合中的高利潤產品。據此,我們將在今年接下來的兩個季度持續提高整車利潤率,預計年底實現整車利潤率15%左右。

  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • (interpreted) And also a comment to add here is that we also see opportunities to improve our delivery volumes month over month, yet we will also need to strike a balance between the vehicle delivery volume and the vehicle margin. Both will increase, but it will not be in a very drastic manner for either margin or the vehicle volume, as we -- ultimately, we pursue a very good gross profit with our product. So we need to find the sweet spot in between.


  • And for the much longer time as NIO brand targets, our premium segments priced over RMB300,000 as we are going to launch NIO products and also do facelifts and upgrades on the product. We believe that in the battery electric vehicle segment, realizing a monthly volume of around 30,000 to 40,000 units is a reasonable target in the volume. So all summed up, for the NIO brand, our long-term operational target is to realize a monthly volume of 40,000 units and a vehicle margin of 25%.


  • As for the ONVO brand, it faces a much larger market with a total [car park] of more than 8 million. In that case, leveraging our battery-as-a-service as well as our well-established charging and swapping network, we believe that ONVO's products will be competitive even against the competition with [p-Hive, Rav], and other [BAS] models.

    對於ONVO品牌來說,它面臨更大的市場,總車位超過800萬個。在這種情況下,利用我們的電池即服務以及我們完善的充換電網絡,我們相信 ONVO 的產品即使在與 [p-Hive、Rav] 和其他 [BAS] 的競爭中也將具有競爭力。 ] 型號。

  • So for ONVO products, they do have a higher potential or bigger potential for a higher sales volume month over month. And for the longer term, our operational target for ONVO products will be 15% -- more than 15% for the vehicle margin. And we believe that it's also a reasonable target.

    所以對於ONVO的產品來說,他們確實有更高的潛力或更大的潛力來逐月提高銷售量。從長遠來看,我們 ONVO 產品的營運目標將是 15%——超過車輛利潤率的 15%。我們相信這也是一個合理的目標。

  • Tim Hsiao - Analyst

    Tim Hsiao - Analyst

  • Thank you very much, William and Stanley. Thanks for the audience, and looking forward to the L60 launch. Thank you.


  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Bin Wang, Deutsche Bank.


  • Bin Wang - Analyst

    Bin Wang - Analyst

  • Okay. Thank you so much. My first question is also about ONVO L60. Previously, you mentioned that this year, your volume target is about 20,000 units. Given the strong order, do you still maintain such a volume target? And if you could break down by month because we are not exactly in the end of the month, so what's the progress for October, November, December? So that is my first question.

    好的。太感謝了。我的第一個問題也是關於ONVO L60的。此前您提到今年的銷售目標是2萬台左右。在訂單強勁的情況下,您還維持這樣的成交量目標嗎?如果你可以按月細分,因為我們還沒到月底,那麼 10 月、11 月、12 月的進度如何?這是我的第一個問題。

  • And second question is about the expense, SG&A expense. It seems like expenses keep increasing. What's your targets for this quarterly SG&A expense? Do you have guidance for each quarter in the upcoming second half? Thank you.

    第二個問題是關於費用,SG&A 費用。看來開支一直在增加。您本季 SG&A 支出的目標是多少?您對即將到來的下半年的每個季度有指導嗎?謝謝。

  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • (interpreted) I will take the first question. This is William. Regarding the ONVO L60, we will start the delivery of the products from late September. But it will take some time for us to ramp up the production and supply of the new product. So most of our deliveries this year will happen in Q4.

    (解釋)我回答第一個問題。這是威廉.關於ONVO L60,我們將從9月下旬開始交付產品。但我們還需要一段時間才能提高新產品的生產和供應。因此,我們今年的大部分交付將發生在第四季度。

  • We will start delivery from September, but not in a very significant volume. And towards the end of the year, we hope that our monthly delivery will be around 10,000 units for the month of December. In terms of the supply side, as the car is equipped with many new technologies, it will also take some time for the supply side to ramp up their production. Thank you.

    我們將從 9 月開始交貨,但數量不會很大。到今年年底,我們希望 12 月的月交付量能達到 1 萬台左右。從供給端來看,由於汽車搭載了許多新技術,供給端的產能提升也需要一段時間。謝謝。

  • Qu Yu - Chief Financial Officer

    Qu Yu - Chief Financial Officer

  • (interpreted) This is Stanley. I will take the second question. Regarding expenses, there are two categories. The first is R&D expenses. We will still keep the similar R&D investment pace and intensity on a quarterly basis.


  • So roughly, on the non-GAAP basis, it will be around RMB3 billion every quarter. But there will also be fluctuations or slight differences from quarter to quarter, as they are relevant to our actual R&D activities conducted.


  • And regarding the second category, SG&A expenses, as we have mentioned that in late Q3, we will start the delivery of L60. With that, there will be increase in our SG&A expenses. But as we ramp up the delivery volume of the product, we also think that we will keep optimizing the percentage of the SG&A expenses against the overall sales revenue from L60. Thank you.

    關於第二類,SG&A 費用,正如我們所提到的,在第三季末,我們將開始交付 L60。這樣,我們的銷售、管理及行政費用將會增加。但隨著我們增加產品的交付量,我們也認為我們將繼續優化 SG&A 費用佔 L60 整體銷售收入的百分比。謝謝。

  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Wang Bin.


  • Bin Wang - Analyst

    Bin Wang - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Tina Hou, Goldman Sachs.


  • Tina Hou - Analyst

    Tina Hou - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking my question. So my first question is also regarding on ONVO L60. So just wondering at, let's say, 10,000 volume in December this year and 20,000 volume next year, what kind of gross margin should be reasonable for this model?

    感謝您提出我的問題。所以我的第一個問題也是關於 ONVO L60 的。那就想知道,比如說,今年12月銷量1萬輛,明年銷量2萬輛,這款車型的毛利率應該是多少才算合理?

  • Also, as we are ramping up to higher and higher volume, what is our capacity expansion plan and also CapEx plan for 2025 and maybe 2026? Should we expect CapEx to become higher versus 2024? So that's the first question.

    此外,隨著我們的產量越來越大,我們 2025 年甚至 2026 年的產能擴張計畫和資本支出計畫是什麼?我們是否應該預期資本支出會比 2024 年更高?這是第一個問題。

  • The second question is also regarding the sales and marketing expense. So we had over 30% SG&A expense growth in the second quarter. Wondering, could you give more details on the sub-items, which is the one that's growing the fastest? And also, is any of the sales policy recorded in the SG&A expense? Yeah, so that's my second question. Thanks.

    第二個問題也與銷售和行銷費用有關。因此,第二季我們的 SG&A 費用增加了 30% 以上。想知道,您能否提供有關成長最快的子專案的更多詳細資訊?另外,銷售政策是否記錄在 SG&A 費用中?是的,這是我的第二個問題。謝謝。

  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Tina. (interpreted) Thank you for your question. This is William. I will take your first question. Regarding L60, when its overall production volume reaches a reasonable and expected targets, we believe that it will naturally realize a 15% vehicle margin.

    謝謝你,蒂娜。 (翻譯)謝謝你的提問。這是威廉.我將回答你的第一個問題。對於L60,當其整體產量達到合理預期目標時,我們相信其自然會達到15%的整車利潤率。

  • Of course, against the fierce competition, we have also reserved some room for the variable marketing of the product so that we will be more flexible in the competition. Yet overall speaking, as the product itself is designed for efficiency and cost, 15% vehicle margin is a reasonable target for this model, as we actually managed to realize a good balance between the technology advancement and the cost competitiveness.


  • Regarding the capacity preparation, we are having the mid- and long-term planning for our production capacity in 2025 and '26. As of now, we already have two factories in operation. F2 has already started to upgrade to double shifts to support the production of L60. In late September or early October, the upgrade to two shifts will be completed in F2.

    關於產能準備,我們正在對2025年和26年的產能進行中長期規劃。截至目前,我們已經有兩家工廠投入營運。 F2已經開始升級為雙班制,以支援L60的生產。 9月底或10月初,F2將完成兩班制升級。

  • And in the meantime, we are also planning our third factory. And around Q3 next year, the third factory will be ready to produce the products, which means that by Q3 next year, we will have three factories in operations. And it will be sufficient to support our production.


  • Overall speaking, we don't think production capacity will be a bottleneck for us, especially it will not be a long-term bottleneck for us. Here in China, the production capacity and capabilities of vehicles and parts are quite competent.


  • Maybe some companies will face short-term disturbance in their capacity and the supply, yet for long term, it will not be a bottleneck. Especially last year, we have obtained independent manufacturing qualification. This has also laid a foundation for our long-term stable capacity.


  • Qu Yu - Chief Financial Officer

    Qu Yu - Chief Financial Officer

  • (interpreted) This is Stanley. I will take your second question. Regarding the CapEx, according to the [set of code] of the company, we are making prudent control and the management of the pace of our investment and expenses. Especially starting last year, we have already started such management by postponing certain projects or even canceling some projects.


  • So overall speaking, the R&D -- or the CapEx in the year of 2024 will be significantly lower than that in 2023. As for 2025, as we haven't started budgeting for the next year, we don't have a clear picture over that. But we believe that the overall expense intensity will be similar to this year. Thank you.

    所以總體來說,2024 年的研發——或者說資本支出將顯著低於 2023 年。但我們認為整體費用強度將與今年相似。謝謝。

  • As for the increase in the SG&A expenses in Q2, it's mainly contributed to two reasons. The first is that in Q1, we delivered around 30,000 units. And in Q2, we delivered a total of more than 57,000 units. The increase of our sales volume naturally drove up the staff cost, mainly because the team size has grown, and also the incentives for the sales force has increased as well.

    至於第二季SG&A費用的增加,主要有兩個原因。首先是第一季我們交付了大約 30,000 台。第二季度,我們總共交付了超過 57,000 台。我們銷售量的增加自然就推高了員工成本,主要是因為團隊規模擴大了,而且對銷售人員的誘因也增加了。

  • And the second reason is that in the first half of this year, we have launched our model year facelifts. And many of the NIO products were launched in around April -- around May and -- around March and April. In that case, we have also started a series of communications and marketing campaigns relevant to our model-year products, that has also increased the development expenses from Q1.


  • Tina Hou - Analyst

    Tina Hou - Analyst

  • Thank you so much. Can I have a very quick follow-up? So in terms of ONVO store, do you have the average store rental cost versus a NIO store? And also, how many employees do you plan to deploy in an ONVO store versus that of a NIO store? Thank you.

    太感謝了。我可以快速跟進嗎?那麼就ONVO商店而言,您的平均商店租金成本與蔚來商店相比是否相同?另外,您計劃在 ONVO 商店和 NIO 商店部署多少員工?謝謝。

  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • (interpreted) Regarding the opening of ONVO stores, we actually require the team to open up the stores in a quick and efficient manner. So in terms of the CapEx, as well as the rent of a single ONVO store, it is significantly lower than that of a NIO store.


  • But we don't have the specific numbers for comparison as the actual expenses may be quite different depending on the locations and the type of the store. But overall, the expense is lower, significantly lower than that of NIO.


  • And in terms of the renovation fee for each of the ONVO store, we actually have a very strict requirement. For the ONVO -- for the existing 100 ONVO stores we have just opened, for each store, the renovation fee was no more than RMB1 million. And for the following 100 stores we are going to open by the end of the year, we will have an even more strict requirement on renovation.


  • With that, we will be able to make use of the existing resources and to renovate the store in a more efficient manner. In terms of the team size for each of the stores, it depends on the actual number of orders and deliveries we plan for each store in each city. But in general, we will make sure that the team is also set up in the most efficient and compact way.


  • Tina Hou - Analyst

    Tina Hou - Analyst

  • (spoken in Chinese)


  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Tina.


  • Operator


  • Yuqian Ding, HSBC.


  • Yuqian Ding - Analyst

    Yuqian Ding - Analyst

  • Thank you, team. Yuqian Ding here. I've got two questions. First is about autonomous driving programs, and second is about market and competition dynamics. First question, could you share the NIO NLP progress? Especially, could you break down in terms of the consumer take rate, our disengagement rate, scenario coverage, the regional expansion, these aspects?


  • The second question is to ask -- against the backdrop of -- in the premium EV segment, there's a couple of new models coming, especially in the coming months until the end of the year. And also, we noticed the high-tier city versus the low-tier city, the consumer consumption is sliding in general and more so than the low-tier city.


  • So could you help us to get comfortable and a conviction on NIO and ONVO's portfolio product technology and service expansion could counter these macro headwinds and still book growth quarter-on-quarter perspective, maybe in an aspect of channel order momentum and the latest consumer feedback? Thank you.

    那麼,您能否幫助我們確信蔚來和 ONVO 的產品組合產品技術和服務擴展可以應對這些宏觀阻力,並仍然實現季度環比增長,也許是在渠道訂單勢頭和最新消費者反饋方面?謝謝。

  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • (interpreted) Thank you for your question. We also noticed the fierce competition in the area of smart driving, yet we are also confident that NIO is among the top players in this area.


  • Regarding NOP+, it is now being used by more than 300,000 users as it is now offered as a standard feature on our NT 2.0 product. In the meantime, the cumulative knowledge driven with NOP and NOP+ has reached -- or has surpassed 1.1 billion kilometers. So in terms of the user base as well as the total mileage driven with the functionality, we are also a top player in China.

    至於 NOP+,目前已被超過 30 萬名用戶使用,因為它現已作為我們 NT 2.0 產品上的標準功能提供。同時,NOP和NOP+驅動的累積知識已達到或超過11億公里。所以從用戶基數以及功能驅動的總里程來看,我們在中國也是頂尖的。

  • Regarding the technology road map, right now inside of the industry, many players are converging their technology solutions and the roadmap into end-to-end model, be it Tesla or other players in China. For NIO, we are also working on our end-to-end model, and we have already released our first end-to-end based feature that is end-to-end AEB. Its performance has been significantly improved than the traditional AEB functionality as its scenario coverage is 6.7 times better than the traditional AEB.

    關於技術路線圖,目前產業內,無論是特斯拉還是中國的其他玩家,許多玩家都在將他們的技術解決方案和路線圖整合成端到端的模型。對於蔚來來說,我們也在研究我們的端到端模型,並且我們已經發布了第一個基於端到端的功能,即端對端 AEB。其效能較傳統AEB功能顯著提升,場景覆蓋範圍是傳統AEB的6.7倍。

  • And in the meantime, at the NIO Inc., we have also released our end-to-end architecture based on the NIO work model because end-to-end is an architecture, but its foundation technology is also very important. And we are the first company to develop and announce such work model and the end-to-end architecture based on the model.


  • We have also released the NAD Arc 2.0. So the end-to-end model will be based on the NIO -- the end-to-end architecture will be based on the NIO work model where you can see that the NIO work model is developed with the end-to-end architecture solution.

    我們也發布了 NAD Arc 2.0。所以端到端模型將基於NIO——端對端架構將基於NIO工作模型,在這裡你可以看到NIO工作模型是用端對端架構開發的解決方案。

  • Overall speaking, we believe that we are still leading the block in terms of the smart driving technologies. We have already tested the latest functionality on NAD Arc 2.0 at the small scale, and its performance is pretty impressive. Overall speaking, with the model and end-to-end architecture, we will be able to realize quicker functionality iteration, better experience at a lower cost.

    總體而言,我們認為我們在智慧駕駛技術方面仍然處於領先地位。我們已經小規模測試了 NAD Arc 2.0 的最新功能,其性能相當令人印象深刻。整體來說,有了這樣的模型和端到端的架構,我們將能夠以更低的成本實現更快的功能迭代、更好的體驗。

  • In terms of the ONVO brand, its product will come with a single range with pure vision technology solution. But even with that, it has realized a very good performance in the urban driving scenario. The other day, I have tested the functionality in Shanghai and it's also pretty good.


  • So overall speaking, we believe that -- and we also saw facts that the smart driving functionalities will help users improve the safety of driving. In terms of the actual usability of the functionality, we will also keep working on that.


  • Regarding your second question, we also understand the intensity of the market competition, and this is not the first time for us to face such fierce competition. Yet the NIO brand has been realizing a pretty stable market share in the premium segment for years.


  • This is mainly because we have a diversified and rich product portfolio to offer for the premium segment. We have ET5T, ES6, EC6, ET7, EC7, ES7 plus ES8. So it's a pretty wide range of a product offering that will be enough to cover many product segments.

    這主要是因為我們為高端市場提供多元化且豐富的產品組合。我們有 ET5T、ES6、EC6、ET7、EC7、ES7 加 ES8。因此,它提供的產品範圍相當廣泛,足以涵蓋許多產品領域。

  • And many of these products are also leading the sales volume in their respective BEV product segment. Not to mention that for some niche products like ET5T, EC7 or EC6, in their respective segments, their volume is even higher than some of the ICE competitors.


  • So overall speaking, we have made a quite successful product portfolio and offering strategy. Plus we also have other advantages such as charging and the swapping network, leading technologies, good product experience, service, and the user community.


  • This has further enhanced and solidified our foothold in the premium segment. Of course, in the meantime, we also hope that more players can also come into this segment so that we can work with them together to enlarge the size of this premium segment, premium BEV segment.


  • In the meantime, for the entire NIO company, we actually have a pretty clear and straightforward strategy for the continuous business growth. The first is by a wider price range. From next year, we are going to have three brands in the market.


  • With that, our price range -- the price range that can be covered by these three brands will be as wide -- will be pretty wide, ranging from RMB140,000 all the way to RMB800,000. And with battery-as-a-service, the price range will be from RMB100,000 to RMB700,000, which will be a very strong competition to the ICE costs in the respective segments. With three brands with wide price range, we will be able to reach a broader market than many of our other competitors.


  • The second approach is via our products, wide product range. We have three brands. We also have a very diversified product portfolio of each brand. In that case, we will be able to cover a pretty comprehensive product segment with clear differentiation between each brand.


  • And the third approach is through the markets and regional coverage. Right now, we are expanding our point of sales into the lower-tier cities. Especially for NIO at the moment, most of our sales are in the first- and second-tier cities. So such coverage expansion is also very important. We have also announced other plants like the County Power Up plan where we will expand our charging and the swapping network to the counties at all levels.


  • With that, it will help us to further enhance the reach of all three brands. Plus we also have the business development plan for the overseas market. So overall speaking, for the long-term growth and the development, we have a clear road map. That is by a wide price range, wide product range and also further regional coverage.


  • Yuqian Ding - Analyst

    Yuqian Ding - Analyst

  • Awesome. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Paul Gong, UBS.


  • Paul Gong - Analyst

    Paul Gong - Analyst

  • Hi, William. Thanks for taking my questions. Two questions here. The first one is regarding the flagship sedan, ET9. I think it was announced to schedule for launch in Q1 next year. Is that still on schedule? And can you give some updates regarding this model in terms of the position in new technology adoption as well as, say, the target volume outlook?


  • Yeah. The second question is regarding the overseas expansion. You are going to open the store in UAE and start delivering there. Is that a signal of the change of a direction as a result of the EU tariff that you are switching the direction from Europe into Middle East?


  • Also, one of your peers has nowadays been delivering over 10% of their volume into the overseas markets. Do you think this serves as a benchmark for your overseas expansion over the next one or two years? Thank you.

    此外,您的一位同行目前已將超過 10% 的銷售量投放到海外市場。您認為這可以作為您未來一兩年海外擴張的標竿嗎?謝謝。

  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • (interpreted) (interpreted) Thank you for the question. Regarding the further question on the ET9, we're still proceeding the ET9 launch preparation according to the plan and we haven't made any changes on SUD of this product.


  • But in the meantime, as you know, that the ET9 is equipped with many new technologies, including steer-by-wire, fully active suspension, in-house developed chip as well as SkyOS. So we will need to bear no effort in making sure and preparing for the successful launch of this product next year.


  • Regarding your second question on our international expansion, we haven't changed our direction. Yes, because of the tariffs in Europe, now selling or exporting costs from China to Europe becomes more expensive. So we will focus on the existing five European markets that we have already started. We also know that to establish NIO such a premium brand in the European market will also take a longer time and we are very patient with that.


  • But in the meantime, it doesn't mean that we have stopped our activities there. Earlier this year, we have just opened our NIO house in Amsterdam, and we are still installing and deploying our power swap stations in Europe. So we will still keep the same plan.


  • In terms of the market entry into UAE, as you may know that last year, we have received the USD 3 billion strategic investment from the Abu Dhabi government. And then the market entry into UAE is part of the plan. With that, we will work with our strategic partners in UAE to offer our products and the services to the local market.


  • Starting next year, a big difference is that we not only have NIO brand and products, but also products from ONVO and Firefly, which are more suitable for the global market. With that, we will be actually more active with our international expansion. But in the meantime, we will also need to keep a good balance between our investment scale and the efficiency to make sure that we enter into the global market in a smarter and more efficient way. Thank you.


  • Paul Gong - Analyst

    Paul Gong - Analyst

  • Thank you. That's quite helpful.


  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Paul.


  • Operator


  • Ming-Hsun Lee, Bank of America.


  • Ming-Hsun Lee - Analyst

    Ming-Hsun Lee - Analyst

  • Hello. William and Stanley, I also have two questions. So my first question is more related to the overall macro. So in your view, what is the potential growth rate for the China EV market in the next few years?


  • Because I think recently, some investors expect that the EV penetration will still be down because right now, the EV penetration is already very high. So yeah, just in your view, what is the EV penetration in the next three years?


  • Yeah. That's my first question. And my second question is regarding the Firefly pipeline. So right now, will you launch one or two models in 2025 for Firefly? Yeah, thank you. That's my two questions.

    是的。這是我的第一個問題。我的第二個問題是關於螢火蟲管道的。那麼現在,你們會在 2025 年為 Firefly 推出一兩個型號嗎?是的,謝謝。這是我的兩個問題。

  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • (interpreted) Thank you for the question. If you look at the overall passenger vehicle market, in the first half of this year, it has increased by around 3.6%. For the longer term, actually, if you look at the total PV population in China, it is as big as 20 million to 30 million units.


  • So it's already a very significant amount. Definitely, it will keep growing, but probably not at a very significant growth rate. And it's even normal for the PV segment or PV market to suffer a slight decrease. But even with that, the Chinese market will still be the largest passenger vehicle market in the world.


  • In terms of the penetration rate of the new energy vehicle, it has already surpassed 50%. And I think that it will continue to increase and at an even faster manner. Because for the replacement of the ICE cost, by BEVs or PHEVs, it will be much faster once it has surpassed this 50% keeping point.


  • We can take Norway as a reference, for example. It actually grew at 50% penetration rate at first, and then it has quickly increased to 80% and 90%. So similarly for China, I believe that in two to three years, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles among new vehicle sales will surpass 80%.


  • If we look at the ICE cars in China, actually they have entered into unsustainable cycle or a vicious cycle because many ICE brands have to cut their prices to keep their market share, be it premium brands or mass market brands, be it brands from China or from other countries.


  • Many of these ICE costs are having a price flushed for the sake of market share. But as they cut prices, it also hurts the profit and interest of their dealers, hurt the image of the brand as well as the residual value of their products.

    為了爭奪市場份額,許多 ICE 成本的價格都被提高了。但在降價的同時,也損害了經銷商的利潤和利益,損害了品牌形像以及產品的剩餘價值。

  • With that, it is even more difficult for them to keep a very strong market share in your segment. So their -- the decline of their market share is even faster than it should be. For the recent years, we have already witnessed the significant decline of the market shares of the Korean brands like Hyundai, Kia, including Ford and General Motors. And for the recent years, Japanese brands like Toyota, Honda, and Nissan are also entering the same space.


  • So in general, we believe that the ICE costs from these joint venture brands will face quite difficulties in the future competition. And when they lose some market shares, they normally lose market shares to other new energy vehicle brands, including brands from China and Europe.


  • So in that regard, I believe that the penetration rate of the new energy vehicle will grow at a pretty quick pace even faster than we expected. And regarding your second question, yes, we are going to deliver the product from Firefly from 2025. We are in smooth progress with our product preparation.

    所以從這個角度來看,我相信新能源車的滲透率將會以相當快的速度成長,甚至比我們預期的還要快。關於你的第二個問題,是的,我們將從 2025 年開始交付 Firefly 的產品。

  • Thank you, Ming.


  • Ming-Hsun Lee - Analyst

    Ming-Hsun Lee - Analyst

  • (spoken in Chinese)


  • Operator


  • Chang, Jing; CICC.


  • Jing Chang - Analyst

    Jing Chang - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you for taking my questions. I have two questions. The first is in regard to our NIO operating system, SkyOS, which has been released in July. So it has shown very comprehensive and invest our software self-development ability.


  • So can you just introduce -- and ask more details -- so what are the technical challenges we have faced and work advantages and also the improvement of our product can be brought by the new system? So this is the first question.


  • The second is with regard to the other income, gross profit margin. We have seen the second -- in the second quarter, the gross profit margin has improved significantly. So how to understand these major drivers?


  • And also what's our forecast for the trend and the continuity of the margin improvement in the future? So also, with our growth of our sales volume, can we see that our -- especially charging and battery swap business can turn to profit in future?


  • Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Bin Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • (interpreted) Thank you for the question. Regarding SkyOS, it's the world's first full domain vehicle operating system. That is the special thing with SkyOS, which is also the difficulty or the challenge we have faced when developing the SkyOS. Because when it comes to the era of the smart electric vehicles, we cannot use the fragmented operating systems to manage the electric architecture of the car anymore.


  • With that, we have developed the SkyOS. It comes at three levels. At the bottom, we have the SkyOS-H. That is the hypervisor. And in the middle, we have four kernels for the SkyOS. And on the top, we have SkyOS middleware. So it's a very comprehensive solution we have developed. We've used the four years with 20,000 [personnel] with this great work.

    至此,我們開發了SkyOS。它分為三個層次。在底部,我們有 SkyOS-H。那就是虛擬機器管理程式。在中間,我們有四個適用於 SkyOS 的核心。最重要的是,我們有 SkyOS 中間件。所以這是我們開發的一個非常全面的解決方案。我們花了四年的時間和 20,000 名[人員]完成了這項偉大的工作。

  • In terms of its benefit, the SkyOS is definitely making the car safer and more secure. It also makes the system stabler and it also help us to realize more efficient R&D process and iteration process. It also helped us solve the problems faced by the smart electric vehicles like huge data throughput, domain -- cost domain fusion and also the latency along the communications.


  • Because we know that it's impossible to realize such benefit by simply working on the application, the year adaptation, we need to do something at the foundational level. And we are very happy that we have made it happen. The SkyOS will be applied to our [other] brands, including NIO ONVO and Firefly. We can say that SkyOS is a software cornerstone for our future products and development.

    因為我們知道,僅靠應用、年份適配是不可能實現這樣的效益的,所以我們需要在基礎層面做些什麼。我們很高興我們實現了這一目標。 SkyOS將應用於我們的[其他]品牌,包括NIO ONVO和Firefly。可以說,SkyOS是我們未來產品和發展的軟體基石。

  • Regarding the revenues, where the loss on other sales in Q2, we have significantly narrowed the losses on other results in Q2. It's mainly because of the two reasons. I think Q2, we have improved or increased our user deliveries. With that -- well, actually, there are two reasons. The first is that we have improved the profitability and the efficiency of our aftermarket sales.


  • Earlier this year, in February -- on February 20, we have released the 2024 (inaudible) service policy. With the new policy, our aftersales services become more efficient and also more profitable. And secondly, we have also decoupled the lifetime [free power] swap from the sales of the vehicles. With that, more and more users, especially new users, have to pay for the power swap services. This has also helped us improve the revenues and the margin on the power swap related services.


  • With that, we have significantly narrowed the losses on the other sales. And we believe that in the future, as we continue to grow the total user base and the sales volume, especially with the launch and delivery of the ONVO products, the profitability of the other sales will also become stronger, and we look forward to the breakeven or even profit from this part.


  • And in terms of the profitability of the power swap service or in general power swap stations, if we look at the single swap station, if it can offer more than 60 power swaps per day, it itself will -- and in the meantime, if we charge all the power swap services at the same level for the supercharging, then the single station will become breakeven.

    就換電服務或一般換電站的盈利能力而言,如果我們看一下單一換電站,如果它每天能夠提供超過 60 次換電,那麼它本身就會——同時,如果我們對所有換電服務按同一水平收取增壓費,那麼單站將實現盈虧平衡。

  • And right now, in China, we have more than 2,500 power substations. And on average, each station can complete around 30 to 40 swaps per day. So from 30 to 40 to 60, it's not a long way to go for us to make the power swap station breakeven.

    目前,在中國,我們有2500多個變電站。平均而言,每個站點每天可以完成約 30 至 40 次交換。所以從30到40再到60,我們要讓換電站達到損益兩平並不是很長的路要走。

  • But in the meantime, we still suffer the loss on the power swap business. It's mainly because of two reasons. The first is that at the early stage for the early adopters of the NIO products, we have offered free lifetime power swaps to many of these users, which has actually worsened the burden on the cost of the power swap stations and the power swap services.


  • And secondly, as we roll out our business and the network, we also came to realize that the network effect of the power swap station actually has a very significant meaning to the boost of the sales volume. In that case, we are more active in installing power swap stations, even ahead of the actual need. So these swap stations deployed in advance also bring additional losses or burden to the business.


  • So in general, if we look at the power swap station itself, it's not far away from breakeven and profitability. Yet considering its actual contribution to the sales volume, we have decided to deploy many stations in advance, and this has caused the loss on the business.


  • Operator


  • As there are no further questions now, I'd like to turn the call back over to the company for closing remarks.


  • Rui Chen - Head of Investor Relations

    Rui Chen - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you again for joining us today. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact NIO's IR team through the contact information on our website. This concludes the conference call. You may now disconnect the line. Thank you.


  • Editor


  • Portions of this transcript that are marked (interpreted) were spoken by an interpreter present on the live call. The interpreter was provided by the company sponsoring this event.
