蔚來 (NIO) 2019 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Hello, ladies and gentlemen.


  • Thank you for standing by for NIO, Inc.


  • Third Quarter 2019 Earnings Conference Call.

    2019 年第三季度收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Today's conference call is being recorded.


  • I will now turn the call over to your host, Ms. Jade Wei, Associate Vice President of Investor Relations of the company.


  • Please go ahead, Jade.


  • Jade Wei - Senior Director of IR

    Jade Wei - Senior Director of IR

  • Thank you, Edison.


  • Good evening and good morning, everyone.


  • Welcome to NIO's Third Quarter 2019 Earnings Conference Call.

    歡迎參加蔚來汽車 2019 年第三季度業績電話會議。

  • The company's financial and operating results were published in the press release early today and are posted on the company's IR website.


  • On today's call, we have Mr. William Li, Founder, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer; Mr. Wei Feng, Chief Financial Officer; and Mr. Stanley Qu, VP of Finance.


  • Before we continue, please kindly be reminded that today's discussion will contain forward-looking statements made under the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

    在我們繼續之前,請注意,今天的討論將包含根據 1995 年美國私人證券訴訟改革法案的安全港條款做出的前瞻性陳述。

  • Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties.


  • As such, the company's actual results may be materially different from the views expressed today.


  • Further information regarding risks and uncertainties is included in certain filings of the company with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


  • The company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required under applicable law.


  • Please also note that NIO's earnings press release and this conference call include discussions of unaudited GAAP financial information as well as unaudited non-GAAP financial measures.

    另請注意,蔚來的盈利新聞稿和本次電話會議包括對未經審計的 GAAP 財務信息以及未經審計的非 GAAP 財務指標的討論。

  • Please refer to NIO's press release which contains a reconsolidation of the unaudited non-GAAP measures to comparable GAAP measures.

    請參閱蔚來的新聞稿,其中包含將未經審計的非 GAAP 衡量標準重新合併為可比較的 GAAP 衡量標準。

  • With that, I will now turn the call over to our CEO, William.


  • William, please go ahead.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] Hello, everyone, and thank you for joining our call today.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] In the third quarter of 2019, we delivered a total of 4,799 ES8 and ES6 vehicles, increasing 35% from the second quarter and exceeding the top end of our guidance range by 9%.


  • We delivered 5,054 vehicles in October, and in November, we estimated that the total delivery of Q4 will reach over 8,000.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] The auto industry is still experiencing substantial softness and the EV sector particularly dropped over 35% year-on-year in sales in the second half of 2019, after the EV subsidies were reduced significantly.


  • Nevertheless, our order backlog growth has accelerated since September, and this strength in order flow continued in the fourth quarter.

    儘管如此,自 9 月份以來,我們的訂單積壓增長有所加快,並且訂單流的強勁勢頭在第四季度得到了延續。

  • The growth has been underpinned by 3 key factors: strong competitiveness of our ES6 and its quality, performance and pricing; strong support from our user community; and our sales network expansion through the efficient NIO Spaces.

    這一增長得益於三個關鍵因素:我們的ES6及其質量、性能和定價的強大競爭力;來自我們用戶社區的大力支持;以及通過高效的 NIO Spaces 擴展我們的銷售網絡。

  • I will discuss these 3 factors separately next.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] In August, NIO ranked as the highest in new vehicle quality among all brands in J.D. Power's 2019 New Energy Vehicle Experience Index Study.

    【解讀】8月,在J.D. Power發布的2019年新能源汽車體驗指數研究中,蔚來汽車在所有品牌中新車品質排名第一。

  • In December, our ES6 was selected by the most respected industry experts in the Chinese automotive industry to receive the XuanYuan award as car of the year for its achievement in innovation, mobility and industry contribution.


  • This demonstrates the strong recognition of our brand quality and the performance by users and industry.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] We would not have achieved our strong sales results without the support from our passionate user community.


  • Our vision has always been to shape a joyful lifestyle by offering premium smart electric vehicles with the best user experience.


  • Since inception, we have been working diligently to build a vibrant user enterprise.


  • New user community is thriving and growing.


  • We now have users in 296 cities across China and 45% of new orders in 2019 were referred by existing users.


  • It has become more than just a part of our unique brand identification, but it's emerging as an instrumental part of new development.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] Actually, the vibrancy and the support of our user enterprise has been remarkable and reaches far beyond word-of-mouth referrals.


  • As an example, in the recent months, acting on their own accord, our users have launched promotional campaigns around China in support of NIO.


  • In 2019, more than 1,300 user volunteers have dedicated their time voluntarily in NIO House, NIO Space, auto show and event to sharing their first-hand experience to make more people understand NIO.

    2019年,超過1300名用戶志願者自願在NIO House、NIO Space、車展和活動中奉獻自己的時間,分享他們的第一手經驗,讓更多人了解蔚來。

  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] In terms of our sales network expansion, by the end of this year, we will open 48 NIO Spaces and the 22 NIO Houses in 52 cities.

    【解讀】在銷售網絡拓展方面,到今年年底,我們將在52個城市開設48個NIO Space和22個NIO House。

  • Through NIO Spaces, we are able to cost effectively and meaningfully increased the number of sales point in the market, which in turn helps drive new orders.

    通過NIO Spaces,我們能夠以成本效益和有意義的方式增加市場上的銷售點數量,從而有助於推動新訂單。

  • This important initiative allows more potential users to see, touch and feel our vehicles and truly enjoy the superior driving experience of ES8 and ES6 offer.


  • Most importantly, potential users that can compare first hand the performance and the smart features of our vehicles with those of NIO's competitive models.


  • The favorable comparison result often leads to a new purchase.


  • And this has been a contributing force to the sales gains in recent months.


  • We will continue strengthening our sales network through adding more NIO spaces to expand our coverage and improving the efficiency of NIO spaces with more data and experience gained through our operations.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] On December 28, we held the third NIO day under the same believing better in Shenzhen.


  • Over 7,300 NIO users and the guests attended, also tens of millions of people participated through 55 parallel sessions or online broadcast.


  • NIO users were deeply involved in the planning, directing and execution of NIO day 2019, showing pattern that the rally power that echoed with the NIO's vision to be a user enterprise.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language) battery as a service (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] During the NIO day, we also announced the 100-kilowatt hour battery pack and the 20-kilowatt DC Power Home.


  • All NIO models can upgrade to 100-kilowatt hour battery pack, which will significantly increase the rent performance of our product line.


  • Since the launch of the 70-kilowatt hour battery pack in 2018, of the same size of our battery capacity has increased by 40%.


  • NIO makes a continuous investment on power swap technology and owns more than 1,200 patents on the vehicles' battery pack, power swap and cloud.


  • The power swap technology enables users to continuously upgrade the battery and empowers NIO to truly offer battery as a service.


  • As the time goes on, more and more people will recognize the advantages of a NIO's unique and competitive power swap system.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] Additionally, we unveiled NIO's third production model, the EC6, a smart premium electric coupe SUV, which has a very sporty look and feel for young and trendy SUV fans.


  • It goes from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in just 4.7 seconds and enjoys an NEDC range of up to 615 kilometers.


  • We have also launched the all-new ES8, it goes up to 188 improvements, 4.9 seconds, 0 to 100-kilometer per hour acceleration and significantly improved the NEDC range to up to 580 kilometers.


  • We believe the all-new ES8 will have a much stronger competitiveness in the market.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language) NIO Pilot (foreign language) NIO Pilot (foreign language) Level 4 (foreign language)

    (外語) NIO Pilot (外語) NIO Pilot (外語) Level 4 (外語)

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] NIO Pilot, NIO's advanced driver assistance system becomes full-fledged.

    【解讀】NIO Pilot,蔚來高級駕駛輔助系統日臻成熟。

  • More than 20 features are now available on NIO Pilot, including traffic jam pilot and highway pilot.

    NIO Pilot現已提供擁堵領航、高速公路領航等20餘項功能。

  • It offers a more relaxing and safer driving experience.


  • To date, about half of our users have activated NIO Pilot.

    迄今為止,我們約有一半的用戶已經激活了 NIO Pilot。

  • On November 4, we announced our strategic cooperation with Mobileye to develop Level 4 Autonomous Driving Vehicles.


  • Teams from both sides have already started working together to explore the best pathways to leverage our respective of strength to develop the future products together.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] I would like to now give you an update on our cost control measures.


  • During the third quarter, we continued to implement comprehensive cost control measures across the organization to improve operational efficiency.


  • At the end of December, our global headcount will be less than 7,500.

    到 12 月底,我們的全球員工人數將不足 7,500 人。

  • As a result of our cost reduction measures, our third quarter SG&A decreased 18.1% compared with the second quarter, even as our sales team is now driving and realizing higher levels of sales.

    由於我們採取了成本削減措施,儘管我們的銷售團隊正在推動並實現更高的銷售水平,但我們第三季度的 SG&A 較第二季度下降了 18.1%。

  • Additionally, our R&D expenses decreased to 21.3%.


  • Lean operations will continue to be our focus.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language) Steven Feng (foreign language) Steven (foreign language)

    (外語) 馮紹峰 (外語) 史蒂芬 (外語)

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] Final.


  • Finally, I'd like to warmly welcome Mr. Steven Feng, as our new Chief Financial Officer, effective November 18, 2019.

    最後,我熱烈歡迎 Steven Feng 先生擔任我們新任首席財務官,自 2019 年 11 月 18 日起生效。

  • We look forward to working with Steven and anticipate that he's strong financial and operational experience, impressive track record in equity research and great automotive background will create greater value for the company and our shareholders.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language) Steven (foreign language) Steven, please.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] With that, I will now turn the call over to Steven to provide the financial details for the quarter.


  • Stephen, please go ahead.


  • Wei Feng - CFO

    Wei Feng - CFO

  • Thank you, William.


  • I will now go over some of our financial results for Q3 2019.

    我現在將回顧 2019 年第三季度的一些財務業績。

  • To be mindful of the length of this call, I will address financial highlights here and encourage listeners to refer to our earnings press release, which is posted online for additional details.


  • Our total revenues in Q3 2019 were RMB 1.8 billion, representing an increase of 21.8% from Q2 2019.


  • Our total revenues are made of 2 parts: vehicle sales and other sales.


  • Vehicle sales this quarter were RMB 1.7 billion, representing an increase of 22.5% from Q2 2019, the increase in vehicle sales over last quarter but mainly due to the increase in ES6 sales volumes, resulting from the expansion of our sales network as we continued adding NIO Spaces and the increased referral rate by our existing users.

    本季度汽車銷量為17億元人民幣,較2019年第二季度增長22.5%,汽車銷量較上季度有所增長,但主要是由於我們不斷增加銷售網絡,擴大了ES6銷量的增長。 NIO Spaces 以及現有用戶推薦率的提高。

  • Other sales in this quarter were RMB 103.4 million, representing an increase of 9.9% from last quarter.


  • The increase in other sales was mainly attributed to the sales increase in charging piles, which was in line with improvement of vehicle sales.


  • Cost of sales in this quarter was RMB 2.1 billion, representing an increase of 2.3% from last quarter.


  • The increase in cost of sales was mainly due to the increase in sales and offset but included in Q2 accrued recall costs in relation to the company's boundary recall of 4,803 new vehicles, launched on June 27, 2019.

    銷售成本的增加主要是由於銷量的增加和抵消,但包含在第二季度應計召回成本中,該成本與公司於 2019 年 6 月 27 日啟動的 4,803 輛新車邊界召回有關。

  • Gross margin in this quarter was negative 12.1% compared with negative 33.4% in last quarter.


  • More specifically, vehicle margins in this quarter was negative 6.8% compared with negative 24.1% in last quarter.

    更具體地說,本季度汽車利潤率為負 6.8%,而上季度為負 24.1%。

  • The improved vehicle margins was mainly due to the recall costs in last quarter as mentioned.


  • R&D expenses in this quarter were RMB 1.0 billion, representing a decrease of 21.3% from last quarter and relatively unchanged compared with Q3 2018.


  • Excluding non-GAAP share-based compensation expenses, R&D expenses were RMB 1.0 billion, representing a decrease of 21.7% from Q2 2019, an increase of 5.9% from Q3 2018.


  • The decrease in R&D expenses over last quarter was primarily attributed to lab-testing expenses incurred, in the third quarter, after ES6 initial launch in June.

    研發費用較上季度減少主要歸因於 ES6 6 月份首次推出後第三季度產生的實驗室測試費用。

  • SG&A expenses in this quarter were RMB 1.2 billion, representing a decrease of 18.1% from Q2 2019, and a decrease of 30.3% from Q3 2019 -- '18.

    本季度的 SG&A 費用為人民幣 12 億元,較 2019 年第二季度下降 18.1%,較 2019 年第三季度 - '18 下降 30.3%。

  • Excluding non-GAAP share-based compensation expenses, SG&A expenses were RMB 1.1 million, representing a decrease of 17.4% from Q2 2019, and a decrease of 15.6% from Q3 2018.


  • The decrease in SG&A expenses over last quarter was primarily driven by the company's overall cost-saving measures in marketing and other supporting functions.


  • Loss from operations in this quarter was RMB 2.4 billion, representing a decrease of 25.3% from Q2 2019, and a decrease of 14.3% from Q3 2018.


  • Excluding share-based compensation expenses, non-GAAP-adjusted loss from operations was RMB 2.3 billion, representing a decrease of 25.4% from Q2 2019, and a decrease of 1.6% from Q3 2018.


  • Share-based compensation expenses in this quarter were RMB 70.4 million, representing a decrease of 23.6% from Q2 2019, and a decrease of 83.7% from Q3 2018.


  • The decrease in share-based compensation expenses over last quarter was primarily due to the part of the share-based compensation expenses that are recognized using the accelerated measure.


  • Our net loss was RMB 2.5 million in Q3 2019, representing a decrease of 23.3% from Q2 2019, and a decrease of 10.3% from Q3 2018.


  • Excluding share-based compensation expenses, adjusted non-GAAP net loss was RMB 2.5 million in Q3 2019, representing a decrease of 23.2% from Q2 2019, an increase of 3.1% from Q3 2018.


  • Net loss attributable to NIO's ordinary shareholders, in Q3 2019, was RMB 2.6 million, representing a decrease of 22.9% from Q2 2019, and a decrease of 73.8% from Q3 2018.


  • Excluding share-based compensation expenses and accretion on redeemable noncontrolling interest to redemption value, adjusted net loss attributable to NIO's ordinary shareholders, on a non-GAAP basis, was RMB 2.5 billion.


  • Basic and diluted net loss per ADS in Q3 2019 were both RMB 2.48 or $0.35.

    2019 年第三季度每份 ADS 的基本和攤薄淨虧損均為人民幣 2.48 元或 0.35 美元。

  • Excluding share-based compensation expenses and accretion on redeemable noncontrolling interest to redemption value, non-GAAP-adjusted basic and diluted net loss per ADS were both RMB 2.38 or $0.33.

    不包括股份補償費用和可贖回非控股權益對贖回價值的增加,非公認會計準則調整後的每份美國存託股基本和稀釋淨虧損均為人民幣 2.38 元或 0.33 美元。

  • Our balance of cash and cash equivalents, restrict cash and short-term investment was RMB 2.1 -- RMB 2.0 billion as of September 30, 2019.


  • And now for our business outlook.


  • As William mentioned, for the fourth quarter of 2019, the company expects deliveries to be over 8,000 vehicles, representing an increase of approximately 67% from Q3 2019.


  • The company also expects fourth quarter total revenues to be approximately RMB 2.8 billion.


  • This would represent an increase of approximately 53% Q3 2019.

    這意味著 2019 年第三季度增長約 53%。

  • Before we start the Q&A session, we would like to give you an average of our financing projects.


  • We have made significant positive progress in its financing project.


  • However, the projects are still ongoing, and we're not at liberty to disclose any confidential information at this point.


  • Therefore, during today's call, please understand that we will not be able to disclose any specific information or answer any questions regarding the financing projects.


  • We will disclose further information when the projects reach a stage that was subject to a disclosure obligation.


  • I will now turn the call over to the operator to facilitate our Q&A session.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Your first question is from Bin Wang from Crédit Suisse.

    (操作員說明) 您的第一個問題來自瑞士信貸銀行的王斌。

  • Bin Wang - China Auto Analyst

    Bin Wang - China Auto Analyst

  • (foreign language) The first question is about CB issuing?


  • And what's the progress about CB?


  • And do net many go through numbers 3 quarter results, or it's not?


  • Just go to the number 4 quarter, if it has been completely finished?


  • (foreign language) My second question is about sustainability, about SG&A and R&D cost going forward.


  • Wei Feng - CFO

    Wei Feng - CFO

  • Thank you.


  • First, I will start with the CB question.


  • As everyone knows, Tencent and William has signed contract with NIO for USD 200 million CB, in third quarter.


  • Tencent's CB has already been closed so the USD 100 million from Tencent is already in our Q3 report.


  • And also, USD 90.5 million were received from William, the rest, USD 9.5 million are being processed, and the transactions will close soon.


  • Perhaps, as a reminder, the key CB terms, investor could be equipped to find them an announcement on September 5.

    也許,作為提醒,投資者可以在 9 月 5 日找到關於關鍵 CB 條款的公告。

  • Let me move on to the second question, of Wang Bin's question about the sustainability and our cost-controlling efforts.


  • Yes, you are right.


  • We have done a lot of efforts for cost savings, we are in the process of finalizing our 2020 budget.

    我們為節省成本做了很多努力,目前正在敲定 2020 年預算。

  • We expect the R&D efficiency to significantly improve, and the R&D expenses to be further reduced in 2020.


  • We will share more information on our Q4 earnings call.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] So in terms of the headcount, starting from this year, we have already initiated many operation measures to make sure we can improve the efficiency.


  • We did some layoffs and restructuring of our organization.


  • At the beginning of this year, we had around 9,900 people, but by the end of this year, we believe we can control the headcount within 7,500.


  • Some of them are now in the legal process, but we believe that by the end of this year, this number should be lower than the 7,500.

    其中一些現在正在走法律程序,但我們相信到今年年底,這個數字應該會低於 7,500 家。

  • We think that this is going to be very beneficial for our P&L for the next year.


  • And at the beginning, I have also mentioned the lean operation is our focus, and this will continue to build a focus in the future.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] I think it's not just about the headcount control, it should be more about how we can optimize and improve the overall cost and expenses efficiency.


  • So this can help us to improve further of our overall organization efficiency.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Tim Hsiao from Morgan Stanley.

    您的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Tim Hsiao。

  • Tim Hsiao - VP

    Tim Hsiao - VP

  • Thanks for taking time to host a call.


  • Just a quick question from my side.


  • The first question is about the sales for next year?


  • I know it's the third quarter result, but now you are at the end of 2019.

    我知道這是第三季度的結果,但現在已經是 2019 年底了。

  • So I just want to get your thoughts about the volumes for next year because our ES6 just registered solid sales since early this year because of the competitive spec and successful channel strategy.

    因此,我只想了解您對明年銷量的看法,因為我們的 ES6 自今年年初以來,由於具有競爭性的規格和成功的渠道策略,銷量穩定。

  • But for next year, what will drive the freedom of other upside because I think the competition in the market was getting more intensive.


  • And in the meantime, I think we're going to launch EC6.

    與此同時,我認為我們將推出 EC6。

  • I think the model electric coupe, in general, will be smaller than that of 4-door SUV, and our ES8, despite the recent upgrade, I think, the market is relatively niche.


  • My second question is about the channel strategy, because you just shared our evolving target for NIO store and NIO space by end of this year.


  • So if there is any target for our channels, the expansion for 2020?


  • And what would be more reasonable headcount to support a kind of a sales network?


  • (foreign language)


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] I would like to take your questions.


  • Starting from September, although the market is still quite challenging and soft, but our order backlog for ES8 and ES6 has been ramping up.


  • In the past 2 months, the production orders every day can reach over 100, and this trend has been increasing.


  • If you read the news, you can see that we have already sold all the show cars.


  • So we believe this momentum is going to continue in the future.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] Overall speaking, we believe our product's positioning is quite right, although the market is quite dynamic.


  • In the past quarters, we have seen some competitive models, for example, Audi e-tron, Mercedes EQC, they have released their price and they started to sell cars in the China markets.


  • But after the users compare our products together with their products, normally, they will buy our products because our product is more competitive compared with those models.


  • Especially in our specific market segment, that is around RMB 300,000 to RMB 400,000, that is the segment for the ES6 and the ES8.


  • We believe in this midsized premium SUV market, we are quite competitive because we are ranking at the top 10.


  • This is including the ICE and EV.


  • And we believe in the future, the users will think our ES6 and ES8 are the right choices, so they want to buy a car pricing around RMB 300,000 to RMB 400,000 range.


  • With our power swap technologies and our superior services, we can win the word-of-mouth in the market, and the order situation is actually much better than our expectations.


  • We think these great sales result is because of our product competitiveness and our great service.


  • This can help us to win the reputation in the market.


  • For the next year or so, we are quite confident about ES6.


  • For example, in Beijing and Shanghai, if you want to buy a car that is midsized SUV around RMB 300,000 to RMB 400,000 range, our ES6 is already ranked at the top 5. So that is why we are quite confident that this sales momentum is going to continue for the ES6.

    比如在北京、上海,如果你想買一輛30萬到40萬左右的中型SUV,我們的ES6已經排在前五了,所以我們對這個銷售勢頭還是很有信心的。 ES6 將繼續。

  • For the ES8, that is the all-new ES8, we will start the delivery around April next year.


  • The all-new ES8 has significantly improved the range, and we have already boosted up to 188 improvements on the all-new ES8.


  • So the users' expectations for all-new ES8 is actually quite high.


  • That is why we believe the new ES8 will also achieve a very good sales performance.


  • Right now, our current ES8 is also doing very good in the market.


  • I think you know that we have already sold all the current ES8 and we have no inventory left.

    我想你知道我們已經賣掉了所有當前的 ES8,我們沒有剩餘的庫存。

  • We believe that starting from next year, the sales of the ES8 will also be very good.


  • If you look at the specific market segments, for example, Q5 and the GLE, Model X, our performance, intelligence and the smart features as well as our services are more competitive compared with those brands.

    如果你看具體的細分市場,比如Q5、GLE、Model X,我們的性能、智能和智能功能以及我們的服務與這些品牌相比更有競爭力。

  • Right now, we have released our EC6, that is the NIO smart coupe SUV.


  • The feedback is very good from the markets.


  • And right now, I cannot share with you about the specific orders we have received.


  • But the overall situation is actually quite good.


  • We will start the delivery of EC6 in September next year.


  • So the sales of EC6 is not going to significantly impact the overall sales number for the next year.


  • Overall speaking, we are quite confident about the ES6, ES8 and the EC6 in their specific market segments, respectively.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] In terms of the sales strategy, we focus on 3 aspects.


  • The first one is to continue to improve our product and the service.


  • The second one is we would like to make sure our users can be offered brand ambassador, and we can improve the sales number with the user referrals and the word of mouth.


  • The third one is to continuously expand our sales network.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] In terms of the sales network, the NIO Space will significantly help with our sales numbers for the future.

    【解讀】從銷售網絡來看,NIO Space對於我們未來的銷量會有很大的幫助。

  • Right now, we have been working with our NIO Space partners to set up the NIO Spaces and improve the coverage of our sales point.

    目前,我們正在與NIO Space合作夥伴合作建立NIO Space並擴大我們的銷售點的覆蓋範圍。

  • The model of the NIO space is quite efficient.


  • We believe by the end of next year, we should be able to have around 200 NIO Houses and the NIO Spaces altogether.


  • Because at the end of this year, we have already got over 70 NIO Houses and the NIO Spaces combined.

    因為到今年年底,我們已經擁有超過70個NIO House和NIO Space。

  • With the increased amount of the NIO Spaces, we can cover the Tier 2 and Tier 3 pieces and those other remote places.


  • We have already accumulated many experiences in terms of the NIO Space operations.

    我們在NIO Space的運營方面已經積累了很多經驗。

  • So we think that this is not going to significantly affect our headcount because we will heavily rely on the partners to work together with us, although we will have our own people on-site to support our partners in the NIO Spaces.


  • Right now, we have users in 296 cities.


  • With the channel expansions, we believe our sales for the next year is going to be very solid.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Lei Wang from CICC.


  • Lei Wang - MD

    Lei Wang - MD

  • Steven, William and Jade.


  • This is Lei speaking from CICC.


  • Congratulations on Steven's new role, it's a really nice move.


  • And the vehicle deliveries in the third quarter, that's really new record high.


  • William and Steven have actually answered part of my questions, and I have 2 follow-ups.


  • The first one would be that Steven just gave the guidance of 2,000 unit deliveries in the fourth quarter, another high quarter-over-quarter increase?

    第一個是史蒂文剛剛給出了第四季度交付量 2,000 輛的指導,這又是一個季度環比的高增幅?

  • And what's the exact factors that are viewed -- that drive the sales up, and are the factors sustainable from the point of view?


  • And would that be possible that you can release backlog order right now?


  • And the second question will be about the per-store deliveries because William just mentioned we have now around 70 NIO Spaces, right?

    第二個問題是關於每家商店的交付量,因為威廉剛剛提到我們現在有大約 70 個蔚來空間,對吧?

  • And that will be leaning above 40 because it will be sold per store -- per month in the first quarter.

    這個數字將超過 40,因為第一季度將按每個商店每月銷售。

  • Is this consistent?


  • Does that mean that for 200 NIO Spaces next year, they'll be able to deliver 8,000 vehicles per month?

    這是否意味著明年 200 個 NIO Space 每月將能夠交付 8000 輛汽車?

  • I will translate my question.


  • (foreign language)


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] Thanks for your question.


  • At the beginning, I have already mentioned starting from the September, the order and the delivery have been witnessing very strong momentum.


  • This is mainly due to 3 factors.


  • The first one is the competitiveness of our products and the service.


  • The second one is the word of mouth and the user referral.


  • The third one is the sales network expansion.


  • Among all these 3 factors, the product competitiveness is one of the most important factors.


  • As you can see, NIO has already established the premium brands successfully in the mainstream premium market, that is around RMB 300,000 to RMB 500,000 price range.


  • And you can see that the premium market players have already launched some products.


  • For example, last year, Jaguar launched their I-PACE.

    例如,去年捷豹推出了 I-PACE。

  • And this year, EQC, e-tron.


  • But after they released their products, we can see the price is around the RMB 600,000 to RMB 700,000.


  • After comparing their products together with our products, normally, the users will think our product is more competitive.


  • That's why they choose NIO products.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] I think that there is a very important trend we should pay attention to.


  • Starting from the second quarter of this year, the EV sales have declined because of the subsidy reduction.


  • This happens to those commercial vehicles and the lower-end EVs.


  • But for the Tesla and NIO and other brands, focusing on the consumer market, our sales momentum is actually quite good.


  • We believe that the users are quite educated about EVs and ICEs.


  • And for those users, they prefer EVs.


  • That is fine.


  • We believe that we should have a reasonable share for the mid- and large-sized SUV segments, that is around RMB 300,000 to RMB 400,000 market segments.


  • That segment should have around 1 million unit volumes in terms of their sales.

    該細分市場的銷量應約為 100 萬輛。

  • And in the last months, I understand that there are many concerns about the NIO's operation.


  • But you can see, NIO is developing in a very healthy way.


  • And this is mainly because of our product competitiveness and the word of mouth from our users and the strong execution from our teams.


  • That is why we are quite confident about our future sales.


  • And we believe we can keep and even increase this momentum in the future.


  • Next year, in terms of the competition landscape, I don't actually see any very competitive products from BMW, Audi, Mercedes and Tesla.


  • Right now, people are now getting familiar with the Tesla Model 3 made in China.

    現在,人們開始熟悉中國製造的特斯拉 Model 3。

  • And if you compare the Model 3 with our products, we believe our product is still very competitive.

    如果將 Model 3 與我們的產品進行比較,我們相信我們的產品仍然非常有競爭力。

  • And we don't actually belong to the same segment with the Tesla Model 3.

    我們實際上與特斯拉 Model 3 不屬於同一細分市場。

  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] Just now, you mentioned about the sales per store or the sale for the NIO Space and the NIO Houses.


  • We think we cannot simply evaluate the effect of the NIO Spaces and NIO Houses by saying how many sales we can achieve in 1 store because I have mentioned that 45% of the NIO orders are actually coming from our existing users.


  • The NIO Spaces should be quite good for our sales improvement, especially for those places without NIO Houses.


  • But we cannot simply evaluate the number of the sales in those NIO Spaces by doing this kind of calculation because for most of the NIO Spaces that we opened in the fourth quarter.


  • So it means that we need to accumulate more data to understand the effectiveness of the NIO Spaces.

    所以這意味著我們需要積累更多的數據來了解NIO Spaces的有效性。

  • In terms of the China market, actually, it is quite big.


  • So for a lot of users, they may have never seen NIO products or EVs in the past.


  • So that is why we think NIO Spaces should be quite good for us to promote our products in those places, and people can actually touch and feel our products.

    所以我們認為NIO Spaces應該非常適合我們在這些地方推廣我們的產品,人們可以實際觸摸和感受我們的產品。

  • But after we accumulate more data and experience in terms of the NIO Space operation, we can share more information with you.

    但當我們在NIO Space運營方面積累了更多的數據和經驗後,我們可以與大家分享更多的信息。

  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Fei Fang from Goldman Sachs.


  • Fei Fang - Equity Analyst

    Fei Fang - Equity Analyst

  • William, thanks for the opportunity.


  • Your 8,000 volume guidance, how many ES8 do we have for December?

    您的 8000 銷量指導,我們 12 月有多少 ES8?

  • And also moving into 2020, how do we think about the normalized run rate for ES8?

    進入 2020 年,我們如何看待 ES8 的標準化運行率?

  • Second question is on battery price.


  • What's the outlook?


  • And thirdly, if you can comment on the cash outflow.


  • So is there a quarterly outflow target that the CEO and the CFO is trying to manage the business towards the RMB 2 billion outflow per quarter of RMB 3 billion beyond which you will think harder about cutting more costs?

    那麼,首席執行官和首席財務官是否有一個季度流出目標,試圖將業務管理為每季度流出 20 億元人民幣,超過 30 億元人民幣,超出這個目標,您會更加努力地考慮削減更多成本?

  • (foreign language)


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] In the Q4, the sales of the ES8 is estimated to be around 1,300, and for ES6, it should be over 6,700.


  • For the ES8, compared with the third quarter, the sales in the fourth quarter has been picking up, and we are very happy to see that ES8 is retaining momentum in the market.


  • Starting from April next year, we're going to deliver the all-new ES8.


  • And we believe ES8 is going to be well positioned in the market to win over users.

    我們相信 ES8 將在市場上佔據有利地位並贏得用戶。

  • Wei Feng - CFO

    Wei Feng - CFO

  • Thank you for your question.


  • Yes, I think a lot of investors have a very close look at our cash flow.


  • First, of course, we need to take every efforts for cost savings that our base comp work.


  • But if we move on, I would say, for any automaker, the best way to have a good cash flow is to sell more cars.


  • So although the cash is tight, but thanks to our strong order and delivery momentum, the cash flow from sales is actually very healthy.


  • And this is very fundamental for our business.


  • And of course, if we look at our balance sheet, we will need additional capital until it reaches positive cash flow.


  • We were at the market, as I just said, when we closed the financing projects.


  • In the end, I would say with the gathered support from these ongoing financing projects, product sales trend and cost measures, we believe the company will have sustainable development and operations.


  • So in short, first, savings; second, financing; third, very strong sales.


  • Operator


  • We have our next question from Paul Gong from UBS.

    我們的下一個問題是來自瑞銀 (UBS) 的 Paul Kong。

  • Paul Gong - HK and China Auto Analyst

    Paul Gong - HK and China Auto Analyst

  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • I have 2 questions.

    我有 2 個問題。

  • The first one is, based on the current price environment, what quarterly delivery level do we expect to have positive gross margin on vehicle sales?


  • And then my second question is just to double-check, does the balance sheet by end of September, already reflected Tencent USD 200 million CB in it?


  • Because I compared the balance sheet of Q2 and Q3.


  • I didn't see really an significant increase of noncurrent liabilities or long-term borrowings, but the cash levels still decline.


  • I just want to double-check at the end of September balance sheet already reflected the issuance of the USD 200 million CB.

    我只想仔細檢查一下 9 月底的資產負債表,該資產負債表已經反映了 2 億美元可轉換債券的發行情況。

  • (foreign language)


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • [Interpreted] Thanks for your question.


  • In terms of the gross margin, this has always been our important task for 2020.


  • We need to consider this from 3 aspects.


  • The first one is, that was on the pricing.


  • The second one is about the bond cost reduction, especially the battery cost.


  • And the next one is about our product portfolio.


  • By focusing on those 3 aspects, we can take some measures to improve the gross margin.


  • We think for the next year, we should be able to achieve positive gross margin for the whole year.


  • But if you ask about a specific quarter or the specific amount, we're not really sure at this moment because we need to consider this comprehensively, regarding the sales and the battery cost reduction, the bond cost reduction and the efficiency improvement.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • Wei Feng - CFO

    Wei Feng - CFO

  • (foreign language) In terms of the USD 100 million CB from Tencent.


  • If you review our announcement on September 5., actually, it has 2 tranches.

    如果您查看我們 9 月 5 日的公告,實際上,它有兩部分。

  • First, USD 100 million for 360 days.


  • So it's a short term borrowing.


  • So we booked USD 50 million in our short-term borrowings.


  • And also, the other USD 50 million is of 3 years CB.


  • So we booked that USD 50 million in our long-term borrowings.

    因此,我們將這 5000 萬美元計入長期借款。

  • Jade Wei - Senior Director of IR

    Jade Wei - Senior Director of IR

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • We don't have any other questions as of the moment.


  • Presenters, please continue.


  • Jade Wei - Senior Director of IR

    Jade Wei - Senior Director of IR

  • Okay.


  • So I thank you, everyone, for attending our conference call this quarter, and we look forward to seeing you and hearing from you next quarter.


  • And Happy New Year.


  • William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    William Li - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • Happy New Year,


  • Wei Feng - CFO

    Wei Feng - CFO

  • Happy New Year, everyone.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude our call for today.


  • Thank you for participating.


  • You may all disconnect.


  • [Portions of this transcript that are marked [Interpreted] were spoken by an interpreter present on the live call.]
