美光科技 (MU) 2013 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for standing by.


  • My name is Huey and I will be your conference facilitator today.

    我叫 Huey,今天我將成為您的會議主持人。

  • At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to Micron Technology's second quarter 2013 financial release conference call.

    在此,歡迎大家參加美光科技 2013 年第二季度財務發布電話會議。

  • All lines have been placed on mute to prevent any background noise.


  • After the speaker's remarks, there will be a question-and-answer period.


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • It is now my pleasure to turn the floor over to your host, Kipp Bedard.

    現在,我很高興將發言權交給您的主持人 Kipp Bedard。

  • Sir, you may begin your conference.


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • Thank you very much and welcome to Micron Technology's second quarter 2013 financial release conference call.

    非常感謝並歡迎參加美光科技 2013 年第二季度財務發布電話會議。

  • On the call today is Mark Durcan, CEO and Director; Mark Adams, President; and Ron Foster, Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Finance.

    今天的電話會議是首席執行官兼董事 Mark Durcan;馬克·亞當斯,總裁;以及首席財務官兼財務副總裁 Ron Foster。

  • This conference call, including audio and slides, is also available on our website at micron.com.

    此電話會議(包括音頻和幻燈片)也可在我們的網站 micron.com 上找到。

  • If you have not had an opportunity to review the second quarter 2013 financial press release, again, it is also available on our website at micron.com.

    如果您還沒有機會查看 2013 年第二季度財務新聞稿,也可以在我們的網站 micron.com 上獲得。

  • Our call will be a proximately 60 minutes in length.

    我們的通話時間大約為 60 分鐘。

  • There will be an audio replay of the call, accessed by dialing 404-537-3406, with a confirmation code of 21046896.

    將有通話的音頻重播,可通過撥打 404-537-3406 訪問,確認碼為 21046896。

  • This replay will run through Thursday, March 28, 2013, at 5.30 PM Mountain time.

    此重播將持續到 2013 年 3 月 28 日星期四山區時間下午 5:30。

  • A webcast replay will be available on the Company's website until March 2014.

    2014 年 3 月之前,公司網站將提供網絡重播。

  • We encourage you to monitor our website at micron.com throughout the quarter for the most current information on the Company, including information on the various financial conferences that we will be attending.

    我們鼓勵您在整個季度監控我們的網站 micron.com,以獲取有關公司的最新信息,包括我們將參加的各種財務會議的信息。

  • Please note the following Save Harbor statement.

    請注意以下 Save Harbor 聲明。

  • (Audio recording) During the course of this meeting, we may make projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events or the future financial performance of the Company and the industry.


  • We wish to caution you that such statements are predictions, and that actual events or results may differ materially.


  • We refer you to the documents the Company files on a consolidated basis from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission, specifically the Company's most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q.

    我們建議您參考公司不時向證券交易委員會提交的綜合文件,特別是公司最近的 10-K 表格和 10-Q 表格。

  • These documents contain and identify important factors that could cause the actual results for the Company on a consolidated basis to differ materially from those contained in our projections or forward-looking statements.


  • These certain factors can be found in the Investor Relations section of Micron's website.


  • Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements.


  • We are under no duty to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of the presentation to conform these statements to actual results.


  • I will now turn the call over to Mr. Mark Durcan.

    我現在將把電話轉給 Mark Durcan 先生。

  • Mark?


  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • Thanks, Kipp.


  • I'd like to start today with an overview of the key developments during the quarter and follow up with a few strategic and industry updates.


  • Then I will turn it over to Ron for a financial summary, and we will close with Mark Adams discussing key developments in our business units, operations and market conditions.

    然後我將把它交給 Ron 進行財務摘要,最後我們將與 Mark Adams 討論我們業務部門、運營和市場狀況的關鍵發展。

  • Our second fiscal quarter was highlighted by improving market fundamentals in memory, along with solid execution from an operations and financial perspective.


  • We had significant growth in key segments, including SSDs and server DRAM.

    我們在關鍵領域取得了顯著增長,包括 SSD 和服務器 DRAM。

  • Personal systems, a segment which has been a drag on our financial performance for some time, has rebounded significantly, due mostly to structural supply shifts in the market.


  • As we suggested in the last earnings call, we took a significant step forward with the successful restructuring of our supply agreement with Inotera, effectively doubling the wafer output we received from them.

    正如我們在上次財報電話會議中所建議的那樣,我們與 Inotera 的供應協議成功重組,我們向前邁出了重要一步,有效地使我們從他們那裡獲得的晶圓產量翻了一番。

  • We are pleased with the increased scale and profit opportunity this restructuring process provided.


  • As you will have noted in the release, revenue in the quarter was up about 13% with strong growth in DRAM and NAND.

    正如您在新聞稿中所指出的,隨著 DRAM 和 NAND 的強勁增長,本季度的收入增長了約 13%。

  • Gross margins were up significantly from 12% to 18%, again with improvements in both the DRAM and NAND.

    毛利率從 12% 大幅上升至 18%,這同樣得益於 DRAM 和 NAND 的改善。

  • Ron will get into more of the detail for the quarter from a financial perspective, but we are building a very large and diversified memory business and remain focused on making capital and segmentation decisions to optimize margin and free cash flow over time.

    Ron 將從財務角度詳細介紹本季度的細節,但我們正在建立一個非常龐大且多元化的內存業務,並將繼續專注於製定資本和細分決策,以隨著時間的推移優化利潤率和自由現金流。

  • The Elpida acquisition process remains on track.

    Elpida 的收購過程仍在進行中。

  • Creditors voted in favor of the reorganization plan and the Tokyo District Court approved the plan at the end of February.

    債權人對重組計劃投了贊成票,東京地方法院於 2 月底批准了該計劃。

  • In addition, all of the country and regulatory approvals have been completed.


  • The closing of the transaction remains subject to the satisfaction and waiver of certain conditions, including finalization of the Tokyo District Court's approval order under Japanese bankruptcy rules and recognition of Elpida's reorganization plan by the US Bankruptcy Court in Delaware.


  • We believe Elpida's financial performance is consistent with current market industry trends.


  • A successful close will increase our overall trade memory capacity by about 45% from today's level without impacting industry supply.

    成功結束將使我們的整體交易存儲容量比當前水平增加約 45%,而不會影響行業供應。

  • This capacity initially will be all DRAM.

    該容量最初將全部為 DRAM。

  • However, our 300 millimeter capacity is fungible and can support other advanced memory manufacturing technology.

    但是,我們的 300 毫米容量是可替代的,可以支持其他先進的內存製造技術。

  • We are taking steps to enable flexibility to transition a portion of our capacity to NAND should market demand and returns on investment warrant.

    如果市場需求和投資回報需要,我們正在採取措施靈活地將我們的部分產能轉移到 NAND。

  • I mentioned last quarter that we would continue to look for ways to streamline all of our manufacturing operations, including the 8 inch, front-end capacity.

    我在上個季度提到,我們將繼續尋找簡化所有製造業務的方法,包括 8 英寸前端產能。

  • With that in mind, we made the decision to sell our 200 millimeter imager sensor fab in Avezzano, Italy, in Q2.

    考慮到這一點,我們決定在第二季度出售位於意大利 Avezzano 的 200 毫米成像傳感器工廠。

  • We believe this is a positive step to keep us focused on the memory market and optimize our overall margin structure.


  • We don't have any other plans to announce today, but we will continue to look for opportunities to streamline our operations.


  • In terms of the memory market, supply dynamics in particular appear to be healthy, looking forward.


  • We believe the DRAM industry wafer capacity will be down in both 2013 and 2014 and process technology upgrades are being stretched out, thereby reducing supply growth compared to historical trends.

    我們認為 DRAM 行業的晶圓產能在 2013 年和 2014 年都將下降,並且工藝技術升級正在拉長,因此與歷史趨勢相比,供應增長放緩。

  • In the NAND market, we see a favorable supply and demand balance.

    在 NAND 市場,我們看到了良好的供需平衡。

  • We have the benefit of significant demand growth in several applications, such as SSDs and smartphones, coupled with generally stable supply conditions due to slowing process technology changes.

    我們受益於 SSD 和智能手機等多種應用的需求顯著增長,以及由於工藝技術變化放緩而導致的總體穩定的供應狀況。

  • I will stop here and turn it over to Ron and Mark before returning for Q&A.

    我會在這裡停下來,在返回問答之前把它交給 Ron 和 Mark。

  • Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

    Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

  • Thank, Mark.


  • The end of our second quarter of fiscal 2013 was on February 28.

    我們 2013 財年第二季度的結束時間是 2 月 28 日。

  • On our website you will find a schedule containing certain key results for the quarter, as well as guidance for the third quarter.


  • That information is also presented on the following slides.


  • For the second quarter, we reported a net loss of $286 million or $0.28 per diluted share on net sales of $2.1 billion.

    對於第二季度,我們報告淨虧損 2.86 億美元或每股攤薄收益 0.28 美元,淨銷售額為 21 億美元。

  • These results compare to the previous quarter's net loss of $275 million or $0.27 per diluted share on net sales of $1.8 billion.

    這些結果與上一季度淨虧損 2.75 億美元或稀釋後每股 0.27 美元的淨銷售額 18 億美元相比。

  • We made a reporting change in the second quarter to reclassify gains and losses on foreign currency from other operating income and expense to other nonoperating income and expense.


  • This nonoperating classification provides better comparability with the results of our semiconductor peers.


  • The historical periods have been reclassified to match the current period presentation.


  • Accordingly, operating income for the second quarter, although a loss of $23 million, improved when compared to the operating loss in the first quarter, of $97 million.

    因此,第二季度的營業收入雖然虧損 2300 萬美元,但與第一季度的營業虧損 9700 萬美元相比有所改善。

  • Included in the $23 million operating loss for the quarter is $62 million charge in other operating expense for the projected loss on the pending sale of our Avezzano, Italy facility, which we announced on February 25.

    本季度 2300 萬美元的運營虧損中包括 6200 萬美元的其他運營費用,用於我們在 2 月 25 日宣布的意大利阿韋扎諾工廠待售預計損失。

  • Included in this transaction, which is expected to close in the third quarter, is the assignment of our wafer supply agreement with Aptina.

    這筆交易預計將在第三季度完成,其中包括我們與 Aptina 的晶圓供應協議的轉讓。

  • This sale will be the second spinoff of 200 millimeter production capacity, following the sale of our Japan fabrication facility in 2011.

    此次出售將是繼 2011 年出售我們的日本製造工廠之後,第二次剝離 200 毫米產能。

  • Going forward, we may restructure and dispose of other assets as we continue to optimize our manufacturing operations and focus on our expanding core business opportunities, as Mark mentioned.


  • In the nonoperating category, we recognized losses on currency hedges relating to the Elpida Rexchip purchase, amounting to $120 million in the second quarter.

    在非經營性類別中,我們確認了與收購 Elpida Rexchip 有關的貨幣對沖損失,在第二季度達到 1.2 億美元。

  • This is a result of the yen significantly weakening in the quarter.


  • The hedge program we entered into at the signing of the sponsor agreement provided protection from a strengthening yen, while allowing for partial participation in any purchase price reduction if the yen weakened.


  • With the weakening of the yen, approximately one-half of the savings from the lower purchase price for Elpida is reflected as a loss on the hedge and has been included in our income statement for the quarter.

    隨著日元貶值,從 Elpida 較低的購買價格中節省的大約一半反映為對沖損失,並已包含在我們本季度的損益表中。

  • Any reduction in purchase price will not be recognized on our balance sheet until the transaction is closed, using the exchange value at that time.


  • We do not provide any guidance on hedging gains or losses, given the extreme volatility of the yen at this time.


  • Nonoperating expense in the second quarter also includes a $31 million charge associated with the repurchase of $464 million face amount of 2014 convertible bonds.

    第二季度的營業外費用還包括與回購面值 4.64 億美元的 2014 年可轉換債券相關的 3100 萬美元費用。

  • I will touch on this in more detail in a few minutes.


  • Also in the results for the second quarter are favorable nonrecurring adjustments to income taxes of $19 million, relating to two non-US jurisdictions.

    第二季度的結果還包括與兩個非美國司法管轄區有關的 1900 萬美元所得稅的有利的非經常性調整。

  • Turning now to operating results and outlook, trade NAND bit sales in the second quarter increased compared to the prior quarter, primarily as a result of production increases from higher output of 20 nanometer devices.

    現在轉向經營業績和展望,第二季度的貿易 NAND 位銷售額與上一季度相比有所增加,這主要是由於 20 納米器件產量增加導致產量增加。

  • Trade NAND average selling prices were relatively flat, quarter to quarter.

    貿易 NAND 平均售價相對持平,季度與季度。

  • We continue to see growth in SSD sales, which increased just over 40% in the second quarter compared to Q1.

    我們繼續看到 SSD 銷售額的增長,與第一季度相比,第二季度增長了 40% 以上。

  • Mark will provide more detail on these trends in a few minutes.


  • Guidance for Q3 trade NAND is as follows.

    Q3 交易 NAND 的指導如下。

  • Estimated trade NAND selling prices will be down mid-single digits quarter to date, including the projected effect of mix for the quarter.

    迄今為止,估計貿易 NAND 銷售價格將下降中個位數,包括本季度混合的預計影響。

  • Bit costs are expected to be down mid-single digits, while bit production is expected to be up mid- to high-single digits.


  • Key trends for Q3 affecting this guidance are, we expect a higher density product mix in both the NAND Solutions Group and the Embedded Solutions Group, lowering both ASP and cost per gigabyte, while increasing volumes, resulting in similar margins overall.

    影響這一指導的第三季度的主要趨勢是,我們預計 NAND 解決方案集團和嵌入式解決方案集團的產品組合密度更高,降低了 ASP 和每 GB 成本,同時增加了產量,從而導致整體利潤率相似。

  • In ESG, the density increase is coming mainly from automotive and consumer applications.

    在 ESG 中,密度增加主要來自汽車和消費類應用。

  • In NSG, we expect to sell an increasing number of SSD drives with greater capacity per drive, which slightly lowers the average ASP and cost per gigabyte.

    在 NSG 中,我們預計將銷售越來越多的 SSD 驅動器,每個驅動器的容量更大,這會略微降低平均 ASP 和每 GB 成本。

  • And we continue the migration to 20 nanometer process technology, resulting in lower costs and increasing bit output.

    我們繼續向 20 納米工藝技術遷移,從而降低成本並增加比特輸出。

  • We expect to see bit crossover this quarter.


  • DRAM revenue in the second quarter increased 24% compared to the previous quarter, primarily as a result of a 38% increase in bit sales, partially offset by a 10% decrease in average selling price.

    第二季度的 DRAM 收入與上一季度相比增長了 24%,主要是由於位銷售額增長了 38%,部分被平均售價下降 10% 所抵消。

  • The higher DRAM production was achieved in the second quarter due to strong operational performance and higher volumes from Inotera.

    由於 Inotera 強勁的運營業績和更高的產量,第二季度實現了更高的 DRAM 產量。

  • The DRAM average selling price decrease in the second quarter was primarily caused by a higher concentration of sales into the PC market as a result of increased production taken from Inotera.


  • These sales have lower per bit selling prices as well as lower per bit costs compared to other DRAM products in our portfolio.

    與我們產品組合中的其他 DRAM 產品相比,這些銷售的每比特售價和每比特成本更低。

  • Wafers acquired from Inotera in the second quarter increased 26% as the new supply agreement took effect January 1. DRAM bit costs decreased 18% quarter to quarter, driven primarily by the higher concentration of lower-cost products from Inotera.

    由於新的供應協議於 1 月 1 日生效,第二季度從 Inotera 收購的晶圓增加了 26%。DRAM 位成本環比下降了 18%,主要是由於 Inotera 低成本產品的集中度較高。

  • Overall gross margin across all our DRAM products increased quarter to quarter by about 6 points.

    我們所有 DRAM 產品的整體毛利率環比增長約 6 個百分點。

  • Note that our cost of wafers from Inotera will vary under the new supply agreement as market prices for DRAM products increase or decrease.

    請注意,根據新的供應協議,隨著 DRAM 產品的市場價格上漲或下跌,我們來自 Inotra 的晶圓成本會有所不同。

  • The new Inotera structure is expected to be a net positive to our income and cash flow in Q3 as it was in Q2.

    與第二季度一樣,新的 Inotera 結構預計將對我們第三季度的收入和現金流產生淨積極影響。

  • Guidance for Q3 DRAM is as follows.

    Q3 DRAM 的指導如下。

  • Quarter-to-date selling prices for DRAM products, including the projected mix effects for the quarter, are up mid-single digits compared to the Q2 average.

    與第二季度的平均水平相比,DRAM 產品的季度至今銷售價格(包括本季度預計的混合效應)上漲了中個位數。

  • Projected bit costs are down mid- to high-single digits and projected production volume is up a couple of percent.


  • Key themes influenced in this guidance are 4 gigabit DDR3 volume continues ramping with the effect of improving margins while muting 30 nanometer bit growth and comprised over one-half of DRAM bit sales in the second quarter.

    受此指導影響的關鍵主題是 4 Gb DDR3 銷量繼續增長,提高了利潤率,同時抑制了 30 納米位的增長,佔第二季度 DRAM 位銷售額的一半以上。

  • We expect an increasing mix of our 30 nanometer DRAM moving into the server and networking segments.

    我們預計我們的 30 納米 DRAM 將越來越多地進入服務器和網絡領域。

  • We are seeing a somewhat higher percentage of our total bit production from Inotera with improving product mix and costs that move directionally with prices in the market minus model.


  • And output in the third quarter is muted as we plan to reconfigure a portion of our current DRAM capacity to enable NAND flexibility, as Mark previously mentioned.

    正如 Mark 之前提到的,由於我們計劃重新配置當前 DRAM 容量的一部分以實現 NAND 靈活性,因此第三季度的產出處於低迷狀態。

  • NOR sales decreased 14% in the second quarter, in line with our seasonal expectation.

    NOR 銷售額在第二季度下降 14%,符合我們的季節性預期。

  • NOR revenue and costs in the third quarter are expected to be relatively flat compared to Q2.

    與第二季度相比,預計第三季度 NOR 的收入和成本將相對持平。

  • SG&A expense in the second quarter was below our guided range as a result of lower costs associated with pending legal matters.

    由於與未決法律事務相關的成本降低,第二季度的 SG&A 費用低於我們的指導範圍。

  • We expect SG&A expense in the third quarter to be between $135 million and $145 million.

    我們預計第三季度的 SG&A 費用將在 1.35 億美元至 1.45 億美元之間。

  • R&D expense was $214 million in the second quarter and is expected to be between $225 million and $235 million in the third quarter.

    第二季度的研發費用為 2.14 億美元,預計第三季度將在 2.25 億美元至 2.35 億美元之間。

  • With the termination of the DRAM joint development program with Nan Ya, virtually no DRAM development costs were shared with Nan Ya during the second quarter.

    隨著與南亞的 DRAM 聯合開發計劃的終止,第二季度幾乎沒有與南亞分攤 DRAM 開發成本。

  • The level of R&D expense in any given quarter could vary based on the timing of product qualifications and the volume of development wafers processed.


  • The Company generated $234 million in cash flow from operating activities in the second quarter, roughly flat compared to the prior quarter.

    公司第二季度的經營活動產生了 2.34 億美元的現金流,與上一季度基本持平。

  • Cash flow from operating activities in the second quarter includes a negative shift in working capital accounts within the normal scope of fluctuations that we see quarter to quarter.


  • Total inventories decreased slightly in the second quarter compared to Q1.


  • The second quarter ended with cash and investments, including noncurrent investments of just under $2.8 billion.

    第二季度以現金和投資結束,包括略低於 28 億美元的非流動投資。

  • Expenditures for property, plant and equipment in the second quarter were $353 million and we still expect total expenditures for the fiscal year to be between $1.6 billion and $1.9 billion.

    第二季度的物業、廠房和設備支出為 3.53 億美元,我們仍預計本財年的總支出在 16 億美元至 19 億美元之間。

  • Note, however, that quarterly expenditures can vary depending on the timing of equipment receipts.


  • We successfully completed an offering of $600 million in convertible notes the first week of February.

    我們在 2 月的第一周成功完成了 6 億美元的可轉換票據發行。

  • We also entered into capped calls to effectively minimize the dilution of these convertible notes.


  • The bulk of the proceeds were used to repurchase $464 million face amount of our 2014 convertible notes that are coming due, effectively refinancing them out to 2018 and 2020.

    大部分收益用於回購我們即將到期的 2014 年可轉換票據面值 4.64 億美元,有效地將其再融資至 2018 年和 2020 年。

  • We paid holders a price very close to the market price for the notes.


  • However, the accounting for the early redemption resulted in the non-cash charge of $31 million I mentioned earlier.

    但是,提前贖回的會計處理導致我之前提到的 3100 萬美元的非現金費用。

  • Depending on market conditions, we may repurchase additional 2014 notes prior to their maturity.

    根據市場情況,我們可能會在到期前回購額外的 2014 年票據。

  • Concurrent with the convertible note offering, we published some recent financial information on Elpida, including pro forma financial summaries.


  • These pro formas present historical financial information for Micron and Elpida as if the acquisition of Elpida Rexchip had already occurred, including the affect of purchase accounting.

    這些備考表提供了美光和爾必達的歷史財務信息,就好像對 Elpida Rexchip 的收購已經發生,包括採購會計的影響。

  • Elpida's US GAAP financial statements for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, reflect an impairment charge of $2.8 billion to write down property, plant and equipment to its estimated fair value as of that date.

    爾必達截至 2012 年 3 月 31 日的財政年度的美國公認會計原則財務報表反映了 28 億美元的減值費用,以將物業、廠房和設備減記至截至該日期的估計公允價值。

  • As part of the pro forma adjustments, PP&E is assumed to be further written down in purchase accounting by an additional approximate $2 billion to a net value just over $1 billion, resulting in the fair value of the net assets acquired equaling the purchase price.

    作為備考調整的一部分,假設 PP&E 在購買會計中進一步減記約 20 億美元,淨值略高於 10 億美元,從而使所購淨資產的公允價值等於購買價格。

  • As a result, the Elpida Rexchip acquisition represents an approximate 45% increase in Micron's wafer capacity, but only a 15% increase in depreciation expense.

    因此,收購 Elpida Rexchip 意味著美光的晶圓產能增加了約 45%,但折舊費用僅增加了 15%。

  • Now I will turn it over to Mark Adams for his comments.


  • Mark?


  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • Thanks, Ron.


  • I'm going to provide some more detail on our second-quarter operating performance, as well as share some observations about the overall market environment in the memory industry.


  • Our NAND Solutions Group recorded a 15% quarter-on-quarter revenue increase.

    我們的 NAND 解決方案部門的收入環比增長了 15%。

  • Coming out of the holiday season, we were watching for potential downward pressure in market pricing.


  • However, NAND pricing was favorable in our Q2 as end markets for SSDs, smartphones and tablets remained strong demand drivers for increased NAND bits.

    然而,由於 SSD、智能手機和平板電腦的終端市場仍然是 NAND 位增加的強勁需求驅動因素,我們第二季度的 NAND 定價是有利的。

  • Micron's trade NAND was basically flat even while somewhat limited by growth in the high density solid state drives that had a decreasing effect on the ASP per gigabyte calculation.

    美光的 NAND 貿易量基本持平,儘管受到高密度固態驅動器增長的限制,這對每 GB 的 ASP 計算產生了下降的影響。

  • Margins improved in the quarter, benefiting by increased shipments of our industry-leading 20 nanometer node, improving our cost per gigabyte quarter on quarter.

    本季度利潤率有所提高,這得益於我們行業領先的 20 納米節點的出貨量增加,從而提高了我們每 GB 成本的季度環比。

  • We shipped 1.1 billion gigabytes in our trade NAND business in the quarter.

    我們在本季度的貿易 NAND 業務中出貨了 11 億 GB。

  • We continue to grow our presence in the storage category with products aimed at segments such as personal storage, cloud and data center storage, and I/O accelerators for the data center.

    我們通過針對個人存儲、雲和數據中心存儲以及數據中心 I/O 加速器等細分市場的產品繼續擴大我們在存儲類別中的影響力。

  • We shipped roughly 1.3 million solid state drives in our second quarter, up over 40% when compared to our first quarter.

    我們在第二季度出貨了大約 130 萬個固態硬盤,與第一季度相比增長了 40% 以上。

  • In Q2, SSDs represented 20% of our trade NAND business.

    在第二季度,SSD 占我們貿易 NAND 業務的 20%。

  • If you include NAND component sales to SSD providers, around 40% of our trade NAND bids go into solid state drives.

    如果將向 SSD 供應商銷售的 NAND 組件包括在內,我們大約 40% 的貿易 NAND 投標都用於固態驅動器。

  • Our development of enterprise class SSDs is progressing well.

    我們企業級 SSD 的開發進展順利。

  • Revenue roughly doubled last quarter, albeit off of a low base, and continues to be an area of investment going forward.


  • We began customer shipments of our 320h, SLC-based, PCIe SSD and continue to strengthen our SATA and SAS product roadmaps, positioning Micron as a broad provider of enterprise storage class products.

    我們開始向客戶交付基於 SLC 的 320 小時 PCIe SSD,並繼續加強我們的 SATA 和 SAS 產品路線圖,將美光定位為企業存儲類產品的廣泛供應商。

  • On the technology and operations front, we are making steady technical advancements with both our planar and 3-D NAND technologies.

    在技術和運營方面,我們正在通過平面和 3-D NAND 技術取得穩步的技術進步。

  • We began shipping our 20 nanometer TLC NAND Flash and continue to increase our 20 nanometer MLC production as well.

    我們開始出貨 20 納米 TLC NAND 閃存,並繼續增加 20 納米 MLC 的產量。

  • Our 20 nanometer ramp is on track and we expect production crossover in the current quarter.

    我們的 20 納米斜坡正在按計劃進行,我們預計本季度將實現生產交叉。

  • Keep in mind, some of our more value-added segments, like SSDs, often require additional time before utilizing the most leading-edge process.

    請記住,我們的一些更具附加值的細分市場,如 SSD,通常需要額外的時間才能使用最前沿的工藝。

  • This quarter we will commence volume sales of our 20 nanometer based SSDs, including our recently announced M500, which ships in terabyte-class densities with very competitive price points.

    本季度,我們將開始批量銷售基於 20 納米的 SSD,包括我們最近發布的 M500,它以 TB 級的密度發貨,價格極具競爭力。

  • MLC represented about 80% to 85% of our wafer production in Q2, with SLC and TLC essentially splitting the remainder.

    MLC 約占我們第二季度晶圓產量的 80% 至 85%,而 SLC 和 TLC 基本上將其餘部分分開。

  • Sales for our DRAM Solutions Group in the second quarter reflect the improving ASPs Ron references, combined with strong growth in bit sales, buoyed by increased volumes resulting from our new arrangement with Inotera.

    我們的 DRAM 解決方案集團在第二季度的銷售額反映了 Ron 參考值的提高,以及位銷售額的強勁增長,這得益於我們與 Inotera 的新安排帶來的銷量增加。

  • We are very pleased with the additional scale, stable gross margin percentage and operating margin leverage in a strong market which this new structure provides.


  • Revenue for DSG was up 26% and our gross margins for DRAM overall improved by close to 600 basis points quarter over quarter.

    DSG 的收入增長了 26%,我們的 DRAM 整體毛利率環比提高了近 600 個基點。

  • We were pleased with the direction of several of our DSG segments.

    我們對我們的幾個 DSG 細分市場的方向感到滿意。

  • On the service side, we increased shares significantly at key OEMs and cloud service providers.

    在服務方面,我們在主要 OEM 和雲服務提供商的份額顯著增加。

  • Q2 was a record quarter in this segment, with shipments of over 200 million gigabit equivalence.

    第二季度是該領域的創紀錄季度,出貨量超過 2 億千兆比特。

  • DRAM bit shipments in networking were up 20% compared to our first quarter, and now represents roughly 17% of our overall DRAM revenue.

    與第一季度相比,網絡領域的 DRAM 位出貨量增長了 20%,現在約占我們 DRAM 總收入的 17%。

  • We had another strong quarter and made progress to expand beyond the traditional large OEM business to smaller customers and to distributors in the sale of our networking portfolio.

    我們又迎來了一個強勁的季度,並在向小型客戶和分銷商擴展傳統的大型 OEM 業務方面取得了進展,銷售我們的網絡產品組合。

  • DDR3 volume eclipsed DDR2 volume for the first time and we are now sampling DDR4.

    DDR3 體積首次超過 DDR2 體積,我們現在對 DDR4 進行採樣。

  • RLDRAM continues to gain momentum and we had a strong design activity with enablers and OEMs for HMC -- Hybrid Memory Cube.

    RLDRAM 繼續獲得動力,我們與 HMC 的推動者和 OEM 進行了強大的設計活動 - 混合內存立方體。

  • From a market standpoint, US carrier CapEx for LTE deployment is strong and data center networking remains a bright spot for investment by key OEMs.

    從市場角度來看,美國運營商 LTE 部署的資本支出強勁,數據中心網絡仍然是主要 OEM 投資的亮點。

  • On the operations front, we hit bit crossover for 30 nanometer in Q2.

    在運營方面,我們在第二季度實現了 30 納米的位交叉。

  • We anticipate that we will be able to ship 25 nanometer technology in volume during our second half 2013 calendar year.

    我們預計我們將能夠在 2013 年下半年批量出貨 25 納米技術。

  • In addition, our team continues to make progress on the development of our 20 nanometer product, as we look to start sampling that product technology by the end of the calendar year.

    此外,我們的團隊繼續在 20 納米產品的開發上取得進展,因為我們希望在今年年底開始對該產品技術進行採樣。

  • DRAM pricing has strengthened from the bottom and is up mid-single digits from the Q2 average, quarter to date.

    DRAM 價格從底部開始走強,較第二季度的平均價格上漲了個位數。

  • Obviously, as with any recovering pricing environment, the channel or spot market starts out in front of our OEM contract pricing.

    顯然,與任何復甦的定價環境一樣,渠道或現貨市場在我們的 OEM 合同定價之前開始。

  • While there remains a gap between spot and contract pricing, it is narrowing and we see that as a continuing dynamic in Q3.


  • Channel inventory is very tight and we are currently on allocation to several channel and OEM customers.

    渠道庫存非常緊張,我們目前正在分配給幾個渠道和 OEM 客戶。

  • The DRAM supply and demand balance appears to be favorable and we are well positioned to capitalize that going forward.

    DRAM 供需平衡似乎是有利的,我們有能力在未來利用這一點。

  • Sales by the Wireless Solutions Group were down 19% quarter over quarter, with a slowdown in the sale of feature phone driven products, including wireless NOR and SLC NAND.

    無線解決方案集團的銷售額環比下降 19%,其中包括無線 NOR 和 SLC NAND 在內的功能手機驅動產品的銷售放緩。

  • As mentioned in our last call, we are growing our presence in the mobile DRAM space in particular, with low power DDR2 design of two of the top five smartphone makers.

    正如我們在上次電話會議中提到的,我們正在擴大我們在移動 DRAM 領域的影響力,特別是前五名智能手機製造商中的兩家採用低功耗 DDR2 設計。

  • We are also now sampling low-power DDR3 with major system-on-a-chip suppliers, which will enable end customers' design and activity.

    我們現在還與主要的片上系統供應商提供低功耗 DDR3 樣品,這將支持最終客戶的設計和活動。

  • In anticipation of the Elpida, we continue to work on rationalizing our product lines from a margin perspective as we seek to blend the best of the Elpida portfolio with our Micron products and technology.

    在預期 Elpida 的情況下,我們將繼續從利潤的角度合理化我們的產品線,因為我們尋求將 Elpida 產品組合中最好的產品與我們的 Micron 產品和技術相結合。

  • Our focus will continue to shift from feature phones to smartphones and tablets going forward, with a product portfolio focused on low-power DDR2 and DDR3, as well as a growing portfolio around eMCP and eMMC.

    未來,我們的重點將繼續從功能手機轉向智能手機和平板電腦,產品組合專注於低功耗 DDR2 和 DDR3,以及圍繞 eMCP 和 eMMC 不斷增長的產品組合。

  • From a market perspective, improving pricing trends in PC DRAM and NAND is starting to positively impact the mobile market.

    從市場角度來看,PC DRAM 和 NAND 定價趨勢的改善開始對移動市場產生積極影響。

  • We expect smartphone units to be up close to 40% in 2013, which is better than our initial forecast coming into the year, driven by improved growth for entry-level smartphones.

    我們預計 2013 年智能手機銷量將增長近 40%,這好於我們對今年的初步預測,這得益於入門級智能手機的增長改善。

  • In addition, higher end smartphones can be significantly growing memory content, in particular for DRAM, which is expected to increase roughly 30% to 40% year over year.

    此外,高端智能手機的內存內容可能會顯著增長,尤其是 DRAM,預計將同比增長約 30% 至 40%。

  • Our Embedded Solutions Group had a record revenue quarter in Q2 of roughly $282 million, with strong continued operating margins of 23% in what has traditionally been a slower seasonal quarter.

    我們的嵌入式解決方案事業部在第二季度創下了創紀錄的收入季度約為 2.82 億美元,在傳統上是一個較慢的季度季度,營業利潤率保持強勁的 23%。

  • This was our fourth consecutive quarter of record revenue.


  • We benefited from strong regional demand in Japan and the Americas.


  • DRAM was a particular highlight driven by automotive and industrial, medical and military segments.

    DRAM 是汽車和工業、醫療和軍事領域推動的一個特別亮點。

  • We are ramping 45 nanometer NOR, which now represents over 60% of our high density shipments and we are growing our presence in eMMC for the embedded segment, with that revenue up 50% quarter over quarter.

    我們正在增加 45 納米 NOR,它現在占我們高密度出貨量的 60% 以上,我們正在擴大我們在嵌入式領域的 eMMC 中的存在,該收入環比增長 50%。

  • Excluding the extraordinary charges that Ron alluded to, we were encouraged with the improvement in our operating performance in the second quarter.


  • In addition, we continue to make progress on our overall cost structure.


  • SG&A and R&D were in line with our guidance.

    SG&A 和 R&D 符合我們的指導。

  • We continue to drive our inventory lower.


  • In fact, inventory was down $110 million quarter over quarter, which represents a decrease of over $350 million year over year, over the past 12 months.

    事實上,在過去的 12 個月中,庫存環比下降了 1.1 億美元,同比下降超過 3.5 億美元。

  • The sale of our Avezzano imaging fab is a good example of the steps we are taking to improve our long-term operating efficiency.

    出售我們的 Avezzano 成像工廠是我們為提高長期運營效率而採取的措施的一個很好的例子。

  • Our management team continued to work on integration plans as we prepare for the close of our Elpida transaction.

    在我們為完成 Elpida 交易做準備時,我們的管理團隊繼續制定整合計劃。

  • As we have interacted with the Elpida team members in planning the new Micron, we have grown more impressed with the people and resulting product and technology capabilities.

    當我們與 Elpida 團隊成員在規劃新的 Micron 時進行互動時,我們對員工以及由此產生的產品和技術能力印象深刻。

  • Our customers have been extremely supportive of the acquisition and Micron's overall strategy.


  • They clearly understand how memory is evolving to new applications and form factors as part of a solutions orientation, away from a standard commodity module.


  • We are optimistic that end markets such as mobile, server, networking, enterprise and embedded will continue to drive strong demand for our products, and thus feel that both DRAM and NAND will stay in good supply and demand balance in Q3.

    我們樂觀地認為,移動、服務器、網絡、企業和嵌入式等終端市場將繼續推動對我們產品的強勁需求,因此認為 DRAM 和 NAND 將在第三季度保持良好的供需平衡。

  • With that, I will hand it back over to Kipp.


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Mark.


  • We would now like to take questions from callers.


  • Just a reminder, if you are using a speakerphone, please pick up the handset when asking a question so we can hear you clearly.


  • With that, we would like to open up the phone lines.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions), Monika Garg, Pacific Crest.

    (操作員說明),Monika Garg,Pacific Crest。

  • Monika Garg - Analyst

    Monika Garg - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • First question is given that Inotera has spent $30 million CapEx in the past two years and they also guided to low CapEx going into 2013, could you maybe comment on where do you think Inotera is in its NOR transition roadmap and especially comparing them to Micron's NOR transition?

    第一個問題是,Inotera 在過去兩年中花費了 3000 萬美元的資本支出,並且他們還引導到 2013 年的低資本支出,您能否評論一下您認為 Inotera 在其 NOR 過渡路線圖中的位置,尤其是將它們與美光的 NOR 進行比較過渡?

  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • This is Mark.


  • The Inotera fab is really just in the last phases of completing the 30 nanometer ramp.

    Inotera 晶圓廠實際上正處於完成 30 納米坡道的最後階段。

  • That CapEx is really pretty much completely funded at this point, so the forward-looking CapEx for them will occur late in 2013 and into the first half of 2014, to drive a 20 nanometer transition.

    在這一點上,資本支出實際上已經得到了完全的資助,因此他們的前瞻性資本支出將在 2013 年末和 2014 年上半年發生,以推動 20 納米的過渡。

  • I wouldn't expect that to be overly steep, but it could occur throughout the totality of 2014 with most of the CapEx coming in the front half of that year.

    我不認為這會過於陡峭,但它可能會在整個 2014 年發生,大部分資本支出都出現在當年上半年。

  • Monika Garg - Analyst

    Monika Garg - Analyst

  • All right, thanks.


  • And then the last question, Elpida, could you give us any idea on what Elpida spent on CapEx last year?

    最後一個問題,Elpida,你能告訴我們 Elpida 去年在資本支出上的花費嗎?

  • Or do you think that CapEx needs to ramp up since Elpida was not investing enough money due to bankruptcy?


  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • You know, we are not going to comment on what Elpida has been doing or on their internal operations.


  • What we have told you before, relative to forward-looking CapEx for Elpida, is that, on average, it should look similar to our own technology migrations and capital intensity, which we don't believe is overly burdensome.


  • Monika Garg - Analyst

    Monika Garg - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • Thank you so much.


  • Operator


  • James Schneider, Goldman Sachs.


  • James Schneider - Analyst

    James Schneider - Analyst

  • Good afternoon.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • First of all, you mentioned or alluded to the fact that you will be shifting some DRAM capacity to NAND over the coming quarters.

    首先,您提到或暗示您將在未來幾個季度將一些 DRAM 容量轉移到 NAND。

  • Can you maybe give us any more color on what the magnitude of that shift might be and in what facilities?


  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • We are not going to comment on particular facilities.


  • And really what I intended to convey to you was that we had were making steps to provide ourselves the flexibility to make those moves, but not necessarily a commitment to any particular timeline or magnitude of those changes.


  • So, I think what you will see is activity going on at Micron fabs in order to lay the groundwork so that we have the flexibility to do that.


  • In the short term, what that means is more engineering activity and a small amount of incremental tool installation and minor disruption to ongoing operations, but no significant capacity decisions have been made at this point.


  • James Schneider - Analyst

    James Schneider - Analyst

  • Fair enough.


  • Thanks.


  • And then maybe as a follow-up, can you maybe update for us your assumptions about what the NAND industry will do in terms of bit growth for the year overall?

    然後也許作為後續行動,您能否為我們更新您對 NAND 行業在今年整體位增長方面將做些什麼的假設?

  • And then where Micron expects to come in within that, given what you just talked about in the last question?


  • Thanks.


  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • Jim, this is Mark Adams.


  • I think the numbers we based -- are planning around is in the 30% to 40% range of the NAND bit growth and I would expect Micron to be to the upper end of that range, but basically right around there.

    我認為我們基於的數字 - 計劃在 NAND 位增長的 30% 到 40% 範圍內,我預計美光將達到該範圍的上限,但基本上就在附近。

  • James Schneider - Analyst

    James Schneider - Analyst

  • So, that's an incremental tick down for the industry relative to what you talked about before.


  • Is that correct?


  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • Just slightly, Jim, yes.


  • James Schneider - Analyst

    James Schneider - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks so much.


  • Operator


  • Glen Yeung, Citi.

    花旗銀行的 Glen Yeung。

  • Glen Yeung - Analyst

    Glen Yeung - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Can I just clarify a point?


  • Because when I hear your forecast -- not forecast, but your statements about ASPs for the quarter in DRAM.

    因為當我聽到你的預測時——不是預測,而是你關於 DRAM 季度 ASP 的陳述。

  • Is it right to say that what's really happening is as you take on more Inotera wafers, it actually impacts the ASP increase because of mix, but it actually is still contributing solidly to profitability?

    是否可以說真正發生的事情是當您採用更多的 Inotera 晶圓時,它實際上會因為混合而影響 ASP 的增長,但它實際上仍然對盈利能力做出了堅實的貢獻?

  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • Yes, I think that's right.


  • There is really two things driving the cumulative impact on ASPs for us.

    對我們來說,實際上有兩件事推動了對 ASP 的累積影響。

  • One is the relative lag, contract to spot.


  • And the other is the change in our mix that has occurred with the addition of the Inotera increment.

    另一個是隨著 Inotera 增量的增加,我們的組合發生了變化。

  • Now, over time, obviously, we will start moving more of that capacity into value added segments, but the initial slug of capacity came in the PC area.

    現在,隨著時間的推移,顯然,我們將開始將更多的產能轉移到增值領域,但最初的產能過剩來自 PC 領域。

  • Glen Yeung - Analyst

    Glen Yeung - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Fair enough.


  • That's an important point.


  • Second thing, Mark, actually just to clarify.


  • You made a statement about channel inventory being very lean.


  • I just wanted to clarify, when you look into distributors, you don't feel like those guys are trying to build inventory as they sometimes do when pricing is rising?


  • And just sort of related to that, are you also on allocation for NAND?

    與此相關的是,您是否也在分配 NAND?

  • You suggested you were selling DRAM.

    您建議您銷售 DRAM。

  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • The answer to the first question is we don't think that the distributors are in a good inventory position at this point relative to 6 to 12 months ago.

    第一個問題的答案是,與 6 到 12 個月前相比,我們認為分銷商此時的庫存狀況並不好。

  • We think it's pretty lean there as well.


  • Quite honestly, there is just not that much capacity available for those channels, for them to take that position.


  • As it relates to the NAND piece of the equation, there is certainly pockets of NAND that are in tight constraint as well.

    由於它與等式中的 NAND 部分有關,因此肯定有一些 NAND 口袋也受到嚴格限制。

  • A lot of that is driven by the production mismatch sometimes with what the requirements are on higher density SSDs, so we are really seeing tough pockets on limits of available supply for some of the SSD categories.

    其中很大一部分是由於生產不匹配,有時與更高密度 SSD 的要求不匹配,因此我們確實看到某些 SSD 類別的可用供應限制非常困難。

  • Glen Yeung - Analyst

    Glen Yeung - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Just one last quick question.


  • Thinking about the pull that you are seeing for DRAM from now a variety of end markets, not just normal PC, I wonder if you can rank the end markets now in terms of what areas are pulling DRAM at the greatest or fastest growth rate, be it server, networking, global or PC.

    考慮到您從現在看到的各種終端市場對 DRAM 的拉動,而不僅僅是普通 PC,我想知道您是否可以根據哪些領域以最大或最快的增長率對 DRAM 進行排名,是它服務器、網絡、全球或 PC。

  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • So, what we are seeing in terms of overall raw capacity, it would be mobile, certainly, would be at the top of that list.


  • PCs are probably second when you factor in tablets and depends where you put tablets in the overall ranking.

    當您將平板電腦考慮在內時,PC 可能排在第二位,這取決於您將平板電腦放在整體排名中的哪個位置。

  • Servers is actually pretty significant.


  • You've got single-digit growth, but pretty significant server DRAM content growth.

    你有個位數的增長,但服務器 DRAM 內容增長非常顯著。

  • And that is becoming more and more of a growth category in terms of bit consumption.


  • And of course, you've got the automotive and networking as you go down that list.


  • Glen Yeung - Analyst

    Glen Yeung - Analyst

  • Is it fair to say that PC demand, ex tablets, is not so good right now?

    公平地說,PC 需求,例如平板電腦,現在不是很好嗎?

  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • Yes, but in balance.


  • You remember now, it's kind of funny because you just highlighted -- when you are a manufacturer of DRAM, you've got to make those calls on production bits on where those products are going.

    您現在還記得,這很有趣,因為您剛剛強調了——當您是 DRAM 製造商時,您必須就這些產品的生產方向提出這些要求。

  • You can't just take a mobile bit and make it available on a PC guy or vice versa in a given production.

    您不能只拿一個移動位,然後在給定的製作中將其提供給 PC 人員,反之亦然。

  • So, the unit growth in PCs might not be super high, but the balance of PC bits and PC demand is pretty healthy right now.

    因此,PC 的單位增長可能不會超高,但 PC 位和 PC 需求的平衡目前相當健康。

  • Glen Yeung - Analyst

    Glen Yeung - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Okay.


  • Thanks so much.


  • Operator


  • John Pitzer, Credit Suisse.


  • John Pitzer - Analyst

    John Pitzer - Analyst

  • Good afternoon, guys.


  • Thanks for letting me ask the question.


  • Congratulations.


  • Mark, I'm just kind of curious on the NAND pricing environment.

    馬克,我只是對 NAND 定價環境有點好奇。

  • Typically, this time of year is the seasonally weak period.


  • In addition, you've got the largest NAND buyer in the world going through a well-publicized, weaker than expected demand cycle, inventory work down ahead of, perhaps, a new product launch in a few months.

    此外,世界上最大的 NAND 買家正在經歷一個廣為人知的、弱於預期的需求週期,庫存工作可能會在幾個月後推出新產品之前下降。

  • I guess I'm curious, your expectation for NAND pricing for the balance of the year and at what point, independent of getting the Elpida asset, do you think about raising the core CapEx of Micron from that $1.6 billion, $1.9 billion to maybe something higher?

    我想我很好奇,你對今年餘下時間的 NAND 定價的期望,以及在什麼時候,除了獲得 Elpida 資產之外,你是否考慮將美光的核心資本支出從 16 億美元、19 億美元提高到可能的水平更高?

  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • This is Mark Adams.


  • I'll take the first part of the question.


  • The NAND business is kind of funny when you think about where it was and where it is today.

    當您想到 NAND 業務的過去和今天的位置時,它會有點有趣。

  • It used to be a very seasonal business.


  • You had memory cards and USB and MP3 players, all of it driven by either back-to-school or the holiday sales.

    你有存儲卡、USB 和 MP3 播放器,所有這些都是由返校或假期銷售驅動的。

  • Today when you see NAND bits going, that's more diversified and less seasonal and so -- you referenced some changing customer dynamics around NAND, but in general, the demand driver is still really solid coming out of the holiday period, as I mentioned in my opening comments.

    今天,當您看到 NAND 位的發展時,它更加多樣化且季節性較少,因此您提到了圍繞 NAND 的一些不斷變化的客戶動態,但總的來說,需求驅動因素在假期期間仍然非常穩固,正如我在我的文章中提到的那樣打開評論。

  • And we think it looks pretty good balance.


  • When you think about 30% to 40% bit growth, but you still think about strong demand across a growing SSD environment, smartphones not only growing in units, but taking on some more content.

    當您想到 30% 到 40% 的位增長時,您仍然會想到不斷增長的 SSD 環境中的強勁需求,智能手機不僅數量增長,而且內容更多。

  • We think, overall, when you couple that with tablets, it's a real healthy outlook for us in the remainder of 2013 calendar.

    我們認為,總體而言,當您將其與平板電腦結合使用時,我們在 2013 年剩餘時間裡的前景確實很健康。

  • Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

    Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

  • Let me take the CapEx piece.


  • We are going to be very disciplined on CapEx here moving forward.


  • And there's a lot of good reasons for that.


  • First of all, of course, I already mentioned, we've got options relative to the capacity we have in terms of how we move that around between the various technologies and market segments to optimize margin.


  • And that can all be done relatively cost effectively.


  • So, think in terms of that's our most desirable way to adjust our capacity to match any imbalances we see.


  • But beyond that, there is a couple of reasons why it -- I think you will see Micron in particular and maybe others be somewhat reticent as they think about putting new capacity online, and that's this whole technology environment that we see today relative to -- we have 20 nanometer in volume production.

    但除此之外,還有幾個原因——我認為你會特別看到美光,也許其他人在考慮將新容量上線時會有些沉默,這就是我們今天看到的整個技術環境—— - 我們有 20 納米的量產。

  • I think most of the folks are working on technologies down as low as maybe 14 nanometers for planar.

    我認為大多數人都在研究低至 14 納米的平面技術。

  • But beyond that, most of the competitors are working on 3-D and there's just a big mismatch in the type of capacity you put in place for 3-D versus what you put in place for those end-of-life planar technologies.

    但除此之外,大多數競爭對手都在研究 3-D,而您為 3-D 設置的容量類型與您為那些報廢的平面技術設置的容量類型存在很大的不匹配。

  • And so I think people are going to be pretty circumspect about how much capital they go spend on NAND capacity over the next couple of years while their prepping for a 3-D transition, sometime out in 2015, 2016.

    因此,我認為人們在為 2015 年和 2016 年某個時間的 3-D 過渡做準備的同時,將非常謹慎地考慮在未來幾年內他們將在 NAND 容量上花費多少資金。

  • John Pitzer - Analyst

    John Pitzer - Analyst

  • Mark, that's helpful.


  • Would you guys ever think about putting NAND inside of Inotera?

    你們有沒有想過將 NAND 放入 Inotera 中?

  • Or will that stay predominantly a DRAM facility?

    還是主要是 DRAM 設施?

  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • We are not going to talk about which fabs we would or wouldn't consider.


  • We will consider -- actually, all our fabs -- all our 300 millimeter fabs, I think, are candidates and we are not going to be forecasting which ones we may or may not do.

    我們將考慮——實際上,我們所有的晶圓廠——我認為,我們所有的 300 毫米晶圓廠都是候選者,我們不會預測我們可能會或可能不會做哪些。

  • John Pitzer - Analyst

    John Pitzer - Analyst

  • And then, guys, one last quick one for Ron.


  • Ron, when you look at the OpEx growth that you guys are guiding to this quarter, how much of that is just improved revenue outlook versus maybe some one-offs either on the legal front or some R&D stuff that you have to get done that is driving that?


  • I'm just trying to get a sense of what is variable growth versus maybe some stuff that just has to get done.


  • Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

    Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

  • Yes, John, in terms of the OpEx this last quarter, we had a couple of favorable effects I called out.


  • In the SG&A side, regarding legal expenses and they just happened to be lighter related to some of those legal activities that are hard to predict and they have lumpiness in accruals.

    在 SG&A 方面,關於法律費用,它們恰好與一些難以預測的法律活動有關,而且它們的應計項目有起伏。

  • On the R&D side, it's varied, as I commented, related to wafer quals and timings of releases of products to production, so some of that is a shifting between COGS and R&D.

    正如我所評論的,在研發方面,它與晶圓質量和產品發佈到生產的時間有關,因此其中一些是 COGS 和研發之間的轉變。

  • So, it's a question of which bucket we put it in.


  • So you need to understand that, we are, in many cases, just moving dollars around.


  • But the guidance I gave you for the third quarter is roughly in line with where we have been historically and I would see it as a more normal trend line.


  • John Pitzer - Analyst

    John Pitzer - Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • Thanks, guys.


  • Operator


  • Stephen Chin, UBS.


  • Stephen Chin - Analyst

    Stephen Chin - Analyst

  • Thank you for taking my questions and nice job in the quarter.


  • First question is on the conversion of DRAM capacity to NAND.

    第一個問題是關於 DRAM 容量向 NAND 的轉換。

  • I think a couple of years back when some of your peers were doing that every so often, I think it took them about a month or so, maybe a little more than that, to get the full yields on -- after the conversion.


  • Can you talk about how long it would take for you guys to achieve the same improved yields after converting to NAND capacity, given the pretty fully utilized clean room stations in most of your fabs?

    考慮到你們大多數晶圓廠中的潔淨室工作站都已得到充分利用,你們能否談談在轉換為 NAND 容量後,你們需要多長時間才能實現同樣的良率提升?

  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • Well, see, I can't vouch for your time frames on what the competitors have done previously, relative to mature yields.


  • However, I would say that anything that we would consider would be on a much lower frequency than switching back and forth to take advantage of short market cycles.


  • It would be much more along the lines of permanent transitions, as opposed to high frequency changes to capture small changes in temporary market conditions.


  • Stephen Chin - Analyst

    Stephen Chin - Analyst

  • Thanks, Mark.


  • And my other question is just in terms of memory content, can you guys talk about what the current NAND content is in SSDs in terms of the sweet spot and where you expect to be at the end of the year?


  • And, similarly, can you also run through the same for mobile DRAM and PC DRAM?

    而且,類似地,您是否也可以對移動 DRAM 和 PC DRAM 進行相同的操作?

  • Thank you.


  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • Sure.


  • I'm assuming you're referring to the volume segment, the client business.


  • On average, it's kind of in the 127 gigabyte, 128 gigabyte on the client side.

    平均而言,它在客戶端是 127 GB,128 GB。

  • When you look at the enterprise part of the business, obviously a little bit higher towards the -- somewhere in the mid-250s on the enterprise side.

    當您查看業務的企業部分時,顯然在企業方面的 250 年代中期的某個地方要高一些。

  • And we think that will continue to go up, as I mentioned earlier.


  • It's interesting, because it has a little bit of a negative impact on the ASP per gigabyte calculation as you go to higher density drives.

    這很有趣,因為當您使用更高密度的驅動器時,它對每 GB 的 ASP 計算有一點負面影響。

  • But we think that will continue -- as far as the density consumption, that will continue to go up throughout the year both in the client SSDs and for us.

    但我們認為這將繼續 - 就密度消耗而言,無論是客戶端 SSD 還是我們,全年都將繼續上升。

  • Stephen Chin - Analyst

    Stephen Chin - Analyst

  • And how about for mobile DRAM products going to smartphones and also PC RAM?

    對於智能手機和 PC RAM 的移動 DRAM 產品又如何呢?

  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • Well, I think what we are seeing in general on that side is continuing to increase in content, albeit at a much lower amount or quantity, if you will.


  • If you look at gigabytes and gigabits in the DRAM space, on the gigabyte per -- for your handset.

    如果您查看 DRAM 空間中的千兆字節和千兆字節,那麼您的手機的每千兆字節。

  • In the smart phone business, we're projecting it's up about 37% year on year.

    在智能手機業務中,我們預計同比增長約 37%。

  • If you look at NAND, in the premium segment, it's up double-digits as well.

    如果你看看 NAND,在高端市場,它也有兩位數的增長。

  • We are seeing some of the tail off in some of the feature phone environments.


  • But we think DRAM and NAND will continue to get pretty solid growth in content.

    但我們認為 DRAM 和 NAND 將繼續在內容方面獲得相當穩健的增長。

  • Again, it is nowhere near comparisons to what SSD volume is in terms of storage content, but again, increasing content nonetheless.

    同樣,就存儲內容而言,它與 SSD 容量相去甚遠,但同樣,它仍然增加了內容。

  • Stephen Chin - Analyst

    Stephen Chin - Analyst

  • Thank you, Mark.


  • Operator


  • Doug Freedman, RBC Capital Markets.


  • Doug Freedman

    Doug Freedman

  • Great.


  • Thanks for taking my questions, guys.


  • If you could talk a little bit about helping us understand how much of the business is presently exposed to contract-based pricing versus pricing that we are able to see in the marketplace on spot?


  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • Well, Doug, as you know, we have increased our capacity a lot in terms of the NAND business with our restructuring of the Inotera relationship.

    好吧,Doug,如你所知,通過重組 Inotera 關係,我們在 NAND 業務方面的產能增加了很多。

  • On the DRAM side, this is the first quarter that we are seeing some of the effects of the Inotera volume and obviously the Elpida deal hasn't closed, so we are still more heavily weighted to OEM contract pricing in the volume markets, specifically, and in it's obviously true in specialty.

    在 DRAM 方面,這是我們看到 Inotera 銷量影響的第一季度,顯然 Elpida 的交易尚未完成,因此我們仍然更加重視批量市場的 OEM 合同定價,具體而言,並且在專業方面顯然是正確的。

  • So, our model today is pretty heavily focused on contract and that's why, as I mentioned in my earlier comments, that lag effect shows up in our ASP at Micron relative to what you see in the DRAM exchange.

    因此,我們今天的模型非常關注合同,這就是為什麼,正如我在之前的評論中提到的,相對於您在 DRAM 交易所中看到的情況,我們在美光的 ASP 中出現了滯後效應。

  • But we see that gap closing in Q3 like it normally does in a recovery market.


  • Doug Freedman

    Doug Freedman

  • Is there any chance that we get to a point in the industry that you guys feel comfortable enough with how much business is being done and the visibility that you have on that business such that you'll offer revenue, gross margin and EPS guidance?


  • Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

    Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

  • Doug, this is Ron.


  • That's a good question about stability.


  • One of the challenges we have in trying to give hard guidance, if you will, is just the variability in our pricing.


  • Historically, it's been related to -- while the variability and volatility in ASPs and PC DRAM pricing, for example.

    從歷史上看,它與 - 例如,ASP 和 PC DRAM 定價的可變性和波動性有關。

  • Going forward, we have the added challenge of a very nice mix of products that we been able to develop in recent years and it continues to expand.


  • And as you have seen us caught out in conference calls, we have a lot of mix adjustments we have to do in our messaging.


  • With that combination of ASP volatility, which at least is still with us to date, and variation in mix it's pretty challenging to try to call it.

    由於 ASP 波動性的組合(至少迄今為止我們仍然存在)和組合的變化,嘗試調用它是非常具有挑戰性的。

  • But we do try to point you, as you know, in the direction of where we think things are headed as best we can.


  • Doug Freedman

    Doug Freedman

  • Great.


  • I've got a few more but I will jump back in the queue and leave it to my peers.


  • Thanks, guys.


  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • Thanks, Doug.


  • Operator


  • Daniel Berenbaum, MKM Partners.

    丹尼爾·貝倫鮑姆,MKM 合夥人。

  • Daniel Berenbaum - Analyst

    Daniel Berenbaum - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Thanks for taking the call.


  • Real quick on the sale of the Avezzano fab, does that mean you're -- when does that close and does that mean that the imaging category will finally just go to zero for you guys?

    Avezzano 晶圓廠的銷售真的很快,這是否意味著你們 - 什麼時候關閉,這是否意味著成像類別最終會歸零?

  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • It will be very close to zero, post close, which should happen sometime in the May time frame.

    收盤後,它將非常接近於零,這應該發生在 5 月的某個時間範圍內。

  • Daniel Berenbaum - Analyst

    Daniel Berenbaum - Analyst

  • So, from August on.


  • And that, I assume, is going to be accretive to your overall results.


  • Can you talk -- how accretive would that be to gross margin and how much OpEx comes out?

    你能談談 - 這對毛利率有多大的影響以及有多少 OpEx 出來?

  • Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

    Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

  • Daniel, so first of all, it's a May close so after may we wouldn't have any volume.


  • It would shift over, if that's when the close actually occurs.


  • In terms of impact on our financials, the imaging business is a piece of our other non-segment category in our financial statement.


  • If you look at our 10-Ks and 10-Qs.

    如果您查看我們的 10-K 和 10-Q。

  • And it's the predominant share of it, but it's not everything that's in there.


  • If I look at the recent quarters, we have been running relatively negative on margin.


  • Not large amounts.


  • It's zeros to tens of millions of dollars kind of range per quarter, and often around zero because that's the targeted structuring.


  • So, if you think about it, in recent history, it's probably a slight improvement marginally -- a few million dollars per quarter.


  • Daniel Berenbaum - Analyst

    Daniel Berenbaum - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • And then, going back to DRAM, Mark, you'd mentioned that you thought DRAM wafer capacity was going down, if I heard that correctly.

    然後,回到 DRAM,Mark,如果我沒聽錯的話,您提到您認為 DRAM 晶圓產能正在下降。

  • So, in the industry, what gives you confidence that industry wafer capacity goes down?


  • And then, what industry supply growth do you think we can get from technology shrinks alone?


  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • Well, the technology nodes are becoming increasingly complicated to drive the shift below 25 nanometers.

    嗯,技術節點正變得越來越複雜,以推動低於 25 納米的轉變。

  • So, if you look at -- depending on exactly what your process technology node is, you look at anywhere from a 10% to 30% increase in complexity moving to a 20 nanometer node in terms of overall floor space loading and a total number of wafer moves.

    因此,如果您查看 - 根據您的工藝技術節點的具體情況,您會看到復雜性增加 10% 到 30% 到 20 納米節點的總體佔地面積負載和總數晶圓移動。

  • So, there is a big range there because people are moving from different places with different toolsets, et cetera, but the trend is the same for all of us, which is we need more lithography; we need more dryers, equipment, et cetera, to facilitate a scaling.


  • And unless somebody is going to go out and build a new fab, which, I mentioned a little while ago, relative to NAND, you've got some impediments with 3-D on the DRAM side.

    除非有人要出去建造一個新的晶圓廠,我剛才提到過,相對於 NAND,你在 DRAM 方面遇到了一些 3-D 障礙。

  • You've got EUV technology over the horizon.

    你已經掌握了 EUV 技術。

  • Now you're going to go build a bunch of [pits doubling] DRAM capacity in advance of a potential technology shift to EUV.

    現在你要在潛在的技術轉移到 EUV 之前建立一堆 [坑加倍] DRAM 容量。

  • I think there is a lot of reasons why people may look at just living within their existing four walls, and that would tend to drive wafer capacity down, while still driving an increase in bits.


  • Was there a second part to your question?


  • Daniel Berenbaum - Analyst

    Daniel Berenbaum - Analyst

  • Well, that makes sense.


  • And then just related to that is, so, if people live with inside their -- within their own four walls now, as we go through change, what kind of bit growth do you think the industry is on?


  • What kind of path do you think the industry is on purely from shrinks with no additional equipment?


  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • Yes, I think it's in this 20% to 30% range that most people are prognosticating, and that looks about right to me.

    是的,我認為大多數人的預測都在這 20% 到 30% 的範圍內,這對我來說似乎是正確的。

  • Daniel Berenbaum - Analyst

    Daniel Berenbaum - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • Steven Fox, Cross Research.


  • Steven Fox - Analyst

    Steven Fox - Analyst

  • Good afternoon.


  • Just two questions for me.


  • First of all, on the server DRAM, I think you guys mentioned that you were gaining share during the quarter.

    首先,在服務器 DRAM 上,我想你們提到你們在本季度獲得了份額。

  • I was just curious what you would attribute that to.


  • And then, secondly, just back on the SSDs, relative to the growth rate that you talked about -- the unit growth rate, how does that compare to the market and what would you consider your expectations for unit growth on enterprise and client going forward?

    然後,其次,回到 SSD,相對於您談到的增長率——單位增長率,與市場相比如何,您認為您對企業和客戶未來單位增長的期望是什麼?

  • I know you talked about average capacities, but if you could flesh that out a little bit more, that would be helpful.


  • Thanks.


  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • On the first question as it relates to server, our growth has really been limited to our own capacity, which is now increasing.


  • And if you've looked, we've actually had record quarters the last four quarters, I believe, in server.


  • This is the first time we were over 200 million gigabit equivalents and a lot of it has to do with the amount of server-grade quality we've been getting out of our factories, which, again, has been going up dramatically.

    這是我們第一次超過 2 億千兆比特,這在很大程度上與我們從工廠中獲得的服務器級質量的數量有關,而這又一次急劇上升。

  • Micron has been a leader in terms of the server DRAM business for some time and our customers are asking to continue to scale there, so we continue to see growth opportunities.

    一段時間以來,美光一直是服務器 DRAM 業務的領導者,我們的客戶要求繼續擴大規模,因此我們繼續看到增長機會。

  • And it's just, as we ramp more server product, we are getting it out to the market.


  • As it relates -- can you please ask the second part of your question on the SSD side?

    正如它所涉及的那樣 - 您能否在 SSD 方面提出問題的第二部分?

  • Steven Fox - Analyst

    Steven Fox - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • I'm just trying to understand the unit growth that you gave on SSDs a little bit better in terms of perspective on how you think the market is growing.

    我只是想從你認為市場如何增長的角度更好地理解你在 SSD 上給出的單位增長。

  • And then what is the outlook for SSDs going forward from a unit standpoint?

    那麼從單位的角度來看,SSD 的前景如何?

  • You talked about average capacity, but I'm just trying to (multiple speakers).


  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • Yes.


  • Sure.


  • I think the SSDs -- overall SSDs, we see year-on-year unit growth, 2013 over 2012 in the 60% to 70% range.

    我認為固態硬盤——整體固態硬盤,我們看到 2013 年比 2012 年同比增長 60% 到 70%。

  • Of course, ours is growing much faster than that.


  • I think part of that is -- anytime you have a new technology like SSDs, there are a lot of competitors in the market, some of which just weren't able to compete long-term and that opens up market share for people who are in it for the long-term, such as Micron.

    我認為其中的一部分是——只要你有像 SSD 這樣的新技術,市場上就會有很多競爭對手,其中一些只是無法長期競爭,這為那些正在開發市場份額的人打開了市場份額。長期在其中,例如美光。

  • We have always said that we believe people with access to the NAND, manufacturing the NAND, are going to have an advantage and we think -- as driven by our growth in the SSD market, that is playing out pretty well and we are optimistic we are going to continue to outgrow the market in the short term.

    我們一直說,我們相信擁有 NAND 訪問權限、製造 NAND 的人將擁有優勢,我們認為——在我們在 SSD 市場增長的推動下,情況非常好,我們對我們持樂觀態度短期內將繼續超過市場。

  • Steven Fox - Analyst

    Steven Fox - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Ryan Goodman, CLSA.


  • Ryan Goodman - Analyst

    Ryan Goodman - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • Congratulations on the quarter.


  • Question on the capacity.


  • If you were to shift or convert some of the DRAM capacity to NAND -- I know in the past you've talked about this being able to happen at a discounted price.

    如果您要將部分 DRAM 容量轉移或轉換為 NAND——我知道過去您曾說過這可以以折扣價實現。

  • But how should we be thinking about incremental cash requirements to get that new NAND volume through a competitive geometry?

    但是我們應該如何考慮增加現金需求以通過競爭幾何獲得新的 NAND 量?

  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • I think the easiest way to think of it is, there is a spend per 1000 wafers per week or 1000 wafers per month that we would typically make to move a DRAM fab forward, a technology node, or a NAND fab forward, a technology node.

    我認為最簡單的想法是,我們通常會花費每週每 1000 片晶圓或每月 1000 片晶圓來推動 DRAM 晶圓廠(技術節點)或 NAND 晶圓廠(技術節點)前進.

  • It's about the same.


  • So if we want to take a leading-edge DRAM fab and move it forward -- and move it to a leading-edge NAND node, it's about the same spend as it would be to take that same fab and move it forward to the next node in DRAM.

    因此,如果我們想採用領先的 DRAM 晶圓廠並將其向前移動——並將其移動到領先的 NAND 節點,那麼花費與占用同一晶圓廠並將其向前移動到下一個晶圓廠的花費大致相同DRAM中的節點。

  • It's that same sort of capital intensity.


  • It's just choosing a slightly different node to transition to.


  • Ryan Goodman - Analyst

    Ryan Goodman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I guess as a follow-up to that then, just a little bit.


  • So, if you were to mix shift from DRAM to NAND, I mean, it's a positive for margins at face value but you are shifting into a sector where you probably have one or two shrinks to catch up if you're going from where you are in DRAM to NAND.

    所以,如果你要混合從 DRAM 到 NAND 的轉變,我的意思是,這對面值的利潤率是有利的,但你正在轉移到一個行業,如果你從哪裡開始,你可能會有一兩次收縮來趕上在 DRAM 到 NAND 中。

  • Costs are already getting a bit higher in NAND.


  • There's some major transitions around the corner that are still unknown with vertical, 3-D, whatever it turns into.

    拐角處有一些主要的過渡,對於垂直的 3-D,無論它變成什麼,它們仍然是未知的。

  • So, I guess how are you thinking about the long-term return potential on these conversion costs, just between the conversion and the shrink versus -- I mean, especially now with the DRAM, it's looking pretty profitable.

    所以,我猜你如何考慮這些轉換成本的長期回報潛力,就在轉換和縮小之間——我的意思是,特別是現在有了 DRAM,它看起來非常有利可圖。

  • So, I guess how are you thinking about balancing those two opportunities?


  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • Well, we are all about margin.


  • So we are going to take a look at where we think the margin is going to be for us on a relative basis and it's got to be sustainable.


  • But that's what I meant when I talked about low-frequency and short-frequency changes here.


  • We are not going to be jerking our manufacturing capacity around to take advantage of short perturbations in the market, but we are going to try and align our capacity with the long-term demand and where we think we can drive higher margin business.


  • So, if we identify an unfilled segment of the SSD market, we may want to go out and put capacity in place to service that.

    因此,如果我們確定 SSD 市場的一個未填補部分,我們可能希望走出去並提供適當的容量來服務它。

  • Likewise, if we see something particularly attractive in package-on-package DRAM or something of that nature, we want to make sure we're there, too.

    同樣,如果我們看到封裝上封裝 DRAM 或類似性質的東西特別有吸引力,我們希望確保我們也在那裡。

  • So, we are going to identify those high-margin opportunities and move our capacity to intercept them.


  • Ryan Goodman - Analyst

    Ryan Goodman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Thanks.


  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • I hope that's not too fuzzy for you, but that's really all I can tell you.


  • Ryan Goodman - Analyst

    Ryan Goodman - Analyst

  • No.


  • That was great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Alex Gauna, JMP Securities.

    亞歷克斯·高納,JMP 證券。

  • Alex Gauna - Analyst

    Alex Gauna - Analyst

  • Good afternoon, everybody.


  • I was wondering, could you clarify, did your exposure to commodity PC DRAM actually go up on the quarter and could you give us a sense maybe what that exposure is, percentage-wise, for DRAM?

    我想知道,您能否澄清一下,您對商品 PC DRAM 的敞口實際上是否在本季度有所增加,您能否告訴我們,DRAM 的敞口百分比是多少?

  • And then also, how you feel about that exposure.


  • I know you mentioned that there is a favorable supply-demand dynamic going on, but if you could punch through that and talk a little bit about what you see for PC and market trends.


  • Thanks.


  • Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

    Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

  • Sure.


  • I can help you a little bit with that.


  • It did increase our exposure to personal systems memory, which is what you are referencing, went from around 13% of total revenues in Q1 to around 18% or high teens in Q2.

    它確實增加了我們對個人系統內存的接觸,這就是你所指的,從第一季度佔總收入的 13% 左右增加到第二季度的 18% 左右或十幾歲。

  • And maybe I'll let Mark talk more around the pricing dynamics and the demand dynamics, but those are the data points for you.


  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • Yes, I'd like to just reinforce the point I touched on a little earlier, which is a mobile DRAM part is not necessarily perishable to a PC DRAM part and vice versa.

    是的,我想強調一下我之前提到的一點,即移動 DRAM 部件不一定對 PC DRAM 部件易腐爛,反之亦然。

  • And so, as we look at the overall market, both mobile DRAM and PC DRAM are pretty healthy right now.

    因此,從整體市場來看,移動 DRAM 和 PC DRAM 目前都非常健康。

  • But having said that, as you think about the market conditions, even though the PC unit growth is not -- is projected to be low single digits to flat year over year, it's in pretty good balance right now.

    但是話雖如此,當您考慮市場狀況時,即使 PC 單位增長不是 - 預計同比將保持低個位數至持平,但目前處於相當好的平衡狀態。

  • The PC market is not oversupplied as we sit here today in March.

    PC 市場並沒有供過於求,因為我們今天坐在這裡是 3 月。

  • And the mobile market is pretty hot.


  • But we are watching that balance because, as manufacturers, we have to call that right to keep the balance in good favor and that's what is, I think, helping us both in the PC space.

    但是我們正在關注這種平衡,因為作為製造商,我們必須調用這種權利來保持平衡,而這正是我認為在 PC 領域幫助我們雙方的原因。

  • It's not that end-user demand for PCs are up, it's just the economics of supply and demand are providing pretty favorable business for us in PCs.


  • Alex Gauna - Analyst

    Alex Gauna - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And if you could help me understand, with Haswell coming up, is there another [SKU bit phase] for you in terms of maybe DDR3 to DDR4?

    如果你能幫助我理解,隨著 Haswell 的出現,是否還有另一個 [SKU 位階段] 適合你,可能是 DDR3 到 DDR4?

  • Or how should we look at the timing of Haswell and what that means for you in terms of picking the right SKU?

    或者我們應該如何看待 Haswell 的時機以及這對您選擇正確的 SKU 意味著什麼?

  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • I think we'll just continue to work with our customers to work on adoptions.


  • We get a little concerned when we try to think too much about what's out in the press and the marketing of these types of technologies.


  • It's really about customer adoptions and making our manufacturing output a line to their overall demand there.


  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • We've got qualified DDR4 products out there to Intel and other (technical difficulty).

    我們已經為英特爾和其他公司提供了合格的 DDR4 產品(技術難度)。

  • Alex Gauna - Analyst

    Alex Gauna - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • You bet.


  • And with that, I think we have time for one more question.


  • Operator


  • Kevin Cassidy, Stifel Nicolaus.


  • Dean Grumlose - Analyst

    Dean Grumlose - Analyst

  • Hello.


  • This is Dean Grumlose calling in for Kevin.

    這是 Dean Grumlose 打電話給 Kevin。

  • Thank you for taking my call.


  • What are your expectations for gross margin between the various segments, especially DRAM?

    您對各個細分市場(尤其是 DRAM)之間的毛利率有何預期?

  • Do you expect these will equalize in the longer-term or will remain stratified in some way?


  • Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

    Mark Durcan - CEO & Director

  • Wow.


  • Good question.


  • I guess we -- to Ron's earlier comments, we generally have a difficult time ultimately predicting ASPs, which obviously are the 50% of impact to gross margin.

    我想我們 - 根據 Ron 之前的評論,我們通常很難最終預測 ASP,這顯然是對毛利率的 50% 影響。

  • So, maybe I'll just end the call or give you one more chance with questions without trying to lead you to gross margins, particularly.


  • We do have a few views, but maybe I'll just let that for market speculation for now.


  • Dean Grumlose - Analyst

    Dean Grumlose - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And regarding Inotera, do you have the flexibility to run different types of specialty DRAM within that agreement?

    關於 Inotera,您是否可以靈活地在該協議內運行不同類型的專業 DRAM?

  • Or is there any reason this stays tied to the PC area?

    或者是否有任何理由與 PC 領域保持聯繫?

  • Mark Adams - President

    Mark Adams - President

  • No, we can use that capacity as we see fit.


  • Dean Grumlose - Analyst

    Dean Grumlose - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • One final thought, if I could squeeze it in.


  • Does the new Inotera agreement change the equity method treatment in the income statement or does that remain the same?

    新的 Inotera 協議是否改變了損益表中的權益法處理方式,還是保持不變?

  • Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

    Ron Foster - CFO & VP of Finance

  • Dean, this is Ron.


  • It remains the same.


  • We are about a 40% owner and we take 40% of it on our equity line.

    我們是大約 40% 的所有者,我們將其中的 40% 用於我們的權益線。

  • Dean Grumlose - Analyst

    Dean Grumlose - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • Thank you, Dean.


  • Really appreciate it.


  • We would like to thank everyone for participating on the call today.


  • If you will please bear with me, I need to repeat the Safe Harbor protection language.


  • During the course of this call, we may have made forward-looking statements regarding the Company and the industry.


  • These particular forward-looking statements and all other statements that may have been made on the call that are not historical facts are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties and actual results may differ materially.


  • For information on the important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially, please refer to our filings with the SEC, including the Company's most recent 10-Q and 10-K.

    有關可能導致實際結果出現重大差異的重要因素的信息,請參閱我們向 SEC 提交的文件,包括公司最近的 10-Q 和 10-K。

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • This concludes today's Micron Technology second-quarter 2013 financial release conference call.

    今天的美光科技 2013 年第二季度財務發布電話會議到此結束。

  • You may now disconnect.
