Meta Platforms Inc (META) 2018 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon.


  • My name is Mike, and I will be your conference operator today.


  • At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to the Facebook Third Quarter 2018 Earnings Conference Call.

    現在,我歡迎大家參加 Facebook 2018 年第三季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) This call will be recorded.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Ms. Deborah Crawford, Facebook's Vice President of Investor Relations, you may begin.

    Facebook 投資者關係副總裁 Deborah Crawford 女士,您可以開始了。

  • Deborah T. Crawford - VP of IR

    Deborah T. Crawford - VP of IR

  • Thank you.


  • Good afternoon, and welcome to Facebook's Third Quarter 2018 Earnings Conference Call.

    下午好,歡迎參加 Facebook 2018 年第三季財報電話會議。

  • Joining me today to discuss our results are Mark Zuckerberg, CEO; Sheryl Sandberg, COO; and Dave Wehner, CFO.

    今天與我一起討論我們的結果的是執行長馬克·祖克柏 (Mark Zuckerberg);謝麗爾·桑德伯格,營運長;和財務長戴夫‧韋納 (Dave Wehner)。

  • Before we get started, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that our remarks today will include forward-looking statements.


  • Actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by these forward-looking statements.


  • Factors that could cause these results to differ materially are set forth in today's press release and in our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC.

    今天的新聞稿以及我們向 SEC 提交的 10-Q 表格季度報告中闡述了可能導致這些結果出現重大差異的因素。

  • Any forward-looking statements that we make on this call are based on assumptions as of today, and we undertake no obligation to update these statements as a result of new information or future events.


  • During this call, we may present both GAAP and non-GAAP financial measures.


  • A reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures is included in today's earnings press release.

    今天的收益新聞稿中包含了 GAAP 與非 GAAP 指標的調整表。

  • The press release and an accompanying investor presentation are available on our website at

    新聞稿和隨附的投資者簡報可在我們的網站 上取得。

  • And now, I'd like to turn the call over to Mark.


  • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • Thanks, Deborah, and thank you, all, for joining us today.


  • We had a solid quarter, and our community and business continue to grow quickly.


  • 2.3 billion people now use Facebook every month, and 1.5 billion every day.

    現在每月有 23 億人使用 Facebook,每天有 15 億人使用 Facebook。

  • Revenue grew 33% year-over-year to $13.7 billion.

    營收年增 33% 至 137 億美元。

  • Last quarter, for the first time, we also shared the number of people who use at least one of our apps each month.


  • We believe this is a better way to measure our community over time because so many people use more than one of our apps.


  • There are now more than 2.6 billion people using Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram or Messenger each month, up from around 2.5 billion last quarter.

    目前每月有超過 26 億人使用 Facebook、WhatsApp、Instagram 或 Messenger,高於上季的約 25 億。

  • But now, on average, more than 2 billion people use at least one of our services every day.

    但現在,平均有超過 20 億人每天至少使用我們的一項服務。

  • Today, I want to talk about our strategy overall as we navigate challenges and opportunities on several fronts.


  • For one, we're seeing the way people connect shifting to private messaging and stories.


  • We have great products here that people love, but it will take some time for our business to catch up to our community growth.


  • Two, we're seeing video grow dramatically across the ecosystem, and while Watch is now growing very quickly, we're well behind YouTube and still working to make this a unique people-centric experience.

    第二,我們看到影片在整個生態系統中急劇增長,雖然 Watch 現在增長非常快,但我們遠遠落後於 YouTube,並且仍在努力使其成為以人為本的獨特體驗。

  • Three, we continue to face increased safety and security threats.


  • We have significantly improved our systems here but we have more to do.


  • So let's start with messaging and stories.


  • Public sharing will always be very important, but people increasingly want to share privately, too.


  • And that includes both just smaller audiences with messaging and ephemerally with stories.


  • People feel more comfortable being themselves when they know their content will only be seen by a smaller group and when their content won't stick around forever.


  • Messaging and stories make up the vast majority of growth in the sharing that we are seeing.


  • On messaging specifically, we think we build the best messaging apps in the world.


  • People now send around 100 billion messages each day using our services that even our second-most popular service, Messenger, has a highly -- a higher daily message volume than SMS had globally at its peak.

    現在,人們每天使用我們的服務發送約 1000 億條訊息,即使是我們第二受歡迎的服務 Messenger 的每日訊息量也比全球簡訊高峰期還要高。

  • And this isn't just text.


  • People share more photos, videos and links on WhatsApp and Messenger than they do on social networks.

    人們在 WhatsApp 和 Messenger 上分享的照片、影片和連結比在社群網路上分享的還要多。

  • We are leading in most countries, but our biggest competitor by far is iMessage, and in important countries like the U.S., where the iPhone is strong, Apple bundles iMessage as the default texting app and it's still ahead.

    我們在大多數國家/地區都處於領先地位,但迄今為止我們最大的競爭對手是iMessage,而在美國等iPhone 強勁的重要國家/地區,蘋果將iMessage 捆綁為默認短信應用程序,並且仍然處於領先地位。

  • In countries where there's more competition between iOS and Android like much of Europe, people tend to prefer our services.

    在 iOS 和 Android 之間競爭更激烈的國家(例如歐洲大部分地區),人們往往更喜歡我們的服務。

  • Now it's worth noting that one of the main reasons people prefer our services, especially WhatsApp, is because of its stronger record on privacy.

    現在值得注意的是,人們喜歡我們的服務(尤其是 WhatsApp)的主要原因之一是它在隱私方面的記錄更出色。

  • WhatsApp is completely end-to-end encrypted, does not store your messages and doesn't store the keys to your messages in China or anywhere else.

    WhatsApp 是完全端對端加密的,不會儲存您的訊息,也不會在中國或其他任何地方儲存您的訊息金鑰。

  • And this is important because if our systems can't see your messages, then that means that governments and bad actors won't be able to access them through us either.


  • Our road map focuses on continuing to make WhatsApp and Messenger even simpler, faster and adding basic utility features like payments.

    我們的路線圖重點是繼續讓 WhatsApp 和 Messenger 變得更簡單、更快,並添加支付等基本實用功能。

  • We found that every time we make our services faster and simpler, people communicate more.


  • We'll also keep pushing our messaging services to be more private and secure, and we believe this will continue to be a competitive advantage for us.


  • On the business side of messaging, our first step has been to enable people to connect with businesses organically in ways they find useful, and then the second step is to give businesses additional paid tools to increase those interactions.


  • We're well into step 1 at this point with more than 3 million accounts on WhatsApp business.

    目前,我們已經進入第 1 步,WhatsApp 業務帳戶已超過 300 萬個。

  • We'll begin step 2 with a couple of products, paid messaging and ads and stories.

    我們將從一些產品、付費訊息、廣告和故事開始第 2 步。

  • And by making businesses pay to send messages, we believe we will make them more selective with what they send.


  • Payments will make each of these services more useful for people and businesses, even though we don't plan to profit from it directly.


  • I'll update with more progress on each of these efforts in the next few quarters.


  • On Stories, we are even better positioned.


  • People now share more than 1 billion stories every day.

    現在人們每天分享超過 10 億個故事。

  • We lead in almost every country.


  • There are a couple of reasons we focused on building Stories in all of our apps.


  • First, I just think that this is the future.


  • People want to share in ways that don't stick around permanently, and I want to make sure that we fully embrace this.


  • Second, Stories is a medium like Feeds that can feel very different in very different contexts.


  • So just like most major social apps have feeds, including Pinterest, Twitter or LinkedIn, but you wouldn't say that those services do the same things, I think many services will have stories in the future, too, but will serve different functions.

    就像大多數主要社交應用程式都有提要一樣,包括 Pinterest、Twitter 或 LinkedIn,但你不會說這些服務做同樣的事情,我認為許多服務將來也會有故事,但會提供不同的功能。

  • Now while this effort is going well, we're also working through a couple of challenges here.


  • One is that while WhatsApp Status and Instagram Stories immediately took off and have been huge successes, Facebook Stories started off slower.

    其中之一是,雖然 WhatsApp Status 和 Instagram Stories 立即起飛並取得了巨大成功,但 Facebook Stories 起步較慢。

  • It's now growing quickly and I think we'll be in a better position soon, but our effort to shift Facebook from News Feed-first to Stories-first hasn't been as smooth as I'd hoped.

    現在它正在快速增長,我認為我們很快就會處於更好的位置,但我們將 Facebook 從動態消息優先轉向故事優先的努力並不像我希望的那麼順利。

  • But this is important for the Facebook community long term.

    但這對 Facebook 社群的長期發展非常重要。

  • Another challenge is that we're earlier in developing our ads product for Stories, so we won't make as much money from them yet as we do from feed ads.


  • We're following our normal playbook here of building out the best consumer products first and focusing on succeeding there before ramping up ads.


  • I'm optimistic that we'll get ads in Stories to perform as well as feed over time, and that the opportunity will be even bigger because it looks like Stories will be a bigger medium than feed has been.


  • But I want to be upfront that even assuming that we get to where we want to go, from a feed-only world to a feed-plus-stories world, it will take some time and our revenue growth may be slower during that period, like it was while transitioning our products to mobile.


  • Now talking about messaging and stories raises the question of what's the future of our feed product and the Facebook app overall?

    現在談論訊息和故事提出了一個問題:我們的資訊流產品和 Facebook 應用程式的整體未來是什麼?

  • On feed specifically, people continue to use them heavily and we don't expect that to decrease.


  • From a business perspective, feeds will drive the majority of our growth over the next couple of years, at least until Stories become an even bigger driver.


  • On the Facebook app overall, what we see is that we're generally stable, although we may be close to saturated in developing -- in developed countries, while we continue to grow very quickly in developing countries.

    總體而言,在 Facebook 應用程式上,我們看到的是我們整體穩定,儘管我們在發展中國家(在已開發國家)可能接近飽和,而我們在發展中國家繼續快速成長。

  • For a few years, we saw a trend where people's time was increasing primarily because they were consuming more video and public content, even as they interacted with friends and family less.


  • But people were telling us that what they wanted was to interact with people more.


  • So we didn't think that this trend was sustainable.


  • We've made a number of changes this year to focus the product on meaningful social interactions, and those generally seem to be working.


  • That means the trends in how people are interacting have improved, even though we purposely reduced time spent on things like lower-quality viral videos and news to achieve this.


  • While there's a lot to do to improve News Feed, our road map for the Facebook app is very focused on a few priorities: Stories, which we've discussed; video, which I'll get to in a moment; and a much bigger focus on communities and groups.

    雖然改進 News Feed 的工作還有很多工作要做,但我們的 Facebook 應用程式路線圖非常關注幾個優先事項:我們已經討論過的故事;視頻,我稍後會講;以及更加關注社區和團體。

  • If the last 10 years have been about friends and family, then the next 10 years will be about your communities as well.

    如果過去 10 年是關於朋友和家人的,那麼接下來的 10 年也將是關於您的社區的。

  • When we say communities, we mean both helping people connect with people who share their interests, which is a major need in people's lives, and also building out specific services for bringing people closer together, like helping you find someone to date, or find a job, or buy and sell things, or grow your small business, or create an event, or start fundraisers, or bring together a group to volunteer.


  • A lot of these services are growing quickly.


  • Hundreds of millions of people now belong to meaningful communities that are a central part of their social support structure.


  • Marketplace is now used by 800 million people and is emerging as one of the most popular places to buy vehicles online.

    Marketplace 目前有 8 億人使用,並正在成為最受歡迎的在線購買車輛的地方之一。

  • Our -- on jobs, our new tool has helped people find more than 1 million jobs.

    在就業方面,我們的新工具已幫助人們找到了超過 100 萬個工作機會。

  • On fundraisers, in the last year, we've helped people raise more than $300 million for charities on their birthdays alone.

    在籌款活動方面,去年,我們僅在人們生日那天就幫助他們為慈善機構籌集了超過 3 億美元的資金。

  • And I'm looking forward to rolling out dating across the world soon, too.


  • These are services that generally benefit from having everyone you know connected on a single platform.


  • And while people may not spend as much time on some of these tools as they do in News Feed, these are very high-value activities for our community.


  • Now we're seeing a similar dynamic in Instagram, where there's still a lot to improve in feed, but we're increasingly focused on other experiences as well.

    現在,我們在 Instagram 上看到了類似的動態,其中的資訊流仍有許多需要改進的地方,但我們也越來越關注其他體驗。

  • But in Instagram, instead of focusing on communities, we're very focused on helping you explore your interests.

    但在 Instagram 中,我們不是專注於社區,而是非常專注於幫助您探索自己的興趣。

  • This will take the form of IGTV, which I'll discuss more in a minute, plus new shopping experiences and really building out Explore.

    這將採取 IGTV 的形式,我將在一分鐘內詳細討論,再加上新的購物體驗和真正建立的 Explore。

  • These areas have huge potential for serving our community and a lot of potential for businesses as well.


  • For example, Explore is already about 20% of the time that people spend in Instagram, but unlike feed, we haven't built any ad experience for it yet, so that's an opportunity.

    例如,探索已經佔據了人們在 Instagram 上花費的大約 20% 的時間,但與 Feed 不同的是,我們還沒有為其建立任何廣告體驗,所以這是一個機會。

  • Now I want to discuss what we're seeing with video specifically since it's such an important and growing area.


  • Our efforts here have grown, but we've had challenges reconciling all this passive video consumption with what people uniquely want from us, which is meaningful social interaction.


  • Video has grown a lot on our services, but as I mentioned earlier, we hit a dynamic where when it grows in feeds in Facebook and Instagram, it displaces some social interactions and people tell us it makes the experience less valuable, even though they're spending more time on it.

    影片在我們的服務中成長了很多,但正如我之前提到的,我們遇到了一個動態,當它在Facebook 和Instagram 的動態中成長時,它取代了一些社交互動,人們告訴我們,這使得體驗變得不那麼有價值,儘管他們「花更多的時間在上面。

  • So the solution to this has been building separate video experiences outside of our feeds with Watch on Facebook and IGTV on Instagram.

    因此,解決方案是在 Facebook 上的 Watch 和 Instagram 上的 IGTV 上建立獨立的視訊體驗。

  • And what we found is that when people seek out video experiences intentionally, they don't displace social interactions as much and the quality of the experience is generally higher.


  • We've also been able to build experiences that help creators build communities around their content, which fits our mission and our focus to encourage meaningful interaction.


  • At this point, Watch has really hit its stride and it's growing incredibly quickly, about 3x in the last few months in the U.S. alone.

    目前,Watch 確實已經取得了長足的進步,而且成長速度令人難以置信,僅在美國,過去幾個月就成長了約 3 倍。

  • IGTV is still earlier in its development, but I think we have a good sense of how to make it work as well.

    IGTV 仍處於開發早期,但我認為我們對如何使其發揮作用也有很好的認識。

  • To be clear, these services are still well behind YouTube, which is our primary competitor in this space, but they're growing very quickly.

    需要明確的是,這些服務仍然遠遠落後於我們在這個領域的主要競爭對手 YouTube,但它們的成長速度非常快。

  • Now that said, beyond the mission challenges of video displacing social interactions, there's also a business challenge, which is that video monetizes significantly less well per minute than people interacting in feeds.


  • So this means that even though we've made video more community-oriented and minimized displacement of social interaction, as video grows, it will still displace some other services where we'd probably make more money.


  • From a mission and a business perspective though, we still believe this is the right thing to do.


  • Video is a critical part of the future.


  • It's what our community wants as long as we can make it social, and I think will end up being a large part of our business as well.


  • All right.


  • Next, I want to talk about safety and security.


  • So let me start by saying that last month, we had a serious security issue.


  • Our teams did well to find and close the vulnerability quickly, but we have a long road ahead to prevent these kind of attacks in the future.


  • Over the last couple of years though, we've done a lot of work and made a lot of progress.


  • We still have at least a year before our systems are at the level that we want, but they're getting better every day, and that's both technology and people.


  • Our systems for proactively identifying harmful content are improving.


  • Our systems for detecting interference in elections are a lot more mature now.


  • The upcoming elections will be a real test of the protections we've put in place.


  • With a community of more than 2 billion people, we will see all the good and bad that humanity can do.

    在一個擁有超過 20 億人口的社區中,我們將看到人類所能做的所有好事和壞事。

  • And we will never be perfect, but I'm proud of the work that we're doing here.


  • We've reduced the incentives to spread misinformation.


  • We're partnering more closely with governments and outside experts to improve security, including here in the U.S., and we set new standards for transparency and advertising.


  • This quarter alone, we've found and taken down foreign influence campaigns from Russia and Iran attempting to interfere in the U.S., U.K., Middle East and elsewhere, as well as groups in Brazil that have been active in their own country.


  • We still have a lot of work to do in all of these areas that I've talked about.


  • News Feed continues to be very important.


  • We're building the best messaging and stories and community tools in the world.


  • Our video services are getting better and growing quickly, and we still have a lot of work to do on safety.


  • And we're also heavily investing in AR and VR as well as hardware for bringing people closer together, like Portal for video presence and Oculus Quest, the all-in-one VR experience that delivers Rift-like quality with no wires attached.

    我們也大力投資 AR 和 VR 以及拉近人們距離的硬件,例如用於視訊呈現的 Portal 和 Oculus Quest,這是一體化的 VR 體驗,無需連接電線即可提供類似 Rift 的品質。

  • So with all of this ahead, I expect 2019 to be another year of significant investment.

    因此,面對這一切,我預計 2019 年將是另一個重大投資的一年。

  • Dave will say more about this in a moment, but I want you to know that looking out beyond 2019, I know that we need to make sure our costs and revenue are better matched over time, and that's something that I'm focused on as well.

    戴夫稍後會詳細介紹這一點,但我想讓你們知道,展望 2019 年之後,我知道我們需要確保我們的成本和收入隨著時間的推移更好地匹配,這也是我關注的重點出色地。

  • So overall, this has been an important year.


  • It's been a tough year, but we built products that I'm proud of, and we've made a lot of progress on some of our hardest issues.


  • As always, I appreciate your support, and thank you for being a part of this journey with us.


  • And now, here's Sheryl.


  • Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

    Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

  • Hi, everyone.


  • It was another good quarter for our business with ad revenue up 33% year-over-year.

    對於我們的業務來說,這個季度又是一個好季度,廣告收入較去年同期成長 33%。

  • Our growth was broad-based across regions, marketer segments and verticals.


  • Mobile ad revenue grew 40% to $12.5 billion, making up approximately 92% of our total ad revenue.

    行動廣告收入成長了 40%,達到 125 億美元,約佔廣告總收入的 92%。

  • Since Facebook launched its first ad products, we've been in the business of growing our clients' businesses, from the largest brands in the world, to the entrepreneur in her living room.

    自從 Facebook 推出首款廣告產品以來,我們一直致力於發展客戶的業務,從世界上最大的品牌到客廳裡的企業家。

  • Over 90 million businesses rely on Facebook Pages to reach potential customers for free.

    超過 9,000 萬家企業依賴 Facebook 專頁免費接觸潛在客戶。

  • In a global survey, half of small businesses with a presence on Facebook said that they are hiring because of growth they're able to achieve through our platform.

    在一項全球調查中,一半在 Facebook 上開展業務的小型企業表示,他們之所以招募員工,是因為他們能夠透過我們的平台成長。

  • More than 6 million advertisers are active across Facebook, Instagram and our other services.

    超過 600 萬廣告商活躍在 Facebook、Instagram 和我們的其他服務上。

  • With more than 2 billion people using at least one of our services every day, we're the best place for these advertisers to show people ads that work.

    每天有超過 20 億人至少使用我們的一項服務,我們是這些廣告商向人們展示有效廣告的最佳場所。

  • We know that our continued growth depends upon maintaining the trust of the people who use our services and earning our clients' business each and every day in a very competitive environment.


  • Every time I meet with clients, I tell them that we want to be the best minute and the best dollar, euro or peso they spend.


  • As we look ahead to 2019 and beyond, we're focused on continuing to build our clients' businesses and ours by helping advertisers reach consumers where they are and making ads better.

    展望 2019 年及以後,我們將致力於透過幫助廣告商接觸消費者並讓廣告變得更好來繼續發展客戶和我們自己的業務。

  • First, helping advertisers connect with people where they are.


  • Consumers often adopt new technologies before businesses do.


  • Our competitive advantage is helping advertisers close that gap.


  • We've done this before on desktop, mobile and News Feed.


  • In the early days, we helped businesses deliver personalized marketing at scale on desktop.


  • With the shift to mobile, we've helped companies, large and small, build their mobile presence.


  • Now we're doing it again with Stories, Messaging, Marketplace and Watch.


  • Today, the primary way advertisers are reaching people on our services is through Facebook News Feed and Instagram feed.

    如今,廣告主在我們的服務上接觸用戶的主要方式是透過 Facebook News Feed 和 Instagram feed。

  • Feed ads on Facebook and Instagram represent the majority of our revenue growth and the majority of opportunities for marketers to generate ROI.

    Facebook 和 Instagram 上的資訊流廣告代表了我們收入成長的大部分,也是行銷人員產生投資報酬率的大部分機會。

  • Quarter-after-quarter, we make improvements that help advertisers use feed ads to launch new products, find new customers, build awareness and increase sales, all in a highly efficient way.


  • We're always working to enable more marketers to achieve their goals through mobile feed, and we see continued opportunity here going forward.


  • At the same time, as Mark mentioned, more and more consumers are using stories and private messaging in addition to the time they spend in News Feed and Instagram feed.

    同時,正如 Mark 所提到的,除了花在 News Feed 和 Instagram feed 上的時間之外,越來越多的消費者還使用故事和私人訊息。

  • Because our services share a common platform, advertisers can use the same tools to buy across all our ad services.


  • Building on the strength of ads in Instagram Stories, we rolled out ads in Facebook Stories in Q3 and announced plans to introduce ads in WhatsApp Status next year.

    憑藉 Instagram Stories 中廣告的優勢,我們在第三季度在 Facebook Stories 中推出了廣告,並宣布計劃明年在 WhatsApp Status 中引入廣告。

  • We know it's not enough to make a new format available.


  • We also need to make it easy for advertisers to optimize their campaigns.


  • In Q3, we improved how ads from News Feed look in Stories.


  • This is important for advertisers like Pandora, who chooses Facebook and Instagram to reach potential listeners.

    這對像 Pandora 這樣的廣告商來說非常重要,他們選擇 Facebook 和 Instagram 來接觸潛在的聽眾。

  • Previously, they would buy Instagram story ads separately and develop unique creative each time.

    先前,他們會單獨購買 Instagram 故事廣告,每次都會開發獨特的創意。

  • Now with automatic placements, our technology converts their horizontal video and captions from Facebook into a design that looks native to the vertical Instagram Stories format.

    現在,透過自動展示位置,我們的技術可以將 Facebook 的水平影片和字幕轉換為垂直 Instagram Stories 格式的原生設計。

  • For Pandora, this resulted in a 10% lower cost per view than their standalone campaigns simply by checking a box in our ad tool.

    對於 Pandora 來說,只需在我們的廣告工具中選中一個複選框,就可以將每次瀏覽的成本比其獨立廣告活動降低 10%。

  • When it comes to messaging, we have an opportunity to help people and businesses connect in ways that are valuable for both.


  • On Messenger, over 10 billion messages are sent between people and businesses every month.

    在 Messenger 上,個人和企業之間每月發送超過 100 億則訊息。

  • It's still early but we're exploring how we can help advertisers reach people in Messenger through sponsored messages and inbox ads.

    現在還為時過早,但我們正在探索如何幫助廣告商透過贊助訊息和收件匣廣告吸引 Messenger 中的用戶。

  • For WhatsApp, we're growing our business ecosystem, starting with the WhatsApp business model app on Android.

    對於 WhatsApp,我們正在發展我們的商業生態系統,從 Android 上的 WhatsApp 商業模式應用程式開始。

  • In August, we launched the WhatsApp Business API to help larger companies send useful information such as boarding passes or delivery confirmations.

    8 月,我們推出了 WhatsApp Business API,幫助較大的公司發送登機證或送達確認等有用資訊。

  • This paid messaging model will ensure that companies are selective about what they send and don't clutter people's chats.


  • As always, people will be able to block any business they want with 1 tap.


  • As we build the business on WhatsApp, we're determined to maintain the simple private user experience that people love.

    當我們在 WhatsApp 上開展業務時,我們決心維持人們喜愛的簡單私人用戶體驗。

  • That's also true for Marketplace and Watch.

    Marketplace 和 Watch 也是如此。

  • Last year, we started allowing advertisers to extend their new seed ads to Marketplace, helping businesses reach people where they already shop.

    去年,我們開始讓廣告主將他們的新種子廣告擴展到 Marketplace,幫助企業吸引已經購物的人。

  • In Q3, we expanded Marketplace ads to nearly 70 marketers.

    在第三季度,我們將 Marketplace 廣告擴展到近 70 名行銷人員。

  • It's early days, but advertisers are seeing good results.


  • With Facebook Watch, we've been working closely with advertisers to better fit their current planning and buying process for video.

    透過 Facebook Watch,我們一直與廣告商密切合作,以更好地適應他們當前的影片規劃和購買流程。

  • In Q3, we introduced a way for advertisers to buy video placements from a selection of the most engaging publishers, choose specific content categories they want their ads to play alongside and pay only for ads that are watched to the end.


  • Again, it's still early, but we're pleased with advertiser interest and results so far.


  • We have a big opportunity to help our large and growing advertiser base expand to new platforms and formats to reach potential customers.


  • Our service makes it possible for every business to access the same tools as the largest brands.


  • We start by making it simple for small businesses to transition from using our consumer apps to using our business tools, and then we make it easy to run more sophisticated campaigns.


  • This has been true every step of our journey so far, from online to mobile, and now from messaging and stories.


  • In the future, this will include opportunities with the new VR/AR platform that we're creating as well.

    未來,這也將包括我們正在創建的新 VR/AR 平台的機會。

  • We're also focused on making ads better.


  • One of the top things people tell us about our ads is that they want them to be relevant.


  • We create value for people when we show ads they are likely to find useful, for advertisers when we deliver ads to the right audience and for our own business by performing this match effectively.


  • Our business model is and always has been to connect people and businesses with relevant marketing messages without sharing people's personal information.


  • Protecting people's privacy is incredibly important because people and businesses will only use our services if they feel Facebook can be trusted and if sharing on our platform is safe.

    保護人們的隱私非常重要,因為人們和企業只有在認為 Facebook 值得信任並且在我們的平台上共享安全時才會使用我們的服務。

  • That's why we're making significant ongoing investments to better protect privacy and security.


  • In Q3, we completed the shutdown of Partner Categories and tightened our standards for Custom Audiences.


  • These changes help protect people's privacy and ensure that advertisers have more oversight of the information they use for advertising.


  • We also continue to invest heavily in technology and people to remove bad content as quickly as possible and prevent it from going up in the first place, while giving advertisers more control over where their ads are placed.


  • This quarter, we added more tools for advertisers to see where their ads might appear on audience network, instant articles, and in-stream placements like Watch.

    本季度,我們為廣告主添加了更多工具,以查看他們的廣告可能出現在受眾網路、即時文章和 Watch 等插播廣告位置的位置。

  • They can block their ads from running in videos or articles from certain publishers or categories of content and review all of their placements at the end of each campaign.


  • Making ads better also means increasing efficiency for advertisers.


  • In Q3, we expanded campaign budget optimization so advertisers of all sizes can now set a single budget and our system automatically finds the best opportunities across each of those segments.


  • Improvements like this one add up and help businesses maximize the value they're getting from our products over time.


  • This is critical for small businesses that don't have large advertising budgets or expertise, and it's an important way we support economic growth and job creation around the world.


  • As we wrap up the year, I want to thank our clients for their partnership and their continued feedback, which helps us improve.


  • And I also want to thank our teams at Facebook for helping these businesses reach their customers and grow.

    我還要感謝 Facebook 團隊幫助這些企業接觸客戶並實現發展。

  • And now, here's Dave.


  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • Thanks, Sheryl, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Let's start with our community metrics.


  • Daily active users on Facebook reached 1.49 billion, up 9% compared to last year, led by growth in India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

    Facebook 的每日活躍用戶達到 14.9 億,比去年成長 9%,其中印度、印尼和菲律賓的成長帶動了成長。

  • This number represents approximately 66% of the 2.27 billion monthly active users in Q3.

    這一數字約佔第三季 22.7 億月活躍用戶的 66%。

  • MAUs were up 199 million or 10% compared to last year.

    月活躍用戶數比去年增加 1.99 億,即 10%。

  • Note that our Q3 2018 community metrics reflect an update to our calculation methodology.

    請注意,我們的 2018 年第三季社區指標反映了我們計算方法的更新。

  • This resulted in the removal of a small percentage of accounts or approximately 15 million DAU and 9 million MAU worldwide.

    這導致全球範圍內一小部分帳戶被刪除,即約 1500 萬個 DAU 和 900 萬個 MAU。

  • This change will modestly impact our year-over-year user growth rates until we lap it next year.


  • Further details are included in the earnings slides on our IR website.

    更多詳細資訊請參閱我們 IR 網站上的收益幻燈片。

  • Turning now to the financials.


  • All comparisons are on a year-over-year basis, unless otherwise noted.


  • Q3 revenue was $13.7 billion, up 33% or 34% on a constant currency basis.

    第三季營收為 137 億美元,以固定匯率計算成長 33% 或 34%。

  • Had foreign exchange rates remained constant compared to last year, Q3 total revenue would have been $159 million higher.

    如果匯率與去年相比保持不變,第三季總營收將增加 1.59 億美元。

  • Q3 total ad revenue was $13.5 billion, up 33%, or 35% on a constant currency basis.

    第三季廣告總營收為 135 億美元,成長 33%,以固定匯率計算成長 35%。

  • In terms of regional ad growth, Asia Pacific was strongest at 38%, followed by Europe and North America at 34% and 33%, respectively.

    就區域廣告成長而言,亞太地區最為強勁,達到 38%,其次是歐洲和北美,分別成長 34% 和 33%。

  • Rest of World ad growth trailed at 26% due to both currency weakness and economic challenges in Latin America.

    由於貨幣疲軟和拉丁美洲的經濟挑戰,世界其他地區的廣告成長落後於 26%。

  • Mobile ad revenue was $12.5 billion, up 40%, and represented approximately 92% of total ad revenue.

    行動廣告收入為 125 億美元,成長 40%,約佔廣告總收入的 92%。

  • In Q3, the average price per ad increased 7%, and the number of ad impressions served across our services increased 25%, driven primarily by feed ads on Instagram and Facebook.

    第三季度,每個廣告的平均價格上漲了 7%,我們的服務中投放的廣告展示次數增加了 25%,這主要是由 Instagram 和 Facebook 上的 Feed 廣告推動的。

  • Our impression growth in Q3 came primarily from product services and geographies that monetize at relatively lower rates.


  • For example, ads in Instagram Stories contributed to our impression growth this quarter, although these ads currently monetize at lower rates compared to feed ads.

    例如,Instagram Stories 中的廣告為本季的印象成長做出了貢獻,儘管這些廣告目前的獲利率低於資訊流廣告。

  • Payments and other fees revenue was $188 million, up 1%.

    支付和其他費用收入為 1.88 億美元,成長 1%。

  • Turning now to expenses.


  • Total expenses were $7.9 billion, up 53%.

    總支出為 79 億美元,成長 53%。

  • We ended Q3 with approximately 33,600 full-time employees.

    截至第三季末,我們擁有約 33,600 名全職員工。

  • That's up 45%.

    上漲了 45%。

  • The majority of our new hires in the past year have been in technical functions.


  • Operating income was $5.8 billion, representing a 42% operating margin.

    營業收入為 58 億美元,營業利益率為 42%。

  • Our Q3 tax rate was 13%.

    我們第三季的稅率為 13%。

  • This was lower than we expected because we did not take the one-time charge that we anticipated due to the Ninth Circuit Court withdrawing its decision in the Altera case.

    這一數字低於我們的預期,因為我們沒有像第九巡迴法院撤回對 Altera 案的判決那樣收取我們預期的一次性費用。

  • Net income was $5.1 billion or $1.76 per share.

    淨利潤為 51 億美元,即每股 1.76 美元。

  • Capital expenditures were $3.3 billion, driven by investments in data centers, servers, network infrastructure and office facilities.

    資本支出為 33 億美元,主要由資料中心、伺服器、網路基礎設施和辦公設施投資推動。

  • In Q3, we generated $4.2 billion in free cash flow and ended the quarter with approximately $41.2 billion in cash and investments.

    第三季度,我們產生了 42 億美元的自由現金流,本季結束時現金和投資約為 412 億美元。

  • In the third quarter, we bought back approximately $4.3 billion of our Class A common stock.

    第三季度,我們回購了約 43 億美元的 A 類普通股。

  • Turning now to the revenue outlook.


  • In Q4, we expect that our total revenue growth rate will decelerate by a mid- to high single-digit percentage compared to our Q3 total revenue growth rate.


  • Several factors are contributing to this deceleration: first, we expect more of our impression growth to continue to come from product services and geographies that monetize at lower rates; second, we are seeing some impact from data privacy initiatives on pricing growth; and third, as we focus more of our product efforts on the growth of Stories, its more prominent placement on Facebook will displace some ad impression opportunities.

    有幾個因素導致了這種減速:首先,我們預期更多的印象成長將繼續來自以較低利率獲利的產品服務和地區;其次,我們看到資料隱私措施對定價成長產生了一些影響;第三,隨著我們將產品工作重點放在故事的成長上,它在 Facebook 上更突出的位置將取代一些廣告展示機會。

  • Turning now to the expense outlook.


  • We anticipate our full year 2018 total expenses will grow approximately 50% to 55% versus our prior range of 50% to 60%.

    我們預計 2018 年全年總費用將成長約 50% 至 55%,而先前的增幅為 50% 至 60%。

  • We anticipate that full year 2018 capital expenditures will be approximately $14 billion to $14.5 billion compared to our prior estimate of $15 billion.

    我們預計 2018 年全年資本支出約為 140 億至 145 億美元,而我們先前的估計為 150 億美元。

  • Turning to tax.


  • At current stock prices, we expect that our Q4 tax rate will be in the mid-teens.


  • As a reminder, fluctuations in our stock price will impact our tax rate.


  • I'd also like to share our initial outlook on 2019 operating expenses and CapEx.

    我也想分享我們對 2019 年營運費用和資本支出的初步展望。

  • As Mark mentioned, we plan to continue to invest aggressively across the business and expect that full year 2019 total expenses will grow 40% to 50% compared to full year 2018.

    正如 Mark 所提到的,我們計劃繼續在整個業務領域積極投資,預計 2019 年全年總費用將比 2018 年全年增長 40% 至 50%。

  • We also expect that full year 2019 capital expenditures will be approximately $18 billion to $20 billion, driven by a continuation of our data center build strategy that seeks to put in place adequate capacity ahead of our needs.

    我們也預期 2019 年全年資本支出將約為 180 億至 200 億美元,這得益於我們繼續實施資料中心建置策略,力求在我們的需求之前建立足夠的容量。

  • We anticipate that our full year 2019 tax rate will be in the mid-teens.

    我們預計 2019 年全年稅率將在十幾歲左右。

  • The third quarter marked a period of both solid revenue growth across the globe and heavy investment as we make progress on our mission to bring the world closer together.


  • We are confident in our ability to improve the products that our communities love as well as to provide innovative new experiences in the near and long term.


  • And with that, Mike, let's open up the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Your first question comes from the line of Doug Anmuth from JPMorgan.

    (操作員說明)您的第一個問題來自摩根大通的 Doug Anmuth。

  • Douglas Till Anmuth - MD

    Douglas Till Anmuth - MD

  • I just wanted to ask 2. First, for Mark, I was just hoping you could talk a little bit more about some of the challenges that you see for Stories within Facebook relative to their stronger adoption in Instagram and for WhatsApp Status.

    我只是想問 2。

  • And then, also, what if Stories don't gain traction on Facebook over time here?

    另外,如果隨著時間的推移,故事在 Facebook 上沒有獲得關注怎麼辦?

  • How do you think about that for the platform as well?


  • And then, secondly, for Dave, just on OpEx for '19, the 40% to 50% growth, should we think about that as still the same buckets of spend that you've been talking about over the last year or so?

    其次,對於戴夫來說,就 19 年的營運支出而言,40% 到 50% 的成長,我們是否應該將其視為您在過去一年左右一直在談論的相同支出類別?

  • And does their prioritization change at all for next year?


  • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • Sure, so I'll take the first part.


  • I think, a lot of this is really basic.


  • When I say that we got started slower on Facebook, that starts with literally rolling out on Facebook a number of months after we had rolled out on either WhatsApp or Instagram.

    當我說我們在 Facebook 上起步較慢時,實際上是在我們推出 WhatsApp 或 Instagram 幾個月後才在 Facebook 上推出的。

  • And then, the initial version of what we shipped, I just think, wasn't as high quality as where it needed to be.


  • It wasn't as fast.


  • There were bugs.


  • And we've been working on dialing that in.


  • I'm less worried at this point about it not working because we're starting to see it really take off.


  • Certainly, with different groups of people, it's stronger in Instagram or WhatsApp or Facebook.

    當然,對於不同的人群,Instagram、WhatsApp 或 Facebook 的效果更強。

  • But across all 3 at this point, we're doing -- it's growing.


  • And as I said in my opening remarks, I think we're going to be a lot better positioned here in Facebook in the next year.

    正如我在開場白中所說,我認為明年我們在 Facebook 的定位將會好得多。

  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • It's Dave.


  • Just on the 2019 expense growth guide, a lot of that is consistent with what we've been talking about as our big investment areas.


  • If you look at just headcount growth in the past year, it's up 45%.

    如果只看過去一年的員工人數成長,您會發現成長了 45%。

  • So that compensation expense base that we're bringing into 2019 is really factoring into the overall growth guidance for the total expense guide, so that's a big factor there.

    因此,我們納入 2019 年的薪酬支出基數確實已納入總支出指南的整體成長指引中,因此這是一個重要因素。

  • In addition, we've been investing significantly in CapEx, and those investments are starting to flow through the P&L in terms of depreciation.


  • And then, I'd point to significant investment areas like AR/VR efforts, the content ecosystem around video and the ongoing investment in safety and security.

    然後,我會指出一些重要的投資領域,例如 AR/VR 工作、圍繞視訊的內容生態系統以及對安全和安保的持續投資。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Eric Sheridan from UBS.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞銀 (UBS) 的 Eric Sheridan。

  • Eric James Sheridan - MD and Equity Research Internet Analyst

    Eric James Sheridan - MD and Equity Research Internet Analyst

  • Maybe one for Sheryl.


  • When you think about some of the friction points you're trying to solve for, I mean, the creative side or the selling through side with respect to video and stories, maybe you could call out some of the conversations you're having with advertisers and how you see some of the moves Facebook can make to solve for those friction points looking out to '19 and beyond?

    當你思考你試圖解決的一些摩擦點時,我的意思是,關於視頻和故事的創意方面或銷售方面,也許你可以說出你與廣告商進行的一些對話您如何看待Facebook 為解決19 年及以後的摩擦點而採取的一些措施?

  • Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

    Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

  • Thanks for the question.


  • We have a very large and growing advertiser base, and that gives us, we think, a really strong position to get people into new formats.


  • When you do that, a couple of things really matter.


  • One is that the format of an ad really has to match the format of the consumer experience.


  • So the right ad in News Feed is different than the right ad in an Instagram or Facebook Story, is different that the right ad in Watch, which would be video-only.

    因此,News Feed 中的正確廣告不同於 Instagram 或 Facebook Story 中的正確廣告,也不同於 Watch 中的正確廣告,後者僅是影片。

  • And so making these new formats of ads is actually hard for people and expensive, and so we're working hard on tools to make the formats easier.


  • And I talked about one of those examples before.


  • What's nice is that the same targeting, the same measurement systems really work because we are looking to show relevant ads to the right person at the right time.


  • The systems we have that understand in a privacy protected way what ads people are likely to be more interested in, those work, whether you're in Stories or Watch or Instagram feed or News Feed.

    我們擁有的系統能夠以保護隱私的方式了解人們可能對哪些廣告更感興趣,這些廣告有效,無論您是在故事、Watch、Instagram feed 還是 News Feed 中。

  • And the other thing is that our systems for measuring the effectiveness of ads, which help advertisers get all the way through to their ROI, which help them bid in our system, also work.


  • And so we take the advertiser base, we take the systems we have for targeting and measuring ads, and then we help advertisers move to the new format, and I think that's the process we're on.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Brian Nowak from Morgan Stanley.


  • Brian Thomas Nowak - Research Analyst

    Brian Thomas Nowak - Research Analyst

  • I have 2. The first one, last quarter, Dave, you made some comments about a multiyear margin outlook.

    我有 2。

  • And I appreciate the comment this quarter about sort of engagement in the feed, et cetera.


  • Was just curious, when you thought about that margin outlook, how do you think about the 1 or 2 key drivers of News Feed monetization over the next few years, given what you expect to sort of be flat overall engagement?

    我只是好奇,當您考慮利潤率前景時,考慮到您預計整體參與度將持平,您如何看待未來幾年動態消息貨幣化的 1 或 2 個關鍵驅動因素?

  • And then, secondly on Watch, Mark, can you just talk about the key 1 to 2 steps you need to sort of clear in order to drive higher Watch and video engagement to sort of catch up with some of the competitors?

    其次,關於 Watch,Mark,您能否談談您需要明確的 1 到 2 個關鍵步驟,以推動更高的 Watch 和視頻參與度,從而趕上一些競爭對手?

  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • It's Dave.


  • In terms of what we're seeing as opportunities, I mean, we continue to see good growth opportunities for revenue across both Facebook and Instagram, including both Feed and Stories.

    就我們所看到的機會而言,我的意思是,我們繼續在 Facebook 和 Instagram(包括 Feed 和 Stories)上看到良好​​的收入成長機會。

  • I think, in terms of impression growth, you're going to have more opportunities in Stories, probably more opportunity on Instagram, but good revenue growth opportunities in both places.

    我認為,就印象成長而言,您將在 Stories 上有更多機會,在 Instagram 上可能會有更多機會,但這兩個地方都有良好的收入成長機會。

  • So that's obviously what we're looking for when we look forward.


  • Beyond that, I don't have much to update on in terms of any more specific revenue outlook.


  • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • And to the video questions, the biggest thing that we need to do is make sure that the video experience is people-centric and that we're helping creators build community and we're helping people interact with each other.


  • Our journey with video has been a little bit funny in that people really want to watch a lot of video.


  • And to a large degree, we've had to rate limit its growth.


  • And we need to do the things so we can stop limiting it.


  • The things that have caused us to limit it are, on the one hand, when we see passive consumption of video displacing social interactions, that's not something that we wanted because we feel like that's what Facebook is.

    導致我們限制它的原因是,一方面,當我們看到影片的被動消費取代了社交互動時,這不是我們想要的,因為我們覺得 Facebook 就是這樣。

  • We build social products that help people interact.


  • There are lots of places in the world that you can go to consume content, but we're the Internet service that people use to help connect with other people, and we're not going to let passive consumption get in the way of that.


  • So we needed to figure out a way so that video can grow but people can also keep on interacting, doing what they tell us that they uniquely want from Facebook.

    因此,我們需要找到一種方法,讓影片能夠成長,同時人們也可以繼續互動,做他們告訴我們的他們特別希望從 Facebook 得到的事情。

  • And now, I think, we're starting to work through what the formula is going to be, so we can take some of those rate limits off and let video grow at the rate that it wants to.


  • And I think that's a very exciting opportunity ahead.


  • And that's one of the reasons that I'm very optimistic about the Watch growth that we have started to see recently, up about 3x in the last few months in the U.S. alone.

    這就是我對最近開始看到的 Watch 成長非常樂觀的原因之一,光是在美國,過去幾個月就成長了約 3 倍。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Justin Post from Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    您的下一個問題來自美銀美林的 Justin Post。

  • Justin Post - MD

    Justin Post - MD

  • Mark, first, on Facebook engagement, there's some questions about usage.

    馬克,首先,關於 Facebook 參與度,存在一些有關使用的問題。

  • And when you look at the engagement, do you see it stable?


  • I think you mentioned that earlier.


  • Does that include some of the changes you've made on video earlier in the year?


  • And then, secondly, some usage may be moving over to Instagram.

    其次,一些用途可能會轉移到 Instagram。

  • When you look at Facebook plus Instagram, how do you feel about how that usage is trending?

    當您查看 Facebook 和 Instagram 時,您對這種使用趨勢有何看法?

  • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • Sure.


  • So I mean, across the whole family of apps, I mean, all of this engagement is growing quickly, and we're very happy with how we're enabling people to share.


  • As I said, the vast majority or the majority of the growth that we're seeing in sharing is coming from private messaging and stories sharing.


  • So that's kind of the big thing.


  • The basic story that we've seen on -- within the Facebook app is over the last few years, the amount of time that people were spending in the app was increasing primarily because people were consuming more public content, like passive video consumption and news, but it was coming at the expense of people interacting with each other as much, so interactions were down.

    我們在 Facebook 應用程式中看到的基本情況是,在過去的幾年裡,人們在應用程式中花費的時間不斷增加,主要是因為人們消費了更多的公共內容,例如被動視訊消費和新聞,但它是以人們相互之間的互動為代價的,因此互動減少了。

  • And we've got a lot of feedback from people saying that's not what they wanted.


  • We don't think that, that's what we're uniquely here to do.


  • It's not the mission of the company.


  • So we felt like that was not sustainable.


  • So we've made a lot of shifts this year, which I've talked about in a bunch of these calls, to encourage more meaningful social interactions instead.


  • And we have seen that those changes have improved the trajectory of how people are interacting.


  • Now at the same time that we have intentionally reduced time spent on certain things like lower-quality viral videos, some news, some passive content, but that's what I was talking about before when I said that now, the trend, you can kind of look at it in developed markets and developing, in developed markets, it is stable, and we feel like we're pretty close to saturation in a lot of countries like the U.S. And in developing countries where a lot of people are still getting on the Internet, it continues to grow at a fast rate.


  • And there's a -- we think that there's a lot more connecting in community that people want there.


  • So that's kind of what we're seeing overall.


  • Across the whole family, I would say it's very positive on Facebook overall.

    我想說,對於整個家庭來說,Facebook 整體上都是非常正面的。

  • I feel like we have a handle on what the drivers of this are and we're kind of driving it to be what people tell us they want and what we think is going to be sustainable over time.


  • It's the best -- that's the picture that we have.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Ross Sandler from Barclays.


  • Ross Adam Sandler - MD of Americas Equity Research & Senior Internet Analyst

    Ross Adam Sandler - MD of Americas Equity Research & Senior Internet Analyst

  • Two questions.


  • Dave, you mentioned 4Q revenue is going to have a mid- to high single-digit deceleration.


  • That's a tad better than what you stated 90 days ago.

    這比你 90 天前所說的要好一點。

  • So just I know it's a small change, but I think folks on the line are looking for anything incremental in terms of what you're seeing.


  • Has anything improved?


  • And then, any initial read on what kind of deceleration we can expect to see in '19, if at all, as you start turning on the ads on WhatsApp?

    然後,當你開始在 WhatsApp 上打開廣告時,我們可以預期在 19 年看到什麼樣的減速(如果有的話)?

  • And then, one for Sheryl.


  • The shopping experience on Instagram, how do you compare, I guess, just the overall commercial intent on Instagram compared to Facebook?

    Instagram 上的購物體驗,我想您如何比較 Instagram 和 Facebook 上的整體商業意圖?

  • And what do you think that says about the long-term monetization potential for Instagram versus Facebook?

    您認為這說明了 Instagram 與 Facebook 相比的長期獲利潛力如何?

  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • All right.


  • Ross, I'll start off on that.


  • I think the outlook that we're giving for Q4 deceleration is broadly consistent with the outlook that I gave last quarter with the benefit of a little bit more visibility.


  • I'd just reiterate the points that I'd made in the earnings script around what's driving that deceleration.


  • And as far as to how that plays into 2019, we're not providing a specific revenue outlook for 2019.

    至於 2019 年的情況如何,我們並沒有提供 2019 年的具體收入前景。

  • We continue to see good growth opportunities across the platform on both Facebook and Instagram and Feed and Stories.

    我們繼續在 Facebook、Instagram 以及 Feed 和 Stories 等平台上看到良好​​的成長機會。

  • Those are going to be the drivers.


  • I -- we're -- I would characterize the launch of Status ads on WhatsApp as being a much smaller thing than a driver of 2019 revenue growth, and it's going to be more about Instagram and Facebook.

    我——我們——我認為在 WhatsApp 上推出 Status 廣告的作用比 2019 年收入成長的推動力要小得多,而且它將更多地與 Instagram 和 Facebook 相關。

  • The same factors that I discussed impacting Q4 growth will likely continue to play out, to some extent, in 2019, but we've got a lot of good growth opportunities for next year.

    我討論過的影響第四季度成長的因素可能會在某種程度上繼續在 2019 年發揮作用,但明年我們有很多良好的成長機會。

  • Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

    Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

  • When you look at the Instagram shopping experience, we're seeing some really nice growth.

    當你觀察 Instagram 的購物體驗時,我們會看到一些非常好的成長。

  • We have 90 million people tap to reveal product tags and posts every month to learn more about them.

    每月有 9000 萬人點擊顯示產品標籤和貼文以了解更多資訊。

  • And we're putting real investment behind this.


  • In Q3, we rolled out shopping in Stories globally and began testing the shopping channel in Explore.

    第三季度,我們在全球推出了 Stories 購物功能,並開始測試 Explore 中的購物頻道。

  • And so we think the opportunities are big.


  • As you think about commercial intent in Facebook versus Instagram, there's so much activity on both.

    當你考慮 Facebook 和 Instagram 的商業意圖時,你會發現兩者都有如此多的活動。

  • We think there's a lot of opportunity for people to have commercial intent, if not have it when they start but develop it because they see things they're interested in, in both.


  • Instagram can be more interest-based in some places than Facebook, so there are places in Instagram, like fashion or like shopping, that have very high signal, and that gives us, I think, a very strong opportunity there.

    Instagram 在某些地方比 Facebook 更注重興趣,因此 Instagram 上的某些地方,例如時尚或購物,訊號非常高,我認為這給了我們一個非常好的機會。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Lloyd Walmsley from Deutsche Bank.


  • Lloyd Wharton Walmsley - Research Analyst

    Lloyd Wharton Walmsley - Research Analyst

  • Two questions if I can.


  • First, just Mark, your comments in the prepared remarks on Stories having potential to be a bigger medium than News Feed suggests that the engagement is a net positive in terms of time spent or sessions per user.


  • Is that the right way to interpret that, as you see people engage in this, they actually spend more time overall?


  • And then, second question for Dave.


  • Last quarter, you guided to kind of long-term operating margins in the mid-30s range.

    上個季度,您指導長期營業利潤率約 30 多歲。

  • The guidance on OpEx for next year kind of implies we may already be there.


  • Should we kind of expect it to be -- is that the right interpretation and should we expect it to be kind of stable beyond that based on some of the comments from Mark about recognizing that revenue and cost should be matched over the long term?


  • Any help you could give there would be great.


  • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • So on Stories, I don't know if we've given any metrics on time spent or anything on that side, but what I can say is that all of the trends that we've seen suggest that in the not-too-distant future, people will be sharing more into Stories than they will into Feeds.


  • And that's a whole market across all of the Stories type of product will be bigger in a market where people are sharing more moments from their days into Stories-type products than into feed-type products.


  • So -- and this happened very quickly, right?


  • I mean, this whole trend has been -- is much newer than the trend with News Feed and feeds overall.


  • So -- and it continues to grow incredibly quickly.


  • So we just see that there's a lot of upside there.


  • Now on the flip side, I tried to be very careful in my remarks to be clear that this is one of those situations where the community growth that we're seeing is outpacing the progress that we've made so far on developing the ads in that space.


  • And I think we'll get there over time and where the performance will, for Stories ads, will converge with what we've seen in feed, and I think that the opportunity will be bigger because there will be more in Stories than -- or more stories overall than in feed.


  • But I can't tell you just yet what that time frame is going to look like, but I think we're well-positioned over the long term because we're leading in Stories in basically every country.


  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • And Lloyd, on the margin question, as I mentioned, 2019 will be a big investment year.

    勞埃德,關於保證金問題,正如我所提到的,2019 年將是一個重要的投資年。

  • So I would expect us to have the biggest change in our margin structure to happen in 2019 and for it to moderate from there.

    因此,我預計我們的利潤率結構將在 2019 年發生最大的變化,並從此開始放緩。

  • It's hard to be too prescriptive about 2020 and beyond, but I think the biggest change will be 2019.

    對於 2020 年及以後的情況很難有太多規定,但我認為最大的變化將是 2019 年。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Brent Thill from Jefferies.

    您的下一個問題來自 Jefferies 的 Brent Thill。

  • Brent John Thill - Equity Analyst

    Brent John Thill - Equity Analyst

  • Just on Europe, there's been a more pronounced deceleration.


  • I'm just curious in terms of how you think about the stabilization there going forward in your model and maybe a little more color on the pricing.


  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • Yes, Brent, it's Dave.


  • I think -- I guess, if you're talking about DAU and MAU, the -- Europe is stable on that front in terms of Facebook overall.

    我認為——我想,如果你談論的是 DAU 和 MAU,那麼——就 Facebook 整體而言,歐洲在這方面是穩定的。

  • The accounting methodology change did affect how Europe sequential growth rate came in, but really stable if you kind of take that aside.


  • And we had some impact from GDPR over the last 2 quarters.

    在過去的兩個季度中,我們受到了 GDPR 的一些影響。

  • So I think, from that perspective, it is broadly stable for Facebook there.

    所以我認為,從這個角度來看,Facebook 在那裡總體上是穩定的。

  • European growth rate, I think, was healthy from a revenue point of view, so I think we're still seeing good growth in Europe on the revenue front.


  • And a lot of the similar dynamics playing out in Europe is in the rest of the world where you see good impression growth opportunity, especially in areas like Instagram and Stories contributing to overall ability to drive revenue growth.

    歐洲上演的許多類似動態也在世界其他地方出現,您可以看到良好的印象成長機會,特別是在 Instagram 和 Stories 等有助於推動收入成長的整體能力的領域。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Mark May from Citi.


  • Mark Alan May - Director and Senior Analyst

    Mark Alan May - Director and Senior Analyst

  • You seem confident that Stories will ultimately be a more effective canvas, both for users and businesses, and maybe even more so than the feed.


  • But you also talked about the transitional challenges.


  • What specifically are those challenges?


  • And since Instagram is further along with Stories, are there any things you're seeing with Instagram Stories monetization that gives you kind of line of sight to reaching monetization parity, not only at Instagram but also at core Facebook eventually?

    既然 Instagram 與 Stories 的關係更進一步,那麼您在 Instagram Stories 貨幣化方面是否看到了一些東西,可以讓您看到實現貨幣化平等的視線,不僅在 Instagram,而且最終在 Facebook 核心也如此?

  • And then, maybe just a second one.


  • In addition to stories, Mark also discussed how private messaging is also a growth use case.


  • In private messaging, the companies understandably so have been cautious on the monetization side.


  • So just curious if you could discuss how optimistic you are about building a meaningful business around private messaging?


  • Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

    Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

  • I can take those.


  • When you think about the transition or people using feed versus stories, there are a couple of things that are different.


  • One is just the format.


  • And again, we have a lot of experience that those people had display ads or search ads before they really did Facebook ads if you look back a decade, and teaching people, here's what a Facebook ad looks like was a new format people had to understand.

    再說一遍,我們有很多經驗,如果你回顧十年,那些人在真正做Facebook 廣告之前就已經做過展示廣告或搜尋廣告,並且教導人們,這就是Facebook 廣告的樣子,這是人們必須理解的一種新格式。

  • Then as we moved into more photos with Instagram, more videos, a video ad on Facebook or Instagram is a very different thing if they perform while they need to be natively social than a video ad that runs on TV.

    然後,當我們使用 Instagram 拍攝更多照片、更多影片時,如果 Facebook 或 Instagram 上的影片廣告需要本身就具有社交性,那麼它們與在電視上投放的影片廣告是完全不同的。

  • So stories is a new format, right?


  • It has multiple pictures, multiple screens, words and phrases intermixed in a different way.


  • And so again, that's a new muscle for advertisers.


  • I think we're getting people up the curve well this time.


  • We've learned that we can't just rely on teaching our clients and teaching the ad agencies to do it but helping them do that.


  • And so some of the tools we've rolled out that I talked about where we can take your Facebook pictures and your post and make it a story, that makes that process faster.

    因此,我們推出了一些工具,我談到了我們可以在其中拍攝您的 Facebook 照片和貼文並將其製作成故事,這使得該過程更快。

  • I think, when you think about the long-term monetization opportunities, it's really going to depend upon the time people spend.


  • The amount of ads we would feel comfortable inserting into a consumer experience really depends upon how many different things you go through.


  • So if you spend more time in Stories, they'll need to be more engaging because there'll be fewer ads in there.


  • Now that may be possible because there's high, high, high engagement in Stories, but we're going to have to see kind of the length and how quickly people scroll through them to see how many ad opportunities there are and to see how effective those ad opportunities are.


  • Our business depends upon kind of the amount of ads that we can show and the effectiveness of those ads, which drives up ROI and, ultimately, the price.


  • When you think about messaging, if we've already made the transition in a big way to feed, if we are starting to see real success in stories, messaging is in a much earlier stage.


  • And what we're doing on Messenger and on WhatsApp are really making sure that businesses can connect with people and then in the early stages of testing messaging.

    我們在 Messenger 和 WhatsApp 上所做的工作確實是為了確保企業能夠與人們建立聯繫,然後在測試訊息傳遞的早期階段。

  • So we think paid messaging, as we've talked about, and WhatsApp is interesting because by virtue of paying, businesses are going to have to be careful about the content they send.

    因此,我們認為付費訊息傳遞,正如我們所討論的,WhatsApp 很有趣,因為透過付費,企業將不得不小心他們發送的內容。

  • You're not going to send a lot of things people don't want to see if you're paying for them.


  • And so really focused on the consumer experience there and figuring out over time.


  • The last thing I'll say is that I think these things are more connected than people realize in the sense that we're already seeing some nice traction with click-to-Messenger ads.


  • So one of the things advertisers are trying to do when they're in Feed and, ultimately, when they're in Stories is drive to transactions and real engagement one-on-one with a consumer is often part of that.


  • So a click-to-Messenger ad takes advantage of having both of those platforms so that businesses can deepen their relationship with the consumer.


  • And I think those experiences and the interaction between them, we're in earlier days there, but I think we have a lot of opportunity to explore there.


  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • And Mark, this is Dave, I just wanted to add in.


  • I think you asked about sort of line of sight on monetization parity on Stories versus Feed.


  • It's obviously hard to say that because they're both dynamic, they're auctions, there's a lot going on.


  • But I would say that, at least in the near term, the impression growth opportunity is significant on Stories.


  • Pricing will take time, so as we bring more formats to Stories and bring more advertisers to Stories, we can build up that demand and balance that out with supply.


  • But I think, in terms of it converging on Feed from any pricing perspective, that's a journey that's going to take years, not quarters.

    但我認為,從任何定價角度來看,它與 Feed 的融合都將是一個需要數年而不是幾個季度的旅程。

  • So it's going to take time.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Anthony DiClemente from Evercore.

    您的下一個問題來自 Evercore 的 Anthony DiClemente。

  • Anthony Joseph DiClemente - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

    Anthony Joseph DiClemente - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

  • Just one -- really one for Mark, which is I don't think anyone has asked much about the security investments that Facebook is making.

    只有一個——對馬克來說確實是一個,我認為沒有人對 Facebook 正在進行的安全投資有太多的詢問。

  • And when I talk to investors, people are curious whether it's one-off or recurring.


  • And so as you think about 2019, the magnitude of the resources that the company plans to deploy to protect privacy, to protect security, it sounds like you're in or will be in hopefully a better position to ward off bad actors than you were prior to the 2016 election.

    因此,當你想到 2019 年時,公司計劃部署大量資源來保護隱私和安全,聽起來你現在或將來有望比以前更好地抵禦不良行為者2016 年大選之前。

  • And -- but I just wonder, is it -- do you look at this as an endless arms race?


  • Or is there some point in this investment where you might be able to get some better efficiencies on those investments also relative to others in the industry who are making investments that don't seem quite as sizable as Facebook's?

    或者,在這項投資中,相對於產業內其他投資規模似乎不如 Facebook 的其他公司,您是否可以在這些投資上獲得更高的效率?

  • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • Yes, this is a really important question.


  • I do think that we are up against sophisticated adversaries who will continue to evolve.


  • So there is a large element of this, which is an arms race.


  • And when you're talking about security issues and some of the safety and content issues, these are not problems that we fix, right?


  • They're problems that you manage over time and try to reduce and prevent issues from coming up.


  • But it's not -- there's no silver bullet where you do the thing and then you're done.


  • That said, I do think that we were quite behind where we needed to be a couple of years ago.


  • We started a road map, which we said was going to be about a 3-year road map.


  • I think that we have some confidence in that time frame, which takes us through the end of about 2019 to get our systems to the level that we generally think that they should be at, where we're building AI systems that can flag content that might be problematic to a much larger security and review team that can manage the larger volume of stuff that our tools are flagging to them.

    我認為我們對這個時間框架有一定的信心,這會讓我們在 2019 年底左右讓我們的系統達到我們普遍認為應該達到的水平,我們正在構建可以標記內容的人工智慧系統對於規模更大的安全和審查團隊來說可能會出現問題,因為他們可以管理我們的工具向他們標記的大量內容。

  • We're judging our success by go through all the categories of harmful content and behavior, whether it's terrorism or self-harm or hate speech or just any different kind of thing that you'd be worried about, we're judging our success by how proactive can we get, right, to what percent of the stuff that we're taking down are we identifying before other people identify it for us.


  • We've started issuing transparency reports so we can be held publicly accountable on this.


  • What we see internally is that generally, every week and every quarter that goes by, we're getting better and better at this.


  • But I anticipate that it will be about the end of next year when we feel like we're as dialed in as we would generally all like us to be.


  • And even at that point, we're not going to be perfect because there's more than 2 billion people are communicating on this service.

    即使到那時,我們也不會完美,因為有超過 20 億人在使用這項服務進行通訊。

  • There are going to be things that our systems miss no matter how well-tuned we are.


  • But I think we're making progress.


  • We've made a lot of progress in the last couple of years on content overall.


  • Elections are a special case, an extremely important special case of the content and safety issues and security issues that we face.


  • I mean, across all of the different types of content issues of people trying to spread hate or incite violence.


  • We are making progress and I feel good about the progress that we're making.


  • And I think we will continue investing more.


  • But I do think that, to some degree, the last few years and next year are probably going to be the biggest growth in the investment in the security efforts that we'll see.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Heather Bellini from Goldman Sachs.

    您的下一個問題來自高盛 (Goldman Sachs) 的希瑟貝利尼 (Heather Bellini)。

  • Heather Anne Bellini - MD & Analyst

    Heather Anne Bellini - MD & Analyst

  • I just had 2 questions.


  • And I guess, I just -- maybe you just touched on some of this, Mark.


  • But the CapEx growth that you guys gave for next year, how far ahead should we think about you guys building out capacity?


  • And can you help us think about the ongoing trend in particular in light of your comments that you just made about how you'll feel about being dialed in -- more dialed in at the end of 2019?

    您能否幫助我們思考當前的趨勢,特別是根據您剛剛發表的有關您對撥入電話的感受(2019 年底更多撥入電話)的評論?

  • But how do we think about kind of that continued growth in CapEx number?


  • And is there anything there that's a one-time item?


  • And I guess, the other question would just be related to Stories, and I guess, I'm just wondering, I know it's early days in terms of advertisers putting ad units in there at this point, but given that you've got the technology to convert the creative and kind of help people with that process of how to do a good stories ad, how effective do you think that's been in terms of helping to drive their adoption of this ad unit thus far?


  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • Heather, I'll take the first question regarding CapEx.


  • So yes, we are investing ahead of user growth, given the long lead time in deploying data centers and network capacity.


  • So we are building some capacity ahead of our immediate need, so that is playing into it.


  • But we're also making investments to support the core growth of the business.


  • There's a lot of compute that goes behind things like feed ranking and ads ranking.

    Feed 排名和廣告排名等背後需要大量計算。

  • We think there's good ROI to putting more servers behind things like choosing the right ad for the right impression opportunity that we have.


  • So we are putting more compute behind that.


  • And then, I'd also make the comment that a lot of our growth is coming from markets in Asia, our top growth countries were India, Indonesia and the Philippines, so we're building capacity to serve that Asian peak, and those users are at a lower ARPU, so that impacts the overall capital intensity.

    然後,我還要評論說,我們的大部分成長來自亞洲市場,我們成長最快的國家是印度、印尼和菲律賓,因此我們正在建立服務亞洲高峰和這些用戶的能力ARPU 較低,因此會影響整體資本密集度。

  • So we're continuing to invest and we're seeing increased CapEx in 2019, albeit at a much slower growth rate than we had in 2018.

    因此,我們將繼續投資,我們看到 2019 年的資本支出增加,儘管成長比 2018 年慢得多。

  • Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

    Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

  • I'll talk about Stories and I'll share a fun and, I think, important example.


  • We know that when people are using more of the opportunities to reach consumers, their returns often go up.


  • So the fun example is the Furbo dog camera company, they're a Taiwanese company.

    有趣的例子是 Furbo 狗相機公司,他們是一家台灣公司。

  • They built this camera where you can see, talk, and you can -- see and talk and toss dog treats to your dog when you're not at home.


  • They ran a video ad campaign across Facebook and Instagram Stories, and they targeted people with dog-related interests and used Custom Audiences to exclude people who had already purchased their product.

    他們在 Facebook 和 Instagram Stories 上開展了視訊廣告活動,以與狗相關的興趣為目標人群,並使用自訂受眾來排除已經購買其產品的人群。

  • By running across Facebook Stories and Instagram Stories, they drove 20% more leads than their other digital campaigns.

    透過在 Facebook Stories 和 Instagram Stories 上投放廣告,他們比其他數位行銷活動多了 20% 的潛在客戶。

  • So anecdotally, with our early, early adopters, we can see that we believe the increased opportunities here really work, and we have other examples like this.


  • In terms of how early it is for adoption, it's super early.


  • We just rolled out the ability to do this in August, and we have to drive awareness and drive people into trying it.


  • And even when we make it super easy for people to get their ads into the right format, from the smallest mom-and-pop to the largest brands, people want to understand the creative of their ad and it needs to be in a format they feel comfortable.


  • So as more people use Stories, we think they will increasingly feel comfortable in Stories, but we have a long road ahead of us, even with tools that make it easy to drive awareness and adoption.


  • We think once we do, the returns will be good.


  • Operator


  • Your last question comes from the line of Ralph Schackart from William Blair.


  • Ralph Edward Schackart - Partner & Technology Analyst

    Ralph Edward Schackart - Partner & Technology Analyst

  • Maybe switching gears to Feed.


  • You talked about it being a major growth driver and a lot of opportunities for improvement.


  • Can you maybe share some perspective on what those opportunities look like from both a user as well as an advertiser?


  • And then, also, maybe just kind of more longer term, how can Feed continue to be a strong growth driver?


  • Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

    Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

  • I can take that.


  • When you think about Feed, what people are doing is sharing, they're sharing in Instagram and Facebook.

    當你想到 Feed 時,人們正在做的就是分享,他們在 Instagram 和 Facebook 上分享。

  • And that means there's, in many ways, almost limitless opportunity for consumers to do more.


  • I think we've made some strong changes on Facebook in terms of meaningful social interactions, and I think the history of our ability to develop and iterate on consumer product shows that we can help people as they evolve, share the things they want to share and have a very meaningful and important experience in Feed as they're sharing.

    我認為我們在有意義的社交互動方面已經對 Facebook 做出了一些重大改變,而且我認為我們開發和迭代消費產品的能力的歷史表明我們可以幫助人們不斷發展,分享他們想要分享的東西當他們分享時,他們在Feed 中獲得了非常有意義且重要的體驗。

  • Feed is fundamentally about information being pushed to a consumer and us helping figure out what is most interesting and most engaging and, I think, in many ways, positive for people.


  • And I think the product teams led by Mark have done a great job of that over time.


  • And you're just seeing the continued investment there.


  • Along with that goes the advertising opportunities, as there are more stories and feed, as more people are engaged in Facebook and increasingly in Instagram, that gives us more opportunities just on the supply side of ads.

    隨之而來的是廣告機會,因為有更多的故事和資訊流,隨著越來越多的人參與 Facebook 和 Instagram,這為我們在廣告的供應方面提供了更多機會。

  • On the demand side, all of the things we do to get more advertisers active in our system means we'll have more ads to choose from.


  • To make those ads more relevant, to measure the ROI of those ads so that people can then iterate and again make those more relevant, I think we've made real improvements there but I think there's a lot more we can do.


  • And one of the ways I talk to people about it is just ask what percentage of the ads you see in your feed are as good as the very best post you see from friends.


  • And I think most people will honestly say that, certainly, compared to a few years ago, those ads are much more relevant to them but not all of them, and you can see in that example, even in your own feed, the opportunities we have to improve, finding the right ad and giving it to the right person at the right time, which drives businesses all around the world and drives our business as well.


  • Deborah T. Crawford - VP of IR

    Deborah T. Crawford - VP of IR

  • Thank you for joining us today.


  • We appreciate your time, and we look forward to speaking with you again.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's conference call.


  • Thank you for joining us.


  • You may now disconnect your lines.
