Meta Platforms Inc (META) 2022 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon. My name is France and I will be your conference operator today. At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to the Meta First Quarter Earnings Conference Call. (Operator Instructions) After the speaker's remarks, there will be a question-and-answer session. (Operator Instructions) The call will also be recorded.

    下午好。我的名字是法國,今天我將成為你們的會議接線員。在這個時候,我想歡迎大家參加 Meta 第一季度收益電話會議。 (操作員說明)演講者發言後,將進行問答環節。 (操作員說明)通話也會被錄音。

  • Thank you very much. Ms. Deborah Crawford, Meta's Vice President of Investor Relations, you may begin.

    非常感謝你。 Meta 投資者關係副總裁 Deborah Crawford 女士,您可以開始了。

  • Deborah T. Crawford - VP of IR

    Deborah T. Crawford - VP of IR

  • Thank you. Good afternoon, and welcome to Meta Platform's First Quarter 2022 Earnings Conference Call. Joining me today to discuss our results are Mark Zuckerberg, CEO; Sheryl Sandberg, COO; and Dave Wehner, CFO.

    謝謝你。下午好,歡迎來到 Meta Platform 2022 年第一季度收益電話會議。今天和我一起討論我們的結果的是首席執行官馬克扎克伯格;謝麗爾·桑德伯格,首席運營官;和首席財務官戴夫·韋納。

  • Before we get started, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that our remarks today will include forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by these forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause these results to differ materially are set forth in today's press release and in our annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC. Any forward-looking statements that we make on this call are based on assumptions as of today, and we undertake no obligation to update these statements as a result of new information or future events.

    在開始之前,我想藉此機會提醒您,我們今天的言論將包括前瞻性陳述。實際結果可能與這些前瞻性陳述所設想的結果大不相同。今天的新聞稿和我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的 10-K 表格年度報告中列出了可能導致這些結果出現重大差異的因素。我們在本次電話會議上所做的任何前瞻性陳述均基於截至今天的假設,我們不承擔因新信息或未來事件而更新這些陳述的義務。

  • During this call, we may present both GAAP and non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures is included in today's earnings press release. The press release and an accompanying investor presentation are available on our website at

    在本次電話會議中,我們可能會介紹 GAAP 和非 GAAP 財務指標。 GAAP 與非 GAAP 措施的對賬包含在今天的收益新聞稿中。新聞稿和隨附的投資者介紹可在我們的網站 上找到。

  • And now I'd like to turn the call over to Mark.


  • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • All right. Hey, everyone, and thanks for joining us today. We made progress this quarter across a number of our priorities and our community continues to grow. More people use our services today than ever before, and I am proud of how our products are serving people across the world during what has been a difficult period for a lot of people.


  • I talked last quarter about some of the near-term challenges facing our business. Some are specific to Meta, like our transition to short-form video, which doesn't monetize as well for now but which we're quite optimistic about over the long term. Some are specific to our industry, like signal loss resulting from Apple's iOS changes, which is a meaningful headwind, but we also expect that with the right technology investments we'll navigate okay over time.

    我在上個季度談到了我們業務面臨的一些近期挑戰。有些是 Meta 特有的,比如我們向短視頻的過渡,它目前還不能盈利,但從長遠來看,我們對此非常樂觀。有些是我們行業特有的,例如 Apple 的 iOS 變化導致的信號丟失,這是一個有意義的逆風,但我們也希望通過正確的技術投資,我們將隨著時間的推移順利導航。

  • Other challenges are broader macro trends, like the softness in e-commerce after the acceleration we saw during the pandemic. The war on Ukraine, which is a real tragedy on a humanitarian level, has also had an impact on our business. We've been blocked in Russia and we decided to stop accepting ads from Russian advertisers globally. And we've also seen effects on business globally following the start of the war.


  • Taking a step back, I want to share some thoughts on our business trajectory and operating philosophy. First, I think it's useful to level set on our business trajectory over the last few years. After the start of COVID, the acceleration of e-commerce led to outsized revenue growth, but we're now seeing that trend back off. However, based on the strong revenue growth that we saw in 2021, we kicked off a number of multiyear projects to accelerate some of our longer-term investments, especially in our AI infrastructure, business platform and reality labs. These investments are going to be important for our success and growth over time, so I continue to believe that we should see them through. But with our current business growth levels, we are now planning to slow the pace of some of our investments. Dave will give more detail in his commentary.

    退後一步,我想分享一些關於我們的業務軌跡和經營理念的想法。首先,我認為在過去幾年中確定我們的業務軌跡是有用的。在 COVID 開始之後,電子商務的加速導致收入大幅增長,但我們現在看到這種趨勢正在回落。然而,基於我們在 2021 年看到的強勁收入增長,我們啟動了一些多年期項目以加速我們的一些長期投資,特別是在我們的人工智能基礎設施、業務平台和現實實驗室方面。隨著時間的推移,這些投資對我們的成功和增長至關重要,所以我仍然相信我們應該堅持到底。但以我們目前的業務增長水平,我們現在正計劃放慢一些投資的步伐。戴夫將在他的評論中提供更多細節。

  • I also want to share how I'm thinking about investments and margins. Last year, we began looking at our business as 2 segments: Family of Apps and Reality Labs. On the Family of Apps side, I am confident that we can return to better revenue growth rates over time and sustain high operating margins. In Reality Labs, we are making large investments to deliver the next platform that I believe will be incredibly important, both for our mission and business, comparable and value to the leading mobile platforms today.

    我還想分享我對投資和利潤的看法。去年,我們開始將業務分為兩個部分:應用系列和現實實驗室。在應用系列方面,我相信隨著時間的推移,我們可以恢復到更高的收入增長率並保持較高的營業利潤率。在 Reality Labs,我們正在進行大量投資以提供下一個平台,我認為該平台對於我們的使命和業務都非常重要,可與當今領先的移動平台相媲美和價值。

  • Now I recognize that it's expensive to build this. It's something that's never been built before. And it's a new paradigm for computing and social connection. So over the next several years, our goal from a financial perspective is to generate sufficient operating income growth from Family of Apps to fund the growth of investment in Reality Labs, while still growing our overall profitability. Now unfortunately, that's not going to happen in 2022, given the revenue headwinds. But longer term, that is our goal and our expectation. Of course, our priority remains building for the long term. So while we're currently building our plans to achieve this, it is possible that prolonged macroeconomic or business uncertainty could force us to trade off against shorter-term financial goals. But we remain confident in our long-term opportunities and growth.

    現在我認識到建造它很昂貴。這是以前從未建造過的東西。它是計算和社交聯繫的新範式。因此,在接下來的幾年裡,從財務角度來看,我們的目標是從應用系列中產生足夠的營業收入增長,為 Reality Labs 的投資增長提供資金,同時繼續提高我們的整體盈利能力。現在不幸的是,鑑於收入逆風,這不會在 2022 年發生。但從長遠來看,這是我們的目標和期望。當然,我們的首要任務仍然是長期建設。因此,雖然我們目前正在製定實現這一目標的計劃,但長期的宏觀經濟或業務不確定性可能會迫使我們權衡短期財務目標。但我們仍然對我們的長期機遇和增長充滿信心。

  • Now with that, I want to dive deeper on what we're seeing in 3 of our main investment priorities that I expect to drive this growth: Reels, Ads and the Metaverse. So let's start with Reels. There are 2 key trends that we're seeing here. First, the increasing popularity of short-form video; and second, the advancement of AI recommendations driving more of our feeds rather than just social content. On the first point, since I started Facebook 18 years ago, we've seen multiple shifts in the media types that people use. And we started as a website primarily with text, then people got phones with cameras and the main format became images on mobile apps.

    現在,我想更深入地了解我們在 3 個主要投資重點中看到的內容,我預計這些重點將推動這一增長:捲軸、廣告和元界。所以讓我們從捲軸開始。我們在這裡看到了兩個主要趨勢。一是短視頻日益普及;其次,人工智能推薦的進步推動了我們更多的提要,而不僅僅是社交內容。首先,自從我 18 年前創辦 Facebook 以來,我們已經看到人們使用的媒體類型發生了多次變化。我們最初是一個主要有文字的網站,然後人們有了帶攝像頭的手機,主要格式變成了移動應用程序上的圖像。

  • In the last several years, mobile networks have gotten faster and now video is the main way that people experience content online. Short-form video is the latest iteration of this, and it's growing very quickly. Reels already makes up more than 20% of the time that people spend on Instagram. Video overall makes up 50% of the time that people spend on Facebook and Reels has grown quickly there as well.

    在過去的幾年裡,移動網絡變得越來越快,現在視頻是人們在線體驗內容的主要方式。短視頻是這方面的最新版本,並且發展非常迅速。 Reels 已經佔據了人們在 Instagram 上花費的時間的 20% 以上。視頻總體佔人們在 Facebook 上花費的時間的 50%,Reels 也在那裡迅速增長。

  • The second point is that while we're experiencing an increase in short-form video, we're also seeing a major shift in Feeds from being almost exclusively curated by your social graph or follow graph to now having more of your feed recommended by AI, even if the content wasn't posted by a friend or someone you follow. Social content from friends and people and businesses you follow will continue being a lot of the most valuable, engaging and differentiated content for our services, but now also being able to accurately recommend content from the whole universe that you don't follow directly, unlocks a large amount of interesting and useful videos and posts that you might have otherwise missed.

    第二點是,雖然我們正在經歷短視頻的增加,但我們也看到 Feed 發生了重大轉變,從幾乎完全由您的社交圖或關注圖策劃到現在有更多由 AI 推薦的 Feed ,即使內容不是由朋友或您關注的人發布的。來自您關注的朋友、人和企業的社交內容將繼續成為我們服務中最有價值、最具吸引力和差異化的內容,但現在還能夠準確地推薦您不直接關注的整個宇宙的內容,解鎖大量有趣且有用的視頻和帖子,否則您可能會錯過。

  • Overall, I think about the AI that we're building not just as a recommendation system for short-form video, but as a discovery engine that can show you all of the most interesting content that people have shared across our systems. In Facebook, that includes not just video, but also text posts, links, group posts, re-shares and more. On Instagram that includes photos as well as video. In the future, I think that people will increasingly turn to AI-based discovery engines to entertain them, teach them things and connect them with people who share their interests.

    總的來說,我認為我們正在構建的 AI 不僅僅是作為短視頻的推薦系統,而是作為一個發現引擎,可以向您展示人們在我們的系統中共享的所有最有趣的內容。在 Facebook 中,這不僅包括視頻,還包括文本帖子、鏈接、群組帖子、轉發等。在包括照片和視頻的 Instagram 上。在未來,我認為人們將越來越多地轉向基於人工智能的發現引擎來娛樂他們、教他們東西並將他們與志趣相投的人聯繫起來。

  • And I believe that our investments in AI, all the different types of content we support and our work to build the best platform for creators to make a living will increasingly set our services apart from the rest of the industry and drive our success. And we're also finding that having an ambitious vision around building the world's discovery engine is attracting a lot of the most talented AI folks to work on this program.


  • Next, let's talk about Ads. Sheryl will discuss this in more detail, but I want to highlight that this is also a large AI investment for us. There are 3 main trends to highlight in our Ads business right now. First, we're managing headwinds from the shift to short-form video that I just mentioned. In the near term, this is a drag on revenue because real monetization is less than theater stories. But I expect that, that will improve over time. We've seen this type of media format transition multiple times before. Back in 2012, when we transition from desktop feed to mobile feed, we saw mobile feed growing massively, but not monetizing well yet, and we leaned into it, went through some tough quarters, and then it became the foundation of our business today.

    接下來,讓我們談談廣告。 Sheryl 將更詳細地討論這個問題,但我想強調的是,這對我們來說也是一筆巨大的 AI 投資。目前,我們的廣告業務有 3 個主要趨勢需要強調。首先,我們正在應對我剛才提到的轉向短視頻的不利因素。在短期內,這會拖累收入,因為真正的貨幣化不如戲劇故事。但我預計,隨著時間的推移,情況會有所改善。我們之前已經多次看到這種類型的媒體格式轉換。早在 2012 年,當我們從桌面提要過渡到移動提要時,我們看到移動提要大幅增長,但還沒有很好地貨幣化,我們靠在它上面,經歷了一些艱難的時期,然後它成為了我們今天業務的基礎。

  • Similarly, in 2018, when people started using Stories more instead of Feed, but Stories didn't monetize as well as Feed yet, we still doubled down on Stories, had another tough period but came out stronger than ever.

    同樣,在 2018 年,當人們開始更多地使用 Stories 而不是 Feed,但 Stories 的貨幣化還不如 Feed 時,我們仍然在 Stories 上加倍投入,經歷了另一個艱難時期,但比以往任何時候都更強大。

  • So we've run this play before, and we're running it again now. We're focused on growing Reels as a major part of the discovery engine vision and we expect that this expansion and engagement to shift from a short-term headwind to a tailwind at some point.

    所以我們以前演過這部戲,現在又演了一次。我們專注於將 Reels 發展為發現引擎願景的主要部分,我們預計這種擴張和參與會在某個時候從短期逆風轉變為順風。

  • Now while this is playing out, we're also managing the headwinds from signal loss that we've discussed a lot recently. This means growing first-party understanding of what people are interested in by making it easier for people to engage with businesses and our apps, whether that's completing purchases on Facebook or Instagram or messaging businesses on WhatsApp or Messenger. It also means making sure that we build the best privacy-enhancing technologies to provide accurate targeting and measurement to advertisers, even when purchases aren't happening within our apps.

    現在,雖然這正在發揮作用,但我們也在管理我們最近討論過很多的信號丟失帶來的不利因素。這意味著通過讓人們更輕鬆地與企業和我們的應用互動(無論是在 Facebook 或 Instagram 上完成購買,還是在 WhatsApp 或 Messenger 上發送消息業務)來加深第一方對人們感興趣的內容的了解。這也意味著確保我們構建最好的隱私增強技術,為廣告商提供準確的定位和衡量,即使購買不是在我們的應用程序中發生。

  • We're making major AI investments to build the most advanced models and infrastructure in the industry. Over the next year or 2, we hope that this drives better recommendations for people, higher returns for advertisers and increases our revenue growth, even in the face of signal loss. Over the longer term, I think that these large technology investments can provide a sustainable competitive advantage over others in the industry.


  • The last priority that I want to discuss today is the Metaverse. Because while we're focusing on the biggest opportunities and challenges of today, I think it's important to build the foundation for the next era of social technology as well. The centerpiece of our strategy is the social platform that we're starting to build with Horizon. It's still early, but as we build out the experience, the next focus will be on growing the community. We plan to launch a web version of Horizon later this year that will make it easy for people to step into the Metaverse experiences from a lot more platforms, even without needing a headset.

    我今天要討論的最後一個優先事項是元界。因為當我們關注當今最大的機遇和挑戰時,我認為為下一個社會技術時代奠定基礎也很重要。我們戰略的核心是我們開始與 Horizon 建立的社交平台。現在還為時尚早,但隨著我們積累經驗,下一個重點將是發展社區。我們計劃在今年晚些時候推出一個 Web 版本的 Horizon,這將使人們可以輕鬆地從更多平台進入 Metaverse 體驗,即使不需要耳機。

  • I think the best experience will be on virtual and, eventually, augmented reality platforms, and especially on our platform like Quest, where in an upcoming release, from the moment you put on your headset, you're going to be embodied with your Meta avatar and ready to interact in a Horizon with your friends right from your Quest home.

    我認為最好的體驗將在虛擬和增強現實平台上,尤其是在我們的 Quest 等平台上,在即將發布的版本中,從你戴上耳機的那一刻起,你的 Meta 就會體現出來化身並準備好在您的 Quest 家中與您的朋友在 Horizon 中互動。

  • But making this available everywhere will mean that you can interact with anyone on whatever devices or platform that they want to use. Our other focus for Horizon is building out the Metaverse economy and helping creators make a living, working in the metaverse. We expect to be meaningfully better at monetization than others in the space and we think that, that should become a sustainable advantage for our platforms as they develop.

    但是,讓它隨處可用意味著你可以在任何他們想要使用的設備或平台上與任何人進行交互。我們對 Horizon 的另一個關注點是構建 Metaverse 經濟並幫助創作者在 Metaverse 中謀生。我們希望在貨幣化方面比該領域的其他人做得更好,我們認為,隨著平台的發展,這應該成為我們平台的可持續優勢。

  • On the hardware side, Meta Quest 2 continues to be the leading virtual reality headset. Later this year, we'll release a higher-end headset code-named Project Cambria, which will be more focused on work use cases and eventually replacing your laptop or work setup. This premium device will have improved ergonomics and full color pass-through mixed reality to seamlessly blend virtual reality with the physical world. We're also building in eye tracking and face tracking, so that your avatar can make eye contact and facial expressions, which dramatically improves your sense of presence.

    在硬件方面,Meta Quest 2 仍然是領先的虛擬現實耳機。今年晚些時候,我們將發布一款代號為 Project Cambria 的高端耳機,它將更加專注於工作用例,並最終取代您的筆記本電腦或工作設置。這款高級設備將改進人體工程學和全彩色直通混合現實,將虛擬現實與物理世界無縫融合。我們還構建了眼動追踪和麵部追踪功能,以便您的頭像可以進行眼神交流和麵部表情,從而顯著提高您的臨場感。

  • It's also a good example of why we're developing hardware in addition to the social platforms. We're bringing Horizon to more platforms, but if you want to be able to make eye contact or have your physical facial expressions just automatically get translated to avatar in real time, then our hardware will provide the best Metaverse experience, whether you're playing a game or meeting with coworkers in Horizon work rooms. We'll share more details about Project Cambria in the months ahead as we get ready to launch it.

    這也是我們除了社交平台之外開發硬件的一個很好的例子。我們正在將 Horizon 帶到更多平台,但如果您希望能夠進行眼神交流或讓您的身體面部表情自動實時轉換為虛擬形象,那麼我們的硬件將提供最佳的 Metaverse 體驗,無論您是在 Horizon 工作室玩遊戲或與同事會面。隨著我們準備啟動它,我們將在未來幾個月分享有關坎布里亞項目的更多細節。

  • I believe the areas that we've discussed today are the right places for us to be doubling down on our work. The questions we face are not going to be resolved overnight. But we've also faced a number of these challenges before, so I'm confident that we can navigate this period while continuing to invest in our future. I'm grateful for everyone on our team who is executing on this important work, for our partners and for our investors who believe in us and the future that we're building together. And now here is Sheryl.


  • Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

    Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

  • Thanks, Mark, and hi, everyone. Our total ad revenue in Q1 was $27 billion, which is up 6% year-over-year. We saw solid growth in APAC and Rest of World, but a more challenging environment in North America and Europe.

    謝謝,馬克,大家好。我們第一季度的總廣告收入為 270 億美元,同比增長 6%。我們看到亞太地區和世界其他地區的增長穩健,但北美和歐洲的環境更具挑戰性。

  • Despite the headwinds Mark described a moment ago, we saw meaningful growth in areas like video ads and click-to-messaging ads. The changes to the ads landscape over the last year have caused significant disruptions to the way many businesses advertise online. Our teams are working closely with our partners to help them navigate this new environment so they can continue to get great return on investment. And we're focused on building products and tools that grow their businesses and ours over the long term.

    儘管 Mark 剛才描述了一些不利因素,但我們在視頻廣告和點擊消息廣告等領域看到了有意義的增長。去年廣告格局的變化對許多企業的在線廣告方式造成了重大破壞。我們的團隊正在與我們的合作夥伴密切合作,幫助他們駕馭這一新環境,以便他們能夠繼續獲得豐厚的投資回報。我們專注於構建能夠長期發展他們和我們的業務的產品和工具。

  • I want to pick up on what Mark said about our ad strategy. As he described, it's focused on 3 main areas: one, growing video monetization, especially short-form video like Reels; two, evolving our ad systems to do more with less data; and three, investing in AI and machine learning to support our ads infrastructure.

    我想了解一下馬克對我們的廣告策略所說的話。正如他所描述的,它專注於三個主要領域:第一,不斷增長的視頻貨幣化,尤其是像 Reels 這樣的短視頻;第二,改進我們的廣告系統,用更少的數據做更多的事情;第三,投資人工智能和機器學習來支持我們的廣告基礎設施。

  • First, video. Half of the time spent on Facebook is video and video services on Facebook were a significant source of revenue growth in the first quarter. People already watch a lot of longer-form video content that's eligible for industry ads, which we monetize well. Stories monetization continues to grow across Facebook and Instagram. And with Reels growing quickly, there's also a big opportunity as we get better at monetizing short-form video over time.

    首先,視頻。在 Facebook 上花費的時間有一半是視頻,Facebook 上的視頻服務是第一季度收入增長的重要來源。人們已經觀看了許多符合行業廣告條件的較長格式的視頻內容,我們很好地利用這些內容獲利。 Facebook 和 Instagram 上的快拍變現持續增長。隨著 Reels 的快速增長,隨著時間的推移,我們可以更好地利用短視頻獲利,這也帶來了巨大的機會。

  • We've accelerated our efforts to improve the Reels ad format. Our experience monetizing Stories is directly applicable here. We're leveraging what we learned with Stories ads to create ads for Reels that have a native format, perform well and are easy for advertisers to create. We're working closely with our partners to help them make the most of the opportunity with video, like experimenting with new formats and with campaigns that utilize multiple types of video ads.

    我們加快了改進 Reels 廣告格式的工作。我們通過故事獲利的經驗直接適用於此。我們正在利用我們從 Stories 廣告中學到的知識為 Reels 製作具有原生格式、效果良好且易於廣告商製作的廣告。我們正與合作夥伴密切合作,幫助他們充分利用視頻機會,例如嘗試新格式和利用多種視頻廣告的廣告系列。

  • A great example is the U.S. restaurant chain Wendy's. They used a range of video formats across Feeds, Stories, Reels and in-stream to promote their March Madness campaign, driving consumers to the first virtual Wendy's restaurant in Horizon Worlds. We also worked with them to promote the campaign in Horizon World itself, with a virtual welcome screen directing people to what they called the Wendyverse. The campaign was a big success, reaching 52 million people and improving Wendy's brand and message awareness across a number of metrics.

    一個很好的例子是美國連鎖餐廳 Wendy's。他們使用了一系列視頻格式,包括 Feed、Stories、Reels 和插播廣告來宣傳他們的 March Madness 活動,將消費者吸引到 Horizon Worlds 中的第一家虛擬 Wendy's 餐廳。我們還與他們合作在 Horizon World 本身推廣該活動,通過虛擬歡迎屏幕將人們引導至他們所謂的 Wendyverse。該活動取得了巨大成功,覆蓋了 5200 萬人,並通過多項指標提高了 Wendy 的品牌和信息知名度。

  • Second, evolving our ad system. Our focus is on paving the way for the next era of personalized advertising, and there's work we're doing over the near, medium and long term. In the near term, we're working closely with advertisers to help them navigate the new landscape, while we evolve and improve our ad solutions. For example, we're encouraging partners to integrate with our conversions API to create a direct, reliable and privacy safe connection between their marketing data and Meta. And we've recently introduced a faster and easier way for SMBs to integrate with it called the Conversions API Gateway.

    其次,改進我們的廣告系統。我們的重點是為下一個個性化廣告時代鋪平道路,我們正在做近期、中期和長期的工作。在短期內,我們將與廣告商密切合作,幫助他們駕馭新環境,同時我們不斷發展和改進我們的廣告解決方案。例如,我們鼓勵合作夥伴與我們的轉換 API 集成,以在他們的營銷數據和 Meta 之間建立直接、可靠和隱私安全的連接。我們最近為中小型企業引入了一種更快、更簡單的集成方式,稱為轉化 API 網關。

  • One way we're helping advertisers get better insights with less data is with conversion modeling. This can help them understand measurement and campaign performance, even when we're not able to see or aggregate certain conversions. We're also helping businesses connect directly with customers and grow more on-site data conversions through products like click-to-message ads. This is where you click on an ad on your Facebook or Instagram feed and it opens a chat with the business in Messenger, Instagram Direct, or WhatsApp. It's already a multibillion dollar business with healthy double-digit year-over-year growth in Q1.

    我們幫助廣告商以更少的數據獲得更好的洞察力的一種方法是使用轉化建模。這可以幫助他們了解衡量和廣告系列的效果,即使我們無法查看或匯總某些轉化。我們還幫助企業直接與客戶建立聯繫,並通過點擊消息廣告等產品增加更多的現場數據轉換。您可以在此處單擊 Facebook 或 Instagram 供稿上的廣告,然後在 Messenger、Instagram Direct 或 WhatsApp 中打開與企業的聊天。它已經是一項價值數十億美元的業務,在第一季度實現了兩位數的健康增長。

  • A great example is Deichmann, Europe's largest footwear retailer. They've built a fully automated virtual shoe assistant to give customers personalized footwear recommendations and promoted it through Click-to-Messenger ads on Facebook. They had an 85% click-through rate and saw 30% more incremental purchases than with their usual link ads.

    一個很好的例子是歐洲最大的鞋類零售商 Deichmann。他們構建了一個完全自動化的虛擬鞋類助手,為客戶提供個性化的鞋類推薦,並通過 Facebook 上的 Click-to-Messenger 廣告進行推廣。與通常的鏈接廣告相比,他們的點擊率達到了 85%,並且增加了 30% 的購買量。

  • In the medium term, we see an opportunity to grow other on-site conversion products like lead ads, which make it easier for businesses to generate leads and shop ads, which direct you to a brand's digital storefront on Facebook or Instagram. It's still very early for shop ads, but we think driving people to shops can be a compelling objective for commerce advertisers as we continue to improve our on-site commerce tools.

    從中期來看,我們看到了發展其他現場轉化產品(如線索廣告)的機會,這使企業更容易產生線索和商店廣告,從而將您引導至 Facebook 或 Instagram 上的品牌數字店面。對於商店廣告來說,現在還為時過早,但我們認為,隨著我們繼續改進我們的現場商務工具,將人們吸引到商店對於商業廣告商來說可能是一個引人注目的目標。

  • Over the longer run, we're also developing privacy-enhancing technologies, which will help us minimize the amount of personal information we process, while still allowing us to show people relevant ads and measure performance for advertisers. And we're collaborating across our industry on these and other standards that will support this next era of personalized advertising.


  • Third, AI and machine learning, which are crucial components of these privacy-enhancing technologies and will drive improvements over time to our ads ranking and measurement capabilities. We're significantly increasing our investment in AI and machine learning across the company this year, and a large portion of this is going towards ads. We continue to innovate in order to deliver better performing ads in general, and these investments will help us do that while processing less individual level data.


  • We also have a range of automated tools to make it easier for advertisers to create, manage and improve the performance of their ad campaigns. We're constantly working to improve these tools and make them simpler for advertisers to use. Taken together, we think our range of solutions can help advertisers get better results now and over the longer term. We're confident our apps will continue to be the best places for advertisers to reach people where they get measurable outcomes long into the future.


  • As ever, I want to say thank you to our partners, large and small, and to our teams, who are working so hard to deliver great results for businesses everywhere. Now here's Dave.


  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • Thanks, Sheryl, and good afternoon, everyone. Let's begin with our consolidated results. All comparisons are on a year-over-year basis, unless otherwise noted. Q1 total revenue was $27.9 billion, up 7% or 10% on a constant currency basis. Had foreign exchange rates remained constant with Q1 of last year, total revenue would have been about $893 million higher. Q1 total expenses were $19.4 billion, up 31% compared to last year. In terms of specific line items, cost of revenue increased 17%, driven primarily by core infrastructure investments, payments to partners and content-related costs. R&D increased 48%, mainly driven by hiring to support Family of Apps and Reality Labs. Marketing and sales increased 16%, mainly driven by hiring and marketing spend. And lastly, G&A increased 45%, driven mainly by legal-related costs and employee-related costs.

    謝謝,Sheryl,大家下午好。讓我們從綜合結果開始。除非另有說明,否則所有比較均按年進行。第一季度總收入為 279 億美元,按固定匯率計算增長 7% 或 10%。如果匯率與去年第一季度保持不變,總收入將增加約 8.93 億美元。第一季度總支出為 194 億美元,比去年增長 31%。就具體項目而言,收入成本增長了 17%,主要受核心基礎設施投資、合作夥伴付款和內容相關成本的推動。研發增長 48%,主要是通過招聘來支持應用家族和現實實驗室。營銷和銷售增長 16%,主要受招聘和營銷支出的推動。最後,G&A 增長了 45%,主要受法律相關成本和員工相關成本的推動。

  • We added over 5,800 net new hires in Q1, the majority in technical functions. We ended the quarter with over 77,800 full-time employees, up 28% compared to last year. The first quarter operating income was $8.5 billion, representing a 31% operating margin. Our tax rate was 16%, net income was $7.5 billion or $2.72 per share. Capital expenditures, including payments -- principal payments on finance leases were $5.5 billion, driven by investments in data centers, servers, network infrastructure and office facilities. Free cash flow was $8.5 billion, we repurchased $9.4 billion of our Class A common stock in the first quarter, and we ended the quarter with $43.9 billion in cash and marketable securities.

    我們在第一季度新增了超過 5,800 名淨新員工,其中大部分是技術職能部門。截至本季度末,我們擁有超過 77,800 名全職員工,比去年增長 28%。第一季度營業收入為 85 億美元,營業利潤率為 31%。我們的稅率為 16%,淨收入為 75 億美元或每股 2.72 美元。資本支出,包括付款——融資租賃的本金支付為 55 億美元,主要由對數據中心、服務器、網絡基礎設施和辦公設施的投資推動。自由現金流為 85 億美元,我們在第一季度回購了 94 億美元的 A 類普通股,本季度末我們擁有 439 億美元的現金和有價證券。

  • Now moving to our segment results. I'll begin with the Family of Apps segment. Q1 total Family of Apps revenue was $27.2 billion, up 6%. Q1 Family of Apps ad revenue was $27 billion, up 6% or 10% on a constant currency basis. Growth decelerated from the fourth quarter due to a variety of factors. Prior to the war in Ukraine, we faced expected headwinds related to the continued slowdown in our online e-commerce vertical, which had grown quickly during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as ongoing targeting and measurement challenges impacting advertising spend. We experienced a further deceleration in growth following the start of the Ukraine war due to the loss of revenue in Russia as well as a reduction in advertising demand, both within Europe and outside the region. We believe that war introduced further volatility into an already uncertain macroeconomic landscape for advertisers.

    現在轉到我們的細分結果。我將從應用系列部分開始。第一季度家庭應用總收入為 272 億美元,增長 6%。 Q1 系列應用廣告收入為 270 億美元,按固定匯率計算增長 6% 或 10%。受多種因素影響,增速較四季度有所放緩。在烏克蘭戰爭之前,我們面臨與在線電子商務垂直持續放緩相關的預期逆風,該垂直電子商務在 COVID-19 大流行期間迅速增長,以及影響廣告支出的持續定位和衡量挑戰。烏克蘭戰爭爆發後,由於俄羅斯收入減少以及歐洲和地區以外的廣告需求減少,我們的增長進一步放緩。我們認為,戰爭給廣告商已經不確定的宏觀經濟格局帶來了進一步的波動。

  • Foreign exchange rates were also a headwind to growth in the quarter. On a user geography basis, year-over-year ad revenue growth was strongest in Rest of World and Asia Pacific at 21% and 20%, respectively; North America grew 1%; and Europe was flat year-over-year. Europe advertising revenue was disproportionately challenged by the factors related to the war in Ukraine. In Q1, the total number of ad impressions served across our services increased 15% and the average price per ad decreased 8%. Impression growth was driven primarily by Asia Pacific and Rest of World. The year-over-year decline in pricing was driven primarily by the ongoing mix shift in ad impressions towards regions and services that monetize at lower rates.

    匯率也是本季度增長的不利因素。從用戶地域來看,世界其他地區和亞太地區的廣告收入同比增長最為強勁,分別為 21% 和 20%;北美增長 1%;歐洲與去年同期持平。歐洲廣告收入受到烏克蘭戰爭相關因素的嚴重挑戰。在第一季度,通過我們的服務投放的廣告總展示次數增加了 15%,每個廣告的平均價格下降了 8%。印象增長主要由亞太地區和世界其他地區推動。定價同比下降的主要原因是廣告印象持續向以較低利率貨幣化的地區和服務轉變。

  • Family of Apps other revenue was $215 million, up 9% as revenue growth from the WhatsApp business API offset a decline in payments-related revenue earned from Games. Family of Apps expenses were $15.7 billion, up 27%, driven mainly by employee-related expenses, infrastructure costs and legal costs. Family of Apps operating income was $11.5 billion, representing a 42% operating margin. we estimate that approximately 2.9 billion people use at least one of our family of apps on a daily basis in March and that approximately 3.6 billion people use at least one on a monthly basis. Facebook daily active users were 1.96 billion, up 4% or 82 million compared to last year.

    Family of Apps 的其他收入為 2.15 億美元,增長 9%,原因是 WhatsApp 業務 API 的收入增長抵消了遊戲支付相關收入的下降。應用系列費用為 157 億美元,增長 27%,主要受員工相關費用、基礎設施成本和法律成本的推動。 Family of Apps 營業收入為 115 億美元,營業利潤率為 42%。我們估計,在 3 月份,每天大約有 29 億人至少使用我們的應用程序系列中的一個,並且大約有 36 億人每月至少使用一個。 Facebook 日活躍用戶為 19.6 億,比去年增長 4%,即 8200 萬。

  • DAUs represented approximately 67% of the 2.94 billion monthly active users in March. MAUs grew by 83 million or 3% compared to last year. Europe DAUs and MAUs declined sequentially and were negatively impacted by the loss of users in Russia following the government's block of Facebook in the country. We expect this trend to continue in the second quarter and this will likely cause global MAU to be flat to down sequentially.

    DAU 約佔 3 月份 29.4 億月活躍用戶的 67%。與去年相比,MAU 增長了 8300 萬或 3%。歐洲 DAU 和 MAU 依次下降,並受到俄羅斯政府在該國封鎖 Facebook 後用戶流失的負面影響。我們預計這一趨勢將在第二季度持續下去,這可能會導致全球 MAU 持平或環比下降。

  • Within our Reality Labs segment, Q1 revenue was $695 million, up 30%, driven by Quest 2 sales. Reality Labs expenses were $3.7 billion, up 55% driven by employee-related costs, R&D operating expenses and cost of goods sold. Reality Labs operating loss was $3 billion in the first quarter.

    在我們的 Reality Labs 部門中,在 Quest 2 銷售的推動下,第一季度的收入為 6.95 億美元,增長了 30%。 Reality Labs 支出為 37 億美元,在員工相關成本、研發運營費用和銷售商品成本的推動下增長了 55%。 Reality Labs 第一季度的運營虧損為 30 億美元。

  • Turning now to the outlook. We expect second quarter 2022 total revenue to be in the range of $28 billion to $30 billion. This outlook reflects a continuation of the trends impacting revenue growth in the first quarter, including softness in the back half of the first quarter that coincided with the war in Ukraine. Our guidance assumes foreign currency will be approximately a 3% headwind to year-over-year growth in the second quarter based on current exchange rates. In addition, as noted on previous calls, we continue to monitor developments regarding the viability of transatlantic data transfer and their potential impact on our European operations, and we are pleased with the progress on a political agreement.

    現在轉向展望。我們預計 2022 年第二季度的總收入將在 280 億美元至 300 億美元之間。這一前景反映了影響第一季度收入增長的趨勢的延續,包括第一季度後半段與烏克蘭戰爭同時出現的疲軟。我們的指導假設根據當前匯率,第二季度外幣的同比增長將受到約 3% 的阻力。此外,正如之前的電話會議所述,我們將繼續監測跨大西洋數據傳輸的可行性及其對我們歐洲業務的潛在影響的發展,我們對政治協議的進展感到高興。

  • Turning now to the expense outlook. We expect 2022 total expenses to be in the range of $87 billion to $92 billion, lowered from our prior outlook of $90 billion to $95 billion. We expect 2022 expense growth to be driven primarily by the Family of Apps segment followed by Reality Labs. We expect 2022 capital expenditures, including principal payments on finance leases to be in the range of $29 billion to $34 billion, unchanged from our prior estimate. Absent any changes to U.S. tax law, we expect our full year 2022 tax rate to be above the Q1 rate and in the high teens.

    現在轉向費用前景。我們預計 2022 年的總支出將在 870 億美元至 920 億美元之間,低於我們之前預期的 900 億美元至 950 億美元。我們預計 2022 年的費用增長將主要由應用系列部門推動,其次是 Reality Labs。我們預計 2022 年的資本支出(包括融資租賃的本金支付)將在 290 億美元至 340 億美元之間,與我們之前的估計持平。在美國稅法沒有任何變化的情況下,我們預計我們 2022 年的全年稅率將高於第一季度的稅率並處於高位。

  • In closing, our advertisers are adjusting to a new digital advertising landscape brought about by recent mobile platform changes, while navigating a complex set of macroeconomic challenges. Given the resulting revenue headwinds, we have adjusted our plans for hiring and expense growth this year. We continue to see a lot of opportunity across our investment priorities and remain committed to dedicating additional talent and capital towards these areas while ensuring our investment plans are appropriately calibrated to the operating environment.


  • With that, France, let's open up the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And our first question is from the line of Brian Nowak with Morgan Stanley.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Brian Nowak。

  • Brian Thomas Nowak - Research Analyst

    Brian Thomas Nowak - Research Analyst

  • I have two. The first one on Reels engagement. I appreciate the color about the percentage of time that's going through Reels. I wanted to ask about the incrementality of that time. Maybe can you talk to us a little bit about what you're seeing on total time spent on both core Facebook as well as Instagram in the U.S. as you're seeing this really strong Reels engagement moving through the overall user base?

    我有兩個。第一個關於捲軸參與的。我很欣賞通過捲軸的時間百分比的顏色。我想問一下那個時代的增量。也許你能和我們談談你在美國核心 Facebook 和 Instagram 上花費的總時間,因為你看到這種非常強大的 Reels 參與度在整個用戶群中移動?

  • And then the second one, Dave, I wanted to ask you about CapEx. Understanding this year, there's investments in AI and machine learning, et cetera. How should we think about how much of this year's CapEx is sort of onetime-ish that may not persist on a multiyear basis? Or is it better to think of it as maybe the capital intensity of the business could just be structurally higher going forward?


  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • Brian, I'll take a crack at both of those, and then Mark can add any color if he wants. In terms of cannibalization, Reels does pull time away from other surfaces, but we do believe it's additive to overall engagement. And we've seen that in the past with other products like Stories. And so we're seeing a similar pattern there.

    布賴恩,我會在這兩個方面試一試,然後馬克可以根據需要添加任何顏色。在自相殘殺方面,Reels 確實將時間從其他表面上拉了出來,但我們確實相信它會增加整體參與度。過去,我們已經在 Stories 等其他產品中看到了這一點。所以我們在那裡看到了類似的模式。

  • In terms of overall engagement for both Facebook and Instagram, there's a lot of complexity with kind of looking through the period of COVID because that tends to create a lot of different peaks and troughs in engagement. But if you look back, engagement for both Facebook and Instagram remain above the levels they were at pre-pandemic and that's true both globally and in the U.S. So I think we're pleased with that.

    就 Facebook 和 Instagram 的整體參與度而言,回顧 COVID 時期有很多複雜性,因為這往往會在參與度上產生許多不同的高峰和低谷。但是,如果您回頭看,Facebook 和 Instagram 的參與度仍高於大流行前的水平,這在全球和美國都是如此。所以我認為我們對此感到滿意。

  • On the CapEx front, let me just sort of address the overall ramp. It's true we are investing significantly in AI and machine learning investments to power ranking and recommendations for things like Ads, Reels and Feed. And so that does add to the CapEx intensity of the business. And we do think there is additional capital intensity of the business as we make significant investments in AI and machine learning on top of just additional capacity growth. We're not sharing an outlook beyond 2022 at this point. France, you can go to the next question. Go ahead.

    在資本支出方面,讓我來談談整體坡道。確實,我們在人工智能和機器學習方面投入了大量資金,以增強排名和推薦廣告、捲軸和 Feed 等內容。因此,這確實增加了業務的資本支出強度。而且我們確實認為,除了額外的容量增長之外,我們還在人工智能和機器學習方面進行了大量投資,因此業務的資本密集度有所增加。在這一點上,我們沒有分享 2022 年以後的展望。法國,你可以進入下一個問題。前進。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is Eric Sheridan with Goldman Sachs.

    我們的下一個問題是高盛的 Eric Sheridan。

  • Eric James Sheridan - Research Analyst

    Eric James Sheridan - Research Analyst

  • Maybe one big picture and one more micro question. Mark, I think one of the questions we get the most from investors is when you think about where you're trying to go with the Metaverse longer term, how do you think about the investment cycle versus the monetization cycle when you think about creating hardware, both on the physical side and the distribution layer for hardware versus the content and the creator cycle you need to solve for on the Metaverse over the medium to long term?

    也許一張大圖和一個小問題。馬克,我認為我們從投資者那裡得到的最多的問題之一是,當您考慮長期嘗試將 Metaverse 帶到哪裡時,當您考慮創建硬件時,您如何看待投資週期與貨幣化週期,無論是在物理方面還是硬件的分發層,還是在中長期內您需要在 Metaverse 上解決的內容和創建者周期?

  • And second, I don't know if I missed it or not, but I think last quarter, you called out on the Apple privacy changes, that the headwind might get worse in Q1 than it was in Q4. Can you give us an update on how those headwinds continue to evolve, and whether what you over the last couple of years have somewhat future-proofed against future changes that Apple might make in the iOS ecosystem?

    其次,我不知道我是否錯過了它,但我認為上個季度,你呼籲蘋果隱私變化,第一季度的逆風可能會比第四季度更糟。您能否向我們提供有關這些不利因素如何繼續發展的最新信息,以及您在過去幾年中所做的是否在一定程度上能夠抵禦蘋果可能在 iOS 生態系統中做出的未來變化?

  • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • Yes, I can give some context on the first one and then Dave can speak to the second question. I think that the cycle here between investment and meaningful enough revenue growth to be near or very profitable is going to be long. I think it's going to be longer for Reality Labs than for a lot of the traditional software that we've built. And if you think about -- just a bit of context that may be useful on why we've ramped expenses so much is especially with the success that we've seen with Quest 2, we're now basically funding product teams to be building our future products, 2 or 3 versions into the future.

    是的,我可以就第一個問題提供一些背景信息,然後 Dave 可以回答第二個問題。我認為在投資和足夠有意義的收入增長以接近或非常有利可圖之間的周期將會很長。我認為 Reality Labs 的時間會比我們構建的許多傳統軟件更長。而且,如果您考慮一下-可能對我們為何如此大幅度增加支出有用的一些背景信息,尤其是在我們在 Quest 2 中看到的成功的情況下,我們現在基本上正在資助產品團隊進行建設我們未來的產品,未來的 2 或 3 個版本。

  • Because when you're designing hardware, it's -- these are multiyear plans that you're building and kind of figuring out all the pieces that are going to go into that. So we have multiple teams in parallel that we've sort of now spun up. This goes for VR as well as augmented reality and the other work that we're doing, and is sort of driven by the success that we feel like we're seeing in the markets and the technology is starting to be ready to really ramp up.

    因為當你在設計硬件時,它是 - 這些是你正在構建的多年計劃,並且有點弄清楚將要進入的所有部分。所以我們有多個平行的團隊,我們現在已經分拆了。這適用於 VR 以及增強現實和我們正在做的其他工作,並且在某種程度上是由我們覺得我們在市場上看到的成功驅動的,並且技術已經開始準備好真正提升.

  • So those expenses we're experiencing today. I mean having those teams operating is something that you see weigh on the results and is one of the reasons why I think the growth rates and expenses have been so high, and I think we'll continue investing more over some period. But at some point, we will have all those product teams fully staffed for a few versions into the future and then the growth rates there will come down.


  • But it's not going to be until those products really hit the market and scale in a meaningful way and this market ends up being big that this will be a big revenue or profit contributor to the business. So that's why I've given the color on past calls that I expect us to be later this decade, right? Maybe primarily, this is laying the groundwork for what I expect to be a very exciting 2030s when this is like -- when this is sort of more established as the primary computing platform at that point. I think that there will be results along the way for that, too. But I do think that this is going to be a longer cycle.

    但是,直到這些產品真正進入市場並以有意義的方式擴大規模,並且這個市場最終變得很大,這才會成為業務的巨大收入或利潤貢獻者。所以這就是為什麼我在過去的電話中給出了我希望我們在這個十年晚些時候出現的顏色,對吧?也許主要是,這為我期望的一個非常激動人心的 2030 年代奠定了基礎——那時,這在某種程度上已經成為主要的計算平台。我認為在此過程中也會有結果。但我確實認為這將是一個更長的周期。

  • Some of the software parts of what we're doing in the Metaverse will, I think, have near-term opportunities to monetize. And I think we'll see how that goes. Certainly, Horizon will roll out across all platforms and there will be a number of things that we can do there that will have shorter cycles that might resemble a little bit more what we're used to with apps. But overall, I think that that's kind of the context that I want everyone to have on that.

    我認為,我們在 Metaverse 中所做的一些軟件部分將有近期獲利的機會。我想我們會看到情況如何。當然,Horizon 將在所有平台上推出,我們可以在那裡做很多事情,這些事情的周期會更短,這可能更像我們習慣的應用程序。但總的來說,我認為這是我希望每個人都擁有的那種背景。

  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • Eric, I'll take the second part, the second question that you had. We expect -- we've expected ongoing privacy headwinds from the iOS changes, and we continue to see them. Those are obviously factored into our Q2 outlook along with the impact on demand that we're seeing from things like the war in Ukraine. More specifically, ATT continues to be a headwind, but we're also seeing incremental headwinds from iOS 15 and other regulatory changes. And again, we factored all of those headwinds into our Q2 outlook. Of course, any outlook on platform headwinds depends in part on the platforms themselves and how they write and enforce their policies. So I'd sort of put that caveat in as well.

    埃里克,我會回答你的第二個問題。我們預計 - 我們預計 iOS 更改會帶來持續的隱私阻力,並且我們會繼續看到它們。這些顯然是我們第二季度展望的因素,以及我們從烏克蘭戰爭等事件中看到的對需求的影響。更具體地說,ATT 仍然是一個逆風,但我們也看到來自 iOS 15 和其他監管變化的增量逆風。再一次,我們將所有這些不利因素都納入了我們的第二季度展望。當然,對平台不利因素的任何展望部分取決於平臺本身以及它們如何編寫和執行其政策。所以我也會提出這個警告。

  • When you look at what we're doing to mitigate those near term, we're working on improvements to our current solutions and Sheryl talked about some of those like privacy-enhanced technologies. Medium term, we see the opportunity to move clients more towards on-site conversions. We're seeing a lot of success in things like Click-to-Messaging ads, lead gen ads and then more nascent effort in shop ads. And then longer term, we're rebuilding our ads stack to employ more machine learning and AI to be more effective at ads with less data. So we think we've got a response that we're building into the new environment, and we're optimistic about the future.

    當您查看我們近期為緩解這些問題所做的工作時,我們正在努力改進我們當前的解決方案,Sheryl 談到了其中一些,例如隱私增強技術。中期來看,我們看到了將客戶更多地轉向現場轉化的機會。我們在點擊消息廣告、潛在客戶廣告等方面取得了很多成功,然後在商店廣告方面取得了更多的成功。然後從長遠來看,我們正在重建我們的廣告堆棧,以使用更多的機器學習和人工智能來更有效地處理具有更少數據的廣告。因此,我們認為我們已經在新環境中得到了回應,我們對未來持樂觀態度。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Justin Post with Bank of America.

    我們的下一個問題來自美國銀行的 Justin Post。

  • Justin Post - MD

    Justin Post - MD

  • Great. Dave, maybe I can follow on. You gave an outlook for maybe $10 billion headwind this year. Is it fair to assume a decent chunk of that in Q1 and when you lap that in Q4, you could see progress? And then I think there is a lot of concern for the social companies on Apple 16 potential changes with IP addresses and other factors. In the past, you've been able to call out potential headwinds. In the future, I'm wondering if you have -- if you can say anything about iOS 16 or how you're thinking about potential future Apple changes.

    偉大的。戴夫,也許我可以繼續。你給出了今年可能會遇到 100 億美元逆風的前景。在第一季度假設其中相當一部分是公平的嗎?當你在第四季度完成這一目標時,你會看到進步嗎?然後我認為社交公司對 Apple 16 IP 地址和其他因素的潛在變化有很多擔憂。過去,您可以發現潛在的不利因素。在未來,我想知道你是否有 - 如果你能說出關於 iOS 16 的任何事情,或者你如何考慮未來 Apple 的潛在變化。

  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • Yes, sure. On the $10 billion impact, we shared our estimated $10 billion impact on ATT last quarter to give a sense of the order of magnitude, and we believe it's still to be that order of magnitude on the expected impact. It's not a precise point estimate and we don't plan to update it. Also worth noting, it's -- that's not a -- it's not a lapping. There was an impact from ATT in the second half of last year as well. So that's not a -- all in the increment. There was an impact last year. Also beyond ATT, we expect to see additional targeting and measurement headwinds from iOS 15 and other regulatory changes. I don't think we have anything at this point to share about 16.

    是的,當然。關於 100 億美元的影響,我們在上個季度分享了我們估計對 ATT 的 100 億美元影響,以給出數量級的感覺,我們相信它仍然是預期影響的數量級。這不是一個精確的點估計,我們不打算更新它。同樣值得注意的是,它——那不是——它不是一圈。去年下半年也受到了ATT的影響。所以這不是一個 - 所有的增量。去年有影響。除了 ATT 之外,我們預計還會看到來自 iOS 15 和其他監管變化的更多目標和衡量阻力。我認為我們目前沒有什麼可以分享的,大約 16 個。

  • And then I think also, Justin, you asked about sort of the second half, we would expect the growth rate in Q3 to be modestly higher than the Q2 rate since we will be lapping the first full quarter impact of ATT in Q3, but there's obviously a lot of uncertainty baked into our Q2 outlook, and that implies uncertainty in the second half as well.

    然後我還想,賈斯汀,你問到下半年的情況,我們預計第三季度的增長率將略高於第二季度的增長率,因為我們將在第三季度覆蓋 ATT 的第一個完整季度影響,但是有顯然,我們的第二季度前景存在很多不確定性,這也意味著下半年的不確定性。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Doug Anmuth with JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Doug Anmuth。

  • Douglas Till Anmuth - MD

    Douglas Till Anmuth - MD

  • First for Mark, just curious as AI curation of content takes over from social cues, I was hoping you could talk about what some of the biggest changes will be to the user experience and then perhaps monetization as well long term.

    首先對 Mark 來說,只是好奇,因為人工智能內容管理取代了社交線索,我希望你能談談對用戶體驗的一些最大變化,然後可能是長期的貨幣化。

  • And then second, in terms of Reels, how do you think about the timing for turning on ads more and what needs to happen in the product for that to happen?

    其次,就 Reels 而言,您如何看待更多開啟廣告的時機以及產品中需要發生什麼才能實現這一點?

  • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • Yes. So I can talk about the AI-driven recommendations and discovery engine part. And I mean, maybe I can start to give some context on the ads too and then someone else can jump in there. I think the biggest shift here is that now the universe of content that are candidates to show in a person's feed is way bigger. It used to just be, okay, here are the people, here are the friends or businesses or pages that you follow. Maybe it was on the order of 1,000 or a few thousand potential posts a day that we could show and we built a new Feed system that could help rank those to show the most interesting ones to you at the top.

    是的。所以我可以談談人工智能驅動的推薦和發現引擎部分。我的意思是,也許我也可以開始提供一些關於廣告的背景信息,然後其他人可以加入其中。我認為這裡最大的轉變是,現在可以在一個人的提要中顯示的候選內容的範圍更大了。過去只是,好吧,這裡是人,這裡是您關注的朋友或企業或頁面。也許每天我們可以展示大約 1,000 或幾千個潛在帖子,我們構建了一個新的 Feed 系統,可以幫助對這些帖子進行排名,以便在頂部向您展示最有趣的帖子。

  • But fundamentally, that was more a challenge of ranking a relatively small number of posts in the order that would be optimal. Now it's a much more open-ended thing. There are millions of pieces of content that we could potentially show a person. And as our understanding of people and our understanding of content gets better through AI, we're now better able to, across all different content types, text, links, photos, short-form videos, long-form videos, everything basically built to understand what the content is about, match it more with what people are interested in, which just means that there's a lot more candidates to show people.


  • The social content from your friends, I think will continue being a lot of the most unique and valuable content in the system, so that will still be there. But in addition to that, you'll now have a lot of other interesting content. So overall, what does that mean? I think it will -- this will be a -- it will make the services more interesting. It will mean that there's more interesting stuff to consume and interact with, both in Facebook and in Instagram, which should contribute to engagement over time. The parts of this that are about Reels, I think have some specific monetization questions where we need to ramp up that format. But the parts of this, which are just about showing better content in Feed, should actually monetize quite naturally. And that's something that I think we're going to -- we're starting to see that kind of ramp up in Facebook and Instagram already as a part of the experience.

    來自您朋友的社交內容,我認為將繼續成為系統中許多最獨特和最有價值的內容,因此它們仍然會存在。但除此之外,您現在還有很多其他有趣的內容。總的來說,這意味著什麼?我認為它將——這將是一個——它將使服務更有趣。這將意味著在 Facebook 和 Instagram 中都有更多有趣的東西可供消費和互動,隨著時間的推移,這將有助於提高參與度。其中關於捲軸的部分,我認為有一些具體的貨幣化問題,我們需要在這些問題上增加這種格式。但這部分只是在 Feed 中顯示更好的內容,實際上應該很自然地獲利。這就是我認為我們將要做的事情——我們已經開始看到 Facebook 和 Instagram 的這種增長已經成為體驗的一部分。

  • On the Reels monetization side, I mean, I think the main question here is, there's the cycle, which -- I mean, Sheryl should probably jump in and talk a little bit more about this, is just take some time for all the advertisers to optimize the creative, right? It's like when we started doing Stories, they had ads that were designed for News Feed. And it just took some time for them to create effective content for Stories. And I think we're going to see the same thing for Reels. And the way we think about the pacing of this is that we do show ads with Reels but we're going to show more as the content gets better and as that ramps up to not be a big kind of pain point in the user experience, where we basically match this so that way as the ads get better across all these different formats, we're willing to show more of them.

    在 Reels 貨幣化方面,我的意思是,我認為這裡的主要問題是,存在周期,我的意思是,Sheryl 可能應該介入並多談一談,這只是需要所有廣告商的時間優化創意,對吧?就像我們開始製作 Stories 時,他們有專門為 News Feed 設計的廣告。他們只花了一些時間為故事創建有效的內容。我認為我們會在 Reels 上看到同樣的情況。我們考慮這種節奏的方式是,我們確實使用 Reels 展示廣告,但隨著內容變得更好,我們將展示更多內容,並且這不會成為用戶體驗中的一個大痛點,我們基本上匹配這一點,這樣隨著所有這些不同格式的廣告變得更好,我們願意展示更多。

  • And that's why improving the quality of ads has also been really important for our business. So I'm not sure if there's anything else that you want to add on that, though, Sheryl.


  • Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

    Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

  • No, I think it's a really important thing to think about because it's something we're very optimistic about. We have great consumer engagement on Reels. We have fast growth. And we have a playbook for taking that kind of consumer engagement and rolling out ads into the experience. This is going to be a multiyear journey like Stories, but it's one we're very optimistic about. And as Mark said, it's about helping advertisers create the format of ads that matches the content.

    不,我認為這是一件非常重要的事情,因為這是我們非常樂觀的事情。我們在 Reels 上有很好的消費者參與度。我們有快速的增長。我們有一個手冊可以讓這種消費者參與並在體驗中推出廣告。這將是一個像 Stories 一樣的多年旅程,但這是我們非常樂觀的旅程。正如馬克所說,這是關於幫助廣告商創建與內容相匹配的廣告格式。

  • Now what we've learned over time is the more we do for our advertisers, the better off we are. The more we automate it, the more we can help them target, the more we can help them form the creative. And the experience we have, putting ads and stories is directly applicable. But the other reason we're really optimistic is we think this can create great results for advertisers. And at the end of the day, advertisers are chasing ROI, they're going to go where they get a return on their investment.


  • And while this still monetizes at a lower rate versus Feed and Stories, advertisers who are using it are seeing really promising results. I'll share an example. Prose is a direct-to-consumer hair care brand, and they A/B tested adding a Reels ad placement to their usual campaign. They saw a 23% lower cost per purchase, a 52% higher unique audience reach and 3x higher video completion. So what that says is that this format works not just for this advertiser, but we're hearing this from many across the board and we think we can help a lot of advertisers adopt this in the coming years.

    雖然與 Feed 和 Stories 相比,這仍然以較低的速度獲利,但使用它的廣告商看到了非常有希望的結果。我會分享一個例子。 Prose 是一個直接面向消費者的護髮品牌,他們進行了 A/B 測試,將 Reels 廣告展示位置添加到他們通常的廣告系列中。他們發現每次購買的成本降低了 23%,獨特的受眾覆蓋率提高了 52%,視頻完成度提高了 3 倍。所以這就是說,這種格式不僅適用於這個廣告商,而且我們從許多人那裡聽到了這一點,我們認為我們可以幫助很多廣告商在未來幾年採用這種方式。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Youssef Squali from Truist Securities.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Truist Securities 的 Youssef Squali。

  • Youssef Houssaini Squali - MD & Senior Analyst

    Youssef Houssaini Squali - MD & Senior Analyst

  • I have two. First, Mark, on the regulatory front, it looks like European and U.S. regulators are getting more aligned on how to proceed to address issues like antitrust and interoperability, the news on the transatlantic data transfers seems pretty positive. Just stepping back and looking at the new environment that seems to be formed, particularly between European and U.S. regulators, do you see this as being more favorable or less favorable to Facebook?

    我有兩個。首先,馬克,在監管方面,看起來歐洲和美國的監管機構在如何著手解決反壟斷和互操作性等問題上變得更加一致,關於跨大西洋數據傳輸的消息似乎相當積極。退一步看看似乎已經形成的新環境,尤其是歐洲和美國監管機構之間的新環境,您認為這對 Facebook 更有利還是更不利?

  • And then maybe this is for Dave. With the stock down so much, can you maybe talk about employee retention and how you think about cash comp versus stock-based comp in the current environment?


  • Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

    Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

  • I'll take the regulatory question. Now is a really critical and interesting time in regulation for our industry because the rules that are governing the Internet are being rethought and rewritten, certainly in Europe but increasingly around the world. You spoke about the DMA. We expect DMA to have significant challenges for our industry. We're working with European regulators on these rules. They are largely in the range of what we were expecting, but the final text has not been released yet, and the details on this will matter. But overall, the regulatory environment is a real challenge for our industry.

    我會回答監管問題。對於我們的行業來說,現在是一個非常關鍵和有趣的監管時期,因為管理互聯網的規則正在被重新思考和改寫,當然在歐洲,但在世界範圍內也越來越多。你談到了DMA。我們預計 DMA 將給我們的行業帶來重大挑戰。我們正在與歐洲監管機構合作制定這些規則。它們在很大程度上在我們預期的範圍內,但最終文本尚未發布,這方面的細節將很重要。但總的來說,監管環境對我們的行業來說是一個真正的挑戰。

  • One, we think we are well set up to meet working closely with regulators and doing things in our technology like privacy-enhancing technologies to do more with less data. But we expect this can be -- this can continue to be a significantly challenging time, not just for us, but across our whole industry.


  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • Yes. And Youssef, it's Dave. So on the retention and recruiting front, I mean, I'd say we continue to have success in recruiting as demonstrated by the 5,800 net new hires this quarter. So we're pleased with our ability to do that. Also on the retention front, attrition, which has stepped up since what we experienced during the pandemic, is really still broadly consistent with levels that we had seen pre-pandemic. So it's definitely something that we're tracking and, obviously, the stock price is something that we watch, but the trends are relatively in line with expectations. So from that sense, we feel like we're doing okay.

    是的。還有優素福,是戴夫。因此,在保留和招聘方面,我的意思是,我想說我們在招聘方面繼續取得成功,正如本季度淨新員工 5,800 人所證明的那樣。所以我們很高興我們有能力做到這一點。同樣在保留方面,自我們在大流行期間經歷的情況以來,人員流失率有所增加,但實際上仍然與我們在大流行前看到的水平大體一致。所以這絕對是我們正在追踪的東西,很明顯,股價是我們關注的東西,但趨勢相對符合預期。所以從這個意義上說,我們覺得我們做得很好。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of Mark Shmulik with Bernstein.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Mark Shmulik 和 Bernstein 的觀點。

  • Mark Elliott Shmulik - Research Analyst

    Mark Elliott Shmulik - Research Analyst

  • The first, just on the strength that you saw over in kind of APAC and Rest of the World, can you share some color? Is that just less exposure to the macro? Is it the new users? Or something else?


  • And then the second question, Mark, last quarter, you kind of gave us your priorities for the year. And with the operating expense guidance down a little bit, any color you can share on how, perhaps, that's affected prioritization? Any changes in kind of spending intensity on some of the longer-term initiatives like the Metaverse versus some of the near-term stuff like business messaging?


  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • So I'll take the first question, sort of in terms of the regional growth. So growth slowed in all regions due to pricing headwinds. Currency was obviously a headwind in all the international regions. Europe decelerated very meaningfully, and the existing headwinds were compounded by the effects of, obviously, the Ukraine war. In North America, we have a relatively higher exposure to off-site objectives. So the targeting and measurement challenges continue to impact growth in that region more. Also, I'd note that in North America, impressions were down year-over-year in Q1. So ad impressions were down year-over-year, though the rate improved from Q4. So it was primarily a demand-driven deceleration.


  • When we look at APAC and the Rest of World, it benefited from strong demand in products like Click-to-Messaging ads. In Rest of World, growth decelerated the least of all regions. Macro conditions in Brazil improved a bit after softness in the second half of 2021. And then in APAC, it was -- relative strength was pretty broad-based, but I'd call out particular strength in India, and that's benefiting from good supply tailwinds in terms of impression growth.

    當我們審視亞太地區和世界其他地區時,它受益於點擊消息廣告等產品的強勁需求。在世界其他地區,增長減速最小的地區。在 2021 年下半年疲軟之後,巴西的宏觀狀況有所改善。然後在亞太地區——相對實力相當廣泛,但我要指出印度的實力特別強,這得益於良好的供應印象增長方面的順風。

  • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • Yes. In terms of priorities, it's -- our priorities are broadly consistent with what I've outlined on the last call. It was the beginning of the year, so I outlined a lot of the basic focus areas for the company, whereas on most earnings calls, I'll talk about a few areas that I've been particularly focused on. I think we're pacing some of the investments across each of these areas. But I think more importantly, we're shifting the bulk of the energy inside the company towards those high-priority areas, away from other areas.


  • So we're a big company at this point. It's not just all about recruiting and adding new people from the outside. A lot of it is we have a lot of awesome people here and a lot of the decisions that we had to make on a day-to-day basis are how do we direct the really talented people who are already at the company, and we want to make sure that rather than just always relying on just getting more and more new people from the outside, which we're going to keep on doing, we're recruiting a lot, I want to make sure that our teams are disciplined about reprioritizing internally.


  • One thing that I want to add just as a bit of cultural commentary on the attrition question, is I don't think that this sort of volatility that companies face is always that unhealthy for making sure that you have the right people at companies. I mean during COVID, we saw the attrition levels go down a lot because people didn't want to get new jobs, which probably meant that there were people who were staying at the company who didn't care that much about what we were doing as compared to what we would have wanted.

    我想補充一點關於人員流失問題的文化評論,我不認為公司面臨的這種波動對於確保你在公司擁有合適的人來說總是那麼不健康。我的意思是在 COVID 期間,我們看到員工流失率大幅下降,因為人們不想獲得新工作,這可能意味著有些人留在公司並不太關心我們在做什麼與我們想要的相比。

  • And I'm just trying to lead the company in a way where we're positioning ourselves as the premier company for building the future of social interaction and the Metaverse. If you care about those things, I think we're getting the best people to come work here. If you care about doing awesome AI work on stuff like the discovery engine, across all of these different types of formats, we're the only place that's doing that.


  • And that's a great problem, and that we're just seeing attract a lot of talent. And I know that sometimes people are critical of the ads model, but it drives a lot of value for businesses and people around the world. And I think the people who believe in that and want to see that continue to grow, I want them here, too. So yes, I mean, I think we'll see attrition go up and down over time. I think we're doing okay now, as Dave says, but I don't necessarily think that periods like this, where we're prioritizing a little bit more, where we're focusing and growing, is going to be unhealthy over the long term. I actually think it's going to make us a better company.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Michael Nathanson with MoffettNathanson.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Michael Nathanson 和 MoffettNathanson。

  • Michael Brian Nathanson - Co-Founder, Founding Partner & Senior Research Analyst

    Michael Brian Nathanson - Co-Founder, Founding Partner & Senior Research Analyst

  • I have one for Sheryl and one for Dave. Sheryl, in the past, you've been pretty clear that IDFA is a two-part problem, measurement and targeting. So can you give us an update on how close you are closing the gap on measurement from where you were before? And then targeting, which you said is a longer-term issue, can you give us a sense of how quickly do you think the AI solution can maybe speed that up? And any updates on some of the consortiums that you've been talking about?

    我有一份給雪兒,一份給戴夫。 Sheryl,過去,您非常清楚 IDFA 是一個由兩部分組成的問題,測量和定位。那麼,您能否向我們介紹一下您與以前的測量差距縮小了多少?然後定位,你說這是一個長期問題,你能告訴我們你認為人工智能解決方案可以多快加速嗎?以及您一直在談論的一些財團的任何更新?

  • And then Dave, just quickly on Reels, it's clear it's a huge product assumption. Can you give us a quantification, if you could, on the impact of revenue from not -- from having more Reels but not monetizing at the same rate or speed of traditional News feed and Stories? So that's -- those are my questions.

    然後是戴夫,很快就在 Reels 上,很明顯這是一個巨大的產品假設。如果可以的話,您能否量化一下收入的影響?那就是——這些是我的問題。

  • Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

    Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

  • So on the mitigation time line, we've talked before and I've talked before about 2 key challenges from the iOS, which is what you mentioned, targeting and measuring performance. We're working through mitigations on both. They are both a multifaceted challenge and they're interconnected because better measurement leads to better targeting for advertisers. On the first, we are improving our systems as we test and learn and supporting advertisers with best practices and we're working on automating tools that will help advertisers target better, and we have to do it with less data. We have to do more with more aggregated and anonymous data.

    所以在緩解時間線上,我們之前和我之前都談到過 iOS 的兩個關鍵挑戰,這就是你提到的,目標和衡量性能。我們正在通過緩解這兩個方面的工作。它們既是一個多方面的挑戰,又是相互關聯的,因為更好的衡量可以為廣告商帶來更好的定位。首先,我們正在改進我們的系統,因為我們測試和學習並為廣告商提供最佳實踐支持,我們正在開發自動化工具,以幫助廣告商更好地定位,我們必須用更少的數據來做到這一點。我們必須用更多的聚合和匿名數據做更多的事情。

  • On measurement, we've been able to close a good part of the underreporting gap and shared that with advertisers, but the rest of the gap will take us longer to close. This is a particularly big challenge for small businesses, because we have to work with them. We have to work with them obviously, in a longer tail and more resource-intensive way.


  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • Yes. And I can address the Reels question. I think we've touched on it a few times. So I don't know if I have a whole lot that's additive, but it now makes up a meaningful portion of people's time on Instagram. Mark gave the stat that it's over 20% of people's time on Instagram. So that speaks to there being a good opportunity as we ramp ads in Reels, but it's very early days in terms of ads in Reels.

    是的。我可以解決捲軸問題。我想我們已經談過幾次了。所以我不知道我是否有很多附加內容,但它現在佔據了人們在 Instagram 上的重要時間。馬克給出的統計數據是,人們在 Instagram 上的時間超過 20%。因此,當我們在 Reels 中增加廣告時,這是一個很好的機會,但就 Reels 中的廣告而言,現在還處於早期階段。

  • But that being said, it's going to take -- it's going to be, as Sheryl said, a multiyear journey. If you look at Stories, Stories, we really began ramping in 2018. And at the end of last year, we mentioned that in developed markets, Stories on a sort of per time basis was monetizing at a similar rate as Feed. So it took many years for that gap to close and there's still work to be done across the world on that front. But Reels is going to be a similar opportunity, but also it will take time for us to close that gap. But given that it's a good amount of time that people are spending in Reels, that is a good opportunity for us over that time period.

    但話雖如此,這將需要 - 正如謝麗爾所說,這將是一個多年的旅程。如果你看看 Stories,Stories,我們真的在 2018 年開始增長。去年年底,我們提到在發達市場,Stories 在某種時間的基礎上以與 Feed 相似的速度獲利。因此,這一差距花了很多年才彌合,而且在這方面世界各地仍有工作要做。但 Reels 將是一個類似的機會,但我們也需要時間來彌補這一差距。但考慮到人們在 Reels 上花費的時間很長,這對我們來說是一個很好的機會。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Ross Sandler with Barclays.


  • Ross Adam Sandler - MD of Americas Equity Research & Senior Internet Analyst

    Ross Adam Sandler - MD of Americas Equity Research & Senior Internet Analyst

  • Just one follow-up for Sheryl kind of related to that last question. So now that we're in this world where no one can use mobile IDs for targeting, there seems like there's a lot of interesting new ideas kicking around the industry around like cohort-based targeting or contextual or other kind of ID-free, privacy-centric targeting techniques.

    雪莉爾的一個後續行動與最後一個問題有關。所以現在我們在這個沒有人可以使用移動 ID 進行定位的世界裡,似乎有很多有趣的新想法圍繞著行業展開,比如基於群組的定位或上下文或其他類型的無 ID、隱私以中心為中心的目標技術。

  • So my question is, given the size of Facebook and all the first-party data that you have, how do you think some of these new techniques are going to perform relative to the rest of the industry? And when do you expect them to kind of show up in a more meaningful revenue way?

    所以我的問題是,鑑於 Facebook 的規模和你擁有的所有第一方數據,你認為這些新技術中的一些相對於行業其他公司的表現如何?你預計他們什麼時候會以更有意義的收入方式出現?

  • So I guess what I'm asking is, is the opportunity here to claw back some of that $10 billion of lost revenue? Or do you think looking forward, your competitive advantage, maybe even broader and you might be able to open up more ad dollars to Facebook with these new techniques, any thought on that?

    所以我想我要問的是,這裡有機會收回損失的 100 億美元收入中的一部分嗎?或者您是否認為展望未來,您的競爭優勢可能會更廣泛,並且您可能能夠通過這些新技術為 Facebook 帶來更多的廣告收入,對此有何想法?

  • Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

    Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

  • Sorry, Dave and I are going back and forth. When you think about how we mitigate some of these challenges, there's a couple of things to think about. One, what are the solutions we have that can be on site. So as we develop some of our commerce products as people are using things like Click-to-Messaging ads, Click-to-Messaging ads are a good example of to close the loop, at least to the point where you're connecting directly with a customer, happens on our service. If our commerce efforts are successful over the longer term, we'll be able to close that loop directly on our end service.


  • The other thing that was interesting, and your question is you're right that this is about relative comparative advantage in a very highly competitive space that we have been able to use data, I think, in a privacy safe but very efficiently. Some of the data we've relied on has changed that's causing some near-term challenges and headwinds for us. But over the long run, once that settles out, advertisers are going to go where they get the best return. So we have highly engaged platforms, we still have very important data that is first-party that we are able to use to target.


  • We're working on measurement solutions and we're also working on things without the industry. So we think while these times are challenging, over the long run, we do have a very strong competitive advantage when you look across the opportunities advertisers have to advertise, both offline and online.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Brent Thill with Jefferies.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Jefferies 的 Brent Thill。

  • Brent John Thill - Equity Analyst

    Brent John Thill - Equity Analyst

  • I know it's early on Reels monetization, but are there early learnings that you've learned and taken away so far that you could share?

    我知道 Reels 貨幣化還處於早期階段,但是到目前為止,您是否有早期的學習經驗可以分享?

  • And then the second question we get is just on Reels budgets. Are they incremental to overall spend? Or are you seeing advertisers repurpose from Stories and Feeds into Reels?

    然後我們得到的第二個問題只是關於 Reels 的預算。它們是否增加了總體支出?或者您是否看到廣告商將故事和提要重新用於 Reels?

  • Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

    Sheryl Kara Sandberg - COO & Director

  • I can take those. So on the first, it is the process I've described, which is that we know that if there's a consumer product that consumers are enjoying, we are able to move advertisers into that product if a couple of things are true. As Mark talked about, the format of the ads fits into the format of the product. Reels, which is short-form video, which is text, which is pictures, is a great format for us because those are all things we've already done well, both on the consumer front but importantly on the ads front. So we are able to create the format of the ads and offer that to advertisers.

    我可以拿走那些。因此,首先,這是我描述的過程,即我們知道,如果有消費者喜歡的消費品,如果有幾件事屬實,我們就能夠將廣告商轉移到該產品中。正如馬克所說,廣告的格式適合產品的格式。 Reels 是短視頻、文字、圖片,對我們來說是一種很好的格式,因為這些都是我們已經做好的事情,無論是在消費者方面,還是在廣告方面。因此,我們能夠創建廣告格式並將其提供給廣告商。

  • Then we need to help advertisers create compelling ads, and we need to help them place across our different properties. We have a lot of places you can place ads. We have a lot of experience in this, and we are on a ramp. It is a multiyear ramp, but we've learned things, make it as automated as possible. For example, rather than ask advertisers create the perfect ad, the more you can ask advertisers to give you the components of that ad and create it for them, the better. Things will work on over time.


  • On targeting, try to figure out what are the advertisers' real end goals and then we can suggest the products that fit for those end goals. So if you tell us you're trying to get to on-site conversions or you tell us you're trying to get people to message you, we can then put you into different placements across our ad offerings. And Reels is a very compelling part of that.


  • On the incrementality of budgets, it's always both. When we roll out a new product, there's always some of the budgets, which are just being reallocated from other parts of our own platform because there are people who will have a Meta budget or a Facebook budget or an Instagram budget. Over time, our goal is to grow those budgets.

    關於預算的增量,總是兩者兼而有之。當我們推出新產品時,總會有一些預算,這些預算只是從我們自己平台的其他部分重新分配,因為有些人會有 Meta 預算、Facebook 預算或 Instagram 預算。隨著時間的推移,我們的目標是增加這些預算。

  • And we do that the same way. It is our large teams, feet on the street, working with our global advertisers and our largest clients, and it's our online ability to sell and monetize and grow that I think we are industry leading on working with SMBs, where we have to show them the returns and win their budgets. And when we roll out new products and partially, it's incremental as long as we're really delivering great ROI compared to what they can get off of our platform, over time, those budgets can continue to grow.


  • Deborah T. Crawford - VP of IR

    Deborah T. Crawford - VP of IR

  • Great. Operator, we have time for one last question.


  • Operator


  • Very good. Our last question then will be from Alan Gould with the Loop Capital.

    很好。我們的最後一個問題將來自 Loop Capital 的 Alan Gould。

  • Alan Steven Gould - MD

    Alan Steven Gould - MD

  • Two questions. Dave, can you just confirm, did you say MAUs would be down sequentially in 2Q? And Mark, last quarter, you spoke -- you were quite open about the competitive issues on TikTok, which seemed to be impacting the whole industry now. Any way of quantifying how much you think TikTok is impacting Facebook?

    兩個問題。戴夫,您能否確認一下,您是否說第二季度的月活躍用戶數會依次下降?馬克,上個季度,你談到了——你對 TikTok 的競爭問題持開放態度,這似乎正在影響整個行業。有什麼方法可以量化您認為 TikTok 對 Facebook 的影響有多大?

  • David M. Wehner - CFO

    David M. Wehner - CFO

  • Yes, Alan, because of the loss of users in Russia, we do expect there to be a sequential decline in MAUs in Europe. And the -- we think that will feed over into overall global because I think that will tip it to be flat to down. Just as a reminder, government restrictions on Facebook access in Russia were implemented in late February through early March. So some Russian users were still on our service as active users during our Q1 calculation. So part of that is just the way we calculate MAUs the last month of the quarter. And so that's going to spill over into Q2.

    是的,艾倫,由於俄羅斯用戶流失,我們確實預計歐洲的月活躍用戶數會連續下降。而且 - 我們認為這將影響到整個全球,因為我認為這將使其趨於平穩。提醒一下,俄羅斯政府對 Facebook 訪問的限制是在 2 月下旬至 3 月初實施的。因此,在我們的第一季度計算期間,一些俄羅斯用戶仍作為活躍用戶使用我們的服務。因此,其中一部分就是我們計算本季度最後一個月的 MAU 的方式。所以這將蔓延到第二季度。

  • I think it's clear that short-form video is a massive opportunity for the industry broadly, and we're very pleased about the offering that we have with Reels and the opportunity for us to compete for share and time in the market. Obviously, other competitors are -- have strong offerings like TikTok, but we're pleased with what we've got with Reels and the efforts that we're making to grow that important product.

    我認為很明顯,短視頻對於整個行業來說是一個巨大的機會,我們對 Reels 提供的產品以及我們在市場上爭奪份額和時間的機會感到非常高興。顯然,其他競爭對手——擁有像 TikTok 這樣的強大產品,但我們對 Reels 所擁有的東西以及我們為發展這一重要產品所做的努力感到滿意。

  • Deborah T. Crawford - VP of IR

    Deborah T. Crawford - VP of IR

  • Great. Thank you, everybody, for joining us today. We appreciate your time, and we look forward to speaking with you again.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call. Thank you for joining us. You may now disconnect your lines.
