Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp (MCB) 2023 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day and welcome to the Metropolitan Commercial Bank fourth-quarter and full-year 2023 earnings call.

    美好的一天,歡迎參加首都商業銀行 2023 年第四季和全年財報電話會議。

  • Hosting the call today from Metropolitan Commercial Bank are Mark DeFazio, President and Chief Executive Officer; and Dan Dougherty, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

    今天主持大都會商業銀行電話會議的是總裁兼執行長 Mark DeFazio;執行副總裁兼財務長 Dan Dougherty。

  • Today's call is being recorded.


  • (Operator Instructions) During today's presentation, references will be made to the company's earnings release and investor presentation, copies of which are available at

    (操作員說明)在今天的演示中,將參考公司的收益發布和投資者演示,其副本可在 上取得。

  • Today's presentation may include forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially.


  • Please refer to the company's notices regarding forward-looking statements and non-GAAP measures that appear in the earnings release.


  • It is now my pleasure to turn the floor over to Mark DeFazio, President and Chief Executive Officer.

    現在我很高興請總裁兼執行長馬克‧德法齊奧 (Mark DeFazio) 發言。

  • You may begin.


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Todd.


  • Good morning, and thank you all for joining our fourth-quarter earnings call.


  • MCB's ability to manage through severe banking sector stress in 2023 while simultaneously exiting less material lines of business demonstrates the impressive strength and stability of MCB's franchise.

    MCB 有能力在 2023 年應對銀行業的嚴峻壓力,同時退出較少的業務線,這表明 MCB 的特許經營權具有令人印象深刻的實力和穩定性。

  • We have been able to responsibly grow the balance sheet while maintaining our credit standards and with a continued sharp focus on liquidity interest rate risk management.


  • Importantly, the economy continues to display impressive resilience, and calls for a steep recession have become less apparent over time.


  • That said, 2023 was a challenging year for the banking industry.

    儘管如此,2023 年對銀行業來說是充滿挑戰的一年。

  • The effects of the most aggressive Fed tightening cycle in decades and an inverted yield curve created significant headwinds.


  • Thankfully, experts predict that we have seen the end of the tightening cycle, and many are convinced that an easing cycle is on the horizon.


  • MCB, being modestly liability-sensitive, will benefit from the monetary policy easing.

    MCB 對負債較為敏感,將受惠於貨幣政策寬鬆。

  • Turning to recent results.


  • I am pleased with MCB's performance in the fourth quarter and for year end 2023.

    我對 MCB 第四季和 2023 年底的業績感到滿意。

  • NIM inflected in the fourth quarter where we saw modest expansion, ending what turned out to be only two quarters of compression.


  • We expect NIM expansion to continue in 2024, supported by continued loan growth originated at consistent spreads and funded with core deposits from our growing roster of deposit verticals.

    我們預計淨利差擴張將在 2024 年繼續,這得益於源自穩定利差的持續貸款成長,並由我們不斷增長的垂直存款領域的核心存款提供資金。

  • Asset quality remains strong with no identifiable broad negative trends in any loan product, geography, or sector.


  • Looking forward, we are excited to formally announce that we have begun our core banking modernization initiative.


  • We expect that this project will result in improved capabilities and efficiencies for both customer-facing and internal processes.


  • Dan will provide financial details on the digital transformation project.


  • I will now turn the call over to our CFO, Dan Dougherty.

    我現在將把電話轉給我們的財務長 Dan Dougherty。

  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thank you, Mark, and good morning, everyone.


  • I am pleased to join my first conference call as CFO of Metropolitan Bank, and I look forward to meeting with all of you at future conferences and investor events.


  • As Mark mentioned, the operating environment continues to be quite challenging.


  • However, despite rate-related headwinds, the changing dynamics of depositor behavior, and a material shift in the bank's funding profile, we have continued to deploy our capital prudently and profitably.


  • For the year, earnings per share was $6.91 and our book value per share at year end was $58.69. As we transition to 2024, we are optimistic about the path of the economy and the direction of short-term interest rates.

    今年每股收益為 6.91 美元,年底每股帳面價值為 58.69 美元。隨著我們向2024年過渡,我們對經濟走勢和短期利率走向持樂觀態度。

  • Even though many challenges remain, we believe that the 2024 earnings will show solid growth relative to 2023.

    儘管仍有許多挑戰,但我們相信 2024 年的獲利將較 2023 年呈現穩健成長。

  • Quarter over quarter, we saw an increase of $270 million in the loan book, a growth of approximately 5%.

    與上一季相比,我們的貸款帳簿增加了 2.7 億美元,增幅約為 5%。

  • Net interest income was up $3.4 million, or about 6.4%, driving an increase in the net interest margin of 9 basis points.

    淨利息收入增加 340 萬美元,增幅約 6.4%,帶動淨利差增加 9 個基點。

  • Our ability to reach an inflection point in the name is remarkable when you consider that we offloaded [$475 million] in crypto-related DDA balances during the year.

    考慮到我們在這一年中出售了 [4.75 億美元] 與加密貨幣相關的 DDA 餘額,我們達到名稱拐點的能力是非凡的。

  • Loan growth was funded primarily by a deposit growth of $215 million.

    貸款成長主要由 2.15 億美元的存款成長提供資金。

  • The deposited verticals that contribute the most to that growth were municipals, loan customer deposits, and EB-5-related deposits.

    對此成長貢獻最大的存款垂直產業是市政存款、貸款客戶存款和 EB-5 相關存款。

  • The remainder of balance sheet growth during the year -- during quarter, excuse me, which included increases in both cash and securities was funded through wholesale channels.


  • Liquidity risk management remains a key focus.


  • At year end, total secured borrowing capacity was approximately 200% of our estimate of uninsured deposits.

    截至年底,擔保借款能力總額約為我們估計的未保險存款的 200%。

  • Our loan pipelines remained strong.


  • A continued focus on pricing discipline resulted in a weighted average coupon, net of deferred fees, of 8.7% on fourth quarter new loan originations versus a September loan portfolio yield of 6.73%.

    對定價紀律的持續關注導致第四季度新發放貸款的加權平均息票率(扣除遞延費用)為 8.7%,而 9 月份貸款組合收益率為 6.73%。

  • The loan book mix continues to shift towards fixed rate as the mix of recent originations has been more heavily weighted towards fixed.


  • As well, recent payoffs have been weighted towards float.


  • Now, a few comments on credit.


  • As Mark mentioned, asset quality remains strong with no identifiable negative trends within the portfolio.


  • We did, however, provision $6.5 billion in the fourth quarter.

    然而,我們在第四季撥備了 65 億美元。

  • The increased provision was driven primarily by loan growth as well as a specific reserve connected with outstandings to a single sponsor that went non-accrual in December, all of that offset somewhat by improvements in the macroeconomic variables that underlie our CECL model.

    準備金的增加主要是由貸款成長以及與單一發起人的未償清帳款相關的特定準備金(該準備金於12 月變為非應計準備金)推動的,所有這些都在一定程度上被我們CECL 模型所依據的宏觀經濟變數的改善所抵銷。

  • Although we saw an increase in NPLs in the fourth quarter, we are confident that the ultimate risk of loss in the NPL book is minimal because of strong sponsor guarantees and collateral values that are generally well aligned with outstandings.


  • Non-interest income was flat over the quarter at $6.5 million.

    本季非利息收入持平,為 650 萬美元。

  • Within the non-interest income bucket, GPG revenues were also flat at $4.2 million.

    在非利息收入方面,GPG 收入也持平於 420 萬美元。

  • Importantly, due to evolving regulatory environment that has challenged the cost benefit equation related to the business to consumer, or B2C, fintech business, the bank has decided to exit B2C.

    重要的是,由於不斷變化的監管環境對消費者業務(B2C)、金融科技業務相關的成本效益方程式提出了挑戰,該銀行決定退出 B2C。

  • The plan is to complete the B2C exit over the course of this year.

    計劃在今年內完成 B2C 退出。

  • The implications of the B2C exit are focused on the GPG fee revenue outlook and the impact from the outflow of low cost deposits.

    B2C 退出的影響主要集中在 GPG 費用收入前景以及低成本存款外流的影響。

  • The overall fee revenue decline related to the B2C exit should equate to approximately 2% to 3% of the current consensus 2024 revenue forecast.

    與 B2C 退出相關的整體費用收入下降應相當於目前一致的 2024 年收入預測的 2% 至 3% 左右。

  • The related deposit outflows, which will also occur over the course of the year, are expected to be immaterial to 2024 results.

    相關存款外流也將在今年發生,預計對 2024 年業績影響不大。

  • We remain committed to grow the GPG business line, especially as a source of low-cost funding.

    我們仍致力於發展 GPG 業務線,特別是作為低成本資金來源。

  • But for the time being, we think a focus on the business-to-business, or B2B, is appropriate.


  • We do not plan on any specific headcount reduction as a result of the B2C exit.

    我們不打算因 B2C 退出而進行任何具體的人員削減。

  • As opportunities present themselves, existing employees will work to support new deposit gathering initiatives.


  • Now let's talk about non-interest expenses.


  • After adjusting for the regulatory settlement reversal of $3 million in the third quarter, quarter-over-quarter non-interest expense was up approximately $3 million.

    在第三季 300 萬美元的監管結算逆轉進行調整後,非利息支出較上季增加約 300 萬美元。

  • The $1 million increase in fourth quarter comp and benefits reflects the timing of third-quarter hires and some one-time charges related to placement fees and severance costs.

    第四季薪資和福利增加 100 萬美元,反映了第三季的招募時間以及與安置費和遣散費相關的一些一次性費用。

  • We will continue to invest in human capital this year as we prepare for our continued approach towards $10 billion in balance sheet footing.

    今年,我們將繼續投資人力資本,為繼續實現 100 億美元的資產負債表基礎做準備。

  • The 2024 run rate for comp and benefits will reflect an increase to annualized fourth-quarter expense of approximately 6% to 8%.

    2024 年薪資和福利運作率將反映第四季年化費用約 6% 至 8% 的成長。

  • Professional fees should trend down towards $4 million per quarter over the course of the year.

    全年專業費用應下降至每季 400 萬美元。

  • And finally, in the aggregate, it is reasonable to assume that total core non-interest expense will increase in the 10% to 12% area versus normalized 2023 expenses.

    最後,總體而言,可以合理地假設核心非利息支出總額將比 2023 年標準化支出增加 10% 至 12%。

  • A few comments on the banking modernization project.


  • One-time costs associated with the core banking modernization project are expected to total approximately $9.5 million in 2024.

    到 2024 年,與核心銀行現代化專案相關的一次性成本預計總計約為 950 萬美元。

  • These expenses will be somewhat lumpy throughout the year.


  • We will make best efforts to report core as well as project-related expenses each quarter.


  • The modernization project is planned to be implemented over a roughly 24-month period.

    該現代化項目計劃在大約 24 個月的時間內實施。

  • Approximately 80% of the total project spend is expected to occur in 2024.

    預計 2024 年將佔項目總支出的約 80%。

  • The returns on the project, which are measured largely through scalability, data miningability, improved payment processing capabilities, and improved customer experience, will be evident as we integrate the new systems.


  • I will now turn to call back to the operator for Q&A.


  • Operator


  • At this time, the floor is now open for your questions.


  • (Operator Instructions) Mark Fitzgibbon, Piper Sandler.

    (操作說明)Mark Fitzgibbon、Piper Sandler。

  • Mark Fitzgibbon - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgibbon - Analyst

  • Hey, guys.


  • Good morning.


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • Morning, Mark.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Good morning, Mark.


  • Mark Fitzgibbon - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgibbon - Analyst

  • First question I had for you, Dan, around that the exit of the B2C business, two questions related to that.

    Dan,我向您提出的第一個問題是圍繞 B2C 業務的退出,有兩個問題與此相關。

  • First, what was sort of the impetus for exiting the business?


  • And second, of the $781 million of GPG deposits, roughly how much of that is connected to B2C?

    其次,在 7.81 億美元的 GPG 存款中,大約有多少與 B2C 有關?

  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • This is Mark.


  • I'll take the first half of that.


  • So Mark, just to bring you up to date on this, MCB hasn't brought on a B2C client in GPG throughout all of '22 and all of '23.

    Mark,為了向您通報最新情況,MCB 在整個 22 年和 23 年期間都沒有在 GPG 中引入 B2C 用戶端。

  • We just started socializing this and talking about it publicly, so we have not recognized any benefit from B2C business for the last two years.

    我們剛開始社交化並公開談論它,所以過去兩年我們還沒有認識到 B2C 業務有任何好處。

  • The reason for it is the economics.


  • At this point, the regulatory expectations for that oversight is extraordinary and it's costly.


  • And we're just fortunate enough to have other options to choose to grow the bank.


  • So we have decided that the economics to profit margins on that business used to be very substantial.


  • They have served us well.


  • And for everyone listening, we were in that business for two decades very successfully.


  • So it has served the bank well.


  • It just no longer has the risk reward or the economics to support staying in the business.


  • Dan, do you want to take


  • --


  • Yes.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yes.


  • So Mark, the deposits that -- the B2C deposits foot to about $250 million, those will exit the bank.

    因此,馬克,B2C 存款達到約 2.5 億美元,這些存款將退出銀行。

  • The plan is to exit the bank over the course of the 12 months of 2024.

    該銀行計劃在 2024 年 12 個月內退出該銀行。

  • Mark Fitzgibbon - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgibbon - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And then can you share with us any thoughts on the pipeline in the B2B business, how that's looking right now, shaping up?

    那麼您能否與我們分享對 B2B 業務管道的任何想法,以及目前的情況如何?

  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • Yeah, it's strong.


  • It's strong.


  • It's diverse.


  • And we also have acquiring, which we stood up in 2023, which we expect '24 for it to start to contribute meaningfully in '24 as well.

    我們也進行了收購,我們在 2023 年進行了收購,我們預計 24 年它也將在 24 年開始做出有意義的貢獻。

  • As far as the [250,000] in deposits, Mark, we have already demonstrated -- over the last 24 months, we had the life of about $1.5 billion of crypto-related deposits that fully left the bank, and we had replaced them very efficiently from.

    至於 [250,000] 筆存款,馬克,我們已經證明了——在過去 24 個月裡,我們有大約 15 億美元的加密貨幣相關存款完全離開了銀行,並且我們非常有效地替換了它們從。

  • So we would expect it to be a non-event on the $250 million.

    因此,我們預計這對 2.5 億美元來說不會是一件大事。

  • It will not happen in one moment.


  • It will happen gradually over the year.


  • And I don't think you'll end up noticing it at all.


  • Mark Fitzgibbon - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgibbon - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just two modeling things, one on the margin.


  • You mentioned the margin should rise throughout the course of 2024.

    您提到 2024 年利潤率應該會上升。

  • Assuming you follow the forward curve, how much NIM expansion does that imply?


  • And also, if you could share any color on the effective tax rate going forward.


  • Thank you.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • All right.


  • So our forecast has two rate hikes in it for next year.


  • They come in the middle to the back of the year.


  • And we see another 10 to 15 basis points of NIM -- well, actually, 20 basis points of NIM expansion through the course of the year based on that model.

    我們也看到淨利差 (NIM) 又增加了 10 到 15 個基點——實際上,根據該模型,全年淨利差 (NIM) 擴張了 20 個基點。

  • Mark Fitzgibbon - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgibbon - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And then the effective rate was low this quarter.


  • Back to that [31] and change, you think, is the more reasonable go-forward rate.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • That's a good assumption, yes.


  • Mark Fitzgibbon - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgibbon - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Nick Cucharale, Hovde Group.

    尼克·庫查拉萊 (Nick Cucharale),Hovde 集團。

  • Nick Cucharale - Analyst

    Nick Cucharale - Analyst

  • Good morning, everyone.


  • How are you?


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • Morning, Nick.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Good morning, Nick.


  • Nick Cucharale - Analyst

    Nick Cucharale - Analyst

  • Just a follow up on the expense commentary.


  • Are the project-related expenses that you mentioned incorporated into the 10% to 12% projected growth rate?


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • They are not.


  • Nick Cucharale - Analyst

    Nick Cucharale - Analyst

  • If you were to include those, what does the projected growth rate for '24 versus '23 look like?

    如果將這些因素納入,「24 年」與「23 年」的預期成長率會是什麼樣子?

  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • I have to come back to you on that one, Nick.


  • I don't have it handy in front of me.


  • I could do quick math, but let me follow up with you on that.


  • Nick Cucharale - Analyst

    Nick Cucharale - Analyst

  • No problem.


  • No problem.


  • On the deposit front, you mentioned nice growth in the municipal book.


  • We had a similar dynamic in the year-ago quarter.


  • Is this mainly due to seasonality or have you added significant new relationships into that vertical?


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Mostly new relationships, Nick.


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • Primarily driven by new relationships.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • That's right.


  • Nick Cucharale - Analyst

    Nick Cucharale - Analyst

  • Wonderful.


  • Loan growth was again strong -- and even in spite of strong deposit growth, it looks like you added more wholesale funding to support that rise.


  • When do you anticipate you'll be able to drive down borrowings to levels that are more in line with your history?


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • The plan is yesterday, of course.


  • But remember, at year end, our cash position was elevated, and that was intentional.


  • So those dollars can quickly leave the bank.


  • I don't need to run a cash balance quite that high.


  • So I would think that it should be pretty quick over the course of the year that we drive this thing back towards the current minimum, which is $300 million, which is actually swapped out.

    因此,我認為,在這一年中,我們應該很快就能將這件事推回到目前的最低水平,即 3 億美元,實際上已經被取代了。

  • So that's going to stick with us for the duration of those swaps which expire in mid-'25, I believe.

    因此,我相信,在 25 年中期到期的掉期期間,這一點將伴隨著我們。

  • And so I -- yeah.


  • Again, I think it should happen relatively quickly as we ramp up our deposit-gathering process.


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • But Nick, year over year, if you look at the difference between core funding and net new loan growth, it was minimal.


  • We didn't really rely at all -- heavily at all on wholesale funding to fund that growth.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Right, right.


  • Nick Cucharale - Analyst

    Nick Cucharale - Analyst

  • And then lastly, another solid rise in the healthcare portfolio this quarter.


  • Where are you comfortable bringing that book as an overall percentage of total loans?


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • We're studying that right now.


  • We're having stress test, as you know.


  • As you know, we do stress testing of the entire portfolio twice a year.


  • We're having a targeted stress test done on the healthcare.


  • I have a sense of where that's going to come out.


  • It will be very positive.


  • We like the risk profile there.


  • So we'll announce some new numbers at some point, but we're going through that analysis now in the first quarter.


  • But we do like the risk profile and the economics around healthcare.


  • And remember, it's a very diversified portfolio.


  • It's just not skilled nursing homes and assisted living facilities.


  • Nick Cucharale - Analyst

    Nick Cucharale - Analyst

  • I appreciate the color, and thank you for taking my questions.


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • Thanks, Nick.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thanks, Nick.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Chris O'Connell, KBW.


  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning.


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • Good morning, Chris.


  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • So just wanted to circle back to the NIM guide of the 20 basis points and just confirm that's off of the 4Q '23 to 4Q '24 timeline numbers, not off of the annual NIM.

    因此,我只想回到 20 個基點的淨利差指南,並確認該數值不符合 23 年第四季至 24 年第四季的時間軸數字,而不是年度淨利差。

  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • It actually off the annual NIM.


  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • So that 20 basis points is


  • [over 3.48]?


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • That's correct.


  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And how much does that change, I guess, the rate if there's no Fed cuts next year?


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • I don't have that handy.


  • Happy to run the model and let you know.


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • One other way of looking at that, too, Nick, is we have some very big deposit initiatives that should drive lower cost deposits throughout 2024.

    尼克,另一種看待這個問題的方式是,我們有一些非常大的存款計劃,這些計劃應該會在 2024 年推動存款成本降低。

  • So we're not just relying on the Fed to give us some expansion here.


  • We're driving it ourselves.


  • As we have historically and you saw in this year that just passed, we had only two quarters of compression with the tightening that we face.


  • So we're not relying on the Fed.


  • The Fed has many more cuts predicted.


  • We only have two in our projections, but it is not the underpinning of that margin expansion.


  • It's our deposit initiatives.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah.


  • So the NIM forecast that my team has produced adds relatively conservative assumptions related to core deposit growth.

    因此,我的團隊所做的 NIM 預測增加了與核心存款成長相關的相對保守的假設。

  • So if anything, there should be upside there, assuming that the past administered rates is generally aligned with what we've talked about.


  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And on the B2C exit, I appreciate all the color that you guys gave.

    在 B2C 出口方面,我很欣賞你們給予的所有色彩。

  • As far as just the actual impact to the GPG fee line, do you have what that is, I guess, on an annual basis once the exits complete?

    至於對 GPG 費用線的實際影響,我猜,一旦退出完成,每年的影響是多少?

  • And then any sense of just, even if it's rough, the timing of how that will play out?


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Again, the exit's going to happen during the course of 2024.

    同樣,退出將在 2024 年進行。

  • The reason like I've couched it in terms of forecasted revenue for next year is to emphasize the fact that it's a relatively small number.


  • It's 2% to 3% of consensus right now for 2024.

    目前,2024 年的共識是 2% 到 3%。

  • So you can do the math, I can do the math.


  • Let's call it [$5 million to $6 million] is going to be the delta there.


  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Great.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • This is Chris.


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • Chris, keep in mind just one thing that shouldn't be not focused on.


  • As I mentioned earlier, we didn't bring in -- we have onboarded a B2C client and GPG's revenues not only absorbed the material reduction in crypto-related transaction revenues.

    正如我之前提到的,我們沒有引入 B2C 用戶端,而 GPG 的收入不僅吸收了加密貨幣相關交易收入的大幅減少。

  • We not only replaced that seamlessly; we replaced on the lack of revenue coming from B2C as well by adding new B2B clients.

    我們不僅無縫地替換了它,而且還替換了它。我們也透過增加新的 B2B 客戶來彌補 B2C 收入的不足。

  • So the underpinning of that business is strong, and it's unfortunate that we're replacing some opportunities there for a lot of different reasons.


  • But we are not coming out of a hole because we are replacing it as we as we speak.


  • And we demonstrated that again in '23.

    我們在 23 年再次證明了這一點。

  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And just multi-family provision, how big was that credit?


  • And can you give any color just around the overall circumstances, what the total reserve to the loan size is, and just any other detail surrounding the credit?


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • It's multifamily outside of New York.


  • I think it's Ohio and Louisiana.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Louisiana.


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • What we understand, it's a dispute between partners and the lack of willingness to put capital into the projects to bring them to destabilize.


  • So it's not something we haven't seen in our careers before.


  • Considering the sponsorship behind it, we're a little bit surprised on that -- considering how wealthy they are and how experienced they are in this asset class, that they would run the risk of litigation.


  • But they are.


  • But we are confident.


  • We believe the risk of loss here is minimal.


  • I actually believe the risk of loss here is zero.


  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And do you have what the LTV or debt service coverage ratio was on the credit (inaudible) your most recent?

    您是否知道您最近的信貸(聽不清楚)的 LTV 或償債覆蓋率是多少?

  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • Well, they were properties in transition, so they were not highly occupied.


  • That was the value proposition of acquiring it at a very high cap rate, going in, renovate, stabilize.


  • And the typical model of multifamily is you go in, you acquire, you stabilize, you renovate, you stabilize, rates come down, cap rates come down, you refinance or sell at a higher return.


  • And they just -- rates are likely to come down, but they're not finishing the renovation.


  • So the debt service coverage is almost irrelevant because of the guarantee and the global cash flow of the guarantors, which supported the projects on the way in.


  • The LTVs were [70], I'm sure, or within policy guidelines of 70%, 75%, I'm sure.

    我確信 LTV 是 [70],或在 70%、75% 的政策指引範圍內。

  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And just last one on this.


  • Do you know when it was originated?


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • I think on the inside of two years, 2022 -- 21, 22?


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Quarantine


  • (inaudible)


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • ['21].


  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • And just -- do you view this as a read through any other parts of the portfolio?


  • And how are you guys seeing credit transform over the past quarter and the outlook going forward?


  • And does it impact any of your appetite for loan growth going forward?


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • No.


  • Just as I said in my prepared remarks, this isn't indicative of any trend or anything that's happening in the portfolio from a asset class perspective or geography.


  • This is a one-off situation.


  • Keep in mind, we do a fair amount of lending here.


  • You will have non -- NPLs from time to time.


  • The question is -- your underwriting will get tested when you have non-PLs.

    問題是——當您擁有非 PL 時,您的承保將受到測試。

  • And you'll feel throughout the course of the year how our underwriting did as a result of remediating this problem.


  • I can tell you the clients are fully engaged now, and they are talking to us.


  • So I would expect this to get resolved one way or the other pretty soon.


  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you, guys.


  • Appreciate the time.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thanks, Chris.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Alex Lau, JPMorgan.


  • Alex Lau - Analyst

    Alex Lau - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Morning, Alex.


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • Good morning, Alex.


  • Alex Lau - Analyst

    Alex Lau - Analyst

  • I wanted to start off with deposits.


  • Which deposit verticals drove the increase in non-interest bearing deposits on a period-end basis?


  • And what are your expectations for DDA growth outside of the B2C runoff in 2024?

    您對 2024 年 B2C 決勝以外的 DDA 成長有何預期?

  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • The increase in EBITDA was driven through GPG clients.

    EBITDA 的成長是由 GPG 客戶推動的。

  • And we've -- excuse me -- a modest assumption in our model that we'll see fairly limited DDA growth going forward.

    對不起,我們在模型中做了一個適度的假設,即未來 DDA 的成長將相當有限。

  • I think DDA is becoming a unicorn out here.

    我認為 DDA 正在成為這裡的獨角獸。

  • It's hard to find non-interest bearing deposits at this juncture in the market.


  • But we do have a small assumption -- a relatively small growth in our models.


  • Alex Lau - Analyst

    Alex Lau - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • And also, for the -- thank you for the breakout of the $230 million in deposits from the new deposit initiatives.

    另外,感謝您透過新的存款計劃實現了 2.3 億美元的存款突破。

  • Can you talk about the opportunities for these deposit verticals to increase their contribution to the funding base this year?


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • I think you're going to continue to see stable increase.


  • I mean, there are projections out there that are reasonably opportunistic.


  • But I think they're going to continue to contribute.


  • And our goal is, as we said in the past and as we have been historically, that our funding will be -- our loan growth will be funded specifically by core funding and they will continue to contribute.


  • How much in any one quarter or a year?


  • It's hard to say, but that's our goal, to continue to stay a core-funded institution.


  • Alex Lau - Analyst

    Alex Lau - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • And then a question on deposit costs.


  • Given your higher payer on deposit costs, how do you think about the beta moving downwards as the Fed cuts the funds rates and the timing, given your deposit mix?


  • For example, do you have the mix of index deposits that's or how much is exception pricing?


  • Thanks.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Our assumptions trend toward a very conservative 65%, inclusive of the derivatives that we have in the balance sheet.

    我們的假設傾向於非常保守的 65%,包括我們資產負債表中的衍生性商品。

  • Take the derivatives off, it gets closer to 75%.

    去掉衍生性商品,它接近 75%。

  • I think we're pretty hopeful that, in fact, it will be higher than that as the short rates move down.


  • Alex Lau - Analyst

    Alex Lau - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • And then one follow up on expenses.


  • You mentioned the 10% to 12% growth on core non-interest expense.

    您提到核心非利息支出成長 10% 至 12%。

  • What is the normalized and space you were referring to for 2023?

    您所指的 2023 年標準化和空間是多少?

  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • I believe I quoted that as Q4 annualized and then grossed up with the 10% to 12%.

    我相信我引用的是第四季的年化成長率,然後總計成長了 10% 到 12%。

  • Alex Lau - Analyst

    Alex Lau - Analyst

  • And were there any project expenses in 2023 already?

    2023 年是否已有專案費用?

  • And on the project expenses as well, is there a sense of timing?


  • Will be it more front-loaded or pretty spread out throughout the year?


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • There were some modest expenses in '23. 2024 is going to be quite lumpy.

    23 年有一些適度的開支。 2024 年將會相當坎坷。

  • It's very difficult to say they will be spread out through the year, but it's going to be quite lumpy, as these sub projects, if you will, become online.


  • Alex Lau - Analyst

    Alex Lau - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just another follow-up on the B2C fee income loss over '24.

    然後是 24 年 B2C 費用收入損失的另一個後續行動。

  • Was that $5 million to $6 million in exit run rate for 4Q '24, is that the full-year impact versus consensus for full year '24?

    24 年第四季的退出運行率是 500 萬至 600 萬美元嗎?這是全年影響還是 24 年全年共識?

  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • $5 million to $6 million is for the full year.

    全年費用為 500 萬至 600 萬美元。

  • Remember, when you look at the 2023 results, you've got to back out the crypto from there.

    請記住,當您查看 2023 年的結果時,您必須從那裡撤回加密貨幣。

  • That's obviously not going to be recurring.


  • And then the adjustment, as we just mentioned, over the course of the year will be approximately $5 million to $6 million.

    然後,正如我們剛才提到的,全年的調整將約為 500 萬至 600 萬美元。

  • And of course, as Mark touched on, this is really important.


  • Our B2B pipeline is strong.

    我們的 B2B 頻道很強大。

  • We have a strong commitment to growing that book of business.


  • And we remain quite hopeful that that will continue to grow and provide a significant amount of low-cost funding.


  • Alex Lau - Analyst

    Alex Lau - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • All right.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Chris O'Connell, KBW.


  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • Just wanted to confirm the expense guide.


  • I had it at the Q4 annualized, $37 million annualized, plus 6% to 8%; and then the 2023 normalized OpEx plus the 10% to 12%.

    我是在第四季年化的,年化3700萬美元,加6%到8%;然後是 2023 年標準化營運支出加上 10% 到 12%。

  • Is that correct, not the Q4 annualized plus 10% to 12%?


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • It's overall.


  • Overall, is the -- the comp would benefit 68% off Q4.

    總體而言,該公司將在第四季度受益 68%。

  • That's a specific (inaudible) there.


  • But overall, 10% to 12% off fourth quarter annualized.

    但總體而言,第四季年化成長率下降了 10% 至 12%。

  • Chris O'Connell - Analyst

    Chris O'Connell - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • You're welcome.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • This does conclude the allotted time we have for questions.


  • I will now turn the call back to Mark DeFazio for any additional or closing remarks.


  • Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

    Mark DeFazio - President & CEO

  • I don't have any closing remarks other than thank you all for attending and your continued support in to MCB.

    除了感謝大家的出席以及對 MCB 的持續支持之外,我沒有任何結束語。

  • Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Daniel Dougherty - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thanks, everybody.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • This does conclude today's conference call and webcast.


  • A webcast archive of this call can be found at Please disconnect your line at this time and have a wonderful day.

    本次電話會議的網路廣播存檔可在 上找到。請此時斷開您的線路,祝您有美好的一天。