Lifeway Foods Inc (LWAY) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning.


  • Welcome to Lifeway Foods Second Quarter 2024 conference call.

    歡迎參加 Lifeway Foods 2024 年第二季電話會議。

  • On the call with me today is Julie Smolyansky, President and Chief Executive Officer.

    今天與我通話的是總裁兼執行長 Julie Smolyansky。

  • By now everyone should have access to the press release that went out this morning.


  • If you have not received the release, it is available on the Investor Relations portion of Lifeway website at A recording of this call will be available on the company's website.

    如果您尚未收到新聞稿,可以在 Lifeway 網站 的投資者關係部分取得。此次通話的錄音將在公司網站上發布。

  • Before we begin, we'd like to remind everyone that prepared remarks contain forward looking statements.


  • In the words believe, expect, anticipate and other similar expressions generally identify forward-looking statements.


  • These statements do not guarantee future performance and therefore, undue reliance should not be placed on them.


  • Actual results could differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements.


  • Lifeway assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking projections that may be made in today's release or call.

    Lifeway 不承擔更新今天發布或電話會議中可能做出的任何前瞻性預測的義務。

  • All of the forward-looking statements contained herein speak only as of the date of this call.


  • And with that, I would like to turn the call over to Lifeway Chief Executive Officer, Julie Smolyansky.

    說到這裡,我想將電話轉給 Lifeway 執行長 Julie Smolyansky。

  • Julie Smolyansky - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary

    Julie Smolyansky - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary

  • Thanks, John, and good morning to everyone joining us today.


  • As always, we greatly appreciate your interest in Lifeway Foods.

    一如既往,我們非常感謝您對 Lifeway Foods 的興趣。

  • It's a pleasure to speak with you today, and I'm excited to share that our business momentum continued strongly in the second quarter as we once again delivered monumental results, highlighted by robust top line growth.


  • Remarkably for the fifth consecutive quarter we surpassed the Company record for quarterly net sales, growing more than 25% year over year, driven by volume growth of our flagship Lifeway drinkable Kefir.

    值得注意的是,在我們的旗艦產品 Lifeway 飲用克菲爾銷量成長的推動下,我們連續第五個季度超越了公司季度淨銷售額記錄,同比增長超過 25%。

  • Before diving deeper into the results.


  • I'd like to thank the whole team for their flawless execution, as it has allowed us to offer superior service to our valued customers and clients.


  • Over the last few years, we have faced unprecedented times with a volatile macro environment and a global pandemic.


  • Yet through the hard work of all our whole team, we haven't skipped a beat and consistently delivered stellar growth.


  • With that said, I will now review our extraordinary results for the second quarter of 2024.

    話雖如此,我現在將回顧我們 2024 年第二季的非凡業績。

  • Our record high net sales were $49.2 million for the period ended June 30, 2024, an increase of $10 million or 25.3% compared to the second quarter of 2023.

    截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日止的期間,我們的淨銷售額創下歷史新高,達到 4,920 萬美元,比 2023 年第二季增加 1,000 萬美元,增幅為 25.3%。

  • The strong growth was primarily driven by higher volumes of our branded drinkable Kefir.


  • Impressively, we outperformed our previous record high sales, which occurred in the first quarter of this year by more than 10%.

    令人印象深刻的是,我們的業績比今年第一季創下的銷售新高高出了 10% 以上。

  • This result gets us extremely close to the Company milestone that we've circled for some time now, which is that $50 million a quarter.

    這一結果使我們非常接近我們已經圈定了一段時間的公司里程碑,即每季 5000 萬美元。

  • We are pleased to continue delivering immense value volume-led growth as it further demonstrates the effective effectiveness of our strategic sales and marketing investments at driving velocities and capturing new customers for our key product offerings.


  • I'd like to remind everyone that 2023 with an unbelievable record-breaking year for the Company, which makes this monumental growth for the first half of 2024, even more incredible for the six months ended June 30, 2024, our net sales were $93.8 million, a 21.6% increase compared to the first six months of 2023.

    我想提醒大家,2023 年對公司來說是令人難以置信的破紀錄的一年,這使得2024 年上半年實現了巨大的增長,截至2024 年6 月30 日的六個月更加令人難以置信,我們的淨銷售額為93.8 美元百萬,與 2023 年前六個月相比增長 21.6%。

  • We have great business momentum and a loyal growing customer base.


  • And we are well on pace to set another Lifeway high for an ad for annual sales in 2024, we recorded a gross profit margin of 27% for the period ended June 30, 2024, on a sequential basis, where compared to the first quarter of this year, our margins improved 120 basis points.

    我們預計在 2024 年再創 Lifeway 廣告年銷售額新高,截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日止期間,環比毛利率為 27%,與去年第一季相比今年,我們的利潤率提高了 120 個基點。

  • Additionally, for the six months ended June 30, 2024, our gross profit margin has improved 110 basis points when compared to the first six months of 2023.


  • We are pleased with the progress we've made on our margins, and we continuously look to proactively manage the supplies and transportation of our products to seamlessly meet our growing demand.


  • As shipment volumes of our lightweight branded products continue to grow nicely.


  • We will continue to improve our productivity and position ourselves for even stronger margins.


  • Now, to our expenses.


  • Selling, general and administrative expenses were $7.8 million for the period ended June 30, 2024.

    截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日止期間的銷售、一般及管理費用為 780 萬美元。

  • We continue to invest behind our core products through strategic marketing, which has been very effective in driving velocity and customer retention, as evidenced by our consistently strong sales results.


  • Our net income for the period ended June 30, 2024 was $3.8 million, reflecting an EPS of 26 per basic share and $0.25 per diluted common share compared to the net income of $3.2 million or $0.22 per basic share and $0.21 per diluted common share during the second quarter of 2023.

    截至2024 年6 月30 日止期間,我們的淨利潤為380 萬美元,反映出每股基本股26 美元和每股稀釋普通股0.25 美元的每股收益,而同期淨利潤為320 萬美元,即每股基本股0.22 美元及每股稀釋普通股0.21 美元。

  • Our strong top line performance continues to flow through smoothly to the bottom line, indicating our growing profitability profile.


  • Capital spending increased approximately $2 million to $3.9 million during the six month period ended June 30, 2024, compared to the first six months of 2023.

    與 2023 年前六個月相比,截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的六個月期間,資本支出增加了約 200 萬美元至 390 萬美元。

  • This increase in cash was used as expected and reflects our planned increase during 2024 compared to 2023 to support our continued business growth.

    現金增加按預期使用,反映了我們計劃在 2024 年較 2023 年增加現金,以支持我們的持續業務成長。

  • Our capital spending is focused on three core areas supporting growth, cost reductions and facility improvements.


  • Our spend is very efficient and we consistently generate strong returns when installing additional tanks as we leverage existing infrastructure to scale the business.


  • With our efficient capital spend, we are very prepared and have the capacity and operations in place for continued sales tailwinds.


  • We have now published 19 consecutive quarters of year over year that revenue growth.

    我們現已連續 19 個季度公佈營收年增率。

  • And as I mentioned before, five consecutive quarters, setting a Lifeway record in quarterly net sales.

    正如我之前提到的,連續五個季度,創下了 Lifeway 的季度淨銷售額記錄。

  • Both metrics we are incredibly proud of and excited to pursue further.


  • While many businesses in the broader space have called out a more cautious consumer, slightly has continued to excel, and we are not seeing a slowdown within our business.


  • It is no secret that consumers continue to face macro headwinds, including inflation and high interest rates.


  • Yet our growing customer base is proving resilient and very loyal as we continue to grow rapidly led by volume growth.


  • And we believe that this is because our premium better for you offerings come with exceptional value.


  • Lifeway Kefir is accessible, nutrient - dense and research suggests that consuming it regularly improved overall health and well-being.

    Lifeway 克菲爾易於獲取且營養豐富,研究表明定期食用它可以改善整體健康和福祉。

  • Likely products such as Kefir and pharmacies offer consumers a high-quality protein, probiotics, calcium vitamin D and are a great way to close nutrition gaps throughout life stages for everyone, from children to more aging population.

    克菲爾和藥局等可能的產品為消費者提供優質蛋白質、益生菌、維生素 D 鈣,是彌補每個人(從兒童到老年人)整個生命階段營養差距的好方法。

  • Studies also show that people who consume fermented dairy tend to make healthier lifestyle choices.


  • Overall, site health and its connection to brain health and skin health is interesting, even to Gen Z consumers and the high quality protein and dairy like in life, we keep our value available easy for your body to use.

    總體而言,部位健康及其與大腦健康和皮膚健康的聯繫很有趣,即使對於 Z 世代消費者和生活中的優質蛋白質和乳製品來說,我們也讓我們的價值易於您的身體使用。

  • It is naturally occurring.


  • Today's consumers are not willing to sacrifice their health and wellness and are focused on consuming high-quality better-for-you products at an affordable price.


  • This trend has led to soaring demand for bio-available food like Lifeway Kefir and should continue to be a great tailwind for us.

    這一趨勢導致對 Lifeway Kefir 等生物可利用食品的需求飆升,並且應該繼續成為我們的巨大推動力。

  • Our entire premium product for portfolio led by our flagship Kefir is nutritious, delicious and reasonably priced, which is why consumers keep coming back for more and eagerly await for new flavors and line extension.


  • The probiotics in Kefir support a healthy microbiome.


  • And approximately 80% of the immune defenses come from the gut.

    大約 80% 的免疫防禦來自腸道。

  • Probiotic products such as Kefir are the focus of intense research related to the microbiomes role and stress depression and anxiety.


  • We now know that up to 90% of the body's serotonin comes from gut cells and the gut brain access, which links the emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with our intestinal function plays a major role in happiness and well-being.

    我們現在知道,人體高達90% 的血清素來自腸道細胞和腸道大腦通道,它將大腦的情感和認知中心與我們的腸道功能聯繫起來,在幸福感和幸福感方面發揮著重要作用。

  • A study published in BMC Madison also suggests that probiotics in dairy Kefir, so potential promise and improving gut health of ICU patients and a small study protocol in the U.K. examined effects and potential benefits in children with ADHD who consume Kefir.

    BMC Madison 發表的一項研究還表明,開菲爾乳製品中的益生菌具有改善ICU 患者腸道健康的潛在前景,並且英國的一項小型研究方案檢查了食用開菲爾對患有ADHD 的兒童的影響和潛在益處。

  • It's very exciting for the microbiome research, and we applaud and support these recent efforts to uncover new and amazing ways that fermented and culture food can positively impact our health.


  • Deserving of its own measured.


  • In March, the FDA announced the first ever qualified health claims regarding the consumption of cultured dairy and a reduced risk of type two diabetes.

    今年三月,FDA 宣布了第一份關於食用發酵乳製品和降低第二型糖尿病風險的合格健康聲明。

  • We look forward to begin incorporating this qualified health claim on our labels and within our marketing in the coming weeks and months.


  • And this is an excellent development, further illustrating the incredible health benefits of our products.


  • And we believe this will further compel health-focused consumers to our brand.


  • To build on the already great health benefits of Lifeway Foods.

    以 Lifeway Foods 已有的巨大健康益處為基礎。

  • We will be optimizing our product offering by reducing sugar and lactose house in nearly all of our lightweight products in the coming months.


  • Market data shows, consumers are looking to lower sugar consumption and cheaper than natural options to get a delicious snack with less sugar.


  • While lightweight products are already 99% lactose-free in the coming weeks, we will be rolling out existing products with 100% lactose-free labeling.

    雖然輕量產品在未來幾週內已達到 99% 無乳糖,但我們將推出貼有 100% 無乳糖標籤的現有產品。

  • High-quality protein, low sugar and lactose-free are trends that are not going away anytime soon.


  • And Lifeway is at the forefront of bringing these attributes to the marketplace.

    Lifeway 處於將這些特性推向市場的最前線。

  • As we've made clear selling our industry-leading drinkable Lifeway kefir is what we do best and our focus on it is consistently paying dividends.

    正如我們明確表示的那樣,銷售行業領先的可飲用 Lifeway 克菲爾是我們最擅長的事情,我們對它的關注將持續帶來回報。

  • We believe the modern health focused consumer will continue to be a tailwind to the expanding U.S. kefir market, and we will continue to dedicate the bulk of our time and investments into our drinkable Kefir to increase brand and category exposure, drive trial and capture more and more share of today's health focused consumer in the growing markets.


  • As the market leader, we are also consistently evaluating trends within the probiotic and healthy food space to improve and diversify the offerings of our growing consumer base and their process preferences.


  • Within Kefir, these insights have led to numerous successful product innovation, including our Guava, low-fat Ciba, our organic whole milk products and our organic grass-fed fever flavors.

    在 Kefir 內部,這些見解帶來了眾多成功的產品創新,包括我們的番石榴、低脂 Ciba、我們的有機全脂奶產品和我們的有機草飼發燒口味。

  • Each of these innovations have gained popularity has successfully attracted different type of consumers.


  • Our organic category has been a major hit to date and provided a strong growth.


  • In addition to our focus in the key per category.


  • We are still strategically investing behind the cold favorite likely pharmacies, in an effort to capitalize on the continued consumer demand for soft cheese products.


  • Seasonally pharmacies performed the best in fall and winter, and we are quite excited to get into its peak season.


  • I'll now touch on the marketing and advertising update.


  • Just a couple of weeks ago, we had an excellent brand experience at Lollapalooza in Chicago.

    就在幾週前,我們在芝加哥的 Lollapalooza 獲得了一次出色的品牌體驗。

  • Our Provost products were featured and likely hit the polluters section of the festival, and we gave out thousands of samples while interacting with a massive crowd in Chicago.

    我們的 Provost 產品受到了關注,並且很可能會出現在節日的污染者部分,我們在與芝加哥的大量人群互動時分發了數千個樣品。

  • Additionally, New York bucket listers with a following of more than 2 million people just named our yoga in the sky series as one of the best activities to do in New York.

    此外,擁有超過 200 萬粉絲的紐約遺願清單將我們的空中瑜伽系列評為紐約最佳活動之一。

  • We partnered with up up and away yoga to deliver this unique one hour long yoga experience at the top of the One World Trade Center.

    我們與 Up andaway Yoga 合作,在世貿中心一號樓頂層提供這種獨特的一小時瑜珈體驗。

  • And each participant can enhance their workout with a protein boost from our delicious Lifeway Kefir.

    每位參與者都可以透過我們美味的 Lifeway Kefir 補充蛋白質來增強運動效果。

  • We always enjoy these in-person experiences as they fit into our efforts to connect with our consumers on a deeper level on their wellness journey.


  • We remain very committed to investing behind our core products.


  • With that said, we have been very strategic with our marketing dollars, focusing on Smart program that effectively move units and drive velocities.


  • Our goal is to ensure lightweight products are present at interruptive moments within the store, such as high traffic and caps to increase trial and exposure to our brand to consumers who might normally shop in our section.


  • A great example of this was our successful in-store promotion during the first quarter where we partnered with many different retailers to create a temporary refrigerated spaces, showcasing Lifeway brand products at high-traffic and tasks within their stores.

    一個很好的例子是我們第一季成功的店內促銷,我們與許多不同的零售商合作創建了一個臨時冷藏空間,在店內人流量大和任務頻繁的情況下展示 Lifeway 品牌產品。

  • This was highly successful program, and we expect to initiate a similar program in the coming weeks to capitalize on back-to-school snacking season, which we are quite excited about.


  • Outside of the store, we continue to invest behind our e-commerce sales strategy to drive velocities and exposure.


  • We are running targeted advertising at our retail partner sites as well as general e-commerce platforms, including Instacart and supporting these e-commerce efforts are our continued partnership with our social media influencers, including celebrities, guests and nutrition experts with notable followings.

    我們在零售合作夥伴網站以及包括Instacart 在內的一般電子商務平台上投放有針對性的廣告,並透過與社群媒體影響者(包括名人、嘉賓和擁有知名粉絲的營養專家)的持續合作來支持這些電子商務工作。

  • Through our work with them, we advertise to a whole network of consumers and educate them on the Kefir category, our healthy offerings and the recipes, they can be used that.


  • Our marketing strategy is nimble and is also very effective.


  • And the key reason we expect to continue delivering great sales growth.


  • Now I'll touch on some distribution updates.


  • During the quarter, we gained new placement of organic Kefir and pharmacies at Stop & Shop, and we also increased our store count with target.

    本季度,我們在 Stop & Shop 增加了有機克菲爾和藥房的新佈局,並且我們還按目標增加了商店數量。

  • Additionally, we were very happy with the success of our club rotation featuring twin packs of 32-ounce Kefir, a popular offering that encourages customers to increase consumption and greatly increases our visibility.

    此外,我們對俱樂部輪換的成功感到非常高興,其中包括兩包 32 盎司克菲爾,這是一種受歡迎的產品,鼓勵顧客增加消費並大大提高我們的知名度。

  • The club channel is a great place for us to meet new consumers.


  • And the lower priced items at these club stores are also more attractive to entry-level consumer offering a great opportunity to capture incremental revenues and customers.


  • On a higher level, we continue to maintain our deep relationships and active dialogue with all our key retail partners and are always seeking out incremental distribution opportunities across a number of channels that makes sense for our core offerings with the key focus on our flagship Lifeway drinkable Kefir.

    在更高層面上,我們繼續與所有主要零售合作夥伴保持深厚的關係和積極對話,並始終在多個管道中尋找增量分銷機會,這對我們的核心產品有意義,重點關注我們的旗艦產品Lifeway 飲料克菲爾。

  • We will continue to strategically focus on and elevate our brand name products and will de-prioritize private label manufacturing to ensure Lifeway long term success and unparalleled category leadership.

    我們將繼續策略性地關注和提升我們的品牌產品,並將取消自有品牌製造的優先順序,以確保 Lifeway 的長期成功和無與倫比的類別領導地位。

  • To wrap up, this was another outstanding record-breaking quarter for Lifeway, the results speak for themselves.

    總而言之,這是 Lifeway 另一個出色的破紀錄季度,結果不言而喻。

  • Our core business continues to grow rapidly, as illustrated by our five consecutive quarters setting new record highs on the top line for the business.


  • We've come a long way since our founding in 1986, and I couldn't be prouder, with the great team in place and our demand dedicated investments behind our core products.

    自 1986 年成立以來,我們已經取得了長足的進步,擁有優秀的團隊以及我們對核心產品背後的專門投資,我感到無比自豪。

  • We believe we are in an excellent position to continue growing strongly throughout the back half of this year and beyond all, while furthering our mission to provide best-in-class bioavailable probiotic and nutritious foods to improve the health and well-being of our customers.


  • We look forward to updating you on our progress during the third quarter call in November.

    我們期待在 11 月的第三季電話會議上向您通報我們的最新進展。

  • Thank you again for joining the call today, and I hope you all have a great rest of your summer and beginning of fall.
