Lifeway Foods Inc (LWAY) 2024 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning.


  • Welcome to Lifeway Foods' first-quarter-2024 conference call.

    歡迎參加 Lifeway Foods 2024 年第一季電話會議。

  • On the call with me today is Julie Smolyansky, President and Chief Executive Officer.

    今天與我通話的是總裁兼執行長 Julie Smolyansky。

  • By now, everyone should have access to the press release that went out this morning.


  • If you have not received the release, it is available on the Investor Relations portion of Lifeway's website at A recording of this call will be available on the company's website.

    如果您尚未收到新聞稿,可以在 Lifeway 網站 的投資者關係部分取得。此次通話的錄音將在公司網站上發布。

  • Before we begin, we would like to remind everyone that the prepared remarks contain forward-looking statements.


  • The words believe, expect, anticipate, and other similar expressions generally identify forward-looking statements.


  • These statements do not guarantee future performance, and therefore, undue reliance should not be placed on them.


  • Actual results could differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements.


  • Lifeway assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking projections that may be made in today's release or call.

    Lifeway 不承擔更新今天發布或電話會議中可能做出的任何前瞻性預測的義務。

  • All of the forward-looking statements contained herein speak only as of the date of this call.


  • And with that, I'd like to turn the call over to Lifeway's Chief Executive Officer, Julie Smolyansky.

    說到這裡,我想將電話轉給 Lifeway 的執行長 Julie Smolyansky。

  • Julie Smolyansky - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary

    Julie Smolyansky - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary

  • Thank you, John, and good morning to everyone joining us today.


  • As always, we greatly appreciate your interest in Lifeway Foods.

    一如既往,我們非常感謝您對 Lifeway Foods 的興趣。

  • I'm excited to be speaking with you today and thrilled to report that the momentum from our record-breaking fiscal-year 2023 has flowed smoothly into yet another strong quarter to start 2024.

    我很高興今天能與大家交談,並很高興地向大家報告,我們創紀錄的 2023 財年的勢頭已順利流入 2024 年開始的另一個強勁季度。

  • For the fourth quarter in a row, we have broken the company record for quarterly net sales, all while consistently delivering improved profitability metrics.


  • Our consistent growth and the excellent level of service we are providing to our valued customers and clients would not be possible without the effort and execution of our entire Lifeway team.

    如果沒有我們整個 Lifeway 團隊的努力和執行,我們的持續成長和為尊貴的客戶提供的卓越服務水準是不可能實現的。

  • And we could not be more pleased with their efforts.


  • With that said, I will now review our results for the first quarter of 2024.

    話雖如此,我現在將回顧我們 2024 年第一季的業績。

  • Net sales were $44.6 million for the period ended March 31, 2024, which is yet another record-high quarter for Lifeway, and an increase of $6.7 million or 17.8% compared to the first quarter in 2023.

    截至 2024 年 3 月 31 日的淨銷售額為 4,460 萬美元,這是 Lifeway 的另一個季度歷史新高,與 2023 年第一季相比增加了 670 萬美元,即 17.8%。

  • The net sales growth was primarily driven by higher volumes of our branded drinkable kefir.


  • After a year of consistent volume growth in 2023, we're excited to continue the trend in the first quarter.

    經過 2023 年銷售量的持續成長,我們很高興能夠在第一季繼續保持這一趨勢。

  • This is further evidence that our strategic sales and marketing investments and our core items continue to accelerate velocities, grow awareness, and win new consumers who are seeking out premium, healthy products at great values.


  • This record quarter also marked our 18th consecutive quarter of year-over-year net revenue growth.

    這個創紀錄的季度也標誌著我們連續第 18 個季度實現淨收入年增。

  • Consumers continue to face well-documented macro headwinds, including inflation and high interest rates.


  • And with that comes cautious spending.


  • However, we continue to see strengthening in results, demonstrating both the steadfast loyalty and the growth of our core customer base who rely on our high quality, better-for-you products.


  • Given our record-breaking 2023, which saw sequential growth in each quarter, our year-over-year lapse will continue to get more difficult, yet we aspire to continue clearing the high bars we have set for ourselves.

    鑑於 2023 年我們破紀錄,每個季度都實現連續成長,我們的同比差距將繼續變得更加困難,但我們渴望繼續超越我們為自己設定的高標準。

  • We reported a growth profit margin of 25.8% for the period ended March 31, 2024, increasing 410 basis points when compared to 21.7% in the first quarter of 2023.

    我們報告截至 2024 年 3 月 31 日的期間的成長率為 25.8%,較 2023 年第一季的 21.7% 增加了 410 個基點。

  • This significant margin expansion was primarily due to higher volumes of Lifeway-branded products, and to a lesser extent, favorable transportation costs.

    利潤率的顯著成長主要是由於 Lifeway 品牌產品銷售的增加,以及較小程度的有利運輸成本。

  • Following a year of notable margin expansion, we are pleased to see margins improve on a year-over-year basis once again.


  • Our margins remain a top priority for us and our team continues to proactively manage the supply and transportation of the materials used to make, package, and deliver our products to our customers.


  • This proactive discipline has allowed us to consistently match the increasing demand.


  • And we believe as the shipment volumes of our Lifeway-branded products grow, we will continue to become more efficient.

    我們相信,隨著 Lifeway 品牌產品出貨量的成長,我們將持續提高效率。

  • Now, to our expenses.


  • Selling, general, and administrative expenses increased $1.2 million to $7.8 million for the period ended March 31, 2024, compared to $6.7 million in the first quarter of 2023.

    截至 2024 年 3 月 31 日的期間,銷售、一般和管理費用增加了 120 萬美元,達到 780 萬美元,而 2023 年第一季為 670 萬美元。

  • While our net spending increased, SG&A as a percentage of net sales remained in line with the first quarter of 2023.

    雖然我們的淨支出有所增加,但銷售、管理及行政費用 (SG&A) 佔淨銷售額的百分比仍與 2023 年第一季保持一致。

  • Selling expenses specifically increased marginally, but as a percentage of net sales, they decreased to 8.3% compared to 9.3% in the first quarter of 2023.

    銷售費用具體略有增加,但佔淨銷售額的百分比從 2023 年第一季的 9.3% 下降至 8.3%。

  • Given our strong net sales increase, this demonstrates the increasing returns we are generating on our strategic sales and marketing investments.


  • Our net income during the period ended March 31, 2024, was $2.4 million, reflecting EPS of $0.17 per basic and $0.16 per diluted common share, compared to the net income of $0.8 million or $0.06 per basic and diluted common share during the first quarter of 2023.

    截至2024 年3 月31 日的期間,我們的淨利潤為240 萬美元,反映出每股基本股0.17 美元和每股稀釋普通股0.16 美元的每股收益,而2024 年第一季的淨利潤為80 萬美元,即每股基本股和稀釋普通股0.06 美元。

  • Nearly tripling on our year-over-year basis, this demonstrates that our top line and margin improvements continue to flow through well to the bottom line.


  • Capital spending increased approximately $0.7 million to $2.5 million during the period ended March 31, 2024, compared to the first quarter of 2023.

    截至 2024 年 3 月 31 日的期間,資本支出較 2023 年第一季增加約 70 萬美元至 250 萬美元。

  • The increase in cash used reflects our planned increases during 2024 compared to 2023 to support our continued growth.

    所用現金的增加反映了我們計劃在 2024 年相比 2023 年增加現金,以支持我們的持續成長。

  • Our capital spending is focused on three core areas: growth capital, cost reduction, and facility improvements.


  • Growth capital spending supports new product innovation and enhancements.


  • Cost reduction and facility improvements support manufacturing efficiency, safety, and productivity.


  • Our CapEx spending is efficient and we generate a strong return when installing additional tanks as we leverage existing infrastructure to scale the business.


  • This is another remarkable quarter for Lifeway delivering record high top line results yet again, accompanied by our notable improvements in our profitability measures.

    這是 Lifeway 另一個引人注目的季度,再次實現創紀錄的高收入業績,同時我們的獲利能力指標也顯著改善。

  • Our growing customer base continues to prove resilient to macro pressures and demonstrate their loyalty to our core products as seen through our accelerating velocity.


  • This is a testament to the staying power of modern health and wellness trends, which should remain a tailwind for Lifeway as today's consumer continues to focus on high quality, better-for-you foods that are affordable.

    這證明了現代健康和養生趨勢的持久力,這應該仍然是 Lifeway 的推動力,因為當今的消費者繼續關注高品質、更健康、價格實惠的食品。

  • Our entire premium product portfolio, led by our flagship kefir, is nutritious, delicious, and reasonably priced, which is why consumers come back for more and are eagerly awaiting new flavors and line extensions.


  • Our kefir products are tart and tangy and provide customers with probiotics, vitamin D, and protein to help support their gut health, immunity, and mental well-being.

    我們的克菲爾產品酸味濃鬱,為顧客提供益生菌、維生素 D 和蛋白質,幫助支持他們的腸道健康、免疫力和心理健康。

  • The probiotics in kefir support a healthy microbiome and approximately 80% of immune defenses come from the gut.

    克菲爾中的益生菌支持健康的微生物群,大約 80% 的免疫防禦來自腸道。

  • Probiotic products such as kefir are the focus of intense research related to the microbiome's role in stress, depression, and anxiety.


  • We now know that up to 90% of the body's serotonin comes from the gut cells and the gut-brain access, which links emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with our intestinal functions, plays a major role in happiness and well-being.

    我們現在知道,人體高達 90% 的血清素來自腸道細胞,而腸腦通路將大腦的情感和認知中心與我們的腸道功能聯繫起來,在幸福感和幸福感方面發揮著重要作用。

  • A recent study published by BMC Medicine also suggests that probiotics and dairy kefir show potential promise in improving the gut health of ICU patients.

    BMC Medicine 最近發表的一項研究還表明,益生菌和乳製品克菲爾在改善 ICU 患者的腸道健康方面顯示出潛在的前景。

  • And a small study protocol in the UK examined the effects and potential benefits on children with ADHD who consume kefir.


  • It's an exciting time for microbiome research and we applaud the recent efforts to uncover new and amazing ways that fermented and cultured foods can positively impact our health.


  • As you would expect, this record-breaking quarter was spearheaded by the core driver of our business, our industry leading, drinkable, best in class, Lifeway kefir.

    正如您所期望的那樣,這個破紀錄的季度是由我們業務的核心驅動力——我們行業領先的、可飲用的、一流的 Lifeway 克菲爾——引領的。

  • Net sales of our drinkable kefir increased 22.6% to $36.5 million for the period ended March 31, 2024, compared to the first quarter in 2023.

    截至 2024 年 3 月 31 日止的期間,我們的飲用克菲爾的淨銷售額與 2023 年第一季相比成長了 22.6%,達到 3,650 萬美元。

  • We continue to dominate the US kefir market, an industry that we have built.


  • And the majority of our time and investments will be dedicated to our core product through both strategic marketing and incremental distribution opportunities to drive brand exposure and capture a greater share of today's health-focused consumers and the expanding global kefir market.


  • While selling our branded drinkable kefir is our primary focus and exactly what we do best, we also continuously evaluate trends within the probiotic market and health food space to improve and diversify the suite of products we offer to satisfy our consumers' evolving preferences.


  • Within kefir, these insights lead to numerous product innovations, including our guava low-fat kefir and our organic whole milk products, which continue to gain popularity, and our organic grass-fed kefir flavors that have begun to attract consumers within the growing grass-fed dairy market.


  • In addition to our innovations within the kefir category, we are strategically marketing and have invested behind Lifeway Farmers Cheese to capitalize on the growing consumer interest in soft cheese products.

    除了我們在開菲爾類別中的創新之外,我們還進行策略性行銷並投資了 Lifeway Farmers Cheese,以充分利用消費者對軟乳酪產品日益增長的興趣。

  • Our Farmers Cheese has been a cult favorite ever since its introduction, selling strongly relative to distribution in specialty stores nationwide.


  • It is also a logical alternative to blended cottage cheese recipes that continue to buzz through social media.


  • It has the smooth, blended texture that consumers are looking for while being a much healthier ingredient for full protein and probiotics.


  • Our Farmers Cheese also has no added salt, which allows it to complement for a far more diverse set of flavors.


  • It is important to note that while we're consistently assessing trends and growth opportunities, we only enter a new product category if we view the product or innovation as sustainable and as profitable endeavor.


  • For example, we've sold Farmer Cheese for years as small yet profitable measures, which gives us confidence to strategically market and invest behind it today to match heightened demand within the space.


  • One last note on our Farmers Cheese.


  • In April, we're excited to announce that it was named as a winner in the Good Housekeeping 2024 Best Snack Awards.

    4 月份,我們很高興地宣布它榮獲 Good Housekeeping 2024 年度最佳零食獎。

  • Congratulations.


  • I'll now touch on some marketing and advertising updates.


  • We had a great brand experience at Coachella last month.

    上個月我們在 Coachella 音樂節上獲得了絕佳的品牌體驗。

  • Our products were featured at the Kardashian's Camp Poosh Activation with Air One, receiving coveted influencer impressions.

    我們的產品在卡戴珊的 Camp Poosh Activation 活動中與 Air One 一起亮相,獲得了令人垂涎的影響者印象。

  • We look forward to a packed summer with participation at music festivals, yoga events, and more.


  • We enjoy these in-person experiences as they allow us to connect with our consumers on a deeper level during their wellness journey.


  • As part of our efforts to create a deeper connection with customers, I recently appeared on NBC's California Live to talk about celebrating Mother's Day with probiotic Lifeway products, highlighting their versatility in breakfast and brunch recipes.

    作為我們與客戶建立更深層聯繫的努力的一部分,我最近出現在NBC 的《加州現場》節目中,談論用益生菌Lifeway 產品慶祝母親節,並強調了它們在早餐和早午餐食譜中的多功能性。

  • We remain hyper-focused on marketing that moves units.


  • As we mentioned last quarter, we ran a large in-store promotion across many retailers, creating temporary refrigerated spaces showcasing Lifeway-branded products and placing them at high traffic end caps.

    正如我們上季度所提到的,我們在許多零售商中進行了大規模的店內促銷活動,創建了臨時冷藏空間來展示 Lifeway 品牌的產品,並將其放置在人流較多的地方。

  • This promotion was successful and we plan to initiate another similar campaign in the coming months.


  • We continue to deepen relationships with our retailers and in-store partners with the goal of making sure Lifeway products appear at interruptive moments within the store to drive trial, capture new customers who don't typically shop in our section, and boost retention rates.

    我們繼續深化與零售商和店內合作夥伴的關係,目標是確保 Lifeway 產品出現在店內的干擾時刻,以推動試用、吸引通常不在我們區域購物的新客戶並提高保留率。

  • We are also committed to our e-commerce strategy.


  • We are investing in targeted advertising on our retail partner sites and general e-commerce platforms such as Instacart with the same goal as before, to drive trial and loyalty amongst our growing consumer base.

    我們正在零售合作夥伴網站和 Instacart 等一般電子商務平台上投資有針對性的廣告,其目標與以前相同,以推動我們不斷增長的消費者群的試用和忠誠度。

  • These e-commerce efforts are supported by our advertising and search display and social.


  • We continue to partner with social media influencers including celebrities, chefs, and nutrition experts with notable followings.


  • Through them, we deliver widespread advertising aimed at educating consumers on our healthy products and the various recipes they can be used in.


  • We have an in-house ambassador program that we augment with our additional influencer agency campaigns to generate brand and category awareness.


  • We then leverage our internal creative marketing team to drive demand for specific items that best match each audience profile.


  • Our nimble and efficient marketing strategy allows us to connect customers with Lifeway products they will enjoy the most while also keeping our advertising spend in check.

    我們靈活且有效率的行銷策略使我們能夠將客戶與他們最喜歡的 Lifeway 產品連結起來,同時控制我們的廣告支出。

  • Now, I'll touch on some distribution updates.


  • We recently gained limited rotation for our twin pack of 32-ounce kefir at two major club stores.

    最近,我們在兩家主要的俱樂部商店獲得了雙包 32 盎司開菲爾的有限輪換。

  • This is a trial basis, but with strong sell through, we could attain additional periodic rotations which could eventually lead to an everyday placement.


  • We are excited about our pipeline of opportunities and the continued engagement from large additional retailer locations.


  • As we mentioned last quarter, we have recently gained incremental placement for Lifeway products at Publix, Gelson, Pub, Air One, and Kroger.

    正如我們上季度所提到的,我們最近在 Publix、Gelson、Pub、Air One 和 Kroger 上增加了 Lifeway 產品的投放量。

  • We are maintaining our strong relationships with key partners and are consistently seeking out distribution opportunities across a variety of channels that make sense for each of our offerings with a focus on our flagship Lifeway drinkable kefir.

    我們與主要合作夥伴保持著牢固的關係,並不斷在各種管道中尋找對我們的每種產品有意義的分銷機會,重點是我們的旗艦產品 Lifeway 飲用克菲爾。

  • With that, I'd like to thank you all for joining us today.


  • The first quarter was an incredible start to 2024 as we eclipsed our quarterly sales record once again while delivering vastly improved profitability measures.

    第一季是 2024 年令人難以置信的開局,我們再次打破了季度銷售記錄,同時大幅提高了獲利能力。

  • I am confident that we have the right team in place to carry our strong momentum and growth throughout the year and I am excited to continue delivering on our mission to bring best-in-class probiotic and nutritious food to our growing base of health-conscious consumers.


  • And on a personal note, May 4 marked what would have been Michael Smolyansky, my father, and Lifeway Foods Founders' 77 birthday, and in the coming weeks on June 9, will mark 22 years since his sudden passing and my 22 year as Lifeway CEO.

    就我個人而言,5 月4 日是我的父親邁克爾·斯莫良斯基(Michael Smolyansky) 和Lifeway Foods 創始人的77 歲生日,而在接下來的幾週內,即6 月9 日,將紀念他突然過世22 週年,也是我擔任Lifeway 的22 週年。

  • Michael arrived to the United States as a Soviet refugee in 1976 with $116, no English language, and a young family with an unwavering pursuit of the American dream and entrepreneurial aspirations.

    1976 年,麥可以蘇聯難民身分來到美國,身家只有 116 美元,不會說英語,他的家庭年輕,堅定不移地追求美國夢和創業抱負。

  • Michael was obsessed with the microbiome and the science and health benefits of kefir.


  • He recommended kefir to everyone he met and intuitively knew it could heal the body inside and out and he regularly quoted research findings of Dr. Elie Metchnikoff, the godfather of immunity.


  • Michael dreamed of a time when more people recognized the health benefits of kefir and a time when Lifeway kefir was available in every refrigerator in the United States.

    麥可夢想有一天,會有更多的人意識到克菲爾對健康的益處,並希望美國的每台冰箱都能買到 Lifeway 克菲爾。

  • And every day, the team at Lifeway worked to realize that dream.

    Lifeway 的團隊每天都在努力實現這個夢想。

  • I know with certainty Michael would be proud and in awe of all that Lifeway has accomplished.

    我確信麥可會對 Lifeway 所取得的一切感到自豪和敬畏。

  • And I too am proud of my leadership and perseverance especially during the many challenging times over the last 22 years.

    我也為自己的領導能力和毅力感到自豪,尤其是在過去 22 年的許多充滿挑戰的時期。

  • It is my privilege and honor to be at the helm of Lifeway.

    能夠掌管 Lifeway 是我的榮幸。

  • Together, we have built something truly special and I'm confident that our best days are still ahead of us.


  • With your continued support and dedication and passion, there is no limit to what we can achieve.


  • We look forward to updating you on our progress during our second-quarter call in August.

    我們期待在 8 月的第二季電話會議上向您通報我們的最新進展。

  • We hope everyone has a fun, safe, and memorable summer.


  • And I hope you have a nice day.


  • Thank you.
