LightPath Technologies Inc (LPTH) 2025 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon.


  • Ladies and gentlemen.


  • Thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the Lightpath Technologies first quarter, fiscal 2025 earnings conference call during today's presentation, all parties will be in a listen-only mode following the presentation, the conference will be open for questions.

    歡迎參加今天演示期間的 Lightpath Technologies 2025 財年第一季收益電話會議,演示結束後各方將處於僅聽模式,會議將開放提問。

  • This conference is being recorded today, November 7th 2024.

    本次會議於今天(2024 年 11 月 7 日)錄製。

  • And the earnings press release accompanying this conference call was issued after the market closed today on our call today is Lifepath CEO SAM Rubin and CFO Al Miranda.

    今天收盤後,Lifepath 執行長 SAM Rubin 和財務長 Al Miranda 在電話會議上發布了本次電話會議附帶的收益新聞稿。

  • I'd like to remind you that during the course of this conference call, the company will be making forward-looking statements that are based on current expectations involve various risks and uncertainties as discussed in its periodic SEC filings.

    我想提醒您,在本次電話會議期間,該公司將根據當前預期做出前瞻性聲明,這些聲明涉及定期向 SEC 提交的文件中討論的各種風險和不確定性。

  • Although the company believes that the assumptions underlying these statements are reasonable, any of them can be proven to be inaccurate and there could be no assurance that the projected results would be realized.


  • In addition, references made by may be made to certain financial measures that are not in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or cap we refer to this as nongaap financial measures.


  • Please refer to our sec reports in certain of our press elysis which include reconciliations of noncap financial measures and associated disclaimers.


  • SAM will begin today's call with an overview of the business and recent developments for the company.

    SAM 將在今天的電話會議開始時概述公司的業務和最新發展。

  • I will then view financial results for quarter and the full year, full year.


  • Following our prepared remarks, there will be a formal question and answer session.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to SAM Rubin.

    我現在想把會議交給 SAM Rubin。

  • SAM Deplore is yours.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you operator.


  • Good afternoon to everyone and welcome to Light Path Technology's first quarter.


  • Fiscal 2025 financial results conference call the first quarter of 2025 demonstrated our continued transformation from a pure component supplier to a system provider delivering new products contracts and ongoing growth driven by these incremental product lines.

    2025 年第一季的 2025 財年財務業績電話會議表明,我們從純粹的組件供應商持續轉型為提供新產品合約的系統提供商,並在這些增量產品線的推動下實現持續增長。

  • Just over three years ago, we sat on a fresh course with a new strategic direction taking us from being a pure component supplier to a solutions provider since we've laid out three pillars of growth of which our business is built upon.


  • The first is our proprietary cameras and optics.


  • Second are solutions for government and defense and the third on new commercial applications for those not familiar with our history.


  • I will provide a brief overview prior to this shift light path has been for the greater part of 30 years.

    我將簡要概述這條轉變光路已經過了 30 年的大部分時間。

  • An optical component provider, what many years ago was a unique technology molded optics has become now a crowded marketplace going through the classic transformation and commoditization as a result.


  • Light Pafs core business was eroding unit prices decreasing with them margins and profits.

    Light Paf 的核心業務正在侵蝕單位價格,利潤率和利潤也隨之下降。

  • In 2021 we set a course on a new strategic direction.

    2021 年,我們制定了新的策略方向。

  • One that leverages some of our key technologies to deliver subsystems and system level solutions instead of simply just components which drive higher ASPs and ultimately gross profit dollars.


  • This transformation has been very successful for us and in this quarter, we reported that 30% of our revenue came from those activities.

    這種轉型對我們來說非常成功,在本季度,我們報告 30% 的收入來自這些活動。

  • This type of revenue was much less significant for us before we began going down this path through our investment in differentiated technology.


  • We have positioned ourselves as a leader in the field of infrared optics with an exclusive license from the government to commercialize new materials developed at the Naval Research Lab, as well as our partnership with the Department of Defense Logistics Agency, with the goal of replacing Germanium in dod applications.


  • We are not only the go to partner for anyone looking to phase out Germanium but have also earned ourselves a seat at the table at some of the most important discussions and projects in today's defense world.


  • Four years ago, we could only have dreamt of being in such a position naturally.


  • Since these are defense programs we're talking about, we are a bit limited in what we can share, but we will try to share as much as possible.


  • Recently, the dod via the Defense Logistics Agency, Strategic Materials has awarded us phase two funding to support the qualification of additional new black diamond Calogen glasses as a substitute to germanium.

    最近,國防部透過國防後勤局戰略材料部門向我們提供了第二階段資金,以支持額外的新型黑鑽石 Calogen 玻璃作為鍺替代品的資格認證。

  • Phase one was significant success resulting in the qualification of several new proprietary black diamond materials.


  • These materials are now designed into multiple programs of record and demonstrate significant additional value beyond simply replacing germanium in phase two will continue working with DL A to qualify additional black diamond glasses to be included in dod systems.

    這些材料現在被設計成多個記錄項目,除了在第二階段簡單地取代鍺之外,還展示了顯著的附加價值,將繼續與DL A 合作,以確保將更多黑鑽石玻璃納入國防部系統。

  • The validation this represents cannot be understated as it directly translates to new defense programs that rely on hourglass for which we are the exclusive supplier of record during the quarter.


  • We also received an initial development contract from a new European defense customer for the use of black diamond glass in optical systems.


  • Additionally, we also received a follow on order from a European defense customer for infrared assemblies for use in F PV.

    此外,我們還收到了歐洲國防客戶的後續訂單,涉及用於 F PV 的紅外線組件。

  • That is first person view drone application.


  • These orders are enabled by and are a validation of our recent efforts to obtain a European defense license and build capabilities at our Latvia facility as well as highlight our growing recognition as a trusted supplier within NATO aligned regions as a reminder, more than 30% of our sales come from defense.

    這些訂單是我們最近為獲得歐洲國防許可證和在拉脫維亞工廠建設能力而做出的努力的驗證,並突顯了我們作為北約聯盟地區值得信賴的供應商的日益認可,提醒我們,超過 30% 的訂單我們的銷售來自國防。

  • Most of those in the US obtaining the European defense license now opens the door for us to grow our defense business in Europe too.


  • And those two recent wins are lead indicators to the success of this strategy.


  • We expect to see significant growth coming from this market, European defense market and some customers, they are potentially turning into 10% customers.

    我們預計該市場、歐洲國防市場和一些客戶將顯著成長,他們有可能成為 10% 的客戶。

  • In addition to our investment in materials and differentiating technologies, we have also invested in the development of our camera technologies.


  • Just over a year ago, we completed the acquisition of VSIN technologies, integrating their expertise with our proprietary materials to develop advanced thermal cameras and imaging systems.

    就在一年多前,我們完成了對 VSIN 技術的收購,將他們的專業知識與我們的專有材料結合,開發先進的熱感相機和成像系統。

  • We have now built a portfolio of unique thermal cameras that have created a strong entry point for us in the system level product and enables us to carve out a market share in a market estimated to be $9 billion of TAM and growing rapidly.

    我們現在已經建立了一系列獨特的熱像儀產品組合,為我們在系統級產品方面創造了強大的切入點,並使我們能夠在 TAM 估計達 90 億美元且快速增長的市場中開拓市場份額。

  • Our efforts in the camera business.


  • Our first pillar of growth are focused around lightpath's unique camera solutions.

    我們的第一個成長支柱是圍繞 lightpath 獨特的相機解決方案。

  • This started with the introduction of Mantis an innovative broadband or multi spectral infrared camera that is a first of its kind and enabled purely by our unique materials for Mena Mantis.

    首先推出了 Mantis,一款創新的寬頻或多光譜紅外線相機,這是同類產品中的第一款,完全由我們為 Mena Mantis 設計的獨特材料實現。

  • Opened doors with several high profile customers, establishing our reputation for producing cameras that are not only groundbreaking in design but also practical applications in harsh and high sensitivity environments and with a price tag of $30,000 we're positioned as industry leaders from a cost to performance perspective.

    與多家知名客戶合作,建立了我們生產相機的聲譽,這些相機不僅在設計上具有突破性,而且在惡劣和高靈敏度環境中具有實際應用,並且價格標籤為30,000 美元,從成本到性能,我們被定位為行業領導者看法。

  • This is significant for future growth of the company as selling hundreds of cameras at $30,000 each has a completely different map to our top line growth than selling just the lenses that go into those cameras, which can cost about as little as a cup of coffee, which used to be our business model.

    這對公司未來的發展非常重要,因為以每台30,000 美元的價格銷售數百台相機,與僅銷售這些相機所使用的鏡頭相比,我們的營收成長有著完全不同的地圖,後者的成本大約只有一杯咖啡,這曾經是我們的商業模式。

  • Prior to this transformation.


  • In addition, we recently launched our new optical gas imaging camera platform to detect fugitive gas emissions for oil and gas industry.


  • The new OG camera is a specialized technology using infrared cameras to detect and visualize gas emitted such as methane in industrial settings.

    新型 OG 相機是一項專門技術,使用紅外線相機來檢測和可視化工業環境中排放的甲烷等氣體。

  • OG cameras are capable of visualizing gas that are invisible to the naked eye by detecting the infrared energy absorbed or emitted by those gas.

    OG 相機能夠透過偵測肉眼不可見的氣體吸收或發射的紅外線能量來視覺化這些氣體。

  • The topic is of extreme importance to the oil and gas industry both in the US and Europe following new regulation, curbing those emissions and imposing high penalties on operators.


  • Lightpath's purpose built OG camera leverages a non Germanium lens to improve upon current technologies by offering a cost effective higher sensitivity and ultimately more effective solution.

    Lightpath 的專用 OG 相機利用非鍺鏡頭,透過提供具有成本效益的更高靈敏度和最終更有效的解決方案來改進當前技術。

  • This OG technology applies to other sectors as well where we see the opportunity to launch additional incremental products leveraging our know how or without incurring significant development expenses on the government and defense side of the business.

    這種 OG 技術也適用於其他領域,我們看到有機會利用我們的專業知識推出額外的增量產品,或不會在政府和國防方面產生大量的開發費用。

  • Our second pillar, we've seen traction pick up significantly similar to the materials technology differentiators that already landed us.


  • One program of record our technology differentiator has landed us the Lockheed Martin missile program.


  • Under this program, we are developing a new camera system for Lockheed Martin that will be part of a missile system due to pressing needs from the army.


  • The customer, the program is now on a very accelerated timeline though it started only a year ago, we have already achieved a worthy qualification of our subsystem and can begin shipping units for flight tests which the team is currently working on the Lockheed Martin program is potentially transformative for light path.


  • Not only is it exactly the type of business we were targeting in our new strategy, but the size of this opportunity can completely transform us.


  • If Lockheed Martin wins against Raytheon, which they are competing against, we could expect to see revenues of between 50 million to $100 million a year.

    如果洛克希德馬丁公司戰勝他們的競爭對手雷神公司,我們預計每年的收入將達到 5,000 萬至 1 億美元。

  • Once in full production.


  • Though we are still in development, the progress of this project is so fast that Lockheed and the customer already looking to start setting up for low rate initial production next year, which is the last step before full production for a company our size with $35 million or so in revenue, a contract like this could completely transform us.

    儘管我們仍處於開發階段,但該項目的進展如此之快,以至於洛克希德和客戶已經在計劃明年開始進行低速初始生產,對於一家規模達3500 萬美元的公司來說,這是全面生產之前的最後一步就收入而言,這樣的合約可以徹底改變我們。

  • And although there is a possibility that Lockheed will not win against, we know that this technology we developed is so transformative and important that the same customer is already integrating it into at least two additional programs.


  • I'll now turn to our third pillar of growth which is new commercial applications such as automotive as those that follow us.


  • Note, Light Bar has been working with several tier one and tier two automotive OEMs to develop and qualify thermal imaging solutions for use in Adas per a new mandate set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

    請注意,Light Bar 一直在與多家一級和二級汽車原始設備製造商合作,根據國家公路交通安全管理局製定的新規定,開發和鑑定用於 ADAS 的熱成像解決方案。

  • By all 2029 new cars should include an emergency braking system that can identify pedestrians in pitch dark conditions from a certain distance to achieve that it appears that thermal imaging is going to be adopted into every new car, which means a significant addressable market opportunity.

    到 2029 年,新車應該配備緊急煞車系統,能夠在漆黑的條件下從一定距離識別行人,從而實現熱成像技術將被應用到每輛新車中,這意味著一個巨大的潛在市場機會。

  • Ahead of those upcoming catalysts, we begin to strengthen our operational capabilities to support future growth.


  • Subsequent to quarter end, we welcomed Steve Garcia as General manager of our Orlando manufacturing facility.

    季度末後,我們迎來了史蒂夫·加西亞 (Steve Garcia) 擔任我們奧蘭多製造工廠的總經理。

  • Steve brings extensive operational experience in high growth environments and he will play a vital role in scaling our production processes to meet the increasing demand of our products, particularly for defense and industrial applications.


  • His addition enhances our ability to support large mission critical programs while maintaining our commitment to quality and innovation.


  • Now, I'd like to turn the call over to our CFO Albert Miranda to talk about our first quarter, fiscal financial results.

    現在,我想將電話轉給我們的財務長阿爾伯特·米蘭達(Albert Miranda),談論我們第一季的財務業績。

  • Al please go ahead.


  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, SAM.


  • I will keep my review to a very succinct highlight of the financials this quarter.


  • As a reminder much of the information we're discussing during this call was also included in our press release issued earlier today and will be included in the 10-Q for the period.

    提醒一下,我們在本次電話會議中討論的大部分資訊也包含在我們今天早些時候發布的新聞稿中,並將包含在該期間的 10-Q 中。

  • I encourage you to visit our website to access these documents revenue for the first quarter of fiscal 2025 increased 4% to 8.4 million as compared to 8.1 million.

    我鼓勵您造訪我們的網站以取得這些文件,2025 財年第一季的營收從 810 萬美元成長了 4%,達到 840 萬美元。

  • In the same year ago quarter, sales of infrared components were 2.6 million or 31% of the company consolidated revenue revenue from visible components was 3.3 million or 39%.

    去年同期,紅外線元件的銷售額為 260 萬個,占公司合併收入的 31%;可見光元件的銷售額為 330 萬個,佔 39%。

  • Revenue from assemblies and modules were 1.1 million or 13%.

    組件和模組的收入為 110 萬美元,佔 13%。

  • And revenue from engineering services was 1.4 million or 17%.


  • Gross profit increased 22% to 2.8 million or 4% of total revenues in the first quarter of 2025.

    2025 年第一季毛利成長 22%,達到 280 萬美元,佔總營收的 4%。

  • As compared to 2.3 million or 29% of total revenues in the same year ago quarter, the increase in gross margin as a percentage of revenue is primarily driven by a more favorable product mix weighted towards visible component sales and assembly modules which typically have higher gross margins than infrared components.

    與去年同期的230 萬美元或總收入的29% 相比,毛利率佔收入百分比的增加主要是由於更有利的產品組合所推動,該產品組合側重於可見組件銷售和組裝模組,這些模組通常具有更高的毛利率利潤比紅外線組件。

  • Operating expenses increased 23% to 3.3 million for the first quarter of fiscal 2025.

    2025 財年第一季營運支出成長 23%,達到 330 萬美元。

  • As compared to approximately 2.7 million in the same year ago quarter.

    相比之下,去年同期約為 270 萬。

  • The increase in operating expenses were primarily due to an increase in legal and consulting fees related to business development initiatives as well as increases in sales and marketing spend to promote new products.


  • Net loss.


  • In the first quarter of fiscal 2025 totaled 1.6 million or 4¢ per basic and diluted shares as compared to 1.3 million or 4¢ per basic and diluted share.

    2025 財年第一季,基本股和稀釋股總計為 160 萬股,即每股 4 美分,而基本股和稀釋股為 130 萬股,即每股 4 美分。

  • In the same year ago quarter, the increase in net loss was primarily attributable to higher legal and consulting expenses related to business development initiatives.


  • Even the loss, a non-GAAP term for the quarter ended September 30th 2024 was approximately 0.5 million compared to a loss of 0.4 million for the same period of the prior fiscal year.

    即使以非公認會計準則計算,截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日的季度的虧損也約為 50 萬美元,而上一財年同期的虧損為 40 萬美元。

  • The decrease in EBITA in the first quarter of fiscal 2025 was primarily attributable to the previously mentioned.


  • Additional legal and consulting expenses related to business development initiatives, cash and cash equivalents as of September 30th 2024 totaled 4.3 million as compared to 3.5 million as of June 30th 2024.

    截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日,與業務發展計畫、現金和現金等價物相關的額外法律和諮詢費用總計 430 萬美元,而截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日為 350 萬美元。

  • As of September 30th 2024 total debt stood at 3.9 million and backlog totaled 21 million in closing.

    截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日,債務總額為 390 萬美元,結帳時積壓總額為 2,100 萬美元。

  • I view our performance in Q1 is a strong indicator of the solid footing and growth trajectory of YPA financial results underscore the progress of our strategic investments with positive impacts on revenue margin, improvements and steady pipeline.

    我認為我們第一季的業績有力地表明了 YPA 財務表現的堅實基礎和成長軌跡,突顯了我們策略性投資的進展,對收入利潤率、改進和穩定的管道產生了積極影響。

  • We remain focused on executing the strategy with discipline and delivering value to our shareholders as we scale and grow with that.


  • I will turn the call back to SAM for some closing remarks.

    我會將電話轉回給 SAM,讓其發表一些結束語。

  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you everyone for taking the time today to attend our call.


  • Looking ahead, we will continue to drive the future of imaging as seen through our proprietary black diamond optics, leveraging our clear advantage and capabilities.


  • As compared to legacy Germanium based solutions.


  • We've defined catalysts in automotive defense and camera solutions market.


  • I have never been more confident in our path ahead as we move into 2025.

    當我們邁入 2025 年時,我對我們前進的道路從未如此有信心。

  • Our team firmly believes that we are well positioned to continue our transformation and build sustainable value for our shareholders over the long term with that, I'll turn the call over to the operator to begin the questions and answer session operator.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, we will now begin the question and answer session.


  • Should you have a question?


  • Please press star followed by one on your Touchstone phone.

    請在 Touchstone 手機上按星號,然後按一個。

  • You hear the prompt that your hand has been raised.


  • Should you wish to climb from the pulling process?


  • Please press star two star followed by two.


  • If you're using a speaker phone, please lift the handset before pressing any keys.


  • First question comes from Jason Schmidt with Lake Street.

    第一個問題來自 Lake Street 的 Jason Schmidt。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

    Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

  • Hey guys.


  • Thanks for taking my questions and progress on the strong results.


  • Want to start with the European market because it sounds like you guys are seeing some pretty significant traction there.


  • SAM just want to clarify your comments on some of these customers maybe eclipsing that 10% threshold.

    SAM 只是想澄清您對其中一些客戶的評論,這些客戶可能超出了 10% 的閾值。

  • Did you provide a time line on when that could occur?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes, good to hear from you.


  • And thanks for the question.


  • I think European defense market unfortunately has timelines similar to the US defense market, maybe sometimes a little bit faster.


  • So when we talk, for example, about large programs, it's pretty much the same cycle as in the US initial development, prototypes, low weight, initial production and then into production, which can often be two years or so.


  • Most of the times we report about it when we're already well into the program.


  • So naturally, we don't report about it when we just get an inquiry or start working on it.


  • So I'd say in most cases, it's up to one year from the moment we report about it until we start seeing some, some real production level orders.


  • The FPB drone might be the exception there where it is actually something where it is not one of those large difference programs that has to go through enormous qualification.

    FPB 無人機可能是個例外,它實際上並不是那些必須經過大量資格認證的大型差異項目之一。

  • It's actually more of those technologies where armies around the world are trying to move faster and adopt commercial solutions to be able to get them in faster.


  • So the FPB might turn into revenue or is turning into revenue much faster?

    那麼 FPB 可能會轉化為收入,或者轉化為收入的速度要快得多?

  • Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

    Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And is the sales team and sales channel in that market fully built out or do you still need some work there?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I'd say we have a pretty strong sales teams there.


  • Maybe there's some sales channels where in the defense part in certain countries, we need local partners.


  • So even though EU is the EU and and spending within the EU and our defense license covers the entire eu, certain countries want to do more local purchasing or want you to have a local partner.


  • So, so there could be countries where we'll be signing up, distributors could be countries outside the EU such as Turkey and the UK, where we will need distributors just because of the way things are there.


  • Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

    Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That makes sense.


  • And last one for me and I'll jump back into queue any update on how you're thinking about the timeline for the Lockheed decision.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • No significant changes on our side.


  • I mean, as we said, we received the airworthy qualification, which we're very proud of and I'm immensely proud of the team in Texas for everything they've done there and we're building flightworthy units right now and you know, the timeline is fluidic, but but we're still, you know, hoping to get some indications around the coming September October time frame.

    我的意思是,正如我們所說,我們獲得了適航資格,我們對此感到非常自豪,我為德克薩斯州的團隊在那裡所做的一切感到非常自豪,我們現在正在建造適航單位,你知道,時間表是流動的,但我們仍然希望在即將到來的 9 月 10 月時間範圍內獲得一些跡象。

  • Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

    Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • Thanks a lot guys.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Glenn Mattson with Ladenburg.


  • Please go ahead.


  • Glenn Mattson - Analyst

    Glenn Mattson - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks for taking the question.


  • And congrats on the results.


  • The top Line is a little better than I expected.


  • The you know, curious as it comes to the kind of the, the camera business, the the assemblies and modules, you know, in my projections that I have a kind of a strong back half kind of built on the sales funnel having grown from all these new products and, and, and the efforts you're making, you know, is that still reasonable?


  • Do you still feel like that, that, that channel is that funnel is building?


  • And that, that that, that, that you're seeing a good response from the customers that sat there.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, definitely.


  • I'd say the camera business is one that for the most part can move faster to translate into revenue.


  • A lot of it is from the industrial commercial space.


  • So furnaces and high temperature process monitoring.


  • So with them, it's more driven by their budget cycles.


  • So come where end of year now with some end of year spending, but we suspect most of it is going into next year's budget, which means January to June, we'll be seeing a lot of those orders and deliveries.


  • Even on the defense side of cameras, it is more of a, a faster cycle than some of the large defense programs.


  • With the exception of course, of the Lockheed project, which is a very, very customized long term project, even when we're providing camera and safe to drones and so on, the turnaround cycles are very fast.


  • The dod is making tremendous efforts to adopt commercial technologies or dual use technologies faster and we're, we're gaining from that.


  • So we're benefiting.


  • From that.


  • Well.


  • Glenn Mattson - Analyst

    Glenn Mattson - Analyst

  • Great and I maybe I missed it on multiple calls.


  • But the in the past, you mentioned another, the other defense program that you're working on.


  • I believe it's like a helicopter apat you maybe he helicopter application.


  • Is there an update there that you could share?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • We're, we're working on the initial prototypes, small delays but nothing of major.


  • I say the team is doing very well there.


  • Glenn Mattson - Analyst

    Glenn Mattson - Analyst

  • Great, but so are good.


  • So.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • No, I was going to say no, no significant update unfortunately.


  • Glenn Mattson - Analyst

    Glenn Mattson - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • And, and then the second quarter in a row, you mentioned two additional programs with Lockheed.


  • Is there any color you can give further in terms of time or so?


  • So.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • These programs actually, we don't know that much about them.


  • It's we don't always know the full details of the programs.


  • But we know we're with the, with the same groups at Lockheed of missile fire control the earlier stage than, than the large missile program and.


  • They will not Be as high a volume as that But they're moving along and we.


  • Feel confident that Lockheed is really looking at that as the ultimate solution.


  • For those programs.


  • Glenn Mattson - Analyst

    Glenn Mattson - Analyst

  • Oh, great.


  • Thank you.


  • And the last one for me, I know it's, this is not really a fair question.


  • I know it's been two days but the politics, there's you know, the new administration is maybe tough on China, maybe a little more friendly with Russia there's the two sources of Germanium.


  • Can you just talk about if there's any initial thoughts as to what it all means for you guys?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I don't Expect that to impact the Germanium part as much.


  • I mean, Russia is still going to be, I'm assuming still going to be sanctioned and China is still going to try and use Germanium as the leverage in trading.


  • So I don't expect to foresee we're not planning on any significant changes.


  • We've already just as a reminder, proactively, significantly reduced our exposure to Germanium by canceling a few multimillion dollar orders a year and a half ago or so.


  • So we already, you know, took actions towards that.


  • I think if anything, the results of the election might increase some defense spending around the world, but and defense now is a, you know, close to going on going to be 50% of our business at some point.

    我認為,如果有的話,選舉結果可能會增加世界各地的一些國防開支,但現在的國防開支,你知道,在某個時候將接近占我們業務的 50%。

  • So.


  • That's probably good for us.


  • Glenn Mattson - Analyst

    Glenn Mattson - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Right.


  • Okay.


  • Thanks, sir.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Next question comes from Scott Buck with HC Wainwright.

    下一個問題來自 Scott Buck 和 HC Wainwright。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Scott Buck - Analyst

    Scott Buck - Analyst

  • Hi, good afternoon guys.


  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • I think I saw you had you reached a qualification milestone with Lockheed in the quarter.


  • Is there revenue attached to that?


  • That was in the 8.4 million.

    那是 840 萬。

  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • No, not specific to the qualification milestone.


  • We recognize locked revenue throughout the quarter.


  • Did we have that?


  • We did?


  • We did, we did have some revenues there that shows in the engineering services group, it's.


  • In engineering services.


  • Scott Buck - Analyst

    Scott Buck - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • It doesn't sound like it was a huge number.


  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • It was a, it was about a million.


  • Scott Buck - Analyst

    Scott Buck - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Okay.


  • Great, appreciate that.


  • And the second on some of these larger potential wins and I'm thinking Lockheed specifically, but, but we can broaden it out.


  • How should we think about the gross margin on those opportunities versus, you know, kind of today's consolidated margin.


  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • So those are government programs and there's government accounting associated to them.


  • So government dictates the gross margin pretty much as I think it's something like 25%.

    所以政府規定了毛利率,我認為大約是 25%。

  • But the baseline of 25% of what is sort of includes management fees as G&A and so on.

    但 25% 的基準包括 G&A 等管理費。

  • So it's probably a bit too early to translate it into what it would look like in our growth margins.


  • Scott Buck - Analyst

    Scott Buck - Analyst

  • But my rough guess somewhere between 30% to 40%.

    但我粗略猜測在 30% 到 40% 之間。

  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • Absolutely, definitely, between 30,40.


  • Scott Buck - Analyst

    Scott Buck - Analyst

  • Okay, perfect.


  • Well, that's it for me guys.


  • I appreciate the time.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Your next question comes from Brian Kinstlinger with alliance global partners.

    您的下一個問題來自 Brian Kinstlinger 和聯盟全球合作夥伴。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

  • Great.


  • Thanks.


  • I got a couple of questions.


  • Did I hear correctly?


  • Now that you've got multiple cameras, you think adoption begins to pick up and orders begin to pick up about 12 to 18 months from now?

    現在您已經擁有了多個攝像頭,您認為從現在開始大約 12 到 18 個月後,採用率就會開始上升,訂單也會開始增加?

  • Is, is that how I understood your response to one of those questions?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • No, I meant that January of this year, when on the commercial industrial side, when new budgets of those power plants and utilities and so on come into effect on January 1st.

    不,我的意思是今年一月,在商業工業方面,這些發電廠和公用事業等的新預算將於 1 月 1 日生效。

  • We know for a fact that, you know, we have quite a few customers that have budgeted our cameras into the next year, meaning calendar 2025.

    我們知道,我們有相當多的客戶已經將我們的相機預算安排到了明年,即 2025 年。

  • So we expect over the next 7 to 8 months to start seeing a pick up in that.

    因此,我們預計在接下來的 7 到 8 個月內,這種情況將開始有所改善。

  • Is.


  • Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

  • There any way to quantify?


  • What that, what I mean?


  • Is that 10% of revenue?


  • Do you think 20% of revenue?


  • I mean, how do you think given those those ticket sizes?


  • Is there any way to quantify it or?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, I'd say look, so if we look at the product groups of assemblies and engineering services, sort of bundled together that has gone up to about 30% of our revenue in this quarter.

    是的,我想說,如果我們看看裝配和工程服務的產品組,它們捆綁在一起,佔本季收入的 30% 左右。

  • I could definitely see that going up to 50 as much as 50% over the next few quarters.

    我可以肯定地看到,在接下來的幾個季度裡,這一比例將上升到 50% 甚至 50%。

  • Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

  • Got it right.


  • And then.


  • This is our future and where the growth is coming.


  • From by far and, and maybe I'm, I'm drawing a blank.


  • I maybe was answered last quarter.


  • So I apologize.


  • That large customer that has gone away for you for now, are they still evaluating black diamond materials?


  • And if so is there a reasonable time frame to expect adoption?


  • Sorry if I forget to answer that.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • No, you're absolutely right.


  • We haven't spoken about it in a while.


  • Actually, I was at that customer a couple of weeks ago and working out a plan with them on both getting Black Diamond into their systems to replace Germanium.

    事實上,幾週前我在那位客戶那裡,與他們一起制定了一項計劃,將 Black Diamond 納入他們的系統以取代鍺。

  • They have not yet done that as well as a few other long term strategic things we're working on together.


  • So I'm, I'm very hopeful that that customer is going to come back and we're going to win them back.


  • And it's a, it's a very, very significant potential as a reminder that customer used to be anywhere between $4 million to $6 million a year for us.

    這是一個非常非常巨大的潛力,提醒我們過去客戶對我們來說每年的收入在 400 萬到 600 萬美元之間。

  • Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

  • But from your, from your comment, you're not quite that yet.


  • It's, it's, you're still working on trying to get that done.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • There's quite a bit that needs to be done on their side as well.


  • We're working closely together.


  • And I think for us that's the most important part.


  • It's a very collaborative effort.


  • Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

  • And then how long do you expect phase two of the testing?


  • I think it's with DL A.

    我認為是 DL A 的事。

  • How long, how long do you see that lasting?


  • And then why is the next phase moving into production?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, production starts every time we qualify a material.


  • So BDNL four was qualified and is in production BDNL six and eight.

    因此,BDNL 4 已合格,並且正在生產 BDNL 6 和 8。

  • We actually have not announced them as Qualified.


  • Formally, but realistically, they are already embedded in a couple of programs of record.


  • We just haven't done that to in an official manner.


  • But from DL a point of view, that qualification has finished the next six glasses DL A is paying for the qualification.

    但從DL的角度來看,該資格已經完成了接下來的六杯DL A正在為資格付費。

  • The project is defined to be up to 24 months, but we suspect it could be sooner than that.

    該項目預計持續 24 個月,但我們懷疑可能會更早。

  • Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

  • Okay.


  • Now backlog is relatively flat year over year.


  • However, I get the sense from you and Alice comments that you're confident that you're going to begin to grow revenue a little faster.


  • Is that because some of these orders don't flow through backlog?


  • So we'll never really see them in backlog.


  • Just reconcile the flat backlog with the accelerated basic growth, please.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, definitely.


  • So you're absolutely right.


  • A lot of the camera business is what we'd call book and turn.


  • We, we have subassemblies of them ready.


  • We have, you know, modules and we can turn a camera around and ship it within 2 to 3 weeks and with unit prices of 10 to $30,000 for the cameras that can be pretty significant in some of the book and turn.

    你知道,我們有模組,我們可以改造相機並在 2 到 3 週內發貨,相機的單價為 10 到 30,000 美元,這在某些書籍和改造中可能相當重要。

  • In addition, I want to just remind, we're looking at the backlog.


  • It's flat year over year up until about a year ago.


  • We had our sports gun site companies, the same one we mentioned in the backlog, right?


  • Belt, every November they would come in with a renewal that was between 4 to $6 million.

    貝爾特,每年 11 月他們都會進行 400 至 600 萬美元的續約。

  • So we're flat quote unquote without what used to be a 4 to $6 million customer.

    因此,我們對過去價值 400 至 600 萬美元的客戶實施統一報價。

  • So it is actually a growth of all the other businesses outside that customer.


  • Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

  • Can you remind me when that customer, last made that order?


  • So we can kind of take a.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Look at a year ago, I think about a year ago is when we.


  • It was, their last order was their last.


  • About a year ago, about a year ago, we canceled and did not renew it.


  • So the order fell off.


  • The belt to you about a year.


  • Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

  • So, so the flat backlog doesn't reflect either side, probably of that order.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • There was a little.


  • There was, there was probably a billion and a half.


  • Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

  • Left in there.


  • The previous owners got it.


  • Yeah, my last question is, yeah, as you look at the backlog, two questions for that, which is the non basically camera business.


  • How much of that generally gets recognized in 12 months?

    其中有多少通常會在 12 個月內得到認可?

  • And the second part of the question is, how do you see the mix of products in terms of margin profile or product?


  • Can you kind of give us any direction on that?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • So most of the backlog is, you know, ages out in 12 to 15 month time frames.

    因此,您知道,大部分積壓工作會在 12 至 15 個月的時間內過期。

  • We don't have a lot, Brian, it goes past 15 months on, on the backlog.

    布萊恩,我們的積壓工作已經不多了,已經過去 15 個月了。

  • Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

  • Great in terms of the next.


  • Maybe my last question.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • The mix is more heavily weighted towards sort of the visible components and some of the the visible infrared components, the component business and and some of the simple assemblies like doublets for the bigger things like Sam's talking about the cameras, we will get, you know, at best a three month order.


  • Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Anlayst

  • Great.


  • Thanks so.


  • Operator


  • Much guys.


  • Your next question comes from Orin Hirschman with a IGH investment partners.

    您的下一個問題來自 Orin Hirschman 和 IGH 投資合作夥伴。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Orin Hirschman - Analyst

    Orin Hirschman - Analyst

  • Hi, congratulations on the progress.


  • I just want to hear more about the go to market for the, for the infrared industrial cameras and the timing and if you've seen any early traction, even if they're not huge dollars but multiple orders.


  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, definitely.


  • So the go to market strategy has changed or evolved roughly half a year ago when we joined, when we were joined with Jason Messer Schmidt that came from Flyr.

    因此,大約半年前我們加入時,當時來自 Flyr 的 Jason Messer Schmidt 加入了我們,進入市場的策略已經改變了或演變。

  • Jason was in charge of all North American sales at fli a few hundreds of millions of dollars, a very heavyweight in the world of cameras and has really developed a go to market strategy and team here that included recruiting a couple of people to that both from flare and from other industrial applications, people that live and breathe that oil and gas and sorry, no pun intended about breathing the oil and gas.

    Jason 負責 fli 的所有北美銷售,fli 是相機界的重量級人物,他確實制定了進入市場的策略和團隊,其中包括從火炬和其他工業應用,生活和呼吸石油和天然氣的人們,抱歉,呼吸石油和天然氣並不是雙關語。

  • But, but they know that world inside out.


  • In fact, actually we just finished today a one day session on on the go to market strategy for the next few weeks.


  • Traction because of that is very, is much faster than what we used to meaning when we announce a product like the methane detection cameras that we announced three weeks ago, that is already after Jason Messerschmidt and Rich and Chris and the go to market team that focuses on that segment have already been at customer sites testing and validating it.

    因此,牽引力比我們過去三週前宣布的甲烷檢測攝影機等產品時的含義要快得多,這已經是在 Jason Messerschmidt、Rich 和 Chris 以及進入市場團隊之後了。現場進行了測試和驗證。

  • So most of the time by the time we announce a new product in the oil and gas, it has already some customers behind it.


  • Now from there going and, and scaling it up is much easier because most of those times those customers or distributors or integrators that then cover a specific geography or area.


  • So for example, the first furnace cameras that we shipped out were to a integrator in the southeast that we know has already been quite a number of orders coming, right, as soon as their customers capital budget goes into effect on January 1st.

    例如,我們向東南部的一家整合商發貨的第一批熔爐攝影機,我們知道,一旦他們的客戶資本預算於 1 月 1 日生效,該整合商就已經收到了大量訂單。

  • So I think this is something we're very positive on.


  • We're able to move into large chunks of revenue much faster when it comes to those cameras once we've already validated the at a customer.


  • Orin Hirschman - Analyst

    Orin Hirschman - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Hey, thank you so much.


  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Next question comes from Gene Inger with

    下一個問題來自 的 Gene Inger。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • Hi, SAM and al keeping up the good work and of course, we're all looking forward to what happens with Lockheed in the next year or so.

    大家好,SAM 和其他人繼續努力,當然,我們都期待洛克希德公司在明年左右發生的事情。

  • May I ask you guys, I don't know if you can say specifically if you're involved with the sustainment $200 million contract for project long bow.


  • You probably know what that is related to the Apache or a H 64.

    您可能知道這與 ​​Apache 或 H 64 有關。

  • But that's also with north of Bruan, not Lockheed.


  • Does that involve you guys?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • Well, well, first of all, a lot of those programs that are pai modernization being one of them, there is one lead prime, but there could be multiple other subprimes.


  • So, so I can't comment specifically on on this prime or that prime.


  • But I would say that every time there's a project that talks about modernization or an existing platform like the Apache.

    但我想說,每次有一個專案談論現代化或像 Apache 這樣的現有平台。

  • In this example, you can assume that a big part of the modernization is bringing the electrooptic systems up to speed.


  • And actually if you if you look at the dod budget, the modernization of the Apache actually has a line item there that talks about the electrooptic system.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • So I leave it.


  • Okay.


  • Well, I know also Poland is buying 70 of them and the Netherlands has been okay to have this new fire control target acquisition radar system.

    嗯,我還知道波蘭正在購買 70 架,荷蘭也同意擁有這種新的火控目標捕獲雷達系統。

  • So I was wondering, you know, if that provides incremental additional business for you guys, I hope that it does and, and, and whether it does for Latvia or would this be just Orlando made materials?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Okay.


  • So, so two parts to that, first of all, it will, but it will in the long term, the way it works with those programs is that the foreign sales, the foreign customers get any upgrade like this.


  • Well, after the US.


  • So, so if we are working on such a program, I would say we would be providing it for at least five years to the US helicopters before it made its way to any of the foreign customers as friendly as they are.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • Without trying to be nosy.


  • I, I had, I'm sorry, I interrupted you.


  • You were, you were not finished.


  • I'm sorry.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • No, please go ahead.


  • It's fine.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I was the reason I brought up helicopters.


  • I'm concerned that if we go into laser warfare and especially intercepting drones, that's going to become increasingly something that companies are looking at.


  • Although I don't know, you might know the answer how they can move lasers because the drones and incoming missiles these days can be maneuvered and typically a laser shoots in a straight line.


  • But with that said, a helicopter is not a really great platform in terms of it, it has vulnerability.


  • So I'm wondering whether your lenses and your glass can be coded, for example, in some way that it will deflect or reflect laser and provide a countermeasure in and of itself to a laser beams.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, I can't. I can't comment on a specific technology like that.


  • I would say if our, if our lenses or anything would deflect the lasers, it would also deflect other parts of the light spectrum.


  • And therefore making helicopter actually more visible than, than the customer or user would wish for it to be.


  • So I'm not sure if that specifically would happen, but I just want to circle back to the second half of your previous question regard.


  • Latvia.


  • Specifically if we provide, if we were to provide any systems that then go into Apache that then get upgraded to Europe, they would still go through the US.

    具體來說,如果我們提供任何系統,然後進入 Apache,然後升級到歐洲,它們仍然會經過美國。

  • It would always be built in the US and shipped out to the customers that does not play a role in it.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • Apologies if I got too detailed.


  • And my final question would be regarding space, which you haven't mentioned.


  • I've also been seeing that there are new developments which are focused on, on, on collision, avoidance of debris or satellites or defensive measures.


  • If, if one of our satellites is being targeted, such as an effort to disrupt communications, you have acknowledged that involved in space communications, whether it's Starlink or somebody else.


  • And I'm wondering whether the new approach of basically liar in space to pro to give proximity and manage space better, which is called management has involved you guys.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I'm not aware of us being directly involved in that, but it's very possible that.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • Through one of our li our customers, we are.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • We work with multiple different companies that work on Lido automotive and other Lidos.


  • So we might be indirectly involved in it.


  • But I'm not familiar With that Anyway, I look forward to hopefully a successful year, SAM, you, you and I, you've done a tremendous job of changing around necessarily on the direction of the company.


  • And I welcome that.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • Thank you, Shmuel.


  • Good.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • There are no further questions.


  • Please continue.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Shmuel Rubin - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you operator.


  • And thank you again to each of you for joining us on today's earning conference call.


  • We look forward to continuing to.


  • Update you on our progress and great results and we strive to deliver value to our valued shareholders.


  • Thank.


  • You and goodbye.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's conference call.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.
