LightPath Technologies Inc (LPTH) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to the LightPath Technologies fiscal second quarter 2024 financial results conference call.

    大家下午好,歡迎參加 LightPath Technologies 2024 財年第二季財務業績電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Please note this event is being recorded.


  • At this time, I'd like to turn the conference over to Al Miranda, LightPath's Chief Financial Officer.

    這次,我想將會議交給 LightPath 財務長 Al Miranda。

  • Please go ahead, Al.


  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • Before we get started, I'd like to remind you that during the course of this conference call, the company will be making a number of forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, involve various risks and uncertainties, as discussed in its periodic SEC filings.

    在我們開始之前,我想提醒您,在本次電話會議期間,本公司將根據我們當前的預期做出一些前瞻性聲明,涉及各種風險和不確定性,例如定期向 SEC 提交的文件。

  • Although the company believes that these assumptions underlying these statements are reasonable, any of them can be proven to be inaccurate and there can be no assurances that the projected results would be realized.


  • In addition, references may be made to certain financial measures that are not in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.


  • We refer to these as non-GAAP financial measures.


  • Please refer to our SEC reports and certain of our press releases, which include reconciliation of non-GAAP financial measures and associated disclaimers.

    請參閱我們的 SEC 報告和我們的某些新聞稿,其中包括非 GAAP 財務指標的調整表和相關免責聲明。

  • Sam will begin today’s call with an overview of the business and recent developments for the company.

    Sam 將在今天的電話會議開始時概述公司的業務和最新發展。

  • I will then review financial results for the quarter.


  • Following our prepared remarks, there will be a formal question-and-answer session.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Sam Rubin, LightPath’s President and Chief Executive Officer.

    我現在將會議交給 LightPath 總裁兼執行長 Sam Rubin。

  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Al, and good afternoon to everyone, and welcome to LightPath Technologies' fiscal quarter 2024 financial results conference call.

    謝謝 Al,大家下午好,歡迎參加 LightPath Technologies 2024 財季財務業績電話會議。

  • Our financial results press release was issued after the market closed today and posted on our corporate website.


  • First, I’d like to apologize for any coughing or horsey sound.


  • My throat is still recovering from COVID I had recently.


  • Second quarter was underscored by a key first order in our partnership with Lockheed Martin for an imaging engineered solution.


  • The ongoing integration of Visimid acquisition and progress with customers transitioning from the use of Germanium to the use of our Black Diamond material.

    Visimid 收購的持續整合以及客戶從使用鍺過渡到使用我們的黑鑽石材料的進展。

  • All these developments continue to highlight our strategic shift from a components manufacturer to a value-added solutions provider.


  • To recap for our investors, LightPath has been transitioning in the last few years from a pure components manufacturer focused on being the lowest cost provider to value-added partner for complete solutions based on optical technologies, whose differentiators are mostly technological.

    讓我們的投資者回顧一下,LightPath 在過去幾年中一直在從專注於成為成本最低的供應商的純粹組件製造商轉型為基於光學技術的完整解決方案的增值合作夥伴,其差異化優勢主要在於技術。

  • Along those lines, we have been focusing on three pillars of growth: imaging solutions, such as cameras; growth in new markets, such as automotive; and growth specifically of our market share in the defense business.


  • All of which are driven by our unique technologies and materials.


  • All three pillars of growth tie and support our transition from a components manufacturer to a provider of engineered solutions based on our proprietary technologies.


  • This transition began a couple of years ago, starting from customized lens assemblies, which is all what we call LighPath 2.0 through cameras solutions.

    這種轉變始於幾年前,從定制鏡頭組件開始,這就是我們所說的透過相機解決方案的 LighPath 2.0。

  • The first of which was our innovative Mantis broadband infrared camera, which enables both new applications and capabilities for our customers, and significant growth in that direction coming from the Visimid acquisition.

    第一個是我們創新的 Mantis 寬頻紅外線相機,它為我們的客戶提供了新的應用程式和功能,並透過收購 Visimid 實現了這一方向的顯著成長。

  • Visimid Technologies, a small engineering firm based out of Dallas, Texas, does to the back end of thermal cameras what LightPath has been doing for the front end of those cameras.

    Visimid Technologies 是一家位於德州達拉斯的小型工程公司,它對熱像儀後端所做的工作與 LightPath 在這些相機前端所做的工作相同。

  • LightPath has been tailoring and customizing the optics for cameras based on our best optical technologies, and Visimid customizes and tailors the video processing engine and support electronics for the same cameras.

    LightPath 一直在基於我們最好的光學技術定制和定制相機的光學器件,而 Visimid 則為相同相機定制和定制視頻處理引擎和支援電子設備。

  • Like LightPath's business model for customizing optical assemblies to be used in infrared cameras, Visimid established itself as the go-to for customizing the electronics and software part of uncooled infrared cameras.

    與 LightPath 客製化用於紅外線相機的光學組件的商業模式一樣,Visimid 也成為客製化非製冷紅外線相機電子和軟體部分的首選。

  • In fact, we estimate has customized for Lightbox electronics and software of our Mentor schedule together would resubmit.

    事實上,我們預計已經為 Lightbox 定制的電子產品和我們的 Mentor 時間表的軟體一起會重新提交。

  • We now extend our offering to customize imaging solutions to include wholly integrated camera modules, increasing the offering to existing customers and providing us a bigger share of those customers spent.


  • During the second quarter, we continued the integration of visit with a focus on new products in fire, safety, and defense.


  • This acquisition added the capability to produce end-to-end custom imaging cores and new engineering capabilities that allow us to be involved earlier with our customers' design cycle and increase our likelihood of servicing service designs through manufacturing.


  • We are integrating Visimid's custom imaging cores into new camera products, several of which demonstrated at the recent SHOT Show in Las Vegas and some we're working to customers with customers to develop customized solutions.

    我們正在將 Visimid 的客製化成像核心整合到新的相機產品中,其中一些產品在最近的拉斯維加斯 SHOT 展會上進行了展示,還有一些我們正在與客戶合作開發客製化解決方案。

  • All these products are utilizing Visimid's unique video engine in conjunction with our optics to develop low weight, high efficiency solutions for drones, UAVs as well as industrial applications such as gas leak sensing, process control, and early fire detection.

    所有這些產品均利用 Visimid 獨特的視訊引擎與我們的光學元件相結合,為無人機、無人機以及氣體洩漏感測、製程控制和早期火災偵測等工業應用開發輕量、高效的解決方案。

  • Shortly after the acquisition of Visimid, Lockheed Martin awarded Visimid and LightPath a major project for the design development and later on the manufacturing of a complete imaging system for a new project in their missile division.

    收購 Visimid 後不久,洛克希德馬丁公司授予 Visimid 和 LightPath 一個重大項目,用於設計開發,隨後為其飛彈部門的一個新項目製造完整的成像系統。

  • With the award came what will be up to $7.5 million for the development money. $4.7 million of that was already in a formal purchase order and is now part of our backlog.

    獲獎後將獲得高達 750 萬美元的開發資金。其中 470 萬美元已經包含在正式採購訂單中,現在是我們積壓訂單的一部分。

  • In this project, Lockheed Martin is competing against another prime defense contractor to develop a new missile system.


  • At first, the development portion of this project was expected to last until 2028, at which point the end customer would decide if the production is awarded to Lockheed Martin or its competitor.

    起初,該專案的開發部分預計將持續到 2028 年,屆時最終客戶將決定是否將生產授予洛克希德馬丁或其競爭對手。

  • However, there is significant pressure now to shorten this time line as much as possible.


  • And as such, the decision point has recently been pulled in, and we now expect that the decision regarding the production award will be as early as 2026, two years ahead of the schedule we shared during the announcement of our initial award.

    因此,決策點最近已被拉入,我們現在預計有關製作獎的決定最早將在 2026 年做出,比我們在宣布初始獎項時分享的時間表提前了兩年。

  • If Lockheed Martin is selected for the production, we expect an initial production order for around 10,000 units.

    如果洛克希德馬丁公司被選中進行生產,我們預計初始生產訂單約為 10,000 台。

  • Our ASP per unit is between $5,000 to $10,000.

    我們的每單位平均售價在 5,000 美元至 10,000 美元之間。

  • That will put the initial expected production would have been north of $50 million.

    這將使最初的預期產量將超過 5000 萬美元。

  • That is a production order to LightPath.

    這是 LightPath 的生產訂單。

  • Additionally, the volumes for follow-up production have also increased, with the potential now for tens of thousands of units.


  • The demand and shortened timelines for the project are being impacted by recent geopolitical escalations.


  • Results so far are very positive and our customers, in fact, are very confident.


  • And so confident about the solution that they're looking to begin investing in production of the units even before an official decision is made.


  • As such, we expect that LightPath might start building up the production line this year already.

    因此,我們預計 LightPath 可能會在今年開始建造生產線。

  • The basic infrastructure from this production line has already been prepared and paid for as part of our recent expansion of our Orlando facility.


  • And the specific equipment that will be needed is expected to be paid for by Department of Defense.


  • Once in production, we will be delivering this assembly in volume, estimated tens of thousands of assemblies over the program lifetime.


  • And again, with ASPs for LightPath between $5,000 to $10,000 per system.

    同樣,LightPath 每個系統的 ASP 價格在 5,000 到 10,000 美元之間。

  • With thousands of dollars per unit and tens of thousands of units expected in that program, the ultimate selection of light of Lockheed Martin by the military would likely result in a substantial revenue opportunity for us.


  • This is exactly the direction we've been looking to transform the Company to with the new strategy, and it is now happening.


  • Lockheed's decision to outsource the development of such an important part of this system is due to, was due to Visimid's technical capabilities; yet the decision to then further engage with us at the scales they're now engaging and the potential manufacturing of this is due to the combination of LightPath and Visimidc with our manufacturing capabilities, capacities and most important, the ability to integrate the entire system.

    洛克希德公司決定外包該系統如此重要部分的開發是由於 Visimid 的技術能力;然而,他們決定以現在的規模進一步與我們合作,以及潛在的製造能力,是由於 LightPath 和 Visimidc 與我們的製造能力、產能以及最重要的是整合整個系統的能力的結合。

  • And while our strategy for having three pillars of growth are designed such that we don't put all our eggs in one basket, or one product for that matter, this award by a major prime with the massive potential for revenue on the manufacturing side is seen by us as a big win to our strategy and the execution of that, through the acquisition of Visimid and our own investment in expansion in the U.S. and development of camera technologies.

    雖然我們制定三大成長支柱的策略是為了避免將所有雞蛋放在同一個籃子裡,或只提供一種產品,但由在製造方面具有巨大收入潛力的主要優質公司頒發的這一獎項是透過收購Visimid 以及我們自己在美國擴張和相機技術開發的投資,我們認為這是我們策略及其執行的重大勝利。

  • I could probably spend this entire call only on this specific project and activity, given that we expect it to lead to tens of millions of dollars in annual revenue.


  • But this is only one of multiple projects and multiple opportunities we have going up, all of which are in similar scale, so I will talk briefly about some of the rest.


  • Turning to the automotive market, as previously mentioned, our lens assembly system has already been qualified by one of the largest car companies.


  • Since then, we have shipped samples through qualification by another large Tier 1 and begin a qualification process that is expected to take a few months.


  • Last call, we shared that the first company was reevaluating their time line in light of recent changes to the EV market.


  • While our technology is not specific to EV.


  • We found that most of our automotive Tier 1 customers were looking to roll out this technology in their EVs, and that was their main focus at the time.


  • With dynamics of the market now changing, we expect that some of our Tier 1 customers will begin rolling out this technology in more traditional vehicles.


  • We are also seeing signs from the market that the automotive companies are waiting for further development in the Department of Transportation's announcement from May on their intention of mandating emergency braking system and mandating improvement for that technology and nighttime operation.

    我們還從市場上看到跡象表明,汽車公司正在等待交通部從 5 月開始宣布的關於強制使用緊急煞車系統並要求改進該技術和夜間操作的公告的進一步發展。

  • We don't expect any major developments in the very short term, but we're still confident that this technology is going to be implemented in the automotive space, and that we are one of the leaders in this technology and use cases.


  • Therefore, we will still see this as something that would lead to the same volumes we spoke about before, which are over 1 million assemblies a year for each one of the car companies with ASPs up to $50 per vehicle for LightPath.

    因此,我們仍然認為這會導致我們之前談到的相同數量,即每家汽車公司每年的組裝量超過 100 萬個,LightPath 每輛車的 ASP 高達 50 美元。

  • Last thing I will update on inferred materials and replacing Germanium.


  • To recap.


  • LightPath has developed over the years, and mainly over the last two years, some exclusive unique materials that can be used instead of Germanium in infrared imaging systems.

    LightPath 多年來(主要是在過去兩年)開發了一些可以在紅外線成像系統中取代鍺的獨特材料。

  • China announced on July 4 export restrictions on Germanium; and with China being the largest exporter of this material, this has become a big deal since then.


  • Since then and even prior to that, actually, we've been working diligently with customers to have the systems redesigned to use our materials instead of Germanium.


  • We even took some steps a few months ago of proactively canceling some customer orders for Germanium optics to free up our capacity for making optics from these new materials.


  • This has paid off well with customers now fully engaged in the process and focused on the redesign of their systems, Testing of prototypes and starting to order systems with new optics.


  • Two specific examples I'd like to share.


  • One includes our largest customer, which makes imaging devices for sporting.


  • This customer began by evaluating the use of our material in only one of their products, and has recently let us know that they would like to now work with us on all of their products.


  • Another customer, who is in the defense business, has announced in the recent SHOT Show a new gunsite product that is using only our Black Diamond glass in it with no Germanium.

    另一位從事國防業務的客戶在最近的 SHOT Show 上宣布推出一款新的砲台產品,該產品僅使用我們的黑鑽石玻璃,不含鍺。

  • And they have even gone as far as saying publicly that, going forward, all new products are going to be designed only with Black Diamond materials, a major win for our directions there.

    他們甚至公開表示,今後所有新產品都將僅採用 Black Diamond 材料設計,這是我們方向的重大勝利。

  • All of this, all of these have so far been using mainly our existing BD6 material.


  • In December, we finally took delivery of a piece of equipment called the refractometer, a measurement system for optical glass.


  • This will now enable us to speed up the manufacturing readiness of some of the new materials we license from NRL.

    現在,這將使我們能夠加快 NRL 許可的一些新材料的生產準備。

  • We expect the first material, BDNL4, to be formally released later this month.

    我們預計第一個資料 BDNL4 將於本月稍後正式發布。

  • BDNL4 is an example of a materials that not only replaces Germanium but actually offers advantages versus Germanium by having a negative thermal optic coefficient.

    BDNL4 是一種材料的範例,它不僅可以取代鍺,而且實際上透過具有負熱光係數而提供了相對於鍺的優勢。

  • That is the change of the optical index as a function of temperature.


  • BDNL4 enables optical designers to design optical systems that are optically and passively compensated for changes in the temperature.

    BDNL4 使光學設計人員能夠設計對溫度變化進行光學被動補償的光學系統。

  • This is a big deal for airborne systems, for example, where today changes in ambient temperature at different altitudes require refocusing the cameras to compensate for this.


  • BDNL4, that's expected to become an important material for thermal cameras in drones and other airborne systems, experience a large range of temperature.

    BDNL4 預計將成為無人機和其他機載系統中熱像儀的重要材料,它可以承受很大的溫度範圍。

  • To conclude our shift in strategic directions beginning to show the results we were looking for, both in winning some major programs and in revenue growth in that area.


  • At the same time, our three separate areas of growth solutions, defense, and automotive continue to generate multiple independent opportunities, that many of them have a potential for tens of billions of dollars of new revenue per opportunity, resulting in a healthy pipeline of large scale opportunities that any of them alone can be transformative to our business.


  • Last, I would like to welcome Kim Crider, who joined our Board of Directors last week as an independent director replacing Lou Leeburg that had retired after 25 years with the Company, I would like to thank Mr. Leeburg for his diligent work over the years, and welcome Ms. Crider.

    最後,我要歡迎Kim Crider,他上週以獨立董事加入我們的董事會,接替在公司工作25年後退休的Lou Leeburg,我要感謝Leeburg先生多年來的辛勤工作,歡迎 Crider 女士。

  • Kim was formerly the Chief Technology Officer from the U.S. Space, Force and has retired as a two-star general.


  • Having a person as Mr. Crider on our Board of Directors is important as we continue to move forward with our focus on becoming a systems company with a strong focus on defense.

    Crider 先生這樣的人加入我們的董事會非常重要,因為我們將繼續致力於成為一家專注於國防的系統公司。

  • And as always, I would like to focus our importance to thank our employees and stakeholders who have continued to work diligently through the various transitions and hurdles we have endured.


  • We see a bright future and a growing company because of their dedication, patience, and hard work.


  • Now I will return the call to our CFO, Al Miranda, to review second quarter financial results.

    現在我將回電給我們的財務長阿爾米蘭達 (Al Miranda),以審查第二季的財務表現。

  • Al?


  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Sam.


  • You can rest your voice for a little bit.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • I'd like to remind everyone that much of the information we're discussing during this call is also included in our press release issued earlier today and will be included in the 10-Q for the period.

    我想提醒大家,我們在本次電話會議中討論的大部分資訊也包含在我們今天早些時候發布的新聞稿中,並將包含在該期間的 10-Q 中。

  • I encourage everyone to visit our website at to access these documents and to see some of our new products.

    我鼓勵大家造訪我們的網站 來存取這些文件並查看我們的一些新產品。

  • I will discuss some of the primary financial performance metrics and provide additional color on them to better assist assist investors in analyzing the Company.


  • On a consolidated basis, revenue for the fiscal second quarter were $7.3 million compared to $8.5 million in the year ago period.

    在合併基礎上,第二財季的營收為 730 萬美元,而去年同期的營收為 850 萬美元。

  • Sales of infrared components were $3.6 million or 49% of the Company's consolidated revenue in the fiscal second quarter.

    紅外線元件銷售額為 360 萬美元,占公司第二財季合併收入的 49%。

  • Revenue from visible components was $2.7 million or 37% of revenue.

    來自可見組件的收入為 270 萬美元,佔收入的 37%。

  • Revenue from assemblies and solutions were $1 million or 13% of total Company revenue.

    組件和解決方案的收入為 100 萬美元,占公司總收入的 13%。

  • Revenue from engineering services was $0.1 million or 1% of total Company revenue.

    工程服務收入為 10 萬美元,占公司總收入的 1%。

  • Infrared components sales increased approximately $283,000 or 9%, primarily due to an increase in shipments against an annual contract for an international military program.

    紅外線元件銷售額成長約 283,000 美元,即 9%,主要是由於國際軍事項目年度合約的出貨量增加。

  • This contract was also renewed during the first quarter of fiscal 2024 for a higher dollar value than in the previous year.

    該合約還在 2024 財年第一季續簽,美元價值高於前一年。

  • Visible component sales decreased approximately $1.2 million or 31%.

    可見組件銷售額減少了約 120 萬美元,即 31%。

  • All this is primarily due to the ongoing trend in China and in the telecom industry in general.


  • This quarter, we also experienced declines in Europe due to recessionary conditions, particularly in Germany and in the U.S. due to the timing of Defense contract deliveries.


  • Assembly Solutions revenue decreased approximately $241,000 or 20%.

    裝配解決方案收入減少了約 241,000 美元,即 20%。

  • And that's primarily due to timing of shipments against a multi-year contract with a defense customer that was partially offset by the addition of Visimid revenue.

    這主要是由於與國防客戶簽訂的多年合約的出貨時間安排,但 Visimid 收入的增加部分抵消了這一影響。

  • Gross margin in the second quarter of fiscal 2024 was approximately $2.2 million, a decrease of $1.1 million or 33% as compared to the same quarter of the prior fiscal year.


  • Total cost of sales was approximately $5.1 million for the second quarter of fiscal 2024 compared to approximately $5.2 million for the same quarter of the prior fiscal year.

    2024 財年第二季的總銷售成本約為 510 萬美元,而上一財年同一季度的總銷售成本約為 520 萬美元。

  • Gross margin as a percentage of revenue was 30% for the second quarter of fiscal 2024 compared to 38% for the same quarter of the prior fiscal year.

    2024 財年第二季的毛利率佔營收的百分比為 30%,而上一財年同一季度的毛利率為 38%。

  • The decrease in gross margin as a percentage of revenue is due to the decrease in visible component sales, which typically have higher margins than our IR components product group, which comprised a greater portion of our sales for the second quarter of fiscal 2024.

    毛利率佔收入百分比的下降是由於可見組件銷售額的下降,該組件的利潤率通常高於我們的IR 組件產品組,該產品組在我們2024 財年第二季度的銷售額中所佔比例更大。

  • Selling general administrative costs were approximately $2.9 million for the second quarter of fiscal 2024, a decrease of approximately $172,000 or 6% as compared to approximately $3 million for the same quarter the prior fiscal year.

    2024 財年第二季的銷售一般管理成本約為 290 萬美元,與上一財年同一季度的約 300 萬美元相比,減少了約 172,000 美元,即 6%。

  • The decrease in SG&A costs was primarily due to a decrease in stock-based compensation, partially offset by an increase in wages.

    SG&A 成本的下降主要是由於股票薪酬的減少,但部分被工資的增加所抵消。

  • The net loss for the second quarter of fiscal 2024 was approximately $1.7 million or $0.05 basic and diluted loss per share compared to $0.7 million or $0.09 basic and diluted loss per share for the same quarter of the prior fiscal year.

    2024 財年第二季的淨虧損約為170 萬美元,即每股基本虧損和稀釋虧損0.05 美元,而上一財年同一季度的淨虧損為70 萬美元,即每股基本虧損和稀釋虧損0.09美元。

  • The increase in net loss of approximately $1 million for the second quarter of fiscal 2024 as compared to the same quarter of the prior fiscal year was primarily due to the decrease in revenue and gross margin, partially offset by other income of approximately $190,000 from our Chinese subsidiary for the return of funds previously misappropriated by our former Chinese management team as a result of the ongoing legal proceedings.

    與上一財年同季相比,2024 財年第二季淨虧損增加約 100 萬美元,主要是由於收入和毛利率下降,部分被來自中國的其他收入約 19 萬美元所抵銷。子公司要求返還我們前中國管理團隊因正在進行的法律訴訟而挪用的資金。

  • This is the last bit of activity that we expect to have related to that situation.


  • Our EBITDA for the quarter ended December 31, 2023 was a loss of approximately 454,000 compared to an income of 207,000 for the same quarter of the prior fiscal year.

    截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日的季度,我們的 EBITDA 虧損約 454,000 美元,而上一財年同一季度的營收為 207,000 美元。

  • The decrease in EBITDA in the second quarter of fiscal 2024 was primarily due to lower sales and gross margin, again partially offset by the mentioned Chinese subsidiary.

    2024 財年第二季 EBITDA 的下降主要是因為銷售額和毛利率下降,但又被上述中國子公司部分抵銷。

  • Turning to the results for the first half of fiscal 2024, revenue was $15.4 million, only a 3% decrease from $15.8 million in the same period of the prior fiscal year.


  • Sales of infrared components were $7.4 million or 48% of the Company's consolidated revenue for the first half of fiscal 2024.

    紅外線元件銷售額為 740 萬美元,占公司 2024 財年上半年合併收入的 48%。

  • Revenue from visible components was $5.4 million or 35% of consolidated revenue.

    可見組件的收入為 540 萬美元,佔合併收入的 35%。

  • Revenue from assemblies and solutions were $2.2 million or 15% of the total company revenue.

    組件和解決方案的收入為 220 萬美元,占公司總收入的 15%。

  • And revenue from engineering services was $0.4 million or 2% of total Company revenue.

    工程服務收入為 40 萬美元,占公司總收入的 2%。

  • In the first half of the fiscal year, infrared components sales increased almost $1 million or 14%.

    本財年上半年,紅外線元件銷售額成長了近 100 萬美元,即 14%。

  • That's primarily due to increase in shipments against an annual contract for international military programs.


  • Visible component revenue decreased approximately $1.8 million or 25%.

    可見組件收入減少了約 180 萬美元,即 25%。

  • Again, this is primarily due to the ongoing trend in China and the telecom industry in general.


  • However, we also experienced declines in Europe due to recessionary conditions and in the US due to timing of Defense contract shipments.


  • Assembly solutions revenue increased approximately $150,000 or 7%, primarily due to the addition of Visimid revenue, which was partially offset by a decrease in shipments against the multi-year contract that I mentioned regarding the quarter.

    組裝解決方案收入成長了約 15 萬美元,即 7%,主要是由於 Visimid 收入的增加,這部分被我提到的本季多年合約出貨量的減少所抵消。

  • If I take a step back and look at revenue, our visible components are declining.


  • However, in the first half, revenue increased in infrared components, assemblies, and solutions, and engineering services, which aligns well with our strategic plans.


  • As of December 31, 2023, we had working capital of approximately $9.1 million and total cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash of approximately $5.9 million, of which greater than 25% of our cash and cash equivalents was held by our foreign subsidiaries.


  • Cash provided by operations was approximately $851,000 for the first half of fiscal 2024 compared to cash used in operations of approximately $751,000 for the same period of the prior fiscal year.

    2024 財年上半年營運提供的現金約為 851,000 美元,而上一財年同期營運所使用的現金約為 751,000 美元。

  • Cash provided by operations for the first half of fiscal 2024 was largely driven by a decrease in accounts receivable as sales were higher in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2023 than in each of the first two quarters of fiscal 2024.

    2024 財年上半年營運提供的現金主要是由於應收帳款減少所致,因為 2023 財年第四季的銷售額高於 2024 財年前兩季的銷售額。

  • Cash used in operations in the first half of fiscal 2023 reflected a decrease in accounts payable and accrued liabilities during that period, resulting from the payment of certain expenses related to previously disclosed events that occurred at our Chinese subsidiaries.

    2023 財年上半年營運中使用的現金反映了該期間應付帳款和應計負債的減少,這是由於支付了與我們中國子公司之前披露的事件相關的某些費用。

  • Capital expenditures were approximately $1.5 million for the first half of fiscal 2024 compared to approximately $412,000 in the same period of the prior fiscal year.

    2024 財年上半年的資本支出約為 150 萬美元,而上一財年同期的資本支出約為 412,000 美元。

  • The spending in the first half of fiscal 2024 is largely driven by the Orlando facility expansion, where we constructed additional tenant improvements in our Orlando facility, subject to our continuing lease of which the landlord agreed to provide $2.4 million in tenant improvement allowances.

    2024 財年上半年的支出主要是由奧蘭多設施擴建推動的,我們在奧蘭多設施中建造了額外的租戶改善設施,但根據我們的持續租賃,房東同意提供 240 萬美元的租戶改善津貼。

  • The balance of the tenant improvement cost is estimated to be $3.7 million.

    租戶改善成本的餘額估計為 370 萬美元。

  • During the first half of fiscal 2024, we expended $994,000 towards this project, with the remaining estimated 380,000 expected to be expended during the second half of fiscal 2024, pending the final construction invoices.

    在 2024 財年上半年,我們為此專案支出了 994,000 美元,剩餘的估計 380,000 美元預計將在 2024 財年下半年支出,等待最終的施工發票。

  • We also expended approximately $722,000 net of cash acquired to acquire Visimid during the first half of fiscal 2024.

    在 2024 財年上半年,我們也花了約 722,000 美元(扣除現金)來收購 Visimid。

  • Our total backlog at December 31, 2023, was approximately $21.2 million, a decrease of 28% as compared to $29.4 million as of December 31, 2022.

    截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,我們的積壓總額約為 2,120 萬美元,比截至 2022 年 12 月 31 日的 2,940 萬美元減少了 28%。

  • Compared to the end of fiscal 2023, our total backlog decreased by 2% during the first half of fiscal 2024.

    與 2023 財年末相比,2024 財年上半年我們的積壓總量減少了 2%。

  • The decrease in backlog during the first half of fiscal 2024 is primarily due to shipments of several annual and multi-year contract renewals, which orders were added to the backlog in prior periods.

    2024 財年上半年積壓訂單的減少主要是由於幾份年度和多年續約合約的發貨,這些訂單已添加到前期的積壓訂單中。

  • In the second quarter of previous years, we have typically received a contract renewal from our largest cloud customer for infrared products made of Germanium.


  • However, as previously discussed, we have decided to reduce the amount of optics we produce from Germanium, both to reduce real, do reduce our risk of supply chain disruption and, more importantly, to work with customers to convert their systems to use the optics made of our own Black Diamond materials.


  • As such, in the second quarter of fiscal 2024, we did not book our typical annual renewal order for Germanium optics for this customer and said, we continue to work with this customer as well as other customers converter systems to use Black Diamond optics.

    因此,在2024 財年第二季度,我們沒有為該客戶預訂鍺光學元件的典型年度續訂訂單,並表示,我們將繼續與該客戶以及其他客戶的轉換器系統合作,以使用Black Diamond 光學元件。

  • With this review of our financial highlights and recent developments concluded, I'll now turn the call over to the operator to begin the question-and-answer session.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Jaeson Schmidt, Lake Street.

    (操作員指示)Jaeson Schmidt,湖街。

  • Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

    Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

  • Yes, thanks for taking my questions.


  • I just wanted to start with the Lockheed program.


  • You mentioned unit, production units might begin even before the decision date.


  • Just curious if this is something you're hearing from the customer.


  • Or is this industry chatter or, I guess, a combination of both?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Directly from the customer.


  • This is the customer is actually extremely confident in this solution and the superiority of this solution.


  • And they want us to start setting up some production lines, a physical production line in Orlando, where we're going to do production in the very near future to start gearing up to this.


  • Expectation is that once the decision is made, the Army will want units as soon as possible, and they're willing to make some bets in that direction.


  • Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

    Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

  • Got you.


  • That's certainly good to hear.


  • And that leads me to my next question.


  • And I know it's going to be dependent on the program, but at a high level how should we think about your total revenue capacity now with the expansion completed in Orlando?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • Exactly, as you said, that's very dependent on the program, if we were to continue with the current business mix, meaning not a lot of cameras in the -- and mainly growth coming from infrared assemblies, then revenue capacity in Orlando altogether would probably go to, could go to as much as $50 million, I think or even more with the current expansion.

    確切地說,正如您所說,這非常依賴該計劃,如果我們繼續當前的業務組合,這意味著沒有太多攝影機,並且主要增長來自紅外線組件,那麼奧蘭多的收入能力可能會增加我認為,隨著目前的擴張,可能會達到5000 萬美元,甚至更多。

  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • I think we should do $60 million to $70 million.

    我認為我們應該投入 6,000 萬至 7,000 萬美元。

  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Okay.


  • But very, very dependent on where that comes from.


  • If it's individual components, probably less.


  • The more complicated things are, the less space per dollar of revenues that they take and the more we would grow.


  • The assembly of the Lockheed, for example, or any of the cameras actually doesn't require an enormous amount of space.


  • A lot of it is very automated calibration systems and assembly processes.


  • And so we can probably serve this entire Lockheed program from the clean room, extra clean room space we built in Orlando and still have room to expand in other programs as well.


  • Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

    Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

  • That's really helpful.


  • And then just the last one from me and I'll jump back into queue.


  • I know China is becoming less of a focus for you guys, but just curious if you think that business has bottomed yet.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Yes, I definitely think it has bottomed.


  • I mean in reality, at least if you talk about China or Asia, most of our revenue in what we call the China operation actually comes out of China.


  • From Thailand, from Vietnam, customers over there that we call, we bundle it in the China part, but it's not really in China.


  • Our revenue in China is very low, and we're not counting on that part really recovering, if you would , to anything near what it was.


  • Just to recap, the China operation was delivering about $12 million of revenue in 2020, and it is down to $3 million or so.

    回顧一下,2020 年中國業務的收入約為 1,200 萬美元,目前已降至 300 萬美元左右。

  • So all that $9 million of revenues that vanished in China was really made up for in the US and Europe, and which is why the growth in US and Europe is very strong even if the consolidated numbers don't show that.

    因此,在中國消失的 900 萬美元收入確實在美國和歐洲得到了彌補,這就是為什麼美國和歐洲的成長非常強勁,即使綜合數字沒有顯示這一點。

  • Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

    Jaeson Schmidt - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Understood.


  • Thanks a lot, guys.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Jaeson.


  • Operator


  • Scott Buck, H.C. Wainwright.

    巴克 (Scott Buck),H.C.溫賴特。

  • Scott Buck - Analyst

    Scott Buck - Analyst

  • Hi, good afternoon, guys.


  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • Sam, you mentioned in the release on the call here the acceleration of the production for the Lockheed project.


  • I'm curious whether the geopolitical environment is causing you to see kind of similar uptick in demand or acceleration of interest in other parts of the business.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Definitely.


  • I mean, we've had some uptick in some areas of the business.


  • For example, customers in Israel that builds some of the systems, vision systems for the Israeli military and so on had had a big push on the orders to rebuild some systems that were destroyed there on October 7 and during the war.

    例如,為以色列軍隊建造一些系統、視覺系統等的以色列客戶大力推動了重建一些在 10 月 7 日和戰爭期間被摧毀的系統的訂單。

  • And of course, Ukraine continues indirectly to drive some demand for some of the optics.


  • And that's just beginning to grow.


  • I think the US is only now really starting to replenish some of the inventories depleted.


  • Unfortunately, we don't make ammunition directly, which is from what I understand, one of the things that is the most shortage, but definitely the optics and the cameras that go on some of these the drones and loitering munition are growing demand.


  • Scott Buck - Analyst

    Scott Buck - Analyst

  • A follow-up to an earlier question.


  • It sounds like you guys have the capacity to be able to handle, not just the Lockheed project, but also perhaps one of these other potential deals you're working on as well, right?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Yes, absolutely.


  • I think when it comes to those kind of projects, tens of millions of dollars in potential revenue, we probably, with the capacity we have worldwide and balancing things worldwide, can probably handle two, maybe even three of them.


  • Scott Buck - Analyst

    Scott Buck - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then last one for me.


  • I'm curious, how are you thinking about the unrestricted cash balance here, and how that it bridges you to 2026 and beyond when maybe some of these larger deals kick in, we also ventured into this quarter?

    我很好奇,您如何看待這裡不受限制的現金餘額,以及它如何為您過渡到 2026 年及以後,也許其中一些較大的交易開始,我們也冒險進入本季度?

  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • Great, great question.


  • So baked into this quarter, we actually were -- or this first half of the year, we were operating cash flow positive, and we'll continue to be operating cash flow positive.


  • Cash has gone down in the first half.


  • That's largely because of the Orlando facility.


  • We're still still paying invoices, still receiving and paying invoices there, and the investment of another coating machine that we made in Riga.


  • But the big chunks of that CapEx spend for this fiscal year's over.


  • So in the second half of the fiscal year, we're just going to dribble out the normal, or actually below average CapEx.


  • So from a cash flow perspective, I feel pretty confident that we'll be okay.


  • Scott Buck - Analyst

    Scott Buck - Analyst

  • All right.


  • That's it for me, guys.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Scott.


  • Operator


  • Brian Kinstlinger, Alliance Global.

    Brian Kinslinger,全球聯盟。

  • Brian Kinstlinger - Analyst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Analyst

  • Hi there.


  • This is Trevor on for Brian.


  • My first question pertains to your backlog.


  • Last you mentioned that despite the lost revenue and renewals for your Germanium contracts, that you're working on transitioning this Visimid to drive some meaningful backlog starting in 2Q.

    最後您提到,儘管您的鍺合約損失了收入和續約,但您正在努力過渡此 Visimid,以從第二季度開始推動一些有意義的積壓工作。

  • Did that happen this quarter?


  • And if so, is there a sizable portion of the backlog that's attributable Visimid that you quantify?

    如果是這樣,您量化的積壓訂單中是否有相當大一部分是由 Visimid 造成的?

  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • Definitely the Lockheed Martin, $4.7 million portion in the backlog and that entered during Q2 is purely Visimid as well as a few other smaller projects.

    當然,洛克希德馬丁公司(Lockheed Martin)在第二季的積壓訂單中價值 470 萬美元,純粹是 Visimid 以及其他一些較小的項目。

  • But right now, I'd say around $5 million of the backlog probably is about Visimid.

    但現在,我想說大約 500 萬美元的積壓訂單可能與 Visimid 有關。

  • Brian Kinstlinger - Analyst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • And then secondly, with the Lockheed partnership, just wanted to clarify, is LightPath competing with anyone for the component that you're creating for Lockheed?

    其次,透過與洛克希德公司的合作,我想澄清一下,LightPath 是否與任何人競爭您為洛克希德公司創建的組件?

  • Or is it guaranteed that if Lockheed selected that LightPath will be in every delivered missile.

    或者,如果洛克希德選擇了 LightPath,那麼是否可以保證每枚交付的飛彈都會配備 LightPath?

  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • The latter.


  • We will be the sole source on the Lockheed part.


  • It's a very big deal.


  • That's why Lockheed actually was extremely supportive of our acquisition of Visimid.

    這就是為什麼洛克希德實際上非常支持我們收購 Visimid。

  • From their point of view, it's a significant bet that they made in that direction.


  • And that's the time they decided, oh, we're going to decide on it.


  • Visimid was their standalone nine-people company.

    Visimid 是他們的獨立九人公司。

  • And so the acquisition of Visimid by LightPath actually played a major role in this, and sort of gave peace of mind to Lockheed in it.

    因此,LightPath 收購 Visimid 實際上在其中發揮了重要作用,也讓洛克希德公司安心了一些。

  • But we are definitely the only one developing that part for Lockheed.


  • Brian Kinstlinger - Analyst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Analyst

  • Great.


  • It was great to hear.


  • Last question.


  • While I appreciate the strong demand from the defense industry, although we know it's like lumpy and can be unpredictable.


  • Your products, and Mantis specifically has really strong commercial applications, like the flame detection recycling centers that you'd mentioned in the past couple of quarters.

    你們的產品,尤其是 Mantis,具有非常強大的商業應用,例如您在過去幾季提到的火焰偵測回收中心。

  • So how do you go about building a healthy portion of a backlog that is more predictable?


  • Like, are you doing things in there like looking to hire more personnel, increased marketing spend, et cetera?


  • Just trying to get an idea.


  • Thanks.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • No, that's such a great question.


  • And really a lot of our focus now is around sales and soon we'll be on the marketing of those products.


  • If you look at myself as CEO, I tend to move around the business and focus my time on where it's needed.


  • And right now, absolutely my time is focused on the sales of these new cameras and new products.


  • We're building up more in the sales team with tooling up to align ourselves to that, and we're working very hard to lock in some strategic partnerships in some of those areas.


  • Again, we can't do everything.


  • We're not going to build a sales team now that will go after 500 different camera customers for cameras.

    我們現在不打算建立一個銷售團隊來為 500 個不同的相機客戶尋找相機。

  • And so the strategic relationship and alliances with key players in some of those areas of firefighting, of process control, of drones, they're going to be key for fast scaling up there.


  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • And then in relation to the backlog and the fire detection for which we already have a running business for those cameras, they're not going to give us annual orders.


  • They give us a forecast and we work off of that.


  • So we'll never see that in the backlog.


  • Brian Kinstlinger - Analyst

    Brian Kinstlinger - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Great.


  • Makes sense.


  • Thanks, guys.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Glenn Mattson, Ladenburg.


  • Glenn Mattson - Analyst

    Glenn Mattson - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Thanks for taking the question.


  • So it was about seven or eight months ago that China made the announcement of the export ban for Germanium.


  • At the time, I think, Sam, you might mentioned a time frame of how long it takes to your customers to design in your alternatives kind of nine to 12-month time frame.

    Sam,我想,當時您可能會提到一個時間框架,即您的客戶需要多長時間才能在您的替代方案中進行設計,即 9 到 12 個月的時間框架。

  • I'm curious about how that's going and if there should be some expectation of that to start to kick in in the second calendar half of this year.


  • And that may also relate to the one customer didn't renew yet on the backlog side, you could use them as an example, but just across the customer set in general, can you just give us a sense of how that process is playing out?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • That''s a great question.


  • Thank you.


  • It's going really well.


  • I mentioned a couple of customers as example.


  • One of them is that largest customer for the sporting part.


  • Typically, our annual orders from that customer have been between $4 million to $6 million, as much as $6.5 million I think on one year.

    通常,我們從該客戶獲得的年度訂單金額在 400 萬至 600 萬美元之間,我認為一年可達 650 萬美元。

  • And we haven't renewed that.


  • Our expectation now is really for the entire product line of that customer to possibly convert to using Black Diamond materials.

    我們現在的期望實際上是該客戶的整個產品線可能轉換為使用 Black Diamond 材料。

  • What we're seeing is that things have gotten even worse with Germanium At first, I think many customers were still accessing Germanium through inventories.


  • Germanium maybe was making its way out of China in different ways, different creative ways let's say.


  • But that is decreasing significantly.


  • As of now from what we know, China has given zero export licenses to any Germanium is at its final destination in the US.


  • So they're very very specific in sort of what they're going after there.


  • And so we have two large customers for handheld devices, gun sites, binoculars, and so on.


  • They probably have around $10 million of potential revenue between the two of them.

    他們兩人之間可能有大約 1000 萬美元的潛在收入。

  • Both of them, we're working very hard to convert over.


  • Next week, I think we're actually shipping some more samples to them.


  • One of them already converted one product, which I mentioned during the SHOT Show.

    其中一個已經轉換了一種產品,我在 SHOT Show 期間提到過。

  • They announced the new product and they also made it very clear at the SHOT Show, to ourselves and anyone else that was asking, that all new products are being designed only with Black Diamond now.

    他們宣布了新產品,並且也在 SHOT 展會上向我們自己和其他詢問的人明確表示,現在所有新產品都只使用 Black Diamond 進行設計。

  • So I think we're doing very well.


  • I wish it could be faster than the time it takes.


  • But unfortunately, doing some of those also require some of the capacity and capabilities that is used for day-to-day production, and we can't disrupt it too much.


  • So it's a balance we play.


  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • The Chinese made the announcement in July, and I would say, and Sam, you can disagree, but it took until maybe November and December for the customers to start feeling the pain of that announcement and start to scramble looking for a solution.

    中國人在 7 月宣布了這一消息,我想說,山姆,你可以不同意,但可能直到 11 月和 12 月,客戶才開始感受到該公告的痛苦,並開始爭先恐後地尋找解決方案。

  • And our conversations with those customers didn't give them confidence that they were going to continue to get Germanium.


  • So when it was clear that we weren't going to solve -- weren't going to be able to solve their Germanium problem, that prompted them to take action.


  • But it took, I would say, it took a good six months before they realize that it was real.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Which is why our largest customer first wanted just one product we designed.


  • But as we were working on that, they started realizing how difficult the situation is and immediately switched over to saying, let's redesign everything.


  • Glenn Mattson - Analyst

    Glenn Mattson - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • That's very helpful on the backdrop.


  • And I don't know if this would be for Sam or Al, but could you give us a sense of -- as you look at your back half of your fiscal year, you mentioned in the prepared remarks a little bit about the European recessionary conditions and things like that.


  • Can you just give us a sense of how you feel about -- will all the factors coming together with the potential of -- I don't know if there's any potential further disruption from the lack of supply or the supply driving up on the Germanium side or -- and maybe the new design is not kicking in yet or maybe there's some revenue coming through on the Mantis side and things like that.


  • Can you just give us a general sense of how you're feeling about the revenue top line in 2H versus 1H?

    您能否向我們大致介紹一下您對 2H 與 1H 收入頂線的感受?

  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • So it's interesting that the situation, the softening in Europe is really more around the visible optics where there's a lot more competition globally and a lot of price pressure, a lot of production capacity and all that kind of good stuff.


  • And those products tend to have industrial applications that deliver next where, as you know, deliver more to consumer-oriented products.


  • And that's where we're seeing the softening.


  • The infrared side because the infrared components, even without the major the major contracts, on the infrared side, we're still seeing growth in Europe and in the US, and demand in Europe and the US for infrared components and the assemblies and solution type start of the business.


  • But where we're seeing the economics impact is on the visible component side.


  • And again, they tend to lead towards a more direct path to a consumer product.


  • So that's what we're seeing in Europe.


  • And I don't have a crystal ball and they don't say the recession word, if you Google it, Europeans are like we were a year ago, nobody wants to see the recession word.


  • But their economies are contracting.


  • Glenn Mattson - Analyst

    Glenn Mattson - Analyst

  • Right, right.


  • That's helpful.


  • So then when you factor that in plus all the other moving parts and when you think about the top line outlook, can you give us any general sense of directionally how you feel about the second half, first half?


  • And that's it for me.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • So my gut tells me that this this past Q2 was the softest quarter we're going to experience.


  • So in Q3, we should see a little bit of an uptick, and in Q4 a little bit of an uptick.


  • Again, it's the visible components that sort of what we worry about and you kind of nailed it with that.


  • But they're in decline regardless.


  • So it's just happening a bit faster than we would have predicted six months or a year ago.


  • Glenn Mattson - Analyst

    Glenn Mattson - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Gene Inger,

    (操作員說明)Gene Inger,。

  • Mr. Inger, you're line is open?


  • You had it muted on your end.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • Yeah, you hear me now?


  • Operator


  • Yes, we do.


  • Thank you.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • I apologize.


  • I muted it as a courtesy.


  • Sam, I hope you're feeling better.


  • Hi, Al, as well.


  • My first question, I'd like to start with something you haven't touched on, which is the annual meeting and the paperwork that was pending due to the problems from the previous management before you guys began an enormous task of turning around this small company.


  • And I'm wondering if you can tell us if all of that is not of concern to shareholders.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Yes, absolutely.


  • Thanks.


  • I appreciate it.


  • Definitely could have touched on that.


  • I'm very, very glad to say that it's all completely resolved now.


  • To recap, it was pointed out by some external group that there were some problems in the registration of the company that went back all the way to 1995 when the 7-to-1 split of reverse split was done and was done incorrectly or so.


  • And so we had to postpone the annual shareholder meeting to it, filed with the Delaware Court, Chancellery Court for a collection of the registration since we couldn't go back and locate all shareholders from 1995 to have them revoke that.

    因此,我們不得不推遲年度股東大會,向特拉華州法院、總理府提交了一份登記冊,因為我們無法返回並找到 1995 年以來的所有股東,讓他們撤銷登記。

  • All of that is behind us last week.


  • The day before the Annual Shareholder Meeting, the court ruled on that, fixed the legislation, and we're all done.


  • We're in very good standing now.


  • And I think I can say that, at this point, every single issue that we have found in the last three years has been fixed.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • Good.


  • Briefly, let me ask you a couple of more questions.


  • One, Scott Farris, Chairman of the Board, and I appreciate the new Board members by the way, the former major general as well as a business manager, I believe, brought over from Luminar.

    其中一位是董事會主席斯科特法里斯 (Scott Farris),順便說一下,我對新董事會成員表示讚賞,我相信前少將以及一位業務經理是從 Luminar 調來的。

  • A, are you bringing in more people intentionally from Luminar?


  • And B, is there any linkage between LightPath and the private company that Scott is the CEO of called infleqtion.

    B,LightPath 和 Scott 擔任執行長的私人公司 infleqtion 之間是否存在任何關聯?

  • And I mentioned that because the Pentagon is in the process of jump-starting several key applications.


  • I wondered if some of that includes quantum computing, photonics?


  • And I wonder if this is or can involve LightPath in the future.

    我想知道這是否是或將來可能會涉及 LightPath。

  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • Well, first of all, we're not the poaching specifically on Luminar and and I don't think we're targeting specifically.

    嗯,首先,我們並不是專門針對 Luminar 進行偷獵,而且我認為我們也沒有專門針對這一目標。

  • It does happen to be that Luminar has recruited some great people over the years and there are some opportunities that have come up in which we recruited people that were in the past in Luminar, even the near past or the long-term past.

    多年來,Luminar 確實招募了一些優秀的人才,並且出現了一些機會,我們招募了 Luminar 過去的人,甚至是不久的過去或很久以前的人。

  • But some great people joined us from there.


  • Secondly, as it comes to Scott's new venture, which is extremely interesting and I did encourage everyone to take a look at that Infleqtion, like many things that is extremely heavy on photonics and quantum, all things quantum -- quantum sensors, quantum computing, quantum communication -- they are all very photonics oriented and driven.


  • We have a very strong presence these days in free space, optical communication, primarily in space.


  • And that ties very much directly into some of the quantum communication and also indirectly into some of the quantum sense of work that is being worked on by many companies, Infleqtion being one of them.

    這與一些量子通訊有非常直接的聯繫,也間接與許多公司正在研究的一些量子意義的工作聯繫在一起,Infleqtion 就是其中之一。

  • And we'll always be very, very happy to see optics finding more uses and more places to be.


  • I guess an extreme joy out of even the simplest thing we're seeing is that the quantum engine might be replacing something as simple as the radio receivers.


  • And it's mind-blowing to see optics play a role in something like radio communications.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • Can any of this relate as well to enemy submarines and to detection systems because I know you're doing spacecrafts, linkage and communication.


  • You haven't really touched on that with any more specificity.


  • Can you elaborate?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Yes, we have actually a couple of cameras systems.


  • One of them we're going to have any day now, I think a version of Mantis that we're going to release that are of extreme interest for threat detection, counter-UAS detection, detection of cruise missiles as they come in, and other things, all of those.

    我們隨時都會擁有其中之一,我認為我們將發布的 Mantis 版本對於威脅檢測、反無人機檢測、巡航導彈進入時的檢測以及其他的事情,所有這些。

  • We have two cameras systems, two separate camera systems that we're working with customers on that show very, very promising results in that direction.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • Do these relate to the US Navy licenses we haven't heard much more about?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • The US Navy license enables a lot of that.


  • And as I mentioned, we expect within the next two to three weeks to release the first material formally from the Navy license BDNL4.

    正如我所提到的,我們預計在接下來的兩到三週內正式發布海軍許可證 BDNL4 的第一份資料。

  • But in reality, the Mantis camera has already been using those materials for over a year now.

    但實際上,Mantis 相機已經使用這些材料一年多了。

  • We simply are now formally announcing it, the material that's available for others.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • I think you have mentioned 200 Mantis cameras likely produced or sold this year.

    我想您提到了今年可能生產或銷售的 200 台 Mantis 相機。

  • Does this year mean fiscal year, or are you talking about this calendar year?


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • This fiscal year, pretty much on track for that, I think.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Now I would like to ask you, just an overview.


  • The military has been stunned by the Gaza war and by Ukraine because they see the swarming of drones and how that offsets not only jet fighter aircraft -- and maybe you're working on the F-35, maybe not, the improvement -- but also there, you don't want to fire a $1 million missile to intercept a $5,000 cheap drone that we've learned in the Red Sea.

    軍方對加薩戰爭和烏克蘭感到震驚,因為他們看到了蜂擁而至的無人機,以及這不僅抵消了噴氣式戰鬥機的影響——也許你正在研究F-35,也許不是,改進——但同樣在那裡,你也不想發射價值100 萬美元的飛彈來攔截我們在紅海學到的價值5,000 美元的廉價無人機。

  • So I wonder whether LightPath benefits or suffers from the prospect of fewer costly missile systems they would intercept of work or work autonomously in the future.

    因此,我想知道 LightPath 是否會因未來攔截工作或自主工作的成本更低的飛彈系統而受益或受損。

  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • Yes.


  • Well, once we are done with the development of the Lockheed missile and hopefully one missile that is awarded to Lockheed, my personal wish is that they fire a missile on everything they see, a drone or even a butterfly.


  • But realistically, I think what we're seeing is a very strong drive towards integrating more and more passive detection capabilities such as infrared cameras for detecting some of those drones.


  • Today, you simply cannot use a radar for detecting the drones coming in.


  • That's something that Ukraine has taught us and have learned, unfortunately, in a very hard way.


  • Israel doesn't suffer that because of fighting an adversary such as the terror organization and not a state.


  • But in Ukraine-Russia war, for example, in what is called in near-adversarial and adversaries that have capabilities close to yours, you suddenly realize you cannot use a radar to detecting drones because the moment you turn it on and a missile is locked onto the radar, and it will hit you within minutes, seconds.


  • And so the use of cameras is very important.


  • Two of our camera that I mentioned for detecting threats from a distance, one version of Mantis and one version of a different camera of extreme importance because they can do that in $10,000 as opposed to a $50,000 camera that is often used today.

    我提到的兩台用於遠距離檢測威脅的攝影機,一個版本的Mantis 和一個版本的不同攝影機極其重要,因為它們只需10,000 美元就能做到這一點,而目前常用的攝影機則需要50,000 美元。

  • So I think we have something very unique there that will pay off really well.


  • Gene Inger - Analyst

    Gene Inger - Analyst

  • Sam and Al, thank you.


  • I feel better, and I appreciate the aspirational goals that you have outlined in the presentations as well lately.


  • I know it takes time and I know how hard it is.


  • So good luck, and we'll keep watching you.


  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Gene, and thank you very well.


  • Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

    Albert Miranda - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Gene.


  • Operator


  • This concludes our question-and-answer session.


  • I would like to turn the conference back over to Sam Rubin for any closing remarks.

    我想將會議轉回給薩姆·魯賓(Sam Rubin)發表閉幕詞。

  • Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

    Shmuel Rubin - President & CEO

  • Thank you.


  • I appreciate everyone joining the call and the patience that our shareholders show as we are not only turning around the Company but also plotting the new direction, and now finally delivering on it big time.


  • The Lockheed Martin, the automotive, the cameras, each one of those are tens of millions of dollars in annual revenue that will be coming down the road, very big deal.


  • The company is going to look completely different a few years from now, and I'm excited to continue along this path.


  • Thank you, everyone.


  • Operator


  • The conference has now concluded.


  • Thank you for attending today's presentation.


  • You may now disconnect.
