Helen of Troy Ltd (HELE) 2004 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning and welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Helen of Troy third quarter earnings conference call for fiscal 2004.

    女士們先生們,早上好,歡迎來到海倫特洛伊公司 2004 財年第三季度收益電話會議。

  • At this time, I would like to inform you that all participants are in a listen-only mode.


  • At the request of the Company, we will open the conference up for questions and answers after the presentation.


  • Our speakers for this morning's conference call are Gerald Rubin, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President;

    今天上午電話會議的發言人是董事長、首席執行官兼總裁 Gerald Rubin;

  • Christopher Carameros, Executive Vice President;

    執行副總裁 Christopher Carameros;

  • Thomas Benson, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer;

    Thomas Benson,高級副總裁兼首席財務官;

  • Robert Spear, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer.

    Robert Spear,高級副總裁兼首席信息官。

  • I will now turn the conference over to Robert Spear.


  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Robert Spear - CIO

    Robert Spear - CIO

  • Good morning everyone and welcome to Helen of Troy's third quarter earnings conference call for fiscal year 2004.

    大家早上好,歡迎來到 Helen of Troy 的 2004 財年第三季度收益電話會議。

  • The agenda for this morning's conference call is as follows -- we'll have a brief forward-looking statement review, followed by Mr. Rubin, who will discuss our third quarter earnings release and related results of operations for Helen of Troy, followed by a financial review of our income statement and balance sheet for the quarter by Tom Benson, our Chief Financial Officer, and finally, we'll open it up for questions and answers for those of you with any further questions.

    今天上午的電話會議議程如下——我們將進行簡短的前瞻性陳述審查,然後是魯賓先生,他將討論我們第三季度的收益發布和海倫特洛伊的相關運營結果,隨後是我們的首席財務官湯姆·本森 (Tom Benson) 對我們本季度的損益表和資產負債表進行了財務審查,最後,我們將公開提問和回答那些有任何進一步問題的人。

  • First, the Safe Harbor statement.


  • This conference call may contain certain forward-looking statements that are based on management's current expectations with respect to future events or financial performance.


  • A number of risks or uncertainties could cause actual results to differ (indiscernible) materially or historically anticipated results. (indiscernible) the words anticipates, believes, expects, or other similar words, identify forward-looking statements.

    許多風險或不確定性可能導致實際結果與(音頻不清晰)重大或歷史預期結果不同。 (音頻不清晰)預期、相信、期望或其他類似詞語可識別前瞻性陳述。

  • The Company cautions listeners not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


  • Forward-looking statements are subject to risks that could cause such statements to differ materially from actual results.


  • Factors that could cause actual results to differ from those anticipated are described in the Company's Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2003, and Form 10-Qs for the quarters ended May 31 and August 31, 2003.

    公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的截至 2003 年 2 月 28 日的財政年度的 10-K 表格以及截至 5 月 31 日和 8 月的季度的 10-Q 表格中描述了可能導致實際結果與預期結果不同的因素2003 年 31 號。

  • Before I turn the conference call over to our Chairman, Mr. Rubin, I would like to inform all interested parties that a copy of today's earnings release has been posted to our Web site at www.Hotus.com.

    在我將電話會議轉交給我們的董事長 Rubin 先生之前,我想通知所有感興趣的各方,今天的收益報告副本已發佈到我們的網站 www.Hotus.com 上。

  • The release can be accessed by selecting the investor relations tab on our homepage, and then the news tab.


  • I will now turn the conference over to Mr. Gerald Rubin, Chairman, CEO, and President of Helen of Troy.


  • Gerald Rubin - CEO

    Gerald Rubin - CEO

  • Thank you, Bob.


  • Good morning everyone, and welcome to Helen of Troy's third quarter conference call.


  • Helen of Troy today reported record sales and earnings for the third quarter and nine months ended November 30, 2003.

    Helen of Troy 今天報告了截至 2003 年 11 月 30 日的第三季度和九個月的創紀錄的銷售和收益。

  • With solid product performances in the U.S. and abroad, third quarter sales increased 25 percent to a record $179 million, versus sales of 143 million for the same period of the prior year.

    憑藉在美國和海外的穩健產品表現,第三季度銷售額增長了 25%,達到創紀錄的 1.79 億美元,而去年同期的銷售額為 1.43 億美元。

  • Third quarter net earnings increased 49 percent to a record $25 million, or 78 cents per diluted share, from 16,791,000, or 57 cents per diluted share for the same period a year earlier.

    第三季度淨收益增長 49%,達到創紀錄的 2500 萬美元,即每股攤薄收益 78 美分,而去年同期為 16,791,000 美元,即每股攤薄收益 57 美分。

  • Nine months sales climbed 13 percent to a record $401 million from sales of 357 million for last year's nine months.

    九個月的銷售額從去年九個月的 3.57 億美元增長了 13%,達到創紀錄的 4.01 億美元。

  • Net earnings for the nine months ended November 30th, 2003 was $53 million, or $1.71 per diluted share, versus 32 million, or $1.09 per diluted share in the comparable period last year, representing a 64 percent increase in net earnings.

    截至 2003 年 11 月 30 日止九個月的淨收益為 5300 萬美元,或稀釋後每股收益 1.71 美元,而去年同期為 3200 萬美元,或稀釋後每股收益 1.09 美元,淨收益增長了 64%。

  • I am very pleased to have delivered a strong financial performance for the quarter.


  • Sales and earnings reached record levels for our Company during the quarter, and based on continuing performance, we believe the fourth quarter will be a record-breaking fourth quarter as well.


  • Sales increased in every segment of our business except Tactica.

    除 Tactica 外,我們業務的每個部門的銷售額都有所增長。

  • Our sales leaders continue to include retail personal care products, the professional division, the international division, and our Idelle Labs skin and hair care products.

    我們的銷售主管繼續包括零售個人護理產品、專業部門、國際部門以及我們的 Idelle Labs 皮膚和頭髮護理產品。

  • Excluding the results for Tactica, third quarter sales increased by 33 percent to 165 million, with operating income of 31.7 million, or 19.2 percent of sales.

    排除 Tactica 的業績,第三季度銷售額增長 33% 至 1.65 億美元,營業收入為 3170 萬美元,佔銷售額的 19.2%。

  • Excluding Tactica and our new Idelle Labs division, Helen of Troy sales increased by 24.1 percent, to 149.4 million versus 120.4 million for last year's third quarter.

    不包括 Tactica 和我們新的 Idelle Labs 部門,Helen of Troy 的銷售額增長了 24.1%,達到 1.494 億,而去年第三季度為 1.204 億。

  • We are pleased that Tactica's performance has improved over the last quarter; however, we continue to explore strategic alternatives for our investment in Tactica, with a strong view towards maximizing shareholder value.

    我們很高興 Tactica 的業績在上個季度有所改善;然而,我們繼續探索戰略替代方案來投資 Tactica,強烈希望實現股東價值最大化。

  • These alternatives include a possible sale of all or a partial interest in Tactica.

    這些備選方案包括可能出售全部或部分 Tactica 權益。

  • There can be no assurance that any transaction involving Tactica will occur.

    無法保證任何涉及 Tactica 的交易都會發生。

  • We expect to complete our analysis over the next several months and communicate the results at that time to our shareholders.


  • Due to the sales and earnings momentum we have experienced over the last quarter, we are raising our fiscal year ending February 29, 2004 earnings per diluted share guidance from $1.85 to $1.90 to $2.05 to $2.10, or a 56 to 60 percent increase from the prior fiscal year's diluted earnings per share of $1.31.

    由於我們在上個季度經歷的銷售和盈利勢頭,我們將截至 2004 年 2 月 29 日的財政年度每股攤薄收益指導從 1.85 美元提高到 1.90 美元到 2.05 美元到 2.10 美元,或者比之前的增長 56% 到 60%財年每股攤薄收益為 1.31 美元。

  • We have also increased our projected earning per diluted share for the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 2004 from $2.15 to 2.25 to a range of $2.30 to $2.40.

    我們還將 2004 年 3 月 1 日開始的財政年度的預計每股攤薄收益從 2.15 美元提高到 2.25 美元,提高到 2.30 美元到 2.40 美元之間。

  • Our business and financial performance continues to be strong and consistent.


  • This quarter marks 35 of the past 39 quarters with quarter-over-quarter increases in sales and net earnings.

    本季度標誌著過去 39 個季度中有 35 個季度的銷售額和淨收益環比增長。

  • For the fourth quarter, we are projecting sales of 110 to 115 million, up from last year's 102 million.

    對於第四季度,我們預計銷售額為 110 至 1.15 億,高於去年的 1.02 億。

  • Fourth quarter earnings per share are estimated to be between 34 and 39 cents, an increase from the 22 cents reported fourth quarter last year.

    第四季度每股收益估計在 34 至 39 美分之間,高於去年第四季度報告的 22 美分。

  • Helen of Troy stock has increased from December 31st, 2002 to December 31st, 2003 -- this past year -- from $11.64 to $23.14, an increase of 99 percent.

    特洛伊海倫的股票從 2002 年 12 月 31 日到 2003 年 12 月 31 日——過去一年——從 11.64 美元漲到 23.14 美元,漲幅達 99%。

  • If you compare Helen of Troy stock to the Dow Jones, the NASDAQ and the S&P, Helen of Troy has beat their increases for the last six months, one year, two years, five years, 12 years, and 14 year periods.


  • Helen of Troy has been a stock you can hold long-term and beat the Dow, the NASDAQ, and S&P.


  • Four years ago Helen of Troy earned 44 cents per share; this year we are projecting $2.05 to $2.10.

    四年前,特洛伊的海倫每股收益 44 美分;今年我們預計 2.05 美元至 2.10 美元。

  • This has been an annualized growth rate of 47 percent.

    這是 47% 的年化增長率。

  • Helen of Troy is projecting a 10 to 15 percent sales growth and a 15 to 20 percent earnings per share growth for the next four years.

    特洛伊的海倫 (Helen of Troy) 預計未來四年的銷售額將增長 10% 至 15%,每股收益將增長 15% 至 20%。

  • At a minimum, Helen of Troy is projecting to double earnings per share to $4 in the next four years.

    至少,特洛伊的海倫計劃在未來四年內將每股收益翻一番,達到 4 美元。

  • I would now like to turn this conference over to our CFO, Tom Benson, and then to our Executive VP, Chris Carameros.

    我現在想將這次會議轉交給我們的首席財務官 Tom Benson,然後轉交給我們的執行副總裁 Chris Carameros。

  • Tom Benson - CFO

    Tom Benson - CFO

  • Thank you, Jerry, and good morning.


  • Needless to say, we are all very pleased with our operating performance for the third quarter.


  • Third quarter net sales grew 25.3 percent year-over-year.

    第三季度淨銷售額同比增長 25.3%。

  • Quarter three 2004 net sales were 179.2 million compared to 143 million for quarter three 2003.

    2004 年第三季度的淨銷售額為 1.792 億美元,而 2003 年第三季度為 1.43 億美元。

  • This represents an increase of 36.2 million, or 25.3 percent.

    這意味著增加了 3620 萬,即 25.3%。

  • However, more importantly, our third quarter net earnings increased by 49.3 percent year-over-year.

    然而,更重要的是,我們第三季度的淨收益同比增長了 49.3%。

  • Net earnings for quarter three 2004 was 25.1 million, 14 percent of net sales, compared to 16.8 million, or 11.7 percent of net sales quarter three 2003.

    2004 年第三季度的淨利潤為 2510 萬美元,占淨銷售額的 14%,而 2003 年第三季度為 1680 萬美元,占淨銷售額的 11.7%。

  • This is an increase of $8.3 million; it represents a 49.3 percent increase, and the net earnings as a percentage of sales increased 2.3 percentage points.

    這增加了 830 萬美元;增長了 49.3%,淨利潤佔銷售額的百分比增長了 2.3 個百分點。

  • Third quarter operating income also improved 45.3 percent year-over-year.

    第三季度營業收入也同比增長 45.3%。

  • Quarter three 2004 operating income was $30.3 million, 16.9 percent of sales, compared to $20.9 million, 14.6 percent of sales quarter three 2003.

    2004 年第三季度營業收入為 3030 萬美元,佔銷售額的 16.9%,而 2003 年第三季度為 2090 萬美元,佔銷售額的 14.6%。

  • This is a 45 percent increase, $9.5 million.

    這是 45% 的增長,即 950 萬美元。

  • Third quarter earnings per diluted share increased 36.8 percent year-over-year.

    第三季度每股攤薄收益同比增長 36.8%。

  • Diluted earnings per share are 78 cents for quarter three 2004, compared to 57 cents for quarter three 2003.

    2004 年第三季度的稀釋後每股收益為 78 美分,而 2003 年第三季度為 57 美分。

  • This is a 21 cent per diluted share increased, or 36.8 percent.

    這是每股攤薄收益增加 21 美分,即 36.8%。

  • Now I will provide a more detailed review of various components of our financial performance.


  • Net sales.


  • The Company's quarterly net sales exclusive of Tactica were 165.4 million in quarter three 2004, compared to 124 million in quarter three 2003.

    2004 年第三季度,公司不包括 Tactica 在內的季度淨銷售額為 1.654 億美元,而 2003 年第三季度為 1.24 億美元。

  • This represents an increase of 41.4 million, or 33.3 percent.

    這意味著增加了 4140 萬,即 33.3%。

  • This portion of our business represents 92 percent of consolidated net sales for this quarter, while it was 87 percent the prior year quarter.

    我們這部分業務佔本季度綜合淨銷售額的 92%,而去年同期為 87%。

  • By segments, our North American segments in quarter three 2004 had net sales of 141.7 million compared to 108.7 million in quarter three 2003.

    按部門劃分,我們的北美部門在 2004 年第三季度的淨銷售額為 1.417 億美元,而 2003 年第三季度為 1.087 億美元。

  • This is an increase of $33 million, or 30.3 percent.

    這增加了 3300 萬美元,即 30.3%。

  • Our international segments had sales of 23.7 million in quarter three 2004, compared to 15.3 million in quarter three 2003.

    我們的國際部門在 2004 年第三季度的銷售額為 2370 萬,而 2003 年第三季度為 1530 萬。

  • This represents an increase of $8.4 million, or 54.6 percent.

    這意味著增加了 840 萬美元,即 54.6%。

  • Tactica, however, had quarterly net sales of 13.8 million in quarter three 2004, versus 19 million in quarter three 2003.

    然而,Tactica 在 2004 年第三季度的季度淨銷售額為 1380 萬,而 2003 年第三季度為 1900 萬。

  • This is a decrease of $5.1 million, or 27.1 percent.

    這減少了 510 萬美元,即 27.1%。

  • Tactica's sales decrease is primarily due to the reduction in sales of (indiscernible) products that were such a large part of sales last year, and general softness of demand for products sold through television infomercials.

    Tactica 的銷售額下降主要是由於佔去年銷售額很大一部分的(音頻不清晰)產品銷售額下降,以及對通過電視商業廣告銷售的產品的需求普遍疲軟。

  • Tactica is also transitioning from placement of products and promotional space in retailers to endline on-shelf placement.

    Tactica 也在從零售商的產品放置和促銷空間過渡到終端貨架放置。

  • Growth in Company sales exclusive of Tactica is primarily due to personal care products with enhanced technology, new products and Idelle Labs.

    公司銷售額的增長(不包括 Tactica)主要歸功於具有增強技術的個人護理產品、新產品和 Idelle Labs。

  • Idelle includes the following -- Sea Breeze, Vitalis, Ammens, Final Net, 3-in-1 Conditioner and Vitapointe, which we acquired from the Procter & Gamble Company in October 2002, and Brut, which we acquired from Unilever in September 2003.

    Idelle 包括以下產品——我們於 2002 年 10 月從寶潔公司收購的 Sea Breeze、Vitalis、Ammens、Final Net、三合一護髮素和 Vitapointe,以及我們於 2003 年 9 月從聯合利華收購的 Brut。

  • These acquired brands accounted for 12.3 million, 30 percent of the 41 (technical difficulty) in quarter three fiscal 2004 sales growth, excluding Tactica.

    這些被收購的品牌佔 2004 財年第三季度銷售額增長的 41 個(技術難度)的 1230 萬個(不包括 Tactica)的 30%。

  • Sales of existing product lines under the Revlon, Sunbeam, Wave Rage, Hot Tools, and Wigo brands, enhance with new technologies and features, have contributed to sales growth.

    Revlon、Sunbeam、Wave Rage、Hot Tools 和 Wigo 品牌下現有產品線的銷售,隨著新技術和功能的增強,促進了銷售增長。

  • Examples include hair care appliances utilizing ionic and ceramic technology rather than traditional heating services.


  • We also had sales growth as a result of expanding our line of massagers under the Dr. Scholl's brand, and have new products marketed on infomercials that were also sold in retail outlets.

    由於擴展了 Dr. Scholl's 品牌的按摩器系列,我們的銷售額也有所增長,新產品也在電視廣告上銷售,這些產品也在零售店銷售。

  • Also contributing to the sales growth has been the strengthening of the British pound and the euro versus the U.S. dollar.


  • Improvement in exchange rates provided approximately $1.6 million of additional sales benefit in quarter three 2004.

    匯率的改善在 2004 年第三季度提供了大約 160 萬美元的額外銷售收益。

  • Gross profit.


  • Consolidated gross profit for the third quarter was 82.8 million, 46.2 percent of net sales, compared to 65.4 million, 45.7 percent of net sales in quarter three 2003.

    第三季度的綜合毛利為 8280 萬美元,占淨銷售額的 46.2%,而 2003 年第三季度為 6540 萬美元,占淨銷售額的 45.7%。

  • This represents an increase of 17.4 million, or 26.6 percent.

    這意味著增加了 1740 萬,即 26.6%。

  • This increase is due to lower sourcing costs, a mix change to higher margin new products, and the benefit of strengthening foreign currencies against the dollar, partially offset by a reduction in gross profit dollars and gross profit percentage on Tactica sales.

    這一增長是由於較低的採購成本、更高利潤的新產品的組合變化以及外幣兌美元走強的好處,部分被毛利潤美元和 Tactica 銷售毛利潤百分比的減少所抵消。

  • Gross profit without Tactica quarter three 2004 was 75.2 million, 45.5 percent of net sales, compared to 52.5 million, or 42.4 percent of net sales for quarter three 2003.

    2004 年第三季度不含 Tactica 的毛利潤為 7520 萬美元,占淨銷售額的 45.5%,而 2003 年第三季度為 5250 萬美元,占淨銷售額的 42.4%。

  • This represents an increase of 22.7 million, a 43.2 percent increase.

    這意味著增加了 2270 萬,增長了 43.2%。

  • Percentage increase, we had a 3.1 percent increase in gross profit margin.

    百分比增長,我們的毛利率增長了 3.1%。

  • Selling, general and administrative expenses.


  • For the third quarter, SG&A expense decreased as a percentage of sales.

    第三季度,SG&A 費用佔銷售額的百分比有所下降。

  • For quarter three 2004, we had 52.5 million of SG&A expense, 29.3 percent of net sales, compared to 44.5 million, 31.1 percent in quarter three 2003.

    2004 年第三季度,我們的 SG&A 費用為 5250 萬美元,占淨銷售額的 29.3%,而 2003 年第三季度為 4450 萬美元,占淨銷售額的 31.1%。

  • This is a percentage decrease of 1.8 percent.

    這是 1.8% 的百分比下降。

  • This decrease in SG&A percentage is due to the change in the mix of segment sales.

    SG&A 百分比的下降是由於分部銷售組合的變化。

  • Lower sales at the Tactica segment, which carries a higher SG&A cost as a percentage of sales compared to the North American and international segments, was a primary reason the overall SG&A percent fell.

    Tactica 部門的銷售額下降,與北美和國際部門相比,SG&A 成本佔銷售額的百分比更高,這是整體 SG&A 百分比下降的主要原因。

  • Operating income.


  • Operating income without Tactica improved to 19.2 percent of net sales, 31.7 million for quarter three 2004, compared to 16.5 percent, 20.5 million for quarter three 2003.

    不包括 Tactica 在內的營業收入提高到淨銷售額的 19.2%,2004 年第三季度為 3170 萬美元,而 2003 年第三季度為 16.5%,2050 萬美元。

  • Tactica had an operating loss of 1.4 million, 9.9 percent of net sales for quarter three 2004, compared to an operating profit of 419,000, 2.2 percent of net sales for quarter three 2003.

    Tactica 的經營虧損為 140 萬英鎊,佔 2004 年第三季度淨銷售額的 9.9%,而營業利潤為 419,000 英鎊,佔 2003 年第三季度淨銷售額的 2.2%。

  • As mentioned before, Tactica had a sales decrease of 5.1 million for the quarter versus the prior year quarter three.

    如前所述,與去年第三季度相比,Tactica 本季度的銷售額減少了 510 萬。

  • Tactica's quarter three 2004 operating loss of 1.4 million was an improvement from the operating loss of 3.3 million Tactica had in quarter two 2004.

    Tactica 2004 年第三季度的經營虧損為 140 萬美元,比 2004 年第二季度 330 萬美元的經營虧損有所改善。

  • Other expense was a net expense of 403,000 for quarter three 2004, versus an income of 241,000 for quarter three 2003.

    2004 年第三季度的其他支出為 403,000 美元的淨支出,而 2003 年第三季度的收入為 241,000 美元。

  • Interest income was reduced 136,000 due to less investible cash and reduced interest rates.

    由於可投資現金減少和利率降低,利息收入減少了 136,000。

  • There was a reduction in gains both realized and unrealized on securities of 450,000 in quarter three 2004 versus quarter three 2003.

    2004 年第三季度與 2003 年第三季度相比,已實現和未實現的證券收益減少了 450,000 美元。

  • Income tax expense.


  • Income tax expense for quarter three 2004 was $4.9 million, 16.2 percent of income before tax, compared to 4.3 million, 20.5 percent of income before tax for quarter three 2003.

    2004 年第三季度的所得稅費用為 490 萬美元,佔稅前收入的 16.2%,而 2003 年第三季度為 430 萬美元,佔稅前收入的 20.5%。

  • The most significant reason for the reduction in tax rates is due to the tax benefit recognized on the Tactica loss that is at a much higher tax rate than the remainder of the Company's tax rate.

    稅率降低的最重要原因是由於 Tactica 損失確認的稅收優惠比公司其餘部分的稅率高得多。

  • The last portion I will cover is our financial position.


  • Our cash balance was 10 million at the end of quarter three 2004, compared to 29.7 million at the end of quarter three 2003.

    2004 年第三季度末我們的現金餘額為 1000 萬美元,而 2003 年第三季度末為 2970 萬美元。

  • The reduction in cash is primarily due to an increase in the inventory and receivables to support the sales growth in our business, the purchase of the Brut brand, advanced payment of royalties for one of our major license agreements, the purchase of our Mississippi distribution center, and capital expenditures for our new computer system, offset by cash generated from operations over the last year.

    現金減少主要是由於庫存和應收賬款增加以支持我們業務的銷售增長、購買 Brut 品牌、為我們的一項主要許可協議預付特許權使用費、購買我們的密西西比配送中心,以及我們新計算機系統的資本支出,被去年運營產生的現金所抵消。

  • Receivables increased 18.5 million year-over-year on a quarterly sales increase of 36.2 million.

    由於季度銷售額增長 3620 萬美元,應收賬款同比增長 1850 萬美元。

  • Inventories increased 13.1 million, or 11.7 percent from year end, and increased 19.4 million, or 18.4 percent compared to last year, with sales increasing 36.2 million, or 25.3 percent in quarter three 2004 compared to quarter three 2003.

    2004 年第三季度存貨比上年末增加 1310 萬輛,即增加 11.7%,增加 1940 萬輛,即增加 18.4%,與 2003 年第三季度相比,銷售額增加 3620 萬輛,即增加 25.3%。

  • Inventories are now at 125.1 million compared to 147.1 million at August 31st, 2003.

    與 2003 年 8 月 31 日的 1.471 億相比,現在的庫存為 1.251 億。

  • Stockholders equity is at 338.8 million at November 30th, 2003, compared to 282.9 million at November 30th, 2002, an increase of 55.9 million.

    2003 年 11 月 30 日的股東權益為 3.388 億美元,與 2002 年 11 月 30 日的 2.829 億美元相比增加了 5590 萬。

  • During quarter three 2004 we purchased and retired a total of 231,800 shares of our common stock at a cost of 5.2 million, for a 22.55 per share average price.

    在 2004 年第三季度,我們以每股 22.55 美元的平均價格,以 520 萬美元的成本購入並收回了總計 231,800 股普通股。

  • This concludes the review of the financial statements.


  • I would now like to open the floor to questions, operator.


  • Operator




  • Doug Lane, Avondale Partners.

    埃文代爾合夥公司的道格·萊恩 (Doug Lane)。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • First question, detail question -- at Idelle Labs, how much of Idelle Labs is overseas now, or outside of North America?

    第一個問題,詳細問題——在 Idelle Labs,現在有多少 Idelle Labs 在海外或北美以外?

  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • We don't really separately say a lot of things about Idelle Labs, but we have a presence, I can say.

    我們並沒有真正單獨說很多關於 Idelle Labs 的事情,但我可以說我們有存在感。

  • And generally -- this is Chris Carameros speaking -- we have a presence in Mexico, with a nice business with Ammens (indiscernible), and of course the new Brut brands.

    總的來說——我是 Chris Carameros——我們在墨西哥有業務,與 Ammens(音頻不清晰),當然還有新的 Brut 品牌有良好的業務往來。

  • And we do have a presence in Germany with Final Net product, and to a limited extent in the UK with a little bit of the Final Net product along with Australia.

    我們確實在德國有 Final Net 產品,在英國和澳大利亞也有少量 Final Net 產品。

  • So there is a good presence of Idelle outside the U.S.

    因此,Idelle 在美國以外的市場佔有一席之地。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Just ballpark, is this is a 1 to $2 million business, or is it upwards of a quarter of the whole thing?

    只是大概,這是一個 1 到 200 萬美元的業務,還是超過整個業務的四分之一?

  • You know, like --


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • It is in the, I would say, 15 to $18 million range.

    我想說,它在 15 到 1800 萬美元的範圍內。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • I mean -- okay.


  • That's annually, right?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • Right.


  • Annually.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Secondly, on cash flow.


  • You talked a little bit about fiscal '05 going forward.

    您談到了 05 財年的未來發展。

  • What are your capital expenditure expectations for fiscal '05?

    您對 05 財年的資本支出預期是多少?

  • Have you got that hammered out yet?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • This is Chris again.


  • In our budgeting process we are going through we're in the 5 to $6 million range.

    在我們的預算過程中,我們正在經歷 5 到 600 萬美元的範圍。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Ands if you're going to be -- I know you made that cash payment for the license agreement a year ago; anything like that on the horizon here, Chris?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • I would say that we would have potentially maybe another $1 million payment, or 1 or $2 million payment; not significant, though.

    我會說我們可能會再支付 100 萬美元,或者 1 或 200 萬美元;不過並不重要。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • But nothing of the order of magnitude of last year?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • (indiscernible) remember the ones that we pay, we don't have to pay, obviously, going forward.


  • So we've actually prepaid, so our cash flow for the next two or three years is going to be pretty good because we've prepaid some of that expense.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • So that's an amortization now?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • Yes.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • So what is the annual kind of D&A number if we're looking to next year?

    那麼,如果我們期待明年,每年的 D&A 數字是多少?

  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • About 5, 5 million.


  • (multiple speakers)


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • In line with capital spending.


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • Right.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • So you've got, even with all the cash outflows, the balance sheet still looks pretty conservative.


  • I'm just wondering, you know, it seems to me a pretty healthy free cash generator here.


  • What do you plan to do with it?


  • Any acceleration of the stock buyback, or build cash?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • Well, we think that we should have somewhere around, 80, $85 million free cash for the next twelve months, besides what we have.

    好吧,我們認為在接下來的十二個月裡,我們應該有大約 80、8500 萬美元的自由現金,除了我們擁有的。

  • We're looking at, certainly, all the alternatives.


  • We certainly will be buying back stock and looking for acquisitions.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • That 55 billion of debt is just -- that stays there?

    那 550 億美元的債務只是——留在那裡?

  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • Actually we started -- I believe the first year we started payment down at 10 million is in year 2005, our next fiscal year.

    實際上我們開始了——我相信我們開始支付 1000 萬美元的第一年是在 2005 年,也就是我們的下一個財政年度。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • (indiscernible) in our Q; you'll see it.

    (音頻不清晰)在我們的 Q 中;你會看到的。

  • We file our Q today, and you'll see that (indiscernible).

    我們今天提交了我們的 Q,您會看到(音頻不清晰)。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And on the business -- I wanted to save this for last, because Jerry, I would really like you to expand on the success you have had in the core Helen of Troy business.


  • My experience has been year-in-year-out, despite the economic environment, it's been such a consistent, stable grower.


  • And then here you have a quarter where it's up significantly from recent trends, and I would just like if you could elaborate and put a little more color on what types of products, what was really successful in this season?


  • Gerald Rubin - CEO

    Gerald Rubin - CEO

  • As you know, we started last year off at the International Housewares show in Chicago in January, this year it will be in March, and we introduced, I don't know, 70 or 80 new products.

    如您所知,我們從去年 1 月在芝加哥舉行的國際家庭用品展開始,今年將在 3 月,我們推出了 70 或 80 種新產品,我不知道。

  • And those products were placed in (indiscernible) starting in June/July.

    這些產品從 6 月/7 月開始放置(音頻不清晰)。

  • And we saw the results of the sales in this last quarter, which was really our Christmas quarter, ending November 30th; that is when all our customers buy.

    我們看到了最後一個季度的銷售結果,這實際上是我們的聖誕節季度,截至 11 月 30 日;那是我們所有客戶購買的時候。

  • You could just say it was across the board.


  • Our Dr. Scholl's massager sold well, our Vidal Sassoon, our Revlon, Sunbeam products sold well.

    我們Dr. Scholl的按摩器賣得很好,我們的Vidal Sassoon,我們的Revlon,Sunbeam的產品賣得很好。

  • We are a leader in the industry in ceramic and ionic products.


  • And our professional business did very well.


  • And of course, a lot of credit goes to the international division; they are doing very well in Europe, increasing sales.


  • It's all based on new products, new technology that we have.


  • We have a good group of new product development people and engineers here in the U.S. and in Hong Kong, and they did an excellent job this past year.


  • This year, we are having our national sales meeting this week here in El Paso, and we'll be probably introducing at least that many products or more, also.


  • So that is why, you know -- we have a lot of new products, retailers are giving us more space and our products are selling better.


  • So we are increasing our market share.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • That is what I was going to ask you.


  • I guess the only unknown now, since your sales are to the Wal-Marts of the world and the big box retailers -- based on the data you have seen post-holiday, how do you think the sell-through went, just to gauge sort of what the inventories are at your bigger retailers?


  • Gerald Rubin - CEO

    Gerald Rubin - CEO

  • All the retailers based on POS.

    所有基於 POS 的零售商。

  • They only buy what they sell; they don't overbuy.


  • And based on sales that we have seen since Christmas, our sales have been up at major retailers across the country.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Thanks a lot.


  • Very good quarter.


  • Operator


  • Joe Chandler, Stephens.


  • Joseph Chumbler - Analyst

    Joseph Chumbler - Analyst

  • Thanks and congratulations on doubling your stock over the last year.


  • Just a quick question on the North American segment.


  • Was there any discounting going on in the quarter to retailers?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Not on our part, no.


  • Joseph Chumbler - Analyst

    Joseph Chumbler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • (indiscernible) seems to be pretty steady.


  • There's no price wars going on.


  • Joseph Chumbler - Analyst

    Joseph Chumbler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And do you have the allowance for (indiscernible) accounts at quarter end, by chance?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • That will be in our Q that we're filing this afternoon.

    這將在我們今天下午提交的 Q 中。

  • Joseph Chumbler - Analyst

    Joseph Chumbler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • I noticed over the holidays there were some Wal-Mart branded foot massagers at the Supercenters.


  • Could you just talk about home health and wellness and how that category is maybe experiencing some Wal-Mart sourced products, and if that's putting any pressure on the category?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • We do sell Wal-Mart a lot of wellness products from foot baths and massagers under the Dr. Scholl's brand.

    我們確實在 Wal-Mart 出售許多健康產品,包括 Dr. Scholl 品牌的足浴和按摩器。

  • So we basically have the branded position at Wal-Mart and other retailers.


  • We also hopefully will announce in the next few weeks another brand, another major brand that we will have for the health and wellness category.


  • So we are very strong and getting stronger in that category.


  • Joseph Chumbler - Analyst

    Joseph Chumbler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I'm wondering also, your share price has gone up so much in the last year, and in your buying back stock it seems like almost it makes sense to issue stock instead and maybe do a sizable acquisition.


  • Are there opportunities out there for you to do that?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • This is Chris Carameros speaking. (indiscernible) our balance sheet is way under leveraged, so we have a lot of borrowing power at this point in time.

    我是克里斯·卡拉梅羅斯。 (音頻不清晰)我們的資產負債表槓桿率很低,所以我們此時有很多藉貸能力。

  • We still think and are very optimistic about the stock price as it is.


  • You know, I understand your point; you can always go out and issue equity, but we have a lot of leverage within our own balance sheet.


  • And as Jerry mentioned to you before, with 85 to $85 million of cash flow, free cash flow, and a substantial amount of borrowing power, we should have excess cash besides what we're going to have on our balance sheet to be able to borrow with.

    正如 Jerry 之前向您提到的那樣,擁有 85 到 8500 萬美元的現金流、自由現金流和大量的借貸能力,除了資產負債表上的現金外,我們還應該有多餘的現金,以便能夠借用。

  • So much of it (indiscernible) large acquisition, which we have traditionally not entertained but it is always possible.


  • I don't see an equity offering at this point in time.


  • Joseph Chumbler - Analyst

    Joseph Chumbler - Analyst

  • When you see some of the larger consumer product companies like P&G and Unilever selling small categories, do you see them maybe looking to sell bigger pieces of business out there?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • Unilever actually offered a variety of different businesses for sale last year in an overall package, (indiscernible) houseware products along with some oral care products, and along with the Brut package that we bought.

    聯合利華去年實際上以整體包裝的形式提供了多種不同的業務出售,(音頻不清晰)家庭用品產品以及一些口腔護理產品,以及我們購買的 Brut 包裝。

  • We obviously look for products that we think we can do well with within our existing structure and Idelle Labs management team, and along with our infrastructure we have here, (indiscernible) infrastructure, we're able account, bill, ship, and warehouse effectively to all the major retailers in the U.S.

    我們顯然在尋找我們認為我們可以在現有結構和 Idelle Labs 管理團隊中做得很好的產品,以及我們在這裡擁有的基礎設施,(音頻不清晰)基礎設施,我們能夠有效地進行會計、賬單、運輸和倉庫到美國所有主要零售商

  • And to the extent that we can buy more products and put that through our same overhead base, that's why you're seeing some of the positive results that you will see in the last six months or nine months, and it hopefully will continue going forward.


  • And that's part of the analysis we look at; size is significant, but also the ability to take (indiscernible) and utilize your existing overhead is also a significant item to increase earnings and margin.


  • Operator


  • Gary Giblen, CL King.


  • Gary Giblen - Analyst

    Gary Giblen - Analyst

  • Did you take specific measures to reduce your inventory levels from the second quarter, or did that just happen because of strong sales and a more normal comparison versus last year, because it was getting beyond the longshoreman's strike and so forth?


  • Gerald Rubin - CEO

    Gerald Rubin - CEO

  • Gary, as I've always told on the conference calls every quarter, our inventory increases during the summer months because that's when our buildup of inventory -- it's because our third quarter is always our best quarter, which is September, October, November.

    加里,正如我一直在每個季度的電話會議上所說的那樣,我們的庫存在夏季增加,因為那是我們增加庫存的時候——這是因為我們的第三季度始終是我們最好的季度,即 9 月、10 月、11 月。

  • In order to ship in September, October, November, most of that product has to be made during the summer months.

    為了在 9 月、10 月、11 月發貨,大部分產品必須在夏季生產。

  • And that is why there's always a buildup and, of course, alarm a lot of people that our inventory is going up and our sales aren't there.


  • But that's going to happen every year.


  • Third quarter, inventory goes down and the fourth quarter, inventory will go down.


  • We are projecting somewhere around 115 to $120 million worth of inventory, which we think is historically what we need to run the business going forward.

    我們預計大約有 115 到 1.2 億美元的庫存,我們認為這在歷史上是我們未來經營業務所需要的。

  • The factories in China do close, as you know, for one month, which will start probably late January to late February.


  • And we have to keep enough inventory to support all the major retailers.


  • We are basically their warehouses; they buy from us every day, we ship to them every day, and they're looking for inventory turns.


  • And as you know, we have won a lot of awards from major retailers because of inventory turns, delivery, and all the other things that we do for them.


  • So you will always see the second quarter inventory higher, third quarter less, and then of course the fourth quarter will be the lowest.


  • And that's the way it will be this y0ear also.


  • Gary Giblen - Analyst

    Gary Giblen - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • And on Tactica, are we closer to one month or six months away from divesting (indiscernible)?

    在 Tactica 上,我們距離剝離(音頻不清晰)是接近一個月還是六個月?

  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • This is Chris Carameros again, and again, we pursue every day the operations of the business.

    我又是 Chris Carameros,我們每天都在追求業務的運作。

  • And that's why we're looking at -- you know, obviously we're pleased with reducing the loss.

    這就是為什麼我們正在考慮 - 你知道,顯然我們很高興減少損失。

  • We're not happy with any kind of loss, but we are getting to that point where at least we are getting hopefully to the fourth quarter to a breakeven.


  • But again, it's going to take several months, as Jerry said, to go through this as we have partners in this process.

    但是,正如 Jerry 所說,這需要幾個月的時間才能完成,因為我們在此過程中有合作夥伴。

  • And what may be good for us may not be good for them.


  • We have got to find a thing that is good for both of us together.


  • And as we go through that process we will keep you updated.


  • Gary Giblen - Analyst

    Gary Giblen - Analyst

  • So far have you had expressions of interest but you are apart on price?


  • Is that the status now?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • I don't really want to comment.


  • I think I've said enough about that.


  • Operator


  • Mimi Sokolowski, Sidoti & Co.

    Mimi Sokolowski, Sidoti & Co.

  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • I just have one real quick question.


  • I noticed that the current liability has picked up substantially, sequentially.


  • To what should I attribute that to?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • I think you should attribute it to the (indiscernible) seasonality in our business.


  • The third quarter is the largest quarter and both our current assets and our current liabilities grew.


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • This is Chris speaking.


  • I think you can take -- a part of that is we are sourcing -- Idelle Labs within the USA, we can carry some payables on that.

    我認為你可以——其中一部分是我們正在採購——美國的 Idelle Labs,我們可以為此支付一些款項。

  • And that is indicative of trying to source that inventory piece and that piece.


  • But an overall increase in the business, and there's nothing strange or unusual under that piece, but --


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Also, we do have $21 million on our revolver still outstanding.

    此外,我們的左輪手槍上確實還有 2100 萬美元未償還。

  • We have announced before when we did the Brut transaction, we borrowed 32 million; $21 million is in the current liabilities.

    我們之前在做Brut交易的時候就已經公佈了,我們藉了3200萬;流動負債為 2100 萬美元。

  • As of today that number is down to $6 million.

    截至今天,這個數字已降至 600 萬美元。

  • Operator


  • (indiscernible), Gates (ph) Capital.

    (音頻不清晰),蓋茨 (ph) Capital。

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Just had a question about a normalized tax rate.


  • What would it be if you excluded the Tactica credit?

    如果您排除 Tactica 功勞會怎樣?

  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Finance

  • Again, Chris Carameros speaking.

    再次,Chris Carameros 發言。

  • If you take a look at it, as I said last quarter, we are in accrual about in the 18 percent range.

    如果你看一下,正如我上個季度所說,我們的應計利潤大約在 18% 的範圍內。

  • Operator


  • Mike Carlotti (ph), Palomar (ph) Capital.

    Mike Carlotti (ph), Palomar (ph) Capital。

  • Mike Carlotti - Analyst

    Mike Carlotti - Analyst

  • Just a couple of other balance sheet questions.


  • What was total debt including the 21 million in current debt?

    包括 2100 萬流動債務在內的總債務是多少?

  • Tom Benson - CFO

    Tom Benson - CFO

  • This is Tom Benson.


  • The total debt, we have a 21 million piece at November 30th, and we also have 55 million long-term.

    總債務,我們在 11 月 30 日有 2100 萬,還有 5500 萬長期。

  • Mike Carlotti - Analyst

    Mike Carlotti - Analyst

  • And cash flow from operations for the quarter?


  • Tom Benson - CFO

    Tom Benson - CFO

  • All that information will be in the Q that will be filed today.

    所有這些信息都將在今天提交的 Q 中。

  • Mike Carlotti - Analyst

    Mike Carlotti - Analyst

  • How about sales for Brut for the quarter; there were two months of sales?

    本季度 Brut 的銷售額如何?有兩個月的銷售?

  • Tom Benson - CFO

    Tom Benson - CFO

  • We do not specifically break out Brut.

    我們沒有專門分解 Brut。

  • Operator




  • If there are no further questions, I will turn the conference back to Gerald Rubin to conclude.


  • Gerald Rubin - CEO

    Gerald Rubin - CEO

  • Thank you, everyone, for listening in to our third quarter conference call and participating.


  • Our next one of course will be the fourth quarter and year end, which we will have after our February 29th fourth quarter ending.

    我們的下一個當然是第四季度和年末,我們將在 2 月 29 日第四季度結束後進行。

  • I appreciate all the support that we get from everybody and look forward to talking to you at the next conference call.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to access the replay for this call you may do so by dialing 1-800-428-6051, or 973-709-2089, with an ID number of 321 679.

    女士們,先生們,如果您想收聽此次通話的重播,可以撥打 1-800-428-6051 或 973-709-2089,ID 號碼為 321 679。

  • This concludes our conference call for today.


  • Thank you all for participating and have a nice day.


  • All parties may now disconnect.
