Helen of Troy Ltd (HELE) 2004 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning, and welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Helen of Troy second-quarter earnings conference call for fiscal 2004.

    女士們、先生們,早上好,歡迎參加海倫特洛伊公司 2004 財年第二季度收益電話會議。

  • At this time, I would like to inform you that all participants are in a listen-only mode.


  • At the request of the company, we will open the conference up for questions and answers after the presentation.


  • Our speakers for this morning's conference call are Gerald Rubin, Chairman, CEO, and President;

    今天上午電話會議的發言人是董事長、首席執行官兼總裁 Gerald Rubin;

  • Christopher Carameros, Executive VP;

    執行副總裁 Christopher Carameros;

  • Thomas Benson, SVP and CFO;

    高級副總裁兼首席財務官 Thomas Benson;

  • Robert Spear, SVP and CIO.


  • I will now turn the conference over to Robert Spear.


  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Robert Spear - SVP and CIO

    Robert Spear - SVP and CIO

  • Thank you.


  • Good morning, everyone and welcome to Helen of Troy's second-quarter earnings conference call for fiscal year 2004.

    大家早上好,歡迎來到 Helen of Troy 的 2004 財年第二季度收益電話會議。

  • The agenda for this morning's conference call is as follows.


  • We will have a brief review of our forward-looking statements followed by Mr. Rubin, who will discuss our second-quarter earnings release and related results of operations for Helen of Troy, followed by a financial review of our income statement and balance sheet for the quarter by Tom Benson, our Chief Financial Officer.

    我們將簡要回顧我們的前瞻性陳述,隨後魯賓先生將討論我們第二季度的收益發布和海倫特洛伊的相關運營結果,然後對我們的損益表和資產負債表進行財務審查本季度由我們的首席財務官 Tom Benson 發布。

  • And finally, we will open it up for questions and answers -- question and answer session for those with any further questions.


  • The Safe Harbor Statement -- this conference call may contain certain forward-looking statements that are based on management's current expectations with respect to future events or financial performance.


  • A number of risks or uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from historical or anticipated results.


  • Generally, the words anticipates, believes, expects and other similar words identify forward-looking statements.


  • The Company cautions listeners to not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


  • Forward-looking statements are subject to risks that could cause such statements to differ materially from actual results.


  • Factors that could cause actual results to differ from those anticipated are described in the Company's Form 10-K filed with the SEC for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2003, and for the 10-Q Form for the quarter ended May 31, 2003.

    公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的截至 2003 年 2 月 28 日的財政年度的 10-K 表格和截至 2003 年 5 月 31 日的季度的 10-Q 表格中描述了可能導致實際結果與預期結果不同的因素。

  • Before I turn the conference call over to our Chairman, Mr. Rubin, I would like to inform all interested parties that a copy of today's earnings release has been posted to our web site at www.hotus.com.

    在我將電話會議轉交給我們的董事長 Rubin 先生之前,我想通知所有感興趣的各方,今天的收益發布副本已發佈到我們的網站 www.hotus.com 上。

  • The release can be accessed by selecting the Investor Relations tab on the home page and then the News tab.


  • I will now turn the conference over to Gerald Rubin, Chairman, CEO and President of Helen of Troy.


  • Gerald Rubin - Chairman, President and CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Chairman, President and CEO

  • Thank you, Bob, and good morning, everybody.


  • Welcome to our second-quarter conference call.


  • Helen of Troy today reported record sales and earnings for the second quarter and six months ended August 31st, 2003.

    Helen of Troy 今天報告了截至 2003 年 8 月 31 日的第二季度和六個月的創紀錄銷售額和收益。

  • Second-quarter sales increased 4.3 percent to a record $116 million versus sales of $111 million for the same period of the prior year.

    第二季度銷售額增長 4.3%,達到創紀錄的 1.16 億美元,而去年同期為 1.11 億美元。

  • Second-quarter net income increased 48 percent to a record $13 million or 42 cents per diluted share from 8,876,000 or 30 cents per diluted share for the same period a year earlier.

    第二季度淨收入從去年同期的 8,876,000 美元或每股攤薄收益 30 美分增長 48% 至創紀錄的 1300 萬美元或每股攤薄收益 42 美分。

  • First-half sales climbed 4.1 percent to a record $222 million from sales of 213 million for last year's first half.

    上半年銷售額從去年上半年的 2.13 億美元增長 4.1% 至創紀錄的 2.22 億美元。

  • Net earnings for the first half of this year was $28 million or 92 cents per diluted share versus 15.5 million or 52 cents per diluted share in the comparable period last year, representing an 81 percent increase in net earnings.

    今年上半年的淨收益為 2800 萬美元或攤薄後每股收益 92 美分,而去年同期為 1550 萬美元或攤薄後每股收益 52 美分,淨收益增長了 81%。

  • Our business continues to do well and we are pleased with our overall results.


  • Sales increased in every segment of our business except Tactica.

    除 Tactica 外,我們業務的每個部門的銷售額都有所增長。

  • Our sales leaders include the international division, retail personal-care products, the professional division and Idelle Labs skin and hair care products.

    我們的銷售領導者包括國際部、零售個人護理產品部、專業部和 Idelle Labs 皮膚和頭髮護理產品部。

  • The second-quarter operating income increased 1.6 percent to 12.7 percent of net sales from 11.1 percent a year ago.

    第二季度營業收入占淨銷售額的比例從一年前的 11.1% 增長 1.6% 至 12.7%。

  • Second-quarter net income increased 3.3 percentage points to 11.3 percent from 8 percent a year ago.

    第二季度淨收入從一年前的 8% 增長 3.3 個百分點至 11.3%。

  • Helen of Troy continues to have a strong balance sheet with cash of $33 million, equity of 320 million, which represents a $54 million increase in shareholders' equity from the comparable period last year, and accounts receivable of $81 million.

    Helen of Troy 的資產負債表繼續保持強勁,現金為 3300 萬美元,股權為 3.2 億美元,股東權益較去年同期增加 5400 萬美元,應收賬款為 8100 萬美元。

  • Inventory at the quarter end was $147 million, which we believe is appropriate for our current level of overall business, heading into the strong fall selling season.

    本季度末的庫存為 1.47 億美元,我們認為這適合我們目前的整體業務水平,即將進入強勁的秋季銷售旺季。

  • Helen of Troy announced today also that it is evaluating strategic alternatives for its investment in Tactica with a view towards maximizing shareholder value.

    Helen of Troy 今天還宣布,它正在評估其對 Tactica 投資的戰略選擇,以實現股東價值最大化。

  • These alternatives include a possible sale of all or partial interest in Tactica.

    這些備選方案包括可能出售 Tactica 的全部或部分權益。

  • There can be no assurance that any transaction involving Tactica will occur.

    無法保證任何涉及 Tactica 的交易都會發生。

  • Excluding the results for Tactica, second-quarter sales increased by 17.1 percent to $105 million with operating income of $18 million or 17.1 percent of sales, with net earnings of 14.7 or 14 percent of sales and diluted earnings of 48 cents for the quarter.

    不包括 Tactica 的業績,第二季度銷售額增長 17.1% 至 1.05 億美元,營業收入為 1800 萬美元或占銷售額的 17.1%,淨利潤為 14.7 或占銷售額的 14%,本季度攤薄收益為 48 美分。

  • And I think this is very meaningful that the Helen of Troy business alone -- the sales increased 17 percent, and we had an operating profit of 17 percent and net profit of 14 percent.

    而且我認為僅海倫特洛伊業務就非常有意義——銷售額增長了 17%,我們的營業利潤為 17%,淨利潤為 14%。

  • As previously announced, we have entered into an agreement to acquire the Brut Brand in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and elsewhere in Latin America from Unilever.

    正如之前宣布的那樣,我們已經達成協議,從聯合利華手中收購美國、加拿大、墨西哥、波多黎各和拉丁美洲其他地區的 Brut Brand。

  • This transaction closed on September 29, 2003.

    該交易於 2003 年 9 月 29 日結束。

  • Therefore we are raising our current fiscal year earnings per diluted share guidance from $1.75 to $1.80 to $1.85 to $1.90 or a 41 to 45 percent increase from the prior fiscal year's diluted earnings per share of $1.31.

    因此,我們將當前財年的每股攤薄收益指引從 1.75 美元上調至 1.80 美元至 1.85 美元至 1.90 美元,即比上一財年的每股攤薄收益 1.31 美元增加 41% 至 45%。

  • We are also projecting earnings per diluted share for our next fiscal year beginning March 1, 2004 to be in the range of $2.15 to $2.25 per share.

    我們還預計從 2004 年 3 月 1 日開始的下一個財政年度的每股攤薄收益將在每股 2.15 美元至 2.25 美元之間。

  • Our business and financial performance continues to be strong and consistent.


  • This quarter marks 35 of the past 38 quarters with year-over-year sales increases, and 34 of the past 38 quarters with year-over-year increases in net earnings.

    本季度標誌著過去 38 個季度中有 35 個季度銷售額同比增長,過去 38 個季度中有 34 個季度淨利潤同比增長。

  • Our third-quarter projections for this year for earnings per share is 62 to 64 cents, and our fourth-quarter projections for earnings per share is 31 to 34 cents.

    我們今年第三季度的每股收益預測為 62 至 64 美分,第四季度的每股收益預測為 31 至 34 美分。

  • Our second half projection, which started September first -- our second half projection -- is 93 cents to 98 cents, which will give us $1.85 to $1.90 for this year.

    我們從 9 月初開始的下半年預測是 93 美分到 98 美分,這將使我們今年的收入為 1.85 美元到 1.90 美元。

  • Third-quarter sales have started off strong in September, and we project total sales should increase 10 to 15 percent for the quarter.

    第三季度的銷售在 9 月份開始強勁,我們預計該季度的總銷售額應增長 10% 至 15%。

  • Helen of Troy has had increases in the past year's per share for the following.

    特洛伊海倫 (Helen of Troy) 在過去一年中的每股收益有所增加。

  • In fiscal 2001, earnings per share increased 36 percent.

    在 2001 財年,每股收益增長了 36%。

  • In 2002, they increased 67 percent.

    2002 年,他們增加了 67%。

  • In 2003, they increased 31 percent.

    2003 年,他們增加了 31%。

  • In 2004, we are projecting a 45 percent increase in net earnings.

    2004 年,我們預計淨收入將增長 45%。

  • Now, any company that you all know which would have a growth rate that I've just given you for the last three years deserves at least a PE of 30.

    現在,你們都知道的任何一家公司,如果在過去三年中具有我剛剛給你們的增長率,則其 PE 至少應為 30。

  • But even if Helen of Troy had a PE of 20 for next year's earnings, the stock should be at 45.

    但即使特洛伊海倫的明年收益的市盈率為 20,該股也應該為 45。

  • Why we only get a PE of 12 is beyond me.

    為什麼我們只能得到 12 的 PE,這超出了我的理解範圍。

  • If Helen of Troy only deserves a PE of 12 with its growth rate and potential, everyone should sell every one of their stocks that they have with a PE of over 12 that doesn't have a growth rate comparable to Helen of Troy's.

    如果特洛伊海倫的增長率和潛力僅應達到 12 的市盈率,那麼每個人都應該賣掉他們擁有的每隻市盈率超過 12 且增長率無法與海倫相提並論的股票。

  • I would now like to turn this conference call over to Tom Benson, our CFO.


  • Thomas Benson - CFO, SVP

    Thomas Benson - CFO, SVP

  • Thank you, Gerry, and good morning.


  • Needless to say, we are pleased with our operating performance through the second-quarter.


  • Second-quarter net sales grew 4 percent year-over-year.

    第二季度淨銷售額同比增長 4%。

  • In the quarter two, 2004, we had net sales of 115,782,000 versus 111,058,000 in quarter two, 2003.

    2004 年第二季度,我們的淨銷售額為 115,782,000,而 2003 年第二季度為 111,058,000。

  • That's an increase of 4,724,000.

    增加了 4,724,000。

  • However, more importantly, our second-quarter net earnings increased by 48 percent year-over-year.

    然而,更重要的是,我們第二季度的淨收益同比增長了 48%。

  • Quarter two 2004 net earnings were 13,098,000 versus 8,876,000 in quarter two, 2003, an increase of 4,222,000.

    2004 年第二季度的淨收益為 13,098,000 美元,而 2003 年第二季度為 8,876,000 美元,增加了 4,222,000 美元。

  • Second-quarter operating income also improved 20 percent year-over-year.

    第二季度營業收入也同比增長 20%。

  • Quarter two, 2004 operating income was 14,674,000, 12.7 percent of sales.

    2004 年第二季度營業收入為 14,674,000,佔銷售額的 12.7%。

  • For quarter two, 2003, operating income was 12,274,000, 11.1 percent of sales.

    2003 年第二季度,營業收入為 12,274,000,佔銷售額的 11.1%。

  • This is an increase of 2,400,000, and a year-over-year percentage increase of 20 percent.

    這增加了 2,400,000,同比增長 20%。

  • Second-quarter earnings per diluted share increased 40 percent year-over-year.

    第二季度每股攤薄收益同比增長 40%。

  • And quarter two 2004 it was 42 cents per diluted share; in quarter two, 2003, it was 30 cents per diluted share, an increase of 12 cents per diluted share.

    2004 年第二季度每股攤薄收益為 42 美分; 2003 年第二季度,每股攤薄收益為 30 美分,增加了每股攤薄收益 12 美分。

  • Now, I will provide a more detailed review of various components of our financial performance.


  • I'm going to start with net sales.


  • The Company's quarterly net sales, exclusive of Tactica, were -- quarter two, 2004, 105,335,000 versus 89,916,000.

    2004 年第二季度,公司的季度淨銷售額(不包括 Tactica)為 105,335,000 對 89,916,000。

  • This is an increase of 15,419,000, it's 17 percent increase year-over-year.

    增加了 15,419,000,同比增長 17%。

  • This portion of the business represents 91 percent of consolidated net sales for this quarter, while it was 81 percent the prior year quarter.

    這部分業務佔本季度合併淨銷售額的 91%,而去年同期為 81%。

  • By segments, our North American segments in quarter two, 2004, had net sales of 94,537,000 versus quarter two, 2003 of 83,693,000.

    按部門劃分,我們的北美部門在 2004 年第二季度的淨銷售額為 94,537,000,而 2003 年第二季度為 83,693,000。

  • This is an increase of 10,844,000, which is a 13 percent increase.

    增加了 10,844,000,增幅為 13%。

  • International had sales for quarter two, 2004 of 10,798,000 versus 6,223,000 in quarter two, 2003.

    2004 年第二季度國際公司的銷售額為 10,798,000 輛,而 2003 年第二季度為 6,223,000 輛。

  • This is an increase of 4,575,000, a 74 percent increase in that segment.

    增加了 4,575,000,在該細分市場中增加了 74%。

  • Tactica, however, had quarterly net sales of 10,447,000, for quarter two, 2004, versus 21,142,000 for quarter two, 2003.

    然而,Tactica 2004 年第二季度的季度淨銷售額為 10,447,000,而 2003 年第二季度為 21,142,000。

  • This is a decrease of 10,695,000, which is a 51 percent decrease.

    減少了 10,695,000,減少了 51%。

  • Tactica's sales decrease is primarily due to the reduction in sales of Epil Stop products that were such a large part of sales last year, and general softness of demand of products sold through television infomercials.

    Tactica 的銷售額下降主要是由於去年佔銷售額很大一部分的 Epil Stop 產品銷售額下降,以及通過電視廣告銷售的產品需求普遍疲軟。

  • Tactica also had an order backlog of approximately 4 million at quarter end, which is much higher than historical backlogs.

    截至季度末,Tactica 的訂單積壓量約為 400 萬,遠高於歷史積壓量。

  • Growth in the Company's sales exclusive of Tactica is due primarily to Idelle's sales, international, and core business.

    公司除 Tactica 之外的銷售額增長主要歸功於 Idelle 的銷售、國際和核心業務。

  • Idelle includes the following --Sea Breeze, Vitalis (ph), Amens (ph), Final Net, 3-in-1 Conditioner and Vitapointe.

    Idelle 包括以下產品 --Sea Breeze、Vitalis (ph)、Amens (ph)、Final Net、三合一護髮素和 Vitapointe。

  • The remainder of the growth is attributable to increased sales in the Vidal Sassoon, Revlon, and Dr. Scholl's lines of products sold at retail. (technical difficulty) Along with increased sales in our Hot Tools and Wigo brand distributed through the professional distribution channels.

    其餘增長歸因於 Vidal Sassoon、Revlon 和 Dr. Scholl 零售產品系列的銷售額增加。 (技術難度)隨著我們通過專業分銷渠道分銷的 Hot Tools 和 Wigo 品牌銷量的增加。

  • Increased sales in the international segment were primarily increases in the UK, France, and other international.


  • Also contributing to international growth has been the strengthening of the British pound and the euro versus the U.S. dollar.


  • If you take a look at the pound, we can see at an average of $1.55 in quarter two 2003 versus a $1.61 during quarter two, 2004, along with an increase in the euro from last year of 98 cents versus the euro at $1.12 during quarter two, 2004.

    如果你看一下英鎊,我們可以看到 2003 年第二季度的平均匯率為 1.55 美元,而 2004 年第二季度為 1.61 美元,同時歐元兌歐元比去年同期上漲 98 美分,第二季度為 1.12 美元二、2004。

  • Improvements in exchange rates provided approximately 400,000 of additional benefit in quarter two, 2004.

    匯率的改善在 2004 年第二季度提供了大約 400,000 的額外收益。

  • Gross profit, consolidated gross profit for the second quarter was 53,055,000, up 45.8 percent.


  • Quarter two 2003 was 50,910,000, a gross profit rate of 45.8 percent also.


  • This is an increase of $2,145,000; it's a 4 percent increase.

    增加了 2,145,000 美元;增加了 4%。

  • This increase is due to lower assertion costs along with contributions by the Idelle brands, and the benefit of strengthening foreign currencies against the dollar partially offset by a reduction of gross profit dollars and gross profit percentage on Tactica sales.

    這一增長是由於較低的主張成本以及 Idelle 品牌的貢獻,以及外幣兌美元走強的好處部分被毛利潤美元和 Tactica 銷售毛利潤百分比的減少所抵消。

  • Gross profit without Tactica in quarter two 2004 was 47,121,00, a gross profit percentage of 44.7 percent, versus 35,129,000, or 39.1 percent in quarter two, 2004.

    2004 年第二季度不含 Tactica 的毛利潤為 47,121,00,毛利潤百分比為 44.7%,而 2004 年第二季度為 35,129,000,或 39.1%。

  • This represents a gross profit dollar increase of 11,992,000, which is the 34.1 percent dollar increase and a percentage increase of 5.6 percentage points quarter-over-quarter.

    這意味著毛利潤增加了 11,992,000 美元,增幅為 34.1%,環比增加了 5.6 個百分點。

  • SG&A expense in the second quarter -- expenses decreased both in absolute dollars and as a percentage of sales.

    第二季度的 SG&A 費用——費用以絕對美元和占銷售額的百分比計算均有所下降。

  • For quarter two, 2004, the SG&A expense was 38,381,000, 33.1 percent of sales, versus quarter two, 2003 of 38,636,000, which is the 34.8 percent of sales.

    2004 年第二季度,SG&A 費用為 38,381,000,佔銷售額的 33.1%,而 2003 年第二季度為 38,636,000,佔銷售額的 34.8%。

  • This is a decrease of 255,000.

    這減少了 255,000。

  • A reduction in SG&A is due to -- primarily due -- to reduced royalty expense.

    SG&A 的減少是由於——主要是由於——特許權使用費減少。

  • This was partially offset by increases in the following costs -- freight, freight-out, payroll, insurance and warehouse costs.


  • Operating income, without Tactica, improved to 17.1 percent of net sales, 17,977,000 for quarter two, 2004, compared to 11.5 percent, 10,338,000 for quarter two, 2003.

    不包括 Tactica 的營業收入提高到淨銷售額的 17.1%,2004 年第二季度為 17,977,000,而 2003 年第二季度為 11.5%,10,338,000。

  • Tactica had an operating loss of 3,303,000, 31.6 percent of net sales for quarter two, 2004, compared to an operating profit of 1,000,936, 9.2 percent of sales for quarter two, 2003.

    Tactica 的經營虧損為 3,303,000,佔 2004 年第二季度淨銷售額的 31.6%,而經營利潤為 1,000,936,佔 2003 年第二季度銷售額的 9.2%。

  • As mentioned before, Tactica had a sales decrease of 10,695,000 for the quarter versus the prior year.

    如前所述,Tactica 本季度的銷售額與去年同期相比減少了 10,695,000。

  • Other expense was a net expense of 257,000 for quarter two, 2004, versus an expense of 538,000 for quarter two, 2003.

    2004 年第二季度的其他費用為 257,000 美元的淨費用,而 2003 年第二季度的費用為 538,000 美元。

  • Interest income was reduced 352,000 due to less investable cash and reduced interest rates, offset by a gain, both realized and unrealized, on securities of 247,000 in quarter two, 2004 versus a loss, both realized and unrealized, on securities in quarter two, 2003 of 281,000.

    由於可投資現金減少和利率降低,利息收入減少了 352,000,被 2004 年第二季度證券的已實現和未實現收益 247,000 與 2003 年第二季度證券的已實現和未實現損失相抵消281,000。

  • I will comment on the use of our cash shortly.


  • Income tax expense for quarter two 2004, it was 1,319,000; that's 9.2 percent of income before taxes, versus 2,860,000, which is 24.4 percent of income before taxes in quarter two,, 2003.

    2004年二季度所得稅費用為131.9萬;這是稅前收入的 9.2%,而 2003 年第二季度為 2,860,000,佔稅前收入的 24.4%。

  • The most significant reason for the reduction in tax rates is due to the tax benefit recognized on the Tactica loss that is at a much higher tax rate (technical difficulty) for the remainder of the company's tax rate.

    稅率降低的最重要原因是由於 Tactica 損失確認的稅收優惠,對於公司的其餘稅率而言,稅率要高得多(技術難度)。

  • Last portion I will cover is our financial position.


  • Our cash balance was 33.4 million at the end of quarter two, 2004, compared to 85 million at the end of quarter two, 2003.

    2004 年第二季度末我們的現金餘額為 3340 萬美元,而 2003 年第二季度末為 8500 萬美元。

  • The reduction in cash is primarily due to an increase in inventory, purchases of six brands from Procter & Gamble, advanced payments for royalties from one of our major license agreements, and the purchase of our Mississippi distribution center, offset by the cash generated from operations over the last year.


  • Receivables increased 1.2 million year-over-year on a quarterly net sales increase of 4.7 million.

    由於季度淨銷售額增長 470 萬美元,應收賬款同比增長 120 萬美元。

  • Our days outstanding are at 64 days at the end of quarter two, 2004, compared to 66 days at the end of quarter two, 2003.

    2004 年第二季度末,我們的未償還天數為 64 天,而 2003 年第二季度末為 66 天。

  • Inventories increased 35.1 million, or 31 percent from year end, and increased 48.7 million or 50 percent compared to last year.


  • Inventories are now at 147.1 million.


  • Inventories increased 5.2 million due to the new Idelle business, and the remainder of the inventories increased as an anticipation of a strong fall selling season.

    由於新的 Idelle 業務,庫存增加了 520 萬美元,其餘庫存因預期強勁的秋季銷售旺季而增加。

  • Debt to equity improved to 0.17 this year versus 0.21 last year.

    今年的債務股本比從去年的 0.21 提高到 0.17。

  • We have recently arranged a $50 million line of credit that was partially used for the Brut transaction, and is available for ongoing working capital needs.

    我們最近安排了 5000 萬美元的信貸額度,部分用於 Brut 交易,可用於滿足持續的營運資金需求。

  • Shareholder equity is at 319.8 million at August 31st, 2003 compared to 266.1 million at August 31st, 2002, an increase of 53.7 million.

    2003 年 8 月 31 日的股東權益為 3.198 億,與 2002 年 8 月 31 日的 2.661 億相比增加了 5370 萬。

  • This concludes the review of the financial statements.


  • Robert Spear - SVP and CIO

    Robert Spear - SVP and CIO

  • Thank you, Tom.


  • Operator, I'd like to now open the floor up for questions.


  • Operator


  • The question and answer session will begin now. [OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS] Our first question comes from Doug Lane with Avondale Partners, please state your question.

    問答環節現在開始。 [操作員說明] 我們的第一個問題來自 Doug Lane 和 Avondale Partners,請陳述您的問題。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Yes, good morning -- two questions.


  • First of all, focusing in on the North American business, excluding the Idelle Labs acquisition, can you give us what the sales growth was in the quarter?

    首先,專注於北美業務,不包括對 Idelle Labs 的收購,您能告訴我們本季度的銷售增長情況嗎?

  • And then my second question is, what was your effective tax rate, excluding Tactica?

    然後我的第二個問題是,你的有效稅率是多少,不包括 Tactica?

  • Thomas Benson - CFO, SVP

    Thomas Benson - CFO, SVP

  • Doug, this is Tom Benson.


  • The North American sales growth, excluding Idelle, and I'm also excluding Tactica, was a 3.8 percent increase, year over year.

    北美的銷售增長,不包括 Idelle,我也不包括 Tactica,同比增長 3.8%。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Thomas Benson - CFO, SVP

    Thomas Benson - CFO, SVP

  • The tax rates, without Tactica in it, is 17.5 percent.

    不含 Tactica 的稅率為 17.5%。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Joe Chumbler with Stephens.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Joe Chumbler 和 Stephens。

  • Joe Chumbler - Analyst

    Joe Chumbler - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Good morning.


  • Can we get operating income by segment, by chance?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Just a moment.


  • For the quarter, the operating income, for the North American segment, was 19,395,000.

    本季度,北美分部的營業收入為 19,395,000。

  • For the international segment, it was a loss of 589,000; for Tactica, it was a loss of 3,333,000.


  • And we have corporate and other expenses of 829,000.

    我們還有 829,000 美元的公司費用和其他費用。

  • And again, that will be in the Q, which we will release in the next couple of days.

    再一次,這將在 Q 中,我們將在接下來的幾天內發布。

  • Joe Chumbler - Analyst

    Joe Chumbler - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.And then, going through to the third-quarter sales guidance of 10 to 15 percent growth, does that include the Brut products acquired?

    好的,謝謝。然後,根據第三季度增長 10% 到 15% 的銷售指導,這是否包括收購的 Brut 產品?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Joe, we just acquired the Brut on September 29.

    喬,我們剛剛在 9 月 29 日收購了 Brut。

  • So we will include the Brut sales for October, November, yes.

    所以我們將包括 10 月、11 月的 Brut 銷售,是的。

  • Joe Chumbler - Analyst

    Joe Chumbler - Analyst

  • And then finally, there's been a lot of talk about Asian currencies, and I'm wondering if you've assessed the potential impact on your margins, should the Chinese currency appreciate against the dollar?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • We have looked at it, but there is nothing we can do about it.


  • It's up to, certainly, the Chinese government.


  • And I'm sure if it did happen, it would affect almost anybody who brings in products from the Orient.


  • And it would affect the big part of the imports of the United States.


  • No, we have, you know, I don't think anything is going to happen right now.


  • But if it does, we will look at it.


  • Joe Chumbler - Analyst

    Joe Chumbler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • One more question on the Brut acquisition, do you plan to roll that debt into a longer-term debt?

    還有一個關於 Brut 收購的問題,你是否打算將這筆債務轉為長期債務?

  • Or how do you expect to pay off the credit facility?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

  • This is Chris Carameros.


  • We have temporarily borrowed some money, obviously, off of a $50 million line.

    顯然,我們暫時從 5000 萬美元的額度中藉了一些錢。

  • But we expect to have that line paid off by the end of the year, just through cash flow and operations.


  • So, that might be available for us, for our other things in operations.


  • But we expect to be out of the line by the end of the year.


  • Joe Chumbler - Analyst

    Joe Chumbler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So you don't see long-term debt going up any time soon?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • No.


  • Joe Chumbler - Analyst

    Joe Chumbler - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Richard Keim (ph) with Kensington Management.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Kensington Management 的 Richard Keim (ph)。

  • Richard Keim - Managing Director

    Richard Keim - Managing Director

  • Thank you.


  • The first question I had was concerning the tax rate.


  • Without Tactica, would it be fair to assume that that 17.5 percent rate is what we would be looking at in the fourth quarter?

    如果沒有 Tactica,假設我們在第四季度看到的 17.5% 的增長率是否公平?

  • Or do we go back to the 24 percent on the previous year?

    還是回到上一年的 24%?

  • How do we do our models based on tax rates?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

  • This is Chris Carameros again.


  • If you take a look at the blended tax rate, the prior year had more income related to Tactica.

    如果你看一下混合稅率,前一年有更多與 Tactica 相關的收入。

  • As you may or may not know, Tactica is not joined in our consolidated tax return; they file a separate tax return, and they're primarily located just in the United States.

    您可能知道也可能不知道,Tactica 並未加入我們的綜合納稅申報單;他們提交單獨的納稅申報單,而且他們主要位於美國。

  • So it has a higher effective income tax rate, not only federally, but they also pay New York and state tax.


  • Richard Keim - Managing Director

    Richard Keim - Managing Director

  • Okay.


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

  • So it is a higher blended rate, to answer your question.


  • And as we had profitability last year, as Tom discussed in his closing to you, and a higher effective tax rate, which made that 24 percent rate go there.

    去年我們實現了盈利,正如湯姆在結束時所討論的那樣,以及更高的有效稅率,這使得 24% 的稅率得以實現。

  • I think if you can look forward over to the next year or so, we would like to think that it depends on where the jurisdiction is, as where it's being taxed; our tax rate should be in the 16 to 18 to 18.5 percent rate.


  • If you take a look at where we have been historically, we continue, and have a very large deferred tax amount, but we obviously pay less than that; but we continue -- we'll continue to accrue in that 16 to 18.5 percent rate, and that's what you can look at going forward.

    如果你看一下我們過去的情況,我們會繼續,並且有非常大的遞延稅額,但我們支付的稅款顯然要少;但我們會繼續——我們將繼續以 16% 到 18.5% 的速度增長,這就是你可以展望的未來。

  • Richard Keim - Managing Director

    Richard Keim - Managing Director

  • Okay.


  • Including the next quarter?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

  • Yes.


  • That's the rate we look at, with Helen of Troy, without Tactica.


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

  • They do not again, you're not joining our consolidated tax return.


  • We own 55 percent; to join the tax return, you have to have 80 percent.

    我們擁有 55%;參加報稅,你必須有80%。

  • Richard Keim.


  • Okay.


  • Next question was, how are you doing on your market share of your basically, you know, your -- how are you doing versus Conair?

    下一個問題是,你的市場份額基本上如何,你知道,你與 Conair 相比如何?

  • Are you picking up business or what is going on?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • We believe that our market share overall is increasing, yes.


  • We compete in so many different categories, but overall, we believe that our market share is increasing.


  • Richard Keim - Managing Director

    Richard Keim - Managing Director

  • Are there any statistics around like that -- on that -- or it's just too diverse?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • We do receive monthly statistics.


  • But they're by product category.


  • If somebody wanted them, I guess we could share it with you.


  • It's done by over ten different types of products that we look into.


  • We do monitor the market share.


  • Richard Keim - Managing Director

    Richard Keim - Managing Director

  • Okay.


  • If you can't say hey, we're really beating them out on certain things or -- versus others.

    如果你不能說嘿,我們真的在某些事情上擊敗了他們,或者 - 與其他人相比。

  • It's just that you think you are improving.


  • Is that a fair conclusion?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Right.


  • Richard Keim - Managing Director

    Richard Keim - Managing Director

  • Okay.


  • Well, let's talk about one other thing.


  • You sold 500,000 shares of stock very recently.

    您最近賣出了 500,000 股股票。

  • Any comments on that?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • I mean, yes.


  • It was a private sale to a value fund who plans to hold the shares for many, many years.


  • And it was for diversification and estate planning.


  • The stock was not sold into the market.


  • And as I told you, it was sold as a private sale.


  • Richard Keim - Managing Director

    Richard Keim - Managing Director

  • It was sold at the market?


  • Or market prices?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • No, I think it was sold through small discounts of the market on that day.


  • Richard Keim - Managing Director

    Richard Keim - Managing Director

  • Is there any agreement that they will keep it?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • No.


  • But since they -- we know a value fund who keeps their shares -- you know, I don't think you should be worrying about me.


  • It's the millions of shares that are traded every day by other people.


  • I always wonder why they don't keep them long-term.


  • But no, this is a value fund that plans to keep the stock.


  • Richard Keim - Managing Director

    Richard Keim - Managing Director

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mimi Sokolowski with Sidoti & Company.

    Mimi Sokolowski 與 Sidoti & Company。

  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • I have actually a couple of questions.


  • First one, could you provide me with the cash from operating for the quarter?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Yes, just a moment, please.


  • Cash used by operating activities was 11 million -- I'm sorry; this is for the first six months; it was 11,000,146.

    經營活動使用現金1100萬元——對不起;這是前六個月;是 11,000,146。

  • I don't have the quarterly numbers, that's for the first six months.


  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • That's okay.


  • I can figure it out from there.


  • And can you give me the currency benefit on a per-share basis?


  • Or if you don't have that at your fingertips, can you just give me the number?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • It was $400,000.

    那是 400,000 美元。

  • Probably, maybe about one cent.


  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Just a few more.


  • What is the CapEx guidance for the full year?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

  • This is Chris Carameros.


  • We shouldn't -- you know, traditionally, we're not capital intensive.


  • We don't plan on buying any big warehouses, and such.


  • And the only project we have going is our new implementation of Oracle 11-I;

    我們唯一正在進行的項目是 Oracle 11-I 的新實施;

  • I think we previously released that.


  • And that's the only thing we have going that's of any size.


  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And how about depreciation and amoritization for the year?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

  • Have you got that, Tom?


  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Is it 6 and change?


  • Thomas Benson - CFO, SVP

    Thomas Benson - CFO, SVP

  • For the first six months, was 3 million oh 30 .

    前六個月是 300 萬 oh 30。

  • I'm not expecting any meaningful change in that.


  • The new Oracle system would not be placed into service until next fiscal year.

    新的 Oracle 系統要到下個財政年度才能投入使用。

  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then turning to inventory and also Tactica, I guess investors have been pretty critical of your inventory levels, and you have given your explanations.

    然後轉向庫存和 Tactica,我猜投資者對你的庫存水平非常批評,你已經給出了你的解釋。

  • Do you -- where do you expect to see annual inventory turns, by the end of fiscal '04?

    到 04 財年末,您預計年度庫存周轉率在哪裡?

  • Lower than last year?


  • Last year, I think you ran about 2.2; now you're running at about 1.7.

    去年,我想你跑了大約 2.2;現在您的運行速度約為 1.7。

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • I think it's going to run around 2.2.

    我認為它會在 2.2 左右運行。

  • The inventory will be down.


  • We're going into our biggest sales period.


  • We do have the inventory; the retailers are aggressively buying it.


  • We can deliver.


  • Last year, as you recall, we had the dock strike in the third quarter, and we paid a lot of air freight, and we lost a lot of business.


  • So you're going to see all that being made up.


  • And the good news is we do have the inventory.


  • And it will be down by February 28, at the end of our fiscal year to our normal ratios.

    到 2 月 28 日,即我們財政年度結束時,它將下降到我們的正常比率。

  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • You break out Tactica on a couple of line items.

    您在幾個訂單項上打破了 Tactica。

  • Could you do so for inventory as well?


  • Just to provide greater transparency and to assure investors that the inventory build is not from a decline in sales in Tactica, and that we may be facing a charge sometime in the next few quarters.

    只是為了提供更大的透明度並向投資者保證庫存增加不是由於 Tactica 銷售下降,我們可能會在未來幾個季度的某個時候面臨收費。

  • Would that kind of transparency be something you would consider?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Tactica's inventory is about $12 million.

    Tactica 的庫存約為 1200 萬美元。

  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Last question -- Tactica -- what type of suitor do you think you might be looking at, if you were to sell it?


  • Who do you think would pick it up?


  • Who would be interested in a company like Tactica?

    誰會對 Tactica 這樣的公司感興趣?

  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

  • This is Chris Carameros.


  • We've had several conversations.


  • And at this point in time, we're not going to disclose any more detail than that.


  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • There are interested parties, though?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

  • That's correct.


  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Good enough.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Mike Carlotti with Paul Meier (ph).

    Mike Carlotti 和 Paul Meier(博士)。

  • Mike Carlotti - Analyst

    Mike Carlotti - Analyst

  • Yes, I have a couple of questions.


  • First, for the quarter, how much does FX benefit sales on the top line?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • $400,000.

    400,000 美元。

  • Mike Carlotti - Analyst

    Mike Carlotti - Analyst

  • $400,000, okay.


  • And then if I just work through the guidance -- you guided up the year by 10 cents.

    然後,如果我只是按照指導工作——你指導了一年 10 美分。

  • And if you take out the six cents that you beat this quarter, that leaves you about 4 cents of guidance for upside.

    如果你去掉本季度超過的 6 美分,那麼你還有大約 4 美分的上行指導。

  • How much of that 4 cents would be from the Brut acquisition, considering that it closed, it looks like about five months early.

    這 4 美分中有多少來自 Brut 的收購,考慮到它已經關閉,看起來大約提前了五個月。

  • And then -- how much would it be for just -- from Brut -- how much EPS are you expecting for Brut for FY '04?

    然後——僅僅——來自 Brut——你期望 Brut 在 04 財年的 EPS 是多少?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • First of all, everybody says Brut closed early.

    首先,每個人都說 Brut 很早就關門了。

  • It didn't close early.


  • We had a time schedule with Unilever in which we had to close by a certain time, and we met that deadline.


  • And again, we entered a transition period that we will be with Unilever just as we did with Procter & Gamble.


  • But over the next quarter, less than the next quarter, we suspect that sales will be in the 3 million a month for Brut, 6 million for the next quarter.

    但在下個季度,比下個季度少,我們懷疑 Brut 的銷售額將達到每月 300 萬,下個季度將達到 600 萬。

  • After that, we will have to evaluate it.


  • And as we begin to digest all the numbers and the elements we did, we are quite optimistic, we got a great group within the Idelle Labs, and headed up by Jack Jancin, and some other great guys.

    當我們開始消化我們所做的所有數字和元素時,我們非常樂觀,我們在 Idelle Labs 中有一個很棒的團隊,由 Jack Jancin 和其他一些很棒的人領導。

  • And we're optimistic we can take all this and digest it and grow it.


  • And just like we've been doing with other products we got from P&G.

    就像我們一直在處理我們從 P&G 獲得的其他產品一樣。

  • Mike Carlotti - Analyst

    Mike Carlotti - Analyst

  • Well, I guess when you announced that you were acquiring Brut, you said it was going to be 20 to 24 cents of earnings in FY '05, and it was going to close at the end of your fiscal '04.

    好吧,我想當你宣布收購 Brut 時,你說這將佔 05 財年收益的 20 到 24 美分,並且將在 04 財年末結束。

  • And it closed, I guess, a couple of weeks ago.


  • I guess what I'm trying to figure out is, how much additive EPS do you expect to pick up for the five months that you will have Brut during FY '04?

    我想我想弄清楚的是,您希望在 04 財年期間擁有 Brut 的五個月內增加多少每股收益?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Again, we said that we were going to close at the end of the calendar year.


  • And we were forecasting giving guidance for the year, our fiscal year, 2005.

    我們預測了 2005 財年的指導。

  • We are still digesting those numbers.


  • And I'm fairly reluctant at this point in time to give you much guidance.


  • And maybe we'll give you a better guidance at the end of our third-quarter about what Brut will mean for our fiscal year.

    也許我們會在第三季度末為您提供更好的指導,說明 Brut 對我們財政年度的意義。

  • Mike Carlotti - Analyst

    Mike Carlotti - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then, you had one comment on the interest income section.


  • You said there was a $247,000 gain in the quarter?

    你說本季度有 247,000 美元的收益?

  • Did I hear that right?


  • Or was that --?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • We'll go back and look at that.


  • Just a second.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Justin Thomas (ph) with Petros (ph) Capital.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Justin Thomas (ph) 和 Petros (ph) Capital。

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Can you hold a second?


  • Let's go ahead and answer that last question for just a second.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • What we had is we have a $247,000 gain in the quarter, both realized and unrealized, on securities that we are holding.

    我們所擁有的是,我們持有的證券在本季度實現和未實現的收益為 247,000 美元。

  • Operator


  • I'm sorry about that gentleman.


  • The next question in queue we have is from Justin Thomas with Petros Capital.

    我們排隊的下一個問題來自 Petros Capital 的 Justin Thomas。

  • Justin Thomas - Analyst

    Justin Thomas - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Could you talk a little about the advertising spend at Tactica?

    你能談談 Tactica 的廣告支出嗎?

  • How did that change year-over-year?


  • And then, second question on the inventory levels at Tactica, where were those in the prior year same quarter?

    然後,關於 Tactica 庫存水平的第二個問題,去年同期的庫存水平在哪裡?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • As far as the advertising spend, as we previously tried to explain to everyone, Tactica has moved into not only being an infomercial company, but more into a selling at retail.

    就廣告支出而言,正如我們之前試圖向所有人解釋的那樣,Tactica 不僅已成為一家信息商業公司,而且更像是一家零售公司。

  • And that's a quite significant shift between the two.


  • And which we think, on the long term, is a better way to run the business.


  • As far as inventory levels, the inventory levels are pretty consistent with that business, although we've had some increased inventory, you have to have an increased inventory at that level to be able to sustain retail business.


  • And they're in stock in various items.


  • And Tom mentioned to you we had a good backlog.

    Tom 向您提到我們積壓了大量工作。

  • And it looks like their business is moving pretty good for the third quarter.


  • Again, we're taking a look at trying to maximize shareholder value and trying to determine how it fits into our overall corporate structure.


  • And that's why we made that announcement.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Rick Sing (ph) with Parsh (ph) Capital.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Rick Sing (ph) 和 Parsh (ph) Capital。

  • Rick Sing - Analyst

    Rick Sing - Analyst

  • Hi, I think you have explained this, but could you go over what is in the 50 percent inventory increase?

    你好,我想你已經解釋過了,但你能再看一下庫存增加 50% 的內容嗎?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Basically, it's our core business.


  • It's merchandise that we will be selling off for the end of the fiscal year.


  • Idelle Labs in there (indiscernible) 5 million this year versus last year -- (multiple speakers).

    Idelle Labs 在那裡(音頻不清晰)今年與去年相比有 500 萬——(多位發言人)。

  • I think we talked about the 5 million inventory in that.

    我想我們在那裡談到了 500 萬庫存。

  • Rick Sing - Analyst

    Rick Sing - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Right, was there some better buying that you did -- was there a unique opportunity?


  • Was it artificially low last year?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • You know, it's a little of everything.


  • I think it probably was artificially low last year.


  • And we think these are more normalized inventories for the current quarter, although as I mentioned, the inventory will be down significantly by February 28th.

    我們認為這些是本季度更正常化的庫存,儘管正如我提到的那樣,到 2 月 28 日庫存將大幅下降。

  • And we're trying to avoid airfreight on a lot of products; so we anticipate that by buying earlier.


  • Everybody looks at last year -- two years ago, we were at 149 million.

    每個人都在看去年——兩年前,我們是 1.49 億。

  • So, we actually are down from where we were two years ago on a comparable quarter comparison.


  • But in any case, yes, there were some opportunity buys.


  • And as I mentioned, the good news is that we have the inventory to take care of our retailers.


  • And I think we're going to see hopefully better sales then I projected.


  • Rick Sing - Analyst

    Rick Sing - Analyst

  • Right, so I see.


  • So your inventory is flat with two years ago, but your sales are actually up from two years ago.


  • So if you look at it on that basis, there's not really that much of an increase at all.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • That's true.


  • Rick Sing - Analyst

    Rick Sing - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes again from Doug Lane of Avondale Partners, please state your question.

    我們的下一個問題再次來自 Avondale Partners 的 Doug Lane,請說出您的問題。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Yeah, I wanted to follow up on the question on Brut, just to double check the figures.

    是的,我想跟進關於 Brut 的問題,只是為了仔細檢查數據。

  • Were you saying the expectation is sort of a $3 million a month kind of run rate?

    你是說期望是每月 300 萬美元的運行率嗎?

  • Is that what you threw out there?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • I said for the end of the year, that's what we're looking at until we get a better handle on exactly what's happening.


  • We've told you before, may have mentioned, it's about 75 percent business in the U.S. and Canada; about 25 percent in Mexico and other countries.

    我們之前告訴過你,可能已經提到,大約 75% 的業務在美國和加拿大;在墨西哥和其他國家約佔 25%。

  • We expect to take that business, and grow that business, and build that business.


  • But over the next quarter, that's what I'm looking at for right now.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • And is that U.S. and international?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Yes.


  • Mostly what this business is, is remember, we have the Western Hemisphere; it's in the U.S.


  • Canada and (multiple speakers) and (multiple speakers) position in Mexico.


  • So we do have other Latin American countries.


  • And the reason why I'm a little bit vague on that because Unilever included some of the sales in other countries besides Mexico, that did it out of the U.S.


  • So as we begin to digest this, I'll get a little bit more specific on where it may be.


  • But we, again, as we previously announced, we think that we will be at $40 million on an annualized basis.

    但是,正如我們之前宣布的那樣,我們認為我們的年化收入將達到 4000 萬美元。

  • The next couple of quarters, hopefully, we will have some good news and little bit higher increases than that.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Okay, and back on Tactica.


  • Can you give us what sort of -- I know it's premature for numbers.

    你能給我們什麼樣的 - 我知道現在數字還為時過早。

  • But what kind of a financial impact would that divestiture have?


  • It was mentioned earlier about inventory write-offs; but then you bought this for next to nothing.


  • So will it be onetime gains?


  • How do you see that playing out?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Well, somebody may have mentioned inventory write-offs.


  • I didn't mention inventory write-off.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Right.


  • It just came up on the call; that's what I meant.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Yeah.


  • We would suspect that it would have a positive impact upon the sale.


  • And we need to take a look at the alternatives and things that we're looking at.


  • But -- and, we are looking at different alternatives for what we are going to do with Tactica.

    但是——而且,我們正在尋找不同的替代方案來處理我們將要用 Tactica 做的事情。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • And then lastly, you mentioned with Tactica's weakness, that the whole infomercial category was soft; and one of your big products is Straight to the Maxx.

    最後,你提到了 Tactica 的弱點,即整個電視購物類別都很軟;您的重要產品之一是 Straight to the Maxx。

  • Can you give us a feel for what you think the contribution to the sales in the November quarter will be from Straight to the Maxx, and how that's going so far?

    您能否告訴我們您認為 11 月季度的銷售貢獻將從 Straight 到 Maxx,以及目前進展如何?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • We don't disclose on our product by product item.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Can you give us just qualitatively how it's going?


  • Is it feeling the softness as well?


  • Or is that just --


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • It's doing well.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • So you're happy with how Straight to the Maxx is doing despite the industry condition, okay.

    因此,儘管行業狀況不佳,但您對 Straight to the Maxx 的表現感到滿意,好吧。

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Yes, we are.


  • You had asked what would happen if we didn't have Tactica.

    你曾問過如果我們沒有 Tactica 會發生什麼。

  • And we already disclosed that we would have made 6 cents more if we had not owned Tactica, our earnings would've been 48 cents using our tax rate.

    我們已經透露,如果我們沒有擁有 Tactica,我們會多賺 6 美分,如果按照我們的稅率計算,我們的收入將是 48 美分。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • On that, just to be clear, the 1.80 to 1.85 -- I'm sorry, the 1.85 to 1.90 guidance for this year, that includes the 8 cents litigation gain in the first quarter, right?

    關於這一點,要明確一點,1.80 到 1.85——對不起,今年 1.85 到 1.90 的指導,其中包括第一季度 8 美分的訴訟收益,對嗎?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • At the present time, it does.


  • Rick Sing - Analyst

    Rick Sing - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes again from Joe Chumbler from Stephens.

    我們的下一個問題再次來自 Stephens 的 Joe Chumbler。

  • Please state your question.


  • Joe Chumbler - Analyst

    Joe Chumbler - Analyst

  • My question was answered.


  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes again from Mimi Sokolowski with Sidoti & Co, please state your question.

    我們的下一個問題再次來自 Mimi Sokolowski 和 Sidoti & Co,請說出你的問題。

  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Three real quick questions, just for clarification.


  • Could you go over that operating income from international again?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • (Silence.)


  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Hello?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Yes.


  • I think when the Q comes out, you can get all the details at that time.

    我想當 Q 出來的時候,你可以得到所有的細節。

  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And the tax rate that you had said we could use to forecast operating results going forward, did you say 16 to 18?

    你說我們可以用來預測未來經營業績的稅率,你說的是 16 到 18?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • I said 16 to 18 percent for Helen of Troy without Tactica.

    我說沒有戰術的特洛伊海倫有 16% 到 18%。

  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And the last thing is, you just said without Tactica, earnings would've been about 48 percent per share.

    最後一件事是,你剛才說如果沒有 Tactica,每股收益約為 48%。

  • And that tax rate, you said using your tax rate, what tax rate does that imply?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • The one we used in results, 17.5 percent.

    我們在結果中使用的是 17.5%。

  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • 15.5, you said?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • 17.5.


  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Okay, that’s it.


  • Thank you again.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Jeff Feinberg with JLS Asset Management, please state your question.

    我們的下一個問題來自 JLS 資產管理公司的 Jeff Feinberg,請說出你的問題。

  • Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

    Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

  • Thank you, very much.


  • A couple of questions -- first is just a follow-up in terms of the inventory.


  • At year end, can you give us a sense of where that should be?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Jeff, I think it's going to be somewhere between, somewhere around 117 million or less.

    傑夫,我認為它會介於兩者之間,大約 1.17 億或更少。

  • Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

    Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

  • So, at year end, your inventories will actually be up less than your sales, just because there seems to be a lot of questions around that; and obviously, at the current time, it's artificially inflated by the acquisition that you made.


  • But it sounds like at year-end, your inventories will be up less than sales; so that's terrific.


  • The second question just with regard to stock buyback, I think that you put some information in the release about that.


  • And you obviously made comments some comments in terms of your opinions on the stock price.


  • But the stock is trading at $22 as we speak.

    但就在我們說話時,該股的交易價格為 22 美元。

  • Could you just elaborate with regard to stock buyback, just to refresh my memory.


  • How much do you have in terms of authorized buyback and your general intent there, please?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Jeff, we have an authorization for the current time of 3 million shares.

    傑夫,我們目前有 300 萬股的授權。

  • We only purchased approximately 82,000 shares for a couple of million dollars, because we were waiting for the acquisition of Brut where we used $55 million.

    我們只花了幾百萬美元購買了大約 82,000 股股票,因為我們在等待收購 Brut,我們用了 5500 萬美元。

  • Now that we've acquired Brut, and because of the price the way it is, you will see that Helen of Troy is going to be very, very active in acquiring their stock, especially at this price.

    現在我們已經收購了 Brut,並且由於目前的價格,您會看到特洛伊的海倫將非常非常積極地收購他們的股票,尤其是以這個價格。

  • I never expected, Jeff, that it would get this low.


  • So (multiple speakers) --


  • Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

    Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

  • It's a great opportunity for the company and the long-term shareholders.


  • I just wanted to understand because obviously, based on the guidance you've given, you're getting about a 10 percent yield just by buying back stock and making it accretive.

    我只是想了解,因為很明顯,根據你給出的指導,僅通過回購股票並使其增值,你就能獲得大約 10% 的收益率。

  • You're intent is to take advantage of this opportunity aggressively?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Oh, definitely.


  • Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

    Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

  • Okay, terrific.


  • Finally, if you could just be kind enough for all of us to walk through the assumptions on the Brut acquisition;

    最後,如果您能好心讓我們所有人了解一下收購 Brut 的假設;

  • I think if I understood correctly, you talked about 20 to 24 cents accretion in next year's earnings.

    我想如果我理解正確的話,你談到明年的收益增加 20 到 24 美分。

  • But I just want to understand the underlying assumptions on that.


  • Is that taking into account some of the synergies that you might possibly have?


  • Or is there any growth embedded in that?


  • Are you being very conservative and not incorporating some of those benefits so the accretion could actually end up being more next year?


  • Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

    Christopher Carameros - Exec. VP, Director

  • This is Chris Carameros.


  • Again with the Brut transaction, I think we are being somewhat conservative.

    對於 Brut 交易,我認為我們還是有些保守。

  • But we have, as we've done with the prior brands, we have to reposition those brands, and really protect our shelf space, so to speak going into the planagram (ph), season.

    但是,正如我們對先前品牌所做的那樣,我們必須重新定位這些品牌,並真正保護我們的貨架空間,可以說進入 planagram (ph) 季節。

  • And then we are. as we expect for next year, we will take the opportunity to take and do a lot more things with that brand.


  • We understand that Unilever has not taken some opportunities of doing the gift packs and Christmas promotions which we think we can do next year, which will be in our numbers.


  • And we've been very pleased with the reception we've had at retail with our purchase of Brut, it's a great brand, people like the brand.

    我們對購買 Brut 在零售業受到的歡迎感到非常滿意,這是一個很棒的品牌,人們喜歡這個品牌。

  • And we think we can do more things with it in the Christmas season, the fragrance.


  • And then along with the deodorant, it's a great men's fragrance, and we think we can do more things with that and (multiple speakers) --


  • Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

    Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

  • Absolutely, no.


  • I'm just trying to understand, can you just be kind enough to walk us through what assumptions you've made to get to the 20 to 24 cents?

    我只是想了解一下,您能否友好地向我們介紹一下您為達到 20 到 24 美分所做的假設?

  • Have you assumed any sort of --


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • We've assumed that we've basically taken Unilever sales and stabilized those sales and that's it.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Well, and we've put in a larger amount of expense in advertising since they had not advertised it in the previous years.


  • So that number would be net of the advertising that we will be doing.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • We would be expecting to spend at least 10 percent on advertising.

    我們預計至少要花 10% 的錢在廣告上。

  • Where they had not done any advertising in that category -- in our numbers in the 20 cents.

    他們沒有在該類別中做任何廣告——在我們的數字中是 20 美分。

  • Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

    Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

  • So just to make sure, in the 22 to 25 cents accretion for next year, you've assumed that you spend 10 percent of sales on advertising, but you have not assumed any sort of benefit from that, no sales lift?

    所以只是為了確保,在明年 22 到 25 美分的增長中,您假設您將 10% 的銷售額用於廣告,但您沒有假設任何形式的好處,沒有銷售提升?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • At this point in time, we have not.


  • Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

    Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So if anything, that would be potential upside for us.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • That would be upside.


  • Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

    Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

  • And I apologize, just a final question; the guidance you've given for next year, the 2.15 to 2.25 for next year, that assumes the 16 to 18 percent tax rate which is your sustainable long-term tax rate?

    我很抱歉,只是最後一個問題;你給明年的指導,明年的 2.15 到 2.25,假設 16% 到 18% 的稅率是你可持續的長期稅率?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Yes.


  • Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

    Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

  • And just within the general philosophy, obviously, being in the consumer business, you don't have specific orders or obviously specific shipments scheduled for next year, so I would assume the general overriding philosophy is wanting to be conservative in putting out preliminary guidance looking out that far?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Definitely.


  • I know your new with us, Jeff, but you could go back and look historically.


  • We like to be conservative, we don't want to miss our numbers, and of course, we like to make as much as much as we can on the upside.


  • So we, at the current time, as we always do, we always try to be a little conservative.


  • Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

    Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you, very much.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Steve Friedman of Wachovia Securities.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Wachovia Securities 的 Steve Friedman。

  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • Good morning, Gerry, Tom, Chris, Bob.


  • My questions have pretty much been answered.


  • I was curious about the stock buyback and I think your release said you had repurchased 81,800 shares.

    我對股票回購感到好奇,我想你的新聞稿說你已經回購了 81,800 股。

  • And Gerry, if I’m correct, you indicated that the buyback is for 3 million; is that correct?

    Gerry,如果我是對的,你表示回購是 300 萬美元;那是對的嗎?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • That's true.


  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • And, you already commented that you feel fairly aggressive at the levels, as we talk, is under 22.

    而且,你已經評論說你覺得在我們談論的水平上相當激進,低於 22 歲。

  • So you have a 40 percent increase in earnings and the stock's price is now 12, which translates to 10, 11 P, based on actual -- this year's earnings -- maybe even less.

    所以你的收益增加了 40%,股票價格現在是 12,這意味著 10、11 P,基於實際 - 今年的收益 - 可能甚至更少。

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • That's true.


  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Well, congratulations on a fine quarter, and that's really everything I had.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Thank you, Steve, for your support.


  • We appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Patrick Tenney with Eastbourne Capital.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Eastbourne Capital 的 Patrick Tenney。

  • Please state your question.


  • Patrick Tenney - Analyst

    Patrick Tenney - Analyst

  • Quick question on the sales in the quarter.


  • Were the sales in the quarter a little bit lighter than expected?


  • And if so, could you give us, could you talk a little bit about why that happened?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • The sales in the quarter were only light because of the $10 million decrease in Tactica and for no other reason.

    本季度的銷售額之所以不高,僅僅是因為 Tactica 減少了 1000 萬美元,沒有其他原因。

  • The numbers that Helen of Troy projected came in as we projected.


  • Patrick Tenney - Analyst

    Patrick Tenney - Analyst

  • Okay, fair enough.


  • And following up on the prior caller's question about the assumptions for the Brut accretion, we're still looking at 20 to 24 cents?

    並跟進先前來電者關於 Brut 吸積假設的問題,我們仍在尋找 20 到 24 美分?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • That's right.


  • Patrick Tenney - Analyst

    Patrick Tenney - Analyst

  • And that would imply, on revenues of $40 million, operating margins at something of 24 to 27 percent?

    這是否意味著,對於 4000 萬美元的收入,營業利潤率大約為 24% 到 27%?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • That's also correct.


  • Patrick Tenney - Analyst

    Patrick Tenney - Analyst

  • Which is much higher than sort of your core business model.


  • Can you help us understand why Brut is so much more profitable, or can be so much more profitable, even with that increase in ad expense?

    您能否幫助我們理解為什麼 Brut 的利潤更高,或者即使在廣告費用增加的情況下也能利潤更高?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Well, number one, it's consistent with our Idelle Labs division, so it's not that inconsistent -- it's not that inconsistent with what we're doing right now.

    好吧,第一,它與我們的 Idelle Labs 部門一致,所以它並沒有那麼不一致——它與我們現在正在做的事情並沒有那麼不一致。

  • It's very consistent with what we're doing with our other brands we have within Idelle, the skin and hair care.

    這與我們在 Idelle 旗下的其他品牌、皮膚和頭髮護理方面所做的非常一致。

  • So,it's consistent with other products.


  • So basically, we can take the Brut transaction; we already have the infrastructure, whether it be the sales and marketing staff, along with our existing distribution and accounting and everything else, and plug it in there, and it's very, I think, very realistic and somewhat conservative.

    所以基本上,我們可以採用 Brut 交易;我們已經擁有基礎設施,無論是銷售和營銷人員,還是我們現有的分銷和會計以及其他一切,並將其插入其中,我認為這是非常現實且有些保守的。

  • Patrick Tenney - Analyst

    Patrick Tenney - Analyst

  • And so operating margins in the Idelle Labs are what now?

    那麼 Idelle Labs 的營業利潤率現在是多少?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • They've been consistently higher than what we've had with just the appliance piece.


  • Patrick Tenney - Analyst

    Patrick Tenney - Analyst

  • In that 25 percent range?

    在那個 25% 的範圍內?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Yes.


  • Patrick Tenney - Analyst

    Patrick Tenney - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes again from Mike Carlotti with Paul Meier.

    我們的下一個問題再次來自 Mike Carlotti 和 Paul Meier。

  • Please state your question.


  • Mike Carlotti - Analyst

    Mike Carlotti - Analyst

  • Yes, hi.


  • Did you disclose previously what the sales at Brut were for the 12 months prior to your acquiring it?

    您之前是否披露過收購 Brut 之前 12 個月的銷售額?

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • We did not disclose it, but Unilever disclosed it; it was $45 million.


  • Mike Carlotti - Analyst

    Mike Carlotti - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes again from Jeff Feinberg with JLS Asset Management.

    我們的下一個問題再次來自 JLS Asset Management 的 Jeff Feinberg。

  • Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

    Jeff Feinberg - Analyst

  • No, I'm all set.


  • Thank you.


  • All my questions have been answered.


  • Operator


  • [OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS] If there are no further questions, I will turn the conference back to Gerald Rubin to conclude.

    [操作員說明] 如果沒有其他問題,我將把會議轉回杰拉爾德魯賓來結束。

  • Gerald Rubin - Chairman, President and CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Chairman, President and CEO

  • Thank you all for attending and participating in our second-quarter conference call.


  • And I look forward to speaking with you, if not before, certainly on our third-quarter conference call.


  • Thank you, again.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to access a replay for this call, you may do so by dialing 1-800-428-6051, or 973-709-2089, with an ID number of 307197.

    女士們,先生們,如果您想收聽此次通話的重播,可以撥打 1-800-428-6051 或 973-709-2089,ID 號碼為 307197。

  • This concludes our conference for today.


  • Thank you all for participating, and have a nice day.


  • All parties may now disconnect.
