HDFC Bank Ltd (HDB) 2025 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, good day, and welcome to HDFC Bank Limited Q3 FY25 earnings conference call.

    女士們、先生們,大家好,歡迎參加 HDFC 銀行有限公司 2025 財年第三季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Please note that this conference is being recorded.


  • I now hand the conference over to Mr. Srinivasan Vaidyanathan, Chief Financial Officer, HDFC Bank.

    現在,我將會議移交給 HDFC 銀行財務長 Srinivasan Vaidyanathan 先生。

  • Thank you, and over to you, Mr. Vaidyanathan.

    謝謝您,接下來交給您了,Vaidyanathan 先生。

  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • Thank you, Nirav.


  • Good evening to all.


  • Thanks for participating and coming in today.


  • I will kick it off.


  • I'll request our CEO, Mr. Sashi Jagdishan, to, to get started and give some opening remarks.

    我將請我們的執行長 Sashi Jagdishan 先生開始並致詞。

  • Then we will go straight to any questions that you all have, we can go into that.


  • Sashi over to you, please.

    請把 Sashi 交給你。

  • Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

  • Thank you, Srini, and thank you all for joining on this call on a Wednesday evening.


  • We just declared our results, and obviously, as you probably know much better than all of us put together, we are in the midst of a very challenging macro environment with tight liquidity conditions, signs of moderating urban demand, [accepted] private capital expenditure programs, volatility and depreciation of the Indian rupee, capital outflows from equity and debt markets due to uncertainty around the new US administration.


  • However, we also see some drivers of growth or some positive signs as well.


  • We are seeing some amount of rural demand picking up.


  • The government spending is picking up after a slow momentum in the hedge fund the first half of the year.


  • We see continued strength in services exports and a gradual moderation in inflation.


  • Coming to the bank, we seem to be progressing well in our journey to normalize our credit deposit ratio with the deposit growth outpacing our loan growth.


  • We see robust growth in our average deposits at about 15%, which continue to gain market share and our AUM advances growth of 8% year on year basis.

    我們的平均存款強勁成長約 15%,市佔率持續擴大,我們的 AUM 較去年同期成長 8%。

  • We've delivered a strong deposit growth despite the challenging macro environment.


  • As probably you would know, we've -- on an average basis, I think we saw a very near neutral liquidity in quarter three with a peak negative of around the


  • [INR2 trillion to INR2.5 trillion]. NIMs have remained reasonably range bound and stable despite the headwinds of from tight liquidity leading to tight pricing environment.

    [2 兆印度盧比至 2.5 兆印度盧比]。儘管流動性緊張導致定價環境趨緊,但淨利差仍維持在合理的區間波動和穩定狀態。

  • We continue to add distribution, I think over a year-on-year period on a 12-month period, we've added about over 1,000-odd branches.

    我們繼續增加分銷管道,我認為在 12 個月的同比期間內,我們增加了大約 1,000 多個分支機構。

  • But we've been able to maintain a very tight leash on the cost.


  • Our cost growth has grown 7% year on year, which is -- which means that we have gained some amount of productivity gains there.

    我們的成本年增了 7%,這意味著我們的生產力得到了一定程度的提高。

  • But the most important part, which is something that we've always maintain is our credit USB.

    但最重要的部分,也是我們一直維護的部分,是我們的信用 USB。

  • All our credit parameters, be it the slippages, be it the gross NPA, be it the credit costs, x of some of the cyclical patterns in the agri-sector have been reasonably resilient and stable, which is something which we -- which sort of shows the strength of the institution, not just now, but for a long time that we have been in this business.


  • Going into the future, we are robustly positioned.


  • We have been growing in a very balanced and manner in line with what we had committed to ourselves and to the world at large in terms of the light path on the CD ratio, all the kind of growth levels that we are anticipating.

    我們一直在以非常平衡的方式發展,這符合我們對自己和整個世界的承諾,包括 CD 比率的光路以及我們所預期的所有增長水平。

  • As we speak, we have sufficient liquidity.


  • We continue to grow our deposits faster than the system.


  • Allow -- we have sufficient capital, allowing us to be very comfortable to grow or capture market shares in the loans when macro turns stable.


  • I know all of you would have a lot more questions.


  • So let me pause out here and let us take questions from all of you.


  • Thank you.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Sashi.


  • We'll get -- Nirav, we can kindly open it up and we can go straight to questions, please.


  • Operator


  • (Operator instructions) Maruka Adajania, Nuvama

    (操作員指示)Maruka Adajania,Nuvama

  • Maruka Adajania - Analyst

    Maruka Adajania - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • Hi, congratulations.


  • First of all, can you give as much color as possible on how you met PSL on eHDFCs book because your OpEx does not seem to have increased?

    首先,您能否盡可能詳細地說明您如何在 eHDFC 帳簿上滿足 PSL,因為您的 OpEx 似乎沒有增加?

  • And then there doesn't seem to be much RIDF for previous shortfalls either.

    而且對於之前的不足似乎也沒有太多的 RIDF 來彌補。

  • So just as much color as you could give on PSL, that's the first question.

    因此,您能否提供有關 PSL 的詳細信息,這是第一個問題。

  • And the second question is that if you could separately call out the PCR excluding agri-loans and if there was any tax refund in other income -- other interest income, these are my questions.

    第二個問題是,您是否可以單獨列出不包括農業貸款的 PCR,以及其他收入(其他利息收入)中是否有退稅,這些就是我的問題。

  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • Thank you, Mahrukh.


  • First thing on the priority sector.


  • We -- our priority sector is, last year or even as we see now, at the aggregate level, we meet the target, 40%-plus.

    我們的重點領域是,去年,甚至正如我們現在所看到的,在總體水平上,我們都達到了目標,即 40% 以上。

  • The only area that we, last year and as we see speak now, we see is that the smaller marginal farmer and the weaker section, there dual qualifications between them.


  • But that normally is about the percentage points we always look for opportunities.


  • And yes, between -- there are several products that go for getting that.


  • One is organically grow on balance sheet book, that's one.


  • We do IBPC to buy certain book or PTCs investment book we buy.

    我們透過 IBPC 購買某些書籍或 PTC 投資書籍。

  • We also buy PSLC in the market.

    我們也在市面上購買 PSLC。

  • So it is not just OpEx.

    因此,這不僅僅是營運支出 (OpEx)。

  • The cost of PSL is embedded within our overall ROA structure now and in the past, and it can straddle across various lines.

    PSL 成本現在和過去都嵌入我們整體 ROA 結構中,並且可以跨越多條線路。

  • If you originate, you end up with certain credit costs as part of how you price it in.


  • If you buy it, you get it in PSLC.

    如果您購買它,您將在 PSLC 中獲得它。

  • If you buy it through investments, you're getting it through investment book.


  • Or if you get it through a loan purchase, you get it through a loan.


  • So it can straddle everywhere.


  • But yes, we do look for always.


  • We do need to find that that last percentage in the SMF and agri has always been in the past elusive and as we see now, but we were mentally-pursuing at the right price to get that.

    我們確實需要發現,SMF 和農業中的最後一個百分比在過去一直是難以實現的,正如我們現在所看到的,但我們在精神上追求以合適的價格來實現這一點。

  • That's part of the first question.


  • Maruka Adajania - Analyst

    Maruka Adajania - Analyst

  • Sir, just one thing, one clarification.


  • So this time around there was not much PSLC, is that a fair assumption?

    所以這次 PSLC 沒有太多,這是一個合理的假設嗎?

  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • There's not much, yes, but the year is still not over.


  • And so as the year progresses, we love to see where it ends.


  • Okay.


  • The second aspect is the PCR that you touched upon.


  • The overall PCR you can see is about 68% and you know that the slippages were impacted by agri, which is the seasonal agri.

    您可以看到整體 PCR 約為 68%,並且您知道下滑是受到農業(季節性農業)的影響。

  • Excluding the seasonal agri, the slippages are flat period to period.


  • And so they are -- since they are in the early bucket, the PCR excluding agri is at 71%, which is same as what it was in the prior quarter.

    事實上,由於它們處於早期階段,不包括農業的 PCR 為 71%,與上一季相同。

  • That's the PCR.

    這就是 PCR。

  • The third aspect of it is the tax refunds or whatever.


  • Yeah, every quarter we get something, but this quarter is about INR2 billion.

    是的,每個季度我們都會獲得一些收入,但本季的收入約為 20 億印度盧比。

  • Last quarter was about a INR0.5 billion or something.


  • And so every quarter there is something that comes.


  • And the agri reversals, the interest reversals on agri also go, but that goes to the loans -- part of the interest on loans.


  • Yeah.


  • Correct.


  • That is a separate item.


  • Maruka Adajania - Analyst

    Maruka Adajania - Analyst

  • Sir, what is the agri-reversal?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • So that's again for the NPA, relating to NPA.

    這又是關於 NPA 的,與 NPA 有關。

  • You reverse the interest once an account goes to NPA, and typically, the agri interest reversal is about one-year interest that you reverse.

    一旦帳戶轉為 NPA,您就可以逆轉利息,通常,農業利息逆轉約為您逆轉的一年利息。

  • Maruka Adajania - Analyst

    Maruka Adajania - Analyst

  • Okay, sir.


  • Thank you.


  • Thank you.


  • Yeah.


  • Operator


  • Chintan Joshi, Autonomous.

    Chintan Joshi,自治。

  • Chintan Joshi - Analyst

    Chintan Joshi - Analyst

  • Hi, good evening.


  • I've got one on liquidity and then one on your contingent provisions.


  • On liquidity, you know, if I think about the last two quarters on average balances, you've added about INR1.2 trillion to INR1.3 trillion of excess deposits over loans and borrowings are only down about INR250 billion.

    關於流動性,您知道,如果我考慮過去兩個季度的平均餘額,您已經增加了約 1.2 兆盧比至 1.3 兆盧比的超額存款,而貸款和借款僅下降了約 2500 億盧比。

  • That excess liquidity that you have on balance sheet, at what yield have you packed that liquidity if you can share that with us.


  • And also what is the weighted average cost of borrowing, that is maturing over the next two years?


  • Just trying to understand what the funding synergies will look like over the next 12 to 18 months.

    只是想了解未來 12 到 18 個月的融資綜效將會是什麼樣的。

  • And then on contingent provisions, the question is, what is the process of releasing that contingent provision?


  • You release INR3 billion?

    您釋出了 30 億印度盧比?

  • You obviously have a lot on your balance sheet.


  • Will you be using these provisions to buffer the P&L volatility?


  • And do you kind of need to go to RBI to be able to use this or you can use this with your own discretion?

    您是否需要去 RBI 才能使用它,或者您可以自行決定使用它?

  • Thank you.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay, thank you.


  • First on the liquidity.


  • If you look at our balance sheet, average balance sheet, you'll see that, sequential quarter, the investments net of cash and cash equivalent is up by about INR500 billion or INR50,000-odd crores, right, it's up.

    如果您看一下我們的資產負債表,平均資產負債表,您會發現,與上一季相比,扣除現金和現金等價物的投資淨額增加了約 5000 億印度盧比或 5000 多億印度盧比,對,是增加了。

  • And it gets invested by treasury at various -- through various instruments.


  • And the earning on that can range anywhere between 6.5%, 7% and depends on where it lands, right?

    其收益範圍在 6.5% 到 7% 之間,取決於落地地點,對嗎?

  • If you -- to get your context, you want to know at what rate we invest.


  • But I'll tell you the G6, the 10-year G6, sub 7%.

    但我會告訴你 G6,10 年期 G6,低於 7%。

  • So you get an idea of where those investments can go.


  • And there are several instruments that we choose to be there.


  • So I'll leave it with -- it's a -- period to period it changes and gets calibrated by our treasury.

    因此,我將保留它 - 這是一個 - 它隨時期而變化並由我們的財政部進行校準。

  • And as much as possible, they will optimize what could be done within the overall liquidity scenario.


  • That's on the liquidity front.


  • Chintan Joshi - Analyst

    Chintan Joshi - Analyst

  • And the borrowing cost?


  • Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

  • The second aspect on


  • (multiple speakers)


  • Chintan Joshi - Analyst

    Chintan Joshi - Analyst

  • The cost of borrowing


  • --?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • The borrowing cost is about -- 8% or so is the borrowing cost that we have had, particularly the borrowings that have come from HDFC limited, come with those kind of costs, right, 7.9%, 8% or so.

    借貸成本約為——我們的借貸成本為 8% 左右,特別是向 HDFC 有限公司借款,這些成本約為 7.9%、8% 左右。

  • That includes the cost of the hedges and so on.


  • Fully loaded cost, it comes to about 8% or so on the borrowing.

    全部成本約佔借款的 8% 左右。

  • And yes, we do optimize -- the good point that you touched and linked it to borrowing.


  • As part of the treasury management, we do as much as possible, link to see what are the opportunities out of the borrowing.


  • There's a maturity profile that you asked for the next 18 months.

    您要求提供未來 18 個月的成熟度概況。

  • I think we published some of the maturity profile which is there.


  • And in the annual report, it is there.


  • But in addition to that, I do want to say opportunistically, we do look at things that we can do.


  • For example, in this quarter, we did buy, call it INR44 billion or INR4,400 crores of bonds and extinguished.

    例如,本季我們確實購買了價值 440 億印度盧比或 440 億印度盧比的債券,並且已經償還。

  • That's part of the ongoing process.


  • Treasury manages and optimizes whatever is possible.


  • And we mix and match and do these things.


  • So that's -- I hope that gives you an idea of -- continuously and dynamically, it gets managed by our treasury.


  • Getting to the contingent approach as such, I mean, we do -- there is signs around the contingent version.


  • There is a process across various portfolio classes that we employ in terms of what we do and how we assess certain things.


  • If they are NPA, they're part of specific, right?

    如果它們是 NPA,那麼它們是特定的一部分,對嗎?

  • It's not -- NPA is not in the contingent at all.

    事實並非如此——NPA 根本不在該隊伍中。

  • Contingent is about -- it's not something that we foresee.


  • But contingent upon certain event, it can happen or not happen, and we assign various probabilities and we make a certain judgment calls.


  • And there is some process around it, the document process we follow.


  • So certainly, this is not -- I think that is at a discretionary level.


  • Chintan Joshi - Analyst

    Chintan Joshi - Analyst

  • So you released a little bit of contingent provision this quarter.


  • So I was trying to understand what led to that release.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • Good point.


  • Current quarter, there is a large wholesale account, which -- performing wholesale account, which means they're not in NPA, performing account which we attacked that for contingent pro because our credit risk assessment showed that vulnerability.


  • So we provided.


  • And then this quarter, we received money.


  • We collected cash, and so the contingent was not required.


  • We recovered.


  • Chintan Joshi - Analyst

    Chintan Joshi - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So we should read that as recoveries rather than -- okay, fine.


  • That answers the question.


  • Thank you


  • Operator


  • Kunal Shah, Citigroup.

    花旗集團的 Kunal Shah。

  • Kunal Shah - Analyst

    Kunal Shah - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Thanks.


  • So the first question, again, in terms of the overall provisioning coverage, specific provisioning, no doubt you indicated in terms of -- on agri, it's been flat on a quarter-on-quarter basis.


  • But otherwise, the trajectory has been downward.


  • So maybe -- have we reached the optimal level or should we see further maybe at least managing the provisioning coverage slightly lower considering the behavior of the portfolio that we have?

    那麼也許 - 我們是否已經達到了最佳水平,或者我們是否應該進一步考慮,至少考慮到我們擁有的投資組合的行為,將撥備覆蓋率管理得略低一些?

  • So how should we look at the entire trend because last five quarters has been coming off?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • See, the provision coverage ratio is a mix of various products that go in and go out, right?


  • And as you know that when something enters [90%], there is some level of provision we do.

    如你所知,當某種東西進入 [90%] 時,我們會採取一定程度的準備措施。

  • And as they progress through the delinquent bucket, it gets covered.


  • So it depends on the mix of products that come and go.


  • So in this quarter, if you saw the agri product come and go, it's a secured -- and again, the mix of secured, unsecured is very relevant in the overall situation, right?


  • And so now you had an agri coming in, we'll have certain level of provision.


  • That is why ex-agri, provison coverage is 71%.

    這就是為什麼除農業外,食品覆蓋率達到 71%。

  • And with the way that is reported, it is 68%.

    據報道,這一比例為 68%。

  • And the vintage of the NPA also matters, right, the newer vintage versus the older vintage and so on.

    NPA 的年份也很重要,例如新年份與舊年份等等。

  • Kunal Shah - Analyst

    Kunal Shah - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Got it.


  • So maybe if you assume that maybe the stress level remains, we are able to manage it well.


  • And should it be managed at the current level or we will see the further decline out there because of this paved the movement which happened in the NPL?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • See, there is no 1 particular formula or whatever, right?


  • It depends on the mix of products, secured, unsecured that come in and go out.


  • And so thereby, the provision coverage moves in or out.


  • Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

  • So Kunal, there's no discretion or judgment from a retail standpoint.


  • It's a product program.


  • It's a mix of the product and the stage of NPE, which we'll define it.

    它是產品和 NPE 階段的混合,我們將對其進行定義。

  • It is not necessarily some judgmental call that we take on a quarterly basis.


  • Kunal Shah - Analyst

    Kunal Shah - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • And overall, if you can share in terms of the 100% provisioning policy for the unsecured portfolio, when does that kick in and the write-off policy?

    整體而言,如果您可以分享無擔保投資組合的 100% 撥備政策,那麼該政策何時開始生效以及註銷政策何時開始生效?

  • And any stress in any of the segments?


  • Maybe the overall ex of agri slippages were almost flat in the absolute term.


  • But any segments, which is worrying you?


  • We are seeing a few of the players talking about stress evolving in some of the other segments as well, anything that is worrying you at this point in time?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • So two aspects of it.


  • One, in terms of the write-off unsecured and so on.


  • The product program in the retail area, each product program is different in terms of what it is, but we touched upon the unsecured.


  • Unsecured gets written off at 150%, which means we -- if an account is not recoverable at 90%there is a very quick P&L take on that, right?

    無擔保的債務會被註銷 150%,這意味著,如果一個帳戶在 90% 的時候無法收回,那麼我們很快就會得到損益表,對嗎?

  • So suddenly, you'll see that we hit [200%] provision and then it gets out, right?

    所以突然間,你會看到我們達到了 [200%] 的供給,然後它就出來了,對嗎?

  • So that's something very important to note that if you're not able to collect within 90%, there is a huge acceleration in terms of the provisioning that happens there.

    因此,需要注意的是,如果您無法在 90% 以內收集,那麼在那裡發生的配置方面就會有巨大的加速。

  • So that's in terms of a couple of unsecured, that's where.


  • The secured will have another kind of 150%, 180% and so on.


  • But then this is the kind of a process, again, part of the product program, [formula-line] determined.


  • The second aspect that I touched upon is the quality of the overall book.


  • The quality of the overall book across segments continues to remain stable, which is the retail, the retail unsecured, secure or the -- in the CRB book, the SME book or the SLI book or whatever or the wholesale book for that matter, pretty stable across all of those segments as we see.

    各個細分市場的整體帳簿品質持續保持穩定,無論是零售、零售無擔保、擔保或——CRB 帳簿、SME 帳簿、SLI 帳簿或其他或批發帳簿,正如我們所見,所有這些細分市場的品質都相當穩定。

  • Kunal Shah - Analyst

    Kunal Shah - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks and all the best.


  • Operator


  • Suresh Ganapathy, Macquarie Capital

    麥格理資本 Suresh Ganapathy

  • Suresh Ganapathy - Analyst

    Suresh Ganapathy - Analyst

  • Yeah, just two questions.


  • One is on the HDB Financial credit costs having gone up quite sharply QoQ from 1.8% to 2.5%.

    一是建屋局金融信貸成本較上季大幅上漲,從 1.8% 上漲至 2.5%。

  • Can you just give us some color what has contributed to this rise, both the secured, unsecured.


  • So just a little bit color on that.


  • The second thing is on merger synergies itself, right?


  • So the merger happened on July 1 of last year.

    因此合併於去年 7 月 1 日發生。

  • If I were to take a snapshot of that point in time, your margins were at 3.4% and cost ratio was 40, 40.5. 18 months down the line, the numbers are still the same.

    如果我對那個時間點進行快照,你的利潤率為 3.4%,成本比率為 40、40.5。 18個月過去了,這些數字仍然相同。

  • So nothing has changed with respect to margin or OpEx.


  • Now when can we start seeing some of these numbers happening?


  • Because it's 18 months already into the merger.


  • When can you see the margins improve, the cost ratio is coming down.


  • Any color on that would be great.


  • Not exactly, I'm asking for the immediate guidance, but it's18 months into the merger.

    不完全是,我請求立即給予指導,但合併已經過去了 18 個月。

  • So we thought we should see something on these two ratios.


  • Thank you.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Suresh.


  • I'm going to get started, and then the others can join with whatever.


  • First is the HDB that we touched upon.

    首先是我們提到的 HDB。

  • Yes, HDB did have higher levels of stage 3 in the quarter.


  • The difference between this quarter and last year was a lot to do with provision, including management overlays due to lowering of the economic forecast and so on.


  • So the higher levels of provision, stage 3, in stage 3.

    因此,第三階段的更高層級的規定在第 3 階段。

  • Stage 2, which is very important because that's where the flows move in as we go along.


  • Stage 2 improved from September to December by about 5 basis points or so, stage 2 improved.

    第 2 階段從 9 月到 12 月改善了大約 5 個基點左右,第 2 階段有所改善。

  • But stage 3 at an aggregate level changed by 15 basis points.

    但第三階段的整體水準變化了 15 個基點。

  • But however, within that stage 3, there are two categories that we look at and manage.

    但是,在第 3 階段中,我們需要關注和管理兩個類別。

  • One is loans that at some point in time, this quarter, prior quarter or even two, three quarters ago, moved into NPA, but subsequently have pulled below 90 days, but have not managed to pull all the way to 0 days, which means there are no more 90 days, but still, NPA, because they have not come back below 0.

    一種是貸款在某個時間點,本季、上一季度,甚至兩三個季度前,轉為不良資產,但隨後拉至 90 天以下,但還沒有拉到 0 天以下,這意味著雖然不再有 90 天,但仍然是不良資產,因為它們還沒有回到 0 以下。

  • So that particular category is higher in this quarter than what it was in September.


  • So that means something slipped and pulled back but not pulled back enough.


  • So subject to that, the overall stage 3, right, is up by about 5 basis points or so in this overall category segmented book, which is for a couple of notches below the bank category of segment. 5 basis points is within the reason and the provisions were based on that purpose.

    因此,受此影響,整個第 3 階段,在這個整體類別細分帳簿中上升了大約 5 個基點左右,這比銀行類別細分帳簿低了幾個等級。 5 個基點是合理的,且規定也是基於此目的。

  • So that's on the HDB as such.

    所以這與 HDB 本身有關。

  • The second aspect on the merger and the merger benefits and so on.


  • So there are several dimensions to the merger.


  • Certain basic metrics like getting the liability accounts opened, we are like 96%, 97% successful for any new to bank incremental mortgages come in.

    某些基本指標,例如開設負債帳戶,對於任何新的銀行增量抵押貸款,我們的成功率都是 96% 到 97%。

  • So that's part of the beginning, and it comes with some INR30,000, INR32,000 balances one- to two-month installment.

    這只是開始的一部分,附帶約 30,000 印度盧比、32,000 印度盧比的餘額,為期一到兩個月的分期付款。

  • So we are making good traction on that.


  • The second traction is that out of the 4-odd million customers, we need to get the liability accounts open for that balance so that we get into not just a mortgage product relationship, the overall banking, about 1.9 million of them so far, we have been successful to bring them on the liability relationship.


  • We have more to do on that one.


  • So that's the second.


  • And then we have another about 0.25 million or 250,000 customers or so, where we not only have this, we have other multiple other products like credit card products and a few other products we have started.

    我們還有另外約 25 萬或 25 萬左右的客戶,我們不僅有這些產品,還有其他多種產品,例如信用卡產品和我們已經開始推出的其他一些產品。

  • Another dimension to the merger is also about the branches, how many branches we have to get through various, not just those 2,500, 3,000 branches, but broader.

    合併的另一個面向也與分支機構有關,我們必須打通多少個分支機構,不僅僅是那 2,500 個、3,000 個分支機構,而是更廣泛的分支機構。

  • But if you look at over the last six months, 80%-plus of the branches have been able to do at least one.


  • So it depends on customer demand, but at least we made a good traction that capability at the branch level to open is there.


  • Now, coming to the other dimension of it, which is get to the margin, the cost to income, and so on and so forth.


  • Yes, the margin we started with 3.4%, has been in a stable band over the last several quarters.

    是的,我們的起始利潤率為 3.4%,在過去幾季一直處於穩定區間。

  • And the good amount of the tailwind that has come to reduce the borrowing cost, which is what we managed to get a good amount of borrowing has been offset by the CASA, right?

    而為降低借貸成本而帶來的大量順風,也就是我們設法獲得的大量借貸,已經被 CASA 抵消了,對嗎?

  • Again, it's a customer behavior.


  • We have a chance to make in terms of whether we want a holistic customer relationship that includes time deposit, which grew at 22.7% in this quarter, right, or we don't get that time deposit and for only CASA so that the margin can go up.

    我們有機會決定是否要建立包括定期存款在內的整體客戶關係,本季定期存款增加了 22.7%,對吧,或者我們不獲得定期存款而只獲得 CASA,這樣利潤率才能上升。

  • That's a choice to make.


  • But then I think the business leaders did make the choice to say that we need to keep that customer relationship alive growing.


  • So it's not about -- so that in the course of time, we will get the CASA coming.

    所以這並不是說——隨著時間的推移,我們將迎來 CASA。

  • So that's another aspect of it.


  • Sashi, I don't know whether you want to add.


  • Cost to income, you will tell.


  • Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

  • Suresh, I mean, let's also look back into perspective that the environment at which -- which was prevailing at the time of announcement of the merger or at the time of the merger in July 2023 was completely different from where it has progressed from then on and where we are witnessing at this very moment in time.

    蘇雷什,我的意思是,讓我們回顧一下,宣布合併時或 2023 年 7 月合併時的環境與當時的發展以及我們此刻所見證的環境完全不同。

  • Obviously, on a static basis, I would have agreed with you, probably we could have done better.


  • But when you look at the dynamic environment that we have been witnessing since the merger, we have seen a kind of a shift in terms of what we need to reorient ourselves.


  • I mean, at that point in time, we were contemplating or growing our business in a manner similar to what we have been doing for a long period of time in terms of gaining market share even on loans.


  • But then when the macro started to change, when liquidity started to tighten, when the outlook on credit started to change negatively, as we recall and you would recall that in February of '24 -- I mean, as early as February '24, we called out to say that we are changing our tack.

    但當宏觀經濟開始變化,流動性開始收緊,信貸前景開始出現負面變化時,我們還記得,你們也會記得,在 24 年 2 月——我的意思是,早在 24 年 2 月,我們就呼籲改變我們的策略。

  • We said that we will grow.


  • We will try and bring down the credit deposit ratio as quickly as possible over a two- to three-year timeframe.


  • FY25 will be lesser than the system.

    FY25 將低於系統。

  • FY26 will be in line with the system.

    FY26 將與系統保持一致。

  • FY27 will be faster than the system.

    FY27 將比系統更快。

  • So obviously, this means that in FY25, you are -- as you have seen now with an average AUM growth of 7%, this is in line with what we had envisaged.

    因此顯然,這意味著在 25 財年,正如您現在所看到的,平均 AUM 成長率為 7%,這與我們的預期一致。

  • So obviously, some of the parameters that we were talking at the time of what you were expecting or what we were expecting at the time of the merger does not hold good, and we have to recalibrate ourselves.


  • So in the light of that, to maintain stability, which is what Srini was mentioning and being range bound means that I think the company has been resilient enough.

    因此,有鑑於此,為了保持穩定(這就是 Srini 提到的),並且保持區間波動,我認為公司已經具備了足夠的韌性。

  • Instead of going northwards in some of the key metrics and the crisis and parameters, we've been able to maintain in a range-bound manner, which itself shows that as things start to get better from a macro environment perspective, from a liquidity perspective, when deposit prices start to come down, and probably -- and you have seen, we have all seen that as prices come down, CASA ratios will also move up, you will have a kind of a shift in some of the metrics, which is in line with what you and I would be expecting, et cetera.

    在一些關鍵指標、危機和參數方面,我們並沒有出現大幅上漲,而是能夠維持區間波動,這本身就表明,從宏觀環境角度、從流動性角度來看,隨著情況開始好轉,存款價格開始下降,而且可能——你們已經看到,我們都看到,隨著價格下降,CASA 比率也會上升,一些你們將發生某種變化,這與你們我的預期一致,等等。

  • I think that perspective needs to be factored in in terms of why we continue to be stable and not sort of having an upward trajectory on some of the metrics, like margins or downward trajectory on cost to income.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • On the cost to income, I want to add that we are at about 40.5% or so between 40%, 41%.

    關於成本收入,我想補充一下,我們的比例大約在 40.5% 左右,在 40% 到 41% 之間。

  • It's been stable at that level.


  • Two aspects to it.


  • If you look at the rate of growth of cost, about 7.5% or so rate of growth of cost.


  • The country's inflation is between 5% and 6% at an aggregate level.


  • And depending on the wage and so on and so forth, it's getting maintained at that level, sub 8%.

    根據工資等因素,它將維持在 8% 以下的水平。

  • One other context to that is that despite we have added 1,052 branches in the last 12 months.

    另一個背景是,儘管我們在過去 12 個月中增加了 1,052 個分支機構。

  • So we've added that and managing the cost in a tight list.


  • I will continue to make those investments in technology.


  • The technology component of the costs are north of 10% right now.

    目前,技術成本佔成本的 10% 以上。

  • It used to be in single digit to high single digit.


  • Now it's north of 10%.So

    現在已超過 10%。

  • continue to make those investments that are required.


  • Lastly, I do want to add, it's not just about the cost to income, which is a function of the numerator and the denominator.


  • So we also talked about the margin impact there.


  • If you look at the cost to assets that were about 1.93% or so, is very tight and is one of the best-in-class cost-to-asset basis.

    如果你看一下資產成本,它約為 1.93% 左右,非常緊張,是同類最佳的資產成本基礎之一。

  • I just want to leave it there and hope that gives you some perspective, Suresh.


  • Suresh Ganapathy - Analyst

    Suresh Ganapathy - Analyst

  • Thank you so much.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Pranav, Sanford Bernstein.


  • Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

    Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

  • Hey, good evening.


  • Thanks for taking the question.


  • The first question is on your loan yields.


  • I mean if you look at the bank's loan yields today, it's meaningfully lower than peers, whether it's the long-term history, where -- even if you improve the retail wastages, the loan yields were much higher.


  • Now, if you look forward, let's say, over the next two to three years, do you think the absolute loan yields will converge with peers?


  • Or do you think only the risk-adjusted yields will converge?


  • Or will the lower risk adjusted yields be the price to pay for scale?


  • So where do you see it progressing next, not next few quarters, but more like a two- or three-year outlook?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • Yeah.


  • There are two aspects to it.


  • If you look at the current composition of a risk weight density, within one of our pages that we have, it's been stable at about 67% or thereabouts, the risk weight density.

    如果您查看風險權重密度的當前組成,在我們的某一頁中,風險權重密度一直穩定在 67% 左右。

  • That means the assets -- RWA to total assets at about 67%, it's been pretty stable.

    這意味著資產——風險加權資產佔總資產的比例約為 67%,一直相當穩定。

  • If you look at the RWA to funded and nonfunded post the conversion factor, at 63% or so.

    如果您查看 RWA 與資助和非資助後的轉換因子,則為 63% 左右。

  • And if you benchmark this to some of the peers, you'll see that it's at least 5 to 7 percentage points or thereabouts lower, right?

    如果你將其與一些同行進行對比,你會發現它至少要低 5 到 7 個百分點左右,對嗎?

  • So that means the risk density on the book appears to be lower.


  • That's one.


  • The second aspect of it is in a strategic sense, when you look at it in a couple of years, where the yield is, yield is a function of the mix.


  • And as the retail, which over the last 12 to 18 months, we have been cautious in terms of the retail.

    作為零售業,在過去 12 到 18 個月裡,我們在零售方面一直持謹慎態度。

  • Even before our overall loan book, we started to pare down the rate of growth.


  • The retail rate of growth was even earlier taken down, the rate of growth, by our credit -- through calibration of credit models, they took down the retail.


  • So it's a function of the mix.


  • We do -- we have -- we continue to make investments in retail people and product and technology.


  • We do expect that the retail mix will go up.


  • And so thereby, the yield on the overall book should tend up.


  • And thereby, you will see that the risk weight density also move up because the retail comes up with the higher risk weight assets.


  • Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

    Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

  • Sorry.


  • So let's say, you see a convergence in the risk density, there's no reason why we will be at a lower yield compared to peers?


  • Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

  • If you think about this is finally a customer segment.


  • And we would -- historically, we've been operating in a slightly segment, which is comfortable with us.


  • And hence, you would find that historically as well, our risk-weighted density is low.


  • So the convergence, to my mind, would happen if the risk undertaken from all, since you're saying from a market, is similar or not.


  • Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

    Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

  • Understood.


  • Thanks.


  • The second question is just on your trading and MTM income.

    第二個問題只是關於您的交易和 MTM 收入。

  • You just had like three, four quarters, three quarters of low gains from securities, et cetera.


  • Is that a one-off or is that something that we should expect to continue?


  • How do you see that line going forward?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • So we had -- this quarter was a very modest number in terms of the growth.


  • Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

  • So kind of one of the things that has happened is we inherited certain equity investments, and that is also going through the P&L, which is showing up in the line that you're speaking about, the mark-to-market, which is coming.


  • In this quarter, particularly, we've had almost INR2.5 billion or so negative mark-to-market on an equity position that we have inherited, that we have taken through the P&L.

    特別是在本季度,我們繼承的股權頭寸的市值已接近負 25 億印度盧比左右,這些頭寸已計入損益表。

  • It's a negative.


  • Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

    Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

  • Understood.


  • So extra fat, there's nothing that's changed fundamentals.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • No, fundamentally


  • --


  • Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

    Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • These are my two questions.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Rikin Shah, IIFL

    Rikin Shah,IIFL

  • Rikin Shah - Analyst

    Rikin Shah - Analyst

  • Good evening and thanks for the opportunity.


  • The first question is on the employee expense and more specifically--


  • Operator


  • Sorry to interrupt you.


  • Your audio is not clear.


  • Can you please speak through the handset?


  • Rikin Shah - Analyst

    Rikin Shah - Analyst

  • Is this better?


  • Operator


  • Slightly.


  • Rikin Shah - Analyst

    Rikin Shah - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • So the first question is on the employee head count.


  • So after dipping in 2Q, the employee head count has again gone back to 2,10,000.

    因此,在第二季下降之後,員工人數又回升至 21 萬人。

  • And we've seen that some of the peers have been trying to stabilize the head count and letting the natural attrition happen.


  • So how should we think about the employee head count going ahead.


  • That's question number one.


  • And question number two, Sashi did allude to his earlier guidance that this year we should be growing slower than system next year in line and FY27 faster.

    第二個問題,Sashi 確實提到了他先前的指導,今年我們的成長速度應該比明年的系統成長速度慢,而 2027 財年的成長速度應該更快。

  • But in that context, while we are gaining deposit market share at around 16%, that is still inherent macro restrictions and within that construct, the deposit growth can't be significantly higher.

    但在這種背景下,雖然我們的存款市佔率正在增加 16% 左右,但這仍然是固有的宏觀限制,在這種結構下,存款成長率不可能顯著提高。

  • So how confident do you feel about growing in line with the system for next year.


  • Can that, does that guidance still hold?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • I I'll start off on the head count we have about 210 or so about 2,500 call it around 3,000 people added in the quarter.

    我先來統計一下員工人數,本季我們大約增加了 210 人,也就是 2,500 人,也就是說增加了 3,000 人左右。

  • And over a period of last quarter, we didn't actually we came down.


  • So if you look at a six month or a nine month period or even 12 month period, it is just 2,000 from last December to this December.

    因此,如果你看一下六個月、九個月甚至十二個月的時間,從去年 12 月到今年 12 月,這個數字只有 2,000。

  • So we held down.


  • Again, the reason is that we have ramped up some investments in people and maintained at that level and we are working through various productivity models to enhance the value that essentially, that means, getting various tools to these people to utilize better for engagement.


  • That doesn't mean to say we will not add going forward.


  • We take it every quarter at a time in terms of, these are mostly front line, right?


  • In fact, even across the book, we have 85%, 90% of the book touching the customer account, touching the customer in some manner or the other, right?

    事實上,即使在整個帳簿上,我們有 85% 到 90% 的帳簿涉及客戶帳戶,以某種方式接觸客戶,對嗎?

  • So depending on the need and the traction, we will add.


  • But again, we are circumspect in terms of getting the right kind of productivity before we can add.


  • So that's on the employee as such.


  • The second aspect of the growth rate.


  • How do you get to the growth rate in line with the market from where we are?


  • Again, one thing to note is that there is not a product that we have exited or a geography that we have exited.


  • We are there in all segments, all products, and all geography.


  • I'm sitting on liquidity, right?


  • And with, of course, capital tailwind, which is there.


  • Currently, the rate of growth is consciously calibrated either through credit models, a good amount of the retail, I'll put it in that bucket are calibrated through price models because we do see tightening prices, tightening spreads in the non retail in the corporate world, the spreads are tightening.


  • So somewhere between these it is being calibrated.


  • So and the resources to, to get these loans up at the scale at which we want, continue to be in the system, continues to be engaged.


  • So it's a question of at the right time that we want to dial as Sashi was alluding to in his opening remarks as the macro turns and we feel comfortable, the dial can be taken up.

    因此,問題在於,正如 Sashi 在開場白中提到的那樣,我們希望在正確的時間撥號,當宏觀轉向並且我們感到舒適時,撥號就可以拿起。

  • Rikin Shah - Analyst

    Rikin Shah - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Nitin Aggarwal, Motilal Oswal.

    尼廷·阿加瓦爾 (Nitin Aggarwal)、莫蒂拉爾·奧斯瓦爾 (Motilal Oswal)。

  • Nitin Aggarwal - Analyst

    Nitin Aggarwal - Analyst

  • Yeah, hi.


  • Good evening Sashi and Srini.

    晚上好,Sashi 和 Srini。

  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • I have two questions.


  • One is like you alluded to the difficult macro conditions in your opening remarks, but HDFC Bank definitely continues to navigate well through this environment as overall slippage rate remains better versus peers.

    一方面,就像您在開場白中提到的那樣,宏觀環境十分艱難,但 HDFC 銀行無疑能夠繼續在這種環境下順利前行,因為其整體滑點率相比同行仍然較好。

  • So how are you looking at the credit environment in respect to unsecured loans and the commercial banking business?


  • Because these are the two segments that we have been still growing and given the vulnerability that you see, how like confident you are to maintain this slippages run rate and the credit cost overall?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • Good point.


  • One, as we see now, the book is pretty stable, is performed both on the unsecured front or on the commercial side that you talked about has been pretty stable.


  • And that is part of the credit monitoring model and the collection analytics that go to be in front of the queue to do all of that.


  • I mean, the various factors that go in.


  • So all of those factors are at play and I've been in a top notch in terms of keeping it pretty stable.


  • And one other important aspect of you looking at being stable is the ratios are stable despite the slowness of the book, which means the book is not growing at 12%, like the industry grows.

    而您看待穩定性的另一個重要方面是,儘管圖書銷售成長緩慢,但比率是穩定的,這意味著圖書銷售的成長速度不像行業那樣達到 12%。

  • The book is growing at after the trade, even when you slow it down the ratios and the numbers look pretty stable that essentially vindicates the position of the origination quality as well as the capability in terms of getting the collection accomplished very well.


  • So I want to leave the thought.


  • So as we see now.


  • Going forward, we're confident of continuing our strength and displaying our strength on these portfolios.


  • Nitin Aggarwal - Analyst

    Nitin Aggarwal - Analyst

  • Right.


  • And we really appreciate that.


  • And second question is just a data keeping one on a mix of floating and fixed rate loans.


  • Like how much is repo?


  • How much is NCLR if you can just share that color?

    如果您可以分享該顏色,NCLR 多少錢?

  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • We have a roughly slightly under 70% which is floating, 30-odd percent which is fixed.

    大約有略低於 70% 的是浮動的,30% 多的是固定的。

  • And on the floating side, if you see almost call it 45% of thereabouts is repo linked loans.

    就浮動利率而言,約有 45% 是回購掛鉤貸款。

  • We have some NCLR and some treasury bill linked loans, but mostly it's repo.

    我們有一些 NCLR 和一些國庫券掛鉤貸款,但大部分是回購。

  • Nitin Aggarwal - Analyst

    Nitin Aggarwal - Analyst

  • Right, Srini.


  • Thanks so much.


  • I wish you all the best.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ravi Purohit, SiMPL.

    Ravi Purohit,SiMPL。

  • Ravi Purohin - Analyst

    Ravi Purohin - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • I have two questions.


  • One is the NPEs that we got in from the HDFC wholesale book would have been classified as NPA.

    一是我們從 HDFC 批發帳簿中獲得的 NPE 將被歸類為 NPA。

  • They were restructured accounts earlier, and they would have been classified.


  • Now that they would have spent 12 months since then.

    從那時起他們已經度過了 12 個月。

  • Do we see a significant reversal of provisions of those that wholesale book in the current provisioning set?


  • And second question is on the wholesale deposits that came in to HDFC Limited book.

    第二個問題是關於 HDFC 有限公司帳簿上的批發存款。

  • How many, so we reported 16% growth in our total deposits.

    有多少,所以我們報告說我們的總存款增加了 16%。

  • But ex of, let's say, would we have let go of the wholesale deposits from HDFC Limited or we would have continued.

    但是,假設,我們是否會放棄 HDFC 有限公司的批發存款,或者我們會繼續下去。

  • If you could just give some color ex of that or adjusted for that, what would have been actually deposit growth that we have actually delivered.


  • Those are the two questions.


  • Thank you.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • Let me first talk to you about that provisioning or whatever, right?


  • There are a bunch of content provisions that we have done in the past.


  • And to the extent that I just alluded to for another question about when there is a cash recovery, we feel confident and until then, we remained provisioned on certain things.


  • Now then we released the INR30-odd billion that I talked about.


  • INR3 billion that I talked about.

    我談到的 30 億印度盧比。

  • The other aspect of it is, this is a good point that you raised.


  • We do have almost about 15 basis points of our NPA, which are performing, right?

    我們的不良資產中確實有大約 15 個基點是表現良好的,對嗎?

  • They are performing.


  • But historically, in the erstwhile organization, they were restructured.


  • But since they were restructured for the RBI regulation, we have marked them as NPA, 15 basis points.

    但自從它們根據印度儲備銀行的監管進行重組以來,我們將它們標記為 NPA,15 個基點。

  • They are performing, but it is part of that NPA, which is there, right?

    他們正在表演,但這是 NPA 的一部分,對嗎?

  • So I do want to bring your attention to that.


  • And the last aspect that you talked about is the deposits that we brought in.


  • And so the 16% rate of growth on deposits is net of all of that.

    因此,16% 的存款成長率是扣除所有這些因素後的淨值。

  • There are certain categories of deposits, high cost, particularly nonretail high-cost type of deposits, which we did not patronize or let go because to us, I think in two quarters ago or so, we did talk about the value.


  • There are certain institutional type of deposits.


  • Example can be a trust, example can be certain other organizations, where the value, the LCR value could be 100% runoff.

    例如可以是信託,例如可以是某些其他組織,其中的值,LCR 值可以是 100% 流失。

  • So, and for which we don't need to pay the high rate, which means the bulk deposit rate doesn't need to be paid.


  • So if it is a bulk in nature, they are gone.


  • So whether excluding that, whether it will be more than 16 years, it will be more than 16.

    因此,如果排除這一點,是否會超過 16 年,那就會超過 16 年。

  • How much?


  • Maybe 2%, 3% better.


  • But again, it's all part of the business and part of this overall mix.


  • Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

    Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • All the best.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Param Subramanian, Nomura.

    野村證券的帕拉姆·蘇布拉馬尼安(Param Subramanian)。

  • Param Subramanian - Analyst

    Param Subramanian - Analyst

  • Yeah, hi.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • Firstly, going back to priority sector.


  • So last year, we had a shortfall in both SMS and data sections and the one-third requirement from HDFC Limited book.

    因此,去年,我們的簡訊和數據部分以及 HDFC 有限公司帳簿的三分之一要求都出現了短缺。

  • So both of those PSL compliance will be completed by fourth quarter?

    那麼這兩項 PSL 合規性都將在第四季完成嗎?

  • Is that the way to look at it?


  • And what proportion would roughly be RIDF within that?

    其中 RIDF 所佔比例大概是多少?

  • Yes.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • See, it is, the requirements have kicked in.


  • And you know that the requirements are one-third, one-third, one-third over a three-year period.


  • So there's a glide path into that.


  • And so whatever, when we have to meet not just for the year end, even for December, for that matter, there is some proportion that kicks in.

    所以無論如何,當我們不僅要在年底開會,甚至要在 12 月開會時,都會有一定比例的會議開始生效。

  • And that's part of what I alluded to, to say at an aggregate level, we are comfortable for the first nine months, there is a percentage point or so that we do need to close on SMF and the weaker section.

    這就是我提到的部分內容,從整體層面來看,我們對前 9 個月的表現感到滿意,我們確實需要在 SMF 和較弱的部分上接近一個百分點。

  • That's part of the plan in terms of how we operate for the next three months to close.


  • Available, depending on what is available and at the right price.


  • And of course, the first goal is to organically grow as much as we can.


  • And we don't, alternate instruments are used.


  • Param Subramanian - Analyst

    Param Subramanian - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Got it, Srini.


  • So a percentage point shortfall in both SMF and weakersectors.

    因此,SMF 和較弱行業都存在百分點的短缺。

  • That's probably that we are currently on the merged book?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • That is correct.


  • Yeah.


  • Param Subramanian - Analyst

    Param Subramanian - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • That's helpful.


  • Secondly, on PCR.


  • How are we looking at PCR, say, relative to our peer group?

    相對於我們的同齡人,我們如何看待 PCR?

  • Because if you look at it at 16%, we are lower than most of the big private banks even compared to where RBI takes the 16% level at 77%.

    因為如果以 16% 來算,我們的利率低於大多數大型私人銀行,甚至比印度儲備銀行的 77% 的利率還要低。

  • So how are we looking at this going head?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • First is the 68% to 71% without the agri.


  • That's number one.


  • Number two, the PCR is not something that is benchmarkable at the aggregate institution level.

    第二,PCR 並不是在整體機構層面上可作為基準的。

  • We'll have to look at the composition of what the NPA is.

    我們必須了解一下 NPA 的構成。

  • If an institution has got a larger composition of the wholesale book, particularly the legacy wholesale book in NPA, and if it is fully provided for, the PCR is higher.

    如果一家機構的批發帳簿組成較大,尤其是 NPA 中的遺留批發帳簿,並且得到了充分的保障,那麼 PCR 就會更高。

  • And if it is a retail book, it enters as it described to you, particularly the unsecured book as it enters into the 90%, there's a level of provision.

    如果它是一本零售書籍,它會像你描述的那樣進入,特別是無擔保書籍,因為它進入了 90%,有一定程度的撥備。

  • As it enters into [120], you provide for it.


  • And at [150], you write them off.

    而在 [150] 處,您將其註銷。

  • So It depends on each institution's policies of what is the provisioning at the entry stage and at the mid-stage and at the end stage, and what is the segment classification in the NPA.


  • Many factors play into this.


  • So it's not a straightforward number across the institutions you can see and make a call what that is.


  • Param Subramanian - Analyst

    Param Subramanian - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you so much, Srini.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Saurabh, JPMorgan.


  • Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

    Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

  • Sir, just one question.


  • On your costs, should we expect a broadly similar cost growth for next year because, I mean you've largely done with your branch expansion employees are not growing too much.


  • So should we expect the cost level to be pressed even going ahead?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • So Saurabh, to answer, right, normally, we don't give guidance or outlook.

    那麼 Saurabh,回答一下,通常我們不會提供指導或展望。

  • I don't want to give you an indication, but I do want to tell you the intention on how we operate now.


  • The mindset is to be opting in a controlled manner.


  • Control means what I mean is that drive productivity as much as possible, make those investments in people, branches and technology where it is required and where we are able to see opportunity space.


  • So there is no one predetermined path, but the underlying kind of directives that, I mean, Sashi is sitting here, what is given is that be circumspect and much more stringent in terms of how we allocate cost, how we give for spending.

    因此,沒有一條預先確定的路徑,但潛在的指令,我的意思是,Sashi 坐在這裡,給出的是,在我們如何分配成本、如何支出方面要謹慎和更加嚴格。

  • So we're trying to keep it as tight as we can.


  • Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

  • Yeah, that's right.


  • In fact, which means that we will, it doesn't mean that we will not be investing, we will be investing in distribution, in people, in technology, but they will be overall, we would want to ensure that we get productivity gains out of this.


  • So if we all believe that our business growth is going to be in line with the system growth next year, our endeavor and which is what we are trying to have a goal for ourselves is to ensure that we are far more efficient in terms of how we spend and what we spend and try and have efficiencies arising out of the cost.


  • Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

    Pranav Gundlapalle - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Abhishek Murarka, HSBC.

    匯豐銀行的 Abhishek Murarka。

  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Good evening, Abhishek.


  • Abhishek Murarka - Analyst

    Abhishek Murarka - Analyst

  • Am I audible?


  • Sorry about that.


  • Good evening.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • Good evening, Srini.


  • So my question is on this emerging corporate group on last four to five quarters, the loan book has been very, very stable, not growing much.


  • Is it that you still see risk there?


  • Is it a function of profitability or why or when do we see some growth coming out of that?


  • But it's some, if you can share some qualitative commentary on that.


  • That would be useful.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • Lovely.


  • Abhishek.


  • As the name suggests, these are emerging corporates.


  • That means that they are growing and getting to be larger corporate size.


  • Like the way we have seen spreads tighten in the larger corporate space.


  • Here, also we see the spreads tightening, right?


  • And that is something that we've been pretty cautious.


  • The quality of the book is exceeding be good, right?


  • Like the way the corporate book, you'll see that we have seen that we reported that to quite very good.


  • However, it is, we are circumspect in terms of offering the right price.


  • That's what is determined.


  • We do want that relationship with those customers, which means there are certain level of wallet share that we want, we'll continue to keep those level of wallet share, and at any price, we don't need to keep increasing the wallet share.


  • So that's how we have looked at it and try to, of course, there is no one answer that we can do it every quarter time period, but we continuously evaluate and this is how we are approaching, right price, keep the wallet share and manage through the relationship because we do want the SMA relationship and the individual relationships coming from these corporates.

    這就是我們看待這個問題並嘗試的方式,當然,沒有一個答案可以保證我們每個季度都能做到這一點,但我們會不斷評估,這就是我們的方法,正確的價格,保持錢包份額並通過關係進行管理,因為我們確實想要 SMA 關係和來自這些企業的個人關係。

  • Abhishek Murarka - Analyst

    Abhishek Murarka - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So it's more a function of pricing rather than slippage or asset quality or risk?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • That's absolutely correct.


  • Yeah, because all of those corporates are quite strong for us and across the industry, we see this quite strong.


  • Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

  • (inaudible) To reiterate Abhishek, Srini needed allude to it.

    (聽不清楚)重申 Abhishek 的話,Srini 需要提到這一點。

  • The asset quality across retail, unsecured, commercial and corporate has been very stable, including your emerging corporates.


  • So, we have been seeing this for quite some time and that the stability continues even as we speak.


  • Abhishek Murarka - Analyst

    Abhishek Murarka - Analyst

  • Sure, Sashi, I really appreciate that and actually pretty commendable job there.


  • Just one data keeping question.


  • For the CRP book, what would be the blended field?

    對於 CRP 書,混合字段是什麼?

  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • We have not published that separately.


  • But I don't know whether in our 20F annual filings that we do know.

    但我不知道我們是否在我們的 20F 年度文件中知道這一點。

  • So we don't particularly break up.


  • We have retail wholesale segment rather than three segments.


  • Abhishek Murarka - Analyst

    Abhishek Murarka - Analyst

  • Would it be higher lower than blended book yield, just a qualitative indication that will also help?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • We haven't published that, Abhishek.


  • That is all.


  • At some point in time, we will consider doing that.


  • Abhishek Murarka - Analyst

    Abhishek Murarka - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • No worries.


  • Thank you so much and all the best.


  • Thank you.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Prakhar Sharma, Jeffries India.

    Prakhar Sharma,杰弗里斯印度公司。

  • Prakhar Sharma - Analyst

    Prakhar Sharma - Analyst

  • Thank you and congratulations on managing good results in a tough environment.


  • I had just a few questions on the agri part and you requested to, probably even if you want to give a monosyllable answer that will work.


  • So, first part is, in this quarter, what sort of interest income reversal could have been there?


  • So, has there been a few basis point impact on margins because of the seasonality.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • There will be, and it could be INR1 billion to INR1.5 billion or so.


  • But that's part of the business as usual, every other quarter, we get it, and it moves up and down.


  • Prakhar Sharma - Analyst

    Prakhar Sharma - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And you have, in this quarter versus, I think, even the first quarter, there is a reasonable increase in the agri slippages.


  • So is this also a seasonal pattern that 3Q agri slippages tend to be higher than the 1Q slippages?


  • Or is there a deterioration in the environment?


  • And is it linked to micro finance?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • It is slightly higher normally December is slightly higher than the June.

    通常情況下,12 月的價格會比 6 月的價格略高一些。

  • And but it is within normal, but nothing connected with micro finance or anything.


  • Our micro finance is a separate book and that book, micro finance book is less than 1% of our total book and we have 5% of our workforce.

    我們的小額融資是一本單獨的帳簿,小額融資帳簿占我們總帳簿的不到 1%,而我們擁有 5% 的員工。

  • There's more good social and a very stable book, well performing lend to women in the rural area, handheld by our relationship managers to get them to produce various articles.


  • So we're quite proud of the book and performance of the book.


  • Prakhar Sharma - Analyst

    Prakhar Sharma - Analyst

  • Awesome.


  • And why do you keep a lower coverage on the agri loans?


  • Because, I thought this is unsecured or difficult market.


  • Is it secured in that sense?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, it will be.


  • And the entry level that the agri provision will be lower than the 70% or so


  • (inaudible)


  • Prakhar Sharma - Analyst

    Prakhar Sharma - Analyst

  • Is that what you're trying to say?


  • The agri is lower than the rest of the book?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • So the loss given default will be, over the lifetime, yes, it will be.


  • If you go through an ECL model, it will be far lower.

    如果您採用 ECL 模型,該數字將會低得多。

  • Prakhar Sharma - Analyst

    Prakhar Sharma - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And last part is the agri slippages, as you report and the agri loans that you report, are they like-to-like or they are different cuts?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • They are like-to-like.


  • Prakhar Sharma - Analyst

    Prakhar Sharma - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Perfect.


  • Thank you so much.


  • Good luck.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Rahul Jain, Goldman Sachs.

    高盛的拉胡爾‧賈恩 (Rahul Jain)。

  • Rahul Jain - Analyst

    Rahul Jain - Analyst

  • Good evening, everyone.


  • I just had two, three questions.


  • So first is, you've got this business banking portfolio, which is INR3.5-odd. Is it possible to get some more color on this book, what proportion would be to the individuals, what provision would be unsecured or secured in this portfolio?

    首先,您擁有這個商業銀行投資組合,價值為 3.5 多印度盧比。是否可以對這本書進行更詳細的介紹,其中分配給個人的比例是多少,在這個投資組合中哪些條款是無擔保的,哪些條款是有擔保的?

  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Sorry, Rahul, in business banking, you're saying?


  • Rahul Jain - Analyst

    Rahul Jain - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

  • (multiple speakers) So the business banking book will be largely secured (multiple speakers) Self employed will be in unsecured in the (inaudible) which is very stable, which is.


  • Rahul Jain - Analyst

    Rahul Jain - Analyst

  • And that's used for the business purposes.


  • Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

  • That is correct.


  • Self employed.


  • Rahul Jain - Analyst

    Rahul Jain - Analyst

  • Self employed.


  • Okay.


  • Fair enough.


  • How much would that be, Sashi?


  • Have you given that number out?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Part of the overall portfolio, there's no change that we have seen there (Inaudible - microphone inaccessible), the individual business.

    作為整體投資組合的一部分,我們沒有看到任何變化(聽不清楚 - 麥克風無法使用),個別業務。

  • Rahul Jain - Analyst

    Rahul Jain - Analyst

  • Fair enough.


  • Alright.


  • Two more questions, real quick.


  • Okay.


  • Got it.


  • Thanks, Sashi.


  • The second was around on, appreciate the feedback on the resoinse you gave, Srini, about the choice of relationship that the business leaders are deciding.


  • But at the same time, this is adding up to the cost of funds.


  • So if you are losing disproportion there, are we able to pass on to the borrowers in the same magnitude.


  • Are we able to protect our spreads for the change of mix that is happening at the deposit level?


  • Because is not specific to HDFC Bank, this is a system-wide phenomena.

    因為這並不是 HDFC 銀行獨有的現象,而是全系統現象。

  • But this ratio has been continuously under pressure, may not or may take time to bottom out till such time, whatever incremental lending are we doing, are we able to pass on that incremental cost to those borrowers on a like-to-like basis?


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • The short answer is, yes, you can't pass it on because if it's a retail customer, it tends to get into adverse selection and the nonretail customer is extremely sensitive and actually the spreads are tightening.


  • It's moving on the other direction.


  • You see the bond spreads in this quarter.


  • The bond spreads have come off triply or doubly, or whatever category NBFC corporates.

    不論 NBFC 企業屬於哪一類,債券利差都擴大了三倍或兩倍。

  • If you see anywhere between 10 to 25 basis points, the spreads have tightened in the market in this quarter, in the recent time period.

    如果您看到利差在 10 到 25 個基點之間,則表示本季度,也就是近期,市場利差已經收窄。

  • So the possibility of pass on.


  • We wish, but that is not.


  • Other than getting any adverse section, we are very cautious.


  • And it won't pass our credit even as the frontline boils down to different customer segments.


  • So that's in terms of the lending.


  • Rahul Jain - Analyst

    Rahul Jain - Analyst

  • How do we protect the margins on a go-forward basis?


  • How would the margins trend?


  • Of course, I understand the repricing of the HDFC limited borrowing are taking place.

    當然,我知道 HDFC 有限借款的重新定價正在進行中。

  • But just keeping that aside, what is the drift of spreads or the margins in a declining cost environment from these levels?


  • Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

  • So Rahul, good question.


  • We have seen it over 30 years how the composition of our deposit mix changes with different interest rate cycles.


  • So in a high interest rate cycle, obviously, the CASA ratio is down.

    因此,在高利率週期中,CASA 比率顯然會下降。

  • And as we expect in a couple of years, the economy trying to move northwards.


  • We should see rates coming off, we should see the CASA volumes moving up, people or the TD volumes coming down, TD rates cooling off, and that will have, there's a huge correlation to that and the CASA volumes in the system itself.

    我們應該看到利率下降,我們應該看到 CASA 數量上升,人們或 TD 數量下降,TD 利率降溫,並且這與系統本身的 CASA 數量之間存在巨大的相關性。

  • So we should start to gain share, better incremental share because ultimately, some of us in the banking system have a customer segment is primarily the middle and upper middle income segment, including all in this call.


  • I mean, all the fraternity in this call of 6,875 participants in the call, including in the room, that we are all sitting, all of us to take very similar consumer behavior in terms of trying to either move our funds to better yielding alternative assets or lock it into higher PDs, the expectation that TV rates will cool off.

    我的意思是,在這次電話會議中,包括在房間裡的 6,875 名參與者,我們都採取了非常相似的消費者行為,即試圖將我們的資金轉移到收益更高的另類資產或將其鎖定在更高的 PD 中,預期電視利率將會降溫。

  • So therefore, at least if that's a segment we have been very consistently focusing, the accentuation or the deceleration of CASA ratio will be slightly sharper for us.

    因此,至少如果這是我們一直非常關注的領域,那麼 CASA 比率的上升或下降對我們來說會稍微尖銳一些。

  • That is exactly what we're seeing.


  • As Srini mentioned, it doesn't mean that we sort of say no to our customer segment saying that, sorry, we don't want to take deposits because it is not doing, it's not helping our CASA ratio.

    正如 Srini 所提到的,這並不意味著我們會對我們的客戶群說“不”,對不起,我們不想接受存款,因為它沒有用,它對我們的 CASA 比率沒有幫助。

  • That's not how we do.


  • We offer all our products.


  • And as it happens, it seems to be more or less we match ourselves with some of the large peer group banks.


  • And so we do operate, we are happy to take it even though it may be a slight deterioration of this.


  • But these are very cyclical, and this in the medium to long term will normalize.


  • And as I said, you will see a kind of an uplift the moment you see the rate cycle changing.


  • And of course, it doesn't happen very coincidentally.


  • There will be a little bit of a lag effect.


  • But definitely, there will be better CASA ratios coming off in the next couple of years as well.

    但可以肯定的是,未來幾年 CASA 比率也會更好。

  • And that should see bounce back into the margin uptake that all of us, including yourself, have been looking for.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • In the meantime, we do add customers 1.9 million liability relationship to get that new account value, 96.7 million customer relationships.

    同時,我們確實增加了 190 萬客戶負債關係,以獲得新的帳戶價值,即 9,670 萬客戶關係。

  • We'll continue to focus on that to bring the new account


  • Rahul Jain - Analyst

    Rahul Jain - Analyst

  • Very helpful.


  • Thank you so much.


  • Just one more question.


  • When you look at the employee headcount that went up for sequentially branches on a Y-o-Y basis, as we said, over 1,000 credit card market share seems to be inching higher.

    正如我們所說,當您查看各分行員工人數同比連續增加的情況時,超過 1,000 張信用卡的市場份額似乎正在緩慢上升。

  • So at what stage, so it seems the bank is getting ready to tap into the growth opportunities and is down to 98.


  • At what stage, Sashi, Srini, would you start to accelerate the federal you'll see that refine is now well within the range that you wanted it to.


  • But sequentially, the growth can start now coming through at what stage can we start the bank to get into the growth path more on a sequential basis, quarter-on-quarter basis from these levels?


  • Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    Sashidhar Jagdishan - Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

  • I think whatever we had committed, in fact, if I remember, because in your, in the call with you, which we sort of shared it with the world at large, and that is the kind of commitment that we continue to maintain.


  • We are on track, as I have mentioned in the opening message that whatever we are seeing is in light and of the call that we have taken at that point in time.


  • So you would see this, FY26, you would see a step-up.

    因此,您會看到,在 FY26 期間,您會看到一個進步。

  • At FY27, you would see a further step-up.

    在 FY27,您將看到進一步的提升。

  • I mean I do not know which quarter.


  • Obviously, we have the ammunition ready in terms of capital, in terms of liquidity through a high LCR, and we continue to outpace deposit growth as we speak.

    顯然,我們在資本方面、透過高 LCR 的流動性方面已經做好了準備,而且我們的存款成長速度仍在繼續領先。

  • So I don't think that should be a constraint as if there is an opportunity for the economy to change positively and outlook getting better as the interest rates coming off, I think we should sort of see a bit of a step-up there.


  • Rahul Jain - Analyst

    Rahul Jain - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks, Sashi.


  • Thank, Srini.


  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, man.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, Ladies and gentlemen, we will take that as the last question.


  • I will now hand the conference over to Mr. Vaidyanathan for closing comments.

    現在,我將會議移交給 Vaidyanathan 先生,請他作最後發言。

  • Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

    Srinivasan Vaidyanathan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Nirav.


  • Thank you, all the participants, for coming in today.


  • You can get in touch with us for any other clarifications questions or matters that you want to cover.


  • Our Investor Relations team, led by Bhaven, will be available, and where we can today or tomorrow or any time, and we'll continue to keep engaged.

    我們的投資人關係團隊由 Bhaven 領導,今天、明天或任何時間都將竭誠為您服務,我們也將繼續保持參與。

  • Thank you.


  • Bye-bye.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much.


  • On behalf of HDFC Bank Limited that concludes this conference.

    我代表 HDFC 銀行股份有限公司結束本次會議。

  • Thank you for joining us and you may now disconnect your lines.


  • Thank you.
