巴里克黃金 (GOLD) 2019 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.


  • This is the conference operator.


  • Welcome to the Barrick 2019 Second Quarter Results Conference Call.

    歡迎參加巴里克 2019 年第二季業績電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder this conference call is being recorded and a replay will be available on Barrick's website later today, August 12, 2019.

    (操作員說明)謹此提醒,本次電話會議正在錄音,重播將於今天稍晚(即 2019 年 8 月 12 日)在巴里克網站上提供。

  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Mark Bristow, Chief Executive Officer to Barrick.

    我現在想將會議交給巴里克執行長馬克布里斯托 (Mark Bristow)。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • So it's been 6 months since the big merger.


  • Lots of people had lots of views about how it would work or wouldn't work.


  • And it's been a fun 6 months.


  • And today, I plan to share with you the enormous progress that our teams have made in building that business that we had envisaged.


  • And that is really just to remind you, am I -- oh, good.


  • Thanks.


  • And to remind you that what we had in mind is a business that would create value for the mining industry.


  • We wanted to be the most valued mining company in the gold space initially and ultimately in the resource space.


  • We've rationalized the corporate structure; assembled a new team or teams who are committed to and capable of achieving our ambitious goals; established 3 regions for the effective management of our global portfolio to bring that sort of Randgold agility into this new company; and aligned operational managements with our core vision, and that is delivering the best returns by combining the best assets with the best people.

    我們對公司結構進行了合理化;組成一個或多個致力於並有能力實現我們宏偉目標的新團隊;建立了 3 個區域來有效管理我們的全球投資組合,將 Randgold 的敏捷性帶入這家新公司;並使營運管理與我們的核心願景保持一致,即透過將最好的資產與最好的人才相結合來提供最佳回報。

  • But that's not all.


  • In addition to settling down the new Barrick, we delivered the Nevada joint venture, the world's largest gold production complex in its richest gold field, and founded solution for the seemingly intractable situation in Tanzania through our in-principle agreement with the government and a buyout bid for Acacia.


  • That's a lot of boxes ticked.


  • And on top of that, we're making our first half year with another strong set of results, as I'll show you in this presentation, while continuing to cut unnecessary G&A costs.


  • This is the cautionary statement, which, unless you're a speed reader, is also duplicated in your pack.


  • So you can -- for those slow readers, you can read it on your own time.


  • I'll start as usual with a look at our sustainability scorecard.


  • From an already strong baseline, we are setting new targets to improve our safety, occupational health, environmental management, human rights and community development performance.


  • On the health and safety front, the group reduced both its lost time and total recordable injury rates during the quarter.


  • In Africa, we're working with the authorities to contain the latest outbreak of Ebola in the DRC and stepping up our continued fight against malaria, the continent's deadliest killer.


  • There were no major environmental incidents during the quarter, and a survey of our tailing storage facilities confirmed that we were proactively managing that risk.


  • For those who are interested, you can see the full report we filed in response to the Church of England request on our website.


  • A number of our operations received positive results from the external ISO 14001 orders.

    我們的許多業務都從外部 ISO 14001 訂單中獲得了積極成果。

  • And very importantly, Veladero has been recertified without qualifications.

    而且非常重要的是,Veladero 已經在沒有資格的情況下重新獲得了認證。

  • The Malian government has given the go-ahead for a groundbreaking solar power project at Loulo-Gounkoto, part of an energy efficiency drive, and our water usage continues to improve.

    馬利政府已批准在 Loulo-Gunkoto 建造一個開創性的太陽能發電項目,這是能源效率推動的一部分,而且我們的用水量持續改善。

  • Our consolidated sustainability report for 2018 was also published today, and you can find this very detailed account of our performance and our plans on the website.

    我們今天也發布了 2018 年綜合永續發展報告,您可以在網站上找到有關我們績效和計畫的非常詳細的說明。

  • We're proud of what we have achieved so far, but also we are under no illusion about the scale of the work that still has to be done or the specific social and environmental issues that's still need to be resolved.


  • Turning now to the past quarter and its highlights.


  • I'm pleased to report that the results point to an annual production at the top end of our guidance range and the cost metrics at the lower end of the range.


  • After payment of the quarter 1 dividend, debt net of cash remained unchanged, and the dividend has been maintained at the same level as quarter 2. Adjusted earnings of $0.09 per share are in line with the market consensus.


  • Operationally, it was a strong performance across the board with Veladero, Loulo-Gounkoto and Kibali leading the pack.

    在營運方面,Veladero、Loulo-Gounkoto 和 Kibali 均表現出色,處於領先地位。

  • Pueblo Viejo's exciting expansion project progressed, and the plant prefeasibility is scheduled for completion by the end of the year.

    Pueblo Viejo 令人興奮的擴建項目取得了進展,工廠預可行性預計將於今年年底完成。

  • On the exploration front, drilling at Fourmile returned this project's best-ever intersections while Loulo-Gounkoto and Kibali continued to confirm their brownfields' expansion potential.

    在勘探方面,Fourmile 的鑽探恢復了該項目有史以來最好的交叉點,而 Loulo-Gunkoto 和 Kibali 則繼續確認其棕地的擴張潛力。

  • Hard work on the set off of the joint venture during the quarter enabled Nevada Gold Mines to sprint out of the starting blocks on July 1. And the new business is likely to impact positively on Barrick's production profile for the year.

    本季合資企業啟動過程中的艱苦努力使內華達金礦於 7 月 1 日起衝刺。

  • I should mention that I've just returned from a tour of the group's operations, and all our management teams are making good and steady progress with the Nevada team doing particularly well given the short time that they have been together.


  • This is in large part due to the planning and work that has gone into ensuring the business was ready for launch at the get-go.


  • This is a snapshot of our group's operating results, which built on the solid base established in quarter 1 and set up -- sets us up very well for a good finish to the whole year, 6 months ahead.

    這是我們集團經營業績的快照,它建立在第一季度建立的堅實基礎上,並為我們在未來 6 個月的全年取得良好的成績奠定了良好的基礎。

  • And these are the numbers which speak for themselves.


  • And since the end of the second quarter, we've repurchased $248 million of outstanding bonds due in 2020, ticking another box with respect to cleaning up the balance sheet.

    自第二季末以來,我們已回購了 2020 年到期的 2.48 億美元未償還債券,在清理資產負債表方面又取得了進展。

  • And this will not only reduce our debt, but it also reduces our interest payments.


  • And we will continue to chisel away at our -- at the remaining debt, as we promised when we announced the transaction.


  • We'll start the operating -- operations report with an overview at Cortez in Nevada.


  • As you know, since the end of the quarter, our Nevada mines have become part of the new joint venture.


  • So going forward, we'll be reporting our attributable share of production from those operations.


  • Production at Cortez was up 7% on the previous quarter mainly as a result of mining more oxide ore from underground and higher throughput rates.

    Cortez 的產量比上一季增加了 7%,主要是由於從地下開採了更多的氧化礦石以及更高的生產率。

  • The Deep South project continues to progress and is scheduled to start contributing to production next year.

    Deep South計畫持續取得進展,預計明年開始投產。

  • Guidance for the full year on a 100% basis is expected to be at the top end of our range that we shared with you in January.

    100% 的全年指導預計將達到我們 1 月與您分享的範圍的上限。

  • However, on an attributable basis, we have decreased our guidance, as you'll see in our handouts, to align with our 61.5% equity share in the new joint venture from July 1.

    然而,正如您在我們的講義中看到的那樣,在權益基礎上,我們降低了我們的指導,以與我們從 7 月 1 日起在新合資企業中持有的 61.5% 的股權保持一致。

  • Goldstrike, as you see, had a difficult quarter, and production was down 22% due to persistent challenges in processing the high-ash-content stockpile, which resulted in lower autoclave recoveries.

    如您所見,Goldstrike 經歷了一個艱難的季度,由於處理高灰分庫存的持續挑戰,產量下降了 22%,導致高壓釜回收率較低。

  • Roaster production was also down as less underground ore was available for processing, but as you saw in the previous slide, this was made up by more ore fed to the roaster from Cortez.

    由於可供加工的地下礦石減少,烘焙機產量也有所下降,但正如您在上一張幻燈片中看到的那樣,這是由從 Cortez 輸送到烘焙機的更多礦石彌補的。

  • Goldstrike has now been combined with the Newmont Goldcorp’s Carlin.

    Goldstrike 現已與紐蒙特黃金公司的 Carlin 合併。

  • As a result, we expect to be able to exit some additional feed for the autoclaves and improve the production out of mill 5 and mill 6, an immediate synergy benefit that we promised you when we announced that Nevada -- the Nevada joint venture.

    因此,我們預計能夠為高壓釜提供一些額外的進料,並提高 5 號磨機和 6 號磨機的產量,這是我們在宣布成立內華達州合資企業時向您承諾的即時協同效益。

  • Consequently, it is expected, as a complex, to outperform in the second half.


  • And therefore, we have increased our attributable share of the gold production guidance range for the full year compared to what we guided at the beginning of the year.


  • The combined Carlin-Goldstrike complex will be known as the Carlin Mine going forward.

    合併後的 Carlin-Goldstrike 綜合體今後將被稱為 Carlin 礦場。

  • Production at Turquoise Ridge also lagged that of the previous quarter mainly as a result of unplanned downtime caused by shaft, power and dewatering issues.

    Turquoise Ridge 的產量也落後於上一季度,主要是由於豎井、電力和脫水問題導致計劃外停機。

  • Construction of the mine's third shaft continued to advance, however, on schedule and within budget.


  • And the combined -- combination of Turquoise Ridge and Newmont's Goldcorp's Twin Creeks as part of Nevada Gold Mines is expected to have a significantly positive impact on our full year production and costs.

    Turquoise Ridge 和紐蒙特 Goldcorp 的 Twin Creeks 合併為內華達金礦的一部分,預計將對我們全年的生產和成本產生顯著的積極影響。

  • And as a result, the guidance range for our share of production has been materially robust upwardly.


  • The adjustment is driven by the fact that we are forecasting to increase the amount of higher-grade Turquoise Ridge ore to be processed given that we no longer are constrained by the previous Toll Milling Agreement.


  • When we announced Randgold-Barrick merger, we pointed to 2 tier 1 assets in Nevada with the potential to create 2 more.

    當我們宣布 Randgold 與 Barrick 合併時,我們指出了內華達州的 2 個一級資產,並且有可能再創造 2 個資產。

  • The combination of Twin Creeks and Turquoise Ridge delivered that third tier 1 asset with the fourth potentially in the making at Goldrush.

    Twin Creeks 和 Turquoise Ridge 的合併提供了第三個一級資產,第四個資產可能正在 Goldrush 中製作。

  • Just out of interest, Nevada Gold Mines now boast 12 open-pit mines and 10 underground mines with proven and probable reserves of more than 48 million ounces.

    出於興趣,內華達金礦現在擁有 12 個露天礦和 10 個地下礦,已探明和可能的儲量超過 4800 萬盎司。

  • As I noted earlier, as a gold mining complex, it's the largest of its kind in the world, and it is set to deliver giant-size value creation initially in the form of significant synergies, which we pointed to at the timing of finalizing the joint venture with Newmont Goldcorp.


  • We have increased the attributable production guidance range to between 2.1 million and 2.3 million ounces for the full year from 2 million to 2.2 million ounces at the lower end of the cost range.

    我們將全年權益產量指引範圍從成本範圍下限的 200 萬至 220 萬盎司提高到 210 萬至 230 萬盎司。

  • One month since its official launch and having just come from spending nearly 1 week working with the Nevada management teams, I remain excited about their prospects.


  • I can confirm that already the team is optimizing the ore routing, as shown here.


  • And this is just for the Goldstrike column complex, as shown in this slide, with more to come as we rationalize the roaster feed with the best ore resources.

    這僅適用於 Goldstrike 塔綜合體,如本投影片所示,隨著我們利用最佳礦石資源合理化焙燒爐進料,還會有更多綜合體。

  • And you would have seen that we are maintaining our guidance of between $450 million and $500 million in synergies over the next 5 years.

    您會發現,未來 5 年我們將維持 4.5 億至 5 億美元綜效的指引。

  • And we're already about halfway of that $500 million on an annualized basis as we sit today.

    截至今天,按年化計算,我們已經完成了大約 5 億美元的一半。

  • Still in Nevada, Goldrush and Fourmile are showing real potential with Goldrush on track to deliver a full feasibility study early in 2021, and first ore is expected later in that year or very early in 2022.

    仍在內華達州的 Goldrush 和 Fourmile 正展現出真正的潛力,Goldrush 預計將在 2021 年初提供全面的可行性研究,預計第一批礦石將於當年晚些時候或 2022 年初產出。

  • Drilling continues to close the gap between the 2 orebodies.


  • As you know, Fourmile was kept out of the Nevada joint venture, but we have the right to add it back in once we've determined its value and completed the feasibility study that supports the required investment thresholds.

    如您所知,Fourmile 被排除在內華達合資企業之外,但一旦我們確定了其價值並完成了支持所需投資門檻的可行性研究,我們就有權將其重新添加進來。

  • Drilling this part, Cortez returned some eye-watering intersections with best-ever grades that we've achieved in that Fourmile-Goldrush complex, as you can see here.

    在鑽這部分時,科爾特斯返回了一些令人眼花繚亂的交叉口,其成績是我們在 Fourmile-Goldrush 綜合體中取得的有史以來最好的成績,正如您在此處看到的那樣。

  • And I've got no doubt that this deposit will continue to grow both in size and in value.


  • We move now to Canada where Hemlo continues to perform consistently to budget and is on track to achieve its annual production targets.

    我們現在前往加拿大,Hemlo 繼續持續按照預算執行任務,並有望實現年度生產目標。

  • Hemlo's tailing storage facility achieved a critical milestone last quarter with the go-ahead from both local First Nations for the expansion of the tailings facility.

    上個季度,隨著當地原住民批准擴建尾礦設施,Hemlo 的尾礦儲存設施實現了一個重要的里程碑。

  • The team has also made significant progress with getting to grips with the geology and associated brownfields exploration as well as reviewing the mining methods and reoptimizing the plants against proper geological models.


  • We are encouraged by the progress and believe there's real potential to increase the life-of-mine and take this operation to tier 2 status.


  • Just a reminder, that's 10 years at about 250,000 ounces a year.

    提醒一下,每年大約 25 萬盎司,相當於 10 年。

  • So already now, when we've done the deal, Hemlo was one of those assets which everyone had a different view on.

    所以現在,當我們完成交易時,Hemlo 是每個人都有不同看法的資產之一。

  • But definitely, our geologists have now got the hit around that -- the upside.


  • And our mining team has worked with the mine management team, and Hemlo is looking a lot better than it was when we first started.

    我們的採礦團隊與礦場管理團隊合作,Hemlo 看起來比我們剛開始時要好得多。

  • Pueblo Viejo experienced a slower quarter with production down in the back of lower feed grade and a total plant shutdown and autoclave maintenance.

    Pueblo Viejo 經歷了一個較慢的季度,由於飼料等級較低以及工廠全面停產和高壓釜維護,產量下降。

  • However, the operation is still planning to achieve guidance for the year.


  • As with the rest of the legacy Barrick portfolio, in our Latin American region, mineral resource managers have now been appointed at all the mines, which are progressing towards full accountability for their own geological models and estimates.


  • There's still a lot of work to be done, but the benefits of the new geological focus are expected to start flowing through in the second half of the year, beginning specifically at Pueblo Viejo in the Dominican Republic.


  • We now have new geological models there and are revising the reserve and resource estimates based on these and revised mine plans, including the mine expansion project.


  • Next to the Nevada opportunities.


  • PV offers what is probably our most exciting expansion project.


  • The estimated initial capital cost of extending the mine's processing plant and tailings capacity will exceed $1 billion, but with the potential of converting 8 million ounces of measured and indicated resources immediately to reserves.

    擴大該礦選礦廠和尾礦產能的初始資本成本預計將超過 10 億美元,但有可能立即將 800 萬盎司測量和指示資源轉化為儲量。

  • This should extend the life-of-mine well beyond 2030.

    這應該可以將礦井的使用壽命延長到 2030 年之後。

  • We are forecasting to complete this feasibility study in 2020, next year.

    我們預計將於明年 2020 年完成這項可行性研究。

  • The project specifically is expected to deliver annual production of around 80 -- 800,000 ounces from 2022 and in the lower half of the industry's cost range.

    具體而言,該專案預計從 2022 年起年產量約為 80 至 800,000 盎司,且處於行業成本範圍的下半部分。

  • Based on the work done so far, we remain bullish on the potential to add further targets for evaluation.


  • And so this is a textbook example of what improved geological modeling and ore control can do for a mine whose tier 1 status was coming into question.


  • Moving now to Argentina.


  • Work to reclaim Veladero's full potential produced a solid set of results for quarter 2 with production up by 7% and cost per ounce down by 5%.

    充分發揮 Veladero 潛力的工作在第二季度取得了一系列紮實的成果,產量增加了 7%,每盎司成本下降了 5%。

  • It is also on target to achieve annual guidance, and the focus is now on adding them to the mine's resources and reserve base and lowering the cost, thereby, extending its life-of-mine and returning it to tier 1 status.


  • In addition, the team has done an excellent job in rehabilitating the mine's social license by improving relationships with the local community as well as the provincial and national governments.


  • And also, 96 tonnes of mercury was safely removed from site during the quarter.

    此外,本季也安全地從現場清除了 96 噸汞。

  • Since the beginning of the year, we've renewed our commitment to South America.


  • We've had a new regional exploration strategy and plan to invest $30 million in exploration in Argentina alone.

    我們制定了新的區域勘探策略,並計劃僅在阿根廷就投資 3,000 萬美元進行勘探。

  • Barrick holds a highly prospective land package along the El Indio belt, which spans Argentina, Chile and Peru, as you can see, on this slide.

    巴里克在 El Indio 地帶擁有極具前景的土地包,正如您在這張幻燈片中看到的那樣,該地帶橫跨阿根廷、智利和秘魯。

  • And in addition to hunting for new discoveries there, we already identified the possibility of extending Veladero's life-of-mine.


  • At Pascua-Lama, we are reviewing the project's original parameters and defining its future potential.

    在 Pascua-Lama,我們正在審查該專案的原始參數並確定其未來潛力。

  • Now to Papua New Guinea where Porgera certainly has the potential to achieve tier 1 mine status, albeit in a tough neighborhood.


  • This month, we made some progress in securing its future by getting a court approval to continue operating while our application to extend the special mining lease due to expire on August 16 is being considered.

    本月,我們在確保其未來方面取得了一些進展,獲得法院批准繼續運營,同時正在考慮延長將於 8 月 16 日到期的特殊採礦租約的申請。

  • There is significant potential to double Porgera's life-of-mine currently standing at around 10 years.

    目前,Porgera 的礦場壽命約為 10 年,有很大的潛力可以增加一倍。

  • Porgera is a major contributor to the country's economy, and we are working hard to establish the kind of partnership with the government and the rest of the local stakeholders that has worked so well for us in other challenging jurisdictions.


  • Now over to Africa.


  • The tier 1 Loulo-Gounkoto complex has delivered its usual solid performance, increasing production by 15% and continuing to replace the depleted ounces through brownfields exploration at a rate that supports its 10-year operating plan.

    一級 Loulo-Gounkoto 綜合體表現出一貫的穩健表現,產量增加了 15%,並繼續透過棕地勘探補充耗盡的盎司,其速度支持其 10 年營運計劃。

  • As I mentioned earlier, the installation of the group's first 20-megawatt solar power plant is currently underway at Loulo.

    正如我之前提到的,該集團第一座 20 兆瓦太陽能發電廠目前正在 Loulo 進行安裝。

  • And staying in Mali, I'm happy to say that the mediation of our long-standing tax dispute with the government is making progress and a satisfactory outcome, I believe, could be in sight.


  • In addition to replacing reserves, our exploration teams are also looking for new tier 1 discoveries in the Loulo district.

    除了替換儲量外,我們的勘探團隊還在 Loulo 地區尋找新的一級發現。

  • We dominate the highly prospective Senegal-Malian share zone across the Senegal-Mali border.


  • And as you can see here, we have multiple targets along the 70 kilometers of struck we control.

    正如您在這裡所看到的,我們控制的 70 公里範圍內有多個目標。

  • Also in Senegal, we have completed the feasibility study on the Massawa project and are now on the licensing and permitting process.


  • Massawa is a valuable asset, and we are carefully considering how best to bring that value to account.


  • And in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kibali had another strong quarter, increasing production and reducing costs and remains on track to meet or even beat its annual guidance.

    在剛果民主共和國,Kibali 又經歷了一個強勁的季度,增加了產量並降低了成本,並且仍有望達到甚至超過其年度指導。

  • Ongoing brownfields exploration points to continued replacement of gold depletion, and multiple opportunities within the main KCD orebody indicate that Kibali will continue to maintain its tier 1 status into the future.

    正在進行的棕地勘探表明金礦枯竭的持續替代,並且 KCD 主要礦體內的多個機會表明 Kibali 將在未來繼續保持其一級地位。

  • We are excited about the potential for further tier 1 discoveries from the Congolese Craton, which, by the way, also extends down to Tanzania and hosts the Acacia assets.


  • As you will have seen, the Acacia Board has now supported our offer to acquire the Acacia minority shareholder interest, following which, we'll integrate the company's assets into the Barrick portfolio.

    正如您所看到的,Acacia 董事會現已支持我們收購 Acacia 少數股東權益的提議,隨後我們將將該公司的資產整合到 Barrick 投資組合中。

  • Acacia's troubled history includes a long standoff with the Tanzanian government, which has now accepted the resolution, agreed in principle between our Executive Chairman, John Thornton, and the country's President.

    Acacia 的麻煩歷史包括與坦尚尼亞政府的長期對峙,坦尚尼亞政府現在接受我們的執行主席約翰桑頓 (John Thornton) 和該國總統原則上同意的決議。

  • Once we have the control of the Acacia assets, we'll have a lot of work to do to sort out the operations and rebuild in-country relationships, and of course, most importantly, the license to operate.

    一旦我們控制了 Acacia 資產,我們將有大量工作要做,以理清營運並重建國內關係,當然,最重要的是,獲得營運許可證。

  • This, in summary, is where we are with the transaction to acquire the minority shares in Acacia and bring it back into Barrick along with the expected time line to closure of the transaction.

    總而言之,這就是我們收購 Acacia 少數股權並將其帶回巴里克的交易以及交易結束的預期時間表。

  • We expect to issue just less than $25 million new Barrick shares to buy out the minority shareholders.

    我們預計將發行不到 2,500 萬美元的巴里克新股來收購少數股東的股份。

  • And this is a snapshot of our other gold mines.


  • Kalgoorlie, operated by Newmont Goldcorp, is the only asset in our portfolio which could be performing better.


  • Whilst it continues to be a valuable asset, we are moving down the road of selling our 50% stake in this archon of gold mining.

    雖然它仍然是一項寶貴的資產,但我們正在出售我們在這個金礦開採執政官中所持有 50% 的股份。

  • Given we are not the operators, it does not fit with our falters as we do not want to be passive investors in assets that we own.


  • Tongon had another solid operating quarter.

    Tongon 又迎來了一個穩健的營運季度。

  • With only 3 years left, we're exploring the potential for expanding its existing reserve significantly through ongoing regional exploration.

    只剩下 3 年了,我們正在透過持續的區域勘探來探索大幅擴大現有儲量的潛力。

  • And as for our copper mines, all delivered credible results on the back of improved efficiencies and costs despite lower metal process.


  • Some -- initial operational issues early in the quarter at Lumwana were successfully addressed in June.

    Lumwana 本季初出現的一些初步營運問題已於 6 月成功解決。

  • Investors have asked me for a complete overview of global operations and the regional contributions to the group's production and how it is.


  • And as you can see, our total attributable production forecast for 2019 remains unchanged, albeit at halfway, we are targeting to be at the upper end of the production range and the lower end of the cost ranges.

    正如您所看到的,我們對 2019 年的總歸屬產量預測保持不變,儘管是一半,但我們的目標是處於生產範圍的上限和成本範圍的下限。

  • As promised, we will be in a position to share our 5-year plans for our key operations with you when we present the Q3 results in early November.

    正如所承諾的,當我們在 11 月初公佈第三季業績時,我們將能夠與您分享我們關鍵業務的 5 年計劃。

  • And as I alluded to earlier, another box we have ticked is our goal to streamline the corporate oversight of the group and reduce unnecessary G&A costs.


  • This slide shows the real progress we have made on this front with corporate administration charges for quarter 2 net of severance costs now at approximately $50 million and in line with our guidance for 2019.

    這張投影片顯示了我們在這方面取得的實際進展,第二季的企業管理費用(扣除遣散費後)目前約為 5,000 萬美元,與我們 2019 年的指引一致。

  • Creating value, as I've said many times before, is all about being sustainably profitable.


  • And to do that, as a gold miner, one has to invest in profitable production as well as replacing the gold we mine.


  • We, as an industry, as you all know, have not done this very well.


  • And as a result, the outlook of new global gold production is now declining.


  • Our Barrick vision and the rationale behind our recent merger initiatives is to control the majority of the industry's tier 1 assets and to be present in the most prospective jurisdictions and, of course, be able to operate there successfully.


  • We now have 6 tier 1 assets and a further 2 potential tier 1 assets in the making, which sets us apart from the rest of the industry.

    我們現在擁有 6 項一級資產和另外 2 項正在建設中的潛在一級資產,這使我們在行業中脫穎而出。

  • With the best assets and combining them with the best people, we are very confident we will deliver industry-leading value and buck the trend that you see here.


  • I hope you will recognize that we've achieved a great deal in the first half of the year to deliver on our vision.


  • I believe this is largely attributable to the successful application of Randgold's business model to the new Barrick's global scale, something many observers thought could not be done.


  • Of course, the 2 businesses were always a great fit, but the merger would not have been effective so smoothly and delivered on its promises so fully had it not been for 2 years of careful conceptualizing, a thorough due diligence and detailed preparation for a new business directed by a clear strategy and managed by very capable and integrated team with a shared vision.


  • I believe we have already established Barrick as a business with a distinctive brand.


  • One that is synonymous with value creation and stands for sharing that value with all stakeholders.


  • Does the market also see us that way?


  • I'll let Barrick's share price performance since the merger answer that question.


  • Do we have more to do and deliver on?


  • Absolutely.


  • I can confirm this is just the beginning, and there are more exciting opportunities out there, and we plan to make the best from them.


  • Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your attention.


  • And at this point, we'd be delighted to take questions.


  • And I believe we're going to start with those that have dialed in and then come back to this audience, if that's okay by you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) There are no questions at this time.

    (操作員說明) 目前沒有任何問題。

  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • So let's open it to you, guys, here.


  • Catherine P. Raw - COO of North America

    Catherine P. Raw - COO of North America

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Greg Barnes - MD and Head of Mining Research

    Greg Barnes - MD and Head of Mining Research

  • It's Greg Barnes with TD.

    我是 TD 的格雷格·巴恩斯。

  • Just want to ask about Pueblo Viejo and the comment in the MD&A about the unconstrained TMS at liberating...

    只是想詢問 Pueblo Viejo 以及 MD&A 中有關解放時不受約束的 TMS 的評論...

  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • Unconstrained?


  • Greg Barnes - MD and Head of Mining Research

    Greg Barnes - MD and Head of Mining Research

  • Yes.


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • Unconstrained what?


  • Greg Barnes - MD and Head of Mining Research

    Greg Barnes - MD and Head of Mining Research

  • TMS, tailings management...


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • So tailings -- TSF.


  • Greg Barnes - MD and Head of Mining Research

    Greg Barnes - MD and Head of Mining Research

  • TSF, okay.


  • Sorry.


  • TSF.


  • So I'm just curious what that means.


  • I know tailing storage there has been an issue.


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • We've got 4 sites of potential tailing storage capacity, and we're busy working through that.

    我們有 4 個潛在尾礦儲存容量的地點,我們正在忙於解決這個問題。

  • We've engaged with the government on that evaluation.


  • And during the process of the feasibility study, we will select one of those sites once we've done all the geotech work, which is the most important, and also looked at ownership and the relocation action plan options and so on.


  • And the important thing is that once we've selected that footprint and we get the application settle, it will bring -- it unlocks an enormous amount of reserves and resources.


  • I'll rephrase it, unlocks an enormous amount of measured and indicated resources.


  • As I indicated, the initial estimate is about 11 million ounces immediately because they drilled out to that level.

    正如我所指出的,初步估計產量約為 1100 萬盎司,因為他們已鑽探至該水平。

  • And that's the only thing that's keeping them in resources is that we can't actually process them without a tailings facility.


  • So that's the one aspect.


  • The other was -- is the mine was always going to have to cope with much lower grades as it mines out the -- the more it put, for example.


  • And so the way to do it is how do you keep the production rate up at 800,000 to 1 million ounces and manage the cost?

    那麼,實現這一目標的方法是如何將生產力保持在 8 億至 100 萬盎司並管理成本?

  • And the concept initially was to concentrate some of the lower grades into a concentrate and then leach -- water leach some of the higher sulfide material to reduce the energy component of their feed and merge them in with the main high-grade feed into the autoclave with a balanced energy component.


  • And thereby, you want to effectively do because of the concentrate is that you can produce more gold because your front-end processing is high volume, but then when you get to the autoclave, it's concentrated.


  • After the merger, what we looked at is much more aggressive reduction in volume and the ability to float all of the material other than the high-grade feed, which doesn't need concentration, and then partially oxidize the sulfide through ultrafine grinding and tank leakage -- tank leaching.


  • And that -- we have proof of concept of that sort of scale both at Tongon and in Kibali.


  • In Tongon, we do partially oxidize the sulfide in the ultrafine grind.

    在 Tongon,我們確實在超細研磨中部分氧化了硫化物。

  • And if you put it into tankage, you can do that quite rapidly and under a very controlled environment.


  • And so now what you've got is the optimal throughput, looks like 14 million tonnes but still feeding that 8-million- to 9-million-tonne autoclave capacity.

    現在您得到的是最佳吞吐量,看起來為 1400 萬噸,但仍能滿足 800 萬噸至 900 萬噸的高壓釜產能。

  • And so you keep the throughput up, you drop the whole mining costs, and the overall operating cost is still in the bottom half of the industry cost curve.


  • And of course -- and the indications are that we should be able to deliver production to -- right into the 20, 40s on that basis.

    當然,有跡象表明我們應該能夠在此基礎上將生產交付到 20 世紀 40 年代。

  • And so it's important for us to have a tailing storage facility that has the capacity to expand into that life-of-mine plan.


  • So that's what we've been working with, with the government.


  • PV is a very significant contributor to Dominican Republic corporate tax.


  • More than 23% of all corporate taxes is paid by PV.


  • It's a very profitable business, paid a lot of tax, employs a lot of people.


  • And so we've worked with the -- both the federal government, central government and the provincial government and all other stakeholders to get everyone aligned on how important this asset is.


  • And the other thing I don't think a lot of people understand is that, Barrick, in acquiring the Placer Dome PV right at the beginning, also took on a lot of commitment to rehabilitate old mining liabilities from the previous owners of that region.

    另一件我認為很多人不理解的事情是,巴里克在一開始收購 Placer Dome PV 時,也承擔了很多承諾,以恢復該地區以前所有者的舊採礦負債。

  • And again, it's made an excellent job in doing so.


  • And we've still got work to do, but I think that's -- all that is important to the government as is the direct investment.


  • Greg Barnes - MD and Head of Mining Research

    Greg Barnes - MD and Head of Mining Research

  • Some of the new locations for the new TSF off your current property and you have to...

    新 TSF 的一些新位置位於您當前的房產之外,您必須...

  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • They're adjacent to and inclusive of the edges of the agreed license.


  • Tanya M. Jakusconek - Analyst

    Tanya M. Jakusconek - Analyst

  • Tanya Jakusconek, Scotiabank.

    Tanya Jakusconek,豐業銀行。

  • Mark, can I ask about -- you mentioned that you're renewing reserves and resources at various mine sites.


  • So will we have that information when you put out your 5-year guidance?

    那麼,當您發布 5 年指導時,我們會得到這些資訊嗎?

  • And maybe just talk about how you're approaching reserve.


  • The 2 companies have very different approaches to that.


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • So we haven't finalized exactly how we're going to do it.


  • Our reserves will be shared with you, as normal in the annual report next year as we normally do.


  • At this stage, if I were to -- so Africa is still running at a $1,000 gold price in the -- and the debate is do we change that?

    在現階段,如果我這麼做——那麼非洲的金價仍然維持在 1,000 美元——而爭論的焦點是我們是否要改變這一點?

  • In the rest of the business, $1,200 is the number.

    在其他行業,1,200 美元就是這個數字。

  • We're using our long-term $1,200 gold price.

    我們使用 1,200 美元的長期黃金價格。

  • And we've undertaken that by the end of the year, we will have tested all the assets and their risk because it's -- you know this, it's oversimplifying things to just say use the gold price because many times you can -- depending on the orebody, you can run a $1,200 whittle, and it works in $1,000 and makes money.

    我們已經承諾,到今年年底,我們將測試所有資產及其風險,因為——你知道這一點,僅僅說使用黃金價格過於簡單化了,因為很多時候你可以——取決於礦體,你可以花1,200 美元運行一個削刀,它的工作成本為1,000 美元並賺錢。

  • So that's what we've been doing with the Nevada mines, particularly.


  • But given the outlook on world gold supply and where the gold price is, the industry is not profitable at $1,200.

    但考慮到世界黃金供應前景和金價水平,該行業在 1,200 美元的水平上無法盈利。

  • So that might well be our final number, but we've still got some work to do, right, as we're working through -- and the other thing, you can't just take those big Nevada mines and say, "Well, we're just going to run them at $1,000." They've got to be redesigned.

    所以這很可能是我們的最終數字,但我們還有一些工作要做,對吧,因為我們正在努力解決這一問題——另一件事,你不能只拿那些內華達州的大型礦井說,“好吧,我們將以 1,000 美元的價格運行它們。它們必須重新設計。

  • So part of this optimization, orebody modeling programs we've got is all about testing that opportunity, along with, for instance, Turquoise Ridge is already -- its kind of grade is already down at 6.6 because of -- we've taken out the processing charge to be able to drop that.

    因此,我們擁有的優化礦體建模程序的一部分是測試這個機會,例如,Turquoise Ridge 已經——它的品位已經下降到 6.6,因為——我們已經取消了能夠降低處理費用。

  • And our intention is to go down to sort of 5.5, 5.75, around there.

    我們的目的是降低到 5.5、5.75 左右。

  • That's the optimum cutoff grade as we see it today in Turquoise Ridge.

    這是我們今天在 Turquoise Ridge 看到的最佳截止品位。

  • And so we've got quite a lot of work streams running at the moment.


  • But it won't be more than $1,200, I guess, is my guidance.

    但我的指導是,它不會超過 1,200 美元。

  • Tanya M. Jakusconek - Analyst

    Tanya M. Jakusconek - Analyst

  • And you have enough information at that point, then you can share with us...


  • Graham Patrick Shuttleworth - Senior EVP & CFO

    Graham Patrick Shuttleworth - Senior EVP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • Yes, yes.


  • We've got enough information today.


  • We've got a good handle on what it looks like.


  • I can tell you know that if you move from 9, which we were, cut off in Turquoise Ridge to 5.5 is about 3.5 million ounces unlocked just on that movement.

    我可以告訴你,如果你從綠松石嶺切斷的 9 移動到 5.5,僅在該移動中就解鎖了約 350 萬盎司。

  • And there's a lot more work to be done.


  • Veladero has got some work to be done.


  • Again, when we got -- looked at Veladero, the first half with Mark's team, we didn't even really know what we are putting on the heap leach.

    再次,當我們看到 Veladero,Mark 團隊的上半場時,我們甚至不知道我們在堆浸中放入了什麼。

  • Now we do.


  • And we know what's coming.


  • Now the other thing is how much more can we drill out of the current pit shell.


  • That's 4 corners out.

    那是 4 個角。

  • It's -- I can't tell you in Spanish, but the English translation is the Four Corners project, which is really looking for -- to the deep extensions of the pit at Veladero and the opportunity to add life.


  • And it's got to be somewhere between 0.5 million and 2 million ounces potentially to add to that.

    並且可能增加 50 萬至 200 萬盎司。

  • Now that would be very significant for Veladero.


  • And then we've got the others satellite, nearby satellite assets.


  • And of course, the Pascua-Lama review is -- could well -- and -- because we're agnostic where it goes.


  • And some of those Lama assets might be best served to process them at Veladero.


  • So we've got our complete relook both Veladero as of JV, and then what we can add to it and then what it looks like maybe in Pascua-Lama or maybe Pascua on its own and Lama more associated with Veladero.

    因此,我們對合資企業的 Veladero 進行了徹底的重新審視,然後我們可以添加什麼,然後它看起來可能在 Pascua-Lama 中,或者可能是 Pascua 本身,而 Lama 與 Veladero 更相關。

  • So all those aspects we're looking at.


  • Porgera, I think, again, we've got the drill rigs.


  • We're drilling already.


  • We're very excited about the potential there.


  • PV, you've seen the benefit of geology.


  • We've redone -- we've remapped and relogged every single bore whole.


  • So a lot of our exploration team spent the last 6 months in the mines catching up the geology.

    因此,我們的許多勘探團隊在過去 6 個月裡都在礦井中了解地質狀況。

  • They're now just starting to migrate back into sort of more greenfield focus.


  • Same with Goldrush-Fourmile, again, we've now got the structure right under Rod Quick's guidance.

    就像 Goldrush-Fourmile 一樣,我們現在已經在 Rod Quick 的指導下完成了結構。

  • And Rob Krcmarov and his exploration team are now -- the Fourmile work is going to be wider spacing, getting the framework together for Fourmile.

    Rob Krcmarov 和他的勘探團隊現在正在——四英里工作將擴大間距,為四英里建立框架。

  • And then Rob and his team are going to go out to try to find the next one.


  • And Rod Quick and the MRM feasibility team will then drill it out to feasibility.

    Rod Quick 和 MRM 可行性團隊隨後將進行可行性研究。

  • So we've got all those work streams going, and we've got a good handle on our life-of-mine framework.


  • Some still needs a bit of drilling to bank.


  • But we will do like we did in Randgold.


  • We will show you the bank reserves.


  • We will show you the inventory and how it fits in with the life-of-mine plans.


  • And then we'll be able to work with you as we complete the testing of the sort of blue-sky inventory going forward.


  • So -- and I'm pretty sure we'll start with a 5-year plan because, as you can see here, I'm getting nervous here in front of you.


  • Tanya M. Jakusconek - Analyst

    Tanya M. Jakusconek - Analyst

  • And when we say the 5-year plan, we're meaning the Barrick, 5 years and the Nevada joint venture, 5 years.


  • Everything really?


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • Nevada joint venture is called Nevada Gold Mines, which consolidate into Barrick.


  • It's Barrick.


  • Tanya M. Jakusconek - Analyst

    Tanya M. Jakusconek - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Okay.


  • So all of that.


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • All of that.


  • Tanya M. Jakusconek - Analyst

    Tanya M. Jakusconek - Analyst

  • And then if I can ask one more question.


  • Just on North Mara on the tailings, we saw this morning that we got the export permit to export gold, but what about the tailings disposal and...


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • So that's important for you to know that the miners got the ability to ship the gold because of the stock.


  • But it still can't operate because it can't use the tailings dam.


  • And so our team have been up there to meet with the environmental ministry as well as the other related ministries, mines ministry and so on.


  • We are running a coordination committee on a weekly basis with the Acacia team just to make sure that we are moving forward because, as I've pointed out many times, there's a -- the government of Tanzania has been very consistent in managing this and it had nothing to do with the negotiation.

    我們每週都會與 Acacia 團隊一起組建一個協調委員會,以確保我們繼續前進,因為正如我多次指出的那樣,坦尚尼亞政府在管理這一問題方面一直非常一致,並且這與談判無關。

  • It's their view of poor performance.


  • And we've -- and so we've studied the North Mara dam.


  • We have a plan.


  • We've shared it with government.


  • We believe it's both responsible, and it will mitigate the issues that they have with their tailings dam.


  • And the key thing is to get water off the dam as quickly as possible, and then in the longer term to build a new dam.


  • So we believe that we'll get that properly done once we get to -- over the vote and the final consolidation of those assets, we should be in a position to start stocking things up.


  • If we don't manage to convince people to stock them up before then.


  • And the same goes with Buly.


  • Catherine P. Raw - COO of North America

    Catherine P. Raw - COO of North America

  • Okay.


  • Any more questions?


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • The team's here.


  • So we've got Mark from Lat Am is here.


  • He leads the Lat Am team.


  • We've got [Bennies] and a couple of people from our corporate executive team.


  • So welcome to Part 3. Unfortunately, it's just tea and coffee.


  • Traditionally, in Randgold, there used to be wine and champagne.


  • But we have to understand, get a -- make a license if we wanted to do that, which is quite hard.


  • So join us.


  • Catherine P. Raw - COO of North America

    Catherine P. Raw - COO of North America

  • Sorry, Mark.


  • There's 2 questions on the call.

    通話中有 2 個問題。

  • Thank you.


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Danielle Chigumira with Macquarie.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自麥格理的 Danielle Chigumira。

  • Danielle Chigumira - Analyst

    Danielle Chigumira - Analyst

  • Perhaps, a predictable question from me.


  • Given the speed at which you're already achieving the planned synergies at the Nevada JV, do you have any idea on the quantum or -- of potential upside for synergies?


  • Or when you would get some visibility on how much larger the synergies could be?


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • So Danielle, if you see our announcement today, we are reinforcing $450 million to $500 million in synergies.

    所以丹妮爾,如果你今天看到我們的公告,我們將加強 4.5 億至 5 億美元的協同效應。

  • And we are at about -- we announced that we could see in the short term about $240 million on an annualized basis already identified and have been affected.

    我們宣布,按年計算,短期內我們可能會看到約 2.4 億美元已經確定並受到影響。

  • We have rearranged the pie chart in the presentation you'll see today because there's got to be swings and roundabout, a little bit more here and a little bit less there.


  • But overall, in the guidance, we're showing that we can see above the $480 million that we originally identified right in the beginning of the engagement with Newmont at the time.

    但總體而言,在指導中,我們表明我們可以看到高於我們最初在與紐蒙特公司合作之初確定的 4.8 億美元。

  • So we're very comfortable about that.


  • We're already getting those benefits.


  • Of course, some of them are hidden in some of the underperformance of the operation, also the fact that Newmont hadn't read -- although they had guided the markets on the collapse of gold quarry pit and the cessation of operations at mill 5. Now that's a benefit because we're not going to switch off mill 5. So that is a genuine synergy, which would have materialized in Newmont's hands, as an example.

    當然,其中一些隱藏在運營表現不佳的情況下,也是紐蒙特沒有讀到的事實——儘管它們在金礦坑倒塌和 5 號工廠停止運營方面指導了市場。會關閉5 號工廠。

  • So they lost a little stuff.


  • But as I said in the presentation, the ones that we're already delivering on are the picture I showed you on ore arrangements.


  • And that's both the autoclave at Goldstrike and the roaster are receiving ore from Barrick and Newmont, which were not in the mine plans or very far out in the mine plans.

    Goldstrike 的高壓釜和烘焙廠都從 Barrick 和 Newmont 接收礦石,這些礦石不在採礦計劃中或遠遠超出了採礦計劃。

  • So we brought them forward.


  • And then it's the Turquoise Ridge-Twin Creeks immediate benefits, which are significant.


  • And then we've already got things with -- on consumables.


  • We renegotiated most of the major bulk consumables contracts, which have reduced the pricing.


  • And we are looking to about $110 million of procurement and logistics benefits in that $480 million.

    我們希望在這 4.8 億美元中獲得約 1.1 億美元的採購和物流效益。

  • And we're well down the road on that.


  • So we're in good shape and got no reason to change that guidance.


  • And it'll wash out after a while because there's been costs, transaction costs, retrenchment costs and other stuff.


  • But right now, I think we're pretty much settled with that.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Howard Flinker with Flinker & Co.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Flinker & Co 的 Howard Flinker。

  • Howard Flinker;Flinker & Co.;Analyst

    Howard Flinker;Flinker & Co.;Analyst

  • I have 2 questions.

    我有 2 個問題。

  • One, I read the other day that a company in Senegal was assessed taxes and had no opportunity to appeal.


  • Is your tax circumstance the same?


  • Or did you copy your contract from Mali when you first went into Senegal?


  • That's my first question.


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • So I don't know the company you're talking about.


  • Do you, Graham?


  • Graham Patrick Shuttleworth - Senior EVP & CFO

    Graham Patrick Shuttleworth - Senior EVP & CFO

  • So that's news to me...


  • Howard Flinker;Flinker & Co.;Analyst

    Howard Flinker;Flinker & Co.;Analyst

  • Teranga Gold.


  • I was astonished to read what I did.


  • They just had to pay it.


  • They could not appeal.


  • They could not protest, nothing.


  • Just fork over the money.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • Oh, well.


  • If you want to have that discussion, rather have it with Mr. Young.


  • Howard Flinker;Flinker & Co.;Analyst

    Howard Flinker;Flinker & Co.;Analyst

  • But I'm asking you this...


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • We have a stability clause in our investment convention.


  • Howard Flinker;Flinker & Co.;Analyst

    Howard Flinker;Flinker & Co.;Analyst

  • You do.


  • You do.


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • We have a stability clause in our investment convention, and we're pretty comfortable with the way things operate in Senegal.


  • Howard Flinker;Flinker & Co.;Analyst

    Howard Flinker;Flinker & Co.;Analyst

  • I suspected so, but I wanted to clarify that.


  • And second, do you have any thoughts about Argentina?


  • Their currency devalued 25% this morning.

    今天早上他們的貨幣貶值了 25%。

  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • So we operate in emerging markets, things go up and down, not necessarily in that order.


  • I think in Argentina for us is a place -- certainly, we had a town hall there the other day with the Governor of San Juan province, and we see a real commitment to mining.


  • He quite to me said, San Juan is a mining province.


  • It's all about mining responsibly.


  • But it's not a province that can live without mining.


  • And again, we are actively exploring in Argentina, both down the El Indio trend in the form of -- we've got a very big target, similar to Veladero, slightly lower grade at this stage, which combines Alturas in Chile with Rojo Grande or Del Carmen in Argentina.

    再說一次,我們正在阿根廷積極探索,沿著 El Indio 趨勢,我們有一個非常大的目標,類似於 Veladero,現階段的等級稍低,結合了智利的 Alturas 和 Rojo Grande或阿根廷的德爾卡門。

  • And it's a very exciting project, very large, which we're exploring.


  • And we've also moved further down the Andean trend, and we're looking at new opportunities.


  • We have a full, dedicated exploration team.


  • We've just moved one of our geologists to -- from PV down to lead the -- do -- be the exploration manager in Argentina.


  • So yes, we're very committed, long-term investors in Argentina.


  • Operator


  • There are no more registered questions from the conference call.


  • Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

    Dennis Mark Bristow - President, CEO & Director

  • All right.


  • Thank you very much, everyone.


  • You're welcome to join us for some tea and cookies.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call.


  • Should you have additional questions, please contact the Barrick Investor Relations department.


  • You may now disconnect your lines.


  • Thank you for participating and have a pleasant day.
