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Good morning, and welcome to Franco-Nevada Corporation's third quarter 2024 results conference call and webcast.
早安,歡迎參加 Franco-Nevada Corporation 2024 年第三季業績電話會議和網路廣播。
This call is being recorded on November 7, 2024.
此通話錄音於 2024 年 11 月 7 日進行。
(Operator Instructions) I would now like to turn the conference over to your host, Candida Hayden, Senior Analyst, Investor Relations.
(操作員指示)我現在想將會議轉交給東道主投資者關係高級分析師坎迪達·海登 (Candida Hayden)。
Please go ahead.
Candida Hayden - IR Contact
Candida Hayden - IR Contact
Thank you, Chloe.
Good morning, everyone.
Thank you for joining us today to discuss Franco-Nevada's Third Quarter 2024 results.
感謝您今天加入我們討論 Franco-Nevada 2024 年第三季的業績。
Accompanying this call is a presentation, which is available on our website at franco-nevada.com, where you will also find our full financial results.
此次電話會議還附有一份演示文稿,可在我們的網站 franco-nevada.com 上獲取,您還可以在其中找到我們的完整財務業績。
The presentation is also available to view on the webcast.
During our call this morning, Paul Brink, President and CEO of Franco-Nevada, will provide introductory remarks; followed by Sandip Rana, Chief Financial Officer, who will provide a brief review of our results.
在今天早上的電話會議中,弗蘭科-內華達公司總裁兼執行長保羅·布林克 (Paul Brink) 將發表介紹性演講;接下來是財務長 Sandip Rana,他將簡要回顧我們的業績。
This will be followed by a Q&A period.
Our full executive team is available to answer any questions.
Participants may submit questions by telephone or via the webcast.
We'd like to remind participants that some of today's commentary may contain forward-looking information, and we refer you to our detailed cautionary note on slide 2 of this presentation.
I will now turn over the call to Paul Brink, President and CEO of Franco-Nevada.
我現在將電話轉給法蘭科-內華達公司總裁兼執行長保羅‧布林克 (Paul Brink)。
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Thank you, Candida, and good morning.
Our inflation-protected business model is working well.
Record gold prices, we generated higher revenues, EBITDA and earnings in Q3 compared to Q2 this year.
金價創歷史新高,與今年第二季相比,我們第三季的營收、息稅折舊攤提前利潤 (EBITDA) 和收益更高。
The sales were stable compared to Q2, although lower compared to Q3, 2023, without the contribution from Cobre Panama.
與第二季相比,銷售額保持穩定,但與 2023 年第三季相比有所下降,沒有 Cobre巴拿馬的貢獻。
The quarter benefited from deliveries from the newly commissioned Tocantinzinho mine in Brazil, and increased contributions from royalties on the recently completed Greenstone mine and the newly acquired Yanacocha royalty.
該季度受益於巴西新投產的 Tocantinzinho 礦場的交付,以及最近竣工的 Greenstone 礦和新收購的 Yanacocha 礦的特許權使用費貢獻的增加。
Candelaria reported an increase in copper and gold production for the quarter, with operations recovering after encountering underground voids in the open pit during Q2.
Candelaria's copper output is now ahead of its initial expectations.
Gold grades have been below expectation in the period, and Lundin Mining has revised its 2024 gold production guidance for Candelaria at lower.
在此期間,黃金品位一直低於預期,倫丁礦業 (Lundin Mining) 已下調坎德拉里亞 2024 年黃金產量指引。
In addition, using record gold prices, revenue from our diversified assets translates into lower GEOs.
此外,利用創紀錄的金價,我們多元化資產的收入轉化為較低的 GEO。
We've adjusted our 2024 GEO guidance as a result.
因此,我們調整了 2024 年 GEO 指導。
Our full year revenue, however, is expected to be higher than when we provided our original guidance in March 2024.
然而,我們的全年收入預計將高於我們在 2024 年 3 月提供最初指導時的收入。
Our 2024 revenue is expected to be between $1 billion and $1.1 billion.
我們 2024 年的營收預計在 10 億美元至 11 億美元之間。
Cobre Panama remains in preservation and safe management.
President Molino took office in July this year and has indicated a willingness to discuss the reopening of the mine with the likely timing of discussions early in 2025.
莫利諾總統於今年 7 月上任,並表示願意討論重新開放該礦的問題,討論時間可能為 2025 年初。
This administration is arranging for an audit of the mine by international experts.
I think this is a good practical step to dispel some of the misconceptions about the mine that were touted during last year's protest.
For the new school year starting in the quarter, we were proud to grant diversity scholarships to four new mining engineering students.
We now have a total of 13 students that we're supporting through their mining engineering studies.
現在,我們為 13 名學生的採礦工程學習提供支援。
Business development team has been very busy.
We have a strong deal pipeline and are confident we can add attractive precious metal assets to the portfolio in the coming months.
There's also good potential to add incremental diversified assets.
With that, I'll hand the call over to Sandip.
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
Thank you, Paul.
Good morning, everyone.
I will turn to Slide 4 to give an overview of the financial results for the quarter.
我將轉向投影片 4 概述本季的財務表現。
Overall GEOs sold were 110,110 for Q3 2024.
2024 年第三季 GEO 總銷量為 110,110 輛。
This compares to 160,848 for the prior year quarter and 125,882 for the prior year quarter when Cobre Panama GEOs are excluded.
相比之下,去年同期為 160,848 人,排除 Cobre 巴拿馬 GEO 後,去年同期為 125,882 人。
As you are aware, Cobre Panama continues to be in preservation and safe management.
In terms of operating assets and GEOs delivered and sold for the quarter, the main drivers of lower GEOs were Candelaria and Antapaccay.
就本季交付和銷售的營運資產和 GEO 而言,GEO 下降的主要推動因素是坎德拉里亞 (Candelaria) 和安塔帕凱 (Antapaccay)。
Candelaria GEOs delivered and sold in Q3 2024 were lower than those sold in prior year.
2024 年第三季交付和銷售的 Candelaria GEO 低於上一年的銷售量。
In the first half of this year, mining rates were impacted by the interface of the open pit and historic underground mining stopes, requiring more stockpiled ore to be processed, which reduced grades and recoveries.
While production in third quarter increased significantly due to accessing higher grade ore and improved run time of the SAG mill, GEO deliveries were still lower than prior year.
儘管由於獲得了更高品位的礦石和改善了半自磨機的運行時間,第三季的產量顯著增加,但 GEO 的交付量仍低於去年同期。
However, this was partially due to timing of shipments as delivery of gold and silver was carried over into fourth quarter.
We do expect a stronger quarter for GEOs delivered and sold from Candelaria for Q4.
我們確實預計第四季度從坎德拉里亞交付和銷售的 GEO 將出現強勁成長。
At Antapaccay, although GEOs sold were lower in Q3 2024 compared to prior year, we did see a recovery of GEOs delivered compared to second quarter 2024.
在 Antapaccay,儘管 2024 年第三季的 GEO 銷量低於去年同期,但我們確實看到交付的 GEO 與 2024 年第二季相比有所復甦。
As a result, we expect full year deliveries to be between 50,000 to 60,000 GEOs as originally guided for the year.
因此,我們預計全年交付量將達到最初指導的 50,000 至 60,000 個 GEO。
The Hemlo NPI was again weaker than expected.
Hemlo NPI 再次弱於預期。
Our visibility is limited, and it continues to be difficult to estimate what the NPI will be going forward.
我們的能見度有限,而且仍然很難估計 NPI 的未來發展。
With respect to new mines, we did receive our initial ounces from Tocantinzinho during the quarter and expect a stronger quarter from both Tocantinzinho and Greenstone in Q4.
就新礦而言,我們確實在本季度從 Tocantinzinho 收到了最初的盎司產量,並預計第四季度 Tocantinzinho 和 Greenstone 的產量都將更加強勁。
For the quarter, precious metal GEOs were 84,377.
本季貴金屬 GEO 為 84,377。
This compares to 90,370 in prior year when Cobre Panama GEOs are excluded.
相比之下,去年 Cobre 巴拿馬 GEO 被排除在外的情況下,這一數字為 90,370。
Precious metal GEOs represented approximately 77% of total GEOs for the quarter.
貴金屬 GEO 約佔本季 GEO 總量的 77%。
For diversified, total GEOs sold were 25,733 compared to 35,511 in prior year.
就多元化而言,GEO 總銷量為 25,733 輛,而上一年為 35,511 輛。
Iron ore GEOs sold were slightly lower year-over-year, while energy GEOs were lower at 19,137.
鐵礦石 GEO 銷量較去年同期略有下降,而能源 GEO 銷量則較低,為 19,137 件。
The decrease in energy GEOs is a combination of lower production and revenue due to weaker natural gas prices as well as the impact of converting energy revenue to GEOs by higher gold prices.
能源 GEO 的減少是由於天然氣價格疲軟導致產量和收入下降以及金價上漲將能源收入轉換為 GEO 的影響共同造成的。
As we look to total revenue, revenue was $275.7 million for Q3 2024 compared to $309.5 million in prior year.
從總營收來看,2024 年第三季的營收為 2.757 億美元,而前一年的營收為 3.095 億美元。
However, when you exclude Cobre Panama from prior year revenue, revenue was higher by $33.5 million or 14% year-over-year.
然而,如果將 Cobre巴拿馬公司排除在上一年的收入之外,收入將增加 3,350 萬美元,年增 14%。
Q3 saw -- Q3 2024 saw continued volatility in average commodity prices.
第三季 - 2024 年第三季平均商品價格持續波動。
As you see on slide 5, gold and silver average prices were significantly higher for the quarter and year-to-date when compared to prior year.
正如您在幻燈片 5 中看到的那樣,與去年相比,本季和今年迄今為止的黃金和白銀平均價格明顯較高。
Slide 6 highlights the financial results for the quarter and year-to-date 2024.
幻燈片 6 重點介紹了 2024 年季度和年初至今的財務表現。
As mentioned, GEOs sold were lower at 110,110 compared to prior year, and revenue was also lower year-over-year.
如前所述,與前一年相比,GEO 銷量下降至 110,110 輛,營收也較去年同期下降。
Adjusted EBITDA was $236.2 million, while adjusted net income was $153.9 million.
調整後的 EBITDA 為 2.362 億美元,調整後的淨利潤為 1.539 億美元。
This compares to $255.1 million in adjusted EBITDA in Q3 2023 and adjusted net income of $175.1 million in Q3 2023.
相較之下,2023 年第三季調整後 EBITDA 為 2.551 億美元,2023 年第三季調整後淨利為 1.751 億美元。
On a per share basis, adjusted net income was $0.80 for the quarter.
以每股計算,本季調整後淨利為 0.80 美元。
On the cost side, we did have a decrease in cost of sales compared to Q3 2023 as we did not incur the ongoing fixed cost for ounces delivered by Cobre Panama, and had lower GEOs delivered and sold from Candelaria and Antapaccay.
在成本方面,與 2023 年第三季相比,我們的銷售成本確實有所下降,因為我們沒有承擔 Cobre巴拿馬交付的盎司的持續固定成本,並且從 Candelaria 和 Antapaccay 交付和銷售的 GEO 較低。
Also, cost of sales is dependent on which assets deliver stream ounces as not all fixed payments per stream ounce are equal.
With respect to the arbitration costs for Cobre Panama, the company incurred costs of $1.9 million in Q3 2024 and have incurred $4.2 million year-to-date.
關於 Cobre巴拿馬的仲裁費用,該公司在 2024 年第三季產生了 190 萬美元的費用,今年迄今已產生了 420 萬美元的費用。
We expect approximately $1.5 million to be incurred for the rest of the year.
我們預計今年剩餘時間將產生約 150 萬美元的費用。
Depletion decreased to $54.2 million versus $68.1 million a year ago.
消耗減少至 5,420 萬美元,而一年前為 6,810 萬美元。
The decrease was due to 0 depletion recorded for Cobre Panama, as well as lower depletion recorded for Candelaria because of the lower deliveries in the quarter.
下降的原因是巴拿馬 Cobre 的消耗量為 0,以及坎德拉里亞因本季度交付量較低而記錄的消耗量較低。
Our effective tax rate was 21.6% in the quarter.
本季我們的有效稅率為 21.6%。
We expect it to average around 20% going forward.
我們預計未來平均成長率約為 20%。
Slide 7 highlights the continued diversification of the portfolio.
投影片 7 強調了投資組合的持續多元化。
From the charts, you can see that 77% of our third quarter 2024 revenue was generated by precious metals, with revenue being sourced 81% from the Americas.
從圖表中您可以看到,我們 2024 年第三季營收的 77% 來自貴金屬,其中 81% 的營收來自美洲。
Slide 8 illustrates the strength of our business model to generate high margins.
幻燈片 8 展示了我們的業務模式在產生高利潤方面的優勢。
For Q3 2024, the cash cost per GEO, which is essentially cost of sales divided by gold equivalent ounces sold, was $290 per GEO.
2024 年第三季度,每 GEO 的現金成本(本質上是銷售成本除以銷售的黃金當量盎司)為每 GEO 290 美元。
This compares to $304 per GEO in Q3 2023.
相比之下,2023 年第三季每個 GEO 的費用為 304 美元。
This amount will fluctuate depending on the mix of royalty versus stream GEOs, including mining and energy.
該金額將根據特許權使用費與流 GEO(包括採礦和能源)的組合而波動。
But as you can see, at current average gold prices, the company generates significant margins.
Margin was approximately $2,200 per ounce in Q3 2024.
2024 年第三季的保證金約為每盎司 2,200 美元。
When you compare Q3 '24 to Q3 2023, the average gold price increased 28% year-over-year.
將 24 年第三季與 2023 年第三季進行比較時,平均黃金價格年增 28%。
However, the margin per ounce Franco-Nevada achieved increased 35%.
然而,Franco-Nevada 每盎司的利潤卻增加了 35%。
In a rising commodity price environment, Franco-Nevada benefits fully as the cost per GEO sold will not increase significantly.
在大宗商品價格上漲的環境下,弗蘭科-內華達公司充分受益,因為每個 GEO 的銷售成本不會大幅增加。
As we turn to available capital, the company has $2.3 billion as at September 30, 2024.
當我們轉向可用資本時,截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日,該公司擁有 23 億美元。
The company continues to be debt-free.
Finally, with respect to guidance, we have benefited from record gold prices in the first nine months of 2024 with revenue exceeding our initial expectations.
最後,關於指引,我們受益於 2024 年前 9 個月創紀錄的金價,收入超出了我們的最初預期。
However, lower-than-expected gold deliveries from Candelaria and slower ramp-ups at our newly contributing mines has resulted in fewer precious metal GEOs than originally anticipated.
然而,坎德拉里亞的黃金交付量低於預期以及我們新貢獻礦山的產量增長速度較慢,導致貴金屬 GEO 數量低於最初預期。
In addition, record gold prices in the current year have impacted the conversion of our non-gold revenue into GEOs.
此外,今年創紀錄的金價影響了我們將非黃金收入轉換為 GEO。
Our original guidance for 2024 was total GEOs sold of 480,000 to 540,000.
我們對 2024 年的最初指引是 GEO 銷售總量為 48 萬至 54 萬輛。
Of this total, precious metal GEOs were estimated to be 360,000 to 400,000 GEOs sold.
其中,貴金屬 GEO 預計將售出 36 萬至 40 萬個 GEO。
Based on performance of the portfolio year-to-date, as well as the increase in gold prices, we now estimate total GEOs sold for 2024 to be 445,000 to 465,000.
根據今年迄今投資組合的表現以及金價上漲,我們現在估計 2024 年銷售的 GEO 總量為 445,000 至 465,000 枚。
Of this total, precious metal GEOs are estimated to be 340,000 to 360,000.
其中,貴金屬 GEO 估計為 340,000 至 360,000 個。
And with that, I will now pass it over to the operator, and we're happy to answer any questions.
(Operator Instructions)
Cosmos Chiu, CIBC.
Cosmos Chiu - Analyst
Cosmos Chiu - Analyst
Thanks, Paul and Sandip.
Maybe if I can ask you on guidance first.
You've revised guidance.
We've now gone through about nine months of production.
But for the revised full year guidance, you've still given us a range of 20,000 ounces.
但對於修訂後的全年指導,您仍然為我們提供了 20,000 盎司的範圍。
I'm just wondering what could be a potential driver for you to either hit the higher end of that range or come in on the lower end?
I think you mentioned that Candelaria will likely have a better Q4.
Is that the driver?
Or are there any other key assets that we should be aware of as well?
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
Hey, Cosmos, it's Sandeep.
Yes, so the range is 20,000.
是的,所以範圍是 20,000。
In terms of where we come in at the higher or lower end, one is obviously on the diversified with the gold price, depending on how gold price performs, that will either increase or reduce the diversified GEOs.
就我們處於較高或較低端的位置而言,顯然是隨著金價的多元化而變化,這取決於金價的表現,這將增加或減少多元化的 GEO。
So there is obviously variability there.
The other is timing of deliveries.
As you would have seen, Lundin had a really good Q3, 29,000 ounces of gold produced, but it is timing of delivery.
正如您所看到的,倫丁第三季的表現非常好,生產了 29,000 盎司黃金,但現在正是交付的時機。
So whether you get that in the production in Q4, in Q4, or if it carries on into 2025, that can impact what we realize in terms of GEO's sold.
因此,無論是在第四季度的生產中實現這一點,還是持續到 2025 年,這都會影響我們在 GEO 銷售方面的實現。
Cosmos Chiu - Analyst
Cosmos Chiu - Analyst
And then longer term, I noticed that despite the changes in 2024 guidance, you've maintained your guidance five years out or four years out, 2028. at 540,000 to 600,000 ounces.
從長遠來看,我注意到,儘管 2024 年的指導發生了變化,但五年後或四年後,即 2028 年,您仍將指導維持在 540,000 至 600,000 盎司。
So I guess that's implying some of these issues that you've experienced in Q4 -- or in 2024, will be more short term and it shouldn't impact your longer-term sort of profile.
因此,我認為這意味著您在第四季度或 2024 年遇到的一些問題將是短期的,不會影響您的長期形象。
Is my sort of deduction correct?
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
The portfolio overall is performing well.
Candelaria had a tough start to the year.
But as you saw in Q3, it's done well.
Antapaccay is going to meet its guidance from what we can see so far.
從目前我們所看到的情況來看,Antapaccay 將滿足其指導方針。
So -- and the new mines, they're ramping up.
And as you know, there's always issues when mines ramp up.
So longer term, we have full confidence in our portfolio.
We will be providing updated guidance in March when we release our year-end results for 2029, and we'll update at that time.
我們將在 3 月發布 2029 年年終業績時提供更新的指導,屆時我們將進行更新。
Cosmos Chiu - Analyst
Cosmos Chiu - Analyst
And then maybe one last question and switching gears a little bit.
I saw that you've invested $1 million for an off shipment to potentially acquire something in Potash.
我看到你們投資了 100 萬美元用於一次裝運,有可能收購 Potash 的一些東西。
Paul, you kind of touched on it, diversification for the company.
But maybe can you remind us in terms of Franco-Nevada's thinking in other commodities other than gold?
And I guess, in this case, more specifically Potash.
And maybe if you can comment on the opportunity -- potential opportunities out there?
You mentioned the corporate development team is very busy and potential size of some of these transactions.
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Sure, Cosmos.
In terms of our interest in other commodities, we always like to be strategic.
I think -- opportunities both when there's a downturn in commodity prices that gives us a good entry point into other commodities.
But the other thing we look for is what can we get in other commodities that you can't get in gold.
And with assets, as you've seen with iron ore and potentially with potash, you get interest on some very large deposits that have got reserve lives that are many, many decades.
So we would be interested in getting into potash for that reason.
I think that would complement the gold portfolio quite nicely.
And the -- what we're contemplating here is an option that if and when that project goes ahead, we'd be able to buy a royalty on it, which I think would be a great addition to the portfolio.
Cosmos Chiu - Analyst
Cosmos Chiu - Analyst
Thanks Paul, Sandip.
Those are all the questions I have.
Thanks, once again.
Tanya Jakusconek, Scotiabank.
Tanya Jakusconek,豐業銀行。
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Thank you so much for my question, Paul, I wanted to continue on the potash here.
Just wondering if this is just a foothold in (technical difficulty) or could we see other potash deals as well?
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Over long term, Tanya, they -- we're open to all commodities.
As I said, the -- those bulk commodities, iron ore, copper, potash, we like them because they're long-dated in nature.
In terms of what's in front of us at the moment, this is the only immediate potash thing, but open over the longer term.
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
And what sort of deal size would those ones be?
I think when I asked last time, it was in the $50 million to $400 million range.
我想我上次問的時候,是在 5,000 萬到 4 億美元之間。
Is that still the range for these non-gold or precious metal transactions?
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Yes, that's an accurate range.
They would -- We've got a couple of things that may be actionable, and those are sort of sizes.
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
And then on the precious metal front, can you talk a little bit about sort of the size that you're seeing there?
And has there been any change from the last quarter in terms of what else you're looking at in terms of funding for projects or operating cash flow assets that are coming up and/or any other structures that you're seeing out there that you may have to -- to look and change?
And I guess that's the question as well.
Are you looking at having to change some of the structure of your deals given the competitiveness of this environment?
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
I'm going to hand that over to [Eaun], Tanya.
Eaun Gray - Senior Vice President - Business Development
Eaun Gray - Senior Vice President - Business Development
I would say, overall, a number of markets and structural factors lend itself to this being a pretty active year on the precious metal side.
I think you've probably seen it already.
There have been a number of deals that have taken place.
I see that continuing, Tanya.
It remains quite robust, as Paul mentioned earlier, in terms of potential transactions, pretty meaningful size.
Our structure, we have already evolved a little bit, but we continue to do that.
Backing the team at G-Min.
支持 G-Min 團隊。
It's been a very successful transaction, and it's great to see that go into operation.
So that's something we continue to look to replicate.
And it's been quite constructive, I think, for the portfolio.
So going forward, I expect to be quite active on the precious metal side with kind of pretty meaningful sized transactions overall.
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
And those meaningful transactions for you?
Were you (technical difficulty) $300 million, but (technical difficulty) that's not meaningful (technical difficulty) not sure?
Eaun Gray - Senior Vice President - Business Development
Eaun Gray - Senior Vice President - Business Development
I would say $300 million is kind of a good medium-sized transaction.
我認為 3 億美元是一筆不錯的中型交易。
We're seeing more towards the mid- to higher end at the moment, but it's a spectrum.
Where we look at smaller deals where we see good potential.
I think it was a good point that you raised, Tanya.
We do transactions where we see excellent optionality, but we're also quite focused on areas where we can add immediate cash flow and there's some good opportunities there as well.
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
And when you said (technical difficulty) mid to high, (technical difficulty) would that mean plus $300 million?
Because if you put mid at $300 million, upper end should be higher than that.
因為如果你把中位數定為 3 億美元,那麼高端應該會比這個更高。
Eaun Gray - Senior Vice President - Business Development
Eaun Gray - Senior Vice President - Business Development
There are opportunities above that, yeah.
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Eaun, I wouldn't be surprised to see you in some of these competitive situations still take equity interest, provide debt financing.
And potentially, I saw a deal that had collars involved as well in the initial start-up with that as well?
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
We have used the balance sheet to kind of provide a full package like we did with G-Min, and it's been quite successful.
我們使用資產負債表來提供完整的一攬子計劃,就像我們對 G-Min 所做的那樣,而且非常成功。
So, as I said, I think that is the model on some transactions, not all.
But where we can use that type of structure to help the company succeed, we will.
And with that case study, the equity and debt have been quite complementary and provided good returns.
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
If I can move over to you and just ask (technical difficulty) forecast of Hemlo (technical difficulty) by the Hemlo contribution.
我可以轉向您詢問 Hemlo 貢獻對 Hemlo(技術難度)的(技術難度)預測嗎?
Is there anything else within the portfolio that -- like I think that one we're very -- it's very hard for me to forecast that.
So I appreciate that.
But any other one within the portfolio that we talked about looking at longer term.
I saw the Stillwater numbers as well.
That looks like that asset is going to be down for a bit for a while.
So, is that something when you thought -- when you think about your five year outlook that you kind of assume that mine comes back on to a normal rate?
Or we're back at that 265,000 ounce GEO?
或者我們又回到了 265,000 盎司的 GEO?
I'm just trying to think of how you (technical difficulty) assets that are hard
(technical difficulty).
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
So obviously, the NPIs are always the most difficult to predict.
顯然,NPI 總是最難預測的。
Goldstrike is probably more -- easier to estimate just based on past history.
僅根據過去的歷史,Goldstrike 可能更容易估計。
Hemlo has always been the one that fluctuates a lot just because the NPI doesn't cover all the land or all the deposit as well as the cost impact there for development because it's underground.
Hemlo 一直是波動很大的一個,因為 NPI 沒有涵蓋所有土地或所有礦床以及開發成本影響,因為它位於地下。
So it's tough to estimate for that.
As for other assets, you mentioned Stillwater.
Yes, Sibanye-Stillwater came out and has reduced their guidance for next year to around 265,000 ounces.
是的,Sibanye-Stillwater 已將明年的指導量下調至 265,000 盎司左右。
Longer term, we do expect that to get back up to the half million mark.
從長遠來看,我們確實預計這一數字將回到 50 萬大關。
And unless Sibanye-Stillwater guides differently, that's what we've estimated.
除非 Sibanye-Stillwater 給出不同的指導,否則這就是我們的估計。
But other than that, the rest of the portfolio, there shouldn't be really any major surprises longer term.
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Obviously, the only other one would be when Cobre Panama comes into production.
顯然,唯一的另一件事是巴拿馬 Cobre 投入生產。
And I think the operator has mentioned that when it does come up into production, it's going to take a six month ramp-up.
Is that your understanding?
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
I think that's reasonable if that's what First Quantum has disclosed.
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Tanya Jakusconek - Analyst
Thank you so much for helping me appreciate it.
Derek Ma, TD Cowen.
Derick Ma - Analyst
Derick Ma - Analyst
Thank you.
I just want a point of clarification.
In terms of the CRA and tax audit exposure, with the GMT now in place, is there still potential tax exposure in terms of transfer pricing in 2024?
就 CRA 和稅務審計風險而言,隨著 GMT 的實施,2024 年轉讓定價方面是否仍存在潛在的稅務風險?
Or is everything you're showing in the financial reports basically everything we're going to be looking at?
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
In the financials, we've disclosed up until the end of 2023 our exposure in terms of transfer pricing.
在財務方面,我們揭露了截至 2023 年底我們在轉讓定價方面的風險。
We had three audit issues outstanding with CRA, two have been dropped by CRA.
我們向 CRA 提出了三個未解決的審計問題,其中兩個已被 CRA 放棄。
That was earlier in the -- earlier in the year.
With respect to transfer pricing, that process is still ongoing.
So that has nothing to do with the GMT.
所以這與 GMT 無關。
Derick Ma - Analyst
Derick Ma - Analyst
So would there still be potential exposure in terms of transfer pricing in 2024?
Or does the GMT cover that?
或者 GMT 涵蓋了這一點嗎?
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
No, there still would be.
Derick Ma - Analyst
Derick Ma - Analyst
There still would be, okay.
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
Sandip Rana - Chief Financial Officer
They're independent.
Derick Ma - Analyst
Derick Ma - Analyst
Independent issues, okay, understood.
Heiko, H.C. Wainwright.
Heiko Ihle - Analyst
Heiko Ihle - Analyst
Hey, good morning.
Thanks for taking my questions.
The first two things I ask of you have already been answered, but just following up from an earlier question.
You said there are some deals with immediate cash flow earlier in this Q&A session.
Size-wise, how much will these deals move the needle, not just for you, but also for the operators that are offering them up?
And have you seen any -- and just following up on that, have you seen any improvements in pricing for these deals in the current market environment?
您是否看到任何改進? 緊隨其後,您是否看到在當前市場環境下這些交易的定價有任何改善?
Or are the high gold prices that we've seen pretty much -- well, I was going to say all the way through yesterday, but all the way through today, really, just too good to -- and everyone is trying to get in?
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
So in terms of near-term cash flow deals, as I said, it's across the spectrum.
We've done some transactions that have more optionality.
But I do see potential for meaningful transactions, both for us and the people that we would potentially be transacting with going forward.
Sorry, Heiko, the second part of your question?
Heiko Ihle - Analyst
Heiko Ihle - Analyst
Price-wise, have you -- price-wise, is the gold price just king and everyone is savoring to get in?
Or have people been a little bit more willing to negotiate pricing?
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Again, it varies, but I do see overall a slightly more muted competitive environment at the moment, which is conducive to pricing better.
Heiko Ihle - Analyst
Heiko Ihle - Analyst
And pricing depends on geopolitical risks as in maybe slightly more challenging places are easier to get in?
Or is it just however desperate the operator is?
Maybe desperate is the wrong word.
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
No, that's another good question, Heiko.
I would say, first off, every deal is a bit different.
And it's important to do your diligence and then price the risk and upside appropriately.
So we get the opportunity to review assets, to do site visits, and then we assess pricing in light of what we see as the risks and the upside.
So it's a really balanced approach, and we're very thoughtful about that in each transaction.
Heiko Ihle - Analyst
Heiko Ihle - Analyst
Very well.
I'll get back in queue.
Thank you guys.
(Operator Instructions).
There are no further questions on the phone.
I will now turn the Q&A session over to Candida Hayden, who will take questions from the webcast.
我現在將問答環節交給 Candida Hayden,她將回答網路廣播中的問題。
Candida Hayden - IR Contact
Candida Hayden - IR Contact
Our first question comes from [Diego Trimatera] from Noster Capital Management: "Can you clarify a bit more what does adjusting the Cobre Panama mine in early 2025 mean?
我們的第一個問題來自 Noster Capital Management 的 [Diego Trimatera]:「您能否進一步澄清一下 2025 年初調整 Cobre 巴拿馬礦意味著什麼?
Are there any proactive measures you or First Quantum are taking to try and sit down with President Molino and his administration?"
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Thanks, Diego.
It's Paul.
The --So President Molino has made comments to say he is open to discuss the mine.
First item on his agenda, though, is pension reform, which they are currently trying to address.
I believe there's a bill that's now in front of parliament to address that.
So expect any discussions on the mine would be early next year.
First Quantum is being proactive on a couple of fronts.
One is trying to authorize Panamanians with the mine with the professional operation that they run in-country.
I think that is going well.
I think that is impacting sentiment in the country towards mining.
They also are engaging with the government on a couple of fronts.
Obviously, there are two things there.
Both for them and for us, there's the potential for arbitration.
So there are interactions on that front.
It's not plan A for either of us.
這對我們倆來說都不是 A 計畫。
Plan A is to get the mine up and operating again.
A 計畫是讓礦場恢復運作。
So they are engaging with the government on that.
We are -- they're obviously the driver in this.
We're very supportive of their efforts and engage very closely on them with it.
Candida Hayden - IR Contact
Candida Hayden - IR Contact
The second part of Diego's question is: "if Cobre Panama remains in preservation and safe management mode for several years, is there anything you might consider doing with that stream, like selling it?"
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
We're very hopeful that the mine will return to operation, and it is -- has the potential to be a tremendous contributor to us.
If and when it comes back at its full operating rate, that would be roughly a 30% increase in our GEOs and revenues.
如果恢復到滿載運轉,我們的 GEO 和收入將增加約 30%。
So we still believe it's a tremendously valuable asset.
I think the full value of it has been taken out of our stock.
So I think the -- probably the best optionality you can get in the royalty industry today is a free option on Cobre Panama coming back online.
所以我認為,今天在特許權使用費行業中可以獲得的最好的選擇可能是 Cobre巴拿馬重新上線的免費選項。
Candida Hayden - IR Contact
Candida Hayden - IR Contact
Our last question is from Heiko from H.C. Wainwright.
我們的最後一個問題來自 H.C. 的 Heiko。溫賴特。
"Wanted to see if you anticipate any near-term or long-term impact from the US election given some of the geopolitical changes that might bring around the world?"
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Paul Brink - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
The -- I think potential for some positive impacts for us.
Most immediately, we have a royalty on Stibnite mine.
It's been moving through the permitting process, got notice that they should be receiving their record of decision by the end of this year.
I think that is even more likely now.
A second mine that we've got a royalty on is Copper World, also moving through permitting process.
我們取得特許權使用費的第二個礦場是 Copper World,也正在辦理許可程序。
I think has its water permit now in hand, just waiting for one more permit.
So I think this change will be positive.
I hope that we will -- it will impact that side of our portfolio.
As you know, we also have quite substantial oil and gas interests in the US.
In particular, we have gas interests in the Haynesville.
And the -- one of the drivers for that industry is LNG offtake off the Gulf Coast.
And going into Europe, I think this can be potentially positive to see more developments on that front that will serve those assets well.
Candida Hayden - IR Contact
Candida Hayden - IR Contact
There are no further questions from the webcast.
This concludes our third quarter results conference call and webcast.
Thank you for your interest in Franco-Nevada.