Flex Ltd (FLEX) 2025 Q1 法說會逐字稿


Flex 的 2025 財年第一季財報電話會議強調了其穩健的業績,收入達 63 億美元,並且預計雲端解決方案和汽車等關鍵市場將持續成長。執行長 Revathi Advaithi 主持了這次會議,財務長 Paul Lundstrom 離職,Jaime Martinez 接任臨時財務長。



使用警語:中文譯文來源為 Google 翻譯,僅供參考,實際內容請以英文原文為主

  • Operator


  • Good morning and thank you for standing by, welcome to Flex's first quarter fiscal year 2025 earnings conference call. (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this call is being recorded.

    早安,感謝大家耐心等待,歡迎參加 Flex 2025 財年第一季財報電話會議。 (操作員說明)謹此提醒,此通話正在錄音。

  • I will now turn the call over to Mr. David Rubin. You may begin.


  • David Rubin - Vice President, Investor Relations

    David Rubin - Vice President, Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Daryl. Good morning, and welcome to Flex's first quarter fiscal 2025 earnings conference call. With me today is our Chief Executive Officer, Revathi Advaithi; our Chief Financial Officer, Paul Lundstrom; and our soon to be interim CFO, Jaime Martinez, who will give brief remarks followed by Q&A. Slides for today's call as well as a copy of the earnings press release and summary financials are available in the Investor Relations section at flex.com. This call is being recorded and will be available for replay on our corporate website.

    謝謝你,達裡爾。早上好,歡迎參加 Flex 2025 財年第一季財報電話會議。今天與我在一起的是我們的執行長 Revathi Advaithi;我們的財務長 Paul Lundstrom;我們即將擔任臨時財務長 Jaime Martinez,他將發表簡短講話,然後進行問答。今天電話會議的幻燈片以及收益新聞稿和財務摘要的副本可在 flex.com 的投資者關係部分取得。本次通話正在錄音中,並將在我們的公司網站上重播。

  • As a reminder, today's call contains forward-looking statements, which are based on our current expectations and assumptions. These statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. For a full discussion of these risks and uncertainties, please see the cautionary statements in our presentation press release or in the Risk Factors section in our most recent filings with the SEC. Note this information is subject to change, and we undertake no obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

    提醒一下,今天的電話會議包含前瞻性陳述,這些陳述是基於我們目前的預期和假設。這些陳述涉及風險和不確定性,可能導致實際結果有重大差異。有關這些風險和不確定性的完整討論,請參閱我們的簡報新聞稿中的警告聲明或我們最近向 SEC 提交的文件中的風險因素部分。請注意,此資訊可能會發生變化,我們不承擔更新這些前瞻性聲明的義務。

  • Please note, unless otherwise stated, all results provided will be in non-GAAP measures and all growth metrics will be on a year-over-year basis. And the full non-GAAP to GAAP reconciliations can be found in the appendix slides of today's presentation, as well as in the summary financials posted on the Investor Relations website.

    請注意,除非另有說明,否則提供的所有結果均以非公認會計原則衡量,所有成長指標均以同比為基礎。完整的非 GAAP 與 GAAP 調整表可以在今天簡報的附錄投影片以及投資者關係網站上發布的財務摘要中找到。

  • Now I'd like to turn the call over to our CEO, Revathi.

    現在我想將電話轉給我們的執行長 Revathi。

  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, David. Good morning and thank you for joining us today. Starting off with our results on slide 4. We had a solid Q1 with revenue coming in at $6.3 billion, slightly above our prior expectations. In addition, our adjusted operating margin also came in better at 4.8%, and we delivered $0.51 of adjusted EPS. I'll talk about what we are seeing in our key end markets in a moment. But overall, I'd say the trends are following our previous expectations.

    謝謝你,大衛。早安,感謝您今天加入我們。從幻燈片 4 的結果開始。此外,我們調整後的營業利潤率也有所提高,達到 4.8%,調整後每股收益為 0.51 美元。稍後我將討論我們在關鍵終端市場所看到的情況。但總的來說,我想說這些趨勢符合我們先前的預期。

  • Also last quarter, we mentioned that Q1 would mark the start of multiple large program ramps across our cloud, power, and automotive business. As expected, we made strong progress and as these programs begin to generate revenue, we expect continued tailwinds in Q2 and through the back half of the fiscal year.


  • Overall, the macro environment remains very dynamic and given it was just Q1, we believe it's prudent to maintain our current outlook for the full year. I'm proud of our strong execution this quarter and the positive results bolster our confidence in achieving our full year guidance.


  • Now turning to slide 5, looking at some of our key end markets, the AI transition in the data center continues to drive strong demand for our cloud solutions and our CEC business as well as demand for our power products in our industrial business.

    現在轉向幻燈片 5,看看我們的一些關鍵終端市場,資料中心的人工智慧轉型繼續推動對我們的雲端解決方案和 CEC 業務以及工業業務中的電源產品的強勁需求。

  • As you recall from our recent Investor Day, we offer an end-to-end cloud IT manufacturing solution combined with vertically integrated services and our comprehensive data center power product portfolio. Simply put, our cloud offering addresses 80% of the data center and is enabling our customers to move faster.

    正如您在最近的投資者日所回憶的那樣,我們提供了端到端的雲端 IT 製造解決方案,並結合了垂直整合服務和全面的資料中心電源產品組合。簡而言之,我們的雲端產品涵蓋了 80% 的資料中心,使我們的客戶能夠更快地採取行動。

  • Our power products and breadth of services are truly differentiated, which provide value to our customers and is fueling growth for Flex. This combination has clearly positioned us well for the AI driven technology transition happening from grid to chip and from the cloud to the edge. It's also one of the key aspects of our EMS plus product plus services, long-term strategy.

    我們的電源產品和服務範圍真正與眾不同,為我們的客戶提供了價值,並推動了 Flex 的成長。這種組合顯然使我們能夠很好地應對從網格到晶片、從雲端到邊緣的人工智慧驅動技術轉型。這也是我們的 EMS 加產品加服務長期策略的關鍵面向之一。

  • Now moving to automotive. Some of the latest industry research has indicated global vehicle unit expectations will soften a bit for the calendar year. However, we continue to expect to outperform the market based on both new wins and increasing automotive content. Clearly, there are concerns about the pace of EV adoption.


  • However, we will typically be less affected by the recent change in EV sentiment. As the majority of our automotive revenue is agnostic to the powertrain. Overall, we believe the longer term transition towards electrification will continue. Additionally, we see increased interest in hybrid technology, which may be an important bridge in this transition. For Flex both EV and hybrid offer content gain opportunities, as they require additional power systems compared to internal combustion engines.

    然而,我們通常不會受到近期電動車情緒變化的影響。由於我們的大部分汽車收入與動力系統無關。總體而言,我們認為向電氣化的長期過渡將持續下去。此外,我們看到人們對混合動力技術的興趣日益濃厚,這可能是這項轉變的重要橋樑。對於 Flex 來說,電動車和混合動力車都提供了內容增益機會,因為與內燃機相比,它們需要額外的動力系統。

  • Taking a step back, our combination of advanced compute solutions and power products, many of which are Flex IP, further strengthens our competitive differentiation. Now looking to digital health, we continue to see strong medical device demand balanced against the continuing soft medical equipment market, which has been the case for several quarters.

    退一步來說,我們先進的運算解決方案和電源產品(其中許多是 Flex IP)的結合進一步增強了我們的競爭優勢。現在展望數位健康,我們繼續看到強勁的醫療設備需求與持續疲軟的醫療設備市場相平衡,這已經是幾個季度的情況了。

  • There are some signs, we're approaching a near term supply demand equilibrium. However, the timing of a full recovery remains uncertain. The important part here is that there are significant technology changes in the healthcare industry, including increasingly complex devices combined with shrinking form factors. These changes translate to strong long-term opportunities, and we remain well positioned to serve these markets.


  • As you can see by our results. We're executing very well through a highly dynamic cycle. We're also taking this time to build our own strong foundation and prepare for the future and key markets with longer term opportunities. This strategy has and will continue to deliver record margin expansion, double-digit EPS growth and strong cash generation. We are very excited about our future.


  • Finally, as you probably saw in our earnings release, Paul Lundstrom will be leaving to pursue a new opportunity with a PE backed private company. Paul has been a great partner to me and a strong leader for the organization. On behalf of the entire team, we wish him well in the next stage of his journey.

    最後,正如您可能在我們的財報中看到的那樣,Paul Lundstrom 將離開,前往私募股權投資支持的私人公司尋求新的機會。保羅是我的一位出色的合作夥伴,也是該組織的一位強而有力的領導者。我們代表整個團隊祝福他在下一階段一切順利。

  • Jaime Martinez, SVP and CFO of our Reliability Group will step in the interim role as we conduct a thoughtful search for a permanent CFO.

    我們可靠性集團的高級副總裁兼財務長 Jaime Martinez 將在我們深思熟慮地尋找永久財務長期間擔任臨時職務。

  • With that, I'll pass the call over to Paul and Jaime to take you through our financial update, Paul?


  • Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

    Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay. Hey, maybe I'll just break script from just a quick minute to say the last four years have been absolutely fantastic. I have really enjoyed being part of this business transformation and of course, being part of the team, I think the culture here at Flex is truly something special.

    好的。嘿,也許我會用短短一分鐘打斷劇本,說過去四年絕對是太棒了。我真的很高興成為這項業務轉型的一部分,當然,作為團隊的一員,我認為 Flex 的文化確實很特別。

  • So with that, I'll begin on the first quarter performance on slide 7. First quarter revenue was $6.3 billion that was up 2% sequentially and down year on year as expected. Gross profit totaled $495 million and gross margin came in at 7.8%, improving 50 basis points year over year. Operating profit was $306 million with operating margins at 4.8%, also improving 50 basis points year over year.

    因此,我將從投影片 7 開始介紹第一季的業績。毛利總額為 4.95 億美元,毛利率為 7.8%,較去年同期提高 50 個基點。營業利潤為 3.06 億美元,營業利益率為 4.8%,年比也提高了 50 個基點。

  • And adjusted earnings per share came in at $0.51 for the quarter, increasing about 9%. If you look at our first quarter segment results on the next slide, reliability revenue was $2.9 billion, more favorable than anticipated, led by stronger demand in power and medical devices. Operating income was $147 million and operating margin was flat at 5% year over year.

    該季度調整後每股收益為 0.51 美元,成長約 9%。如果你看看下一張投影片中我們第一季的業績,你會發現可靠性收入為 29 億美元,比預期的要好,這主要得益於電力和醫療設備需求的強勁增長。營業收入為 1.47 億美元,營業利潤率與去年同期持平,為 5%。

  • Margins were in line with typical seasonality. In agility revenue also came in better than expected at $3.4 billion, led by strength in cloud. Agility operating income was $179 million, an increase of 23% year over year. Through strong execution mix and effective cost management the team achieved a robust 5.3% operating margin.

    利潤率符合典型的季節性。在雲端運算實力的帶動下,敏捷性收入也優於預期,達到 34 億美元。 Agility營業收入為1.79億美元,較去年成長23%。透過強大的執行組合和有效的成本管理,團隊實現了 5.3% 的強勁營運利潤。

  • Moving to cash flow on slide 9. Q1 net CapEx totaled $108 million for the full fiscal year. We expect to maintain our target of 2% of revenue as we continue to invest in future growth and productivity. I'm also happy to report net inventory improved again this quarter. We reduced net inventory by 6% sequentially and 21% year over year. We expect continued and gradual reductions in inventory in the coming quarters.

    轉到投影片 9 的現金流量。隨著我們繼續投資未來的成長和生產力,我們預計將維持 2% 的營收目標。我還很高興地報告本季淨庫存再次改善。我們的淨庫存較上季減少 6%,年減 21%。我們預計未來幾季庫存將持續逐步減少。

  • Free cash flow in the quarter was a very strong $232 million. There was a little benefit from the timing of cash received late in the quarter, so Q2 may be just a little lighter. However, we remain on track to reach our full year target of $800 million plus.

    該季度的自由現金流非常強勁,達到 2.32 億美元。本季末收到現金的時間帶來了一些好處,因此第二季的情況可能會稍微輕鬆一些。然而,我們仍有望實現 8 億美元以上的全年目標。

  • During Q1 we repurchased approximately [15 million] shares totaling about [$460 million] of buybacks. We exited the quarter with cash balances of $2.2 billion and as we have consistently demonstrated over the last several years, we have and will continue to allocate capital in the best interest of our shareholders.

    第一季期間,我們回購了約 [1,500 萬] 股,回購總額約 [4.6 億美元]。本季結束時,我們的現金餘額為 22 億美元,正如我們在過去幾年中一貫所證明的那樣,我們已經並將繼續按照股東的最佳利益來分配資本。

  • I'm going to now hand it over to Jaime Martinez, who will walk you through our guidance. Jaime?

    我現在將其交給 Jaime Martinez,他將引導您完成我們的指導。海梅?

  • Jaime Martinez - SVP and CFO

    Jaime Martinez - SVP and CFO

  • Thank you, Paul. Please turn to slide 10 for our segment outlook for the fiscal second quarter. For Reliability Solutions, we expect revenue to be down high single-digit to mid-teens with trend in cloud data center power and medical devices, tempered largely by macro-driven weakness in core industrial. For Q2, Agility Solutions revenue is expected to be flat to slightly down. This is largely driven by strength in cloud, offsetting continued softness in enterprise IT and non-cloud related network.

    謝謝你,保羅。請參閱投影片 10,以了解我們對第二財季的部門展望。對於可靠性解決方案,我們預期隨著雲端資料中心電源和醫療設備的趨勢,收入將下降高個位數至中位數,這在很大程度上受到宏觀驅動的核心工業疲軟的影響。第二季度,Agility Solutions 營收預計將持平或略有下降。這主要是由雲端的實力推動的,抵消了企業 IT 和非雲端相關網路的持續疲軟。

  • Moving to slide 11 for our quarterly guidance. We expect revenue in the range of $6.2 billion to $6.8 billion with adjusted operating income between $310 million and $315 million. Interest and other expense is estimated to be around $48 million. We expect the tax rate to be around 19% this quarter. All that translates to adjusted EPS between $0.52 and $0.60, based on approximately 411 million weighted average shares outstanding.

    請轉到投影片 11 了解我們的季度指引。我們預計營收將在 62 億美元至 68 億美元之間,調整後的營業收入將在 3.1 億美元至 3.15 億美元之間。利息和其他費用估計約為 4800 萬美元。我們預計本季稅率約為 19%。根據約 4.11 億股加權平均流通股計算,所有這些調整後每股收益在 0.52 美元至 0.60 美元之間。

  • Looking at our full year guidance on the following slide, as Revathi mentioned, given it's early in the year, we're maintaining our full year guidance. We expect revenue between $25.4 billion and $26.4 billion, with adjusted operating margin between 5.2% to 5.4% and adjusted EPS between $2.30 and $2.50.

    正如 Revathi 所提到的,請看看下一張投影片中我們的全年指引,鑑於現在還處於年初,我們將維持全年指引。我們預計營收在 254 億美元至 264 億美元之間,調整後營業利潤率在 5.2% 至 5.4% 之間,調整後每股收益在 2.30 美元至 2.50 美元之間。

  • With that, I'll turn the call back to Revathi for final comments, Revathi?

    這樣,我會將電話轉回 Revathi 以徵求最終意見,Revathi?

  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Jaime. Before we start Q&A, I'd like to reiterate our commitment to creating shareholder value through profitable revenue and EPS growth, margin expansion and cash generation. We are aligning our EMS plus product plus services strategy with strong macro and secular drivers, focusing on high-value end markets with significant growth potential. Our ongoing focus on expanding our technical and advanced manufacturing capabilities creates differentiation and positions us for sustained growth and profitability, which will lead to continued value creation for our shareholders.

    謝謝你,海梅。在開始問答之前,我想重申我們致力於透過獲利收入和每股盈餘成長、利潤率擴張和現金產生來創造股東價值的承諾。我們正在根據強大的宏觀和長期驅動因素調整我們的 EMS 加產品加服務策略,並專注於具有巨大成長潛力的高價值終端市場。我們持續致力於擴大我們的技術和先進製造能力,從而創造差異化,並使我們能夠實現持續成長和獲利,這將為我們的股東持續創造價值。

  • Thank you again for joining us, and I'll turn the call back over to the operator to begin Q&A.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Samik Chatterjee, JPMorgan.


  • Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

    Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

  • Thank you for taking my questions and congrats on the strong results. Maybe if you can start with my first question with just a brief rundown on the segments of your business that are still facing headwinds sounds like on the industrial side as well as consumer, you're seeing headwinds still maybe if you could share your thoughts on where do you think you are in terms of cycling past some of the trough in terms of revenues there, where is current visibility in terms of seeing improvement in those end markets that you are seeing a bit more greater headwinds than the others? And I have a follow-up. Thank you.


  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I'll start with that and see that the places where we're seeing continued headwind, as you described, it would be definitely, I would say in the industrial, particularly in the renewable space, I would say that's probably the most I'd say important one that I can think of that is still a feeling some downside risks, though, I would say the industry is indicating that it's bottomed out and the inventory is consumed. So we should start seeing an uptick there.


  • On the consumer side, I would say we have seen softness, but we are quite stabilized, I would say, in our consumer business overall in terms of revenue. So I feel good about that.


  • And then lastly, I would say the place we see some headwind could be in the telecom space. But so those I'd say if you look at our six end markets, those are places that I would say there is some headwind. But then I'd say overall, there's really strong tailwinds in our cloud, our data center solution, both on the IT space and the power space, automotive for us still continues to grow pretty strong because we're agnostic to the powertrain and then help on the devices side, I said, is really strong. So it's a good offset to each other. So hopefully that gives you some color.

    最後,我想說我們看到一些阻力的地方可能是在電信領域。但如果你看看我們的六個終端市場,我會說這些地方存在一些阻力。但我想說,總的來說,我們的雲端、我們的資料中心解決方案在IT 領域和電力領域都有很強的推動力,汽車對我們來說仍然繼續成長相當強勁,因為我們對動力系統不可知,然後我說,設備方面的幫助非常強大。所以這是一個很好的相互抵消。希望這能給你一些色彩。

  • Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

    Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

  • Thank you for that. And Revathi one of the questions I've got -- I've seen from investors come through more recently and likely triggered by some of the actions you're pure companies taking is, are you contemplating any portfolio rationalization in terms of using the opportunity here to look at some of the lower margin businesses within the portfolio and taking more actions to roll them off. Any thoughts on that front, particularly now that you have a stronger sort of first half to bank on any areas of the portfolio that you would be more focused on to look at improving the margins there?

    謝謝你。 Revathi,我最近從投資者那裡看到的問題之一,很可能是由你們純粹的公司採取的一些行動引發的,你們是否正在考慮利用這個機會進行任何投資組合合理化在這裡我們可以關注投資組合中一些利潤率較低的業務,並採取更多行動來淘汰它們。在這方面有什麼想法,特別是現在你有一個更強大的上半年來依靠投資組合的任何領域,你會更專注於提高那裡的利潤率?

  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah. I'd say one thing I've said consistently, and I'll stick to that storyline is that within the six business units, our business leaders are paid to keep improving the mix, right. So the focus on you have to go to better end markets and really focus on winning customers who are ready to pay value and change in your mix within those fixed business units is something that they do every single day. So that's one thing I would say.


  • And then the second is you have seen us double down in areas of higher growth and better profitability by making clean investments like on the data center side, you saw our portfolio around compute and power and the significance of that. So we have been doubling down investments there, both product-wise and commercially, the same on services, we talked about $1 billion service business and we're making investments because that helps change the mix.

    其次,您看到我們透過在資料中心方面進行清潔投資,在更高成長和更高獲利能力的領域加倍努力,您看到了我們圍繞計算和電力的投資組合及其重要性。因此,我們一直在產品和商業方面加倍投資,在服務方面也是如此,我們談到了 10 億美元的服務業務,我們正在進行投資,因為這有助於改變結構。

  • So for me portfolio rationalization and Flex at this point is running the six business units better and changing the mix within that portfolio itself and really driving the high growth areas like data center and automotive. And that's kind of how I'm thinking about portfolio rationalization. So nothing big in the planning here.

    因此,對我來說,投資組合合理化和 Flex 目前正在更好地運營六個業務部門,並改變該投資組合本身的組合,並真正推動資料中心和汽車等高成長領域。這就是我對投資組合合理化的思考。所以這裡的規劃沒什麼大不了的。

  • Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

    Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

  • Great, thank you for taking my questions. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Matt Sheerin, Stifel.


  • Matt Sheerin - Analyst

    Matt Sheerin - Analyst

  • Yes, thank you. Good morning. A question regarding the strength that you're seeing in cloud. I know it's coming from both your power business and your traditional business, could you talk about I think you had targeted $3 billion or so in revenue, $1 billion from power and $2 billion from the core business. Is that run rate still so right, in terms of the ramp, how many quarters are we talking about in terms of ramping the customers that you've been talking about?


  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Matt, thank you for the question, I'd say that let's step back and talk about what we said in Investor Day, right. We said for the data center business, our portfolio today between our IT CEC business. And our industrial power business is around $3 billion, $1 billion in power and around $2 billion in the CEC space. And we feel very good about kind of the growth trajectory we gave longer-term in the Investor Day, I think we said around a 20% ramp building up to kind of the growth rates we discussed and then power eventually becoming a $3 billion business.

    馬特,謝謝你提出的問題,我想說,讓我們退後一步,談談我們在投資者日所說的話,對吧。我們說,對於資料中心業務,我們今天的投資組合是在我們的 IT CEC 業務之間。我們的工業電力業務約為 30 億美元,電力業務約 10 億美元,CEC 領域約 20 億美元。我們對投資者日給出的長期成長軌跡感到非常滿意,我認為我們說過大約 20% 的成長將達到我們討論的成長率,然後最終成為一家價值 30 億美元的業務。

  • I'd say as an aggregate this quarter, we grew more than 60% in that space. As we continue to ramp, I would say through the year we have many new programs coming on. I feel good about the 20% growth rate trajectory I gave you guys, which was a kind of a more of a longer-term forecast. So I don't know, Matt, if I have a quarter-by-quarter playbook, but hopefully our execution, I would say it shows that we will hit those run rates that we gave you at Investor Day, and we feel very good about that.

    我想說,本季我們在該領域的整體成長超過 60%。隨著我們繼續發展,我想說,這一年我們將推出許多新計劃。我對我給你們的 20% 的成長率軌跡感到滿意,這是一個更長期的預測。所以我不知道,馬特,我是否有一個季度的劇本,但希望我們的執行,我會說它表明我們將達到我們在投資者日給你的運行率,我們感覺非常好關於那個。

  • Matt Sheerin - Analyst

    Matt Sheerin - Analyst

  • Okay. Thank you for that. And clearly a differentiator for you is that power business. And could you talk about on cross-selling opportunities and how many of these deals are being won? Because you're leveraging both of those key skill sets versus that opportunity. And then the other question regarding cloud is just on inventory. Is some of this businesses are consigned inventory because I would have expected your inventories actually start to build as you're continuing to ramp here. So could you talk about the dynamics of that, please?


  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Okay. Great, Matt. All good questions here. So let me start on the cross-selling, one thing I have said that in this overall kind of EMS plus product plus services strategy, where we have done most of our heavy lifting to create the portfolio and create the organization to deliver that. We feel really good about kind of the structure that we have created. Within the organization we have a Anord Mardix that delivers critical power we have an embedded power group. And then we have the services group that delivering that $1 billion of revenue today.

    好的。太棒了,馬特。所有好問題都在這裡。因此,讓我從交叉銷售開始,我說過,在這種整體的 EMS 加產品加服務策略中,我們已經完成了大部分繁重的工作來創建產品組合併創建組織來交付該產品。我們對我們創建的結構感覺非常好。在組織內,我們有一個 Anord Mardix 提供關鍵電源,我們有一個嵌入式電源組。然後,我們的服務團隊今天提供了 10 億美元的收入。

  • So what we will do is we are seeing cross-selling opportunities across data centers, not just hyperscalers, but also kind of colo customers. So we are aligning our organization or to make sure that we take full advantage of that cross-selling opportunities. So we will continue to drive that alignment, making sure that organization has the right structure to be able to execute on this cross-selling opportunities and is incentivized to focus on this cross-selling opportunities, and you'll continue to see us drive organizational change.


  • The last time I did that was four years ago, and it's really worked out well for us in terms of organizational change. So we will focus on cross-selling across the business, and it is an important opportunity. On inventory, I'd say we have said this in the past about consigned inventory that those are decisions our customers make, and when we support them in that decision making, I don't see any significant pluses and minuses that are worth.


  • And I discussing in terms of overall revenue or inventory impact to this business. But that's kind of part of our normal run rate as customers want to go in the direction of consigned, we build a model that way. So really no change.


  • Matt Sheerin - Analyst

    Matt Sheerin - Analyst

  • Okay. Thanks so much for that. And Paul, best of luck to you.


  • Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

    Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks, Matt. Appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • George Wang, Barclays.


  • George Wang - Analyst

    George Wang - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking my questions. Firstly, just, and maybe you can unpack some of the kind of bolt-on acquisition opportunities on the horizon you previously talked about how you guys are looking at potentially from the power assets in all kinds of related to Anord Mardix assets that you own IP, but also kind of through value-added services. So as you so the high-grade the portfolio kind of shifting towards higher margin business that's creating a little more color in all of those areas you are targeting maybe in the near term or medium term to further enhance the portfolio?

    感謝您回答我的問題。首先,也許你可以在你之前談到的地平線上解開一些補強收購機會,你們如何從與你們擁有 IP 的 Anord Mardix 資產相關的各種電力資產中尋找潛在的機會,而且還可以透過增值服務來實現。因此,當您將投資組合轉向更高利潤率的業務時,您可能會在短期或中期目標中為所有這些領域創造更多色彩,以進一步增強投資組合?

  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Okay. George, let me -- good to hear from you again, I'll start off on terms of M&A and what I said in Investor Day and even the follow up since I've talked to you the last time is that we do see an opportunity to continue to look for bolt-on opportunities as you have described in the power space, we feel really good about our position in both embedded power and critical power.


  • And we also feel good about the capacity expansion that we're driving there that is required to keep up with the growth that our end markets are seeing. That being said, there is bolt-on things that we can do to accelerate this expansion that we're looking for.


  • But as you guys know, we have executed in a very prudent way to M&A in the past, and we'll continue to focus on that in terms of making sure we have the right assets at the right valuation and it has to drive the thesis which we are looking for, which is the right margin expansion, and it has to have great returns for our business, so that's how we think about M&A.


  • So we'll be super selective, but we'll continue to look for the right assets to really finish out our power portfolio wherever we need to that, we can -- that we think we may not be able to do organically, but really not a huge focus in terms of what we're looking at right now.


  • But if good assets come along we'll look for it. Really feel good overall, George, in terms of the second part of your question, in terms of what we are driving accelerated growth in terms of the high growth end markets, we feel that's going well, and you can see that in our results.


  • George Wang - Analyst

    George Wang - Analyst

  • Great. I have a quick follow up if I can squeeze in quickly. Just as kind of holding on the power assets, you talked about kind of $1 billion revenue now eventually growing to $3 billion. So that's kind of 3x the run rate, especially, you know, that's a much higher margin in the mid-teens margin you guys talked about. I think that's still underappreciated by the investor community.

    偉大的。如果我能快速擠進去,我會快速跟進。就像持有電力資產一樣,您談到 10 億美元的收入現在最終增長到 30 億美元。所以這相當於運行率的 3 倍,尤其是你們所說的十幾歲左右的利潤率。我認為投資者界仍然低估了這一點。

  • Just curious, kind of as the world is so the fever pitch or rather liquid cooling as we used some transition to Blackwell, maybe the power becomes even more. So the critical so with Brazil, probably using the critical power embedded power. Can you sort of impact the driver behind. So they -- such a strong growth, kind of eventually growing to $3 billion. And how does the Blackwell? So the architecture change and the underlying sort of a revenue driver and margin profile for you guys?

    只是好奇,就像世界如此狂熱或更確切地說液體冷卻一樣,當我們使用一些過渡到布萊克威爾時,也許功率會變得更大。巴西的關鍵如此,可能使用關鍵的權力嵌入權力。你能影響後面的司機嗎?所以他們的成長如此強勁,最終成長到 30 億美元。布萊克威爾怎麼樣?那麼對你們來說,架構發生了變化,收入驅動因素和利潤狀況的基本類型是什麼?

  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • George, I'd say whether it's Blackwell or any other proprietary architecture that our customers are driving, we think that the accelerated use of power in this architecture will be really important, right. We have hearing customers go to 80 kilowatt racks and that is happening. So that does that will drive considerable technology and execution expertise required from both our embedded power and our critical power businesses.

    喬治,我想說的是,無論是 Blackwell 還是我們的客戶正在推動的任何其他專有架構,我們認為在該架構中加速使用電源都非常重要,對吧。我們聽說客戶使用 80 千瓦機架,這種情況正在發生。因此,這將推動我們的嵌入式電源和關鍵電源業務所需的大量技術和執行專業知識。

  • And that's why we feel confident about kind of the growth rate we have given you, which is expanding from $1 billion to $3 billion. And I'll always agree with you when you say that we are under appreciated and we need more values. I have nothing to disagree with that on that. On the liquid cooling side, I would say we do participate today in a very clear way with hyperscale customers in terms of liquid cooling solutions, both from a manufacturing and a technology perspective.

    這就是為什麼我們對我們為您提供的成長率充滿信心,成長率從 10 億美元擴大到 30 億美元。當你說我們沒有受到重視並且我們需要更多價值觀時,我永遠同意你的觀點。對此我沒有什麼不同意見。在液體冷卻方面,我想說,從製造和技術的角度來看,我們今天確實以非常明確的方式與超大規模客戶一起參與液體冷卻解決方案。

  • And the integration of that technology with them, that power technology will continue to be a key differentiator for us in terms of not just cross-selling, but cross-technology pollination between those businesses. So we really feel good about kind of our investments in power and IT overall in terms of data centers itself. Those are good investments and they're paying off for us.

    該技術與它們的集成,該動力技術將繼續成為我們的關鍵差異化因素,不僅在交叉銷售方面,而且在這些業務之間的跨技術授粉方面。因此,就資料中心本身而言,我們對電力和 IT 整體投資感到非常滿意。這些都是很好的投資,它們正在為我們帶來回報。

  • George Wang - Analyst

    George Wang - Analyst

  • Great, thanks for your answer. I will go back to the queue.


  • Operator


  • Steven Fox, Fox Advisors.


  • Steven Fox - Analyst

    Steven Fox - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning, first question, Paul, just show my appreciation for all you've done for the company. I thought I'd ask about the buyback. You've done a lot through this quarter. What's your thinking on buying back shares going forward, especially since you're already sticking to your $800 million of free cash flow for the year?

    你好,早安,第一個問題,保羅,請表達我對你為公司所做的一切的讚賞。我想我應該問一下回購的事情。本季你做了很多事情。您對未來回購股票有何看法,特別是考慮到您已經堅持了今年 8 億美元的自由現金流?

  • Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

    Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah. So we continue to think Flex is a great investment. We will continue to kind of lean in on that more to come over the next couple of weeks, we have our annual general meeting coming up as per our usual process that's when the Board reauthorized. So you'll probably get a little bit more color in another couple of weeks.

    是的。因此,我們仍然認為 Flex 是一項很好的投資。我們將在接下來的幾週內繼續依靠這一點,我們將按照我們通常的流程召開年度股東大會,屆時董事會將重新授權。所以再過幾週你可能會得到更多的顏色。

  • But in the quarter, we bought back about $460 million with the stock. I think we took 15 million shares out of the count. I was just doing a little bit of a look back last night, Steven, and I think over the last couple of years, we've taken share count down by about 15%. And so we definitely are a company that puts our money where our mouth is. And I think we've created a lot of value with our buyback program over the last couple of years.

    但在本季度,我們用股票回購了約 4.6 億美元。我想我們從統計中剔除了 1500 萬股。史蒂文,我昨晚只是做了一點回顧,我認為在過去的幾年裡,我們的份額數量減少了大約 15%。所以我們絕對是一家說到做到的公司。我認為過去幾年我們的回購計畫創造了很多價值。

  • Steven Fox - Analyst

    Steven Fox - Analyst

  • Great. Thanks, and best of luck going forward. And then Revathi, there's been a lot of politics in the news the last few weeks to say the least, lot of different opinions from governments on how they're going to work through tariffs, maybe different other trade issues. How do you look at globally at your customers footprint an ability to handle these changes? Is there still an opportunity for Flex to see more wins, et cetera, with customers as some of these tariffs maybe get enacted or don't get enacted? Thanks.


  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, Steven, I would say that is a big part of our conversation with customers is to proactively look forward and really focus on creating plans for them, because with every new number that gets thrown around tariffs, it creates a tremendous chaos in our supply chain. And what we are really good at in the last four, five years, prove it is that's real focus on executing to these changes and making sure that our customers are prepared.


  • So they become almost part of our DNA and fortunately, right. And so even two days ago, I was with a customer having the same conversation about what should be our new strategy, if some of these tariffs get implemented and how we can help them execute on that strategy.

    所以它們幾乎成為我們 DNA 的一部分,幸運的是,是的。因此,就在兩天前,我與一位客戶進行了同樣的對話,討論我們的新策略應該是什麼,如果其中一些關稅得到實施,以及我們如何幫助他們執行該策略。

  • So it's become a really common conversation, I would say in every C-suite that I participate in and every time with new news, we are planning a new set of strategies for our customers to make sure their supply chain is well executed and as resilient to create lots of opportunities for us, not the kind of opportunities we really want. But I would say this disruption does provide a focus for companies like ours to help our customers really deliver on what they want.


  • Steven Fox - Analyst

    Steven Fox - Analyst

  • That's helpful. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Ruplu Bhattacharya, Bank of America.

    魯普盧‧巴塔查亞 (Ruplu Bhattacharya),美國銀行。

  • Ruplu Bhattacharya - Analyst

    Ruplu Bhattacharya - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks for taking my questions. Paul, it was great working with you and wishing you the best for your next assignment.


  • Maybe I'll start my first question with you. Last quarter, you talked about needing to invest in new program ramps and that was going to impact the fiscal 1Q margins. Was that impact less than you had expected? And I'm wondering if you can give us more details on these new program ramps specifically for fiscal '25, how much of the revenue growth is coming from these program ramps and when do they get to steady-state?

    也許我會向你開始我的第一個問題。上個季度,您談到需要投資新的計劃,這將影響第一季的利潤率。這種影響比你預期的還要小嗎?我想知道您是否可以向我們提供有關這些專門針對 25 財年的新計劃增長的更多詳細信息,有多少收入增長來自這些計劃增長以及它們何時達到穩定狀態?

  • Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

    Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

  • Well, first of all, I appreciate the comments, Ruplu, as for the first quarter, I recall the conversations that we had about a quarter ago where we were talking about the sort of the sequential change between Q4 and Q1. And yes, we were anticipating a number of ramps as we sort of stepped into the first quarter. You saw it with CapEx, which was UPS sequentially.

    好吧,首先,我很欣賞 Ruplu 的評論,至於第一季度,我記得我們大約一個季度前的對話,當時我們正在討論第四季度和第一季度之間的連續變化。是的,當我們進入第一季時,我們預計會有一些成長。你可以在 CapEx 中看到它,依序是 UPS。

  • I had mentioned about a quarter ago that with CapEx comes period costs associated with doing all the non-capitalizable stuff associated with facilitizing and ramp readiness. I would say overall spending was a little bit less than what we anticipated in our Q1 was frankly better than what better than even what I had thought. And really strong margin performance certainly year on year, great to see.


  • As we look ahead, we're going to continue to work the ramps. As Revathi had pointed out earlier, we're going to be I'm sort of moving up with a number of cloud ramps as we go all the way through the year. And so we will be ramping through the year. But I think that's what's leading to the mix up and the pretty steady sequential margin expansion that we're expecting as we progress through the year. So I would say, all systems go at the moment. And Q1 was definitely an aero up quarter. Very happy with the performance.


  • Ruplu Bhattacharya - Analyst

    Ruplu Bhattacharya - Analyst

  • Maybe I'll ask you my follow-up as well and Revathi can chime in you reported $414 million and $0.12 above the midpoint of your fiscal 1Q guide. And looks like you're guiding for maybe like $220 million a penny above the street for fiscal 2Q and yet you're keeping the full year revenue and EPS ranges unchanged. So I mean the first question is, is there any incremental weakness in the fiscal second half? And Revathi, what if there's incremental upside, where would -- where should we expect that in the fiscal second half?

    也許我也會問你我的後續情況,Revathi 可以補充你報告的 4.14 億美元,比第一季財報中位數高出 0.12 美元。看起來你對第二財季的指導價可能是每便士 2.2 億美元,但你保持全年收入和每股收益範圍不變。所以我的意思是第一個問題是,下半年財政是否有任何增量疲軟? Revathi,如果有增量上行空間,我們應該在什麼地方預期下半財年的上行空間?

  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, I'd say Ruplu, this is fiscal Q1 for us. We executed really well, both in terms of top line and margin performance. And feel really good about the full year. I think our Q2 guidance is in line with what we said in the beginning, that we're going to see the year gradually ramp in, and that's how we are performing. So I wouldn't read too much into the guidance. It's early in the year, right? And we feel very good about kind of full year and how it's playing out right now.

    是的,我想說 Ruplu,這對我們來說是第一財季。無論是在營收或利潤率方面,我們的表現都非常好。對這一整年的感覺真的很好。我認為我們第二季的指導與我們一開始所說的一致,我們將看到這一年逐漸加速,這就是我們的表現。所以我不會過多地閱讀該指南。現在還早,對吧?我們對全年以及現在的情況感覺非常好。

  • And I would say Q2 again shows continued acceleration from Q1. And that's the main thing I would think about it. I would say it makes a lot of sense and early in the year in Q1, even with a $0.10 beat this to really keep full year the way it is, I would say that's the prudent thing to do, and that's what we're planning on.

    我想說,第二季再次顯示出第一季的持續加速。這是我要考慮的主要問題。我想說這很有意義,在今年第一季初期,即使 0.10 美元的價格比這個要好,以真正保持全年的現狀,我想說這是明智的做法,這就是我們的計劃在。

  • Ruplu Bhattacharya - Analyst

    Ruplu Bhattacharya - Analyst

  • Okay. Thank you for all the details. Appreciate it.


  • Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

    Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks, Ruplu.


  • Operator


  • Steve Barger, KeyBanc Capital Markets.

    Steve Barger,KeyBanc 資本市場。

  • Jacob Moore - Analyst

    Jacob Moore - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning. You've got Jacob Moore on for Steve. Thanks for taking the questions. First one for me, one of the core opportunities for Flex for fiscal '25, I think was and probably still is driving factory improvements and productivity. Can you talk to how progress against that goal has come along over the past six or 12 months? The [pliable] efficiencies and how much about opportunities left to squeeze out this fiscal year?

    早安.雅各布·摩爾(Jacob Moore)代替了史蒂夫(Steve)。感謝您提出問題。對我來說,第一個是偉創力 25 財年的核心機會之一,我認為過去並且可能仍在推動工廠改進和生產力。您能否談談在過去 6 個月或 12 個月內實現這一目標的進展? [靈活的]效率以及還有多少機會可以擠出本財年?

  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, I'd say this is my -- one of my favorite topics for Flex, I would say the I'll step back and say long term, lots of factory opportunities, not just because that there is room to improve for Flex. But if you think about the new technology transformations that's happening from a hardware and a software perspective, those will have meaningful impact in terms of driving continuous factory productivity, whether it's in terms of automation or whether it's in terms of AI manufacturing, we'll see a big impact from that in terms of automation itself.

    是的,我會說這是我最喜歡的 Flex 主題之一,我會說我會退一步說,從長遠來看,有很多工廠機會,而不僅僅是因為 Flex 有改進的空間。但如果你從硬體和軟體的角度考慮正在發生的新技術變革,這些變革將對推動工廠持續生產力產生有意義的影響,無論是在自動化方面還是在人工智慧製造方面,我們都會看到自動化本身帶來的巨大影響。

  • I would say in terms of how much productivity we've baked in for the year. I think in Investor Day, we showed a little chart that shows that we expect some amount of our margin improvement to come from just our mix shift and then some from productivity gains. We don't break that out and give you the specific details of how much.


  • But as a general guidance, I expect our teams to continue to have pretty significant factory productivity focus, and we are executing to that. So if you look at our margin improvement, some of it comes from mix change and some of it comes from factory, and I'll expect that to flow through every quarter. And that's a very big focus for us. I don't know. Would you add anything to it? Paul.


  • Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

    Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

  • Well, first of all, Steve, nice to hear you on the call. It's been a long time come and I'm glad you picked up some coverage. But just to add derivatives point, think about the year on year, just from '24 to '25. It's year to year. We'll probably have at the midpoint of our guide anyway, maybe $0.5 billion less revenue, but operating profit is again at the midpoint of our guide going to be up about $120 million.

    好吧,首先,史蒂夫,很高興聽到你打電話。已經過去很久了,我很高興你收到了一些報道。但僅添加衍生品點,請考慮去年的情況,即從“24”到“25”。年復一年。無論如何,我們的收入可能會處於指南的中點,可能會減少 5 億美元,但營業利潤將再次達到指南的中點,將增加約 1.2 億美元。

  • So that's a fairly significant volume contraction with very nice operating profit growth like Revathi, as you said, part of that comes from mix as we continue to mix into higher-value areas. But of course, a lot of that is just continuing to drive the factory engine and optimizes as best we can. And I with Revathi, I continue to believe there's tremendous opportunity down the road. Look, we've got a huge factory network. And our job has never done. There's always things that we can do to optimize and get better and learn.

    因此,正如您所說,銷量出現相當顯著的收縮,而像 Revathi 這樣的營業利潤成長非常好,其中一部分來自於我們繼續涉足更高價值領域的混合業務。但當然,其中許多只是繼續驅動工廠引擎並盡最大努力進行優化。我和 Revathi 一起,仍然相信未來存在著巨大的機會。看,我們有一個龐大的工廠網路。而我們的工作卻從未完成。我們總是可以做一些事情來優化、變得更好和學習。

  • So appreciate the question and nice to nice to hear you on the call.


  • Jacob Moore - Analyst

    Jacob Moore - Analyst

  • Understood. Thank you. And then second one for me. This was a little bit of a follow-up to a prior question related to your core business model. Are there any specific areas that you see additional opportunities to add services and value added products business on top of the traditional EMS relationship? I'm thinking about something like the ecosystem you set up for server X, could you identify any other areas where you're looking to apply a similar model, why you like those areas and the margin effect you think that could represent?

    明白了。謝謝。然後是我的第二個。這是先前與您的核心業務模式相關的問題的後續內容。您是否在任何特定領域看到了在傳統 EMS 關係之上添加服務和增值產品業務的額外機會?我正在考慮像您為伺服器 X 建立的生態系統之類的東西,您能否確定您希望應用類似模型的任何其他領域,為什麼您喜歡這些領域以及您認為可以代表的邊際效應?

  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, I would say that the value added services as we bucketize it has big opportunity, not just in terms of the kind of data center ecosystem, but it has big opportunity across all our businesses. So whether it is it'll be a positioning product for our customers as they bring product into their factories, whether it is the aftermarket of refurbishing or remanufacturing or taking it to waste. And also end to end, really being able to deliver the whole value proposition for our customers is really important for us, whether it is in the health solutions business or whether it's an industrial business or consumer businesses.


  • It's everything from kind of the logistics of both the forward and reverse logistics effort, staging of products. It could be everything from Canada, the remanufacturing, the refurbishment of it or taking it today. We recently announced a small acquisition, a technology acquisition that really helps us do more in that space. So it applies to all the end markets, I would say.


  • And the big opportunities for us moving forward outside of and both consumer and our CEC businesses in industrial and health, both large opportunities for expanding services, very profitable. We talked about being around $1 billion today, and we are putting a lot of organizational horsepower behind growing that and accelerating that.

    我們在工業和健康領域的消費者業務和 CEC 業務之外向前邁進的巨大機會,這都是擴大服務的巨大機會,利潤豐厚。我們今天談到了大約 10 億美元,我們正在投入大量的組織力量來支持並加速這一成長。

  • Jacob Moore - Analyst

    Jacob Moore - Analyst

  • Great. Thank you for taking the questions. And Paul, congrats and good luck to you, sir.


  • Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

    Paul Lundstrom - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks, Steve. Appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • Mark Delaney, Goldman Sachs.


  • Mark Delaney - Analyst

    Mark Delaney - Analyst

  • Good morning. Thanks for taking my questions. And Paul, thanks so much for all of your help and wishing you the best going forward.


  • First question is on the competitive landscape within the industry more broadly and open to double-click a little bit more on to what extent if at all some of the weaker end market conditions that have been seen in areas like telecom, consumer electronics, parts of industrial have resulted in more difficult great pricing that flexes need to deal with and if so, does that affect your longer-term margin aspirations at all?


  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I'd say, Mark, one thing that this kind of, I would say recessionary environment or weaker end market has really shown for the industry itself is the pricing capability and the margin improvement capability that exists in the industry, right. So you've seen over the last kind of four to five years, you know, everyone's moved margins up. You've seen more discipline in terms of overall execution. You have seen the focus on not adding capacity, when you did need it, and all that has played out through this downturn because I was always the question, how does this industry behave either and weaker end markets?


  • I would say that the same for us, pricing has held through because we do see an inflationary environment in across the world. So pricing still has to hold true for us. And the focus on really selling value and where we can sell value is very consistent in terms of our operational model. So I would say, if anything, it only consolidates and strengthens our position in terms of our longer-term margin guidance.


  • Mark Delaney - Analyst

    Mark Delaney - Analyst

  • Thanks Revathi. And another question on the geopolitical environment. There's been a proposed increase in tariffs from one of the political candidates in the US running for president. Flex has already shown an ability to support customers with tariffs and supply chain issues and being responsive in terms of what regions they want to manufacture.


  • And but to the extent there's higher tariffs to import products specifically into the US. Maybe talk about to what extent flex could support that and what kind of capacity you have currently in place in the US and if that's something you could use it for customers with relatively quickly? Or would more investments be needed in order to perhaps enable increased domestic manufacturing? Thanks.


  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, I'd say, Mark, this is a big topic for us with our customers. And unfortunately, this chaos around tariffs creates opportunities for companies like us and what the last, you know, four or five years has shown is what Flex is really focused on is building supply chain resiliency for our customers. And in I had mentioned earlier, just a couple of days ago, I was with another customer really talking about accelerating product movement for them as a result of the new tariffs that we have heard about.


  • So Flex really takes this opportunity. We've become really good at this. And again, that's not great, I would say for the whole market, but it provides us opportunity because we plan ahead. And then some of these you can execute faster based on the complexity of products and some of it could take years to execute, right? So we have been going through this for the last five years.

    所以 Flex 確實抓住了這個機會。我們在這方面已經變得非常擅長。再說一次,我想說,對於整個市場來說,這並不是一件好事,但它為我們提供了機會,因為我們提前計劃。然後,根據產品的複雜性,您可以更快地執行其中一些,而其中一些可能需要數年時間才能執行,對嗎?因此,過去五年我們一直在經歷這個問題。

  • And if anything, this adds more to the mix then anything else to help our customers really plan for these types of issues. So I would say in our where we are really focused on this. And then hopefully, it just adds to more growth for us. But it is really important to help our customers build resiliency.


  • Mark Delaney - Analyst

    Mark Delaney - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. I will now hand the call back over to CEO for closing remarks.


  • Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Revathi Advaithi - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you. Thank you for joining us. We'll really look forward to speaking with you again next quarter. On behalf of my entire leadership team, I want to give you a sincere thank you to our customers for their trust and partnership and all our shareholders for your continued support. And lastly, I want to thank our Flex team across the globe for their continued dedication and contributions. Thanks, everyone.

    謝謝。感謝您加入我們。我們非常期待下個季度再次與您交談。我謹代表我的整個領導團隊,衷心感謝客戶的信任和合作以及所有股東的持續支持。最後,我要感謝全球 Flex 團隊的持續奉獻和貢獻。感謝大家。

  • Operator


  • Thank you. This does conclude today's conference call, and thank you for joining. You may now disconnect.
