聯邦快遞 (FDX) 2025 Q1 法說會逐字稿







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  • Operator


  • Good day and welcome to the FedEx fiscal year 2025 first-quarter earnings call. (Operator Instructions) Please note, this event is being recorded. I would now like to turn the conference over to Jeni Hollander, Vice President of Investor Relations. Please go ahead.

    美好的一天,歡迎參加聯邦快遞 2025 財年第一季財報電話會議。 (操作員說明)請注意,正在記錄此事件。現在我想將會議交給投資者關係副總裁 Jeni Hollander。請繼續。

  • Jenifer Hollander - Vice President, Investor Relations

    Jenifer Hollander - Vice President, Investor Relations

  • Good afternoon and welcome to FedEx Corporation's first-quarter earnings conference call. The first-quarter earnings release, Form 10-Q, and stat book are available on our website at investors.fedex.com. This call and the accompanying slides are being streamed from our website, where the replay and slides will be available for about one year. (Operator Instructions)

    下午好,歡迎參加聯邦快遞公司第一季財報電話會議。第一季財報、10-Q 表格和統計資料可在我們的網站 Investors.fedex.com 上取得。這次電話會議和隨附的幻燈片正在我們的網站上進行直播,重播和幻燈片將在大約一年內提供。 (操作員說明)

  • Certain statements in this conference call may be considered forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

    本次電話會議中的某些陳述可能被視為1995 年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》中定義的前瞻性陳述。實際結果與預期結果有重大差異。

  • For additional information on these factors, please refer to our press releases and filings with the SEC. Today's presentation also includes certain non-GAAP financial measures. Please refer to the Investor Relations portion of our website at fedex.com for a reconciliation of the non-GAAP financial measures discussed on this call to the most directly comparable GAAP measures.

    有關這些因素的更多信息,請參閱我們的新聞稿和向 SEC 提交的文件。今天的演示還包括某些非公認會計準則財務指標。請參閱我們網站 fedex.com 的投資者關係部分,以了解本次電話會議中討論的非 GAAP 財務指標與最直接可比較的 GAAP 指標的對帳。

  • Joining us on the call today are Raj Subramaniam, President and CEO; Brie Carere, Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Officer; and John Dietrich, Executive Vice President and CFO.

    今天加入我們電話會議的是總裁兼執行長 Raj Subramaniam; Brie Carere,執行副總裁兼首席客戶長;約翰‧迪特里希(John Dietrich),執行副總裁兼財務長。

  • Now I will turn the call over to Raj.

    現在我將把電話轉給 Raj。

  • Rajesh Subramaniam - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Rajesh Subramaniam - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Jeni, and good afternoon. Our results reflect a challenging Q1 demand environment, which was weaker than we expected, particularly in the US domestic package market. Looking at our performance on a year-over-year basis, there are several factors at play. Weakness in the industrial economy pressured our B2B volumes, particularly in the US.

    謝謝你,珍妮,下午好。我們的業績反映出第一季的需求環境充滿挑戰,弱於我們的預期,特別是在美國國內包裝市場。從我們的同比表現來看,有幾個因素在起作用。工業經濟的疲軟給我們的 B2B 業務量帶來了壓力,尤其是在美國。

  • We saw increasing demand for our lower-yielding services, and some of this demand increase was driven by a shift in customer preference worldwide from priority to deferred services. And we continued to execute on structural cost reductions via DRIVE, which partially offset revenue and expense pressure.

    我們看到對低收益服務的需求不斷增加,而這種需求成長的部分原因是全球客戶偏好從優先服務轉向延遲服務。我們繼續透過 DRIVE 實施結構性成本削減,這部分抵銷了收入和支出壓力。

  • That said, we now expect the cadence of DRIVE-related savings throughout the year to increase sequentially by quarter. And we had one fewer operating day in the quarter. Notwithstanding this difficult quarter, with the actions we are taking, we remain confident in the trajectory ahead.

    也就是說,我們現在預計全年 DRIVE 相關節省的節奏將按季度連續增加。本季我們的營業日減少了一個。儘管這個季度很困難,但透過我們正在採取的行動,我們對未來的發展軌跡仍然充滿信心。

  • We are on track to deliver the $4 billion of savings through DRIVE in FY25 compared to the FY23 baseline. We have recently implemented significant new pricing actions relating to both demand and fuel surcharges, which will benefit us in the coming quarters.

    與 2023 財年基準相比,我們預計在 25 財年透過 DRIVE 節省 40 億美元。我們最近實施了與需求附加費和燃油附加費相關的重大新定價行動,這將使我們在未來幾季受益。

  • We're making significant progress on our network transformation. We're prepared for the expiration of the US Postal Service contract, and we are continuing to roll out Network 2.0.

    我們的網路轉型正在取得重大進展。我們已做好美國郵政服務合約到期的準備,並繼續推出 Network 2.0。

  • The implementation of Tricolor, which is the redesign of our global air network is well underway. The demand changes we're seeing in the market make Tricolor an even more instrumental element of our longer-term strategy to increase flexibility of our network, lower our cost to serve, and grow in new profitable markets.

    Tricolor 是我們全球航空網路的重新設計,其實施工作正在順利進行中。我們在市場上看到的需求變化使 Tricolor 成為我們長期策略中更重要的組成部分,以提高我們網路的靈活性,降低我們的服務成本,並在新的獲利市場中實現成長。

  • Taken together, our network transformation actions will drive improved profitability by unlocking efficiencies, improving density, and creating a more flexible network. This will strengthen our competitive position while simultaneously supporting our objectives for improved profitability and returns. Our innovative data-driven solutions are also supporting our transformation and enabling a better experience for our customers.


  • Additionally, our seamless transition to One FedEx at the start of Q1 allows us to operate more efficiently and effectively as we implement our strategies. Accounting for these factors, our updated expectations for the remainder of the fiscal year and our Q1 performance, we are narrowing our FY25 adjusted EPS outlook range to $20 to $21.

    此外,我們在第一季初無縫過渡到 One FedEx,使我們能夠在實施策略時更有效率和有效地運作。考慮到這些因素、我們對本財年剩餘時間的最新預期以及第一季的業績,我們將 2025 財年調整後每股收益展望範圍縮小至 20 至 21 美元。

  • John will provide more color on the underlying assumptions shortly. DRIVE has evolved from a targeted transformation effort to being the foundation for how we work across the enterprise. In the first quarter, we achieved $390 million of DRIVE-related savings.

    約翰很快就會就基本假設提供更多資訊。 DRIVE 已從一項有針對性的轉型工作發展成為我們整個企業工作方式的基礎。第一季度,我們實現了 3.9 億美元的 DRIVE 相關節省。

  • Breaking this down by category, approximately $90 million came from our surface network, $160 million from our air network and international, and $140 million from G&A. Our surface operations focused on efficiency in linehaul planning.

    按類別細分,約 9,000 萬美元來自我們的地面網絡,1.6 億美元來自我們的航空網絡和國際,1.4 億美元來自 G&A。我們的地面營運重點在於長途運輸規劃的效率。

  • In air and international, we maintained focus on transforming our network while maximizing staff efficiency at hubs and ramps. In Europe, we further optimized in-station processes. Within G&A, we continued to improve the efficiency of our IT function.

    在航空和國際方面,我們繼續專注於網路轉型,同時最大限度地提高樞紐和停機坪的員工效率。在歐洲,我們進一步優化站內流程。在 G&A 範圍內,我們持續提高 IT 職能的效率。

  • We also continued our transition from a regional-based procurement support model to one that's centralized and organized by spend category. We are collaborating across sourcing, finance and the businesses to drive cost out. Looking ahead, we expect our quarterly DRIVE cost reductions to build quarter over quarter throughout the year.


  • Within our surface operations, we'll keep focusing on the end-to-end efficiency initiatives, including optimizing our rental fleet and maximizing rail usage. In the air network and international category, a majority of our savings in the remainder of the year will come from Europe.


  • While we realized some Europe savings in the quarter, most of our Europe-related DRIVE savings was skewed towards the second half of FY25 as we achieve efficiency and productivity improvements across the region. I'm encouraged by the progress we are making in Europe, improving service levels, reducing churn, and winning new business despite difficult market conditions.

    雖然我們在本季度實現了一些歐洲節省,但隨著我們在整個地區實現了效率和生產力的提高,我們大部分與歐洲相關的 DRIVE 節省都集中在 2025 財年下半年。儘管市場條件困難,但我們在歐洲的進步、提高服務水準、減少客戶流失並贏得新業務令我深受鼓舞。

  • We continue to expect $600 million of cumulative DRIVE-related savings from Europe, which will help us exit the year with a better performing European business. Across the air network more broadly, we'll maintain our focus on managing our fleet and broader air operation efficiently. And within G&A, we'll continue to optimize functions globally to focus on IT and outside vendor spend.

    我們仍預期歐洲將累積節省 6 億美元的 DRIVE 相關費用,這將有助於我們在今年結束時以更好的歐洲業務表現。在更廣泛的航空網絡中,我們將繼續專注於有效管理我們的機隊和更廣泛的航空運營。在 G&A 內部,我們將繼續優化全球職能,並專注於 IT 和外部供應商支出。

  • In the first quarter, we continued to introduce Network 2.0 in select markets. Canada, which is our biggest network optimization yet, is well underway. On completion of Canada's rollout in early calendar year of 2025, nearly 200 facilities across the US and Canada will be handling consolidated and integrated ground and express volume. Optimizations will resume post-peak and continue to ramp into FY26.

    第一季度,我們繼續在部分市場推出網路2.0。加拿大是我們迄今為止最大的網路優化項目,正在進行中。加拿大於 2025 年初完成部署後,美國和加拿大的近 200 個設施將處理整合的地面和快遞業務量。優化將在高峰後恢復,並在 2026 財年繼續進行。

  • As we have shared before, we're taking a coordinated and deliberate approach to maintain and enhance customer service while also applying learnings from each rollout to later integrations. For example, we're optimizing pickup and delivery operations to best leverage existing assets and resources, including facilities, equipment, and team members. We're also now looking at geographic markets more holistically rather than by location. This enables us to consider volume and customer mix across an entire market. Our strategy is working.


  • We continue to see roughly a 10% reduction in pickup and delivery costs in markets where we have fully rolled out Network 2.0. Service levels in these markets are meeting or exceeding our network average. We're also leveraging new technologies to facilitate high-quality service.

    我們繼續看到,在我們全面推出 Network 2.0 的市場中,取貨和送貨成本降低了約 10%。這些市場的服務水準達到或超過我們的網路平均值。我們也利用新技術來促進高品質的服務。

  • For example, we recently launched what we call the Shipment Eligibility Orchestrator. This is an innovative internal decision-making engine that leverages machine learning to dynamically route packages in real time.


  • For Network 2.0, one application of this tool ensures that we direct high-priority health care and time-sensitive shipments to designated couriers trained to handle them. Shipment Eligibility Orchestrator is an evolving learning platform where we're adding new use cases by the day.

    對於網路 2.0,該工具的一項應用可確保我們將高優先級的醫療保健和時間敏感的貨物發送給經過培訓的指定快遞員來處理它們。 Shipment Eligibility Orchestrator 是一個不斷發展的學習平台,我們每天都在其中添加新的用例。

  • In the first quarter, we also successfully piloted our new Hold-to-Match solution, which optimizes last-mile delivery costs. It does this by holding early ground stops when another package is assigned for the same stop the following day. We will do this while ensuring an on-time delivery for all packages.

    在第一季度,我們也成功試行了新的 Hold-to-Match 解決方案,優化了最後一哩的交付成本。它透過在第二天為同一站點分配另一個包裹時保留早期地面站點來實現這一點。我們將在確保所有包裹按時交付的同時做到這一點。

  • Hold-to-Match is increasing stop density and will help lower our cost per package. We look forward to expanding the capability throughout the year. And this month, aligned with our mission to make supply chains smarter for everyone, we announced a strategic alliance and investment with Nimble.

    Hold-to-Match 正在增加停止密度,並將有助於降低每個包裝的成本。我們期待全年擴大能力。本月,為了實現讓每個人的供應鏈更聰明的使命,我們宣布與 Nimble 結成策略聯盟並進行投資。

  • Nimble is an AI robotics and autonomous e-commerce fulfillment technology company. FedEx Supply Chain will use Nimble's cutting-edge fulfillment systems to streamline our operations, further penetrate the global e-commerce market, and unlock new opportunities for customers.

    Nimble 是一家人工智慧機器人和自主電子商務履行技術公司。聯邦快遞供應鏈將使用 Nimble 的尖端履行系統來簡化我們的運營,進一步滲透全球電子商務市場,並為客戶釋放新的機會。

  • As we shared last quarter, we are conducting an assessment of the role of FedEx Freight in our portfolio structure. The assessment is well underway and on track to be completed by the end of the calendar year, all while we continue to deliver safe and reliable service to our customers.


  • Before I close, I would like to congratulate Mark Allen, our General Counsel and Secretary, on his upcoming retirement. During his distinguished 42-year career with FedEx, Mark has served as an instrumental counselor and a business partner. FedEx has benefited from his strong business acumen, unassuming leadership, and vast international experience.

    在結束之前,我要祝賀我們的總法律顧問兼秘書馬克艾倫即將退休。在聯邦快遞 42 年的傑出職業生涯中,馬克曾擔任重要顧問和業務合作夥伴。聯邦快遞受益於他強大的商業頭腦、謙遜的領導能力和豐富的國際經驗。

  • We thank him for his service. I'm excited to welcome Gina Adams into her new role as General Counsel and Secretary of FedEx effective September 24. Gina joined the company in 1992. Since 2001, she has led Government and Regulatory Affairs. Gina brings extensive experience, addressing many of the most important issues facing our company and advocating for policies that support our customers and our industry.

    我們感謝他的服務。我很高興歡迎吉娜·亞當斯(Gina Adams) 擔任聯邦快遞總法律顧問兼秘書的新職務,該職位將於9 月24 日生效。政府和監管事務。吉娜擁有豐富的經驗,解決了我們公司面臨的許多最重要的問題,並倡導支持我們的客戶和行業的政策。

  • I know her expertise and insights will be invaluable as we continue to transform FedEx. I also want to take this opportunity to thank the entire FedEx team for their hard work and dedication as we transform our network, prepare for peak, and deliver for our customers.


  • I remain confident in the value-creation opportunities ahead as we focus on growing revenue profitably, reducing our structural costs, and leveraging the insights from our vast collection of data.


  • Now let me turn the call over to Brie.


  • Brie Carere - Executive Vice President - Chief Customer Officer

    Brie Carere - Executive Vice President - Chief Customer Officer

  • Thank you, Raj, and good afternoon, everyone. Despite a challenging demand environment, our team continued to deliver high-quality service to our customers. They are drawn to our distinct advantages, including our industry-leading weekend delivery, robust portfolio, and daily weekday delivery in rural areas that the competition simply can't match.


  • Our value proposition continues to attract customers in high-value segments such as health care and small and medium business. In the front half of the calendar year 2024, we continued to gain profitable market share in the United States and around the world.

    我們的價值主張持續吸引醫療保健和中小企業等高價值領域的客戶。 2024 年上半年,我們繼續在美國和全球範圍內獲得可獲利的市場份額。

  • Let's review first quarter top line performance by segment on a year-over-year basis. At Federal Express, revenue declined 1%. This was driven by one fewer operating day and a mix shift toward deferred services. Slightly lower US domestic average daily package volume was offset by higher international export package volume.

    讓我們回顧一下第一季各細分市場的營收年比表現。聯邦快遞的收入下降了 1%。這是由於營業日減少以及向延期服務的混合轉變所致。美國國內日均包裹量的小幅下降被國際出口包裹量的增加所抵銷。

  • Yield remained positive, driven by higher base rates and fuel surcharges, with growth partially offset by a tapering of international export demand surcharges. At FedEx Freight, revenue declined 2%, driven by reduced weight per shipment and priority shipments, lower fuel surcharges, and one fewer operating day.

    受基準利率和燃油附加費上漲的推動,收益率保持正值,但國際出口需求附加費的減少部分抵消了成長。聯邦快遞貨運 (FedEx Freight) 的收入下降了 2%,因為每批貨物重量減輕、優先發貨、燃油附加費降低以及營運日減少。

  • Revenue per shipment, however, was up 2%, demonstrating our continued focus on revenue quality. We continue to lead the LTL market in total revenue share while maintaining a great revenue per hundredweight. Turning now to volume trends by service during the quarter.

    然而,每次發貨的收入增​​長了 2%,這表明我們持續關注收入品質。我們在總收入份額方面繼續領先零擔市場,同時保持每英擔的巨大收入。現在轉向本季按服務劃分的數量趨勢。

  • Volumes were pressured led by weakness in the US market, partially offset by international growth. Across US domestic express services, volumes declined 3% due to a weaker B2B demand environment. Ground volumes were slightly higher, driven by a targeted FedEx Ground Economy growth strategy.

    美國市場疲軟導致銷售承壓,但部分被國際市場成長所抵銷。由於 B2B 需求環境疲軟,美國國內快遞服務量下降了 3%。受聯邦快遞地面經濟成長策略的推動,地面運輸量略有增加。

  • We continue to focus growth on customers who have both the FedEx Ground economy and a FedEx Ground home delivery requirement. This improves both total yield and customer profitability. International export package volumes increased 9% in the quarter, driven by international economy, which is largely consistent with recent quarterly trends.

    我們繼續將成長重點放在同時具有聯邦快遞地面經濟和聯邦快遞地面送貨上門要求的客戶上。這提高了總產量和客戶獲利能力。在國際經濟的推動下,本季國際出口包裝量增加了 9%,這與最近的季度趨勢基本一致。

  • At FedEx Freight, both weight per shipment and average daily shipments declined 3%. We attribute some of this weakness to a shift of heavier freight to the truckload market due to the excess truckload capacity and associated lower rates.

    在 FedEx Freight,每批貨物的重量和平均每日出貨量均下降了 3%。我們將這一弱點部分歸因於卡車裝載能力過剩和相關較低的費率導致較重的貨運轉向卡車裝載市場。

  • And as a reminder, our contract with the United States Postal Service expires later this month, and we will be making network adjustments post expiration. During the quarter, we continued to meet our service commitments with revenue near contract minimums as we expected. We are operating in a very competitive but still rational pricing environment.


  • Against this backdrop, we maintain our focus on revenue quality and continued to grow the yield in the first quarter but at a lower rate than we expected, especially here in the United States. At Federal Express, package yield increased 1% overall, driven by US.

    在此背景下,我們繼續關注收入質量,第一季的收益率持續成長,但成長率低於我們的預期,尤其是在美國。在聯邦快遞 (Federal Express) 的推動下,包裹收益率整體成長了 1%。

  • Priority and international domestic. Yield for our ground services came in roughly flat, driven by growth in lower-yielding residential volume. As expected, the combined international priority and international economy parcel yield declined, primarily due to the tapering of demand surcharges.


  • At FedEx Freight, revenue per shipment was up 2% as we continued to lean into our revenue quality strategy. Lower weights and decreased fuel surcharge revenue due to the lower fuel prices partially offset strength in base yields.

    在 FedEx Freight,隨著我們繼續實施收入品質策略,每批貨物的收入增加了 2%。由於燃油價格較低,重量下降和燃油附加費收入減少部分抵消了基本收益率的強勁。

  • Overall, the LTL pricing environment remains disciplined and rational. Importantly, we announced several pricing actions that we expect to improve yield in the coming quarters. Last week, we shared plans for a 5.9% general rate increase effective in January. We expect a high GRI capture this year. We have increased our US

    整體而言,零擔定價環境仍是規範、理性。重要的是,我們宣布了幾項定價行動,預計將在未來幾季提高產量。上週,我們分享了 1 月生效的整體利率上漲 5.9% 的計劃。我們預計今年的 GRI 捕獲率較高。我們增加了我們的美國

  • and international fuel surcharge tables and announced new demand surcharges, which take effect in the coming days and weeks. The broader approach to demand surcharges reflects the requirement to cover our incremental peak costs to deliver an outstanding service during the holiday season.


  • Looking at FY25, we now expect revenue to grow at low single-digit rate. We previously expected low to mid-single-digit revenue growth this fiscal year. At the midpoint of our outlook range, we expect: the demand environment to moderately improve as we move through the year, driven by a slight recovery in the industrial economy, e-commerce growth, and low inventory levels.

    展望 25 財年,我們現在預期營收將以較低的個位數成長率成長。我們先前預期本財年收入將出現低至中個位數的成長。在我們展望範圍的中點,我們預期:在工業經濟略有復甦、電子商務成長和低庫存水準的推動下,今年需求環境將適度改善。

  • We anticipate some improvement in the pricing environment skewed toward the second half of the fiscal year. We also expect modest improvement in the US domestic ground parcel volume with the year-over-year increase growing, particularly in the back half of the fiscal year.


  • We expect LTL shipments to inflect positive later in the fiscal year, and our outlook assumes continued strength in Asia export volume demand. The current environment increases our conviction that the market requires a provider with a portfolio with both Express and deferred parcel and air freight solutions.


  • Our Tricolor strategy positions us to evolve our international business as the market shifts while delivering these services more profitably. In Q1, we established the international network design, and we will continue to optimize our operations to improve profitability.


  • Planned enhancements include both operational and pricing changes, which will drive increased density per flight, lower last-mile costs and improved international dimension capture. As part of this strategy, in Q1, we launched our new FedEx International Deferred Freight service, which has a slower transit time than international economy freight. We will use this extra time to both build dense skid and increase the proportion of volume that is trucked to its final destination.


  • Looking ahead to peak, I am particularly excited about the great service we will deliver for our customers. This holiday season, consumers will have improved visibility to their shipments via real-time map view. And just in time for peak, we will launch our picture proof of delivery attempt, which will provide customers with a picture of a door tag in the event of a missed delivery.


  • This feature will bolster communication about the delivery attempt and elevate the customer experience. In closing, I am proud of our team's hard work and dedication during a difficult quarter. I am confident our pricing actions, our distinct service advantages and, of course, our world-class team will position us incredibly well as we head into peak.


  • And with that, I'll turn it over to John to discuss the financials in more detail.


  • John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thank you, Brie, and good afternoon, everyone. As Raj and Brie both mentioned, our first quarter results reflect a more challenging environment, which pressured Q1 profitability despite our ongoing progress to reduce structural costs through DRIVE. I'll start with the Q1 adjusted operating income bridge to help explain the quarterly dynamics on a year-over-year basis.

    謝謝你,布里,大家下午好。正如Raj 和Brie 都提到的,我們第一季的業績反映了更具挑戰性的環境,儘管我們在透過DRIVE 降低結構性成本方面不斷取得進展,但這給第一季的獲利能力帶來了壓力。我將從第一季調整後營業收入橋開始,以幫助解釋同比的季度動態。

  • Our first-quarter results were negatively affected by soft revenue trends, with a global decline in priority volume and growth in deferred volume. This dynamic pressured our results twofold: first, a constrained yield growth with total package yield up 1% year over year, almost 1 percentage point lower than we expected.

    我們第一季的業績受到疲軟收入趨勢的負面影響,全球優先銷售量下降,而遞延銷售成長。這種動態對我們的業績帶來雙重壓力:首先,產量成長受到限制,總封裝產量年增 1%,比我們的預期低近 1 個百分點。

  • Yield was most constrained internationally with added pressure from more volume and lower-yielding services and reduced demand surcharges. Second, the increase in international economy volume was the primary driver of the $124 million increase in purchase transportation expense at Federal Express.

    國際上的產量受到最大限制,增加的壓力來自於數量增加和產量較低的服務以及需求附加費的減少。其次,國際經濟總量的成長是聯邦快遞採購運輸費用增加 1.24 億美元的主要動力。

  • In addition, we had one fewer operating day in the quarter, resulting in an approximately $170 million headwind. We were able to partially offset these headwinds and normal inflationary cost pressures with about $390 million of structural cost savings from DRIVE. As Raj mentioned, we now expect quarterly DRIVE-related savings to build throughout the year.

    此外,本季我們的營業日減少了一個,導致了約 1.7 億美元的不利影響。我們透過 DRIVE 節省了約 3.9 億美元的結構性成本,部分抵消了這些不利因素和正常的通膨成本壓力。正如 Raj 所提到的,我們現在預計全年將實現與 DRIVE 相關的季度節省。

  • While our Q1 DRIVE results were solid, they were below our expectations from a timing standpoint and will increase sequentially through the remainder of FY25. All these factors combined resulted in an adjusted operating profit decline of $382 million.

    雖然我們第一季的 DRIVE 業績表現穩健,但從時間角度來看,它們低於我們的預期,並將在 2025 財年剩餘時間內持續成長。所有這些因素綜合起來導致調整後營業利潤下降 3.82 億美元。

  • Moving to a breakdown by segment. At Federal Express, adjusted operating profit decreased $337 million year over year with $150 million of the decline due to one fewer operating day. The remaining $187 million reduction was a result of the reduced flow-through associated with the revenue softness and the shift toward deferred service offerings, partially offset by DRIVE savings.

    轉向按細分市場細分。聯邦快遞調整後營業利潤年減 3.37 億美元,其中 1.5 億美元的下降是由於營業日減少所致。剩餘的 1.87 億美元減少是由於收入疲軟和轉向延期服務產品導致的流量減少所致,部分被 DRIVE 節省所抵消。

  • Increased demand for international economy and higher rates were the primary drivers of higher purchase transportation costs. Taking the revenue and associated costs together, international economy growth provided a modest benefit to profitability.


  • We expect international economy profitability to continue improving as we execute on Tricolor. Additionally, we were expecting to achieve higher revenue and profit flow-through from US premium services in Q1, which did not materialize.

    我們預計,隨著我們執行 Tricolor,國際經濟獲利能力將持續改善。此外,我們預計第一季美國優質服務將實現更高的收入和利潤流動,但這並沒有實現。

  • As a result, we are adjusting our US domestic network to reflect the softer demand environment. At FedEx Freight, while operating profit was down $43 million, nearly half this decline was due to one fewer operating day.

    因此,我們正在調整我們的美國國內網路以反映疲軟的需求環境。在聯邦快遞貨運公司,雖然營業利潤下降了 4,300 萬美元,但其中近一半的下降是由於營業日減少所致。

  • Lower weight per shipment and decreased priority volumes continue to be headwinds, partially offset by base yield improvement. In light of our Q1 performance and the current demand environment, we are narrowing our FY25 EPS outlook range.

    每批貨物重量下降和優先數量減少仍然是不利因素,但基本產量的提高部分抵消了這一不利因素。鑑於我們第一季的業績和當前的需求環境,我們正在縮小 25 財年每股收益展望範圍。

  • We now expect $20 to $21 in adjusted EPS for FY25 compared to the prior range of $20 to $22. At the top end of our range, we assume an improvement in the pricing environment and the industrial economy. At the low end of the range, we assume the pricing environment continues to be very competitive and the industrial economy remains challenged.

    我們現在預計 2025 財年調整後每股收益為 20 至 21 美元,而之前的範圍為 20 至 22 美元。在我們範圍的上限,我們假設定價環境和工業經濟有所改善。在該範圍的低端,我們假設定價環境仍然非常有競爭力,工業經濟仍然面臨挑戰。

  • As Brie shared, we now anticipate our revenue growth rate to be in the low single digits. Regarding our expected earnings cadence for the remainder of the fiscal year, US Postal Service contract termination headwind will begin in Q2 as expected. We plan to reduce our daytime flight hours by approximately 60% with the majority of that reduction taking place in October. We anticipate a negative effect in Q2 from the timing of Cyber Week, which shifts into Q3 this fiscal year.

    正如布里分享的那樣,我們現在預計我們的收入成長率將處於較低的個位數。關於我們對本財年剩餘時間的預期獲利節奏,美國郵政服務合約終止的不利因素將如預期在第二季開始。我們計劃將日間飛行時間減少約 60%,其中大部分減少發生在 10 月。我們預期網路週的時間安排會對第二季產生負面影響,網路週將轉移到本財年的第三季。

  • Overall, from an EPS perspective, we expect lower-than-normal seasonality in Q2 and better-than-normal seasonality in the fiscal second half. Supporting this cadence are ramping DRIVE savings that we are confident we will deliver in the quarters ahead.

    總體而言,從每股盈餘的角度來看,我們預計第二季的季節性因素將低於正常水平,而下半年的季節性因素將優於正常水平。支持這一節奏的是不斷增加的 DRIVE 節省,我們有信心在未來幾季實現這一目標。

  • Turning to our updated full year operating income bridge, which shows the year-over-year operating profit elements embedded in our full year outlook. This bridge now reflects adjusted operating profit of $7 billion, which is equivalent to $20.50 adjusted EPS, the midpoint of our outlook range.

    轉向我們更新的全年營業收入橋樑,它顯示了我們全年展望中嵌入的同比營業利潤要素。該橋樑現在反映了 70 億美元的調整後營業利潤,相當於 20.50 美元的調整後每股收益,即我們展望範圍的中點。

  • For revenue, net of cost, which now includes variable incentive compensation, we expect a $100 million headwind, reflecting our lower revenue projection and the shift in the volume mix dynamic I mentioned earlier.

    對於扣除成本(現在包括可變激勵薪酬)的收入,我們預計將出現 1 億美元的阻力,這反映出我們較低的收入預測以及我之前提到的銷售組合動態的變化。

  • We now forecast a $500 million headwind from international export yield pressure, up $100 million from our prior expectations due to lower-than-expected base yields and the mix shift to international economy. We still expect about a $300 million headwind from two fewer operating days, one that was in Q1 and one that will be in Q4.

    現在,我們預計國際出口收益率壓力將帶來 5 億美元的阻力,由於基礎收益率低於預期以及向國際經濟的組合轉移,該壓力比我們之前的預期高出 1 億美元。我們仍然預計,由於營運天數減少兩個(第一季和第四季),將帶來約 3 億美元的不利影響。

  • And lastly, we anticipate a $500 million headwind from the US Postal Service contract termination. And as I just mentioned, we remain confident in our ability to offset these headwinds with $2.2 billion from incremental DRIVE savings.

    最後,我們預計美國郵政服務合約終止將帶來 5 億美元的不利影響。正如我剛才提到的,我們仍然有信心透過 DRIVE 增量節省 22 億美元來抵消這些不利因素。

  • Further supporting this revised outlook is our commitment to revenue quality, including our latest demand surcharges, which are broader than they have been historically and fuel surcharge table adjustments, as Brie mentioned. For the full year, at the segment level, we continue to expect adjusted operating margin expansion at Federal Express.


  • At FedEx Freight, assuming the challenging revenue environment persists, we now anticipate a modest decline in operating margin. At the midpoint of this new outlook range, we expect to deliver 15% adjusted EPS growth.

    在聯邦快遞貨運公司,假設充滿挑戰的收入環境持續存在,我們現在預期營業利潤率將小幅下降。在這項新展望範圍的中點,我們預期調整後每股盈餘將成長 15%。

  • Moving to capital allocation. In Q1, capital expenditures were $767 million. We are on track to invest $5.2 billion in CapEx for FY25, which is flat versus FY24, and we still anticipate strong adjusted free cash flow this fiscal year.

    轉向資本配置。第一季資本支出為 7.67 億美元。我們預計 25 財年的資本支出投資為 52 億美元,與 24 財年持平,我們仍然預期本財年調整後的自由現金流強勁。

  • We'll be allocating capital to the highest return segments of our portfolio, and we remain committed to improving our ROIC. Supported by our healthy cash on hand and strong adjusted free cash flow, we completed $1 billion in stock repurchases in Q1 and plan to repurchase an additional $1 billion in Q2. Overall, I remain confident in the transformation initiatives underway, which will translate to improved profitability in FY25 and beyond.

    我們將把資本分配給投資組合中報酬率最高的部分,並持續致力於提高投資報酬率。在我們健康的手頭現金和強勁的調整後自由現金流的支持下,我們在第一季完成了 10 億美元的股票回購,並計劃在第二季再回購 10 億美元。總體而言,我對正在進行的轉型舉措仍然充滿信心,這將轉化為 2025 財年及以後盈利能力的提高。

  • And with that, let's open it up for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Brian Ossenbeck, JPMorgan.

    (操作員指示)Brian Ossenbeck,摩根大通。

  • Brian Ossenbeck - Analyst

    Brian Ossenbeck - Analyst

  • Hey. Good evening. Thanks for taking the question. Just wanted to see if you could give a little bit more color on the negative mix shift. It seems like it's pretty pervasive but maybe a little bit in the US and also some international.


  • And why do you think you can push through the additional demand surcharges, fuel surcharges and the GRI? So maybe you can square those two together because it doesn't seem like it's a constructive environment to keep on raising prices at that level. Thank you.

    您認為為什麼可以推行額外需求附加費、燃油附加費和 GRI?因此,也許你可以將這兩者結合起來,因為這似乎不是繼續在該水平上提高價格的建設性環境。謝謝。

  • Brie Carere - Executive Vice President - Chief Customer Officer

    Brie Carere - Executive Vice President - Chief Customer Officer

  • Good afternoon, Brian, it's Brie. Thank you for the question. So from a pricing perspective, obviously, we look at our entire and our collective pricing strategy in each individual component, but then, of course, holistically. We have been studying the market and the yield, and we're very confident in the capture rate from a GRI that we anticipate in January.

    下午好,布萊恩,我是布里。謝謝你的提問。因此,從定價的角度來看,顯然,我們會在每個單獨的組件中審視我們的整個和集體定價策略,但當然,是整體的。我們一直在研究市場和產量,我們對 1 月預期的 GRI 捕獲率非常有信心。

  • From a demand surcharges perspective, I think we have two different factors that we're looking at here: one, we did make the change for the demand surcharge for the domestic market from an e-commerce perspective.


  • As we have talked about over the last couple of years, demand surcharges are necessary to improve the profitability and make sure that we deliver the outstanding service that customers expect because, of course, this is the most important time of the year for retailers. And this year, we had to make a shift in addition to using demand surcharges for the customers that drive the peaking factors, we had to have a more widespread distribution.


  • But we really are still emphasizing on the customers that drive the increase so we're very confident on the capture from a demand perspective. And then fuel, obviously, when we look at the total yield or customer spend from an international perspective, we think that this is the right mix and the right approach to make sure that we are growing our yield. We still believe that the international service at FedEx is just a great value, and so we're very confident from a capture perspective.


  • When we look at, to your point, the demand distribution, I would say from an international perspective, we knew that there would be the demand surcharge, and international would behave a little differently than the peak surcharges here in the United States and we had anticipated that.


  • And it was -- actually, there was more pressure there in the first quarter. We do anticipate that pressure to taper as we go through the year. And what do I mean by that? We can see the strength still in the Asia export market and we can see the stickiness on demand surcharges.


  • So we've made some changes there so we do expect that, that will improve through the year. So I think that gives you just how we're thinking about the pricing and the mix shift.


  • Operator


  • Jordan Alliger, Goldman Sachs.


  • Jordan Alliger - Analyst

    Jordan Alliger - Analyst

  • Yeah. Hi. I was wondering, you talked about the lower-than-normal second quarter EPS seasonality. Can you give some sense for order of magnitude below normal? And how do you define normal? Is it like a percentage of typical full-year earnings? And I guess following that, what gives confidence on the sharp second half ramp? Is it more of the economy? Is it mix? Is it B2B coming back? Thanks.

    是的。你好。我想知道,您談到了第二季每股收益季節性低於正常。您能否對低於正常值的數量級給予一些解釋?你如何定義正常?它是典型全年收入的百分比嗎?我想接下來是什麼給了我們對下半年急遽上升的信心?更多的是經濟嗎?是混合的嗎? B2B又回來了嗎?謝謝。

  • John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah. Thanks, Jordan. It's John, and we're really not in a position to give quarterly guidance, but what I can share with you is our expected cadence. So regarding our expected earnings cadence for Q2, as we talked about, we're going to experience the US Postal Service contract termination.


  • That will be a headwind that begins in Q2, and we also anticipate a negative effect in Q2 from the timing of Cyber Week so that's going to push into Q3. So overall, from an EPS perspective, we expect lower-than-normal seasonality in Q2 and better-than-normal seasonality in the fiscal second half of the year.


  • And to your question, supporting our view on this is the ramp-up in DRIVE savings as well as the revenue actions, really tangible, meaningful revenue actions that Brie talked about. So that's why we're focused on certainly the whole year but that upside in the second half.

    對於你的問題,支持我們對此觀點的是 DRIVE 節省的增加以及收入行動,而布里談到的真正切實、有意義的收入行動。這就是為什麼我們肯定會關注全年,但會關注下半年的上漲。

  • Jordan Alliger - Analyst

    Jordan Alliger - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Jonathan Chappell, Evercore.


  • Jonathan Chappell - Analyst

    Jonathan Chappell - Analyst

  • Thank you. Good afternoon. John, sticking with that theme, you noted the $390 million in DRIVE in the first quarter was lower than what you anticipated. So can you help us understand why that fell short of your first quarter target?

    謝謝。午安.約翰,堅持這個主題,您注意到第一季 DRIVE 的 3.9 億美元低於您的預期。那麼您能否幫助我們理解為什麼沒有達到您第一季的目標?

  • And if you're not -- and if you can't give the cadence quarterly from here or at least how much it's going to be back half weighted, what gives us the confidence that the $2.2 billion is still attainable when coming off a quarter when the quarterly target can be hit?

    如果你不這樣做——如果你不能從這裡給出每季度的節奏,或者至少不能給出半權重的多少,那麼是什麼讓我們有信心在一個季度結束時仍然可以實現 22 億美元什麼時候可以達到季度目標?

  • John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah. Thanks, Jonathan. Look, we had a lot of positive momentum coming through Q4 of last year -- last fiscal year and into the first quarter. And as many of you may have heard me say in the past, with regard to these DRIVE initiatives, many of them over-deliver, some of them under-deliver, some of them produce on time, some perhaps a little later in time.

    是的。謝謝,喬納森。看,我們從去年第四季(上一財年)到第一季都取得了許多正面的勢頭。正如你們中的許多人過去可能聽我說過的那樣,關於這些 DRIVE 計劃,其中許多超額交付,有些交付不足,有些按時交付,有些可能延遲了一點。

  • What I can tell you is there's a very robust DRIVE process, and we feel very strongly that while we're pleased with the $390 million that we delivered, we would like to have seen more based on that positive momentum.

    我可以告訴您的是,我們有一個非常強大的 DRIVE 流程,我們強烈感覺到,雖然我們對交付的 3.9 億美元感到滿意,但我們希望看到基於這種積極勢頭的更多成果。

  • But we're committed to the $2.2 billion for the fiscal year. And I'll just also refer to the $1.8 billion from last year. We laid that marker down and we delivered on it. I personally, as well as other members of the senior team, sit on the DRIVE initiative sessions, which occur every week.

    但我們承諾本財年的支出為 22 億美元。我還要提及去年的 18 億美元。我們放下了這個標記並交付了它。我個人以及高階團隊的其他成員都會參加每週舉行的 DRIVE 倡議會議。

  • So that's really what gives me the confidence, seeing the progress, seeing the commitment of the teams and frankly, the strong pipeline of initiatives that are delivered every week. And so it's an evolving exercise, but at the same time, we're committed to those numbers.


  • Jonathan Chappell - Analyst

    Jonathan Chappell - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Tom Wadewitz, UBS.


  • Thomas Wadewitz - Analyst

    Thomas Wadewitz - Analyst

  • Yeah. Good afternoon. Wanted to ask you about some of the pressure from purchase transportation costs that were up quite a bit. I think you alluded to them being driven somewhat by international economy growth.


  • And I guess the question is, is there something that's a little bit wrong right now with international economy that you're not making money with it or it's just like calibrated wrong? Because it seems like that's part of the problem with PT going up. So yeah, how do we think about IE and also the equation for PT expense to be more manageable and less of a drag on margin? Thank you.

    我想問題是,現在國際經濟是否有點問題,你沒有用它賺錢,或者只是校準錯誤?因為這似乎是 PT 上升問題的一部分。那麼,是的,我們如何看待 IE 以及 PT 費用的方程式,以使其更易於管理並減少對利潤的拖累?謝謝。

  • John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Sure. Thanks, Tom. So yeah, as mentioned, the purchase transportation cost did increase. And really, there are three major drivers of this absolute expense increase. And first, I'll note that the PT included $130 million of year-over-year increase, which was from higher freight forwarding revenue in our logistics operating segment.

    當然。謝謝,湯姆。所以,是的,正如前面提到的,購買運輸成本確實增加了。實際上,這種絕對費用增加有三個主要驅動因素。首先,我要指出的是,PT 包括 1.3 億美元的年成長,這是由於我們的物流營運部門的貨運代理收入增加。

  • And this increase in purchase transportation expense was directly related to increase in revenue at logistics. So that's the first element. Second, with regard to Federal Express, most of our PT spend is related to our contracted service provider, pickup and delivery, surface linehaul spend, both in the US and internationally, and the remainder at FEC is driven by air commercial linehaul. So in the ordinary course, it's important to note that this is a $4.7 billion-plus spend line item.

    而採購運輸費用的增加與物流收入的增加有直接關係。這是第一個元素。其次,就聯邦快遞而言,我們的大部分PT 支出與我們在美國和國際上的合約服務提供者、取貨和送貨、地面長途運輸支出有關,而FEC 的其餘部分則由航空商業長途運輸驅動。因此,在正常情況下,值得注意的是,這是一個超過 47 億美元的支出項目。

  • And the ordinary course increases of our -- in our rates amounted to about $140 million of PT expense increase. That was partially offset by the efficiency gains and, of course, one fewer operating day. So that's the second element.

    我們費率的正常成長相當於約 1.4 億美元的 PT 費用成長。這部分被效率的提升以及營業日的減少所抵銷。這是第二個要素。

  • And then finally, the third, the $120 million of PT expense was additional commercial air linehaul capacity, which ties in with your point on the international economy as well as some investment in Tricolor. But what I can say is that those volumes were contributory to the year-over-year profit.

    最後,第三點,1.2 億美元的 PT 費用是額外的商業航空運輸能力,這與您對國際經濟的觀點以及對 Tricolor 的一些投資有關。但我可以說的是,這些銷量對年比利潤做出了貢獻。

  • So a little pressure on margin but they were contributory and not loss-making. So hopefully, that gives you some clarity on that.


  • Operator


  • Daniel Imbro, Stephens.


  • Daniel Imbro - Analyst

    Daniel Imbro - Analyst

  • Thanks. Good evening, guys. Wanted to ask one on the FedEx Freight side. So you guys have been closing locations for a little while. You closed more here in 1Q. I guess, how are you thinking, John, about capital deployment towards that segment and actually reinvesting into growth?


  • And then as it relates to the strategic review, whereas I understand by year-end, we'll get the update. But what are the factors you guys are still digging into as you decide what's the best decision for this asset over time? Thanks.


  • John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Sure. Thanks for that question. Yeah, with regard to freight, it's absolutely part of our capital investment program and our plans. As I mentioned in my remarks, we're looking to invest in those areas of the business that's going to provide the best ROIC and freight is certainly one of them. We feel really good about our investment on the air side in our fleet.


  • In fact, that spend is coming down and that allows us some capital to deploy into some of the other areas of the business and freight is absolutely one of them. So stay tuned in terms of the details on that. But from a capital standpoint, we're going to continue to manage our capital intensity. I think from my perspective, on a year-over-year basis, that's a really good news story.


  • We saw both flat expectations year over year as well as some sequential reductions from Q4 of last year. And so facilities are definitely a part of it. It's all part of our integrated plan on One FedEx and Network 2.0 as well.

    我們的預期與去年同期持平,但與去年第四季相比出現了一些連續下降。所以設施絕對是其中的一部分。這也是我們 One FedEx 和 Network 2.0 綜合計劃的一部分。

  • Brie Carere - Executive Vice President - Chief Customer Officer

    Brie Carere - Executive Vice President - Chief Customer Officer

  • Hey, Daniel, it's Brie. The only other thing that I would like to add is I just wanted to make sure there was an assumption in that question that we were constraining growth at FedEx Freight because of capital allocation. That is not at all the case. Obviously, there's a tough freight environment right now. But Lance, John, and I are very committed to profitably growing the FedEx Freight portfolio, and we feel really good about our value proposition.


  • So we are looking always for dock-door expansion in the right markets. And where we make closures, they're simply just from the right place from a growth perspective.


  • Operator


  • Chris Wetherbee, Wells Fargo.


  • Christian Wetherbee - Analyst

    Christian Wetherbee - Analyst

  • Hey. Thanks. Just as we're thinking to try to calibrate a little bit appropriately here, John, maybe if you could help us on the second quarter, is there enough in terms of the walk as you move from 1Q to 2Q for earnings to be up sequentially? I guess, would maybe be the first question.


  • And I guess maybe for Brie, just very quickly on the pricing side. Obviously some big peak season surcharges that have come -- you've been announced so far, I guess. How do you think about the compliance or capture rate around that?


  • And any early indications you're having from your customers on their -- the likelihood of them coming to fruition?


  • John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah. Thanks, Chris. I'll take the first part of that and then turn it over to Brie. Yeah, but on a sequential basis, when we talk about the revenue actions and the pricing actions that Brie talked about, coupled with the DRIVE savings that we expect and are committed to, yeah, we see definitely the opportunity for sequential quarter-over-quarter profit improvement.

    是的。謝謝,克里斯。我會把第一部分交給布里。是的,但是在連續的基礎上,當我們談論布里談到的收入行動和定價行動,再加上我們期望並致力於的 DRIVE 節省時,是的,我們肯定看到了連續季度的機會-季度利潤改善。

  • Brie Carere - Executive Vice President - Chief Customer Officer

    Brie Carere - Executive Vice President - Chief Customer Officer

  • Hi, Chris. From a demand surcharge perspective, obviously, we've got several years of a track record and also our large customer peak surcharges are already pre-negotiated so I feel pretty good from a capture perspective there. We have, to your point, changed methodologies a little bit.


  • I think we've been conservative in our estimate on the capture right there, and that is reflected already in the range provided. So I think we've got the right balance. I am optimistic about the capture because I think customers do understand that there's a lot of pressure on the network, especially this year.


  • If you think about the shopping period for this year, there's five less shopping days which means there's three less operating days. And so it really is a condensed peak period. And I think our customers understand that and therefore understand the broader approach from a peak demand perspective.

    如果你考慮今年的購物期,你會發現購物日減少了 5 個,這意味著營業日減少了 3 個。所以這確實是一個濃縮的高峰期。我認為我們的客戶理解這一點,因此從尖峰需求的角度來理解更廣泛的方法。

  • Operator


  • Stephanie Moore, Jefferies.


  • Stephanie Moore - Analyst

    Stephanie Moore - Analyst

  • Hi, guys. Thank you. Maybe taking a step back here, looking at the quarter, clearly, some challenges outside of your control really that you called out impacting the top line and the full year expectations. But as look at the performance of the quarter, given it was a bit more of a challenging top line environment, still saw a pretty material impact to overall earnings going quarter to quarter here, 4Q to 1Q.


  • So as you think about your ability to flex your network and adjust to maybe some of these challenges that can pop up intra-quarter, how would you rate your performance? And as you think back, is there something that should have been done differently? DRIVE savings, you obviously have called out. But just as again you can flex your network, maybe just some insight there would be helpful. Thanks.


  • John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah. Thanks, Stephanie. It's John. Yeah. No, it's a great question. And I think the team does an excellent job of monitoring the demand trends and adjusting as best we can. Pretty dramatic changes, though, when you talk about the mix shift that we experienced.


  • And volumes were there. Volumes were, for the most part, pretty strong. And when you're operating such an expansive network, it takes a little bit of time to adjust, but we're looking at that every day, and frankly, every week and making schedule adjustments.


  • And frankly, as we look forward here, as part of the winding down of the postal service contract, I think we're going to have some additional flexibility to continue to create the network of the future, which is going to allow for some additional efficiencies and flexibility.


  • So we're optimistic about that. But when -- again, you're talking about a large network. It's tough to flip a switch, if you will. But I think the team does a great job of monitoring that and adjusting.


  • Operator


  • Brandon Oglenski, Barclays.


  • Brandon Oglenski - Analyst

    Brandon Oglenski - Analyst

  • Hey. Good afternoon. Thanks for taking my question. Raj, I guess if I listened to the call only, it sounds like DRIVE is working, FedEx One is well underway. The Tricolor initiative is supposed to be delivering profitable market share. But -- and I guess it's just feeding off that last question. The reality is this is one of the lowest profit first quarters that we've seen since maybe 2009. And EPS is very much run rating well below your full year range here.

    嘿。午安.感謝您提出我的問題。 Raj,我想如果我只聽電話,聽起來 DRIVE 正在工作,FedEx One 正在順利進行。三色計劃應該能夠帶來可獲利的市場份額。但是——我想這只是最後一個問題的結果。現實情況是,這是自 2009 年以來我們所見過的利潤最低的第一季之一。

  • So I think it's just -- it's really hard to get credibility with investors with these types of numbers and with costs that are actually up, even though supposedly DRIVE is underway. So I don't know, can you just give us some concrete examples of what's going to change?

    所以我認為,即使據稱 DRIVE 正在進行中,但憑藉這些類型的數字和實際上漲的成本,確實很難獲得投資者的信任。所以我不知道,你能給我們一些具體的例子來說明會發生什麼變化嗎?

  • I get it the post office contract is going away. I think taking down daytime flying is a step in the right direction. But incrementally, how do we get to that much higher earnings run rate?


  • Rajesh Subramaniam - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Rajesh Subramaniam - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, thank you, Brandon, for the question. I will just start by saying, yes, this point that we just talked about before, the soft industrial economy is clearly weighing on the B2B volumes. And it was definitely much weaker than we expected, and we have to make adjustments accordingly.

    好吧,謝謝布蘭登提出的問題。我首先要說的是,是的,我們之前談到過這一點,疲軟的工業經濟顯然正在給 B2B 交易量帶來壓力。而且肯定比我們預期的弱很多,我們必須做出相應的調整。

  • And as you know, shipments linked to industrial production are highest-yielding and the most profitable. At the same time, e-commerce is resetting and starting to grow again, and we're also seeing some modest improvements in global trade.


  • So the dynamics of the profile of our traffic changed. Having said all this, we are absolutely focused on what we can control. And this is the mantra that we have preached over the past two years, and we have got real good success that we have demonstrated over several quarters. We have a very, very deep sense of urgency in executing our structural cost structure programs. You can take that to the bank.


  • We have revenue quality initiatives that Brie talked about. We have profitable growth opportunities that we are lining up as well. And everything, I mean, everything is now being done with the rigor and the discipline of DRIVE. This is a proven method of success and I'm very confident that our execution will get us to support our FY25 guidance.

    我們有布里談到的收入品質計劃。我們也正在準備有利可圖的成長機會。我的意思是,現在一切都按照 DRIVE 的嚴謹和紀律來完成。這是一種行之有效的成功方法,我非常有信心我們的執行將使我們支持我們的 2025 財年指導方針。

  • I'm going to turn it to John to talk about any -- specifically some examples on the DRIVE side and maybe Brie on the growth side.


  • John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Sure, Raj. Thank you. So again, across the board, as we look at surface operations, for example, we're going to continue to optimize our staffing and enhance efficiencies across all our segments, frankly, and the implementation of some of our technology tools is going to facilitate not only present day but also as we look forward into Network 2.0. It's going to be a key element of that. On the air network, we're looking at the entire network.

    當然,拉傑。謝謝。因此,坦白說,全面而言,例如,當我們考慮地面運作時,我們將繼續優化我們的人員配置並提高所有部門的效率,並且我們的一些技術工具的實施將促進不僅是現在,而且是我們對網路2.0 的展望。這將是其中的關鍵要素。在空中網路上,我們正​​在關注整個網路。

  • I mentioned what we're able to do once we're relieved of the postal service flying. But our air network, there's more we can do in Europe. There's more we can do internationally and matching the size of aircraft, the gauge of aircraft with the demand profiles, there's a lot of great work being done there.


  • Europe is another area where we're going to be able to have, as Raj mentioned in his initial comments, some opportunity there and leveraging not only the DRIVE initiatives, but as Raj mentioned, it's a significant ground operation there, and we're leveraging the expertise of what we do exceptionally well here in the US to facilitate and continue to improve what we're doing in Europe.

    正如 Raj 在最初的評論中提到的那樣,歐洲是我們能夠擁有一些機會的另一個地區,並且不僅利用 DRIVE 計劃,而且正如 Raj 提到的那樣,這是一個重要的地面業務,我們正在利用我們在美國做得非常好的專業知識來促進並繼續改進我們在歐洲所做的事情。

  • And then the progress we're making on G&A is significant. As we're bringing the opcos together just from a procurement standpoint, I mentioned IT. There's a lot of great work being done, of which there's more to do, but we're getting benefit from leveraging our scale on procurement and centralizing that, and just a whole number of initiatives that are going to contribute to the rest of the year as well as delivering on the $2.2 billion.

    我們在一般管理費用方面取得的進展是巨大的。由於我們只是從採購的角度將運營商整合在一起,所以我提到了 IT。有很多偉大的工作正在完成,其中還有更多工作要做,但我們正在從利用我們的採購規模並將其集中化中獲益,以及將為今年剩餘時間做出貢獻的大量舉措以及交付22億美元。

  • Brie Carere - Executive Vice President - Chief Customer Officer

    Brie Carere - Executive Vice President - Chief Customer Officer

  • Brandon, the only thing that I will add, as we talked about the plans that we have for demand surcharges as well as the fuel surcharge table changes, both the domestic change and the international change, not all of this was planned or in our original assumptions come June, so that is additive.


  • The impact there absolutely is impacting Q2, but the majority of the impact will happen in Q3, given just the distribution of peak and then, of course, our GRI. So that gives us great context -- or sorry, great confidence because we can forecast this with a lot of granularity.

    那裡的影響絕對會影響第二季度,但考慮到峰值的分佈,當然還有我們的 GRI,大部分影響將發生在第三季度。因此,這為我們提供了很好的背景——或者抱歉,我們很有信心,因為我們可以非常詳細地預測這一點。

  • And then I think just additive to what John said, as we look at our European pricing strategy, as I've talked about, we are taking a lot of our tools and capabilities from the US into Europe to improve their profitability and their pricing capture.


  • Dimensional capture is significant for Europe because remember, they do have a sizable intra-European freight business and getting all dimensional capture both there and large package for parcel is incredibly important to that business. And you can see some of the discipline improving.


  • The international domestic yields did improve, and of course, that is a big part of the Europe business. So I'm very confident in not only what we've announced but some of the things that we have coming for Europe.


  • Operator


  • Jason Seidl, TD Cowen.


  • Jason Seidl - Analyst

    Jason Seidl - Analyst

  • Hey. Thank you for taking my question. How should we think about the overall macro? I mean, we've seen a very weak industrial environment. You guys seem to point to weaker parcel volumes and then even a trade down. I guess what's in your assumptions going forward for the overall macro. And then as a follow-up, if there is a strike on the East Coast ports and gulf, how could that potentially impact any air freight volumes side?


  • Rajesh Subramaniam - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Rajesh Subramaniam - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Okay. Thank you, Jason, for the question. Clearly, this quarter, the industrial economy is weighing on our B2B volumes and the S&P US Manufacturing PMI dipped 1.7 points to 47.9, is the lowest reading of the year. And at the same time, e-commerce is resetting and starting to grow again.

    好的。謝謝傑森的提問。顯然,本季工業經濟正在給我們的 B2B 交易量帶來壓力,標準普爾美國製造業 PMI 下降 1.7 點至 47.9,為今年最低讀數。與此同時,電子商務正在重置並開始再次成長。

  • As of Q2 CY24, e-commerce was 16% of retail sales, which is up from 15.8% in Q1. And the same -- also, we're also seeing modest improvement in the global trade data. The trade was up 1.8% year over year in June and bringing the growth for H1 CY24 to 0.9%. So this is being out of Asia. To give you some idea, the magnitude of the Fed rate cuts yesterday signals the weakness of the current environment.

    截至 2024 年第二季度,電子商務佔零售額的 16%,高於第一季的 15.8%。同樣,我們也看到全球貿易數據略有改善。 6 月貿易量年增 1.8%,使 2024 年上半年的成長率達到 0.9%。所以這是走出亞洲。讓您了解一下,昨天聯準會降息的幅度表明了當前環境的疲軟。

  • Now we're not assuming a significant comeback on the industrial environment in the rest of this calendar year. We are cautiously optimistic that industrial production will moderately improve in the second half, but we are dialing in pretty low growth expectations at this point because of the environment we are seeing.


  • Once again, let me just say this, that we remain focused on what we can control, and that is really critical for us. And the actions we're taking on executing our structural cost savings, our revenue initiatives and growth initiatives are absolutely critical, and we are confident we'll deliver on the guidance that we gave you.


  • John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • And Jason, if I could, you had asked about the port disruption, and my experience is anytime you have some port disruption, it generally favors air freight so we'll be watching that closely and keep you posted on that.


  • Operator


  • Conor Cunningham, Melius Research. (Operator Instructions)

    康納·坎寧安,Melius 研究中心。 (操作員說明)

  • Scott Group, Wolfe Research.


  • Scott Group - Analyst

    Scott Group - Analyst

  • Hey. Thanks. Good afternoon, guys. I'm in an airport so sorry about any background noise. Raj, I know we're not through the review yet for LTL, but maybe just, what are the puts and takes, the pros and cons? And if you can say, are you -- do you feel like it's more or less likely that you move forward with the sale or spin? And while we're on the just topic of like strategic reviews, is there a point where you think about strategic options for the Europe business if we can't get that to profitability?

    嘿。謝謝。下午好,夥計們。我在機場,對任何背景噪音感到抱歉。 Raj,我知道我們還沒有完成 LTL 的審查,但也許只是,有什麼好處和壞處,優點和缺點是什麼?如果你可以說,你覺得你更有可能還是不太可能繼續進行銷售或旋轉?雖然我們討論的只是戰略審查之類的話題,但如果我們無法實現盈利,您是否會考慮歐洲業務的戰略選擇?

  • John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • So Scott, I'll take the first one. As Raj mentioned in his remarks, this assessment is well underway, and we're on track to complete it and communicate the outcome of that by the end of the calendar year.


  • Rajesh Subramaniam - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Rajesh Subramaniam - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Okay. And on Europe, let me just say this much. Europe is a top priority for the executive team and we have a long runway of profit improvement there. In fact, the entire exec committee was in the continent in June to show support for the team. Our focus is on capturing profitable share, while at the same time, improving our cost profile.

    好的。關於歐洲,我就說這麼多。歐洲是執行團隊的首要任務,我們在那裡的利潤改善還有很長的路要走。事實上,整個執行委員會在 6 月來到了非洲大陸,以表達對團隊的支持。我們的重點是獲取獲利份額,同時改善我們的成本狀況。

  • In fact, in FY24, we saw the financial performance in Europe improve year over year. We are seeing improvement in service levels, the commercial execution driving profitable share gains and the service levels have been highest than in the past three years.

    事實上,在 2024 財年,我們看到歐洲的財務表現逐年改善。我們看到服務水準提高,商業執行推動了獲利份額的成長,服務水準也達到了過去三年的最高水準。

  • Now as we've just talked about before, I mean, Europe is primarily a ground and freight business. And as we have shown in the US, we know how to run a very profitable surface network. And we are taking these learnings from the US.


  • and applying it to Europe. Over the past few months, we've done an incredible amount of work in designing the right physical and technological solutions to enable the streamlined flow of packages and pallets across our intra-European road network, and now this is being put into action.


  • And our US domestic surface executive management team is directly involved and intricately involved in the optimization of the European service network. So with that, we are going to drive improvement in Europe, again, managed through the DRIVE process will improve the station and hub efficiency, will optimize the linehaul and last-mile density.

    而我們美國國內地面執行管理團隊則直接參與並錯綜複雜地參與歐洲服務網路的最佳化。因此,我們將再次推動歐洲的改進,透過 DRIVE 流程進行管理,將提高車站和樞紐的效率,將優化長途運輸和最後一英里的密度。

  • We will continue to improve on our G&A and back office savings, as we talked about, implement dimensional pricing for European freight products. And you put in place a revised organization structure, which added expertise from the US surface team.


  • We are confident of this now in Europe, and we are expecting improvement of $600 million over FY23 as part of DRIVE. And we're confident that the right leadership in place with Walter at the helm. So thank you for the question, Scott.

    我們現在在歐洲對此充滿信心,預計作為 DRIVE 的一部分,我們將比 2023 財年增加 6 億美元。我們相信,在沃特的掌舵下,我們將得到正確的領導。謝謝你的提問,斯科特。

  • Operator


  • David Vernon, Bernstein. (Operator Instructions)

    大衛‧佛農,伯恩斯坦。 (操作員說明)

  • David Vernon - Analyst

    David Vernon - Analyst

  • Hi. Sorry about that. I was in the airport. I'm just trying to keep the background noise down. So John, if you think about the cadence of earnings for the remainder of FY25, the [60, 90] or so, can you give us a sense for how much of that is front versus back end loaded? And then I know you can't really talk much about the -- beyond the fact that the freight review is ongoing.

    你好。對此感到抱歉。我當時在機場。我只是想降低背景噪音。那麼,約翰,如果您考慮一下 25 財年剩餘時間([60, 90] 左右)的盈利節奏,您能否讓我們了解其中前端負載與後端負載的比例?然後我知道除了貨運審查正在進行之外,你不能真正談論太多。

  • But there's been some discussion in the market about whether the freight margins, as they're reported with intercompany costs, would be similar to what they might be coming out if it was a stand-alone business. Can you just talk conceptually whether the intercompany costs that are charged to the freight business right now accurately reflect what a burden might be if you had to equip it with the sales force, for example? Thank you.


  • John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah. Thanks, David. Yeah. I'm not going to comment further on freight. There's a comprehensive assessment taking place that takes all those things into account and look forward to reporting back on that.


  • Now with regard to the cadence, as I said, we're expecting to be, from a seasonal standpoint, below seasonality, and it's going to be back half sequentially, we're going to see continued improvement through the year. And that includes our DRIVE initiatives as well as our profitability initiatives. So thank you.

    現在就節奏而言,正如我所說,從季節性的角度來看,我們預計將低於季節性,並且將按順序回落一半,我們將看到全年持續改善。這包括我們的 DRIVE 計劃以及我們的盈利計劃。所以謝謝你。

  • Operator


  • Bruce Chan, Stifel.


  • J. Bruce Chan - Analyst

    J. Bruce Chan - Analyst

  • Hey. Good evening, everyone. You made a couple of mentions of the strong Asia export volumes. Can you just maybe level set on how much of that is coming from the big two or three Chinese e-comm players and how you're thinking about those volumes heading in the peak season?


  • And then maybe just a follow-up. If we think about these players taking down a lot of capacity during peak season and maybe pushing airfreight costs upwards, what's the net impact here with Tricolor? I'd imagine that there's some tailwind to the Purple Tails but maybe there's continued PT pressure on some of the other colors. So just maybe some thoughts on how we should think about that.

    然後也許只是後續行動。如果我們考慮到這些參與者在旺季期間減少了大量運力,並可能推高空運成本,那麼對 Tricolor 的淨影響是什麼?我想紫色尾巴會有一些順風,但也許其他一些顏色會持續受到 PT 壓力。所以也許只是我們應該如何思考這個問題的一些想法。

  • Brie Carere - Executive Vice President - Chief Customer Officer

    Brie Carere - Executive Vice President - Chief Customer Officer

  • Bruce, it's Brie, I think I've got it all. So as we think about Asia export for the rest of the fiscal year, we are expecting continued strength based on what we saw in Q1. From a seasonality, yeah, of course, we'll have some seasonal improvement in the peak period coming out of Asia. But we think that the volumes will remain very similar seasonally throughout the year. With regards to the big two, we have very productive relationships with them.


  • However, we've also been very strategic in making sure that the relationship is mutually beneficial. What do I mean by that? Obviously, these are two massive shippers coming out of the Asia market, and we have found, I would say, small opportunities to work together relative to our overall Asia business.


  • So we're really happy with the relationship. They are accretive but we have really focused on the parts of their business where they do need speed and/or where we have available capacity coming into the United States.


  • So we're happy with these relationships. They will not be a significant growth driver for us and we're not planning on that. We also do not see any material risk coming out of peak as a result either. And I guess I should say, from a Tricolor perspective, just to the last part of your question, we absolutely expect that improved Tricolor optimization that John has covered earlier will continue to improve all of our international margins.

    所以我們對這些關係感到滿意。它們不會成為我們的重要成長動力,我們也沒有這樣的計畫。我們也認為高峰過後不會有任何重大風險。我想我應該說,從 Tricolor 的角度來看,就你問題的最後一部分而言,我們絕對期望約翰之前介紹的改進的 Tricolor 優化將繼續提高我們所有的國際利潤率。

  • We really have to think about the Tricolor being the right strategy for the entire international system form as we anticipate that deferred volumes will continue to be the largest growth driver in the industry.


  • Operator


  • Ken Hoexter, Bank of America.


  • Ken Hoexter - Analyst

    Ken Hoexter - Analyst

  • Great. Thanks for squeezing me at the end. I guess maybe just there's still, it seems to be, a bit of confusion based on a lot of questions coming in just on the margin outlook, right? So if you're -- well, I guess one, sequentially, John, you did say it's going to be up both sequentially and year over year, right?


  • I think you threw the two things together. But if Raj, I guess if we're talking about 5% combined margins now, is the economy service a negative margin business that is dragging you down? If International is still losing money, does the $600 million you're talking about get you to breakeven versus peers at 20%?

    我想你把這兩件事放在一起了。但如果拉吉,我想如果我們現在談論的是 5% 的綜合利潤率,那麼經濟服務業是否是一個負利潤率業務,正在拖累你呢?如果 International 仍然虧損,那麼您所說的 6 億美元是否能讓您與同行 20% 的收支平衡?

  • Maybe you can talk about where does this go once you're done with the DRIVE savings before Network 2.0, but what is the flow-through that we can expect on a net basis?

    也許您可以談論一旦您完成了網路 2.0 之前的 DRIVE 節省,這將去往何處,但我們可以預期的淨流量是多少?

  • John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    John Dietrich - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • So Ken, I'll start with that. I believe I said sequential. I didn't -- don't believe I said year over year so just that one clarification. And so again, from -- we're not going to be providing quarterly guidance. But for modeling purposes, we're anticipating freight margins to be down for the full year due to the challenging US domestic industrial economy. And we do anticipate adjusted FEC margins to be up for FY25 driven by DRIVE and the recent pricing actions, which will support profitable growth.

    肯,我就從這個開始吧。我相信我說的是順序。我不相信我年復一年地這麼說,所以只是一個澄清。再說一次,我們不會提供季度指導。但出於建模目的,由於美國國內工業經濟充滿挑戰,我們預計全年運費利潤率將下降。我們確實預計,在 DRIVE 和最近的定價行動的推動下,25 財年調整後的 FEC 利潤率將會上升,這將支持獲利成長。

  • Rajesh Subramaniam - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Rajesh Subramaniam - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • And let me just add, Ken, that the items that you just talked about, and let me just recap, with Network 2.0 coming into play in the horizon we're talking about in the next couple of years, improvements that we are seeing in Europe and that will continue on, Tricolor will be a huge advantage as we restructure the system.

    Ken,讓我補充一下,您剛才談到的項目,讓我回顧一下,隨著網絡 2.0 在我們正在談論的未來幾年中發揮作用,我們正在看到的改進歐洲,這種情況將持續下去,隨著我們重組系統,三色旗將成為一個巨大的優勢。

  • These are all accretive to the FedEx story as we move forward here. And so as we complete the $4 billion of DRIVE savings in fiscal '25, we still have significant drivers of profitable expansion for FedEx this year and for some time in the future.

    當我們向前邁進時,這些都將為聯邦快遞的故事增添色彩。因此,當我們在 25 財年完成 40 億美元的 DRIVE 節省時,我們仍然擁有推動聯邦快遞今年和未來一段時間獲利擴張的重要動力。

  • Operator


  • This concludes our question-and-answer session. I would like to turn the conference back over to Raj Subramaniam for any closing remarks.

    我們的問答環節到此結束。我想將會議轉回拉傑·蘇布拉馬尼亞姆 (Raj Subramaniam) 發表閉幕詞。

  • Rajesh Subramaniam - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Rajesh Subramaniam - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you very much. As you know, we faced a very difficult quarter marked by weaker-than-expected demand environment. However, because of the execution focus that we have, I remain confident in the value-creation opportunities ahead.


  • We are focused on delivering structural cost reduction through DRIVE and executing on our network transformation plans. And these efforts will lead to a more flexible, efficient, and intelligent network.

    我們專注於透過 DRIVE 實現結構性成本降低並執行我們的網路轉型計劃。這些努力將帶來更靈活、更有效率、更有智慧的網路。

  • Once again, let me thank the FedEx team members for their hard work and dedication to delivering outstanding customer experience as we prepare for the peak season. And thank you all for your time and attention today.


  • Operator


  • The conference has now concluded. Thank you for attending today's presentation. You may now disconnect.
