Expedia Group Inc (EXPE) 2021 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, everyone, and welcome to the Expedia Group Q3 2021 Financial Results Teleconference.

    大家好,歡迎參加 Expedia Group 2021 年第三季度財務業績電話會議。

  • My name is Charlie, and I'll be the operator for today's call.


  • (Operator Instructions) For opening remarks, I will turn the call over to SVP and CFO Retail, Patrick Thompson.

    (操作員說明)對於開場白,我將把電話轉給零售高級副總裁兼首席財務官 Patrick Thompson。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Patrick Thompson - SVP ,CFO Retail

    Patrick Thompson - SVP ,CFO Retail

  • Good afternoon, and welcome to Expedia Group's financial results conference call for the third quarter ended September 30, 2021.

    下午好,歡迎參加 Expedia Group 截至 2021 年 9 月 30 日的第三季度財務業績電話會議。

  • I'm pleased to be joined on the call today by our CEO, Peter Kern; and our CFO, Eric Hart.

    我很高興今天我們的首席執行官彼得·克恩 (Peter Kern) 加入了電話會議;以及我們的首席財務官 Eric Hart。

  • The following discussion, including responses to your questions, reflect management's views as of today, November 4, 2021 only.

    以下討論,包括對您問題的回答,僅反映截至 2021 年 11 月 4 日今天為止管理層的觀點。

  • We do not undertake any obligation to update or revise this information.


  • As always, some of the statements made on today's call are forward-looking, typically preceded by words such as we plan, we expect, we believe, we anticipate, we are optimistic or confident that or similar statements.


  • Please refer to today's earnings release and the company's filings with the SEC for information about factors, which could cause our actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements.


  • You will find reconciliations of non-GAAP measures to the most comparable GAAP measures discussed today in our earnings release, which is posted on the company's Investor Relations website at ir.expediagroup.com.

    您會在我們的收益發布中找到非 GAAP 措施與今天討論的最具可比性的 GAAP 措施的對賬,該發布發佈在公司的投資者關係網站 ir.expediagroup.com 上。

  • And I encourage you to periodically visit our IR website for other important content.

    我鼓勵您定期訪問我們的 IR 網站以獲取其他重要內容。

  • Unless otherwise stated, all references to cost of revenue, selling and marketing expense, general and administrative expense and technology and content expense exclude stock-based compensation.


  • And all comparisons on this call will be against our results for the comparable period of 2019.

    本次電話會議的所有比較都將與我們在 2019 年同期的結果進行比較。

  • And with that, let me turn the call over to Peter.


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Thanks, Pat.


  • Thank you all for joining us today.


  • Eric and I will make some brief comments and then, of course, take questions.


  • Let me begin by saying we're very pleased with the quarter we had in Q3, nearly matching our adjusted net income and EBITDA from 2019.

    首先讓我說,我們對第三季度的季度非常滿意,幾乎與 2019 年調整後的淨收入和 EBITDA 相當。

  • But I would add that -- but for Delta, this would have been our most profitable quarter ever.


  • And I think it's a tremendous milestone for the company to be here while we are still on the throes of COVID and still coming out.

    而且我認為,在我們仍處於 COVID 的陣痛中並且仍在走出來的時候,這對公司來說是一個巨大的里程碑。

  • And a testament really to the work we've done to simplify the company, to focus on technology and to run the business more efficiently.


  • And with that performance and what we're seeing in the market, we have the confidence to further pay down our preferred stock, which we did a few weeks ago, as you would have noted and which, of course, is another big milestone for us, putting COVID behind us.

    憑藉這種表現以及我們在市場上看到的情況,我們有信心進一步支付我們幾週前所做的優先股,正如您所注意到的那樣,這當然是我們的另一個重要里程碑我們,把 COVID 拋在身後。

  • As far as the trends for the quarter go, I'll do a high level and Eric will give a little more detail.

    就本季度的趨勢而言,我會做一個高層次的,Eric 會提供更多細節。

  • But we went into the quarter following a strong Q2 and good momentum.


  • But as we remarked last quarter, Delta had begun to have impact.


  • We saw it impact cancellations.


  • We saw it impact booking trends.


  • And -- but as we got through August and into September, the Delta fears, particularly in the U.S. began to wane, and we ended stronger in the back half of September.


  • And that has continued through into the fourth quarter with even greater strength.


  • We've seen improvement across all segments, really.


  • Well, leisure and domestic have led.


  • Even those segments, which have been harder hit like corporate and international travel, have been coming back.


  • Cities have been returning as well.


  • And so all in all, it's been a broad-based recovery.


  • but it has been led, obviously, still by leisure and domestic travel.


  • And for us, Vrbo has been a particular highlight and beneficiary of that.

    對我們來說,Vrbo 一直是其中的一個特別亮點和受益者。

  • A few highlights on Vrbo since you always ask.

    Vrbo 上的一些亮點,因為你總是問。

  • We've seen a strong share growth in our focus markets, and in particular, in the U.S. About half of our customers so far in 2021, more than half have been new customers.

    我們在我們的重點市場看到了強勁的份額增長,尤其是在美國。到 2021 年為止,我們大約有一半的客戶,超過一半是新客戶。

  • We expect to book in excess of $2 billion of earnings for new Vrbo hosts who came on the platform this year.

    我們預計今年進入該平台的新 Vrbo 主機的收入將超過 20 億美元。

  • And looking ahead, we're already seeing better bookings for next summer than we saw at this time last year.


  • So the trends continue to be quite strong there.


  • And while the story will continue to be impacted greatly by mix effect, which I've talked about before, we are feeling more and more confident.


  • And as international vectors open up, which you've no doubt all read about, this is a particular strength of ours historically.


  • And we think, again, that is a mix effect, which will generally benefit us.


  • And COVID recovery, of course, remains somewhat bumpy and is unpredictable to say the least, but we are feeling good.

    當然,COVID 的恢復仍然有些坎坷,至少可以說是不可預測的,但我們感覺很好。

  • And at every turn, we are seeing demonstrated that when people can travel, they will travel for business, for pleasure and everything in between, and we are looking forward to seeing the rest of our business return.


  • In terms of some of the details in the business.


  • On the marketing and brand side, our focus continues to be on bringing customers efficiently back to the platform and retain those customers for the long term and building those long-term direct relationships.


  • Obviously, the better our product is, the better our customer experience is and the proposition, all those things add to that direct relationship, and we are feeling confident about the work we are doing on all fronts.


  • But marketing, of course, is the tip of the spear.


  • And with our new focus on being a family of brands, we have launched -- announced that we will be launching 1 loyalty program, which will actually cross all our brands and all our products.


  • We think it will be the most powerful loyalty program in the industry.


  • And we are really excited about bringing that extra usability and added value to our customers through that loyalty plan.


  • Because when we get to a place where people can use it across all brands, across all products, we think that just adds tremendous value to the customer.


  • And you should expect to see us do more of that.


  • We will be looking for more ways to unify our brands in the united front of bringing value to the customer in every way we can.


  • We spent the better part of the last 6 quarters building out the organization, and in particular, in the last few months, building our creative organization.

    在過去 6 個季度的大部分時間裡,我們都在建設組織,特別是在過去幾個月裡,我們在建設我們的創意組織。

  • We've improved, as I've talked about before, all our performance marketing tools and technology.


  • And we're very excited about our position right now.


  • But we went into the third quarter and specific with a much more aggressive posture, Delta hit, we have -- we pulled back somewhat.

    但是我們進入了第三節,具體來說,我們採取了更具侵略性的姿態,Delta 擊中了——我們有所退縮。

  • And now again, that we are seeing things growing and the recovery building again.


  • We are leaning back in.


  • We intend to go on the offense with all the new tools we have in our arsenal and our marketing group, and we expect to go on offense and expand share across the world.


  • On the B2B front, which we haven't talked about a lot in the past quarters, I just want to highlight a few things here.

    在 B2B 方面,我們在過去幾個季度沒有過多討論,我只想在這裡強調幾件事。

  • We brought our groups together.


  • As I remarked last quarter, our supply team and our business, we had called Expedia Partner Solutions, which is a business we have used to power other partners in the travel industry.

    正如我在上個季度所說,我們的供應團隊和我們的業務稱為 Expedia 合作夥伴解決方案,這是我們用來為旅遊行業的其他合作夥伴提供支持的業務。

  • We brought those together officially in the last few months.


  • And we're seeing lots and lots of opportunity for those businesses to build on the relationships we have with our supply partners, with our B2B partners and find increasing ways to drive their business and drive their success on our platform.

    我們看到這些企業有很多機會建立我們與供應合作夥伴、B2B 合作夥伴的關係,並找到越來越多的方式來推動他們的業務並在我們的平台上取得成功。

  • But in particular, EPS itself has done well even during COVID.

    但特別是,即使在 COVID 期間,EPS 本身也表現良好。

  • We've won wallet share with our partners.


  • We've had many new signings.


  • And for the first time in late October, we actually booked more business than we did in 2019 in that business, and that has continued into November.

    在 10 月下旬,我們實際上第一次在該業務中預訂了比 2019 年更多的業務,而且這種情況一直持續到 11 月。

  • So great signs there.


  • And then finally, on the Egencia front, you've all seen earlier this week, we announced the conclusion of our transaction with Amex GBT.

    最後,在 Egencia 方面,你們都在本週早些時候看到了,我們宣布完成與 Amex GBT 的交易。

  • We have merged Egencia and the Amex GBT.

    我們合併了 Egencia 和 Amex GBT。

  • We will retain a significant equity interest.


  • We feel really good about that.


  • Corporate, we believe will become coming roaring back.


  • And Egencia even during this time of transition had its highest signings this year that is ever signed in terms of new clients in the first half.

    即使在這段過渡時期,Egencia 在今年上半年的新客戶簽約數量也是有史以來最高的。

  • So we'll have some good signs there.


  • But I think that deal is also emblematic, as I said before, of our desire to power more of the industry.


  • We want to power Amex GBT with our Expedia Partner Solutions business, with our technology, with our supply, and that is something we will continue to build on as the months and years unfold.

    我們希望通過我們的 Expedia 合作夥伴解決方案業務、我們的技術、我們的供應為 Amex GBT 提供動力,隨著時間的推移,我們將繼續在這一基礎上發展。

  • So very exciting.


  • And I just want to thank the Egencia team who did a tremendous job building that business, getting it to a place where we could find such a great transaction to put it together with someone else and in working through the time we had during the transaction and doing just a terrific job.

    我只想感謝 Egencia 團隊,他們在建立該業務方面做了大量工作,將其帶到了一個地方,我們可以找到如此出色的交易,將其與其他人放在一起,並度過了交易期間的時間,做得很好。

  • So I thank them and our Expedia team who helped close that transaction.

    所以我感謝他們和我們的 Expedia 團隊幫助完成了這筆交易。

  • And then finally, while I've talked a lot about technology in the past, and I will keep this brief, I am as excited as I've ever been since I started about 18 months ago about where we are in terms of our technology evolution.

    最後,雖然我過去談了很多關於技術的話題,但我會保持簡短,自從大約 18 個月前我開始談論我們在技術方面所處的位置以來,我一直很興奮進化。

  • We certainly have a lot of work left to do.


  • But it can't be understated the importance of finally being aligned on our technology, on our road map, on our architecture.


  • We have one plan, and everybody is growing together and our velocity is increasing.


  • And I think delivery, most importantly, to the customer will increase along with it.


  • But just for clarity, on the front end, we're focused on being at first data and design driven and focused really on personalization and using all the data and machine learning and the opportunities to create better and better experiences for the customer and for our suppliers.


  • And on the back end, we're really rearchitecting everything.


  • As I've talked about, we're moving from this many technical stacks to one stack on one pool of data that serves all the outcomes, all our partners, all our customers.


  • And it's really getting exciting.


  • And finally, I just want to say this moment for us is really important as we move into 2022.

    最後,我只想說,隨著我們進入 2022 年,這一刻對我們來說非常重要。

  • Getting all of this aligned, getting the work stream aligned, getting everybody on the same road map is a really powerful opportunity.


  • And it reminds us that we're finally getting to what we wanted to be getting to, which is delivering new value to the customer.


  • We've been internally focused for a lot of COVID.

    我們一直在內部關注很多 COVID。

  • COVID was a tough thing to get through, but we are now in a position where the entire company is aligned.

    COVID 是一件很難度過的事情,但我們現在處於整個公司一致的位置。

  • We can see the light at the end of the tunnel in terms of COVID and the opportunity to innovate for the customer and bring great new products and value are really exciting to us, and we're looking forward to doing that.

    我們可以看到 COVID 隧道盡頭的曙光,為客戶創新並帶來偉大的新產品和價值的機會讓我們非常興奮,我們期待著這樣做。

  • And with that, I will pass it over to Eric.


  • Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Right.


  • Thank you, Peter.


  • I'm also pleased with Peter mentioned with the overall recovery of our business.


  • As you will see, it includes 2 quarters in a row of positive adjusted EBITDA.

    正如您將看到的,它包括連續兩個季度的正調整 EBITDA。

  • And in Q3, excluding Egencia was roughly on par with the third quarter of 2019.

    在第三季度,不包括 Egencia 與 2019 年第三季度大致持平。

  • And with that, I wanted to start by providing an update on the booking trends that we have seen and we are seeing.


  • Following the pullback we witnessed for much of the third quarter and into the first part of September due to the Delta variant, we saw a notable broad-based improvement across geos and product lines.

    在我們見證了第三季度的大部分時間和 9 月上旬由於 Delta 變體而出現的回調之後,我們看到了跨地域和產品線的顯著廣泛改進。

  • Overall total bookings for all products net of cancels were down 30% versus third quarter of 2019, which was slightly worse than the 26% decline we saw last quarter.

    與 2019 年第三季度相比,所有產品(扣除取消)的總預訂量下降了 30%,略低於上一季度 26% 的降幅。

  • Given the continued volatility of the recovery, we also want to provide additional monthly detail on our total lodging bookings net of cancels.


  • That, of course, includes both hotel and Vrbo.

    當然,這包括酒店和 Vrbo。

  • And those were down approximately 17% in July, approximately 25% in August, 19% in September and further improved to down -- negative 2% in October.

    7 月份下降了約 17%,8 月份下降了約 25%,9 月份下降了 19%,並進一步下降——10 月份下降了 2%。

  • And again, that September was also down, of course.

    當然,那個 9 月也同樣下跌。

  • The trends in October that we saw, again, that was negative 2%, they did improve throughout that month, so we exited at a much improved rate relative to the start of that month.

    我們再次看到 10 月份的趨勢是負 2%,它們在那個月確實有所改善,因此我們的退出率相對於那個月初有了很大的改善。

  • Moving to the P&L, starting with revenue.


  • It was down approximately 17% versus third quarter of 2019, which was a meaningful improvement from last quarter with revenue down approximately 33%.

    與 2019 年第三季度相比下降了約 17%,與上一季度相比是一個有意義的改善,收入下降了約 33%。

  • We saw a significant improvement in both Vrbo and hotel revenue, which benefited from seasonally strong summer travel.

    我們看到 Vrbo 和酒店收入都有顯著改善,這得益於季節性強勁的夏季旅遊。

  • Revenue margin for the third quarter was approximately 16%, up from approximately 10% last quarter.

    第三季度的收入利潤率約為 16%,高於上一季度的約 10%。

  • This was primarily due to typical third quarter seasonality in the business and product mix weighted towards lodging.


  • On sales and marketing.


  • Direct spend in Q3 was approximately $1.1 billion, which is down approximately 19% versus third quarter of 2019 levels.

    第三季度的直接支出約為 11 億美元,與 2019 年第三季度的水平相比下降了約 19%。

  • And as Peter mentioned, we reduced spending given the reversal in trends we witnessed in the third quarter.


  • However, going forward, given the more positive recent trends that we've discussed, we are again leaning in the marketing spend in Q4.


  • Moving on to overhead costs.


  • They totaled approximately $530 million, a slight decrease versus last quarter and below our expectations.

    他們的總收入約為 5.3 億美元,與上一季度相比略有下降,低於我們的預期。

  • We saw lower-than-anticipated discretionary spend, which was down roughly 90% versus the third quarter of 2019 as employees continue to largely work from home in the quarter.

    我們看到可自由支配支出低於預期,與 2019 年第三季度相比下降了約 90%,因為該季度員工繼續主要在家工作。

  • I would also call out lower-than-anticipated hiring as there continues to be a high degree of competition for talent, especially for technology roles.


  • Looking ahead, we expect overhead to increase by approximately $40 million sequentially in the fourth quarter, primarily due to lower capitalized labor due to the holidays as well as higher anticipated head count and people costs.

    展望未來,我們預計第四季度間接費用將增加約 4000 萬美元,這主要是由於假期導致資本化勞動力減少以及預期人數和人員成本增加。

  • In total, adjusted EBITDA was approximately $855 million which is approximately $650 million improvement over the last quarter, driven primarily by typical seasonality.

    總體而言,調整後的 EBITDA 約為 8.55 億美元,比上一季度增加了約 6.5 億美元,主要受典型季節性因素的推動。

  • Moving on to free cash flow, which showed negative $1.4 billion in Q3 on a reported basis.

    轉向自由現金流,根據報告,第三季度顯示負 14 億美元。

  • If we exclude the change in restricted cash, which is primarily driven by the change in Vrbo's deferred merchant bookings, free cash flow was negative approximately $450 million.

    如果我們排除主要由 Vrbo 延期商家預訂的變化驅動的受限現金的變化,則自由現金流為負約 4.5 億美元。

  • As a reminder, the third quarter is traditionally a low quarter for free cash flow due to seasonality.


  • In terms of the balance sheet, we continue to be investment grade-rated today and remain committed to deleveraging back to more historical levels as well as further reducing our cost of capital.


  • As you may recall, we refinanced some debt earlier this year, which yielded $80 million in annual interest rate savings.

    您可能還記得,我們今年早些時候為一些債務再融資,每年節省 8000 萬美元的利率。

  • And last month, as Peter mentioned, given the improving trends and continued confidence in our liquidity position, we paid off the remainder of the preferred stock.


  • In total, paying off all the preferred stock this year, it will save us approximately $115 million in annual dividend payout going forward.

    總的來說,今年還清所有優先股,這將為我們節省大約 1.15 億美元的年度股息支付。

  • Finally, on to Egencia.


  • I want to echo Peter's comments and thank the Egencia's team as well as all of those Expedia employees who are involved with Egencia for their dedication and hard work.

    我想附和 Peter 的意見,並感謝 Egencia 的團隊以及參與 Egencia 的所有 Expedia 員工的奉獻精神和辛勤工作。

  • I would also like to point out Page 17 of the earnings press release, which provides details on Egencia's financials.

    我還想指出收益新聞稿的第 17 頁,其中詳細介紹了 Egencia 的財務狀況。

  • For the third quarter, Egencia generated $55 million in revenue and negative $18 million in adjusted EBITDA for the -- again, the third quarter.

    對於第三季度,Egencia 產生了 5500 萬美元的收入和負 1800 萬美元的調整後 EBITDA - 同樣是第三季度。

  • As it relates to Egencia costs in the third quarter 2021 rough numbers, but approximately $35 million was recorded in cost of sales, $20 million in sales and marketing and the remaining roughly $20 million spread across tech, content and G&A.

    由於它與 Egencia 2021 年第三季度的粗略成本相關,但大約 3500 萬美元記錄在銷售成本中,2000 萬美元用於銷售和營銷,其餘大約 2000 萬美元分佈在技術、內容和 G&A 上。

  • Going forward, we will report our minority stake in the combined company within the other net line of our income statement.


  • And in terms of the 10-year lodging supply agreement with our Expedia Partner Services business has entered with the combined company, we will account for it like any other standard EPS deal.

    根據我們與合併後公司簽訂的 Expedia 合作夥伴服務業務的 10 年住宿供應協議,我們將像任何其他標準 EPS 交易一樣對其進行會計處理。

  • As a reminder, at 2019 volumes, we expect this deal, the EPS deal, to be worth in excess of $60 million on an annualized basis for EBITDA.

    提醒一下,按 2019 年的交易量計算,我們預計這筆交易(即 EPS 交易)的 EBITDA 年化價值將超過 6000 萬美元。

  • In closing, as Peter and I both mentioned, we're quite encouraged by recent trends, and the pace of recovery is clearly improving.


  • Things are getting better.


  • And I remain truly and very optimistic about the future of travel and our company.


  • And so with that, Charlie, we are ready for our first question.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Naved Khan of Truist Securities.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自 Truist Securities 的 Naved Khan。

  • Naved Ahmad Khan - Analyst

    Naved Ahmad Khan - Analyst

  • A couple of questions.


  • Maybe, Peter, maybe you can give us some color on your thoughts around marketing spend.


  • Do you continue to see scope for more efficiencies here going forward?


  • Where do we stand today on this?


  • And then the second question I had is just around the organizational structure going forward.


  • I think you guys had outlined cost savings from the reorg, $750 million in fixed cost and $200 million in variable.

    我想你們已經概述了重組帶來的成本節約,7.5 億美元的固定成本和 2 億美元的可變成本。

  • As we think about the organization build-out from here on, where do you stand with respect to these?


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Sure.


  • I'll go first, and Eric can take on the cost issues.

    我先走了,Eric 可以解決成本問題。

  • I would say we are still working towards a better marketing world for the company overall, which, yes, means more efficiently being able to get customers.


  • But it's a many-pronged attack.


  • It's the performance marketing issues that I've talked about before.


  • We have come a huge way in terms of the tools, the data and the algorithms, et cetera.


  • But COVID has been a bumpy time.

    但 COVID 一直是一個坎坷的時期。

  • And we have not found normalized times to really get everything tuned exactly how we want.


  • So yes, we believe there's opportunity ahead for that.


  • We also believe there's significant opportunity for our brand teams to really be much more impactful than they have historically.


  • And that has impact not only on driving direct-to-customers, but it has an impact on how people respond to performance marketing and other things.


  • So there's many places where those teams can have more impact and ultimately be more efficient in attracting customers.


  • But it's not entirely on them, right?


  • We've got to build better products.


  • We've got to have better engagement circles for the customer.


  • We've got improve our service.


  • Every -- we need to improve in every part of our game to continue to make the customer stickier and bring them back and want them -- make this their place to come for travel.

    每個 - 我們需要在我們遊戲的每個部分進行改進,以繼續讓客戶更粘並讓他們回來並想要他們 - 讓這裡成為他們旅行的地方。

  • So marketing can be more efficient.


  • But it's really a virtuous cycle of how we string marketing together with the experience and that -- and with the new efficiencies that your second question goes to.


  • All of that gives us more opportunity to reinvest in more profitable long-term customers and create long-term value for the enterprise.


  • Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Great.


  • I'll take the second part of the question regarding the costs.


  • So just to remind everyone, it was the program at both fixed and variable costs.


  • On the fixed side, we -- the most recent update that we provided was $700 million to $750 million, and we expect it to land in the higher end of the range.

    在固定方面,我們 - 我們提供的最新更新是 7 億至 7.5 億美元,我們預計它會落在該範圍的高端。

  • And on the variable side, we said to achieve greater than $200 million.

    在變量方面,我們說要實現超過 2 億美元。

  • But remember that's at, call it, normalized level or 2019 levels because we need the volume to come back to be able to see that fall into the P&L.

    但請記住,這是正常化水平或 2019 年的水平,因為我們需要交易量恢復才能看到它落入損益表。

  • I would say both of those are substantially complete.


  • There's been a ton of work by the teams to simplify the business.


  • And I think we're feeling really good about the fixed and the variable side.


  • But I'll also add, we are a technology company.


  • We're going to continue to invest and improve our services for our customers and in the way that we operate this business.


  • So while this program, I think, has been a tremendous accomplishment of ours in simplifying our business, we don't expect to stop there, and we'll keep going.


  • But I think from a program perspective, I think we can put the $1 billion to rest.

    但我認為從計劃的角度來看,我認為我們可以擱置這 10 億美元。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Kevin Kopelman of Cowen and Company.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Cowen and Company 的 Kevin Kopelman。

  • Kevin Campbell Kopelman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Kevin Campbell Kopelman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • Could you dig in a little bit into this -- the significant improvement that you saw in booking trends in October?

    您能否深入探討一下您在 10 月份的預訂趨勢中看到的顯著改善?

  • If you could talk about kind of key segments, geographies at all, maybe Vrbo versus hotel?

    如果你能談談關鍵細分市場、地理區域,也許是 Vrbo 與酒店?

  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes.


  • Thanks, Kevin.


  • I would just say generally, I know it feels bland, but we've seen it everywhere.


  • Cities are picking up, International has picked up.


  • There are -- virtually every area has seen growth.


  • I will say that some of the benefit we have seen -- I've talked about mix effects before.


  • When cities were forbidden places, that obviously hurt us.


  • Cities have been a great market for us.


  • And as we've seen cities come back, now there's great -- they're still greatly lagging major leisure destinations like beaches, but they're coming back and that return benefits us probably disproportionately compared to some others.


  • So that mix effect thing -- we had some winners and some losers as always, but we've seen cities come back more.


  • We've seen relative to the growth we've seen in sort of the consistently strong leisure areas and the opening of international channels, the announcements from the U.S. from Singapore, et cetera, about allowing international travel, we see that lift up basically as soon as it's announced.


  • We see search queries go up.


  • And again, in places like EMEA, where we're traditionally stronger in international travel as compared to domestic, those openings, I think, all go well for us going forward.


  • So it really is a broad-based recovery.


  • I mean it is every -- I mean, not down to every country because there are blips in countries that have COVID spikes, et cetera, but down to every region.

    我的意思是它是每一個——我的意思是,不是每個國家都存在,因為在 COVID 峰值等國家中存在一些小問題,但每個地區都有。

  • And some regions are trailing dramatically like APAC and Latin America, but they're improving, too.


  • And so it's really broad-based, and it's just what the base you're building off of and some are different than others.


  • Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • The only I'd add to that, that is as we've talked about over multiple quarters now, there will be volatility in the recovery of a series of many stories and a lot of the intersection points that Peter just mentioned.


  • So we'll continue to monitor, manage our marketing spend appropriately.


  • As we did in Q3, we tap the brakes on some areas of that just because of -- we saw a bit of a slowdown.


  • But so far, so good in October and going forward.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Deepak Mathivanan from Wolfe Research.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Wolfe Research 的 Deepak Mathivanan。

  • Zachary Tempe Morrissey - Research Analyst

    Zachary Tempe Morrissey - Research Analyst

  • This is Zach on for Deepak.


  • Just 2 questions.


  • First, your kind of large main competitor in the space reported less -- your room rates are still lagging, I think, down 33% in the third quarter versus 2019, that's lagging kind of bookings performance.

    首先,你在該領域的主要競爭對手報告較少——我認為你的房價仍然落後,第三季度與 2019 年相比下降了 33%,這是一種落後的預訂表現。

  • I just -- is there any kind of driving force or explanation that's driving that delta in performance?

    我只是 - 是否有任何驅動力或解釋在推動性能差異?

  • Is it mix, certain markets lagging?


  • Is there a timing delay?


  • I know there's a difference in reporting structure.


  • So any kind of color there would be helpful.


  • And then just on COVID restrictions, I know it's very dynamic and hard to predict, but are you seeing any differences in terms of travel restrictions and implications on demand when we see COVID cases rising in certain markets now versus 6 or 12 months ago?

    然後就 COVID 限製而言,我知道它非常動態且難以預測,但是當我們看到現在某些市場的 COVID 病例增加與 6 或 12 個月前相比時,您是否看到旅行限制和對需求的影響方面有任何差異?

  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes.


  • Thanks, Zach.


  • A lot of good questions in there.


  • I would say, first off, yes, you have to remember that they report on booked.


  • We report on stays.


  • So it's sometimes challenging to compare.


  • But I would say, as I've said before, and I mentioned regarding cities, the mix has helped them.


  • They've always been better in smaller markets, long-tail markets, et cetera.


  • We've always been really strong in big cities when cities were dragging, cities get built by international travelers.


  • So we also have been strong in long-haul air for those travelers like all those mix effects actually impact things.


  • And so some of them, we won in.


  • Vrbo has been a beneficiary.

    Vrbo 是受益者。

  • Some of them we lost in big cities and international travel.


  • So it's always been a balance.


  • We are less focused on room nights rather than room dollars, if you will.


  • I mean, it's a little misleading.


  • We could book 1 million more 1-star hotels nights and it wouldn't mean much to our P&L, and we could book 100,000 5-star hotels, those would mean a lot.

    我們可以再預訂 100 萬個 1 星級酒店住宿,這對我們的損益表意義不大,但我們可以預訂 100,000 個 5 星級酒店,這些意義重大。

  • So you have to take it all in balance, but we are feeling good about the recovery.


  • And in general, our numbers domestically are running ahead in lodging of where we were 2 years ago.

    總的來說,我們在國內的人數領先於 2 年前的住宿。

  • So I think we're in good shape there, and we feel good about that.


  • And again, we have had a somewhat conservative bent along the game with COVID.

    再一次,我們在與 COVID 的遊戲中有一些保守的傾向。

  • We've been -- Eric mentioned tapping the brakes, we tried to respond.

    我們一直 - 埃里克提到踩剎車,我們試圖回應。

  • Sometimes we get over our skis, sometimes we're behind the recoveries.


  • It's a balancing act.


  • But we are getting more confident, more aggressive.


  • And I think you'll see us continue to lean in to gain share across the globe.


  • In terms of the COVID question, it remains to be seen.

    就 COVID 問題而言,還有待觀察。

  • And every -- as Eric said, every story is its own.


  • But I will tell you, if you look at recent news, for example, of the COVID cases in the U.K. spiking from recent openings.

    但是我會告訴你,如果你看一下最近的新聞,例如,英國的 COVID 病例從最近的開放中激增。

  • And I was in London and it was amazingly open.


  • I would say that queries have remained elevated since the international announcements to the U.S., and they remain elevated, and we have not seen a pullback from the caseload news.


  • So I think that remains strong.


  • And of course, science is helping us out along the way.


  • We just announced that kids will be able to be vaccinated in the U.S., which is a great benefit for society, let alone our business.


  • And likewise, the announcement today about the U.K. approving the Merck pill for treatment.


  • This is, I think we all agree, is probably going to be an endemic not a pandemic.


  • And the more treatments we get and the more ways we get to deal with it, the better off we're all going to be.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Eric Sheridan of Goldman Sachs.

    我們的下一個問題來自高盛的 Eric Sheridan。

  • Eric James Sheridan - Research Analyst

    Eric James Sheridan - Research Analyst

  • Maybe following up first on the growth initiatives when you're looking out against the recovery.


  • Are there any things we should be keeping in mind in terms of the ability to continue to grow supply or align some of your supply priorities, especially outside of North America to capture as much of that growth as you can?


  • And second question, guys.


  • Coming back to capital return and how you're thinking about a more normalized environment, Booking called out the ability to possibly return capital to shareholders as we get into early 2022.

    回到資本回報以及您如何考慮更正常化的環境,Booking 呼籲在我們進入 2022 年初時可能將資本返還給股東。

  • Any updates there on how you're thinking about return of capital on the balance sheet over the medium to long term?


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Sure, Eric.


  • I'll take the first one, and Eric can comment on the second one.

    我選第一個,Eric 可以評論第二個。

  • But I would say that we continue to look tactically around the globe at what the right vectors are to focus on in terms of supply.


  • I don't think we feel like we're terribly deficient, but we've been a little bit peanut buttered around the globe.


  • As we did with Vrbo during COVID, we were very focused on those compression markets, freeing up supply there, making that supply really successful right out of the gate and that is the virtuous cycle that we think is most valuable.

    正如我們在 COVID 期間對 Vrbo 所做的那樣,我們非常關注那些壓縮市場,釋放那裡的供應,使供應真正成功,這是我們認為最有價值的良性循環。

  • So we -- you will continue to see us do that for Vrbo, but you will also see us do that in a very targeted way around the globe.

    所以我們 - 你會繼續看到我們為 Vrbo 這樣做,但你也會看到我們在全球範圍內以非常有針對性的方式這樣做。

  • And that's with the focus that's tied into where we are marketing, where we are driving our brands, where we think we have the opportunity to win.


  • And again, remember, in many markets around the globe, our B2B business, our Expedia Partner Solutions business drives those markets more than our direct relationship with consumers.

    再次記住,在全球許多市場,我們的 B2B 業務,我們的 Expedia 合作夥伴解決方案業務比我們與消費者的直接關係更能推動這些市場。

  • And so driving the right supply to feed those businesses as well is a critical piece.


  • So we will continue to drive into it.


  • I would say, if anything, we've been relatively modest in terms of supply growth during COVID with a particular focus, again, on Vrbo, which was a different use case.

    我想說,如果有的話,我們在 COVID 期間的供應增長方面相對溫和,再次特別關注 Vrbo,這是一個不同的用例。

  • But as things are reopening, we're seeing more demand.


  • You will see us go after in a targeted way more supply, and again, in a very targeted end-to-end way keying on the markets we're focusing on growing and where those markets want to travel to.


  • So we feel very good about that opportunity.


  • It's just a question of focus.


  • It wasn't a big focus during COVID.

    在 COVID 期間,這不是重點。

  • But as things improve, we will continue to roll that out.


  • Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes.


  • And thanks for the question, Eric.


  • I'll take the second component of that.


  • And I would say just from a macro level that our philosophy is -- and strategy is consistent.


  • First and foremost, want to remain -- we are and want to remain investment-grade rated, and we'll commit to that, of course, going forward.


  • Second, is our commitment to continuing to lower our leverage ratios and get our cost of capital down.


  • We've taken some great steps on that this year, and we'll continue to make progress as we move forward on it.


  • And third, we, as a company, have traditionally been committed to returning capital to shareholders in different forms.


  • I would say right now is, again, not necessarily the right time for us to do it, but it's certainly something that we're committed to doing over the long haul, and we'll just continue to serve and make what we deem to be, if you will, the right choices at the right time going forward.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Mark Mahaney of Evercore.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Evercore 的 Mark Mahaney。

  • Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - Senior MD & Head of Internet Research

    Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - Senior MD & Head of Internet Research

  • Just 2 quick questions.

    只需 2 個快速問題。

  • You referred to those growth rates for the 4 months, July, August, September, October.

    你提到了 4 個月的增長率,即 7 月、8 月、9 月、10 月。

  • I'm sorry, was that room nights or was that bookings?


  • And then secondly, I know you've said that generally, all the regions are recovering just to be specific about it.


  • And I know that there are flare-ups in countries, markets here or there.


  • But in the major European markets like Germany, you didn't see a -- you have not seen a, whatever, a dampening of demand at the end of October recently?

    但在德國等主要歐洲市場,你沒有看到 - 你沒有看到最近 10 月底的需求減弱?

  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes.


  • I'll take the second part first, Mark.


  • There are some blips here and there.


  • For better or worse, I wish our business were bigger in domestic EMEA, but we don't feel those blips in quite the same way.

    不管是好是壞,我希望我們的業務在國內 EMEA 更大,但我們並沒有以完全相同的方式感受到這些光點。

  • And we had the countervailing issue of more interest in international.


  • So that has probably offset some of what others may have seen.


  • But yes, there are blips here and there.


  • And -- but as I mentioned, even in countries that are more COVID-challenged, in general, we have seen sustained interest probably buoyed by the international vector as opposed to perhaps what was going on in the summer.

    而且——但正如我所提到的,即使在受 COVID 挑戰更大的國家,一般來說,我們也看到持續的興趣可能受到國際媒介的推動,而不是夏季發生的情況。

  • Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • And then, Mark, on the first question, it is lodging gross bookings net of cancels.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Mario Lu of Barclays.

    我們的下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的 Mario Lu。

  • X. Lu - Research Analyst

    X. Lu - Research Analyst

  • So I just wanted to ask you about your comment on continuing to gain share in alternative accommodations in your key markets.


  • Can you expand on the initiatives that you guys have made on your end to allow you guys to gain share and whether you think that is sustainable?


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes.


  • Thanks, Mario.


  • Look, I think it's a combination of good work we've done and popular use cases.


  • We know that the whole home solution has been a very popular solution during COVID, and that has helped us as compared to say, apartments in cities where we might be less strong.

    我們知道,整個家庭解決方案在 COVID 期間一直是一個非常受歡迎的解決方案,與我們可能不那麼強大的城市公寓相比,這對我們有所幫助。

  • But on the -- what are we doing side, we've done a tremendous amount to work on the brand, to land the brand, to make people really think about it as a primary source of -- Vrbo as a primary source of vacation options.

    但在 - 我們在做什麼方面,我們已經做了很多工作來打造品牌,讓品牌落地,讓人們真正將其視為主要來源 - Vrbo 作為度假的主要來源選項。

  • We've invested more than ever -- much more than ever in that brand.


  • And we've really driven it hard.


  • And as I mentioned, more than half our users so far this year, our customers, have been new customers to the experience, and we think the experience is great.


  • So we do think we have sustainably landed the experience and the use case and the brand, and that will continue to benefit us for many years to come.


  • How share exactly shakes out when the market moves back or people are going to cities, if things will change -- we're not strong everywhere.


  • In terms of Vrbo supply, we are more focused on leisure destinations.


  • But we think we have sustainably put Vrbo in the minds of many people and other brands in other parts of the world that are strong, like Stayz in Australia, et cetera, and that is really a powerful long-term benefit for us.

    但我們認為,我們已經可持續地將 Vrbo 置於世界其他地區的許多人和其他強大品牌的腦海中,例如澳大利亞的 Stayz 等,這對我們來說確實是一個強大的長期利益。

  • X. Lu - Research Analyst

    X. Lu - Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • And just a quick follow-up.


  • In terms of the new users on to the platform, have those user behavior kind of match those of prior users?


  • Or have they been stronger during this time?


  • How should we think about the new cohort?


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes, I think it's early to say.


  • I'd like to tell you that people use Vrbo every 2 weeks, but they tend to need vacation time in the -- in school vacations and other things.

    我想告訴你,人們每 2 週使用一次 Vrbo,但他們往往需要假期——在學校假期和其他事情上。

  • We'll know more as things unfold.


  • But again, as I said, bookings for next year are already running well ahead of this time last year when there was a lot of pent-up demand for Vrbos already.

    但是,正如我所說,明年的預訂已經遠遠超過去年這個時候,當時已經有很多對 Vrbos 的被壓抑的需求。

  • So I think we are seeing the multiplication effect of adding new successful customers to the experience and piling those things up and people figuring out that they better book next summer, they better book next Christmas, they better book spring break.


  • And that's really a powerful wheel cycle that works for us.


  • So we're really excited that we've added so many happy customers, the experience.


  • And we believe there will be tremendous long-term value from that.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Doug Anmuth of JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Doug Anmuth。

  • Dae K. Lee - Analyst

    Dae K. Lee - Analyst

  • This is Dae Lee on for Doug Anmuth.

    我是 Dae Lee 代替 Doug Anmuth。

  • I have 2. So first, you talked about improving the user experience a few times in your prepared remarks.

    我有 2 個。首先,您在準備好的發言中多次談到了改善用戶體驗。

  • So I assume combining the loyalty program with all of those.


  • But curious to hear where you see the biggest opportunity looking ahead.


  • And then secondly, could you guys talk a little bit about how your book-to-stay window looks like today and how that compares to what you saw earlier in the year and historically?


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Sure.


  • I'll take the number 1 again and let Eric do number 2. I would say, frankly, we see enormous opportunities across a wide swath of work to improve the customer experience.

    我會再次選擇第 1 位,讓 Eric 做第 2 位。坦率地說,我們在廣泛的工作領域看到了巨大的機會來改善客戶體驗。

  • Some of that is, yes, things like loyalty, things that we can do to enhance what it means to be part of our platform.


  • But it's also in the product.


  • It's also in payments.


  • It's in our CRM relationship with customers, how we give them information, how we reveal and give them discovery and find the right products and the right value at the right time.

    這是我們與客戶的 CRM 關係,我們如何向他們提供信息,我們如何揭示並讓他們發現並在正確的時間找到正確的產品和正確的價值。

  • All of those things are real opportunities and ripe for innovation.


  • We invented this industry 25 years ago, and I wish we had done more along the way to innovate for the customer.

    我們在 25 年前發明了這個行業,我希望我們在為客戶創新的道路上做得更多。

  • So I feel there's tremendous opportunity ahead for us in virtually everything we do, from service to -- on the product, to how they discover and book multiple products in a trip, to how they get informed about cancellations or delays or other things in the trip and how the app becomes their companion in terms of the experience.


  • We are working across all those fronts and determine to keep bringing innovation to the customer.


  • Every week, month, quarter, for the next many years in a way at a velocity that we haven't done in a long time.


  • Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • And then on the -- to your second question, just on booking windows, we continue to see it revert back and trend towards more of what we would have seen or expected in 2019 though it still is a bit skewed.

    然後關於 - 關於你的第二個問題,就預訂窗口而言,我們繼續看到它恢復並趨向於我們在 2019 年看到或預期的更多,儘管它仍然有點傾斜。

  • So for example, on the hotel side, it continues to be a little bit on the shorter-term side and Vrbo a bit on the longer-term side at the macro level.

    因此,例如,在酒店方面,它繼續在短期方面有一點點,而 Vrbo 在宏觀層面上有一點在長期方面。

  • So still a little bit impacted by COVID and booking patterns but generally trending back to more normal levels.

    因此,仍然受到 COVID 和預訂模式的一點影響,但總體上趨於回到更正常的水平。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Jed Kelly of Oppenheimer & Co.


  • Jed Kelly - Director & Senior Analyst

    Jed Kelly - Director & Senior Analyst

  • Just what you mentioned on the loyalty program across all the brands.


  • Can you sort of talk about how your tech stack is going to be able to do that and sort of merchandise, say, flights with Vrbo and then developing more of like a vertically integrated tech stack around your loyalty program?

    你能談談你的技術棧將如何做到這一點,以及某種商品,比如與 Vrbo 的航班,然後圍繞你的忠誠度計劃開發更多類似垂直整合的技術棧嗎?

  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes.


  • I wouldn't describe it quite that way, Jed.


  • But what -- the way I would think about it is we're building every domain where we -- that we own.


  • So I think loyalty, checkout, et cetera, to be multi-tenet and to work across our brands and our partners because we have many, many B2B partners.

    所以我認為忠誠度、結帳等是多原則的,並且要跨我們的品牌和合作夥伴開展工作,因為我們有很多很多 B2B 合作夥伴。

  • And in doing so, we enable our brands -- our multiple of brands to live on one stack, to live in one currency if they wish to allow you to burn that -- earn that currency and burn that currency wherever you want.


  • And this is one of the powerful things that we talked about new Vrbo customers coming on the platform.

    這是我們談到平台上新的 Vrbo 客戶的強大功能之一。

  • But imagine when they're not only in the Vrbo product stream and enjoying that, but then they're earning value that they can use across air and other things when they have different travel needs.

    但是想像一下,當他們不僅在 Vrbo 產品流中享受它,而且當他們有不同的旅行需求時,他們正在賺取可以在空中和其他事物上使用的價值。

  • And likewise, the inverse, the Expedia and Hotels.com travelers who might want to rent a Vrbo for a vacation.

    同樣,相反,Expedia 和 Hotels.com 旅行者可能想租 Vrbo 度假。

  • So that expansion of being able to spend across all those brands, that architecture for our technology, which is really building everything we do into multi-tenet, ultimately, having all our -- one app all on one stack and one way -- that doesn't mean we will have separate brands, but they'll run on the same technical infrastructure.


  • They'll have their own differentiation for brand, et cetera, or products.


  • But it's all going to be built for multi-tenant.


  • It's all going to be built for us and for our partners.


  • And we have the richest data set really -- travel data set in the world.


  • And that data set powers all our machine learning, all our AI and our ability to innovate constantly in terms of what the customer sees, how the partners participate.


  • And that's just super powerful once we get it right.


  • Now there's a lot of work still to do, but we can see the path now, and we are all aligned on that path.


  • Jed Kelly - Director & Senior Analyst

    Jed Kelly - Director & Senior Analyst

  • And then any update on where you are in terms of having more Vrbo supply on Brand Expedia?

    然後,關於在 Brand Expedia 上提供更多 Vrbo 供應的最新情況?

  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes.


  • I mean it's tied up in the same question, Jed, which is we have Vrbo supply on Brand Expedia, but the experience isn't terrific.

    我的意思是它與同一個問題有關,Jed,我們在 Brand Expedia 上有 Vrbo 供應,但體驗並不好。

  • It's a little disjointed for the customer.


  • We can't do everything.


  • This is the -- one of the many things that are the power of bringing these tech stacks together that allow us to seamlessly move content around onto different stacks, make the checkout process seamless, make the servicing seamless.

    這是 - 將這些技術堆棧結合在一起的眾多力量之一,使我們能夠無縫地將內容移動到不同的堆棧,使結賬過程無縫,使服務無縫。

  • They can all feel like it's coming from the right place.


  • It's not just one piece.


  • It's not just about getting the content up.


  • It's got to work all the way through the customer experience because we're in the business of getting and retaining customers, not just getting transactions.


  • So that is a process we need to solve end-to-end, and it is more than just what you've historically heard about on, hey, can we get the content on Brand Expedia.

    所以這是一個我們需要端到端解決的過程,它不僅僅是你過去聽說過的,嘿,我們能在 Brand Expedia 上獲得內容嗎?

  • Now we need to do it.


  • It's a big opportunity.


  • Frankly, it's one of a dozen of equal opportunity, but all of it is enabled by getting the tech, right?


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Andrew Boone of JMP Securities.

    我們的下一個問題來自 JMP Securities 的 Andrew Boone。

  • Andrew M. Boone - Director & Equity Research Analyst

    Andrew M. Boone - Director & Equity Research Analyst

  • So with travel coming back and Booking, calling out, leaning into marketing channels yesterday, can you talk about any changes you're seeing to the competitive dynamics within performance marketing?


  • And then question #2 is with -- it sounds like nice progress being made on the technology rebuild kind of restacking.

    然後問題 #2 是——聽起來在技術重建類重新堆疊方面取得了不錯的進展。

  • Can you help us just more tangibly understand what this unlocks?


  • Do you have any examples that you can call out?


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes.


  • You're on my favorite topic there, Andrew, on the second one, which is there are myriad opportunities.


  • We have massive opportunities on the CRM front.

    我們在 CRM 方面擁有大量機會。

  • We are not at first adequately and the app is not a seamless product across all our brands, that's a huge opportunity.


  • The ability to sell multiproduct, which we've been the leader in, in the industry for years, but honestly, it could be so much better at in terms of how our checkout paths work and how we get there.


  • So there's -- I mean -- and everything I just said is measured in the billions or tens of billions of GBT opportunity, in my opinion.

    因此,我的意思是,在我看來,我剛才所說的一切都是以數十億或數百億的 GBT 機會來衡量的。

  • So I think they're really all over the place and many of them unlock and enable really big opportunities on the B2B front and our ability to power partners, power our suppliers, et cetera.

    所以我認為他們真的無處不在,他們中的許多人在 B2B 方面解鎖並實現了真正的巨大機會,以及我們為合作夥伴、供應商等提供支持的能力。

  • So it's really -- I could give a dissertation for the next 2 hours on it, if you want to miss the Airbnb call.

    所以這真的 - 如果你想錯過 Airbnb 電話,我可以在接下來的 2 小時內寫一篇論文。

  • But in the meantime, suffice it to say that there are dozens of them around the company, and they are big rocks and big opportunities.


  • As far as travel coming back and our friends leaning into marketing, we've kept a pretty consistent model.


  • We've leaned into brand marketing.


  • And frankly, we've been leaned into brand marketing even when maybe our brand marketing could be better and sharper, and that's why we've rebuilt that team.


  • We're bringing the creative teams in-house now and really going at it in a different way.


  • But we expect to be balanced.


  • We've seen our competitors move around and gyrate a bit.


  • We've kind of kept to a balance between brand and performance.


  • We feel like there's opportunity to be more aggressive as our performance marketing machine gets sharper and better and all the tools, right, we're seeing vectors of opportunity that we can lean into.


  • And so we definitely will have opportunities to lean in, and I'm really excited about what our brand teams are going to do.


  • Our brand teams are second to none in the industry.


  • We will be the best in the industry.


  • And our performance marketing is phenomenal, and finally brought together in a way that will be really powerful.


  • So I think what that balance is, we'll have to -- as I mentioned, the market's got to normalize.


  • We don't exactly know yet.


  • But it is a virtuous cycle.


  • And the better our brand marketing is, the better our performance marketing will do.


  • And we believe strongly in both, and we'll continue to kind of lean in, in a balanced way.


  • I think our friends have gyrated a little more than us in and out of some of those things.


  • Operator


  • And our penultimate question comes from Brian Fitzgerald of Wells Fargo.


  • Brian Nicholas Fitzgerald - Senior Analyst

    Brian Nicholas Fitzgerald - Senior Analyst

  • Very thorough call.


  • We wanted to ask a little more color on the mechanics of the GBT Egencia deal.

    我們想就 GBT Egencia 交易的機制詢問更多顏色。

  • We think Egencia traditionally has gone to market with low air fees and make up for that by making margin on hotels, leveraging the supply footprint.

    我們認為 Egencia 傳統上以低機票價格進入市場,並通過利用供應足跡在酒店賺取利潤來彌補這一點。

  • Just wanted to check on the mechanics and see if the margin there would be comparable to Partner Solutions as a whole or any other color there.


  • Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Brian, it's Eric.


  • I'll take it.


  • So thanks for the question.


  • And I don't mean to be flippant in my response.


  • But ultimately, I think you got to ask GBT and Egencia going forward what their ultimate strategy is around how they plan to monetize and develop customer solutions.

    但最終,我認為你必須問問 GBT 和 Egencia,他們未來的最終戰略是什麼,圍繞他們計劃如何貨幣化和開發客戶解決方案。

  • I can say that they plan to run Egencia to be a core part of their offering.


  • In fact, they expanded it into some of their existing customer base.


  • So we see a great opportunity with that relationship that we have.


  • We see a great opportunity in the equity component that we have, and we also see it on the EPS side, not only for the existing Egencia volume but also potentially upside with some of their other volume as well.

    我們在我們擁有的股票部分看到了巨大的機會,我們也在 EPS 方面看到了它,不僅是現有的 Egencia 銷量,而且還有一些其他銷量的潛在上升空間。

  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes.


  • And I would just add, Brian, that our goal longer term is to continue to export more of our technology to power more of our partners, and we think that is our true advantage.


  • And so as a partner, we hope that we find more ways to help Amex GBT monetize their customers better long term and serve their customers better.

    因此,作為合作夥伴,我們希望找到更多方法來幫助 Amex GBT 更好地長期從客戶中獲利,並更好地為客戶服務。

  • We'll do work on it.


  • Operator


  • Our final question comes from Dan Wasiolek of Morningstar.

    我們的最後一個問題來自晨星的 Dan Wasiolek。

  • Dan Wasiolek - Senior Equity Analyst

    Dan Wasiolek - Senior Equity Analyst

  • Just 2. So on the Vrbo booking strength you talked about for summer '22, wondering if you have any comments looking at rate and occupancy, the split between that.

    只是 2. 所以關於 Vrbo 預訂強度,你談到了 22 年夏天,想知道你是否有任何關於利率和入住率的評論,以及它們之間的差異。

  • And then the second one, just direct mix, kind of maybe how that's been trending and how you see that direct mix evolving with the investments you're making in tech structure, Vrbo and loyalty.

    然後是第二個,只是直接混合,這可能是一種趨勢,以及你如何看待直接混合隨著你在技術結構、Vrbo 和忠誠度方面的投資而演變。

  • Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

    Peter Maxwell Kern - CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes.


  • So I'll kind of take those in reverse, Dan, I think, which is Vrbo has consistently had a very strong direct business.

    所以我會把那些倒過來,丹,我想,這是 Vrbo 一直有非常強大的直接業務。

  • I mentioned our continued investment in brand across the globe, really, on Vrbo or its sister brands.

    我提到了我們在全球範圍內對品牌的持續投資,實際上是在 Vrbo 或其姊妹品牌上。

  • We mentioned, I think, 2 or 3 quarters ago that we got out of -- we got out of performance marketing for Vrbo in the U.S., and it benefited from that with more direct traffic and having felt the effects of it.

    我認為,我們在 2 或 3 個季度前提到我們退出了——我們退出了美國 Vrbo 的績效營銷,它從中受益,獲得了更多的直接流量,並感受到了它的影響。

  • So I think we feel very good about the direct nature of that business.


  • As far as how the product will continue to improve, how loyalty will add to it.


  • Again, that's just other veins of opportunity for us across our Expedia customer base or Hotels customer base, et cetera.

    同樣,這只是我們在 Expedia 客戶群或酒店客戶群等方面的其他機會。

  • So we want to create the universe of people that want to move between our brands and use them and build value and use that value.


  • So I think we will continue to see that.


  • As far as rates and occupancy goes, rates have been -- ADR has been very strong throughout COVID.

    就利率和入住率而言,利率一直是——ADR 在整個 COVID 期間一直非常強勁。

  • There's been a lot of competition for the product, and owners and managers know that, and they have pushed price where they could.


  • And so we've seen a lot of price increases, and those have helped.


  • There seems to be no abating of those.


  • And likewise, occupancy in those compressed markets.


  • If you want to be on a beach in the Southeast or on a beach in Hawaii at Christmas, good luck, it can't be done.


  • So we're going to keep seeing that.


  • I think that's why you're seeing this effect of, okay, I want to get out in front of next summer and get the house I want.


  • And that's a great -- that's smart for the consumer, and it's great for the business, and it gives us a lot of confidence going into next year that this use case will continue to be highly top of mind for many consumers, and we are well positioned.


  • So with that, I will thank you.


  • Thanks, Dan.


  • Thanks, everybody.


  • I hope you all stay safe.


  • Looking forward to watching travel recover, and feel free to start that corporate travel now that it's safe out there.


  • Thanks for your time.


  • Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Eric Hart - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Thanks, everyone.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's call.


  • You may now disconnect your lines.


  • Have a nice day.
