Everest Group Ltd (EG) 2024 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and welcome to the Everest Group Limited fourth-quarter 2024 earnings conference call.

    大家好,歡迎參加 Everest Group Limited 2024 年第四季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Note this event is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Matt Rohrmann, Head of Investor Relations.

    現在,我想將會議交給投資者關係主管 Matt Rohrmann。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Matt Rohrmann - Head of Investor Relations

    Matt Rohrmann - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Dave.


  • Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the Everest Group Limited fourth-quarter of 2024 earnings conference call.

    大家早安,歡迎參加 Everest Group Limited 2024 年第四季財報電話會議。

  • We have our executives leading today's call are Jim Williamson, our President and CEO; and Mark Kociancic, Executive Vice President and CFO.

    今天主持電話會議的高階主管是我們的總裁兼執行長吉姆威廉森 (Jim Williamson);以及執行副總裁兼財務長 Mark Kociancic。

  • We are also joined by the members of the Everest management team.

    Everest 管理團隊的成員也加入了我們。

  • Before we begin, I prefer the comments by noting that today's call will include forward-looking statements.


  • Actual results may differ materially, and we undertake no obligation to publicly update forward-looking statements.


  • Management comments regarding estimates, projections and similar are subject to the risks, uncertainties and assumptions as noted over SEC filings.

    管理層對估計、預測和類似內容的評論都受到美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 文件中所述風險、不確定性和假設的影響。

  • Management may also refer to certain non-GAAP financial measures.

    管理階層也可能參考某些非 GAAP 財務指標。

  • The utilization and reconciliations to GAAP can be found in our earnings release and financial supplement on our website.

    在我們網站上的收益報告和財務補充中可以找到與 GAAP 的使用和對帳情況。

  • With that, I'll turn the call over to Jim.


  • Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Matt, and good morning, everyone.


  • Let me begin by addressing two recent tragedies for wildfires in California and the plane crash in Washington, D.C. last Wednesday.


  • The human toll of both events is devastating.


  • Our thoughts and prayers are with the people, families, and communities affected.


  • We are particularly grateful to the first responders who worked tirelessly during and in the aftermath of these events.


  • Everest stands ready to put its financial resources to work and fulfill its societal mission of aiding recovery.

    Everest 隨時準備好投入其財政資源並履行協助災後復原的社會使命。

  • Both of these events remain ongoing from a loss assessment perspective.


  • Regarding the LA wildfires, I would expect Everest to take a pretax net loss for the group of between $350 million and $450 million equating to a 1% market share.

    關於洛杉磯山火,我預計 Everest 的稅前淨虧損將達到 3.5 億至 4.5 億美元,相當於 1% 的市佔率。

  • Most of this loss will impact our Reinsurance division.


  • We are confident in the underwriting of this exposure by both our insurance and reinsurance teams.


  • Our share of loss reflects careful client selection.


  • Most cedents are unable to provide expected loss ranges, except in those cases where a total loss to their reinsurance program is nearly certain.


  • As a result, this loss estimate remains a broad range based on the most widely used industry loss figures.


  • Specific to the aviation tragedy, it's too early to provide a loss estimate for the event but we expect it to be well managed in our Q1 results.


  • Moving on to our fourth quarter results.


  • As we discussed last week, Everest decisive reserve action added $1.7 billion to net reserves including over $200 million of additions to our 2024 loss picks.

    正如我們上週討論的那樣,Everest 的果斷儲備行動為淨儲備增加了 17 億美元,其中包括為我們 2024 年的損失選擇增加了 2 億多美元。

  • Worth emphasizing that despite the impact of our reserve strengthening, Everest earned $1.3 billion in operating income for the year and achieved a 9% operating return on equity.

    值得強調的是,儘管受到儲備加強的影響,但 Everest 全年仍實現 13 億美元的營業收入,並實現了 9% 的營業股本回報率。

  • While these results are not consistent with the goals for our company, they speak to the resilience of our business as strong income streams in reinsurance and investments more than offset needed reserve strengthening, predominantly in US casualty lines.


  • Putting aside the reserving action for a moment, let me unpack our current period business performance, starting with reinsurance, where results were once again excellent.


  • Despite an elevated cat year, including a major hurricane in the fourth quarter, we earned $286 million and $1.2 billion of underwriting income for the quarter and year, respectively.

    儘管今年巨災保險賠付率較高,包括第四季度的一場大颶風,但我們在本季和全年分別獲得了 2.86 億美元和 12 億美元的承保收入。

  • Fourth quarter all-in combined ratio, excluding the impact of prior year favorable cap development and profit commissions due to reserve releases in our mortgage book is 91.5%.

    第四季的綜合比率(不包括上年同期有利的上限發展和由於抵押貸款帳簿中的準備金釋放而產生的利潤佣金的影響)為 91.5%。

  • This result clearly demonstrates Everest's ability to absorb significant cat activity and still deliver.

    這個結果清楚地證明了 Everest 能夠吸收大量貓狀活性並繼續發揮作用。

  • Premium growth in the quarter, excluding the impact of reinstatement premiums, was 12.6%.

    不包括恢復保費的影響,本季保費成長率為 12.6%。

  • This is a result of strong execution with our core clients, particularly in property lines as well as selective expansion in some of our specialty underwriting areas and international business.


  • This growth was offset by the effects of the discipline we're exercising in US exposed treaty casualty.


  • Our casualty pro-rata book was down more than 7% in the quarter which really understates the extent of our disciplined actions, which were offset by growth in non-US casualty.

    本季度,我們的傷亡比例帳面下降了 7% 以上,這實際上低估了我們採取紀律行動的程度,但美國以外地區的傷亡增長抵消了這一下降。

  • Everest has been an early and consistent voice regarding the changes needed in the US casualty quota share market.

    Everest 一直是美國傷亡險配額份額市場所需變革的早期和持續發聲者。

  • Ceding commissions are too high and capacity is generally available regardless of the quality of the ceded.


  • Faced with those conditions, we've maintained our singular focus on underwriting discipline and ceded selection.


  • Highlight the point, since the January 1, 2024 renewal, we walked away from nearly $750 million in North American casualty quota share business.

    強調一點,自 2024 年 1 月 1 日續約以來,我們放棄了近 7.5 億美元的北美傷亡配額份額業務。

  • Our approach in this line is simple, we conducted thorough ground up underwriting and long cost review of each treaty, and we cut back anything that doesn't meet our return expectations, period.


  • Moving on to the January 1, 2025 renewal, where our team again executed at the highest levels.

    接下來是 2025 年 1 月 1 日的續約,我們的團隊再次發揮最高水準。

  • Overall, our total Reinsurance division bound premium was down by about 3% during the renewal, driven mostly by the aforementioned casualty discipline which was offset by growth on the very best deals in the market, mostly in property and specialty lines.

    總體而言,在續保期間,我們再保險部門的總保費下降了約 3%,這主要受到前文提到的意外險紀律的影響,但被市場上最優惠交易(主要是財產險和專業險)的增長所抵消。

  • Although property cat prices were down generally between 5% and 15% for loss reprograms, overall rate levels remain above what we need to be willing to deploy capacity in most markets.

    儘管財產險價格因損失重新安排而普遍下降 5% 至 15%,但整體費率水準仍高於我們在大多數市場願意部署容量所需的費率。

  • An exception to my view on the property cat market is Continental Europe.


  • European activity in the form of severe conductive storm hail and flooding is clearly a rising trend.


  • Those events drove significant annual losses.


  • France, Germany, Italy and Eastern Europe have all been particularly affected over the last several years.


  • After a thorough review of our modeling and analytics for these perils, we reached the conclusion that we needed to charge more for European cat exposure, in some cases, significantly more.


  • As a result, our average modeled loss costs increased by about 10%.

    結果,我們模擬的平均損失成本增加了約 10%。

  • We fully exited over 20 deals, significantly cut back on many others, while increasing moderately on the most profitable layers and programs.

    我們徹底退出了 20 多項交易,大幅削減了許多其他交易,同時適度增加了最賺錢的層面和項目的交易。

  • Going forward, we expect the California wildfires to serve as a reminder as if one was needed to all property reinsurance underwriters of the need to maintain pricing discipline and achieve adequate rate.


  • The global property cat reinsurance market overall remains attractive for Everest capacity.

    整體而言,全球財產巨災再保險市場對 Everest capacity 仍具有吸引力。

  • As I have said, our customers prefer to do more business with Everest when they can, which means we will continue to enjoy the option of choosing where to put our capacity to work.

    正如我所說,我們的客戶在條件允許的情況下更願意與 Everest 開展更多業務,這意味著我們將繼續享有選擇在何處部署我們的產能的權利。

  • Moving to insurance.


  • Overall gross written premium was down marginally due to our casualty remediation, offset by growth in short tail and specialty lines.


  • Of course, the published combined ratios for the quarter and year are unacceptable.


  • But if you look at it purely on a current period basis, our 2024 combined ratio is 100.7%.

    但如果僅從當前時期來看,我們 2024 年的綜合比率為 100.7%。

  • That is certainly not good but it gives us a launching point for our portfolio remediation that we can work with.


  • Our international operation continues to grow with a strong overall written premium increase in feed, short tail and specialty lines.


  • Despite substantial investments in people and infrastructure, the international insurance business earned an underwriting profit in 2024.

    儘管在人力和基礎設施方面投入了大量資金,國際保險業務在 2024 年仍獲得了承保利潤。

  • Our loss ratio in that business is excellent and consistent actual versus expected data in what is largely a short tail portfolio gives us confidence in our loss picks. 2025, we're focused on increasing scale in the 12 markets we're operating in.

    我們在該業務中的損失率非常出色,並且在很大程度上是短尾投資組合的一致實際數據與預期數據使我們對我們的損失選擇充滿信心。 2025 年,我們專注於擴大我們營運的 12 個市場的規模。

  • We do not expect to enter additional markets this year, which will result in greater premium leverage against expenses as we move forward.


  • Finally, our North American insurance business is making great size in remediating our casualty portfolio.


  • Consistent with our actions in Q3 and 40% of our casualty premiums in the fourth quarter were not renewed, including actions in our EverSports portfolio now captured in our other segments.

    與我們第三季的行動一致,第四季 40% 的意外保險保費未續簽,其中包括我們其他部門現在採取的 EverSports 投資組合中的行動。

  • In our ongoing insurance business, this results in a premium reduction in our US specialty casualty business of approximately 23%.

    在我們正在進行的保險業務中,這導致我們的美國專業意外險業務的保費降低約 23%。

  • This is despite accelerated rate achievement in GL, auto liability, and umbrella access, ranging from 14% to 27%.

    儘管總險、汽車責任險和綜合險的費率都有所提高,但幅度從 14% 到 27% 不等。

  • Loss cost inflation remained steady at an elevated level.


  • And as we discussed last week, we will be assuming 12 points-plus of average trend across those lines.

    正如我們上週所討論的,我們將假設這些線的平均趨勢超過 12 點。

  • Also, the last quarter affected by the runoff of our medical stop-loss business, impact in the quarter was $75 million.

    此外,上個季度受到我們醫療停損業務流失的影響,本季的影響金額為 7,500 萬美元。

  • Our team in the field has done a good job pipelining and underwriting a number of large risk management accounts.


  • These are well structured with sophisticated clients who understand the need to manage exposure in a heavy social inflation environment.


  • Recent wins in this business include a multiline solution for a leading global industrial firm, property cross-sell to an existing casualty account in the public advocacy arena and a large deductible casualty program for a consumer products company.


  • We set ourselves apart from the competition on these deals through the quality of our relationships, breadth of our offering and specialized services.


  • Results of our portfolio remediation, coupled with the targeted growth are already being reflected in our data.


  • Our Specialty Casualty business made up 25% of our global insurance premiums in Q4.

    我們的特殊意外險業務佔第四季全球保費的 25%。

  • We down from over 30% one-year ago, and the quality of the accounts has improved dramatically.


  • As I said on our pre-release call, we will take no credit in our loss picks for this, but I certainly expect it to yield increasing margin over time.


  • And now I'll turn it over to Mark to discuss the financials in more detail.


  • Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thank you, Jim, and good morning, everyone.


  • As we discussed last week, 2024 was a pivotal year of transformation for Everest.

    正如我們上週討論的那樣,2024 年是珠穆朗瑪峰轉型的關鍵一年。

  • We took decisive action to fortify our US casualty reserves following a comprehensive reserve review, and it's reflected in our fourth quarter 2024 results.

    在全面儲備審查之後,我們採取果斷行動加強了我們的美國傷亡儲備,這反映在我們的 2024 年第四季業績中。

  • Looking at the group results, Everest reported gross written premiums of $4.7 billion, representing 7.2% growth in constant dollars and excluding reinstatement premiums.

    從集團績效來看,Everest 公佈的毛承保保費為 47 億美元,以不變美元計算且不包括複效保費,成長了 7.2%。

  • The combined ratio was 135.5% for the quarter.


  • This includes unfavorable development of prior year loss reserves of $1.5 billion or 37.6 points on the combined ratio.

    其中包括去年同期損失準備金的不利發展,即 15 億美元或綜合比率下降 37.6 個百分點。

  • We also strengthened current accident year losses by $229 million with total strengthening of $1.7 billion for the full year and fourth quarter 2024.

    我們也將本事故年度的損失增加了 2.29 億美元,2024 年全年和第四季的總損失將增加 17 億美元。

  • Net losses in the quarter contributed 5.3 points to the combined ratio, largely driven by Hurricane Milton.

    本季淨虧損為綜合比率貢獻了 5.3 個百分點,主要原因是颶風米爾頓。

  • We also had releases on prior year events, largely driven by Hurricane Ian, which partially offset cat losses this quarter, which, as a reminder, run through the catastrophe line in the segment P&L.


  • I would also note that the prior year quarter had much lower than average [cat] capacity, the group attritional loss ratio was 63.9%, a 490 basis point increase over the prior year's quarter.

    我還要指出的是,去年同期的 [cat] 容量遠低於平均水平,集團流失率是 63.9%,比去年同期增加了 490 個基點。

  • This reflects the current accident year strengthening.


  • I mentioned a few moments ago, primarily within our insurance segment.


  • The group's commission ratio was 21.2% when excluding the impact of 1.8 points from the profit commissions associated favorable reserve development in the reinsurance segment related to the mortgage business and consistent with the prior year.


  • The group expense ratio was 6.2% in the quarter as we continue to invest in talent and systems within both franchises.

    由於我們繼續對兩個特許經營權的人才和系統進行投資,本季集團費用率為 6.2%。

  • Moving to the segment results and starting with reinsurance.


  • Reinsurance gross premiums grew 12.6% in constant dollars when adjusting for reinstatement premiums during the quarter.

    本季,調整復保保費後,再保險毛保費以固定美元計算成長了 12.6%。

  • The strong growth was primarily driven by strong double digit increases in property pro rata and property cat XOL, partially offset by continued discipline in casualty lines.


  • For the full year 2024, property cat XOL grew approximately 26.2% versus the prior year.

    2024 年全年,房地產貓 XOL 較前一年增長約 26.2%。

  • Buying ratio was 90.4% in the fourth quarter.


  • The prior year fourth quarter combined ratio of 78.9% included 15.3 points of favorable prior year reserve development.

    去年第四季的綜合比率為 78.9%,其中包括 15.3 個百分點的有利的去年儲備發展。

  • As you saw in our press release last week, favorable development in property and mortgage lines fully offset reserve strengthening in US casualty lines.


  • Catastrophe losses contributed 5.4 points to the combined ratio in the quarter consistent with the prior year.

    巨災損失對本季綜合比率的貢獻為 5.4 個百分點,與去年同期持平。

  • This quarter's cat losses were largely driven by $275 million of losses from Hurricane Milton and were partially offset by $125 million of releases on prior year events, namely Hurricane Ian.

    本季的巨災損失主要是由於颶風米爾頓造成的 2.75 億美元損失,而去年同期颶風伊恩等災難造成的 1.25 億美元損失則部分抵銷了這一損失。

  • Attritional loss ratio improved 90 basis points to 56.9%, which was primarily driven by mix as we continue to grow strongly in property cat as a well and reduce our casualty pro-rata business.

    損耗損失率改善了 90 個基點,至 56.9%,這主要得益於組合因素,因為我們在財產險方面繼續保持強勁增長,同時減少了傷亡按比例分攤的業務。

  • Attritional combined ratio improved 140 basis points to 83.7% when excluding the impact of $68 million in profit commissions associated with favorable mortgage reserve development this quarter.

    若不計入本季有利的抵押貸款準備金發展帶來的 6,800 萬美元利潤佣金的影響,綜合損耗率改善了 140 個基點,達到 83.7%。

  • The prior year quarter included $94 million of profit commission related to loss reserve releases in mortgage lines.

    去年同期的利潤佣金包括與抵押貸款損失準備金釋放相關的 9,400 萬美元。

  • Normalized commission ratio was 24% when you exclude the 2.3 points attributed to the profit commissions associated with favorable development in reinsurance.


  • The underwriting related expense ratio was 2.5%, consistent with the prior year.


  • Moving to Insurance.


  • Gross premiums written decreased 1.6% in constant dollars to $1.4 billion, driven by our decisive actions to shed underperforming US casualty business.

    由於我們果斷採取行動,剝離表現不佳的美國意外險業務,以固定美元計算,毛保費下降 1.6% 至 14 億美元。

  • We are targeting growth in the most accretive lines to improve the portfolio quality and further diversify the book.


  • We made meaningful progress this quarter with property and specialty lines each growing above 30% in the quarter.

    本季我們取得了重大進展,房地產和專業業務均實現了 30% 以上的成長。

  • This growth was offset by the aggressive underwriting action we are taking in specialty casualty lines centered around US casualty lines as well as the runoff of our A&H medical stop-loss business, which was completed in Q4.

    這一增長被我們在以美國傷亡險為中心的專業傷亡險種上採取的積極承保行動以及第四季度完成的 A&H 醫療止損業務的流失所抵消。

  • As you saw in our press release last week, we strengthened US casualty prior year reserves in our recently redefined insurance segment by approximately $1.1 billion in the quarter.

    正如您在我們上週的新聞稿中看到的那樣,我們在本季將最近重新定義的保險部門中的美國意外險上年準備金增加了約 11 億美元。

  • We also strengthened current accident year losses by $206 million which is reflected in the increased attritional loss ratio of 84% this quarter and 68.1% for the full year 2024.

    我們還將本事故年度的損失增加了 2.06 億美元,這反映在本季 84% 的損失率上升和 2024 年全年 68.1% 的損失率上升。

  • Combined ratio also included 5.3 points of catastrophe losses, primarily driven by losses from Hurricane Milton, while the prior year fourth quarter benefited from a relatively benign level of cat losses.

    綜合比率還包括 5.3 個百分點的巨災損失,主要受颶風米爾頓造成的損失影響,而去年第四季則受惠於相對溫和的巨災損失。

  • Commission ratio increased 100 basis points, largely driven by business mix and the underwriting related expense ratio was 17.9% with the increase largely driven by the continued investment in our global platform and slower earned premium growth as we rationalize our US casualty portfolio.

    佣金比率增加了 100 個基點,主要受業務組合推動,承保相關費用率為 17.9%,這主要得益於我們對全球平台的持續投資以及由於我們合理化美國傷亡險組合導致的已賺保費增長放緩。

  • We recently formed our other segment to enhance disclosure around non-core lines of business, strengthened reserves by $425 million in the quarter which includes an increase of $22 million through current accident year losses.

    我們最近成立了另一個部門,以加強非核心業務的揭露,本季儲備金增加了 4.25 億美元,其中包括因本年度事故損失而增加的 2,200 萬美元。

  • The other segment includes $1.1 billion of net reserves.


  • Moving on, net investment income increased to $473 million for the quarter, driven primarily by higher assets under management.

    此外,本季淨投資收入增加至 4.73 億美元,主要得益於管理資產規模的增加。

  • Alternative assets generated $41 million of net investment income, which was in line with the prior year.


  • Overall, our book yield was stable at 4.7% and our reinvestment rate is just north of 5%.

    整體而言,我們的帳面收益率穩定在 4.7%,再投資率略高於 5%。

  • We continue to have a short asset duration of approximately 3.1 years and the fixed income portfolio benefits from an average credit rating of AA-.

    我們的資產期限繼續保持在約 3.1 年的短期水平,固定收益投資組合受益於 AA- 的平均信用評級。

  • Our investment portfolio remains well positioned for the current environment.


  • For the fourth quarter of 2024, our operating income tax rate was minus 16.6%, which was lower than our working assumption of 11% to 12% for the year due to the net operating loss this quarter.

    2024 年第四季,我們的營業收入稅率為-16.6%,由於本季的淨營業虧損,低於我們對全年 11% 至 12% 的工作假設。

  • However, the full year operating effective tax rate was 9%, which is closer to our expected range.


  • Shareholders equity ended the quarter at $13.9 billion, or $14.7 billion, excluding net unrealized depreciation on available for sale fixed income securities.

    股東權益本季末為 139 億美元,扣除可供出售固定收益證券的淨未實現折舊後為 147 億美元。

  • At the end of the quarter, net after-tax unrealized losses on the available-for-sale fixed income portfolio equates to approximately $849 million, an increase of $629 million as compared to the end of the third quarter and this was driven by increases in the treasury yield curve.

    截至本季末,可供出售固定收益投資組合的稅後淨未實現損失約為 8.49 億美元,較第三季末增加 6.29 億美元,這是由於國債殖利率曲線上升所致。

  • Cash flow from operations was $780 million during the quarter and approximately $5 billion for the full year.

    本季經營現金流為 7.8 億美元,全年經營現金流約 50 億美元。

  • Book value per share ended the quarter at $322.97, an improvement of 8.7% from year-end 2023 when adjusted for dividends of $7.75 per share year-to-date.

    本季末每股帳面價值為 322.97 美元,較 2023 年底成長 8.7%(調整年初至今每股 7.75 美元的股息後)。

  • Book value per share, excluding net unrealized depreciation on available for sale fixed income securities stood at $342.74 and versus $320.95 per share at year-end 2023, representing an increase of approximately 6.8%.

    每股帳面價值(不包括可供出售固定收益證券的淨未實現折舊)為 342.74 美元,而 2023 年底每股為 320.95 美元,成長約 6.8%。

  • Our full year 2024 total shareholder return was 9.2%.

    我們 2024 年全年股東總報酬率為 9.2%。

  • Net debt leverage at quarter end stood at 15.6%, modestly lower from year-end 2023.

    季末淨負債槓桿率為 15.6%,較 2023 年底略有下降。

  • Everest continues to have a strong financial position.

    Everest 的財務狀況依然強勁。

  • We are focused on achieving our mid-teens total shareholder return over the cycle.


  • We are well positioned to execute our strategic initiatives and we will look to continue to opportunistically repurchase shares this year and this quarter specifically.


  • And with that, I'll turn the call back over to Matt.


  • Matt Rohrmann - Head of Investor Relations

    Matt Rohrmann - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Mark.


  • Dave, we are now ready to open the line for questions.


  • (Event Instructions)


  • Operator


  • We will now begin the question-and-answer session.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Gregory Peters, Raymond James.


  • Gregory Peters - Analyst

    Gregory Peters - Analyst

  • Good morning, everyone.


  • For my first question, I'm going to focus on the insurance segment.


  • And I'm wondering if you could give us some additional detail on how you plan to manage volatility considering that your non-renewing all this casualty business, and you'll have rising exposures to the property short-tail business in the international segment.


  • Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, Greg, this is Jim.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • Look, it's pretty straightforward.


  • I mean, we're very diligent around P&L management in each of our divisions and we're very careful about how we plan for the coming year, for example, on where we're going to deploy capital and at what terms and conditions.


  • We also very strategically, as you can imagine, in our insurance business, leverage the use of outbound reinsurance to manage per risk as well as overall volatility.


  • And so while the short-tail book in the insurance division is growing very nicely as you would have seen in this quarter, and we're happy about it.


  • We're happy about the pricing levels and the quality of the accounts we're writing.


  • In terms of moving our overall group risk profile, it's really not moving the needle at this point.


  • And as it continues to grow, we'll just manage it within our general PML framework.

    隨著它不斷增長,我們將在通用 PML 框架內對其進行管理。

  • So not something that is outside of our ability to very thoughtfully approach.


  • Gregory Peters - Analyst

    Gregory Peters - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • My follow-up question is on the capital management comments.


  • Mark, you -- well, in the press release, you acknowledged that you didn't buy any stock back during the quarter.


  • I assume that's because of the review issue.


  • Can you give us sort of some framework about what your budget looks like for capital management activities.


  • Should we think about it in terms of a payout ratio with dividends and share repurchase on total income for the year, or perhaps just give us some framework on how we should be thinking about that.


  • Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Greg, it's Mark.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • I think there's a lot of factors that go into it.


  • So if you start with, obviously, the fact we have, I think, still a strong financial position coming out of year-end 2024 despite the significant reserve charge, and we've got a very good earnings engine in the company.

    因此,如果你首先考慮這樣一個事實,那麼顯然,儘管有大量的準備金費用,但我認為到 2024 年底,我們的財務狀況仍然強勁,而且我們公司擁有非常好的盈利引擎。

  • Last week, we made the guidance of mid-teens full shareholder return over the cycle.


  • We feel confident about that as an immediate objective and something that's set for 2025.

    我們對此充滿信心,這是我們的近期目標,也是 2025 年的目標。

  • A few other points.


  • I think the growth rate of the company is one factor that goes into the equation, being able to execute our organic plan.


  • That's something we feel confident you're seeing us speed cautious with casualty on the reinsurance side, disciplined, in particular, on the insurance side, and property remains very attractive as to other specialty lines.


  • But I do think you'll see less overall growth than in some prior years.


  • And that will free up resources, I think, for more capital management type actions.


  • And then lastly, I think when you get into the equation, obviously, the attractiveness of our share price at the present time creates a very compelling incentive to buy back so as I mentioned in my prepared remarks, I fully expect us to be active this quarter.


  • Gregory Peters - Analyst

    Gregory Peters - Analyst

  • Thank you for the answers


  • Operator


  • Meyer Shields, Keefe, Bruyette, & Woods.

    邁耶希爾茲 (Meyer Shields)、基夫 (Keefe)、布魯耶特 (Bruyette) 和伍茲 (Woods)。

  • Meyer Shields - Analyst

    Meyer Shields - Analyst

  • Thanks and good morning.


  • Jim, I want to drill down a little bit in terms of, I guess, on the outside, we can expect in terms of Insurance segment loss ratio progress -- in other words, I understand the same 12%-plus loss trend for casualty lines.

    吉姆,我想深入一點,我想,從外部來看,我們可以預期保險部門的損失率進展——換句話說,我了解到傷亡險的損失趨勢同樣為 12% 以上。

  • But should we expect things like the runoff of the weaker portfolios or other business mix issues?


  • Is that going to sell up in 2025?

    這個到 2025 年還會賣掉嗎?

  • Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, Meyer, it's Jim.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • So we definitely provided a little bit of insight around this during the pre-release call and I think there are two key points.


  • Number one, the prudence that we applied in the construction of the reserve actions that we took as well as the topping off of the 2024 loss fix is a level of prudence that we plan on continuing in 2025.

    首先,我們在製定儲備行動以及彌補 2024 年損失時採取了審慎態度,我們計劃在 2025 年繼續保持這種審慎態度。

  • And you'll see that in how we select our casualty loss picks during this year.


  • But we also indicated, I think it is very important that mechanically, mix is moving quite quickly.


  • And of course, that's as I indicated in my prepared remarks, that aspect of it in terms of the shift of mix is already showing up in our data.


  • And so yeah, as mix improves, the total loss ratio, obviously, that's a very positive tailwind for us to think about as we move through 2025.

    是的,隨著組合改善,總損失率顯然對我們在 2025 年邁進時來說是一個非常積極的順風。

  • Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Just one point on Jim's remarks.


  • So if you look at our financial supplement on the Insurance segment, you'll see a current year loss ratio.


  • Attritional loss ratio of 68.3%.


  • And that obviously takes into account the current year strengthening for 2024.

    這顯然考慮到了 2024 年當前情況的加強。

  • And that's with remediation underway in the casualty segment and a mix of business that is moving towards a more balanced portfolio as we shed some of the casualty numbers.


  • So I think that's kind of the starting point for where the portfolio was.


  • Now to your point, obviously, there are still unearned premium that is earning out into 2025 with some of the older casualty business that we likely will not renew and that will be a bit of a drag in 2025, but that's something we've expected, we forecasted, and we clearly have two other pieces that I would say are favorable.

    現在回到你的觀點,顯然,到 2025 年,仍有一些未賺取保費,其中一些舊的意外險業務我們可能不會續簽,這將在 2025 年造成一些拖累,但這是我們預料到的,我們預測到的,而且我們顯然還有另外兩個我認為是有利的部分。

  • So one is the mix of business aspect that Jim mentioned.


  • And then the second is really the approach we're taking to the casualty account renewals and new business in general in terms of rate.


  • So I see those as favorable to favorable impacts that will help that loss ratio development improve year-over-year and still respect the loss trend assumption we gave last week, plus the prudence actions that we indicated that are going to be taking place in US liability in particular.


  • Meyer Shields - Analyst

    Meyer Shields - Analyst

  • Okay, perfect.


  • Thank you both.


  • That's very helpful.


  • Second question, it sounds like some casualty lines are improving rapidly.


  • When you look at that and maybe business you don't want to write in 2025, but maybe by 2026, it's good enough.

    當您考慮這一點時,也許您不想在 2025 年寫下這些業務,但也許到 2026 年就足夠了。

  • So are you maintaining I guess, full run rate expenses in anticipation of eventual profitability.


  • Just I'm not sure how that aspect of expense management plays in?


  • Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Well, yeah.


  • So if your question is, are we continuing to invest in our business very thoughtfully.


  • The answer is yes.


  • Now we're also very prudent expense managers, as you clearly see in the overall group expense ratio in our Reinsurance business, obviously, insurance expense ratios elevated slightly because of the investments we're making as well as the impact the remediation has on earned premium.


  • As we go forward, I'd expect that phenomenon to sort of persist for a while because there are great opportunities for us to make prudent investments in the business and the remediation puts a little bit of a lid on some earned premium.


  • But we're going to manage it very carefully, Meyer, and on a quarter by quarter basis to ensure that the level of investments we're making is consistent with our ability to generate the margin we need.


  • Meyer Shields - Analyst

    Meyer Shields - Analyst

  • Perfect thanks so much.


  • Operator


  • Josh Shanker, Bank of America.

    美國銀行的喬許‧尚克(Josh Shanker)。

  • Josh Shanker - Analyst

    Josh Shanker - Analyst

  • Yeah, thank you for taking my question.


  • In the prepared remarks and whatnot in addition to the sports book being sold, you're also exiting the medical stop loss business.


  • Why or why not is the medical stop loss business, a business that I can't be taking care of in a one renewal type methodology like the rest of the businesses?


  • Why can you just raise the price in the business that sticks stick and what leaves?


  • Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, Josh, it's Jim.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • We essentially non-renewed a major block, the block that was causing us difficulties in our medical stop-loss business at the beginning of 2024.

    我們基本上不再續簽一個主要的封鎖,這個封鎖在 2024 年初給我們的醫療停損業務帶來了困難。

  • And it is a block, but it has renewal dates that occur throughout the year.


  • So it wasn't a matter of getting increased price.


  • We didn't want to be on the business, we non-renewed it, and it just takes the year for the full impact to the financials to run through, which is now done.


  • So we won't be talking about the runoff of medical stop loss in 2025.

    因此,我們不會談論 2025 年醫療停損的終結。

  • Josh Shanker - Analyst

    Josh Shanker - Analyst

  • All right.


  • And another quick one.


  • Obviously, I think it's very clear, your thoughts about the wildfire as regards you were booked.


  • And as a general rule, should we think about Everest as being a 1% market share loss of major global events?

    作為一般規則,我們是否應該將珠穆朗瑪峰視為全球重大事件造成的 1% 市場份額的損失?

  • Or is there more ground up sort of analysis in how you're thinking about your exposure to California wildfires?


  • Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Sure, Josh.


  • Jim again.


  • Good question.


  • Look, this is this 1% market share that we've indicated for this event is the result of exceptional underwriting.

    你看,我們在這次事件中指出的這 1% 的市佔率是特殊承保的結果。

  • The simple fact is there are a number of large contributors to what will be an industry loss of pick whatever number you like.


  • We're kind of in the 35% to 45% range.

    我們的比例大概在 35% 到 45% 之間。

  • Some others like different numbers, that's fine.


  • But a number of the major contributors to that industry loss are not clients of Everest.

    但造成該行業損失的許多主要因素並不是 Everest 的客戶。

  • And the reason they're not clients of Everest is because we assessed the programs on offer and did not believe they offered us an adequate risk adjusted return for the exposure involved.

    他們之所以沒有成為 Everest 的客戶,是因為我們評估了他們所提供的計劃,並認為他們沒有為我們提供與所涉及的風險相適應的足夠風險調整回報。

  • So we said no, and others said yes.


  • And so you'll see different market shares, et cetera, which is a ground-up result of the underwriting actions that get taken.


  • There could be an entirely different loss in an entirely different market where we get different opportunities, and it will result in a different market share of the loss.


  • It's not about trying to create peanut butter and outcome.


  • It's pursuing the best quality deals for all of the perils we take and all the different geographies we compete in all day, every day.


  • I mean, that's what we do here.


  • Josh Shanker - Analyst

    Josh Shanker - Analyst

  • Thank you for the clear answers.


  • Operator


  • Alex Scott, Barclays.

    巴克萊銀行的亞歷克斯·斯科特 (Alex Scott)。

  • Alex Scott - Analyst

    Alex Scott - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • I do ask you what your view is of the impact of the wildfires just on reinsurance pricing and as you kind of head into mid-year, what do you anticipate I mean, maybe also any comments you have on how it affects your aggregate treaty setting in the wind season.


  • Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Sure, yeah, Alex, it's Jim.


  • So look, I think obviously, this is a pretty this is a big event.


  • And whether you like the $35 billion number, $45 billion number, you prefer a number bigger than that.

    不管你喜歡 350 億美元還是 450 億美元,你都更喜歡比這更大的數字。

  • This is a major event.


  • That certainly, we do expect it to have a positive impact on prices.


  • What I tend to hear from people is that if there was a move to decrease rates in a reasonable fashion at 1-1, which I indicated, we've seen 5% to 15% of loss-free programs, that's probably ameliorated.

    我傾向於從人們那裡聽到的是,如果有舉措以合理的方式將利率降低至 1-1,正如我所指出的,我們已經看到 5% 到 15% 的無損失計劃,那麼這種情況可能會有所改善。

  • Obviously, it will take time for that to play out.


  • But look, I think you add that with the fact that a lot of our clients are looking to buy more overall cover.


  • There's a lot of increased demand in the market.


  • And then you further look at the fact that those clients, if they have their choice, would rather do more of that cover with Everest, I think that means there's a terrific opportunity for us to continue to be very, very selective in the deals we're writing and to get terrific economics, which I think is a very favorable thing.

    然後你進一步看到,如果這些客戶有選擇的話,他們更願意與 Everest 進行更多的合作,我認為這對我們來說是一個絕佳的機會,可以繼續非常、非常有選擇性地進行交易,並獲得極好的經濟效益,我認為這是一件非常有利的事情。

  • You mentioned aggregate deals.


  • I don't know if you mentioned just our total exposure or you meant aggregate specifically.


  • We're not a writer of aggregate covers for the most part.


  • In terms of our total deployed capacity, if pricing is very attractive, we're ready, willing, able to do more for sure.


  • If pricing is not as attractive, we do less.


  • I mean that's again, that's how we manage our renewal cycles as they come.


  • Alex Scott - Analyst

    Alex Scott - Analyst

  • That's really helpful thank you.


  • Second one I wanted to ask was just around as we approach the schedule type disclosures that you all provided in your 10-K?

    我想問的第二個問題是,當我們接近你們在 10-K 中提供的時間表類型披露時?

  • And also just thinking through some of the conversations you probably had with your investor base coming away from the initial pre-announcement of the reserve actions, I mean is there anything that you would point to us that we should focus on beyond just some of the basics around paid to incurs and trying to understand some of those things.


  • As we go in and we're comparing contrast and all of that, what do you think is the key to focus on and sort of, I guess, proof points around the actions that have been taking being enough?


  • Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Alex, it's Mark.


  • So look, I think there are several factors to take into account.


  • We tried to outline a bunch of them last week in our pre-call presentation and narrative.


  • So several metrics on IBNR, the ultimate loss ratios.

    因此,IBNR 有幾個指標,即最終損失率。

  • Ultimately, the global loss triangles, I think, supply the best granular data that you can use to compare so for me, I mean, that's the best place to start.


  • You'll get probably a bit more out of the cake, but that part is going to give you, I think, what you ultimately will need -- the second thing is really the commentary we've given on highlighting how that book has developed.

    您可能會從中獲得更多,但我認為這部分將為您提供您最終需要的東西 - 第二件事實際上是我們針對強調該書如何發展而給出的評論。

  • So specific classes of business that we're problematic how we've gone about shaping the portfolio going forward.


  • And I think that discipline and the commentary we're giving on a quarterly basis that reinforces the execution of our plan here on the remediation is critical to getting the confidence.


  • And then when you get these quarterly measurements such as the K or the Q or the GLTs on an annual basis, you'll be able to see more clearly how the IBNR is outstanding stack up, how the ULRs are looking, just the overall business performance.

    然後,當您獲得這些季度測量數據(例如年度 K 或 Q 或 GLT)時,您將能夠更清楚地看到 IBNR 的未償還餘額、ULR 的情況以及整體業務表現。

  • And so I think that will give you that combination will give you the confidence level you're going to need over time.


  • Alex Scott - Analyst

    Alex Scott - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • David Motemaden, Evercore ISI.

    大衛‧莫特馬登 (David Motemaden),Evercore ISI。

  • David Motemaden - Analyst

    David Motemaden - Analyst

  • Thanks, good morning.


  • I had a question, it sounds like we've heard as well from some of your peers, just the conditions in the casualty re market have caused you guys to step back which makes sense.


  • I guess I'm wondering, it sounds like you guys non-renewed $750 million throughout the course of '24 sounds like that's continued here at 1-1.

    我想知道,聽起來你們在 24 年期間未續簽的 7.5 億美元聽起來像是在 1-1 的情況下繼續進行。

  • I'm wondering if you can help us think through just holistically, what sort of cat load we should be thinking about for Everest now that there's been a more a bigger shift towards property and short-tail lines from casualty?


  • Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • So, David, it's Mark.


  • The cat load is still broadly consistent in the multi-year approach we've taken since 2020.

    自 2020 年以來,我們採取的多年期方法中的貓負載仍然大致保持一致。

  • What we have done, and we started a couple of years ago is really trying to make more of our gross exposure net.


  • And so we had a fairly large reliance or impact from our cat bond issuance over the last several years and prior to 2020 and so we've reduced our reliance on those, and we're taking more of the gross on a net basis now.

    因此,在過去幾年以及 2020 年之前,我們對巨災債券發行的依賴或影響相當大,因此我們減少了對這些債券的依賴,現在我們在淨基礎上承擔更多的總額。

  • So you're seeing that appetite expand naturally because we believe the expected returns are still very attractive.


  • I don't think the growth is growing very much.


  • It's really more of a net that is expanding primarily because of the cat bonds.


  • Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, David, this is Jim.


  • I think that's spot on.


  • Let me just step back for a moment, though, and approach it a little bit in terms of how we think about the cap book itself because the way we do this is really straightforward.


  • I mean we're trying to build a cat book that is high margin and also very resilient to loss.


  • So that in the event that there is an outsized cat loss somewhere in the world or you have a pretty big cat like a California wildfire that you don't necessarily expect a wildfire to be $40 billion or $50 billion, et cetera.

    因此,如果世界上某個地方發生了特大災難損失,或者發生了像加州山火這樣的重大災難,你不一定會預期山火的損失會達到 400 億美元或 500 億美元等等。

  • You can still have a book that can earn a profit.


  • And in my mind, yes, the fact that there's less casualty in the denominator can move the percentage of how you think about the cat load.


  • But the fact is what we're trying to do is build a cat book that can manage its own losses and still turn a profit.


  • And we've had multiple years now where there's really outsized industry losses and the year of in is a good example where we essentially in that year, which was a big year for cat losses, we got to a breakeven piece in our cat book.

    我們已經經歷了好幾年巨額的行業虧損,而 2009 年就是一個很好的例子,那一年是巨額保險虧損最大的一年,但我們在巨額保險賬簿上實現了收支平衡。

  • And that's at the core of what we're doing here.


  • So I get the modeling aspects and the earned premium aspects, but it's about cap management to get to the outcomes we want.


  • David Motemaden - Analyst

    David Motemaden - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Understood.


  • I appreciate that color.


  • My follow-up question, also just on the casualty reinsurance book.


  • And sounds like some of your peers have made an effort to enhance the flow of information and data capture with their ceding.


  • Have you guys been doing something similar and stepped up your engagement with your ceding if so, how far along in that process are you?


  • Any findings you can share would be helpful.


  • Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, I mean, absolutely.


  • That's been a discipline of ours very consistently over the last several years.


  • Ensuring best quality data from all of our customers.


  • And look, I think it goes well beyond just making sure that the renewal submissions are complete.


  • For us, it's about having direct actuary to actuary discussions with incremental data sharing so that we can really understand the trends that are affecting our [students] books.


  • Its claims to claims, conversations during the course of the year so that we understand how they're managing their claims volumes, what they're seeing in that underlying data.


  • We obviously study all publicly available data very carefully, so it's multifaceted.


  • It's been a consistent discipline of ours.


  • Obviously, we welcome our competitors joining in that approach because it just will further enhance the data available to everyone.


  • But I think fundamentally, if we really want to move the needle on data quality and availability further, it's going to be about making sure that we're only deploying capacity to those clients who can demonstrate in their data that they're doing a good job managing their portfolios where we don't see that, we're moving away, whether that's the data itself doesn't look good or the data doesn't exist, that's not for us.


  • So that's very fundamental to the discipline we're exercising.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Brian Meredith, UBS.


  • Brian Meredith - Analyst

    Brian Meredith - Analyst

  • Yeah, thanks.


  • Hey Mark, any updates on what you think the tax rate will look like in 2025?

    嘿,馬克,你認為 2025 年的稅率會是多少?

  • Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah, so I would estimate a range.


  • Clearly, that's higher than the 11% to 12% as we have a 15% rate coming into Bermuda.

    顯然,這高於 11% 到 12%,因為我們進入百慕達的稅率是 15%。

  • I would estimate our range -- working range to be somewhere in the 17% to 18% effective tax rate for the group as a whole.

    我估計我們的範圍——工作範圍是整個集團的有效稅率在 17% 到 18% 之間。

  • And that would assume kind of a normal distribution of geographic income.


  • Obviously, cat fall or any other kind of large loss type impacts can skew it, but I'd say it's something like that.


  • And that's the overall tax rate


  • Brian Meredith - Analyst

    Brian Meredith - Analyst

  • Appreciate that's helpful.


  • And then a second question also, just any thoughts on what cash flow could look like this year given some of the actions you're taking with the portfolio, we expect it to be below 2024?


  • Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • I think we'll be in a similar range.


  • We have outperformed our expected cash flow forecasts for the plans for the last few years.


  • I've been pleasantly surprised with that.


  • I'd say one of the biggest factors is really natural catastrophes.


  • I think our reserve or loss payment patterns are pretty good in that respect and for what we're projecting in 2025.

    我認為從這個方面來看,我們的儲備或損失支付模式相當不錯,而且符合我們對 2025 年的預測。

  • And it's probably the cat fall that will determine whether or not we hit something close to the $5 billion this year.

    而很可能正是這場災難將決定我們今年是否能達到接近 50 億美元的目標。

  • Brian Meredith - Analyst

    Brian Meredith - Analyst

  • Great thank you.


  • Operator


  • Elyse Greenspan, Wells Fargo.

    富國銀行的伊莉絲‧格林斯潘 (Elyse Greenspan)。

  • Elyse Greenspan - Analyst

    Elyse Greenspan - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks.


  • Good morning.


  • My first question is on the California fire losses, right?


  • So you guys came out with a range that a little bit less right from what we saw from some other rangers that have gone as high as $50 billion.

    因此,你們給出的範圍比我們從其他一些遊說團體看到的高達 500 億美元的範圍要低一些。

  • I'm just trying to get a sense of what would be like the discrepancy between your in short loss estimate and others.


  • And I thought, I'm assuming you guys -- I think you said you don't have a lot of losses from cedings right now.


  • So can you just verify that last comment?


  • And then just help us reconcile why your insured range might be a little bit less than what some other reinsurers are seeing?


  • Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, Elyse, it's Jim.


  • Well, I don't know how other people get to their numbers, so I can't really reconcile it for you.


  • But what I can say is if you look at the industry loss estimates that are floating around, there is a pretty broad range on it.


  • I think we're kind of on the upper end of the types of numbers I've seen, if you like, $50 billion better than our loss, I would expect it to be roughly $500 million.

    我認為我們所取得的數字處於我所見過的較高水平,如果你願意的話,比我們的損失好 500 億美元,我預計大約為 5 億美元。

  • The reason why I'm feeling pretty good about the range that I described earlier, and I feel great about the performance of our team vis-a-vis that market share number is because of the quality of the underwriting that took place.


  • And I can't emphasize this enough.


  • We passed up deliberately for very specific reasons on a number of deals that got completely clobbered in this event, and that's how you ladder upgrade underwriting over time.


  • So very proud of what the team has done that way.


  • And look, obviously, we're in conversations with our scenes.


  • I think the issue is loss adjusting an event like this is very challenging.


  • There have been public access issues that are pretty well described, I think it will take time for people to hold in their own numbers, which is why we're still working with a range and not a point estimate.


  • But I'm pretty confident given what we are on and what we are knock on in the numbers that I shared with you earlier.


  • Elyse Greenspan - Analyst

    Elyse Greenspan - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • And then my follow-up is on reserves.


  • Looking at the presentation that you guys provided last week on your reinsurance casualty reserves and then also on your insurance casualty reserves.


  • And it does look like the accident year loss pick for recent years in your casualty reinsurance book are being booked substantially better than casualty insurance.


  • Can you just kind of talk through what would be causing the difference between those?


  • Maybe it's business mix?


  • Just trying to reconcile, right, why you'd be booking US casualty reinsurance significantly better than insurance.


  • And then have you guys said what loss cost you're assuming for your casualty reinsurance book.


  • Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, Elyse, it's Jim again.


  • Look, I mean, the explanation is pretty straightforward, and I'm going to be blunt.


  • Our clients for our reinsurance portfolio, we've been very selective in our ceding selection process.


  • They are top quartile underwriters of casualty, and they've demonstrated very consistently that they outperformed the average loss ratio in the market by a substantial margin.


  • We've seen that in our data.


  • We see that in the submissions for the renewals.


  • And obviously, wherever we don't continue to see that, we move away, which is why we've moved away from $750 million of business.

    顯然,如果我們無法繼續看到這種情況,我們就會放棄,這就是我們放棄 7.5 億美元業務的原因。

  • And that's why you get to a loss ratio that looks the way it does.


  • And then you contrast that with our insurance business was not tuck quartile over concentrated in certain classes, et cetera, that get you to a much worse outcome.


  • So there's really not a linkage between the two that you should have in your mind.


  • It's two entirely different portfolios.


  • In terms of expected trend level, I mean, we are very prudent across both divisions and, I would say, consistent across both divisions.


  • That doesn't mean the number will always be the same, but the approach is very consistent.


  • It's based on the data.


  • It's based on, I think, a very conservative view of the development of the casualty market.


  • Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah, Elyse, just a couple of points on that last piece on the loss trend.


  • So we gave a figure last week in the call on Tuesday, roughly an average of 12% for excess umbrella, GL and commercial auto.

    因此,我們在上週二的電話會議上給出了一個數字,超額傘險、GL 和商用汽車的平均費率約為 12%。

  • So depending on the mix of business, it's something approaching that for both sides of the equation, reinsurance and insurance.


  • Elyse Greenspan - Analyst

    Elyse Greenspan - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Michael Zaremski, BMO.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Hey, good morning.


  • Thanks.


  • It's Dan on for Mike.


  • Just maybe going back to the insurance loss ratio, we could see looking at the deck last week, it was running about low to mid-90s now.

    回顧保險損失率,我們可以看到,從上週的數據來看,現在保險損失率大約在 90 年代中期。

  • Just wondering if you could maybe quantify how much worse of a loss ratio is associated with the non-renewed business versus the retained business?


  • Thanks.


  • Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Mike, it's Mark.


  • It varies -- it really varies by line.


  • I will say, let me break it down into a few components for you.


  • So I would start with the other segment which contains that sports and leisure book that we essentially put into runoff.


  • That for us, I think, was the most disappointing and you're looking at a triple-digit type of loss ratio.


  • It's predominantly excess and GL lines of business.

    它主要是超額業務和 GL 業務。

  • And then when you get into some of the other classes of business having the insurance segment, you've got a varying range of ultimate loss ratios.


  • So in some cases, you're dealing with the triple digits, the 100, 110, 120 type levels.

    因此在某些情況下,您需要處理三位數,即 100、110、120 類型的等級。

  • You've clearly got other classes of casualty that are performing much better than that.


  • It really varies.


  • And clearly, we're focused on rate adequacy there.


  • So in terms of the renewal process going forward, we're on this with just a laser focus and making sure that it's either non-renewed or it's renewed with the rate that's necessary.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Thanks.


  • Then maybe could you walk through that same dynamic maybe for the $750 million you walked away from in reinsurance casualty?

    那麼,您能否以同樣的動態來看待您在再保險意外險中損失的 7.5 億美元?

  • Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jim Williamson - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, sure, Dan.


  • It's Jim.


  • Look, it's going to very much ideal.


  • And I'm not going to characterize it in terms of a number.


  • But I will tell you in some cases, because remember, we started with a pretty high-quality book of ceding.


  • So we're not dealing with the types of challenges that Mark described relative to our insurance business.


  • It's more of just when you evaluate the whole portfolio.


  • There's clearly cedents who in from our perspective, maybe they're not keeping up with trend, or there's something in their claims process that we feel is not fit for purpose at this moment in the casualty cycle and with the challenges of social inflation.


  • It could be they have expanded their appetite in a way that we don't think is favorable.


  • So it's not always that there's this major distinction or inferior loss ratio relative to our average portfolio.


  • It's the underwriting that indicates to us that we're not going to have the confidence we want to have going forward, but not nearly the same deltas and performance is what Mark described.


  • Operator


  • Wes Carmichael, Autonomous Research.


  • Wes Carmichael - Analyst

    Wes Carmichael - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks.


  • Good morning.


  • In your commentary on capital management, Mark, I think there was a high-level comment on less growth overall, which, I guess, is understandable currently.


  • But is there any framing you can do on how you're thinking about top line going forward, especially if you're thinking about the potentially non-renewed business, what's the kind of underlying growth you're thinking about going forward?


  • Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Well, so we're not providing guidance.


  • I think from a qualitative standpoint, you've seen us be pretty disciplined on the casualty shedding or underwriting in terms of the reinsurance segment, that's going to continue.


  • Clearly, there are pockets of casualty.


  • I expect us to add in the normal course of business.


  • It's not all a shedding story, both sides, reinsurance and insurance, property remains very attractive.


  • I mean, the rate adequacy is clearly there, and that's something we definitely want to lean into where it makes sense.


  • I just don't see the same level of growth that we had for example, a couple of years ago in both sides.


  • Last point, our international insurance business has been growing double digits for quite some time.


  • Broadly speaking, lion's share of it is a short tail book, and it's been performing very well.


  • And I would expect that type of natural growth to continue as we're relatively small in the market and starting from a small base.


  • And so that's something that I would expect to be a positive for us in 2025.

    所以我希望這對我們 2025 年來說是一件正面的事情。

  • Wes Carmichael - Analyst

    Wes Carmichael - Analyst

  • I think that's helpful.


  • And I think there was a release last (technical difficulty) can you just talk about how strategic it is forever to maintain its current ratings?


  • Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Sorry, you cut out for a second.


  • Wes a release you said?


  • Wes Carmichael - Analyst

    Wes Carmichael - Analyst

  • Yeah, I think S&P changes outlook to negative.


  • I'm just wondering how maintaining ratings right now as to ever strategically?


  • Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Mark Kociancic - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Well, it's fundamental to offer the A+ financial strength rating, and that's clearly secure, not in danger at all.

    嗯,提供 A+ 財務實力評級是至關重要的,這顯然是安全的,沒有任何危險。

  • The S&P negative outlook is something we respect.


  • We'll work with them not something that concerns us very much, but clearly something we have to manage.


  • But the overall financial strength is in a solid spot.


  • Wes Carmichael - Analyst

    Wes Carmichael - Analyst

  • Understood, thank you.


  • Operator


  • This concludes our question-and-answer session.


  • The conference has now concluded.


  • Thank you for attending today's presentation.


  • You may now disconnect.
