達美樂 (DPZ) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


達美樂披薩 (Domino's Pizza) 公佈了強勁的第二季業績,這得益於其「Hungry for MORE」策略的推動,美國和國際市場的業績均實現了積極增長。儘管淨商店成長面臨挑戰,但中國和印度等主要市場仍保持在正軌上。該公司對食品品質、卓越營運和特許經營夥伴關係的關注正在推動其成功。




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  • Operator


  • Thank you for standing by, and welcome to Domino's Pizza's second-quarter 2024 earnings conference call. (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, today's program is being recorded. And now I'd like to introduce your host for today's program, Greg Lemenchick, Vice President of Investor Relations. Please go ahead, sir.

    感謝您的耐心等待,歡迎參加 Domino's Pizza 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。 (操作員指示)提醒一下,今天的節目正在錄製中。現在我想介紹一下今天節目的主持人,投資者關係副總裁 Greg Lemenchick。請繼續,先生。

  • Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

    Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

  • Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining us today for our second quarter conference call. Today's call will begin with our Chief Executive Officer, Russell Wiener. Followed by our Chief Financial Officer, Sandeep Reddy.

    大家,早安。感謝您今天參加我們的第二季電話會議。今天的電話會議將由我們的執行長 Russell Wiener 開始。接下來是我們的財務長桑迪普雷迪 (Sandeep Reddy)。

  • The call will conclude with a Q&A session. The forward-looking statements in this morning's earnings release and 10-Q, both of which are available on our IR website, also apply to our comments on the call today. Actual results or trends could differ materially from our forecast. For more information, please refer to the risk factors discussed in our filings with the SEC.

    電話會議將以問答環節結束。今天早上的收益報告和 10-Q 報告中的前瞻性陳述(均可在我們的 IR 網站上取得)也適用於我們今天對電話會議的評論。實際結果或趨勢可能與我們的預測有重大差異。欲了解更多信息,請參閱我們向 SEC 提交的文件中討論的風險因素。

  • In addition, please refer to the 8-K earnings release to find disclosures and reconciliations of our non-GAAP financial measures that may be referenced on today's call. This morning's conference call is being webcast and is also being recorded for replay via our website. We want to do our best this morning to accommodate as many of your questions as time permits. As such, we encourage you to ask one question only.

    此外,請參閱 8-K 收益報告,以了解今天電話會議中可能引用的非 GAAP 財務指標的揭露和調節情況。今天早上的電話會議正在網路上直播,並透過我們的網站進行錄製並重播。今天早上,我們希望在時間允許的情況下盡力回答您提出的盡可能多的問題。因此,我們鼓勵您只問一個問題。

  • And with that, I'd like to turn the call over to Russell.


  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Grey. And good morning, everybody. Our second quarter performance demonstrated once again that are Hungry for MORE strategy is delivering positive results. For the second straight quarter, we drove US comp performance in the healthiest way possible through profitable organic growth. Positive order counts in our delivery business, positive order counts in our carryout business, positive order counts across all income cohorts.


  • We also continued to see improvement in our international comps and generated earnings that were in line with our expectations. As a result of our strong results year to date and expectations for the back half of the year, we remain on track to achieve our guidance for annual global retail sales growth of 7% or more and operating profit growth of 8% or more.

    我們也繼續看到我們的國際比較有所改善,並產生了符合我們預期的收益。由於我們今年迄今的強勁業績以及對今年下半年的預期,我們仍有望實現全球零售額年度增長 7% 或以上、營業利潤增長 8% 或以上的指導目標。

  • I want to provide an update on our net store growth guidance, which we temporarily suspended this morning. First, I want to reiterate that our US pipeline is strong, and it continues to grow. We continue to expect 175 or more net new stores annually in 2024 through 2028 in the US. We now expect to fall below our net store growth target for international in 2024 by approximately 175 to 275 stores, primarily as a result of challenges in both openings and closures faced by Domino's Pizza Enterprises, DPE, one of our master franchisees.

    我想提供有關我們今天早上暫時暫停的網店增長指導的最新資訊。首先,我想重申,我們的美國管道很強大,而且還在繼續增長。我們仍預計 2024 年至 2028 年美國每年將淨增加 175 家或更多門市。目前,我們預計 2024 年國際門市淨成長目標將低於約 175 至 275 家門市,這主要是由於我們的主要特許經營商之一達美樂比薩企業 (DPE) 在開設和關閉方面面臨挑戰。

  • We're partnering closely with DPE as they work through this process. It was important to note that our largest expected growth markets of China and India remain on track to deliver on their growth potential. In China, DPC Dash announced they'll open store number 1,000 by the end of this year, and then they'll increase their net openings per year to between 300 and 350 starting in 2025.

    我們正在與 DPE 密切合作,以幫助他們完成這一過程。值得注意的是,我們最大的預期成長市場中國和印度仍有望發揮其成長潛力。在中國,DPC Dash 宣布,他們將在今年年底前開設 1,000 家門市,然後從 2025 年開始,每年淨開店數量將增至 300 至 350 家。

  • Back in May, Jubilant, our master franchisee based out of India, increased its total store count potential to 5,500 over the medium term in the six global markets in which it operates. When you think that it took Domino's those over 60 years to open 5,500 stores in the United States, Jubilant's goal exemplifies the Hungry for MORE mentality, our global system is taking off.

    早在 5 月份,我們位於印度的主要特許經營商 Jubilant 就將其在其經營的六個全球市場的中期門市總數潛力增加到 5,500 家。當您想到達美樂花了 60 多年的時間才在美國開設了 5,500 家商店時,Jubilant 的目標體現了「渴望更多」的心態,我們的全球體係正在起飛。

  • Now let's look at our second quarter results through the lens of our MORE, Hungry for MORE pillars which continue to drive our business. As you know, M stands for the most delicious food. We know we've got the most delicious food in the industry and are focused on showcasing that with more mouthwatering food photography in all of our marketing and our sales channels.


  • We launched our New York Style pizza in Q2, and that's what we call innovation with intent. When we launch a new product that's got a specific role and it's intended to stay on the menu permanently. New York Style pizza is another example of that, it's got a crust that's thinner and more foldable than our traditional crust. It was designed to appeal to pizza lovers whose idea of deliciousness is little bit different than Domino's Pizza offerings in the past.


  • The result has been a high mix of sales within our pizza offerings. In addition to being a product that showcases deliciousness in a different way, newer style pizza is available as part of our mix-and-match offer. Domino's rewards members can also redeem 60 points for a free medium two topping New York Style pizza.

    結果是我們的披薩產品實現了高銷售量混合。除了以不同方式展示美味的產品之外,我們的混合搭配產品還提供更新款式的披薩。達美樂獎勵會員還可以用 60 點兌換一份免費的中型兩層紐約風格披薩。

  • This new offering drives more than just deliciousness, it drives value and it drives more customers into our loyalty platform. And that's why we call it innovation with intent. The O in Hungry for MORE stands for operational excellence. This is how we'll deliver on our promise to have the most delicious food by consistently driving a great experience with our products.

    這項新產品不僅帶來美味,還帶來價值,並吸引更多顧客進入我們的忠誠度平台。這就是為什麼我們稱之為有意圖的創新。 Hungry for MORE 中的 O 代表卓越營運。這就是我們透過持續推動產品的卓越體驗來兌現我們的承諾,即提供最美味的食物。

  • As I shared on our last earnings call, in 2024 we are rolling out a new service program, we're calling more delicious operation. This is a series of three product training sprints focused on our dough, how we build and make our products and then how we cook. In Q1, we embarked on our first Sprint, which focused on our dough and are now rolling out our second sprint around ingredients and product built.

    正如我在上次財報電話會議上分享的那樣,2024 年我們將推出一項新的服務計劃,我們稱之為「更美味的營運」。這是一系列三個產品培訓衝刺,重點是我們的麵團、我們如何建造和製造我們的產品以及我們如何烹飪。在第一季度,我們開始了我們的第一個衝刺,重點是我們的麵團,現在正在圍繞成分和產品構建推出我們的第二個衝刺。

  • These product sprints and last year's Summer of Service are working together with our [DMOS] technology to drive improvements in our delivery times. In fact, estimated average delivery times were nearly 10% better in Q2 of 2024 than they were in Q2 of 2022. And we're doing all of this while our stores are handling more orders. So I wanted to congratulate our franchisees and operators whose commitment to service allows us to deliver on the promise we're striving to make in our marketing, that Domino's has the most delicious food.

    這些產品衝刺和去年的夏季服務正在與我們的 [DMOS] 技術一起努力,以推動我們交付時間的改進。事實上,預計 2024 年第二季的平均交貨時間將比 2022 年第二季縮短了近 10%。因此,我想祝賀我們的特許經營商和經營者,他們對服務的承諾使我們能夠兌現我們在行銷中努力做出的承諾,即達美樂擁有最美味的食物。

  • Our third Hungry for MORE pillar is R for Renowned value. And as I said before, it's not just about having the lowest price in the market. It's about providing value that innovative and memorable. Renowned value breaks through the sea of seamless discounts you see in the marketplace. A Domino's rewards as an example of that Renowned value. It continues to perform well and was the key driver of our strong US comp performance in Q2.

    我們的第三個「Hungry for MORE」支柱是 R(代表「Renknown」價值)。正如我之前所說,這不僅僅是市場上最低的價格。這是為了提供創新且令人難忘的價值。著名的價值突破了您在市場上看到的無縫折扣的海洋。骨牌獎勵就是聲望值的一個例子。它繼續表現良好,是我們第二季度美國業績強勁的關鍵驅動力。

  • You'll recall our objectives for the program were to drive new users, particularly carryout customers and increased the frequency of light users. I'm happy to report that Domino's rewards continues to deliver on those objectives. Our active members are up significantly year to date through Q2, showing this program is continuing to build.

    您會記得我們該計劃的目標是吸引新用戶,特別是外送客戶,並增加輕度用戶的頻率。我很高興地向大家報告,Domino 的獎勵將繼續實現這些目標。今年第二季以來,我們的活躍會員數量顯著增加,顯示該計劃正在繼續發展。

  • Redemptions across both the delivery and carryout channels are also increasing, which is contributing to the transactional growth you're seeing in each of our businesses. For example, in our carryout business, orders with a loyalty redemption in the first half of 2024 are twice as high 2x as they were in the first half of 2023 under our old loyalty program.

    外送和外送管道的兌換也在增加,這有助於您在我們每項業務中看到的交易成長。例如,在我們的外送業務中,2024 年上半年進行忠誠度兌換的訂單數量是 2023 年上半年我們舊忠誠度計畫下的兩倍。

  • So the Americans continue to look for value, Domino's is providing renowned value and doing it profitably for our franchisees. National promotions are another way we're driving renowned value. In Q2, we had two boost weeks, both of which were very successful in driving transactions and customer acquisition. As it relates to our promotional cadence in 2024, you can continue to expect around six boost weeks.

    因此,美國人繼續尋找價值,達美樂正在提供著名的價值,並為我們的特許經營商帶來利潤。全國促銷是我們推動知名價值的另一種方式。在第二季度,我們經歷了兩週的推動週,這兩週在推動交易和客戶獲取方面都非常成功。由於這與我們 2024 年的促銷節奏有關,您可以繼續期待大約六週的促銷活動。

  • While providing renowned value through our own channels as one part of our barbell strategy, tapping into the aggregator marketplaces is the other. And our launch into this space remains on track to exit the year at 3% or more of sales coming through Uber Eats.

    雖然透過我們自己的管道提供知名價值作為我們槓鈴策略的一部分,但進入聚合市場是另一項。我們在這一領域的推出仍有望在今年結束時透過 Uber Eats 實現 3% 或更多的銷售額。

  • Everything we do at Domino's is enhanced by our best-in-class franchisees, they are the E in our Hungry for MORE strategy. In early May, we hosted our largest worldwide rally with almost 9,000 franchisees and team members in attendance. This year's event was appropriately themed Hungry for MORE, we brought this strategy to life across our global system and the results showed. This was our most highly rated rally of all time.

    我們在達美樂所做的一切都得到了我們一流的特許經營商的支持,他們是我們「Hungry for MORE」策略中的「E」。 5 月初,我們舉辦了規模最大的全球集會,有近 9,000 名加盟商和團隊成員參加。今年活動的主題是“渴望更多”,我們在全球系統中實施了這項策略,結果也顯示出來。這是我們有史以來評價最高的集會。

  • To close, I couldn't be more energized by the future of Domino's Pizza and seeing the excitement of franchisees that our rally really brought that to life for me and the leadership team. Our results show that our strategy is resonating with customers and our system, all of this gives me great confidence that we can continue to drive significant long-term value creation for our shareholders.


  • And with that, I'll turn things over to Sandeep.


  • Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thank you, Russell, and good morning, everyone. Our second quarter financial results were right in line with our expectations. Our strong start to the year has resulted in profit dollar growth versus 2023 for our US franchisees. We remain on track to achieve our target of $170,000 or more average US franchise store profit for 2024.

    謝謝拉塞爾,大家早安。我們第二季的財務表現完全符合我們的預期。今年的強勁開局使我們的美國特許經營商的利潤較 2023 年有所增長。我們仍有望實現 2024 年美國特許經營店平均利潤 170,000 美元或以上的目標。

  • Excluding the impact of foreign currency, global retail sales grew 7.2% in the quarter due to positive US and international comps and global net store growth. US retail sales increased 6.8% and international retail sales grew 7.7% excluding the impact of foreign currency. During Q2, same-store sales for the US came in at 4.8%, which was in line with our expectations. Our strong comps in the quarter for carryout of 7.9% and delivery of 2.7% were once again driven primarily by transaction growth.

    排除外匯的影響,由於美國和國際的積極業績以及全球淨商店增長,本季全球零售額增長 7.2%。剔除外匯影響,美國零售額成長 6.8%,國際零售額成長 7.7%。第二季度,美國同店銷售額成長 4.8%,符合我們的預期。本季我們強勁的業績表現再次主要受到交易成長的推動,結轉率為 7.9%,交付率為 2.7%。

  • Our US same-store sales continue to be primarily driven by transaction growth from our new loyalty program and our strong marketing programming. We also benefited from 1.5% of pricing, which was inclusive of high-single-digits in California.

    我們的美國同店銷售繼續主要受到我們新的忠誠度計劃和強大的營銷計劃帶來的交易增長的推動。我們還受益於 1.5% 的定價,其中包括加州的高個位數定價。

  • Our sales mix from Uber grew to 1.9% for the quarter. The incrementality of Uber sales continues to be in line with our expectations. Our comp tailwinds were partially offset by a higher carryout mix, which carries a lower ticket in delivery.

    本季 Uber 的銷售額成長至 1.9%。優步銷售額的增量持續符合我們的預期。我們的競爭優勢被較高的結轉組合所部分抵消,結轉組合的交付量較低。

  • Shifting to US unit count, we added 32 net new stores in line with our expectations. This brings our US system store count to 6,906. We remain on track to achieve our 175 or more net store growth target in the United States in 2024, and we anticipate opening our 7,000 stores by the end of the year.

    轉向美國門市數量,我們淨增 32 家新店,符合我們的預期。這使我們的美國系統商店數量達到 6,906 個。我們仍有望實現 2024 年在美國開設 175 家或更多門市的淨成長目標,預計到年底將開設 7,000 家門市。

  • Shifting to international, where comp results were generally in line with expectations for the quarter. Same-store sales excluding foreign currency impact, accelerated to 2.1% in the quarter. The improvement from Q1 was broad-based as we saw improvements in our Europe, Asia and Middle East markets.

    轉向國際市場,該季度的業績總體符合預期。排除外匯影響,本季同店銷售額加速至 2.1%。由於我們看到歐洲、亞洲和中東市場的改善,第一季的改善是廣泛的。

  • Store counts increased by 143 net stores as we finished the quarter with more than 14,000 international stores. Our net store openings were impacted by softness in DPE, on gross new store openings and closures.

    本季末,我們的國際門市數量超過 14,000 家,門市數量淨增加 143 家。我們的淨開店數量受到 DPE 疲軟、新店開張和關閉總額的影響。

  • Income from operations increased 1.7% in Q2, excluding the negative impact of foreign currency of $2.7 million. This increase was primarily due to higher franchise royalty revenues resulting from global retail sales growth. This was partially offset by higher G&A, which was primarily driven by higher labor expenses as well as the Company's worldwide rally expense as communicated on our last quarterly call.

    第二季營運收入成長 1.7%,剔除 270 萬美元的外匯負面影響。這一成長主要是由於全球零售銷售成長導致特許經營權收入增加。這被較高的一般行政費用所部分抵消,這主要是由勞動力費用增加以及我們在上一季度電話會議上傳達的公司全球集會費用推動的。

  • I expect the return on this expense to be extremely high as everyone across our system left engaged inspired and ready to drive a Hungry for MORE strategy.


  • Lastly, our margin rate was impacted by 0.3% headwind in Q2 from the tech fee being reduced to $0.355 and our ad fund contribution rate increasing back to 6% as previously communicated.

    最後,我們的保證金率在第二季度受到了 0.3% 逆風的影響,因為技術費用降低至 0.355 美元,而我們的廣告基金貢獻率則恢復至先前溝通的 6%。

  • Now turning to our outlook, we continue to expect 7% or more global retail sales growth, excluding the impact of foreign currency based on the following key items. First, our 2024 US comp to be above the 3% or more long-term guide as a result of catalysts in Uber and loyalty for the full year. And we expect comps to be 3% or more in Q3 and Q4.

    現在轉向我們的展望,根據以下關鍵項目,排除外匯影響,我們繼續預期全球零售額將成長 7% 或以上。首先,由於 Uber 的催化劑和全年的忠誠度,我們 2024 年的美國業績將高於 3% 或更多的長期指引。我們預計第三季和第四季的年成長率將達到 3% 或更高。

  • Specific to Q3, we expect comps to be slightly below what we saw in Q2 on a one-year basis as we're expecting one less Boost week, partially offset by a continued ramp in Uber. Second, sales through Uber to increase as marketing and awareness grow, and we are expecting to exit the year with an overall sales mix of 3% or more.

    具體到第三季度,我們預計一年後的比較將略低於第二季度的水平,因為我們預計 Boost 週會減少,部分被 Uber 的持續成長所抵消。其次,隨著行銷和知名度的提高,透過 Uber 的銷售額將會增加,我們預計今年的整體銷售額將達到 3% 或更高。

  • Third, international comps to accelerate to 3% or more long-term guidance in the back half of the year. As also noted, we now expect to fall below 1,100 or more net new store number for 2024. This is due to challenges in our international business, primarily related to DPE. As we get further visibility into the full effects of DPE store opens and closures, we will provide an update on the impact to our long-term outlook for 2025 and beyond.

    第三,下半年國際比較長期指引將加速至3%或以上。另如前所述,我們現在預計 2024 年淨新店數量將降至 1,100 家或更多。隨著我們進一步了解 DPE 商店開業和關閉的全面影響,我們將提供有關 2025 年及以後長期前景影響的最新資訊。

  • We continue to expect an 8% or more year-over-year increase in operating income, excluding the impact of foreign currency. To highlight some of the components, first, for the year, you can expect operating income margins to be relatively flat compared to 2023 and to be down slightly in Q3. As a reminder, we are not expecting to see cost leverage in 2024, primarily due to investments we are making in consumer technology, store technology and supply chain capacity to support future sales growth.

    我們繼續預期營業收入年增 8% 或以上,剔除外匯的影響。為了強調一些組成部分,首先,您可以預期今年的營業利潤率將與 2023 年相比相對持平,並在第三季略有下降。提醒一下,我們預計 2024 年不會出現成本槓桿,這主要是因為我們正在對消費者技術、商店技術和供應鏈能力進行投資,以支持未來的銷售成長。

  • Second, we are now expecting supply chain margins to expand compared to the prior year due to some favorability in the food basket and slightly higher procurement productivity. We are forecasting to come in below the midpoint of our food basket range of 1% to 3% for the year. In Q3, expect supply chain margins to be roughly flat compared to the prior year and down in Q4.

    其次,由於食品籃的一些優惠以及採購生產率的略微提高,我們現在預計供應鏈利潤率將比前一年擴大。我們預計今年的食品價格將低於 1% 至 3% 的中點。第三季度,預計供應鏈利潤率將與去年同期基本持平,第四季將有所下降。

  • Third, the favorability in supply chain margin is been partially offset by pressure within G&A due to slightly higher investment levels. We continue to expect our G&A as a percentage of global retail sales to be approximately 2.4%.

    第三,由於投資水準略有上升,G&A內部的壓力部分抵銷了供應鏈利潤率的有利影響。我們繼續預期 G&A 佔全球零售額的比例約為 2.4%。

  • And lastly, we are now expecting the impact of foreign currency to be approximately 1% of operating profit dollars in 2024. We expect this will impact our year-over-year operating profit margins by roughly 20 basis points. As was noted in our disclosure this morning, we did not repurchase any shares in the second quarter. We continue to maintain flexibility due to the volatility of the interest rate environment as we evaluate our upcoming debt maturity in October of 2025.

    最後,我們現在預計 2024 年外匯的影響將約為營業利潤的 1%。正如我們今天早上所披露的那樣,我們在第二季度沒有回購任何股票。由於利率環境的波動,我們在評估即將於 2025 年 10 月到期的債務時繼續保持靈活性。

  • Thank you. We will now open the line for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Dennis Geiger, UBS.


  • Dennis Geiger - Analyst

    Dennis Geiger - Analyst

  • Great. Good morning, guys. Thank you. Appreciate it. Wanted to ask a little bit more on the loyalty, what you're seeing there and sort of as we go into the back half of the year and maybe even into '25. How are you guys are thinking about that loyalty program, given the contribution you've seen already this year and what you're expecting kind of balance of the year in the year to how you think about marketing it, promoting it? Thank you, guys.

    偉大的。早上好傢伙。謝謝。欣賞它。我想多問一些關於忠誠度的問題,以及你在那裡看到的情況,以及當我們進入今年下半年,甚至可能進入 25 年時。考慮到你們今年已經看到的貢獻以及你們對今年的營銷和推廣的預期平衡,你們如何看待這個忠誠度計劃?感謝你們。

  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Morning Dennis. Thanks for the question. Yeah, I'll tell you, loyalty for us this year has just been tremendous. If you think about the objectives that we outlined in our Investor Day, we said with the new loyalty program, we wanted to drive light users and frequency there, check.


  • We wanted to continue obviously to drive our delivery customers, obviously we're doing that. But we also wanted to engage our carryout customers, check there. So it really is doing every single thing that we had hoped it would, we'll give a number at the end of the year as far as new users. But I can tell you the user -- the number of new users is increasing.


  • I gave a number in my opening remarks, that just to me is indicative of how this is going. Remember, one of the things we said we were going to do is really use loyalty to drive carryout. So orders from a carryout perspective, orders with loyalty redemptions in the first half of this year, are twice as high as they were under the old program in the first half of last year.


  • Sandeep talked about how our carrier business is doing. And this is one of the big reasons. So just really on all of the objectives, the loyalty program is delivering what we had hoped.


  • Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • One thing I'll add to that, Dennis is, we've talked about this previously, but this is a multiyear driver of comps for us. So this year is just the beginning. And as we did in Piece of the Pie Awards, when we launched it in 2014, we saw over three or four years continuous compounding of comps based on the launch of the program. We expect a similar kind of cadence as we go through this program as well.

    丹尼斯,我要補充的一件事是,我們之前已經討論過這一點,但這對我們來說是一個多年的驅動因素。所以今年只是個開始。正如我們在 Piece of the Pie Awards 中所做的那樣,當我們在 2014 年啟動該計劃時,我們看到基於該計劃的啟動,在三到四年內不斷進行複合。我們期望在完成這個計劃時也能有類似的節奏。

  • Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

    Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

  • Yeah. And when you think about the health of this quarter, and how order counts came in so strong, all of those customers are going into the flywheel of this loyalty program. So today's orders are really tomorrow's sales, and that's why we're so excited about how the loyalty program is working with everything else that's firing on the business right now.


  • Operator


  • Brian Bittner, Oppenheimer.


  • Brian Bittner - Analyst

    Brian Bittner - Analyst

  • Thank you. Good morning. As it relates to the unit growth guidance, I understand that the shortfall is primarily related to pressures you're witnessing at DPE, but can you dive into this dynamic a bit more? It just seems like a lot has changed versus when you initiated the long-term outlook at the end of last year. So just trying to better understand how the surprise came about so suddenly versus what you were expecting seven, eight months ago?

    謝謝。早安.由於它與單位增長指導相關,我知道短缺主要與您在 DPE 看到的壓力有關,但您能更深入地了解這一動態嗎?與去年年底您啟動長期前景時相比,似乎發生了很多變化。所以只是想更好地理解這個驚喜是如何突然出現的,而不是你七、八個月前的預期?

  • Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah, Brian, it's Sandeep. So I think when you go back to the Investor Day back in December, I think one of the process that we went through was working with all of our master franchisees, including DPE on the expectations that they have for the business. And we basically calibrated to that for both '24 and the five-year horizon as well.

    是的,布萊恩,我是桑迪普。因此,我認為當你回顧 12 月的投資者日時,我認為我們經歷的過程之一是與我們所有的主要特許經營商(包括 DPE)合作,以了解他們對業務的期望。我們基本上也針對 24 年和五年範圍進行了校準。

  • And at that time, we were completely aligned. So then actually, we got into the end of the Q1 call and then we got into the second quarter, and we started seeing that relative to our expectations and cadence, both new store openings as well as closures really centered increasing from DBE. And as we saw that we continue to engage with the DBE team to validate the forecasts that we had for the year. And it became pretty clear as we had actually went through that conversation and discussion that there was not only the risk to the second quarter that we were seeing.

    那時,我們完全一致。所以實際上,我們進入了第一季度電話會議的末尾,然後進入了第二季度,我們開始看到,相對於我們的預期和節奏,新店開張和關店都真正集中在 DBE 的增長上。正如我們所看到的,我們繼續與 DBE 團隊合作來驗證我們今年的預測。當我們實際進行對話和討論時,情況變得非常清楚,我們看到的不僅僅是第二季的風險。

  • But clearly the outlook was going to be impacted as well. And in fact, just yesterday I think DPE put out a release with a number of closures that they outlined in the Japan and France market in particular, which they're targeting for their first half, which is our second half, which therefore will land in this fiscal year. So apart from what we've seen in second quarter, we expect to see more pressure in the second half of this year.

    但顯然前景也會受到影響。事實上,就在昨天,我認為DPE 發布了一份新聞稿,其中列出了他們特別在日本和法國市場概述的一系列關閉措施,他們的目標是上半年,也就是我們的下半年,因此將登陸在本財年。因此,除了我們在第二季度看到的情況外,我們預計今年下半年將面臨更大的壓力。

  • So I think when you take the collective of all of that, it was a pretty material update that we were going to see in the numbers for this year, and we felt it appropriate to update our guidance for 2024. And also, you will notice the range is 175 to 275. Why is the range that big? Because I think as we go through the process of not just the closures but the potential openings, the timing of it could potentially shift between our fiscal '24 and fiscal '25. And that's why we're temporarily suspending guidance on the long-term outlook as well apart from this year.

    所以我認為,當你把所有這些都匯總起來時,我們將在今年的數字中看到一個相當重大的更新,我們認為更新 2024 年的指導是適當的。 275。因為我認為,當我們不僅要經歷關閉的過程,還要經歷潛在的開放的過程時,它的時間可能會在我們的 24 財年和 25 財年之間發生變化。這就是為什麼我們除了今年之外還暫時停止對長期前景的指導。

  • So that's kind of what went on in the background, Brian, so you understand that. But I think one of the things I want to just come back to is when we look at our long-term guide, I mean, we're talking about maintaining our GRS growth of 7%-plus and our operating income guide of 8%-plus. And the reason for this is, the store closures that we're talking about are very low volume stores. So when you actually put it all together, the aggregate impact to operating income is really immaterial in the grand scheme of things. And so that's why we're very confident in our operating income guidance, and we are reiterating that as you saw this morning.

    這就是背景中發生的事情,布萊恩,所以你明白這一點。但我想我想回到的一件事是,當我們審視我們的長期指南時,我的意思是,我們正在談論保持 7% 以上的 GRS 增長和 8% 的營業收入指南-加。原因是,我們所說的關閉商店都是銷量非常低的商店。因此,當你真正把所有這些放在一起時,從總體上看,對營業收入的整體影響實際上並不重要。這就是為什麼我們對我們的營業收入指引非常有信心,正如您今天早上所看到的那樣,我們重申這一點。

  • Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

    Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

  • And Brian, I would just add to that. I think what this shows me is, how many levers we have to grow this business. And so certainly we're working with DPE but let me just put some of this in perspective. So our sales and stores are still on target for the 7% -- I'm sorry, our sales and profit for the 7%-plus and the 8%-plus. And with that those headwinds in DPE, that means we have a lot of other things firing.

    布萊恩,我想補充一點。我認為這向我展示了我們有多少槓桿來發展這項業務。當然,我們正在與 DPE 合作,但讓我正確地看待這一點。因此,我們的銷售額和商店仍然達到 7% 的目標——對不起,我們的銷售額和利潤為 7% 以上和 8% 以上。鑑於 DPE 中的這些不利因素,這意味著我們還有很多其他事情要做。

  • And so just maybe I'll start with development. So at the same time, as we have this DPE news, we have news at China and India are increasing their outlook. We've got today 14,000 stores, half of those stores we've opened since 2015 and so the momentum we have on our way to 40,000 stores, which have a lot more room for us is tremendous.

    所以也許我會從開發開始。因此,同時,當我們收到 DPE 訊息時,我們也收到中國和印度正在提高前景的消息。如今,我們已經擁有 14,000 家門市,其中一半是我們自 2015 年以來開設的門市,因此我們向 40,000 家門市邁進的勢頭非常強勁,這為我們提供了更多空間。

  • When you think about our development in the US. Obviously, we're -- as Sandeep said in his remarks, 175 plus is still our target this year that we're going to hit. And when you think about the strength of development, openings are really important, so are closings. And in the trailing 12 months in the US, we've closed only seven stores out of a total about 7,000. And so development I think overall is pretty healthy. And like I said, we've got these other things firing at the same time, which is why our sales and profit numbers are still coming in at forecast.

    當你想到我們在美國的發展。顯然,正如 Sandeep 在他的演講中所說,175 以上仍然是我們今年要達到的目標。當你考慮發展的力量時,開放確實很重要,封閉也很重要。在過去 12 個月裡,我們在美國的門市總數約為 7,000 家,僅關閉了 7 家。所以我認為整體發展是相當健康的。就像我說的,我們同時啟動了其他一些事情,這就是為什麼我們的銷售額和利潤數據仍然符合預測。

  • Operator


  • David Tarantino, Baird.


  • David Tarantino - Analyst

    David Tarantino - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning. My question is a follow up Russell on your comments about the outlook for the year being unchanged, I guess, we've seen signs that consumer spending is slowing certainly in parts of the restaurant industry, and it feels like the degree of difficulty in the US has increased. So I just wanted to ask you to give some commentary on why you're so confident in holding those targets for this year and whether you think that degree of difficulty is higher or unchanged versus what you were thinking previously? Thanks.


  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, thanks David. To me, the best predictor of the future even though I have a lawyer in the room who probably tells me I can't say this, is what's happened. And you're right about consumer spending slow. But let's think about what's happened with that as a backdrop, is we've had -- we've grown orders in our delivery business, our carryout business, every income cohort, we haven't talked about international, but we've grown order count in international.


  • And so that's what's going on in an economy where folks are kind of maybe struggling to decide what to buy. And so if order counts are positive in that scenario, then as the momentum swings eventually, I expect our momentum to continue. So what you do when times are tough? To me that talks about the strength of the brand and that's why I just could not be more excited about how we delivered the results for the quarter.


  • Operator


  • Andrew Charles, TD. Cowan.


  • Andrew Charles - Analyst

    Andrew Charles - Analyst

  • Great, thank you. Sandeep, you talked about how the 3Q comps in the US are expected to trail 2Q levels and just given these are comparisons. I'm curious if that reflects what you're observing so far this quarter or it's more just forward looking around your expectation, just given one less Boost week in 3Q.

    太好了謝謝。 Sandeep,您談到了美國第三季的業績預計將落後第二季的水平,並且只是考慮到這些是比較。我很好奇這是否反映了您本季到目前為止所觀察到的情況,或者它只是對您的預期進行了前瞻性展望,只是考慮到第三季度少了一周的提升。

  • Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Andrew, thanks for the question. I think though it's more about what I talked about in the prepared remarks, which is we do have one less Boost week. We do have the ramp in Uber. But on a net basis, it's slightly below what we saw in Q2 as our expectation for Q3. But I'll go back to Russell's previous answer, we are seeing a tremendous performance in terms of transaction growth for the entire first half, and we're expecting to see that same performance in the entire second half. And so we're very confident in the ability of our business to deliver the kind of momentum that you've seen already in the first half and the back half, including Q3.


  • Operator


  • David Palmer, Evercore.


  • David Palmer - Analyst

    David Palmer - Analyst

  • Thanks, good morning. I guess the question is about -- I'll make it a kind of a two-parter. It looks like the sales trends are pretty volatile in the US from the data that we see, for example, things looked like they were weaker in April when you didn't have sort of a value forward message like Emergency Pizza or the $3 tip. Could you kind of reflect on the quarter and what you're seeing in terms of the consumer response to stuff and maybe give us a sense of what you think is working and not working in the US.

    謝謝,早安。我想問題是──我會讓它成為一種兩方合作的形式。從我們看到的數據來看,美國的銷售趨勢似乎相當不穩定,例如,當你沒有像緊急披薩或 3 美元小費這樣的價值轉發訊息時,四月份的銷售趨勢似乎較弱。您能否回顧一下本季以及您所看到的消費者對產品的反應,也許讓我們了解您認為哪些措施在美國有效,哪些無效。

  • And then separately, I think people are going to be concerned about the fourth quarter. If the third quarter is worse than this quarter, maybe let's say you do a 4% in the third quarter. I think people are going to be concerned about you holding that 3%-plus in the fourth quarter, given the comparison. So maybe you can address both of those things.

    然後,我認為人們會單獨關注第四季。如果第三季比本季差,也許可以說你第三季的成長率為 4%。考慮到比較,我認為人們會擔心你在第四季度保持 3% 以上的成長。所以也許你可以解決這兩個問題。

  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes. Maybe I'll give it a shot. And Sandeep, if I miss anything.


  • As far as the volatility in the short term, I think you know, we look at quarters not days and obviously years as well. And there are always some balancing those based on everything from weather to what we put out there. And so I like your -- the second part of your question which is kind of big picture, what's working and what's not working.


  • I was working as a Hungry for MORE strategy, and I'll give you an example maybe using one of the things we are doing this year, as we talked about was, we're going to launch two new products. So we just launched the New York Style pizza. New York Style pizza is all about the most delicious food. It's an innovation with intent. There are believe it or not some people out there who don't love our traditional crust. So this is an incremental crust, more foldable, hopefully bring new people in the fold.


  • At the same time, that new product is delivered in better delivery times as it was, than it was two years ago, that's operational excellence. It's part of our mix and match promotion. That's also part of our loyalty program, renowned value. And so what we're doing, David, is really tethering all these things together, there's never anything that's firing one cylinder on its own. There truly is a domino effect of connectivity between all the programs we have going on right now.


  • From a not-working perspective, I mean, we're always Hungry for MORE that's kind of the bumper sticker of this company. But I've been here 15, 16 years, and I know what drives the business. It's orders, it's stores, it's market share. And the orders that you've seen, the stores that you're seeing are -- just think about what traditional growth has been for the pizza category. We are going to be big winners from a share perspective. And once you do that, everything grows, your franchisee profitability grows, your advertising fund grows, you get a moat and our moat is filled right now with orders and stores and franchisee profits.

    從非工作的角度來看,我的意思是,我們總是渴望更多,這就像這家公司的保險桿貼紙一樣。但我已經在這裡工作了 15、16 年,我知道是什麼推動了業務。這是訂單,這是商店,這是市場份額。你所看到的訂單、你所看到的商店——只要想想披薩類別的傳統增長是怎樣的。從股票角度來看,我們將成為大贏家。一旦你做到了這一點,一切都會增長,你的加盟商盈利能力會增長,你的廣告資金會增長,你就會獲得一條護城河,而我們的護城河現在充滿了訂單、商店和加盟商利潤。

  • Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • David, I'll just try to -- just clarifying a couple of the points. I mean you asked about -- you talked about volatility in sales spend in the US, we didn't see any volatility. We saw a very steady cadence. And the steady cadence of sales is really driven by the flywheel that Russell talked about on the Loyalty program and the frequency that's continuing to build from there. We've seen that pretty consistently across the year frankly, including the second quarter. So we don't see the volatility at all.


  • And I think the other question that you asked was the confidence in the Q4 comp, and as I said in the prepared remarks, we expect both Q3 and Q4 to be above the 3%. So and but we just explained that Q3 may be slightly below Q2 because of the timing of the Boost -- of the number of Boost weeks offset by Uber's ramp.

    我認為你問的另一個問題是對第四季業績的信心,正如我在準備好的發言中所說,我們預計第三季和第四季都將高於 3%。所以,但我們剛剛解釋說,第三季度可能會略低於第二季度,因為 Boost 的時間表——被 Uber 的提升所抵消的 Boost 週數。

  • Now going to Q4, one of the things we talked about earlier was that loyalty is going to be a multi-year driver for us. So sure, we are lapping in Q4, the Loyalty program launch, but we still expect to be seeing tailwinds in the compounding impact from the Loyalty program in Q4.


  • In addition, Uber continues to build. And so, with both those drivers, there is every case to look at 3% or more as very, very much within reach in the fourth quarter, and we always Hungry for more. So the more we do, the better it is. So we're really confident. And because this is all transaction driven, it's really driving very strong economics.

    此外,Uber 還在繼續建造。因此,對於這兩個驅動因素,第四季度 3% 或以上的成長完全是可以實現的,而且我們總是渴望更多。所以我們做得越多,效果就越好。所以我們真的很有信心。因為這都是交易驅動的,所以它確實推動了非常強勁的經濟發展。

  • So franchisee profitability continues to grow. And I think that's actually driven by a significant performance on the supply chain side also, which is you are seeing on the supply chain financials that's going into the franchisee profits. So overall, very confident of our outlook for the back half of the year.


  • Operator


  • Lauren Silberman, Deutsche Bank.


  • Lauren Silberman - Analyst

    Lauren Silberman - Analyst

  • Thank you very much. I wanted to ask about the value strategy. You talked about the one boost peak in the third quarter. That leads to, I believe one in the fourth quarter, clearly driving strong performance, given the value focus in the industry, what flexibility, what flexibility do you have to further increase promotional activity, and then are you seeing any increase in value mix and how much is going through deals?


  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, Lauren thanks for the question. I think what we're doing in value is very special, and it is very different than what you are seeing in the industry right now, which I think folks, it is clear that there's been price taken. And folks are dealing back kind of individual items, telling customers, hey, this is what you can get on value.


  • What we've done, and we've done this since 2009 when we launched Mix & Match, our Mix & Match offer -- value is two things. Value is the price, but it's the price for what you want. It's the price for what you want is high and the price for something you don't want is not high, that doesn't really do much. And so, when you think about all of our platforms, you think about pizza, you think about pasta, sandwiches, desserts, salads, breads, chickens, all of those things consistently have been part of our promotional value play since the end of 2009.

    我們所做的,自 2009 年推出 Mix & Match(我們的 Mix & Match 服務)以來我們一直在這樣做——價值是兩件事。價值就是價格,但它是你想要的東西的價格。你想要的東西的價格很高,而你不想要的東西的價格不高,這並沒有多大作用。因此,當您想到我們所有的平台時,您會想到披薩、義大利麵、三明治、甜點、沙拉、麵包、雞肉,所有這些自 2009 年底以來一直是我們促銷價值的一部分。

  • And having that consistency when people wake up in the morning and decide where they want to order, they know that they can trust Domino's. That trusted value is leading to the order count you're seeing. And then they become part of that loyalty flywheel. And so, I just -- I think it's important to make sure we explain our approach to value is not just price. It's about price for what people actually want to order. And that's. as you've seen over this time period, a very sustainable way to grow.


  • Operator


  • Gregory Francfort, Guggenheim.


  • Gregory Francfort - Analyst

    Gregory Francfort - Analyst

  • Hey, Russ. I love the Domino effect reference there. But I just had a question on the incrementality of Uber and just some of the commentary there. I think you should have had it for about nine months. Can you talk about what you've learned and maybe how you are changing some of the marketing message over the last maybe three months or six months? And then any update on thoughts on DoorDash in the next year? Should we still expect something on that and maybe what the timing would look like? Thanks.

    嘿,拉斯。我喜歡那裡的骨牌效應參考。但我只是對 Uber 的增量以及那裡的一些評論有疑問。我想你應該已經有九個月了。您能談談您學到了什麼,以及在過去三個月或六個月裡您如何改變一些行銷訊息嗎?那麼明年關於 DoorDash 的想法有什麼更新嗎?我們是否還應該對此有所期待,也許時機會是什麼樣子?謝謝。

  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks, Greg, and we're going to send you the Domino effect bumper sticker after this. So you want to look out for that. Uber is performing as we thought it would. It is doing so in a little bit of a different way. And I talked about it last quarter, but I think it is worth bringing up again.

    謝謝,格雷格,此後我們將向您發送多米諾效應保險桿貼紙。所以你要注意這一點。 Uber 的表現符合我們的預期。它以稍微不同的方式這樣做。我上個季度談到這個問題,但我認為值得再次提及。

  • So first, from a sales perspective, it's about 1.9% of sales. And our – we are tracking towards our goal this year of 3% of sales. How it’s coming is a little bit different. And what we've seen is really an uptick more in a high-low strategy, originally our approach was, okay, if we have kind of an everyday low price, not compared to our channels, right? Still the lowest price Loyalty program in our channel. That would be the way to win.

    首先,從銷售額的角度來看,它大約佔銷售額的 1.9%。我們的目標是實現今年 3% 的銷售額。它的發生方式有點不同。我們所看到的實際上是高低策略的上升,最初我們的方法是,好吧,如果我們每天都有低價,而不是與我們的管道相比,對嗎?仍然是我們通路中價格最低的忠誠度計劃。這將是獲勝之道。

  • But actually, it's -- whether it's how customers shop or part of the algorithm or a little bit of both, starting out with a slightly higher price that you can discount from is a way to get more eyeballs. And so, we've continued to test and pivot that way, and you are seeing it in the results.


  • So again, we're -- the year is folding like we thought it would. And so, what that leaves us with your question about DoorDash is the current exclusivity with Uber runs through Q1. At that point, whether or not we renew is our choice, and so we'll be looking at the economics and potential at that point. But that would be the time to think about do we stay exclusive? Or do we open up to a DoorDash or other aggregators. We've talked about the $1 billion opportunity for us is really our fair share on all of the aggregators, which in about three years or so is what we hope to get to.

    再說一遍,這一年正像我們想像的那樣過去。因此,您對 DoorDash 的疑問是,目前與 Uber 的獨家經營權貫穿第一季。到那時,我們是否續約是我們的選擇,因此我們將考慮當時的經濟效益和潛力。但這是時候考慮我們是否保持排他性?或者我們是否向 DoorDash 或其他聚合商開放。我們已經談到,對我們來說,10 億美元的機會實際上是我們在所有聚合商中的公平份額,這是我們希望在大約三年左右的時間內實現的目標。

  • Operator


  • John Ivankoe, JPMorgan.


  • John Ivankoe - Analyst

    John Ivankoe - Analyst

  • Hi, thank you. Especially in the context of closures in France and in Japan, I asked about impacts of store splits in the US, you are currently at around 2.5% store growth rate in the US, which is actually high for a fairly mature brand. So you've talked about what you see as net, I guess, cannibalization or whatever you want to call it, what negative impact on same-store sales from store splits, and is there any learning -- I guess, either side of the Atlantic or either side of the Pacific as it may be in terms of who is learning for who or who is learning from who in terms of how markets can be penetrated?

    嗨,謝謝你。特別是在法國和日本關閉的背景下,我詢問了美國門市分拆的影響,目前美國的門市成長率約為 2.5%,這對於一個相當成熟的品牌來說實際上是很高的。所以你已經談到了你所看到的淨,我想,蠶食或任何你想稱之為的東西,商店拆分對同店銷售的負面影響,以及是否有任何學習 - 我想,無論是哪一方大西洋或太平洋的任何一邊,就誰在為誰學習或誰在向誰學習如何滲透市場而言?

  • Is that that they didn't necessarily follow the same site model that you do? Or you do have any opportunities to kind of look at them in terms of how densely markets can be penetrated? I just want to, I guess, have a sense of your level of risk acceptance in terms of hitting your US store targets without overly encroaching on your existing current asset base? Thank you.


  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, John, I'll take that. And maybe I'd start with the fact that I remember when we used to actually disclose what headwinds of splits were. So the fact that we are not disclosing them anymore, I can give you a sense of how material they are. The great thing about the Domino's model and us leaning into carryout about a decade ago is 80% -- when you split a store, 80% of the carryout volume is incremental. And so that right away when you are splitting a territory, you are getting all these customers.

    是的,約翰,我會接受的。也許我應該從這樣一個事實開始:我記得當我們過去實際披露分裂的逆風是什麼時。因此,事實上我們不再披露它們,我可以讓您了解它們的重要性。多米諾骨牌模式的偉大之處在於,我們大約十年前傾向於外賣,即 80%——當你拆分一家商店時,80% 的外賣量是增量的。因此,當您分割一個區域時,您將立即獲得所有這些客戶。

  • Those customers, they don't want to drive past four pizza places on their way to a Domino's. And so the more Domino's we have, the more carryout business we drive, and you can see how on fire carryout is. The number that Sandeep took you through was same-store sales for carryout. That has nothing to do with all the carryout sales we're driving from new stores. And then what happens when you split these stores, not only does your carryout business get better. But remember, I talked earlier about our delivery time being 10% better than they were two years ago?

    這些顧客不想在去達美樂的路上經過四個披薩店。因此,我們擁有的骨牌越多,我們推動的外賣業務就越多,您可以看到外送業務有多火爆。 Sandeep 帶您查看的數字是外送的同店銷售。這與我們從新商店推動的所有外送銷售無關。當你拆分這些商店時會發生什麼,不僅你的外賣業務會變得更好。但還記得嗎,我之前說過我們的交貨時間比兩年前縮短了 10%?

  • Sure, it's a lot of the programs that we are driving with our franchisees, but it's also when you split stores, you get closer to your customers. And when you have more consistent delivery, those customers come back more. So it really is a – it's a wonderful cycle when it's really going well.


  • And actually, one what I'd say is because you had asked about international learnings, one that -- DPE was one of the first folks to do in Australia. They got a 50% market share in Australia and a lot of it was through penetration with new stores, and obviously, tightening their delivery areas, growing their carryout business.

    事實上,我想說的是因為你問過國際學習的問題,DPE 是澳洲第一批這樣做的人之一。他們在澳洲獲得了 50% 的市場份額,其中很大一部分是透過新商店的滲透而實現的,顯然,他們也收緊了送貨區域,擴大了外送業務。

  • What they talked about that they saw in Japan was they probably split a little too fast. But doing it strategically over time has been a winning formula. They've shown it and I think that's been a huge driver of our market share.


  • Operator


  • Sara Senatore, Bank of America.


  • Sara Senatore - Analyst

    Sara Senatore - Analyst

  • Thank you. I have actually sort of one just clarification and then a question on the new restaurant growth. So the clarification was just quickly on the pricing versus cost inflation and whether franchisees are seeing something similar. Obviously, you are still on track for the franchisee profitability targets, but pretty modest price increase that clearly didn't cover inflation for labor insurance.


  • Is that kind of the dynamic that we should expect to see broadly going forward? Or was there anything kind of one-time in this quarter that specifically perhaps around insurance? But then the question on net restaurant growth is about you mentioned strength in China and India. Could you just maybe in broad strokes, talk about what volumes look like in different parts of the world.


  • So a closure in Australia presumably is a higher volume or let's say, lack of openings in Australia, more of a hit to volumes for retail sales overall than perhaps openings in China and India, I mean that would be my guess, but perhaps that's not accurate. Thanks.


  • Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • So Sara, let me start with the clarification on pricing versus cost inflation. I think you're talking about the corporate stores, particularly. And really if you look at what happened on the corporate stores, and we had an insurance charge in the quarter that actually resulted in margins contracting. And if you actually strip out that insurance charge, margins were roughly flat, and profit dollars grew. And really speaking, when we look at our franchisee profitability, that's pretty much a dynamic. We are looking at profit dollar growth, and that's exactly what we're expecting to see.


  • And frankly, we expect to see that in corporate stores as well, as we actually go through the year. We continue to expect to see both margin improvement, as well as profit dollar growth on the corporate stores as well. And then I think specific to restaurant growth in China and India and your comment on the size of the stores, the closures that we're talking about essentially are very low-volume stores.


  • So from that perspective, I think they're not necessarily comparable to the averages across all of the different markets. And so, I think the drag is relatively small with the closures that we're talking about, specifically in Japan and France. And the growth opportunities continue to be robust. And the China stores, they've actually put out releases talking about their new store openings and the kind of record sales they're generating over there. So very exciting to see the growth coming from China.


  • Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

    Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

  • And I'd add to that Sara, for us, and I think really for the industry, when you think about the best way to cover cost inflation, assuming margins are in the area of where they should be, the best way to do that is by driving order count versus price. And so, cost inflation for some folks may be a negative thing. For us, given our scale because we can drive more order counts, if we can get away with doing that without pricing and getting frequency, we are going to do that all day, and that's what's happened.


  • And I looked -- I just want to give a nod to our insights team because one of the questions earlier was about pricing in this environment right now and headwinds with the customer. Well, with through our research, we knew -- we figured out when it was time to take price, and we also figured out, when it was time not to take price.


  • And all of those decisions are what's leading into the results you see now, and it will continue to drive what we decide to do moving forward. Now the best piece of it too, is the research, a lot of it is numbers. But then it gets translated to real life when you put it down to the stores.


  • And then what you do is you watch what consumers do and you watch what your franchisees do. And what's been great is obviously, the order counts. So consumers are happy. But franchisees who are sticking with the recommendations not only obviously on our national offer but local offers and menu pricing. And so, this is something that, I think, is proprietary for us and has worked and will continue to work overtime.


  • Operator


  • Danilo Gargiulo, Bernstein.


  • Danilo Gargiulo - ;Analyst

    Danilo Gargiulo - ;Analyst

  • I was wondering if you can give a little bit more color on what you think, at least in your view, will be causing the softness in unit opening by DPE? And more specifically also, if you can share what is your level of confidence that international store openings and closure pressures is going to be limited only to DPE and that we are not going to see another potential reduction in the guidance later on with other master franchisees coming softer versus your original expectation. Thank you.

    我想知道您是否可以對您認為(至少在您看來)導致 DPE 單元開口疲軟的原因提供更多說明?更具體地說,如果您能分享您對國際商店開張和關閉壓力將僅限於 DPE 的信心程度,並且我們不會看到其他主特許經營商隨後可能再次減少指導與您最初的期望相比,變得更加柔和。謝謝。

  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes. Danilo, I'll let DPE's release kind of speak to what they are thinking about those closures. So they talked about Japan being a little bit aggressive in openings and now they are seeing kind of the results of that. What gives me confidence about the rest of the piece of the algorithm is, as an example, I said earlier DPC China, DASH, and Jubilant, they're going to be 40% to 50% of our openings, and they each increased their outlook.

    是的。 Danilo,我會讓 DPE 的發布來表達他們對這些關閉的想法。所以他們談到日本在空缺方面有點激進,現在他們看到了這種結果。讓我對演算法的其餘部分充滿信心的是,舉個例子,我之前說過 DPC China、DASH 和 Jubilant,他們將佔據我們空缺職位的 40% 到 50%,並且他們各自增加了自己的職位空缺。外表。

  • And so, the beauty of being in over 90 countries around the world is, look, I'm not trying to look away from what clearly was a miss in one part of the business. But a good business is able to kind of handle that. And that's what being 90-plus markets helps us do. And all of these levers that end up leading to the 7%-plus on the sales basis and the 8%-plus on a profit basis really show how that is made up in times like this.

    因此,在全球 90 多個國家/地區工作的美妙之處在於,我並沒有試圖忽略業務中某個明顯缺少的部分。但好的企業能夠處理好這個問題。這就是 90 多個市場可以幫助我們做到的。所有這些槓桿最終導致銷售額增加 7% 以上,利潤增加 8% 以上,這確實表明了在這樣的時期是如何彌補的。

  • Anything to add Sandeep?


  • Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • No.


  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Okay.


  • Operator


  • Peter Saleh, BTIG.


  • Peter Saleh - Analyst

    Peter Saleh - Analyst

  • Yeah. Great. Thanks for taking my question. I wanted to ask about the -- you guys mentioned positive order counts in both delivery and carryout in the US. Can you just talk a little bit about -- are these new customers? Are these lapsed users? And just any thoughts on that call, lower income consumer. Are you seeing -- I know you said you were seeing growth across all income cohorts. But any thoughts on what you are seeing there. Is that accelerating? Is it stable?


  • I guess that's my first question. And then just a follow-up on that, on the store closures from DPE, Sandeep, you said they're very low volume. Is there any way to give us an order of magnitude of how low these stores are in terms of volumes just so that we understand. Thank you very much.

    我想這是我的第一個問題。然後是關於 DPE、Sandeep 商店關閉的後續行動,你說它們的銷量非常低。有沒有辦法告訴我們這些商店的銷量有多低,以便我們可以理解。非常感謝。

  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes. Maybe Sandeep, you can -- the other way to look at that is just talk about the profit impact.


  • Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah. I think the -- so on this -- let me start with the second part of the question, right, which is the store volumes and what's going to happen. Very low volume in relative terms to the rest of the fleet and the rest of the market in all the stores that are closing in Japan and France. So that impact is so material to the profit number, it's in a few million dollars and on a forward basis for 2025, and will have a very limited impact even on 2024, considering we’re only halfway through the year. So very small to answer your question from that Peter.

    是的。我認為——所以,讓我從問題的第二部分開始,對吧,即商店數量以及將要發生的情況。相對於其他車隊和日本和法國關閉的所有商店的其他市場而言,銷量非常低。因此,這種影響對利潤數字非常重要,在 2025 年的基礎上,其影響為數百萬美元,考慮到今年才過半,即使到 2024 年,影響也非常有限。非常小,無法回答彼得的問題。

  • Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

    Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

  • Yeah. And Peter, just on the first question, what I'd say about the order count, and I try to stress this by giving the specifics of delivery and carryout in every income segment is we've got some of the most balanced order count I've ever seen. And I believe that is also true for the -- not only in our history, but also just in the industry right now. Your specific question on the lower-income customer, the order count there is positive as well. And part of that was intent not only from our pricing, but as we put the Loyalty program together.


  • Remember you used to have to have two things. You had to buy $10 worth of food to get any points. Now it's $5. So that hurdle is a little bit easier. You used to have to buy six times to get something free. Now you can buy -- get some free after two orders, which is great for the customer, actually great for our franchisee too, because the margin on the 20-point and 30-point item is much better on those orders than the 60. So what it is not like we just kind of fell into this. This was intent in both the design of our pricing and the design of our loyalty program and it's not going away.

    請記住,您過去必須擁有兩件事。您必須購買價值 10 美元的食物才能獲得積分。現在是 5 美元。所以這個障礙稍微容易一些。過去你必須購買六次才能獲得免費的東西。現在您可以購買- 兩次訂單後免費獲得一些,這對客戶來說很好,實際上對我們的加盟商也很好,因為20 點和30 點商品的利潤比這些訂單的60 點要好得多。這是我們定價設計和忠誠度計畫設計的初衷,而且不會消失。

  • Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • And the beautiful thing, Pete, is it is so balanced across all income cohorts. And I think it really reflects what Russell is talking about. And that consistency has been seen all through the first half of the year.


  • Operator


  • Chris O'Cull, Stifel.


  • Chris O'Cull - Analyst

    Chris O'Cull - Analyst

  • Yeah. Good morning guys. Russell, just given the success of the New York Style Pizza, can you talk more about this innovation with intent strategy? And in just part of that answer, can you maybe touch on whether the innovation you expect to launch later this year, we'll leverage that approach?

    是的。早上好傢伙。 Russell,剛剛考慮到紐約風味披薩的成功,您能多談談這種意圖策略的創新嗎?在這個答案的一部分中,您能否談談您預計在今年稍後推出的創新,我們是否會利用這種方法?

  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah. Sure, Chris. Well, I will tell you the one thing that did not drive New York Style Pizza was the guy in the spot, which for those of you who don't know, was me. Sandeep keeps telling me I have a face for radio. So we'll see when it's time for your performance review, how that works out. But yeah, so New York Style Pizza, this idea of Innovation with Intent. If you look back the last 15 years, 16 years at Domino's, there are -- I can't think of more than two items that -- products that we've launched that we've taken off the menu.

    是的。當然,克里斯。好吧,我會告訴你,沒有推動紐約風格披薩的一件事是現場的那個人,對於那些不知道的人來說,就是我。桑迪普一直告訴我,我有一張適合廣播的臉。所以我們會看看什麼時候會對你進行績效評估,效果如何。但是,是的,所以紐約風格的披薩,這種創新的概念。如果你回顧過去 15 年、16 年在 Domino's 的經歷,我想不出超過兩個項目——我們推出的產品已經從菜單上刪除了。

  • Launching a new product takes a lot of money. It takes a lot of time. And so there needs to be a strategic role in it. Whether or not you were successful is whether or not that items are still there. So you think about -- I'm not going to really give you any forward-looking of it to say, again, we're going to continue to do two a year.


  • New York Style Pizza, right? We talked about this is a customer that may not like our traditional crust as much. So there's a reason for doing it. If you think about what we did last year with Pepperoni Stuffed Cheesy Bread, okay. Putting Pepperoni in something is probably not the most innovative thing in the world. But guess what? It reminded people that we have Stuffed Cheesy Bread. And when you have all of these platforms -- and remember Chris, 40% of what we sell is not pizza.

    紐約式披薩,對嗎?我們談到這位顧客可能不太喜歡我們的傳統麵包皮。所以這樣做是有原因的。如果你想想我們去年用義大利辣香腸夾心起司麵包所做的事情,好吧。將義大利辣香腸放入某些東西可能不是世界上最具創新性的事情。但猜猜怎麼了?它提醒人們我們有夾餡起司麵包。當你擁有所有這些平台時——記住克里斯,我們銷售的 40% 不是披薩。

  • You got to figure out a way to continue to talk about pizza but continue to remind people that you have these platforms. And so, maybe those are two good examples of intent. One is going after a customer that probably doesn't frequent Domino's. And the other is reminding people of a platform that when they add to their order if it increased the ticket and is more profitable for our franchisees.


  • Operator


  • Brian Harbour, Morgan Stanley.


  • Brian Harbour - Analyst

    Brian Harbour - Analyst

  • Yeah. Thanks. Good morning, guys. If I could just follow up on some of the comments about store margins. So if you kind of set aside that insurance impact, I mean, is this mostly just about there being still pretty significant wage inflation? Do you think that's kind of the case through the balance of this year? Obviously, you did have order count growth, right? But it sounds like that's kind of being offset on the labor side. And I don't know if maybe there is any sort of product mix dynamics that have also affected that. Could you just talk more about the store margin dynamics?


  • Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah. So Brian, I think the thing that the company stores is, it is actually it's a much smaller data set, right, because we've only got about six DMAs in which we're operating. And yes, there was some wage pressure that we were actually dealing with as we went through the first half. But we are getting closer to lapping some of those -- the wage pressures that we took.

    是的。 Brian,我認為公司儲存的資料集實際上要小得多,對吧,因為我們只有大約六個 DMA 在其中運行。是的,上半年我們實際上面臨一些薪資壓力。但我們正越來越接近解決其中一些問題——我們承受的工資壓力。

  • And overall, -- when you look at the economics of the stores, they actually, on a first half basis, still pretty good and they've definitely ex the insurance adjustment. It's still expanding and growing. We expect that to continue to happen. That's why I said for the full year on the company stores, I still expect our margins to be better and our profit dollars to grow.


  • And I think being -- what I want to emphasize is we shouldn't view company stores as an analog to what's happening on the franchisee stores because the data set is so limited in relative terms. On the franchisee stores, we are seeing very, very balanced profit growth across the business. And we -- and that's what gives us confidence that the $170,000 or more is definitely on track.

    我認為,我想強調的是,我們不應該將公司商店視為與特許經營商店發生的情況的類比,因為資料集相對而言非常有限。在加盟店方面,我們看到整個業務的利潤成長非常非常平衡。而我們——這讓我們有信心 17 萬美元或更多的資金肯定會步入正軌。

  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah. And I'll just maybe build on that question on the lab just reminds me of an earlier question we had about Q4 and Emergency Pizza and how we are going to lap that potential headwind. And I guess what I'd say there is, we are in the business of creating headwinds. I love the questions on headwinds because that means we did something really successful that folks are wondering, how are we going to overlap.


  • Well, we are in a business that are creating headwinds, and we are in the business of beating those headwinds. And so, I'm not concerned about that. And I know what the team has going and they're up for the challenge. And if you think about Emergency Pizza, during this time now where you are seeing a lot of price out there from folks, I think who has what price point is going to be, as I always talk about the sea of standards. How are you going to know when an ad is over, who owned this particular price point.


  • Everyone in the country knows who owns Emergency Pizza. And so, we have things like that, carryout tips, You Tip, We Tip, that's renowned value. And so, there are as you see more and more discounts to customers as, I think, different restaurants are adjusting to pricing, I believe there is going to be a lot of noise in that. And what our team does really breaks through that noise.


  • Operator


  • Todd Brooks, The Benchmark Company.


  • Todd Brooks - Analyst

    Todd Brooks - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning. Thanks for taking my question. Just a quick follow-up on loyalty. Sandeep, I think when you talked about loyalty last quarter that you talked about the 20- and 40-point reward tiers as being the majority of redemptions. I wanted to see if that trend is continuing to go going forward? And with enough time passing, do you have a sense that somebody that redeems at a lower point level tends to continue to do so? So it is almost a faster frequency flywheel coming from loyalty, if those customers stick at those lower redemption tiers? Thank you.

    早安.感謝您提出我的問題。只是對忠誠度的快速跟進。 Sandeep,我想當您上個季度談到忠誠度時,您提到 20 點和 40 點獎勵等級是大多數兌換的獎勵等級。我想看看這種趨勢是否會持續下去?隨著時間的推移,您是否感覺到以較低積分水平贖回的人往往會繼續這樣做?那麼,如果這些客戶堅持較低的兌換級別,那麼這幾乎是來自忠誠度的更快頻率飛輪?謝謝。

  • Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Sandeep Reddy - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • So Todd, you asked the question and answered it yourself. And really, it's exactly that. We have been seeing very consistent trends in terms of the redemption of the 20- and 40-point levels, and it is driving that frequency flywheel, as we go along because they're continuing to transact and redeem. And that's what we are very confident on continuing as we move forward into a multiyear flywheel.

    托德,你提出了這個問題並自己回答了。確實,確實如此。我們在 20 點和 40 點水平的贖回方面看到了非常一致的趨勢,並且它正在驅動頻率飛輪,因為我們繼續進行交易和贖回。這就是我們非常有信心在進入多年飛輪的過程中繼續下去的。

  • Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

    Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

  • Yeah. And back to the question before, Todd, that reminds me of the Innovation with Intent has -- Innovation with Intent is not just new products. It's a Loyalty program and how you put your Renowned Value together. So with Emergency Pizza, if you recall, you buy a pizza, you can get a free one in a month. Well, you do that, all of a sudden, you're part of our Loyalty program. You're at 20 points, you're getting a free item.

    是的。回到之前的問題,托德,這讓我想起了意圖創新——意圖創新不僅僅是新產品。這是一個忠誠度計劃以及您如何將您的聲譽價值整合在一起。因此,對於緊急披薩,如果您記得,您購買了一份披薩,您可以在一個月內免費獲得一份。好吧,你這樣做了,突然之間,你就成為了我們忠誠度計劃的一部分。您已獲得 20 分,您將獲得一件免費物品。

  • With our tipping program, either carryout or delivery one, if you buy one, you're part of the program. You then use your tip, you've got a second item if you're part of the Loyalty program and you're redeeming. The most important thing about our new Loyalty program is getting people to understand how easy it is to earn. And the programs that we are putting out there aren't just driving sales. They are driving that clarity for folks about, wow, I can get stuff really quick.


  • Operator


  • Christine Cho, Goldman Sachs.


  • Christine Cho - Analyst

    Christine Cho - Analyst

  • Hi, thank you. So I know you have just had the worldwide rally in May. So really curious to hear some of your key takes from the event? Or were there any surprises? What are the areas that your franchisees around the world are most excited about, most worried about any common strategic priorities that have come up there would be great. Thank you.


  • Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Russell Weiner - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, Christine, this was a fantastic rally. And it's not just me saying it. Here's -- I'll give you some numbers on it. We do quantative studies on everything here at Domino's, we do it on a rally. It was the highest rally we've ever had as far as people. But the scores of attendee is we've never had a higher one.


  • And this one blew my mind. I will get you that later if I'm sharing something I shouldn't. But one of the things we ask people is what was the -- did you take away the key message. And the results there were 98% took away a key message. We've never had numbers anywhere like that.

    這讓我大吃一驚。如果我分享了一些不該分享的內容,我稍後會告訴你。但我們問人們的一件事是——你是否帶走了關鍵訊息。 98% 的結果得出了一個關鍵訊息。我們從來沒有在任何地方有過這樣的數字。

  • And the cool thing was people were leaving to rally. A lot of times you do these rallies and whatever they are called, like the bumper sticker we are going to send out earlier, it really is more, what does the t-shirt look like or what do people shout. Hungry for MORE is more than that. Folks came away knowing what jobs they needed to do. And so, the really cool part for me were, for example, the US franchisees leaving and saying, I got it. I'm responsible for the M and the O. Making sure the food, we make it delicious, and we deliver it the right way.

    最酷的事情是人們離開去集會。很多時候,你會舉行這些集會,無論它們叫什麼,例如我們之前要發出的保險桿貼紙,它實際上更多的是,T 卹看起來像什麼,或者人們喊什麼。渴望更多的意義遠不止於此。人們離開時知道他們需要做什麼工作。因此,對我來說真正很酷的部分是,例如,美國特許經營商離開並說,我明白了。我負責 M 和 O。

  • We had international franchisees saying, ah, this idea of renowned value is really, really interesting. And what happened? We went back and you've seen changes in the marketing in a lot of our international markets because of Hungry for MORE. And so, I just -- I believe it not only talks about the strength of our system. It is nice to have profitable franchisees all in one place, they're all pretty happy. But when they come away talking about the future, is what makes us really excited.


  • Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

    Greg Lemenchick - Vice President - Investor Relation

  • Thank you, Christine. That was our last question of the call. I want to thank you all for joining our call today, and we look forward to speaking with you all again soon. You may now disconnect.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your participation in today's conference. This does conclude the program. You may now disconnect. Good day.
