戴爾 (DELL) 2019 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning, and welcome to the Fiscal Year 2019 Second Quarter Earnings Conference Call for Dell Technologies Inc.

    早上好,歡迎來到戴爾科技公司 2019 財年第二季度收益電話會議。

  • I'd like to inform all participants this call is being recorded at the request of Dell Technologies.

    我想通知所有與會者,應 Dell Technologies 的要求,我們正在對此次通話進行錄音。

  • This broadcast is the copyrighted property of Dell Technologies Inc.

    此廣播是 Dell Technologies Inc. 的版權財產。

  • Any rebroadcast of this information, in whole or part, without the prior written permission of Dell Technologies is prohibited.

    未經 Dell Technologies 事先書面許可,禁止全部或部分轉播此信息。

  • As a reminder, the company is also simulcasting this call at investors.delltechnologies.com.

    提醒一下,該公司還在 investors.delltechnologies.com 上同時直播了此次電話會議。

  • A replay of this webcast will be available at the same location for 1 year.

    該網絡廣播的重播將在同一地點提供 1 年。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • I'd like to turn the call over to Rob Williams, Senior Vice President of Investor Relations.

    我想把電話轉給投資者關係高級副總裁 Rob Williams。

  • Mr. Williams, you may begin.


  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • Thanks, Regina.


  • Good morning, and thanks for joining us.


  • With me today is: our CFO, Tom Sweet; our Vice Chairman, Products and Operations, Jeff Clarke; and our Treasurer, Tyler Johnson.

    今天和我在一起的是:我們的首席財務官 Tom Sweet;我們的產品和運營副主席 Jeff Clarke;以及我們的財務主管 Tyler Johnson。

  • We posted our second quarter press release and our web deck on our website.


  • I encourage you to review these documents for additional perspective.


  • Our Q2 10-Q will be filed on Tuesday, September 11.

    我們的 Q2 10-Q 將於 9 月 11 日星期二提交。

  • As many of you know, on July 2, we announced that we had completed our strategic review and reached an agreement with the Dell Technologies Special Committee of Independent Directors to exchange, subject to Class V common stockholder approval, the outstanding Class V common stock of Dell Technologies for Class C common stock of Dell Technologies or, at the holder's election, cash.

    正如你們許多人所知,7 月 2 日,我們宣布我們已完成戰略審查並與 Dell Technologies 獨立董事特別委員會達成協議,在 V 類普通股股東批准的情況下,交換 Dell Technologies 已發行的 V 類普通股Dell Technologies 的 C 類普通股或現金,由持有人選擇。

  • We filed our preliminary Form S-4 with the SEC on August 6 and amended S-4 yesterday.

    我們於 8 月 6 日向美國證券交易委員會提交了初步表格 S-4,並於昨天修改了 S-4。

  • We plan to file a definitive S-4 in the coming weeks, at which time we will set a date for the special meeting.

    我們計劃在未來幾週內提交最終的 S-4,屆時我們將確定特別會議的日期。

  • We will be hosting an Analyst Meeting in New York on September 18.

    我們將於 9 月 18 日在紐約舉辦分析師會議。

  • And we'll hold a series of roadshow meetings in the weeks following to meet with investors in one-on-one and group settings across multiple cities.


  • Today's call is intended to discuss the results for our second fiscal quarter.


  • And as such, we will not address nor will we take questions related to the Class V transaction.

    因此,我們不會解決也不會回答與 V 類交易相關的問題。

  • It's important that we allow the process to play out over the coming weeks.


  • And we look forward to further engagement with DVMT stockholders on this topic.

    我們期待與 DVMT 股東就此主題進行進一步接觸。

  • Before I turn it over to Tom, I'd like to remind you of a few highlights.


  • During this call, we will reference non-GAAP financial measures, including non-GAAP revenue, gross margin, operating expenses, operating income, net income, EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA.

    在本次電話會議中,我們將參考非 GAAP 財務指標,包括非 GAAP 收入、毛利率、營業費用、營業收入、淨收入、EBITDA 和調整後的 EBITDA。

  • A reconciliation of these measures to their most directly comparable GAAP measures can be found in our web deck and our press release.

    在我們的網絡平台和新聞稿中可以找到這些措施與其最直接可比的 GAAP 措施的對賬。

  • Our Q2 non-GAAP operating income excludes $2.1 billion of adjustments.

    我們第二季度的非 GAAP 營業收入不包括 21 億美元的調整。

  • The majority of these are noncash and relate to purchase accounting and amortization of intangible assets.


  • Please refer to the supplemental slides beginning on Slide 21 for details on our non-GAAP adjustments.

    有關我們的非 GAAP 調整的詳細信息,請參閱從幻燈片 21 開始的補充幻燈片。

  • Please also note that all growth percentages refer to year-over-year change unless otherwise specified.


  • Finally, I'd like to remind you that all statements made during this call that relate to future results and events are forward-looking statements based on current expectations.


  • Actual results and events could differ materially from those projected due to a number of risks and uncertainties, which are discussed in our Cautionary Statement section in our web deck.


  • We assume no obligation to update our forward-looking statements.


  • Now I'll turn it over to Tom.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Rob.


  • We are at the beginning of a technology-led investment cycle driven by digital transformation.


  • IDC projects worldwide information and communications technology spending will grow at roughly 2x GDP over the next 4 years.

    IDC 預測全球信息和通信技術支出在未來 4 年內將以大約 2 倍於 GDP 的速度增長。

  • We have created Dell Technologies to meet this opportunity head-on.

    我們創建了 Dell Technologies 來迎接這一機遇。

  • We operate our complementary family of businesses in close coordination to enable our platform to seamlessly deliver differentiated IT solutions, which is driving revenue, synergies and growth that are increasingly reflected in our company performance.

    我們密切協調運營我們互補的業務系列,使我們的平台能夠無縫地提供差異化的 IT 解決方案,這正在推動收入、協同效應和增長,這越來越多地反映在我們公司的業績中。

  • The results for the second quarter exemplify this point.


  • We delivered another strong quarter of top line velocity, and we hit a number of company records across the business with double-digit revenue growth for all 3 of our reportable segments.

    我們實現了另一個強勁的季度最高線速度,我們在整個業務中創下了多項公司記錄,我們所有 3 個可報告部門的收入均實現了兩位數增長。

  • We generated strong operating cash flow and made progress paying down core debt.


  • The momentum in server, client and VMware that started building last year has extended into fiscal '19 and we're seeing positive progress in storage.

    去年開始構建的服務器、客戶端和 VMware 的勢頭已經延續到 19 財年,我們看到存儲方面取得了積極進展。

  • GAAP revenue for the quarter was $22.9 billion, up 18% with a GAAP operating loss of approximately $13 million.

    本季度 GAAP 收入為 229 億美元,增長 18%,GAAP 營業虧損約為 1300 萬美元。

  • Non-GAAP revenue was $23.1 billion, up 16%, driven primarily by double-digit growth in servers, storage, commercial and consumer client and VMware.

    非 GAAP 收入為 231 億美元,增長 16%,主要受服務器、存儲、商業和消費者客戶端以及 VMware 兩位數增長的推動。

  • Gross margin was up 13% to $7.1 billion and was 30.6% of revenue, which was down 90 basis points as we saw foreign currency impacts, primarily in emerging markets, and mix dynamics within ISG as server growth continued above 25% for the fourth consecutive quarter.

    毛利率增長 13% 至 71 億美元,佔收入的 30.6%,下降了 90 個基點,因為我們看到外匯影響,主要是在新興市場,以及 ISG 內部的混合動態,因為服務器增長連續第四次超過 25%四分之一。

  • Operating expense was $5 billion, up 13% and was 21.4% of revenue, which was down 70 basis points as OpEx grew at a slower rate than revenue.

    營業費用為 50 億美元,增長 13%,佔收入的 21.4%,由於運營支出增長速度低於收入,營業支出下降了 70 個基點。

  • Operating income was up 13% to $2.1 billion or 9.1% of revenue, down 30 basis points.

    營業收入增長 13% 至 21 億美元,佔收入的 9.1%,下降 30 個基點。

  • Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter was up 13% to $2.5 billion or 10.6% of revenue.

    本季度調整後的 EBITDA 增長 13% 至 25 億美元,佔收入的 10.6%。

  • On a trailing 12-month basis, adjusted EBITDA was $10 billion.

    在過去 12 個月的基礎上,調整後的 EBITDA 為 100 億美元。

  • Turning to the business segments.


  • Revenue for the Infrastructure Solutions Group was a record $9.2 billion, up 24%.

    基礎設施解決方案集團的收入達到創紀錄的 92 億美元,增長 24%。

  • The increase was driven by a 13% growth in storage to $4.2 billion and a 34% growth in servers and networking to $5.1 billion.

    這一增長是由存儲增長 13% 至 42 億美元以及服務器和網絡增長 34% 至 51 億美元推動的。

  • We are encouraged by the positive signs we've seen in storage as it delivered its second consecutive quarter of double-digit revenue growth.


  • And we performed well relative to the rest of the industry.


  • Jeff will discuss this in more detail later in this dialogue.

    Jeff 稍後將在本次對話中更詳細地討論這個問題。

  • We continue to see strong demand for PowerEdge servers, coupled with ongoing expansion of our average selling prices, as customers look for higher compute requirements and more richly configured servers associated with software-defined data center solutions and mission-critical activities and workloads, such as data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

    我們繼續看到對 PowerEdge 服務器的強勁需求,加上我們的平均售價不斷上漲,因為客戶尋求與軟件定義的數據中心解決方案和關鍵任務活動和工作負載相關的更高計算要求和配置更豐富的服務器,例如數據分析、人工智能和機器學習。

  • Operating income for ISG was $1 billion or 11% of revenue, which is a 230 basis point increase over the prior year, primarily due to improved storage performance and operating expense leverage.

    ISG 的營業收入為 10 億美元,佔收入的 11%,比上年增長 230 個基點,這主要是由於存儲性能和運營費用槓桿的提高。

  • Revenue for our Client Solutions Group was up 13% to $11.1 billion, with double-digit growth across both commercial and consumer.

    我們的客戶解決方案部門的收入增長了 13%,達到 111 億美元,在商業和消費者領域均實現了兩位數的增長。

  • Strong revenue growth in commercial notebooks and workstations helped drive commercial revenue up 13% to a record $8.1 billion.

    商用筆記本電腦和工作站的強勁收入增長推動商業收入增長 13%,達到創紀錄的 81 億美元。

  • Consumer revenue was $3 billion, up 14% as we saw double-digit revenue growth across all of our consumer notebooks and desktops.

    消費者收入為 30 億美元,增長 14%,因為我們看到所有消費者筆記本電腦和台式機的收入都實現了兩位數的增長。

  • CSG operating income was $425 million, down 20% and was 3.8% of revenue.

    CSG 營業收入為 4.25 億美元,下降 20%,佔收入的 3.8%。

  • This was lower than our expectations as the team worked through some intra-quarter foreign currency impacts, principally in the emerging market economies.


  • As a reminder, in Q2 last year, CSG operating income benefited from a vendor settlement of approximately $70 million, which improved the operating margin rate by 70 basis points.

    提醒一下,去年第二季度,CSG 營業收入受益於約 7000 萬美元的供應商結算,這將營業利潤率提高了 70 個基點。

  • Normalized for that item, operating income was down approximately 8%.

    對該項目進行標準化後,營業收入下降了約 8%。

  • We are pleased with the business trajectory and relative performance.


  • Our long-term operating margin targets have not changed.


  • And we will continue to execute on our profitable growth strategy.


  • The VMware segment had another strong quarter, delivering $2.2 billion of revenue, which was up 11%.

    VMware 部門又迎來了一個強勁的季度,實現了 22 億美元的收入,增長了 11%。

  • Operating income was $736 million or 33.5% of revenue.

    營業收入為 7.36 億美元,佔收入的 33.5%。

  • Based on VMware's standalone results reported August 23, the company saw broad-based strength across its product portfolio with double-digit license bookings growth year-over-year in compute, management, end-user computing, NSX and vSAN, VxRail.

    根據 VMware 8 月 23 日公佈的獨立業績,該公司看到了其產品組合的廣泛實力,在計算、管理、最終用戶計算、NSX 和 vSAN、VxRail 方面的許可證預訂量同比增長了兩位數。

  • Their software-defined data center strategy in cloud, mobility, networking and security solutions form a powerful digital foundation for delivering the apps that drive business innovation and business success.


  • We continue to see strong cross-sell opportunities as we leverage both the Dell Technologies and VMware sales forces.

    我們繼續看到強大的交叉銷售機會,因為我們同時利用了 Dell Technologies 和 VMware 的銷售隊伍。

  • VMware expects to realize an estimated $700 million of incremental annual bookings in fiscal '19 working with Dell Technologies.

    VMware 預計在 19 財年與 Dell Technologies 合作實現每年約 7 億美元的增量預訂。

  • Revenue from our other businesses, which include Pivotal, SecureWorks, RSA Security, Virtustream and Boomi, was $574 million, up 6%.

    我們其他業務(包括 Pivotal、SecureWorks、RSA Security、Virtustream 和 Boomi)的收入為 5.74 億美元,增長 6%。

  • Now turning to cash flow, the balance sheet and capital allocation.


  • We generated cash flow from operations of $2.6 billion, driven primarily by business momentum and working capital discipline.

    我們從運營中產生了 26 億美元的現金流,主要受業務發展勢頭和營運資本紀律的推動。

  • On a trailing 12-month basis, cash flow from operations was $8.5 billion.

    在過去 12 個月的基礎上,運營現金流為 85 億美元。

  • Excluding the impact of financing receivables, our cash flow from operations would have been $3.1 billion and $10.3 billion for Q2 and the trailing 12 months, respectively.

    排除應收賬款融資的影響,我們第二季度和過去 12 個月的運營現金流分別為 31 億美元和 103 億美元。

  • As a reminder, we initially fund DFS financing receivables with cash on hand, so the growth in DFS impacts our cash flow from operations.

    提醒一下,我們最初用手頭現金為 DFS 融資應收賬款提供資金,因此 DFS 的增長會影響我們的運營現金流。

  • This impact is offset in cash flow from financing when we subsequently fund it through third-party financing.


  • Our cash and investments balance was approximately $21.5 billion.

    我們的現金和投資餘額約為 215 億美元。

  • Deferred revenue was $21.7 billion, up approximately $3.2 billion year-over-year and growing slightly faster than top line revenue.

    遞延收入為 217 億美元,同比增長約 32 億美元,增長速度略快於收入增長。

  • Deferred revenue growth benefited from increased software and hardware maintenance and continued interest in our flexible consumption models.


  • We believe this growth is a positive indication that our strategy is working as we offer more software and service solutions across the family of businesses.


  • During Q2, we repaid $2.5 billion of a legacy EMC investment-grade note, as mentioned on the June earnings call, plus another $100 million of amortization, bringing our core debt balance to $37.1 billion.

    在第二季度,我們償還了 25 億美元的遺留 EMC 投資級票據,如 6 月份的財報電話會議所述,再加上另外 1 億美元的攤銷,使我們的核心債務餘額達到 371 億美元。

  • Net core debt, which is core debt less cash and investments, excluding VMware and Pivotal, ended the quarter at $29.9 billion.

    淨核心債務,即核心債務減去現金和投資(不包括 VMware 和 Pivotal),本季度末為 299 億美元。

  • Total debt was $50.3 billion, down approximately $2.4 billion compared to the prior quarter due to our repayment of the EMC note, partially offset by an increase of approximately $200 million in DFS debt.

    由於我們償還了 EMC 票據,總債務為 503 億美元,與上一季度相比減少了約 24 億美元,部分被 DFS 債務增加約 2 億美元所抵消。

  • In addition, earlier this week, we prepaid $600 million of our term loan A-3 that matures in December of this year.

    此外,本週早些時候,我們預付了今年 12 月到期的 6 億美元定期貸款 A-3。

  • We intend on repaying the remaining $600 million of the term loan A-3 at maturity using cash from the balance sheet.

    我們打算在到期時使用資產負債表中的現金償還剩餘的 6 億美元定期貸款 A-3。

  • We are executing on our strategy of paying down core debt.


  • And I am pleased with the steady progress.


  • Since closing the EMC transaction, we've paid down approximately $13.7 billion of gross debt, excluding DFS-related and subsidiary debt, while continuing to make appropriate and timely business investments.

    自完成 EMC 交易以來,我們已經償還了大約 137 億美元的總債務,不包括與 DFS 相關的債務和附屬債務,同時繼續進行適當和及時的業務投資。

  • Dell Financial Services had a very strong quarter with record originations of $1.9 billion, which was up 18%.

    戴爾金融服務有一個非常強勁的季度,創紀錄的 19 億美元,增長了 18%。

  • We fund this business predominantly through a combination of securitization, syndication and loans, all collateralized by high-quality financing receivables.


  • We finished Q2 with financing receivables of $8.2 billion, which is up $1.5 billion or 22% compared to Q2 of last year.

    我們在第二季度完成了 82 億美元的融資應收賬款,與去年第二季度相比增加了 15 億美元或 22%。

  • We remain confident around our capital structure.


  • We are comfortable with our cash balances and strong cash flow generation.


  • With our net core debt balance now below $30 billion, we will continue to focus on paying down debt to return to investment grade.

    由於我們的淨核心債務餘額現在低於 300 億美元,我們將繼續專注於償還債務以恢復到投資級別。

  • Now let me turn it over to Jeff to walk you through the operational highlights for ISG and CSG.

    現在讓我把它交給 Jeff,向您介紹 ISG 和 CSG 的運營亮點。

  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • Thanks, Tom, and good morning, everyone.


  • We had a strong second quarter and first half of FY '19.

    我們在 19 財年的第二季度和上半年表現強勁。

  • We saw sustained top line momentum across ISG and CSG, where we delivered double-digit revenue growth in each of these segments.

    我們在 ISG 和 CSG 看到了持續的收入增長勢頭,我們在每個細分市場都實現了兩位數的收入增長。

  • From the edge to the core to the cloud, digital transformation is now at the forefront of our customers' IT agenda.

    從邊緣到核心再到雲,數字化轉型現在處於我們客戶 IT 議程的最前沿。

  • IDC states that 67% of Global 2000 enterprises now have digital transformation at the center of their corporate strategy.

    IDC 指出,67% 的全球 2000 強企業現在將數字化轉型作為其企業戰略的核心。

  • And Dell Technologies is helping our customers navigate the journey and capturing synergy opportunities along the way.

    Dell Technologies 正在幫助我們的客戶駕馭旅程並在此過程中抓住協同機會。

  • A perfect example of this is with a major tech-forward consumer retailer.


  • During Q2, we completed one of the largest VxRail hyperconverged infrastructure deals in our history, implementing a 1,200-store data center refresh.

    在第二季度,我們完成了歷史上最大的 VxRail 超融合基礎設施交易之一,實施了 1,200 家商店的數據中心更新。

  • It was another great win across our teams for Dell and VMware.

    這是戴爾和 VMware 團隊之間的又一次偉大勝利。

  • We also saw a deal with a U.S.-based supermarket chain to replace a competitor when building out a new data center using PowerMax.

    我們還看到與一家美國連鎖超市達成協議,在使用 PowerMax 構建新數據中心時取代競爭對手。

  • The company already had Tier 1 applications running VMware workloads, so a great example of the cross-sell opportunities we can drive.

    該公司已經擁有運行 VMware 工作負載的第 1 層應用程序,因此這是我們可以推動的交叉銷售機會的一個很好的例子。

  • These are both great proof points of the synergies we are realizing across the Dell Technologies portfolio and how we're differentiated in what we can offer our customers.

    這些都是我們在整個 Dell Technologies 產品組合中實現的協同作用以及我們如何在為客戶提供的服務方面與眾不同的重要證明。

  • We are pleased with the progress we've seen in ISG as storage had its second consecutive quarter of double-digit revenue growth and servers and networking delivered its seventh quarter of year-over-year revenue growth to hit an all-time high of $5.1 billion.

    我們對 ISG 取得的進展感到高興,因為存儲連續第二個季度實現兩位數的收入增長,服務器和網絡實現了第七個季度的同比收入增長,創下 5.1 美元的歷史新高十億。

  • We are also pleased with the growth in operating income for ISG, which increased 56% to $1 billion in Q2.

    我們也對 ISG 營業收入的增長感到高興,該收入在第二季度增長了 56% 至 10 億美元。

  • Storage revenue was up 13% in the quarter.

    本季度存儲收入增長了 13%。

  • Demand was up in file-based arrays, high-end Storage and Data Protection offerings.


  • Our focus remains on driving velocity in the mid-range as this is a key area of growth in the array segment.


  • We are also seeing ongoing strong demand for our market-leading hyperconverged portfolio and other software-defined offers.


  • Our VxRail and VxRack offerings saw triple-digit growth again this quarter on a demand basis.

    我們的 VxRail 和 VxRack 產品在本季度的需求基礎上再次實現三位數增長。

  • And VxRail now is above a $1 billion annualized run rate.

    VxRail 現在的年化運行率超過 10 億美元。

  • From an industry standpoint, IDC predicted external storage would grow 5.5% on a revenue basis in calendar Q2.

    從行業的角度來看,IDC 預測第二季度外部存儲的收入將增長 5.5%。

  • IDC Storage Tracker is scheduled to be released later this afternoon.

    IDC Storage Tracker 計劃於今天下午晚些時候發布。

  • And we expect we will outperform the industry and gain share for the second consecutive quarter when the data is released.


  • Demand for servers remained strong.


  • We became a worldwide leader for x86 servers based on units and revenue in calendar Q3 of last year according to IDC.

    根據 IDC 的數據,根據去年第三季度的單位和收入,我們成為 x86 服務器的全球領導者。

  • And based on the results released yesterday for calendar Q2, we again gained share and extended our lead for x86 servers worldwide as our growth outpaced the industry's.

    根據昨天發布的日曆第二季度的結果,隨著我們的增長超過行業,我們再次獲得了市場份額並擴大了我們在全球 x86 服務器方面的領先優勢。

  • We are advancing our strategy in ISG.

    我們正在推進我們在 ISG 中的戰略。

  • Specifically, innovation is accelerating as we simplify the portfolio and focus our investments across fewer solutions to better serve our customers, notably as they look to modernize their IT infrastructure to drive better business outcomes through data-driven artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.

    具體而言,隨著我們簡化產品組合併將投資集中在更少的解決方案上以更好地為我們的客戶服務,創新正在加速,特別是當他們希望實現 IT 基礎架構現代化以通過數據驅動的人工智能和機器學習技術推動更好的業務成果時。

  • We spoke last -- when we spoke last quarter about major product launches at Dell Technology World, including our end-to-end NVMe PowerMax storage solution and new PowerEdge servers built for AI and machine learning workloads.

    我們最後一次發言——上個季度我們談到了戴爾技術世界的主要產品發布,包括我們的端到端 NVMe PowerMax 存儲解決方案和為人工智能和機器學習工作負載構建的新 PowerEdge 服務器。

  • Our innovation engine is driving new solutions and feature enhancements across the portfolio.


  • We recently released updates to the Dell EMC Unity and SC Series, enabling customers to easily upgrade their Dell EMC Unity and SC Series All-Flash and Hybrid storage arrays to improve workload performance, storage capacity, data protection and availability.

    我們最近發布了 Dell EMC Unity 和 SC 系列的更新,使客戶能夠輕鬆升級他們的 Dell EMC Unity 和 SC 系列全閃存和混合存儲陣列,以提高工作負載性能、存儲容量、數據保護和可用性。

  • The new Unity Operating Environment boosts file-based replication, data mobility and security capabilities for file and block workloads.

    新的 Unity 操作環境增強了文件和塊工作負載的基於文件的複制、數據移動性和安全功能。

  • And our Unity portfolio now includes CloudIQ, a native cloud-based application that uses predictive analytics and machine learning to proactively provide a comprehensive health score for each array, which helps customers identify, understand and address potential issues in their storage environment.

    我們的 Unity 產品組合現在包括 CloudIQ,這是一個基於雲的原生應用程序,它使用預測分析和機器學習主動為每個陣列提供全面的健康評分,幫助客戶識別、了解和解決其存儲環境中的潛在問題。

  • We also introduced the Integrated Data Protection Appliance, the DP4400, that brings enterprise-class backup, deduplication, replication and recovery and built-in cloud readiness with disaster recovery and long-term data retention to the cloud.

    我們還推出了集成數據保護設備 DP4400,它帶來了企業級備份、重複數據刪除、複製和恢復以及內置的雲就緒功能,可在雲中進行災難恢復和長期數據保留。

  • It's simple, powerful data protection for mid-sized organizations with incredible scale on-premise and in the cloud without additional hardware, again all aimed at enabling our customers to make their modern data center transformation a reality in the ways that work for their business today and tomorrow as their data needs grow.


  • And we launched the PowerEdge MX, the first modular server designed for the emerging category of disaggregated data center infrastructure.

    我們還推出了 PowerEdge MX,這是第一款專為新興分類數據中心基礎設施類別設計的模塊化服務器。

  • The PowerEdge MX supports a combination of dense virtualization, software-defined storage, software-defined networking, artificial intelligence and big data projects and its unique no mid-plane design enables it to support multiple generations of technology releases, so customers can grow for years to come.

    PowerEdge MX 支持密集虛擬化、軟件定義存儲、軟件定義網絡、人工智能和大數據項目的組合,其獨特的無中板設計使其能夠支持多代技術發布,因此客戶可以長期增長來。

  • The benefits of this system include flexibility to dynamically respond to the changing needs as it leverages a shared pool of compute, storage and networking assets; increases efficiency by creating policies and workflows; and automating them via software tools.


  • It helps companies protect infrastructure and life cycle investments for improved ROI and greater overall business impact.


  • Turning to CSG.


  • We shipped a record number of units in our second quarter.


  • We saw expansion of average selling prices overall, leading to another quarter of double-digit revenue growth.


  • We continue to see strength in our commercial notebooks, desktops and workstations, along with software and peripherals, specifically displays and client peripherals.


  • As Tom mentioned, operating income for CSG was lower in the quarter as the team adjusted prices to mitigate foreign currency impacts in certain countries and regions but were unable to offset all of the impacts, especially late in the quarter.

    正如 Tom 所提到的,CSG 本季度的營業收入較低,因為該團隊調整價格以減輕某些國家和地區的外匯影響,但無法抵消所有影響,尤其是在本季度末。

  • From an industry perspective, we outperformed the PC industry in calendar Q2 as we grew 9% compared to the industry at 2.3%.

    從行業的角度來看,我們在第二季度的表現優於 PC 行業,因為我們增長了 9%,而行業增長率為 2.3%。

  • In total, we gained 110 basis points of PC unit share worldwide, marking the 22nd straight quarter of share gains.

    總的來說,我們在全球的 PC 單位份額增加了 110 個基點,這是連續第 22 個季度份額增長。

  • We gained share in notebooks, desktops worldwide as well as in commercial and consumer, which allowed us to reach our highest share positions to date for a total worldwide share of 18.2% and for commercial, where we hit 22.8%.

    我們在全球範圍內的筆記本電腦、台式機以及商用和消費類產品中獲得了份額,這使我們達到了迄今為止的最高份額,全球總份額達到 18.2%,而在商用領域,我們達到了 22.8%。

  • Worldwide workstation units for the industry continued to see strong growth in calendar Q2 with growth in all regions and form factors.


  • We grew 13% and remain the industry-leading provider of workstations with 41% share.

    我們增長了 13%,並以 41% 的份額保持行業領先的工作站供應商。

  • As the leader in this category, we continue to invest in innovative solutions in this space.


  • In Q2, we announced the world's most powerful one-unit rack workstation and several new tower workstations designed to make it possible for companies of all sizes and budgets to access powerful, affordable and compact industry-leading workstations.


  • As I've mentioned on the last couple of calls, client software and peripherals continues to be an area of strength in our business.


  • In Q2, we saw another quarter of double-digit growth in displays and client peripherals.


  • According to DisplaySearch for calendar Q1, we gained 150 basis points of share to hit our 20th consecutive quarter of being the #1 provider of flat-panel displays worldwide.

    根據第一季度 DisplaySearch 的數據,我們獲得了 150 個基點的份額,連續第 20 個季度成為全球第一大平板顯示器供應商。

  • Last week, we made several announcements in conjunction with VMworld that are great examples of how we leverage the innovation across Dell Technologies and our position to win from the edge to the core to the cloud.

    上週,我們與 VMworld 一起發布了幾項公告,這些公告很好地說明了我們如何利用 Dell Technologies 的創新以及我們從邊緣到核心再到雲的定位。

  • These new solutions and enhanced integrations provide our customers with a unified, seamless experience across PC and mobile devices, software-defined data centers, hyperconverged infrastructures and multi-cloud platforms.

    這些新的解決方案和增強的集成為我們的客戶提供了跨 PC 和移動設備、軟件定義數據中心、超融合基礎設施和多雲平台的統一、無縫體驗。

  • The early feedback we've heard from customers and partners has been overwhelmingly positive.


  • At the edge, we announced enhancements to the Dell provisioning for VMware Workspace ONE service that enables automatic device setup and extends the efficiencies of cloud management to configuration and deployment.

    在邊緣,我們宣布增強 Dell provisioning for VMware Workspace ONE 服務,該服務支持自動設備設置並將雲管理的效率擴展到配置和部署。

  • We have simplified PC life cycle management with expanded PC-as-a-Service offerings.

    我們通過擴展的 PC 即服務產品簡化了 PC 生命週期管理。

  • And we're improving the scalability and stability for customers from the edge to the core to the cloud with new Dell Internet of Things solutions for surveillance.


  • To the core, we're increasing workload capacity, performance scalability and control with the new Dell EMC VxRail G560, which delivers greater density in a 2U form factor.

    就核心而言,我們正在通過新的 Dell EMC VxRail G560 提高工作負載容量、性能可擴展性和控制,它在 2U 外形中提供更高的密度。

  • We synchronized Dell EMC VxRail appliance and VMware vSAN update releases, so customers get the latest technology features as quickly as possible to address their rapidly changing business needs.

    我們同步了 Dell EMC VxRail 設備和 VMware vSAN 更新版本,以便客戶盡快獲得最新的技術功能,以滿足他們快速變化的業務需求。

  • We extended vSAN ReadyNode support to the new Dell EMC PowerEdge MX, which provides a high, flexible platform for vSAN ReadyNodes as HCI building blocks.

    我們將 vSAN ReadyNode 支持擴展到新的 Dell EMC PowerEdge MX,它為作為 HCI 構建塊的 vSAN ReadyNodes 提供了一個高度靈活的平台。

  • For the cloud, we announced 10 new product enhancements to our cloud portfolio, including the VxRack software-defined data center, pre-integrated and constructed to deliver the latest technology from VMware Cloud Foundation to offer the ultimate infrastructure foundation for realizing a VMware multi-cloud.

    對於雲,我們宣布了雲產品組合的 10 項新產品增強功能,包括 VxRack 軟件定義的數據中心,這些產品經過預先集成和構建,可提供 VMware Cloud Foundation 的最新技術,從而為實現 VMware 多雲計算提供最終的基礎架構基礎。雲。

  • And finally, we launched a new Dell EMC Cloud Marketplace, bringing the power of the Dell Technologies family together in one place, offering customers a choice of cloud platforms, cloud-enabled infrastructure capabilities, cloud consulting and technology services and cloud consumption models in a self-service portal.

    最後,我們推出了一個新的 Dell EMC Cloud Marketplace,將 Dell Technologies 系列的強大功能集中在一個地方,為客戶提供雲平台、支持雲的基礎架構功能、雲諮詢和技術服務以及雲消費模型的選擇自助服務門戶。

  • In closing, we are very pleased with the performance across the business, notably as the strategic decisions we've made in ISG are driving improvement in the business.

    最後,我們對整個業務的表現感到非常滿意,特別是因為我們在 ISG 中做出的戰略決策正在推動業務的改進。

  • We have been clear that we still have work to do.


  • And we are continuing to invest for the long-term growth of the business.


  • We look forward to talking more about this at the Analyst Meeting in a couple of weeks.


  • With that, let me turn it back over to Tom.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Jeff.


  • Today, we are well positioned as an integrated end-to-end technology provider to better serve our customers.


  • We have many things going well.


  • We are leaders in most of the key segments in which we compete.


  • And we've had good cross-selling momentum and coordinated innovation across the family of businesses.


  • We are pleased with our relative performance versus our competitors.


  • Our growth is above the industry in most segments and are encouraged by the first half performance in storage.


  • We've seen great velocity in client, servers, hyperconverged infrastructure and VMware, which has helped drive strong cash flow performance and allowed us to make progress on debt repayment.

    我們看到客戶端、服務器、超融合基礎設施和 VMware 的發展速度很快,這有助於推動強勁的現金流表現,並使我們在償還債務方面取得進展。

  • We've seen improvement in the storage business.


  • And we're pleased with the revenue growth we've seen in storage in the first half of this fiscal year.


  • We still have work to do.


  • But we are confident that the decisions in investments we made are the right ones for the long term.


  • And we're optimistic about our progress to date.


  • As we look to the second half of fiscal '19, we want to sustain the growth trajectory even as we fine-tune our business model.

    展望 19 財年下半年,我們希望在微調業務模式的同時保持增長軌跡。

  • We will also continue executing on our strategic areas of focus, which include growing above the market and driving share gains; generating strong cash flow and delevering the balance sheet; executing in ISG and driving profitability by balancing growth and margins; and being a trusted partner for our customers by listening and addressing their needs with our full range of capabilities.

    我們還將繼續執行我們的戰略重點領域,包括超越市場增長和推動份額增長;產生強勁的現金流並去槓桿化資產負債表;通過平衡增長和利潤來執行 ISG 並提高盈利能力;並通過我們的全方位能力傾聽和滿足客戶的需求,成為客戶值得信賴的合作夥伴。

  • As most of you know, we have not provided guidance since the go-private transaction.


  • And it is not our intention to provide guidance in the future.


  • However, in conjunction with the July second Class V transaction announcement, we thought it was important to provide a framework for performance expectations for this fiscal year.

    然而,結合 7 月的第二項 V 類交易公告,我們認為為本財年的業績預期提供一個框架很重要。

  • For fiscal '19, given the momentum we've seen year-to-date, we are adjusting the ranges provided on July 2. We now expect non-GAAP revenue between $90.5 billion and $92 billion for the full fiscal year.

    對於 19 財年,鑑於我們今年迄今看到的勢頭,我們正在調整 7 月 2 日提供的範圍。我們現在預計整個財年的非 GAAP 收入將在 905 億美元至 920 億美元之間。

  • We now expect non-GAAP operating income to be between $8.4 billion and $8.8 billion and non-GAAP net income between $4.9 billion and $5.3 billion.

    我們現在預計非 GAAP 營業收入在 84 億美元至 88 億美元之間,非 GAAP 淨收入在 49 億美元至 53 億美元之間。

  • There are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind.


  • We started seeing signs of momentum beginning in the third quarter of last year.


  • So we will face tougher year-over-year comparisons in the second half of fiscal '19.

    因此,我們將在 19 財年下半年面臨更嚴格的同比比較。

  • And we also continue to invest in the business in areas such as sales, R&D and our strategically aligned businesses with these investments layering in during the second half of this fiscal year.


  • We are making these decisions with a disciplined approach and for long-term growth of the company.


  • We are committed to our approach of value creation over the mid- to long term and are not running the company to optimize any particular quarter.


  • We are focused on driving improved operating leverage, and we expect sales productivity will continue to ramp beyond fiscal '19, given the investments we've made in our sales force this year.

    我們專注於推動提高運營槓桿,並且鑑於我們今年對銷售隊伍的投資,我們預計銷售生產力將在 19 財年之後繼續提高。

  • We're confident in how we're managing the business.


  • And we're focused on execution and driving returns on the investments that we've made across the segments.


  • With that, I'll turn it back to Rob to begin Q&A.


  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • Thanks, Tom.


  • Let's get to Q&A.


  • (Operator Instructions) Regina, can you introduce the first question?


  • Operator


  • Our first question will come from the line of Thomas Egan with JPMorgan.

    我們的第一個問題將來自摩根大通的 Thomas Egan。

  • Thomas James Egan - Executive Director

    Thomas James Egan - Executive Director

  • I know -- you guys have been -- as you pointed out, you're doing well across everything right now.


  • And I don't think it's a big surprise that you're taking share on the CSG side because you've been doing that for a while.

    而且我認為您在 CSG 方面分享份額並不令人感到意外,因為您已經這樣做了一段時間。

  • But the share gains that you've been making on the ISG side are something that you hadn't been doing in the past.

    但是你在 ISG 方面獲得的份額收益是你過去沒有做過的。

  • So I guess, when you talk to your sales force and when you talk to your customers, what exactly is it that they're telling you the reasons that they're switching either from your competitors to you or that you're getting a bigger piece of the pie than everybody else?


  • You threw out a whole bunch of stuff at us today, Tom, Jeff, in products.


  • You talked about flexible pricing.


  • You talked about better service.


  • I just wondered, what is the main driver outside of what -- the tech lift of all boats, what is driving the share gains that you're seeing in storage and servers?


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • Tom, this is Jeff.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • Look, I don't think there's a one thing.


  • Look, you have a spend environment that's favorable today.


  • You have IT spend that is strong and we continue to see that going forward.

    您擁有強勁的 IT 支出,我們將繼續看到這一趨勢。

  • The market pundits have certainly suggested that it's going to continue to grow twice GDP over the next handful of years.

    市場權威人士肯定表示,在接下來的幾年裡,它的 GDP 將繼續增長兩倍。

  • So you have a favorable spend environment.


  • For us in that favorable spending environment, we have a unique value proposition.


  • Our unique value proposition is from the edge to the core to the cloud that we are a one-stop shop that we can provide a full set of solutions for our customers.


  • That's particularly important as our customers are transforming their business.


  • We talk a lot about this, the digital transformation.


  • Companies are understanding the value of information, turning that information into better business outcomes.


  • And we're providing solutions that help customers navigate from where they've been to being able to work in this, if you will, new way of doing business.


  • And when you think about the combination of our edge devices to our core infrastructure devices and then the solution ability that we've put around that and the power of Dell Technologies and the entire portfolio, it's a very differentiated set of capabilities that our customers can get from us.

    當您考慮我們的邊緣設備與我們的核心基礎設施設備的組合,然後是我們圍繞它提供的解決方案能力以及 Dell Technologies 和整個產品組合的力量時,這是我們的客戶可以提供的一組非常差異化的功能從我們這裡得到。

  • And we're seeing that across the board.


  • The synergies, whether it be our leadership position in virtualization, primary storage, data protection, CI, HCI, now the undisputed leader in servers for 4 consecutive quarters, the position that we've had on the PC side, again I think it's about our offers, the differentiated solution, our go-to-market ability to talk to and cover many customers.

    協同效應,無論是我們在虛擬化、主存儲、數據保護、CI、HCI 方面的領先地位,現在連續 4 個季度在服務器領域無可爭議的領先地位,我們在 PC 端的地位,我認為這又是關於我們的報價、差異化的解決方案、我們與許多客戶交談並覆蓋許多客戶的上市能力。

  • That package together, I think, is certainly leading to why we're distancing ourselves collectively in the industry.


  • You know we've made a lot of changes in our storage or primary storage business over the past year.


  • The product line is certainly far more competitive today.


  • The innovation engine is accelerating with a number of product announcements.


  • We're openly embracing the cloud.


  • Tom and I have referenced, I think, in the 4 calls that I've been on the investments we've made in coverage and capacity.

    我認為,湯姆和我在 4 次電話會議中提到了我們在覆蓋範圍和容量方面所做的投資。

  • So our go-to-market model continues to be very, very robust and we're investing.


  • I think that combination -- Tom, anything you'd add to that?

    我認為這種組合 -- 湯姆,你還想補充什麼嗎?

  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • No, Jeff, I think that's right.


  • I think you've done -- look, there's work to do.


  • So nobody's declaring victory here, by the way.


  • But I think we've seen good progress.


  • There's obviously things that we're focused on improving.


  • But I would point back to since the EMC transaction, we have done a series of investments, whether it's in product capability, solution capability, the go-to-market coverage models that we're building out.

    但我要指出的是,自從 EMC 交易以來,我們已經進行了一系列投資,無論是在產品能力、解決方案能力,還是我們正在構建的上市覆蓋模型方面。

  • I think those are key differentiators as we are able to reach the customer base in a more precise and targeted way.


  • So look, Tom, there's more work to do here, so -- but I think we're generally pleased with the progress we're making.

    所以看,湯姆,這裡還有更多工作要做,所以 - 但我認為我們總體上對我們正在取得的進展感到滿意。

  • Thomas James Egan - Executive Director

    Thomas James Egan - Executive Director

  • Okay.


  • And then for my follow-up, I know you don't want to talk about the transaction and all, but you left the door open a little bit when you said that you're looking forward to engaging with DVMT shareholders.

    然後對於我的後續行動,我知道你不想談論交易和所有事情,但是當你說你期待與 DVMT 股東接觸時,你稍微敞開了大門。

  • So I wondered outside of the Analyst Day that you've got coming up, is there a formal process?


  • Or are you just talking about normal course of business?


  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • Hey, Tom, this is Rob.


  • Yes, we'll have the Analyst Meeting on the 18th.

    是的,我們將在 18 日召開分析師會議。

  • And then we will be on the road on the following week, the week of the 24th and then the week of the 1st of October.

    然後我們將在接下來的一周、24 日那一周和 10 月 1 日那一周上路。

  • We'll be in multiple cities meeting one-on-one and in group meetings with shareholders, DVMT shareholders.

    我們將在多個城市與股東、DVMT 股東進行一對一會議和小組會議。

  • In addition to that, as we move towards a definitive proxy filing and past the definitive proxy filing, I do expect that there will be ongoing conversations that will be in person and by the phone across the spectrum of the special committee and management team talking and engaging with DVMT shareholders.

    除此之外,隨著我們朝著最終委託書提交和最終委託書提交的方向邁進,我確實希望特別委員會和管理團隊的各個方面都將親自和通過電話進行持續的對話,與 DVMT 股東接洽。

  • So we do expect that we'll have multiple opportunities over the course of the next, call it, 6 weeks or so or more.

    因此,我們確實希望在接下來的 6 週左右或更長時間內有多個機會。

  • And we do want to make sure that we let the process play out appropriately and give everyone an opportunity to be heard and for the company to also make its case for Dell Technologies and core Dell Technologies.

    我們確實希望確保我們讓流程適當地進行,讓每個人都有機會發表意見,並讓公司也為 Dell Technologies 和核心 Dell Technologies 辯護。

  • And we'll do that at the Analyst Meeting.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Shannon Cross with Cross Research.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Shannon Cross 與 Cross Research 的合作。

  • Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

    Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

  • Jeff, I'm wondering now that you have a few months behind you in terms of some of the changes you made to the sales comp plan and the sales structure, where you -- how it's going, how much is some of the upside that we're seeing this quarter?

    傑夫,我現在想知道,就您對銷售補償計劃和銷售結構所做的一些更改而言,您已經落後了幾個月,您在哪裡 - 進展如何,有多少好處我們看到這個季度?

  • Do you think is being driven by some of the movements?


  • And sort of where you think you are within the plan, are you on track?


  • Or do you think you'd maybe expand it a bit?


  • Then I have a follow-up.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • Sure.


  • Tom will add to this, I'm certain.

    Tom 會補充這一點,我敢肯定。

  • I think if you evaluate 2 quarters in, we're pleased where we've seen the momentum on our storage business.


  • As we have referenced before, we made comp plans targeting the sales force to be more -- or to emphasize our higher-margin products.


  • I think we're pleased that it's working that way.


  • I think our performance this quarter is indicative of that.


  • We expect later this afternoon for a very positive sign from share gains in the external storage marketplace.


  • So again, I think encouraged, pleased that it's beginning to work, particularly given our exit rate last year.


  • We'll continue to tweak it, making sure that we get the right performance across all geographies and all segments in the business.


  • But I think if we reflect on the velocity that we've built in the first half of the year, certainly given our previous performance, we're in the ballpark of where we want to be.


  • We've consistently said that we want to outperform the segment.


  • As reported this afternoon, we're pretty positive that will be 2 in a row.

    正如今天下午報導的那樣,我們非常肯定這將是連續 2 次。

  • So it's working as planned but more tweaking to do, I think.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Hey, Shannon, it's Tom.


  • I would echo that.


  • I do think it's reasonable progress.


  • I think Jeff has done a nice job working with the ISG team around product launch, solution capability, feature functionality.

    我認為 Jeff 在產品發布、解決方案能力和特性功能方面與 ISG 團隊合作做得很好。

  • And he's continuing to drive that pretty hard with the innovation that he's pushing.


  • I do expect that we'll continue to invest in the coverage model as it relates to storage though.


  • And I think some of the conversations we've had, I think we have been pretty transparent about that.


  • We'll continue to build out our investment, particularly in the go-to-market capability, so that we're covering the customers in the coverage ratios that we want and that we're working with the appropriate sort of lineup of specialty sales capability as well.


  • So again, I am reasonably happy with how it's gone to date.


  • There's stuff that we're clearly working on.


  • But I think what you're hearing us say now is that we'll continue to fine-tune it and work towards continuing to build acceleration.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • If I was to add, I mean, if you look at I was answering specifically around the sales comp side, if you step back and look at the progress we've made in the last year of simplifying the portfolio, improving the competitiveness of the product lines as Tom mentioned, crisping up our marketing campaigns, which you'll see in full flair this second half of this year, they've already begun announcing new products, we'll announce a new one next week.


  • There's been a tremendous amount of improvement in the capability of our performance over the last year.


  • I'm pretty excited about our ability to compete in the external storage marketplace.


  • You couple that with the leadership position we have in servers, HCI and CI, it bodes well.

    再加上我們在服務器、HCI 和 CI 領域的領導地位,這是個好兆頭。

  • If I link it back to the first question from Tom, this notion of digital transformation and customers wanting to buy a total solution from one partner, we're in a very good position to take advantage of the spending trends going forward.


  • Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

    Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

  • Great.


  • That was helpful.


  • And then on the client side, you've had several quarters of strong performance.


  • Can you just give us an idea of where you think we are in terms of some of the Windows 10 upgrade cycle or share gains?

    您能否告訴我們您認為我們在某些 Windows 10 升級週期或分享收益方面所處的位置?

  • I think our expectation is that will continue for a while.


  • But just beyond that, what are some of the trends you're seeing in the PC market?

    但除此之外,您在 PC 市場看到了哪些趨勢?

  • And how sustainable is it, the growth rates that we've seen?


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • Well, I think, first and foremost, it is a market that consolidates.


  • It will continue to consolidate and we've been a consolidator.


  • The top 3 manufacturers, if memory serves me right, is roughly 64% share of the industry.

    如果沒記錯的話,前 3 名製造商大約佔行業 64% 的份額。

  • We've been a huge benefactor of that over the past 5-plus years, culminating into what are some pretty impressive numbers for us this quarter, record shipments, record revenue, the highest share position we've had at 18.2%.

    在過去 5 年多的時間裡,我們一直是這方面的巨大恩人,最終在本季度為我們帶來了一些令人印象深刻的數字,創紀錄的出貨量、創紀錄的收入,以及我們擁有的最高份額 18.2%。

  • Overall, the highest share position we've had in commercial PCs at 22.8%.

    總體而言,我們在商用 PC 中的最高份額為 22.8%。

  • There's a lot of momentum behind that.


  • And you know with our model, when we're selling commercial PCs, there's a lot of drag around that with financing, software and peripherals and our services attached, attached, attached, which is uniquely something that we do, I think, over our competition.

    你知道我們的模型,當我們銷售商用 PC 時,融資、軟件和外圍設備以及我們的服務附加、附加、附加,這是我們所做的獨一無二的事情,我認為,在我們的競賽。

  • So I like that backdrop.


  • I see the industry continuing to operate roughly where it's been.


  • So let's call it a flat industry.


  • It's going to consolidate.


  • And we're going to continue to grow in that marketplace and outperform.


  • We were the fastest-growing of the top 3 in Q1 and in Q2.


  • I think we can continue to drive that momentum.


  • And I think we still have a bit of a tailwind of Windows 10 for the next 1.5 years.

    而且我認為在接下來的 1.5 年裡,Windows 10 仍然有一些順風。

  • It's hard for me to tell you exactly where we are in terms of Windows 10 conversion.

    我很難準確地告訴您我們在 Windows 10 轉換方面的進展情況。

  • But I suspect our data suggests we're about halfway through with halfway to go, which is 6 quarters.

    但我懷疑我們的數據表明我們已經完成了大約一半,還有一半要走,即 6 個季度。

  • And that's about right.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Jeff, I also think that you've done -- if you just think about it and you talked about it in your talking points around the capabilities you've added to some of the end-user devices, the coordination with VMware and the integration with VMware like Workspace ONE and the differentiation you're driving, I think, are all positive indicators of the Better Together story as you guys -- as we go to market in a more cohesive fashion with some differentiated solutions.

    Jeff,我也認為你已經完成了——如果你只是想一想,你在你的談話要點中談到了你已經添加到一些最終用戶設備的功能,與 VMware 的協調和集成我認為,像 Workspace ONE 這樣的 VMware 和你們正在推動的差異化,都是 Better Together 故事的積極指標——因為我們以更具凝聚力的方式通過一些差異化解決方案進入市場。

  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • It is.


  • It's under the mantra of how do we modernize the PC experience.

    這是我們如何使 PC 體驗現代化的口頭禪。

  • And our recent announcement with Workspace ONE, being able to do deployment of product, configuration of product in a very modern way with our collaboration VMware is very healthy.

    我們最近宣布與 Workspace ONE 合作,能夠通過我們與 VMware 的合作以非常現代的方式部署產品和配置產品,這非常健康。

  • We extended that with PC-as-a-Service and building the offerings that we have there.

    我們通過 PC 即服務擴展了這一點,並構建了我們在那裡提供的產品。

  • I'm optimistic, Shannon, that we can continue to grow this business, continue to be a consolidator.


  • We would also tell you not all share is equivalent.


  • You know where we focus our business.


  • We're biased towards the commercial PC side.


  • We love the gaming sector.


  • We love the high-end consumer sector.


  • Those are important to us.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of David Eller with Wells Fargo.

    我們的下一個問題來自富國銀行的 David Eller。

  • David Luke Eller - Associate Analyst

    David Luke Eller - Associate Analyst

  • Sticking with the CSG segment for a minute, you mentioned that your long-term operating margin targets have not changed.

    堅持 CSG 部分一分鐘,你提到你的長期營業利潤率目標沒有改變。

  • Could you just refresh us on your views on what those operating margins might be?


  • And then also kind of touching on the gaming market that you mentioned, any views on the gaming cycle and seasonality, whether there's been any pull-forward stealing from the holiday quarter?


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Hey, David, it's Tom.


  • Let me take the first part of that and then I'll have Jeff maybe address the gaming comment or question that you also asked.

    讓我來談談第一部分,然後我可能會讓 Jeff 解決您也提出的遊戲評論或問題。

  • So from a long-term framework of how we think about the financial framework, I think what we've been saying is that we want to run the CSG business roughly in an operating margin percentage somewhere between 4.8% to 5.2%.

    因此,從我們如何看待財務框架的長期框架來看,我認為我們一直在說的是,我們希望以 4.8% 至 5.2% 之間的營業利潤率大致運行 CSG 業務。

  • Obviously, if you look at the results for this quarter, we're below that.


  • We've been above it -- on it or above it in the prior quarters.


  • As we mentioned in the talking points, we did see some currency dynamics, particularly in Brazil, China in the third -- or in the second quarter that we priced through -- we took pricing actions but couldn't catch it fast enough, so -- but it doesn't change our point of view on ultimately where we were going to run this business and how we think about the business.

    正如我們在談話要點中提到的那樣,我們確實看到了一些貨幣動態,特別是在第三季度的巴西和中國 - 或者在我們定價的第二季度 - 我們採取了定價行動但無法足夠快地趕上它,所以——但這並沒有改變我們對最終將在哪裡經營這項業務以及我們如何看待這項業務的看法。

  • So that's how we're framed and we'll continue to drive the business forward and make sure we take the appropriate actions to get -- to bring us back into alignment, where we want to be.


  • And then Jeff, on the gaming, maybe you want to try...


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • I was just going to add, we continue to make pricing changes through the first part of fiscal Q3 to catch up to those currency changes that continue to move on us.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • And so we're responding quite well.


  • But those last changes just make it difficult to catch within period.


  • Switching to gaming, as the leader in the sector, I haven't seen a pull-ahead.


  • Our business is performing quite well.


  • We're outperforming the overall segment, great adoption of our Alienware platform and our Inspiron gaming platforms.

    我們的表現優於整體細分市場,我們的 Alienware 平台和 Inspiron 遊戲平台得到了廣泛採用。

  • We continue to see -- and we're going to continue to refresh those platforms and see strong demand globally for gaming.

    我們繼續看到 - 我們將繼續更新這些平台,並看到全球對遊戲的強勁需求。

  • David Luke Eller - Associate Analyst

    David Luke Eller - Associate Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then for my follow-up question, I wondered if you could talk about the potential effect from the next round of tariffs that's currently being contemplated, how much of that you think you could either pass through or other ways you can mitigate the impact?


  • And how much of that is baked into your current operating income guidance for the year?


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • I can answer the last part first and then I'll go to the real crux of the question.


  • Look, we've had a sense of where the tariffs are going to be.


  • Our financial plan contemplates that.


  • There is no change in our guidance.


  • It understands what we're going to be able to do and what we're expecting with tariffs.


  • Tom, I think that's spot-on.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • That's right.


  • I mean, the guidance we provided or just updated to includes our best view at this point in time of the impact of tariffs.


  • Now if we get another list and it has other impacts, then we'll have to work our way through that.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • Correct.


  • So back to the original question of tariffs, clearly we're in the camp of pro-free trade.


  • That's important to us.


  • That said, we successfully mitigated the first 2 lists.

    也就是說,我們成功地緩解了前 2 個列表。

  • Our supply chain has been unbelievably resilient.


  • And as we have gone through the third list, that resiliency of our supply chain that's global in nature gives us tremendous flexibility.


  • We do a lot of work planning around business continuity and role-playing different scenarios that would have us change where we build our products.


  • And that planning is serving us quite well now.


  • We've repositioned material.


  • We've repositioned products.


  • And we're taking advantage of our North America footprint.


  • That's what we need to do.


  • That's what the third list is requiring us to migrate to.


  • So the North America capacity and capability we have today, we've made decisions a little while ago to make sure that we are timely implementation of when we think the list will go into effect.


  • And we see minimal impact to our business.


  • That said, there are some costs that we won't be able to mitigate, and we'll see some change in pricing for some classes of products over time.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Jeff, I would add one thing on that.


  • As we look at that and as we plan our way through that, I would expect that we perhaps could see some growth in inventory as a result of that as we reposition product and parts.


  • So I think we'll have to see whether that's a temporal impact.


  • But we are thinking about that relative to our working capital dynamics.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • Right.


  • So one of the things that we can do dynamically to reposition material and product is inventory to allow us to make the changes of source of -- where the source of manufacturing originates.


  • Tyler W. Johnson - Senior VP & Treasurer

    Tyler W. Johnson - Senior VP & Treasurer

  • And I would just add, this is Tyler.


  • Just to interject, I mean, from a cash perspective though, whatever inventory we would need or decide to pull forward, it's totally manageable.


  • So it's not going to provide or impact our cash materially.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Katy Huberty with Morgan Stanley.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Katy Huberty 與 Morgan Stanley 的對話。

  • Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

    Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

  • Appreciate the question.


  • Is there any way for you to break out ISG revenue growth between more traditional data center upgrades and modernization versus real net new infrastructure investment in applications like AI, machine learning and edge compute?

    您有什麼方法可以在更傳統的數據中心升級和現代化與人工智能、機器學習和邊緣計算等應用程序的新基礎設施淨投資之間打破 ISG 收入增長?

  • I ask just because certainly the latter feels like it's sustainable for many years versus the former may prove more cyclical in nature.


  • Then I have a follow-up.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Katy, it's Tom.


  • It's a great question, but our level of visibility in terms of where the infrastructure is going varies depending upon selling motion and channel.


  • So we don't have good data on that other than the relative trends that we see as we talk with our customers around their investment, whether it's modernizing their classic data center or modernizing for AI/ML, big data analytic-type capabilities.

    因此,除了我們在與客戶討論他們的投資時看到的相對趨勢之外,我們沒有關於這方面的良好數據,無論是現代化他們的經典數據中心還是現代化 AI/ML,大數據分析類型的能力。

  • So I don't have data that would -- I'd feel comfortable sharing, just given I would guess the softness of the trends.


  • But I will tell you that there's clearly, as Jeff highlighted, interest and customer demand for the type of capabilities and solutions we're driving, given the business model evolutions that are happening with our customers.

    但我會告訴你,正如 Jeff 強調的那樣,鑑於我們的客戶正在發生的業務模型演變,顯然存在對我們正在推動的功能和解決方案類型的興趣和客戶需求。

  • And so we do feel bullish in the long run about the spend environment.


  • And we would look to the IDC data as reinforcement of that.

    我們會將 IDC 數據視為對此的強化。

  • But for real detailed trends on what percentage of the spend -- of the revenue is going into specific applications or workloads, Jeff, I don't -- we don't have that data at that level.

    但是對於支出百分比的真正詳細趨勢 - 收入的百分比用於特定的應用程序或工作負載,Jeff,我沒有 - 我們沒有那個級別的數據。

  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • No, but there are encouraging trends.


  • We see the average CPU, the average memory, the average SSD that we put in a server is greater today that it was a year ago, which for us tells that we're selling deeper into the data center and up the workload stack.

    我們看到今天我們在服務器中放置的平均 CPU、平均內存、平均 SSD 比一年前更大,這對我們來說表明我們正在更深入地銷售數據中心和工作負載堆棧。

  • And workloads like artificial intelligence and machine learning are driving richer servers.


  • So I know that's a loose correlation.


  • But in our view, when we see the ASP increase that we've seen and the types of customers that are deploying this or buying these servers, it's certainly an indicator to us that we're selling deeper into the data center and into these new, richer workloads.

    但在我們看來,當我們看到我們所看到的 ASP 增長以及正在部署或購買這些服務器的客戶類型時,這無疑表明我們正在更深入地銷售數據中心和這些新產品,更豐富的工作負載。

  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • And Katy, this is Rob.


  • I would say that while we probably won't get exactly to your question, we will dive into that a little bit more at the Analyst Meeting on the 18th, specifically around data growth, workload growth, how that translates into IT spending growth, so...

    我想說的是,雖然我們可能不會完全回答你的問題,但我們將在 18 日的分析師會議上深入探討這個問題,特別是圍繞數據增長、工作負載增長,以及這如何轉化為 IT 支出增長,所以...

  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • Yes, clearly the dynamic of edge computing and sort of a decentralization is driving more compute and more storage need on the edge of the network, which bodes quite well for us and what's happening in the industry and those usage models that we'll take advantage of that.


  • Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

    Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

  • Okay, perfect.


  • And then as a follow-up, is there anything that we should read into the fact that the fiscal '19 revenue guidance increase largely just flowed through the 2Q beat and not necessary a lot of upside over the next couple of quarters?

    然後作為後續行動,是否有任何我們應該了解的事實,即 19 財年收入指引的增長主要只是通過第二季度的節拍,而在接下來的幾個季度中沒有必要有很大的上漲空間?

  • Are tougher comps, currency, some of those factors playing into that?


  • Or is there just some conservatism as you look into the remainder of the year?


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Hey, Katy, it's Tom.


  • Look, I think we feel reasonably comfortable about the velocity in the business right now.


  • Obviously, there are tougher comps, as I called out, in the back half of the year as you look -- as we saw where the acceleration really started in the third quarter of fiscal '18.

    顯然,正如我所說,在你看來,今年下半年會有更艱難的競爭——正如我們所看到的,加速在 18 財年第三季度真正開始的地方。

  • Look, I think we feel good about the state of the business.


  • We don't want to get ahead of ourselves in terms of the business velocity.


  • And look, it's still a very competitive and dynamic market, and there's -- but I think overall, we feel pretty comfortable about it.

    看,它仍然是一個競爭激烈且充滿活力的市場,而且 - 但我認為總的來說,我們對此感到非常自在。

  • So I would just tell you that we'll see how the business progresses as we go through the third quarter and into the fourth quarter.


  • But on an annual basis, when you look at just the overall growth of a company of this size, I think it's a pretty good number.


  • And so we'll continue to drive it forward and then we'll see how it progresses.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Jeff Harlib with Barclays.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Jeff Harlib 與 Barclays 的對話。

  • Jeffrey Alan Harlib - MD

    Jeffrey Alan Harlib - MD

  • Jeff, can you go into a little bit more detail in storage, just in terms of the recent bookings trends, what you're seeing in the mid-market, I know it was an area you wanted to improve share, and where you are with your product line?


  • Are you still introducing new products that you think will drive share gains?


  • Or is it where it needs to be?


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • Well, look, we're continuing to refresh and get the product line increasingly more competitive, whether it's the recent SC and Unity announcements that we've made that increased performance capacity, its replication capabilities, we think that's important.

    好吧,看,我們正在繼續更新並使產品線越來越具有競爭力,無論是我們最近發布的 SC 和 Unity 公告,我們已經提高了性能容量,它的複制能力,我們認為這很重要。

  • The PowerMax that we introduced in May, the PowerMax 2000 that we've recently introduced, bringing NVMe to price bands 7 and 8 are very important steps for us to have the most competitive portfolio on the marketplace.

    我們在 5 月推出的 PowerMax,我們最近推出的 PowerMax 2000,將 NVMe 帶到了價格區間 7 和 8,這些都是我們在市場上擁有最具競爭力的產品組合的非常重要的步驟。

  • What we're doing in HCI and the new announcements we've made there, taking cloud capabilities and doing cloud data migration, cloud, if you will, management of our arrays, doing additions of our arrays in the cloud, those are all important attributes of what our customers are asking for and increasing the competitiveness of our portfolio.

    我們在 HCI 中所做的事情以及我們在那裡發布的新公告,採用雲功能並進行雲數據遷移,雲,如果你願意的話,管理我們的陣列,在雲中添加我們的陣列,這些都很重要我們的客戶要求的屬性,並提高我們產品組合的競爭力。

  • It's a journey.


  • It's a journey that we've accelerated.


  • And I'm pleased with the progress we've made to date.


  • There's more to do.


  • I've been very clear in these calls that we still have more mid-range products than we'd like long term.


  • It takes a while to develop a new mid-range product in which we are focused on and committed to have next year.


  • And in the interim, we're going to fight with the portfolio we have and increasingly make it more and more competitive, which is what we're doing.


  • So I like the steps there.


  • I like the steps that we've made to simplify it.


  • Behind the curtain, so to speak, there are more developers today working on new technologies and innovating as one single team than we had a year ago.


  • Something I think I've mentioned several times on these calls about the benefits of simplification and focus is getting the very best storage engineers in the industry all focused, working together, driving differentiation and innovation in future products.


  • We're going to continue to do that.


  • As I mentioned moments ago, I think, with Shannon, we'll make another introduction of a new product next week, hint, hint.

    正如我剛才提到的,我認為,與 Shannon 一起,我們將在下週再次推出新產品,提示,提示。

  • We're going to continue to do this.


  • We are going to be competitive in the primary storage space.


  • The same is true in data protection.


  • We've recently introduced the DP4400, our Integrated Data Protection Appliance.

    我們最近推出了我們的集成數據保護設備 DP4400。

  • We just continue to improve the hyperconverged offering with the new VxRail that we just launched.

    我們只是通過剛剛推出的新 VxRail 繼續改進超融合產品。

  • So I guess, that's my long-winded way is we're committed to innovation, committed to building the best products.


  • I think we have the engine now working in a way that's going to do that at a very accelerated rate.


  • And I'm very encouraged.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • And then hey, Jeff, from my side is even as Jeff drives the product innovation and the simplification, we are continuing to invest in selling capacity as well.


  • So one of the areas as we diagnosed the business challenges 18 months ago was we didn't have enough coverage.

    因此,我們在 18 個月前診斷出業務挑戰的其中一個領域是我們沒有足夠的覆蓋面。

  • And so even as Jeff's cleaned up and is driving a product simplification, innovation story, we are still looking at coverage models.


  • We've improved them in the commercial selling organization tremendously.


  • We're mid-range through an investment cycle in the enterprise, selling organization in terms of storage coverage.


  • And we're going to continue to add to that as we get to what we believe are the right coverage ratios to ensure that we're telling our story as effectively as we can and getting it in front of the customers in a way that's appropriate.


  • We're also making investments in our channel go-to-market storage programs to ensure that with our valued channel partners that we're reaching the customer base that we want to reach.


  • So it's sort of a multipronged effort, product, coverage, marketing positioning, compensation programs, all designed to drive the storage framework forward.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • And we're encourage by the first half.


  • If memory serves me right, we grew 10% in storage in Q1, 13% this quarter.

    如果沒記錯的話,第一季度我們的存儲增長了 10%,本季度增長了 13%。

  • We took share in Q1.


  • I expect when the data comes out this afternoon that we'll have taken share in Q2.


  • To me, those are encouraging signs that we're -- again, Tom said it, we're investing in capacity, improving the competitiveness of the portfolio, have some products like the PowerMax that is the unquestioned leader in the marketplace.

    對我來說,這些令人鼓舞的跡象表明我們 - 再次,湯姆說,我們正在投資產能,提高產品組合的競爭力,擁有一些產品,如 PowerMax,這是市場上無可置疑的領導者。

  • And the indicators are good.


  • Typical, without saying, we're pleased but not satisfied.


  • Jeffrey Alan Harlib - MD

    Jeffrey Alan Harlib - MD

  • Great.


  • And just my follow-up, Tom, just on the margin outlook.


  • And I know you provided the guidance.


  • When we look at sort of the puts and takes, I mean, you talked before about commodity costs potentially being modestly deflationary this year.


  • How do you see that now with the environment with NAND and DRAM?

    您現在如何看待 NAND 和 DRAM 的環境?

  • And what are some of the other dynamics?


  • Clearly, you're investing in the channel and other areas.


  • But I know that 4Q is a very strong quarter typically.


  • And you get a lot of operating leverage there.


  • So just wondering with the solid revenue growth in ISG, what kind of leverage there might be.

    所以只是想知道 ISG 收入的穩健增長,可能會有什麼樣的槓桿作用。

  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • Hey, look, Jeff, I mean, I think if we step back and think about the guidance we gave you relative to, say, first half performance and last year, I think it denotes a couple of things.


  • One is that we do see a bit tougher comparison in the back half.


  • So obviously, the revenue trajectory on a year-over-year growth basis, back half to back half, is a little bit lighter than what you saw in the first half.


  • But I think that's, I think, where we are with the visibility that we have right now.


  • We are going to layer in some investments in the back half of the year in selling as we've talked about and in some of the product capability.


  • So there is a bit of increased cost coming in.


  • Offsetting that, I do think that commodity costs are going to be flat to slightly deflationary as we look at the back half of the year.


  • Particularly, DRAM has started to come back a little bit for us.

    特別是,DRAM 已經開始為我們一點點回歸。

  • So we're working through that dynamic as well.


  • And that's not going to be the headwind that we had a year ago.


  • So Q4 historically has been a strong quarter.


  • We'll have to see how it plays out this year.


  • But I think we're reasonably optimistic about how the year is setting up.


  • I don't want to declare victory.


  • There's still a lot of things that we've got to go do and execute to.


  • But I think the overall framework we gave you is one of -- one that denotes growth, denotes that while profitability may be slow in the back half relative to the first half, we're going to grow operating margin dollars year-over-year, even while we're investing for the long term.

    但我認為我們給你的整體框架是其中一個 - 一個表示增長的框架,表示雖然下半年的盈利能力相對於上半年可能會放緩,但我們將同比增長營業利潤率美元,即使我們在進行長期投資。

  • So that's the frame that we're running.


  • And I feel, I think, pretty good about where we are at this point in time.


  • Operator


  • Our final question will come from the line of Wamsi Mohan with Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    我們的最後一個問題將來自美國銀行美林銀行的 Wamsi Mohan。

  • Wamsi Mohan - Director

    Wamsi Mohan - Director

  • In ISG, can you give us some color about the 34% revenue growth you saw in terms of units and ASP?

    在 ISG 中,您能給我們一些關於您在單位和 ASP 方面看到的 34% 收入增長的顏色嗎?

  • How much of that ASP do you think is sustainable for the richer mix configurations that you have noted versus pass-through on commodity pricing like DRAM and NAND?

    您認為與 DRAM 和 NAND 等商品定價相比,對於您所注意到的更豐富的混合配置,ASP 有多少是可持續的?

  • And I have a follow-up.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • Well, I think the first thing that is sustainable is the workloads that we're servicing now, where we're being placed in the data center, is driving a richer configuration regardless of the cost of the individual part.


  • So the average SSD, the average amount of memory that we put in the server, specific CPU that we put in a server today is either higher-performing or more capacity, depending on which one of those technologies that I'm talking about.

    因此,平均 SSD、我們在服務器中放置的平均內存量、我們今天在服務器中放置的特定 CPU 要么性能更高,要么容量更大,這取決於我所說的這些技術中的哪一種。

  • That bodes well as a, I think, marker for us being able to hold our business in this area.


  • Do I think we're going to continue to see the ASP expansion that we've seen over the past handful of quarters?

    我認為我們會繼續看到我們在過去幾個季度看到的 ASP 擴張嗎?

  • No.


  • Because as you know, there's some of that, that's driven by the commodity increase.


  • But what is sustainable is selling deeper into the data center, taking on bigger workloads with our server portfolio and ultimately driving a richer, a more richer config product in the marketplace.


  • So I'm pretty bullish on our ability to continue to do that.


  • Wamsi Mohan - Director

    Wamsi Mohan - Director

  • Yes.


  • No, that's helpful.


  • And on the storage side, you guys clearly took a lot of share in the first quarter.


  • You noted taking share here in the second quarter.


  • Can you frame that also in the context of all-flash portfolio, how that's doing and how that's growing?


  • And on the HCI, clearly you have a lot of momentum behind you.

    在 HCI 上,顯然你有很大的動力支持。

  • And you noted sort of some milestones in VxRail.

    您注意到 VxRail 中的一些里程碑。

  • There are some other leading players that have an OEM relationship with you.

    還有一些其他領先的參與者與您有 OEM 關係。

  • Any change in emphasis that, that has happened or you expect here in the near term?


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • Okay, I think that was 3. Let's see if I remember them.

    好的,我想那是 3 個。讓我們看看我是否記得它們。

  • When I look at what we've been able to do in all-flash, which I think was the specific question, we certainly aren't giving out what our performance is.


  • We'll see how the market reports this afternoon.


  • But we certainly grew all-flash.


  • We are the all-flash leader.


  • I think that will continue to be the case when this afternoon's numbers are posted.


  • So I'm encouraged what we're doing there.


  • And it's an important category.


  • And you'll continue to see us invest the PowerMax 2000 allows us to continue to drive demand in all-flash, particularly in those 2 price bands that we hadn't been covering before with the PowerMax.

    您將繼續看到我們對 PowerMax 2000 的投資使我們能夠繼續推動全閃存的需求,特別是在我們之前沒有使用 PowerMax 涵蓋的那兩個價格範圍內。

  • So I think that's a good sign.


  • We did see in the quarter, I think we didn't note it, good performance in the high end, good performance in the unstructured category and our storage business and certainly the data protection business.


  • So I'm encouraged by our performance there.


  • The next question was around, help me, team.


  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • HCI.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • HCI.


  • Wamsi Mohan - Director

    Wamsi Mohan - Director

  • HCI.


  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • The OEM relationships.

    OEM 關係。

  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman of Products & Operations

  • Our HCI performance was triple-digits with our VxRail and VxRack.

    我們的 VxRail 和 VxRack 的 HCI 性能是三位數。

  • We continue to see that as a great business.


  • And customers certainly in one form of modernization is picking a hyperconverged product.


  • And we are the leader in this market segment.


  • And we'll continue and I believe the numbers are posted on that segment.


  • We have not changed the relationship with our other OEM HCI provider.

    我們沒有改變與其他 OEM HCI 提供商的關係。

  • It continues to be a solution that customers ask for and we'll fulfill that demand.


  • We're clearly leading with our Dell EMC VxRail product.

    我們的 Dell EMC VxRail 產品顯然處於領先地位。

  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • Okay, great.


  • Thanks, everyone, for joining us.


  • We look forward to ongoing engagement with both the buy side and the sell side at our Analyst Meeting on the 18th.

    我們期待在 18 日的分析師會議上與買方和賣方持續接觸。

  • And as I mentioned earlier on the call, as we embark on a roadshow, the week of the 24th and October 1. So thanks for joining us.

    正如我之前在電話中提到的,當我們開始路演時,即 24 日和 10 月 1 日那一周。感謝您加入我們。

  • Have a good day.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call.


  • We appreciate your participation.


  • You may disconnect at this time.
