Coursera Inc (COUR) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by, and welcome to Coursera second quarter 2024 earnings call time.

    女士們、先生們,感謝你們的支持,歡迎來到 Coursera 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。

  • All participants are in a listen only mode and please be advised that this call is being recorded.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • I'd now like to turn the call over to Cam Carey, Head of Investor Relations.

    我現在想將電話轉給投資者關係主管 Cam Carey。

  • Mr. Carey, you may begin.


  • Cam Carey - Head of IR

    Cam Carey - Head of IR

  • Hi, everyone, and thank you for joining us for Coursera's Q2 2024 earnings conference call.

    大家好,感謝您參加 Coursera 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。

  • With me today is Jeff Maggioncalda, Coursera's Chief Executive Officer; and Ken Hahn, our Chief Financial Officer.

    今天和我在一起的是 Coursera 執行長 Jeff Maggioncalda;以及我們的財務長 Ken Hahn。

  • Following their prepared remarks, we will open the call for questions.


  • Our earnings press release, including financial tables was issued after the market close and is posted on our Investor Relations website located at, where this call is being simultaneously webcast and where versions of our prepared remarks and supplemental slides are available.

    我們的收益新聞稿(包括財務表格)在收盤後發布,並發佈在我們的投資者關係網站 上,該電話會議同時進行網絡直播,並提供我們準備好的評論和補充幻燈片的版本。

  • During this call, we will present both GAAP and non-GAAP financial measures.

    在本次電話會議中,我們將介紹 GAAP 和非 GAAP 財務指標。

  • A reconciliation of non-GAAP measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measure can be found in today's earnings press release and supplemental presentation on our Investor Relations website.


  • Please note all growth percentages refer to year-over-year change unless otherwise specified.


  • Additionally, all statements made during this call relating to future results and events are forward-looking statements based on current expectations and beliefs.


  • Actual results and events could differ materially from those expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements due to a number of risks and uncertainties, including those that are discussed in our earnings press release, supplemental presentation and our most recent SEC filings.

    由於許多風險和不確定性,包括我們的收益新聞稿、補充陳述和我們最近向SEC 提交的文件中討論的風險和不確定性,實際結果和事件可能與這些前瞻性陳述中明示或暗示的結果和事件存在重大差異。

  • And with that I'd like to turn it over to Jeff.


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks, Kim, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • It's great to be with you all.


  • I'm pleased to share that we delivered a solid set of operating and financial results, as we execute on our growth initiatives.


  • We surpassed more than 2 million enrollments in our generative AI catalog of Coursera credentials and hands-on projects.

    我們的 Coursera 證書和實作專案產生人工智慧目錄中的註冊人數已超過 200 萬。

  • We welcomed nearly 7 million new learners to our platform, one of our highest quarterly increases since 2020.

    我們迎來了近 700 萬名新學習者加入我們的平台,這是自 2020 年以來季度增幅最高的學習者之一。

  • We launched more entry-level professional certificates in any single quarter in our history.


  • In fact, more than the entirety of 2022, with new titles coming from leading partners like Google Cloud, IBM, Meta and Microsoft.

    事實上,超過 2022 年一整年,新遊戲都來自 Google Cloud、IBM、Meta 和 Microsoft 等領先合作夥伴。

  • We have made significant strides in introducing and enhancing AI powered product innovations, including Coursera Coach, Course Builder, GenAI Academy for Teams and a new suite of academic integrity features.

    我們在引入和增強人工智慧驅動的產品創新方面取得了重大進展,包括 Coursera Coach、Course Builder、GenAI Academy for Teams 和一套新的學術誠信功能。

  • And importantly, we are reaffirming our full year 2024 outlook ranges for revenue and adjusted EBITDA.

    重要的是,我們重申 2024 年全年收入和調整後 EBITDA 的展望範圍。

  • Now I'd like to begin with a brief overview of how the landscape is evolving before focusing on how we're executing to address the evolving opportunity in education.


  • As we've discussed, Coursera's platform sits at the intersection of several long-term secular trends.

    正如我們所討論的,Coursera 的平台處於多種長期趨勢的交叉點。

  • The digital transformation of every institution in our society, the urgent need for skills development and the evolution of higher education to better meet demands of a changing economy, shifting demographics and the globalization of talent.


  • Navigating these trends is not an easy task.


  • As the generative AI revolution unfolds, individuals are anxious about displacement and job security and businesses are struggling to adapt.


  • And we see this outlined in almost every study to date.


  • Microsoft and LinkedIn recently published their 2024 work trend index annual report.


  • They found that nearly 80% of leaders agree that their company needs to adopt AI to stay competitive, but 60% worried that their organization's leadership lacks a plan and vision to implement AI.

    他們發現,近 80% 的領導者同意他們的公司需要採用人工智慧來保持競爭力,但 60% 的領導者擔心他們的組織領導層缺乏實施人工智慧的計畫和願景。

  • And these dynamics are affecting their talent strategy. 66% of leaders say they wouldn't hire someone without AI skills and 71% said that they would rather hire a less experienced candidate with a high skills with the more experienced candidate without them.

    這些動態正在影響他們的人才策略。 66% 的領導者表示,他們不會僱用沒有人工智慧技能的人,71% 的人表示,他們寧願僱用經驗較少但技能較高的候選人,而經驗豐富的候選人卻沒有人工智慧技能。

  • This leads to the second trend, the need for skills development.


  • In June, we published for Coursera's sixth annual Global skills report drawing on data and insights from our global learning community.

    6 月,我們根據全球學習社群的數據和見解,發布了 Coursera 第六份年度全球技能報告。

  • Several of the key findings reaffirmed the Microsoft report.


  • First, AI literacy has emerged as a global imperative and employees are not waiting for their employers to catch up.


  • Regional trends in our learner demand demonstrates how they are taking skill development into their own hands.


  • For example, in 2023, our generative AI content saw one enrollments per minute.

    例如,2023 年,我們的生成式 AI 內容每分鐘就有 1 人註冊。

  • In 2024, it has quadrupled to four enrollments per minute.

    到 2024 年,報名人數將增加四倍,達到每分鐘 4 人。

  • Second, learners are increasingly turning to industry micro credentials to gain essential digital skills of jobs.


  • And third, regional scale adoption is not occurring at an equal pace, with countries facing the risk of being left behind.


  • Access to a more affordable, relevant and flexible system of higher education can help ensure that anyone anywhere has equal access to the skills, credentials and job opportunities to compete in our fast changing world.


  • And this brings me to the final trend.


  • The transformation of higher education.


  • Academic institutions acknowledge their need to evolve.


  • In June, we convened nearly 100 higher education leaders from over 20 countries, including campus and government customers as well as University and industry partners at our headquarters for our annual future of Higher Education Summit.


  • We asked them what was their institution's biggest challenge in the coming year.


  • And there were top3 responses that focused on.


  • One, modernizing curriculum to meet the needs of learners.


  • Number two, adapting quickly to emerging skill demands from employers, and number three, embracing new technology to bolster their teaching and learning.


  • As university decision-makers, workforce development leaders and industry experts, their feedback continues to reinforce my conviction in our vision for the future of higher education, the strategic assets that differentiate our ecosystem with quality and trust and the global need for a platform like Coursera.

    作為大學決策者、勞動力發展領導者和行業專家,他們的反饋繼續增強了我對我們對高等教育未來的願景、使我們的生態系統以質量和信任脫穎而出的戰略資產以及對Coursera 這樣的平台的全球需求的信念。

  • Now let's discuss how we are executing on this vision with recent progress across each of Coursera platform advantages.

    現在,讓我們討論一下我們如何透過 Coursera 平台各個優勢的最新進展來實現這一願景。

  • The first advantage is our educator partners and the premium credentials that they create.


  • When Coursera's founders put their first course online, the global receptivity they experienced was driven by two important elements.

    當 Coursera 的創辦人將他們的第一門課程放在網路上時,他們所經歷的全球接受度是由兩個重要因素所驅動的。

  • First, Andrew and Daphne were professors at Stanford University, a trusted institution with global authority and brand recognition.


  • And second, they provided expertise and skills development in emerging technologies that were desired by the labor market.


  • Over a decade later the same value proposition continues to power Coursera's content engine.

    十多年後,同樣的價值主張繼續為 Coursera 的內容引擎提供動力。

  • With many of our educator partners focused on ensuring equitable access to critical skills in order to thrive in today's digital economy.


  • Across our catalog from short hands-on projects to longer forms of studying credentials, including a new degree from Clemson University, generative AI is being infused into the curriculum so that every learner no matter the stage of their journey can acquire the skills necessary and the brand and credentials necessary to acquire, retain and advance their career.


  • Now let's discuss highlights for several of our recent announcements, starting with the entry-level professional certificates.


  • It was a record quarter for our content engine.


  • In Q2, we added 15 new certificates from leading technology brands like Google Cloud, IBM, Meta and Microsoft.

    第二季度,我們新增了 Google Cloud、IBM、Meta 和 Microsoft 等領先技術品牌的 15 個新憑證。

  • The programs are designed for learners looking to start or switch into high-demand careers like cloud support, cybersecurity, data analysts, JavaScript developer product manager, project manager and many more.

    這些課程專為希望開始或轉入雲端支援、網路安全、資料分析師、JavaScript 開發人員產品經理、專案經理等高需求職業的學習者而設計。

  • We now offer more than 60 entry-level professional certificates with a strong pipeline of additional titles coming later this year.

    我們現在提供 60 多種入門級專業證書,並有大量其他證書將於今年稍後推出。

  • But our efforts to enhance this catalog are not solely focused on new launches.


  • Recently, we announced that eight certificates from IBM, Meta and Microsoft have been upgraded with jobs specific generative AI content.

    最近,我們宣布 IBM、Meta 和 Microsoft 的八個憑證已升級為特定於工作的生成式 AI 內容。

  • This is the start of a broader initiative to enhance our existing certificate catalog, ensuring that these credentials keep pace with transforming job rules and emerging skill requirements.


  • As the industry experts that develop and deploy these technologies, our partners are uniquely positioned to help individuals navigate a rapidly evolving labor market and ensure businesses are equipped with the tools and training to transform their technology and their talent.


  • And we are leveraging new capabilities, like course, builder to dramatically reduce the time and cost of content production without sacrificing quality.


  • Next, we now have more than 250 generative AI courses and guided projects.

    接下來,我們現在擁有超過 250 個生成式 AI 課程和指導專案。

  • Short-form content plays an important role in introductory learning as well as rapid skill development.


  • However, we know that individual institutions also value longer forms of study to build a deeper level of expertise, earn academic credit with verified learning and critically important stand out to employers in order to retain or secure a job, this is the value of a branded credential.


  • Our generative AI catalog started with high-quality short-form content, but we are excited about a growing selection of generative AI credentials that can create more value for our learners and enterprise customers.


  • Recently, we announced several new specializations and certificates from top partners like DeepLearning.AI, Vanderbilt University, the University of Michigan and the University of Colorado Boulder.

    最近,我們宣布了來自 DeepLearning.AI、范德比爾特大學、密西根大學和科羅拉多大學博爾德分校等頂級合作夥伴的幾個新專業和證書。

  • Additionally, we launched the third pillar of our GenAI Academy offering, GenAI for Teams.

    此外,我們也推出了 GenAI Academy 產品的第三個支柱:GenAI for Teams。

  • Our earlier programs focused on foundational AI literacy for all employees as well as executive education to help leaders formulate an AI strategy.


  • But GenAI for Teams curious the use of generative AI to specific job roles and functions offering real-world applications and secure hands-on practice right inside the courses.

    但 GenAI for Teams 很好奇如何將生成式 AI 應用於特定的工作角色和功能,從而在課程中提供真實的應用程式和安全的實踐練習。

  • We are starting with software and product data and marketing teams as these functions are estimated to have outsized initial benefits from the innovation unlock and productivity gains created by integrating generative AI into their daily operations.


  • Individuals and institutions are looking to harness the potential of emerging technologies and these new course offerings are the initial stages of a strategic initiative to help our educator partners create a broad portfolio of generative AI credentials.


  • We are creating a leading destination for learners looking to discover, develop and demonstrate generative AI skills for career advancements and for businesses looking to transform their talent.


  • This brings me to our second major advantage, the global reach of our platform.


  • As I referenced earlier, we added nearly 7 million new registered learners, growing our global base to 155 million by the end of June.

    正如我之前提到的,我們新增了近 700 萬名註冊學習者,到 6 月底,我們的全球人數已增加至 1.55 億人。

  • We grew the number of paid enterprise customers by nearly 20% to over 1,500, with recent additions coming from all verticals, especially businesses.

    我們的付費企業客戶數量增加了近 20%,達到 1,500 多個,最近新增客戶來自所有垂直行業,尤其是企業。

  • And to serve the broad needs of a rapidly expanding ecosystem, we continue to invest in our platform's third advantage, which is product innovation.


  • Our innovation efforts continue to be focused on how we can uniquely leverage generative AI across our platform, including content, data, technology and marketing.


  • For today's updates, I'd like to start with Coursera Coach.

    對於今天的更新,我想從 Coursera Coach 開始。

  • Earlier this month, we were pleased to announce the general availability of Coach for our paid consumer learners and all enterprise customers.

    本月早些時候,我們很高興地宣布 Coach 已為付費消費者學習者和所有企業客戶全面推出。

  • We also unveiled an updated visual identity for Coach along with the redesign or integrated user experience.

    我們還推出了更新的 Coach 視覺標誌以及重新設計或整合的使用者體驗。

  • As a reminder, Coursera Coach is our interactive AI powered guide that is tailored to learners unique goals and anchored in expert content on Coursera.

    提醒一下,Coursera Coach 是我們的互動式 AI 驅動指南,專為學習者的獨特目標量身定制,並以 Coursera 上的專家內容為基礎。

  • To date, Coach has been used by more than 700,000 learners and concurrently respond in 21 languages, supported by the underlying large language models.

    迄今為止,Coach 已被超過 70 萬名學習者使用,並同時以 21 種語言回應,並得到底層大語言模型的支持。

  • Today, Coach enables learners to ask questions to clarify materials down, track, summarize key takeaways for better note taking, practice for quizzes and test to solidify knowledge and gaps and explore how they're learning aligns with current or future career goals.

    如今,Coach 使學習者能夠提出問題來澄清材料,追蹤、總結關鍵要點以更好地記筆記,練習測驗和測試以鞏固知識和差距,並探索他們的學習如何與當前或未來的職業目標保持一致。

  • In the future, we expect Coach will play an increasingly prominent role through our Coursera's platform from personalized learning and discovery to career counseling and guidance.

    未來,我們預計 Coach 將透過我們的 Coursera 平台從個人化學習和發現到職業諮詢和指導發揮越來越重要的作用。

  • Next is Course Builder, which we introduced to our enterprise customers earlier this year.


  • Our AI assistant authoring tool allows any business, government or campus customer to easily and quickly produce high quality courses at scale.


  • Additionally, Course Builder can blend learning modules from our catalog of university and industry partners with internal content training and expertise, in order to create custom private courses that are tailored to the unique needs of each organization.


  • We have a number of enhancements planned for the coming quarters, but I'm excited about the positive early feedback we are receiving from the nearly 100 institutions that have started using Course Builder.

    我們計劃在未來幾季進行多項增強功能,但我對從已開始使用 Course Builder 的近 100 家機構收到的積極的早期回饋感到興奮。

  • And for my final product update, I'd like to discuss our recent advancements in AI powered academic integrity.


  • Online learning has become a powerful tool for institutions to better prepare students for a rapidly changing world, and it plays an important role in both affordability and accessibility.


  • However, universities must ensure that it meets the rigorous standards required for academic credit.


  • While generative AI introduce new risk for student misconduct and cheating, it also provides unprecedented opportunities for universities to enhance academic integrity at scale.


  • Our platform is utilized by universities in several ways as educator partners, campus customers and degreed providers, which is why I was particularly excited to announce a new suite of general AI powered features designed to help scale assessment creation and grading, strengthen academic integrity and enhance learning and evaluation.


  • The feature included broad capabilities like AI assistant grading, assessment generation, automated peer review, proctoring, plagiarism detection, viva exams, and more.

    此功能包括人工智慧助理評分、評估生成、自動同行評審、監考、抄襲檢測、viva 考試等廣泛功能。

  • This launch builds on our recent recognition as the first online learning platform to receive the American Council on Education Authorized Instructional Platform designation, helping ensure student outcomes genuinely reflect their effort mastery, of course, material and their skills.


  • These are major steps in protecting the reputation and value of online learning and industry micro credentials, making it easier for universities to recognize them for academic credit and for employers to validate a candidate's qualifications for employment.


  • It also helps individuals and institutions everywhere benefit from trusted verified learning on Coursera.

    它還可以幫助世界各地的個人和機構從 Coursera 上可信賴且經過驗證的學習中受益。

  • To wrap up my opening remarks, a reminder of the most important initiatives we are focused on in the second half.


  • First, we are broadening our catalog of entry-level professional certificates, including new launches and upgrades to existing titles.


  • Second, we're focused on growing our enterprise segment, helping our business, government and campus customers keep pace with generative AI and labor market demand.


  • And third, we're focused on scaling our degree programs with a focus on flexibility, affordability and credit pathways from our consumer catalog.


  • Finally, we are investing in product innovation that can deliver more value and a differentiated experience for the millions of learners coming to Coursera every quarter.

    最後,我們正在投資產品創新,為每季來到 Coursera 的數百萬學習者提供更多價值和差異化體驗。

  • I'd like to now turn it over to Kem.


  • Ken, please go ahead.


  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • Thank you, Jeff, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • I'm pleased to report solid second quarter results for Coursera.

    我很高興地報告 Coursera 第二季的強勁業績。

  • In Q2, we generated total revenue of $170.3 million, which was up 11% from a year ago.

    第二季度,我們的總營收為 1.703 億美元,比去年同期成長 11%。

  • Our platform's ability to address the diverse needs of customers around the world from individual learners to large institutions continues to serve us well as we navigate the trends reshaping higher education.


  • In addition to providing a broad global lens, this approach allows us to target our growth opportunities with a common set of assets and shared investments, including content, product, data and marketing.


  • And this creates operating leverage in our model, which we continue to demonstrate with the strong bottom line and free cash flow performance, we delivered once again this quarter.


  • Please note that for the remainder of this call, as I review our business performance and outlook I'll discuss our non-GAAP financial measures unless otherwise noted.


  • For the second quarter, gross profit was $92.3 million, a 54% gross margin, up from 53% in the prior year.

    第二季毛利為 9,230 萬美元,毛利率為 54%,高於去年同期的 53%。

  • Total operating expense was $86.8 million or 51% of revenue, an improvement of 7-percentage-points from the prior year period when continuing operating discipline in our R&D and G&A functions.

    總營運費用為 8,680 萬美元,佔營收的 51%,比上年同期提高了 7 個百分點,同時我們的研發和 G&A 職能部門繼續遵守營運紀律。

  • Net income was $13.8 million or 8.1% of revenue, and adjusted EBITDA was $10.4 million or 6.1% of revenue.

    淨利潤為 1,380 萬美元,佔營收的 8.1%,調整後 EBITDA 為 1,040 萬美元,佔營收的 6.1%。

  • While we do not optimize for EBITDA in any single quarter, our first half performance has continued to demonstrate the leverage inherent in our model and provided us with a strong start toward achieving our 2024 adjusted EBITDA margin target of approximately 4%.

    雖然我們沒有在任何一個季度針對EBITDA 進行優化,但我們上半年的業績繼續證明了我們模型中固有的槓桿作用,並為我們實現2024 年調整後EBITDA 利潤率目標(約4%)提供了良好的開端。

  • Now let's discuss cash performance.


  • We generated strong free cash flow of approximately $17 million, which I'll remind you, is inclusive of more than $2 million in purchases of content assets, which we now treat similarly to the other categories of capital expenditures effectively lowering our free cash flow computation.

    我要提醒您的是,我們產生了約1700 萬美元的強勁自由現金流,其中包括超過200 萬美元的內容資產購買,我們現在將其與其他類別的資本支出類似地對待,有效降低了我們的自由現金流計算。

  • As Jeff mentioned, partner receptivity to this type of strategic content arrangement has been exciting, particularly due to the important role we believe trusted brands and verified credentials will play in the future of learning skills development and clear advance.


  • Moving to the balance sheet.


  • In Q2, we repurchased 2.7 million shares of our common stock for approximately $31 million excluding commission.

    第二季度,我們以約 3,100 萬美元(不含佣金)回購了 270 萬股普通股。

  • This is inclusive of the $16 million we bought back in April, which I discussed on our prior call as well as the remaining $15 million we expected to complete in the weeks that followed.

    這包括我們在 4 月回購的 1600 萬美元(我在之前的電話會議上討論過)以及我們預計在接下來的幾週內完成的剩餘 1500 萬美元。

  • This resulted in us ending the quarter with approximately $709 million of unrestricted cash and cash equivalents with no debt.

    這導致我們在本季結束時擁有約 7.09 億美元的不受限制的現金和現金等價物,沒有債務。

  • And over the past year, we returned $95 million to shareholders through stock repurchases while preserving the primary focus of our capital allocation strategy, which emphasizes growth.

    在過去的一年裡,我們透過股票回購向股東返還了 9,500 萬美元,同時保留了強調成長的資本配置策略的主要重點。

  • We believe that our strong financial position is an asset that provides resilience and strategic optionality, which is particularly valuable during a period of rapid technological change and the focus on prioritizing growth in terms of our capital allocation strategy has not changed.


  • But we also believe it is important to address future dilution concerns of our investors to management.


  • So management has recommended with the compensation committee approval, the introduction of a price floor of $10 per share for all future employee grants, effectively eliminating the number of shares issued for dollar denominated stock-based compensation.

    因此,管理層建議在薪酬委員會批准的情況下,對所有未來的員工補助金實行每股 10 美元的價格下限,從而有效地消除以美元計價的股票薪酬發行的股票數量。

  • This action along with our completed repurchase program are a direct reflection of the value we placed on shareholder equity.


  • As we navigate near term trends to better position ourselves for future growth opportunities we remain focused on executing our long-term strategy to lead our large, early and dynamic markets.


  • Now let's discuss the performance of our segments in more detail, starting with consumer.


  • Consumer revenue was $97.3 million, up 12% from the prior year on growth in Coursera Plus driven by ongoing demand for entry-level professional certificates and generative AI courses and credentials.

    消費者收入為 9,730 萬美元,比上年增長 12%,這是由於對入門級專業證書以及生成式 AI 課程和證書的持續需求推動的 Coursera Plus 增長。

  • Segment gross profit was $52.4 million or 54% of consumer revenue, up from 52% in the prior year period.

    該部門毛利為 5,240 萬美元,佔消費者收入的 54%,高於去年同期的 52%。

  • And our top of funnel activity remained robust with approximately 7 million new registered learners this quarter, which did include a higher mix coming from regions outside of North America.

    我們的漏斗頂部活動仍然強勁,本季約有 700 萬名新註冊學習者,其中確實包括來自北美以外地區的更高比例。

  • I was pleased by our execution in consumer this quarter, particularly the number of high-quality branded credentials we launched, including several that were created under our new content production arrangements that can include more favorable revenue share economics and in many cases exclusivity.


  • Moving on to our enterprise segment, Enterprise revenue was $58.7 million, up 8% from a year ago on growth across our business campus and government verticals, including some signs of stabilization in the corporate learning market Segment gross margin was $39.9 million or 68% of enterprise revenue compared to 71% a year ago.

    轉向我們的企業部門,企業收入為5,870 萬美元,比去年同期增長8%,這得益於我們的商業園區和政府垂直領域的增長,包括企業學習市場的一些穩定跡象。美元,即68%。

  • As a reminder, Q2 of last year was slightly higher than expected due to a one-time benefit of a contract amendment with one of our educator partners, which had the effect of increasing our Enterprise segment margin by four percentage points for that historic quarter.


  • Removing the one-time variance, Enterprise segment margin would have been up slightly year over year.


  • The total number of paid enterprise customers increased to 1,511, up 17% from a year ago.


  • And our net retention rate of paid enterprise customers was 93%, as we continue to work through some government partnerships with more transitory budgets.

    我們付費企業客戶的淨保留率為 93%,因為我們繼續與一些政府合作夥伴建立更多的臨時預算。

  • And finally, our Degrees segment.


  • Degrees revenues $14.3 million, up 14% from a year ago on growth in new students and scaling of recent progress.

    由於新生人數的​​成長和近期進展的擴大,學位收入為 1,430 萬美元,較上年同期成長 14%。

  • The total number of degrees students grew 19% from a year ago to 22,600.


  • As a reminder, there is no content cost attributable to the Degree segment to Degree segment gross margin was 100% of revenue.

    需要提醒的是,學位部門沒有內容成本,學位部門的毛利率為收入的 100%。

  • Now on to our financial outlook.


  • For Q3, we're expecting revenue to be in the range of $171 million to $175 million.

    對於第三季度,我們預計營收將在 1.71 億美元至 1.75 億美元之間。

  • For adjusted EBITDA, we're expecting range of breakeven to positive $4 million.

    對於調整後的 EBITDA,我們預期損益平衡點將達到正 400 萬美元。

  • For the full year 2024, we are reaffirming our ranges.

    對於 2024 年全年,我們將重申我們的產品範圍。

  • We anticipate revenue to be in the range of $695 million to $705 million, for adjusted EBITDA, we're expecting a range of $24 million to $28 million, maintaining our adjusted EBITDA margin annual target of approximately 4%.

    我們預計營收在 6.95 億美元至 7.05 億美元之間,調整後 EBITDA 預計在 2,400 萬美元至 2,800 萬美元之間,調整後 EBITDA 利潤率年度目標維持在 4% 左右。

  • We have a strong record of successfully managing to annual adjusted EBITDA margin target, we commit to at the beginning of the year, and I've been pleased by our ongoing discipline demonstrated by the strong operating leverage we delivered in the first half of 2024.

    我們在成功實現年度調整後 EBITDA 利潤率目標方面有著良好的記錄,這是我們在年初做出的承諾,我對我們在 2024 年上半年實現的強勁營運槓桿所體現的持續紀律感到高興。

  • I'll now turn the call back to Jeff for closing comments.


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks, Ken.


  • Increasing equitable access to high-quality learning is the reason why we were founded.


  • It is also the reason why many leading companies choose to join us in our mission.


  • One of these important partners is Microsoft, and I'm thrilled with how our relationship continues to deepen and grow.


  • In addition to announcing their latest certificates in May, we are thrilled to share that Coursera has partnered with Microsoft in a community organization called women in the cloud to launch the universal access to Microsoft skills scholarship.

    除了在 5 月宣布最新證書之外,我們還很高興地宣布,Coursera 已與 Microsoft 在一個名為「雲中女性」的社群組織中合作,推出了普遍獲得 Microsoft 技能獎學金的機會。

  • This scholarship open to everyone provides 5,000 recipients access to all Microsoft specializations and professional certificates on Coursera.

    該獎學金向所有人開放,可讓 5,000 名獲獎者獲得 Coursera 上的所有 Microsoft 專業知識和專業證書。

  • Learners who successfully complete a Professional Certificate through the scholarship will be awarded a complimentary voucher for the industry recognize Microsoft certification exam.

    透過獎學金成功完成專業證書的學習者將獲得業界認可的 Microsoft 認證考試的免費優惠券。

  • It is part of our shared commitment to providing equitable access to the essential skilled and branded credentials that can empower learners to start, switch or advance their careers while also filling critical skill gaps in the evolving economy.


  • Generative AI can act as both a disruptor and an enabler.


  • Whether it widens or narrows the opportunity gap depends on our ability to make education and skilling equally accessible on a global scale.


  • Leading partners like Microsoft, who are creating the next generation of technology tools and services that will fundamentally reshape work in the labor market more broadly are embracing their collective responsibility to harness the potential of generative AI turning it into an engine of opportunity for everyone.


  • We are proud to Coursera's role and especially our partners who we work with in recognizing the importance of turning this threat into an opportunity through education.

    我們為 Coursera 所發揮的作用感到自豪,尤其是我們的合作夥伴認識到透過教育將這一威脅轉化為機會的重要性。

  • Now let's open up the call for questions.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Josh Baer, Morgan Stanley.


  • Josh Baer - Analyst

    Josh Baer - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks for the question and congrats on the upside in Q2.


  • I had a few or a couple on guidance for the rest of the year.


  • One on revenue.


  • Just trying to understand why revenue would decelerate so much in Q3 and then reaccelerate back from like 4.5% growth in Q3 to double digits in Q4, just that set up as far as the seasonality there.

    只是想了解為什麼第三季營收會大幅減速,然後又從第三季的 4.5% 成長重新加速到第四季的兩位數成長,這與季節性因素有關。

  • And then on the expense side, if you could talk a little bit about what expenses were pushed from Q2 into the back half of the year and ultimately understanding how you keep the annual margin guidance in that framework, but how EBITDA margins are -- why they would deteriorate so much in the back half, and like just given your OpEx base here in Q2, how can you even spend that much in the back half?

    然後在費用方面,如果您能談談從第二季度推到下半年的費用,並最終了解如何在該框架內保持年度利潤指導,但 EBITDA 利潤率是多少 - 為什麼它們在後半段會惡化得如此之多,就像剛剛在第二季度給出的營運支出基礎一樣,你怎麼能在後半段花費那麼多錢呢?

  • Like why, when margins move higher.


  • Thank you.


  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • Great.


  • I Josh this is Ken.


  • With regards to the revenue, the forecast we do an individual level across the different segments in light of product introductions, content introductions and based on that and the significant content introductions, we will release this past quarter, which we'll start to see through the rest of the year and which we expect to release during the rest of the year, it's a forecast based on those numbers.


  • So that's how we came up with the Q3 versus rest of the year split.


  • As it relates to expenses and EBITDA, we beat pretty handily.

    由於它與費用和 EBITDA 有關,我們輕鬆擊敗了它。

  • As you know, this has been the cadence we've used since the day went public, in fact, since long before we were public, where we target a year end, we you have beat our annual guidance one year.


  • We tried to spend down to it to optimize for growth.


  • It's too early to predict anything on the front end now, but we are we're spending towards opportunity for the second half of the year.


  • We won't waste money.


  • So if we can't spend it, you'll see upside there, but it's not what we're presently forecasting.


  • But again, similar to the exact same approach we've had for the last five years.


  • Josh Baer - Analyst

    Josh Baer - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Stephen Sheldon, William Blair.


  • Stephen Sheldon - Analyst

    Stephen Sheldon - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks.


  • Appreciate you taking my questions.


  • First, I just wanted to ask what you're seeing in terms of the budgetary environment for enterprise L&D.


  • I think, Ken, in your prepared remarks, you noted some stabilization in corporate learning.


  • And we've been hearing at least some similar commentary from a few other providers in recent months.


  • So could you provide some more detail on what you're seeing there?


  • And when do you think we could move beyond stabilization and back to better growth?


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • Hey, Stephen, this is Jeff.


  • I'll take a first crack and then Ken, feel free to chime in.


  • So the two markets, the regions where we've seen pressure for business hit the most has been in Europe and to some degree in North America.


  • And that's kind of where we're seeing networks are seeing some signs of stabilization.


  • This is the case across many different variables.


  • It's retention of contracts, it's NRR, it's bookings that are all looking a bit healthier.


  • Hard to say exactly why, I still think the part of what we're dealing with is hangover from COVID.


  • You know, when businesses is closed their offices, the training budgets that were traditionally used for people in live sort of sessions, I think got shifted a bit.


  • And we saw a little bit of the pullback of that spend out of online and back to in-person in the years following COVID reopening.


  • And I think we're starting to see a little bit of a stabilization for that reason.


  • We are seeing most of the stabilization that in Europe and North America, where we had originally seen some most of the weakness.


  • And to your question around, when we think it might open up again, it's hard to say for sure, but this generative AI I think continues to evolve and take shape.


  • My view of this is everybody else is important.


  • There's a lot of risk and uncertainty.


  • So companies are trying to figure out the right way to move it -- move through it.


  • But the technology is going to afford opportunities in different dimensions to different companies.


  • There is definitely this question of how might a company use generative AI to create value for customers.


  • And Coursera has tried to really jump on this with language translations, with Coach, with Corus Builder, with academic integrity, we went through a bunch of those.

    Coursera 試圖透過語言翻譯、Coach、Corus Builder 以及學術誠信來真正實現這一點,我們經歷了很多這樣的事情。

  • But in addition to using the technology to create value and frankly, many companies are struggling to figure out how to do that in their business models, at least that's what I'm hearing there's a productivity piece, which is to what degree can generative AI unlock productivity gains and this is going to be different based on different teams and Javo.

    但坦白說,除了利用科技創造價值之外,許多公司還在努力弄清楚如何在他們的商業模式中做到這一點,至少我聽說有一個生產力部分,即生成人工智慧可以達到什麼程度釋放生產力的提升,這會因不同的團隊和Javo 而有所不同。

  • So the role that generative AI might have in making a software developer more efficient, could be different than the role that generative AI have in making marketers more efficient and more effective in the marketing.


  • I think companies are just starting to see now that this technology can both create value and create efficiency and with the GenAI Academy for Teams, we're pretty excited that we now have team specific training from the biggest brands, your Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Meta, et cetera, on how do you generate and unlock productivity.

    我認為公司現在才剛開始認識到這項技術既可以創造價值,又可以創造效率,並且透過 GenAI 團隊學院,我們非常興奮,我們現在擁有來自最大品牌(微軟、谷歌、亞馬遜)的團隊特定培訓、元等等,關於如何產生和釋放生產力。

  • And that's why I think we're going to start seeing budgets open up a bit more is when there is a clear ROI associated with either value created for productivity unlocked by using this technology for specific job role.


  • And we're pretty optimistic still that we will be one of the winners, not losers because of generative AI and perhaps part of what we're seeing here in the bookings strength is some indication that generative AI is going to be a real opportunity for Coursera.


  • Ken, anything you'd add to that.


  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • No, I think it was quite thorough and exciting to be talking about it actually rebound, given that this is where enterprise slowed down first, a couple of years ago.


  • Stephen Sheldon - Analyst

    Stephen Sheldon - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Yes, that's all very helpful, Jeff, appreciate all the commentary.


  • And just a quick follow up.


  • The consumer -- what are you seeing in terms of free to paid learner conversion.


  • And I know that was one component that you called out that drove a slowdown or a second to get the slowdown in consumer.


  • So is that playing out to your expectations, any signs of stabilization improvement thereafter being that drive you called out last quarter?


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, we are actually seeing a little bit better than stabilization.


  • So it certainly has not gotten worse.


  • And we are we're seeing some positive indications there.


  • But obviously, it goes hand-in-hand with the content launches as well.


  • I mean, content that is a valuable, new, in-demand by learners, and especially we're excited about this jobs, the jobs of the credentials where getting the credential, we hope anticipate that if learners in especially emerging markets are interested in winning new types of job opportunities because they know how to generative AI, a credential will help.


  • In developed economies like Europe, North America, learning the skills and having exponential is as I know how to do my job with AI and I could do it productively and effectively.


  • We think that that will be something that becomes a real value proposition and it could also help with conversion rates.


  • But we're we're excited that generative AI and the team's specific job specific titles and credentials will be effective and continuing to see stabilization improvement of the conversion rates.


  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • Jeff and I might chip in that we've seen some particularly nice performance internationally and which is a little bit further to the discussion earlier with Josh, on the product side, seeing seat plus growth in India, promotions from the geo price content.


  • So we're starting to see the result of some of the product innovation we've had, particularly outside NAMR because a lot of that has been focused on international.

    因此,我們開始看到一些產品創新的成果,特別是在 NAMR 之外,因為其中許多都集中在國際上。

  • Stephen Sheldon - Analyst

    Stephen Sheldon - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Jeffrey Silber, BMO Capital Markets.

    Jeffrey Silber,BMO 資本市場。

  • Jeffrey Silber - Analyst

    Jeffrey Silber - Analyst

  • That's close enough.


  • You had mentioned in your prepared remarks about I think you called it a new content production arrangements with potentially more favorable revenue share and potentially some exclusivity.


  • So we get a little bit more color, maybe some examples and any more framework around the different economics would be great.


  • Thanks.


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure, Jeff.


  • Let me talk a little bit about the strategy.


  • Ken, you could talk about the financials and economics.


  • So generative AI is a big deal, the moment I touch that I was like this is going to change a lot of things, it's going to change jobs, it's going to change the skills required to do jobs, it's going to have impact with task automation.


  • It's going to change the way that we learn in a far more personalized way, and it will also change the way we create content, me being like the world.


  • So when we talk about Course Builder, we're not just talking about tools for our customers to use.


  • These are tools that we're using internally as well.


  • And as we look at the rate of launch of new content, it really requires a few things.


  • First, there has to be demand in the market for the types of titles we're seeing the demand.


  • Second partners have to want to launch titles and credentials with our brands on them.


  • And we're seeing -- I would say, unprecedented interest among industry partners who are saying that this next wave of technology generative AI is going to feel a little bit like the cloud wars, where it's not just about building the technology, it's about training people on how to use it, credentializing people who learn how to use it and making sure that the labor markets understand who's got the skills to really take advantage of this technology.


  • So we're seeing a lot of interest from industry partners saying we want to be training people on our foundation models.


  • We want to do that, not only in a general way, but in a job specific way.


  • But a lot of these industry partners don't necessarily have the expertise and capacity to build out the content and the credentials in the way that we know how to do so.


  • We are basically teaming up with our partners to help them produce this content, and we're using a whole lot of generative AI tools to do it.


  • So it is still humans producing the content, our partners, the ones who are branding it, of course, there is taking on a bigger and bigger role in the production of this partner brand and content and what this does is it causes us to invest certain money that gets capitalized and it also causes us to be able to create different economic arrangements.


  • And maybe Ken, you could talk a little bit about the resources we're putting into this as an investment and the way that the incremental rev-share might be is to be different on these types of Coursera produced partner branded titles.

    也許 Ken,您可以談談我們為此投入的資源作為一項投資,以及增量收益分享的方式可能是在這些類型的 Coursera 製作的合作夥伴品牌遊戲上有所不同。

  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • Absolutely.


  • And your description, of course, on what those represent means, they're some of our best brands.


  • These are important companies who are doing this with.


  • We don't disclose the specifics, of course, with the individual relationships matter respect for our partners.


  • But the -- what we've done is we've invested in this automation, obviously in a transaction which we take on the production costs, we take on all the risks, which makes a lot of sense because we're the experts here.


  • And again, importantly, doing so with minimal out-of-pocket we have some pretty significant technological capabilities now with product we've built -- to build this product.

    再說一遍,重要的是,透過最少的自付費用,我們現在已經擁有一些非常重要的技術能力,我們已經建立了產品 - 來建立這個產品。

  • It makes it easy for us to invest very profitably on this.


  • We talked about this as part of the change, actually technically in definition around free cash flow a couple of quarters ago because we were including this in the free cash flow calculation, which is a negative to us, and we wanted people to understand what that was, which is a tremendous opportunity, we think to strategically build the business and create better economics.


  • And so we've allocated $20 million of budget this year.

    因此,我們今年分配了 2000 萬美元的預算。

  • We spent, as I mentioned in my prepared remarks, a couple of million dollars this past quarter, and it's highly attractive, both strategically and financially.


  • And so I think you will continue to hear about progress here and success.


  • Jeffrey Silber - Analyst

    Jeffrey Silber - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • And any kind of way of thinking about or I don't want you the words guidance, but the incremental economic sharing that happens when the title gets consumed by the consumer segment?


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, we beat because of the relationship.


  • Of course, we have better economics from a rev-share standpoint, it varies client by client, but it's pretty specific, but it is a significantly higher margin with us taking all the risk on and funding entirely.


  • Jeffrey Silber - Analyst

    Jeffrey Silber - Analyst

  • That makes sense.


  • Thanks so much.


  • Operator


  • Brian Peterson, Raymond James.


  • Brian Peterson - Analyst

    Brian Peterson - Analyst

  • Thanks, gentlemen, and congrats on the strong quarter.


  • It's nice to see the acceleration in Degrees.


  • I know you mentioned the ramp-up in new students and new partnerships.


  • I'm curious on your level of visibility there.


  • In any sense and how we should be thinking about the medium-term growth rates for that cycle?


  • Thanks, guys.


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeak, ken.


  • We typically give guidance at the beginning of the year.


  • I don't know if there's anything in addition by segment to that you want to it or not.


  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • No.


  • We haven't provided any updated guidance across the board.


  • We've done that historically when we had radical changes, but I wouldn't assume anything different otherwise we'd provide some guidance just to be helpful with people in their models, but nothing off the 10%, which we reiterated last year, for the year.


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • And I guess what I might add just a little bit of texture on this segment.


  • We have been moving more and more towards this notion of what we call pathway to Degrees.


  • The idea that you can start a college degree on Coursera and open content without, you can start at any time, you don't have to go through the admissions process, it's a lot more flexible and affordable.

    您可以在 Coursera 上開始大學學位並開放內容的想法,您可以隨時開始,無需經歷招生過程,它更加靈活且負擔得起。

  • And you earn credits by taking the open content, then you can finish your degree faster and more inexpensively.


  • Like that basic model we think is going to be the model for a lot of degrees all around the world.


  • So we're excited about that model because it really plays to this whole idea that you can blend industry content with higher education, you can book -- and you could do online at any time even as you have account towards a more structured, traditional, higher education degree.

    因此,我們對這種模式感到興奮,因為它確實體現了整個想法,即您可以將行業內容與高等教育相結合,您可以預訂- 即使您有一個更加結構化、傳統的帳戶,您也可以隨時線上進行,高等教育學歷。

  • So we're seeing signs in the pathway degrees strategy from learners that this is really the kind of flexibility, affordability, ROI that they're looking for, and we're going to continue to do more of that. a key enabler of this is these credit recommendations from American Council on Education and ECTS, which is the European Credit Transfer System.

    因此,我們在學習者的銜接學位策略中看到了跡象,表明這確實是他們正在尋找的靈活性、可負擔性和投資回報率,我們將繼續在這方面做更多的事情。實現這一目標的關鍵因素是美國教育委員會和 ECTS(即歐洲學分轉移系統)的學分建議。

  • And we have 30 certificates now that are ACE recommended 15, which are ECTS recommended.


  • And this really helps us unlock this pathway degree kinds of opportunities.


  • Brian Peterson - Analyst

    Brian Peterson - Analyst

  • Appreciate the color.


  • Thanks guys.


  • Operator


  • Taylor McGinnis, UBS.


  • Taylor McGinnis - Analyst

    Taylor McGinnis - Analyst

  • Yeah, hi.


  • Thanks, so much for taking my question.


  • So you mentioned the record number of entry-level Professional Certificates launched in the quarter, and it seems like that was a key driver of the outperformance.


  • So as we look ahead and how much of the expected 3Q revs slowdown and like the inflection in 4Q might be tied to expected certificate launches.


  • And so was there some, for instance, like certificates that might have been launched earlier than expected that may be benefited 2Q and might be weighing on 3Q.


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • Hey, Taylor.


  • So maybe, Ken, you could talk a little bit about the financial piece.


  • I'll just say that with respect to the titles that we're launching.


  • We have really seen, as I said, a step up and interest among partners and a increase in efficiency and I think quality on the production side.


  • So that certainly has had an impact on Q2 up.


  • By the way, among these titles at these professional certificates, we had four from IBM, four from Microsoft, two from Google Cloud, one from Meta, one from AWS and one for ADP.

    順便說一句,在這些專業憑證的頭銜中,我們有四個來自 IBM、四個來自微軟、兩個來自 Google Cloud、一個來自 Meta、一個來自 AWS 和一個來自 ADP。

  • So these are big brands, doing lots of search.


  • They certainly influence our sense that there's going to be a good supply of this type of content and credential, and we are optimistic there's going to be coffee demand.


  • We don't want to get ahead of ourselves, though, on demand.


  • I mean North America still is not what it was last year, in terms of the traffic and conversion that we were seeing in the consumer segment.


  • There's still some uncertainty around how these titles are going to perform.


  • We have pretty good confidence that we're going to be continuing to launch a whole lot of these things in the coming six months.


  • But we're not really sure exactly what the appetite is going to be.


  • And Ken, I don't know if you want to link any of the content that was delivered in Q2 or expected in Q3, Q4 against the guidance on the consumer -- on the overall revenue segment, the overall revenues for the rest of the year.


  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • Sure.


  • As it relates to Q3 and the content titles specifically, one of the things was we had a tough compare in 2023 -- Q3 of 2023, we had a blockbuster release without too much detail related to cybersecurity which really moves the revenue.

    由於它與第三季度和具體的內容標題相關,其中一件事是我們在2023 年進行了艱難的比較——2023 年第三季度,我們發布了一個重磅版本,但沒有太多與網路安全相關的細節,這確實改變了收入。

  • And so on year over year for that new launch, it worked offsetting that partially and mitigating somewhat with the 15 certificates launch in Q2 that we'll see coming.

    因此,隨著新推出的年復一年,它部分抵消了這一影響,並透過我們將在第二季推出的 15 個證書有所緩解。

  • But that was the reason is we had a blockbuster year ago and so in the year-over-year comparison, we don't see quite same growth.


  • Taylor McGinnis - Analyst

    Taylor McGinnis - Analyst

  • That's really helpful.


  • Thank you so much.


  • And then for my second question, Ken, could you just maybe break out and the uptick in like expense growth that you guys are expecting in the back half.


  • Could you maybe just talk about the drivers of that and how much of that might be tied to like investments around content?


  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • Yeah.


  • A lot of the content to be clear is on hits the balance sheet as we can find the opportunities to fund those.


  • We'll have continued spend in R&D.


  • We've actually done a pretty nice job of continuing to bring down the OpEx as a percentage spend.


  • And then where there's more marketing opportunity cost effectively, we'll be spending there as well.


  • We'll continue to monitor through the course of the year again, we tried to get to an annual guide which we said is 4% at the beginning of this year and work within that, but if we can't spend it effectively, we'll let more drop down, we're just in the process of.

    我們將繼續在這一年中再次進行監控,我們試圖達到一個年度指南,我們在今年年初說是 4%,並在這個範圍內工作,但如果我們不能有效地使用它,我們會讓更多的東西掉下來,我們只是在這個過程中。

  • As we look to growth opportunities for next year, making sure we can fully fund those.


  • Taylor McGinnis - Analyst

    Taylor McGinnis - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks, so much.


  • Operator


  • Rishi Jaluria, RBC.

    Rishi Jaluria,加拿大皇家銀行。

  • Chris Brown - Analyst

    Chris Brown - Analyst

  • Hi, this is Chris Brown on for Rishi Jaluria.

    大家好,我是 Rishi Jaluria 的 Chris Brown。

  • Thanks for taking my question, I wanted to ask about your large cash balance.


  • Can you just remind us how you're thinking about the primary uses of cash in the near term within your capital allocation strategy?


  • Thank you.


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • Thanks, Chris.


  • Let me take a higher level view.


  • And Ken, I don't know if you want to talk anything about Q2 and some of the sort of uses of cash that hit the adjusted EBITDA reconciliation, but at a really high level and certainly not just Ken and me and the management team, we also the board.

    肯,我不知道你是否想談論第二季度以及影響調整後 EBITDA 調節的現金使用情況,但在非常高的層面上,當然不僅僅是肯和我以及管理團隊,我們也是董事會。

  • And we have a Board and leadership team, that frankly thinks that what we're about to see with generative AI as it transforms economies around the world, is going to be significant opportunities.


  • EdTech as we all know, has been a tough place in the last few quarters, that creates certain opportunities for companies with a lot of distribution and a really healthy balance sheet like Coursera.

    眾所周知,教育科技在過去幾季一直是一個艱難的領域,這為像 Coursera 這樣擁有大量分銷和真正健康的資產負債表的公司創造了一定的機會。

  • I don't know what the capabilities of say GPT5 are going to be or the next version of Gemini Ultra.

    我不知道 GPT5 或 Gemini Ultra 的下一個版本的功能是什麼。

  • But at any moment, we can potentially see some nonlinear capabilities, you'll get the market and maybe there will be some startups or some other companies, perhaps more mature companies that find something that is dramatically more valuable than what people have experienced before.


  • In those instances, having bought a global platform, a great brand and a house of many other great brands, a big balance sheet that could take a breakout kind of technology and pump it through a global distribution system like, we think that's not completely unlikely.


  • And so we do like the optionality of being able to make moves like that if we want to.


  • We've been pretty intensely investigating opportunities.


  • And so what we in conversation with our Board have decided is there's some really interesting times come in, and we think that our position in this landscape is changing rapidly as an online educator is pretty attractive and will put us in the driver's seat in many ways.


  • Ken, I don't know if you want to talk a little bit about Q2 and sort of how you're thinking about balance sheet?


  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • Yeah, sure.


  • So the highest level, you just hit the most important point, which is the strategic focus and the belief that holding cash for strategic opportunities is what the team and Board are aligned around, I would say further on that topic.


  • And you mentioned that we've been pretty active without anything to talk about concrete disclose, we can see in our EBITDA reconciliation this time for the first time, M&A related costs on a transaction that didn't close that were pretty significant.

    您提到我們一直非常活躍,沒有任何具體披露的內容,我們可以在這次的 EBITDA 調節中看到,第一次未完成的交易的併購相關成本非常高。

  • We achieved our EBITDA target for the quarter.

    我們實現了本季的 EBITDA 目標。

  • And again, we will for the year regardless of that [Olympic], I think it points to the efforts we're making and expect to continue to make.


  • It was a $3.4 million charge, and when you're spending that much on a potential M&A transaction, that means it's of significant size.

    這是一筆 340 萬美元的費用,當你在潛在的併購交易上花費這麼多錢時,這意味著它的規模相當大。

  • So we're hard at work continuing to look at other opportunities, but that I think is a further a little bit of insight into how we're thinking about capital allocation and timing,


  • Chris Brown - Analyst

    Chris Brown - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thanks, for the details, guys.


  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • Yeah, sure.


  • Operator


  • Ryan MacDonald, Needham & Company.


  • Ryan MacDonald - Analyst

    Ryan MacDonald - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking my questions and congrats on a nice quarter.


  • And I wanted to double-click on Brian's question earlier about the Degree segment.


  • In a last quarter you talked about that decrease would be short of growth in that segment would be a bit more back half weighted into the year.


  • Just curious if this is still sort of the expectation given the strong 14% growth that you put up in second quarter here and perhaps what are you seeing on a cohort basis as we head towards the fall with the existing programs you've gotten, how comfortable are you feeling about the trajectory of that business segment?

    只是好奇,考慮到您在第二季度提出的14% 的強勁增長,這是否仍然是一種預期,也許當我們帶著您已經獲得的現有計劃進入秋季時,您在隊列基礎上看到了什麼?

  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • Yeah, I guess what I guess what I would say is, the -- as we thought was it today or yesterday, there is a sea change.


  • It's happening in the US around the way online degrees get managed and who manages them who create some and and how they come to market, what the business models are.


  • And so what I would say is we really like our basic strategy of these pathway degrees we think is pretty much unique to us and we think it's going to be some that learners, frankly, really want.


  • That being said, there's a lot that's changing and so we want to be your thoughtful and somewhat cautious about how it's going to be to navigate these.


  • So I would say, on real update from our previous guidance that was a while ago on the degree segment kind of revenue growth.


  • And we think we've got the right general design pattern for a degree that's going to work for working adults globally, but there's still quite a bit to figure out.


  • And so we're on our journey to redefining this $2 trillion market called college degree.

    因此,我們正在重新定義這個價值 2 兆美元的大學學位市場。

  • Ryan MacDonald - Analyst

    Ryan MacDonald - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • And maybe as a follow-up just talked about the consumer segment.


  • Can you give us a sense of maybe timing within the quarter of the processor launches and perhaps the magnitude of upside from consumer that came from these new launches like in second quarter relative to maybe a more of a knock-on effect or positive impact from these new launches that we should expect in the back half of the year?


  • Thanks.


  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • Sure, Brent we -- Brain we haven't specifically broken out the guidance by what's coming from new content.


  • They were released through out the quarter, but toward the back part of it.


  • So you'll expect more impact in this quarter than last quarter.


  • I think that's about as much color as it would make sense to provide.


  • Is that helpful.


  • Ryan MacDonald - Analyst

    Ryan MacDonald - Analyst

  • Very helpful.


  • Thanks, Ken.


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • By the way, the other thing that we're not sure about, I mean, a lot of this really is the world is shaping up in [certain ways], and we're definitely launching a lot of new titles, but there was a part of the script where we talked about refreshing existing titles and we have a whole, obviously 7,000 courses on the platform and whether it's how you negotiate or how you manage people or how you do data analysis.

    順便說一句,我們不確定的另一件事,我的意思是,很多事情確實是世界正在以[某些方式]形成,我們肯定會推出很多新遊戲,但有在腳本的一部分中,我們討論了刷新現有的標題,我們在平台上有一整套,顯然有7,000 門課程,無論是如何談判、如何管理人員還是如何進行數據分析。

  • We truly believe that virtually everything is going to change because of generative AI, it will certainly be the creation of new content that we think can feed the engine, the growth engine.


  • But we're also quite optimistic about the relevance of our existing content if we upgrade it with our partners to include what's an GenAI way of doing that.

    但如果我們與合作夥伴一起升級現有內容,以包含 GenAI 的實現方式,我們對現有內容的相關性也非常樂觀。

  • Of course, that will be changing rapidly.


  • But that will also really stimulate a sort of a refresh cycle.


  • And I think a novelty among learners to say, hey, you know, when the next major advance and generative AI comes out, now what do I need to learn about how to do my job well.


  • And so we think there's a really broad field for not only launching new titles but refreshing existing titles to make them newly relevant to a wide audience.


  • I mean almost like everybody who has a job.


  • This is what we're really shooting for.


  • We really want to redefine the target market to essentially every working person in the world who's got to retool the way they do their jobs.


  • Ryan MacDonald - Analyst

    Ryan MacDonald - Analyst

  • I appreciate the color there, Jeff.


  • Thanks.


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • Operator


  • Devin Au, KeyBanc Capital Markets.

    Devin Au,KeyBanc 資本市場。

  • Devin Au - Analyst

    Devin Au - Analyst

  • Hey, Jeff, again, thanks for taking my question and congrats on the strong results here.


  • I want to ask about enterprise specifically NRR, which has down ticked slightly again, I mean, I think you called out some challenges and on the government segment, can you just elaborate more on that front?


  • Is that kind of similar dynamics to what you saw last quarter and how many of these, I guess, similar types of customers were facing transitory budgets are likely to come up for renewals later this year?

    這種動態與您上個季度看到的情況是否相似? 我猜,有多少類似類型的客戶面臨著暫時的預算,可能會在今年稍後進行續訂?

  • Thanks.


  • Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jeffrey Maggioncalda - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • Thanks, Devin.


  • Yeah, this is Jeff.


  • I'll give you high level.


  • As I said this in the past, which I hope is somewhat helpful.


  • I realize it's not as crystal clear as you might like.


  • But the NRRs, are really different by business versus campus versus government.

    但企業、校園和政府的 NRR 確實不同。

  • On the government side, which we mentioned some of these deals are multimillion dollar deals and they really can have an outsized effect if one or two and up having been funded by a transitory budget that does not renew.


  • So say COVID era money that has not been available.


  • And so there is a bit of work through that we have to do and we did mention that there is a substantial ways a drag on NRRs came from certain big [gov-related] deals that did not have the persistence of budget that we had hoped would would be there.

    因此,我們必須做一些工作,我們確實提到,對 NRR 的拖累在很大程度上來自某些大型[政府相關]交易,這些交易沒有我們希望的預算持久性會在那裡。

  • I will say that these would be previous quarters, Coursera for business actually helped bump up the NRR overall.

    我想說的是,在前幾個季度,Coursera 商業版實際上幫助提高了整體 NRR。

  • So it's one of things where certain segments are doing better than others.


  • It's kind of helpful to diversify.


  • At the same time. the [C4G has got the Coursera government] has some big whales in it.

    同時。 [C4G 已經得到了 Coursera 政府] 裡面有一些大鯨魚。

  • And when some of those you don't persist in the budgeting frame, but it hurts.


  • We do expect that well, I say our targets are to have NRRs of 120%.

    我們確實希望如此,我說我們的目標是 NRR 達到 120%。

  • And within our business in terms of the buyers and the learners, we do see pockets where the NRRs are large and healthy.

    在我們的業務中,就買家和學習者而言,我們確實看到 NRR 較大且健康的領域。

  • And what we're trying to do is basically identify those use cases, put more effort and attention towards selling and supporting those find those use cases that might shake loose because the budgets were a little bit more transitory and don't do those as frequently going forward.


  • Ken, anything you would add to that?


  • Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

    Kenneth Hahn - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer

  • Thanks for asking.


  • Materially there's nothing incremental to add.


  • I think that's about -- that covers it all in detail.


  • I hope it was helpful.


  • Devin Au - Analyst

    Devin Au - Analyst

  • No, that super helpful, Jeff and Ken.


  • Appreciate it.


  • Cam Carey - Head of IR

    Cam Carey - Head of IR

  • Well, thank you, Devin.


  • That wraps today's Q&A session.


  • A replay of this webcast will be available on our Investor Relations website.


  • Thank you for joining us and take care.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call.


  • Thank you for your participation and you may now disconnect.
