CMS能源 (CMS) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the CMS Energy 2024 second quarter results.

    大家早安,歡迎閱讀 CMS Energy 2024 年第二季業績。

  • The earnings news release issued earlier today, and the presentation used in this webcast are available on CMS Energy's website in the Investor Relations section.

    今天稍早發布的收益新聞稿以及本次網路廣播中使用的簡報可在 CMS Energy 網站的投資者關係部分取得。

  • This call is being recorded.


  • (Operator Instructions) Just a reminder, there will be a rebroadcast of this conference call today beginning at 12:00 PM Eastern Time running through August 1.

    (操作員說明)謹此提醒,本次電話會議將於今天東部時間中午 12:00 重播,一直持續到 8 月 1 日。

  • This presentation is also being webcast and is available on CMS Energy's website in the Investor Relations section.

    該簡報也進行了網路直播,並可在 CMS Energy 網站的投資者關係部分查看。

  • At this time, I would like to turn the call over to Mr. Jason Show, Treasurer and Vice President of Investor Relations.

    現在,我想將電話轉給財務主管兼投資者關係副總裁 Jason Show 先生。

  • Jason Shore - Treasurer and VP, Finance & IR

    Jason Shore - Treasurer and VP, Finance & IR

  • Thank you, Harry.


  • Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us today.


  • With me are Garrick Rochow, President and Chief Executive Officer; and Rejji Hayes, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

    與我在一起的有總裁兼執行長 Garrick Rochow;以及執行副總裁兼財務長 Rejji Hayes。

  • This presentation contains forward-looking statements, which are subject to risks and uncertainties.


  • Please refer to our SEC filings for more information regarding the risks and other factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially.

    請參閱我們向 SEC 提交的文件,以了解有關可能導致我們的實際結果出現重大差異的風險和其他因素的更多資​​訊。

  • This presentation also includes non-GAAP measures.


  • Reconciliations of these measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measures are included in the appendix and posted on our website.


  • And now I'll turn the call over to Garrick.


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Jason, and thank you, everyone, for joining us today.


  • Our proven investment thesis, which delivers 6% to 8% adjusted earnings growth and affordable bills for our customers has been durable for more than two decades because we focus on what matters.

    我們經過驗證的投資理論為我們的客戶帶來 6% 至 8% 的調整後收益增長和負擔得起的賬單,二十多年來一直經久不衰,因為我們專注於重要的事情。

  • Today, I'm going to highlight two key areas of our thesis.


  • First, Michigan's strong regulatory environment, build on a solid constructive framework, much of which is codified in Michigan law, 10 month forward-looking rate cases, important financial and fuel recovery mechanisms, increased energy waste reduction incentives just to name a few attributes.

    首先,密西根州強大的監管環境建立在堅實的建設性框架之上,其中大部分內容已編入密西根州法律、10 個月的前瞻性利率案例、重要的財務和燃料回收機制、增加能源浪費減少激勵措施等。

  • This robust framework supports Michigan's position as a top tier regulatory environment and provides important supportive incentives for needed investments to make our electric and gas system safer, more reliable, and resilient and cleaner.


  • And second, our continued commitment to affordable bills for our customers.


  • As I've said before, we work both sides of the equation, we make important investment, and we keep customer build affordable.


  • I consider our use of the CE Way, our lean operating system, one of the best in the industry.

    我認為我們使用的 CE Way(我們的精益作業系統)是業內最好的作業系統之一。

  • This approach limit upward pressure on customer bills.


  • It is critical in the delivery of our investment plan, and we continue to see a long runway of cost-saving opportunities well into the future, delivering industry-leading results for all our stakeholders.


  • From a regulatory perspective, we're off to a strong start for the year.


  • As you can see on slide 4, our regulatory calendar is mostly complete.

    正如您在投影片 4 中所看到的,我們的監管日曆已基本完成。

  • We received a constructive order in our electric rate case in March, filed our new electric rate case in May and settled our gas rate case earlier this month.

    我們在 3 月收到了關於電費案件的建設性命令,於 5 月提交了新的電費案件,並於本月初解決了我們的燃氣費案件。

  • The fourth consecutive settlement in our gas business, four consecutive settlements in gas, yet another proof point highlighting the strong regulatory environment in Michigan.


  • We're very pleased with our recently approved gas settlement, which calls for a $62.5 million of effective rate relief, a 9% -- 9.9% ROE and a 50% equity ratio.

    我們對最近批准的天然氣和解協議感到非常滿意,該協議要求減免 6,250 萬美元的有效利率、9% 至 9.9% 的股本回報率和 50% 的股本比率。

  • We plan to file our next gas rate case in December of this year.

    我們計劃在今年 12 月提交下一個天然氣費率案件。

  • Outside of rate cases, our upcoming 20-year renewable energy plan or our EP filing in November is the only major remaining filing for the year.

    除了費率案件之外,我們即將推出的 20 年可再生能源計畫或 11 月提交的 EP 文件是今年唯一剩餘的主要文件。

  • Let me pause there for a moment.


  • Midway through the year, our financial related regulatory outcomes are known as the great place to be.


  • I also want to talk about our formula to deliver customer affordability as we make important investments.


  • Long-term filings like our renewable energy plan detail, the significant planned investments that support safe, reliable, clean, and affordable energy for our customers.


  • As we shared previously, we see more investment opportunities as we make the transition to renewables and clean energy.


  • In addition to the $17 billion of needed customer investments in our five year capital plan, our electric reliability roadmap and natural gas delivery plans highlight important investments well beyond what's in our financial plan.

    除了我們五年資本計畫中所需的 170 億美元客戶投資之外,我們的電力可靠性路線圖和天然氣輸送計畫還強調了遠遠超出我們財務計畫的重要投資。

  • Now that's a long way of saying we see a long one runway of necessary and important customer investment.


  • These investments must be balanced with a laser focus on customer affordability.


  • We take seriously our ability to create capital headroom to make those investments through continued use of the CE Way, which provides over $50 million of annual customer savings.

    我們認真對待透過持續使用 CE Way 創造資本淨空進行這些投資的能力,該方式每年為客戶節省超過 5000 萬美元。

  • Renegotiating over market PPAs and retiring our coal facilities which together provide well over $200 million in savings as we transition toward cleaner resources.

    重新談判市場購電協議並退役我們的煤炭設施,隨著我們向更清潔的資源過渡,這總共節省了超過 2 億美元。

  • Capitalizing on economic development opportunities particularly manufacturing, which brings jobs and significant mission investments, spreading fixed costs over a larger customer base, benefiting all customers.


  • Lastly, leveraging our best in class energy waste reduction programs to help customers reduce bills.


  • This is a formula that works for everyone continuing to strengthen the system with important investments while keeping customer bills affordable.


  • Now let's look at the results and outlook.


  • For the first half, we reported adjusted earnings per share of $1.63 of $0.18 versus the first half of 2023, largely driven by the constructive outcomes in our electric and gas rate cases.

    上半年,我們報告的調整後每股收益為 1.63 美元,與 2023 年上半年相比為 0.18 美元,這主要是由於我們的電力和天然氣費率案例取得了建設性成果。

  • We remain confident in this year's guidance and long-term outlook and are reaffirming all our financial objectives.


  • Our full year guidance remains at $3.29 to $3.35 per share with continued confidence toward the high end.

    我們的全年指引仍為每股 3.29 美元至 3.35 美元,並對高端市場繼續充滿信心。

  • Longer term, we continue to guide to the high end of our adjusted EPS growth range of 6% to 8%, which implies and includes 7% up to 8%.

    從長遠來看,我們繼續將調整後每股盈餘成長範圍的上限引導至 6% 至 8%,這意味著並包括 7% 至 8%。

  • With that, I'll hand the call over to Rejji.

    這樣,我就把電話轉給 Rejji。

  • Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thank you, Garrick, and good morning, everyone.


  • On slide 7, you'll see our standard waterfall chart which illustrates the key drivers impacting our financial performance for the first six months of 2024 and our year-to-go expectations.

    在投影片 7 上,您將看到我們的標準瀑布圖,其中說明了影響我們 2024 年前六個月財務表現和未來一年預期的關鍵驅動因素。

  • For clarification purposes, all of the variance analyses herein are in comparison to 2023, both on a year to date and a year-to-go basis.

    為澄清起見,本文的所有變異數分析均與 2023 年相比,包括年初至今和去年同期。

  • In summary, through the first half of 2024, we delivered adjusted net income of $485 million or $1.63 per share, which compares favorably to the comparable period in 2023, largely due to higher rate relief net of investment costs.

    總而言之,到 2024 年上半年,我們實現了 4.85 億美元的調整後淨利潤,即每股 1.63 美元,與 2023 年同期相比相當不錯,這主要是由於扣除投資成本後的利率減免較高。

  • And while we have seen some glimpses of favorable weather, particularly in June, overall, weather continues to be a headwind through the first half of the year, equating to $0.05 per share of negative variance.

    雖然我們已經看到了一些有利的天氣,特別是在 6 月,但總體而言,今年上半年天氣仍然是不利因素,相當於每股 0.05 美元的負方差。

  • And that figure includes the warm winter weather experienced in our service territory in the first quarter, which I'll remind you, have the second lowest number of heating degree days in the past 25 years.

    這個數字包括我們服務區域第一季經歷的暖冬天氣,我要提醒大家的是,這個數字是過去 25 年來第二低的暖氣度天數。

  • As mentioned rate relief, net investment related expenses, one of the key drivers of our first half performance resulted in $0.13 per share of positive variance due to constructive outcomes achieved in our electric rate order received in March and last year's gas rate case settlement.

    如前所述,費率減免、淨投資相關費用是我們上半年業績的關鍵驅動因素之一,由於我們3 月份收到的電費訂單和去年的天然氣費率案件和解取得了建設性成果,導致每股0.13 美元的正差異。

  • From a cost perspective, our financial performance in the first half of the year was negatively impacted by heavy storm activity, including a notable weather system that impacted our service territory in late June, resulting in $0.03 per share of negative variance versus the comparable period in 2023.

    從成本角度來看,我們上半年的財務表現受到強風暴活動的負面影響,其中包括6 月下旬影響我們服務區域的顯著天氣系統,導致與2017 年同期相比每股出現0.03 美元的負方差。

  • Rounding out the first six months of the year, you'll note the $0.13 per share of positive variance highlighted in the catch-off bucket in the middle of the chart.

    在今年的前六個月中,您會注意到圖表中間的捕獲桶中突出顯示的每股 0.13 美元的正方差。

  • The primary sources of upside here were related to solid operational performance at NorthStar and higher weather-normalized electric sales.


  • Looking ahead, as always, we plan for normal weather, which equates to $0.2 per share of positive variance for the remaining half of the year.

    展望未來,一如既往,我們計劃應對正常天氣,這相當於今年剩餘半年每股正方差為 0.2 美元。

  • Given the mild temperatures experienced in the final six months of 2023.

    鑑於 2023 年最後六個月氣溫溫和。

  • From a regulatory perspective, we realized $0.12 per share of positive variance, largely driven by the aforementioned electric rate order received from the commission earlier this year and the constructive outcome achieved in our recently approved gas rate case settlement, which Garrick summarized earlier.

    從監管角度來看,我們實現了每股0.12 美元的正方差,這主要是由於今年早些時候從委員會收到的上述電價命令以及我們最近批准的天然氣費率案件和解中取得的建設性成果(加里克之前對此進行了總結)。

  • Closing out the glide path for the remainder of the year, as noted during our Q1 call, we anticipate lower overall O&M expense at the utility driven by the usual cost performance fueled by the CE Way and the residual benefits from select sustainable cost reduction initiatives implemented in 2023 such as our voluntary separation plan among others.

    正如我們在第一季電話會議中所指出的,我們預計公用事業公司的整體營運和維護費用將在今年剩餘時間內下降,這是由於CE 方式推動的通常成本績效以及實施的選定可持續成本削減措施所帶來的剩餘效益所推動的2023 年,例如我們的自願離職計畫等。

  • Collectively, we expect these items to drive $0.09 per share of positive variance for the remaining six months of the year.

    總的來說,我們預計這些項目將在今年剩餘六個月內帶來每股 0.09 美元的正方差。

  • Lastly, and the penultimate bar on the right hand side, you'll note a significant negative variance, which largely consists of the absence of select onetime countermeasures from last year and the usual conservative assumptions around weather-normalized sales and non-utility performance among other IOs.

    最後,在右側的倒數第二條中,您會注意到顯著的負方差,這主要是由於去年沒有選擇一次性對策,以及對天氣正常化銷售和非公用事業績效的通常保守假設。 IO。

  • In aggregate, these assumptions equate to $0.35 to $0.41 per share of negative variance.

    總的來說,這些假設相當於每股負方差 0.35 至 0.41 美元。

  • In summary, despite a challenging first half of the year, we are well positioned to deliver on our 2024 financial objectives for the benefit of customers and investors.

    總之,儘管上半年充滿挑戰,但我們有能力實現 2024 年財務目標,造福客戶和投資者。

  • Moving on to our financing plan.


  • Slide 8 offers more specificity on the balance of our planned funding needs in 2024, which at this point are limited to debt issuances at the utility.

    第 8 張投影片更詳細地介紹了我們 2024 年計畫融資需求的平衡情況,目前僅限於公用事業公司的債務發行。

  • I'll bring your attention to a relatively modest increase to our 2024 plan financing of utility.

    我將提請您注意我們 2024 年計劃公用事業融資的相對適度增長。

  • Specifically, we are now planning to issue approximately $675 million in the second half of the year versus the implied estimates in our original guidance of $500 million to rebalance the rate-making capital structure at the utility in accordance with recent rate case outcomes.

    具體來說,我們現在計劃在今年下半年發行約6.75 億美元,而我們最初指導中的隱含估計為5 億美元,以根據最近的費率案例結果重新平衡公用事業公司的費率制定資本結構。

  • Although not highlighted in the table on the slide, I'm pleased to report that we've completed all of our planned tax credit sales for the year at levels favorable to our plan and ahead of schedule.


  • I'll also reiterate that we have no planned long-term financings at the parent in 2024, but remain opportunistic, should we see a cost-efficient opportunity to pull ahead some of our 2025 financing needs.

    我還要重申,我們的母公司沒有計劃在 2024 年進行長期融資,但如果我們看到一個具有成本效益的機會來滿足 2025 年的部分融資需求,我們仍然會保持機會主義。

  • As I've said before, our approach to our financing plan is similar to how we run the business.


  • We plan conservatively and capitalize on opportunities as they arise.


  • This approach has been tried and true year-in and year-out.


  • It has enabled us to deliver on our operational and financial objectives, irrespective of the circumstances for the benefit of our customers and investors.


  • And this year is no different.


  • And with that, I'll hand it back to Garrick for his final remarks before the Q&A session.


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Rejji.


  • CMS Energy, 21 years of consistent industry-leading financial performance, I have confidence in our strong outlook this year and beyond as we continue to execute on our simple investment thesis, and make the necessary important investments in our system while maintaining customer affordability.

    CMS Energy 21 年來一直保持業界領先的財務業績,我對今年及以後的強勁前景充滿信心,因為我們將繼續執行我們簡單的投資理念,並對我們的系統進行必要的重要投資,同時保持客戶的承受能力。

  • With that Harry, please open the lines for Q&A.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Jeremy Tonet, JPMorgan.


  • Jeremy Tonet - Analyst

    Jeremy Tonet - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • I just wanted to turn towards DIG for a little bit here if we could, and just wanted to get updated thoughts with regards to recontracting overall?

    如果可以的話,我只是想在這裡轉向 DIG,並且只是想了解有關整體重新簽約的最新想法?

  • And just, I guess, the outlook in this environment given kind of trends in power price?


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I would suggest that Jeremy and it's consistent consistent with what we shared in the past, energy, and capacity markets that upward pressure continues to be a ripe opportunity.


  • And we continue strike nice bilateral contracts to secure higher energy and energy capacity prices well above our global of our plan.


  • And so again, a good opportunity to continue to do that.


  • And as we've shared in the past, this just continues to strengthen and lengthen our financial performance.


  • Jeremy Tonet - Analyst

    Jeremy Tonet - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you for that.


  • And then it seems like halfway through the year, CMS is in a pretty good position overall.

    看起來今年已經過去一半了,CMS 整體上處於一個相當不錯的位置。

  • Just wondering any thoughts you could share with regards to, I guess how weather is looking in impacts for 3Q as it stands right now and really getting towards the guest cost management thoughts and whether on you know, they might be in a position to pull forward costs to further derisk the future outlook and how you think about all that?


  • Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • And Jeremy, it's Rejji.


  • I appreciate the question.


  • And I would say weather outlook looks fairly good for Q3, but obviously early days.


  • And I will just say personally, I don't give a lot of credence to two and three-month outlooks on much more focus on the 10 days ahead, which appear to be a bit more accurate.

    我個人只是說,我不太相信兩個月和三個月的展望,而是更專注於未來 10 天,這似乎更準確一些。

  • And so we always remain paranoid about weather and just based on year to date, weather has not been all that kind.


  • And so we'll continue to execute on cost performance related initiatives.


  • We've had some good success over the last several years and executing on cost management over the course of the year, and we'll continue to do that through Q3.


  • As I mentioned in the first quarter call, it's still premature to start thinking about pull-aheads for 2025.

    正如我在第一季電話會議中提到的,現在開始考慮 2025 年的提前目標還為時過早。

  • I think historically, even in the best of years where weather was really helpful in the first couple of quarters, we still didn't think about flexing up or pull ahead or any of those types of de-risking mechanisms until we got deeper into Q3 and had a real good outlook on the fourth quarter.


  • So hopefully more to talk about from a 2025 de-risking perspective next quarter.

    因此,希望下個季度能從 2025 年去風險的角度進行更多討論。

  • But at this point, it's too premature to get into that.


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • If I could just add to that Jeremy part of the call here in my prepared remarks, I talked about the confidence.


  • Confidence comes from the fact that we're executing on that.


  • The way we've done that historically would have been at a run rate of greater than $50 million on annual basis.

    從歷史上看,我們這樣做的方式是每年運行速度超過 5000 萬美元。

  • We see that continuing and there are a number of things that we did in 2023 in terms of Ready shared in his prepared remarks, voluntary separation contracts, controls, those continue to yield benefit in the year.

    我們看到這種情況仍在繼續,我們在 2023 年做了很多事情,在準備好的演講中分享了 Ready 所分享的內容、自願離職合約、控制措施,這些在這一年中繼續產生效益。

  • And also, we're applying a lot of digital solutions, everything from work in the field to automate work all the way into the office, things like work management that continue to provide additional cost savings in the year.


  • So again, confident, as I shared in the call here earlier and delivery guidance for the year.


  • Jeremy Tonet - Analyst

    Jeremy Tonet - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Appreciate that.


  • And then if I could just wrap with thoughts on opportunities to service data centers going forward here.


  • And I guess the interplay with regards to legislation in Michigan, whether that comes to fruition and how that might impact the pace of such type of development.


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Jeremy, you know, us well enough the Hayes-Rochow team here.


  • We're pretty conservative in our approach to financials.


  • And as I shared in the Q1 call, we want to make sure they're signed on the dotted line, you might say before we talk about it.


  • So we don't will inflate our sales forecast.


  • I would just say that there's a lot of interest in both manufacturing and data centers in the state has a share in the Q1 call.


  • So I'm seeing a lot of manufacturing growth that continues into Q2, we saw data center, we talked about one that we signed in Q1, 230 megawatt.

    因此,我看到製造業的大量成長持續到第二季​​度,我們看到了資料中心,我們談到了我們在第一季簽署的一個 230 兆瓦的資料中心。

  • That continues to be strong interest in the state both the hyperscalers and also, we're seeing some growth in what I call, mid-scale on the data center perspective.


  • Those continue to move forward regardless of legislation in the state.


  • And so that sales and use tax piece will continue in the conversation in the legislature.


  • But again, that's a bit of the Jerry on top of Sunday, we might say.


  • Jeremy Tonet - Analyst

    Jeremy Tonet - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Makes sense.


  • Fair enough.


  • I'll leave there.


  • Thanks.


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Jeremy.


  • Operator


  • Shahriar Pourreza, Guggenheim Partners.

    Shahriar Pourreza,古根漢合夥人。

  • Shahriar Pourreza - Analyst

    Shahriar Pourreza - Analyst

  • So I know you guys noted previously that the FCM mechanism could be incremental sort of in the new generation not in plan.

    所以我知道你們之前註意到 FCM 機制在新一代中可能是增量式的,而不是在計劃中。

  • As we're kind of getting closer to the November rep filings, any thoughts on where demand is headed and how maybe CMS would be positioned for upside down?

    隨著我們距離 11 月代表提交的文件越來越近,您對需求的走向以及 CMS 將如何定位顛倒有什麼想法嗎?

  • So any thoughts on incremental CapEx versus the PPA options?

    那麼對於增量資本支出與 PPA 選項有何想法?

  • Have you started to embed any higher load growth in your assumptions?


  • Thanks.


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure.


  • I was really hoping for a rate design question.


  • Let's talk about this.


  • We see we definitely see as part of this energy law additional upside that shows up in ownership of asset that shows up in the financial compensation mechanism.


  • Both those are true.


  • Let me talk about how that will play out.


  • We're going to file that our renewable energy plan in November.

    我們將於 11 月提交再生能源計畫。

  • It's a 10 month process.


  • So we'll know in 2025 kind of latter half of the year, what that looks like.

    所以我們會在 2025 年下半年知道情況會是什麼樣子。

  • And so in our 2026 capital plan, you'll see what that means our 2026 financials goals from an FCM perspective as well as what might the ownership mix look like until and that's where it'll play out.

    因此,在我們的 2026 年資本計畫中,您將從 FCM 的角度了解這意味著我們 2026 年的財務目標,以及所有權組合在此之前的表現。

  • In addition to that, that's probably a portion of the story because in 2026, we'll also file our integrated resource plan, which we'll talk about some of the reliability pieces and some of the work to deliver the capacity component of that.

    除此之外,這可能是故事的一部分,因為到 2026 年,我們還將提交我們的綜合資源計劃,我們將討論一些可靠性部分以及交付其中容量部分的一些工作。

  • So between '26, '27, '28.


  • I think that's when you'll see the capital impact as well as the financial compensation mechanism play out in terms of our financials.


  • And I will say this, we've seen some good economic growth in the state that will show up in our renewable energy plan.


  • So we're definitely seeing a greater need than it was in our original 2021 IRP.

    因此,我們肯定會看到比我們最初的 2021 年 IRP 中的需求更大的需求。

  • So I'll leave it at that.


  • And certainly that will provide additional up upside opportunity in terms of capital growth in addition to the energy law.


  • Shahriar Pourreza - Analyst

    Shahriar Pourreza - Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • And then just a quick follow-up, and I will dedicate this to Garrick, just on the rate case filing on the electric side, it's obviously it's in the early innings kind of a more of a '25 event, the provisions and sort of the mechanisms like the IRM and DR remain unchanged.

    然後只是一個快速的後續行動,我將把這篇文章獻給加里克,只是關於電力方面的費率案件歸檔,很明顯,這是在早期幾局,更像是一場25 年的賽事,規定和排序IRM和DR等機制保持不變。

  • I guess, do you feel there would be sort of an opportunity for settlement after testimony, given this is kind of a less complex case, I guess, how are you sort of thinking about settlement path versus the prior litigated path?


  • And then is there anything and I dedicate it to any of the rate design stuff in there that can cause some contention?


  • Thank you.


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I set myself up for that one, didn't I?


  • I just shared on the call, I will always look for settlement opportunities.


  • I'm also very confident in our team.


  • We put great case together and we can go to full business just as we did this year in our March quarter.


  • And so when I think about this electric rate case, there's some things that have to be figured out to really get some context around the opportunity for supplement.


  • One, I think is really important to understand that electric cases are more complex than gas cases.


  • So for example, we had less than 10 interveners in our gas case, we have a little over 20 in our electric rate case that's not abnormal.

    舉例來說,我們的瓦斯案例中只有不到 10 名幹預者,而我們的電費案例中有 20 多名幹預者,這並不異常。

  • It's just it's a more complex cases, more interested parties.


  • So we have to navigate to that.


  • I also think it's important to find where staff is and where the attorney general are at.


  • In this case that will come in September.


  • There are important points to note in the context of settlement opportunities, but understand this, I am very confident in this case, it is focused on electric reliability that's well aligned with what our customers are asking for what the commissioners and the staff are asking for and what I've committed to do.


  • And so this case has got great capital investments, undergrounding as the important work in hardening the system automated transferring closers technology on the system has important work in O&M and tree trimming our number one cause of outage and other important maintenance work across the system were to leverage the infrastructure recovery mechanism.


  • We'll certainly look for on trying to restore mechanism in this case as well.


  • And so I feel confident in our ability to get the very constructive outcome just given how well aligned we are across the commission staff as well as our customers.


  • So hopefully that gives you some context on the case.


  • Now on rate design, let me just talk a little about rate design.


  • Specifically, data centers are not in our economic development rate.


  • We had an ex parte filing that made an adjustment in that was approved.


  • And so in the meantime, they are industrial rate.


  • We've got our GDP rate and what that does is a better balance to build capacity, energy costs, the cost to serve those customers.

    我們已經有了 GDP 率,它的作用是更好地平衡建造能力、能源成本和服務這些客戶的成本。

  • The commission as well as the utility has been looking and exploring the opportunities specific data center rate.


  • But in the interest of time the GDP is a good proxy for that in our market and so well suited from a design perspective from us of data center project perspective.

    但從時間角度來看,GDP 可以很好地代表我們市場的情況,因此從我們資料中心專案的設計角度來看非常適合。

  • I also said GDP, I think that's the wrong thing.


  • I was hoping for something different there.


  • Maybe that was -- but GPD is what I meant -- sorry about I had my eyes on the economic

    也許是這樣——但 GPD 就是我的意思——抱歉我關注的是經濟

  • [burden to our knowledge].


  • It's election time.


  • I have my mind on other things like what's going to happen in our economy.


  • Shahriar Pourreza - Analyst

    Shahriar Pourreza - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • Got it.


  • I appreciate it guys.


  • If you just set up the next call it ask you about election question.


  • I'll see you soon.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Michael Sullivan, Wolfe Research.


  • Michael Sullivan - Analyst

    Michael Sullivan - Analyst

  • Just wanted to go back to the data center legislation discussion.


  • I think on the last call, you talked about a 230 megawatt data center coming on in 2026.

    我想在上次通話中,您談到了 2026 年將建成 230 兆瓦的資料中心。

  • Was that contingent on the legislation or your understanding is still moving forward?


  • And so are there any other examples of that?


  • Or is everyone else could have weighted inflation?


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • It was not contingent.


  • That one is still moving forward, that design piece.


  • And that's I guess that's my point.


  • What we hear from data centers is more important about how fast can you get transmission here homecare, you build to that conversion from transmission distribution substation, how fast can you get supply here and we're able to do that.


  • And so many of those mid, scalers, and hyperscalers continue to make forward steps regardless of the progress on the sales new stack.


  • And just to give you a little context, at the end of the spring session, the legislature was focused on the state budget.


  • In the words of our governor, we got to fix the damn roads.


  • We got to fund school, right.


  • So those are important things to I don't want to kind of what we wanted to market in the state.


  • So those are important things underway that conversation on data centers and the sales tax will continue into the fall now on elections.


  • So it is difficult for me to predict how fast that will move are going to happen in a lame-duck.


  • And so we'll continue that conversation in the state.


  • But again, it is not stopping things for moving forward, Michael.


  • Michael Sullivan - Analyst

    Michael Sullivan - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And is that like a good proxy for how long it takes new load to come onto your system about two years with that one being 2026?

    這是否可以很好地衡量新負載進入系統需要多長時間(大約兩年,即 2026 年)?

  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • There's a number of variables there, Mike, so in the case of that data center, what we talked about is they're bringing on load by 2025, 2026.

    麥克,那裡有很多變量,所以就該資料中心而言,我們討論的是它們將在 2025 年、2026 年之前加載。

  • And where they're located on the system makes a big difference.


  • And so we're able to accommodate that dependent on where data center located from a property perspective makes a difference just as far as how far do we have to extend lines will pick up because it's greenfield.


  • It's this ground, but there's all kinds of variables that go into it.


  • But we're in that two to three years cycle.


  • And again, even if you're out their tail end of that cycle data centers are moving quickly, and we hold them up too much.


  • Michael Sullivan - Analyst

    Michael Sullivan - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And then separately, just kind of sticking with legislation, I think there were some comments a few months ago from the PSC chair about rate case timelines being a bit compress these days.

    然後,單獨地,只是堅持立法,我認為幾個月前 PSC 主席發表了一些評論,稱這些天的案件時間表有點壓縮。

  • Are you hearing any chance of legislation coming up that would revert back to 12 months cycle from the end?

    您是否聽說有可能透過立法將週期恢復到結束後的 12 個月?

  • And just a general sense for the rate fatigue in this state in light of those comments?


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • The short answer is no.


  • As you know what makes Michigan great is much of the regulatory environment and set in law.


  • So 10-month forward-looking rate cases, and that is in the law financial compensation mechanism, energy efficiency incentives are in the law, and we just went through that law, which is open and it was just signed here last November, and we're hearing nothing in terms of building outlaw backup or looking at different provisions.


  • Now we continue to always have a constructive dialogue with the commission and the staff.


  • And so I do think there are opportunities right in the current terms.


  • And so I'll give you one example.


  • Just one example of probably many you could think about we have a great process for an integrated resource plan and renewable energy plan that lay out an energy supply portfolio.


  • So we get a preapproved and then it flows into rate cases that really streamlines rate cases.


  • What if we could do.


  • The same thing on the distribution system will not be great.


  • Let's build a year reliability roadmap where we've already done that.


  • Let's do the haulage.


  • Let's approve that.


  • And then how that flow into rate cases that could really streamline the process in and done in the right way, you could potentially see a path where you could stay out for a period of time, again done in the right way.


  • And so kind of the nature of Michigan's constructive regulatory environment, let's explore that.


  • Let's see if there's opportunities there to even further bolstered Michigan's constructive nature.


  • Michael Sullivan - Analyst

    Michael Sullivan - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's really helpful color.


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Mike.


  • Operator


  • Andrew Weisel, Scotiabank.


  • Andrew Weisel - Analyst

    Andrew Weisel - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • Two quick ones.


  • First, C&I weather-adjusted volumes were down in the quarter, a bit of a reversal from the first quarter.


  • I know the first quarter was extremely mild weather.


  • So those numbers are probably a little bit goofy.


  • But any commentary on the underlying trends in the near term outlook for the rest of this year?


  • Maybe early thoughts in 2025?

    也許是 2025 年的早期想法?

  • Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Sure, Andrew, this is Rejji.


  • I'll take and appreciate the question is always yes, we did see a little bit of a pullback in Q2 versus Q2 of last year for weather normalized as sales for electric.


  • I will always caveat, and I think you alluded to it that it's a very imperfect science.


  • And the team does a really good job trying to pull these numbers together with real accuracy.


  • But again, it's very difficult to get real precision here, just so everybody is grounded residential for the quarter versus Q2 of 2023, which is slightly up about 0.1%.

    但同樣,這裡很難獲得真正的精確度,因此與 2023 年第二季度相比,每個人都在本季度住宅停產,後者小幅上漲約 0.1%。

  • Commercial down about 1 point industrial down about 2 points, excluding one large low-margin customer and an all-in blended was down about 1 point.

    商業下跌約 1 個點,工業下跌約 2 個點,不包括一家大型低利潤客戶,而綜合性則下跌約 1 個點。

  • And so that is to your comment unfavorable from the trends we were seeing in the first quarter.


  • But I would say in a year to date basis, the trend remains quite good.


  • And we continue to be surprised for the upside really across our customer classes because our assumptions were incredibly conservative as they always are for the year.


  • And so we are outperforming across every customer class, what our initial expectations were that were embedded in our original guidance.


  • And so we are still seeing non-weather sales upside.


  • I'll also note, as I've said before, that we have energy waste reduction incorporated into all of those numbers that you're seeing.


  • And so you should always add 2% to each of those customer classes because we're delivering of the 2% reduction across every customer class year over year, and we've been doing that now really since the 08 law or thereabouts.

    因此,您應該始終為每個客戶類別增加 2%,因為我們每年都會為每個客戶類別提供 2% 的折扣,而且自 08 年法律出台以來,我們一直在這樣做。

  • And so another way to think about those numbers I just quoted is that you should add a gross up 2% of crops across each of those, if you want to get the underlying economic conditions.

    因此,思考我剛才引用的這些數字的另一種方式是,如果你想了解基本的經濟狀況,你應該在每一項中添加 2% 的農作物總產量。

  • So we still remain quite good.


  • And then we still remain quite pleased rather with the results.


  • And then when you think about on a year-to-date basis, revenue is up about 1 point.

    然後,當您考慮年初至今時,收入增加了約 1 個百分點。

  • Commercial is up over 1%, industrial down about 1 point and all in is up about a little over 0.5%.

    商業上漲超過 1%,工業下跌約 1 個百分點,總上漲約略高於 0.5%。

  • So again, all things considered, particularly when you gross up for energy waste reduction, we think conditions in Michigan remain quite good really across all customer classes.


  • Was that helpful?


  • Andrew Weisel - Analyst

    Andrew Weisel - Analyst

  • Yes, good reminder on the efficiency.


  • And yes, we all know that your conservative mix and operational question, you noted there was some heavy storm activity in the quarter, what kind of score or grade would you give yourself in terms of restoration efforts?


  • Reliabilities, obviously a big focus for you.


  • You talked about that in your comments, what would you say went well, what could have gone better and how does that fold into your efforts as part of the electric rate case and the audit?


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • So we're seeing a number of great improvements as a result of the investments we have made to date more needs to be done along those lines.


  • And so in fairness, I'd give ourselves a B in that context.

    因此,公平地說,在這種情況下我會給自己打 B。

  • There's more needs to be done for our customers, and that's evident in the rate case filing that we're doing.


  • Where we've worked a lot this year is reducing the size of the outage.


  • And so we've put around using.


  • So what I mean by that is you have less customers impacted when the tree comes on the line.


  • That's an important word.


  • We've more than doubled our tree-trimming work over the last three years.


  • That's also provided benefit when we trim trees.


  • And there, we see a greater than 60% reduction in a number of outages.

    在那裡,我們發現停電次數減少了 60% 以上。

  • You may ask why not 100% because we still see trees outside the right-of-way that impacts our performance.

    您可能會問為什麼不是 100%,因為我們仍然看到路權以外的樹木會影響我們的表現。

  • But I would also put into context the read we talk about the last week of June and there was a larger event in June, but there's a lot of smaller events which we would anticipate for trying to shrink the size, which makes restoration easier, but a lot of pockets throughout the state.


  • We brought in a number of resources.


  • We leveraged a lot of our existing union resource to be able to respond to that.


  • So we had good response from that perspective.


  • We measure in terms of, we're storing oil, our customers within a 24 hour window, one of our customers restored within a 24 hour window.

    我們的衡量標準是,我們正在儲存石油,我們的客戶在 24 小時內恢復,我們的一位客戶在 24 小時內恢復。

  • And last year in 2023, we're at 90% within a 24 hour window this year were upwards of 95%.

    去年,也就是 2023 年,我們在 24 小時內達到了 90%,今年則超過了 95%。

  • And so that shows the directional improvement many years not done.


  • We've got a lot of work to do, and we'll continue to make some important investments throughout this year.


  • And again, this electric rate case shows the path for more.


  • So hopefully give that some context and already wants to add to it as well.


  • Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • And you're all I would add the Garrick's good comments on the operational side is really applying a financial lens.


  • And I would give us about a B plus A minus the financial side because through utilization of the CE Way we've done a really good job reducing unit costs in our actual service restoration.

    我會給我們 B 加 A 減去財務方面的費用,因為透過利用 CE 方式,我們在降低實際服務恢復中的單位成本方面做得非常好。

  • And we're seeing at this point over $40 million of avoided cost.

    目前,我們已經避免了超過 4000 萬美元的成本。

  • And needless to say, I talked about negative variance attributable to overall service restoration costs versus last year.


  • However, the costs would have been decidedly higher absent the problem-solving we've done throughout the year.


  • And so we're contracting third parties more efficiently.


  • We're using more automation to reduce manual inspections and definitely leveraging the tools of the CE Way to really execute on storm restoration much more efficiently.

    我們正在使用更多的自動化來減少手動檢查,並且肯定會利用 CE Way 的工具來真正更有效地執行風暴恢復。

  • And we have in the past.


  • And so in addition to all the operational feat that Garrick highlighted, will also apply a really thoughtful financial lens as well as to make sure that we're bringing customers back online as quickly as possibly and as quickly as possible and as cost efficiently as possible.


  • So I'd be remiss if I didn't add that as well.


  • Andrew Weisel - Analyst

    Andrew Weisel - Analyst

  • It certainly sounds better than years past.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Appreciate the details.


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Andrew.


  • Operator


  • Julien Dumoulin-Smith, Jefferies.


  • Julien Dumoulin Smith - Analyst

    Julien Dumoulin Smith - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Thank big guys, very much.


  • Appreciate it.


  • Good to chat with you guys.


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes, good to hear from you again.


  • Julien Dumoulin Smith - Analyst

    Julien Dumoulin Smith - Analyst

  • Yes, likewise, Garrick, what are you putting your hand when you put yourself in the ring here for VP given all the political conversation here, right.


  • Now you want to fix them growth.


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • And here's Rochow.


  • I don't know if it has a ring to it.


  • Look I'll give it a try.


  • Julien Dumoulin Smith - Analyst

    Julien Dumoulin Smith - Analyst

  • Look you guys are clearly as you get your first foot forward here for sure.


  • Look, you favorably have pulled back on O&M savings here.


  • You're talking about leaning in on being in a good position against near-term and longer-term targets.


  • Have you issued more debt?


  • I think it was $675 million or $500 million to rebalance your equity ratio, what's driving this level of outperformance.

    我認為需要 6.75 億美元或 5 億美元來重新平衡你的股本比率,這就是推動這種出色表現的原因。

  • But I'm just going to sort of clarify like the debt signaling as well as just overall the commentary, especially considering the O&M factor that you flagged that typically you lead with costs, but I'm wondering what other factors there.


  • Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yes, Julien, it's Rejji, appreciate the question and welcome back.

    是的,Julien,我是 Rejji,感謝您提出這個問題,歡迎回來。

  • I really good to hear your voice.


  • Let me start with a few of the just premises or working assumption.


  • Do you offered up in the question.


  • And so let me start with the debt at the utility just for factual purposes.


  • And so we are planning to issue about $675 million in the second half of the year of the utilities part of our financing plan, it was initially half $0.5 billion.

    因此,我們計劃在今年下半年發行約 6.75 億美元的融資計畫中的公用事業部分,最初為 5 億美元。

  • And so we've slightly increased, and that's really just because of our rate case outcomes, which had modestly lower equity levels.


  • And so we'll have more debt at the operating company.


  • And so I just want to make sure that that was abundantly clear.


  • And obviously, we'll look to execute on that financing as cost efficiently as possible.


  • And we'll be thoughtful about the maturity profile as well.


  • The outperformance, it's been obviously we always tried to deliver on the cost performance side.


  • But as I mentioned in my prepared remarks, our rate relief net investments has been helpful in getting constructive orders.


  • The electric rate order in early March gas rate case last year, we're still seeing the residual benefits from that.


  • And so that's really what's helped us in the first half of the year and also though it's embedded in that catch-all bucket.


  • As I note in my prepared remarks, NorthStar has really outperformed.


  • They had a really soft comp in the first half of 2023, just given last year's plan was a bit more back-end loaded.

    考慮到去年的計畫有更多的後端負載,他們在 2023 年上半年的表現非常疲軟。

  • And there were also some outage related issues at DIG given a transformer issue.

    由於變壓器問題,DIG 也出現了一些與停電相關的問題。

  • And so this year.


  • They've really gotten out of the gate pretty strong, DIG up that $0.05 year over year, and we're seeing the residual benefits from solar projects that came in late last year.

    他們的起步確實相當強勁,同比增長了 0.05 美元,我們看到了去年年底推出的太陽能專案的剩餘收益。

  • And so I think the combination of rate relief, net of investments outperformance at NorthStar as well as some cost performance, as you alluded to offset by mild weather conditions which have hurt the top line as well as storms as we talked about in the prior question.


  • So I'd say that combination of all of that, which gives us just good confidence going into the second half of the year.


  • Julien Dumoulin Smith - Analyst

    Julien Dumoulin Smith - Analyst

  • Actually, Rejji, just to follow up on that real quick, a lot of that dynamic with NorthStar.

    事實上,Rejji,我只是想快速跟進 NorthStar 的動態。

  • Some of it is true up there.


  • You talk about outages year-over-year, you shouldn't in theory, some of that should have been expected solar in service.


  • I mean, I'm curious of the outperformance here.


  • I mean, is this more of a true-up?


  • Or is there sort of a compounding effect across the subsequent years?


  • How do you think about leading indicators there?


  • Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah, good question.


  • NorthStar on plan, we anticipated a front end loaded year for all the reasons you noted.


  • So a good portion of NorthStar's performance was on plan, but I will say DIG did surprise a little bit to the upside in the first quarter because operationally, not only are they executing it very well, but they are also executing on a lower unit cost basis, which drives a little bit of additional margin.

    因此,NorthStar 的業績的很大一部分是按計劃進行的,但我想說的是,DIG 在第一季確實取得了一些上行的驚喜,因為在營運方面,他們不僅執行得非常好,而且單位成本也較低基礎,這會帶來一點額外的保證金。

  • They also have opportunities for off peak margin that the team has capitalized on.


  • So I'd say it's a combination of being on plan because with the front end loaded plan at NorthStar, but also some operational efficiency which we've seen.


  • So that's really the thrust of it at NorthStar.

    這確實是 NorthStar 的主旨。

  • Julien Dumoulin Smith - Analyst

    Julien Dumoulin Smith - Analyst

  • Awesome, guys.


  • See you sooner.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Durgesh Chopra, Evercore.


  • Durgesh Chopra - Analyst

    Durgesh Chopra - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • Just all my other questions have been answered.


  • I just wanted to see if there's an update on the performance-based ratemaking dotted here, but coming out of the legislation last year, what do we stand there?


  • Can you just update us on that, please?


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure.


  • That's been a very constructive dialogue.


  • As I've shared in the past, it started really wide and the number of metrics and then through good dialogue, it was narrowed down to four benchmarkable metrics, it's grown a little bit to accommodate some storm provisions.


  • However, there's still a constructive dialogue underway here in July and August.


  • There's finally to be able to navigate that there's a few things we still want to work through it and get dot the Is and Check the Ts on you might say.


  • And I expect that this is going to play out over several rate cases.


  • And so it's going to be implemented here immediately.


  • I think it just speaks to the constructive dialogue.


  • We have in Michigan here, a lot of good interveners and filings that go back and forth really make sure it's going to be a productive rate-making mechanisms.


  • Durgesh Chopra - Analyst

    Durgesh Chopra - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • So just kind of the framework of this would be a potential earnings uplift and then on the downside of potential penalty on uncertain metrics.


  • And then when did you say this could go into effect.


  • This is a '25 Item, '26.

    這是 '25 項目,'26。

  • Just any thoughts there?


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I would put it several rate cases away over maybe a year or two years out from an implementation perspective.


  • Again, that's my view just on what I see of the world.


  • The intent is for it to be symmetric.


  • And so there's upside opportunity and downside opportunity.


  • The downside opportunity is market about $10 million at this contacts which is manageable in the context of the year.

    下行機會是此聯絡人的市場價值約為 1000 萬美元,這在今年的背景下是可以管理的。

  • That means the upside opportunity is roughly that same amount from at least as is proposed currently.


  • Durgesh Chopra - Analyst

    Durgesh Chopra - Analyst

  • Thanks so much.


  • Appreciate the time.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Travis Miller, Morningstar.


  • Travis Miller - Analyst

    Travis Miller - Analyst

  • Good morning, everyone.


  • On a very high level on electric demand, I wonder if you could elaborate on how it's trending versus your 2021 IRP and how as you had mentioned earlier in the call, how that would affect potentially the renewable energy plan filing here?

    在電力需求的一個非常高的水平上,我想知道您是否可以詳細說明相對於2021 年IRP 的趨勢,以及正如您之前在電話會議中提到的那樣,這將如何影響此處提交的可再生能源計劃?

  • They're trending higher or lower.


  • And how does that impact your REP?

    這對您的 REP 有何影響?

  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • It's definitely trending higher based on all the economic development activity.


  • That is, again, not speculators speculating on it that is signed or we're out building transmission and there's transmission substations and there's transmission being built to serve these customers.


  • And so in our renewable energy plan filing, you should anticipate that there's additional sales referenced there above and beyond our 2021 IRP.

    因此,在我們的再生能源計畫備案中,您應該預期到我們的 2021 年 IRP 之外還會有額外的銷售。

  • Travis Miller - Analyst

    Travis Miller - Analyst

  • And is it fair to make the leap then that you would need more renewable energy on that same percentage basis as what's in the lot?


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes, generally speaking.


  • Travis Miller - Analyst

    Travis Miller - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then also, obviously, a lot of talk about in the media about Palisades.

    顯然,媒體上也有很多關於 Palisades 的討論。

  • From your perspective, is it accurate that you're seeing development moving forward on that plant?


  • And then if so, would you be interested in you are implementing that in your plan in terms of the capacity and energy and or signing a PPA?


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Palisades is making forward progress in the state from a state budget perspective.


  • Another $150 million was allocated toward the forward direction of the facility.

    另外 1.5 億美元被分配用於該設施的未來發展。

  • We're having public meetings that are going on right now on site.


  • So again, forward steps and moving forward that plan.


  • Now I remind you that a PPA has already been struck for the offtake from the Palisades facility that goes to a co-op in Michigan and a co-op in Indiana.


  • So it's already spoken for.


  • Now we did it's good for Michigan that Palisades is returning.


  • And we at CMS Energy do not see adverse impact as a result of Palisade coming back.

    我們 CMS Energy 認為 Palisade 的回歸不會帶來負面影響。

  • Travis Miller - Analyst

    Travis Miller - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thanks a lot and that's all I have.


  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Nick Campanella, Barclays.


  • Nick Campanella - Analyst

    Nick Campanella - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks.


  • I hope I don't have an exact number.


  • Just one from me today.


  • So I know, Rajji, you said you would be opportunistic in your prepared remarks around financing and potentially pulling things forward from '25.

    所以我知道,Rajji,您說過您在準備好的有關融資的言論中會採取機會主義態度,並有可能從 25 年開始推動事情向前發展。

  • I'm just cognizant that you do have kind of when you start to issue equity in 2025, maybe you can kind of give us some more color from, you know, kind of pulling forward hybrid or debt?

    我只是意識到,當你在 2025 年開始發行股票時,你確實可以為我們提供更多的信息,例如推動混合動力或債務?

  • Or is everything on the table and how we should think about that?


  • Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Rejji Hayes - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah.


  • I appreciate the question, Nick.


  • I would say in short, I wouldn't say everything is on the table.


  • So you won't see us issuing equity in 2024.

    所以你不會看到我們在 2024 年發行股票。

  • We have done in the past, though, as we have executed on forwards opportunistically to at least take some of the price risk off the table.


  • And then I would say where the equity is today.


  • I think that look, it seems like the most likely trade that I was speaking more towards parent debt financing needs.


  • And certainly our thinking is quite expansive, everything from senior notes to hybrids and those types of securities, all of which we've done pretty opportunistically in the past.


  • As you may recall, we've got about $250 million coming due at the at the holdco next year.

    您可能還記得,明年我們的控股公司將有約 2.5 億美元到期。

  • And so we're mindful that we have, I'd say, modest new money needs on top of that.


  • And so we will see if there is good pricing in the market, particularly if the speculation around potential dovish policy -- dovish monetary policy from the Fed comes to fruition, but I have stopped the wagering on that.


  • So we'll see what happens.


  • But if we start to see a correction in the yield curve that's favorable and it creates opportunities for holdco debt financings.


  • We will look to do that.


  • And again, I'd say the equity needs still as is up there, $350 million starting next year, and I don't see us pulling any of that forward.

    再說一次,我想說的是,股權需求仍然像現在一樣,從明年開始需要 3.5 億美元,而且我不認為我們會推動這方面的任何進展。

  • Nick Campanella - Analyst

    Nick Campanella - Analyst

  • All right.


  • That's super helpful.


  • I really appreciate it, and I'm looking forward to seeing at the conference in September.


  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • With no further questions in the queue at this time, I would like to hand the call back to Mr. Garrick Rochow for any closing remarks.

    由於目前隊列中沒有其他問題,我想將電話轉回 Garrick Rochow 先生以徵求結束語。

  • Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Garrick Rochow - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks, Harry.


  • I'd like to thank everyone for joining us today and look forward to seeing you on the road soon.


  • Take care and stay safe.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference.


  • We thank everyone for your participation.
