Ciena Corp (CIEN) 2017 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Welcome to the Ciena Corporation first quarter 2017 earnings conference call.

    歡迎來到 Ciena Corporation 2017 年第一季度收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • As a reminder, today's conference is being recorded.


  • I'd now like to introduce your host for today's conference, Mr. Gregg Lampf, Vice President, Investor Relations.

    我現在想介紹今天會議的主持人,投資者關係副總裁 Gregg Lampf 先生。

  • Sir, please go ahead.


  • - VP, IR

    - VP, IR

  • Thanks, Liz.


  • Good morning and welcome to Ciena's 2017 first-quarter review.

    早上好,歡迎來到 Ciena 的 2017 年第一季度回顧。

  • With me today is Gary Smith, President and CEO, Jim Moylan, CFO, and Steve Alexander, CTO.

    今天和我在一起的有總裁兼首席執行官 Gary Smith、首席財務官 Jim Moylan 和首席技術官 Steve Alexander。

  • This morning's press release is available on National Business Wire and

    今天上午的新聞稿可在 National Business Wire 和 上獲取。

  • We also will post to the Investors section of an accompanying investor presentation, including certain highlighted items for the quarter being discussed today.

    我們還將在 的投資者部分發布隨附的投資者介紹,包括今天討論的本季度的某些突出項目。

  • In our prepared remarks, Gary will discuss Management's view on the market and our overall progress, and Jim will provide details on our results as well as guidance.


  • We will then open the call to questions from the sell-side analysts, taking one question per person with follow ups as time allows.


  • Before turning the call over to Gary, I will remind you that during this call, we will be making certain forward-looking statements.


  • Such statements are based on current expectations, forecasts and assumptions regarding the Company that include risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those statements discussed today.


  • These statements should be viewed in context of the risk factors detailed in our most recent 10-K filing.

    應結合我們最近的 10-K 文件中詳述的風險因素來看待這些陳述。

  • Our 10-Q is required to be filed with the SEC by March 9, and we expect to file by that date.

    我們的 10-Q 必須在 3 月 9 日之前提交給美國證券交易委員會,我們希望在該日期之前提交。

  • Ciena assumes no obligation to update the information discussed in this conference call, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

    Ciena 沒有義務更新本次電話會議中討論的信息,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

  • Today's discussion includes certain adjusted or non-GAAP measures of Ciena's results of operations.

    今天的討論包括 Ciena 經營業績的某些調整後或非 GAAP 措施。

  • A detailed reconciliation of these non-GAAP measures to our GAAP results is included in today's press release available on

    今天在 上發布的新聞稿中包含了這些非 GAAP 措施與我們的 GAAP 結果的詳細核對。

  • This call is being recorded and will be available for replay in the Investors section of our website.


  • Gary?


  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • Thanks, Gregg, and good morning, everyone.


  • And thanks for joining us today.


  • With the first-quarter results we announced this morning, we're off to a very good start to FY17.

    隨著我們今天早上公佈的第一季度業績,我們為 2017 財年開了個好頭。

  • Revenue grew approximately 8.5% over Q1 of last year.

    收入比去年第一季度增長約 8.5%。

  • The fundamental demand drivers as well as our market momentum continued to strengthen.


  • In the quarter, we won significant customers in the US, India, Japan, and the Middle East.


  • And we continued to gain share in key segments of the market, including DCI and submarine applications.

    我們繼續在市場的關鍵領域獲得份額,包括 DCI 和潛艇應用。

  • As a result of all this, we saw our highest ever product order inflows in Q1.


  • We shipped more product in Q1 than in any previous fiscal quarter, and we ended the quarter with the largest product backlog in Ciena's history.

    我們在第一季度出貨的產品比以往任何一個財政季度都多,而且我們在本季度末以 Ciena 歷史上最大的產品積壓量結束了訂單。

  • All of this clearly demonstrates that we are winning in today's market.


  • And that's largely due to our strategy to diversify the business with targeted investments aimed at key geographies, market segments, new product lines, and a broad range of high-growth applications.


  • And as we discussed in December, we are also positioning ourselves to win the next race as the IT and telecom worlds converge.

    正如我們在 12 月討論的那樣,隨著 IT 和電信世界的融合,我們也將自己定位為贏得下一場比賽。

  • And we're helping network operators transform their networks and their business with an approach that leverages openness, co-development, and agility in how technologies are consumed.


  • In Q1, we continued to make progress in delivering these capabilities, especially with platforms like Waveserver and Blue Planet.

    在第一季度,我們在提供這些功能方面繼續取得進展,尤其是在 Waveserver 和 Blue Planet 等平台上。

  • Both of which bring IT tools essentially to the telecom environment.

    兩者都將 IT 工具本質上帶入了電信環境。

  • For Waveserver, it was a record quarter in which we added 11 new customers.

    對於 Waveserver,這是一個創紀錄的季度,我們增加了 11 個新客戶。

  • Waveserver sales were up more than 10 times over Q1 of 2016, albeit from a relatively small number.

    Waveserver 的銷售額比 2016 年第一季度增長了 10 多倍,儘管增長幅度相對較小。

  • And since closing the quarter, we've won another piece of significant business with a top-five web-scale provider, which we expect to result in volume shipments as early as Q2.


  • Obviously, we're very pleased with the market's response to this platform, including the recently announced Waveserver AI that leverages our next-generation chipset to achieve unprecedented capacity and service densities.

    顯然,我們對市場對這個平台的反應非常滿意,包括最近宣布的 Waveserver AI,它利用我們的下一代芯片組來實現前所未有的容量和服務密度。

  • And while it's still early days, based on the customer adoption we've seen to date as well as our forecast for the second half, we now believe that Waveserver revenue will likely be at the high end of our expected range of $50 million to $100 million for the full fiscal year.

    雖然現在還處於早期階段,但根據我們迄今為止看到的客戶採用情況以及我們對下半年的預測,我們現在相信 Waveserver 收入可能會處於我們預期範圍 5000 萬至 100 美元的高端萬整個財政年度。

  • We also added two more orchestration customers for Blue Planet, both tier 1 operators in North America and the Middle East.

    我們還為 Blue Planet 添加了另外兩個編排客戶,它們都是北美和中東的一級運營商。

  • Blue Planet is allowing us to transform the conversations we're having with our customers, from just the strategic value of hardware as part of their infrastructure to the strategic value of applications and services related to transformation across all facets of their business.

    Blue Planet 使我們能夠轉變與客戶的對話,從僅僅將硬件作為其基礎設施的一部分的戰略價值轉變為與他們業務各個方面的轉型相關的應用程序和服務的戰略價值。

  • In fact, the relationship between software and overall customer engagement has become so interrelated for us that we've recently combined our Software and Services organizations into a global unified team.


  • We've learned essentially that while customers are embracing the new environment, they want and need more guidance in implementing software-enabled orchestration.


  • And we believe that this unique model will benefit both Ciena and our customers as they continue to evolve towards openness.

    我們相信,隨著 Ciena 和我們的客戶繼續朝著開放的方向發展,這種獨特的模式將使他們受益。

  • This seamless integration of Software Services and programmable hardware really underscores our ability to elevate and differentiate the value we're bringing to market.


  • It is essentially this combination of technologies and services.


  • As an IT mentality increasingly influences network decisions, we're providing customers with much greater choice and agility in how they manage their networks and their business.

    隨著 IT 心態越來越多地影響網絡決策,我們正在為客戶提供更多選擇和靈活性,幫助他們管理網絡和業務。

  • This further separates us from our competitors, and it is increasingly apparent in our differentiated performance.


  • Before turning the call over to Jim, I'd like to take a moment to thank Francois Locoh-Donou for his many contributions to the growth and success of the business over the last 20 years.

    在將電話轉給 Jim 之前,我想花點時間感謝 Francois Locoh-Donou 在過去 20 年中為公司的發展和成功做出的許多貢獻。

  • As you know, Francois has accepted the position of CEO at F5 networks and is stepping down from Ciena later this month.

    如您所知,Francois 已接受 F5 Networks 首席執行官一職,並將於本月晚些時候從 Ciena 卸任。

  • We will certainly miss him, but we wish him continued success in his next assignment and in his career.


  • In the meantime, we've activated our succession plan, which takes advantage of the depth we've built on our global leadership team.


  • In addition to uniting Software and Services, we've also brought together global sales and marketing under a single leader.


  • All hardware development will continue to reside in our Networking Platforms group, and the reporting segments remain unchanged.


  • We're confident that we've got the right structure, and more importantly, the right leaders in place to continue to drive our business forward as we aim to become the industry's leading enabler of choice.


  • Jim?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Thank you, Gary, and good morning, everyone.


  • Our Q1 results clearly demonstrates Ciena's differentiated performance against the competition, and they highlight the importance of the investments we've made to build a broad-based, diversified business.

    我們第一季度的業績清楚地表明了 Ciena 在競爭中的差異化表現,它們凸顯了我們為建立基礎廣泛、多元化的業務而進行的投資的重要性。

  • I'd like to take a moment to highlight a few of the areas of diversification that are contributing to our continued faster-than-market growth.


  • Waveserver now has 36 total customers.

    Waveserver 現在共有 36 個客戶。

  • Frankly, we're thrilled with the market's adoption of this relatively new product and its open approach.


  • The success of Waveserver has helped us claim number one market share in DCI applications.


  • And in fact, Dell'Oro recently named Ciena the market leader across every quarterly DCI category that they track.

    事實上,Dell'Oro 最近將 Ciena 評為他們跟踪的每個季度 DCI 類別的市場領導者。

  • Our two new customers from Blue Planet bring us to 20 total customers.

    Blue Planet 的兩個新客戶使我們的客戶總數達到 20 個。

  • Use cases for Blue Planet are varied, and we believe strategic to our customer's business.

    Blue Planet 的用例多種多樣,我們相信這對我們客戶的業務具有戰略意義。

  • For example, our new North American Tier 1 Blue Planet customer is using the platform to orchestrate bandwidth on demand between data centers, while our new Middle Eastern customer is using Blue Planet to automate optical services across the wide area network.

    例如,我們新的北美一級 Blue Planet 客戶正在使用該平台在數據中心之間按需安排帶寬,而我們的新中東客戶正在使用 Blue Planet 跨廣域網自動化光學服務。

  • These use cases are representative of the kinds of engagements we're seeing for the platform.


  • And we expect the recent announcements of Blue Planet Analytics and Blue Planet MCT to drive additional use cases.

    我們預計最近發布的 Blue Planet Analytics 和 Blue Planet MCT 將推動更多用例。

  • We also added three new customers for our 8700 Packetwave Platform for a total of 43.

    我們還為我們的 8700 Packetwave 平台增加了三個新客戶,總數達到 43 個。

  • The 8700 Platform is part of our Packet Networking portfolio, which had another excellent quarter in Q1 with revenue up 50% over the year-ago period.

    8700 平台是我們分組網絡產品組合的一部分,該產品在第一季度表現出色,收入同比增長 50%。

  • Taking a look at customer segments, approximately 30% of revenue came from non-telco sales.

    看看客戶群,大約 30% 的收入來自非電信銷售。

  • This included direct sales to web-scale customers in our expected range of 5% to 10% of total revenue.

    這包括在我們預期的總收入 5% 至 10% 範圍內對網絡規模客戶的直接銷售。

  • Notably, a major web-scale player was a top-five customer in the quarter.


  • And our momentum continued in the submarine upgrade market as well.


  • In fact, in the first industry analyst report to measure the SLTE upgrade market, Ovum recently reported that Ciena now holds nearly 55% of this market.

    事實上,在第一份衡量 SLTE 升級市場的行業分析報告中,Ovum 最近報導稱,Ciena 現在佔據了該市場近 55% 的份額。

  • Turning now to our financial performance in fiscal Q1.


  • Revenue in Q1 came in at $622 million, slightly lower than expected, partially due to an ERP upgrade that affected our shipping process longer than we anticipated, limiting our flexibility at the end of the quarter.

    第一季度的收入為 6.22 億美元,略低於預期,部分原因是 ERP 升級對我們的運輸流程的影響比我們預期的要長,限制了我們在本季度末的靈活性。

  • Notwithstanding, we had an excellent quarter that was driven by continued growth across key geographies.


  • APAC revenue grew nearly 60% over Q1 of last year.

    亞太地區收入比去年第一季度增長近 60%。

  • India, in particular, continues to be a fast-growing market for us.


  • Submarine applications remain a significant driver in India, but we're also now engaged with every major Indian carrier.


  • Beyond India, we're seeing opportunities emerge with web-scale players across APAC, Both local ICPs as well as US-based players expanding in the region.

    在印度之外,我們看到機會出現在整個亞太地區的網絡規模玩家中,包括本地 ICP 和美國玩家在該地區的擴張。

  • We believe APAC will continue to be a growth driver over time.


  • Our performance in EMEA continues to improve, with revenue up 13% year over year.

    我們在歐洲、中東和非洲地區的業績持續改善,收入同比增長 13%。

  • We're seeing traction in Europe, particularly with the web-scale community, including ICPs and exchanges and also in submarine applications.

    我們在歐洲看到了吸引力,特別是網絡規模的社區,包括 ICP 和交易所以及潛艇應用程序。

  • And Tier 1 service providers in both Europe and the Middle East continue to drive revenue growth in the region.


  • Overall, international sales made up 39% of total revenue in Q1.

    總體而言,國際銷售額佔第一季度總收入的 39%。

  • And in North America, revenue grew 14% year over year, exclusive of AT&T, driven by a strong quarter with web-scale customers and Tier 1 service providers.

    在北美,收入同比增長 14%,不包括 AT&T,這得益於網絡規模客戶和一級服務提供商的強勁季度。

  • AT&T and Verizon were both 10% customers in Q1.

    AT&T 和 Verizon 在第一季度都是 10% 的客戶。

  • Our overall North American business continues to be very well-balanced, with solid contributions from MSOs, enterprise, government, and R&E customers as well.

    我們的整體北美業務繼續非常平衡,MSO、企業、政府和 R&E 客戶也做出了巨大貢獻。

  • Q1's adjusted gross margin was 44.9%.

    第一季度調整後的毛利率為 44.9%。

  • Operating expense in Q1 was $226 million.

    第一季度的運營費用為 2.26 億美元。

  • We achieved $53 million in adjusted operating profit in Q1, or 8.5% adjusted operating margin.

    我們在第一季度實現了 5300 萬美元的調整後營業利潤,或 8.5% 的調整後營業利潤率。

  • We continue to take steps to improve our balance sheet, having repurchased an additional $46 million of our convertible debt.

    我們繼續採取措施改善我們的資產負債表,回購了另外 4600 萬美元的可轉換債券。

  • We also refinanced our existing term loans shortly following quarter end, further reducing our debt by approximately $93 million and reducing our go-forward interest expense on the remaining term loan borrowings.

    我們還在季度結束後不久對現有定期貸款進行再融資,進一步減少了約 9300 萬美元的債務,並減少了剩餘定期貸款借款的後續利息支出。

  • And as a result of our continued balance sheet improvement, we recently received two upgrades from the debt rating agencies.


  • Going forward, we expect our adjusted interest expense to be reduced by approximately $2 million per quarter due to our debt reduction and refinancing efforts.

    展望未來,由於我們的債務減少和再融資努力,我們預計調整後的利息支出每季度將減少約 200 萬美元。

  • In Q1, we used $26 million in cash from operations, largely due to a very back-end loaded quarter.

    在第一季度,我們使用了 2600 萬美元的運營現金,這主要是由於一個非常後端負載的季度。

  • We ended the quarter with $1.05 billion in cash and investments.

    我們在本季度末擁有 10.5 億美元的現金和投資。

  • And finally, adjusted earnings per share in Q1 was $0.26.

    最後,第一季度調整後的每股收益為 0.26 美元。

  • I will now turn to guidance for our fiscal second quarter.


  • We expect revenue in Q2 to be in the range of $680 million to $710 million.

    我們預計第二季度的收入將在 6.8 億美元至 7.1 億美元之間。

  • We expect Q2's adjusted gross margin to be in our mid-40%s percentage target range, and we expect adjusted operating expense to be approximately $240 million.

    我們預計第二季度的調整後毛利率將在我們 40% 的百分比目標範圍內,我們預計調整後的運營費用約為 2.4 億美元。

  • I'd also like to provide some commentary on our annual guidance.


  • Based on our first-quarter performance and our expectations for the remainder of the year, we continue to expect to achieve the results for the full fiscal year that we indicated in December.

    根據我們第一季度的業績和我們對今年剩餘時間的預期,我們繼續期望實現我們在 12 月份指出的整個財政年度的業績。

  • You'll recall that in addition to expecting to continue to grow revenue faster than the overall market growth rate of mid-single digits.


  • We said that for FY17, we expected adjusted gross margin in the mid-40%s percentage range, adjusted OpEx to average approximately $235 million per quarter, and adjusted operating margin in the range of 11% to 13%.

    我們表示,對於 2017 財年,我們預計調整後的毛利率在 40% 的百分比範圍內,調整後的運營支出平均每季度約為 2.35 億美元,調整後的營業利潤率在 11% 至 13% 的範圍內。

  • In closing, we believe Ciena is in an excellent competitive and financial position.

    最後,我們相信 Ciena 處於極佳的競爭和財務狀況。

  • We have built our portfolio and our business in alignment with the direction of the market.


  • And we are expanding the kinds of conversations we are having with customers, as they increasingly embrace IT capabilities to transform their networks and their business.

    隨著客戶越來越多地採用 IT 功能來轉變他們的網絡和業務,我們正在擴大與客戶的對話類型。

  • We remain confident that over time, we will continue to drive greater value for both our customers and our shareholders as we position Ciena as the leading enabler of choice in the marketplace.

    我們仍然相信,隨著時間的推移,我們將繼續為我們的客戶和股東創造更大的價值,因為我們將 Ciena 定位為市場上首選的領先推動者。

  • Liz, we will now open the line for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Rod Hall, JPMorgan.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I guess I wanted to just ask you, Gary, if you could talk a little bit more about India?


  • India seems like a large opportunity this year and I wonder if you could juxtapose the size of it with something like Verizon.

    印度今年似乎是一個巨大的機會,我想知道你是否可以將它的規模與 Verizon 之類的公司並列。

  • It sounds like it's probably significantly larger, maybe your largest growth opportunities.


  • So is there anything you can do to quantify that opportunity for us?


  • And then Jim, could you just talk about this ERP impact?

    然後吉姆,你能談談這個 ERP 的影響嗎?

  • Do you expect that to carry over into fiscal Q2 and are you pretty much catching up in fiscal Q2 for the negative impact in Q1?


  • Thanks.


  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • Thanks, Rod.


  • Let me take the first part of that.


  • I would say and I think most of you have read what's going on in the India market right now.


  • It's a confluence of things that have come together to stimulate the growth in that marketplace.


  • There are some very large builds underway, essentially to underpin bringing 4G basically out to the marketplace there with the number of carriers investing significantly.

    有一些非常大的建設正在進行中,主要是為了支持將 4G 基本上推向那裡的市場,而運營商的數量正在大量投資。

  • We've been there for a number of years.


  • I mean this is an investment that we've made dating back 12 years, both in terms of software development teams and market development teams there.

    我的意思是,這是我們 12 年前在軟件開發團隊和市場開發團隊方面所做的投資。

  • It is our fastest growing country.


  • And we are basically with every single major carrier in India and we are very well-positioned for it.


  • So I think it's a multi-year opportunity; it's not just one quick buildout that's getting all the attention.


  • It's across a very broad base of technologies for Ciena and really, it's a market that I think will be very, very high growth for us over multiple, multiple years.

    它跨越了 Ciena 非常廣泛的技術基礎,實際上,我認為這是一個市場,我認為在多年內對我們來說將是非常非常高的增長。

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • And on the ERP upgrade, we have been engaged in this upgrade, really, for going on two years.

    在 ERP 升級方面,我們實際上已經進行了兩年的升級。

  • It's a huge project for us ; we spent a lot of money.


  • We've upgraded to Oracle Release 12 and we cut over during the quarter.

    我們已經升級到 Oracle Release 12,並在本季度進行了切換。

  • We -- it ended up being that bringing up shipping capacity to full capacity took a bit longer than we thought.

    我們 - 最終將運輸能力提高到滿負荷所花費的時間比我們想像的要長一些。

  • And that did affect our revenue in the quarter.


  • We believe that, that's behind us now.


  • We should be able to operate at full capacity for the quarters going forward.


  • There is a bit of a pick-up in Q2.


  • We -- if we hit the midpoint of the guidance for Q2, we'll be, frankly, ahead of plan on both revenue and bottom-line.

    我們 - 如果我們達到第二季度指導的中點,坦率地說,我們在收入和利潤方面都領先於計劃。

  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • Rob, the other point I would make is there's never a good time to implement these ERP systems but we felt that given the scaling of the business, it was very important that we built a bigger engine for the business that had global reach.

    Rob,我要說的另一點是,從來沒有實施這些 ERP 系統的好時機,但我們認為,鑑於業務的規模,為具有全球影響力的業務構建更大的引擎非常重要。

  • So this should really underpin now a much greater velocity capability for the business going forward.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks, guys.


  • Operator


  • Doug Clark, Goldman Sachs.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • My first one is on Verizon popping up as a 10% customer.

    我的第一個是 Verizon 作為 10% 的客戶突然出現。

  • Is this due, in part, to kind of early Metro deployments?

    這部分是由於某種早期的 Metro 部署嗎?

  • And then secondarily, looking at OpEx jumping kind of above the expected midpoint or average OpEx range for the full year, can you talk about why it's jumping in the second quarter and then is it, I guess implicitly expected to come back down in the second half slightly?

    然後其次,看看 OpEx 在全年的預期中點或平均 OpEx 範圍之上跳躍,你能談談為什麼它在第二季度跳躍然後是嗎,我想隱含地預計會在第二季度回落半咯?

  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • Let me take the first part of that one, Doug; I'll take the Verizon.

    道格,讓我來做第一部分;我會選擇 Verizon。

  • We are seeing initial stages of the Metro rollout that did contribute to them becoming a 10% customer in the quarter.

    我們看到 Metro 推出的初始階段確實有助於他們在本季度成為 10% 的客戶。

  • I would also point that the other aspects of our business with them are also doing well, including the long-haul packet, ethernet switching, and their global-based switching network as well.


  • So we're seeing good adoption across the broad range with Verizon.

    因此,我們看到 Verizon 在廣泛範圍內得到了很好的採用。

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • And on the OpEx point, yes, we are on plan; in fact, we're slightly ahead of plan on OpEx and below the expect OpEx for the first half if we hit $240 million in the second quarter.

    在運營支出方面,是的,我們正在計劃之中;事實上,如果我們在第二季度達到 2.4 億美元,我們的 OpEx 略高於計劃,並且低於上半年的預期 OpEx。

  • OpEx is -- there are going to be projects, particularly in R&D, sometimes in real estate and even IT that are going to cause OpEx to move from the mean for the year up and down.

    OpEx 是 - 將會有一些項目,特別是在研發中,有時在房地產甚至 IT 中,這將導致 OpEx 從全年的平均值上下移動。

  • And you saw that in Q1, we were below the average of $235 million for the quarter that we talked about and in Q2, we're going to be slightly above the average for the quarters but we still expect OpEx to average roughly $235 million per quarter as we move through this year.

    你看到在第一季度,我們低於我們所討論的那個季度的平均水平 2.35 億美元,而在第二季度,我們將略高於該季度的平均水平,但我們仍然預計 OpEx 平均約為 2.35 億美元我們今年的季度。

  • So by definition, it will come down some.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, guys.


  • Operator


  • Vijay Bhagavath, Deutsche Bank.

    Vijay Bhagavath,德意志銀行。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I think my question is on the cloud optical business.


  • Help us understand if you anticipate any volatility or higher volatility in the DCI optical build-outs and the reason I ask is some of your peers have been seeing more volatility than they can handle in this cloud DCI optical rollout so I'd like to get your viewpoint.

    幫助我們了解您是否預計 DCI 光學構建會出現任何波動或更高的波動,我問的原因是您的一些同行看到的波動比他們在此云 DCI 光學部署中能夠處理的波動更大,所以我想得到你的觀點。

  • Thanks.


  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • Yes, I mean given what we're doing with Waveserver and the other platforms that address that space, I think the difference between us and the competition is where many of them are many niche-based in terms of engagement.

    是的,我的意思是考慮到我們正在使用 Waveserver 和解決該領域的其他平台所做的事情,我認為我們與競爭對手之間的區別在於他們中的許多人在參與方面都是基於利基市場的。

  • We've got a very broad global engagement with the ICPs.

    我們與 ICP 進行了非常廣泛的全球合作。

  • I mean we help them not just in North America but outside of North America, including all the submarine stuff, including places like India.


  • And I think that allows us a much more diverse and broader-based engagement, frankly, with a broader set of customers in the DCI connectivity market.

    我認為,坦率地說,這使我們能夠與 DCI 連接市場中更廣泛的客戶群進行更多樣化和更廣泛的接觸。

  • So while we're still seeing fluctuations customer to customer, overall, we're seeing a very positive growth in that space but we expect to continue and those fluctuations, because we've got such a broad base of customers, has really just led to nice solid growth performance for us overall.


  • And we continue to take market share in that space.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • And as Gary pointed out, we have a pretty significant win at the end of at the beginning of this current quarter Q2, which will show itself up in revenue this year.

    正如 Gary 指出的那樣,我們在本季度第二季度初的末尾取得了相當大的勝利,這將在今年的收入中體現出來。

  • Shipments in Q2, potentially revenue in Q2.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • Jim, a quick follow-on for you would be timing of maintenance service contracts.


  • Did you see any pronounced delays in maintenance service renewals?


  • Thanks.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • I wouldn't say delays.


  • We do often try to get multi-year maintenance agreements with our customers and sometimes it takes a bit longer to negotiate those because there are multiple years under consideration.


  • So I wouldn't say that we've seen any slowdown there.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Tal Liani, Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    美銀美林的 Tal Liani。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I have a few questions; maybe I'll start with the Blue Planet software.

    我有幾個問題;也許我將從 Blue Planet 軟件開始。

  • How is it trending this quarter and how is it versus your previous expectations of up $20 million to $25 million for the year?

    本季度的趨勢如何,與您之前對今年增長 2000 萬至 2500 萬美元的預期相比如何?

  • And if I can squeeze in one more, I want to -- I had a broader question about North America overall.


  • What are the puts and takes in North America for 2017?

    2017 年北美的看跌期權和收益是多少?

  • You highlighted a few things; if you could summarize it for the region versus the rest of the world kind of?


  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • Why don't I take the first part of that, Tal.


  • The Blue Planet is tracking well.


  • We had two new Tier 1 customers in the quarter and looking at the pipeline, we expect to add more, obviously, as we go through the year.


  • The engagement is still nascent in this space but I do think it will be on track to be in that $25 million-type range for the year.

    在這個領域的參與仍處於初期階段,但我確實認為它有望在今年達到 2500 萬美元的範圍內。

  • We seem to be tracking well to that and I think we're adding additional capability through it.


  • The analytics suite that we announced and the MCP capabilities as well will continue to drive it as we come out of the year.

    我們宣布的分析套件和 MCP 功能將在今年結束時繼續推動它。

  • And I think the point about it is it's a different set of engagements with customers as well, which is we're seeing a great deal of richness around that.


  • And I think that's opening up additional opportunities for us on the services side, which is why we've combined those elements as well.


  • So I think the quick takeaway is we're on track and we've seen very good traction with it.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • On North America, when you include AT&T, the growth rate comes down because as we've said, AT&T, we expect to be flat to down for this year; that's as expected.

    在北美,當你包括 AT&T 時,增長率會下降,因為正如我們所說,AT&T,我們預計今年將持平或下降;這是預期的。

  • By the way, their CapEx for the year are down a little bit from last year.


  • That's not always just positive of our results but they are focusing on moving to next gen as quickly as they can.


  • And I'm happy to report that we are actively involved in many strategic projects with them, including software services and hardware ; expect that to be a strong customer for us for the long term, although flat to down for this year.


  • As we said, absent AT&T, North America grew by 14%.

    正如我們所說,在沒有 AT&T 的情況下,北美地區增長了 14%。

  • I -- that is indicative of what we're doing across the board in North America.


  • We are number one market share provider in North America.


  • I believe we can continue to grow market share with the success we're having with the ICPs, with the success we're having on the Metro deployments that are taking place.

    我相信,隨著我們在 ICP 方面取得的成功,以及我們在 Metro 部署中取得的成功,我們可以繼續擴大市場份額。

  • And the other thing I'd say is that as you heard from Mobile World Congress, people are beginning to think about 5G.

    我要說的另一件事是,正如你從世界移動通信大會上聽到的那樣,人們開始考慮 5G。

  • And although deployments are pretty scattered now; it's early stages and we don't expect it to be a huge driver for us right now, we are extremely well-positioned to take advantage of the growth and demand for capacity that will come out of 5G implementation.

    儘管現在部署非常分散;它處於早期階段,我們預計它現在不會成為我們的巨大推動力,我們處於非常有利的位置,可以利用 5G 實施帶來的容量增長和需求。

  • The other thing that's happening is that MSOs are talking about this -- taking denser networks closer to the customer.

    另一件正在發生的事情是 MSO 正在談論這個——讓更密集的網絡更接近客戶。

  • The initiatives are called the Fiber Deep.

    這些舉措被稱為 Fiber Deep。

  • We're extremely well-positioned to win in that section as well so I'd say this year we're going to do well in North America.


  • We'll grow even though AT&T will be flat to down and we expect to continue growing in America ; it's a great place for us to deploy our technology.

    即使 AT&T 將持平或下滑,我們仍會增長,我們希望在美國繼續增長;這是我們部署技術的好地方。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Simon Leopold, Raymond James.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • This is Victor Chiu in for Simon Leopold.

    這是 Simon Leopold 的 Victor Chiu。

  • Can you provide us an update around your progress with web-scale customers and the percentage of sales?


  • And also just kind of where your expectations are around FY17 for this vertical?

    還有您對這個垂直領域在 2017 財年的預期如何?

  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • Let me take the first part of that; I think we've covered it in some of the commentary here.


  • We've -- as Jim said, we added a significant piece of business from a top five web-scale player which, really, was a competitive takeaway on a pretty large scale.


  • And I think it's testament to that Waveserver technology that we're deploying now.

    我認為這證明了我們現在正在部署的 Waveserver 技術。

  • So I feel very good about the overall space, not just in North America as well.


  • I mean we're seeing, as I said, global capabilities that we're able to bring to bear.


  • Because we've got global scale, we have all of the major carriers pretty much around the world, we're able to be a fabulous partner for these ICPs in terms of finding them the right kinds of capacity and connectivity, not just in North America, but in international markets as well.

    因為我們有全球規模,我們幾乎擁有世界各地的所有主要運營商,我們能夠成為這些 ICP 的絕佳合作夥伴,為他們找到合適的容量和連接性,而不僅僅是在北方美國,但在國際市場上也是如此。

  • And the submarine space where they are now number one, two, and three in terms of the Atlantic cable capacities as well.


  • And Ciena's got well over 50% of that marketplace, as Jim said.

    正如吉姆所說,Ciena 佔據了該市場 50% 以上的份額。

  • So I'd encourage folks not to just think this as connecting data centers and within North America; that's a large part of it.


  • But this is a much more global phenomenon across much -- many different facets of our technologies that we're able to deploy.


  • So that's why we're sort of uniquely positioned to be able to address this marketplace and why we don't see as many fluctuations as other niche players do as well.


  • Jim, any --


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • The other thing I'd say is that the 55% market share that we quoted was in the SLTE upgrade market.

    我要說的另一件事是,我們引用的 55% 的市場份額是在 SLTE 升級市場。

  • There is coming a new build market and we are extremely well-positioned to be a player there with our new engagement with TE SubCom, so I feel really good about that submarine market and how the ICPs are applying there.

    一個新的建造市場即將到來,通過與 TE SubCom 的新合作,我們處於非常有利的地位,可以成為那裡的參與者,所以我對那個潛艇市場以及 ICP 如何在那裡應用感到非常滿意。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Did you say the percentage of sales from web-scale customers?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • We said between 5% and 10%.

    我們說在 5% 到 10% 之間。

  • And that's the direct sales.


  • Remember that we sell indirectly, including in the submarine business, tons of capacity to the web-scale players.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great and just a quick follow-up.


  • We pay a lot of attention to Verizon as a reference project but where are the other carriers in terms of implementation similar architectures and opportunities for 100G Metro?

    我們非常關注 Verizon 作為參考項目,但在實施類似架構和 100G Metro 機會方面,其他運營商在哪裡?

  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • I think you're seeing this across a broad sway; in the North American environment, we pretty much had a clean sweep of all of those Metro deployments and their begetting places like CenturyLink, et cetera, AT&T, Verizon, Comcast.

    我認為你在廣泛的範圍內看到了這一點;在北美環境中,我們幾乎徹底掃清了所有 Metro 部署及其發源地,如 CenturyLink 等、AT&T、Verizon、Comcast。

  • All of the major players are deploying and we're pretty much -- we had a clean sweep of wins there with our 6500 Converged Packet Platform.

    所有主要參與者都在部署,我們幾乎是——我們的 6500 融合數據包平台在那里大獲全勝。

  • So North America, incredibly strong and across a broad sway of customers, and you're also seeing the same phenomenon internationally as well -- you saw EMEA up year over year, which is pleasing for us.

    因此,北美非常強大,客戶群廣泛,而且您在國際上也看到了同樣的現象——您看到 EMEA 同比增長,這讓我們感到高興。

  • You've seen great growth in APAC as well and also I would say, the other phenomenon of you've seen is really the move to 200G, which we've got the leading market share.

    你也看到了亞太地區的巨大增長,而且我想說的是,你看到的另一個現象實際上是向 200G 的轉變,我們擁有領先的市場份額。

  • We're the first to market with that and that also is a great technology being deployed into the Metro space, and particularly with people like ICPs as well.

    我們是第一個將其推向市場的公司,這也是一項被部署到 Metro 空間的偉大技術,尤其是對像 ICP 這樣的人來說。

  • So very broad sway of adoption across the carrier marketplace globally.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Paul Silverstein, Cowen and Company.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • If you already answered these questions, my apologies to you ; I was on another call.


  • But first off, I think I heard you say orders were at a record level again but in general, how would you characterize linearity for the quarter and visibility today versus 90 days ago and a year ago?

    但首先,我想我聽到你說訂單再次達到創紀錄水平,但總的來說,與 90 天前和一年前相比,你如何描述本季度的線性和今天的可見性?

  • And the other question is relative to the previous question, Jim and Gary, can you all actually quantify how many Metro deployment wins you have and how many of those have now advanced the revenue rollout stage?

    另一個問題與上一個問題相關,Jim 和 Gary,你們都可以真正量化你們贏得了多少 Metro 部署,以及其中有多少現在已經進入了收入推出階段?

  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • Let me take the first part of that, Paul.


  • I think the first one was linearity in the quarter.


  • It was more back-end loaded in this quarter, principally because we upgraded the ERP system when we closed down shipping for awhile.

    本季度後端負載更多,主要是因為我們在關閉運輸一段時間後升級了 ERP 系統。

  • As I said, there's never a good time to do that ; we've been in the planning for it for two years.


  • We felt very strongly that it's not just an ERP reimplementation; we basically reengineered a lot of our global processes, because we felt strongly we needed to build a bigger engine, basically given the scale of the business globally.

    我們非常強烈地感覺到,這不僅僅是 ERP 的重新實施;我們基本上重新設計了很多全球流程,因為我們強烈認為我們需要構建一個更大的引擎,基本上考慮到全球業務的規模。

  • So that caused us to have a very tail-end loaded quarter more than normal; took away a little flexibility at the end there.


  • But I think that was driven, really, principally by the reengineering project that we did.


  • Overall, though, I would say given the commentary about the order flows overall and the strength of the backlog right now is the largest that we've had from a product point of view, I think our visibility has improved.


  • Your direct question was in the last 90 days, did it improve ; I think it's improved.

    您的直接問題是在過去的 90 天內,它是否有所改善;我認為它有所改善。

  • And these are the -- the best -- the key element of it is visibility to orders but it's also the softer elements around engagements with the customers and understanding their plans and overall, I think we've got we've got better visibility into the year than we had a few weeks ago.

    這些是 - 最好的 - 它的關鍵要素是訂單的可見性,但它也是與客戶互動和了解他們的計劃以及總體而言的軟元素,我認為我們已經得到了更好的可見性這一年比我們幾週前還要多。

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • One of the reasons that we did use cash in the quarter is we built inventory in the quarter and you can see that, that happened both in deferred cost of sales which is material which is out at customer sites awaiting either deployment or acceptance and we built finished goods inventory in anticipation of the increase in demand which is coming.


  • So Paul, I'd say we have very good visibility.


  • We're not seeing any sort of slow down from any of the things that other people had mentioned.


  • We're not seeing a M&A-based slow down.


  • We're seeing wins across the board and so we feel really good about what's going to happen for the rest of the year.


  • On the Metro and regional piece of the business, the best I can give you is this.

    關於 Metro 和區域業務,我能給你的最好的就是這個。

  • What we have said is that and this goes back a couple of years, we've said that Metro was roughly 40% of our business and long-haul was roughly 60%.

    我們所說的是,這可以追溯到幾年前,我們說過地鐵大約占我們業務的 40%,長途大約佔 60%。

  • We are now seeing that it's about 50%.

    我們現在看到它大約是 50%。

  • 50/50 Metro and long-haul so the change that we projected at that time to sort of reverse those percentages is occurring.

    50/50 Metro 和 long-haul 所以我們當時預測的改變這些百分比的變化正在發生。

  • And we expect that it will continue to occur.


  • To sort of draw the line and by the way, those are estimates because drawing the line between Metro and long-haul deployments is not always perfectly clear.


  • So that's what we can tell you about it.


  • Operator


  • Michael Genovese, MKM Partners.

    MKM Partners 的邁克爾·吉諾維斯 (Michael Genovese)。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I just wanted to ask about (Technical Difficulties) questions.


  • Number one, can you just kind of comment on market share trends at Verizon and the Metro project versus your competitor there?

    第一,您能否就 Verizon 和 Metro 項目的市場份額趨勢與您的競爭對手進行比較?

  • And then secondly, given your clean sweep in the US, could you talk about your market share targets in Europe and the competitive environment over there versus in North America?


  • Thank you.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • On Verizon.


  • We have said repeatedly that we expect that we will get at least our fair share, half, if not more and we base that on information that Verizon has given us about the cities that we would build out to.

    我們一再表示,我們希望至少獲得我們應得的份額,如果不是更多的話,一半,我們基於 Verizon 向我們提供的有關我們將建設到的城市的信息。

  • As far as whether we get a lot more than our share or a bit more than our share it's really hard to tell.


  • We're in the really early days of deployment.


  • Things are going well.


  • They're happy with our gear; we're working with them well.


  • We think and we feel good about where that project is going.


  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • On Europe, we had some challenges last year, as I think we shared with everybody, some of which were self-inflicted ; some of which were market dynamics.


  • We're seeing a much better execution in Europe since we've made some changes there and realigned some of our priorities and we're actually, frankly, seeing good traction and pipeline build there.


  • We're up 13% year on year in the quarter and we think we'll have reasonable growth in Europe this year and again, it's the same kind of mix of customers.

    本季度我們同比增長 13%,我們認為我們今年和歐洲都會有合理的增長,這是同一種客戶組合。

  • We're seeing web-scale folks moving into Europe, trying to grow their business there and we're well-positioned with that because of our relationships with most of the European carriers and their various flavors, and also the submarine business, particularly Transatlantic.


  • So we see the dynamics there as being way more positive for us than this time last year.


  • We're pleased with our progress and I think we're at the point where we're beginning to actually take market share back from where it was.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks again.


  • Operator


  • Meta Marshall, Morgan Stanley.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I wanted to ask two quick questions.


  • The first was just the step-down in the consulting and network design revenues for the quarter, I just wanted to see that kind of normal seasonality where there are certain projects that were finishing up?


  • And then the second was just touching base on LatAm ; other vendors have notice softness in that region, but is that something you were picking up on as well or were there some projects wrapping up that contributed to the downturn?

    然後第二個只是觸及 LatAm 的基地;其他供應商已經註意到該地區的疲軟,但你是否也注意到了這一點,或者是否有一些項目結束導致了經濟低迷?

  • Thank you.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Yes, on the services side, Meta, there's always timing involved when projects get recognized when they get completed.


  • And so we're not seeing really any change, fundamental change in that services business.


  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • On the LatAm side, as you alluded, I think we've seen some downtick in there that we kind of predicted.

    在 LatAm 方面,正如你提到的,我認為我們已經看到了我們預測的一些下滑。

  • We've had two or three years of fabulous growth there and penetration of the market.


  • I think specifically in Brazil, you've seen a quieting down of the investment, really, based on big build-outs in infrastructure around the Olympics and the World Cup, the World Soccer Cup and I think you've seen a bit of a tail-end of that.


  • Overall, I think in terms of market share, I think we're doing well there, particularly in places like Mexico, but I do think after the extraordinary growth, frankly, over the last two to three years; it's going to be a quieter year this year.


  • It is kind of what we expected.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Jeff Kvaal, Nomura.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I was wondering if you could help us parse through the web-scale bit a little bit.


  • It sounds as though you had a pretty impressive customer roster in the past quarter and yet web-scale was still in the 5% to 10% of sales range and where it did end, with the exception of one quarter, a few quarters ago.

    聽起來好像你在過去一個季度有一個非常令人印象深刻的客戶名單,但網絡規模仍然在銷售範圍的 5% 到 10% 並且它確實結束了,除了一個季度,幾個季度前。

  • And then secondly, it sounds like there's another new customer that you were adding for the April quarter.

    其次,聽起來您在 4 月季度增加了另一個新客戶。

  • Should we be thinking that, that is in your guidance for the upcoming quarter?


  • Will that help us get out of that 5% to 10% range that you've been stuck in for a long time?

    這會幫助我們擺脫您長期陷入的 5% 到 10% 的範圍嗎?

  • Thanks.


  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • Let me try and add a little more color to it.


  • And I caution folks around this sort of 5% to 10%.

    我提醒人們大約有 5% 到 10%。

  • As Jim said, we try and break that out just for transparency and to give you some indication around it.

    正如 Jim 所說,我們嘗試打破它只是為了透明,並為您提供一些相關指示。

  • Increasingly, our engagements with these web folks go through other channels.


  • That's really the point.


  • They're both carriers and to some extent, some of the integrators and the folks that own the dark fiber.


  • And so and it's more difficult for us to pull that out but I will tell you it is a very strong growth driver across our business.


  • The direct relationships that we have has continued to grow as the business does; I would expect some quarters where you're going to see greater than 10%, direct engagement with them, depending on their particular model.

    我們擁有的直接關係隨著業務的發展而不斷發展;我預計在某些季度,您會看到超過 10% 的人直接與他們互動,具體取決於他們的特定模型。

  • But overall, the expansion comes through -- increasingly, as they go -- another way of thinking about this, increasingly as they get more and more international outside of North America, they have to go through other entities.


  • That's really the point.


  • Because as you hit other regulatory environments, India being a great example; they can't really go direct in India.


  • They have to go through a carrier that has the capacity.


  • And so therefore, we will get the business; very often we have direct visibility into it and we're partnering with them.


  • But the business does not come to us directly from them.


  • And now we'll work on how to we try and quantify some of that a little bit more but the Metro is really how they get to their customers on their clouds.

    現在我們將研究如何嘗試和量化其中的一些內容,但 Metro 確實是他們在雲上接觸客戶的方式。

  • And that increasingly is international.


  • And it is increasingly through other carriers.


  • And so that dynamic, I think, will continue but if we step back from all of this, these folks are really driving the overall global capacity.


  • That's the point, whether it's direct or indirect or submarine or through a carrier in India, we've got visibility to, the point is these folks are really driving demand.


  • And it's not just the main sort of five or six big players ; you've got international ICPs now coming into the picture.

    而且它不僅僅是主要的五六個大玩家;您現在已經有了國際 ICP。

  • You've got the, what I would say, the smaller ICPs are now connecting up their data centers.

    你已經知道了,我想說的是,較小的 ICP 現在正在連接他們的數據中心。

  • And you're seeing a much greater dynamic that's broader based.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • And as you say, we have been above that 10% number a couple of times last year.

    正如你所說,去年我們已經多次超過 10% 的數字。

  • Just to clarify the dynamic as well, the web-scale players often are the chooser of the technology provider even though they're not going to be buying direct.


  • They strongly influence the choice of the optical vendor in many of the international engagements so we wouldn't count that as a direct sale, but in many ways, it's because they are influencing the choice of Ciena.

    在許多國際交易中,它們對光學供應商的選擇產生了重大影響,因此我們不會將其視為直接銷售,但在許多方面,這是因為它們正在影響 Ciena 的選擇。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, guys.


  • Operator


  • Jess Lubert, Wells Fargo Securities

    Jess Lubert,富國銀行證券

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • First I was seeing data from the Ericsson partnership, how that's going?


  • How material the growth driver that could be for the year?


  • And then secondly, it looks like the Packet Networking business had a really strong quarter so I was hoping you could help us understand the drivers there and if the performance was influenced by any large deals like Verizon?

    其次,分組網絡業務似乎有一個非常強勁的季度,所以我希望你能幫助我們了解那裡的驅動因素,以及業績是否受到 Verizon 等大型交易的影響?

  • If it's more 8700 upgrades and to what extent you believe the momentum in that product category is likely to continue through the year?

    如果是 8700 次升級,您認為該產品類別的勢頭可能會在今年持續到什麼程度?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Quickly on Ericsson.


  • We'll -- I think we're probably going to see a bit of growth out of Ericsson but they are not one of our major growth drivers for this year.


  • The ICPs, clearly, the Metro, certainly; and internationally, particularly India, significantly outweighed the growth we expect from Ericsson in terms of our outlook for this year.


  • We still like the relationship; it's doing well.


  • It's just not one of our big growth drivers this year.


  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • The only thing I would add to that is the success we've had jointly with Ericsson and Telstra.


  • I mean I think that's a multi-year win; you saw some of the publicity for that around Mobile World Congress.


  • That really is a big win for both Ericsson and ourselves ; and that will be a growth driver for us over multiple years.


  • In terms of the Packet question, Jess, I think the 8700, particularly first platform of its type in the world, really, with that kind of tight convergence around the optical capability in addition to Packet.

    關於 Packet 問題,Jess,我認為 8700,尤其是世界上同類平台中的第一個平台,除了 Packet 之外,還具有圍繞光學功能的那種緊密融合。

  • We're seeing very strong adoption of that, particularly as you roll out into things like 4G, in places like India; it's an ideal platform for that and I think that's contributing particularly to a lot of the dynamics that we're seeing.

    我們看到這種技術得到了非常廣泛的採用,特別是當你在印度等地推出 4G 之類的東西時;這是一個理想的平台,我認為這特別有助於我們看到的許多動態。

  • In addition to a strong showing from the ethernet access piece which you sort of expect, but I think as carriers and Jim sort of alluded to this increasingly put capacity closer to the customer, driven by things like getting ready for 5G and putting fiber deeper in, I think we will continue to see good growth in our Packet portfolio.

    除了您所期望的以太網接入件的強勁表現之外,我認為運營商和 Jim 都提到了這種越來越接近客戶的容量,這是由為 5G 做好準備和將光纖更深入地部署等因素驅動的,我認為我們將繼續看到我們的 Packet 產品組合的良好增長。

  • And that's really where we've targeted these kinds of platforms into that sort of access piece, as you drive fiber closer into the customers.


  • And I think that, that's pertinent both in the cable markets in North America and Europe and also as we see this dynamic around building out capacity for both 4G and in advance, ready for 5G.

    而且我認為,這在北美和歐洲的有線電視市場都是相關的,而且我們看到這種圍繞 4G 和提前為 5G 準備好容量的動態。

  • We're already beginning to see that as a real dynamic.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, guys.


  • Operator


  • Stanley Kovler, Citi Research.

    Stanley Kovler,花旗研究部。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Just wanted to see if you can comment on particularly the web-scale part of the business, where you're referencing that customer base is driving a lot of the technology decisions and is the driving force for the capacity build-outs.


  • What are you sensing from the standpoint of them pushing the industry more towards merchant silicon type of solutions?


  • And maybe you can go through your portfolio and how you're positioned from that perspective?


  • And then just as a follow-up, I wanted to see if there's any impact that you're seeing from your customer base related to some of the mergers and acquisitions happening in the space in the telco world?


  • Thank you.


  • - CTO

    - CTO

  • Sure, Stanley.


  • This is Steve Alexander.


  • I'll give you some insights into what we see going on there.


  • You're right; they are certainly interested in exploring all of the different ways they can solve what they have in terms of access and transport architectures and such, so they tend to be very interested in what you term merchant silicon and such.


  • The truth is everybody uses merchant silicon to build products and it's a matter of what you do on the system level, the other features you put around it that really make the difference.


  • And we've seen a continued desire for choice and openness in the marketplace.


  • I mean, that's something we've supported since the founding of the Company, quite honestly.


  • And so we're responsive to those trends.


  • We participate in things like the Open Road initiative.

    我們參與了諸如 Open Road initiative 之類的活動。

  • We're participating in things like TIP.

    我們正在參與 TIP 之類的活動。

  • I mean we're engaged in that world ; we've helped create this effects for things like the CP to ACOs and you can expect that we're going to continue in those veins, right, where we see an opportunity to introduce the benefits of open architectures and increased choice, we're going to take advantage of that.

    我的意思是我們參與了那個世界;我們已經幫助為 ACO 的 CP 等事物創造了這種效果,你可以期待我們將繼續沿著這些方向發展,對,我們看到了一個機會來介紹開放架構和增加選擇的好處,我們是打算利用這一點。

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • And on the M&A question, to this point, we haven't seen any slowdown or any other effect from the deals that have been announced and that's reasonably consistent with what we've seen in the past.


  • I would say that we have been a winner in just about all of the combinations of our customers which have occurred.


  • And I think it's because once the customer is introduced to our Company, our technology, our services, the way we engage and we tend to be very sticky so we want, in cases where we were incumbent with the target, and we were in cases where we incumbent with the inquirer and hopefully, that will continue to be the case.


  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • The other thing I'd say about that is that we're a very broad-based, diverse business now and that's very, very deliberate on our part.


  • We're not a niche player who is providing a particular technology to a particular customer and got high concentration.


  • We are much more diversified and so we're able to deal with the ebbs and flows of these kinds of things, much more easily than a lot of our competitors.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Alex Henderson, Needham & Company.

    Alex Henderson, Needham & Company。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I was hoping we could just get a couple of housekeeping.


  • Could you talk about the impact of currency was on the quarter?


  • And I don't think you gave a book to bill and I do have a follow-up.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Yes, we were -- on the book to bill, we were slightly less than our revenue in our quarter intake in the quarter but Q1, that's a strong quarter for us.


  • Q1 is a quarter which spans holiday months and before budgets are set and so we were very pleased with our order intake in the quarter that was higher than our plan.


  • The other question was --


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • The impact of currency.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Currency was not a huge item for us in the quarter; I don't have a precise number.


  • It's well -- it's in the low single digits in terms of our currency affected and then in terms of our expectations, we just didn't see a lot of movement this quarter.

    很好 - 就我們受影響的貨幣而言,它處於低個位數,然後就我們的預期而言,我們本季度沒有看到太多變化。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So the question I wanted to ask was really on the way the pipeline is built when looking forward.


  • Clearly, the December/January quarter is a -- somewhat of a lockdown for you.

    顯然,12 月/1 月季度對您來說有點像鎖定。

  • You don't get a lot of business in there and you seem to have much better leverage to order flow and transactions in that quarter.


  • Is it fair to characterize the pipeline of activity as accelerating even above normal seasonal patterns at this point?


  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • I think that's a fair characterization.


  • I think we're in a better position coming out of Q1 than we had anticipated.


  • There's another way of expressing that, both in terms of hard data, i.e., orders backlog, et cetera, and on-site inventory and the customers that were recognized.


  • And also in terms of the overall pipeline of expectation and customer engagement.


  • You put those two together and that's how we take visibility read and I think we're in a better position than, frankly, we thought we would be.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Tim Long, BMO Capital Markets.

    BMO 資本市場的 Tim Long。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Jim, could we just -- excuse me, touch on the gross margin and maybe looking forward a little bit --

    吉姆,我們可以 - 對不起,談談毛利率,也許有點期待 -

  • - VP, IR

    - VP, IR

  • Tim, we're losing you.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • You are cutting in and out, Tim.


  • Tim, are you there?


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • To break out of this mid-40%s range.

    突破這個 40%s 的中間範圍。

  • Thank you.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Tim, I didn't get your full question but I think it was around gross margin where we are.


  • Here's what I'd say about our gross margin.


  • We've made a lot of progress, as we've said, over the last few years.


  • We've gone from the low 40%s to mid-40%s.

    我們已經從低 40%s 到中 40%s。

  • We believe that's where we are today.


  • Now, there's a lot of things that go into our gross margin.


  • We have new deals that are going to be lower than corporate average in the early stages where we're putting out Photonics and Commons and that's a thing.

    在我們推出 Photonics 和 Commons 的早期階段,我們的新交易將低於企業平均水平,這就是一件事。

  • We have -- as we move through time, and these deals become more mature in their rollouts and we're adding capacity, that tends to improve our margins.


  • If we're attacking particularly internationally where we have to take incumbency from someone, that's going to cost us something.


  • So there's a lot of things that impact our margin.


  • I'm very pleased that if you go back over the past six years, we have grown.


  • We have increased our market share and we have improved our gross margin.


  • I think that's a heck of a performance and as we move forward in time, there are going to be fluctuations in our gross margin.


  • I don't think we can get, in the near-term, above that mid-40%s range.

    我不認為我們可以在短期內超過 40% 的中間範圍。

  • But hopefully, as we move through time, as software becomes more important, as Packet becomes more important, then I think we will be able to get above that mid-40%s.

    但希望隨著時間的推移,隨著軟件變得越來越重要,隨著 Packet 變得越來越重要,我認為我們將能夠超過 40% 的中間值。

  • In fact, when we said we're going to get to 15% operating margin, as we've said, we have to improve from the mid-40%s by a little bit in order to get to that 15%, we believe.

    事實上,當我們說我們將達到 15% 的營業利潤率時,正如我們所說的,我們必須從 40% 的中期提高一點點才能達到 15%,我們相信.

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Catharine Trebnick, Dougherty.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I have a question more -- a clarification on Ericsson.


  • You said, Gary, that you'd been in over 10 years in India so is most of the Ericsson business more Telstra in Europe and less so in India?

    加里,你說你在印度工作了 10 多年,所以愛立信的大部分業務在歐洲更多是 Telstra 而在印度更少嗎?

  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • Yes, Catharine.


  • That's right.


  • That's a good interpretation; in India, we've been direct.


  • Pretty much, we've got some local partners there.


  • But basically, we are direct in India.


  • And the vast, vast majority of the business that we see there is us engaging directly with carriers and other customers, their government, particularly as well.


  • In our Telstra engagement is with exclusively with Ericsson and we partnered over the last couple of years into the Telstra network and that is purely with Ericsson.

    在我們的 Telstra 中,我們只與愛立信合作,並且我們在過去幾年中合作進入了 Telstra 網絡,而這完全是與愛立信的合作。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • And then follow-on on Blue Planet, I noticed that global -- the Australian Subsea Global Crossing, I forget the exact name of it, talked a lot in their -- in that press release about Blue Planet and subsea and why is that so important?


  • A couple of thought leaders I've talked to indicated that was a big deal.


  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • I mean you've seen that in a number of submarine engagements, Catharine, where we're actually deploying Blue Planet to manage both our equipment and other folks.

    我的意思是你已經在許多潛艇交戰中看到了,凱瑟琳,我們實際上部署了 Blue Planet 來管理我們的設備和其他人。

  • Steve, do you want to --


  • - CTO

    - CTO

  • Catharine, a simple way to look at it, right, is the submarine cables open up, right?


  • In other words, as you can procure the cable separately from the SLTE or if y you're in upgrade business, you find yourself needing to orchestrate different domains, right?

    換句話說,由於您可以從 SLTE 單獨採購電纜,或者如果您從事升級業務,您會發現自己需要協調不同的域,對嗎?

  • One domain might be the cable infrastructure; another domain might be the SLTE.

    一個領域可能是電纜基礎設施;另一個域可能是 SLTE。

  • The third domain might be the equipment you're using to derive, let's say, or create ethernet services.


  • So Blue Planet fits very well in that environment, right?

    所以 Blue Planet 非常適合那種環境,對吧?

  • It can orchestrate amongst any one of those domains, so it fits very nicely.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Patrick Newton, Stifel.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • First on some data points we're seeing from component vendors.


  • I'm curious if you're seeing any easing of capacities -- capacity constraints or lead times and just understanding your comments that the Verizon rollout is in its early days and going well, we did see some component suppliers pointing to choppy trends currently.

    我很好奇你是否看到產能有任何緩解——產能限製或交貨時間,並且只是理解你關於 Verizon 推出處於早期階段並且進展順利的評論,我們確實看到一些組件供應商指出目前的趨勢不穩定。

  • I'm just curious if the near-term ramp and what's baked into the April quarter guidance has been somewhat tamped down relative to expectations 90 days or even six months ago?

    我只是好奇,相對於 90 天甚至六個月前的預期,近期的增長和 4 月季度指導中包含的內容是否有所降低?

  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • I would say, overall, I think we're in a reasonable place from a supply-chain point of view around components that -- we're pretty vertically integrated so a note of caution.


  • We're not maybe the best barometer overall of this but I would say that we're not, apart from one or two exceptions, which normal sort of ebbs and flows of things, we're in pretty good shape for going in through Q2 and into Q3.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • There are so many things that affect the component vendors, it's hard -- I would say that it's -- I'd caution you about trying to read through on us their results.


  • China is a big deal for those guys and the ebbs and flows in China are going to impact their results and not have any impact on us because currently, we don't sell in China.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • And then on Verizon, any -- on the near-term guidance, has it been changed all relative to expectations a few months out?

    然後在 Verizon 上,任何 - 關於近期指導,它是否都相對於幾個月後的預期發生了變化?

  • - President and CEO

    - President and CEO

  • No.


  • I think Verizon is going pretty much as per plan.

    我認為 Verizon 正在按計劃進行。

  • We're executing well on it.


  • I think, generally, I would say the financial community have a view of it being bigger earlier than we have.


  • And I think that's sort of -- that's playing out.

    而且我認為這有點 - 這正在發揮作用。

  • Listen, it's a very big deal across multiple years.


  • And we're just beginning that ramp.


  • It's a nice piece of business for us over many, many years.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great and then just -- thank you.

    太好了,然後只是 - 謝謝。

  • - VP, IR

    - VP, IR

  • Thank you.


  • We appreciate everybody's attention today.


  • We look forward to catching up with everyone over the next days and weeks.


  • Thanks, everyone.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your participation in today's conference.


  • This concludes the program and you may now disconnect.


  • Everyone, have a good day.
