Blackstone Inc (BX) 2021 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and welcome to the Blackstone First Quarter 2021 Investor Call.

    美好的一天,歡迎參加 Blackstone 2021 年第一季度投資者電話會議。

  • My name is Joanne, and I'm your event manager.


  • (Operator Instructions) I'd like to advise all parties this conference is being recorded.


  • And now I would like to hand over to Weston Tucker, Head of Investor Relations.

    現在我想向投資者關係主管 Weston Tucker 匯報。

  • Please proceed.


  • Weston M. Tucker - Senior MD & Head of Shareholder Relations

    Weston M. Tucker - Senior MD & Head of Shareholder Relations

  • Great.


  • Thanks, Joanne, and good morning, and welcome to Blackstone's first quarter conference call.

    謝謝,Joanne,早上好,歡迎參加 Blackstone 第一季度電話會議。

  • Joining today are Steve Schwarzman, Chairman and CEO; Jon Gray, President and Chief Operating Officer; and Michael Chae, Chief Financial Officer.

    今天加入的有董事長兼首席執行官史蒂夫·施瓦茨曼(Steve Schwarzman); Jon Gray,總裁兼首席運營官;和首席財務官 Michael Chae。

  • Earlier this morning, we issued a press release and slide presentation, which are available on our website.


  • We expect to file our 10-Q report in a few weeks.

    我們預計在幾週內提交我們的 10-Q 報告。

  • I'd like to remind you that today's call may include forward-looking statements, which are uncertain and outside of the firm's control and may differ from actual results materially.


  • We do not undertake any duty to update these statements.


  • And for a discussion of some of the risks that could affect results, please see the Risk Factors section of our 10-K.

    有關可能影響結果的一些風險的討論,請參閱我們 10-K 的風險因素部分。

  • We'll also refer to non-GAAP measures, and you'll find reconciliations in the press release on the shareholders page of our website.

    我們還將參考非 GAAP 措施,您可以在我們網站股東頁面上的新聞稿中找到對賬。

  • Also note that nothing on this call constitutes an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase an interest in any Blackstone fund.

    另請注意,本次電話會議中的任何內容均不構成出售任何 Blackstone 基金的要約或購買任何 Blackstone 基金權益的要約邀請。

  • This audiocast is copyrighted material of Blackstone and may not be duplicated without consent.

    此音頻廣播是 Blackstone 的受版權保護的材料,未經同意不得複制。

  • So a quick recap of our results.


  • We reported GAAP net income for the quarter of $3.4 billion, distributable earnings were $1.2 billion or $0.96 per common share and we declared a dividend of $0.82 to be paid to holders of record as of May 3.

    我們報告了該季度的 GAAP 淨收入為 34 億美元,可分配收益為 12 億美元或每股普通股 0.96 美元,我們宣布將向截至 5 月 3 日的記錄持有人支付 0.82 美元的股息。

  • With that, I'll turn the call over to Steve.


  • Stephen Allen Schwarzman - Chairman, CEO & Co-Founder

    Stephen Allen Schwarzman - Chairman, CEO & Co-Founder

  • Thank you, Weston, and good morning, and thank you for joining our call.


  • Blackstone reported remarkable results for the first quarter.

    Blackstone 報告了第一季度的顯著業績。

  • Distributable earnings more than doubled year-over-year to $1.2 billion, fee-related earnings rose nearly 60% year-over-year and for the last 12 months, were up 40% to a record $2.6 billion.

    可分配收益同比增長一倍以上,達到 12 億美元,與費用相關的收益同比增長近 60%,過去 12 個月增長了 40%,達到創紀錄的 26 億美元。

  • Investment performance was extremely strong again in the quarter, as it has been for over 35 years, driving the balance sheet receivable to record levels.

    本季度的投資表現再次異常強勁,35 年來一直如此,推動應收資產負債表達到創紀錄水平。

  • At the same time, we grew AUM 21% year-over-year to an industry record $649 billion.

    與此同時,我們的 AUM 同比增長 21%,達到行業創紀錄的 6490 億美元。

  • The firm has exceptional forward momentum, and I anticipate significant continued expansion of our earnings power, particularly in FRE for the foreseeable future.

    該公司具有非凡的前進動力,我預計我們的盈利能力將繼續顯著擴大,特別是在可預見的未來在 FRE。

  • This is the result of the new products we're launching and the acceleration of existing ones, which Jon will describe in more detail, and as he did on television this morning.


  • Blackstone is the clear leader in the alternative sector.

    Blackstone 顯然是替代領域的領導者。

  • We've also established ourselves as one of the leading public companies in any industry.


  • We've grown from $400,000 in startup capital in 1985 to become the 87th largest U.S. public company by market cap today.

    我們已經從 1985 年的 400,000 美元啟動資金發展成為今天市值第 87 大的美國上市公司。

  • Our long-term financial performance has been extraordinary.


  • For the past decade, we've grown distributable earnings by 17% per year, more than double the median earnings growth of the S&P 500.

    在過去十年中,我們的可分配收益每年增長 17%,是標準普爾 500 指數中位收益增長的兩倍多。

  • We rank in the top quartile of this group today on almost any relevant metric, including revenue and earnings growth, aggregate earnings, profit margins, dividend yields and trading volume.


  • Blackstone is also widely recognized as one of the best franchises.


  • Just last month, Morgan Stanley published their biannual list of the 30 best companies in the United States for long-term stock ownership and, again, Blackstone made the list.

    就在上個月,摩根士丹利公佈了他們的半年一度的美國 30 家最佳長期持股公司名單,而黑石集團再次上榜。

  • We are in good company, with firms like Alphabet, Amazon, Costco, Microsoft, Netflix, Nike and Visa.

    我們與 Alphabet、亞馬遜、Costco、微軟、Netflix、耐克和 Visa 等公司合作良好。

  • Like Blackstone, these companies have built very significant brand equity by offering a distinctive customer experience, resulting in wide competitive moats.

    與 Blackstone 一樣,這些公司通過提供獨特的客戶體驗建立了非常重要的品牌資產,從而形成了廣泛的競爭護城河。

  • At Blackstone, we're in a unique position in a sector that has tremendous tailwinds.

    在 Blackstone,我們在一個擁有巨大順風的行業中處於獨特的位置。

  • We are in the early stages of an inexorable shift of capital flows towards alternatives, as global limited partners continue to increase their allocations in pursuit of better returns.


  • And the opportunity is enormous.


  • There is an estimated $6.5 trillion of private markets AUM today compared to nearly $250 trillion of public equity and debt markets globally.

    與全球近 250 萬億美元的公共股票和債務市場相比,今天的私募市場資產管理規模估計為 6.5 萬億美元。

  • We believe Blackstone is the best positioned firm in the world to benefit from these secular trends as the largest alternative manager with the #1 brand.

    我們相信 Blackstone 是世界上最能從這些長期趨勢中受益的公司,是擁有第一品牌的最大另類管理公司。

  • At our Investor Day approximately 2.5 years ago, we outlined a number of fundraising and financial targets.

    在大約 2.5 年前的投資者日,我們概述了一些籌款和財務目標。

  • Since that time, we've grown AUM by nearly 50% and launched over a dozen new strategies, including successful businesses in life science and growth equity.

    從那時起,我們的 AUM 增長了近 50%,並推出了十多項新戰略,包括在生命科學和增長股權方面的成功業務。

  • We've significantly expanded our presence in the private wealth and insurance channels.


  • And perpetual capital AUM has more than doubled, led by growth in our real estate and core plus platform.


  • All of this has driven a near doubling of fee-related earnings over the period.


  • As the firm continues to grow, it also creates opportunities for our people to lead.


  • In the past few years, we've promoted or moved approximately 50 of our professionals into key leadership roles around the firm, including to run new businesses or to oversee a sector.

    在過去的幾年裡,我們已經提拔或調動了大約 50 名專業人員擔任公司的關鍵領導職務,包括經營新業務或監督某個行業。

  • As our people advance in their careers, there's a deep bench of talent behind them to step up.


  • This organizational dynamism helps to keep our people motivated, fosters integration and perpetuates our unique culture.


  • In the event we look externally for someone to help us build the business, our scale and reputation allow us to attract great outside talent as well.


  • Blackstone is an extraordinary place to work, and we are regularly cited as one of the best places to work in our industry, including most recently, by Fortune Magazine.

    Blackstone 是一個非凡的工作場所,我們經常被評為業內最佳工作場所之一,最近被《財富》雜誌評為最佳工作場所之一。

  • It also follows that young people want to build their careers here.


  • We've had more than 19,000 unique applicants for 93 starting analyst positions last year.

    去年,我們有超過 19,000 名獨特的申請人申請了 93 個初始分析師職位。

  • Our people, along with our reputation are the firm's most important assets.


  • Our clients have come to expect from us the highest level of excellence and integrity.


  • Every one at the firm strives to produce exceptional results.


  • I couldn't be prouder of what our people have accomplished together and strongly believe the best is yet to come for our employees, our limited partners and our fellow shareholders.


  • And with that, I'd like to turn things over to Jon.


  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • Thank you, Steve, and good morning, everyone.


  • It was another tremendous quarter for Blackstone and our investors.

    對於 Blackstone 和我們的投資者來說,這是又一個巨大的季度。

  • The virtuous cycle of strong investment performance leading to further inflows, increasingly from perpetual strategies, continues to drive our firm.


  • This perpetual capital is fueling a powerful transformation in the assets we manage and the earnings we generate.


  • Blackstone is a branded asset-light manager with a compelling recurring revenue model.

    Blackstone 是一家品牌輕資產管理公司,擁有引人注目的經常性收入模式。

  • Moving to the quarter and investment performance.


  • All of our flagship strategies again posted outstanding returns, equating to the second best quarter for fund appreciation in the firm's history after Q4.


  • This reflects the way we've positioned investor capital over the past several years towards fast-growing areas of the economy, including logistics, life sciences and tech-enabled businesses.


  • These sectors are benefiting from very positive fundamentals, which have accelerated since the onset of COVID.

    這些行業受益於非常積極的基本面,自 COVID 爆發以來這些基本面加速。

  • Our customers continue to respond favorably to our performance, and demand for our products is stronger than ever.


  • Total inflows were $32 billion in the quarter, with approximately half in perpetual strategies, including real estate Core+ and direct lending.

    本季度總流入為 320 億美元,其中約一半用於永久策略,包括房地產 Core+ 和直接貸款。

  • In total, perpetual capital AUM has grown to nearly $150 billion across 15 vehicles, up over 130% since Investor Day.

    總體而言,永續資本資產管理規模已增至近 1500 億美元,涵蓋 15 種工具,自投資者日以來增長超過 130%。

  • These are the fastest-growing areas of the firm today, and it's hard to overstate their positive impact.


  • Our business had been historically concentrated in long-term, but finite-life corporate private equity and opportunistic real estate drawdown funds.


  • In these strategies, we acquire and improve companies and assets and then wait for the right time to sell and return the capital to our limited partners.


  • This is a terrific business model and will always remain an enormous focus of our firm.


  • I would compare it to planting seeds, which we grow and then harvest before starting the process again.


  • With perpetual capital, we're now also planning perennials.


  • Perpetual capital remains in the ground in compounds in value, generating management fees and, in most cases, recurring performance revenues without asset sales.


  • These strategies are fueling an acceleration in the growth and quality of the firm's earnings, including the powerful trajectory of fee-related earnings that Steve described.


  • The best example of this dynamic at work is our real estate Core+ business.

    這種動態在工作中的最佳例子是我們的房地產 Core+ 業務。

  • Only 7 years after launching the platform, it has grown to $77 billion of AUM and has become the single largest contributor to FRE at the firm, and we are extremely confident in the path forward.

    該平台推出僅 7 年後,其 AUM 已增長到 770 億美元,並已成為公司 FRE 的最大單一貢獻者,我們對前進的道路充滿信心。

  • There are 5 perpetual capital vehicles for this strategy today, and we're working on more.

    今天有 5 種永續資本工具適用於該策略,我們正在研究更多。

  • BREIT, our retail-oriented vehicle, has seen fundraising reaccelerate meaningfully from the bottom of the crisis nearly back to pre-pandemic levels, with $1.7 billion of monthly inflows after quarter end on April 1.

    BREIT 是我們面向零售的工具,其籌款活動從危機底部開始顯著加速,幾乎回到了大流行前的水平,在 4 月 1 日季度結束後每月有 17 億美元的資金流入。

  • Our newest institutional Core+ vehicle focused on life science office buildings, reported another $4 billion of inflows in the first quarter, bringing it to $12 billion of AUM in only 5 months.

    我們最新的機構 Core+ 工具專注於生命科學辦公樓,報告第一季度又有 40 億美元的資金流入,僅在 5 個月內就達到了 120 億美元的 AUM。

  • Alongside our perpetual strategies, we're seeing continued strong momentum across the firm.


  • Our growth equity fund hit its $4.5 billion cap in the first quarter with excess demand, the largest first-time private fund ever raised in this area.

    在需求過剩的情況下,我們的成長型股票基金在第一季度達到了 45 億美元的上限,這是該領域有史以來最大的首次私募基金。

  • This is a remarkable achievement, but particularly showed during a global pandemic.


  • The fund is off to a very strong start with investments in Bumble, Oatly, Epidemic Sound and ISN.

    該基金在 Bumble、Oatly、Epidemic Sound 和 ISN 的投資開局非常強勁。

  • In Asia, our business is expanding further, building on our long-term success in the region.


  • We held a $3 billion first close for the second vintage in private equity, which is already larger than the first.

    我們為第二個年份的私募股權持有 30 億美元的首次收盤價,這已經超過了第一個年份。

  • In the next few weeks, we'll also plan to start fundraising the third vintage in real estate in Asia, which we expect to be at least as large as the prior $7 billion fund.

    在接下來的幾週內,我們還計劃開始籌資亞洲房地產的第三個年份,我們預計其規模至少與之前的 70 億美元基金一樣大。

  • Turning to our secondaries business.


  • Our $11 billion SP VIII, 1 of the 4 flagship funds we highlighted at Investor Day, is nearly fully invested after only 2 years.

    我們價值 110 億美元的 SP VIII 是我們在投資者日重點介紹的 4 支旗艦基金之一,僅在 2 年後就幾乎全部投資。

  • We will shortly begin raising the next vintage, which we expect to be larger with a first close targeted for the second half of this year.


  • In Credit, demand for our products remains robust, and the segment reported $13 billion of inflows in the quarter across direct lending, liquid strategies and our fourth mezzanine fund.

    在信貸方面,對我們產品的需求仍然強勁,該部門報告本季度通過直接貸款、流動性策略和我們的第四個夾層基金流入了 130 億美元。

  • Our direct lending business has grown to $27 billion of AUM, including a strong start out of the gates for our new non-traded BDC.

    我們的直接貸款業務已增長到 270 億美元的資產管理規模,其中包括我們新的非交易 BDC 的強勁開端。

  • In Tactical Opportunities, we're raising our fourth vintage and expect an initial close this summer.

    在 Tactical Opportunities 中,我們正在提高我們的第四個年份,並預計今年夏天會初步結束。

  • And lastly, BAM reached new record AUM in the quarter of $82 billion, up 11% year-over-year, despite the recent volatility in the hedge fund markets.

    最後,儘管最近對沖基金市場出現波動,但 BAM 在本季度達到了創紀錄的 820 億美元的 AUM,同比增長 11%。

  • Overall, the outlook remains quite positive for the firm, following 4 consecutive years with total inflows approaching or exceeding $100 billion.

    總體而言,在連續 4 年總流入接近或超過 1000 億美元之後,該公司的前景仍然相當樂觀。

  • We are highly confident we'll exceed $100 billion again in 2021.

    我們非常有信心在 2021 年再次超過 1000 億美元。

  • Investors, institutional, retail and insurance want access to Blackstone products more than ever.

    投資者、機構、零售和保險比以往任何時候都更希望獲得 Blackstone 產品。

  • Our fundraising momentum has given us substantial firepower to invest, and we remain very active on that front, deploying $18 billion in the first quarter.

    我們的籌款勢頭為我們提供了強大的投資火力,我們在這方面仍然非常活躍,第一季度部署了 180 億美元。

  • We continue with our thematic focus, including sustainability and the post-COVID travel recovery.

    我們繼續關注我們的主題,包括可持續性和 COVID 後的旅行複蘇。

  • We recently committed to acquire DESOTEC, an environmental services business in Europe, and Sabre, an electrification infrastructure company.

    我們最近承諾收購歐洲環境服務公司 DESOTEC 和電氣化基礎設施公司 Sabre。

  • In terms of travel, as the economy reopens, we believe the combination of increased consumer savings, fiscal stimulus and global cabin fever will be powerful.


  • Recent commitments emphasizing this theme include acquiring a private aviation business, a major holiday park operator in the U.K., a hotel portfolio in Japan and a public hotel company in the U.S.


  • In closing, Blackstone continues to deliver.


  • Our shareholders are benefiting from the positive transformation underway in our capital base and earnings, And they will benefit from what is not changing, the same rigorous investment process, standards of excellence and drive to serve our clients that have defined Blackstone for over 35 years.

    我們的股東正在受益於我們的資本基礎和收益正在發生的積極轉變,他們將受益於不變的東西、同樣嚴格的投資流程、卓越的標準以及為客戶服務的動力,這些都定義了 Blackstone 超過 35 年。

  • With that, I will turn things over to Michael.


  • Michael S. Chae - CFO

    Michael S. Chae - CFO

  • Thanks, Jon, and good morning, everyone.


  • The first quarter represented a terrific start to the year, characterized by strong momentum in all of our key financial and operating metrics and a record store value.


  • Total AUM rose 21% year-over-year or $111 billion to record levels, with every segment reaching a record for both total and fee-earning AUM.

    總資產管理規模同比增長 21% 或 1110 億美元,達到創紀錄水平,每個部門的總資產管理規模和收費資產管理規模均創歷史新高。

  • Fee-related earnings rose 58% year-over-year to $741 million in the quarter or $0.62 per share, driven by strong growth in fee revenues and significant margin expansion.

    本季度與費用相關的收益同比增長 58% 至 7.41 億美元或每股 0.62 美元,這得益於費用收入的強勁增長和利潤率的顯著增長。

  • Management fees increased 25% year-over-year to a record $1.2 billion.

    管理費同比增長 25%,達到創紀錄的 12 億美元。

  • Fee-related performance revenues were $169 million in the quarter, driven by the crystallization of revenues from our European logistics platform in real estate Core+.

    本季度與費用相關的業績收入為 1.69 億美元,這得益於我們在房地產 Core+ 的歐洲物流平台的收入結晶。

  • We expect the next significant contribution from Core+ fee-related performance revenues will occur in the fourth quarter.

    我們預計 Core+ 與費用相關的業績收入的下一個重大貢獻將發生在第四季度。

  • For the last 12 months, FRE rose 40% to a record $2.6 billion or $2.20 per share, reflective of the continuing positive transformation in the firm's earnings profile that Steve and Jon described.

    在過去的 12 個月裡,FRE 上漲了 40%,達到創紀錄的 26 億美元或每股 2.20 美元,這反映了史蒂夫和喬恩所描述的公司盈利狀況的持續積極轉變。

  • Distributable earnings more than doubled year-over-year to $1.2 billion or $0.96 per share, underpinned by the growth in FRE and a nearly fivefold increase in net realizations to $549 million.

    可分配收益同比增長一倍以上,達到 12 億美元或每股 0.96 美元,這得益於 FRE 的增長和淨實現增長近五倍,達到 5.49 億美元。

  • In terms of key drivers, we took advantage of strong market conditions to bring multiple companies public and also execute sales of public positions.


  • These included Bumble, Paysafe, Gates Global, Apria, Vine Energy, and subsequent to quarter end, Finance of America.

    其中包括 Bumble、Paysafe、Gates Global、Apria、Vine Energy,以及季度末的美國金融公司。

  • Net realizations also included a partial sale of the firm's minority stake in Patria, in connection with its IPO, which I highlighted last quarter, reflected in principal investment income.

    淨實現還包括部分出售該公司在 Patria 的少數股權,這與我在上個季度強調的 IPO 相關,反映在本金投資收入中。

  • Investment performance was simply outstanding across the firm.


  • The results of favorable sector and asset selection in our funds against a backdrop of rising global equity and credit markets.


  • Despite the historic challenges of last year's market environment, all of our key strategies have appreciated above precrisis levels, in many cases, materially above.


  • In real estate, the BREP opportunistic funds appreciated 5.3% in the first quarter, while the Core+ funds appreciated 3.2%.

    房地產方面,BREP 機會型基金一季度升值 5.3%,Core+ 基金升值 3.2%。

  • For the 12-month period, appreciation was 17.7% for BREP and 15.2% for Core+.

    在 12 個月期間,BREP 升值 17.7%,Core+ 升值 15.2%。

  • As has been the case since the start of the pandemic, the concentration of our holdings in logistics, life sciences office and U.S. suburban multifamily continues to drive our performance.


  • In private equity, the corporate PE and tax funds appreciated 15.3% and 15.1%, respectively, in the first quarter, the fourth consecutive quarter of double-digit appreciation for both platforms.


  • Strength was broad-based across both the private and public portfolios, led by our technology-related and energy holdings.


  • Overall, revenue and EBITDA trends for our companies are among the best we've seen.

    總體而言,我們公司的收入和 EBITDA 趨勢是我們所見過的最好的。

  • For the last 12 months, both the corporate PE and Tac Opps funds appreciated approximately 50% and are now up nearly 30% from precrisis levels.

    過去 12 個月,企業 PE 和 Tac Opps 基金均升值約 50%,目前較危機前水平上漲近 30%。

  • The secondaries funds, which report on a 2-quarter lag, also reported double-digit appreciation in the first quarter, up 10.6%, and we expect strong performance to continue over the coming quarters given the recent direction of markets.

    報告滯後兩個季度的二級基金在第一季度也報告了兩位數的升值,增長了 10.6%,鑑於近期市場的走勢,我們預計未來幾個季度的強勁表現將繼續。

  • Our credit business delivered excellent results in the quarter.


  • Our private credit strategies reported a gross return of 7.3% in the quarter and 37.9% for the last 12 months.

    我們的私人信貸策略報告本季度的總回報率為 7.3%,過去 12 個月的總回報率為 37.9%。

  • The liquid credit strategy has reported a gross return of 1.6% in the quarter and 20.7% for the last 12 months.

    流動信貸策略報告本季度的總回報率為 1.6%,過去 12 個月的總回報率為 20.7%。

  • Our portfolio is in excellent health overall, with a default rate in our U.S. loan portfolio of only 0.22% for the last 12 months compared to a rate of 3.8% for the market.

    我們的投資組合整體健康狀況良好,過去 12 個月美國貸款組合的違約率僅為 0.22%,而市場違約率為 3.8%。

  • Demand for our credit funds remains robust and segment AUM overall was up 24% over the past 12 months.

    對我們的信貸基金的需求依然強勁,過去 12 個月的整體資產管理規模增長了 24%。

  • We're also seeing record origination activity in credit with $11 billion invested or committed in the quarter.

    我們還看到創紀錄的信貸發起活動在本季度投資或承諾了 110 億美元。

  • In BAM, the BPS composite return was 2.5% gross in the quarter, roughly double the HFRX index and 18.1% for the last 12 months, equating to record fund appreciation for the segment of over $12 billion.

    在 BAM 中,本季度 BPS 綜合回報率為 2.5%,大約是 HFRX 指數的兩倍,過去 12 個月為 18.1%,相當於該部門超過 120 億美元的創紀錄的基金升值。

  • BAM successfully navigated the recent volatility in the hedge fund markets created by certain external events of note in line with its capital preservation focus.

    BAM 成功應對了近期因某些外部事件引起的對沖基金市場波動,符合其資本保全的重點。

  • Overall, strong investment performance across the firm powered $1.7 billion of net accrued performance revenues in the quarter and lifted the balance sheet receivable up 36% sequentially to $5.2 billion, the highest level in the firm's history and nearly 30% above precrisis levels.

    總體而言,整個公司強勁的投資業績推動了本季度 17 億美元的淨應計業績收入,並使應收資產負債表環比增長 36% 至 52 億美元,為公司歷史最高水平,比危機前水平高出近 30%。

  • At the same time, the firm's invested performance revenue eligible AUM increased a remarkable 40% year-over-year to a record $322 billion.

    與此同時,該公司符合條件的投資業績收入資產管理規模同比增長 40%,達到創紀錄的 3220 億美元。

  • These are both important leading indicators of future value.


  • In closing, our businesses are firing on all cylinders, and we have never been better positioned as a firm.


  • We have effectively no net debt and fewer shares outstanding than 3 years ago, despite growing AUM substantially, doubling fee-related earnings and returning over $10 billion to shareholders over the same period, reflective of the exceptional cash-generative nature of our business model.

    與 3 年前相比,我們實際上沒有淨債務,流通股也減少了,儘管 AUM 大幅增長,費用相關收益翻了一番,同期向股東返還超過 100 億美元,這反映了我們商業模式的非凡現金生成性質。

  • Looking forward, we believe our brand, investment performance and culture of innovation will fuel sustained robust growth.


  • We are in the early days of penetrating newer channels with enormous potential, and the firm's earnings power continues to expand, concentrated in the highest quality earnings.


  • As always, we will remain laser-focused on delivering for our shareholders.


  • With that, we thank you for joining the call.


  • I'd like to open it up now for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from the line of Craig Siegenthaler at Credit Suisse.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自瑞士信貸的 Craig Siegenthaler。

  • Craig William Siegenthaler - MD

    Craig William Siegenthaler - MD

  • We had a question on product innovation, and it's impressive to see that you already have $77 billion of AUM Core+.

    我們有一個關於產品創新的問題,令人印象深刻的是,您已經擁有 770 億美元的 AUM Core+。

  • And we've also seen multiple new product launches at Blackstone over the last few years and a large increase in perpetual capital strategies with reoccurring fee-related earnings, including BREIT and now BCRED.

    在過去幾年中,我們還看到 Blackstone 推出了多個新產品,以及永續資本策略的大幅增加以及與費用相關的重複收益,包括 BREIT 和現在的 BCRED。

  • Can you walk us through the newer businesses and help us think about how these strategies will help Blackstone's fee-related earnings continue to expand at attractive growth rate?

    您能否帶我們了解新業務並幫助我們思考這些策略將如何幫助 Blackstone 的收費相關收入繼續以具有吸引力的增長率增長?

  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • It's a good question, Craig.


  • What I would say is that our customers have enormous confidence in us, and that's where it starts because we've done such a good job over a long period of time, it gives us the flexibility to create new businesses, and our brand also allows us to attract talent when we need it to grow some of these new businesses.


  • And so there's a range of them out there, if I just think.


  • You talked about Core+ real estate.

    您談到了 Core+ 房地產。

  • We introduced the latest product at the end of last year, a life science office product, that's now already at $12 billion.

    我們在去年底推出了最新的產品,一種生命科學辦公產品,現在已經達到了 120 億美元。

  • Given what's happening in life sciences, we think there's a ton of potential there.


  • Over the last few years, we created a dedicated life science business.


  • As you know, that has a lot of momentum.


  • We raised the large funds there, and we think there's a lot of potential to innovate off that.


  • Similarly, growth equity, which we announced, had its final close and is off to a terrific start, great deployment of capital.


  • Our infrastructure business is just a few years old, and I think has the potential to grow to real scale.


  • We've done a terrific job deploying capital.


  • The results are strong.


  • And then as you mentioned -- by the way, in secondaries, we're doing a continuation fund, which is a new product just going in the market now.

    然後正如你提到的 - 順便說一下,在二級市場中,我們正在做一個延續基金,這是一個剛剛進入市場的新產品。

  • And then we have some of these perpetual vehicles in the individual investor channel that has a lot of momentum.


  • BREIT is contributing.

    BREIT 正在做出貢獻。

  • By the way, many of those things I described are out there today, but at a scale where they're not contributing a ton of economics.


  • But as they grow, they will add a lot to the bottom line of the firm.


  • They also add a lot to the intellectual capital.


  • BCRED, which you mentioned, is still in a fee holiday.

    您提到的 BCRED 仍在收費假期中。

  • It's raised about $3 billion at this point.

    目前它已經籌集了大約 30 億美元。

  • It's a product that is now, I think, about 4 months old or so.

    我認為,它現在是大約 4 個月大的產品。

  • And investors, again, are responding to Blackstone quality product in a world where people are looking for yield.

    在人們尋求收益的世界中,投資者再次對 Blackstone 的優質產品做出了回應。

  • So I would say all of these things have the potential to grow, to be larger.


  • We have terrific teams.


  • We have a lot of interests from investors.


  • We're delivering strong results, and they'll start to hit the bottom line.


  • I don't know if we have exact financial impact, but I think there's big potential from a number of these new innovations.


  • Michael S. Chae - CFO

    Michael S. Chae - CFO

  • And on the financial impact, Craig, what I'd add is obviously, more established but still quite young initiatives like Core+ are contributing in a big way, as we've talked about.

    關於財務影響,克雷格,我要補充的是,顯然,像 Core+ 這樣更成熟但仍然很年輕的計劃正在做出巨大貢獻,正如我們已經談到的那樣。

  • The AUM of Core+ is up over 50% year-over-year on a relatively big base.

    Core+ 的 AUM 在相對較大的基數上同比增長超過 50%。

  • But then on the quite new initiatives, Jon mentioned growth, Jon mentioned life sciences.

    但隨後在相當新的舉措中,Jon 提到了增長,Jon 提到了生命科學。

  • I would say those, and this is, I think, what you're getting at, have gone from sort of a year ago us being an investment mode from a financial point of view to now those businesses being in positive contribution mode, but they're still early in their ramp in terms of that contribution path.


  • So a lot going on, and I think very -- we're very optimistic in the short and longer term.

    發生了很多事情,我認為非常 - 我們在短期和長期內都非常樂觀。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Michael Cyprys at Morgan Stanley.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Michael Cyprys。

  • Michael J. Cyprys - Executive Director and Senior Research Analyst

    Michael J. Cyprys - Executive Director and Senior Research Analyst

  • My question is just around democratizing access to the private markets.


  • I guess, what opportunity do you see from technology advances and new private market platforms that are emerging, to broaden access to the private markets to make it easier for retail to access?


  • And what opportunity is there, would you say, to create, perhaps, a more delightful and seamless experience on the way into the asset class and over the life from a retail customer standpoint?


  • How do you see that evolving?


  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • It's important because I do think for individual investors who do not have large finance departments like institutions, making it easier, the reporting simpler is important.


  • We work very closely with our distribution partners to try to make the experience better for the underlying customers.


  • And one of our advantages is the scale of offerings, the breadth of products we offer, the number of people we have dedicated to our Private Wealth Solutions area.


  • Joan Solotar and her team have done a great job.

    Joan Solotar 和她的團隊做得很好。

  • We are spending more and more time on technology to try to make that experience better.


  • We're also doing more in terms of communications because when you go from having hundreds of customers to tens of thousands of customers, how you reach them changes.


  • And so I think this is part of the evolution.


  • I think at our scale, given the number of products we offer, we are uniquely set up to do this.


  • It will be done in partnership with the big firms who distribute, who have the financial advisers and relationships.


  • They're critical to our business.


  • But it's an area, I think, both sides have to get better because the customer experience, I don't think, is good enough yet.


  • Michael S. Chae - CFO

    Michael S. Chae - CFO

  • And I'd add to that, Mike, a couple of things.


  • One, Jon alluded to this, in terms of simplifying the reporting.


  • So this is less about technology and more about our own innovations around things like BREIT versus historically had non-traded REIT sort of, I think we're more opaque about performance, about sort of the customer experience.

    因此,這與技術無關,更多的是關於我們自己圍繞 BREIT 等事物的創新,而不是歷史上的非交易 REIT,我認為我們對性能和客戶體驗更加不透明。

  • So creating a fee structure that was like our institutional fee structure attractive to retail investors, easy to stand, making performance report more transparent.


  • And then I'd just say one sort of maybe a smaller, more granular technology point, we're -- we happen to be a small investor in iCapital.

    然後我只想說一種更小、更細化的技術點,我們是——我們恰好是 iCapital 的小投資者。

  • But more importantly, we've worked with them a lot around sort of partnering to make the retail customer and smaller investor experience better and more transparent with higher service levels around their technology platform.


  • So we're pleased to be partnered with them as well.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Chris Harris at Wells Fargo.

    我們的下一個問題來自富國銀行的 Chris Harris。

  • Christopher Meo Harris - Director and Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Christopher Meo Harris - Director and Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • So really outstanding investment performance in the quarter.


  • We're hearing a lot more from investors.


  • We're talking about the prospect for potentially much higher inflation.


  • What are Blackstone's views on this?


  • And how does it guide your investment decision-making process, if at all?


  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • I think it's the major risk that's out there today.


  • We and, I think, a lot of others believe the economic recovery will be quite strong, which should fuel positive revenues.


  • We're seeing that in our portfolio and positive earnings.


  • But the question is around inflation pressures and multiples.


  • And so our response to that is to try to buy businesses that are in these good neighborhoods that have real tailwinds that can grow to offset what could be some multiple pressures.


  • And you see that in, obviously, tech and life sciences and global logistics.


  • But then in this quarter, we talked about a big push into the COVID recovery travel, play, which we did in a number of businesses around the world.

    但是在本季度,我們談到了大力推動 COVID 恢復旅行,我們在世界各地的許多企業中都這樣做了。

  • We talked about sustainability in area where, obviously, there's a lot of capital flowing in an opportunity as we electrify the grid and try to clean up the planet.


  • Housing is another area we like a lot.


  • We bought a business that does furnishings for single-family homes -- or finishes, I should say, for single-family homes.


  • We've done a lot of rental housing in our real estate business.


  • And so what we're trying to do is position ourselves for things that look and feel as the least bond-like as possible.


  • People worry at times -- real estate concerns around that.


  • Yes, if you own a 20-year flat leased office building, that could be concerning.

    是的,如果您擁有一棟 20 年的公寓租賃辦公樓,那可能會令人擔憂。

  • But if you own multifamily apartments where you're resetting the rents every year and there's a ton of job creation and household formation, you can capture the benefits of growth.


  • And that's how we're trying to prepare ourselves for what we do think will be a higher inflationary environment.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Alexander Blostein from Goldman Sachs.

    我們的下一個問題來自高盛的 Alexander Blostein。

  • Alexander Blostein - Lead Capital Markets Analyst

    Alexander Blostein - Lead Capital Markets Analyst

  • I was hoping to build on the topic of growth in perpetual capital products.


  • And obviously, real estate Core+ has been an enormous success for you guys.

    顯然,房地產 Core+ 對你們來說是一個巨大的成功。

  • When you look out across the rest of Blackstone's portfolio and the rest of your verticals, which one do you think is sort of ripe to see similar degree of growth and somewhat degree of success given customer demands and your distribution abilities?

    當您查看 Blackstone 的其他產品組合和您的其他垂直領域時,您認為哪一個已經成熟,可以在客戶需求和您的分銷能力的情況下看到類似程度的增長和一定程度的成功?

  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • Well, I would say, Alex, there's still a lot of runway in real estate, as a first starting spot, not just in the United States.


  • I think we can do more globally, both institutionally and retail.


  • So I still think we're early days in the build-out of that.


  • My next stop would be in credit in the U.S. and in Europe.


  • Obviously, we talked about the early returns in the private BDC in terms of people allocating more capital.

    顯然,我們從人們分配更多資本的角度討論了私人 BDC 的早期回報。

  • In a yield-hungry environment if you can deliver consistent yield without taking undue risk, I think that's attractive.


  • I think that can grow.


  • As you move into private equity, there are more opportunities.


  • We've grown our core private equity business, which I don't think we deem as perpetual capital, but has 20-year fund life.

    我們已經發展了我們的核心私募股權業務,我不認為我們將其視為永久資本,但有 20 年的基金壽命。

  • And I think there could be opportunities with secondaries and some things in private equity, potentially for individual investors.


  • But the most important thing to us is to make sure the customer has a good experience.


  • So if we design a product, we want to deliver on the promise of that product.


  • And that's first and foremost.


  • We know we can raise capital for lots of different things.


  • What matters is that we deliver.


  • And so I do think there's opportunities for more things in a perpetual format.


  • There could be royalty opportunities.


  • There could be other opportunities, but it has to be built for scale and built to deliver for the customer.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Glenn Schorr of Evercore ISI.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Evercore ISI 的 Glenn Schorr。

  • Glenn Paul Schorr - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Glenn Paul Schorr - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Hello, a question on the insurance side.


  • Obviously, a focus for everybody.


  • You've made some hires to sharpen that focus.


  • Correct me if I'm wrong, my perception is that announced deal activity has slowed a little.


  • I'm curious what you're seeing in, say, the pretype conversations?


  • And maybe just remind us of how your appetite is focused and thoughts on sizing.


  • I'm talking on balance sheet investment.


  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • Okay, Glenn.


  • I'd say a few things.


  • First off, what's driving the opportunity is this very low rate environment, which I think makes it important that insurance company balance sheets are able to originate more credit directly.


  • And so insurance companies getting more tied to asset managers make sense because they're the ultimate storage here for that fixed income.


  • It could be real estate, could be corporate credit, could be structured credit.


  • And that's the trend driving this.


  • For us, pro forma for the Allstate acquisition, which we expect at the end of this year will be at over $100 billion of insurance AUM.

    對我們而言,預計今年年底收購 Allstate 的保險資產管理規模將超過 1000 億美元。

  • We think we are pretty well positioned in this business because of the breadth and depth of our credit platform across the firm in both corporate credit and real estate credit and increasingly structured credit.


  • We're spending a lot of time in the space.


  • Gilles Dellaert, who runs that business for us is a very talented executive.

    為我們經營該業務的 Gilles Dellaert 是一位非常有才華的高管。

  • We think there's a lot of opportunity for us.


  • We think we can help serve insurance company customers.


  • In terms of use of capital, we have talked about being a balance sheet-light company.


  • We will not own a majority of an insurance company.


  • In the case of Allstate, as an example, We took a little less than a 10% stake in order to do that transaction and bring in outside investors.

    以 Allstate 為例,我們持有略低於 10% 的股份,以便進行該交易並引入外部投資者。

  • I think that's a good model for us where we take a minority stake and engage in a long-term contract and try to maximize the returns without taking undue risk for that insurance company balance sheet.


  • So I think Blackstone because of our scale, how we're positioned, I think we can do a lot to help insurance companies, and we're going to continue to spend a lot of time in the area.

    所以我認為 Blackstone 因為我們的規模、我們的定位,我認為我們可以做很多事情來幫助保險公司,我們將繼續在該領域投入大量時間。

  • We hope to grow it.


  • But it is chunky, so it's hard to forecast exactly when and where it will happen, but we will be disciplined around use of capital in this context.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Robert Lee at KBW.

    我們的下一個問題來自KBW 的Robert Lee。

  • Robert Andrew Lee - MD & Analyst

    Robert Andrew Lee - MD & Analyst

  • Great.


  • Just maybe a follow-up in a way to the inflation question because with inflation usually comes higher rates.


  • And to what extent do you see such strong demand you and all your peers, certainly low rates have been exacerbating that, but is there a point or at what point do you think that, gee, if you get inflation, if rates do continue to move higher, did that has some knock-on effect impacting, maybe even at the margin, kind of the very strong demand we've seen for all types of alternatives.


  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • Well, what I would say is the trend today, obviously, is strongly towards alternatives.


  • And we've been watching it for a while.


  • It seems to be accelerating a combination of rates, but also performance.


  • I mean if you look over long periods of time in private equity and real estate private equity, we've delivered 15% net for 3-plus decades, and investors see that.

    我的意思是,如果你長期關注私募股權和房地產私募股權,我們已經在 3 多年的時間裡實現了 15% 的淨收益,投資者也看到了這一點。

  • The other thing I'd say is I don't think a movement of 100 basis points or something in fixed income rates will reverse this.

    我要說的另一件事是,我不認為 100 個基點或固定收益利率的變動會扭轉這種情況。

  • If you think about our clients, oftentimes big institutions still have targets of 7% or so.

    如果您考慮我們的客戶,通常大型機構仍然有 7% 左右的目標。

  • So the absolute level of interest rates and what they can get from fixed income doesn't meet their targeted returns.


  • They need higher returns we believe we can generate from private assets and the trade to essentially trade away liquidity for higher returns make sense.


  • If you look in the credit markets, for instance, I always find it fascinating that high-yield bonds today have the same, maybe a little bit tighter spread than leverage loans, even though leverage loans are senior in the capital structure.


  • That reflects, again, the liquidity premium that people demand for leveraged loans relative to bonds.


  • And that really runs throughout the system.


  • And also, I would say our ability to intervene in businesses when we own real estate or infrastructure or companies and that consistent return we've been able to generate.


  • And so I think increasingly, what you see from investors is this is an accepted asset class.


  • They're almost all moving towards more.


  • And yes, if rates go up, it could impact markets, could impact this.


  • But I still believe the sort of long-term inexorable trend that Steve described, I think that's likely to continue.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Ken Worthington at JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Ken Worthington。

  • Kenneth Brooks Worthington - MD

    Kenneth Brooks Worthington - MD

  • So there were a number of hedge fund events in the quarter.


  • You guys called out GameStop, I think, and the meme stocks early in the quarter, and then there was the impact on hedge funds from the Archegos family office later in the quarter.

    我認為你們在本季度初叫出了 GameStop 和 meme 股票,然後在本季度晚些時候,Archegos 家族辦公室對對沖基金產生了影響。

  • It looks like BAAM not only was unscathed, but performance was good, gross redemptions slowed materially.

    看起來 BAAM 不僅毫髮無損,而且表現良好,總贖回速度大幅放緩。

  • How is the perception of hedge funds changing following the good 2020 for the industry?

    在 2020 年行業好轉之後,對沖基金的看法有何變化?

  • And what are your thoughts on the potential for more consistent inflows looking forward for BAAM?

    您對未來 BAAM 的更穩定流入的潛力有何看法?

  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • So reiterating what you pointed out, BAAM has had a really solid last 12 months.

    所以重申你所指出的,BAAM 在過去的 12 個月裡表現非常穩定。

  • In the fourth quarter, despite the turmoil in the hedge fund industry, our BPS index was 2.5% up for us.

    在第四季度,儘管對沖基金行業動盪,我們的 BPS 指數為我們上漲了 2.5%。

  • We're up 18% over the last year, and so delivering for the client's key.

    我們比去年增長了 18%,因此交付了客戶的密鑰。

  • If you look at total AUM, the business is up 11% year-on-year.

    如果您查看總資產管理規模,該業務同比增長 11%。

  • And I think the BAAM team has done a really good job navigating a difficult environment and delivering.

    而且我認為 BAAM 團隊在艱難的環境和交付方面做得非常好。

  • We've also made some important hires, as you know, we brought in Joe Dowling, who was the CIO -- longtime CIO at Brown and did a terrific job there to be the co-head of BAAM.

    我們還招聘了一些重要的員工,如您所知,我們請來了首席信息官喬·道林(Joe Dowling)——他是布朗的長期首席信息官,並在擔任 BAAM 的聯席主管方面做得非常出色。

  • We recently announced the hiring of Scott Bommer, who's a very successful hedge fund manager to help launch a new product, and we're adding more investing talents into BAAM.

    我們最近宣布聘請 Scott Bommer,他是一位非常成功的對沖基金經理來幫助推出新產品,我們正在為 BAAM 增加更多投資人才。

  • And I think in a low rate environment, and I think most of us believe the long end of the curve moves up, but it feels like central banks are going to stay accommodated.


  • People are looking for places to deploy capital in some cases, more liquid, like in hedge funds, but where they also have some downside protection and they're not correlated necessarily with stock markets or interest rates.


  • So I think that puts BAAM as an excellent steward of capital as having a lot of opportunity.

    所以我認為這讓 BAAM 成為優秀的資本管理者,因為它擁有很多機會。

  • I would also add, in adding this investment talent, what we're looking to do in BAAM is continue our core mission of delivering steady returns downside protected, but also add some things where there's some upside, where there's some thematic investing, some exposure to tech and growth, China potentially, those areas for different customers and offer a broader range of products.

    我還要補充一點,在增加這些投資人才的同時,我們希望在 BAAM 中做的事情是繼續我們的核心使命,即提供穩定的回報下行保護,但也增加一些有好處的東西,有一些主題投資,一些曝光對於技術和增長,中國可能會在這些領域為不同的客戶提供更廣泛的產品。

  • So the BAAM business, which has not grown a ton over the last 5 years.

    所以 BAAM 業務在過去 5 年中並沒有增長很多。

  • If you asked us, that's a business that we think could grow a lot, could be a bit of a sleeping giant.


  • And I think as we build out the team there, we'll get to show some positive things over time.


  • Michael S. Chae - CFO

    Michael S. Chae - CFO

  • Ken, just to add on this, and we've talked about before.


  • I think overall, as Jon said, very good financial performance.


  • I think the net flows in the first quarter showed a quite stable picture.


  • But sort of beneath the surface, as we talked about, there is this growth in higher fee direct investment strategies that's going on relative to the traditional fund to funds business.


  • That portion is almost 1/3 of the AUM overall now.

    這部分現在幾乎是總資產管理規模的 1/3。

  • And I think a good reflection of that is, first of all, revenues being up 27% if you look LTM over prior period.

    我認為一個很好的反映是,首先,如果你看一下 LTM 與上一時期相比,收入增長了 27%。

  • And the average management fee rate, if you look at it 3 years ago, it was about 70 basis points, if you do the simple math of management fee revenues divided by the fee-earning AUM.

    平均管理費率,如果你在 3 年前查看它,大約是 70 個基點,如果你用管理費收入除以收費 AUM 的簡單數學計算。

  • And today, that's about 80 basis points, which is along with the AUM growth, you've actually had pricing increases and together that kind of revenue growth.

    而今天,這大約是 80 個基點,隨著 AUM 的增長,你實際上已經有了價格上漲以及這種收入增長。

  • So I think structurally, the business is expanding and pivoting in a very attractive way even as we're also very focused on the traditional BPS business and being all we can be in that area.

    因此,我認為在結構上,該業務正在以一種非常有吸引力的方式擴展和轉型,儘管我們也非常專注於傳統的 BPS 業務,並且我們在該領域可以做的一切。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Mike Carrier at Bank of America.

    我們的下一個問題來自美國銀行的 Mike Carrier。

  • Michael Roger Carrier - Director

    Michael Roger Carrier - Director

  • Great.


  • Just given the improving economic backdrop, wanted to try to gauge where things stand across the platform from pre-COVID levels.

    鑑於經濟背景的改善,想嘗試從 COVID 之前的水平評估整個平台的情況。

  • So any color you can provide with the key portfolio companies, whether it's in terms of revenue or EBITDA growth or absolute level as well as on the real estate portfolio in terms of like occupancy and rental rates.

    因此,您可以為主要投資組合公司提供任何顏色,無論是在收入或 EBITDA 增長或絕對水平方面,還是在房地產投資組合方面,如入住率和租金。

  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • So I think it's pretty dispersed.


  • Obviously, the tech-related businesses we have, have seen enormous increases in our tech-related, tech-enabled portfolio, looks like a lot of the world.


  • Our businesses associated with content creation, obviously, extremely positive.


  • Demand for life sciences and life science real estate really strong.


  • So that area would be quite good.


  • The overall portfolio in the first quarter and private equity was up double digits, the strongest in revenue than it's ever been.


  • And that reflects broader-based things starting to spread out into the broader portfolio now.


  • What we're beginning to see is growth in the physical world.


  • So record slots activity at the Cosmopolitan.

    因此,在 Cosmopolitan 記錄老虎機活動。

  • In our infrastructure business, our ports company saw more volume than it's ever in a month well up from 2019 levels.

    在我們的基礎設施業務中,我們的港口公司在一個月內的交易量比 2019 年的水平高得多。

  • And so some of this in the physical world, you'll begin to see in coming quarters.


  • And in real estate, specifically, I would tell you that in the logistics and rental housing spaces, which represent the bulk of our portfolio, I don't think we've ever seen fundamentals on the ground better.


  • And that's not yet sort of in the numbers, but it's starting to pick up in a big way.


  • Logistics had been stronger, but rental housing now with job creation, household formations really picking up.


  • On the flip side, of course, office markets remain weak, retail remains challenged.


  • Hotels are just starting to pick up.


  • So it's still dispersed, but we're seeing a shift here from really strong just in those sectors that did well in COVID now to sectors that have been on their back and they're starting to pick up momentum.

    所以它仍然是分散的,但我們在這裡看到了一個轉變,從現在在 COVID 表現良好的那些部門的真正強勁轉向那些一直處於支持狀態並開始回升的部門。

  • And so it feels pretty broad-based.


  • More U.S. now, Europe lagging as they've had a slower time getting the vaccines out.


  • Asia better, they've done a better job.


  • But I think as you see the vaccine spread, that this economic dam is really starting to burst and it's going to be widespread in terms of an increase in activity and revenues across most businesses.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Devin Ryan at JMP Securities.

    我們的下一個問題來自 JMP Securities 的 Devin Ryan。

  • Devin Patrick Ryan - MD and Equity Research Analyst

    Devin Patrick Ryan - MD and Equity Research Analyst

  • Question just on the SPAC market impact on deployment or realization activity and clearly, we'll see where we go from here with maybe increased SEC scrutiny, but there were more SPAC IPOs in the first quarter than all of 2020.

    僅就 SPAC 市場對部署或實現活動的影響提出問題,很明顯,我們將看到我們從這裡走向何方,可能會增加 SEC 的審查,但第一季度的 SPAC IPO 數量超過了 2020 年全年。

  • So there's going to be a lot of capital looking to buy assets.


  • And so I'm just curious kind of how you're thinking about competing with SPACs to some degree and whether that's pushing you earlier into the cycle of investing in companies?

    所以我很好奇你是如何考慮在某種程度上與 SPAC 競爭的,這是否會促使你更早地進入公司投資週期?

  • And also just kind of thinking about SPAC as an outlet for realization opportunities.

    也只是將 SPAC 視為實現機會的渠道。

  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • So on SPACs, we have not corporately sponsored any SPACs yet, but we have done a number of transactions with them merging, taking back stocks and cash.

    因此,在 SPAC 上,我們還沒有贊助任何 SPAC,但我們已經與他們進行了許多交易,合併、收回股票和現金。

  • And for our private equity portfolio, it's led to a number of the realizations you've read about in Q1.


  • In terms of the competitive dynamic, I think in some cases, yes, SPACs are providing some competition to us.

    就競爭動態而言,我認為在某些情況下,是的,SPAC 正在為我們提供一些競爭。

  • But oftentimes, as you know, we tend to focus on larger transactions, which are tougher for SPACs.

    但是,如您所知,我們通常傾向於專注於更大的交易,這對 SPAC 來說更難。

  • Many sellers want to sell businesses and we're selling outright.


  • They want to get 100% cash.

    他們想獲得 100% 的現金。

  • Many growth companies don't necessarily want to go public.


  • And so it works for a certain universe.


  • So with that more select universe, there can be a little more competition.


  • But overall, we haven't seen it impede our ability to deploy capital.


  • We put out $18 billion in the quarter.

    我們在本季度投入了 180 億美元。

  • By the way, it's mostly a U.S. phenomenon to date.


  • But we put out $18 billion in the quarter, which was our third best quarter of deployment in our history.

    但我們在本季度投入了 180 億美元,這是我們歷史上第三好的部署季度。

  • So we're still finding areas to invest in.


  • SPACs are out there.

    SPAC 就在那裡。

  • It feels like there'll probably be fewer IPOs of SPACs in the coming months, but I don't think they're going away.

    感覺未來幾個月 SPAC 的 IPO 可能會減少,但我認為它們不會消失。

  • I think you'll see some changes maybe in terms of their disclosure, maybe some changes in terms of alignment.


  • But I think we'll see SPACs in the market for some time to come.

    但我認為我們會在未來一段時間內看到 SPAC 出現在市場上。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Bill Katz with Citi.


  • William Raymond Katz - MD & Global Head of Diversified Financials Sector

    William Raymond Katz - MD & Global Head of Diversified Financials Sector

  • Most of the big picture questions have been asked already.


  • So maybe just a line item question.


  • Michael, for yourself, I wonder if you could comment on maybe the outlook for FRE CAGR, just given the tremendous tailwinds to AUM and the mix shift.

    邁克爾,就你自己而言,我想知道你是否可以評論一下 FRE CAGR 的前景,因為 AUM 的巨大順風和混合轉變。

  • And then the FRE margin in Q1, how sustainable is that?

    然後是第一季度的 FRE 利潤率,這有多可持續?

  • And how should we think about that looking ahead as well?


  • Michael S. Chae - CFO

    Michael S. Chae - CFO

  • Sure, Bill.


  • Thanks.


  • Look, on the FRE outlook, it's obviously positive.

    看,關於 FRE 的前景,這顯然是積極的。

  • Stepping back, I think, qualitatively, there are 4-or-so key fundamental drivers that most of you are aware of to our FRE momentum.

    退後一步,我認為,從質量上講,你們中的大多數人都知道我們的 FRE 勢頭有 4 個左右的關鍵基本驅動因素。

  • First is expansion of our existing strategies to fund vehicles.


  • We continue to benefit from that in the first quarter.


  • Second, as we talked about earlier, exceptional innovation of new businesses, which are scaling and beginning to contribute to profitability nicely, BXG, BXLS being good examples of that.

    其次,正如我們之前談到的,新業務的卓越創新正在擴展並開始為盈利做出很好的貢獻,BXG、BXLS 就是很好的例子。

  • Third, perpetual capital, robust expansion, transformational effect on our earnings power given the perpetual and compounding nature of those assets.


  • And then fourth, to your point, a strong margin position, which I'll talk a bit more about in a second.


  • We put out a target once at Investor Day in 2018 for as you know, as you all know well, $2 for the full year 2021.

    我們在 2018 年的投資者日提出了一個目標,如你們所知,眾所周知,2021 年全年為 2 美元。

  • We achieved that a year earlier than expected and 1 quarter into this year, we're at $2.20 LTM.

    我們比預期提前一年實現了這一目標,今年第一個季度,我們的 LTM 為 2.20 美元。

  • So 10% above that $2 level.

    因此,比 2 美元的水平高出 10%。

  • So from here, we just say that we're very confident in our continued FRE momentum given the dynamics I described.

    所以從這裡開始,我們只是說,鑑於我描述的動態,我們對我們持續的 FRE 勢頭非常有信心。

  • And on margins, Bill, just to help you a bit.


  • First quarter, looking at any 1 quarter, as you know, is there's always a bunch of different factors.


  • The first quarter had a number of positive factors, strong operating leverage.


  • Revenue is growing well in excess of expenses.


  • We had comparisons against fee holidays in the prior year in private equity.


  • The new businesses ramping I mentioned.


  • And then the sort of COVID T&E effect or benefit, which we're all rooting for expecting to reverse later in the year.

    然後是那種 COVID T&E 效應或好處,我們都在支持預計今年晚些時候會逆轉。

  • And in terms of the outlook, we don't want to focus on any 1 quarter, but more over a full year period.


  • If you look in that vein at the LTM margin, it's approximately 54% infill.

    如果您在 LTM 邊際上查看該脈絡,它大約是 54% 的填充。

  • And I'd say that's a reasonable reflection of an approximate run rate for the full year at this point.


  • So hopefully, that's a bit helpful.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Gerry O'Hara at Jefferies.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Jefferies 的 Gerry O'Hara。

  • Gerald Edward O'Hara - Equity Analyst

    Gerald Edward O'Hara - Equity Analyst

  • Great.


  • Maybe actually just dovetailing off of that prior question.


  • Michael, I think if I heard correctly, you mentioned that the fee-related performance revenues would -- the next significant, I suppose, event would be 4Q.


  • Can you perhaps just remind us what some of the funds that we should be sort of mindful of where you can draw those performance fee revenues and anything else that might help us kind of think about those in other quarters, I suppose, not just 4Q?


  • Michael S. Chae - CFO

    Michael S. Chae - CFO

  • Sure, Gerry.


  • Look, I think, first of all, stepping back, in terms of these fee-related performance revenues.


  • We do view these as a very high-quality revenue stream.


  • It's derived from perpetual capital paid on a recurring basis on a scheduled and contractual timetable without having to sell assets.


  • So it's very much aligned fundamentally to our view of FRE.

    因此,它與我們對 FRE 的看法基本一致。

  • I think the sort of main component is today, Core+ as you know.


  • That's both BPP and BREIT.

    那是 BPP 和 BREIT。

  • I think sort of modeling BREIT is straightforward.

    我認為 BREIT 的建模很簡單。

  • It happens at the end of the year in the fourth quarter.


  • You can actually track throughout the year in our net accrued disclosure in the 8-K, sort of that balance as it grows in the course of the year.

    您實際上可以在我們在 8-K 中的淨應計披露中跟踪全年,這種餘額在一年中增長。

  • And then there's the BPP portion of Core+, which are institutional vehicles, and those typically crystallize on the third year anniversary of investor subscriptions.

    然後是 Core+ 的 BPP 部分,它們是機構工具,通常在投資者認購三週年時結晶。

  • And that performance receivables also separately disclosed in the release.


  • So when you saw that happening this quarter, and you'll -- while there will be modest amounts in the second and third quarters, the fourth quarter in terms of Core+ really, as I said, when you'll see the next significant contribution.

    因此,當您看到本季度發生這種情況時,您會 - 雖然第二季度和第三季度會有少量數量,但正如我所說,第四季度 Core+ 確實是,您將看到下一個重大貢獻.

  • There are also in terms of other areas of the firm.


  • In the credit area, our BDC area.

    在信貸領域,我們的 BDC 領域。

  • And there, it's a quarterly fee-related performance revenue based on incentive fees.


  • That is contributing each quarter.


  • It's in ramp mode.


  • So those are more modest amounts, but we expect those over time to grow as well.


  • So those are the 2 key factors.


  • Infrastructure is also a strategy that will resemble BPP in terms of its FRPR structure.

    基礎設施也是一種類似於 BPP 的 FRPR 結構的戰略。

  • So a number of different products, Core+ being the sort of biggest signal contributor right now in terms of strategies and platforms.

    因此,許多不同的產品,Core+ 是目前在戰略和平台方面最大的信號貢獻者。

  • But this is something that if you step back on a full year basis, we'll continue to scale over time.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Patrick Davitt of Autonomous.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Autonomous 的 Patrick Davitt。

  • Patrick Davitt - Partner, United States Asset Managers

    Patrick Davitt - Partner, United States Asset Managers

  • So there's an argument that the largest alternative managers to a more balance sheet intensive kind of skin in the game, book value compounding view of the business.


  • It sounds like from your earlier -- shortest answer that there really hasn't been any change or evolution in your thinking on that model.


  • But are you concerned that having so many of the largest players tacking in that direction could force the issue and maybe drive clients or even insurance partners to demand increased capital allocations from their managers?


  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • No.


  • We've been at this for a long time.


  • And over the 35 years, the model has worked.

    35 年來,這種模式一直奏效。

  • We put capital in, but it's modest as a percentage of the overall size of the funds or the capital we manage.


  • And people rely on our investment process, the talent we have to deliver, and that model continues to work.


  • And there are -- these other firms are terrific firms.


  • We have enormous respect for them, but they've chosen something different strategically.


  • We prefer where we sit today with a market cap right around $100 billion and virtually no net debt.

    我們更喜歡我們今天所處的位置,市值約為 1000 億美元,幾乎沒有淨債務。

  • We like that model.


  • It doesn't mean we won't use capital.


  • We have to do some strategic acquisitions or minority investments in the context of insurance.


  • But we think as long as we deliver for the customers, which is what we've done historically and did in a big way in Q4 and now again in Q1, that more capital flows will come to us.


  • And it won't require us to invest significant capital.


  • And so we're going to stick with that model.


  • We feel really good about it.


  • It also allows us to pay out obviously, significant dollars to our shareholders.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Adam Beatty at UBS.

    我們的下一個問題來自瑞銀的 Adam Beatty。

  • Adam Quincy Beatty - Equity Research Analyst of Financials for Brokers and Asset Managers

    Adam Quincy Beatty - Equity Research Analyst of Financials for Brokers and Asset Managers

  • Want to follow up on the real estate growth runway, specifically global opportunity in logistics real estate.


  • Obviously, it's been fruitful here domestically, and I saw something recently about Blackstone potentially getting involved in warehouse development in India where you're already strong in office.


  • So I wanted to get a sense from you of as to how repeatable that might be across the globe and where you're seeing opportunities?


  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • It's super repeatable, and it's being done in scale.


  • I don't have the exact numbers, but I think about half of our warehouse portfolio, which is over $100 billion growth, including the debt on it, is outside the United States.

    我沒有確切的數字,但我認為我們的倉庫投資組合中有一半在美國以外,增長超過 1000 億美元,包括其債務。

  • Probably close to that number.


  • Europe is a huge chunk of assets.


  • We're growing in Asia.


  • The fundamentals, it's the same story everywhere, which is as retail moves increasingly online, there's more demand for warehouses, particularly last-mile warehouses.


  • And so we've been the biggest buyer in Europe.


  • We're active in China.


  • We just sold a platform in Australia that was in our closed-end BREP Asia fund.

    我們剛剛在我們的封閉式 BREP 亞洲基金中出售了一個在澳大利亞的平台。

  • But we like the fundamentals everywhere.


  • And as the economy reopens, I think we'll see more traditional demand, automotive, housing, other businesses, and that will help.


  • The challenge or concern is, will we see a lot of new supply?


  • And so we continue to focus on this last mile.


  • So it's a space we like.


  • And if you think about our real estate portfolio and why we have confidence looking forward, is because we're 40% allocated to the best sector in real estate globally.

    如果您考慮一下我們的房地產投資組合以及為什麼我們有信心展望未來,那是因為我們有 40% 被分配到全球房地產最好的行業。

  • And so I think you'll see those same fundamentals.


  • They're a little bit behind the U.S. other than China because online is behind, but they're playing catch-up.


  • And so being on the ground in all those markets is really important.


  • Operator


  • And our final question comes from the line of Chris Kotowski at Oppenheimer & Co.

    我們的最後一個問題來自 Oppenheimer & Co. 的 Chris Kotowski。

  • Christoph M. Kotowski - MD & Senior Analyst

    Christoph M. Kotowski - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Yes.


  • I just wanted to follow up on the real estate performance fees discussion that you had a couple of minutes ago.


  • And in the press release, you highlighted the logic or crystallizations that happen every 3 years.

    在新聞稿中,您強調了每 3 年發生一次的邏輯或結晶。

  • I'm just wondering, I mean, as Core+ is built, is there a portfolio of those things, of those kinds of assets that we'll see crystallize on the third anniversary of the funds?

    我只是想知道,我的意思是,隨著 Core+ 的建立,是否有這些東西的投資組合,我們將在基金成立三週年時看到這些資產的投資組合?

  • And how do we assess the size of that?


  • And is that going to start coming in kind of more and more on a sporadic basis all sprinkled through the year as you go forward?


  • Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

    Jonathan D. Gray - General Partner, President, COO & Director

  • Well, I would say the shorter answer is yes.


  • We have a variety.


  • We have large open-ended institutional vehicles, BPP, U.S., Europe and Asia and now BPP Life Sciences.

    我們有大型開放式機構工具,BPP、美國、歐洲和亞洲,現在是 BPP 生命科學。

  • We did some individual large transactions as funds themselves, Logicor, European logistics platforms, one of them.


  • We owned Stuyvesant Town here in New York as well.


  • And so -- and then the investors in the funds come in at different times, as Michael said.

    正如邁克爾所說,因此 - 然後基金的投資者在不同的時間進入。

  • So hopefully, over time, there'll be more of a spreading.


  • A lot of these deals got done at year-end, so we tend to have more in the fourth quarter.


  • BREIT is set up in the fourth quarter.


  • But you're right, we've been planning a lot of these perennials, and they should be blooming more and more in greater amounts and at different times of the year.


  • And this is why you hear a lot of enthusiasts and something very special is happening at Blackstone.

    這就是為什麼您會聽到很多愛好者的聲音,並且在 Blackstone 正在發生一些非常特別的事情。

  • That's something extremely special is happening in our Core+ business, and that is growing.

    這是我們的 Core+ 業務中正在發生的極其特別的事情,而且這種情況正在增長。

  • And yes, over time, this -- not only the base management fees from Core+ but these performance-related fees should come in on a regular basis.

    是的,隨著時間的推移,這不僅是 Core+ 的基本管理費,而且這些與績效相關的費用也應該定期收取。

  • Christoph M. Kotowski - MD & Senior Analyst

    Christoph M. Kotowski - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And just as a follow-up, do we see that on -- do we see these accrued performance fees on the disclosure in Page 18?

    作為後續行動,我們是否在第 18 頁的披露中看到了這些應計績效費?

  • Or the performance fees separate from carried interest?


  • Michael S. Chae - CFO

    Michael S. Chae - CFO

  • You do see them.


  • You see it broken out for both BPP and for BREIT separately.

    您會看到它分別針對 BPP 和 BREIT 進行了細分。

  • Operator


  • And now I'd like to hand back to Weston Tucker for final comments.

    現在我想請 Weston Tucker 發表最後的評論。

  • Weston M. Tucker - Senior MD & Head of Shareholder Relations

    Weston M. Tucker - Senior MD & Head of Shareholder Relations

  • Great.


  • Thanks everyone for joining us this morning, and look forward to following up after the call.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • And that concludes your conference call for today.


  • You may now disconnect.


  • Thank you for joining, and have a very good day.


  • Goodbye.
