Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA (BBVA) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Good morning and welcome to BBVA's second quarter results conference call.

    早安,歡迎參加 BBVA 第二季業績電話會議。

  • I'm joined today by Onur Genc, our CEO; and Luisa Gomez Bravo, the Group CFO.

    今天我們的執行長 Onur Genc 也加入了我的行列。以及集團財務長 Luisa Gomez Bravo。

  • As in previous quarters, Onur will start reviewing the group figures, followed by Luisa, who will go through the business areas results.


  • Then, Onur will give a brief update on the offer to Sabadell shareholders, and finally, we will open the live to receive your questions.

    然後,Onur 將向 Sabadell 股東簡要介紹要約的最新情況,最後,我們將開始直播以接受您的提問。

  • Thank you very much for participating, and now I turn the call over to Onur.

    非常感謝您的參與,現在我將電話轉給 Onur。

  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Thank you.


  • Thank you, Patricia.


  • Good morning to everyone.


  • Welcome and thank you for joining BBVA's second quarter 2024 earnings webcast.

    歡迎並感謝您加入 BBVA 2024 年第二季財報網路廣播。

  • Let's jump into the presentation as always, starting with slide number 3.

    讓我們像往常一樣開始演示,從第 3 張幻燈片開始。

  • On the left-hand side of this page, you can see our net attributable profit in the quarter reaching EUR2,794 million showing obviously another quarter of record results.

    在本頁左側,您可以看到我們本季的淨利潤達到 27.94 億歐元,這顯然是另一個季度創紀錄的業績。

  • This figure is 38% above the results of the same quarter of last year and 27% above last quarter results.


  • Our results, they represent EUR0.47 earnings per share, 28% quarter-over-quarter, and 42% year-over-year growth, both higher growth rates than the ones of the net attributable profit due to, obviously, to the positive impact of the share buyback programs that we executed.

    我們的業績代表每股收益 0.47 歐元,環比增長 28%,同比增長 42%,這兩個增長率均高於歸屬淨利潤的增長率,顯然是由於積極的我們執行的股票回購計劃的影響。

  • And then the graph on the right-hand side of the slide, it shows the excellent tangible book value per share plus dividends growth.


  • We had 20% increase year-over-year and the 2.4% growth in the quarter.

    我們的年增 20%,本季成長 2.4%。

  • We always highlight the importance of this figure to all of you.


  • We are very happy to see a solid number in the quarter, the 2.4%, despite all the market impacts, especially the upper movement of the interest rate curves and the Mexican peso depreciation in the quarter.

    我們很高興看到本季實現了 2.4% 的穩定數字,儘管受到所有市場影響,特別是本季利率曲線的上移和墨西哥比索貶值。

  • On page number 4, our CET1 capital ratio at 12.75%, reflecting a 7 basis points decrease in the quarter, impacted by the market impacts, as I just mentioned in the previous page, but also due to a very positive development in our view of very strong lending growth, in our core markets, leading to market share gains.

    在第4 頁,我們的CET1 資本比率為12.75%,反映出本季度下降了7 個基點,這是受到市場影響的影響,正如我在上一頁中提到的,但也是由於我們認為非常積極的發展我們核心市場的貸款成長非常強勁,導致市場佔有率增加。

  • I'm sure we can discuss that in the Q&A as well.


  • The 12.75% CET1 ratio obviously is much above our target range and regulatory requirements.


  • Regarding profitability, on the left-hand side -- on the right-hand side, sorry, on the page.

    關於盈利能力,在左側 - 在右側,抱歉,在頁面上。

  • We continue to improve our metrics, reaching an outstanding 20% in return on tangible equity and 19.1% in return on equity in the first six months of 2024.

    我們不斷改進指標,2024 年前 6 個月的有形股本回報率達到 20%,股本回報率達到 19.1%。

  • We have been truly looking forward to this day of reaching the 20% threshold on return on tangible equity for so many years, and it makes us really happy getting to 20%.

    多年來,我們一直真誠地期待著有形股本回報率達到 20% 門檻的這一天,達到 20% 讓我們感到非常高興。

  • On page number 5, more important than in our view the 20%, the consistency of how we got there and the comparison with our competitors, which obviously to us is the most important measure of success.

    在第 5 頁上,比我們認為的 20% 更重要的是我們實現目標的一致性以及與競爭對手的比較,這對我們來說顯然是衡量成功的最重要標準。

  • I do think we are doing really well.


  • On the left-hand side, you see the evolution of our first half profits in current euros.


  • Not only did we achieve almost, again, the mark of EUR5 billion of net reputable profit in the first six months of this year.

    今年前六個月,我們不僅再次實現了幾乎 50 億歐元的淨利大關。

  • We managed to do it by increasing our six-month profits by nearly EUR1 billion in a consistent manner every year, every year.

    我們透過每年持續將六個月的利潤增加近 10 億歐元來實現這一目標。

  • And then on the right side of the page, we wanted to compare our return on tangible equity evolution to that of our European and Spanish peers.


  • As you can see, our 20% ROTE and its positive evolution, it clearly stands out.

    正如您所看到的,我們的 20% ROTE 及其積極的演變,它顯然脫穎而出。

  • With these figures, we are clearly one of the most profitable banks out there.


  • Moving to slide number 6.

    轉到第 6 張投影片。

  • This page is a summary of the pages to follow where I will talk to you about the activity, the P&L, the revenue growth, costs, asset quality.


  • So allow me to directly move to the next slide to talk to details in the respective pages.


  • So slide 7, as always, the summarized P&L of the quarter.

    投影片 7 一如既往地總結了本季的損益表。

  • You can find the year-over-year quarterly evolution in the second column from the left in constant.


  • And right next to it, in current terms, the third column from the left.


  • Basically, the P&L continues its impressive evolution, thanks to the strong revenue growth, with an increase in gross income of 31% in constant and 28% in current euros, and obviously maintaining positive jaws.


  • And as a result of all of this, net attributable profit at the last line item, net attributable profit grows 37% in constant and 38% in current euros.

    由於所有這一切,最後一項的淨利潤增長了 37%(以不變匯率計算)和 38%(以現價歐元計算)。

  • Slide number 8.

    投影片編號 8。

  • The summarized P&L of the first half, I would once again highlight the very positive gross income evolution, which increases 31% in constant euros and 23% in current euros.

    總結上半年的損益表,我將再次強調非常積極的總收入演變,以不變歐元計算成長 31%,以現值歐元計算成長 23%。

  • And then the strong gross income growth, coupled with the positive jaws, as is true for the quarter, it led to an outstanding recurrent net attributable profit of almost EUR5 billion, implying 37% growth in constant and 29% in current.

    然後,強勁的總收入成長,加上本季的積極業績,帶來了近 50 億歐元的經常性淨利潤,這意味著不變成長 37%,經常成長 29%。

  • Slide number 9.

    投影片編號 9。

  • Some light into the revenue breakdown and the quarterly evolution.


  • In this page, we show that the excellent trend in revenues continues.


  • Showing the strength of our revenue generation capacity quarter-after-quarter.


  • First, our net interest income.


  • It keeps increasing, 17% versus last year and 1% compared to last quarter, driven by strong activity growth, especially in the last part of the quarter, and good customer spread management.

    在強勁的活動成長(尤其是在本季度最後一段時間)以及良好的客戶傳播管理的推動下,該數字持續增長,與去年相比增長了 17%,與上季度相比增長了 1%。

  • Second, outstanding evolution of net fees and commissions, increasing 35% year-on-year and 4.4% versus last quarter, levered mainly on payments and asset management.


  • Third, very strong quarter in the net trading income heading, benefiting from a good quarter in the global markets unit and also from the positive mark-to-market of the FX hedges of the Mexican peso in the corporate center.


  • All-in-all, excellent growth in gross income.


  • Again, 31% year-over-year and 13.9% quarter-over-quarter.

    同樣,年增 31%,季增 13.9%。

  • Moving to slide number 10.

    轉到第 10 號投影片。

  • In this page, we also wanted to provide you with the breakdown of that gross income by geography in current euros.


  • In current euros, important, and gross income is growing year-over-year at double digits in all of our markets, 29% growth in Spain, 14% growth in Mexico, 47% growth in Turkey, and 16% growth in South America.

    以當前歐元計算,我們所有市場的重要收入和總收入均以兩位數的速度逐年增長,西班牙增長 29%,墨西哥增長 14%,土耳其增長 47%,南美增長 16% 。

  • When you look into the quarterly trends, you see the continued strength of revenues in Spain, posting another record, basically.


  • And then despite a relatively large depreciation in Mexican peso, 8% depreciation in the quarter, it is important to register the fact that in current euros, we managed to keep the revenues stable.

    儘管墨西哥比索貶值相對較大,本季貶值 8%,但重要的是要認識到,以當前歐元計算,我們設法保持收入穩定。

  • Thanks to a very robust activity, again, that came towards the end of the quarter.


  • You also see clear, clear recuperation recovery trends in this page for Turkey and South America.


  • In both cases, we are posting the best quarterly figures in current euros of the last few quarters, also implying better prospects looking into the future.


  • And talking about the future, slide number 11.

    並談論未來,第 11 號幻燈片。

  • Let me focus a bit more on activity and growth in loans, which has increased at group level to 10.7% year-over-year in June.

    讓我更專注於貸款的活動和成長,6 月集團層級的貸款年增至 10.7%。

  • So great activity in the quarter.


  • Obviously, this is very good news for the coming quarters, also considering the fact that we deliver this growth in a profitable manner.


  • We measure this through return on capital metric, loan-by-loan, individually, and on a marginal basis to make sure that the growth comes with profitability.


  • In the case of Spain, in the middle of the page, as we have been anticipating in previous quarters, loan growth has improved to 2.4%.

    就西班牙而言,正如我們在前幾個季度所預期的那樣,在頁面中間,貸款成長率已提高至 2.4%。

  • And with our most profitable segments, consumer and credit cards, growing 8.3%, mid-sized companies, growing 5.5%.

    我們最賺錢的領域是消費者和信用卡,成長了 8.3%,中型企業成長了 5.5%。

  • And the Mexico, loan growth has accelerated to 12.6% year-over-year, with consumer and credit cards growing 16.6% and SMEs growing 17.4%.

    墨西哥的貸款年增速加快至 12.6%,其中消費者和信用卡成長 16.6%,中小企業成長 17.4%。

  • So in short, very good prospects for the future.


  • Moving to slide number 12.

    轉到第 12 號投影片。

  • On the left-hand side of the slide, we continue showing positive jaws at the group level, thanks to the good performance of gross income, as I mentioned before, and then costs are growing 19.5% below the group's average inflation.

    在投影片的左側,我們繼續在集團層級表現出積極的態度,這要歸功於總收入的良好表現,正如我之前提到的,然後成本的成長速度低於集團平均通膨率 19.5%。

  • On the right side of the slide, you can see our efficiency ratio, which shows an outstanding improvement to 39.3%, breaking the 40% barrier.

    在投影片右側,您可以看到我們的效率比,顯著提高至 39.3%,突破了 40% 的大關。

  • Again, we have been looking forward to this date for so many years, 362 basis points lower than last year.

    再次強調,我們多年來一直期待這個日期,比去年低了 362 個基點。

  • We clearly remain with this number, clearly as the most efficient European bank.


  • Slide number 13.

    投影片編號 13。

  • On asset quality, they remain in line with our expectations and shows relative stability in a context of strong activity growth in the most profitable segments, as I was mentioning.


  • On the left-hand side of the slide at the bottom of the page, our cost of risk slightly increased quarter-over-quarter to 142 basis points.

    在頁面底部投影片的左側,我們的風險成本較上季略有上升,達到 142 個基點。

  • And the increase is mainly explained by two factors.


  • First, the aforementioned activity growth in highly profitable but high cost of risk retail segments and emerging market geographies.


  • In other words, the mixed impact.


  • And second, Turkey that continued its gradual, but completely expected increase after abnormally low levels of cost of risk in 2023.

    其次,土耳其在 2023 年風險成本異常低水準之後,持續逐步但完全符合預期的成長。

  • Then NPL ratio on the right bottom slightly improved to 3.3%, and our coverage ratio is also broadly stable at 75%, affected partially by some portfolio sales.


  • Slide 14.

    幻燈片 14。

  • On capital, the CET1 ratio remains well above our target range despite decreasing by 7 basis points quarter-over-quarter in a quarter, largely constrained by, again quite a significant market-related impact, and as mentioned, marked positively by a very strong growth in lending activity.

    在資本方面,儘管一個季度環比下降了7 個基點,但CET1 比率仍遠高於我們的目標範圍,這在很大程度上受到相當大的市場相關影響的限制,並且如上所述,其積極特徵是非常強勁的貸款活動的成長。

  • That lending activity brings us more capital, organic capital, more profits in the coming quarters.


  • But obviously you get the hit in the quarter that you have that growth.


  • But following the waterfall in the page, main drivers of the quarterly evolution.


  • The first, strong results generation, 73 basis points.

    首先,強勁的業績產生,73 個基點。

  • Second, dividend accrual and AT1 coupons, minus 39 basis points.


  • Third, minus 40 basis points due to the [RWAs] growth.

    第三,由於 [RWA] 成長,負 40 個基點。

  • Again, a quarter in which this impact is higher than a typical one, given everything that I talked to you about, about the lending growth, which is, again, very positive for us.


  • And last, a bucket of others of minus 1 basis points -- minus 1 basis point, which comprises, among others, the hyperinflationary accounting credit in OCI because of the hyperinflationary accounting geographies, and the market-related impact, totaling minus 23 basis points.


  • Again, also higher than usual, mainly due to depreciation of the Mexican peso in the quarter.


  • It is worth to say in this page, though, there is a bubble at the top.


  • It's important to highlight that our it's still very preliminary because we need to see many of the details coming out in the coming quarters.


  • But the Basel IV impact, it reduces from our previously guided stated below minus 40 basis points to below minus 15 basis points.

    但巴塞爾 IV 的影響,它從我們先前指導的低於負 40 個基點降至低於負 15 個基點。

  • And looking ahead, let me emphasize that both our ability to keep generating capital and to continue reinvesting in growth at very attractive return on tangible equity levels, it remains intact.


  • And we clearly maintain our 40% to 50% payout distribution policy and fully committed we are to distribute any excess capital above 12% CET1 ratio.

    我們明確維持 40% 至 50% 的派息分配政策,並完全致力於分配高於 12% CET1 比率的任何超額資本。

  • Slide 15.

    幻燈片 15。

  • Our strategic progress, new customer acquisition on this page.


  • Many times before I said it, but the most healthy way of growing the balance sheet is in our view, growing the franchise of clients.


  • And in that sense, we acquired 5.6 million new customers in the first half, continuing our upward trend.

    從這個意義上說,我們上半年獲得了 560 萬新客戶,繼續保持上升趨勢。

  • And I particularly would like to highlight again the digital share here, 67% of these customers, they came from pure digital acquisition channels.

    我特別想再次強調這裡的數位份額,其中 67% 的客戶來自純數位獲取管道。

  • Slide 16.

    幻燈片 16。

  • Another pillar of our strategy, sustainability.


  • It's an incredible business opportunity where we continue to deliver quarter-after-quarter, even above our expectations.


  • In the first six months of 2024, we have channeled EUR46 billion in sustainable business and the total of EUR252 billion since 2018.

    2024 年前六個月,我們已投入 460 億歐元用於永續業務,自 2018 年以來總計投入 2,520 億歐元。

  • We remain very committed to accompany our clients in their decarbonization path, and as such, this quarter, it's in the bottom of the page, but this quarter, we have also set decarbonization targets for 2030 in two new sectors, aluminum at a global level and real estate in Spain, which is the core of our portfolio, that add to the other eight sectors where we already have clear portfolio decarbonization targets.

    我們仍然非常致力於陪伴我們的客戶走上脫碳之路,因此,本季度,它位於頁面底部,但本季度,我們還在兩個新行業(全球範圍內的鋁業)設定了2030 年的脫碳目標西班牙的房地產是我們投資組合的核心,這增加了我們已經制定了明確的投資組合脫碳目標的其他八個行業。

  • Slide number 17.

    投影片編號 17。

  • I also would like to highlight our positive impact on the society, as always, as a result of our activity, in the first half of this year, we have helped 75,000 families buy their homes.

    我還想強調我們對社會的正面影響,一如既往,由於我們的活動,今年上半年我們已經幫助 75,000 個家庭購買了房屋。

  • We have awarded more than 340,000 new loans to SMEs and self-employed individuals, and we continue to finance around 70,000 larger corporates in their growth.

    我們已向中小企業和自營商發放了超過 34 萬筆新貸款,並繼續為約 7 萬家大型企業的發展提供融資。

  • We also mobilized EUR11 billion in financing for inclusive growth, like social housing, like infrastructure, social infrastructure, hospitals, in the first six months of this year.

    今年前六個月,我們還動員了 110 億歐元的融資用於包容性成長,例如社會住宅、基礎設施、社會基礎設施、醫院。

  • As we grow our activity, it's a simple message but an important one, we promote employment, we promote investment, we promote welfare in the society.


  • And finally, slide number 18.

    最後是第 18 號投影片。

  • In this chapter regarding our 2021, 2024 goals announced on the Investor Day.

    本章內容涉及我們在投資者日宣布的 2021 年、2024 年目標。

  • As always, I will choose to not go into each one of them for time purposes, but all the metrics -- on all the metrics, we are clearly, clearly on a path of significant overperformance versus originally established goals.


  • And now for the business areas update, I turn it to Luisa.


  • Luisa?


  • Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

    Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

  • Thank you very much, Onur, and good morning, everyone.


  • We're starting with Spain on slide number 20.

    我們從第 20 號幻燈片上的西班牙開始。

  • As you can see in the slide, Spain has delivered outstanding record results in the second quarter of 2024, exceeding the EUR1 billion in the quarter, which is an amazing milestone driven by an outstanding performance in all P&L headings on the back of strong commercial momentum.

    正如您在幻燈片中所看到的,西班牙在2024 年第二季度取得了出色的創紀錄業績,該季度超過10 億歐元,這是一個令人驚嘆的里程碑,得益於強勁的商業勢頭,所有損益表的優異表現。

  • The sound activity trends already observed in the first quarter of the year have been confirmed in the second quarter.


  • New loan production has increased by 12% in the first six months of the year, leading to a 2.4% loan book growth, above the system average.

    今年前 6 個月,新貸款產量增加了 12%,導致貸款帳簿成長 2.4%,高於系統平均。

  • In such a context, we are reviewing upwards our loan growth expectations for 2024.

    在此背景下,我們正在上調 2024 年的貸款成長預期。

  • We now expect the loan book to grow at low single digit in 2024 and to continue gaining market share.

    我們現在預計 2024 年貸款帳簿將以低個位數成長,並繼續擴大市場份額。

  • This is clearly reflected in the P&L, which shows impressive year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter growth, driven by strong core revenue increases.


  • NII continues to grow on a quarterly basis, levered on activity growth and effective price management.

    由於活動成長和有效的價格管理,NII 繼續按季度增長。

  • As you can see on this slide, the customer spread has remained flat in the quarter, despite declining rates.


  • Fees have also showed another very positive performance in the quarter, mainly explained by the strong contribution coming from asset management and credit cards.


  • Expenses have remained flat quarter-on-quarter, and efficiency has continued to improve to an outstanding 35.4% cost-to-income ratio in the first half of the year.

    費用較上月持平,效率持續提高,上半年成本收入比達 35.4%,表現優異。

  • Finally, on asset quality, really no major developments, trends remain solid cost of risk at 38 basis points, fairly in line with our guidance.

    最後,在資產品質方面,確實沒有重大進展,風險成本趨勢仍然穩定在 38 個基點,與我們的指導相當一致。

  • All in, these very solid underlying trends have led us to also improve our P&L guidance for the year.


  • We now expect NII to grow at low teens.

    我們現在預計 NII 將以十幾歲以下的速度成長。

  • Remember, we had double-digit growth before.


  • Now we are expecting to grow at low teens on NII on the back of strong activity growth and higher than expected rates by the end of the year.

    現在,由於活動成長強勁且年底成長率高於預期,我們預計 NII 將以低十幾歲的速度成長。

  • But we are also reviewing upward our fees.


  • Fees are expected to grow at mid-single-digit, where we had a slight growth of positive bias before.


  • We are going to be growing fees at mid-single-digit in 2024, and expenses are also expected to increase below 5%, maintaining the efficiency ratio at current levels.

    到 2024 年,我們的費用將以中個位數成長,預計支出增幅也將低於 5%,從而將效率比維持在當前水準。

  • In conclusion, we're extremely happy with the results of Spain this quarter and in the half year, and with the improved outlook for the P&L as well.


  • Moving on to Mexico in slide 21.

    繼續幻燈片 21 中的墨西哥。

  • One more quarter of very strong earnings coming from Mexico reaching the EUR2.9 billion in the first half of the year on the back of sound activity dynamics and effective price managing.

    在良好的經濟活動動態和有效的價格管理的支持下,墨西哥的收入在上半年又成長了四分之一,達到 29 億歐元。

  • Looking specifically at the quarter, I would like to highlight the strong business dynamics in terms of new lending flows.


  • New flows have grown by 13% quarter-on-quarter with very favorable trends across the board.

    新流量較上季成長 13%,整體趨勢非常有利。

  • As we anticipated in the last quarter, this quarter loan growth has accelerated in wholesale portfolios, while the positive performance in retail lending has remained.


  • This led to a more balanced loan growth between these segments, leading to a total loan growth of close to 13% year-on-year.


  • This sound lending momentum continues to drive NII growth close to 7% year-on-year, while customer spread is roughly stable in the quarter.


  • Managing the cost of deposits continues to be a key priority for BBVA Mexico, considering our large deposit base.

    考慮到我們龐大的存款基礎,管理存款成本仍然是 BBVA Mexico 的首要任務。

  • In fact, this strategy is what partially explains NII being broadly in flat in the quarter.

    事實上,這一策略部分解釋了本季度 NII 基本持平的原因。

  • In a context of accelerated loan growth, we have relied to a greater extent on market financing to fund activity growth, leading to a higher wholesale funding costs.


  • Having said that, as you can see in the slide, around we have sound underlying trends in core drivers for Mexico NII, which remains strong activity and wide customer spread.

    話雖如此,正如您在幻燈片中看到的那樣,我們在墨西哥 NII 的核心驅動因素方面擁有良好的潛在趨勢,該驅動力仍然保持強勁的活動和廣泛的客戶分佈。

  • As such, we expect NII to continue growing over the coming quarters.

    因此,我們預計 NII 在未來幾季將繼續成長。

  • Fees remained at very high levels, supported by robust activity and transactionality and an increasing contribution from asset management and CIB business, while expense growth has decelerated in the quarter.

    在強勁的活動和交易以及資產管理和 CIB 業務貢獻不斷增加的支撐下,費用仍保持在非常高的水平,而本季度費用增長有所放緩。

  • All-in-all, strong revenue growth drives efficiency ratios to a remarkable 30.4%, lower than the last quarter and the first -- and a very outstanding mark for the first half of the year.

    總而言之,強勁的營收成長將效率比率推至引人注目的 30.4%,低於上一季和第一季度,這也是今年上半年的一個非常出色的成績。

  • Finally, on asset quality, the increase in impairments is consistent with the economic cycle and our growth strategy focused on retail segments.


  • In a context of higher rates than previously anticipated for the rest of the year, we now expect the cost of risk to stand at around current levels in 2024.

    鑑於今年剩餘時間的利率高於先前的預期,我們現在預計 2024 年的風險成本將維持在目前水準附近。

  • With these results, we remain confident on our capacity to deliver on the guidance that we committed to the market at the beginning of the year for Mexico.


  • Going to slide 22.

    轉到投影片 22。

  • In Turkey, the franchise has reported a net profit of EUR351 million in the first half of the year.

    在土耳其,該特許經營公司上半年淨利為 3.51 億歐元。

  • This has been supported by higher NII, benefiting from nominal activity growth, and an improved customer spread in Turkish lira, favored by higher lending yields.


  • Higher fees, mainly from payment services, brokerage, and asset management, while trading income remains at a very strong level despite the quarterly decline.


  • And very significant lower hyperinflation adjustment, thanks to the deceleration of the quarterly inflation, which you see there on the footnote, the quarterly inflation has gone down to 8.4% in the second quarter versus 15.1% in the first quarter.

    惡性通貨膨脹調整非常顯著,由於季度通貨膨脹的減速,您可以在腳註中看到,第二季度的季度通貨膨脹率已降至 8.4%,而第一季為 15.1%。

  • We see a normalization in cost of risk due to the ongoing macro rebalancing, which is in any case expected to be manageable and within the guidance that we have given to the market.


  • The cost of risk increased to 84 basis points in the first half after what we've always maintained was an abnormally low level in 2023, mainly due to higher provisioning needs today in retail.

    在我們一直維持的 2023 年異常低水準之後,上半年風險成本上升至 84 個基點,這主要是由於當今零售業的撥備需求增加。

  • After the strong performance of the franchise in the first half of 2024, we now expect net income for the second half of 2024 to be in line with a slightly higher or slightly higher than the first half of the year under a continued normalization of regulatory and macroeconomic conditions.


  • So improved guidance and outlook for Turkey as well.


  • Going to South America on slide 23.

    第 23 張幻燈片上的《前往南美洲》。

  • The region has shown sound earnings contributions well during the first half of 2024 by achieving a net profit of EUR317 million, paving the way for a gradual recovery.


  • During the first half of the year, revenues showed a positive trend, sound NII performance driven by loan growth focus in the most profitable segments and an improving customer spread across the countries, and strong evolution of fees and higher NTI.

    上半年,收入呈現出積極的趨勢,由於貸款成長集中在最有利可圖的細分市場和各國客戶分佈的改善,以及費用和更高的 NTI 的強勁發展,推動了良好的 NII 表現。

  • These trends were somewhat offset by a higher hyperinflation adjustment in Argentina due to a higher inflation rate in the first half of 2024 compared to the last year.

    由於 2024 年上半年通膨率高於去年,阿根廷惡性通膨調整幅度加大,在一定程度上抵銷了這些趨勢。

  • But with a positive quarterly trend, which has been significant because, as you see also in the footnote, it means that the second quarter inflation has come down to 19% versus the first quarter one, which was 52%.

    但季度趨勢呈現正面趨勢,這一點非常重要,因為正如您在腳註中看到的那樣,這意味著第二季通膨率已降至 19%,而第一季通膨率為 52%。

  • Expense growth has continued to be pressured by inflation, but it is important to highlight that on a quarterly basis, cost growth has slowed down, mainly in Peru and Colombia.


  • Finally, cost of risk has remained stable at 312 basis points, in line with the macroeconomic expectations for the region.

    最後,風險成本穩定在 312 個基點,符合該地區的宏觀經濟預期。

  • In this regard, we expect the cost of risk for the year to stand below current levels but slightly above than our previous guidance of around 280 basis points.

    在這方面,我們預計今年的風險成本將低於當前水平,但略高於我們之前約 280 個基點的指導。

  • And now, back to Onur for the final remarks and on the quarterly results and the update on the


  • [OPA].


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Thank you, Luisa.


  • So for the main takeaways from the presentation of the results on page 24, let me not take time by repeating, because we always have this commitment that we will be finishing by the hour, but let me not take time repeating the messages.

    因此,對於第 24 頁結果介紹的主要要點,請允許我不要花時間重複,因為我們始終有這樣的承諾,即我們將按小時完成,但請允許我不要花時間重複這些資訊。

  • But in our view, it was a quarter that made us really happy, as Luisa was also saying, reaching elusive milestones that we thought we were unreachable some years ago.


  • I mean, you have it in that little box on the right-hand side, delivering 20% in ROTE, return on tangible equity, a growth of 20% in tangible book value per share, plus dividends.

    我的意思是,你把它放在右手邊的那個小盒子裡,提供 20% 的 ROTE、有形股本回報率、每股有形賬面價值增長 20% 以及股息。

  • And breaking the 40% barrier in efficiency.


  • In our view, amazing numbers in that sense.


  • I know that many of my colleagues from BBVA are listening to this call.

    我知道 BBVA 的許多同事都在聆聽這個呼籲。

  • A shout-out to our people of BBVA, you are doing an amazing job.

    向我們的 BBVA 員工致敬,你們的工作非常出色。

  • You should be very proud of yourselves.


  • Then, slide number 25 and forward, it's basically the update on the OPA.

    然後,從第 25 張投影片開始,基本上就是 OPA 的更新。

  • Given the interest that you have shown on the matter, which is understandable, we would like to update you on the latest regarding the takeover bid process.


  • So slide number 26.

    所以投影片 26。

  • Basically, where we left you off and where we are.


  • First, this is about creating a stronger and more profitable franchise with an increased lending capacity to families and businesses estimated at EUR5 billion per year.

    首先,這是為了創建一個更強大、更有利可圖的特許經營權,增加向家庭和企業提供的貸款能力,估計每年可達 50 億歐元。

  • Second, the transaction shows our strategic appetite for gaining scale in our core markets and particularly a strategic push for the SME segment in Spain.


  • Third, given especially the ever-increasing need we have been experiencing to invest in technology and the associated large, fixed costs, there are substantial synergies in the combination.


  • And fourth, due to these significant synergies, we decided to present an extremely attractive offer to Banco Sabadell shareholders, while at the same time preserving the value creation for BBVA shareholders.

    第四,由於這些顯著的綜效,我們決定向 Banco Sabadell 股東提出極具吸引力的要約,同時保留為 BBVA 股東創造的價值。

  • And lastly, as an update, the takeover process is progressing positively in full accordance with the plan, as we will show you later in detail.


  • On page 27, I would like to give you some additional details on synergies and earnings accretion.

    在第 27 頁,我想向您提供一些有關協同效應和收益成長的其他詳細資訊。

  • On the left-hand side of the page, we are now able to give you some more color on the breakdown of the already announced EUR850 million synergies.

    在頁面左側,我們現在可以為您提供有關已宣布的 8.5 億歐元協同效應細目的更多資訊。

  • The split that we have put in May into our regulatory filings initially, and we are making it transparent to you today.


  • First, the breakdown of the EUR850 million. EUR450

    首先,8.5億歐元的細目。 450歐元

  • million coming from administrative and technology savings, as we have been explaining since the beginning of this process, technology is one of the largest and growing expense headings for both banks and such line items offer the most clear scale advantages, therefore representing the largest part of the synergies.


  • Then EUR300 million in personnel savings.

    然後節省 3 億歐元的人員成本。

  • Third, EUR100 million on financing savings coming from a larger and more diversified group being reflected in the reduction of larger Sabadell risk spreads to BBVA ones.

    第三,來自規模更大、更多元化的集團的 1 億歐元融資節省體現在薩瓦德爾與 BBVA 風險利差的降低。

  • It's basically equalizing the spread, Sabadell had a larger spread.


  • Now, we are equalizing it for the wholesale funding tranches as such fundings expire well throughout the time.


  • As you would see, compared to some other integrations you might have seen, the percentage of personnel savings is lower than usual, and more value is attributed to administrative and technology savings.


  • This is, in our view, very fair, given the different restructurings in both banks we have been executing in the past few years.


  • This transaction is about keeping and growing the franchise of Sabadell, especially the SME franchise in Spain.


  • In that context, I want to highlight that our estimates for the rationalization of the branch network in Spain has been limited to less than 10% of the combined network, equivalent to, as you see on the page, 300 branches of the approximately 870 branch offices identified in the combined group with a proximity of less than 500 meters.

    在這方面,我想強調的是,我們對西班牙分行網絡合理化的估計僅限於合併網絡的 10% 以下,相當於您在頁面上看到的約 870 個分行中的 300 個分行合併組中確定的辦公室距離小於500 公尺。

  • So we have 870 branches within 500 meters, from that perimeter, we are basically saving 300 branches.


  • This whole breakdown obviously is also the key driver of the restructuring costs that we have announced.


  • As you can imagine, if cost synergies mostly come from network restructuring, branch closures, redundancy of -- especially younger personnel, which are typically our colleagues in the branches, then the multiple of restructuring costs to synergies, it goes up.


  • But this is not the case in this envisioned transaction.


  • Hence, that has been in the analyst community as well.


  • There was some dialogue on this and so on.


  • We reconfirm our comfort in the numbers that we have been sharing with you.


  • Then on the right-hand side of this page, given these substantial synergies, the fact that we will serve the same market, optimizing our costs, our IT systems, our administrative costs, this deal would then create value.

    然後在本頁的右側,考慮到這些巨大的協同效應,事實上我們將服務於同一市場,優化我們的成本、IT 系統和管理成本,這筆交易將創造價值。

  • It would create value for both BBVA shareholders and also for Sabadell shareholders.

    它將為 BBVA 股東和 Sabadell 股東創造價值。

  • This is a win-win for both.


  • We create value and we share it.


  • That is why you see the EPS accretions in this page are positive for both banks.


  • But I would like to draw your particular focus to the number at the bottom right for Sabadell EPS accretion.

    但我想請您特別關注右下角薩瓦德爾 EPS 成長的數字。

  • This number, interestingly, did not receive much attention from you so far, but based on your own estimates, independently assessed end of April market consensus figures.

    有趣的是,到目前為止,這個數字並沒有引起您的太多關注,而是根據您自己的估計,獨立評估了 4 月底的市場共識數據。

  • Our numbers are even better, but let's go with the market consensus, and looking into the earnings, the source of cash flow for a Sabadell shareholder, standalone versus being part of BBVA, earnings per share go up by 27%.

    我們的數字甚至更好,但讓我們遵循市場共識,研究收入,Sabadell 股東的現金流來源,獨立與成為 BBVA 的一部分相比,每股收益增長了 27%。

  • I mean, the economic rationale, as you all know, is all about cash flow.


  • And the 27% increase in earnings per share, it implies 27% more in cash flow through dividends, through sustained dividends along the time for Sabadell shareholders.

    每股收益成長 27%,意味著透過股息、持續為 Sabadell 股東派發股息帶來的現金流增加 27%。

  • Market consensus, obviously, it keeps changing since April, but this number since then has stayed around 30%.


  • And we have a lot of sensitivity on this.


  • It remains around that number.


  • It all goes back to the 50% premium we are offering to Sabadell shareholders on top of the last three-month average share price that premium is so extraordinary that it gives you these very clear cashflow related EPS accretion figures.

    這一切都可以追溯到我們在過去三個月的平均股價之上向Sabadell 股東提供50% 的溢價,該溢價是如此之大,以至於它為您提供了這些與現金流相關的每股收益增長數據。

  • In short, let me not take more time here, but we reiterate our clear conviction that this is an extraordinarily attractive offer for Sabadell shareholders.

    簡而言之,我不想在這裡花更多時間,但我們重申我們明確的信念,即這對 Sabadell 股東來說是一個極具吸引力的要約。

  • Moving to page number 29, and I only have one minute, so a summary of the calendar of the transaction.

    轉到第 29 頁,我只有一分鐘的時間來總結交易日曆。

  • Basically, the process is advancing positively according to our initial plan and it's fully on track.


  • We filed all the relevant applications to regulators, and we have already received approvals from competition authorities in several countries.


  • Also, we received, as you know, overwhelming support from BBVA shareholders in the extraordinary general meeting where the capital increased for the share exchange.

    此外,如您所知,我們在臨時股東大會上獲得了 BBVA 股東的大力支持,此次股東大會為換股增資。

  • It was approved with an overwhelming 96% support.

    該法案以 96% 的壓倒性支持獲得批准。

  • And now 09:59, I go back to Patricia for Q&A.

    現在 09:59,我回到派翠西亞進行問答。

  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Onur.


  • We are ready now to start with the live Q&A session.


  • So first question, please.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • Maksym Mishyn, JB Capital.

    Maksym Mishyn,JB Capital。

  • Maksym Mishyn - Analyst

    Maksym Mishyn - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • Thank you very much for the presentation and taking our question.


  • So my one question would be on the cost of deposits in Spain.


  • I was wondering why they declined and how were you able to move part of term deposits back into site because their weight has reduced in a quarter as well?


  • Thank you.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Mishyn, thank you for the question.


  • It's coming down because the curve is coming down a little bit.


  • And some of the large corporate and even public sector clients that we have, it's basically more or less automatically linked to the curve.


  • And given that large segment clients reducing the cost of deposits for that segment, the reflection of the weighted average is in that 91 basis points coming down to 87 basis points.

    鑑於大型細分客戶降低了該細分市場的存款成本,加權平均值的反映是 91 個基點降至 87 個基點。

  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Mishyn.


  • Next question please.


  • Operator


  • Francisco Riquel, Alantra.


  • Francisco Riquel - Analyst

    Francisco Riquel - Analyst

  • Yes, thank you.


  • So my first question is on Mexico.


  • The NII is flattish in the quarter despite the 6% growth in loans.

    儘管貸款成長了 6%,但本季的 NII 仍持平。

  • So you mentioned that you have resorted more to wholesale funding.


  • So I wonder what is the profitability of the new lending now that the loan-to-deposit is above 100% that you have to resort to wholesale funding.


  • If you are front-loading these issuances or not.


  • So if you can please elaborate on what's the NII trajectory going forward now that the loan-to-deposit is above 100%?

    那麼,既然貸存比高於 100%,您能否詳細說明 NII 的未來軌跡是什麼?

  • On the Sabadell bit, I wonder if you can comment on the condition that you set regarding the antitrust approval.


  • I wonder if you will go ahead with the tender offer regardless of any outcome that may come from the antitrust authorities if you would agree if the CNMV were to wait for the antitrust approval before authorizing the tender offer.

    我想知道,如果您同意 CNMV 在授權要約收購之前等待反壟斷批准,那麼無論反壟斷機構可能得出任何結果,您是否都會繼續進行要約收購。

  • Thank you.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Do you want to take the Mexico one, Luisa?


  • Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

    Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

  • Yes.


  • Well, in the quarter, we managed the deposit base in Mexico in terms of wholesale deposits and wholesale funding, depending on where the pricing is.


  • Sometimes we rely more on -- more costly deposits, which feed through the spread, and sometimes we rely more on wholesale funding.


  • What happened this quarter is, as you mentioned, activity growth is higher, has increased significantly, especially on the wholesale side.


  • And we've gone to the wholesale financing, but at the same time managing the cost of deposits, decreasing some of the more expensive cost of deposits as well.


  • I think going forward, we're very comfortable with the profitability that we have, and we'll continue to manage the funding gap in this context.


  • We do expect, however, for the second half of the year to grow in our, the customer deposit base because of seasonality.


  • When you look at the results in Mexico, typically the first half of the year in terms of retail and customer funds is slower in terms of growth than the second half, and we do expect that the credit gap in the following months will be maintained at the levels that they are, and we expect to be finishing with an LCR ratio, which is more or less the same one that we have today.

    當你看墨西哥的結果時,通常上半年零售和客戶資金的成長速度慢於下半年,我們預計接下來幾個月的信貸缺口將維持在我們預期最終的 LCR 比率與我們今天的水平大致相同。

  • So we do expect customer deposits to increase and to continue managing the pricing of the deposits and the funding on the wholesale side accordingly.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Maybe just a quick addition on this one, because Paco, you were asking about the marginal profitability and marginal return on capital.


  • This is how we function as a bank.


  • Every single loan given at the marginal level, meaning the additional funding needed for that loan, the marginal funding that is needed for that loan, is it justified with the loan prices that we have.


  • That's how we look into this.


  • But at a very high level.


  • So you have to look into it at a granular level.


  • But at a very high level, the yield on loans you see it in the page as well, the Mexico, it's 14.4%, okay?

    但在非常高的水平上,你在頁面上也看到了貸款收益率,墨西哥,是 14.4%,好嗎?

  • 14.4%.


  • Our return on equity, in Mexico is 27%.

    我們在墨西哥的股本回報率為 27%。

  • So wholesale funding at the marginal level, I can guarantee you that is very profitable and otherwise we wouldn't have been lending that number, okay?


  • Then your second question is on the antitrust topic for the Sabadell transaction.


  • You asked about the content of this and also the process as I understand.


  • So on both of them, on the content and on the process, the CNMC, the authority here for competition matters.


  • As you all know, it's a highly regarded independent institution.


  • It's up to them, and we have full respect for their decisions, and we have to wait for their decisions, for sure.


  • But you have seen us in the different dialogues relatively confident on the competition-related aspects of this transaction for a few reasons.


  • Number one, there is a clear methodology and there are clear precedents in this case.


  • And this is also being raised by the institution itself, saying that we have a clear methodology on this.


  • Because we have seen very recently some transactions in Spain where that methodology was applied, and CNMC has reiterated multiple times that they would use the same methodology.


  • And there are clear precedents here.


  • Looking into those precedents, we feel comfortable, number one.


  • Number two, again, based on the precedence and based on where we are today, after this transaction, BBVA will not be the largest player in Spain, will not be.

    第二,同樣,根據優先順序和我們今天的情況,在這筆交易之後,BBVA 將不會成為西班牙最大的參與者,不會。

  • And even if you look into -- at a regional level, in certain segments, certain regions today, and in the recent transactions that were approved.


  • There were situations where there were larger players in certain regions, in certain segments, and so on.


  • So if you look into the current market position of different players, I repeat once again, we are not the largest player.


  • We will not be the largest player after this transaction.


  • And also, at different because it's a national market, the market functions and the market functions perfectly in terms of competition, as is, which does have some of those topics that some of you have been raising to us.


  • And then the third point I would put on the table is the triggers.


  • I mean, it's based on European Commission, European Regulations, and so on.


  • But there are certain triggers which trigger a much detailed and much more closer look in these type of transactions, which is when the combined entity has more than 25% market share, and when the integrated entity has more than 10% market share, then it requires next round of detailing and so on.

    但在此類交易中,有一些觸發因素會引發更詳細、更仔細的審查,即當合併後的實體擁有超過25% 的市場份額時,以及當合併後的實體擁有超過10% 的市場份額時,則需要下一輪的細節設計等等。

  • In this case, as you know the numbers very well, we don't trigger any of those two triggers.


  • And the final thing I would say to you is that because we do discuss about competition and we do live through it every single day, we are in this market, we have 13.8% of the market share.

    我要對你們說的最後一件事是,因為我們確實討論競爭,並且我們每天都經歷競爭,所以我們在這個市場中,擁有 13.8% 的市場份額。

  • We see it every single day, competition is very fierce in Spain.


  • When you look into all the loan prices, loan prices for mortgages, loan prices for SMEs, loan prices for companies, we are, for example, much lower than average of Europe.


  • We are much lower than Germany, where we have many more players.


  • So we have to look into the facts.


  • We keep raising many opinions, but when we look into the facts, we do feel that there is a case here, and we feel comfortable on the fact that the competition authority will give us the green light.


  • Having said all of this, I go back to the first line, which is it's a -- the institutional strength of Spain in general is very high.


  • And this is a very respected institution in Spain.


  • And we will wait and see what they say in terms of content and process.


  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Paco.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Antonio Reale, Bank of America.


  • Antonio Reale - Analyst

    Antonio Reale - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Antonio Reale from Bank of America.


  • My one question is a follow-up on your outlook for NII growth in Spain.


  • You guided to low-teens NII for this year.

    您今年引導了低青少年 NII。

  • You've talked about better 2025 trends for the group.

    您談到了該集團 2025 年更好的趨勢。

  • Can you tell us directionally how you would expect NII to perform in Spain in 2025, also in light of your commentary on better loan growth, which I guess will affect average balances?

    您能否直接告訴我們您預計 NII 在 2025 年在西班牙的表現如何,同時考慮到您對更好的貸款增長的評論(我認為這將影響平均餘額)?

  • Thank you.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Let's go back to the activity growth.


  • As we discussed before, this is not new maybe to most of you, but the spreads will be coming down because the rate curve will be coming down.


  • ECB will be reducing rates in our view.


  • But we have said to you that decline we would more or less compensate with two things.


  • Number one, activity growth.


  • Number two, the asset quality.


  • On the activity growth, BBVA Research our independent research entity they are basically still seeing for the market a decline in the lending balances for the market in 2023 of minus 0.5%.

    關於活動成長,我們的獨立研究實體 BBVA Research 基本上仍認為 2023 年市場貸款餘額將下降 -0.5%。

  • They are foreseeing in 2025 that, after so many years, that the market will increase by around 1.5%, the lending volumes.

    他們預計,經過這麼多年,到 2025 年,市場貸款量將增加 1.5% 左右。

  • Why?


  • Because the rates will come down, it will trigger more volumes and so on.


  • As you have seen, until May, the Spanish market has declined by minus 2% until May this year, minus 2%, and we have grown this quarter, year-over-year, and so on.


  • We are growing above the market.


  • If what we are expecting in terms of market growth is realized, I can tell you that the activity growth and the loan volume growth for BBVA will be compensating very nicely the spread decline that we would be seeing.

    如果我們對市場成長的預期得以實現,我可以告訴您,BBVA 的活動成長和貸款量成長將很好地補償我們將看到的利差下降。

  • And then there is the asset quality.


  • We are guiding to around 40 basis points, as you know.

    如您所知,我們的指導價約為 40 個基點。

  • Around 40 basis points for BBVA is relatively high, and we do expect that number two also, in the coming years, we'll see -- I mean, we will see, but in the coming years, to come back down to normalized levels a bit.

    BBVA 大約 40 個基點相對較高,我們確實預計,在未來幾年,我們會看到第二個基點 - 我的意思是,我們會看到,但在未來幾年,會回到正常水平一點。

  • To cut the long story short, one other point that I would highlight, and then I cut the long story short.


  • The other point that I would put on the table is the ALCO book.

    我要提出的另一點是 ALCO 書。

  • In the appendix, you have that detail, but you would see that in the quarter, in the euro balance sheet in Spain, we have increased our ALCO book by EUR7 billion.

    在附錄中,您可以看到該詳細信息,但您會看到本季度西班牙的歐元資產負債表中,我們的 ALCO 帳簿增加了 70 億歐元。

  • We did think that when the rate curve was relatively high, that it was a good opportunity to do some more hedging.


  • And as a result of this, the sensitivity guidance that we have been sharing with you, 5% decline in NII, for 100 basis points, step function, decline in interest rates, that 5% is now 4%.

    因此,我們一直與大家分享的敏感度指導,NII 下降 5%,對於 100 個基點,階躍函數,利率下降,5% 現在是 4%。

  • So we have been managing further the sensitivity of the spreads NII and NIM to rate declines.

    因此,我們一直在進一步管理 NII 和 NIM 利差對利率下降的敏感度。

  • All combined, we are quite positive, Antonio, you are asking me 2025 in a very specific way.

    總而言之,我們非常積極,安東尼奧,你以非常具體的方式問我 2025 年。

  • I can see it from your question.


  • The only thing I can tell you is we are very positive.


  • And we will provide you full guidance, as we always do, for the countries in February, in January, when we do the end-of-year results presentation.

    我們將像往常一樣,在 2 月、1 月公佈年終業績時為各個國家/地區提供全面的指導。

  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Antonio.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Ignacio Ulargui, BNP Paribas Exane.

    伊格納西奧‧烏拉吉 (Ignacio Ulargui),法國巴黎銀行 Exane。

  • Ignacio Ulargui - Analyst

    Ignacio Ulargui - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • Thanks for the presentation and for taking my question.


  • I have one, if I may.


  • How do you see lending and deposit growth evolving in Mexico, linked to this, I wanted to get your thoughts a bit on how the competition is behaving, particularly in deposits?


  • Thank you.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • I mean, Luisa, you already mentioned it, but very quickly, [Nacho], you see a small decline in cost of deposits, as you see in the quarter for us.


  • We said it multiple times before, but it's a bit of a repetition, but it is important.


  • As you know, 75% of our deposits are retail and SME, as you see in the page, 85% of our deposits are demand deposits.


  • And even more impressive number in my view is 57% of our deposits are below the threshold of insurance scheme in Mexico, which is a very low threshold, which means it's very, very small granular transactional deposits.

    在我看來,更令人印象深刻的數字是,我們 57% 的存款低於墨西哥保險計劃的門檻,這是一個非常低的門檻,這意味著它是非常非常小的顆粒交易存款。

  • In that context, we have been defending our cost of deposits.


  • We are basically half of the larger players in Mexico, and we still see it positively.


  • But you're asking NII in general.


  • And again, I think Luisa has mentioned it already.


  • But we can only tell you that we are quite positive.


  • We are quite positive going forward in NII overall for the coming quarters.

    我們對未來幾季的 NII 整體發展持非常積極的態度。

  • You see the 12.6% growth in lending.

    您會看到貸款增加了 12.6%。

  • As I did mention in my presentation, most of that growth came towards the end of the quarter, which means it's going to be reflected in the coming quarters even more.


  • So if you have 12.6% growth in loan volumes, the spread might be around these levels or slightly declining, but we are quite positive.

    因此,如果貸款量增加 12.6%,利差可能會在這些水平附近或略有下降,但我們相當樂觀。

  • I would expect NII to continue to increase in the coming quarters -- quarter-over-quarter, because of that activity growth.

    由於活動的成長,我預計 NII 將在未來幾季繼續成長——逐季成長。

  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you...


  • Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

    Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

  • Maybe I can add, because I think Nacho was also mentioning about the competition from, I would understand, new players in the market on deposits and the evolution there.


  • I think we have been very consistent in saying that obviously we respect the entry of these players into the market, they've not only obviously the most renowned one, but actually there are other very strong entities coming in.


  • But I think that we have been managing both on the lending and the deposit side very actively as well, competing front to front with them.


  • I think that we are, as we've mentioned, the largest and best fintech bank in Mexico in this regard.


  • What we have been seeing on the lending side is obviously a pick-up in, I think, issuance of cards from these players.


  • Their market share has been growing in the first part of the year.


  • But when you look at the revolving rates of balances, the market share there is still below their peak at the beginning of 2022.

    但如果你看看餘額循環率,你會發現那裡的市佔率仍低於 2022 年初的高峰。

  • It's around 9.6%.


  • So it's growing, not as much as the issuance of cards.


  • And in this regard, I think, as you know, we remain the largest player in the credit card market.


  • We have a market share of above 31%, and we are very comfortable in competing with the players, not only in terms of the balances, but especially in functionality and delivering value to our clients.

    我們的市佔率超過 31%,我們非常樂意與玩家競爭,不僅是在平衡方面,尤其是在功能和為客戶提供價值方面。

  • Today, our MPS stands the highest in the market above these players as well.

    如今,我們的 MPS 也高於這些廠商,在市場上處於最高水準。

  • On the deposit side, what I would say is that we have been very much allowing our customers to have alternatives to the rates that we offer on the deposit side.


  • As Onur was mentioning, our deposit rates are 2.88% in cost of deposits compared to above 5% in the market.

    正如 Onur 所提到的,我們的存款利率為 2.88%(以存款成本計算),而市場利率則高於 5%。

  • This is -- I think, a very clear competitive advantage of ours.


  • But that doesn't mean that we haven't been offering alternatives to our clients, especially on the asset management side, which have grown significantly year-on-year, above 25% growth.


  • And we are the leading player there as well in terms of market share.


  • And we will continue to offer the best products available in terms of returns to our clients while maintaining the competitive advantage on the cost of deposit side.


  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you very much.


  • So thank you, Nacho.


  • Next question please.


  • Operator


  • Carlos Peixoto, CaixaBank.

    卡洛斯·佩肖托 (Carlos Peixoto),Caixa 銀行。

  • Carlos Peixoto - Analyst

    Carlos Peixoto - Analyst

  • Yes, hi, good morning.


  • Sorry, so one of my questions would actually be on deposit costs in Spain, and it's a bit of a follow-up from [Marks] questions.


  • So my doubt here is, looking forward, should we expect the same behavior or the same pattern of behavior of deposit costs moving more or less in tandem with market rates, given the and basically.

    因此,我的疑問是,展望未來,鑑於 和 基本上,我們是否應該預期存款成本或多或少與市場利率同步變化的相同行為或相同模式。

  • If you could give some color on how much of the deposit base is pegged to market rates?


  • And then just on the overall group outlook, and pardon me if I missed out on something during the presentation, but basically, given that you have some upgrades in outlook, particularly in Spain, in NII, as you mentioned, do you see this still within the guidance that was provided for the group as a whole?


  • Or do you see it applied to the guidance you provided in the previous quarters for the group, I mean?


  • Thank you.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Okay.


  • Thank you, Carlos, for both questions.


  • Very quickly on cost of deposits.


  • It will come -- yes, with the curve, it will continue to come down, the cost of deposits.


  • But what matters is obviously the spread.


  • The spread at the moment is


  • [344].


  • We are expecting for the rest of the year slightly below, not much difference, slightly below, because the decline in the lending yields will be compensated by the cost of deposits decline.


  • On the guidance for the group, as Luisa has mentioned very clearly, we are upgrading basically everything in Spain.


  • We are confirming the revenue guidance that we have been giving to you for Mexico, very clearly confirming what we have in Mexico.


  • We are upgrading Turkey, South America is relatively stable.


  • If you sum them all up, it's a really good picture for the group as well.


  • But I think it was Britta who asked it last time.


  • But what exactly is double digit.


  • Because our guidance to you at the moment is double digit.


  • We maintain that guidance of double digit, but double digit is a lot of numbers.


  • The only thing I can tell you is that looking into the dynamics, we are very positive.


  • I see no reason that we would not be able to replicate what we have done in the first half in the second half.


  • If all the dimensions, all the guidance that we have been giving to you for different countries holds true, which we have full conviction that they would be, then you would see a very good second half as well.


  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Carlos.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Sofie Peterzens, JPMorgan.


  • Sofie Peterzens - Analyst

    Sofie Peterzens - Analyst

  • Yeah, thank you.


  • This is Sofie from JPMorgan.


  • Could you just remind us of your hedging policy?


  • How much of profits are hedged in the various different countries.


  • And also, how much of capital is hedged.


  • And also related to this, one of your peers did a quite big FX adjustment for Argentina.


  • How do you think about the FX in Argentina?


  • And should we think about any FX adjustments in Argentina going forward?


  • And then if I may, could you just briefly comment on your digital bank expansion into Germany?


  • And also, maybe briefly how the Italian digital bank expansion is going?


  • Thank you.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Perfect.


  • Maybe, Luisa, you take the Argentina question.


  • You are the expert for Argentina.


  • But on hedging, Sofie, as you know, we have two types of hedges.


  • We hedge capital and we hedge P&L.


  • Capital, we hedge the excess capital so that the capital -- the CET1 variability is managed.

    資本,我們對沖多餘的資本,以便管理資本-CET1 的波動性。

  • So we only look into the excess capital above the group's CET1 ratio.


  • What is the excess capital in every single currency, and then we do hedge that.


  • Our policy is that we hedge 50% to 70% of the excess capital for capital, the cost, the benefit, everything of that also goes through capital.


  • Then for P&L, next 12-month profits, we typically hedge 40% to 50% of that.

    然後對於損益表,即接下來 12 個月的利潤,我們通常會對其進行 40% 到 50% 的對沖。

  • And depending on the cost of carry, depending on the currency expectations that we have, we can be within or slightly beyond these ranges, but we typically have this range.


  • At the moment, the most relevant one is the Mexican peso hedge.


  • We do have 54% of the excess capital for Mexican peso is hedged, and we have 52% of the P&L is already hedged.

    我們確實有 54% 的墨西哥比索超額資本被對沖,我們有 52% 的損益已經被對沖。

  • That's why you have seen in the corporate center some positive impact in this quarter.


  • Argentina Luisa?

    阿根廷 路易莎?

  • Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

    Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

  • Yes.


  • Well, we are not applying a different exchange rate to our Argentinian accounts other than the official exchange rate.


  • We'd rather use the official rate for now versus estimating a new one.


  • As you know, the IAS21 guidelines, which came out in August of last year, allow entities to change and use a different exchanger if they believe the current official exchanger is not exchangeable into other currencies.

    如您所知,去年 8 月發布的 IAS21 指南允許實體在認為目前官方兌換商不可兌換為其他貨幣的情況下更改和使用不同的兌換商。

  • What we've been seeing is, and what we saw last year, is a strong depreciation of the official rate.


  • That's why last year, when the gap between the CCL rate, which or the parallel, whichever one, versus the official rate was significant, the gap was above 150% back in September.

    這就是為什麼去年,當 CCL 利率(或平行利率,無論哪一個)與官方利率之間的差距很大時,9 月的差距就超過了 150%。

  • We didn't take the opportunity of applying IAS21 because we did firmly believe that if the Milei government or Milei won the elections, which is what happened, there would be a strong depreciation of the peso, which is what happened.


  • And therefore, the gap between the official exchange rate and the parallel ones for the CCL one was narrowed.


  • This year, what has happened this year?


  • This gap has been fairly stable, I would say, during the first quarter, but it has started to increase as of April.


  • It was around 24% of April right now, I think in July, last time I checked, it was around 50%, 52%.

    現在是 4 月份的 24% 左右,我想在 7 月份,我上次檢查時,大約是 50%、52%。

  • And why is this the case?


  • Because I think that there is a demand from the market to have clarification on the Argentinian government regarding to the crawling peg and obviously the exchange rate mechanisms going forward.


  • In this regard and the context that we have today, we are monitoring the situation.


  • We do expect a strong devaluation of the peso in the second half of the year.


  • The estimates that we have from our research teams are that the currency could go to


  • [ARS1,200 per dollar].

    [每美元 1,200 盧比]。

  • Under that consideration, the gap, again, will narrow and we'll be feeling more comfortable than today.


  • So therefore, we are not going to be making any adjustments now.


  • We will continue to monitor the situation.


  • What I can say is that -- with that currency rate, we would have an impact of around 6 basis points in CET1.

    我能說的是——按照這個匯率,我們將對 CET1 產生約 6 個基點的影響。

  • And if we were applying today the CCL exchange rate, which is at [ARS1,350 to the dollar], the impact on CET1 would be around 8 basis points, and the impact to our net attributable income in the first half of the year would be around EUR30 million lower.

    如果我們今天應用 CCL 匯率,即 [1,350 阿根廷比索兌美元],對 CET1 的影響將在 8 個基點左右,對我們上半年的淨歸屬收入的影響將是減少約 3000 萬歐元。

  • So I think it's very manageable.


  • And as I was saying, we will wait and see.


  • And to the news that we expect in the third quarter with regards to the exchange rate mechanisms in


  • (multiple speakers).


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Very good.


  • Maybe let's provide the sensitivity and that will also help you for the future, Sofie. 10% depreciation in Argentina implies 2.5 basis points in capital.

    也許讓我們提供敏感性,這也會對你的未來有所幫助,蘇菲。阿根廷 10% 的貶值意味著資本下降 2.5 個基點。

  • Okay?


  • 10% depreciation, 2.5 basis points.


  • Digital banks, Italy and Germany, given the fact that we are so happy with what has been happening in Italy, and I don't think we have provided that number, but we can provide it.


  • We just passed 500,000 customers in Italy, and we just passed, or we are getting very close, actually.

    我們剛剛在義大利超過了 50 萬名客戶,而且實際上我們剛剛超過,或者說我們已經非常接近了。

  • It was yesterday, basically a few millions less, but EUR5 billion in deposits, and I do think it's moving really nicely.

    這是昨天的事,基本上少了幾百萬,但存款卻有 50 億歐元,我確實認為進展非常順利。

  • As a result, we said we will take it to another country, which is Germany, we have taken that decision and the expectation is that in June, July period so mid next year 2025 we will launch in Germany as well.

    因此,我們說我們將把它帶到另一個國家,那就是德國,我們已經做出了這個決定,預計在 6 月、7 月期間,即明年 2025 年中期,我們也將在德國推出。

  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Sofie.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Pablo de la Torre, RBC.


  • Pablo de la Torre - Analyst

    Pablo de la Torre - Analyst

  • Two, if I may.


  • One (technical difficulty) distributions and on guidance.


  • Firstly, you have reiterated your intention to distribute excess capital above 12%.


  • Could you please elaborate on the specific timing of that ambition, both if the takeover of Sabadell is successful, but also if the takeover does not materialize?


  • And then the second question was on next year's ROTE guidance might be here a bit early, but you have reported 20% ROTE in the first half.

    然後第二個問題是關於明年的 ROTE 指導可能有點早,但您在上半年報告了 20% 的 ROTE。

  • You've guided to a higher than 17% in 2024.

    您預計 2024 年這一比例將高於 17%。

  • Consensus has ROTE falling to around 16% in 2025.

    市場普遍認為 ROTE 到 2025 年將下降至 16% 左右。

  • Could you just provide us with any indication of where you see the biggest upside to consensus here?


  • I know it's early again, but how do you expect revenue to grow in constant currency more or less into next year?


  • Thank you.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Pablo, you say it's too early, and then you are asking for the number.


  • So the only thing I can tell you is that it's too early, really.


  • The only thing is we are very positive.


  • We said it in the last call.


  • Looking into the fundamentals of the business, the activity growth that we see in Mexico.


  • And we are very positive of Mexico, as always.


  • But we are very positive because we have an amazing franchise.


  • And also, the new administration that we are seeing in Mexico.


  • We have seen the new President talk about Mexico and the things that she highlighted, and I looked into everything that she has been saying, and the key things that come out is investments, private investments, nearshoring, growth, energy and infrastructure policy.


  • We have to grow Mexico much more it's amazing.


  • And even the track record that she has as the governor of Mexico City, we are very positive on Mexico.


  • Spain, as I told you, the spreads might come down. 4% is now the new reduced sensitivity to the interest rates.

    西班牙,正如我告訴你的,利差可能會下降。 4%現在是新的降低的利率敏感度。

  • But we are seeing some clear pickup in activity.


  • And we are still quite positive on the growth of Spain in general in GDP in the next year.


  • So Spain should be relatively well-situated.


  • Then as you have seen today in the presentation, both Turkey and South America they are coming back up.


  • Especially, Turkey, if inflation continues on this path, you might remember this last year this month, we had 9% monthly inflation in Turkey.

    尤其是土耳其,如果通膨繼續沿著這條道路發展,你可能還記得去年這個月,土耳其的月通膨率為 9%。

  • Last month in June we had 1.6%, if this inflation trend is maintained, we have a huge option value, huge upside, big upside, let's not say huge, but big upside in Turkey.


  • It's a process still, they still need to continue on this path for the next two, three years.


  • But we are quite positive on Turkey and South America.


  • If you put the two pieces together, we are positive.


  • But exact number, and you're asking constant revenue, let's do that as we always do at the beginning of next year with full details of every single country.


  • Then regarding the distributions, you give me -- some of you give me very nice and relatively direct feedback, which I fully take, that I should not complain about the market and so on.


  • But today, we are posting EUR5 billion in profit for the six months.

    但今天,我們公佈這六個月的利潤為 50 億歐元。

  • We are posting 20% return on tangible equity.

    我們公佈的有形股本回報率為 20%。

  • We are posting 20% tangible book value per share plus dividends growth, which is the most important number in everything, in my view.

    我們公佈的每股有形帳面價值加上股息成長為 20%,在我看來,這是最重要的數字。

  • And despite this, today we are trading at [5.7] price to earnings.

    儘管如此,今天我們的本益比仍為 [5.7]。

  • We are trading around book and 20% return on tangible equity in the US.

    我們在美國的帳面回報率和有形股本回報率為 20% 左右進行交易。

  • What the multiple -- I'm sure you know, but we do think that we are still not able to convince the market on how great our bank BBVA is.

    我相信您知道倍數是多少,但我們確實認為我們仍然無法讓市場相信我們的銀行 BBVA 有多麼出色。

  • As such, you talked about the distribution policy.


  • Because of the OPA, we are restricted to continue with the share buybacks, and obviously it's the Board's decision.

    由於 OPA,我們被限制繼續進行股票回購,顯然這是董事會的決定。

  • But I can clearly tell you that the day that the OPA finishes, if we are where we are depends obviously on the market how it evolves and so on, but you will see us immediately starting the share buyback programs.

    但我可以明確地告訴你,OPA 結束的那一天,我們是否處於現在的位置,顯然取決於市場如何發展等等,但你會看到我們立即開始股票回購計劃。

  • That's I can tell you clearly.


  • It just doesn't make sense 20% tangible value per share growth year-over-year, and we are trading at [5.5, 5.7] price to earnings around book.

    每股有形價值年增 20% 是沒有意義的,而且我們的本益比約為帳面收益 [5.5, 5.7]。

  • In any case, I got enough feedback from you on this, so let me not continue on this.


  • We are very committed to 40% to 50% payout, and we will immediately start the share buybacks after the OPA process is ended.

    我們非常致力於 40% 到 50% 的支付,並且我們將在 OPA 流程結束後立即開始股票回購。

  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Pablo.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Cecilia Romero Reyes, Barclays.


  • Cecilia Romero Reyes - Analyst

    Cecilia Romero Reyes - Analyst

  • Hi, thank you so much for taking my question.


  • You have just commented on it briefly, but I would be interested to hear your views on whether you see any catalysts that could improve sentiment on Mexico, or whether you think the results of the election could have any impact on your operational performance in the country, beyond obviously FX?


  • And then I have another question related to Mexico, in terms of what are the rate assumptions that you have on the guidance that you just reiterated?


  • Obviously, because of the political outcome, some economies have been delaying rate cuts.


  • So what is the impact that you've seen higher for longer in Mexico who have involved volumes and cost of risk?


  • And finally, one clarification on the comment that you just made about the antitrust process on the Sabadell situation.


  • You mentioned that a combined market share of around 25%, and I believe, and I just wanted to clarify, you mean total loans will mean a higher scrutiny?

    您提到合併市場佔有率約為 25%,我相信,我只是想澄清一下,您的意思是貸款總額將意味著更嚴格的審查?

  • If we look at it per segment and SMEs and corporates per what you publish on your analyst presentation, you get to that 25% of loans combined.

    如果我們按照您在分析師簡報中發布的內容按細分市場、中小企業和企業來查看,您將獲得總貸款的 25%。

  • So I just wanted to make sure that you mean the additional scrutiny is a total loan level and not per segment?


  • Thank you.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • The first one I couldn't get.


  • Did you get it, Luisa?


  • Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

    Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

  • I think the question was something on the sentiment of Mexico because


  • --


  • Cecilia Romero Reyes - Analyst

    Cecilia Romero Reyes - Analyst

  • I was just wondering whether there is any catalyst that you see where the rhetoric will improve on Mexico, where you think the risk perception on the country may improve, maybe perhaps after September.

    我只是想知道是否存在任何催化劑,您認為墨西哥的言論會得到改善,您認為對該國的風險認知可能會改善,也許在 9 月之後。

  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Thank you, Cecilia.


  • Very good.


  • Now I understand.


  • Thank you so much for the clarification.


  • The rhetoric and what can happen to improve the sentiment, I do think it's partially happening.


  • And you have seen that since the elections, it's the actions and the statements of the government.


  • And I did mention it before, we are seeing very positive messaging from the government.


  • And we have a clear track record of the President in her previous role.


  • So it just needs a bit more time, in our view, a bit more time.


  • Then on the higher for longer, for Mexico, I think you were asking, but we do have the sensitivities also in the appendix.


  • It's relatively symmetric, changes slightly, but not that much.


  • You do see that every 100 basis points, plus, minus 100 basis points, has a 2.3% plus minus improvement or deterioration in NII.

    你確實看到,每 100 個基點加減 100 個基點,NII 就會有 2.3% 加減的改善或惡化。

  • So if it's higher rate for longer, it's good for us because we are asset sensitive.


  • If rates are high in Mexico, in Spain, in Peru, we take benefit out of it.


  • In the case of Mexico, there is the clear that asset sensitivity.


  • So if it's higher rate for longer, good for us in Mexico.


  • Then on the third one, the antitrust and the 25%, it is basically based on, if you take lending, branches, people, in any metric, we don't reach the 25%.

    第三個,反壟斷和 25%,它基本上是基於,如果你以貸款、分行、人員為衡量標準,我們都達不到 25%。

  • We don't.


  • In the lending, 13.8%, -- 8% -- 22%.

    在貸款中,13.8%,-- 8%-- 22%。

  • And I would repeat once again, we would not be the largest player in Spain, which was recently approved to become the largest one.


  • But we don't trigger the 25% in any sense.

    但我們不會在任何意義上觸發 25%。

  • You are asking about a certain segment in a certain region, you might be passing 25%.

    你問的是某個地區的某個細分市場,你可能會通過 25%。

  • I can give you today, I have it in front of me, in Balearic Islands, in Galicia, in Pais Pasco, in Basque region, there are players who are above what you might be quoting or thinking about BBVA in a certain region in this transaction.

    我今天可以告訴你,我就在我面前,在巴利阿里群島、在加利西亞、在帕斯科、在巴斯克地區,有些球員的水平超出了你在這個地區的某個地區可能引用或思考的BBVA 的水平。

  • The market is a national market.


  • We compete in the national market.


  • In that sense, we don't pass the 25% in short, and the regional perspective on this, there are many precedents out there, which are even higher than the numbers that you might be quoting.


  • Did I miss anything on Mexico?


  • Luisa?


  • Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

    Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

  • No.


  • The only thing I think that I would add is that in terms of the expectations on policy -- monetary policy.


  • What does higher for longer mean for us we were expecting the rates to come down at the beginning of the year 9%, then the first quarter we're expecting them to come down to 9.25%.


  • Today, we're expecting rates to come down to 10.5%.

    今天,我們預計利率將降至 10.5%。

  • And that is the main assumption that drives also the view that we have on the NII --


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • And that's good for us.


  • Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

    Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • Exactly.


  • And that's also on the back of the cost of risk analysis.


  • And that's also the main assumption within that.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • In Mexico, I mean, Luisa always warns me on this one, which is true.


  • There will be volatility in Mexico because there will be September, the period of the new government taking there is going to be -- there are going to be US elections in November.


  • There will be volatility.


  • But the fundamentals of Mexico and our strength in Mexico as a bank.


  • Fundamentals of Mexico, I will only give you one number.


  • We sometimes quote this, but I think it's super important.


  • The labor costs in Mexico versus US, it depends from sector to sector, but it is 1/10 or 1/10 of the US, and it is now better than China.


  • Cost of manufacturing in Mexico is better than China, is 1/5, 1/10 of US, you cannot stop this trend in our view.


  • So we are positive on Mexico for the future.


  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Cecilia.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Marta Sanchez Romero, Citi.


  • Marta Sanchez Romero - Analyst

    Marta Sanchez Romero - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Good morning.


  • So thank you for providing the breakdown of your cost synergies.


  • But it seems that you are only closing just about a third of the overlapped branch network, so those 300 branches.

    但看來您只關閉了大約三分之一的重疊分支機構網絡,即 300 個分支機構。

  • Why are you not being more ambitious?


  • We've seen the Caixa Bankia transaction ended up with Bankia being completely shut down or the equivalent of Bankia being shut down.

    我們已經看到 Caixa Bankia 交易最終導致 Bankia 完全關閉或相當於 Bankia 關閉。

  • So I wanted to hear your thoughts there.


  • And just sorry if I sneak in one, quick one.


  • Are you reiterating your high single digit NII growth guidance for Mexico?


  • Thank you.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Very quick answers to two quick questions.


  • Thank you, Marta. 300 overlapping branches, why lower than other transactions like Caixa.

    謝謝你,瑪爾塔。 300 個重疊分支機構,為什麼低於 Caixa 等其他交易。

  • Because the two entities, both us and Sabadell, we have done very recent restructurings of our networks, and as a result, the potential to do more is lower.


  • Then on the reiterating the high single digit, the guidance, yes.


  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you.


  • Thank you, Marta.


  • Next question please.


  • Operator


  • Britta Schmidt, Autonomous Research.


  • Britta Schmidt - Analyst

    Britta Schmidt - Analyst

  • Yeah, hi, there.


  • Thank you for taking my question.


  • I would like to challenge you a bit on Mexico.


  • I mean, GDP growth disappointed in the last quarter.

    我的意思是,上個季度的 GDP 成長令人失望。

  • We're seeing higher rates and there's also a bit of a shift on the retail lending side to more unsecured personal loans versus payroll loans.


  • Could you give us your opinion on what impact you think this will have on loan growth, as well as on the cost of risk going forward?


  • And maybe related to that, also with regards to the Mexican peso devaluation, do you still think that if you were to print double-digit earnings growth this year, that it is possible to grow on this number in 2025, as you indicated earlier?

    也許與此相關,也與墨西哥比索貶值有關,您是否仍然認為,如果您今年要實現兩位數的盈利增長,那麼到 2025 年有可能實現這一數字的增長,正如您之前指出的那樣?

  • Thank you.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Thank you, Britta.


  • Britta, I have the quarterly forecasts for Mexico and the 2025 forecast, but as we mentioned, we cannot share this early those numbers with you.

    Britta,我有墨西哥的季度預測和 2025 年的預測,但正如我們所提到的,我們無法提前與您分享這些數字。

  • And as I mentioned, we are positive.


  • We are positive on the first topic you are challenging a bit, the long growth.


  • On that one, we feel very comfortable that long growth is going to be there.


  • Why?


  • Just look at the history.


  • The history is the average last 15-years, average GDP growth of Mexico is 2.1%.


  • Okay?


  • In that context of 2.1% GDP growth, Mexican banking sector, our numbers, let me give you our numbers, we always grew every year, but on average, double digit.

    在 GDP 成長 2.1% 的背景下,墨西哥銀行業,我們的數據,讓我給你我們的數據,我們每年都在成長,但平均是兩位數。

  • Double digit?


  • How come in an environment of 2% GDP growth, we are growing double digit?


  • It goes back the number that we have been quoting to you many times, but it is important, the banking debt over GDP in Mexico is one of the lowest in emerging markets landscape.

    這可以追溯到我們多次向大家引用的數字,但重要的是,墨西哥的銀行業債務與 GDP 比率是新興市場中最低的之一。

  • It's 33% now, the latest number, which is half of Brazil, one-third of Chile.


  • So there's leverage, given all these tequila crisis that we had in Mexico many years ago, the country is still not having the leverage.


  • So we are able to grow double digit without creating too much cost of risk in a profitable way because there's room for leverage.


  • And if you look into the underlying details of this, you also do see that in Mexico, you do have a very vibrant, because of the remittances, because of the linkage with the US, you do see very vibrant consumer sector and Pemex and Empresas, the company segment.


  • So we are quite confident on the fact that, that double digit lending growth will come as it has come every year in the past 10, 15-years.

    因此,我們非常有信心,過去 10 年、15 年每年都會出現兩位數的貸款成長。

  • Then the devaluation topic, that one we cannot control, obviously that our confidence on the currency is obviously lower.


  • But what I can tell you on that one also, is if inflation in Mexico is 4.6% now, and interest rate at the moment is 11%, the carry in Mexican peso, has been one of the supporting factors of the currency in the past few quarters, years actually.


  • If the inflation fixation of the Banco Banxico, the Central Bank of Mexico is there, if the government -- if the society cares a lot about what is the currency exchange, we do feel that even on that one, the risks are relatively muted.

    如果墨西哥央行(Banco Banxico)對通貨膨脹的關注存在,如果政府——如果社會非常關心貨幣兌換是什麼,我們確實認為即使在貨幣兌換方面,風險也相對較小。

  • But we have to see, it depends on many other things in the macro, in the elections, in the US, and so on, but we feel quite confident.


  • The other thing I would reiterate and then I would finish.


  • The thing that I said, please look into the fundamentals.


  • This is economy.


  • The value flows to the core, to the fountain, to the source.


  • If you have manufacturing costs, 1/5 to 1/10 of US, this nearshoring trend with the policies that the new government, the new president is explaining is going to help Mexico big time.

    如果你的製造成本是美國的 1/5 到 1/10,這種近岸趨勢以及新政府、新總統正在解釋的政策將對墨西哥大有幫助。

  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you very much, Britta.


  • Next question please.


  • Operator


  • Ignacio Cerezo, UBS.


  • Ignacio Cerezo - Analyst

    Ignacio Cerezo - Analyst

  • Yeah, hi, good morning, and thank you for taking my questions.


  • I've got two as well.


  • The first one is on Turkey, which feels to me is the place where there might be a big amount of upside versus straight expectations.


  • So excluding any hyperinflation and currency discussions, which are slightly outside your control on the local P&L and the underlying P&L.


  • I mean, feels like NII margins are probably depressed, feels like fees actually and costs will probably be linked to inflation.

    我的意思是,感覺 NII 利潤率可能會下降,感覺費用實際上和成本可能與通貨膨脹有關。

  • So I'm trying to understand if there is a negative offsetting factor against the margin expansion trend that we should be expecting things like trading income, for example, being too high or cost of risk being too low.


  • So framing the discussion a little bit on Turkey.


  • And then the second one, I'm sorry if I missed the explanation.


  • The decline of Basel IV impact from 40 to 15 basis points, what drives that?

    巴塞爾 IV 影響力從 40 個基點下降到 15 個基點,是什麼推動了這個趨勢?

  • And if the 15 basis points is a new fully loaded number and that we need to take into consideration or there are some phased out basically impacting '25, '26.

    如果 15 個基點是一個新的滿載數字,我們需要考慮這一點,或者有一些逐步取消的基本點會影響 25 年、26 年。

  • Thank you.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Very good, Nacho, thank you for the questions on Turkey.


  • Well, the upside will come from net interest income.


  • The rest, net fees and commissions, net trading income, they will continue to behave as they have been behaving.


  • So we don't see something really negative that might be coming along those lines.


  • The negative might come from cost of risk.


  • We guided you 110 basis points, if you remember, for this year.

    如果您還記得的話,今年我們指導您的利率為 110 個基點。

  • We are still at 85 or 84 basis points to be specific.

    具體來說,我們仍處於 85 或 84 個基點。

  • So 110 basis points was our expectation.

    因此我們的預期是 110 個基點。

  • It's coming a bit better.


  • But in an environment of interest rates being at 50%, which it has to be, otherwise the economic correction might not happen, that might have an implication of cost of risk.

    但在利率必須達到 50% 的環境下,否則經濟調整可能不會發生,這可能會帶來風險成本。

  • So if you are asking me what can be the negative in Turkey, maybe in the future cost of risk, we don't know if the rates stay too high.


  • But the upside is clearly there.


  • Upside is clearly there for two reasons.


  • NII will improve.


  • The spread that you see which is slightly negative.


  • We are seeing it, even in July, that it is picking up.


  • And if rates come down -- we are very sensitive to rates, but if rates coming down, we have a huge potential upside there as well.


  • So in our view, NII will be improving in the coming quarters.

    因此,我們認為,NII 將在未來幾季有所改善。

  • And the second thing is we do hyperinflationary accounting, as you know, in Turkey.


  • If inflation comes down, you do have a major upside also.


  • And inflation, as I said, the June number was 1.6% monthly inflation.

    至於通貨膨脹,正如我所說,6 月的月度通貨膨脹率為 1.6%。

  • It used to be 9% last summer.


  • Then it came down 6%, 3%, 1.6%.


  • In July and August, it might be slightly higher because of the seasonality.


  • But if Turkey maintains this monthly inflation pace of 1%, 2%.


  • First of all, the environment will improve, and it will help in every single line item and especially NII, but then it will help us also in the hyperinflationary impact.


  • On that one, maybe I give you just one number on the sensitivity. 10% inflation with 10% devaluation has a bottom line, including CPIs and everything.

    就這一點而言,也許我只給你一個關於靈敏度的數字。 10%的通膨加上10%的貶值是有底線的,包括CPI什麼的。

  • Has a bottom-line profit implication of around EUR150 million.

    利潤影響約 1.5 億歐元。

  • So if rather than 45%, it's 25% -- 20% decline in inflation, just the pure hyperinflation impact would be EUR300 million, bottom line.

    因此,如果通膨下降 25% 至 20%,而不是 45%,那麼純粹的惡性通膨影響將達到 3 億歐元。

  • So we have a clear upside in Turkey in my view.


  • Regarding the Basel?


  • Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

    Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

  • Well, as we mentioned during the presentation, Onur, these numbers are still very preliminary, obviously, because you know that there are still RTSs that are expected by the end of the year and going into next year.

    嗯,正如我們在演示中提到的那樣,Onur,這些數字顯然仍然是非常初步的,因為您知道預計到今年年底並進入明年仍然會有 RTS。

  • And I think that there are still uncertainties around the final calculations of the impacts of Basel IV.


  • I think the main aspect in the reduced guidance, which again is still preliminary versus the previous one, is due to the review of some criteria, particularly under the new regulation affecting trade finance guarantees, some operational risk.


  • So overall, I think we can expect a lower impact, a much lower impact than the industry average, mainly as well as, because we expect no impact from the output floor.


  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • Thank you very much.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Andrea Filtri, Mediobanca.


  • Andrea Filtri - Analyst

    Andrea Filtri - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Two clarifications for me, please.


  • First, if you could elaborate a bit more and give some color on the positives in the others component of slide 14, what is compensating the large negative market impact?

    首先,如果您可以對幻燈片 14 的其他部分中的積極因素進行更多闡述並給出一些顏色,那麼什麼是補償巨大的負面市場影響?

  • And second, a follow-up from Nacho's question on Basel IV, is the below 15 basis points new guidance a day one impact or fully loaded?

    其次,納喬關於巴塞爾 IV 的問題的後續內容是,每日低於 15 個基點的新指引是影響還是滿載?

  • Can you provide both please and what is the FRTB component you put in that?

    您能否提供一下您放入其中的 FRTB 組件是什麼?

  • Thank you.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • What is the -- what component, Andrea?


  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • FRTB.


  • Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Onur Genc - Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • On the first question, the page number 14, what is in other?


  • The positive ones, hyperinflationary impact.


  • You do know that in hyperinflationary accounting, you deduct the hyperinflation impact from the P&L, but it's not a capital item.


  • So you add it back to capital, number one.


  • And then minority interests and the other category, which is around plus 8, plus 9 basis points.


  • So those are the three things.


  • Minorities, others, which is deductions, basically, and then the hyperinflationary impact.


  • Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

    Maria Luisa Gomez Bravo - Global Head of Finance & CFO

  • Well, no, what we have is an estimate, and again, preliminary estimate, because there are still high uncertainties around these numbers on a fully loaded basis.


  • So we're giving the fully loaded number.


  • We can't give any more details, really, until we have clarity on the RTSs to come.

    事實上,在我們明確即將推出的 RTS 之前,我們無法提供更多細節。

  • Again, there are some expected by the end of the year, and then we will have a better outlook of what the impact will be going into 2025.

    同樣,預計到今年年底會有一些結果,然後我們將對 2025 年的影響有更好的展望。

  • On FRTB, what I can say is that the impact is very limited.


  • Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

    Patricia Bueno Olalla - Global Head - Shareholder & Investor Relations

  • So, thank you very much, Andrea.


  • This was the last question.


  • Thank you very much for all of you for participating in this call.


  • Let me remind that the IR team will be available to answer any questions you might have.

    請允許我提醒您,IR 團隊將隨時回答您的任何問題。

  • And I hope you have a very nice summer.


  • Thank you.
