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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for waiting.
At this time, we would like to welcome everyone to BBVA Argentina's fourth-quarter and fiscal year 2023 results conference call.
此時,我們歡迎大家參加 BBVA 阿根廷第四季和 2023 財政年度業績電話會議。
We would like to inform you that this event is being recorded.
(Operator Instructions)
First of all, let me point out that some of the statements made during this conference call may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Safe Harbor provisions found in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 under US federal securities law.
These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements.
Additionally, information concerning these factors is contained in BBVA Argentina's annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year 2022, filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
此外,有關這些因素的資訊包含在 BBVA 阿根廷向美國證券交易委員會提交的 2022 財政年度 20-F 表格年度報告中。
Today with us, we have Ms. Carmen Morillo Arroyo, CFO; Ms. Inés Lanusse, IRO; and Ms. Belén Fourcade, Investor Relations.
今天和我們在一起的有財務長 Carmen Morillo Arroyo 女士; Inés Lanusse 女士,IRO;以及投資者關係部的 Belén Fourcade 女士。
Ms. Fourcade, you may begin your conference.
Fourcade 女士,您可以開始會議了。
Belén Fourcade - IR
Belén Fourcade - IR
Good morning, and welcome to BBVA Argentina's fourth-quarter and fiscal year 2023 results conference call.
早安,歡迎參加 BBVA 阿根廷第四季和 2023 財年業績電話會議。
Today's webinar will be supported by a slide presentation available on our Investor Relations website on the Financial Information section.
Speaking during today's call will be Inés Lanusse, our Investor Relations Officer; and Carmen Morillo Arroyo, our Chief Financial Officer, who will be available for the Q&A session.
我們的投資者關係官 Inés Lanusse 將在今天的電話會議上發言。我們的財務長 Carmen Morillo Arroyo 將出席問答環節。
Please note that starting January 1, 2020, as per Central Bank regulation, we have begun reporting results applying hyperinflation accounting pursuant to IFRS rule IAS 29.
請注意,自 2020 年 1 月 1 日起,根據央行規定,我們已開始根據 IFRS 規則 IAS 29 報告應用惡性通貨膨脹會計的結果。
For ease of comparability, 2022 and 2023 figures have been restated to reflect the accumulated effect of inflation adjustment for each period through December 31, 2023.
Now, let me turn the call over to Inés.
Ines Lanusse - IR Contact Officer
Ines Lanusse - IR Contact Officer
Thank you, Belén, and thank you all for joining us today. 2023 ends with a new elected governing party, which has announced an adjustment plan to start correcting the strong macroeconomic distortions, which, among others, include a significant reduction of fiscal deficit and the depreciation of the local currency to ease FX restrictions.
謝謝貝倫,也謝謝大家今天加入我們。 2023 年結束時,新當選的執政黨宣布了一項調整計劃,開始糾正嚴重的宏觀經濟扭曲,其中包括大幅削減財政赤字和讓本幣貶值以放鬆外匯限制。
In a context where uncertainty remains high, BBVA Research estimates an annual inflation near 175% by the end of 2024 and expect GDP to fall 4% this year as of the date of this report.
在不確定性仍然很高的背景下,BBVA Research 預計,到 2024 年底,年通膨率將接近 175%,並預計截至本報告發布之日,今年 GDP 將下降 4%。
It is expected that the most intense recession and inflationary acceleration should happen in the first semester, while expectations improve for the second part of the year.
In spite of its impact in the short-term and high-associated risk, these adjustments could state the basis for a sustained reduction in inflation and a recovery in the potential growth for the economy from the second half of 2024 onwards.
儘管有短期影響和高相關風險,但這些調整可能為 2024 年下半年以來通膨持續下降和經濟潛在成長復甦奠定基礎。
Now moving into business dynamics.
As you can see on slide 3 of our webcast presentation, our service offering has evolved in such a way that by the end of December 2023, retail digital clients' penetration reached 62%, while retail mobile clients reached 57%.
正如您在我們網路廣播簡報的幻燈片3 中看到的那樣,我們的服務產品不斷發展,截至2023 年12 月底,零售數位客戶的滲透率達到62%,而零售行動客戶的滲透率達到57 %。
The response on the side of the customers has been satisfactory.
And we are convinced this is a path to pursue in the aim of sustaining and expanding our competitive position in the financial system.
Retail digital sales measured in units reached 93.2% in the fourth quarter of 2023 and represents 69.8% of the bank's total sales measured in monetary value.
2023 年第四季,以單位計量的零售數位銷售額達到 93.2%,佔該銀行以貨幣價值計量的總銷售額的 69.8%。
New customers acquisition through digital channels reached 75% in the fourth quarter of 2023, from 72% in the fourth quarter of 2022.
透過數位管道取得的新客戶比例從 2022 年第四季的 72% 增加到 2023 年第四季的 75%。
The bank actively monitors its business, financial conditions, and operating results in the aim of keeping a competitive position to face contextual challenges.
Moving to slide 4, I will now comment on the bank's fourth-quarter 2023 and fiscal year 2023 financial results.
轉到投影片 4,我現在將評論該銀行 2023 年第四季和 2023 財年的財務表現。
BBVA Argentina's inflation-adjusted net income in the fourth quarter of 2023 was ARS48.6 billion, 220.8% higher than the net income in the third quarter of 2023.
This implies a quarterly ROE of 15.3% at a quarterly ROA of 3.2%.
這意味著季度 ROE 為 15.3%,季度 ROA 為 3.2%。
BBVA Argentina's inflation-adjusted net income for the 12 months of 2023 totaled ARS164.9 billion, 8.6% lower than the 12 months of 2022.
BBVA 阿根廷 2023 年 12 個月經通膨調整後的淨利總計 1,649 億阿根廷比索,較 2022 年 12 個月下降 8.6%。
In 2023, BBVA Argentina posted an inflation-adjusted ROA of 2.7% and an inflation-adjusted ROE of 13%.
2023 年,BBVA 阿根廷公司公佈的經通膨調整後的 ROA 為 2.7%,經通膨調整後的 ROE 為 13%。
Operating income in the fourth quarter of 2023 was ARS477.9 billion, 86.4% higher than in the third quarter of 2023, while in the year, the accumulated operating income reached ARS1.19 trillion, 86.4% above the one recorded in 2022.
Quarterly operating results are mainly explained by, one, better foreign exchange income, especially due to a greater position in dual national treasury bonds; two, better net interest income results; three, better net income from write-down of assets at amortized cost and at fair value through OCI, mainly due to the sale of inflation-linked bonds; and four, lower administrative expenses.
Net income for the period was highly impacted by income from net monetary position, as inflation in the third quarter of 2023 was lower than the fourth quarter of 2023, reaching 53.9% in the fourth quarter of 2023 compared to 34.8% in the third quarter of 2023.
該期間的淨利潤受到淨貨幣部位收入的嚴重影響,因為2023年第三季的通膨率低於2023年第四季,2023年第四季達到53.9%,而2023年第三季為34.8%。 2023 年。
On an annual basis, the 86.4% increment in real terms of the bank's operating income is mainly explained by an increase in interest income, mostly due to an increase in the position and yield of Central Bank instruments and CER bonds, as well as interest from loans.
In 2023, what also stands out is the increase in the foreign exchange income due to the higher position in dollarized assets and net income from write-down of assets at fair value through OCI, mainly due to the sale of corporate bonds in the third quarter of 2023 and the exercise of a put option on inflation-linked bonds in the fourth quarter of 2023.
2023年,同樣引人注目的是由於美元化資產頭寸較高而導致的外匯收入增加以及透過OCI以公允價值減記資產的淨收入,這主要是由於第三季度出售公司債所致2023 年,並於2023 年第四季行使通膨掛鉤債券的賣權。
Another factor to consider in the annual comparison is the income tax line, which represented only ARS12.2 million loss in 2022, explained by the implication of fiscal inflation adjustment in the determination of payable taxes and tax deferrals.
年度比較中需要考慮的另一個因素是所得稅線,該線在 2022 年僅損失 1,220 萬阿根廷比索,這是由於財政通膨調整對確定應繳稅款和遞延稅款的影響所致。
Last but not least, net income in 2023 is affected by income from net monetary position in a context of higher inflation, which reached 211.4% in 2023 versus 94.8% in 2022.
Turning into the P&L lines in slide 5, 6, and 7.
轉到投影片 5、6 和 7 中的損益線。
Net interest income for the fourth quarter of 2023 was ARS495.7 million (sic - see slide 5, "ARS495.7 billion"), increasing 19.7% quarter over quarter.
2023 年第四季的淨利息收入為 4.957 億澳元(原文如此 - 參見投影片 5,「4957 億澳元」),季增 19.7%。
In the fourth quarter of 2023, interest income in monetary terms decreased more than interest expenses, mainly due to lower income from government securities.
In the fourth quarter of 2023, the decrease in interest income is mainly driven by the fall in income from government securities, especially LELIQ, which issuance was terminated by the Central Bank in December 2023, reducing its volume on year-end.
This was partially offset by better income from REPO premiums and more income from inflation-linked bonds and loans.
Interest expenses totaled ARS383.9 billion, denoting a 20.9% decrease quarter over quarter.
利息支出總計 3,839 億澳元,季減 20.9%。
Quarterly decline is described by lower time deposits and checking accounts expenses, in particular, interest-bearing checking accounts.
Interest from time deposits, including investment accounts, explained 71.2% of interest expenses versus 70.5% in the previous quarter.
包括投資帳戶在內的定期存款利息佔利息支出的 71.2%,而上一季為 70.5%。
Net fee income as of the fourth quarter of 2023 totaled ARS35.6 billion, increasing 36.9%.
截至 2023 年第四季的淨費用收入總計 356 億澳元,成長 36.9%。
In the fourth quarter of 2023, fee income totaled ARS70.7 billion, increasing 18.8% quarter over quarter.
The quarterly increase is mainly explained by a 41.9% growth in fee from credit cards, due to lower expenses related to Puntos BBVA loyalty program and higher activity, combined with an increase in prices.
這一季度增長的主要原因是信用卡費用增長了 41.9%,原因是與 Puntos BBVA 忠誠度計劃相關的費用減少和活動增加,再加上價格上漲。
Regarding fee expenses, these totaled ARS35.2 billion, increasing 4.7% quarter over quarter.
費用支出總計 352 億阿根廷比索,較上季成長 4.7%。
Greater expenses are explained by fees paid in foreign exchange related to royalties, affected by the devaluation of the local currency and payroll marketing campaigns.
In the fourth quarter of 2023, loan loss allowances increased 74.9%.
The increase is explained by the accounting re-expression of loan loss allowances in the foreign currency portfolio.
During fourth quarter of 2023, total operating expenses were ARS211.7 billion, increasing 0.6% quarter over quarter, of which 32% were personnel benefit costs.
2023 年第四季度,總營運費用為 2,117 億阿根廷比索,較上季成長 0.6%,其中 32% 為人員福利成本。
Personnel benefits increased 2.6% quarter over quarter.
人員福利季增 2.6%。
The quarterly change is mainly explained by the inflation adjustment of vacation stock provisions and variable compensations.
This adjustment is applied retroactively to the last 12 months.
此調整追溯至過去 12 個月。
As of the fourth quarter of 2023, administrative expenses fell 29.5% quarter over quarter.
These were explained by an increase in the amount of services contracted with the parent company, offset by the update of the provision of these expenses in line with the FX rate depreciation estimated at the quarter-end.
Being this said, the quarterly efficiency ratio as of the fourth quarter of 2023 was 46.4%, improving compared to the 82.4% reported in the third quarter of 2023.
話雖如此,截至 2023 年第四季的季度效率為 46.4%,較 2023 年第三季的 82.4% 有所改善。
The quarterly decrease is explained by a decrease in expenses and an increase in net income, especially due to an increase in results from income, from foreign exchange, as well as income from write-down of assets at amortized cost and OCI.
The accumulated efficiency ratio as of the fourth quarter of 2023 was 58.6%, improving compared to the 63.8% reported in the third quarter of 2023.
截至 2023 年第四季的累計效率為 58.6%,較 2023 年第三季的 63.8% 有所改善。
The improvement in this ratio is due to a lower increase in expenses versus net income.
This positive variation in the ratio is also due mainly to better income from write-down of assets at amortized cost and OCI, and income from foreign exchange.
In terms of activity, on slide 8, private sector loans as of the fourth quarter of 2023 totaled ARS2 trillion, decreasing 5.7% quarter over quarter and 12.3% year over year.
就活動而言,投影片 8 中顯示,截至 2023 年第四季度,私部門貸款總額為 2 兆阿根廷披索,季減 5.7%,年減 12.3%。
Loans to the private sector in pesos fell 9% in the fourth quarter of 2023.
2023 年第四季度,以比索計價的私部門貸款下降了 9%。
During the quarter, the decrease was especially driven by a general decline in loans.
The decrease was partially offset by a 1.6% increase in overdrafts, driven by greater activity.
這一下降被活動增加推動的透支增加 1.6% 部分抵消。
Loans to the private sector denominated in foreign currency increased 41.1% quarter over quarter.
Quarterly increase is mainly explained by a 54.7% growth in financial and prefinancing of exports.
季度成長主要是由於出口金融和預融資成長 54.7%。
Loans to the private sector in foreign currency measured in US dollars decreased 6.1% quarter over quarter.
以美元計價的私部門貸款較上季下降 6.1%。
During the quarter, the retail portfolio fell 11.7%, and the commercial portfolio increased 0.9%.
本季,零售投資組合下降 11.7%,商業投資組合成長 0.9%。
As observed in the previous quarters, loans portfolio were impacted by the effect of inflation during the fourth quarter of 2023, which reached 53.3%.
正如前幾季所觀察到的,2023 年第四季貸款組合受到通膨影響,達到 53.3%。
In nominal terms, BBVA Argentina managed to increase the retail, commercial, and total loan portfolio by 35.3%, 54.7%, and 45.2%, respectively, only surpassing quarterly inflation levels in the case of commercial loans.
以名目價值計算,BBVA 阿根廷銀行的零售、商業和總貸款組合分別增加了 35.3%、54.7% 和 45.2%,僅超過商業貸款的季度通膨水準。
BBVA Argentina's consolidated market share of private sector loans reached 9.85% as of the fourth quarter of 2023, improving from 9.10% a year ago.
截至 2023 年第四季度,BBVA 阿根廷私部門貸款綜合市佔率達到 9.85%,高於一年前的 9.10%。
As of the fourth quarter of 2023, asset quality ratio keeps a very good performance at 1.29%, in line with the group behavior of both retail and commercial portfolios.
The lower decrease of the total loan portfolio versus that of the nonperforming portfolio is explained by a growth in commercial loans, driven by a devaluation of the FX rate, without significantly affecting client's credit behavior.
On the funding side, as seen on slide 9, private nonfinancial sector deposits in the fourth quarter of 2023 totaled ARS3.1 trillion (sic - see slide 9, "ARS3.6 trillion"), decreasing 8.6% quarter over quarter.
在資金方面,如投影片 9 所示,2023 年第四季私人非金融部門存款總額為 3.1 兆ARS(原文如此 - 請參閱投影片 9,「3.6 兆ARS」),季減 8.6%。
The bank's consolidated market share of private deposits reached 6.79% as of the fourth quarter of 2023.
Private nonfinancial sector deposits in pesos decreased 26.1% compared to the third quarter of 2023.
與 2023 年第三季相比,以比索計的私人非金融部門存款下降了 26.1%。
The quarterly change is mainly affected by a 40.9% decline in term deposits, a 37.1% fall in investment accounts, and a 22% fall in checking accounts, the latter driven by the bank's strategy of reducing interest-bearing checking accounts.
Private nonfinancial sector deposits in foreign currency expressed in pesos increased 63.4% quarter over quarter.
以比索表示的私人非金融部門外幣存款較上季成長 63.4%。
This is mainly explained by seasonal factors.
In terms of capitalization, BBVA Argentina continues to show strong solvency indicators on the fourth quarter of 2023.
就資本總額而言,2023 年第四季 BBVA 阿根廷持續顯示強勁的償付能力指標。
Capital ratio reached 32.8%.
Growth in the ratio was mainly driven by an increase in capital, mainly due to better OCI results in the fourth quarter of 2023.
此比率的成長主要是由資本增加推動的,這主要是由於 2023 年第四季 OCI 業績更好。
Exposure to the public sector in the fourth quarter of 2023, excluding Central Bank instruments, represented 15.9% of total assets, above the 12.7% in the third quarter of 2023 and below the 22.4% reported by the system as of December 2023.
2023 年第四季公共部門的曝險(不包括央行工具)佔總資產的 15.9%,高於 2023 年第三季的 12.7%,低於系統截至 2023 年 12 月報告的 22.4%。
The bank's total liquidity ratio remained healthy at 91.2% of total deposits as of December 31, 2023.
This concludes our prepared remarks.
We will now take your questions.
Operator, please open the line for questions.
(Operator Instructions) Walter Chiarvesio, Santander.
(操作員說明)Walter Chiarvesio,桑坦德銀行。
Walter Chiarvesio - Analyst
Walter Chiarvesio - Analyst
Hi, good morning.
Thank you for taking my question.
I would like to understand what you are envisioning for the dynamics in the next 12 months or probably beyond that.
我想了解您對未來 12 個月或更長時間的動態的設想。
Still a large part of the profitability of the banks in Argentina comes from this position to the exposure to the public sector, particularly, treasury bonds now.
But if the economic plan is successful, probably, we will see low inflation rates towards the second part of the year.
And banks will start to shift their portfolios from the public sector to the private sector lending.
How do you envision that?
How do you think that -- or what is your strategy?
What is the role of the Central Bank with this puts that you have to sell the bonds to the Central Bank in order to shift the portfolio to the private sector loans?
What is the dynamic that you envision for the rest of the year?
Thank you.
Ines Lanusse - IR Contact Officer
Ines Lanusse - IR Contact Officer
Hi, Walter.
How are you doing?
Let me start by the first part of your question.
I would highlight from the results we presented for 2023, that despite the scenario you have been describing -- high inflation around 211%, and still being high, although a little bit smaller for -- lower for 2024.
我想從我們為 2023 年提供的結果中強調,儘管您一直在描述這種情況,即 211% 左右的高通膨,但仍然很高,儘管 2024 年的通膨率略低一些。
We are projecting 175% inflation year-end, with what happened with the monetary policy rate that went up and then went down with the devaluation.
我們預期年底通膨率為 175%,貨幣政策利率隨著貶值先上升後下降。
And as you mentioned, with banks mainly lending -- acquiring bonds because of the lack of demand, BBVA, in particular, has been able to keep lending and increasing our market share.
正如您所提到的,由於銀行主要放款——由於需求不足而購買債券,BBVA 尤其能夠繼續放款並增加我們的市場份額。
Our market share during 2023 increased 75 basis points.
2023 年我們的市佔率增加了 75 個基點。
And that is something that I would like to highlight because we believe what the bank needs to do is, despite the context, keep lending.
Going forward, we still see or we still project a contraction in real terms of the loan growth for the system.
We are projecting a 24% decrease in real terms.
我們預計實際下降 24%。
But the bank should be decreasing less, around 11%.
但銀行的降幅應該較小,約 11%。
So we still are aiming to keep increasing our market share and also, in parallel, increase our active clients that, as you've seen in our presentation, have increased 10% from the figures of last year.
因此,我們的目標仍然是繼續增加我們的市場份額,同時增加我們的活躍客戶,正如您在我們的演示中看到的,這些客戶比去年增加了 10%。
So moving forward, we believe there are still a lot of moving parts to be able to define when this pickup in lending will start.
But the bank is committed to keep lending and increasing market share and start switching our positions in bonds and Central Bank instruments that we have in our assets by loans.
That is the commitment and where we are aiming for the next years.
But we need the macroeconomic scenario to start changing.
Walter Chiarvesio - Analyst
Walter Chiarvesio - Analyst
Okay, perfect.
Thank you very much, Inés.
(Operator Instructions) This concludes our question-and-answer session.
At this time, I would like to turn the floor back to Ms. Lanusse for any closing remarks.
Ines Lanusse - IR Contact Officer
Ines Lanusse - IR Contact Officer
Thank you very much for your time, and let us know if you have further questions.
Have a good day.
Thank you.
This concludes today's presentation.
You may now disconnect your line at this time, and have a nice day.