Arista Networks Inc (ANET) 2017 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Welcome to the First Quarter 2017 Arista Networks Financial Results Earnings Conference Call.

    歡迎參加 Arista Networks 2017 年第一季財務業績電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded and will be available for replay from the Investor Relations section at the Arista website following this call.

    (操作員說明)謹此提醒,本次會議正在錄製中,並可在本次電話會議後在 Arista 網站的投資者關係部分重播。

  • I will now turn the call over to Mr. Charles Yager, Director of Investor Relations.

    我現在將把電話轉給投資者關係總監 Charles Yager 先生。

  • Sir, you may begin.


  • Charles Yager

    Charles Yager

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • Thank you for joining us.


  • With me on today's call are Jayshree Ullal, Arista Networks' President and Chief Executive Officer; and Ita Brennan, Arista's Chief Financial Officer.

    參加今天電話會議的有 Arista Networks 總裁兼執行長 Jayshree Ullal;以及 Arista 財務長 Ita Brennan。

  • This afternoon, Arista Networks issued a press release announcing the results for its fiscal first quarter 2017.

    今天下午,Arista Networks 發布新聞稿,公佈了 2017 財年第一季的業績。

  • If you would like a copy of the release, you can access it online at the company's website.


  • During the course of this conference call, Arista Networks' management will make forward-looking statements, including those related to our financial outlook for the second quarter of the 2017 fiscal year, industry innovation, our market opportunity and the impact of litigation, which are subject to the risks and uncertainties that we discuss in detail in our documents filed with the SEC, specifically, in our most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q, which -- and which could also cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by these statements.

    在本次電話會議期間,Arista Networks 管理層將做出前瞻性聲明,包括與我們 2017 財年第二季度的財務前景、行業創新、我們的市場機會以及訴訟影響相關的聲明,這些聲明包括:取決於我們在向SEC 提交的文件中詳細討論的風險和不確定性,特別是在我們最新的10-K 表格和10-Q 表格中,這些風險和不確定性也可能導致實際結果與結果有重大差異這些聲明所預期的。

  • These forward-looking statements as of today, and you should not -- apply as of today, and you should not rely on them as representing our views in the future.


  • We undertake no obligation to update these statements after this call.


  • Also, please note that certain financial measures we use on this call are expressed on a non-GAAP basis and have been adjusted to exclude certain charges.


  • We have provided reconciliation of these non-GAAP financial measures to GAAP financial measures in our earnings press release.


  • With that, I will turn the call over to Jayshree.

    這樣,我會將電話轉給 Jayshree。

  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Thank you, Charles.


  • Thank you, everyone, for joining us this afternoon for the first quarter of 2017 earnings call.

    感謝大家今天下午參加我們 2017 年第一季的財報電話會議。

  • I am pleased to report that we had a pretty good quarter, given our normal seasonality.


  • We demonstrated our predictable and profitable growth with a non-GAAP revenue of $335.5 million, as we grew 38.5% year-over-year.

    我們展示了可預測的獲利成長,非 GAAP 收入為 3.355 億美元,年增 38.5%。

  • Non-GAAP earnings per share was $0.93 with an operating margin of 30.2%.

    非 GAAP 每股收益為 0.93 美元,營業利潤率為 30.2%。

  • Services contribution was higher at 13% of overall sales.

    服務貢獻較高,佔總銷售額的 13%。

  • From a geographic perspective, our customers in the Americas contributed 79% of total revenue, while the rest of our international theaters progressed steadily in the quarter.


  • We delivered non-GAAP gross margins of 64.2% in our highly dynamic and competitive industry.

    在這個充滿活力和競爭激烈的行業中,我們的非 GAAP 毛利率為 64.2%。

  • Our top 10 customers included 4 verticals, namely: our cloud titans, our cloud specialty and service providers and financial services.

    我們的十大客戶包括 4 個垂直行業,分別是:我們的雲端巨頭、我們的雲端專業和服務供應商以及金融服務。

  • Our new customer acquisition continues to be healthy, made up mostly of leading high-tech enterprise customers.


  • In terms of new introductions for the quarter, we began the year, in February 2017, with the introduction of Arista Data ANalyZer, short for DANZ.

    就本季的新推出而言,我們在 2017 年 2 月開始了這一年,推出了 Arista Data ANalyZer(DANZ 的縮寫)。

  • DANZ is a programmable, state-driven data analysis architecture and software, bringing the next frontier of network packet broker telemetry.

    DANZ 是一種可程式化、狀態驅動的資料分析架構和軟體,帶來了網路封包代理遙測的下一個前沿。

  • DANZ in 2017 is supported in Arista's popular 7150 and 7280R leaf series as well as 7500R Universal Spine and is coupled with CloudVision telemetry offerings.

    2017 年,Arista 廣受歡迎的 7150 和 7280R leaf 系列以及 7500R Universal Spine 支援 DANZ,並與 CloudVision 遙測產品結合。

  • Delivering any-to-any mirroring of network traffic up to 100 gigabit line rates, this is a compelling advantage of 10 to 60x over standalone products.

    提供高達 100 Gb 線路速率的任意到任意網路流量鏡像,這是比獨立產品高 10 至 60 倍的引人注目的優勢。

  • This includes high-performance hybrid mode operation with traffic capture analysis filtering all in a compact footprint with low power and cost savings.


  • This quarter, we also announced a certification of Arista's 7000 series from the Joint Interoperability Command, JITC, for inclusion in U.S. Department of Defense, DoD, Approved Product List.

    本季度,我們也宣布 Arista 7000 系列獲得聯合互通性司令部 (JITC) 的認證,列入美國國防部 (DoD) 批准產品清單。

  • At Arista 2017 Analyst Day on March 7 in our headquarters, we unveiled the game-changing containerization architecture, the Arista cEOS.

    在 3 月 7 日在總部舉行的 Arista 2017 分析師日上,我們推出了改變遊戲規則的容器化架構 Arista cEOS。

  • This containerized extensible operating system provides controls across the server network as containers leveraging the mechanisms of our state-driven network-wide database, NetDB.

    這種容器化的可擴展作業系統提供了跨伺服器網路的控制,作為利用我們的狀態驅動的網路範圍資料庫 NetDB 機制的容器。

  • Customers can now deploy EOS natively as a containerized application where cEOS supports multifaceted use cases, including natively hosting containers to create application-specific customizations, network functionality between virtual machine servers and containerized applications and the simulation of 30 large networks for their behavior under load.

    客戶現在可以將EOS 作為容器化應用程式本地部署,其中cEOS 支援多方面的用例,包括本地託管容器以創建特定於應用程式的自訂、虛擬機器伺服器和容器化應用程式之間的網路功能以及模擬30 個大型網路在負載下的行為。

  • cEOS was also demonstrated at the March OCP Event with Microsoft SONiC.

    cEOS 也在 3 月的 OCP 活動中與 Microsoft SONiC 一起進行了演示。

  • Our launch of cEOS really underpins our continued differentiation in cloud networking based on 5A principles: available architecture, to deliver a self-healing, high-quality aperture for data across a highly resilient leaf/spine network; Agile Work-X, delivering microservices for bare metal compute on new workload such as containers, workstreams like video or workflow for storage; automation, to rapidly provision a modern software infrastructure for the agile deployment in minutes rather than hours or days; analytics, tracing deeply the workflow to quickly pinpoint problems through our tracer technology for dynamic telemetry; and finally, [NE] IPI Cloud, whereby the state of the network via Arista NetDB and open APIs offers public, private and hybrid cloud access with our rich partner ecosystem.

    我們推出的 cEOS 確實鞏固了我們在基於 5A 原則的雲端網路方面的持續差異化:可用架構,為跨高度彈性葉/主幹網路的資料提供自我修復、高品質的孔徑; Agile Work-X,為容器等新工作負載、視訊等工作流程或儲存工作流程提供裸機運算微服務;自動化,在幾分鐘而不是幾小時或幾天內快速配置現代軟體基礎設施以實現敏捷部署;分析,深入追蹤工作流程,透過我們的動態遙測追蹤技術快速找出問題;最後,[NE] IPI Cloud,網路狀態透過 Arista NetDB 和開放 API 提供公有、私有和混合雲存取以及我們豐富的合作夥伴生態系統。

  • As I reflect upon 2017, and I'll start, I am pleased with Arista's performance and trajectory.

    當我回顧 2017 年並開始時,我對 Arista 的表現和軌跡感到滿意。

  • Arista has restored majority of its lead times as we're now in mainstream production across both our domestic and international manufacturing site.

    Arista 已恢復了大部分交貨時間,因為我們現在在國內和國際製造工廠均處於主流生產狀態。

  • We continue to invest in cultivating key talent, retaining our engineering groups.


  • To that end, I am also pleased to welcome John McCool as our new Chief Platform Officer for platform, hardware engineering and manufacturing operations.

    為此,我還很高興歡迎約翰·麥庫爾 (John McCool) 擔任我們負責平台、硬體工程和製造業務的新首席平台長。

  • John has worked closely with both Andy and myself for over 3 decades as a trusted industry executive.

    作為值得信賴的行業高管,約翰與安迪和我本人密切合作了 30 多年。

  • In this newly created role, John will be one of our key assets in the technical leadership team, complementing our already strong anchors, Andy Bechtolsheim, our Chief Development Officer and Chairman; Ken Duda, our Founder and Software Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer; and Anshul Sadana, our Chief Customer Officer.

    在這個新設立的角色中,約翰將成為我們技術領導團隊中的關鍵資產之一,補充我們已經強大的支柱,我們的首席開發官兼董事長安迪·貝托爾斯海姆(Andy Bechtolsheim); Ken Duda,我們的創辦人兼軟體資深副總裁兼技術長;以及我們的首席客戶長 Anshul Sadana。

  • With that I will now turn it to Ita, our CFO, for Q1 2017 financial details.

    現在,我將向我們的財務長 Ita 詢問 2017 年第一季的財務詳細資料。

  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

  • Thanks, Jayshree, and good afternoon.


  • This analysis of our Q1 results and our guidance for Q2 '17 is based on non-GAAP and excludes all noncash, stock-based compensation expenses and legal costs associated with the ongoing lawsuits.

    對我們第一季業績的分析和我們對 17 年第二季的指導是基於非公認會計準則,不包括所有非現金、基於股票的補償費用以及與正在進行的訴訟相關的法律費用。

  • A full reconciliation of our selected GAAP to non-GAAP results is provided in our earnings release.

    我們的收益報告中提供了我們選擇的 GAAP 與非 GAAP 績效的全面對帳。

  • Total GAAP revenues in Q1 were $335.5 million, up 38.5% year-over-year and above our guidance of $320 million to $330 million.

    第一季 GAAP 總營收為 3.355 億美元,年增 38.5%,高於我們 3.2 億至 3.3 億美元的指引。

  • Demand in the quarter remained strong, reflecting continued broad-based adoption of our products.


  • Service revenues represented approximately 13% of revenue, up from 12% last quarter.

    服務收入約佔收入的 13%,高於上季的 12%。

  • International revenues came in at $70.6 million or 21% of total revenue, down from 23% in the prior quarter.

    國際營收為 7,060 萬美元,佔總營收的 21%,低於上一季的 23%。

  • We remain focused on expanding our international footprint, but you should expect our geographical revenue mix to fluctuate on a quarter-over-quarter basis depending on the timing of U.S. and international deployments.


  • Overall gross margin in Q1 was 64.2%, down slightly from last quarter at 64.4% and favorable to the midpoint of our guidance of 61% to 64%.

    第一季的整體毛利率為 64.2%,較上季的 64.4% 略有下降,有利於我們 61% 至 64% 指引值的中位數。

  • This improvement versus guidance primarily reflected a higher-than-expected consumption of components sourced internationally during a previously opened importation window.


  • Operating expenses for the quarter came in at $113.9 million, up 8.4% from last quarter.

    本季營運費用為 1.139 億美元,較上季成長 8.4%。

  • R&D spending returned to a more typical 21.5% of revenue period, up from 19.1% last quarter.

    研發支出佔營收的比重從上季的 19.1% 恢復到更為典型的 21.5%。

  • This reflects expected increases in prototype and NRE spending and continued headcount growth.

    這反映了原型和 NRE 支出的預期增加以及員工人數的持續成長。

  • Sales and marketing expense remained at approximately 10% of revenue, down slightly from last quarter.

    銷售和行銷費用仍佔營收的 10% 左右,較上季略有下降。

  • Our operating income for the quarter was $101.3 million or 30.2% of revenue.

    我們本季的營業收入為 1.013 億美元,佔營收的 30.2%。

  • Other income expense for the quarter was a favorable $0.3 million, and our effective tax rate was 29.3%, resulting in net income for the quarter of $71.8 million or 21.4%.

    本季的其他收入支出為 30 萬美元,有效稅率為 29.3%,因此本季的淨利潤為 7,180 萬美元,即 21.4%。

  • Our diluted share number for the quarter was 77.5 million shares, resulting in a diluted earnings per share number of $0.93, up 36% from the prior year.

    本季稀釋後股票數量為 7,750 萬股,稀釋後每股收益為 0.93 美元,較上年增長 36%。

  • The significant increase in the diluted shares in the quarter was primarily related to the adoption of ASU 2016-09, improvements to employee share-based payments accounting.

    本季稀釋後股份的大幅增加主要與採用 ASU 2016-09 以及員工股份支付會計的改善有關。

  • This guidance removed the excess tax benefit on share-based awards from the diluted share calculation, reducing the assumed shares to be repurchased under the treasury stock method.


  • This resulted in a one-off step function increase in our diluted share count of approximately 2 million shares.

    這導致我們的稀釋後股票數量一次性增加約 200 萬股。

  • This increase in share count is recorded on a GAAP and non-GAAP basis and reduced our non-GAAP EPS for the quarter by approximately $0.02.

    股票數量的增加是根據 GAAP 和非 GAAP 基礎記錄的,並使我們本季的非 GAAP 每股盈餘減少了約 0.02 美元。

  • Those of you focused on our GAAP financials will note that we recorded a GAAP income tax benefit of $9.2 million in the quarter.

    那些關注我們 GAAP 財務數據的人會注意到,我們本季的 GAAP 所得稅收益為 920 萬美元。

  • The adoption of ASU 2016-09 also resulted in the recognition of excess tax benefit on share-based awards as a reduction to the GAAP provision for income taxes.

    ASU 2016-09 的採用也導致承認以股份為基礎的獎勵的超額稅收優惠,作為 GAAP 所得稅撥備的減少。

  • This benefit, however, is excluded from the non-GAAP financials as it relates to stock-based compensation amounts.


  • Legal expenses associated with the ongoing lawsuits came in at $11.5 million for the quarter, just below our outlook of $12 million on the last earnings call.

    本季與正在進行的訴訟相關的法律費用為 1,150 萬美元,略低於我們上次財報電話會議上預期的 1,200 萬美元。

  • As a reminder, these expenses are excluded from the non-GAAP results discussed above.


  • Now turning to the balance sheet.


  • Cash, cash equivalents and investments ended the quarter at approximately $1 billion.

    本季末現金、現金等價物和投資約 10 億美元。

  • We generated $162.9 million of cash from operations in the March quarter.

    我們在 3 月季度的營運中產生了 1.629 億美元的現金。

  • This reflects strong net income performance, combined with growth in product-related deferred revenue, offset by an increase in supply chain-related working capital.


  • DSOs came in at 56 days, down from 71 days in Q4.

    DSO 的周期為 56 天,低於第四季的 71 天。

  • This improvement primarily reflects strong collections in the quarter.


  • Inventory turns were 1.7x, down from 2.2 in Q4.

    庫存週轉率為 1.7 倍,低於第四季的 2.2 倍。

  • Inventory increased to $286.8 million in the quarter, up from $236.5 million in the prior period.

    本季庫存增加至 2.868 億美元,高於上一季的 2.365 億美元。

  • This reflects growth at both the raw material and finished goods level and is in line with our strategy of continuing to invest in supply chain-related working capital where appropriate.


  • In addition, consistent with last quarter, we maintained a further $39 million of inventory deposits recorded in other assets at the end of the quarter.

    此外,與上季一致,我們在季度末也保留了其他資產中記錄的 3,900 萬美元的庫存存款。

  • You'd expect to see us continue to scale these working capital investments over the coming quarter.


  • Our deferred revenue balance was $497.2 million, up from $372.9 million in Q4.

    我們的遞延收入餘額為 4.972 億美元,高於第四季的 3.729 億美元。

  • This balance continues to be made of short- and long-term service contracts and product-related deferrals associated with acceptance terms and future deliverables.


  • Accounts payable days were 45 days, down from 62 days in Q4, reflecting the timing of inventory receipts and payments.

    應付帳款天數為 45 天,低於第四季的 62 天,反映了庫存收付的時間。

  • Capital expenditure for the quarter were $4 million.

    該季度的資本支出為 400 萬美元。

  • Now turning to our outlook for the second quarter and beyond.


  • We're pleased with our continued strong execution in the quarter with revenues earnings per share up more than 36% on a year-over-year basis.

    我們對本季持續強勁的執行力感到滿意,每股盈餘較去年同期成長超過 36%。

  • The fundamentals of the business remain strong, and we are seeing broad-based demand for our products across the customer base.


  • Operationally, we've continued to ramp volumes at our U.S. contract manufacturer and believe we now have the capacity to support the U.S. customer base from this site.


  • In addition, we've worked to solidify our U.S. supply chain and while we believe that this will help ensure availability of supply, it would likely also result in a more consistent use of U.S.-based sourcing over the coming quarters.


  • With this as a backdrop, our guidance for the second quarter, which is based on non-GAAP results and excludes any noncash, stock-based compensation expenses and any legal expenses associated with the ongoing lawsuits, is as follows: revenues of approximately $354 million to $364 million; gross margin of approximately 61% to 64%; operating margin of approximately 28%.

    以此為背景,我們對第二季的指導(基於非公認會計準則業績,不包括任何非現金、股票補償費用以及與正在進行的訴訟相關的任何法律費用)如下:收入約為 3.54 億美元至3.64 億美元;毛利率約61%至64%;營業利益率約28%。

  • Our effective tax rate is expected to be approximately 29% with diluted shares of approximately 78.3 million.

    我們的有效稅率預計約為 29%,稀釋後股份約為 7,830 萬股。

  • Please note that based on our current outlook, we expect cost associated with the ongoing lawsuits to be approximately $12 million.

    請注意,根據我們目前的展望,我們預計與正在進行的訴訟相關的成本約為 1200 萬美元。

  • Finally, we just received the commission's ruling in the '945 case.


  • Included in this ruling was the requirement that Arista establish a bond to cover the importation of sale of products and related subcomponents subject to the orders during the 2 months' presidential review period.

    該裁決包括要求 Arista 建立保證金,以涵蓋在 2 個月的總統審查期間受命令約束的產品和相關子組件的進口銷售。

  • We currently believe that the maximum payment required under this provision will be approximately $10 million.

    我們目前認為,該條款規定的最高付款額約為 1000 萬美元。

  • We intend to record this penalty as an operating expense in the GAAP income statement.

    我們打算將這筆罰款記錄為 GAAP 損益表中的營運費用。

  • I will exclude it from our non-GAAP financial given its nonrecurring nature.


  • As a reminder, all of these lawsuit-related costs are excluded in the second quarter non-GAAP outlook that we provided above.


  • I will now turn the call back to Charles.


  • Charles?


  • Charles Yager

    Charles Yager

  • Thank you, Ita.


  • We are now going to move to the Q&A portion of the Arista earnings call.

    我們現在將進入 Arista 財報電話會議的問答部分。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Operator


  • We will now begin the Q&A portion of the Arista earnings call, which also includes Mark Taxay, Arista's Senior Vice President and General Council; and Mark Foss, Arista's Senior Vice President for Global Operations and Marketing.

    我們現在將開始 Arista 財報電話會議的問答部分,其中還包括 Arista 高級副總裁兼總理事會 Mark Taxay;以及 Arista 全球營運和行銷資深副總裁 Mark Foss。

  • (Operator Instructions) Your first question comes from the line of Jess Lubert from Wells Fargo Securities.

    (操作員說明)您的第一個問題來自富國銀行證券公司的 Jess Lubert。

  • Jess L. Lubert - Director and Senior Equity Analyst

    Jess L. Lubert - Director and Senior Equity Analyst

  • I wanted to actually try and squeeze 2 in here.


  • But first, just on the outlook, it appears your first half 2017 revenue has a chance to actually accelerate year-over-year.

    但首先,就前景而言,您 2017 年上半年的收入似乎有機會實際同比加速。

  • So I guess, I just wanted to understand the breadth, the strength, to what degree there has been any pull-forward of business, if there is any reason to expect less than seasonal trends during the second half of the year?


  • And then the second question, I think we're likely to get a final determination in the '945 case tonight.


  • So I just was hoping you could update us on where you are in the process of developing workarounds for the patents in that case and if they'll be submitted and embedded within EOS sometime soon?

    所以我只是希望您能向我們通報您在這種情況下為專利開發解決方案的進展情況,以及它們是否會很快提交並嵌入到 EOS 中?

  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Jess, we'll try and answer one question, which one?


  • Jess L. Lubert - Director and Senior Equity Analyst

    Jess L. Lubert - Director and Senior Equity Analyst

  • I guess just the business and the revenue outlook seasonality in the second half and hopefully someone else will follow up on the '945 case and the workaround.

    我猜想只是下半年的業務和收入前景季節性,希望其他人能夠跟進 '945 案例和解決方法。

  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • You gave them a question to ask.


  • Appreciate it.


  • Thank you.


  • We want to get through as many of them as possible.


  • So as Ita said, we're feeling very good both about the Q2 guidance we've given and, in general, our customers' acceptance of our products.

    因此,正如 Ita 所說,我們對第二季度的指導以及客戶對我們產品的整體接受度都感覺非常好。

  • As I've often shared with you, visibility in the long-term is always hard with our cloud customers, but in general, their spending pattern continues and their investment in CapEx in the foreseeable future, I can't speak to Q4, but I think we can look into the summer and say the trends continue like we're seeing in Q1 and our guidance for Q2.


  • I think, in general, what Arista is experiencing here, on one hand it's unique because we're such a strong supplier in cloud networking.

    我認為,總的來說,Arista 在這裡經歷的事情,一方面是獨一無二的,因為我們是雲端網路領域如此強大的供應商。

  • On the other hand is also a strong reflection of our innovation and investment in our new products.


  • And our new product uptick has been particularly strong.


  • It was strong in Q4 where it was more than 20% of our revenue, and it continues to be strong and stronger in Q1 as well and I expect that to continue in the second half too.

    它在第四季度表現強勁,占我們收入的 20% 以上,在第一季也繼續強勁,我預計下半年也將繼續如此。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Jeff Kvaal from Nomura Instinet.

    您的下一個問題來自 Nomura Instinet 的 Jeff Kvaal。

  • Jeffrey Thomas Kvaal - MD

    Jeffrey Thomas Kvaal - MD

  • Let me follow up on Jess's question a bit.


  • And that is, could you perhaps seriously talk a little bit about the market segmentation?


  • You have changed your terminology a little bit and then you talked about service provider this quarter.


  • Is that linked to the acceleration in revenues that you've been able to post over the last few quarters?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Sure.


  • If some of you who were with us at Analyst Day may recall, Arista has really now started talking about 5 verticals, not 4. There is the cloud titans, which tend to be our largest customers, who are deploying over 1 million servers.

    如果參加分析師日活動的一些人可能還記得,Arista 現在確實開始談論 5 個垂直行業,而不是 4 個。雲端巨頭往往是我們最大的客戶,他們正在部署超過 100 萬台伺服器。

  • There is a new category of Tier 2, or cloud specialty providers who could emerge to be cloud titans in the future that are making heavy investments in the cloud space and expect to be public and perhaps hybrid cloud providers.


  • The service providers, which is really the classic definition of service providers, Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3. The financial services and the rest of enterprise that tends to be early adopters.


  • All 5 sectors generally contribute double-digit percentages to Arista's verticals.

    所有 5 個行業通常為 Arista 的垂直行業貢獻了兩位數的百分比。

  • And Mark Foss, you want to add something more to that?

    馬克·福斯(Mark Foss),你想補充一些嗎?

  • Mark Foss - SVP of Global Operations & Marketing

    Mark Foss - SVP of Global Operations & Marketing

  • Sure.


  • We don't usually give out specific breakdowns of the 5 segments.

    我們通常不會給出這 5 個部分的具體細分。

  • But we can rank them in terms of the order size for Q1.


  • So in terms of size, the cloud titans was the #1 segment for Q1.


  • #2 was the service provider segment.

    #2 是服務提供者細分市場。

  • #3 was the cloud specialty provider segments.

    #3 是雲端專業供應商細分市場。

  • #4 was the rest of enterprise.

    #4 是企業的其餘部分。

  • And last but not least, the fifth one was the financial services vertical.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Mark Moskowitz from Barclays.

    你的下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的馬克‧莫斯科維茲(Mark Moskowitz)。

  • Daniel Fritz Gaide - Research Analyst

    Daniel Fritz Gaide - Research Analyst

  • This is Dan Gaide in for Mark.


  • So you just mentioned that -- or can you just talk about balancing the percent of component that you're going to be sourcing internationally and domestically?


  • And just how that kind of impacts gross margin guide?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Yes, Dan, I think very consistent with the dialogue that we've had over the last while.


  • We've got a gross margin range of 60 to 65, and we've always commented that in a world where we're using a balanced mix of components from the U.S. and from overseas that we would be in the middle of that range, right?

    我們的毛利率範圍為 60 至 65,我們總是評論說,在我們平衡使用來自美國和海外的組件的世界中,我們將處於該範圍的中間,正確的?

  • So that lines up nicely with our guidance of 61% to 64%.

    因此,這與我們 61% 至 64% 的指導非常吻合。

  • So I think nothing new or different from what we've been seeing on the gross margin front.


  • We just see ourselves operating in that kind of balanced, mixed environment over the next coming quarters.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Mark Kelleher from D.A. Davidson.

    你的下一個問題來自 D.A. 的 Mark Kelleher。戴維森。

  • Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP and Senior Research Analyst

    Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP and Senior Research Analyst

  • I'm going to follow up on that a little bit.


  • Maybe you can give a little more puts and calls on your inventory during the quarter.


  • I know the window was closed for most of it.


  • You were sourcing from overseas.


  • But previous quarter, you built a lot of inventory in the quarter.


  • Should that -- should we expect a little bit lower on your gross margin range because of that inventory when the window was closed?


  • And what are you expecting going forward?


  • Are you still going to source that currently?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Yes, I mean, I think it still comes back to that concept of having a mixed balance of sourcing from U.S. component drivers and then some components that will come out of inventory, right?


  • So we very consciously put the infrastructure in place that we have U.S -- manufacturing U.S. sourcing, and we're going to be leveraging that plus any inventory that we have.


  • So I think nothing new, nothing different here.


  • Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP and Senior Research Analyst

    Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP and Senior Research Analyst

  • So the window opening and closing doesn't matter really to you?


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

  • I mean, obviously, at this point, you can see the inventory that we have, and we'll continue to leverage that.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Steve Milunovich from UBS.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞銀集團的史蒂夫·米盧諾維奇(Steve Milunovich)。

  • Steven Mark Milunovich - MD and IT Hardware and EMS Analyst

    Steven Mark Milunovich - MD and IT Hardware and EMS Analyst

  • Could you comment on your Microsoft business in terms of either growth this quarter or growth you expect for the year?


  • HP lost their server business there.


  • And one potential read is that Microsoft is just slowing their procurement, generally speaking.


  • Are you seeing any of that?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Steve, Microsoft, as a customer, continues to be one of our top customers.


  • Their business with us is strong.


  • As I've always commented, it would be difficult to expect them to be the same customer concentration as they were last year, which was, I think, 16%.

    正如我一直評論的那樣,很難期望他們的客戶集中度與去年相同,我認為去年是 16%。

  • But a good guess is they will be in the 10% to 16% range this year.

    但一個不錯的猜測是,今年的比例將在 10% 到 16% 之間。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Simon Leopold from Raymond James.

    您的下一個問題來自雷蒙德詹姆斯 (Raymond James) 的西蒙利奧波德 (Simon Leopold)。

  • Victor Chiu

    Victor Chiu

  • This is Victor Chiu in for Simon.

    這是 Victor Chiu 飾演 Simon。

  • I wanted to ask you about any -- some potential shifts possibly in the competitive landscape because Juniper has reported several quarters in a row now of double-digit switching growth and then just recently they started breaking out the contributions from their cloud customers and then in that vertical kind of implying that they're making progress there and that's starting to become a more important vertical for them.


  • So I just want to ask if you've seen them more so than you have in the past.


  • And then maybe just quickly, vice versa, how your progress is with your routing platform?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • No, they're both good questions.


  • Thank you, Victor.


  • We do not see any dramatic change in competitive pressures.


  • Our dominant competitor continues to be Cisco.


  • We do see Juniper in the service provider sector specifically when we are competing in routing.


  • As you know, they are quite strong there.


  • But no major change there, except our entry into routing has, therefore, made Juniper more visible for us in routing.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Hendi Susanto from Gabelli & Company.

    您的下一個問題來自 Gabelli & Company 的 Hendi Susanto。

  • Hendi Susanto - Research Analyst

    Hendi Susanto - Research Analyst

  • Jayshree, HP is planning to shift away from its core legacy network products to selling Arista.

    Jayshree,惠普計劃從其核心傳統網路產品轉向銷售 Arista。

  • Would you be able to share what our expectations should be on that partnership?


  • And whether or not it has fully ramp up at the moment?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Well, thank you, Hendi.


  • As I said before, we have very strong executive involvement from both the CEO of HP, Meg, and the Executive Vice President, Antonio.

    正如我之前所說,惠普執行長梅格 (Meg) 和執行副總裁安東尼奧 (Antonio) 都非常積極地參與了我們的管理工作。

  • And mutual commitment to the partnership continues to be strong.


  • But I think both companies would like to see more progress here and are still in the very early stages of this engagement.


  • As I've always said, I expect to see better results in the second half of 2017 and '18.

    正如我一直說的,我期望在 2017 年下半年和 18 年看到更好的結果。

  • And both teams are working hard to streamline the training, the process, the channels and the customer reach.


  • So we're doing a lot of work.


  • But the real results of this will be more apparent in 2017 and '18.

    但真正的結果將在 2017 年和 18 年更加明顯。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Vijay Bhagavath from Deutsche Bank.

    您的下一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Vijay Bhagavath。

  • Vijay Krishna Bhagavath - VP and Research Analyst

    Vijay Krishna Bhagavath - VP and Research Analyst

  • Jayshree, Ita, my question is on the 7500R, the routing portfolio.

    Jayshree、Ita,我的問題是關於 7500R 的路由產品組合。

  • We've heard you have over 100 customers for the 7500R.

    我們聽說您有 100 多個客戶購買 7500R。

  • So it'd be very helpful to know are there any specific use cases in routing or in customer segments in cloud that this product is seeing demand?


  • And roughly what percentage of those 100-plus customers are in product acceleration mode versus in more in field trials?

    這 100 多家客戶中處於產品加速模式的客戶與更多處於現場試驗的客戶的比例大致是多少?

  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Thanks, Vijay.


  • I expect to see 100 routing customers by this summer.

    我預計到今年夏天將看到 100 個路由客戶。

  • So we're picking very good progress.


  • To that, I would say, we are over north of 70% of that goal.

    對此,我想說,我們已經超過了目標的 70%。

  • This is both the 7500R series as well as the 7280R.

    這既是 7500R 系列,也是 7280R。

  • So both products, and it's generally reclassified with the FlexRoute license.

    因此,這兩種產品通常都會使用 FlexRoute 授權進行重新分類。

  • In terms of use cases, I think the biggest difference here is Arista is not a legacy router company.

    就用例而言,我認為最大的區別是 Arista 不是一家傳統路由器公司。

  • And what we're seeing is a lot of routing capabilities where most service providers are transforming from traditional traffic engineered routers to resemble more the cloud.


  • So the cloud network aggregation and core for both Ethernet and IP is changing dramatically, especially with the migration in their backbones and migration to mobile 5G as well as we are seeing a lot of content delivery networks and peering use cases.

    因此,乙太網路和 IP 的雲端網路聚合和核心正在發生巨大變化,特別是隨著骨幹網路的遷移和向行動 5G 的遷移,以及我們看到大量的內容交付網路和對等用例。

  • So I would say, the new norm for SP networks is cloud networking and that's where Arista is particularly shining and is bringing out its cloud heritage for routing.

    所以我想說,SP 網路的新規範是雲端網絡,這就是 Arista 特別閃耀的地方,並且正在發揮其雲端路由的傳統。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Paul Silverstein from Cowen and Company.

    您的下一個問題來自 Cowen and Company 的 Paul Silverstein。

  • Fahad Najam - Associate

    Fahad Najam - Associate

  • This is Fahad in for Paul.


  • One quick question on, your deferred revenue is up very nicely.


  • Can you help us understand what's going on there?


  • And then a bigger, broader question for you, Jayshree.


  • From here on, what are the greatest opportunities you see from here?


  • And what are the biggest risks?


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

  • Yes, I'll take the deferred revenue one quickly first.


  • I mean, the growth you are seeing is partly just growth in services, renewables based on the installed base, right?


  • And then we did see some increase also in product deferred.


  • And again, that's purely driven by the timing of shipments where we have acceptances or features that we need to deliver in the future.


  • So again, nothing unusual there.


  • It's just kind of the normal ebb and flow of the business that happens to result in that growth in this quarter.


  • Jayshree, do you want to take that?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • No, I think you answered the question well.


  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • You next question comes from the line of Simona Jankowski from Goldman Sachs.

    您的下一個問題來自高盛的西蒙娜·揚科斯基(Simona Jankowski)。

  • Simona Kiritsov Jankowski - MD and Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Simona Kiritsov Jankowski - MD and Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • I just wanted to follow up.


  • I think, Ita, I heard you mention that you just received the '945 ruling.

    我想,Ita,我聽到你提到你剛剛收到了 945 裁決。

  • Other than the up to $10 million bond, can you just tell us a little more about what was in the ruling?

    除了高達 1000 萬美元的保證金之外,您能告訴我們更多關於裁決中的內容嗎?

  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

  • Mark, do you want to take that?


  • Mark Foss - SVP of Global Operations & Marketing

    Mark Foss - SVP of Global Operations & Marketing

  • Sure, happy to take that one.


  • So we -- as Ita said, we did just receive the product termination notice.

    因此,正如 Ita 所說,我們確實剛剛收到了產品終止通知。

  • We actually haven't received the written opinion yet.


  • We're going to get that tomorrow.


  • So we'll know more once we actually get the opinion.


  • But what we know today is that the ITC found that we infringed 2 out of the 6 patents that were asserted in that case.

    但我們今天知道的是,ITC 發現我們侵犯了該案所主張的 6 項專利中的 2 項。

  • One is the 668 patent and the other is the 577 patent.


  • We obviously were very glad that the commission sided with us on 4 out of the 6, but disappointed about the other 2. As Ita also said, there was a 5% bond that was stated in there.

    顯然,我們很高興委員會在 6 項中的 4 項中站在了我們一邊,但對另外 2 項感到失望。正如 Ita 所說,其中註明了 5% 的債券。

  • I think we explained that.


  • And at this stage, we really just need to take a look through the decision and see how it impacts our go-forward strategy.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of James Faucette from Morgan Stanley.

    您的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 James Faucette。

  • James Eugene Faucette - Executive Director

    James Eugene Faucette - Executive Director

  • I wanted to ask about the opportunity with that cloud titans.


  • Jayshree, you've talked about -- should expect Microsoft maybe to come down a little bit, at least for the percentage of revenue.


  • How do you see your opportunity set more broadly and over the long run there?


  • Do you feel like containerized EOS opens up a lot of incremental opportunity within the cloud titans?

    您是否認為容器化 EOS 為雲端巨頭帶來了許多增量機會?

  • And I guess, over the medium to long run, do you think the cloud titans will remain kind of your biggest market vertical?


  • Or is there a plan which you think that others can overtake it?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Sure.


  • Thanks, James.


  • I think the cloud titans will always remain as big vertical.


  • Whether it will be the biggest or not will depend on how the other verticals perform in the cloud space.


  • Yes, there is no doubt in anyone's mind that workloads are moving to the cloud and companies like Amazon, Azure, Google Platforms, I know I can list them all out for you, are doing very, very well, but so are the next tiers.


  • So I think there will be many consumption models in the cloud.


  • And many customers of ours will be successful depending on the vertical stack or offerings they have.


  • There may be different shapes and forms of clouds.


  • So that brings me to your real question -- the heart of your question is, what about containerized EOS.

    這讓我想到了你真正的問題——你問題的核心是,容器化的 EOS 怎麼樣。

  • Today, it's really an architecture and a technology for a handful of very sophisticated customers.


  • These customers basically will be looking for different consumption models and to take an example like I have often shared on Microsoft, they have several tiers of leaf and several tiers of spine, and they may use our containerized EOS in some use cases and applications to the leaf, but they may choose to keep the spine highly, no pun intended, self-contained and well defined as it is now.


  • So we don't expect massive shifts to containerized EOS in the near term, but we do expect containerized EOS to be an important consumption and packaging model for our cloud customers and sophisticated developers.

    因此,我們預計短期內不會大規模轉向容器化 EOS,但我們確實預期容器化 EOS 將成為我們的雲端客戶和經驗豐富的開發人員的重要消費和打包模型。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Rod Hall from JPMorgan.

    您的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Rod Hall。

  • Roderick B. Hall - VP and Senior Analyst

    Roderick B. Hall - VP and Senior Analyst

  • Just wanted to follow up, again, on the '945 ruling, the 668 and 577 patents.

    只是想再次跟進 '945 裁決、668 和 577 專利。

  • Can you guys comment on workarounds and just time line on that?


  • Or should we be expecting the time line to kind of flow the same way the '944 did?


  • And is there a possibility this all is done by the end of this year?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Thanks, Rod.


  • I'll let Mark answer it, but I think we're -- having been through this experience ones with '944, we are more comfortable and familiar with the process as well as you are, right?

    我會讓馬克回答這個問題,但我認為我們 - 經歷過 944 的這段經歷,我們和你一樣對這個過程更加舒適和熟悉,對吧?

  • So I think it will be very similar.


  • We fully expect to have software and possibly hardware workarounds depending on the details once we read the patent.


  • And it will be a process that tends to take 6 to 12 months.

    這個過程往往需要 6 到 12 個月的時間。

  • Is that about right, Mark?


  • Mark Foss - SVP of Global Operations & Marketing

    Mark Foss - SVP of Global Operations & Marketing

  • 6 to 12 months.


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • I think that's all we know for now until we read more closely, so more as we know more.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Kulbinder Garcha from Crédit Suisse.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞士信貸銀行的 Kulbinder Garcha。

  • Kulbinder S. Garcha - MD

    Kulbinder S. Garcha - MD

  • Jayshree, the question on your cloud titans business.


  • When I looked at it based upon the charts you gave at the Analyst Meeting, it looks like the next 5 customers, whoever they are, are probably collectively still smaller than Microsoft.

    當我根據您在分析師會議上提供的圖表進行查看時,看起來接下來的 5 位客戶,無論他們是誰,加起來可能仍小於 Microsoft。

  • And just looking at that, you had business with them all, dealings with them, I think, for 3 or 4 years.


  • So how's that lack of penetration relative to Microsoft being, it just takes this long and is the opportunity ahead of you?


  • Or is the footprint and the opportunity there just a little bit smaller than maybe we all thought a few years ago?


  • Just any commentary around the cloud titans.


  • Would you expect it, for example, this year to grow faster than your overall company average?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Okay.


  • Thanks, Kulbinder.


  • I will try and process your question.


  • There were multiple subplots in that question.


  • First of all, the cloud titans are healthy.


  • They are doing well, and I think they will continue to do well.


  • Many of these cloud titans we've now worked with an average of 3 to 5 years.

    我們現在與其中許多雲端巨頭平均合作了 3 到 5 年。

  • So they know us.


  • We're intimate with them.


  • They've operationalized us.


  • The cloud specialty providers and the service providers, both those are new categories who could potentially spend like the cloud titans, but we're anywhere from our first year to third year with them.


  • So we -- Arista are much newer to them and they to us.

    所以我們——Arista 對他們來說是新的,他們對我們來說也是新的。

  • So depending on their success and where they're trying to be successful, I think they could be very large customers for us, perhaps even as large as some of the cloud titans, but they just aren't as far enough along with us or we with them.


  • So I think (inaudible).


  • Kulbinder S. Garcha - MD

    Kulbinder S. Garcha - MD

  • I guess, Jayshree, my point is that just in the cloud titans, not in the other specialty providers, just in the cloud titans, Microsoft, you've done very well with.


  • All of the rest of them, the 5 or so customers are in there, I guess, aren't as big as the Microsoft business yet, despite you having business with those 5 customers for a number of years.

    我想,其餘的所有客戶(大約 5 個客戶)還沒有 Microsoft 業務那麼大,儘管您與這 5 個客戶有業務往來多年。

  • So I am talking about that specific opportunity, has that taken longer to penetrate than you thought?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Yes.


  • No, so several -- so I'll leave it at this.


  • Several of them are in our top 10 customers.

    其中有幾位是我們的前 10 位客戶。

  • So they're doing quite well for us.


  • But it is fair to say that of all the cloud titans, Microsoft is doing better than any of the others for us and perhaps even in the industry, they and Amazon lead everyone.


  • So I think you're just seeing the reflection of the industry trends on Arista customer trend.

    所以我認為您只是看到行業趨勢在 Arista 客戶趨勢上的反映。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Stanley Kovler from Citi Research.

    您的下一個問題來自花旗研究部的 Stanley Kovler。

  • Stanley Kovler - VP and Analyst

    Stanley Kovler - VP and Analyst

  • I just wanted to ask a question about linearity.


  • And in the first half of the year, it seems like you are benefiting from a little bit of pent-up demand in your lead times have come in now with the backdrop of Q2.


  • As we think about the rest of the year, there are going to be other demands for some of your customers as they begin to potentially shift spending to servers and those product cycles.


  • Can you help us understand the ebb and flow of spending in the data center that you expect to impact between the server storage and networking as we get through the year with some of the competing product cycles they have the funds for?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Sure, Stanley.


  • First of all, we probably don't see the ebb and flows you're describing between server storage as a purchase segment versus networking.


  • At any given time, the networking component of our total data center is 10% to 15%, so the server and the storage is significantly higher, right.

    在任何給定時間,我們整個資料中心的網路元件都佔 10% 到 15%,因此伺服器和儲存明顯更高,對吧。

  • So we tend to have networking operational experts who plan the networking piece.


  • In terms of -- so therefore how it ties into ebbs and flows, the server and the storage spend usually occurs at or before the network comes in.


  • That's how we've really seen it, and therefore, the tie is more loosely coupled than you are stating.


  • In terms of lead times, our lead times have become very predictable right now.


  • So customers are able to plan better, and certainly, they work with us on anything they need in the next and the forthcoming quarter.


  • But anything beyond 60 weeks is difficult for us to get visibility from them on and also for their planning.

    但超過 60 週後,我們就很難了解他們的狀況以及他們的計畫。

  • They have to plan on that since some of our lead time components are that far out.


  • So I'd say 1 or 2 quarters and generally 16 weeks is a good boundary condition for how they plan.

    所以我想說 1 或 2 個季度,通常是 16 週是他們計劃的一個很好的邊界條件。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Erik Suppiger from JMP Securities.

    您的下一個問題來自 JMP 證券公司的 Erik Suppiger。

  • Erik Loren Suppiger - MD and Senior Research Analyst

    Erik Loren Suppiger - MD and Senior Research Analyst

  • Can you comment on the DANZ product?

    您能評論一下 DANZ 產品嗎?

  • Did you see that gain momentum in the quarter?


  • And you said that your advantage is 10x to 60x.


  • Is that based on a cost advantage you can provide the customer?


  • Or can you discuss that in a little detail?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Sure.


  • Yes.


  • So we introduced DANZ in February and it's based on our new products, the 7280R, the 7500R as well as the ongoing support we've had on DANZ with 7150.

    因此,我們在 2 月推出了 DANZ,它基於我們的新產品 7280R、7500R 以及我們對 DANZ 7150 的持續支持。

  • The reception has been very good.


  • It's only been a quarter since we introduced the new features.


  • But I will tell you, similar to routing, I expect to see 100 new customers in the first year of DANZ.

    但我會告訴你,與路由類似,我預計 DANZ 第一年會看到 100 個新客戶。

  • However, the size of these deals vary depending on how much monitoring functionality they need in a small use case versus cap aggregation at 100 gigabit Ethernet-type of capabilities in a larger scale use case.

    然而,這些交易的規模有所不同,具體取決於小型用例中需要多少監控功能,以及大規模用例中 100 GB 乙太網路類型功能的上限聚合。

  • So we are seeing both.


  • So in terms of competitive advantages, we're not trying to build a cap aggregation as a sole monitoring product.


  • Our emphasis is clearly hypodensity, the ability to run in switching mode in parallel so that customers can mix and match switching and DANZ in a common chassis and routing in some cases as well as the footprint and power and price cost capabilities.


  • So all of that is factoring into the 10 to 60x depending on which metric I'm looking at.

    因此,所有這些都將計入 10 到 60 倍,具體取決於我所關注的指標。

  • The customers are very pleased with our sort of system-wide focus of not just how do we do DANZ, but how do we do DANZ with all these fine networking portfolio.

    客戶對我們的全系統關注點非常滿意,不僅關注我們如何做 DANZ,還關注我們如何利用所有這些優秀的網絡產品組合來做 DANZ。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Ittai Kidron from Oppenheimer.

    您的下一個問題來自奧本海默的 Ittai Kidron。

  • Ittai Kidron - MD

    Ittai Kidron - MD

  • A clarification and a question for me.


  • The clarification, when you say 20% from new products you just mentioned, what those new products you include in that category?

    澄清一下,當你說 20% 來自你剛才提到的新產品時,你在該類別中包含哪些新產品?

  • And then the question, Ita, I mean your short-term deferred has doubled in 2 quarters, doubled.


  • It's a little bit hard to think how growth in services contracts can really make up for that big of a jump.


  • So clearly a lot of customers or very few customers are putting a lot of money upfront with you.


  • Is there any color you can give us that helps us profile those customers or the type of the use cases or the products for which these orders are going forward?


  • Is there any way you could give us some color on what's been built up there?


  • That would be great.


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

  • Yes.


  • I mean, Ittai, clearly, the services is a piece of it, right?


  • I mean, we have seen the product deferred grow.


  • Some of it is linked to the new products and just an increase in the number of customers who have some acceptance terms around those new products, right?


  • And the rest of it really is timing and timing of shipments in the quarter, right?


  • If you look at the mix of customers in that group, it's across the customer base.


  • So there is nothing particular to any one of the verticals that Mark and Jayshree talked about earlier.

    因此,Mark 和 Jayshree 之前談到的任何一個垂直領域都沒有什麼特別之處。

  • I mean, really it's more tactical and in a lot of cases in terms of new products have an acceptance clause and then depending on when you ship, that determines kind of what that balance is, right?


  • So the balance is cycling as you go quarter-to-quarter, and it really is just a question of what we ship and how do we ship in the quarter and how much of it ends up going to those customers and ending up in the deferred.

    因此,平衡隨著季度的變化而循環,這實際上只是我們在本季度發貨什麼、如何發貨以及其中有多少最終流向這些客戶並最終進入遞延的問題。 。

  • So I still encourage everybody to think about it more as a tactical balance as opposed to something that's some kind of strategically reflecting from shift at this point.


  • Ittai Kidron - MD

    Ittai Kidron - MD

  • Okay.


  • And what is that included in the category of new products?


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

  • Oh...


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • The R-Series.

    R 系列。

  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

  • The R-Series (inaudible).

    R 系列(聽不清楚)。

  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • The R-Series, the 7280R and the 7500R is the primary one.

    R 系列、7280R 和 7500R 是主要產品。

  • It isn't often you get to say congrats to ladies only?


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Jason Ader from William Blair.

    您的下一個問題來自威廉布萊爾 (William Blair) 的傑森阿德 (Jason Ader)。

  • Jason Noah Ader - Partner, Co-Group Head of Technology, Media, and Communications

    Jason Noah Ader - Partner, Co-Group Head of Technology, Media, and Communications

  • Just wanted to follow up on the deferred revenues.


  • Ittai asked about the job that you've had.


  • What should we expect in the second half for deferred revenues after the strength that you've seen over last couple of quarters?


  • Should we expect the deferred revenue balance to continue to grow at the same rate?


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • I'm not going to try to guide the deferred revenue balance, right?


  • It's tough enough to kind of guide the revenue.


  • I think as we see some of the new products become more mature except when we may see some decline on that.


  • But again, in context of our -- at least on our current guidance, we're not factoring that in, right?


  • So I know it's interesting and intriguing, but really it is more tactical in terms of what's in that balance.


  • So we will move around, and again, I wouldn't read too much into it.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Aaron Rakers from Stifel.

    您的下一個問題來自 Stifel 的 Aaron Rakers。

  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD

  • I hate to do this, but I'm going to go back to the deferred discussion.


  • I think as we look forward, you see the short-term deferred build so much.


  • I'm curious of how you think the contribution of your total services revenue will grow relative to total revenue over time?


  • And then also more importantly, where do you think the gross margin of the services business could go?


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

  • Yes, I mean...


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • Go ahead.


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

  • Yes, I think the services revenue has been growing as a percentage of total revenue over time at a nice, steady growth rate, right?


  • We've seen it go kind of from 11 to 12 to 13.

    我們看到它從 11 到 12 再到 13。

  • And I think it can continue to do that.


  • But it's going to be at that steady pace.


  • I mean, what's your entitlement?


  • Could it be as much as 15% just from pure services?


  • Maybe but that will take time, right?


  • The growth, the margins on the services side, it's a little chunky in that the cost structure tends to be fixed and going in blocks.


  • But it's probably -- right now, it's probably operating as high as we would expect to see it operate and then -- but you could see some chunkiness in the gross margin if we have to put in a new piece of infrastructure to support something.


  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD

  • And you guys don't quantify the product deferred, is that correct?


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

  • We don't split it out, I mean...


  • Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

    Jayshree Ullal - CEO, President and Director

  • We split it into long-term and short-term.


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO and SVP

  • Long-term and short-term, but we don't break it out between services and (inaudible).


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Alex Kurtz from Pacific Crest.

    您的下一個問題來自 Pacific Crest 的 Alex Kurtz。

  • David Alexander Kurtz - Senior Research Analyst, Enterprise Infrastructure

    David Alexander Kurtz - Senior Research Analyst, Enterprise Infrastructure

  • Just on the '945 results.


  • I was wondering if you could give us a quick refresher on the PTAB process, the review of the 577 patent and sort of the timing of that.

    我想知道您能否讓我們快速回顧一下 PTAB 流程、577 專利的審查以及相關的時間表。

  • And what the strategy could be now that you've learned the fate of the '945 patents?

    既然您已經了解了 '945 專利的命運,那麼該策略可能是什麼?

  • Mark Foss - SVP of Global Operations & Marketing

    Mark Foss - SVP of Global Operations & Marketing

  • Sure.


  • So yes, there are 2 IPRs that have been instituted on the 668 and the 577 patents, which were the patents that were found to infringe in the '945.

    所以,是的,已經針對 668 和 577 專利制定了 2 個智慧財產權,這些專利是在 945 中被發現侵犯的專利。

  • There were hearings that were held at the PTAB in March and the final decisions by the PTAB will be issued by June 11.

    PTAB 於 3 月舉行了聽證會,PTAB 的最終決定將於 6 月 11 日發布。

  • So from a timing standpoint, as you probably know, there is a 60-day review period -- presidential review period following the issuance of the final determination of the ITC.

    因此,從時間的角度來看,正如您可能知道的那樣,在 ITC 發布最終裁決之後,有一個 60 天的審查期——總統審查期。

  • So that should come out to July 3, so the PTAB decisions will come out several weeks before that.

    因此,該結果應該會在 7 月 3 日公佈,因此 PTAB 的決定將在此之前幾週內公佈。

  • At this stage, obviously, we've been evaluating, as I said a moment ago, our design around strategy.


  • We're obviously preparing that strategy in the event that we were to lose the IPRs.


  • And as I said, we just received the final determination, so we have to go through the actual written opinion to see how that flows through, but certainly, our plan would be based upon our review of that.


  • We have several different options that we're evaluating and we'll have something together before the end of presidential review period.


  • David Alexander Kurtz - Senior Research Analyst, Enterprise Infrastructure

    David Alexander Kurtz - Senior Research Analyst, Enterprise Infrastructure

  • And Mark, is there an appeals process to the IPRs or is it just that's sort of the final decision when that comes out and there is no kind of follow-on to that process?


  • Mark Foss - SVP of Global Operations & Marketing

    Mark Foss - SVP of Global Operations & Marketing

  • There is an appeal process, like everything else, that would -- there would be appeal, I think, to the Federal Circuit.


  • But once, assuming for a moment that the IPRs that were instituted actually, that we prevailed the view for the ITC, as I understand, it would be the -- they'd be considered in effect and the order would be -- the order wouldn't apply to us.

    但一旦假設智慧財產權實際上已經制定,我們就 ITC 的觀點佔了上風,據我所知,這將是——它們將被考慮為有效,並且命令將是——命令不適用於我們。

  • Charles Yager

    Charles Yager

  • This concludes the Arista Q1 2017 Earnings Call.

    Arista 2017 年第一季財報電話會議到此結束。

  • I also want to mention that we have posted a presentation which provides additional information on our fiscal results, which you can access on the Investors section of our website.


  • Thank you to everyone for joining us today.


  • Operator


  • Thank you for joining, ladies and gentlemen.


  • This concludes today's call.


  • You may now disconnect.
