American Battery Technology Co (ABAT) 2024 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Jesse Deutsch - Chief Financial Officer

    Jesse Deutsch - Chief Financial Officer

  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • I'm excited to welcome you to our first earnings call.


  • My name is Jesse Deutsch, I'm CFO at American Battery Technology Company.

    我叫 Jesse Deutsch,是美國電池技術公司的財務長。

  • We appreciate you attending and listening in I'm joined by Ryan Melsert, our CEO, and I will now read the forward-looking statements.

    我們感謝您出席並聆聽我們的執行長 Ryan Melsert 的參與,我現在將閱讀前瞻性聲明。

  • Ryan if you could please flip over to there.


  • So this presentation contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Safe Harbor provisions of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

    因此,本簡報包含 1995 年美國私人證券訴訟改革法案安全港條款意義內的前瞻性聲明。

  • All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, although American Battery Technology Company's also known as the management -- the company, management believes such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee that such expectations are or will be correct.


  • These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause the company's future results to differ materially from those anticipated.


  • Potential risks and uncertainties include, among others, risks and uncertainties related to the company's ability to continue as a going concern interpretations or reinterpretations of geologic information on favorable exploration results, inability to obtain permits required for future exploration, development or production, general economic conditions, and conditions affecting the industries in which the company operates, the uncertainty of regulatory requirements and approvals, fluctuating mineral and commodity prices, final investment approval, and the ability to obtain necessary financing on acceptable terms or at all.


  • Additional information regarding these factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those forward-looking statements is available in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the annual report on Form 10-K for the year ending June 30, 2024.

    有關這些可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述存在重大差異的因素的更多信息,請參閱該公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件,包括截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的年度 10-K 表格年度報告。

  • The company assumes no obligation to update any of the information contained or referenced in this presentation.


  • I would like to now hand over the presentation to Ryan Meltzer, our CEO.

    我現在想將演講交給我們的執行長 Ryan Meltzer。

  • Thank you.


  • Ryan Melsert - Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Director

    Ryan Melsert - Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Director

  • Great.


  • Thank you, Jesse, and welcome, everybody, to our fiscal year '24 earnings call.

    謝謝傑西,歡迎大家參加我們的 24 財年財報電話會議。

  • Today we'll be going through some opening remarks talking about our two main business lines, so both our lithium ion battery recycling system as well as our primary clay standard lithium hydroxide technologies, going through some of our financial summaries for the past fiscal year and closing out the meeting.


  • As many of you are likely aware, we have a multipart business that fits into the ecosystem shown here.


  • We are moving towards a circular economy within the electric vehicle and battery space.


  • Within the US right now, there are large amounts of cell manufacturers, large amounts of end use OEMs, and where the other portions of the supply chain are virtually non-existent.


  • This is making for a very imbalanced domestic supply chain and what we had ABTC are working to address.

    這導致國內供應鏈非常不平衡,我們 ABTC 正在努力解決這個問題。

  • So first, in order to make sure that when materials enter this market, they stay there throughout their lifetimes.


  • We've developed their own lithium ion battery recycling system that we designed a bench scale over the past few years.


  • And then within the past year, we have built our first commercial scale facility brought that online and now operating this recycling plant.


  • Closing the loop on these batteries is very important.


  • But as the amount of occupied batteries in the field grows, recycling alone cannot solve these problems.


  • We also need to fill the loop the first time in addition to closing this loop.


  • So as a result, we've also developed separate technologies for how to manufacture the same battery metals made to the same specifications, but from primary mineral resources found within the US.


  • So we've purchased large amounts of land in Nevada that holds the lithium in the form of a sedimentary clay stone, develop their own bench scale systems, how to economically extract lithium from this type of material, and have now built our own integrated pilot facility that demonstrates how we go all the way from this raw clay stone material to making a battery-grade lithium hydroxide.


  • They were able to sell to our commercial partners.


  • So we're one of the very few companies within North America and in the world that is developing and commercializing both sets of these technologies.


  • We see it as necessary for both them to move forward and very synergistic to have them built within one company.


  • Many of the unit operations used in each technology are the same.


  • We have the same engineers and scientists working developing both technologies, the same operators running both plants, and we make identical products that we sell to the same customers.


  • So as we have now closed out our fiscal year '24 back in June 30, '24, we'll start up with some of the financial output that we've had over the past 12 months.

    因此,我們已經在 24 年 6 月 30 日結束了 24 財年,我們將從過去 12 個月的一些財務產出開始。

  • So as we work to ramp up both of those technologies, two years ago, we were really in the bench scale development phase.


  • A year ago, we were in the piloting system, and we have now moved into commercial operations for our battery recycling system and ramping demonstration and commercial operations for our primary lithium business.


  • We manufactured large amounts of recycled metals over the past fiscal year and within this year, we have sold our first set of products and generated the first revenue for the company.


  • So this is for the products sold up until the end of June this calendar year, and we've continued to manufacture products since then.


  • So obviously, a long time in the making going through first of kind system design, bench optimizations, piloting, and then constructing and operating this first plant over the past year.


  • So we're excited to have sold the first lots of material back in the spring and to now be recognizing these as revenue for the company.


  • We have secured many government grants over the past few years.


  • Several of these were just contracted over the past year and started ramping up last fall.


  • So this is a very strategic way to take funds in.


  • It's non-dilutive, non-debt.


  • These are not loans and other than the overhead for operating these grants, there's no other expense to the company.


  • So we're happy that within the fiscal year ending back in June, we were able to take on about $3.3 million from these grants.

    因此,我們很高興在截至 6 月的財政年度內,我們能夠從這些贈款中獲得約 330 萬美元。

  • As mentioned, many of these ramped up over the past year, and we have several new grants we've just won recently that we'll talk through as well.


  • And we see this as a growing income source for the business going forward.


  • On a cash basis, over the past year, we've reduced substantially the amount of cash used in investing activities.


  • This really comes down to purchasing the building for our first recycling plant and much of the equipment that went in that plant.


  • So most of that was purchased within fiscal year '23, a year ago spring, which really let us secure that building, install the initial set of equipment, and then ramping commission that plant starting last fall.

    因此,其中大部分是在 23 財年(一年前的春天)內購買的,這確實讓我們能夠保護該建築,安裝初始設備,然後從去年秋天開始加大該工廠的調試力度。

  • Correspondingly, we've increased our expenses on the operating side as we've ramped that plant increase the shift count and now move to steady-state operations at our first recycling plant.


  • Last summer, we did take out a convertible note option for about $25 million.

    去年夏天,我們確實購買了約 2,500 萬美元的可轉換票據選擇權。

  • Over the past fiscal year, we've paid back over $18 million of this through redemption of their notes.

    在過去的財年中,我們透過贖回他們的票據償還了超過 1800 萬美元。

  • This has been one of the major cash uses for us over the past fiscal year, and we are near the end of paying back this note in full.


  • With all of this, our cash balance has increased over the past year, up to $7 million as of the end of June.

    儘管如此,我們的現金餘額在過去一年中有所增加,截至 6 月底已達 700 萬美元。

  • And as we look at opportunities for funding over the near term, again, we have just over $67 million of government grants that have already been contracted that we've yet to draw down on.

    當我們考慮近期的融資機會時,我們再次發現,我們已經簽訂了超過 6,700 萬美元的政府撥款,但尚未動用。

  • A very large increase over the end of fiscal year '23, where we only had a handful of grants contracted.

    與 23 財年末相比,增幅非常大,當時我們只簽訂了少量贈款合約。

  • So again, these are agreements that we have in hand.


  • These are projects already underway.


  • And the way these grants work is that at the start of the project, we develop a multiyear budget, it's approved by the government, and then we draw down on these funds based on the budget that we set for each of those projects.


  • So this will continue to be an increasing source of cash for us as we move forward.


  • We did just announce a few days ago that we've been selected for another government grant.


  • This one is significantly larger, $150 million of federal funds.

    這筆資金規模要大得多,有 1.5 億美元的聯邦資金。

  • We were just selected this past Friday.


  • We were in the negotiations phase, but we expect this project to be contracted and begin in early 2025.

    我們正處於談判階段,但我們預計該項目將於 2025 年初簽訂合約並開始。

  • So again, this can make up a very large portion of our income going forward and help to fund our operations.


  • Outside of traditional Department of Energy grants, this spring we were also able to win almost $60 million worth of quantified tax credits from both the Department of Energy and the IRS.

    除了傳統的能源部撥款之外,今年春天我們還從能源部和國稅局獲得了價值近 6000 萬美元的量化稅收抵免。

  • We'll talk through some specifics of what these really mean.


  • But we've drawn down no funds as of now from the $60 million that has already been allocated to us by the IRS.

    但到目前為止,我們還沒有從 IRS 分配給我們的 6000 萬美元中提取任何資金。

  • When we look at our specific projects within the recycling business, within the fiscal year '24, we had a handful of goals that we really tried to attack during that 12 month period, the most important one being to implement and accelerate operations of our first recycling plant.

    當我們審視 24 財年回收業務中的具體項目時,我們在這 12 個月期間確實嘗試實現了一些目標,其中最重要的一個是實施並加速我們第一個項目的運營。

  • So initially, we were constructing a greenfield site for our own facility.


  • Last spring, we did find an opportunity to purchase an existing building that was vacant with infrastructure facilities already installed.


  • We purchased that building throughout the summer of '23, and they were actually able to start operations last fall in the fall of '23.

    我們在 23 年夏天購買了那棟大樓,他們實際上在 23 年秋天開始營運。

  • So this significantly accelerated our time to market to bring our first recycling systems online.


  • Once that facility was purchased, the goal was to ramp the throughput within that plant.


  • So since last fall, we've been adding shift counts, adding personnel, and increasing the throughput of that facility.


  • The goal was then to manufacture commercial quantities of recycled products from this facility.


  • We've done that over the past few quarters and as mentioned, have now sold the first commercial quantities of these recycled products to the market to our strategic partners and recognize that revenue within the fiscal year.


  • In addition to these initial recycled products that we've made, we also have designs for how to make even higher value add materials.


  • So these are to make battery-grade components through our internally designed [hydrometallurgical] train.


  • So we've been running this at bench scale for the past few years.


  • We have been making large batches of material, sending them to our strategic customers and have had these products qualified and certified by these partners that each of these battery-grade materials meets the requirements that they need in order to purchase through their supply chain.


  • So with these qualifications at the bench scale behind us, we're moving forward with the installation and commissioning of our own internally developed hydrometallurgical train that we'll be installing inside the same facility and our recycling plant near Reno, Nevada.


  • And in addition to this, battery recycle products, there's another set of materials that are beyond recycled metals.


  • So many non-metal portions with and a battery that most recyclers cannot access.


  • At the bench scale, we have several technologies that are able to recover these additional components, we've been proving at the bench scale that we can access these materials in an economically competitive fashion.


  • And last year, we were fortunate enough to win another government grants for $10 million federal to help bring these technologies to market going from bench scale to piloting and then being implemented inside our current Reno battery recycling plant again.

    去年,我們很幸運地贏得了另一筆 1000 萬美元的政府撥款,幫助將這些技術推向市場,從實驗室規模到試點,然後再次在我們現有的里諾電池回收工廠內實施。

  • So these were the major goals for fiscal year '24 ending back in June and how each one of them were addressed.

    這些是截至 6 月的 24 財年的主要目標以及每項目標的實現方式。

  • Selling these recycled products was one of the major goals for the past year.


  • We've made large amounts of these intermediate filter cakes and recycled metals that we've been able to sell to the market, both through our strategic customers and through different types of brokers.


  • So initial sales were recorded back before June in the spring time within fiscal year '24.

    因此,最初的銷售額是在 24 財年春季 6 月之前記錄的。

  • And we're continuing to operate this plant and sell product into the market.


  • Now that we have this initial product made, the initial portions of the plant running, a major goal is to ramp the throughput at this facility to really be able to increase how quickly we feed material, the rate at which we generate products, and the operational efficiencies within this plant.


  • So in order to do that, over the past year, we brought on a new Chief Operating Officer, whose goal really is to drive the ramp rate and operational efficiencies of this recycling plant to increase the operations of our other business unit as well that clay stone lithium hydroxide demonstration scale facility and to define and really start the achievement of a lot of our key performance indicators and really make sure we're achieving our company milestones.


  • So we're excited to have Steven Wu onboard really help driving these goals and his experience throughout the manufacturing and battery space over the past few decades has really demonstrated his abilities to come into existing operations and really help to drive the growth and ramp rate of these different types of facilities.


  • So we're excited to have him onboard and look forward to sharing information going forward about increased operations at our recycling plant, at our clay stone lithium hydroxide pilot facility, and throughout the company.


  • I mentioned our project of how we're making these products beyond the recycled metals, is partially funded by a government grant that was kicked off last fall.


  • So these $10 million federal are really set to show that beyond the initial materials, beyond the battery grade products that the remaining of the materials, and the battery can also have value and be recovered with positive margin.

    因此,這 1000 萬美元的聯邦資金確實是為了表明,除了最初的材料、電池級產品之外,其餘的材料和電池也可以具有價值,並且可以以正利潤回收。

  • So within the bench scale, we've been working recovering different components of the battery, including the active anode materials, the graphite, and silicon materials, developing methods of re-graphitization, about how to recover these components, which are generally over 30 weight percent of the battery, how to recover them, how to regenerate them, and how to return them to initial performance before they were inserted into batteries themselves.


  • Different ways of recovering the electrolyte solvents and dissolve species, these are generally 10 to 15 weight percent of a battery and are very rarely recovered within recycling operations and also different methods of making one of our main products, lithium hydroxide without the very energy and capital expensive conventional process of mechanical vapor recompression technologies.

    回收電解質溶劑和溶解物質的不同方法,它們通常佔電池的10 至15 重量%,並且很少在回收操作中回收,並且也有不同的方法來製造我們的主要產品之一氫氧化鋰,而無需太多的能源和資金機械蒸汽再壓縮技術的昂貴傳統製程。

  • So again, each of these we're running at the small bench scale right now.


  • We'll be ramping up through pilot operations, and then we'll be plugging into our existing Reno recycling facility.


  • So while this project kicked off last fall, this first year up until June really was mainly design work without many purchase of components yet.


  • $So out of this 10 million of awarded funds, we've only drawn down about $600,000 so far.

    到目前為止,在這 1000 萬美元的獎勵資金中,我們只提取了大約 60 萬美元。

  • So the remaining $9.4 million we will be receiving over the next two years of this project.

    因此,我們將在該專案的未來兩年內收到剩餘的 940 萬美元。

  • The tax credits are something many people have asked about.


  • These are through an ITC, so an investment tax credit, which is a relatively standard program.

    這些是透過 ITC 進行的,即投資稅收抵免,這是一個相對標準的計劃。

  • But within the IRS Section 48C, they've made a couple of customizations.

    但在 IRS 第 48C 條中,他們進行了一些客製化。

  • So within investment tax credits, generally companies apply for them after expending dollars and at the end of their fiscal year.


  • And they hope that as they meet those qualifications, they're approved for that type of investment tax credit.


  • The 48C program is a little different where it pulls the proposal and qualification phase up to the beginning.

    48C 計劃略有不同,它將提案和資格階段拉到了開始。

  • So last fall, the DOE and IRS put out a solicitation to apply for these tax credits.


  • So this first round had a fixed allocation of $4 billion.

    因此第一輪的固定撥款為 40 億美元。

  • So we've put together proposals for how our current and future capital expenditures could apply under the requirements of this program and demonstrated what funds we thought were applicable.


  • We went through an evaluation round last fall and then another one this spring and in March, we're notified that we have been allocated these funds by the IRS.


  • So we've won $20 million to be applied for our current battery recycling plant.

    因此,我們贏得了 2000 萬美元,用於建造我們目前的電池回收工廠。

  • So again, the technology evaluation, the financial evaluation has already been completed.


  • We've already been allocated these funds by the IRS.


  • And now as we simply follow through with what we proposed to do, continue to build out this recycling plant, we'll be able to claim these $20 million of tax credits through this program.

    現在,只要我們按照我們的提議去做,繼續建造這個回收工廠,我們就可以透過這個計畫申請這 2000 萬美元的稅收抵免。

  • So this is a very competitive process, fewer than 9% of all dollars proposed were funded back in March.

    因此,這是一個競爭非常激烈的過程,3 月只有不到 9% 的提議資金得到資助。

  • And as we continue on our proposed plan continuing to build out this plant, we're on pace to be able to claim this credit and then cover many of the costs for this first recycling facility.


  • We have many strategic partnerships and relationships throughout the closed-loop economy.


  • We have a very strong relationship with BASF.


  • We were working to source feedstock for our plant to sell our recycled products back into the market.


  • And we've been working with just about all of the automotive OEMs, battery manufacturers, material refiners, and brokers throughout North America.


  • There's a very large amount of material available to be recycled and there are very few recyclers that are able to go through the vetting in the down-select process that many of these OEMs are going through.


  • So we've had many on-site tours on a safety basis, on a compliance basis, much of work on the ESG and compliance front with many of these strategic partners and have gone through the down-select rounds of many of them are now under negotiation for large amounts of material to be recycled on a multi-year basis.

    因此,我們在安全、合規的基礎上進行了多次現場考察,與許多戰略合作夥伴一起在 ESG 和合規方面開展了大量工作,並且已經完成了其中許多合作夥伴的篩選輪次。多年回收大量材料進行談判。

  • So right now, already the material under negotiation is far beyond what could be processed within our first battery recycling plant here near Reno.


  • And as we make these bids and go through the strategic negotiations, several of these OEMs have essentially said because the quantities are so large, they would ask us to build a new battery recycling plant near their existing facilities to make this much more of a strategic partnership than a simple contractual offtake.


  • So since last fall, we've been doing site selections and negotiations for property and infrastructure near a few of these strategic partners, so that as we lock down these agreements, we can expand new our partners and bring significantly larger capacity online.


  • So our first Reno plant is really about proving out this first-of-a-kind technology, manufacturing commercial scale quantities of these products, and as these OEMs are now able to come into our plant to see our product, we are in these negotiations to build a second recycling plant.


  • Because we were in these negotiations last fall, we applied for a second award under that same higher IRS 48C program.

    因為我們去年秋天參與了這些談判,所以我們根據同一更高的 IRS 48C 計劃申請了第二個獎項。

  • So under the same process, we detailed how we would build out our second plant, how it complied with the requirements for both the DOE and the IRS and the cost of the second facility.


  • And again, back in March, we were awarded a $40 million allocation from the IRS to support the construction of the second recycling plant.

    早在 3 月份,我們就再次獲得了美國國稅局 4000 萬美元的撥款,用於支持第二個回收工廠的建設。

  • So that's something we've also not drawn any funds on yet.


  • These are funds available to us already selected and allocated to be applied in a second battery recycling plant as we go forward.


  • In addition to these tax credits, last fall, there was also another opportunity, this was more on the Department of Energy grant side.


  • So again, the DOE was looking for domestic facilities that can manufacture large quantities of critical minerals.


  • We applied to this program last fall, went through the first down-select in January, another down-select in March, another process in July, and then just this past Friday, it was publicized that we have been selected for another Department of Energy grant.


  • And this one is for $150 million to be applied towards the construction of our next battery recycling plant.

    其中 1.5 億美元將用於建造我們的下一個電池回收工廠。

  • So we are in the contracting phase.


  • We expect to have the project start in early 2025.

    我們預計該專案將於 2025 年初啟動。

  • And this is a four-year project to go through the design, construction, operations, commissioning of this next recycling plant.


  • And because we're in discussions with these strategic partners to build next to their sites, we're intentionally designing the throughput of this plant to be equal to the throughput of our partners.


  • And because of that, we've designed this plant to be about 5 times the size of our current Reno plant.

    正因為如此,我們設計的這座工廠的規模大約是我們目前裡諾工廠的 5 倍。

  • So we use many of the same technologies and our same internally developed system, but at a much larger scale to really be right-sized with the rest of the industry as the EV and stationary market grows over the next few years.


  • So again, this will be a large part of our cash flow going forward, how we pay for the design and construction and operations of this facility.


  • Because we are targeting the Southeast US for our second plant, really where many of the strategic partners we've been in discussions with are located, we have decided to sell one of our existing properties.


  • So our property in Fernley, Nevada, we've had for quite a few years, this was going to be the first construction project for our first battery recycling plant.


  • As we did find the facility on Peru Drive that was already constructed, already had existing infrastructure, we did choose that pivot to purchase that facility and to install our equipment there instead of completing construction of this Fernley plant.

    由於我們確實發現秘魯大道上的設施已經建成,並且已經擁有現有的基礎設施,因此我們確實選擇了該樞紐來購買該設施並在那裡安裝我們的設備,而不是完成這個 Fernley 工廠的建設。

  • Now that our second facility will likely be in the Southeast US, there's not as much of a need for this location in Fernley.


  • So we have listed this property on the market and do intend to sell this in the near term.


  • In addition to our battery recycling, we do have our second business unit.


  • This is our clay stone to lithium hydroxide business.


  • In a similar fashion, we've had goals for fiscal year '24 for the 12 months ending back in June.

    以類似的方式,我們為截至 6 月的 24 財年 12 個月制定了目標。

  • We really were trying to finish out a third drill program to be able to upgrade the resource classification of our own material near Tonopah, and we were able to achieve that within the year.


  • So we finished our drill program, we wrote and published our initial assessment, and we're able to increase the classification of much of our resource there from an inferred status up to measured and indicated.


  • So really showing the increased confidence in our understanding of the resource itself and increased understanding of how we process that material and make this battery-grade product.


  • As we've moved from our bench scale trials, we did use that information to publish this IA and through that data and modeling with our outside third-party qualified person, we're able to calculate our production costs of about $4,600 per ton.

    當我們結束小規模試驗時,我們確實使用這些資訊來發布此 IA,並透過該數據和與外部第三方合格人員的建模,我們能夠計算出每噸約 4,600 美元的生產成本。

  • So it's a very competitive cost to be making a battery-grade lithium hydroxide, specifically within the domestic US.


  • And after publishing this, the next step was to further prove out this technology at much larger scale.


  • So we have constructed and commissioned our pilot plant.


  • So again, this is an integrated system we built near Reno has each of the operations needed in order to go from our clay stone material to make our battery-grade lithium hydroxide at the back end.


  • We were awarded a grant from the DOE a few years ago to support this project, so $2.3 million of federal funds.

    幾年前,我們獲得了美國能源部 (DOE) 的撥款來支持這個項目,即 230 萬美元的聯邦資金。

  • And as of this spring, we have finished construction of that project.


  • We have commissioned this system and have made our first battery grade material from this pilot plant.


  • As we finish that process, made our first battery-grade product, we did receive a visit from the US Secretary of Energy from Jennifer Granholm to come to our plant to see these operations herself and to physically examine the products that we've made, both from this clay stone to lithium pilot plants and also from our battery recycling operations.

    當我們完成這個過程,製造出我們的第一個電池級產品時,我們確實接待了美國能源部長詹妮弗·格蘭霍姆(Jennifer Granholm)的來訪,她親自來到我們的工廠參觀了這些操作,並親自檢查了我們製造的產品,從黏土石到鋰試點工廠,以及我們的電池回收業務。

  • And because of those successes, we have moved forward with the design of our commercial scale refinery.


  • So this is a commercial scale facility we'll be building directly on top of our resource near Tonopah, Nevada.


  • And we are in discussions with many strategic OEMs about the long-term offtake of the commercial scale quantities of products from this plant.


  • So again, receiving the visit from Secretary Granholm was great to have that recognition for her to come and see this pilot plant in person.


  • The DOE grant supported this project.


  • We started back in the fall of 2021, and we'll wrap up in the next few months.

    我們從 2021 年秋季開始,將在接下來的幾個月內結束。

  • So we've received about $1.7 million from the $2.3 million initially awarded, and the remaining $600,000 we'll be collecting over the next few months as this project winds down.

    因此,我們從最初授予的 230 萬美元中收到了大約 170 萬美元,剩餘的 60 萬美元我們將在接下來的幾個月內隨著該專案的結束而籌集。

  • But we've had several different teams from Department of Energy on site the past few months to close out this project.


  • And they've said they are very impressed that essentially what we proposed to do over three years ago, we have now done.


  • So for us it seems like a very straightforward process.


  • We put a plan together.


  • We proposed how we would do it.


  • We've achieved those milestones and now sent samples and communicated how we've done it to our funders, the DOE and to our strategic partners.


  • So we're excited to have wrapped up with the construction and commissioning of that plant.


  • They've made that product and to have achieved the goals we said we would back during the proposal stage of this opportunity.


  • Operating this pilot plant well did lead to another government grant, which we were awarded last fall.


  • Again, this is now to build a commercial scale refinery based on the technologies we've proven out in that pilot plant and now to be able to sell much larger quantities to our strategic customers.


  • So this was a $57.7 million award from the government.

    這是政府頒發的 5770 萬美元的獎勵。

  • The contracting was completed and the project started last August.


  • So this is a five-year project.


  • And while the contracted amount is large, the first year was largely design work and engagement with our partners.


  • So through the end of June, we've only drawn down about $1.7 million out of the $57.7 million from this project.

    因此,截至 6 月底,我們僅從該專案的 5,770 萬美元中提取了約 170 萬美元。

  • So $56 million remaining already contracted that we're drawing down on a monthly basis to support all of our payroll, to support purchasing equipment, and a lot of the engineering services we have from our partners.

    因此,我們已經簽訂了 5600 萬美元的合同,我們每月都會提取資金來支持我們所有的工資、購買設備以及我們從合作夥伴那裡獲得的許多工程服務。

  • So this will be a very large portion of how we fund the company and our growth going forward and a very rigorous and defined process for how we work through the next four years of this project.


  • So again, the financial summary from this past fiscal year.


  • We are excited to be selling product from our first recycling plant, to be collecting revenue, to be collecting significant amounts of funds on a monthly basis from our current government grants and having much larger ones ramping up and going through contracting right now.


  • We have shifted from centrally using funds for buying the plants and now using funds to operate the plant in the next three months.


  • We plan to have this convertible note fully paid off, removing a very large use of cash in the company.


  • And again, that the contracted grants and the contracted and allocated tax credits are something we'll be monetizing in the very near term.


  • So having those already in place, having those technology, validations, and vetting already completed, those are very attractive sources for non-dilutive and non-base funding how we operate and grow the company going forward.


  • So as we report our annual financials today, we are also scheduling our Annual Shareholder Meeting, which as of now will be in early November of this year.

    因此,當我們今天報告年度財務報告時,我們也安排了年度股東大會,目前會議將於今年 11 月初舉行。

  • So we look forward to going much more into depth on the status of each of these projects and about our plans going forward during this next shareholder meeting.


  • So we thank everybody for joining this meeting, and we will be putting out further communications about the date and processes for this Annual Shareholder Meeting and look forward to speaking with everybody then.


  • So thank you for joining.
