蘋果 (AAPL) 2020 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, everyone.


  • Welcome to the Apple Inc.


  • Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2020 Earnings Conference Call.

    2020 財年第三季度收益電話會議。

  • Today's call is being recorded.


  • At this time, for opening remarks and introductions, I would like to turn things over to Mr. Tejas Gala, Senior Manager, Corporate Finance and Investor Relations.

    在這個時候,關於開場白和介紹,我想把事情交給公司財務和投資者關係高級經理 Tejas Gala 先生。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Tejas Gala - IR Contact

    Tejas Gala - IR Contact

  • Thank you.


  • Good afternoon, and thank you for joining us.


  • Speaking first today is Apple's CEO, Tim Cook; and he'll be followed by CFO, Luca Maestri.

    今天首先發言的是蘋果公司的首席執行官蒂姆庫克;緊隨其後的是首席財務官 Luca Maestri。

  • After that, we'll open the call to questions from analysts.


  • Please note that some of the information you'll hear during our discussion today will consist of forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, those regarding revenue, gross margin, operating expenses, other income and expense, taxes, capital allocation and future business outlook, including the potential impact of COVID-19 on the company's business and results of operations.

    請注意,您將在我們今天的討論中聽到的一些信息將包含前瞻性陳述,包括但不限於有關收入、毛利率、運營費用、其他收入和費用、稅收、資本分配和未來業務的陳述前景,包括 COVID-19 對公司業務和經營業績的潛在影響。

  • Actual results or trends could differ materially from our forecast.


  • For more information, please refer to the risk factors discussed in Apple's most recently filed periodic reports, Form 10-K and Form 10-Q and the Form 8-K filed with the SEC today, along with the associated press release.

    有關更多信息,請參閱 Apple 最近提交的定期報告、10-K 表格和 10-Q 表格以及今天向 SEC 提交的 8-K 表格以及相關新聞稿中討論的風險因素。

  • Apple assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or information, which speak as of their respective dates.

    Apple 不承擔更新任何前瞻性陳述或信息的義務,這些陳述或信息截至其各自日期。

  • I'd now like to turn the call over to Tim for introductory remarks.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Thanks, Tejas.


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • Thanks for joining the call today.


  • Before we begin, I join the many millions across this country in mourning and memorializing Congressman John Lewis who was laid to rest earlier today.


  • We've lost a hero who walked among us, a leader in the truest sense who urged this country to aim higher and be better until the very end.


  • I was humbled and fortunate to know him, and as an Alabama native, his example inspires me still.


  • It now falls to every American to be a living memorial to John Lewis and to carry forward the work and the mission that defined his life.


  • Throughout the call, I'll speak in greater detail about Apple's support for equity and justice, topics of great urgency on a number of fronts, but first, I want to pull the lens back to consider the quarter in full.

    在整個電話會議中,我將更詳細地談論 Apple 對公平和正義的支持,以及在許多方面都非常緊迫的話題,但首先,我想把鏡頭拉回來,全面考慮本季度。

  • In an uncertain environment, Apple saw a quarter of historic results, demonstrating the important role our products play in our customers' lives.

    在不確定的環境中,Apple 取得了四分之一的歷史性業績,證明了我們的產品在客戶生活中發揮的重要作用。

  • We set a June quarter record with revenue of $59.7 billion, up 11% from a year ago.

    我們以 597 億美元的收入創下了 6 月份的季度記錄,比一年前增長了 11%。

  • Both products and services set June quarter records and grew double digits, and revenue grew in each of our geographic segments, reflecting the broad base of this success.

    產品和服務均創下了 6 月份的季度記錄並增長了兩位數,我們每個地理區域的收入均有所增長,這反映了這一成功的廣泛基礎。

  • As always and especially in times of real adversity, what makes us proud as a company is not merely what we did but how we did it.


  • As millions marched for justice in big cities and small towns alike, we committed $100 million to launch Apple's Racial Equity and Justice Initiative as well as new and renewed internal efforts to foster diversity and inclusion at all levels of the company.

    隨著數百萬人在大城市和小城鎮為正義遊行,我們承諾投入 1 億美元來啟動 Apple 的種族平等和正義倡議,以及在公司各個層面促進多樣性和包容性的新的和更新的內部努力。

  • As COVID-19 continues to represent great risk for individuals and great uncertainty for our communities, care and adaptability are defining how we conduct our work, wherever we work.

    隨著 COVID-19 繼續給個人帶來巨大風險,給我們的社區帶來巨大的不確定性,關懷和適應能力正在決定我們如何開展工作,無論我們在哪里工作。

  • In some places, that has meant responsibly reopening our operations in retail stores with enhanced health and safety precautions.


  • In others where the virus has reemerged, it's meant taking the challenging but necessary step of reclosing stores.


  • I'll touch on these topics more in a little bit, but first, I want to offer some more context on the quarter's results.


  • Due to the uncertain and ongoing impacts of COVID-19, we did not provide our typical guidance when we reported our results last quarter, but we did provide some color on how we expected the June quarter to play out.

    由於 COVID-19 的不確定性和持續影響,我們在上個季度報告業績時沒有提供典型的指導,但我們確實提供了一些關於我們預計 6 月季度將如何發揮作用的顏色。

  • I'd like to contextualize our results in terms of that color across each of our product categories beginning with iPhone.

    我想根據從 iPhone 開始的每個產品類別的顏色來說明我們的結果。

  • iPhone revenue grew 2% this quarter.

    本季度 iPhone 收入增長 2%。

  • In April, we expected year-over-year performance to worsen but we saw better-than-expected demand in May and June.

    4 月,我們預計同比表現會惡化,但我們看到 5 月和 6 月的需求好於預期。

  • We attribute this increase in demand to several interactive causes, including a strong iPhone SE launch, continued economic stimulus and potentially some benefit from shelter-in-place restrictions lifting around the world.

    我們將這種需求增長歸因於幾個互動原因,包括強勁的 iPhone SE 發布、持續的經濟刺激以及全球各地解除就地避難所限制的潛在好處。

  • We expected iPad and Mac growth to accelerate, and we saw very strong double-digit growth for these devices this quarter.

    我們預計 iPad 和 Mac 的增長將加速,本季度我們看到這些設備的兩位數增長非常強勁。

  • This remarkable performance came in spite of supply constraints on both products.


  • We're working hard to get more iPads and Macs into customers' hands as quickly as possible, recognizing how integral they have become to working and learning from home, providing entertainment and staying connected with loved ones.

    我們正在努力盡快讓更多的 iPad 和 Mac 進入客戶手中,我們認識到他們已經成為在家工作和學習、提供娛樂和與親人保持聯繫的重要組成部分。

  • Wearables growth decelerated as we expected but still grew by strong double digits and set a revenue record for a non-holiday quarter.


  • Building on powerful new features built into watchOS 7 and AirPods Pro announced this quarter, we are very excited about the many opportunities in front of us for this product category.

    在本季度宣布的 watchOS 7 和 AirPods Pro 中內置的強大新功能的基礎上,我們對這個產品類別面臨的許多機會感到非常興奮。

  • These strong results helped drive our installed base of active devices to new all-time records across each of our product categories.


  • Reflecting the deep integration of hardware, software and services, Services generated a June quarter record of $13.2 billion, up 15% year-over-year.

    反映硬件、軟件和服務的深度整合,服務創造了 6 月季度創紀錄的 132 億美元,同比增長 15%。

  • As we mentioned during our last call, there were 2 distinct trends we were seeing and they played out as we thought: First, results for advertising and AppleCare were impacted by the reduced level of economic activity and store closures to a degree that was in line with our expectations.

    正如我們在上次電話會議中提到的那樣,我們看到了 2 個不同的趨勢,它們正如我們所想的那樣發揮了作用:首先,廣告和 AppleCare 的結果受到經濟活動水平下降和商店關閉的影響達到一定程度與我們的期望。

  • Second, we had strong performance in our digital services with all-time revenue records in the App Store, Apple Music, video and cloud services as well as elevated engagement on iMessage, Siri and FaceTime months.

    其次,我們的數字服務表現強勁,App Store、Apple Music、視頻和雲服務的收入創歷史新高,iMessage、Siri 和 FaceTime 月份的參與度也有所提高。

  • Customers are loving new offerings across Apple's services, like Apple News Today, our new daily audio briefing, and Greyhound, our new summer blockbuster starring Tom Hanks.

    客戶喜歡 Apple 服務中的新產品,例如 Apple News Today,我們新的每日音頻簡報,以及 Greyhound,我們由 Tom Hanks 主演的新夏季大片。

  • In fact, Apple TV+ just hit a history-making 95 awards nominations and 25 wins and accolades.

    事實上,Apple TV+ 剛剛獲得了 95 項獎項提名和 25 項榮譽,創造了歷史。

  • Based on these results and our performance over the last 4 quarters, we are proud to announce that we have achieved our goal of doubling our fiscal 2016 Services revenue 6 months ahead of schedule.

    基於這些結果和我們在過去 4 個季度的表現,我們自豪地宣布,我們提前 6 個月實現了 2016 財年服務收入翻番的目標。

  • We're conscious of the fact that these results stand in stark relief during a time of real economic adversity for businesses large and small and certainly for families.


  • We do not have a zero-sum approach to prosperity, and especially in times like this, we're focused on growing the pie, making sure our success isn't just our success and that everything we make, build or do is geared toward creating opportunities for others.


  • The App Store is a great example.

    App Store 就是一個很好的例子。

  • This quarter, a new study by independent economists at the Analysis Group found that the App Store facilitated more than $0.5 trillion in commerce globally in 2019 alone.

    本季度,Analysis Group 獨立經濟學家的一項新研究發現,僅在 2019 年,App Store 就為全球商業帶來了超過 5 萬億美元的收入。

  • Especially in a time of COVID-19, you can measure economic resilience in the ways in which the App Store supports remote ordering for restaurants, digital commerce for small businesses and an enduring entrepreneurial opportunity for creators and visionaries.

    尤其是在 COVID-19 時期,您可以通過 App Store 支持餐廳的遠程訂購、小型企業的數字商務以及創造者和有遠見者的持久創業機會的方式來衡量經濟彈性。

  • Keeping learning vibrant and impactful in the time of COVID-19 is a priority everyone shares.

    在 COVID-19 時代保持學習充滿活力和影響力是每個人都共享的優先事項。

  • Earlier this month, we announced significant enhancements to the Develop in Swift and Everyone Can Code curricula, and we launched a new professional learning course available exclusively to educators.

    本月早些時候,我們宣布對“用 Swift 開發”和“人人能編程”課程進行重大改進,並推出了專為教育工作者提供的新專業學習課程。

  • And just 2 weeks ago, our community education initiative added 10 more historically black college and university regional coding centers to our roster, bringing the total to 24 locations nationwide, 12 of which are HBCUs and 21 of which serve majority black and brown student populations.

    就在 2 週前,我們的社區教育計劃在我們的名冊中增加了 10 個歷史悠久的黑人學院和大學區域編碼中心,使全國總數達到 24 個,其中 12 個是 HBCU,其中 21 個服務於大多數黑人和棕色學生群體。

  • In Apple's backyard, we announced that we're allocating $400 million of our multiyear $2.5 billion affordable housing commitment to new housing construction, homebuyer assistance programs and support for those at greatest risk of experiencing homelessness across Silicon Valley.

    在 Apple 的後院,我們宣布,我們將在多年 25 億美元的經濟適用房承諾中撥出 4 億美元用於新住房建設、購房者援助計劃以及支持矽谷面臨無家可歸風險最大的人。

  • Apple's results this quarter are only possible due to our people and their ongoing ingenuity, flexibility, resilience and determination during these ever-changing times.

    Apple 本季度的業績之所以成為可能,是因為我們的員工以及他們在這個瞬息萬變的時代持續的獨創性、靈活性、韌性和決心。

  • I want to thank our AppleCare and retail teams, who have paired exceptional service during a time of intense demand with great adaptability during a quarter where stores have reopened in some places and reclosed in others.

    我要感謝我們的 AppleCare 和零售團隊,他們在需求旺盛的時期提供了卓越的服務,並在一個季度中具有很強的適應性,一些地方的商店重新開業,而另一些地方則重新關閉。

  • A dedicated team of specialists and experts has shouldered the task of caring for the well-being of our teams and communities, store by store, location by location with evidence-driven granularity and agility that is unrivaled anywhere.


  • Innovation from adversity certainly defined this year's Worldwide Developers Conference as well.


  • This is an event where traditionally, Apple's worldwide community of developers gathers together to share, celebrate and do big things together.

    這是一個傳統的活動,Apple 的全球開發者社區聚集在一起分享、慶祝和一起做大事。

  • Though we could not be together in person, Apple set a new standard for what online events can achieve with our celebrated all-virtual event.

    雖然我們不能親自在一起,但 Apple 為我們著名的全虛擬活動所帶來的在線活動設定了新標準。

  • The results here speak for themselves.


  • More than 22 million viewers tuned in across all of Apple's streams.

    超過 2200 萬觀眾收看了 Apple 的所有視頻流。

  • For our developers, we distributed more than 72 hours of video content.

    對於我們的開發人員,我們分發了超過 72 小時的視頻內容。

  • That's 3 full days of video.


  • The week saw more than 200 direct-to-video engineering and design sessions and about 4,500 person-to-person appointments with developers across 227 virtual labs.

    本周有超過 200 場直接視頻工程和設計會議,並與 227 個虛擬實驗室的開發人員進行了約 4,500 次面對面的約會。

  • And of course, that's even before you get to this year's announcements.


  • From iOS 14, which boasts a radical redesign to the Home Screen, powerful updates to Messages, streamlined and effortless App Clips and even greater privacy transparency and controls to major updates to Apple Pencil, Siri and calling in iPadOS 14, to much anticipated sleep tracking, new fitness and wellness features and unprecedented customization in watchOS 7, to the new macOS Big Sur boasting the biggest redesign upgrade to macOS since OS X. No less important for Apple's innovation road map is our transition to Apple silicon for the Mac.

    從對主屏幕進行徹底重新設計的 iOS 14、對消息的強大更新、簡化和輕鬆的 App Clips 以及更大的隱私透明度和控製到 Apple Pencil、Siri 和 iPadOS 14 中的呼叫的重大更新,再到備受期待的睡眠跟踪,新的健身和健康功能以及 watchOS 7 中前所未有的定制,到新的 macOS Big Sur,它擁有自 OS X 以來對 macOS 的最大重新設計升級。對於 Apple 的創新路線圖而言,同樣重要的是我們向 Mac 的 Apple 芯片過渡。

  • This 2-year effort will achieve both unprecedented performance for the Mac and a common architecture across all Apple products.

    這 2 年的努力將實現 Mac 前所未有的性能和所有 Apple 產品的通用架構。

  • Looking forward, we are profoundly optimistic about Apple's future.


  • And we recognize that with this success comes a real responsibility to lead with our values because those values help make that success possible in the first place.


  • We are just as proud of our announcement this month that Apple will be fully carbon-neutral by 2030 across our entire supply chain and including the energy use of every device we make as we are of any hardware innovation because they spring from the same instinct to leave the world better than we found it.

    我們對本月宣布 Apple 將在 2030 年之前在我們的整個供應鏈中實現完全碳中和感到自豪,這包括我們製造的每台設備的能源使用,就像我們對任何硬件創新一樣,因為它們源於相同的本能讓世界比我們發現的更好。

  • We're committed to standing with those marching for the lives and dignity through our new $100 million commitment to Apple's Racial Equity and Justice Initiative.

    通過我們對 Apple 的種族平等和正義倡議的新 1 億美元承諾,我們致力於與那些為生命和尊嚴而遊行的人們站在一起。

  • And we're deepening our diversity and inclusion efforts internally because our future as a business is inextricably linked with the future of our communities.


  • There are times when things seem to move slowly when needed progress, economic or social, seems bogged down, when the instinct to turn away from the horizon and hold on to what you've got feels inescapable.


  • And then there are times like this when people of goodwill step forward, when progress unmoors itself, when the insistence of hope forces something new.


  • This is an immensely challenging moment.


  • COVID-19 is still devastating many places, and we have work left to do to care for the health and well-being of the communities in which all of us live and work.

    COVID-19 仍然對許多地方造成破壞,我們還有工作要做,以照顧我們所有人生活和工作所在社區的健康和福祉。

  • But no community of people, whether a company or a country, can afford to miss this call when it comes.


  • At Apple, we never have and we don't intend to start now.

    在 Apple,我們從來沒有,也不打算現在開始。

  • With that, I'll hand things off to Luca.


  • Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

    Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

  • Thank you, Tim.


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • Our June quarter was a testament to Apple's ability to innovate and execute during challenging times.

    我們 6 月份的季度證明了 Apple 在充滿挑戰的時期創新和執行的能力。

  • Our results speak to the resilience of our business and the relevance of our products and services in our customers' lives.


  • Total revenue was $59.7 billion, a new June quarter record, up 11% from a year ago despite a 300 basis point headwind from foreign exchange.

    總收入為 597 億美元,創下 6 月份季度的新紀錄,儘管受到外匯 300 個基點的不利影響,但比一年前增長了 11%。

  • Our performance was strong across our entire portfolio as we grew revenue in each of our product categories and set June quarter records for Mac, for wearables and for services.

    我們在整個產品組合中的表現都很強勁,因為我們在每個產品類別中都實現了收入增長,並為 Mac、可穿戴設備和服務創造了 6 月份的季度記錄。

  • Similarly, our results were very strong all around the world, with growth in all geographic segments and new June quarter records in the Americas, in Europe, in Japan and rest of Asia Pacific.

    同樣,我們在全球範圍內的業績都非常強勁,所有地理區域均實現增長,美洲、歐洲、日本和亞太其他地區的 6 月季度創下新紀錄。

  • Products revenue was $46.5 billion, up 10% and a June quarter record.

    產品收入為 465 億美元,增長 10%,創下 6 月季度記錄。

  • iPhone returned to growth and we saw very strong double-digit growth from iPad, Mac and wearables.

    iPhone 恢復增長,我們看到 iPad、Mac 和可穿戴設備實現兩位數的強勁增長。

  • Lockdowns and point-of-sale closures were widespread during April and impacted our performance, but we saw demand for all products improve significantly in May and June.

    封鎖和銷售點關閉在 4 月份普遍存在,影響了我們的業績,但我們看到 5 月和 6 月對所有產品的需求都顯著改善。

  • As a result of our strong performance and the unmatched loyalty of our customers, our installed base of active devices reached an all-time high in all of our geographic segments and all major product categories.


  • Our Services continue to grow strongly, up 15% year-over-year and reached a June quarter record of $13.2 billion.

    我們的服務繼續強勁增長,同比增長 15%,達到 6 月季度創紀錄的 132 億美元。

  • We set all-time records in many Services categories and June quarter records in each geographic segment.


  • I'll cover this in more detail later.


  • Company gross margin was 38%.


  • This was down 40 basis points sequentially due to unfavorable FX of 90 basis points and a different mix of products, partially offset by cost savings and Services mix.

    由於 90 個基點的不利外彙和不同的產品組合,這一數字環比下降了 40 個基點,部分被成本節約和服務組合所抵消。

  • Products gross margin was 29.7%, decreasing 60 basis points sequentially due to FX and a different mix, partially offset by cost savings.

    產品毛利率為 29.7%,由於外彙和不同的組合,環比下降 60 個基點,部分被成本節約所抵消。

  • Services gross margin was 67.2%, up 180 basis points sequentially mainly due to mix.

    服務毛利率為 67.2%,環比增長 180 個基點,主要是由於混合。

  • Net income was $11.3 billion, and earnings per share were $2.58, up 18% and a June quarter record.

    淨收入為 113 億美元,每股收益為 2.58 美元,增長 18%,創下 6 月季度記錄。

  • Operating cash flow was also a June quarter record at $16.3 billion, an improvement of $4.6 billion over a year ago.

    營運現金流也創下 6 月季度的紀錄,為 163 億美元,比一年前增加 46 億美元。

  • Let me get into more detail for each of our revenue categories.


  • iPhone revenue grew 2% to $26.4 billion with customer demand improving as the quarter progressed.

    隨著季度的進展,隨著客戶需求的改善,iPhone 收入增長了 2% 至 264 億美元。

  • COVID-19 was most impactful during the first 3 weeks of April when lockdowns and point-of-sale closures became more widespread in many countries.

    COVID-19 在 4 月的前 3 週影響最大,當時許多國家的封鎖和銷售點關閉變得更加普遍。

  • We saw marked improvement around the world in May and June, which we attribute to an improved level of customer demand helped by the very successful launch of iPhone SE and economic stimulus packages.

    我們在 5 月和 6 月看到全球範圍內的顯著改善,我們將其歸因於 iPhone SE 和經濟刺激計劃的成功推出,客戶需求水平有所提高。

  • Our active installed base of iPhones again reached an all-time high as a result of the loyalty of our customer base and strength of our ecosystem.

    由於我們客戶群的忠誠度和我們生態系統的實力,我們的 iPhone 活躍安裝基數再次達到歷史最高水平。

  • In fact, in the U.S., the latest survey of consumers from 451 Research indicates iPhone customer satisfaction of 98% for iPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max combined.

    事實上,在美國,451 Research 對消費者的最新調查表明,iPhone 11、11 Pro 和 11 Pro Max 的 iPhone 客戶滿意度為 98%。

  • Turning to Services.


  • As I said, we set a June quarter record of $13.4 billion of revenue.

    正如我所說,我們創造了 6 月季度收入 134 億美元的記錄。

  • We had all-time record performance and strong double-digit growth in the App Store, Apple Music, video and cloud services.

    我們在 App Store、Apple Music、視頻和雲服務方面取得了創紀錄的業績和強勁的兩位數增長。

  • Our new services, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple News+ and Apple Card, are also contributing to overall Services growth and continue to add users, content and features.

    我們的新服務 Apple TV+、Apple Arcade、Apple News+ 和 Apple Card 也為整體服務增長做出了貢獻,並繼續增加用戶、內容和功能。

  • At the same time, customer engagement in our ecosystem continues to grow at a fast pace.


  • The number of both transacting and paid accounts on our digital content stores reached a new all-time high during the June quarter, with paid accounts increasing double digits in each of our geographic segments.

    我們數字內容商店的交易賬戶和付費賬戶數量在 6 月季度創下歷史新高,付費賬戶在我們的每個地理區域都增長了兩位數。

  • In aggregate, paid subscriptions grew more than 35 million sequentially, and we now have over 550 million paid subscriptions across the services on our platform, up 130 million from a year ago.

    總體而言,付費訂閱量連續增長超過 3500 萬,現在我們平台上的服務的付費訂閱量超過 5.5 億,比一年前增加了 1.3 億。

  • With this momentum, we remain confident to reach our increased target of 600 million paid subscriptions before the end of calendar 2020.

    憑藉這一勢頭,我們仍然有信心在 2020 年日曆結束前實現 6 億付費訂閱的增長目標。

  • Wearables, Home and Accessories established a new June quarter record with revenue of $6.5 billion, up 17% year-over-year.

    可穿戴設備、家居和配飾以 65 億美元的收入創下了 6 月份的新季度記錄,同比增長 17%。

  • Our wearables business is now the size of a Fortune 140 company, and we set June quarter records in the majority of markets we track.

    我們的可穿戴設備業務現在已經達到了財富 140 強公司的規模,並且在我們追踪的大多數市場中,我們都創下了 6 月份的季度記錄。

  • Importantly, Apple Watch continues to extend its reach, with over 75% of the customers purchasing Apple Watch during the quarter new to the product.

    重要的是,Apple Watch 繼續擴大其覆蓋範圍,超過 75% 的客戶在本季度購買了 Apple Watch 新產品。

  • Next, I'd like to talk about the impressive performance of Mac.


  • Revenue was $7.1 billion, up 22% over last year and a June quarter record.

    收入為 71 億美元,比去年增長 22%,創下 6 月季度的紀錄。

  • We grew double digits in each geographic segment and set all-time revenue records in Japan and rest of Asia Pacific as well as June quarter records in the Americas and Europe.

    我們在每個地理區域都實現了兩位數的增長,並在日本和亞太地區其他地區創造了歷史收入記錄,並在美洲和歐洲創造了 6 月季度記錄。

  • Customer response to our new MacBook Air and MacBook Pro launches has been extremely strong.

    客戶對我們新推出的 MacBook Air 和 MacBook Pro 的反應非常強烈。

  • iPad performance was equally impressive with revenue of $6.6 billion, up 31% and our highest June quarter revenue in 8 years.

    iPad 的表現同樣令人印象深刻,收入為 66 億美元,增長 31%,是 8 年來最高的 6 月季度收入。

  • Demand was strong around the world with double-digit growth in each of our geographic segments, including a June quarter record in Greater China.

    全球需求強勁,我們的每個地理區域都實現了兩位數的增長,其中包括大中華區 6 月份的季度創紀錄。

  • The launch of our new iPad Pro has been received incredibly well in every region of the world.

    我們新 iPad Pro 的推出在全球每個地區都受到了難以置信的好評。

  • Both Mac and iPad are extremely relevant products in the new working and learning environments, and the most recent surveys of consumers from 451 Research measured customer satisfaction at 96% for Mac and 97% for iPad.

    Mac 和 iPad 在新的工作和學習環境中都是非常相關的產品,451 Research 最近對消費者的調查顯示,Mac 的客戶滿意度為 96%,iPad 的客戶滿意度為 97%。

  • Around half of the customers purchasing Mac and iPad during the quarter were new to that product, and as a result, the active installed base for both products reached a new all-time high.

    在本季度購買 Mac 和 iPad 的客戶中,約有一半是該產品的新手,因此,這兩種產品的活躍安裝基數都達到了歷史新高。

  • Our retail business had record June quarter revenue, thanks to the performance of our online store.

    得益於我們在線商店的表現,我們的零售業務在 6 月季度實現了創紀錄的收入。

  • We set records in all geographic segments and grew across all major product categories.


  • In June, we launched Apple Card monthly installments for more products in our U.S. stores, allowing customers to pay for their devices over time with 0% interest.

    6 月,我們在美國商店推出了針對更多產品的 Apple Card 月度分期付款,允許客戶在一段時間內以 0% 的利息支付設備費用。

  • We're very pleased with the level of customer interest this new offering has generated.


  • In the enterprise market, we continue to see companies leverage Apple products and offerings to successfully navigate their businesses through COVID-19.

    在企業市場中,我們繼續看到公司利用 Apple 產品和產品成功通過 COVID-19 開展業務。

  • In health care, we're seeing rapid acceleration of telehealth to support a more flexible model of patient care.


  • Many hospitals, such as UVA Health, Rush University Medical Center and UC San Diego Health are using apps on iPad and iPhone to help triage, monitor and care for patients who are at home.

    許多醫院,例如 UVA Health、Rush University Medical Center 和 UC San Diego Health 都在使用 iPad 和 iPhone 上的應用程序來幫助對在家中的患者進行分類、監控和護理。

  • This helps free up hospital capacity to support patients who need inpatient care while enabling continued care for patients who do not require in-person visits.


  • Since many call center employees are currently working remotely, Apple Business Chat has proven an invaluable tool for staying connected with customers.

    由於許多呼叫中心員工目前都在遠程工作,Apple Business Chat 已被證明是與客戶保持聯繫的寶貴工具。

  • This quarter, HSBC deployed Apple Business Chat in its U.S. and U.K. contact centers.

    本季度,匯豐銀行在其美國和英國聯絡中心部署了 Apple Business Chat。

  • Apple Business Chat provides a flexible and secure channel for digital banking assistance through a native Apple experience, improving the efficiency and experience for both customers and agents.

    Apple Business Chat 通過原生 Apple 體驗為數字銀行協助提供靈活、安全的渠道,從而提高客戶和代理的效率和體驗。

  • We are seeing similar adoption by hundreds of other organizations.


  • Let me now turn to our cash position.


  • We ended the quarter with almost $194 billion in cash plus marketable securities.

    我們在本季度結束時擁有近 1940 億美元的現金和有價證券。

  • We issued $8.5 billion of new term debt, retired $7.4 billion of term debt and increased short-term borrowing facilities by $1.1 billion during the quarter, leaving us with total debt of $113 billion.

    我們在本季度發行了 85 億美元的新定期債務,償還了 74 億美元的定期債務,並增加了 11 億美元的短期借貸便利,使我們的總債務達到 1130 億美元。

  • As a result, net cash was $81 billion at the end of the quarter, and we continue on our path to reaching a net cash neutral position over time.

    因此,本季度末的淨現金為 810 億美元,隨著時間的推移,我們將繼續朝著淨現金中性的方向前進。

  • We returned over $21 billion to shareholders during the June quarter, including $3.7 billion in dividends and equivalents and $10 billion through open market repurchases of 31.3 million Apple shares.

    我們在 6 月季度向股東返還了超過 210 億美元,其中包括 37 億美元的股息和等價物,以及通過公開市場回購 3130 萬股蘋果股票的 100 億美元。

  • We also began a $6 billion accelerated share repurchase program in May, resulting in the initial delivery and retirement of 15.2 million shares.

    我們還在 5 月份啟動了 60 億美元的加速股票回購計劃,導致 1520 萬股的初始交付和退休。

  • And finally, we retired an additional 4.8 million shares in the final settlement of our 15th ASR.

    最後,我們在第 15 次 ASR 的最終結算中額外退還了 480 萬股股票。

  • As we move ahead into the September quarter, I'd like to provide some color on what we are seeing, which includes the types of forward-looking information that Tejas referred to at the beginning of the call.

    隨著我們進入 9 月季度,我想就我們所看到的內容提供一些顏色,其中包括 Tejas 在電話會議開始時提到的前瞻性信息類型。

  • Similar to last quarter, given the uncertainty around the world in the near term, we will not be issuing revenue and margin guidance for the coming quarter.


  • However, we will provide some additional insight on our expectations for the September quarter for our product categories.

    但是,我們將就我們對產品類別的 9 月季度的預期提供一些額外的見解。

  • On iPhone, we expect to see recent performance continue for our current product lineup, including the strong customer response for iPhone SE.

    在 iPhone 上,我們預計我們當前的產品陣容近期的表現將繼續,包括對 iPhone SE 的強烈客戶反應。

  • In addition, as you know, last year, we started selling new iPhones in late September.

    此外,如您所知,去年我們在 9 月下旬開始銷售新款 iPhone。

  • This year, we project supply to be available a few weeks later.


  • We expect the rest of our products categories to have strong year-over-year performance.


  • For Services, we expect the September quarter to have the same trends that we observed during the June quarter except for AppleCare, where during the September quarter a year ago, we expanded our distribution significantly.

    對於服務,我們預計 9 月季度的趨勢與我們在 6 月季度觀察到的趨勢相同,但 AppleCare 除外,在一年前的 9 月季度,我們顯著擴大了分銷。

  • As a consequence, we expect a difficult comp for AppleCare also considering the COVID-related point-of-sale closures this year.

    因此,考慮到今年與 COVID 相關的銷售點關閉,我們預計 AppleCare 將面臨艱難的競爭。

  • For gross margin, keep in mind that we will have a different mix than in prior years, as I just explained.


  • For OpEx, we expect to be between $9.8 billion and $9.9 billion.

    對於運營支出,我們預計在 98 億美元到 99 億美元之間。

  • We expect the tax rate to be about 16.5% and OI&E to be $50 million.

    我們預計稅率約為 16.5%,OI&E 為 5000 萬美元。

  • Also today, our Board of Directors has declared a cash dividend of $0.82 per share of common stock payable on August 13, 2020, to shareholders of record as of August 10, 2020.

    同樣在今天,我們的董事會宣佈於 2020 年 8 月 13 日向截至 2020 年 8 月 10 日在冊的股東派發每股普通股 0.82 美元的現金股息。

  • And finally, today, we're announcing a 4-for-1 split of Apple common stock to make our stock more accessible to a broader base of investors.

    最後,今天,我們宣布將 Apple 普通股以 4 比 1 的比例進行拆分,以使我們的股票更容易為更廣泛的投資者群體所接受。

  • Each shareholder of record at the close of business on August 24, 2020, will receive 3 additional shares for every outstanding share held on the record date, and trading will begin on a split-adjusted basis on August 31, 2020.

    在 2020 年 8 月 24 日交易結束時,每位在冊股東將獲得 3 股額外股份,每持有 1 股在記錄日持有的流通股,交易將於 2020 年 8 月 31 日在拆分調整的基礎上開始。

  • With that, let's open the call to questions.


  • Tejas Gala - IR Contact

    Tejas Gala - IR Contact

  • Thank you, Luca.


  • (Operator Instructions) Operator, may we please have the first question?


  • Operator


  • Yes.


  • That will be from Katy Huberty with Morgan Stanley.


  • Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

    Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

  • Tim, in light of the economic adversity that you talked about in the prepared remarks, can you just walk us through how Apple's leveraging finance and trade-in programs to make technology more affordable and accessible during this period while also addressing the opportunity to recycle and reuse products and maybe also extend that to how these programs might expand over time?

    蒂姆,鑑於您在準備好的講話中談到的經濟逆境,您能否向我們介紹一下 Apple 如何在此期間利用金融和以舊換新計劃使技術更實惠、更容易獲得,同時還解決了回收和回收利用的機會。重用產品,也許還會將其擴展到這些程序如何隨著時間的推移而擴展?

  • And then I have a follow-up.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • As Luca mentioned, in June, we actually rolled out to the overwhelming balance of our other products the ability to do interest rate -- interest-free financing in our stores with payments.

    正如盧卡所提到的,在 6 月,我們實際上推出了我們其他產品的壓倒性餘額的利率能力——在我們的商店中通過付款進行無息融資。

  • And that's in addition to trade-in, which is becoming a more common trend now, which I think is terrific because it is great for the environment and it acts as a subsidy, if you will, against the price of a new phone.


  • And so when you compound these 2 things with the financing and the trade-in, it makes the product super affordable.


  • And we're really happy with what we're seeing in that regard.


  • Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

    Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

  • And then as a follow-up, just specifically to iPhone, the category returned to growth.

    然後作為後續行動,專門針對 iPhone,該類別恢復了增長。

  • As you pointed out, the installed base is larger today.


  • Our math would suggest that replacement cycles, in some cases, are elongated.


  • And then you have the affordability element that you just discussed.


  • Does all of that combine to build confidence that we're entering a longer period of iPhone revenue growth after what's been 6 quarters of decline?

    在經歷了 6 個季度的下滑之後,所有這些結合起來是否可以讓我們相信我們正在進入更長時期的 iPhone 收入增長?

  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • We're very pleased with how we did on iPhone.

    我們對我們在 iPhone 上的表現感到非常滿意。

  • It was better than we thought largely because, as we pointed out in the prepared remarks, May and June were much better.

    這比我們想像的要好,主要是因為正如我們在準備好的評論中指出的那樣,5 月和 6 月要好得多。

  • If you look at iPhone in totality, the things that get me very optimistic is the size of the active installed base.

    如果你從整體上看 iPhone,讓我非常樂觀的是活躍用戶群的規模。

  • The fact that if you look in the major geographies like the U.S., we had the top 2 selling smartphones.

    事實上,如果你看看像美國這樣的主要地區,我們的智能手機銷量排名前 2。

  • In the U.K., we had 3 of the top 4. In Australia, we had 5 of the top 6. And in Japan, we had the top 4. Urban China, we were -- iPhone 11 was the top-selling smartphone in the country.

    在英國,前 4 名中有 3 部。在澳大利亞,前 6 名中有 5 部。在日本,我們獲得前 4 名。中國城市——iPhone 11 是全球最暢銷的智能手機國家。

  • And so these are some very different geographies with very different competitive situations and we're doing fairly well.


  • The iPhone SE, it's also clear that from the early data, we're seeing a higher switcher number than we did in the previous year, which we feel very good about.

    iPhone SE 也很明顯,從早期數據來看,我們看到的切換器數量比前一年更高,我們對此感覺非常好。

  • And it also seemed to appeal to some people that were holding onto the device a little longer because they wanted a smaller form factor phone.


  • And so the combination of the smaller form factor and an incredibly affordable price made the iPhone SE very popular.

    因此,較小的外形尺寸和令人難以置信的實惠價格相結合,使 iPhone SE 非常受歡迎。

  • iPhone 11 is still the most popular smartphone, but iPhone SE definitely helped our results.

    iPhone 11 仍然是最受歡迎的智能手機,但 iPhone SE 無疑對我們的結果有所幫助。

  • And as we -- as Lucas said in his outlook, we do see that continuing into this quarter currently.

    正如我們 - 正如盧卡斯在他的展望中所說,我們確實看到目前這種情況會持續到本季度。

  • Operator


  • That will be from Krish Sankar with Cowen and Company.

    那將來自與 Cowen and Company 的 Krish Sankar。

  • Krish Sankar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Krish Sankar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • I have 2 of them.

    我有 2 個。

  • First one, Tim, when you look at the Services business and in terms of your TV+ content production, have the movement restrictions impacted the content production efforts?

    第一個,蒂姆,當您查看服務業務以及您的 TV+ 內容製作時,移動限制是否影響了內容製作工作?

  • And along the same path, 4 years ago, your premonition on Services being a $50 billion business in 2020 came sooner than expected.

    沿著同樣的道路,4 年前,您對服務在 2020 年將成為 500 億美元業務的預感來得比預期的要早。

  • I don't know if you want to make any such forecast 4 years out on how you think Services revenue is going to be.

    我不知道您是否想在 4 年後就您認為服務收入將如何做出任何此類預測。

  • Then I had a follow-up for Luca.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • I'm sorry.


  • I missed that second question because the audio didn't come through.


  • But I think I got to -- just to the first, and that is production has been affected for Apple TV+, as I think it has for most people.

    但我認為我必須 - 只是第一個,那就是 Apple TV+ 的製作受到了影響,就像我認為大多數人一樣。

  • We are working to get restarted.


  • I don't have a precise date yet when we will get restarted, but there will be some impact because we shut down in the March time frame and are yet to really restart in a significant way particularly for those that are shot in the L.A. area given the current status of the virus in this -- and I'm sorry, I missed your -- the second part of your question.

    我還沒有確切的重啟日期,但會產生一些影響,因為我們在 3 月的時間範圍內關閉,並且尚未真正以顯著的方式重啟,特別是對於那些在洛杉磯地區被槍殺的人鑑於病毒的當前狀態 - 對不起,我錯過了你的 - 你問題的第二部分。

  • Krish Sankar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Krish Sankar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Well, Tim, I was trying to see.


  • 4 years ago, you made a great prediction that Services is going to be $50 billion by 2020.

    4 年前,您做出了一個偉大的預測,即到 2020 年,服務將達到 500 億美元。

  • I wanted to see if you have any update to the prediction 4 years down the road.

    我想看看你對 4 年後的預測是否有任何更新。

  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • We're not updating today.


  • We feel good.


  • We want to take the moment and feel good about achieving the doubling 6 months early.

    我們想抓住時機,對提前 6 個月實現翻倍感到滿意。

  • And we do have, still hanging out there, as you know, the subscription number that we're shooting for later in the year at 600 million.

    如你所知,我們確實有,仍然掛在那裡,我們計劃在今年晚些時候達到 6 億的訂閱數量。

  • So we do have that objective out there.


  • Krish Sankar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Krish Sankar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • If I could just squeeze in one for Luca.


  • With the strong sales in Mac given the shelter in place, do you think the back-to-school season got pulled in by a quarter?

    由於 Mac 的強勁銷售已經到位,你認為返校季會提前四分之一嗎?

  • Or do you expect the momentum to still continue?


  • Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

    Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

  • As I said when I was talking about providing some commentary for the September quarter, we expect all the non-iPhone product categories to have a very strong year-over-year performance.

    正如我在談到為 9 月季度提供一些評論時所說的那樣,我們預計所有非 iPhone 產品類別的同比表現都非常強勁。

  • So we definitely -- I mean the back-to-school season is clearly this one.


  • And we're very excited not only for the Mac but also for the iPad.

    我們對 Mac 和 iPad 都感到非常興奮。

  • We got a fantastic lineup of products, and we know that these products are incredibly relevant especially given the current circumstances.


  • So we expect the performance that we've seen for Mac in the June quarter to continue.

    因此,我們預計我們在 6 月季度看到的 Mac 性能將繼續下去。

  • Operator


  • From Cross Research, we'll hear from Shannon Cross.

    來自 Cross Research,我們將聽到 Shannon Cross 的消息。

  • Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

    Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

  • Tim, can you talk a bit about what you're seeing in China?


  • I know the revenue was up 2%, and I think Luca talked about record iPad.

    我知道收入增長了 2%,而且我認為 Luca 談到了創紀錄的 iPad。

  • But just curious as to -- given their 5G is a bit ahead, how you're seeing the market play out.

    但只是好奇——鑑於他們的 5G 有點領先,你如何看待市場發展。

  • And then I have a follow-up.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Shannon, the growth that -- we did see growth in Greater China for the quarter of 2%.

    香農的增長——我們確實看到大中華區本季度增長了 2%。

  • Currency affected China a bit more than in other places.


  • It affected 400 basis points, and so in constant currency, we would have grown at 6%.

    它影響了 400 個基點,因此按固定匯率計算,我們將增長 6%。

  • As I'd mentioned before, the iPhone 11 has been our best-selling phone and has been #1 in Urban China, and so we're very, very proud of that.

    正如我之前提到的,iPhone 11 一直是我們最暢銷的手機,並且在中國城市地區排名第一,因此我們為此感到非常非常自豪。

  • iPad was helped in the June quarter there by the work-from-home and distance learning as it was in other geographies, and the Mac also grew strong double digit during the quarter.

    與其他地區一樣,iPad 在 6 月份的季度得益於在家工作和遠程學習的幫助,Mac 在本季度也實現了兩位數的強勁增長。

  • And Services set a new June quarter record there.


  • We also continue to see extremely high new customer rates on Mac and iPad there.

    我們還繼續看到那裡的 Mac 和 iPad 上的新客戶率極高。

  • To give you a perspective, about 3 out of 4 customers that are buying the Mac are new in China, and about 2 out of 3 that are buying the iPad are new.

    給你一個視角,大約四分之三的購買 Mac 的客戶是中國的新客戶,大約三分之二的購買 iPad 的客戶是新客戶。

  • And so these are numbers that we're super proud of.


  • Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

    Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then can you talk a little bit more about the decision to bring Mac silicon in-house and the benefits that you expect to see or you've seen from vertical integration of acquisitions like the Intel modem business?

    然後,您能否多談談將 Mac 芯片引入內部的決定,以及您期望看到或從英特爾調製解調器業務等收購的垂直整合中看到的好處?

  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • I mean what we wound up -- what we'll wind up with is a common architecture across all of our products, which gives us some interesting things that we can do in products that are -- that it sort of unleashes another round of innovation.


  • And so I don't want to say a lot about it other than we're extremely excited about it.


  • It's something that we've worked on quite a while to get to this point, and we're looking forward to shipping the first Mac with Apple silicon later in the year.

    為了達到這一點,我們已經努力了很長時間,我們期待著在今年晚些時候推出第一台配備 Apple 芯片的 Mac。

  • Operator


  • That will come from Amit Daryanani with Evercore.

    這將來自 Evercore 的 Amit Daryanani。

  • Amit Jawaharlaz Daryanani - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

    Amit Jawaharlaz Daryanani - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

  • I have one and a follow-up as well.


  • So first one, I guess, Tim, if I think about the strength you're seeing with iPhones right now, do you have a sense in terms of where is this trend coming from?

    所以第一個,我想,蒂姆,如果我考慮一下你現在看到的 iPhone 的實力,你是否知道這種趨勢來自哪裡?

  • Is it more replacement cycles getting shorter?


  • Or are we just getting new customers into the iOS ecosystem?

    還是我們只是讓新客戶進入 iOS 生態系統?

  • Because clearly, these growth rates seem fairly impressive in the context of a pandemic and the upcoming refresh cycle that we have.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • I think, Amit, it's a combination of a strong launch with iPhone SE and in some -- probably some pickup because of the economic stimulus that hit different countries at different points in time and probably some of the reopening that took place across the quarter, particularly in May and June, as stores started to reopen.

    我認為,阿米特,這是與 iPhone SE 的強勁發布以及某些方面的結合——可能是因為經濟刺激措施在不同時間點對不同國家造成影響,而且可能是整個季度發生的一些重新開放,特別是在 5 月和 6 月,隨著商店開始重新營業。

  • And so it's a combination of all of those.


  • And as you know, we've been having a strong cycle with the iPhone 11 and the 11 Pro.

    如您所知,iPhone 11 和 11 Pro 的周期一直很強勁。

  • And so when you combine the -- a strong cycle plus an iPhone SE launch plus the reopening of the stores, et cetera, I think there were a lot of things that were going in the right direction there.

    因此,當您將強勁的周期加上 iPhone SE 的發布以及商店的重新開業等因素結合起來時,我認為那裡有很多事情朝著正確的方向發展。

  • Amit Jawaharlaz Daryanani - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

    Amit Jawaharlaz Daryanani - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • That's helpful.


  • And I guess, Luca, if I could just follow up with you.


  • I'd love to get your perspective on how do we think about the overall 38% gross margins.

    我很想听聽您對我們如何看待 38% 的整體毛利率的看法。

  • What do you think are the levers to improve this as you go forward, not really September quarter but over the next 1 or 2 years?

    你認為在你前進的過程中,改善這一點的槓桿是什麼,而不是真正的 9 月季度,而是未來 1 或 2 年?

  • And in that context, do you see a point where the product gross margins start to stabilize because they have been trending somewhat lower for the last couple of quarters now?


  • Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

    Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

  • Yes.


  • Let me start with what we've seen during the June quarter.


  • We were -- at 38%, we were down slightly sequentially but up the same amount on a year-over-year basis.

    我們 - 為 38%,環比略有下降,但同比增長相同。

  • And really, the big negative impact that we felt for several quarters now has been the strength of the U.S. dollar.


  • So the foreign exchange impact on a sequential basis was 90 basis points, on a year-over-year basis was 130 basis points.

    因此,外匯影響環比為 90 個基點,同比為 130 個基點。

  • So obviously, that is something to keep in mind.


  • And then the other aspect, I think it's always important to keep in mind, Amit, is that we sell many different products.


  • They have different margin profiles.


  • And so sometimes, a different mix can have an impact on the aggregate level of products' gross margins.


  • And we're very pleased to see the performance of Mac, iPad and wearables, but obviously, it's a different mix.

    我們很高興看到 Mac、iPad 和可穿戴設備的性能,但顯然,這是一種不同的組合。

  • Going forward, the variables are always the same.


  • It's -- the foreign exchange will continue to play an impact.


  • The mix of products that we're going to be selling will have an impact as well.


  • The commodities market has been relatively benign, and we'll see how that plays out over time.


  • As you know now for several years, we've been managing gross margin, I would say, fairly well in spite of some difficult situations like the one with the strength of the dollar, and we plan to continue to make good trade-off decisions between revenue and units and margins.


  • Operator


  • That will come from Kyle McNealy with Jefferies.


  • Kyle P. McNealy - Equity Analyst

    Kyle P. McNealy - Equity Analyst

  • Our team in Asia, recently, we did some survey work on smartphones in China.


  • It showed that there's still a high proportion of the installed bases on 6, 7 and 8 devices.

    這表明在 6、7 和 8 台設備上的安裝基數仍然很高。

  • I know you talked about the trade-in programs and promotions that you've been doing there.


  • I wonder if you can tell us whether there's anything else that you're doing to get these customers into your latest technology.


  • What might those customers be looking for?


  • And how should we think about when an upgrade cycle might come on more strongly there in China?


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Customers upgrade at different -- at a different pace, and I don't have in front of me the exact installed base data from China.


  • But I mean much like in other geographies, the upgrades have extended some.


  • It extended some during the depths, if you will, of the pandemic in China and the rest of the world and probably, to some degree, is happening still at this point.


  • The key things that we can do is keep innovating, deliver a product that people can't imagine going through life without and obviously keep rolling out these programs that make the front-end purchase be much less.


  • And this is things like the financing and the trade-in programs that you mentioned.


  • And I do feel like those are going quite good in a number of geographies.


  • Kyle P. McNealy - Equity Analyst

    Kyle P. McNealy - Equity Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • And one more, if I may.


  • Congrats again on the strong iPad and Mac results.

    再次恭喜 iPad 和 Mac 取得強勁的成績。

  • That's really impressive.


  • I guess the obvious question is, should we ever think about how much of that might be pulled forward and what might it do to future upgrades in the next 2 years?

    我想一個顯而易見的問題是,我們是否應該考慮過其中有多少可能會被推進,以及它對未來 2 年的未來升級有何影響?

  • Anything else you can share on how you think about growth from here or whether there's a hangover period maybe after the back-to-school season or holiday season, that would be helpful.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • The installed base is growing, and the new customer numbers that Luca went over in the aggregate are still very high in the -- close to 50% kind of range.

    安裝基數正在增長,Luca 總體上新增的客戶數量仍然非常高——接近 50% 的範圍。

  • And so that, to me, makes the -- bodes well for the future.


  • There's clearly -- as we had indicated, there's some amount of work from home and remote learning that do affect the results of Mac and iPad positively.

    很明顯——正如我們所指出的,有一些在家工作和遠程學習確實對 Mac 和 iPad 的結果產生了積極的影響。

  • They probably affect wearables and iPhone the other direction and -- but on Mac and iPad, these are productivity tools that people are using to stay engaged with their work or stay engaged with their school work.

    它們可能會影響可穿戴設備和 iPhone,但在 Mac 和 iPad 上,這些是人們用來保持工作或學習的生產力工具。

  • And we believe we're going to have a strong back-to-school season.


  • Sitting here today, it certainly looks like that.


  • Operator


  • That will come from Cleveland Research's Ben Bollin.

    這將來自 Cleveland Research 的 Ben Bollin。

  • Benjamin James Bollin - Senior Research Analyst

    Benjamin James Bollin - Senior Research Analyst

  • Tim, I was hoping you could share a little bit about where you think channel inventory is.


  • You talked about the tightness you saw exiting the June quarter for Mac and iPad.

    您談到了 Mac 和 iPad 在 6 月季度退出時的緊張情況。

  • Interested where you think inventory is across major product categories.


  • And then I had a follow-up for Luca.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • We -- usually, we've gotten away from talking about channel inventories.


  • But to give you a perspective, sitting here, looking at it, on iPhone, the inventory is slightly less than it was a year ago.

    但是給你一個視角,坐在這裡,看著它,在 iPhone 上,庫存比一年前略少。

  • And that's -- I'm saying that at a quarter end point, so at the end of Q3.

    那就是 - 我是說在四分之一結束時,所以在第三季度末。

  • And obviously, iPad and Mac are constrained, and so both of those are less than they were in the year-ago quarter.

    顯然,iPad 和 Mac 受到限制,因此兩者都低於去年同期。

  • Benjamin James Bollin - Senior Research Analyst

    Benjamin James Bollin - Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then, Luca, I'm interested.


  • Any color you could share about the impact COVID had on OpEx in the quarter, be it work-from-home stipends, less travel, other employee support costs?

    關於本季度 COVID 對 OpEx 的影響,您可以分享任何顏色,無論是在家工作津貼、減少旅行還是其他員工支持成本?

  • And also, how the company is thinking about the longer-term opportunity of employees working remotely maybe more permanently and any considerations on how that could influence future OpEx.


  • Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

    Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

  • Well, on the OpEx front, there have been obviously certain things that have been affected in terms of cost reductions.


  • Obviously, travel is a perfect example.


  • The number of meetings that we had internally, some of those costs have been reduced.


  • We've also invested heavily in initiatives.


  • For example, we're really trying to help during very difficult circumstances.


  • For example, we have had a program, for example, where we match our employee donations.


  • We made donations directly as a company around the world to many institutions and governments.


  • On a net basis, I would say probably, the costs have outweighed the savings both during the March and the June quarter, but we think it's absolutely the right thing to do.

    在淨額基礎上,我可能會說,在 3 月和 6 月季度,成本超過了節省,但我們認為這絕對是正確的做法。

  • From an employee perspective, what we said so far is that here in the United States, most -- the majority of our population will continue to work from home until the end of the year.


  • And then we'll see.


  • I mean we've taken an approach that we try to understand how the virus is evolving over time.


  • We've taken a very cautious approach both with our corporate facilities and with our retail stores.


  • I think what you've seen with retail stores is that we have reopened in a number of geographies around the world.


  • We've reopened here in the United States.


  • We've had to reclose some of the stores here in the United States as the number of cases has gone up, and we will continue to track how the virus is doing.


  • And hopefully, at some point, we're going to get to a point where there is a vaccine or there is a cure.


  • And so we'll make those decisions as we get more information.


  • Operator


  • That will be from Jeriel Ong with Deutsche Bank.

    那將來自德意志銀行的 Jeriel Ong。

  • Kanghui Ong - Research Analyst

    Kanghui Ong - Research Analyst

  • I have 2 questions as well.


  • I'd like to focus on the gross margin expansion within the Services line, all-time record for the quarter.


  • I'm just curious whether you think that will sustain.


  • I understand within Services, there's a pretty wide range of gross margins by business, and I'm wondering if that should continue to improve.


  • Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

    Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

  • Well, as you've seen, obviously, we've had a sequential expansion in gross margin for Services, and that was driven primarily by mix, as you said, right?


  • We have a very broad portfolio.


  • And depending on which one of the services does better, then we have an impact on Services gross margins.


  • We like the Services business because it's a recurring type of revenue and the margins are accretive to company margin.


  • We did over 67% this quarter.

    我們本季度的業績超過了 67%。

  • But we want to offer very competitive services across the board, and the same -- I think I'm going to make the same comments that I made on products.


  • What matters to us is to be successful with everything that we do and provide great products and services to our customers.


  • So the relative success of our products and services in the marketplace will drive, to a certain extent, what our margins are.


  • That's -- the margins are a by-product of our success in the marketplace.


  • Kanghui Ong - Research Analyst

    Kanghui Ong - Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • I really appreciate that.


  • And I wanted to ask a question on the wearables segment.


  • It seems to me that you're categorizing the wearables business as maybe being a little bit impacted by pandemic similar to the iPhones.

    在我看來,您將可穿戴設備業務歸類為可能會受到類似於 iPhone 的流行病的影響。

  • And it's the first time that wearables hasn't materially upsided in at least a while in recent memory.


  • I guess the drivers of wearables being Watch and -- predominantly Watch and AirPods, what are your thoughts going forward on whether there's a little bit of pent-up demand perhaps that might resume as we get back to a more normalized environment?

    我猜可穿戴設備的驅動因素是 Watch 和 - 主要是 Watch 和 AirPods,你對未來是否會有一點被壓抑的需求有什麼看法,隨著我們回到一個更加正常化的環境,這種需求可能會恢復嗎?

  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • I think on the Watch, in particular, is like the iPhone, more affected by store closures because people -- some people want to try on the Watch and see what it looks like, look at different band choices and those sorts of things.

    我認為在 Watch 上尤其像 iPhone,受商店關閉的影響更大,因為人們——有些人想試戴 Watch,看看它是什麼樣子,看看不同的樂隊選擇等等。

  • So I think as stores closed, it puts more pressure on that.


  • I was -- we did come out sort of the way we told you last quarter.

    我是 - 我們確實像上個季度告訴你的那樣出來了。

  • We were going to come out from a -- from the color that we gave you.


  • So we knew things would decelerate because of the closures.


  • So we wound up being very pleased with how we did, but the store closures definitely affect the wearables and the iPhone.

    所以我們最終對我們的表現感到非常滿意,但商店關閉肯定會影響可穿戴設備和 iPhone。

  • Operator


  • That will come from Jim Suva with Citigroup.


  • Jim Suva - MD & Research Analyst

    Jim Suva - MD & Research Analyst

  • And I have 2 questions.


  • I'll ask them at the same time, and it's one for Tim and one for Luca.


  • Tim, the coronavirus -- your company has done a fantastic job at overcoming the hurdle.


  • So congratulations to you.


  • As you look forward, say, to the Christmas holiday shopping season and given the economic challenges around the world of where is coronavirus and your product launches and things like that, can you give any commentary maybe how this Christmas, you're looking forward to see maybe some past cycles of Christmas of a line-up?


  • Because it just seems like it's a little bit different, but Apple is really showing a lot more strength coming into this Christmas than maybe some of the past years.


  • And then for Luca.


  • I think today, a quick comment, Luca, that -- you mentioned something about a few weeks later.


  • Was that for like iPhone, iPhone chips or product launches?

    是針對 iPhone、iPhone 芯片還是產品發布?

  • Or maybe expound upon that.


  • I know things are more difficult but I didn't quite get the commentary.


  • It was in your prepared comments, Luca, about a few weeks later.


  • Let's just do a quick little blurb.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Yes, we're -- we take it one quarter at a time, and so we'll give you a color on the December quarter in October.

    是的,我們是——我們一次只看一個季度,所以我們會在 10 月的 12 月季度給你一個顏色。

  • Generally speaking, I think we need to see a vaccine or therapeutic or both, and there's some optimism around that in that particular time frame.


  • And so we'll see.


  • I don't have any information that isn't publicly available there, but I think that would boost consumer confidence quite a bit if it began to happen.


  • And I think that any kind of consumer stock company would benefit from that.


  • Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

    Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

  • And Jim, on the iPhone, I said in my remarks that we launched -- a year ago, we launched the new iPhone in late September.

    吉姆,關於 iPhone,我在我的講話中說我們推出了 - 一年前,我們在 9 月下旬推出了新的 iPhone。

  • So I was referring to the new product.


  • And I said that this year, the supply of the new product will be a few weeks later than that.


  • Jim Suva - MD & Research Analyst

    Jim Suva - MD & Research Analyst

  • Congratulations to you and your entire organization and teams.


  • Operator


  • That will come from Wamsi Mohan with Bank of America.

    這將來自美國銀行的Wamsi Mohan。

  • Wamsi Mohan - Director

    Wamsi Mohan - Director

  • I was wondering if you can maybe comment on the penetration of Apple Card users in the iOS installed base.

    我想知道您是否可以評論 Apple Card 用戶在 iOS 安裝基礎中的滲透率。

  • And have you seen any change in the buying behavior of Apple Card users in terms of accelerating spend on more Apple products and services?

    在加速購買更多 Apple 產品和服務方面,您是否看到 Apple Card 用戶的購買行為有任何變化?

  • And I have a follow-up.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • We saw changes in consumer spending as the shutdowns occurred and as the store closures occurred.


  • We could see that across the Card.


  • It affected the categories that you would guess the most, like travel and entertainment, et cetera.


  • But overall, if you sort of pull the lens out on the Apple Card, we're very happy with the number of people that have the Apple Card.

    但總的來說,如果您將鏡頭拉出 Apple Card,我們對擁有 Apple Card 的人數感到非常滿意。

  • We believe, based on what we've heard, that it's the fastest rollout in the history of credit cards, and so we feel very good about that.


  • Wamsi Mohan - Director

    Wamsi Mohan - Director

  • Okay, Tim.


  • And as a follow-up, now that Apple has Apple silicon for Macs, would you ever consider monetizing this as a merchant silicon vendor?

    作為後續行動,既然 Apple 擁有適用於 Mac 的 Apple 芯片,您是否會考慮將其作為商業芯片供應商獲利?

  • Or is this going to be forever for Apple use?


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Well, I don't want to make a forever comment but there are -- we're a product company and we love making the whole thing and -- because we can own the user experience in that way and with the goal of delighting the user.


  • And that's the reason that we're doing the Apple silicon is because we can envision some products that we can achieve with Apple silicon that we couldn't achieve otherwise.

    這就是我們使用 Apple 芯片的原因,因為我們可以設想一些我們可以使用 Apple 芯片實現的產品,而這些產品是我們無法實現的。

  • And so that's how we look at it.


  • Tejas Gala - IR Contact

    Tejas Gala - IR Contact

  • Thank you, Wamsi.


  • A replay of today's call will be available for 2 weeks on Apple Podcasts, as a webcast on apple.com/investor, and via telephone.

    今天電話會議的重播將在 Apple 播客、apple.com/investor 上的網絡廣播和電話上播放 2 週。

  • The numbers for the telephone replay are (888) 203-1112 or (719) 457-0820.

    電話重播的號碼是 (888) 203-1112 或 (719) 457-0820。

  • Please enter confirmation code 2630782.


  • These replays will be available by approximately 5 p.m.

    這些重播將在下午 5 點左右提供。

  • Pacific Time today.


  • Members of the press with additional questions can contact Kristin Huguet at (408) 974-2414.

    有其他問題的媒體成員可以致電 (408) 974-2414 聯繫 Kristin Huguet。

  • Financial analysts can contact me with additional questions at (669) 227-2402.

    金融分析師可以致電 (669) 227-2402 與我聯繫以解決其他問題。

  • Thank you again for joining us.


  • Operator


  • And again, that will conclude today's conference.
