蘋果 (AAPL) 2018 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and welcome to the Apple Inc.

    美好的一天,歡迎來到 Apple Inc.

  • Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Earnings Conference Call.

    2018 財年第四季度財報電話會議。

  • Today's call is being recorded.


  • At this time, for opening remarks and introductions, I would like to turn the call over to Nancy Paxton, Senior Director of Investor Relations.

    目前,關於開場白和介紹,我想將電話轉給投資者關係高級總監 Nancy Paxton。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director of IR and Treasury

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director of IR and Treasury

  • Thank you.


  • Good afternoon, and thanks to everyone for joining us.


  • Speaking first today is Apple's CEO, Tim Cook; and he'll be followed by CFO, Luca Maestri.

    今天首先發言的是蘋果公司的首席執行官蒂姆庫克;緊隨其後的是首席財務官 Luca Maestri。

  • After that, we'll open the call to questions from analysts.


  • Please note that some of the information you'll hear during our discussion today will consist of forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, those regarding revenue, gross margin, operating expenses, other income and expense, taxes, capital allocation and future business outlook.


  • Actual results or trends could differ materially from our forecast.


  • For more information, please refer to the risk factors discussed in Apple's most recently filed periodic reports on Form 10-K and Form 10-Q and the Form 8-K filed with the SEC today, along with the associated press release.

    有關更多信息,請參閱 Apple 最近提交的有關 10-K 表格和 10-Q 表格的定期報告以及今天向 SEC 提交的 8-K 表格以及相關新聞稿中討論的風險因素。

  • Apple assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or information which speak as of their respective dates.

    Apple 不承擔更新任何前瞻性陳述或截至其各自日期的信息的義務。

  • I'd now like to turn the call over to Tim for introductory remarks.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Nancy.


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and thanks for joining us.


  • I just got back from Brooklyn, where we marked our fourth major launch at the end of the year.


  • In addition to being a great time, it put an exclamation point at the end of a remarkable fiscal 2018.

    除了是一段美好的時光,它還在非凡的 2018 財年結束時加上了一個感嘆號。

  • This year, we shipped our 2 billionth iOS device, celebrated the 10th anniversary of the App Store and achieved the strongest revenue and earnings in Apple's history.

    今年,我們交付了第 20 億台 iOS 設備,慶祝了 App Store 成立 10 週年,並實現了 Apple 歷史上最強勁的收入和收益。

  • In fiscal year '18, our revenue grew by $36.4 billion.

    在 18 財年,我們的收入增長了 364 億美元。

  • That's the equivalent of a Fortune 100 company in a single year.

    這相當於一年內一家財富 100 強公司。

  • And we're capping all that off with our best September quarter ever.

    我們將用有史以來最好的 9 月季度來結束這一切。

  • Revenue was $62.9 billion, ahead of our expectations.

    收入為 629 億美元,超出我們的預期。

  • That's an increase of 20% over last year and our highest growth rate in 3 years.

    這比去年增長了 20%,是我們 3 年來的最高增長率。

  • We also generated record Q4 earnings with 41% year-over-year growth in EPS.

    我們還創造了創紀錄的第四季度收益,每股收益同比增長 41%。

  • Record results from iPhone, Services and Wearables drove our momentum, and we produced strong double-digit revenue growth in all of our geographic segments.


  • It was a big year and a big quarter for iPhone.

    對於 iPhone 來說,這是重要的一年和重要的季度。

  • Q4 revenue was up 29% over last year, an increase of over $8 billion to a new September quarter record, fueled by continued momentum for iPhone 8, 8 Plus and X and the very successful launch of iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max.

    由於 iPhone 8、8 Plus 和 X 的持續發展勢頭以及 iPhone Xs 和 iPhone Xs Max 的成功推出,第四季度的收入比去年增長了 29%,增加了超過 80 億美元,創下了新的 9 月季度記錄。

  • These latest devices are our most advanced iPhones ever with the industry's first 7-nanometer A12 Bionic chip with an Apple-designed 8-core Neural Engine capable of executing an astounding 5 trillion operations per second.

    這些最新設備是我們有史以來最先進的 iPhone,配備業界首款 7 納米 A12 仿生芯片,配備 Apple 設計的 8 核神經引擎,每秒可執行驚人的 5 萬億次操作。

  • The A12 Bionic is many years in the making and a huge technological leap forward.

    A12 Bionic 已經醞釀多年,是一次巨大的技術飛躍。

  • It sets the iPhone experience far apart from the competition using real-time machine learning to transform the way we experience photo, gaming, augmented reality and more.

    它使用實時機器學習來改變我們體驗照片、遊戲、增強現實等的方式,使 iPhone 體驗在競爭中脫穎而出。

  • It makes full use of the dual-camera system that shoots portrait mode photos with Smart HDR and dynamic depth of field, and Face ID is even faster.

    它充分利用了雙攝系統,以Smart HDR和動態景深拍攝人像模式照片,Face ID更快。

  • The response has been powerful.


  • As one reviewer put it, "iPhone Xs and Xs Max are the perfect blend of design and craftsmanship as well as seamlessly intuitive user experience." We're not done yet.

    正如一位評論家所說,“iPhone Xs 和 Xs Max 完美融合了設計和工藝以及無縫直觀的用戶體驗。”我們還沒有完成。

  • Just last week, we began shipping iPhone XR, bringing the latest iPhone breakthroughs to even more users.

    就在上週,我們開始發售 iPhone XR,為更多用戶帶來最新的 iPhone 突破。

  • With an all-screen glass and aluminum design and the most advanced LCD in a smartphone, the product reviews had been overwhelmingly positive.

    憑藉全屏玻璃和鋁製設計以及智能手機中最先進的 LCD,產品評論非常積極。

  • iOS 12 has gotten off to an incredible start.

    iOS 12 的開端令人難以置信。

  • It's been installed on more systems in its first month than any version of iOS ever.

    它在第一個月安裝在更多系統上的數量超過了任何 iOS 版本。

  • iOS 12 is delivering system-wide performance enhancements, Siri Shortcuts and new tools to help people reduce interruption and manage screen time for themselves and their kids.

    iOS 12 正在提供系統範圍的性能增強、Siri 快捷方式和新工具,以幫助人們減少干擾並為自己和孩子管理屏幕時間。

  • Siri Shortcuts, in particular, is already deeply integrated with some of the most popular apps out there.

    尤其是 Siri Shortcuts,它已經與一些最流行的應用程序深度集成。

  • Whether you're tracking your workouts or rushing to catch a flight, you can be sure all of your most relevant apps are working together with Siri in the driver seat.

    無論您是跟踪鍛煉情況還是趕飛機,您都可以確保所有最相關的應用程序都與駕駛座上的 Siri 協同工作。

  • iOS 12 also features ARKit 2, a major upgrade to our augmented reality engine.

    iOS 12 還配備了 ARKit 2,這是我們增強現實引擎的一次重大升級。

  • ARKit 2 makes possible simultaneous multi-user experiences and real-world object incorporation.

    ARKit 2 使同時多用戶體驗和真實世界對象合併成為可能。

  • Our developer community is really running with this technology.


  • From gaming to shopping, we're seeing great new use cases emerge.


  • iOS devices deliver the best AR experiences of any products in the market today, and with the announcement of our new iPad Pro this week, we've made that gap even wider.

    iOS 設備提供了當今市場上所有產品中最好的 AR 體驗,而隨著本週我們新 iPad Pro 的發布,我們進一步擴大了這一差距。

  • More powerful than the vast majority of PC laptops, the new iPad Pro is unrivaled in its versatility and performance.

    全新 iPad Pro 比絕大多數 PC 筆記本電腦更強大,其多功能性和性能無與倫比。

  • And paired with the beautifully refined Apple Pencil and a new streamlined full-size smart keyboard, iPad Pro will extend its lead as the ultimate creativity and productivity device.

    搭配精美精緻的 Apple Pencil 和全新的流線型全尺寸智能鍵盤,iPad Pro 將進一步擴大其作為終極創造力和生產力設備的領先地位。

  • And finally, just this week, we delivered the hotly anticipated group FaceTime functionality to all FaceTime-enabled devices.

    最後,就在本週,我們為所有支持 FaceTime 的設備提供了備受期待的群組 FaceTime 功能。

  • For Services, it was our best quarter ever with revenue at $10 billion.

    對於服務,這是我們有史以來最好的季度,收入為 100 億美元。

  • Excluding the impact of a favorable onetime accounting adjustment of $640 million a year ago, our Services growth was 27%.

    排除一年前有利的一次性會計調整 6.4 億美元的影響,我們的服務增長率為 27%。

  • We set new Q4 records in all of our geographic segments and new all-time revenue records for the App Store, cloud services, AppleCare, Apple Music and Apple Pay.

    我們在所有地理區域創造了新的第四季度記錄,並為 App Store、雲服務、AppleCare、Apple Music 和 Apple Pay 創造了新的歷史收入記錄。

  • We also continued to see strong growth in paid subscriptions, reaching over 330 million in our ecosystem.

    我們還繼續看到付費訂閱的強勁增長,在我們的生態系統中達到超過 3.3 億。

  • I want to spotlight the exceptional performance of Apple Pay, which is, by far, the #1 mobile contactless payment service worldwide.

    我想重點介紹 Apple Pay 的卓越表現,它是迄今為止全球排名第一的移動非接觸式支付服務。

  • Transaction volume tripled year-over-year, and to put that into perspective, Apple Pay generated significantly more transactions than even PayPal mobile with over 4x the growth rate.

    交易量同比增長了兩倍,從這個角度來看,Apple Pay 產生的交易量甚至比 PayPal 移動設備多得多,增長率超過 4 倍。

  • As a testament to accelerating U.S. growth, Costco completed the rollout of Apple Pay to over 500 U.S. warehouses last quarter, while Neiman Marcus is now accepting Apple Pay at over 40 stores across the country.

    作為加速美國增長的證明,Costco 上個季度在美國 500 多個倉庫完成了 Apple Pay 的推廣,而 Neiman Marcus 現在在全國 40 多家商店接受 Apple Pay。

  • With these additions, 71 of the top 100 merchants and 60% of all U.S. retail locations support Apple Pay.

    有了這些新增功能,前 100 家商家中的 71 家和美國所有零售店中的 60% 都支持 Apple Pay。

  • We continue to invest in our strategy to replace the wallet with the recent launch of student ID passes at several major U.S. universities.


  • And 10 months following its launch, Apple Pay Cash is the highest-rated mobile peer-to-peer service by Consumer Reports based on exceptional payment authentication and data privacy.

    Apple Pay Cash 推出 10 個月後,憑藉出色的支付身份驗證和數據隱私,成為《消費者報告》評價最高的移動點對點服務。

  • We set an all-time quarterly record for Mac revenue, thanks to strong performance in MacBook Pro and the impact of the back-to-school season.

    由於 MacBook Pro 的強勁表現和返校季的影響,我們創下了 Mac 收入的歷史季度記錄。

  • In September, we delivered macOS Mojave, bringing powerful new features to Mac like dark mode, stack and a completely redesigned Mac App Store.

    9 月,我們發布了 macOS Mojave,為 Mac 帶來了強大的新功能,例如深色模式、堆棧和完全重新設計的 Mac App Store。

  • Considered alongside the release of iOS 12, watchOS 5 and a new tvOS, macOS Mojave tells a powerful story of the seamless integration of world-class hardware, software and services that define the Apple ecosystem.

    macOS Mojave 與 iOS 12、watchOS 5 和新的 tvOS 一起發布,講述了定義 Apple 生態系統的世界級硬件、軟件和服務的無縫集成的強大故事。

  • As I mentioned at the beginning of the call, earlier this week, we announced exciting updates to the Mac lineup.

    正如我在電話會議開始時提到的,本週早些時候,我們宣布了對 Mac 產品線的激動人心的更新。

  • The all-new MacBook Air brings a stunning Retina display, Touch ID, the latest processors and an even more portable design to the world's most beloved notebook.

    全新 MacBook Air 為這款世界上最受歡迎的筆記本電腦帶來了令人驚嘆的 Retina 顯示屏、Touch ID、最新的處理器和更加便攜的設計。

  • We also unveiled the biggest update ever to Mac mini, the small yet muscular desktop that powers everything from the music and sound effects of Broadway shows to the developers who build some of the most popular apps in the App Store.

    我們還推出了 Mac mini 有史以來最大的更新,這款小巧但功能強大的桌面為從百老匯演出的音樂和音效到在 App Store 中構建一些最受歡迎的應用程序的開發人員提供一切支持。

  • The new Mac mini boasts an amazing 5x faster performance than before.

    新款 Mac mini 的性能比以前快了 5 倍,令人驚嘆。

  • With revenue growth over 50%, it was another record quarter for Wearables, which includes Apple Watch, AirPods and Beats products.

    隨著收入增長超過 50%,這是可穿戴設備的又一個創紀錄的季度,其中包括 Apple Watch、AirPods 和 Beats 產品。

  • With the highest customer satisfaction in the industry, Apple Watch has become an essential part of people's lives.

    憑藉業界最高的客戶滿意度,Apple Watch 已成為人們生活中必不可少的一部分。

  • The customer response to the Apple Watch Series 4 has been overwhelmingly positive, driven by its all-new design, larger display, faster performance, fall detection, enhanced cellular reception and electrical heart sensor.

    客戶對 Apple Watch Series 4 的反應非常積極,這得益於其全新的設計、更大的顯示屏、更快的性能、跌倒檢測、增強的蜂窩接收和電子心臟傳感器。

  • Later this year, the ECG app will be available to Apple Watch Series 4 customers in the U.S., giving them the ability to take an electrocardiogram anytime right from their wrists.

    今年晚些時候,美國的 Apple Watch Series 4 客戶將可以使用 ECG 應用程序,讓他們能夠隨時從手腕上獲取心電圖。

  • And for U.S. customers with Apple Watch Series 1 and later, watchOS will soon enable periodic checks for irregular heart rhythms that may be suggestive of AFib.

    對於使用 Apple Watch Series 1 及更高版本的美國客戶,watchOS 很快將啟用定期檢查可能提示 AFib 的不規則心律。

  • These are unprecedented and potentially life changing features, showing how Apple Watch is not only an indispensable communication and fitness companion but also an intelligent guardian for your health.

    這些前所未有且可能改變生活的功能,展示了 Apple Watch 不僅是不可或缺的通訊和健身伴侶,更是您健康的智能守護者。

  • More broadly, we see this as just one further example of the kind of contribution we can make in the health space, and we look forward to making more in the future.


  • We are proud to bring HomePod to new customers.

    我們很自豪能夠將 HomePod 帶給新客戶。

  • I was in Spain last week as HomePod became available there and in Mexico.

    上週我在西班牙,因為 HomePod 在那里和墨西哥上市。

  • HomePod delivers the highest fidelity audio quality, working together with an Apple Music subscription to stream over 50 million songs into any room in your home.

    HomePod 提供最高保真度的音頻質量,與 Apple Music 訂閱一起工作,可將超過 5000 萬首歌曲流式傳輸到您家中的任何房間。

  • Our retail team posted record Q4 results to conclude their biggest year ever.


  • They are transforming our stores into places where customers come to connect, learn and be inspired together with people from their community.


  • Our Today at Apple sessions are a terrific example of what that looks like in practice.

    我們的 Today at Apple 會議就是實踐中的一個很好的例子。

  • We hosted over 250,000 Today at Apple sessions this quarter, connecting aspiring creators with local photographers, illustrators and other experts who can help them get the most out of their devices.

    本季度,我們在 Apple 舉辦了超過 250,000 場 Today at Apple 會議,將有抱負的創作者與當地攝影師、插畫家和其他專家聯繫起來,他們可以幫助他們充分利用他們的設備。

  • Apple Stores also hosted 74,000 kids at Apple Camp.

    Apple Stores 還在 Apple Camp 接待了 74,000 名兒童。

  • The relationship Apple has with our customers is about more than just making a purchase.

    Apple 與客戶的關係不僅僅是購買。

  • With the recent addition of beautiful new stores in Italy, Japan, China and in just a few weeks, Thailand, we will have 506 stores where we can further those relationships, almost half of which are outside United States.

    隨著最近在意大利、日本、中國以及短短幾週內在泰國增加了漂亮的新店,我們將擁有 506 家門店,我們可以在其中進一步加強這些關係,其中幾乎一半在美國以外。

  • Before I turn the call over to Luca, I'd like to touch on 2 items that may not show up in our financial statement but are just as integral to Apple's mission and our commitment to making the world a better place.

    在我將電話轉給 Luca 之前,我想談談 2 項可能不會出現在我們的財務報表中但對於 Apple 的使命和我們讓世界變得更美好的承諾不可或缺的內容。

  • First, education.


  • More than 5,000 schools, community colleges and technical colleges worldwide are now using Everyone Can Code, our free coding curriculum.

    全球 5,000 多所學校、社區學院和技術學院現在正在使用我們的免費編程課程“人人能編程”。

  • Ideas, creativity and passion for technology's potential aren't limited by ZIP code or country, and we don't think opportunity should be either.


  • We're also excited that educators in more than 350 schools around the world have started working with Everyone Can Create, the free collection of tools and project guides we introduced this spring designed to help unleash kids' creativity throughout their school day with the help of iPad.

    我們也很高興世界各地 350 多所學校的教育工作者開始與“人人能創造”合作,這是我們今年春天推出的免費工具和項目指南集合,旨在幫助孩子們在整個上學日發揮創造力平板電腦。

  • Next is the environment.


  • This was a milestone year for Apple's commitment to our planet.

    對於 Apple 對地球的承諾而言,這是具有里程碑意義的一年。

  • In April, we announced that 100% of our global operations are powered by renewable energy.

    4 月,我們宣布我們的全球業務 100% 由可再生能源提供動力。

  • We also made progress in doing the same in our supply chain.


  • And just this week, we announced that the enclosures of new products like MacBook Air and iPad Pro will be made from 100% recycled aluminum, a strong, durable and beautiful new alloy designed by Apple.

    就在本週,我們宣布 MacBook Air 和 iPad Pro 等新產品的外殼將由 100% 回收鋁製成,這是一種由 Apple 設計的堅固、耐用且美觀的新型合金。

  • This is a great example of how a commitment to do right on the issues that matter can drive once unimaginable innovation, new ways of approaching old problems and beautiful solutions that set us apart.


  • I'd like to thank all of our employees, customers, developers and business partners for helping us deliver outstanding results across our fiscal 2018.

    我要感謝我們所有的員工、客戶、開發人員和業務合作夥伴,他們幫助我們在 2018 財年取得了出色的成績。

  • We are headed into the holidays with our strongest product lineup ever, and we could not be more bullish about Apple's future.


  • And now Luca has more details to share with you on the September quarter.

    現在,盧卡在 9 月季度與您分享了更多細節。

  • Luca?


  • Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

    Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

  • Thank you, Tim.


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • We are extremely pleased to report record results for our September quarter, which capped a tremendously successful fiscal 2018, a year in which we saw double-digit revenue growth in every geographic segment and established new revenue and earnings records in every single quarter.

    我們非常高興地報告我們 9 月季度的創紀錄業績,這為 2018 財年的巨大成功畫上了句號,這一年我們在每個地理區域都看到了兩位數的收入增長,並在每個季度都創造了新的收入和收益記錄。

  • Revenue in the fourth quarter was $62.9 billion, up 20% and more than $10 billion over last year with strong double-digit growth in each of our geographic segments and record Q4 revenue in the Americas, in Europe, Japan and rest of Asia Pacific.

    第四季度的收入為 629 億美元,比去年增長 20%,超過 100 億美元,我們的每個地理區域都實現了兩位數的強勁增長,並且在美洲、歐洲、日本和亞太其他地區的第四季度收入創紀錄。

  • In fact, we set new revenue records in almost every market we track with especially strong growth in Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan and Korea, all major markets where revenue growth was 25% or higher.

    事實上,我們幾乎在我們追踪的每個市場都創造了新的收入記錄,其中德國、意大利、瑞典、瑞士、日本和韓國的增長尤其強勁,所有主要市場的收入增長都達到了 25% 或更高。

  • We also set new fourth quarter revenue records for iPhone and Wearables and new all-time records for Services and Mac.

    我們還為 iPhone 和可穿戴設備創造了新的第四季度收入記錄,並為服務和 Mac 創造了新的歷史記錄。

  • Gross margin was 38.3%, flat sequentially in line with our expectations as leverage from higher revenue offset seasonal transition costs.

    毛利率為 38.3%,與我們的預期持平,因為收入增加的槓桿抵消了季節性過渡成本。

  • We set new September quarter records for net income, EPS and cash flow from operations.

    我們創造了新的 9 月季度淨收入、每股收益和運營現金流量記錄。

  • Net income was $14.1 billion, up $3.4 billion or 32% over last year.

    淨收入為 141 億美元,比去年增加 34 億美元或 32%。

  • Diluted earnings per share were $2.91, up 41%.

    每股攤薄收益為 2.91 美元,增長 41%。

  • Cash flow from operations was $19.5 billion, up $3.8 billion from a year ago.

    運營現金流為 195 億美元,比一年前增加 38 億美元。

  • iPhone revenue grew 29% with growth of more than 20% in every geographic segment.

    iPhone 收入增長 29%,每個地理區域的增長都超過 20%。

  • iPhone ASP was $793 compared to $618 a year ago, driven by strong performance of iPhone X, 8 and 8 Plus as well as the successful launch of iPhone Xs and Xs Max in the September quarter this year, while we launched iPhone X in the December quarter last year.

    iPhone ASP 為 793 美元,而一年前為 618 美元,這得益於 iPhone X、8 和 8 Plus 的強勁表現以及今年 9 季度成功推出 iPhone Xs 和 Xs Max,而我們在 12 月推出了 iPhone X去年一季度。

  • We sold 46.9 million iPhones during the quarter with growth of 20% or more in several markets, including Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Chile and Vietnam.

    我們在本季度售出了 4690 萬部 iPhone,在包括日本、澳大利亞、新西蘭、瑞典、挪威、智利和越南在內的多個市場中增長了 20% 或更多。

  • Customer satisfaction with iPhone continues to be outstanding and is the highest in the industry.

    客戶對 iPhone 的滿意度繼續保持出色,並且是業內最高的。

  • The latest survey of U.S. consumers from 451 Research indicates customer satisfaction of 98% for iPhone X, 8 and 8 Plus combined.

    451 Research 對美國消費者的最新調查表明,iPhone X、8 和 8 Plus 的客戶滿意度為 98%。

  • And among business buyers who plan to purchase smartphones in the December quarter, 80% plan to purchase iPhones.

    在計劃在 12 月季度購買智能手機的商業買家中,80% 的人計劃購買 iPhone。

  • Turning to Services.


  • It was our best quarter ever in total and virtually in every market around the world with revenue of $10 billion.

    這是我們有史以來最好的季度,幾乎在全球每個市場上都實現了 100 億美元的收入。

  • A year ago, we had a onetime $640 million favorable impact to Services revenue due to an accounting adjustment, and taking that into account, our Services growth in Q4 this year was 27%.

    一年前,由於會計調整,我們對服務收入產生了 6.4 億美元的有利影響,考慮到這一點,我們今年第四季度的服務增長為 27%。

  • As Tim mentioned, we reached new all-time quarterly revenue records for many Services categories, and we are well on our way to achieve our goal to double our fiscal 2016 Services revenue by 2020.

    正如蒂姆所提到的,我們在許多服務類別中都創下了新的季度收入記錄,並且我們正在努力實現到 2020 年將 2016 財年服務收入翻番的目標。

  • We now have over 330 million paid subscriptions on our platform, an increase of over 50% versus a year ago.

    我們現在在我們的平台上擁有超過 3.3 億的付費訂閱,比一年前增長了 50% 以上。

  • We are very pleased not only with the growth but also with the breadth of our subscription business.


  • In fact, 30,000 third-party subscription apps are available in the App Store today, and the largest of them all represents less than 0.3% of our total Services revenue.

    事實上,如今 App Store 中有 30,000 個第三方訂閱應用程序可用,其中最大的應用程序僅占我們服務總收入的不到 0.3%。

  • Next, I'd like to talk about the Mac.


  • We saw great response to our new MacBook Pro models that we launched in July with strong double-digit revenue growth driving an all-time quarterly record for Mac revenue.

    我們在 7 月份推出的新款 MacBook Pro 機型反響熱烈,強勁的兩位數收入增長推動 Mac 收入創下季度歷史新高。

  • We were especially pleased with Mac momentum in emerging markets with strong growth in Latin America, in India, the Middle East and Africa and Central and Eastern Europe.

    我們對 Mac 在拉丁美洲、印度、中東和非洲以及中歐和東歐強勁增長的新興市場的勢頭感到特別滿意。

  • At over 100 million units, our active installed base of Macs is at an all-time high, and the majority of customer purchasing Macs in the September quarter were new to Mac.

    我們的 Mac 活躍安裝基數超過 1 億台,處於歷史最高水平,並且在 9 月季度購買 Mac 的大多數客戶都是 Mac 新手。

  • We sold 9.7 million iPads during the quarter, gaining share in nearly every market we track based on the latest estimates from IDC.

    根據 IDC 的最新估計,我們在本季度售出了 970 萬台 iPad,在我們追踪的幾乎所有市場中都獲得了份額。

  • We generated iPad growth in a number of key regions around the world, including Latin America, Europe, Japan, India and South Asia.

    我們在全球多個關鍵地區實現了 iPad 增長,包括拉丁美洲、歐洲、日本、印度和南亞。

  • Among customers around the world purchasing iPads during the quarter, nearly half were new to iPad, and our active installed base of iPads reached a new all-time high.

    在本季度全球購買 iPad 的客戶中,近一半是 iPad 的新用戶,我們的 iPad 活躍安裝基數創下歷史新高。

  • NPD indicates that iPad had 58% share of the U.S. tablet market in the September quarter, up from 54% share a year ago.

    NPD 指出,iPad 在 9 月季度佔據美國平板電腦市場 58% 的份額,高於一年前的 54%。

  • And the most recent consumer survey from 451 Research measured iPad customer satisfaction ratings of 96% for both iPad and iPad Pro.

    451 Research 的最新消費者調查顯示,iPad 和 iPad Pro 的 iPad 客戶滿意度評分均為 96%。

  • And among business customers who plan to purchase tablets in the December quarter, 74% plan to purchase iPads.

    在計劃在 12 月季度購買平板電腦的商業客戶中,74% 計劃購買 iPad。

  • Other products revenue grew 31% to a new September quarter record with an increase of over $1 billion compared to a year ago, thanks to Wearables growth of over 50% and the strong performance of Apple TV in addition to the introduction of HomePod earlier this year.

    其他產品收入增長 31%,創 9 月季度新紀錄,同比增長超過 10 億美元,這要歸功於可穿戴設備增長超過 50% 以及 Apple TV 的強勁表現以及今年早些時候推出的 HomePod .

  • As we look back across fiscal 2018, we have made great progress in the enterprise market, where iOS is transforming how business gets done across multiple industries.

    回顧 2018 財年,我們在企業市場取得了長足的進步,iOS 正在改變跨多個行業開展業務的方式。

  • In fact, over 450 airlines and 47 of the top 50 around the world have adopted iOS to help pilots fly safer, more efficient flights.

    事實上,全球 450 多家航空公司和前 50 強中的 47 家已採用 iOS 來幫助飛行員飛行更安全、更高效的飛行。

  • And many airlines are also using iOS to support better customer experiences and improve maintenance operations.

    許多航空公司也在使用 iOS 來支持更好的客戶體驗和改進維護操作。

  • We're also making great strides in the retail sector, where 9 of the top 10 global retailers use iOS devices to transform their customer and employee experiences.

    我們還在零售領域取得了長足的進步,全球 10 大零售商中有 9 家使用 iOS 設備來改變他們的客戶和員工體驗。

  • We are seeing industry-wide adoption of iOS at thousands of retailers from neighborhood boutiques to many of the best-known retailers in the world.

    我們看到從社區精品店到世界上許多最知名的零售商的數千家零售商都在全行業採用 iOS。

  • Deployment of iOS devices is growing steadily as retailers replace their traditional point-of-sale systems and use custom iOS apps on iPhones and iPads to provide highly personalized shopping experiences.

    隨著零售商更換其傳統的銷售點系統並在 iPhone 和 iPad 上使用定制的 iOS 應用程序來提供高度個性化的購物體驗,iOS 設備的部署正在穩步增長。

  • Our success in enterprise is supported by our key partnerships.


  • Since launching our first strategic partnership with IBM, 240 large customers have signed MobileFirst for iOS deals.

    自從我們與 IBM 建立第一個戰略合作夥伴關係以來,已有 240 家大客戶簽署了 MobileFirst for iOS 交易。

  • Additionally, earlier in the year, we introduced 2 new technology offerings: IBM Watson services for Core ML and the IBM Cloud Developer Console for Apple that are enabling businesses to combine machine learning and cloud for a new generation of dynamic smart apps made for iOS.

    此外,今年早些時候,我們推出了 2 項新技術產品:用於 Core ML 的 IBM Watson 服務和用於 Apple 的 IBM Cloud Developer Console,它們使企業能夠將機器學習和雲結合起來,為 iOS 開發新一代動態智能應用程序。

  • Over 60 new signings across numerous industries have been added since launching these new tools.

    自推出這些新工具以來,已增加了來自眾多行業的 60 多個新簽約。

  • In our new partnership with Salesforce, we're excited to bring together the #1 customer relationship management platform and iOS.

    在我們與 Salesforce 的新合作夥伴關係中,我們很高興將排名第一的客戶關係管理平台和 iOS 結合在一起。

  • Together with Apple, Salesforce is redesigning its apps to embrace the native mobile platform with exclusive new features on iOS.

    Salesforce 正在與 Apple 一起重新設計其應用程序,以在 iOS 上採用具有獨家新功能的原生移動平台。

  • The company can also provide tools and resources for millions of Salesforce developers to build their own native apps with a new Salesforce Mobile SDK for iOS.

    該公司還可以為數百萬 Salesforce 開發人員提供工具和資源,以使用適用於 iOS 的新 Salesforce 移動 SDK 構建自己的本地應用程序。

  • And finally, we recently announced Apple business manager, a new way for IT teams to deploy Apple devices at scale.

    最後,我們最近發布了 Apple 業務經理,這是 IT 團隊大規模部署 Apple 設備的一種新方式。

  • The response from companies around the world has been tremendous with over 40,000 companies currently enrolled.

    來自世界各地的公司的反應是巨大的,目前有超過 40,000 家公司註冊。

  • Let me now turn to our cash position.


  • We ended the quarter with $237.1 billion in cash plus marketable securities.

    我們在本季度末擁有 2371 億美元的現金和有價證券。

  • We also had $102.5 billion in term debt and $12 billion in commercial paper outstanding for a net cash position of $122.6 billion.

    我們還有 1025 億美元的定期債務和 120 億美元的未償商業票據,淨現金頭寸為 1226 億美元。

  • As explained earlier this year, it is our plan to reach a net cash neutral position over time.


  • As part of this plan, we returned over $23 billion to investors during the quarter.

    作為該計劃的一部分,我們在本季度向投資者返還了超過 230 億美元。

  • We repurchased 92.5 million Apple shares for $19.4 billion through open market transactions, and we paid $3.5 billion in dividends and equivalents.

    我們通過公開市場交易以 194 億美元的價格回購了 9250 萬股蘋果股票,並支付了 35 億美元的股息和等價物。

  • For our fiscal year 2018, revenue grew over $36 billion to $265.6 billion, an all-time record.

    在我們 2018 財年,收入增長超過 360 億美元,達到 2656 億美元,創歷史新高。

  • Every geographic segment grew double digits with new records in the Americas, Europe, Japan and rest of Asia Pacific.


  • We also set new all-time records for net income, up 23% versus last year and EPS, up 29%.

    我們還創造了新的淨利潤記錄,比去年增長 23%,每股收益增長 29%。

  • And we returned a total of almost $90 billion to our investors during the year, including almost $14 billion in dividends and equivalents and over $73 billion in share repurchases.

    我們在這一年向投資者返還了近 900 億美元,其中包括近 140 億美元的股息和等價物以及超過 730 億美元的股票回購。

  • Before we discuss our December quarter outlook, I'd like to describe a number of changes in our financial reporting that we're implementing as we enter our new fiscal year.

    在我們討論 12 月季度展望之前,我想描述一下我們在進入新財年時正在實施的財務報告中的一些變化。

  • First, given the increasing importance of our Services business and in order to provide additional transparency to our financial results, we will start reporting revenue as well as cost of sales for both total products and total services beginning this December quarter.

    首先,鑑於我們的服務業務日益重要,並且為了提高我們財務業績的透明度,我們將從今年 12 月季度開始報告總產品和總服務的收入和銷售成本。

  • Second, also beginning this December quarter, we're adopting the FASB's new standard for revenue recognition.

    其次,同樣從這個 12 月季度開始,我們將採用 FASB 的新收入確認標準。

  • This will not result in any change to our total revenue, but it will impact the way we report the classification of revenue between products and services.


  • In particular, the revenue corresponding to the amortization of the deferred value of bundled services such as Maps, Siri and free iCloud services was previously reported in product revenue.

    特別是,與地圖、Siri 和免費 iCloud 服務等捆綁服務的遞延價值攤銷相對應的收入先前已在產品收入中報告。

  • After adopting the new standards, this revenue will now be reported in Services revenue.


  • The change in classification between products and services will also apply to the costs that are associated with the delivery of such bundled services.


  • After we file our 10-K, we will post a schedule to our Investor Relations website showing the reclassification of fiscal 2018 revenue from products to services in connection with the adoption of the new standard.

    在我們提交 10-K 後,我們將在我們的投資者關係網站上發布一個時間表,顯示 2018 財年收入從產品到服務的重新分類,以採用新標準。

  • The size of this reclassification amounts to less than 1% of total company revenues.

    這種重新分類的規模不到公司總收入的 1%。

  • And for clarity, this reclassification was not contemplated in our previously stated goal of doubling our fiscal '16 Services revenue by 2020.

    為了清楚起見,我們之前聲明的到 2020 年將 '16 財年服務收入翻一番的目標並未考慮這種重新分類。

  • That goal remains unchanged and excludes the revenue that is now shifting from products to services over that time frame.


  • Third, starting with the December quarter, we will no longer be providing unit sales data for iPhone, iPad and Mac.

    第三,從 12 月季度開始,我們將不再提供 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 的單位銷售數據。

  • As we have stated many times, our objective is to make great products and services that enrich people's lives and to provide an unparalleled customer experience so that our users are highly satisfied, loyal and engaged.


  • As we accomplish these objectives, strong financial results follow.


  • As demonstrated by our financial performance in recent years, the number of units sold in any 90-day period is not necessarily representative of the underlying strength of our business.

    正如我們近年來的財務表現所證明的那樣,任何 90 天內售出的單位數量並不一定代表我們業務的潛在實力。

  • Furthermore, our unit of sale is less relevant for us today than it was in the past given the breadth of our portfolio and the wider sales price dispersion within any given product line.


  • Fourth, starting with the December quarter, we will be renaming the other products category to wearables, home and accessories to provide a more accurate description of the items that are included in this product category.

    第四,從 12 月季度開始,我們將把其他產品類別重命名為可穿戴設備、家居和配件,以便更準確地描述該產品類別中包含的項目。

  • As we move ahead to the December quarter, I'd like to review our outlook, which includes the types of forward-looking information that Nancy referred to at the beginning of the call.

    隨著我們進入 12 月季度,我想回顧一下我們的前景,其中包括南希在電話會議開始時提到的前瞻性信息類型。

  • We have the strongest lineup ever as we enter the holiday season, and we expect revenue to be between $89 billion and $93 billion, a new all-time record.

    當我們進入假日季節時,我們擁有最強大的陣容,我們預計收入將在 890 億美元至 930 億美元之間,創下歷史新高。

  • This range reflects a number of factors to be considered: First, we consider the effect on Q4 and Q1 of the launch timing of our new iPhones this year versus last year; Second, we expect almost $2 billion of foreign exchange headwinds; Third, we had an unprecedented number of products ramping, and while our ramps are going fairly well, we have uncertainty around supply and demand balance; and fourth, we also face some macroeconomic uncertainty, particularly in emerging markets.

    這個範圍反映了許多需要考慮的因素:首先,我們考慮了今年第四季度和第一季度我們新 iPhone 的發佈時間與去年相比的影響;其次,我們預計近 20 億美元的外匯逆風;第三,我們有前所未有的產品量產,雖然我們的產量相當不錯,但我們在供需平衡方面存在不確定性;第四,我們還面臨一些宏觀經濟的不確定性,尤其是在新興市場。

  • We expect gross margin to be between 38% and 38.5%.

    我們預計毛利率在 38% 至 38.5% 之間。

  • We expect OpEx to be between $8.7 billion and $8.8 billion.

    我們預計運營支出將在 87 億美元至 88 億美元之間。

  • We expect OI&E to be about $300 million.

    我們預計 OI&E 約為 3 億美元。

  • And we expect the tax rate to be about 16.5% before discrete items.

    我們預計不計離散項目的稅率約為 16.5%。

  • Also, today, our Board of Directors has declared a cash dividend of $0.73 per share of common stock payable on November 15, 2018, to shareholders of record as of November 12, 2018.

    此外,今天,我們的董事會已宣佈於 2018 年 11 月 15 日向截至 2018 年 11 月 12 日在冊的股東派發每股普通股 0.73 美元的現金股息。

  • With that, I'd like to open the call to questions.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director of IR and Treasury

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director of IR and Treasury

  • Thank you, Luca.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Operator


  • Our first question will come from Wamsi Mohan with Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    我們的第一個問題將來自美銀美林的 Wamsi Mohan。

  • Wamsi Mohan - Director

    Wamsi Mohan - Director

  • Tim, there has been some real deceleration in some of these emerging markets, partly driven by some concerns around some of the rules the administration is contemplating and partly driven by things that are more specific to China, for instance, like some of the regulations around gaming.


  • So can you talk about how you see the trajectory there for the business and what you think of the initiatives of some companies like Netflix and Fortnite trying to bypass the App Store around subscriptions?

    那麼,您能否談談您如何看待該業務的發展軌跡,以及您如何看待 Netflix 和 Fortnite 等公司試圖繞過 App Store 的訂閱計劃?

  • And I have a follow-up.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Sure.


  • Great question.


  • Starting with emerging markets.


  • The emerging markets that we're seeing pressure in are markets like Turkey, India, Brazil, Russia, these are markets where currencies have weakened over the recent period.


  • In some cases, that resulted in us raising prices, and those markets are not growing the way we would like to see.


  • To give you a perspective in -- at some detail, our business at India in Q4 was flat.

    為了讓您了解 - 在某些細節上,我們在第四季度在印度的業務持平。

  • Obviously, we would like to see that be a huge growth.


  • Brazil was down somewhat compared to the previous year.


  • And so I think -- or at least the way that I see these is each one of the emerging markets has a bit of a different story.


  • And I don't see it as some sort of issue that is common between those for the most part.


  • In relation to China specifically, I would not put China in that category.


  • Our business in China was very strong last quarter.


  • We grew 16%, which we're very happy with.

    我們增長了 16%,對此我們感到非常滿意。

  • iPhone, in particular, was very strong double-digit growth there.

    尤其是 iPhone,在那裡實現了非常強勁的兩位數增長。

  • Our other products category was also stronger, in fact, a bit stronger than even the company -- overall company number.


  • The App Store in China, we have seen a slowdown or a moratorium to be more accurate on new game approvals.

    在中國的 App Store,我們已經看到放緩或暫停以更準確地獲得新遊戲的批准。

  • There is a new regulatory setup in China, and there's -- things are not moving the way they were moving previously.

    中國有一個新的監管機構,而且 - 事情並沒有像以前那樣發展。

  • We did see a few games approved recently, but it's very far below the historic pace.


  • And as you're probably seeing, some of the larger companies there that are public have talked about this as they've announced their earnings as well.


  • We don't know exactly when this will -- the approvals will sort of return to a normal pace.


  • So I would not want to predict that.


  • I do not view, just to try -- for avoidance of doubt here, I don't view that, that issue has anything to do with the trade-related discussions between the countries.


  • I think that is strictly a domestic issue in China.


  • In terms of larger developers, if you sort of step back and look at the value proposition for people from the App Store, there are 2 key constituencies in that equation.

    就大型開發者而言,如果你退後一步,看看 App Store 中人們的價值主張,那麼這個等式中有兩個關鍵支持者。

  • There's the user, and there's the developer.


  • If you start with the user, what the App Store provides people is sort of the best and safest place for users to get apps.

    如果您從用戶開始,App Store 為人們提供的東西是用戶獲取應用程序的最佳和最安全的地方。

  • And we put a -- we have a tremendous process and infrastructure around achieving that.

    我們提出了一個 - 我們有一個巨大的流程和基礎設施來實現這一目標。

  • And where it is not perfect, we wind up reviewing 100,000 -- over 100,000 apps a week between new apps and updates for existing apps and then work with developers quickly to fix the issues.

    在不完美的地方,我們最終會在新應用程序和現有應用程序更新之間每週審查 100,000 - 超過 100,000 個應用程序,然後快速與開發人員合作解決問題。

  • And we also provide the user a one-payment model for purchasing apps and subscriptions and in-app purchases, et cetera, so that they are not in a position that they have to share their private information across many companies.


  • And so that's sort of the proposition for the user.


  • For the developer, we obviously provide developers a tremendous amount of developer tools, programs, compilers, languages, of course, the operating system APIs, SDKs and have a huge developer relations team.

    對於開發者,我們顯然為開發者提供了大量的開發者工具、程序、編譯器、語言,當然還有操作系統 API、SDK,並擁有龐大的開發者關係團隊。

  • And we do a tremendous amount of marketing for developers, including the new Today editorial that we just started in the past few months, personal recommendations search, tools and so on and so forth.

    我們為開發者做了大量的營銷,包括我們在過去幾個月剛剛開始的新的 Today 社論、個人推薦搜索、工具等等。

  • And so if -- there will be -- there's no doubt, in my mind, there have already been some large developers that concluded that they could do something on their own.


  • We're fine with that.


  • I think Luca mentioned in his comments that the largest -- if I look at the largest developer, they make up less than 0.3% of the Services revenue.

    我認為盧卡在他的評論中提到最大的——如果我看一下最大的開發商,他們佔服務收入的不到 0.3%。

  • So it's probably good to think about that in that context, and there are millions of apps on the store obviously and 30,000 or so subscription apps.

    因此,在這種情況下考慮這一點可能是件好事,顯然商店中有數百萬個應用程序和大約 30,000 個訂閱應用程序。

  • And so the subscription business itself is nearly as broad as the App Store itself is.

    因此訂閱業務本身幾乎與 App Store 本身一樣廣泛。

  • And so that's the value proposition, I think, that the vast majority of people are very happy with it and including the most important people of all, which is the user.


  • Wamsi Mohan - Director

    Wamsi Mohan - Director

  • Appreciate that response.


  • If I could just ask you really quick on Apple's role in health care.


  • It's been growing significantly since the early introduction on the Watch and then the various kits for developers, including HealthKit, CareKit, et cetera.

    自從早期在 Watch 上推出以來,它一直在顯著增長,然後為開發人員提供各種工具包,包括 HealthKit、CareKit 等。

  • And when you combine that with your very staunch advocacy for privacy, I see Apple could become a really large disintermediating force in all the friction in the health care industry today in the way medical information is shared and distributed.


  • Is this the way that you see the future for Apple in health care?

    這是您對 Apple 在醫療保健領域未來的看法嗎?

  • And do you see a means to also grow your Services business through the health care offerings that could become subscriptions to your customers?


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • I think Apple has a huge opportunity in the -- in health.


  • And you can see from the -- our past several years that we have an intense interest in the space and are adding products and services, non-monetized services so far to that.


  • And I don't want to talk about the future because I don't want to give away what we're doing.


  • But this is an area of major interest to us.


  • Operator


  • Shannon Cross from Cross Research has the next question.

    Cross Research 的 Shannon Cross 提出了下一個問題。

  • Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

    Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

  • Given the $4 billion range in revenue that you're giving for the quarter and all of the -- all the things that are going on in the world right now, can you maybe give a little detail about the variables that you took into account when you were coming up with this, geopolitical trade, macro component costs, I don't know, if you can just give it some ideas as -- on what the puts and takes were?

    鑑於您為本季度提供的 40 億美元收入範圍以及所有 - 所有目前世界上正在發生的事情,您能否詳細介紹一下您在何時考慮的變量你想出這個,地緣政治貿易,宏觀組件成本,我不知道,如果你能給它一些想法 - 關於看跌期權是什麼?

  • Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

    Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

  • Yes.


  • Shannon, I'll take this one.


  • And at the revenue level, we started from the fact that we are very, very excited about the lineup of products and services that we have getting into the holiday season.


  • It's the strongest lineup that we've ever had.


  • And our guidance range, by the way, represents a new all-time quarterly revenue record, right?


  • As I explained in my prepared remarks, there are a number of things that need to be considered as part of this guidance range, right?


  • The first one is the fact that the launch timing of the new iPhones this year is essentially in reverse order versus last year.

    第一個是今年新款 iPhone 的發佈時間與去年基本相反。

  • And that has had an effect on Q1 -- on Q4 and will have an effect on Q1.


  • Last year, we launched the top end of our iPhone lineup, which was iPhone X during Q1, and placed the entirety of the channel fill for iPhone X in Q1.

    去年,我們在第一季度推出了高端 iPhone 產品線,即 iPhone X,並在第一季度為 iPhone X 投放了全部渠道。

  • This year, we launched the top end of the lineup, which is the Xs and the Xs Max during Q4.

    今年,我們在第四季度推出了高端產品線,即 Xs 和 Xs Max。

  • Obviously, this resulted in a more pronounced ASP growth in Q4 of '18 and obviously a tougher compare for Q1.

    顯然,這導致 18 年第四季度的 ASP 增長更加明顯,並且與第一季度相比顯然更加艱難。

  • So I think it's important to keep that in mind as you look at the revenue guidance that we provided.


  • The second point that needs to be kept in mind, it is a fact of life and we've dealt with it for a number of years now, is the fact that when I look at currencies around the world, virtually every foreign currency has depreciated against the U.S. dollar in the last 12 months.

    需要記住的第二點,這是生活中的一個事實,我們已經處理了很多年,當我查看世界各地的貨幣時,幾乎所有外幣都貶值了過去 12 個月兌美元匯率。

  • And when we look at the impact of foreign exchange on our revenue for the December quarter, we're looking at 200 basis points of headwinds, which translate, given our -- the size of our business, to almost $2 billion of headwind to our revenue.

    當我們查看外匯對我們 12 月季度收入的影響時,我們看到了 200 個基點的逆風,考慮到我們的業務規模,這意味著我們的逆風接近 20 億美元。收入。

  • The third point that I think is important to keep in mind, and Tim has talked about this, we are launching -- in the last 6 weeks, we've launched an unprecedented number of new products.

    我認為要記住的第三點很重要,蒂姆已經談到了這一點,我們正在推出——在過去的 6 周里,我們推出了數量空前的新產品。

  • They're all ramping right now.


  • The ramps are going fairly well, but obviously, we have some uncertainty around supply-demand balance for some of these products.


  • And then finally, the last point that we've taken into account is what Tim's talked about in terms of some level of uncertainty at the macroeconomic level in some emerging markets, where, clearly, consumer confidence is not as high as it was 12 months ago.

    最後,我們考慮的最後一點是蒂姆談到的一些新興市場宏觀經濟層面的某種程度的不確定性,顯然,消費者信心不如 12 個月高前。

  • So take that into account, and that's how we got to the range.


  • Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

    Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then I just want to talk a little bit about the pullback in terms of guidance from a unit perspective.


  • I understand you don't want to give guidance because 90 days is a short period of time and can be -- fluctuate.

    我了解您不想提供指導,因為 90 天是很短的一段時間,並且可能會波動。

  • But what kind of qualitative commentary do you think you'll be able to provide?


  • Because it's -- obviously, investors have spent the last however many years going P times Q. So how should we think about what we can expect?

    因為它 - 顯然,投資者在過去的許多年裡都花了 P 乘以 Q。那麼我們應該如何考慮我們可以期待什麼?

  • And sort of how are you going to manage this process as we go through?


  • I know it's all our job to forecast but...


  • Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

    Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

  • Yes, let me walk you through the rationale that we've used, and then I'll talk about this qualitative commentary that you were mentioning.


  • As I said, right, our objective is to make great products, provide the best customer experience and get our customers satisfied, engaged and loyal to our ecosystem.


  • When you look at our financial performance in recent years, take the last 3 years, for example, the number of units sold during any quarter has not been necessarily representative of the underlying strength of our business.

    當您查看我們近年來的財務業績時,以過去 3 年為例,任何季度售出的單位數量並不一定代表我們業務的潛在實力。

  • If you look at our revenue during the last 3 years, if you look at our net income during the last 3 years, if you look at our spot price during the last 3 years, there's no correlation to the units sold in any given period.

    如果您查看我們在過去 3 年的收入,如果您查看我們在過去 3 年的淨收入,如果您查看我們在過去 3 年的現貨價格,則與任何給定時期的銷售單位沒有相關性。

  • As you know very well, in addition, our product ranges for all the major product categories have become wider over time, and therefore, a unit of sale is less relevant for us at this point compared to the past because we got this much wider sales price dispersion.


  • So unit of sale per se becomes less relevant.


  • As I know you're aware, by the way, our top competitors in smartphones, in tablets, in computers do not provide quarterly unit sales information either.


  • But of course, we understand that this is something of interest.


  • And when we believe that providing qualitative commentary on unit sales offers additional relevant information to investors, we will do so.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Let me make one additional point there just for clarity, is that, Shannon, our intention is to continue to give revenue guidance at the company level and gross margin guidance in the other categories that we've been providing.


  • And so the -- our guidance isn't changing.


  • It's the actual report that changes.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Mike Olson with Piper Jaffray.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Mike Olson 和 Piper Jaffray。

  • Michael Joseph Olson - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Michael Joseph Olson - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • With the staggered iPhone launch, were you able to discern any impact on the Xs and Xs Max from buyers potentially waiting for the XR?

    隨著 iPhone 的交錯發布,您是否能夠從可能等待 XR 的買家那裡看出對 Xs 和 Xs Max 的任何影響?

  • And what, if anything, can we take away from the December quarter guidance related to what you're seeing for early demand on the XR?

    如果有的話,我們可以從 12 月季度的指導中拿走與您對 XR 的早期需求相關的內容嗎?

  • And then I have a follow-up.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Mike, it's Tim.


  • The Xs and Xs Max got off to a really great start, and we've only been selling for a few weeks.

    Xs 和 Xs Max 開局非常好,而且我們只賣了幾個星期。

  • The XR, we've only got out there for, I guess, 5 -- 5 days or so at this point and so that it's -- we have very, very little data there.

    XR,我猜,我們現在只發布了 5 到 5 天左右,所以我們那裡的數據非常非常少。

  • Usually, there is some amount of wait until a product shows -- another product shows up in look, but in -- that -- in looking at the data, on the sales data for Xs and Xs Max, there's not obvious evidence of that in the data as I see it.

    通常,要等到一個產品出現——另一個產品出現在外觀上,但在——那個——在查看數據時,在 Xs 和 Xs Max 的銷售數據上,沒有明顯的證據表明在我看到的數據中。

  • Michael Joseph Olson - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Michael Joseph Olson - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And you mentioned record levels for various components of the Services business.


  • As we look forward, if growth of Services is to maintain something close to the recent pace, what are the components of Services that you're particularly excited about that could drive that and be the strongest drivers?


  • And maybe an offshoot to that, it seems like the news flow around augmented reality slowed a little bit in recent months.


  • Is that potentially materially contributor to services in the near future?


  • Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

    Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

  • Like as we said, during the September quarter, we set new records for many, many Services categories, right, from Apple Music to cloud services to the App Store to AppleCare and Apple Pay really has an exponential trajectory right now.

    正如我們所說,在 9 月季度,我們為許多服務類別創造了新記錄,從 Apple Music 到雲服務,從 App Store 到 AppleCare,Apple Pay 現在真的有一個指數級的發展軌跡。

  • When we look at our Services business, we think about the fact that we have a very large and growing installed base.


  • The installed base of all our major product categories is at an all-time high and has been growing over the last several quarters.


  • So the opportunity for us to monetize our Services business continues to grow over time.


  • Of course, we are also improving the quality of the services that we provide, and if you look back during the last 3 years, we've added new services to our portfolio.

    當然,我們也在提高我們提供的服務的質量,如果您回顧過去 3 年,我們已經在我們的產品組合中添加了新的服務。

  • We added Apple Pay.

    我們添加了 Apple Pay。

  • We added Apple Music.

    我們添加了 Apple Music。

  • We added this advertising business on our App Store.

    我們在 App Store 中添加了這項廣告業務。

  • And clearly, we will want to continue to offer new services over time.


  • So there are a number of vectors that allow us to continue to grow the business over time.


  • We have stated that we want to double the size of the Services business from the level that we had in fiscal '16 by 2020.

    我們曾表示,我們希望到 2020 年將服務業務的規模從 16 財年的水平翻一番。

  • We are well on pace to achieve that, and we feel very, very confident about the future of -- and the opportunities that we have in the Services space.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Mike, in terms of your question on AR, I have a different view than you do on this one.

    邁克,就你關於 AR 的問題而言,我對這個問題的看法與你不同。

  • We -- just a year ago -- practically, a year ago, we came out with ARKit 1. 6 months or so after that, we came out with 1.5.

    我們——就在一年前——實際上,一年前,我們推出了 ARKit 1。6 個月左右之後,我們推出了 1.5。

  • We then recently came out with ARKit 2. The number of things that you can do are growing significantly.

    然後我們最近推出了 ARKit 2。你可以做的事情的數量正在顯著增加。

  • The number of developers that either have done something or even more the case that are working on things that I've seen are growing tremendously.


  • There's a lot of interest out there.


  • And the number of categories that I'm seeing from gaming to shopping to -- I was in China a few weeks ago and saw AR in the -- in an art sense, an art exhibit.

    我看到的從遊戲到購物的類別數量——幾週前我在中國看到了 AR——在藝術意義上,一個藝術展覽。

  • I was in Berlin last week and saw it being used in a historical educational kind of sense.


  • I'm seeing it sort of everywhere I go now.


  • And so I think we are in the early days, and it'll keep getting better and better.


  • But I'm really happy with where things are at the moment.


  • Operator


  • Next, we'll go to Katy Huberty with Morgan Stanley.

    接下來,我們將和摩根士丹利一起去 Katy Huberty。

  • Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

    Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

  • Tim, given the current trade negotiations and broader geopolitical risk, do you have any plans to consider diversifying the supply chain?


  • And if you were to do that, either on your own or sort of forced, do you think it would have significant impact on the business or profitability?


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Katy, if you look at the products that we've created and are manufacturing, they're really manufactured everywhere.


  • We have significant content from the U.S. market.


  • We have content from Japan to Korea to many countries, and we have great content from China as well.


  • And so there are many hands in the products.


  • The vast majority or almost all of the R&D is in the United States as well as a lot of the support organization.


  • And I -- so as -- I think that, that basic model where you look around the world and find the best in different areas, I don't expect that model to go out of style so to speak.

    而且我 - 所以 - 我認為,你環顧世界並在不同領域找到最好的基本模型,我不希望這種模型可以這麼說會過時。

  • I think there's a reason why things have developed in that way, and I think it's great for all countries and citizens of countries that are involved in that.


  • And I'm still of the mindset that I feel very optimistic and positive that the discussions that are going will be fruitful.


  • The -- these relationships, these trade relationships are big and complex, and they clearly do need a level of focus and a level of updating and modernization.

    - 這些關係,這些貿易關係龐大而復雜,它們顯然需要一定程度的關注和一定程度的更新和現代化。

  • And so I'm optimistic of -- that the countries, the U.S. and China and the U.S. and Europe and so forth can work these things out and work for the benefit of everyone.


  • Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

    Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

  • That's helpful color.


  • And Luca, as a follow-up, NAND prices fell significantly during the September quarter.


  • Why aren't we seeing that flow through to margin expansion to the overall company?


  • Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

    Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

  • You're referring to the guidance that we provided for Q1, I imagine.


  • And let me give you the puts and takes, Katy.


  • You're correct, we are going to be getting some benefits from commodities in general and memory in particular.


  • Memory, on a sequential basis, it's about 30 basis points favorable for us going into the December quarter.

    記憶,在連續的基礎上,它對我們進入 12 月季度有利約 30 個基點。

  • And obviously, we're going to be benefiting from the leverage, which is typical of our seasonality in the December quarter.

    顯然,我們將受益於槓桿,這是我們在 12 月季度的典型季節性。

  • On the other hand, as I mentioned before, currencies have weakened against the U.S. dollar.


  • And the impact that we expect at the gross margin level from foreign exchange is a 90 basis points headwind sequentially.

    我們預計外匯對毛利率水平的影響是連續 90 個基點的逆風。

  • And of course, at this point in the cycle, we also have higher cost structures because, as I said, we've launched so many new products in the last 6 weeks.

    當然,在周期的這個階段,我們也有更高的成本結構,因為正如我所說,我們在過去 6 週內推出了很多新產品。

  • So those are the puts and takes, leverage and commodity savings on one side and FX and the new products on the other side.


  • Operator


  • Next, we'll go to Jim Suva with Citigroup.

    接下來,我們將與花旗集團一起前往 Jim Suva。

  • Jim Suva - Director

    Jim Suva - Director

  • A question for Tim and a question for Luca, and I'll ask them at the same time, so you can decide to answer the first or second.


  • But operationally, Tim, I think your company is at a disadvantage relative to others in India giving where items are produced versus shipped versus taxed versus installed as well as ability to own stores.


  • So can you help us address that?


  • Is India going to potentially be a big area as I think you've got about only 1% market share, but it sounded like things may be softened there?

    印度是否會成為一個很大的地區,因為我認為你只有大約 1% 的市場份額,但聽起來那裡的情況可能會軟化?

  • And then for Luca, there'd probably be a lot of pushback about not giving iPhone unit data.

    然後對於盧卡來說,可能會有很多反對不提供 iPhone 單元數據。

  • It sounds like you're still going to give revenue data if I heard that correctly.


  • But some people may fear that this now means that the iPhone units are going to start going negative year-over-year because it's easy to talk about great things and not show the details of things that aren't so great.

    但有些人可能擔心,這意味著 iPhone 的銷量將開始逐年下降,因為談論偉大的事情很容易,而不是展示不那麼偉大的事情的細節。

  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • I'll start with India.


  • We've had really great productive discussions with the Indian government, and I fully expect that, at some point, they will agree to allow us to bring our stores into the country.


  • We've been in discussions with them, and the discussions are going quite well.


  • There is -- as you point out, there are import duties in some or most of the product categories that we're in.


  • In some cases, they compound.


  • And this is an area that we're giving lots of feedback on.


  • We do manufacture some of the entry iPhones in India, and that project has gone well.

    我們確實在印度生產了一些入門 iPhone,而且該項目進展順利。

  • I am a big believer in India.


  • I am very bullish on the country and the people and our ability to do well there.


  • The currency weakness has been part of our challenge there as you can tell from just looking at the currency trend.


  • But I sort of view these as speed bumps along a very long journey, though, in that the long term is -- I think is very, very strong there.


  • There's a huge number of people that will move into the middle class.


  • The government has really focused on reform in a major way and made some very bold moves, and I applaud them for doing that and sort of can't wait for the future there.


  • Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

    Luca Maestri - CFO & Senior VP

  • And Jim, let me take the question on units.


  • First of all, as Tim said, our approach to guidance -- providing guidance doesn't change at all, and we continue to provide the same metrics that we were providing before.


  • In terms of reporting results, one of the things that we are doing, and it's new and it's an addition to the information that we provide to investors because we've heard some significant level of interest around this, is starting with the December quarter, for the first time, we're going to be providing information on revenue and cost of sales and therefore, gross margins for both products and services.

    在報告結果方面,我們正在做的事情之一,它是新的,它是對我們向投資者提供的信息的補充,因為我們已經聽到對此有一定程度的興趣,從 12 月季度開始,我們將首次提供有關收入和銷售成本以及產品和服務毛利率的信息。

  • And this will be the first time that we're going to provide gross margin information for our Services business, which we believe it is an important metric for our investors to follow.


  • Given the rationale on why we do not believe that providing unit sales is particularly relevant for our company at this point, I can reassure you that it is our objective to grow unit sales for every product category that we have.


  • But as I said earlier, a unit of sale is less relevant today than it was in the past.


  • To give you an example, the unit sales of iPhone at the top end of the line have been very strong during the September quarter.

    舉個例子,高端 iPhone 的銷量在 9 月季度非常強勁。

  • And that's very important because we are attracting customers to the most recent technologies and features and innovation that we bring into the lineup, but you don't necessarily see that in the number that is reported.


  • And so therefore, we will -- as I said, we'll provide the qualitative commentary when it is important and relevant, but at the end of the day, we make our decisions to -- from a financial standpoint, to try and optimize our revenue and our gross margin dollars.

    因此,我們將 - 正如我所說的,我們將在重要且相關時提供定性評論,但最終,我們會從財務角度做出決定,嘗試和優化我們的收入和毛利率。

  • And that, we think, is the focus that is in the best interest of our investors.


  • Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

    Timothy D. Cook - CEO & Director

  • Jim, let me just add a couple things to that for color.


  • Our installed base is growing at double digit, and so there's no -- and that's probably a much more significant metric for us from an ecosystem point of view and customer loyalty, et cetera.


  • The second thing is this is a little bit like if you go to the market and you push your cart up to the cashier and she says or he says, "How many units you have in there?", it sort of -- it doesn't matter a lot how many units there are in there in terms of the overall value of what's in the cart.

    第二件事有點像,如果你去市場,把你的購物車推到收銀台,她說或者他說,“你那裡有多少單位?”,有點 - 它沒有就購物車中物品的整體價值而言,那裡有多少單位並不重要。

  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director of IR and Treasury

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director of IR and Treasury

  • A replay of today's call will be available for 2 weeks on Apple Podcasts, as a webcast on apple.com/investor and via telephone.

    今天電話會議的重播將在 Apple 播客上播放 2 週,作為 apple.com/investor 上的網絡廣播和通過電話播放。

  • And the numbers for the telephone replay are (888) 203-1112 or (719) 457-0820, and please enter confirmation code 3699080.


  • These replays will be available by approximately 5 p.m.

    這些重播將在下午 5 點左右提供。

  • Pacific Time today.


  • Members of the press with additional questions can contact Kristin Huguet at (408) 974-2414, and financial analysts can contact Matt Blake or me with additional questions.

    有其他問題的媒體成員可以聯繫 Kristin Huguet,電話是 (408) 974-2414,金融分析師可以聯繫 Matt Blake 或我提出其他問題。

  • Matt is at (408) 974-7406, and I'm at (408) 974-5420.

    馬特的電話是 (408) 974-7406,我的電話是 (408) 974-5420。

  • Thanks again for joining us.


  • Operator


  • That does conclude our conference for today.


  • Thank you for your participation.
