蘋果 (AAPL) 2005 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, everyone and welcome to this Apple Computer conference call to discuss first quarter financial results.

    大家好,歡迎參加 Apple Computer 電話會議,討論第一季度的財務業績。

  • Today's call is being recorded.


  • At this time for opening remarks and introductions I would like to turn the call over to Nancy Paxton, Senior Director, Investor Relations, and Corporate Finance.

    在這個時候,我想把電話轉給投資者關係和公司財務高級總監 Nancy Paxton 來做開場白和介紹。

  • Please go ahead, ma'am.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thank you.


  • Good afternoon and thanks to everyone for joining us.


  • Speaking today is Apple's CFO, Peter Oppenheimer, and he will be joined by EVP of Worldwide Sales and Operations, Tim Cook, and VP and Corporate Treasurer, Gary Wipfler for the Q&A session with analysts.

    今天發言的是 Apple 的首席財務官 Peter Oppenheimer,他將與全球銷售和運營執行副總裁 Tim Cook 以及副總裁兼企業財務主管 Gary Wipfler 一起參加與分析師的問答環節。

  • Please note that some of the information you'll hearing during this call consists of forward-looking statements regarding revenue, gross margins, operating expenses, other income and expense, taxes, earnings per share, and Apple's retail initiative.

    請注意,您將在本次電話會議中聽到的一些信息包括有關收入、毛利率、運營費用、其他收入和費用、稅收、每股收益和 Apple 零售計劃的前瞻性陳述。

  • Actual results or trends could differ materially from our forecast and for more information please refer to pages 45 through 58 of Apple's Form 10-K for fiscal year 2004.

    實際結果或趨勢可能與我們的預測大相徑庭,有關更多信息,請參閱 Apple 2004 財年 10-K 表的第 45 至 58 頁。

  • Please also note that any non-GAAP financial measures included in today's call should be viewed in addition to and not in lieu of Apple's GAAP results.

    另請注意,今天電話會議中包含的任何非 GAAP 財務指標都應作為 Apple GAAP 結果的補充而非替代。

  • A reconciliation of any GAAP and non-GAAP measures discussed will be posted on Apple's website at www.apple.com/investor.

    所討論的任何 GAAP 和非 GAAP 措施的對賬將發佈在 Apple 網站 www.apple.com/investor 上。

  • In connection with SEC rules on corporate disclosure Apple is making this analyst call open to the media and general public by broadcasting the call live over the Internet.

    根據美國證券交易委員會關於公司披露的規定,Apple 正在通過 Internet 直播此次電話會議,向媒體和公眾開放此次分析師電話會議。

  • With that, I'd like to turn the call over to Peter Oppenheimer for introductory remarks.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Thank you, Nancy.


  • Thank you for joining us.


  • We are pleased to report the highest quarterly revenue and net income in Apple's history.


  • Revenue of 3.49 billion was up 74% year-over-year and net income was 295 million or 70 cents per diluted share.

    收入為 34.9 億美元,同比增長 74%,淨收入為 2.95 億美元或每股攤薄收益 70 美分。

  • These results were driven by very strong CPU sales and record demand for iPods.

    這些結果是由非常強勁的 CPU 銷售和對 iPod 的創紀錄需求推動的。

  • Operating margin increased to 11.5% from 3.7% in the year-ago quarter.

    營業利潤率從去年同期的 3.7% 增加到 11.5%。

  • The robust operating results were driven by very strong revenue growth which allowed us to better leverage our operating expenses, as well as gross margin of 28.5%, which was above our targeted range.

    強勁的經營業績是由非常強勁的收入增長推動的,這使我們能夠更好地利用我們的經營費用,以及 28.5% 的毛利率,高於我們的目標範圍。

  • First, I'd like to talk about our Mac-based results.

    首先,我想談談我們基於 Mac 的結果。

  • We shipped 1,046,000 Macintosh units during the quarter, which is the highest number of quarterly shipments in over 4 years.

    我們在本季度出貨了 1,046,000 台 Macintosh 設備,這是 4 年來季度出貨量最高的一次。

  • Mac-unit shipments increased 26% over the year-ago quarter representing two times the most recently forecasted market rate of growth published by IDC.

    Mac 單元出貨量比去年同期增長 26%,是 IDC 發布的最新預測市場增長率的兩倍。

  • Led by strong sales of the popular iMac G5, we shipped 623,000 desktop systems during the quarter, an increase of 44% from the year-ago level. iMac family sales rebounded to 456,000 units, consisting of 337,000 iMac G5s and 119,000 eMacs.

    在流行的 iMac G5 的強勁銷售帶動下,我們在本季度出貨了 623,000 台台式機系統,比去年同期增長 44%。 iMac 系列銷量反彈至 456,000 台,其中包括 337,000 台 iMac G5 和 119,000 台 eMac。

  • Power Mac shipments totaled 167,000 units.

    Power Mac 出貨量總計 167,000 台。

  • Total portable shipments were 423,000 units, up 7% from the year-ago quarter.

    便攜式總出貨量為 423,000 台,比去年同期增長 7%。

  • We shipped 271,000 iBook units representing a new quarterly record in addition to 152,000 PowerBook units.

    除了 152,000 台 PowerBook 外,我們還出貨了 271,000 台 iBook,創下了新的季度記錄。

  • At the end of the quarter channel inventory of total Mac units was within our targeted range of between 4 and 5 weeks.

    在本季度末,Mac 設備的總渠道庫存在我們 4 到 5 週的目標範圍內。

  • Mac-based revenue was up 23% year-over-year.

    基於 Mac 的收入同比增長 23%。

  • In addition to strong CPU sales Mac-based revenue was augmented by strong demand for Apple-branded and third-party peripheral sales which were up 28%.

    除了強勁的 CPU 銷售外,基於 Mac 的收入還因蘋果品牌和第三方外圍設備銷售的強勁需求而增長 28%。

  • Now, let me discuss our music-based revenue which grew 358% compared to the year-ago quarter.

    現在,讓我討論一下我們基於音樂的收入與去年同期相比增長了 358%。

  • We had an unprecedented quarter for iPods shipping 4,580,000 units exceeding the total number of iPods shipped in all of fiscal 2004.

    我們的 iPod 出貨量達到了前所未有的季度 4,580,000 台,超過了 2004 財年全年 iPod 的總出貨量。

  • These record-setting results were attributable to several factors, including the introduction of the iPod photo and U2 Special Edition iPod, great marketing, strong holiday demand, and better availability of critical components.

    這些創紀錄的結果歸因於幾個因素,包括 iPod photo 和 U2 特別版 iPod 的推出、出色的營銷、強勁的假期需求以及關鍵組件的更好可用性。

  • The iTunes Music Store continues to be the leading online music service.

    iTunes Music Store 仍然是領先的在線音樂服務。

  • During the quarter we opened our store in Canada and we now serve iTunes Music Store customers in 15 countries in North America and Western Europe.

    在本季度,我們在加拿大開設了商店,現在我們為北美和西歐 15 個國家的 iTunes 音樂商店客戶提供服務。

  • Yesterday Steve Jobs announced that the iTunes Music Store customers have downloaded 230 million songs.

    昨天史蒂夫喬布斯宣布,iTunes 音樂商店的客戶已經下載了 2.3 億首歌曲。

  • We are very pleased with the momentum and popularity of the iTunes Music Store and remain focused on innovating the customer experience for discovering, acquiring, and managing music.

    我們對 iTunes 音樂商店的勢頭和受歡迎程度感到非常滿意,並繼續專注於創新客戶體驗以發現、獲取和管理音樂。

  • The Apple retail stores had a great quarter.


  • Retail segment revenue was 561 million, which has more than doubled the revenue achieved in the year-ago quarter.

    零售業務收入為 5.61 億美元,是去年同期收入的兩倍多。

  • With an average of 95 stores opened during the quarter, average quarterly revenue per store was 5.9 million, up from 4.0 million in the year-ago quarter; a 48% increase.

    本季度平均開設 95 家門店,每家門店的平均季度收入為 590 萬,高於去年同期的 400 萬;增加了 48%。

  • The retail store segment profit was 45 million or 8% of retail revenue.

    零售店分部利潤為 4500 萬美元,佔零售收入的 8%。

  • In addition, there was 99 million in manufacturing profit associated with the retail segment revenue.

    此外,與零售部門收入相關的製造利潤為 9900 萬。

  • Holiday traffic was very strong during the quarter with 10.7 million people visiting our stores, translating into 8.7 thousand visitors per store, per week.

    本季度假日客流量非常強勁,有 1,070 萬人次光顧我們的門店,每家門店每周有 8,700 名訪客。

  • This compares to about 6,000 visitors per store, per week in the year-ago quarter.

    相比之下,去年同期每家商店每週約有 6,000 名訪客。

  • We opened 15 stores during the quarter bringing the quarter-end total to 101.

    我們在本季度開設了 15 家門店,使季度末總數達到 101 家。

  • The new mini store format exceeded expectations, as did our first store in Europe on Regent Street in London, which had 450,000 visitors in its first 7 weeks.

    新的迷你商店形式超出了預期,我們在倫敦攝政街的歐洲第一家商店也是如此,前 7 周有 450,000 名訪客。

  • We will continue to open new stores and expect to end fiscal 2005 with 125 stores, including 10 outside the United States.

    我們將繼續開設新店,預計到 2005 財年末將有 125 家店,其中 10 家在美國以外。

  • We plan to open our first store in Canada, and additional stores in the United States, United Kingdom, and Japan.


  • Results from our U.S. education channel were very positive.


  • Overall, CPU units grew 11% while revenue grew 20% year-over-year resulting in our highest Q1 revenue from education in 7 years.

    總體而言,CPU 單元增長了 11%,而收入同比增長了 20%,這是我們 7 年來第一季度來自教育的最高收入。

  • K-to-12 revenue was up 15%, while higher education revenue grew 25% year-over-year.

    K-to-12 收入增長 15%,而高等教育收入同比增長 25%。

  • Results benefited in part from strong demand from the new G5 and iBooks, and we were also pleased that the number of new one-to-one customer deployments doubled year-over-year.

    結果部分受益於新 G5 和 iBooks 的強勁需求,我們也很高興新的一對一客戶部署數量同比翻了一番。

  • In terms of geographic performance revenue in Europe was up 63% year-over-year and up 66%, if the results from the London retail store are included.

    如果包括倫敦零售店的業績,歐洲的地域業績收入同比增長 63% 和 66%。

  • Revenue in the Americas segment was up 77%.

    美洲部門的收入增長了 77%。

  • Combining the Americas segment results with U.S. sales from the retail segment yields a year-over-year increase of 81%.

    將美洲部門的業績與美國零售部門的銷售額相結合,同比增長 81%。

  • Revenue in the Japan segment was up 18% year-over-year.

    日本分部的收入同比增長 18%。

  • Combining the Japan segment results with sales from our 2 Japan-based retail stores yields a 26% year-over-year increase.

    將日本分部的業績與我們在日本的 2 家零售店的銷售額相結合,同比增長 26%。

  • Gross margin was 28.5%, which exceeded our guidance due primarily to a more favorable commodity environment; higher revenue, which leveraged fixed costs; and a more favorable mix of higher margin products.

    毛利率為 28.5%,超過了我們的預期,主要是由於商品環境更加有利;更高的收入,利用固定成本;以及更高利潤產品的更有利組合。

  • Operating expense was 593 million, higher than expected primarily due to variable selling expenses associated with the higher-than-expected revenue.

    營業費用為 5.93 億美元,高於預期,主要是由於與高於預期的收入相關的可變銷售費用。

  • OI&E was 26 million, 4 million higher than guidance due to the larger-than-expected cash balances, as well as higher-than-expected interest income.

    OI&E 為 2600 萬,比預期高 400 萬,原因是現金餘額大於預期,利息收入也高於預期。

  • The tax rate for the quarter was 31%, 3 points higher than our guidance of 28%.

    本季度的稅率為 31%,比我們預期的 28% 高 3 個百分點。

  • The increase in the tax rate was due to both higher overall earnings, as well as a greater mix of income coming from the U.S. where the effective tax rate is higher.


  • In terms of the balance sheet cash was 6.448 billion, up 984 million sequentially.


  • The cash growth reflects continued strong asset management and contributions from operating income, as well as proceeds from employee stock option exercises, which were approximately 235 million, excluding related tax benefits in the quarter.

    現金增長反映了持續強勁的資產管理和營業收入的貢獻,以及員工股票期權行使的收益,約為 2.35 億,不包括本季度的相關稅收優惠。

  • Total capital expenditures for the quarter were 58 million, including 33 million from our retail initiatives.

    本季度總資本支出為 5800 萬,其中 3300 萬來自我們的零售計劃。

  • Looking ahead to the March quarter I'd like to review the outlook, which includes the types of forward-looking information that Nancy referred to at the beginning of the call.

    展望 3 月季度,我想回顧一下前景,其中包括南希在電話會議開始時提到的前瞻性信息類型。

  • For the quarter we are targeting revenue of about 2.9 billion and diluted earnings per share of about 40 cents.

    本季度我們的目標收入約為 29 億美元,每股攤薄收益約為 40 美分。

  • We expect gross margin to be about 27.25%.

    我們預計毛利率約為 27.25%。

  • We expect OpEx to be about 570 million.

    我們預計運營支出約為 5.7 億。

  • We expect OI&E to be about 30 million and we expect the tax rate to be 31%.

    我們預計 OI&E 約為 3000 萬,我們預計稅率為 31%。

  • In conclusion, fiscal year 2005 is off to a great start and with the addition of the iPod shuffle, Mac mini, and iLife '05 announced yesterday we hope that even more people will have an opportunity to experience Mac and iPod products in the coming year.

    總之,2005 財年開局良好,隨著昨天宣布的 iPod shuffle、Mac mini 和 iLife '05 的加入,我們希望更多的人在來年有機會體驗 Mac 和 iPod 產品.

  • With that I'd like to open the call to questions.


  • Operator




  • We'll take our first question from Steven Milunovich with Merrill Lynch.

    我們將向美林證券的 Steven Milunovich 提出第一個問題。

  • Steven Milunovich - Analyst

    Steven Milunovich - Analyst

  • First of all could you talk about whether you have any significant backlog in any of your products?


  • Also, could you talk a bit about the gross margin and the upside surprise, particularly as it related to your comment about mix, which products were heavier and contributed to it?


  • And conversely, why you think the gross margin is going to come down sequentially in the next quarter?


  • And finally, I know you don't want to give us numbers in terms of projections on these new products, but how significant do you think they're likely to be?


  • And do you guys have any confidence in your own ability to predict, how the shuffle product does and how the Mac mini does?

    你們對自己的預測能力有信心嗎? shuffle 產品的表現以及 Mac mini 的表現如何?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Steve, I will take most of your questions and then ask Tim to comment on backlog and he can add some comments to mini and shuffle.

    Steve,我會回答你的大部分問題,然後讓 Tim 對 backlog 發表評論,他可以在 mini 和 shuffle 中添加一些評論。

  • So let me first start with gross margin.


  • The gross margins in the quarter were above our guidance about 125 basis points, and as I said in my prepared remarks really related to 3 factors.

    本季度的毛利率比我們的指導高出約 125 個基點,正如我在準備好的評論中所說,這與 3 個因素確實有關。

  • First being, we had a better commodity environment, and second, we had higher revenues than we had guided to which really allowed us to leverage the fixed costs that we had in the -- that we had in our production areas.


  • And in terms of mix we did see a better mix basically, for example, in the iMac line we saw people buy up that line, so we sold up a little bit more than we would have thought.

    在混合方面,我們確實看到了更好的混合,例如,在 iMac 系列中,我們看到人們購買了該系列,所以我們的銷售量比我們想像的要多一點。

  • We saw we had a better mix of Power Mac as well, and the direct sales were a bit higher than we had forecasted.

    我們看到我們也有更好的 Power Mac 組合,直接銷售比我們預期的要高一些。

  • As I look forward, I would see gross margin coming in at about 27.25%, which is within our targeted range.

    展望未來,我會看到毛利率約為 27.25%,這在我們的目標範圍內。

  • And despite having a higher stock-war sales in the quarter, I think 3 things will bring us back to the levels that I talked about in that range.

    儘管本季度的庫存戰銷售額較高,但我認為有 3 件事將使我們回到我在該範圍內談到的水平。

  • The first of December quarter, as I said, benefited from very high revenue which provided strong leverage to our production costs.

    正如我所說,12 月的第一季度受益於非常高的收入,這為我們的生產成本提供了強大的槓桿作用。

  • We'll have second, you know, a different pricing environment.


  • You may have noticed that last week we lowered pricing on our display line and some international pricing around the world.


  • And then the third point is that the iPod shuffle and Mac mini have lower margins than our corporate average.

    第三點是 iPod shuffle 和 Mac mini 的利潤率低於我們公司的平均水平。

  • The Mac mini its margins are reasonably equivalent to what we're seeing on the eMac, and you have not asked, but I think somebody will, so I'll just answer this now.

    Mac mini 的利潤與我們在 eMac 上看到的相當,而且你還沒有問過,但我想有人會問,所以我現在就回答這個問題。

  • The iPod margins in the December quarter were very close to our 20% that we talked about, and I'm not going to talk about the -- what I think the hard drive margins will be in the March quarter.

    12 月季度的 iPod 利潤率非常接近我們談到的 20%,我不打算談論——我認為硬盤驅動器的利潤率將在 3 月季度達到多少。

  • I'll talk to you about that in April.


  • But the iPod shuffle margins are below 20%.

    但 iPod shuffle 的利潤率低於 20%。

  • Tim?


  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • Yes, Steve, hi, it's Tim.


  • On the backlog question, we ended the quarter with backlog principally in 2 areas.


  • One was as we expected, we were able to achieve a supply demand balance on all models of G5, that's Power Mac and iMac, with the exception of the Power Mac 2.5GHz SKU, and so we did end it with backlog there.

    一如我們所料,我們能夠在 G5 的所有型號上實現供需平衡,即 Power Mac 和 iMac,但 Power Mac 2.5GHz SKU 除外,因此我們確實在那裡積壓了它。

  • Secondly, we ended with backlog on iPod exiting the holiday season.

    其次,我們以 iPod 的積壓工作結束了假期。

  • Relative to your question on shuffle and Mac mini, we just announced these yesterday, as you know.

    相對於您關於 shuffle 和 Mac mini 的問題,如您所知,我們昨天剛剛宣布了這些。

  • We're very pleased with the reception that we received yesterday and that we're getting today, but frankly it's too early to gauge the demand on these.


  • We obviously have an internal forecast on both and had 1 supply up to those forecasts.

    我們顯然對兩者都有內部預測,並且有 1 個供應達到這些預測。

  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Steve.


  • Could we have the next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Harry Blount, Lehman Brothers.


  • Harry Blount - Analyst

    Harry Blount - Analyst

  • Just as it relates to the March quarter as well, you guys had a lot of channel sale in iPods to third-party retailers in the December quarter.

    就像它與 3 月季度一樣,你們在 12 月季度有大量的 iPod 渠道銷售給第三方零售商。

  • How do you expect the trends to play out in March, and then maybe even further out in terms of direct versus channel sale?

    您如何看待 3 月份的趨勢,然後在直接與渠道銷售方面可能會更進一步?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Harry, to clarify, are you asking about channel inventories or what we think our direct sales may be?


  • Harry Blount - Analyst

    Harry Blount - Analyst

  • Basically what I'm looking at is, is since you guys recognize revenue on sale-in to third-party retail, and I'm thinking mostly on the iPod side of the equation at this point, and also the fact that HP still hasn't rolled out completely yet, I'm trying to think -- trying to understand better how you're thinking about the mix between direct and channel going forward in the March quarter.

    基本上我所看到的是,因為你們承認向第三方零售銷售的收入,我現在主要考慮的是 iPod 方面,以及惠普仍然沒有尚未完全推出,我正在嘗試思考 - 試圖更好地了解您如何考慮在 3 月季度向前發展的直接和渠道之間的混合。

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • I'm sorry, I don't think I understand the question.


  • Harry Blount - Analyst

    Harry Blount - Analyst

  • I'm basically trying to get at an understanding of how you expect the mix to change from the December quarter to the March quarter on a margin basis, based on the direct versus the indirect channels.

    我基本上是在嘗試了解您期望組合如何根據直接渠道和間接渠道從 12 月季度到 3 月季度在利潤率的基礎上發生變化。

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • We're not providing -- I'm not going to break our guidance down between what we think our direct and indirect channels may do and in the March quarter.

    我們沒有提供 - 我不會在我們認為我們的直接和間接渠道可能做的事情和三月季度之間打破我們的指導。

  • I'll report to you, what they were at the time.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Harry.


  • Could we have the next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Ben Reitzes, UBS.

    Ben Reitzes,瑞銀。

  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • If I'm reading this right, your units in Europe look blow-out while the Americas were up only a little bit sequentially.


  • So if you could explain that dynamic, maybe I'm not reading it right, but the units look pretty good in Europe, so if you could explain that?


  • And then also there's something on the tape that just hit, Peter, with you talking about how iPod sales are translating into Mac sales.

    彼得,磁帶上還有一些剛剛發生的事情,你談到了 iPod 的銷售如何轉化為 Mac 的銷售。

  • I just -- it's kind of obvious from the results, but if you could just talk about what you're seeing, what -- maybe you can give us some data in your retail stores that gives us more color on this multiplier effect that we're seeing here into all the parts of your business, that would be great?

    我只是 - 從結果中很明顯,但如果你能談談你所看到的,什麼 - 也許你可以給我們一些零售店的數據,讓我們對我們的乘數效應有更多的色彩'在這裡看到您業務的所有部分,那會很棒嗎?

  • And then also just on the Mac mini I know you said you don't want to, I guess, give guidance, but anything there as far what segment you're going to put that in?

    然後也只是在 Mac mini 上,我知道你說過你不想,我猜,提供指導,但是到目前為止,你將把它放在哪個部分?

  • Is it going to be its own line?


  • Any other way we can think about that other than it's too early, that would be great, too?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • I will leave your question on Mac mini in terms of how we're going to distribute it for Tim, and I'll address the other ones that you asked.

    關於我們將如何為 Tim 分發它的問題,我將把你的問題留在 Mac mini 上,我將解決你提出的其他問題。

  • In terms of Americas, Ben, I presume you're looking at the data sheet, the Americas sequential unit growth was 1%.

    就美洲而言,Ben,我想你正在查看數據表,美洲的連續單位增長率為 1%。

  • Remember that in Q4 that is the big U.S. education quarter, and so Q1 has much lower education sales on a sequential basis, but the consumer business then picks up, and so this is pretty typical of what we might see.


  • Conversely, Q1 is Europe's big quarter and Europe had a great quarter.


  • Their units were up on a sequential basis 106%. iBooks did quite well there, the G5 iMac did very well as well.

    他們的單位連續增長 106%。 iBooks 在那裡做得很好,G5 iMac 也做得很好。

  • And then as regards to the Americas don't forget that many of our 101 stores are in the Americas, and so you probably want to think about the retail sales that we had in part as well as you think about geographically sales in the Americas.

    然後關於美洲,不要忘記我們的 101 家商店中的許多都在美洲,因此您可能想部分考慮我們的零售額,以及考慮美洲的地理銷售額。

  • As regards, you know what we may be seeing from the iPod for computer sales, or what I think some people may call the "halo affect," I think the bottom line measure of any increased consideration of our CPU products from Windows iPod users, or the halo, as some people call it, is Mac CPU unit sales.

    至於,你知道我們從 iPod 中看到的計算機銷售情況,或者我認為有些人可能稱之為“光環效應”的東西,我認為 Windows iPod 用戶對我們的 CPU 產品的考慮增加的底線衡量標準,或者,正如某些人所說,光環是 Mac CPU 單元的銷售。

  • We were very pleased with last quarter's sales, up 26% year-over-year, which is about twice the market rate of growth that IDC had projected, and that could suggest that we enjoyed some increased consideration in conversion, but this is difficult to measure.

    我們對上一季度的銷售額感到非常滿意,同比增長 26%,這大約是 IDC 預測的市場增長率的兩倍,這可能表明我們在轉換方面享受了更多的考慮,但這很難措施。

  • Two data points that we were watching, the first is our new to Mac sales and retail stores, and in our retail stores, and those are running in the low to mid 40% range which we view as a positive indicator.

    我們正在觀察的兩個數據點,第一個是我們的新 Mac 銷售和零售店,以及我們的零售店,這些數據點在 40% 的中低範圍內運行,我們認為這是一個積極的指標。

  • And then we've recently become aware of a survey called the "student monitor."


  • This is a group that does independent, third-party research about what higher education students intend to buy, and they suggested their intention to buy Mac over the next 12 months has increased.

    這是一個對高等教育學生打算購買什麼進行獨立的第三方研究的團體,他們表示他們在未來 12 個月內購買 Mac 的意願有所增加。

  • On the desktop side they're reporting it has increased from 2 to 9%, but on the portable side from 8 to 24%.

    他們報告說,在台式機方面它從 2% 增加到 9%,但在便攜式方面從 8% 增加到 24%。

  • As we said last quarter with our back-to-school results we felt that a lot of kids that had a good experience say in high school with an iPod opted to take an iBook or a PowerBook off to college with them.

    正如我們在上個季度的返校成績中所說的那樣,我們覺得很多在高中時有過良好體驗的孩子都說帶著 iPod 選擇帶著 iBook 或 PowerBook 上大學。

  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • Can you grow double the market this year?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • I'm not going to give you a forecast for future quarters, but we're all working hard and feel good about the strategies that we have put in place a number of years ago.


  • Tim?


  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • Ben, on the channel side, we have now increased iPod distribution to over 19,000 storefronts across the world.

    Ben,在渠道方面,我們現在已將 iPod 分銷增加到全球 19,000 多個店面。

  • That's coming from when we began the iPod business, we were around 3,000.

    這是從我們開始 iPod 業務時開始的,我們大約有 3,000 台。

  • We are up sixfold, and that does not include incremental distribution that HP has done with the iPod that they are reselling.

    我們增長了六倍,這還不包括惠普對他們轉售的 iPod 所做的增量分發。

  • We always look and investigate different options for individual channels that we could roll out the Mac into and we'll continue to do that.

    我們一直在尋找和研究可以將 Mac 推廣到的各個渠道的不同選項,我們將繼續這樣做。

  • Obviously, Mac mini is the largest vehicle to have some additional conversations, but I don't have anything to announce today about specific unique channels that are carrying that, that are not carrying the Mac today.

    顯然,Mac mini 是進行一些額外對話的最大工具,但我今天沒有任何關於攜帶它的特定獨特頻道的消息,今天沒有攜帶 Mac。

  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Ben.


  • Could we have the next question, please.


  • Operator


  • David Bailey, Goldman Sachs.


  • David Bailey - Analyst

    David Bailey - Analyst

  • Two quick questions.


  • The first one, can you talk a little bit about how much -- what percent of your sales was direct, including the online stores, and what type of impact that had on gross margins?


  • And then also, if you could just provide some more detail on why Europe was so strong?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Let me take your first and I'll ask Tim to provide some color on his thoughts on Europe.


  • Direct sales for Q1, and we measure again direct sales as sales through retail stores, online directly to customers, U.S. education and our music store, and direct sales for the quarter were 45%.

    第一季度的直銷,我們再次將直銷衡量為通過零售店、在線直接向客戶、美國教育和我們的音樂商店進行的銷售,本季度的直銷為 45%。

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • On Europe, what I would say is that the way that I look at this is because of the issue that Peter talked about where Europe is naturally higher in Q1, I look at Europe's performance on a year-over-year revenue basis than when you factor in the store that we have in Europe into our segment results Europe grew at 66%, and that 66 compares to the Americas with the same addition of retail of 81, and Asia/Pacific at 105, and so, I wouldn't say Europe was stronger.

    關於歐洲,我要說的是,我看待這個問題的方式是因為彼得談到歐洲在第一季度自然較高的問題,我看歐洲的年收入表現比你看將我們在歐洲的商店因素納入我們的細分市場結果歐洲增長了 66%,而這 66 與美洲的零售增長相同,為 81,亞太地區為 105,所以,我不會說歐洲更強大。

  • Europe was around the Company average, is the way we put it.


  • The benefit they received frankly, was the same kind of benefits that we saw around the world, the iMac G5 was incredibly well-received.

    坦率地說,他們得到的好處與我們在世界各地看到的相同,iMac G5 非常受歡迎。

  • And the iBook, as Peter talked about in the preamble, set a Company record in terms of unit shipments.

    正如彼得在序言中所說,iBook 在單位出貨量方面創下了公司記錄。

  • David Bailey - Analyst

    David Bailey - Analyst

  • Can you just give us a little thinking on the target for the March quarter and what you think a normal sequential decline should be?

    您能否就 3 月季度的目標以及您認為正常的連續下降應該是多少給我們一些思考?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Sure.


  • The industry normally sees a mid double-digit seasonal decline from the December quarter to the March quarter.

    從 12 月季度到 3 月季度,該行業通常會出現中位數兩位數的季節性下降。

  • In addition, to our natural PC seasonality the iPod business has become a much larger component of our revenue, and with our 90% share of the hard drive-based MP3 player market here in the U.S. it seems reasonable that we could experience something closer to the typical seasonal demand for these consumer products, which I'm told is in the range of 50%.

    此外,由於我們的自然 PC 季節性,iPod 業務已成為我們收入的重要組成部分,而且我們在美國基於硬盤驅動器的 MP3 播放器市場佔有 90% 的份額,我們可以體驗更接近的東西似乎是合理的。對這些消費品的典型季節性需求,我被告知在 50% 的範圍內。

  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, David.


  • Can we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Richard Gardner, Smith Barney.


  • Richard Gardner - Analyst

    Richard Gardner - Analyst

  • Question on operating margins, Peter.


  • I think you had been saying that under no circumstances should people be modeling less than sort of OpEx growing at 50% or 60% the rate of revenue, and yet you've been well-below that here for in the December quarter and you're below that in your March quarter guidance.

    我認為您一直在說,在任何情況下,人們建模的運營支出都不應低於以 50% 或 60% 的收入率增長的運營支出,但您在 12 月季度的表現遠低於此水平,而您在您的 3 月季度指導中低於該值。

  • So I was wondering if you could help us out with what we should be thinking in terms of OpEx growth versus topline, and maybe give us an update on your operating margin targets at various different revenue levels, if you could?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Rich, when I had talked previously about our operating or financial success model, and again this is not giving guidance, but more just on a target basis, I talked about wanting to grow revenue at 15% or better.

    Rich,當我之前談到我們的運營或財務成功模式時,這不是提供指導,而只是在目標基礎上,我談到希望以 15% 或更高的速度增長收入。

  • In the last -- this past quarter we grew revenue at 74% and I'm guiding to revenue growth of about 52% year-over-year.

    在上一季度,我們的收入增長了 74%,我預計收入同比增長約 52%。

  • And, at those levels we have been able to have OpEx grow below the 50 to 60% that we had talked about within that financial success model.

    而且,在這些水平上,我們已經能夠讓 OpEx 增長低於我們在財務成功模型中談到的 50% 到 60%。

  • I don't think that we should rely on having revenue growing in the future at the kind of rates that we have seen at 74 or 50%.

    我認為我們不應該依賴未來的收入以我們看到的 74% 或 50% 的速度增長。

  • And I'm not going to give you a target, other than to say it's our objective to grow it at 15% or better.

    我不會給你一個目標,只是說我們的目標是讓它增長 15% 或更高。

  • So I think as you model the Company, that would give you something to think about.


  • As regards operating margin, as I look forward, we first of all have been talking about having an operating margin, again, on a target basis, of about 7% as revenue surpassed 11 billion.

    至於營業利潤率,正如我所期待的那樣,我們首先一直在談論營業利潤率,在目標基礎上,營業利潤率約為 7%,收入超過 110 億美元。

  • As I look forward, I would not target an operating margin on a longer term basis above 7% because I think a fair amount of our growth will come from iPod and consumer products that have lower gross margins and we're going to continue to invest in OpEx to -- and R&D to build more products, and in direct selling to open more stores and serve our customers online, and make investments in our channel and, of course, advertising the marketing programs.

    展望未來,我不會將長期營業利潤率目標定在 7% 以上,因為我認為我們的大部分增長將來自 iPod 和毛利率較低的消費產品,我們將繼續投資運營支出和研發以構建更多產品,直銷以開設更多商店並在線服務我們的客戶,並在我們的渠道上進行投資,當然還有廣告營銷計劃。

  • Richard Gardner - Analyst

    Richard Gardner - Analyst

  • Peter, just to follow-up on gross margin.


  • Any change to the thinking on the gross margin targets that you had outlined previously and how you're going to think about the trade-off between pricing and letting the gross margins drift up as the direct mix increases?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Well, I think, Rich, as we've talk about before, there are really 2 positive factors for gross margin and then one negative factor.


  • I've tried to target a gross margin of 27 to 28%.

    我試圖將毛利率設定為 27% 到 28%。

  • The Company has traditionally operated in that range.


  • The 2 factors in our business today that are positive for gross margin are first direct sales, where we retain the channel margin and tend to sell up the line.


  • And secondly, our software portfolio.


  • The negative factor is the hardware margin, and it's not only the CPUs, but the iPod as well.

    不利因素是硬件餘量,不僅是 CPU,iPod 也是如此。

  • And so to date we have been able to balance that and stay within that range, but those are the factors that I would encourage you all to think about as you model the Company over the long-term.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Rich.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Gene Munster, Piper Jaffray.


  • Gene Munster - Analyst

    Gene Munster - Analyst

  • Congratulations.


  • If you could touch a little bit on, I think Ben's question about the Mac mini in terms of just some of the new channels you might be going into, and second, what the advertising on that might look like?

    如果你能稍微談談,我認為 Ben 關於 Mac mini 的問題只是關於你可能會進入的一些新渠道,其次,上面的廣告可能是什麼樣的?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • The point that, Gene, I made on the distribution was, I think we've done a really good job of broadening it for iPod.

    Gene,我對發行的觀點是,我認為我們在為 iPod 擴展它方面做得非常好。

  • There are natural things that developed in relationships over time where we would investigate putting the Mac in different places, but I've got nothing to announce today.

    隨著時間的推移,我們會在關係中發展出一些自然的事情,我們會調查將 Mac 放在不同的地方,但我今天沒有什麼要宣布的。

  • Gene Munster - Analyst

    Gene Munster - Analyst

  • Would it be out of the question to see mass marketers like Best Buy who currently don't carry the CPUs would -- I'd assume that they'd have an interest in carrying something like this?

    看到像百思買這樣目前不攜帶 CPU 的大眾營銷商會不會 - 我假設他們有興趣攜帶這樣的東西?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • I've got nothing to announce today.


  • Gene Munster - Analyst

    Gene Munster - Analyst

  • Would the announcements come on January 22nd on the shipment?

    通知會在 1 月 22 日發貨嗎?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • On January 22nd I anticipate the same channels that today carry the Mac, having the Mac mini.

    在 1 月 22 日,我預計今天攜帶 Mac 的相同頻道將擁有 Mac mini。

  • Gene Munster - Analyst

    Gene Munster - Analyst

  • But it's not safe -- or what's your take on the larger iPod channels carrying the Mac mini?

    但這並不安全——或者你對帶有 Mac mini 的更大的 iPod 頻道有什麼看法?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • We will investigate it and when we decide to do something I'll make sure that I announce it.


  • Gene Munster - Analyst

    Gene Munster - Analyst

  • Just in terms of the marketing that you guys have had just a home run success with the iPod marketing.

    就營銷而言,你們剛剛在 iPod 營銷方面取得了本壘打的成功。

  • It seems like this is just an easy carry-over product from the success of the iPod.

    看起來這只是 iPod 成功的一個簡單的繼承產品。

  • Is there any sort of -- is it going to be collaborative advertising between those 2 products or just your general thoughts on that front?

    是否有任何形式的 - 這兩種產品之間的協作廣告還是您在這方面的一般想法?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • We don't really disclose our marketing plans.


  • You can see some of the stuff that we did at the Mac World relative to the shuffle product, but we've got nothing else to talk about today.

    你可以看到我們在 Mac World 上所做的與 shuffle 產品相關的一些事情,但我們今天沒有其他要談的了。

  • Gene Munster - Analyst

    Gene Munster - Analyst

  • And in terms -- I know I'm probably not going to get an answer here, but let me ask this anyway.


  • Is any expectations in terms of how many Mac minis you could at least produce in a quarter?

    您對一個季度至少可以生產多少台 Mac mini 有任何期望嗎?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • You're correct, it's not something that we're going to talk about.


  • Our guidance is at the overall revenue level, not at the product level.


  • Gene Munster - Analyst

    Gene Munster - Analyst

  • And lastly, to a lesser important note, but on the iTunes Music Store was it profitable?

    最後,要注意一個不太重要的問題,但在 iTunes Music Store 上它是否有利可圖?

  • Was it not profitable this year?


  • And if it is profitable any sort of numbers we can use at looking at that?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Gene, the iTunes Music Store was slightly profitable in the December quarter and future profitability will depend on how we price our songs and our initiatives to grow the store.

    Gene,iTunes 音樂商店在 12 月季度略有盈利,未來的盈利能力將取決於我們如何為歌曲定價以及我們發展商店的舉措。

  • Gene Munster - Analyst

    Gene Munster - Analyst

  • Just in terms of growth of the store, are movies at some point down the road, or do you foresee any -- obviously, you don't want to pre-announce anything, but is it safe to say that you're going to be reaching out into new areas with regard to iTunes?

    就商店的增長而言,是電影在未來的某個時候,還是你預見到任何——顯然,你不想預先宣布任何事情,但可以肯定地說你會是否正在涉足 iTunes 的新領域?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Don't want to make any announcements today about what the Team may do at the store.


  • Gene Munster - Analyst

    Gene Munster - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Congratulations.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Gene.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Kevin Hunt, Thomas Weisel Partners.


  • Kevin Hunt - Analyst

    Kevin Hunt - Analyst

  • And a couple of follow-up questions on a few things you were talking about there.


  • On the mini Mac you mentioned it was the same margins as the eMac.

    在您提到的 mini Mac 上,它與 eMac 的邊距相同。

  • Is that kind of on a similar margin to the iPod?

    這與 iPod 有相似的餘地嗎?

  • That's the first question.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • We have not shared the relationship of our eMac or iMac margins in relation to the iPod, but what I have said was that the Mac mini margins are generally equivalent to the eMac margins.

    我們沒有分享我們的 eMac 或 iMac 邊距與 iPod 的關係,但我所說的是 Mac mini 邊距通常與 eMac 邊距相當。

  • Kevin Hunt - Analyst

    Kevin Hunt - Analyst

  • But those are I assume below the Corporate average then?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Yes, the eMac and mini margins are below the Corporate average.

    是的,eMac 和 mini 的利潤率低於企業平均水平。

  • Kevin Hunt - Analyst

    Kevin Hunt - Analyst

  • And then the second question was, just on the PowerBook, everything else looked pretty phenomenal in the quarter.

    然後第二個問題是,僅在 PowerBook 上,本季度的其他一切看起來都非常驚人。

  • That was the only thing that maybe was off a little bit from last quarter.


  • So anything going on there that we should be thinking of or?


  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • The year-over-year decline, Kevin, is primarily -- we believe it's primarily 2 reasons.

    凱文,同比下降主要是 - 我們認為這主要是兩個原因。

  • The first is naturally in a December quarter with holiday sales the consumer product would have relatively higher demand.

    第一個自然是在 12 月季度,隨著假日銷售,消費品的需求會相對較高。

  • The second thing is that we announced new iBooks in October and generally speaking we see some movement between the product lines after we announced the new product.

    第二件事是我們在 10 月份發布了新的 iBooks,一般來說,在我們發布新產品之後,我們看到產品線之間發生了一些變化。

  • We are very focused on total CPUs versus the performance of any one line.

    我們非常關注總 CPU 與任何一條生產線的性能。

  • And having said that if you look at the growth rate of 26%, which is about twice IDC's current forecast, we're very pleased with the rate of growth that we're seeing.

    話雖如此,如果你看一下 26% 的增長率,大約是 IDC 當前預測的兩倍,我們對我們所看到的增長率感到非常滿意。

  • Kevin Hunt - Analyst

    Kevin Hunt - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's good.


  • I bought a PowerBook this quarter, so I thought I might have been a jinx or something like that, but.

    我本季度買了一台 PowerBook,所以我想我可能是個惡作劇之類的,但是。

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • No, it wasn't you.


  • Kevin Hunt - Analyst

    Kevin Hunt - Analyst

  • Then the final question, you mentioned as a backlog on the iPod, was that with the mini iPod or the wide iPod?

    最後一個問題,你提到的關於 iPod 的積壓問題,是迷你 iPod 還是寬 iPod?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • We have just talked about iPod at the family level, not the individual SKU level.

    我們剛剛討論了家庭級別的 iPod,而不是個人 SKU 級別。

  • Kevin Hunt - Analyst

    Kevin Hunt - Analyst

  • And actually one more final thing I'll throw out there.


  • So the iMac in the quarter obviously is pretty huge numbers, I mean, how much of that is -- you know, channel sell-in versus how much was sold through?

    因此,本季度的 iMac 顯然是相當大的數字,我的意思是,其中有多少——你知道,渠道銷售與通過多少銷售?

  • And then is there -- you go back, you did, I think the last iMac launched somewhere over 700,000 units in a quarter.

    然後就在那裡 - 你回去,你做到了,我認為最後一個 iMac 在一個季度推出了超過 700,000 台。

  • Is that a target that's achievable?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Kevin, usually when we introduce a new CPU, it sees its best sells in its first quarter, and this quarter what the iMac saw first full quarter of shipping, and as I'm sure you remember in the September quarter we were constrained and the channel inventories were very, very low, so there was some benefit there.

    凱文,通常當我們推出新的 CPU 時,它在第一季度的銷量最好,而本季度 iMac 的第一季度出貨量是一樣的,而且我相信你還記得,在 9 月的那個季度,我們受到了限制,並且渠道庫存非常非常低,所以那裡有一些好處。

  • To answer your question, when we came out with the predecessor flat-panel iMac several years ago the first quarter shipments were 220,000 units, and then the next quarter of shipments, as we reported to you, were 173,000.

    為了回答您的問題,幾年前我們推出前代平板 iMac 時,第一季度出貨量為 220,000 台,而我們向您報告的下一季度出貨量為 173,000 台。

  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Kevin.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Joel Wagonfeld, First Albany Capital.

    Joel Wagonfeld,第一奧爾巴尼資本。

  • Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

    Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

  • In terms of the Power Mac, that seemed a little bit weaker than I was expecting as well.

    就 Power Mac 而言,這似乎也比我預期的要弱一些。

  • If you could maybe comment on how much of that was potentially the shortage of the high-end processor?


  • And then secondly, from a strategic perspective wondering if you could just address kind of where you're going with the Pages software?

    其次,從戰略角度想知道您是否可以解決 Pages 軟件的發展方向?

  • Does that imply that you'll have a spreadsheet program coming out and how are you managing your relationship with Microsoft to make sure that you don't damage that?

    這是否意味著您將推出一個電子表格程序,以及您如何管理與 Microsoft 的關係以確保您不會損害它?

  • Because obvious they're committed to it, they've said publicly, and you need Office for Mac as this part of the offerings to make sure that those who switch have everything available to them.

    因為很明顯他們致力於它,他們已經公開表示,你需要 Office for Mac 作為產品的這一部分,以確保那些切換到他們的人擁有一切可用的東西。

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Joel, let me take your second question and Tim can address your first.


  • Steve at the keynote yesterday introduced our new product called "iWork," which has Keynote and Pages, which is our successor to AppleWorks.

    Steve 在昨天的主題演講中介紹了我們的新產品“iWork”,它有 Keynote 和 Pages,這是我們 AppleWorks 的繼任者。

  • And we have successfully sold AppleWorks alongside Microsoft Office for almost a decade now.

    近十年來,我們已經成功地將 AppleWorks 與 Microsoft Office 一起出售。

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • Joel, on the Power Mac, I'm assuming you're looking the year-over-year results which were down 4% in revenue and 19% in units.

    Joel,在 Power Mac 上,我假設您正在查看收入同比下降 4% 和單位數量下降 19% 的同比結果。

  • As you may recall last year, we were shipping the Power Mac G4 in the Power Mac category.

    您可能還記得去年,我們在 Power Mac 類別中發布了 Power Mac G4。

  • In that particular quarter over 40% of the units sold were -- was that Power Mac G4, which was selling at the lower-end price point.

    在那個特定季度,超過 40% 的售出設備是 Power Mac G4,它以低端價格銷售。

  • This year, in October, as the G5 -- as we begin to get more G5 chips, we announced a single-processor Power Mac G5 to appeal to a subset of the customers who were buying at that lower price point that still wanted a tower.

    今年 10 月,作為 G5,隨著我們開始獲得更多 G5 芯片,我們宣布推出單處理器 Power Mac G5,以吸引一部分以較低價格購買但仍想要塔式設備的客戶.

  • Internally we thought that many of those customers would shift to the iMac G5, which provided a -- an all-in-one solution.

    在內部,我們認為其中許多客戶會轉向 iMac G5,它提供了一個一體化的解決方案。

  • And based on the sell-through results for last quarter that clearly did occur, and so the net of that is that over 100% of the year-over-year reduction in the Power Mac unit was a result of that increased SKU.

    根據上一季度明顯確實發生的銷售結果,因此,Power Mac 部門同比減少 100% 以上是 SKU 增加的結果。

  • So given that we're really pleased with how the dual processor units are going and I would just reiterate once again that what we are focused on at Apple are total CPUs, and we're really happy with the two times the market growth rate.

    因此,鑑於我們對雙處理器單元的發展非常滿意,我想再次重申,我們在 Apple 關注的是總 CPU,我們對市場增長率的兩倍感到非常滿意。

  • Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

    Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

  • Can you give us any color or quantification on what the backlog or shortage was on the higher-end CPUs or the higher-end chips?

    您能否就高端 CPU 或高端芯片的積壓或短缺情況給我們提供任何顏色或量化數據?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • We had some backlog there, and I don't want to be more specific than that.


  • I would say that just to follow-up on that with you, to get this out, we are really happy with the effort at IBM and the results.

    我想說,只是為了和你一起跟進,把它弄出來,我們對 IBM 的努力和結果感到非常滿意。

  • It was a very predictable quarter.


  • It went as we thought in terms of G5 supply and we believe that the 2.5 shortage that I talked about will be fixed by the end of Q2.

    就 G5 供應而言,它按照我們的想法進行,我們相信我談到的 2.5 短缺將在第二季度末得到解決。

  • Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

    Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

  • Just a quick follow-up on the shortage of the iPod.

    只是對 iPod 短缺的快速跟進。

  • Was that from hard drive shortages, single-processor shortages or just an inability to produce them fast enough?


  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • Well, we went from around 2 million iPods to the 4.58 number that Peter spoke about, and I don't want to get into the exact component issues.

    好吧,我們從大約 200 萬台 iPod 增加到了彼得所說的 4.58 台,我不想討論確切的組件問題。

  • There's clearly not an assembly capacity kind of issue in iPod.

    iPod 中顯然不存在組裝能力問題。

  • Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

    Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

  • So those shortages should be resolved this quarter?


  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • You know, I don't want to get into the supply demand, where supply demand retook equilibrium put on iPod.


  • I gave that up, at least publicly doing it last quarter, and I've vowed to myself not to do it any more.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Joel.


  • Can we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Steve Fortuna, Prudential Equity Group.

    Steve Fortuna,保誠股票集團。

  • Andrew Slayon - Analyst

    Andrew Slayon - Analyst

  • Hi, this is actually Andrew Slayon for Steve Fortuna.

    嗨,這實際上是 Steve Fortuna 的 Andrew Slayon。

  • I just have a couple of quick follow-up questions for you.


  • First, can you talk about whether you were impacted by any excess air freight cost in the quarter as you were last quarter trying to meet backlog?


  • Secondly, can you talk qualitatively about the hPod relationship and the role out there?

    其次,你能定性地談談 hPod 的關係和作用嗎?

  • And then lastly, is there any way you can give tax guidance beyond the FQ2?

    最後,有什麼方法可以在 FQ2 之外提供稅收指導?

  • We know you had the higher tax rate this quarter and you have it for next quarter.


  • Can you talk about how we can think about the full year on that line?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Sure.


  • Let me take your tax question, then Tim will address your other two.


  • Our tax rate for the quarter and also what we've projected for the full year is 31%, and that is up 3 points due to our higher overall earnings and a greater mix of those earnings here in the United States where we have a higher effective tax rate.

    我們本季度的稅率以及我們對全年的預計稅率為 31%,這增加了 3 個百分點,原因是我們的整體收益更高,而且在美國,我們的收益更高有效稅率。

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • Andrew, on the air freight, in order to reach a supply-demand equilibrium on the iMac we air shipped virtually all of the iMac G5s during Q1.

    Andrew 在空運方面,為了在 iMac 上達到供需平衡,我們在第一季度空運了幾乎所有 iMac G5。

  • Relative to the relationship with HP and the volume there, HP's unit volume represented about 7% of total iPod shipments, which is very similar to last quarter.

    相對於與惠普的關係和那裡的銷量,惠普的單位銷量約佔 iPod 總出貨量的 7%,與上一季度非常相似。

  • As you may know, Cary announced at CES last week, that HP will begin to sell the iPod photo at a later date.

    您可能知道,Cary 上週在 CES 上宣布,惠普將在晚些時候開始銷售 iPod photo。

  • We have not announced timing on that.


  • In addition, she announced that HP has now loaded iTunes on over 8 million consumer products, and so we are very happy with how this is going.

    此外,她還宣布惠普現在已經在超過 800 萬件消費產品上加載了 iTunes,因此我們對進展情況感到非常滿意。

  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Andrew.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Steve Bachman, Bank of America.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Hi, it's Keith Bachman.


  • Peter, in the past you've been willing to say directionally what you thought iPod units would be and I just wondered if you would give any color to the March quarter on relative to the December quarter?

    彼得,過去你一直願意直接說出你認為 iPod 單元會是什麼,我只是想知道你是否會給 3 月季度相對於 12 月季度帶來任何顏色?

  • Thats' the first question.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Keith, I'm sorry, we do not give unit guidance within our guidance, so I can't comment.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Not unit guidance.


  • Just flat, down.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Sorry, I don't want to get into providing even directionally product guidance.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Okay, let me try No. 2 then.


  • As you think about the growth trajectory over the next 6 to 12 months, I was just wondering if you could offer any geographic color on where -- would you see Europe and or Asia outgrowing the U.S. or any kind of comments or color there without getting into any numbers?

    當您考慮未來 6 到 12 個月的增長軌跡時,我只是想知道您是否可以提供任何地理上的顏色 - 您是否會看到歐洲和/或亞洲的增長超過美國,或者任何類型的評論或顏色沒有得到成任何數字?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • I don't -- we don't want to provide -- I'm sorry, I don't mean to not be helpful to you, but we just don't provide product or geographic level guidance.

    我不 - 我們不想提供 - 對不起,我並不是不想對您有所幫助,但我們只是不提供產品或地理級別的指導。

  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Let me try the last one then.


  • In the mini, it's the mini Mac, I should say, you're obviously going after an interesting part of the market without the monitor, mouse, and/or keyboard.

    在 mini 中,它是 mini Mac,我應該說,你顯然是在追求沒有顯示器、鼠標和/或鍵盤的市場中一個有趣的部分。

  • Thoughts in pulling that stuff into your retail shop and/or your website so people can buy non-Apple related products there?

    將這些東西拉入您的零售店和/或您的網站以便人們可以在那裡購買非 Apple 相關產品的想法?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • We have no intention of doing that.


  • The Mac mini is really targeted, as Steve talked about, for people that have the mouse, and the keyboard, and the display.

    正如史蒂夫所說,Mac mini 的真正目標是那些擁有鼠標、鍵盤和顯示器的人。

  • I'm certain that some of our channel partners will do that, and so that option will, I'm sure, exist.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Keith.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Charles Wolf, Needham & Company.


  • Charles Wolf - Analyst

    Charles Wolf - Analyst

  • I sort of missed some of the points that were -- or information that was provided earlier.


  • Peter, what were the total visitors to the stores during the quarter?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • 10.7 million, Charlie.

    1070 萬,查理。

  • Charles Wolf - Analyst

    Charles Wolf - Analyst

  • Did you indicate what percentage of the Mac purchases were to Window users?

    您是否指出了 Mac 購買的百分比是 Window 用戶?

  • I thought I heard a number 40.

    我以為我聽到了 40 的數字。

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Yes.


  • In the quarter, or actually in the last several months, it's been in the low to mid 40%.

    在本季度,或者實際上在過去幾個月中,它一直處於 40% 的中低水平。

  • Charles Wolf - Analyst

    Charles Wolf - Analyst

  • And in terms of visitors to the store do you have any breakdown between Windows and Mac?

    就商店的訪客而言,Windows 和 Mac 之間有什麼區別嗎?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • No, I'm sorry, we're not doing traffic surveys.


  • Charles Wolf - Analyst

    Charles Wolf - Analyst

  • The other numbers that you mentioned, you mentioned something about Japan, it was up before you added the 2 retail stores and after you added them in?

    你提到的其他數字,你提到了一些關於日本的事情,在你添加 2 家零售店之前和你添加它們之後?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Yes, revenue from the Japan segment was up 18% year-over-year, and then when we combine these segment results with the 2 Japan-based retail stores our revenue in Japan was up 26%.

    是的,日本分部的收入同比增長 18%,然後當我們將這些分部結果與 2 家日本零售店相結合時,我們在日本的收入增長了 26%。

  • Charles Wolf - Analyst

    Charles Wolf - Analyst

  • And finally, you mentioned some survey that you had done in the higher education market about students purchasing Macs?

    最後,你提到了你在高等教育市場做過的關於學生購買 Mac 的調查?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Yes, Charlie, we did not do the survey, but an independent third-party called the "Student Monitor" that does survey work about what higher education students are likely to buy, I think in technology and in other areas as well, that is the survey that I quoted.

    是的,查理,我們沒有做這項調查,但是一個名為“Student Monitor”的獨立第三方對高等教育學生可能購買的東西進行調查,我認為在技術和其他領域也是如此,即我引用的調查。

  • Charles Wolf - Analyst

    Charles Wolf - Analyst

  • And so that's buying intention as opposed to what they've actually bought?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Yes, intention to buy within the next 12 months.

    是的,打算在未來 12 個月內購買。

  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Charlie.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Andrew Neff, Bear Stearns.


  • Andrew Neff - Analyst

    Andrew Neff - Analyst

  • Just 2 things.


  • One, I just wanted to clarify in terms of the tax rate do you see that 31% as sort of a permanent rate going forward, beyond the current year or is that just because of the mix and the current year?

    一,我只是想澄清一下稅率,你認為 31% 是一種永久稅率,超越本年度,還是僅僅因為混合和本年度?

  • And secondly, just in terms of the -- on the Power Mac side of things, at one point you had talked about targeting a higher level.

    其次,就 Power Mac 方面而言,您曾經談到過要瞄準更高的水平。

  • Do you see getting back to those higher levels, or do you see anything -- is there any particular issue with the Power Mac?

    您是否看到回到那些更高的水平,或者您看到了什麼——Power Mac 有什麼特別的問題嗎?

  • That's about it.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Sure.


  • Let me take your tax rate question and I think Tim can address your Power Mac.

    讓我回答你的稅率問題,我認為 Tim 可以解決你的 Power Mac。

  • In terms of the tax rate, we project our tax rate for the year which we have done at 31%.

    就稅率而言,我們預計當年的稅率為 31%。

  • That's what we see at this point, and I don't want to make predictions about what the fiscal '06 rate may or may not be.

    這就是我們目前所看到的,我不想對 06 財年的利率可能會或可能不會做出預測。

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • Andy this is Tim.


  • I'm assuming you're talking about a target the Company had sometime ago --?


  • Andrew Neff - Analyst

    Andrew Neff - Analyst

  • Right, the 200 level.


  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • 200,000 Power Macs.

    200,000 台 Power Mac。

  • I do not expect us to return to that.


  • I believe that a significant percentage of the customers that were buying the Power Mac G4, which was included in that target, have shifted to iMac G5, and so given that, my view is we would not return to 200.

    我相信購買 Power Mac G4(包含在該目標中)的客戶中有很大一部分已經轉向 iMac G5,因此,我認為我們不會回到 200 台。

  • Again, we are focusing on total units, not the units of any specific family.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thank you, Andy.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Robert Semple, Credit Suisse First Boston.

    Robert Semple,瑞士信貸第一波士頓。

  • Robert Semple - Analyst

    Robert Semple - Analyst

  • Tim real quick, can you give us your outlook for component costs in the next quarter, particularly as it relates to LCDs and memory?

    提姆真的很快,你能告訴我們你對下一季度組件成本的展望,特別是與 LCD 和內存有關的成本嗎?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • We think we will continue to see favorable trends in LCD and memory and optical and in storage devices, and we think that other components will continue to decline at more of a historical averages.

    我們認為我們將繼續看到 LCD 和內存、光學和存儲設備的有利趨勢,我們認為其他組件將繼續以更多的歷史平均水平下降。

  • Robert Semple - Analyst

    Robert Semple - Analyst

  • Peter, just real quick, any update on cash repatriation?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Gary, would you like to take that?


  • Gary Wipfler - VP, Corporate Treasurer

    Gary Wipfler - VP, Corporate Treasurer

  • Yes, sure.


  • Well, we're currently working with outside counsel, tax counsel to better understand this, but it's still far too early in the process to make any conclusions.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Rob.


  • Can we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Shannon Cross, Cross Research.


  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • A follow-up to that, I guess, is use of cash given the cash balance you guys have.


  • I understand probably, I don't know, maybe 40% is now overseas, but any thoughts there?

    我可能理解,我不知道,現在可能有 40% 在海外,但有什麼想法嗎?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Shannon, we are continuing to retain our cash for flexibility to invest in our business or potentially make acquisitions.


  • And as Gary indicated, he and our outside tax counsel are evaluating how Apple could best take advantage of the Homeland [not] Repatriation Act, and once we have a plan that we have been through and have approval from our Board we will update you on it.

    正如 Gary 所指出的,他和我們的外部稅務顧問正在評估 Apple 如何最好地利用《國土[非]遣返法案》,一旦我們制定了一項計劃,我們已經通過並獲得了董事會的批准,我們將向您更新它。

  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • Any feeling on what level of cash is comfortable?


  • More or better than less, but?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • I don't have a comment on that.


  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • And then a different question on the Mac mini.

    然後是關於 Mac mini 的另一個問題。

  • It seems like you have standard components on the Mac mini, but is there anything in there that we're missing that could possibly leave you with a capacity constraint?

    看起來您在 Mac mini 上擁有標準組件,但其中是否有我們遺漏的東西可能會給您帶來容量限制?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • Capacity constraints are relative to demand, Shannon, and we do not have a feel for the demand since we just announced it literally 30 hours ago or so.

    容量限制與需求相關,香農,我們對需求沒有感覺,因為我們剛剛在 30 小時左右前宣布了它。

  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • But these are all basically standard components that are out there today and you're using, correct?


  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • Yes, to even standard things have lead times and obviously the enclosure itself and some of the other aspects of it are nonstandard.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Shannon.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Bill Shope, J.P. Morgan.


  • Bill Shope - Analyst

    Bill Shope - Analyst

  • I'm not sure if you're going to be able to answer this one, but have you made any progress where the components are constrained for the iPod?

    我不確定您是否能夠回答這個問題,但是您是否在 iPod 的組件受限方面取得了任何進展?

  • Have you made any progress on dual sourcing those components that should help you, particularly now that we're entering the seasonally weaker part of the year?


  • And then a second question I think you could answer, is for the Music Store, now that you're seeing the volumes continue to increase with a more rapid rate with the iPod shipments, are you starting to see any improving leverage there, any margin improvement for the Music Store?

    然後我想你可以回答的第二個問題是關於音樂商店的,現在你看到隨著 iPod 的出貨量以更快的速度繼續增長,你是否開始看到那裡的槓桿率有任何提高,有沒有利潤音樂商店的改進?

  • I know it's not meant to be a profit center, but I'm just wondering if you're seeing any leverage there as we see the growth improve?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Bill, I'll take your Music Store question and leave your first one for Tim.


  • No, we continue to operate the Music Store, have really for the last several quarters, at just over breakeven.


  • The variable cost structure within the Music Store is very, very high, and the fixed cost -- and then what's left over we amortize with a fixed cost, and we've been adding to our data center assets, and the Team is riding this best in-class store.


  • So the objective is to operate it near breakeven as we think that selling more songs will help us sell iPods, and we believe will help us sell CPUs in the future.

    所以我們的目標是讓它接近盈虧平衡,因為我們認為銷售更多歌曲將幫助我們銷售 iPod,我們相信這將幫助我們在未來銷售 CPU。

  • So no change in the strategy.


  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • Bill, on iPod constraints, we were able to move from 2 million units in Q4 to 4.58 in Q1, and so obviously there were dramatic improvements made in the -- in our ability to supply that.

    比爾,由於 iPod 的限制,我們能夠從第四季度的 200 萬台增加到第一季度的 4.58 台,因此顯然我們的供應能力有了顯著提高。

  • I don't want to predict where that goes over time other than to say we will do whatever we view as necessary to get a supply at the level that we desire.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Bill.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Bill Fearnley.


  • FTN Midwest Securities.

    FTN 中西部證券。

  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • Couple of questions for you.


  • Could you update us on the servers and what you're seeing in the server space currently?


  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • We just announced last week that we have moved the Xserve to a 2.3, and this is the same unit that we sold to Virginia Tech some months ago that wound up once again in the Top-10 Supercomputer List.

    我們上周剛剛宣布,我們已將 Xserve 升級到 2.3,這與幾個月前我們出售給弗吉尼亞理工大學的相同單元再次進入前 10 名超級計算機列表。

  • And so we continue to invest in this area.


  • We include those sales results in the Power Mac area and do not split those up separately.

    我們將這些銷售結果包含在 Power Mac 區域中,並且不會將它們單獨分開。

  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • Are you happy with the way they're trending even though you don't break it out?


  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • Yes, I'm happy with server sales.


  • I'd obviously love for them to be more, but, yes, I'm happy with them.


  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • Then a follow-up here on the air freight.


  • Do you expect that you'll have any air freight, that you'll have to air freight significant product or components into the U.S., particularly to support the new product introductions?


  • So what's your air freight expense expectation for this quarter versus what you would have incurred last quarter for the products like the G5?

    那麼,您對本季度的空運費用預期與上一季度對 G5 等產品的預期是多少?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • There will be some air freight associated with iMac G5 that continues into Q2, but it will be significantly less than what we did in the Q1 time frame.

    將有一些與 iMac G5 相關的空運將持續到第二季度,但這將大大少於我們在第一季度的時間範圍內所做的。

  • Relative to the new products, we typically, to get things to a storefront location at launch, we'll air freight certain products, and we do have a plan to do that on the Mac mini, and on some percentage of the software packages that you heard announced at Mac World, including iLife and iWork, et cetera.

    相對於新產品,我們通常會在發佈時將東西送到店面位置,我們會空運某些產品,我們確實有計劃在 Mac mini 和某些百分比的軟件包上這樣做你在 Mac World 上聽說過,包括 iLife 和 iWork 等等。

  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • Then a follow-up question on the customer segments here.


  • What's your latest trend that you're seeing in the pro, pro graphic segment?


  • And is there any difference in what's happening in the market versus your expectation domestically, and overseas as well, if you could comment on that segment?


  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • We saw in our pro markets in general, we saw relatively strong, both hardware and software sales during Q1 in the audio vertical, as a result we believe of the Logic 7 released that happened in the -- fairly beginning of the quarter in the October time frame.

    總體而言,我們在專業市場中看到,第一季度音頻垂直領域的硬件和軟件銷售都相對強勁,因此我們認為 Logic 7 發布發生在 10 月季度初大體時間。

  • Additionally, we continue to perform well in the video vertical building on the release of Production Suite which happened late in the Q4 time frame.

    此外,我們繼續在第四季度末發布的 Production Suite 的視頻垂直構建中表現良好。

  • The D&P market is still very flattish, not -- it is not a growth area.

    D&P 市場仍然非常平淡,不是——它不是一個增長領域。

  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • And one last question on the customer segments.


  • Are you seeing folks buy more iMac than you would have originally expected given the popularity of that product?

    鑑於該產品的受歡迎程度,您是否看到人們購買的 iMac 比您最初預期的要多?

  • Or are you seeing that most of those folks go to the pro segment going to the G5 as you had expected before with the Power Mac?

    或者您是否看到大多數人像您之前使用 Power Mac 所期望的那樣進入 G5 的專業市場?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • As I said before, at the low end of the Power Mac family with the people -- the customers that were buying Power Mac G4 previously, we believe, based on the sales results that we saw during Q1, that a large percentage of those customers did move to the iMac G5.

    正如我之前所說,在 Power Mac 系列的低端人群中——之前購買 Power Mac G4 的客戶,我們相信,根據我們在第一季度看到的銷售結果,這些客戶中的很大一部分確實搬到了 iMac G5。

  • But in the video and audio spaces that I just talked about, most of those customers continue to buy dual processor units because they really want the performance associated with those units.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Bill.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Rob Cihra, Fulcrum Global Partners.

    Fulcrum Global Partners 的 Rob Cihra。

  • Rob Cihra - Analyst

    Rob Cihra - Analyst

  • Two questions if I could.


  • First one, just to double-check, so apart from saying that HP was 7% of iPod units there's no more help in terms of the mini versus the larger size split; is that right?

    第一個,只是為了仔細檢查,所以除了說惠普佔 iPod 設備的 7% 之外,就 mini 與更大尺寸的拆分而言,沒有更多的幫助;那正確嗎?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • HP only sells the iPod.

    惠普只銷售 iPod。

  • They do not sell the iPod mini.

    他們不銷售 iPod mini。

  • Rob Cihra - Analyst

    Rob Cihra - Analyst

  • Sorry.


  • No, I meant in terms of -- I was just double-checking that you weren't going to give us anymore in terms of apart from HP just in terms of your own mini versus larger-size split.

    不,我的意思是——我只是仔細檢查一下,除了 HP 之外,你不會再給我們提供你自己的 mini 和更大尺寸的拆分。

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • You're correct.


  • Rob Cihra - Analyst

    Rob Cihra - Analyst

  • Secondly, and I'm not sure if there's anything you could say on this at all because I know you don't talk specifically about new products, but even more generally I'm assuming the PowerBook you would like to do a G5 version at some point you're probably begging for it, can you even talk high level, if that's the type of thing we might hope for this year, second half, next year?

    其次,我不確定您是否可以就此說任何話,因為我知道您並沒有專門談論新產品,但更一般地說,我假設您想在 PowerBook 上做 G5 版本有些時候你可能會乞求它,你能不能談高水平,如果這是我們今年、下半年、明年可能希望的事情嗎?

  • And if not, then at least maybe, if you're going to let people know, maybe what any of the hurdles are?


  • Is it a technical issue?


  • Is it a manufacturing issue?


  • Is it waiting for a new generation chip from IBM?


  • Is it power?


  • Is it heat?


  • Or is it just simply staggered timing, you start with the Power Mac, either the iMac, and at one point you'll do the PowerBook, but it's more of a marketing thing?

    或者只是簡單的錯開時間,你從 Power Mac 開始,或者 iMac,在某個時候你會做 PowerBook,但這更像是一種營銷活動?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • Rob, as you know, we don't comment on our road map, but let me be clear on this one.


  • It would be the mother of all thermal challenges to do what you're suggesting.


  • Rob Cihra - Analyst

    Rob Cihra - Analyst

  • Right.


  • And -- I understand that now.


  • I guess I just assumed that at one point that was something you were going to try and do.


  • Are you saying that mother of all challenges, meaning don't ever expect a G5 PowerBook?

    您是說所有挑戰之母,意思是永遠不要指望 G5 PowerBook?

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • I don't want to go further in the comment.


  • I just -- you know --.


  • Rob Cihra - Analyst

    Rob Cihra - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Rob.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Steve Lidberg, Pacific Crest Securities.


  • Steve Lidberg - Analyst

    Steve Lidberg - Analyst

  • In terms of iPod I was wondering if you could give us any sense of momentum with iPod internationally and specifically, I guess, in some of the more mature markets where you're selling iPod?

    就 iPod 而言,我想知道您是否可以讓我們了解 iPod 在國際上的發展勢頭,特別是在您銷售 iPod 的一些更成熟的市場?

  • Are the market share figures looking similar to that at the U.S., or can you give us an update there?


  • Also would like to know relative to iPod, any amount of inventory or significant inventory in your indirect channels given the expansion of storefronts?

    還想知道相對於 iPod,考慮到店面的擴張,您的間接渠道中有多少庫存或大量庫存?

  • Thanks.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Let me take the first part of your question and Tim can comment on the inventories.


  • The only public data that I am aware of outside of the United States, besides what we see from NPD is GFK in Japan, and the last number that I remember them reporting was in the 40% range for iPod share for us.

    除了我們從 NPD 看到的數據之外,我所知道的美國以外唯一的公開數據是日本的 GFK,我記得他們報告的最後一個數字是 iPod 對我們的份額在 40% 的範圍內。

  • Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP, Worldwide Sales & Operations

  • I would just add to that, that our results in Australia and the United Kingdom outside of the United States were stunning, and a clear portion of that was iPod in addition to the Macintosh business.

    我只想補充一點,我們在美國以外的澳大利亞和英國的業績令人驚嘆,其中很明顯的一部分是 iPod 和 Macintosh 業務。

  • Relative to your question on iPod we look at weeks of inventory.

    相對於您在 iPod 上的問題,我們查看了數週的庫存。

  • On a look-back-basis we ended the quarter with about 2.5 weeks of inventory, and on the breadth of channel we have, that's not a lot, obviously.

    在回顧的基礎上,我們以大約 2.5 週的庫存結束了本季度,並且在我們擁有的渠道廣度上,這顯然不是很多。

  • As we look forward to March we think the level of inventory is appropriate for the March quarter sales.

    由於我們期待 3 月,我們認為庫存水平適合 3 月季度的銷售。

  • Although frankly, I wish that we had more of certain models of the iPod in the channel.

    雖然坦率地說,我希望我們在頻道中有更多特定型號的 iPod。

  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Steve.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Ben Reitzes, UBS.

    Ben Reitzes,瑞銀。

  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • I had a follow-up.


  • Wanted to know with regard to Europe seasonality if that trend, though, is at all sustainable due to the -- or if you add the retail stores and what you think you'll open, what that looks like on a sustainable basis?


  • And then also, did you say what segment in reporting-wise you're going to start to put the Mac mini in?

    然後,你有沒有說你打算在報告方面的哪個部分開始把 Mac mini 放進去?

  • Is it going to be in the iMac segment going forward?

    未來會不會出現在 iMac 領域?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • Yes, Ben, we didn't say, but when we begin to sell the Mac mini in the March quarter we will put that in the iMac on the product summary.

    是的,Ben,我們沒有說,但是當我們在 3 月季度開始銷售 Mac mini 時,我們會將其放在 iMac 的產品摘要中。

  • And in terms of Europe, again, we're not going to give geographic or product level forecast, but as I said, if you just go back in history Q1 is Europe's big quarter.


  • And you can go back and look at the data summaries that we've provided, and probably other companies, to get a sense of what seasonality there may be in the March quarter.

    您可以返回並查看我們提供的數據摘要,可能還有其他公司,以了解 3 月季度可能存在的季節性。

  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • And then one other clarification, Peter.


  • When you talked about iPod units down 50%, obviously, you have a new product, the shuffle, are 2 of them.

    當您談到 iPod 單位下降 50% 時,顯然,您有一個新產品,即 shuffle,是其中的 2 個。

  • So we should take, did that mean take the mini and the wide iPods and have them go down 50% sequentially, but then add the shuffle estimate to that?

    所以我們應該考慮,這是否意味著將 mini 和 Wide iPod 拿來讓它們依次下降 50%,然後再加上 shuffle 估計?

  • Or did you mean all iPod units go down 50% including the shuffle?

    或者你的意思是所有的 iPod 設備都下降了 50%,包括 shuffle?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • First of all, I did not say that I thought iPod units would definitively go down 50%.

    首先,我並沒有說我認為 iPod 的銷量肯定會下降 50%。

  • My comment was more just providing what I believe in our PC business normal seasonality in our industry has been and what we see or we've heard in typically the CE business.

    我的評論更多地只是提供了我對 PC 業務在我們行業的正常季節性的看法,以及我們在 CE 業務中看到或聽到的內容。

  • So again, just to be clear, the PC industry normally sees a mid double-digit decline from the December quarter to the March quarter, and I'm told that the CE industry for cameras and MP3 players and things like that may see something in the 50% range.

    再說一次,為了清楚起見,PC 行業通常會從 12 月季度到 3 月季度出現中位數兩位數的下滑,我聽說相機和 MP3 播放器等消費行業可能會看到一些東西50% 的範圍。

  • And so as you think about our business with the market share that we have on the hard drive-based MP3 players, I just wanted to point that out to you.

    因此,當您考慮我們在基於硬盤驅動器的 MP3 播放器上的市場份額的業務時,我只想向您指出這一點。

  • We're not going to give guidance on the hard drive-based player.


  • In terms of total iPod shipments for the March quarter that would include not only the various hard drive models that we've talked about but, of course, the shuffle, and that -- putting those 2 together would be additive and we'll report to you in April how we did for the March quarter in total.

    就 3 月季度的 iPod 總出貨量而言,這不僅包括我們討論過的各種硬盤型號,當然還有隨機播放器,而且——將這兩者放在一起將是附加的,我們將報告在 4 月向您介紹我們在 3 月季度的總體表現。

  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Ben.


  • We have time for one more question.


  • Could we have the last question, please?


  • Operator


  • Follow-up from Gene Munster, Piper Jaffray.

    Piper Jaffray 的 Gene Munster 跟進。

  • Gene Munster - Analyst

    Gene Munster - Analyst

  • When asked about the future profitability of iTunes Music Store it seemed like you indicated some of the profitability could change based on a number of factors, including changes in price.

    當被問及 iTunes Music Store 的未來盈利能力時,您似乎表示某些盈利能力可能會因多種因素而變化,包括價格變化。

  • Basically my question is, have you been expecting the price to stay at 99 cents or is there more of a potential for the pricing to change now than before?

    基本上我的問題是,您是否一直期望價格保持在 99 美分,或者現在價格變化的可能性比以前更大?

  • It seems like a new comment that you had there.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - SVP, CFO

  • No, Gene, it's really consistent with what I've been saying for I think a year, that we have been operating the store just above breakeven.


  • It's not currently our intention to make a lot of money on the store itself, because we believe that selling music will help us to sell iPods, and as I said, we believe that will help us to sell computers.

    目前我們並不打算在商店本身上賺很多錢,因為我們相信銷售音樂將幫助我們銷售 iPod,正如我所說,我們相信這將幫助我們銷售電腦。

  • But the store could fall below breakeven at some point in the future if we decided to do certain things to say grow our sales, pricing could be one of those things, or investments that we may make in more people or taking it to more places.


  • That's what my comment was really referencing, and there's no change to what I've been saying over the last year.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director, IR, Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Gene.


  • A recording of today's call will be available for replay via telephone for 7 days beginning at 5 p.m. pacific time today.

    從下午 5 點開始,今天的通話錄音將通過電話重播 7 天。今天太平洋時間。

  • And the number for that replay is 719-457-0820, and the confirmation code is 725917.

    重播的號碼是 719-457-0820,確認碼是 725917。

  • A replay of the audio webcast of this call will also be available beginning at approximately 5 p.m. pacific time today at www.apple.com/investor and will remain available for approximately 12 months.

    下午 5 點左右開始還可以重播本次電話會議的音頻網絡廣播。太平洋時間今天在 www.apple.com/investor 上將保留大約 12 個月。

  • Members of the Press with additional questions can contact Steve Dowling at 408-974-1896.

    有其他問題的新聞界成員可以撥打 408-974-1896 聯繫 Steve Dowling。

  • Financial analysts can contact Joan Hoover or me with additional questions.

    如果有其他問題,金融分析師可以聯繫 Joan Hoover 或我。

  • Joan is at 408-974-4570.

    瓊的電話是 408-974-4570。

  • And I'm at 408-974-5420.

    我的電話是 408-974-5420。

  • Thanks again for joining us.


  • Operator


  • That does conclude today's conference.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may disconnect at this time.
