蘋果 (AAPL) 2004 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day and welcome to this Apple Computer conference call to discuss third quarter financial results.

    美好的一天,歡迎參加 Apple Computer 電話會議,討論第三季度的財務業績。

  • Today's call is being recorded.


  • At this time, for opening remarks and introductions, I would like to turn the call over to Nancy Paxton, Senior Director-Investor Relations and Corporate Finance.

    在這個時候,關於開場白和介紹,我想把電話轉給投資者關係和公司財務高級總監 Nancy Paxton。

  • Please go ahead ma'am.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thank you, good afternoon and thanks to everyone for joining us.


  • Speaking today is Apple CFO, Peter Oppenheimer, and he'll be joined by EVP of Worldwide Sales and Operations, Tim Cook; and VP and Corporate Treasurer, Gary Whipfler, for the Q&A session with analysts.

    今天發言的是蘋果公司首席財務官彼得奧本海默,他將與全球銷售和運營執行副總裁蒂姆庫克一起發言;副總裁兼企業財務主管 Gary Whipfler 與分析師進行問答環節。

  • Please note that some of the information you'll hear during this call consists of forward-looking statements regarding revenue, gross margin, operating expenses, restructuring, capitalized research & development expense, other income and expense, taxes, earnings per share, Apple's retail initiative, Apple's next generation iMac and manufacturing issues associated with the Power PC G5 microprocessor.

    請注意,您將在本次電話會議中聽到的一些信息包括有關收入、毛利率、運營費用、重組、資本化研發費用、其他收入和費用、稅收、每股收益、Apple 零售倡議、Apple 的下一代 iMac 以及與 Power PC G5 微處理器相關的製造問題。

  • Actual results or trends could differ materially from our forecast.


  • For more information, please refer to pages 36 through 45 of Apple's latest form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 27, 2004.

    如需更多信息,請參閱 Apple 最新的 10-Q 表格(截至 2004 年 3 月 27 日的季度)的第 36 至 45 頁。

  • Please also note that any non-GAAP financial measures included in today's call should be viewed in addition to, and not in lieu of, Apple's GAAP results.

    另請注意,今天電話會議中包含的任何非 GAAP 財務指標都應與 Apple 的 GAAP 結果一起查看,而不是代替 Apple 的 GAAP 結果。

  • A reconciliation of any GAAP and non-GAAP measures discussed will be posted on Apple's website at www.Apple.com/investor.

    所討論的任何 GAAP 和非 GAAP 措施的對賬將發佈在 Apple 網站 www.Apple.com/investor 上。

  • In connection with SEC rules on corporate disclosure, Apple is making this analyst call open to the media and general public by broadcasting the call live over the Internet.


  • And with that, I would like to turn the call over to Peter Oppenheimer for introductory remarks.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Thank you, Nancy.


  • Thank you very much for joining us.


  • We are exceptionally pleased with the results of the June quarter, which exceeded our guidance.

    我們對 6 月季度的業績感到非常滿意,該業績超出了我們的預期。

  • Revenue of 2.014 billion was up 30% year-over-year and represented the highest Q3 revenue for Apple in 8 years.

    收入為 20.14 億美元,同比增長 30%,是蘋果 8 年來第三季度的最高收入。

  • Net income was 61 million or 16 cents per diluted share.

    淨收入為 6100 萬或每股攤薄收益 16 美分。

  • These GAAP results include an after-tax restructuring charge of 6 million, or 1 cent per diluted share, primarily related to finalizing the closing of our Sacramento manufacturing operations.

    這些 GAAP 結果包括 600 萬美元的稅後重組費用,或每股攤薄收益 1 美分,主要與完成我們薩克拉門托製造業務的關閉有關。

  • Operating margin increased to 3.6% from 0.6% in the year-ago quarter.

    營業利潤率從去年同期的 0.6% 增至 3.6%。

  • Excluding the restructuring charge, operating margin was 4.0%, demonstrating the leverage in Apple's financial model that can be achieved as revenue grows.

    不計重組費用,營業利潤率為 4.0%,表明蘋果財務模式的槓桿作用可以隨著收入的增長而實現。

  • First, let me talk about our Mac-based revenue, which consists of our Mac desktop and portable computers; the Mac OS X operating system software; our expanding line of consumer and professional application software, such as iLife and Final Cut Pro; and the support, accessory and peripheral products that surround these and other products.

    首先,讓我談談我們基於 Mac 的收入,包括我們的 Mac 台式機和便攜式計算機; Mac OS X 操作系統軟件;我們不斷擴大的消費和專業應用軟件產品線,例如 iLife 和 Final Cut Pro;以及圍繞這些產品和其他產品的支持、附件和外圍產品。

  • I am pleased to report that our Mac-based revenue grew 19% during the quarter, accounting for 58% of the company's total revenue growth for the quarter.

    我很高興地報告,我們基於 Mac 的收入在本季度增長了 19%,占公司本季度總收入增長的 58%。

  • We sold 876,000 Macs, which is the highest quarterly unit shipment in over 3 1/2 years and represents a 14% increase from the year-ago quarter; equivalent to IDC's unit growth forecast for the market as a whole.

    我們售出了 876,000 台 Mac,這是 3.5 年來最高的季度出貨量,比去年同期增長 14%;相當於IDC對整個市場的單位增長預測。

  • Our portables accounted for 53% of total Macs sold during the quarter, a new record.

    我們的便攜式電腦佔本季度 Mac 總銷量的 53%,創下新紀錄。

  • Both the iBook and the PowerBook set new quarterly records with sales of 240,000 and 220,000 units, respectively.

    iBook 和 PowerBook 的銷量分別創下了 240,000 台和 220,000 台的新季度記錄。

  • Apple continues to be an industry leader in the move to notebooks.

    Apple 繼續成為筆記本電腦行業的領導者。

  • We sold 416,000 desktops during the quarter, or 47% of total Macs shipped; consisting of 173,000 Power Macs; 60,000 flat panel iMacs; and 183,000 eMacs.

    我們在本季度售出了 416,000 台台式機,佔 Mac 總出貨量的 47%;由 173,000 台 Power Mac 組成; 60,000 台平板 iMac;和 183,000 台 eMac。

  • Our Power Mac G5 unit shipments and associated revenue and profits were constrained in the June quarter by a manufacturing problem at IBM that caused significant delays in their delivery of G5 processors, thus the delay in the shipment of our high-end dual 2.5 gigahertz Power Macs into July.

    我們的 Power Mac G5 單位出貨量以及相關的收入和利潤在 6 月季度受到 IBM 製造問題的限制,該問題導致 G5 處理器的交付嚴重延遲,因此我們的高端雙 2.5 GHz Power Mac 的出貨延遲進入七月。

  • Unfortunately, IBM's manufacturing problems will impact our September quarter as well.

    不幸的是,IBM 的製造問題也將影響我們九月份的季度。

  • We expect to have shortages of our dual 1.8 gigahertz and dual 2.0 gigahertz models in July, though supply of these models should catch up in August.

    我們預計 7 月份雙 1.8 GHz 和雙 2.0 GHz 型號將出現短缺,但這些型號的供應應該會在 8 月份趕上。

  • And we expect to have shortages of our high-end dual 2.5 gigahertz model throughout the quarter.

    我們預計整個季度我們的高端雙 2.5 GHz 型號都會出現短缺。

  • IBM's manufacturing problems have also impacted our next generation iMac.

    IBM 的製造問題也影響了我們的下一代 iMac。

  • We normally don't talk about unannounced products, but we feel you need to know about the current situation.


  • The new iMac is based on a G5 processor.

    新 iMac 基於 G5 處理器。

  • We could not secure the necessary supply of G5 processors to launch our new iMac on schedule, and as we indicated a few weeks ago, we now plan to announce and ship it in September.

    我們無法確保必要的 G5 處理器供應來按時推出我們的新 iMac,正如我們在幾週前指出的那樣,我們現在計劃在 9 月宣布並發貨。

  • We are extremely unhappy with these events.


  • We believe that IBM has placed enormous resources on improving the situation and, based on what they have told us, we expect the supply problems to be behind us by the beginning of Apple's fiscal Q1 '05.

    我們相信,IBM 已投入大量資源來改善這種情況,並且根據他們告訴我們的情況,我們預計到 Apple 的 05 財年第一季度開始時,供應問題將會過去。

  • Ending channel inventory of total iMac -- or total Mac units remained within our target range of 4 to 5 weeks.

    總 iMac 的最終渠道庫存——或總 Mac 單位保持在我們 4 到 5 週的目標範圍內。

  • Although we anticipate flat panel iMac inventory will be depleted in the next several weeks.

    儘管我們預計平板 iMac 庫存將在未來幾週內耗盡。

  • Now, let me discuss our music-based revenue, which consists of the iPod and the iPod mini portable digital music players and their accessories and the iTunes online music service.

    現在,讓我談談我們基於音樂的收入,其中包括 iPod 和 iPod mini 便攜式數字音樂播放器及其配件以及 iTunes 在線音樂服務。

  • Our music based revenue grew 162%.

    我們基於音樂的收入增長了 162%。

  • We had another phenomenal quarter for iPod sales, shipping a record 860,000 units; a 183% increase over last year.

    iPod 銷售又迎來了一個驚人的季度,出貨量達到創紀錄的 860,000 台;比去年增長 183%。

  • Continued strong demand for the iPod, combined with improved supply of the iPod mini and 13,000 retail distribution points worldwide, drove this growth.

    對 iPod 的持續強勁需求,加上 iPod mini 供應的改善和全球 13,000 個零售分銷點,推動了這一增長。

  • According to May, 2004 data, which is the latest available from NPD Tech World, the iPod has continued to gain market share and remains the number one selling MP3 player; counting all hard drive and flash-based memory players by a wide margin.

    根據 NPD Tech World 提供的 2004 年 5 月的最新數據,iPod 繼續獲得市場份額,並且仍然是銷量第一的 MP3 播放器。大量計算所有硬盤驅動器和基於閃存的內存播放器。

  • The iTunes music store continues to be the leading online music service with more than a 70% share of legal downloads, based on the latest information from Neilsen Sound Scan.

    根據 Neilsen Sound Scan 的最新信息,iTunes 音樂商店仍然是領先的在線音樂服務,合法下載份額超過 70%。

  • This week, the iTunes music store crossed the unprecedented milestone of 100 million legally downloaded songs in our iTunes music store in the U.K., France and Germany has become Europe's top online music store.

    本週,iTunes 音樂商店突破了前所未有的里程碑,在我們英國、法國和德國的 iTunes 音樂商店中合法下載了 1 億首歌曲,成為歐洲頂級在線音樂商店。

  • Moving on to distribution, the Apple retail stores had another outstanding and profitable quarter.

    繼續分銷,Apple 零售店又迎來了一個出色且盈利的季度。

  • We opened two stores during the quarter, bringing the quarter end total to 80.

    我們在本季度開設了兩家門店,使本季度末的總數達到 80 家。

  • Apple retail store revenue was 270 million.

    蘋果零售店收入為 2.7 億美元。

  • With an average of 79 stores opened during the quarter, average quarterly revenue per store was 3.4 million, up from 2.6 million in the year-ago quarter; a 31% increase.

    本季度平均開設 79 家門店,每家門店的平均季度收入為 340 萬,高於去年同期的 260 萬;增加 31%。

  • The retail stores also contributed 7 million in segment profit during the quarter, and 48 million in additional manufacturing margin.

    零售店在本季度還貢獻了 700 萬美元的分部利潤,以及 4800 萬美元的額外製造利潤。

  • Traffic was very strong during the quarter, with 5.8 million people visiting our retail stores translating into 5.6 thousand visitors per store per week.

    本季度的客流量非常強勁,有 580 萬人訪問我們的零售店,這意味著每家商店每周有 5.6 萬名訪客。

  • This compares to 4.3 thousand visitors per store per week in the year-ago quarter.

    相比之下,去年同期每家商店每周有 4300 名訪客。

  • We are looking forward to opening two more international stores before the end of the calendar year.


  • One in Osaka, Japan and the other on Regent Street in London.


  • We now expect to exit the calendar year with 100 stores.

    我們現在預計將在日曆年退出 100 家商店。

  • Results from our U.S. education channel were positive.


  • Overall, CPU units were up 4% year-over-year, which compares favorably to IDC's forecast of a 14% unit decline for the market.

    總體而言,CPU 單元同比增長 4%,這與 IDC 預測的市場單元下降 14% 相比是有利的。

  • Revenue growth was even stronger at 16% over the year-ago quarter and resulted in our highest U.S. education channel revenue in three years.

    與去年同期相比,收入增長更為強勁,達到 16%,並導致我們三年來美國教育渠道收入最高。

  • Higher education sales grew an impressive 40% year-over-year, the third consecutive quarter of 40% or better growth.

    高等教育銷售額同比增長驚人的 40%,連續第三個季度增長 40% 或更高。

  • Our K-12 business continues to be challenged by a weak funding environment; however, we managed to grow K-12 revenues by 3% year-over-year, and continued to have success with one-to-one initiatives.

    我們的 K-12 業務繼續受到資金環境薄弱的挑戰;然而,我們設法將 K-12 收入同比增長 3%,並繼續通過一對一計劃取得成功。

  • In terms of geographic performance, revenue in Europe was up 37% year-over-year, while revenue in the Americas, excluding the retail segment, was up 23%.

    在地域表現方面,歐洲的收入同比增長 37%,而美洲(不包括零售部門)的收入增長 23%。

  • Combining the Americas segment results with U.S. sales from the retail segment yields a year-over-year increase of 31%.

    將美洲部門的業績與美國零售部門的銷售額相結合,同比增長 31%。

  • Revenue in the Japan segment was up 2% year-over-year.

    日本分部的收入同比增長 2%。

  • Gross margin was 27.8%, flat with the prior quarter, and consistent with guidance.

    毛利率為 27.8%,與上一季度持平,與指引一致。

  • Excluding the pre-tax restructuring charge of 8 million, operating expense was 479 million, 9 million higher than expected primarily due to variable selling expenses associated with the higher-than-expected revenue and the accelerated launch of the European iTunes music store.

    扣除稅前重組費用 800 萬,營業費用為 4.79 億,比預期高 900 萬,主要是由於收入高於預期以及歐洲 iTunes 音樂商店的加速推出相關的可變銷售費用。

  • OI&E was $13 million, 1 million better than guidance, primarily due to slightly higher than expected yields on our cash investments.

    OI&E 為 1300 萬美元,比指引高出 100 萬美元,主要是由於我們的現金投資收益率略高於預期。

  • The tax rate for the quarter was 28% as expected.

    本季度的稅率為 28%,符合預期。

  • In terms of the balance sheet, cash was 4.966 billion, up 372 million sequentially.


  • The cash growth reflects continued strong asset management and contributions from operating income, as well as proceeds from employee stock option exercises, which were approximately 190 million excluding related tax benefits during the quarter.

    現金增長反映了持續強勁的資產管理和營業收入的貢獻,以及員工股票期權行使的收益,不包括本季度的相關稅收優惠,約為 1.9 億美元。

  • Total capital expenditures for the quarter were $38 million, including 20 million for our retail initiative.

    本季度的總資本支出為 3800 萬美元,其中 2000 萬美元用於我們的零售計劃。

  • We were very busy with product introductions and refreshes.


  • Recent product announcements include a new family of Power Mac G5's, featuring an all-dual processor lineup;

    最近發布的產品包括全新的 Power Mac G5 系列,採用全雙處理器陣容;

  • Airport Express, the world's first 802.11 G mobile base station featuring AirTunes music networking software; and a new family of wide screen displays including the 30-inch Apple HD display.

    機場快線,全球首個採用 AirTunes 音樂網絡軟件的 802.11 G 移動基站;以及包括 30 英寸 Apple HD 顯示器在內的全新寬屏顯示器系列。

  • Additionally, we've announced plans to introduce the next generation iMac in September.

    此外,我們還宣布了在 9 月推出下一代 iMac 的計劃。

  • We're incredibly proud of the innovation and ground-breaking new solutions generated by our R&D product pipeline and there are more to come.


  • Looking ahead to the September quarter, I'd like to review the outlook which includes the types of forward-looking information that Nancy referred to at the beginning of the call.

    展望 9 月季度,我想回顧一下前景,其中包括南希在電話會議開始時提到的前瞻性信息類型。

  • For the September quarter, we are targeting revenue of about 2.1 billion and GAAP diluted earnings per share of about 16 to 17 cents, which includes approximately 5 million, or 1 cent per diluted share, of expected restructuring related to vacating some European sales office space.

    對於 9 月季度,我們的目標是收入約 21 億美元,按公認會計原則計算的每股攤薄收益約為 16 至 17 美分,其中包括與騰出一些歐洲銷售辦公室空間相關的預期重組約 500 萬美元或攤薄後每股收益 1 美分.

  • We expect gross margin to decline sequentially to about 27.0 to 27.25%, due to the constrained supply of microprocessors, air freight for the new iMac and a higher mix of iPods.

    我們預計毛利率將連續下降至約 27.0% 至 27.25%,原因是微處理器供應受限、新 iMac 的空運以及更高的 iPod 組合。

  • I've discussed IBM's problems and how they're likely to impact the quarter and, based on their input, we believe we have appropriately taken into consideration the risk factors associated with the G5 processor in developing our guidance for Q4.

    我已經討論了 IBM 的問題以及它們可能如何影響本季度,並且根據他們的意見,我們認為我們在製定第四季度的指導時適當地考慮了與 G5 處理器相關的風險因素。

  • However, we acknowledge that actual results could vary based on unforeseen problems.


  • We expect OpEx to be about 490 million, including the 5 million restructuring charge.

    我們預計運營支出約為 4.9 億,其中包括 500 萬的重組費用。

  • The projected OpEx does not include 5 million of capitalized costs related to the development of Mac OS X Tiger, which we publicly demonstrated at our developer's conference last month.

    預計的運營支出不包括與 Mac OS X Tiger 開發相關的 500 萬資本化成本,我們在上個月的開發者大會上公開展示了這一點。

  • We expect OI&E to be about 15 million and we expect the tax rate to be 28%.

    我們預計 OI&E 約為 1500 萬,我們預計稅率為 28%。

  • In conclusion, we are very pleased with our year-to-date results and based on Q4 guidance, we expect to complete fiscal 2004 with over 8 billion of revenue representing a 29% year-over-year growth.

    總之,我們對年初至今的業績感到非常滿意,根據第四季度的指導,我們預計 2004 財年將實現超過 80 億的收入,同比增長 29%。

  • With that, I'd like to open the call to questions.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, sir.


  • Today's question-and-answer session will be conducted electronically. [Caller Instructions] We'll take as many questions as time permits.

    今天的問答環節將以電子方式進行。 [來電須知] 我們會在時間允許的情況下回答盡可能多的問題。

  • We'll take our first question from Richard Gardner with Smith Barney.

    我們將回答 Richard Gardner 和 Smith Barney 的第一個問題。

  • Richard Gardner - Analyst

    Richard Gardner - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Peter, it was interesting that the CPU strength in the quarter was largely from the pro lines rather than the K-12 or consumer line.

    彼得,有趣的是,本季度的 CPU 實力主要來自專業產品線,而不是 K-12 或消費產品線。

  • You had a really nice quarter with PowerBook.

    您在 PowerBook 上度過了一個非常愉快的季度。

  • Could you comment on why you think that that might be the case, aside from the iMac channel inventory drawdown?

    除了 iMac 渠道庫存縮減之外,您能否評論一下為什麼您認為會出現這種情況?

  • And maybe give a comment on demand in the consumer and K-12 segments given some of the controversy around those segments here recently?

    鑑於最近圍繞這些細分市場的一些爭議,也許可以對消費者和 K-12 細分市場的需求發表評論?

  • Thanks.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Sure.


  • Rich, I will make a couple comments on the portables and then let Tim discuss the education environment.

    Rich,我將對便攜式設備發表一些評論,然後讓 Tim 討論教育環境。

  • We had a very strong portable quarter.


  • The PowerBooks were up 37% year-over-year, but the iBooks were also up 26% year-over-year.

    PowerBooks 同比增長 37%,但 iBooks 也同比增長 26%。

  • And I would just point out that we set a record -- a company record in terms of shipments for both the PowerBook and the iBook.

    我只想指出,我們創造了一項記錄——PowerBook 和 iBook 出貨量的公司記錄。

  • Tim, do you want to talk about the --


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Sure, Rich, in the education space we've now had several quarters in a row of significant growth in higher education.


  • And frankly, this is a result of our strong product portfolio, including the Power Mac and the PowerBook and the iBook, or the whole portable family.

    坦率地說,這是我們強大的產品組合的結果,包括 Power Mac、PowerBook 和 iBook,或者整個便攜式產品系列。

  • And, as you probably know now, if you look through our fiscal first half, and that's the latest figures that we have from IDC; our market share in education has gone up over 2% from 12-4 to 14-8, and so we feel extremely good about those results.

    而且,正如您現在可能知道的那樣,如果您查看我們的上半財年,那是我們從 IDC 獲得的最新數據;我們在教育領域的市場份額從 12-4 增長到 14-8,增長了 2% 以上,因此我們對這些結果感到非常滿意。

  • It's an indication to us that our coverage model is working, that our product portfolio is right, and that, you know, we have the team focused on the appropriate things.


  • From a tax revenue point of view, K-12 is still difficult.


  • We did see some positive signs toward the end of the fiscal year, which largely occurred in June, for a number of the states that indicate some turn; and that produced the 3% revenue growth that Peter talked about in his opening remarks.

    我們確實在本財年末看到了一些積極的跡象,這些跡象主要發生在 6 月,一些州表明出現了一些轉變;這產生了彼得在開場白中談到的 3% 的收入增長。

  • It's difficult to predict when tax revenues increase.


  • You guys could predict that as good as we can.


  • However, frankly, we are focused on growing in this environment, regardless of whether the market is growing or shrinking.


  • We're very proud of our results there thus far.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • And Rich, I would add on the consumer side, just using our growth in retail as a proxy, Ron had a fantastic quarter at 270 million, which was up 86% year-over-year.

    Rich,我想在消費者方面補充一下,僅以我們在零售方面的增長作為代理,Ron 的季度業績出色,達到 2.7 億,同比增長 86%。

  • Richard Gardner - Analyst

    Richard Gardner - Analyst

  • Can I follow-up quickly?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Sure.


  • Richard Gardner - Analyst

    Richard Gardner - Analyst

  • Was there anything in the quarter that impacted revenued iPod shipments besides just the one-inch drive constraints that you've been experiencing here lately?

    除了您最近在這裡遇到的一英寸驅動器限制之外,本季度還有什麼影響 iPod 出貨量的因素嗎?

  • For example, you know, any recall issues or anything like that?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • There has been no recall issues, no quality issues, Rich, or anything like that.

    沒有召回問題,沒有質量問題,Rich 或類似的問題。

  • Obviously, the mini demand far exceeds the supply.


  • Frankly speaking, the demand is staggering in the U.S.


  • Most of the resellers and Apple retail locations were reporting selling out of the deliveries that we sent within hours or a few days of receipt.

    大多數經銷商和 Apple 零售店都報告說,我們在收到貨物後數小時或數天內發出的貨物已售罄。

  • And, you know, the -- internationally, the order stream was opened up a week ago and the order stream that we've seen is unprecedented.


  • So the demand of the mini is extremely, extremely strong.


  • Richard Gardner - Analyst

    Richard Gardner - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you, Tim.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Rich.


  • Can we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We will take our next question from Ben Reitzes with UBS.

    我們將向瑞銀的 Ben Reitzes 提出我們的下一個問題。

  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • Good afternoon, thank you.


  • Could you just elaborate a little more on some of the issues going on with IBM and what -- I think you said that you think that in speaking with them, you have confidence that in the first fiscal quarter you'll see the products shipped and you feel capacity will be -- will be where it needs to be, or excuse me, supply.

    您能否詳細說明 IBM 正在發生的一些問題以及什麼 - 我想您說過您認為在與他們交談時,您有信心在第一財季您將看到產品出貨和你覺得容量將是 - 將是它需要的地方,或者對不起,供應。

  • Could you just talk about what gave you confidence there?


  • And what could go wrong?


  • Or what -- just a little more color so that we know that that's going to be straightened out.

    或者什麼 - 只是多一點顏色,以便我們知道這將被理順。

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Hi, Ben.


  • It's Tim.


  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks.


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Let me give you a little bit of the background here.


  • Much of the issue at IBM is very consistent with what's happening across the broader industry including some of the issues at Intel that have been well reported.

    IBM 的大部分問題與整個行業正在發生的事情非常一致,包括英特爾的一些問題已得到充分報導。

  • And this is basically the move from 130 to 90 nanometer technology.

    這基本上是從 130 納米技術到 90 納米技術的轉變。

  • It's been much more difficult than most people estimated.


  • And frankly, from us, what that resulted in was a mass loss of our wafer supply, and lower-than-anticipated yield.


  • Now, from the discussions that we've had with them, which have been numerous, I very much believe that they’ve placed enormous resource, engineering-wise and executive-wise, on improving the situation; and given that, I believe that we can hit the numbers that Peter has talked about in the guidance.


  • Obviously, we also, independently, assessed their plans, and probed them, and believe the numbers that they have passed to us.


  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • Any plans to procure an alternative supplier into the future at some point?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • You know, it is not commercially feasible or reasonable to think about a --


  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • Not near term.


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Another entire company building the G5 if that's what you mean.

    如果這就是你的意思,那麼另一家正在建造 G5 的公司。

  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • No, not in the near term.


  • Okay.


  • And then with regard to margin hit, is there anything you can quantify with regard to some of the issues as to what kind of hits are -- Peter, what's going against margins in the quarter that could potentially get better into the next, with, you know, I understand if you don't want to give guidance going in --

    然後關於利潤命中率,你有什麼可以量化的關於命中率的一些問題 - 彼得,本季度的利潤率可能會在下一個季度變得更好,你知道,如果你不想提供指導,我理解——

  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Right, and I'm not going to get into, you know, providing guidance for Q1, but we've provided guidance for Q4 that we would see our gross margins at about 27.0 to 27.25.

    是的,我不打算為第一季度提供指導,但我們已經為第四季度提供了指導,我們將看到我們的毛利率在 27.0 到 27.25 之間。

  • Had we not had the microprocessor constraints or the premium air freight on the flat panel, our gross margin would have been much closer to 27.5%.

    如果我們沒有微處理器限製或平板上的優質空運,我們的毛利率將接近 27.5%。

  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Yeah.


  • Thanks, Ben.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Steve Milunovich with Merrill Lynch.


  • Steve Milunovich - Analyst

    Steve Milunovich - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • To continue on the Power PC issue, there's been some suggestion on the web that you have a heating issue with the iMac as well.

    要繼續解決 Power PC 問題,網絡上有一些建議說您的 iMac 也存在發熱問題。

  • Are you saying that that's not at all the problem?


  • It's purely availability of microprocessors?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Steve, the processor is the most critical factor.


  • Steve Milunovich - Analyst

    Steve Milunovich - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And are you basically using the same processor that IBM's now going to be using in its new UNIX line?

    您基本上使用的是 IBM 現在將在其新的 UNIX 產品線中使用的相同處理器嗎?

  • So are you, in effect, going to be competing with IBM's internal needs and is that incorporated into your forecast?

    那麼,實際上,您是否會與 IBM 的內部需求競爭,這是否已納入您的預測?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • We believe that, based on what IBM has told us, and our own independent assessment of their plans, that we can achieve our guidance.

    我們相信,根據 IBM 告訴我們的內容以及我們自己對他們計劃的獨立評估,我們可以實現我們的指導。

  • Steve Milunovich - Analyst

    Steve Milunovich - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • On the iPod side, you did have some mini availability, I don't know if you're willing to talk about what the mix of iPods is at this point?

    在 iPod 方面,你確實有一些迷你可用性,我不知道你是否願意談論此時 iPod 的組合是什麼?

  • Also wondering if you could just reiterate the timing of catching up to demand with the mini, what the availability of HP's product is likely to be, and if you'd be willing to speculate that you'll break a million units in this quarter?

    還想知道您是否可以重申用 mini 趕上需求的時間,惠普產品的可用性可能是什麼,以及您是否願意推測您將在本季度突破 100 萬台?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Let me start with that, and then Tim can add to that.


  • And I will take your last question and let Tim discuss mini supply and HP.


  • We're not going to provide specific guidance on our iPod shipments, but we do anticipate them being up sequentially.

    我們不會就我們的 iPod 出貨量提供具體指導,但我們確實預計它們會按順序增長。

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Steve, on supply on the mini, as I had talked about in the last call last quarter, we still expect the supply this quarter to be significantly higher than it was in our last Q3, or last quarter.

    史蒂夫,關於 mini 的供應,正如我在上個季度的最後一次電話會議中談到的那樣,我們仍然預計本季度的供應量將顯著高於我們上一季度或上一季度的供應量。

  • And in fact, our view today is even better than it was then, in terms of the amount that we can increase it.


  • And so I'm feeling good about the supply.


  • However, the demand, as I had talked about with Ben earlier, the demand in the U.S. is staggering.


  • And on top of that, the orders internationally as we've opened this thing up for our launch later this month, those orders are unprecedented.


  • And so given that, it's very difficult to predict when supply and demand will balance.


  • Steve Milunovich - Analyst

    Steve Milunovich - Analyst

  • So it sounds like the good news is you got more supply, but demand keeps moving ahead of your previous plan, so you're not willing to suggest that you will necessarily catch up in the September quarter?

    所以聽起來好消息是你有更多的供應,但需求一直在你之前的計劃之前,所以你不願意暗示你一定會在 9 月季度趕上?

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • That's correct.


  • Steve Milunovich - Analyst

    Steve Milunovich - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And finally, as least relative to my expectation, software revenues were above what I was looking for, peripherals were below.


  • Any particular strength or weakness in those areas you can allude to?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Yes, Steve, the decline that you're seeing in the peripherals was largely related to our transition of our display line that we did right at the end of our quarter.


  • Steve Milunovich - Analyst

    Steve Milunovich - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Steve.


  • Can we have the next question, please.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Michelle Gutierrez with Schwab Soundview.

    我們將與 Schwab Soundview 一起前往 Michelle Gutierrez。

  • Michelle Gutierrez - Analyst

    Michelle Gutierrez - Analyst

  • Hi, congratulations on the quarter.


  • I want to ask about iTunes and an update given you've announced the 100 millionth song here and the profitability in that business model, and along with the new pricing that's available in the European markets, if there's an update there, and a change in terms of profitability in that business?

    我想問一下 iTunes 和更新,因為你已經在這裡宣布了第 1 億首歌曲和該商業模式的盈利能力,以及歐洲市場上可用的新定價,如果那裡有更新,以及改變該業務的盈利能力?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Thanks for the good wishes on the quarter, Michelle.


  • The iTunes music store in our June quarter made a small profit.

    我們六月季度的 iTunes 音樂商店小幅盈利。

  • And that includes both our sales in the U.S. and Europe.


  • Going forward, our profitability will vary on pricing, and volume, and what we might do to grow the business.


  • And we were just thrilled with the sales this quarter crossing not only 100 million songs here in the U.S.; but our great start in Europe, where we are the, by far, leading music store in the U.K., France, and Germany.

    我們對本季度在美國的銷量超過 1 億首歌曲感到非常興奮。但我們在歐洲的良好開端,到目前為止,我們是英國、法國和德國領先的音樂商店。

  • Michelle Gutierrez - Analyst

    Michelle Gutierrez - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • And then just transitioning that into the iPod international launch, later this month, in July.

    然後將其過渡到本月晚些時候,7 月的 iPod 國際發布。

  • Given the unprecedented demand in the U.S., are you going to be able to manage that launch?


  • Or will that, you know, you won't be able to preannounce a pushout, but how do you feel about supplying that launch?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • We will conduct the launch on July 24, and we have set aside some amount of the July supply in order to ship internationally, but given the order that I've seen, it's clear that it will not come close to satisfying the number of people that want them.

    我們將在 7 月 24 日進行發布,我們已經預留了一些 7 月的供應量以便在國際上發貨,但鑑於我所看到的訂單,很明顯它無法滿足人數想要他們。

  • Michelle Gutierrez - Analyst

    Michelle Gutierrez - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just shifting gears a little bit, the huge strength that you saw in the PowerBook, 40% growth quarter-to-quarter, that's typically not typical seasonality, you know.

    然後稍微換檔,你在 PowerBook 中看到的巨大力量,季度環比增長 40%,這通常不是典型的季節性,你知道的。

  • I didn't hear why exactly you saw that particular strength in PowerBook, and in iBook and whether you continue to see that going forward.

    我不知道為什麼您在 PowerBook 和 iBook 中看到了這種特殊的優勢,以及您是否會繼續看到這種優勢。

  • Thank you very much.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Sure.


  • The -- you know, the world is going more mobile and Apple is a leader in that.

    - 你知道,世界正在變得更加移動化,而蘋果是這方面的領導者。

  • We have a very competitive and feature-rich line of iBooks and PowerBooks which we have recently refreshed; and both PowerBooks and iBooks are doing very well in education and our consumer and business markets as well.

    我們最近更新了一個極具競爭力且功能豐富的 iBooks 和 PowerBooks 產品線; PowerBooks 和 iBooks 在教育以及我們的消費者和商業市場上都表現出色。

  • Michelle Gutierrez - Analyst

    Michelle Gutierrez - Analyst

  • Do you see that going forward as well?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • We're not going to provide specific unit guidance but, yes, we are very pleased with our portable line; how it's doing, and its prospects for the future.


  • Michelle Gutierrez - Analyst

    Michelle Gutierrez - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Michelle.


  • Can we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Charles Wolf with Needham & Company.

    我們將與 Needham & Company 一起前往 Charles Wolf。

  • Charles Wolf - Analyst

    Charles Wolf - Analyst

  • Yes, I think Steve asked the question, but it wasn't answered.


  • Is the HP launch of the HP pod still on target?

    HP pod 的 HP 發射是否仍在目標中?

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Yes, Charlie, sorry, I didn't answer that, and it wasn't because I was doing that intentionally.


  • HP will ship this summer, as we had indicated in last quarter's call.


  • Charles Wolf - Analyst

    Charles Wolf - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • I have a second question.


  • I don't know if you can answer it.


  • But I was wondering if you could share with us, possibly, some of the shopping habits of the people who come to the iTunes music store.

    但我想知道您是否可以與我們分享一些來 iTunes 音樂商店的人的購物習慣。

  • Possibly the total number that have come, stuff like that, if you have that information and can share it?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Charlie, we -- of course we have it but for competitive reasons, we don't want to do that.


  • I would just say that we couldn't be happier with the success that we're having in all of our markets with the music store.


  • Our traffic is up.


  • We're pleased with the sales.


  • And we're just going to keep making our store and our iPods better and better.

    我們將繼續讓我們的商店和我們的 iPod 變得越來越好。

  • Charles Wolf - Analyst

    Charles Wolf - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Charlie.


  • Can we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We'll go next with Joel Wagonfeld with First Albany Capital.

    接下來,我們將與 First Albany Capital 的 Joel Wagonfeld 合作。

  • Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

    Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

  • Thank you, nice quarter.


  • I had a question on products.


  • I was wondering if you had any granularity in terms of when during September you expect to ship the iMac, whether Apple products will be in the Office Depot stores or just online on their site, and also if you expect any cannibalization of the white iPods once the minis do become fully available or is there sufficient demand for the bigger capacity devices?

    我想知道您是否對 9 月份預計何時發貨 iMac 有任何詳細信息,Apple 產品是在 Office Depot 商店中還是僅在其網站上在線,以及您是否預計白色 iPod 會被蠶食一次minis 確實完全可用,還是對更大容量的設備有足夠的需求?

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • On Office Depot, we have authorized Office Depot to sell on their online store, and we've done that because of their emphasis in the small and medium business market.

    在 Office Depot 上,我們已經授權 Office Depot 在他們的在線商店上銷售,我們這樣做是因為他們重視中小型企業市場。

  • We do not have any plan to extend that to their retail stores, or to put product into their retail stores.


  • On the mini cannibalization, frankly, we don't know.


  • We've never been in a position where we have had significant amount of mini and white iPods in any location for any length of time so we don't know the answer to that.

    我們從來沒有在任何地方長時間擁有大量迷你和白色 iPod,所以我們不知道答案。

  • Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

    Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

  • And in terms of when in September?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • We plan to announce and ship in September and we're not being more specific on the timing in September.

    我們計劃在 9 月宣布並發貨,我們不會更具體地說明 9 月的時間安排。

  • Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

    Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Could I follow-up?


  • Just in terms of the granularity on the margins this quarter, which the gross margin was pretty strong, was that all due to better mix?


  • You made a couple of comments I think on air freight that I didn't quite catch, if you could just repeat those for me?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Sure, Joel, the comments that I made regarding air freight related to Q4.


  • Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

    Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

  • That's what I thought.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Right.


  • Our Q3 gross margin came in at 27.8%, as we guided to in the third quarter.

    正如我們在第三季度所指導的那樣,我們第三季度的毛利率為 27.8%。

  • Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

    Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

  • And so despite the -- so that was all basically mix, the Power Mac offsetting the iPod?

    所以儘管——所以基本上都是混合的,Power Mac 會抵消 iPod 嗎?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • We saw a little bit more favorable commodity environment than we had thought, which helped us offset the delay of the 2.5 gigahertz Power Mac in the third quarter.

    我們看到的商品環境比我們想像的要好一些,這幫助我們抵消了第三季度 2.5 GHz Power Mac 的延遲。

  • Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

    Joel Wagonfeld - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Joel.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Bill Fearnley with FTN Midwest Research.

    我們將在 FTN 中西部研究部的 Bill Fearnley 旁邊。

  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • Yes, good afternoon.


  • A couple of questions on the iMac.

    關於 iMac 的幾個問題。

  • Is the only issue the chips, are there any other gating issues on other component or plastics for that product?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Bill, the processor is the most critical factor.


  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And on Japan, performance versus expectations given the economic environment and your new stores there, could you give additional color on what's happening in Japan specifically?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Yes, I will.


  • When you include the retail story that we have in Japan, in the Japan geographic results, you'll see -- you'd see that our revenue year-over-year increased 8% in the quarter.

    當您將我們在日本的零售故事包括在日本地理結果中時,您會看到 - 您會看到我們的收入在本季度同比增長 8%。

  • Now, compared to the previous quarter, we declined 17%, looking at the same comparable; and so we did better on a sequential basis but, frankly, Japan is our weakest performing geo.

    現在,與上一季度相比,我們下降了 17%,看同樣的可比性;所以我們在連續的基礎上表現更好,但坦率地說,日本是我們表現最差的地區。

  • We're not happy.


  • We've made a number of changes.


  • We have a number of initiatives underway.


  • And you know, it's a very key market for us, and we must improve there.


  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • Is Quark still holding you back there?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Quark, we thought would ship last quarter, but did not and, now, my understanding is they will ship in the early part of this one.


  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And one last follow-up if I could.


  • On air freight expenses coming up, what exactly are you air freighting in the upcoming quarter?


  • What products?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Bill, it's primarily the new iMac.

    比爾,主要是新的 iMac。

  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • Okay thank you.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Bill.


  • Can we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Kevin Hunt with Thomas Weisel Partners.

    我們將與 Thomas Weisel Partners 一起討論 Kevin Hunt。

  • Kevin Hunt - Analyst

    Kevin Hunt - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • A couple of questions on your ASP trends.

    關於您的 ASP 趨勢的幾個問題。

  • On the iMac you had a pretty substantial drop in ASP.

    在 iMac 上,您的 ASP 大幅下降。

  • Is that just because of the -- a mix shift towards eMac?

    這僅僅是因為 - 向 eMac 的混合轉變嗎?

  • And then the same kind of question on the iPod.

    然後在 iPod 上提出了同樣的問題。

  • It looks like you had a 290 ASP which, would that suggest you're selling mainly the low end of the white and the minis?

    看起來您的平均售價為 290,這是否表明您主要銷售低端的白色和迷你型?

  • And I actually had one other question on education.


  • You said 3% for the K-12.

    你說 K-12 的 3%。

  • What was the total education if you put in the higher ed as well?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Okay, I will -- let me start with your ASP questions.

    好的,我會——讓我從你的 ASP 問題開始。

  • So the iMac ASP declined to $967 in our third quarter from $1049 in the year-ago quarter.

    因此,我們第三季度的 iMac ASP 從去年同期的 1049 美元降至 967 美元。

  • That ASP decline related to our shipping far fewer flat panel iMacs in the quarter.

    平均售價下降與我們在本季度出貨的平板 iMac 數量少得多有關。

  • The iPod ASP decline you referred to is really primarily is the mix issue between minis and the white iPods.

    您所說的 iPod ASP 下降實際上主要是 minis 和白色 iPod 之間的混合問題。

  • And your education question, was that unit -- a unit question or revenue?


  • Kevin Hunt - Analyst

    Kevin Hunt - Analyst

  • I think you said revenue, you said was 3% for K-12, if I wasn't mistaken, and I just wondered if you had the total education number?

    我想你說的是收入,你說的是 K-12 的 3%,如果我沒記錯的話,我只是想知道你是否有教育總數?

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Yes, Kevin, the K-12 is 3% year-over-year, the higher ed is 40% year-over-year and the total education for the U.S. is 16% up year-over-year.

    是的,凱文,K-12 同比增長 3%,高等教育同比增長 40%,美國的總教育同比增長 16%。

  • Kevin Hunt - Analyst

    Kevin Hunt - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • And I would just remind you that IDC's last forecasted the total ed market is shrinking in the double digits.

    我只想提醒你,IDC 上次預測整個教育市場正在以兩位數的速度萎縮。

  • Kevin Hunt - Analyst

    Kevin Hunt - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Kevin.


  • Can we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Keith Bachman with Banc of America Securities.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks very much.


  • I had a couple.


  • First, the share count was higher, at least, than I had forecasted.


  • Was that just because of the stock price or was there something else going on there?


  • Was there some issuance there?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Gary, would you like to take that?


  • Gary Whipfler - VP and Corporate Treasurer

    Gary Whipfler - VP and Corporate Treasurer

  • Yes, actually, most of that is the average share price going up.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then on the AirPort Express, I know it's just recently out, but have you had any expectations or any kind of indications on how that will track?

    然後在 AirPort Express 上,我知道它是最近才發布的,但是你對它的追踪方式有任何期望或任何跡象嗎?

  • And then is that in the other category, the new line item that you had, other music products?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • No, the AirPort Express is in the peripheral and other hardware category.

    不,AirPort Express 屬於外圍設備和其他硬件類別。

  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • But just to clarify the AirPort Express did not ship in Q3 and therefore, it is not in the Q3 results.

    但只是為了澄清 AirPort Express 沒有在第三季度發貨,因此它不在第三季度的結果中。

  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Yeah, no, I was just referring -- I think it just started shipping, right?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Yes.


  • We've now taken over 80,000 orders.

    我們現在已經接受了超過 80,000 個訂單。

  • We just began to ship -- we're thrilled with the market reception of it.


  • And, you know, the -- it's gotten great, great reviews and we're very happy that it is shipping.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Is that a global ship?


  • Or is it U.S. ship?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • The 80,000 units that I'm quoting is global.

    我引用的 80,000 個單位是全球性的。

  • The first units we're shipping to the U.S., but internationally we're shipping in the next few days as well.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • That was more of my question, is it a U.S.-based product?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • No, it's a worldwide product.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then on the iPod for Hewlett Packard, is there any -- do you have any channel restrictions on that to try to manage the channel conflict either by geo or by any other supply source?

    然後在惠普的 iPod 上,是否有任何渠道限制,以嘗試通過地理或任何其他供應源來管理渠道沖突?

  • Is there any kind of channel restrictions associated with HP?

    是否有任何與 HP 相關的渠道限制?

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • No, HP and Apple independently conclude who to sell to.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So no restrictions at all, even by geo?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • None.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Okay.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Keith.


  • Can we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Rob Cihra with Fulcrum Global Partners.

    我們將與 Fulcrum Global Partners 一起前往 Rob Cihra。

  • Rob Cihra - Analyst

    Rob Cihra - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks very much.


  • Actually a couple of questions.


  • I am not sure if you want to answer, but I'll try anyway.


  • One, I think, was already asked which was if you felt like giving the mix of minis within the iPod in the June quarter.

    一個,我想,已經有人問過你是否願意在 6 月季度在 iPod 中提供迷你組合。

  • Secondly, if you are willing to quantify at all the amount of fiscal fourth quarter hit by the new iMac delay beyond the guidance you've already given?

    其次,您是否願意量化新 iMac 延遲對第四財季的影響,超出您已經給出的指導?

  • And then thinking that maybe you won't answer either of those, I have one more which was just to do with the Power Mac.

    然後想也許你不會回答其中任何一個,我還有一個與 Power Mac 有關的問題。

  • The softness that we've seen, I know you went through the details in terms of the processor problems hurting that availability, that sort of thing.


  • But it seems to a certain extent that every quarter, maybe there is a little bit of a reason why those aren't as strong as they might otherwise have been expected to be, whether it's processors, channel, mix shift, or channel inventory shift, that sort of thing.

    但似乎在一定程度上,每個季度,無論是處理器、渠道、混合轉移還是渠道庫存轉移,這些都沒有預期的那麼強大,這可能是有一點原因的, 之類的東西。

  • Is that sort of 200,000 or so per quarter bogey that you had once talked about, do you think maybe that's history and maybe we should never think of a number that high for the Power Mac?

    您曾經談到的每季度 200,000 左右的柏忌是否是您曾經說過的,您認為這可能是歷史嗎,也許我們永遠不應該為 Power Mac 考慮這麼高的數字?

  • Or is it just the fact that with the processor delays you really still can't be sure?


  • Thanks very much.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Rob, as you suspected I am not going to answer your first two questions.


  • As relates to your Power Mac question, you know, the world is really going more mobile.

    關於您的 Power Mac 問題,您知道,世界確實變得更加移動化。

  • Our portable sales are growing very, very quickly.


  • And I would say that we are focused on maximizing our total pro sales.


  • Would like to see them in the range of 400,000.

    希望看到它們在 400,000 的範圍內。

  • This past quarter we did 393,000.

    上個季度我們做了 393,000 次。

  • I would say, though, that when we begin to ship the new iMac, which will be based on a G5, in future quarters some customers may opt to buy that.

    不過,我想說的是,當我們開始發售基於 G5 的新 iMac 時,在未來幾個季度,一些客戶可能會選擇購買它。

  • Rob Cihra - Analyst

    Rob Cihra - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And so you're just looking at more as an overall pro number rather than maybe the desktops.


  • Do you think you may be losing some to the notebook side?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • No our ASPs and margins are strong on the PowerBook and, quite honestly, we're indifferent whether somebody wants to buy a G5 desktop or a PowerBook.

    沒有,我們在 PowerBook 上的 ASP 和利潤率很高,而且老實說,我們無所謂是否有人想購買 G5 台式機或 PowerBook。

  • Rob Cihra - Analyst

    Rob Cihra - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great, thanks very much.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thank you, Rob.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We will go next to Howard Glycier with Metropolitan West.

    我們將與 Metropolitan West 一起前往 Howard Glycier。

  • Howard Glycier - Analyst

    Howard Glycier - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks very much.


  • I just have a follow-up on an earlier question regarding the share count.


  • I believe, even adjusting for the increased stock price, there was issuance of stock.


  • You mentioned that $190 million was received due to stock option exercise.

    您提到由於行使股票期權而收到了 1.9 億美元。

  • You have $12.65 in net cash; no debt; you're generating, in my estimation, well in excess, I don't know exactly how much, about $1 dollar a share in cash a year.

    您有 12.65 美元的淨現金;沒有債務;據我估計,你正在產生遠遠超過,我不知道具體多少,每年每股約 1 美元的現金。

  • Why do you allow the share creep?


  • Why don't you, at the very least, repurchase option -- option exercise shares, and even better, repurchase significantly more shares as you have the cash available?


  • Thanks.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Howard, it -- at this point, we have opted to maintain our cash for flexibility to invest in our business and for possible acquisitions.

    霍華德,它 - 在這一點上,我們選擇保留我們的現金,以便靈活地投資我們的業務和可能的收購。

  • And from time to time, the board can consider a buyback program.


  • Gary Whipfler - VP and Corporate Treasurer

    Gary Whipfler - VP and Corporate Treasurer

  • And Howard, this is Gary.


  • Just as a follow-up to your comment, yes there was actually -- there was stock option exercises.

    正如您的評論的後續行動,是的,實際上 - 有股票期權練習。

  • When we look at the treasury stock method, which factors in average share price and employee stock option exercises, we got to 392 million shares.

    當我們查看將平均股價和員工股票期權行使因素考慮在內的庫存股方法時,我們得到了 3.92 億股。

  • Looking at internal assumptions and going forward, we would think that that number might be closer to 400 million next quarter.

    看看內部假設並展望未來,我們認為下個季度這個數字可能接近 4 億。

  • Howard Glycier - Analyst

    Howard Glycier - Analyst

  • And you couldn't entertain the notion of at least keeping the share count flat?


  • I understand the flexibility that you're trying to maintain, but you're diluting existing shareholders by not at least keeping that share count flat.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Yeah, Howard, you know, this is a board level decision that gets discussed from time to time.


  • And while we do have an authorized buyback program, which has about $300 million remaining, we have not been active in a couple of years.

    雖然我們確實有一個授權的回購計劃,剩餘約 3 億美元,但我們已經有幾年不活躍了。

  • Howard Glycier - Analyst

    Howard Glycier - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thank you, Howard.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Andy Neff with Bear Stearns.


  • Bill Hand - Analyst

    Bill Hand - Analyst

  • Yes, thanks.


  • This is Bill Hand for Andy Neff.


  • Can you comment at all on component pricing trends?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Sure, this is Tim.


  • We saw declines in memory, LCDs and storage during the quarter, particularly the last part of the quarter that we just finished, and we expect that those will continue in the near term.

    我們在本季度看到內存、LCD 和存儲的下降,尤其是我們剛剛完成的季度的最後一部分,我們預計這種情況將在短期內繼續下去。

  • The other commodities, we believe, will continue to follow historical take-down rates.


  • Bill Hand - Analyst

    Bill Hand - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Bill.


  • Can we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We will go next to Shannon Cross with Cross Research.

    我們將與 Cross Research 一起前往 Shannon Cross。

  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • Good afternoon.


  • A couple of questions here.


  • Can you give us an idea of how many weeks of iMac shipments are in your expectations that you've given us today?

    您能否告訴我們您今天給我們的預期 iMac 出貨量是多少週?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Are you referring to the --


  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • To the new iMac?

    到新的 iMac?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • No, Shannon, we're not going to provide specific guidance on -- or the components of any of our specific products within our guidance.


  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And but I -- can we -- can you tell us if you would assume sort of full channel fill will be able to be accomplished by the end of September or if that will stretch over into your fiscal first quarter?

    但是我 - 我們可以 - 你能告訴我們你是否會假設在 9 月底之前能夠完成某種完整的渠道填充,或者這是否會延續到你的第一財季?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Again, Shannon, I don't want to get into what we may or may not ship with individual products in the quarter.


  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I think you can answer these ones.


  • How many Xserves were in your Power Mac number?

    您的 Power Mac 號碼中有多少個 Xserve?

  • Because I know last quarter it was constrained.


  • I would assume it was still somewhat constrained by IBM shortages during this quarter.

    我認為它在本季度仍然受到 IBM 短缺的限制。

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • We did about 13,000, which was a record for us, and we left the quarter with some backlog, due to late deliveries of processors.

    我們做了大約 13,000 個,這對我們來說是一個記錄,由於處理器交付延遲,我們在本季度留下了一些積壓。

  • We've sent, subsequently to that -- this quarter, we have cleared most of that backlog and are now in normal kind of shipping lead times on the Xserve.

    我們已經發送,隨後 - 本季度,我們已經清除了大部分積壓,現在在 Xserve 上處於正常的運輸提前期。

  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So we can expect a little bit extra this quarter but not much, from normalized levels?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • We don't make product line estimates.


  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And can you talk a little bit about the supply of micro drives for the iPod minis?

    你能談談 iPod mini 的微型驅動器的供應嗎?

  • You know, thoughts about additional providers, and obviously, you know, it looks like you're going to be constrained through the end of the year.


  • So what other options are out there?


  • Or is it, you know, -- is there any other option out there at this point?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • I'll just say that we will do what is necessary to increase the supply to try to get closer to the demand.


  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And just one final question, in terms of the air freight costs, they'll be in this quarter, I think -- I think -- and maybe Ben asked, and just -- you said you are not going to comment on fiscal first quarter.

    最後一個問題,就空運成本而言,他們將在本季度出現,我認為 - 我認為 - 也許 Ben 問過,而且只是 - 你說你不會先評論財政四分之一。

  • But just -- just curious if, you know, assuming the delays are there, we could figure that air freight is basically for channel fill, and things will be fine going forward?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Shannon, I'm just not at this point going to get into our views on Q1.


  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks, guys.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thank you, Shannon.


  • Can we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We will go next to John McPeek with Seminole Capital Partners.


  • John McPeek - Analyst

    John McPeek - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I just have a follow-up on the share count.


  • The annualized rate in the just-reported quarter, is sort of 15%, and the guidance you gave for September does drop down to 8%.

    剛剛報告的季度的年化率為 15%,而你給出的 9 月份指導確實下降到了 8%。

  • I mean should we think about shares going up about 8% a year, sort of going forward?

    我的意思是我們是否應該考慮股價每年上漲約 8%,有點向前發展?

  • And then I just have a follow-up.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • I'm sorry, I did not understand the question.


  • Could you ask that again?


  • John McPeek - Analyst

    John McPeek - Analyst

  • Should we think about the share count, the fully diluted share count going up at about 8% per year at Apple?

    我們是否應該考慮股票數量,完全稀釋後的股票數量在 Apple 以每年約 8% 的速度增長?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • I don't want to try and provide a forecast for next fiscal year, but as Gary indicated, for our fourth quarter, -- for the fourth quarter share count, we would expect that to be about 400 million.

    我不想嘗試提供下一財年的預測,但正如加里所說,對於我們的第四季度,我們預計第四季度的股票數量約為 4 億股。

  • John McPeek - Analyst

    John McPeek - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • And then I just have a question on iPod to CPU conversion.

    然後我有一個關於 iPod 到 CPU 轉換的問題。

  • You guys are, you know, characterizing the demand for the iPods as staggering.

    你們知道,對 iPod 的需求是驚人的。

  • It sounds like, just anecdotally, from talking to people I know that some people that buy iPods are buying CPUs and that's part of your strategy.

    聽起來,只是傳聞,從與我認識的人交談中得知,一些購買 iPod 的人正在購買 CPU,這是您策略的一部分。

  • I was hoping you could talk a little bit about what you're seeing there.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Sure.


  • We -- I'll make a few comments and then Tim can add on if he likes.


  • We were really happy with our CPU shipments this quarter, again up 14% year-over-year.

    我們對本季度的 CPU 出貨量非常滿意,再次同比增長 14%。

  • It was the best CPU quarter that we had had in 3 1/2 years.

    這是我們 3 1/2 年來最好的 CPU 季度。

  • We are seeing, still in Ron's stores, that about 50% of the computers he is selling are to people that have either never owned a Mac or are coming back to the platform; and he would tell you that he thinks one of the biggest drivers of people coming into the stores and buying are people that have had a great experience using an iPod on the windows platform.

    我們仍然在 Ron 的商店中看到,他銷售的計算機中約有 50% 是面向從未擁有過 Mac 或重新使用該平台的人;他會告訴你,他認為人們進入商店和購買的最大驅動力之一是那些在 windows 平台上使用 iPod 有過很好體驗的人。

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Based on some outside surveys, our share of the freshman incoming class in a lot of higher ed institutions is increasing.


  • And you know, one of the things that we would attribute that to is the iPod.

    你知道,我們將其歸因於 iPod 的原因之一。

  • And so I would agree that, anecdotally, there's a lot of good stories out there and, frankly, we are really pleased with the 19% revenue growth in the Mac-related business.

    所以我同意,有趣的是,那裡有很多好故事,坦率地說,我們對 Mac 相關業務 19% 的收入增長感到非常滿意。

  • John McPeek - Analyst

    John McPeek - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Great.


  • Thanks.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, John.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Bill Shope with J.P. Morgan.


  • Bill Shope - Analyst

    Bill Shope - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Could you comment on whether or not you're -- you'll any potential loss in shelf place from the iMac delay and are you going to have to offer any special incentives to your channel partners given the late quarter launch?

    您能否評論一下您是否會因為 iMac 延遲而在貨架上失去任何潛在的損失,並且鑑於季度末的發布,您是否必須向您的渠道合作夥伴提供任何特殊獎勵?

  • And then a semi-related question, given the persistent delays in the G5 do you think -- are you going to be able to get any price concessions from IBM because of these delays or is it still the normal pricing pattern that you had planned previously?

    然後是一個半相關的問題,考慮到 G5 的持續延遲,您認為 - 由於這些延遲,您是否能夠從 IBM 獲得任何價格讓步,還是您之前計劃的正常定價模式? ?

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • On the shelf space question with the iMac, we typically have not had an issue getting our channel partners to carry new products, because they're very excited about the sales opportunity in those, and I do not anticipate having that issue this time.

    關於 iMac 的貨架空間問題,我們通常不會遇到讓我們的渠道合作夥伴攜帶新產品的問題,因為他們對這些產品的銷售機會感到非常興奮,而且我預計這次不會有這個問題。

  • On the G5 concessions from IBM, I'd rather not comment on that.

    關於 IBM 對 G5 的讓步,我不想對此發表評論。

  • Bill Shope - Analyst

    Bill Shope - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Bill.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We will take a follow-up from Bill Fearnley with FTN Midwest Research.

    我們將在 FTN 中西部研究部接受 Bill Fearnley 的跟進。

  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • I had a quick question on the Apple stores and preliminary metrics you might be seeing on traction in the SMB market given your recent seminar activities?

    鑑於您最近的研討會活動,我有一個關於 Apple 商店和您可能會看到的 SMB 市場牽引力初步指標的快速問題?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

    Peter Oppenheimer - CFO

  • Ron, I believe that his SMB sales in the June quarter were about 13% and continues to run many seminars and programs in the store to reach out into the community to SMB, but also to education as well.

    羅恩,我相信他在 6 月季度的 SMB 銷售額約為 13%,並繼續在商店中舉辦許多研討會和計劃,以向 SMB 和教育社區伸出援手。

  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And one last follow-up on channels.


  • Do you folks provide any update on the Best Buy pilot, formally?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • We continue to do very great business with Best Buy in the iPod space, but the companies have jointly concluded not to pursue the CPU space at this time.

    我們繼續與百思買在 iPod 領域開展非常好的業務,但兩家公司共同得出結論,此時不追求 CPU 領域。

  • Bill Fearnley - Analyst

    Bill Fearnley - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Bill.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Ben Reitzes with UBS.

    我們將與瑞銀一起前往 Ben Reitzes。

  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • Yeah, a couple of follow-ups just, you've had -- I've seen this $200 promo for -- or $200 off for a PowerBook and iPod together.

    是的,您已經進行了幾次後續行動——我已經看到了這個 200 美元的促銷活動——或者 PowerBook 和 iPod 一起享受 200 美元的折扣。

  • I was wondering, I don't think that had any impact in the quarter, did it?


  • And then how are the expectations for that for back to school?


  • Is that any indication that that would take off with the iPod promotion?

    這是否有跡象表明 iPod 促銷會起飛?

  • And then the other is with regard to Europe, how do you think sales there play out sequentially into what could be a seasonally slow period; but you got the iTunes up and running there in some big countries and how does your momentum look there?

    然後另一個是關於歐洲,你認為那裡的銷售如何依次進入可能是季節性緩慢的時期?但是您在一些大國那裡啟動並運行了 iTunes,您的勢頭如何?

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • On the $200 promo, we started that in Q4, not in Q3.

    在 200 美元的促銷活動中,我們是在第四季度開始的,而不是在第三季度。

  • So we just put that underway, and so that will be in this quarter's results.


  • We did run the same promotion last year at back to school time, as well.


  • This promotion is exclusively geared toward education individuals, so incoming students, primarily at higher ed.


  • And it was -- it was a significant success last year, and so we wanted to repeat that this year, in a period of time where iPod clearly has even more momentum than it did last year.

    它是——去年取得了巨大的成功,所以我們想在今年重複這一點,在這段時間 iPod 顯然比去年更有動力。

  • On Europe, we had a great, great quarter in Europe, both in unit and revenue terms that we just finished.


  • We don't provide forecasts at the geo level in terms of going forward, but I would just say that our business in Germany and the U.K. from a revenue growth perspective was very, very good last quarter.


  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • How would you characterize their take-up of iPod versus the U.S.'s and maybe in different stages -- of development?

    你如何描述他們對 iPod 的使用與美國的對比,也許在不同的發展階段?

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • You can clearly see that as the music store launched the iPod sales begin to move with it.

    您可以清楚地看到,隨著音樂商店的推出,iPod 的銷售開始隨之移動。

  • And so there is a definite correlation in there -- from an awareness point of view, and people then getting the total solution.


  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Ben.


  • Can we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We will go next to Keith Bachman with Banc of America Securities.

    我們將與美國銀行證券公司一起前往基思·巴赫曼 (Keith Bachman)。

  • Mr. Bachman, your phone line is open.


  • Please go ahead.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Yeah, thanks.


  • Hi.


  • A couple of follow-ups.


  • On the Circuit City, just so I'm clear, does that mean you're pulling your CPU business from their website as well?

    在電路城,我很清楚,這是否意味著你也要把你的 CPU 業務從他們的網站上撤下來?

  • I'm sorry, Best Buy.


  • Best Buy.


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • We do not plan to have a CPU relationship with Best Buy at this time.

    我們目前不打算與百思買建立 CPU 關係。

  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Okay, so it's on the website and at the store-related activities.


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Correct.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • And then if I separated out your business in terms of the various pockets going from -- really trying to focus on the medium and large business, how much would you say medium and large enterprises represent of your total revenue pie?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Medium and large business in the last numbers that we had was a single-digit kind of number, 9% or so.

    在我們掌握的最後一個數字中,大中型企業是個位數的數字,9% 左右。

  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • In terms of your total revenue, large business represents, medium to large business represents largely 10% of your revenues?

    就您的總收入而言,大型業務代表,中型到大型業務佔您收入的 10%?

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Yes, and that's an internal estimate.


  • Keith Bachman - Analyst

    Keith Bachman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thank you, Keith.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Yes, we will go to Shannon Cross with Cross Research.

    是的,我們將與 Cross Research 一起前往 Shannon Cross。

  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • Hi, I just wanted to follow-up on the channel strategy and Best Buy question.


  • Can you give us an idea of what the issues may have been between yourself and Best Buy?


  • And if there are any implications for your ability to expand your channel strategy on the retail side going forward?


  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Shannon we try a lot of different things and pilot a lot of different things, so I wouldn't say that there were any issues.


  • I would say both of us ran a pilot and at this time we concluded to continue this great relationship that we have on iPod, and we concluded to not expand it on the CPU side.

    我想說我們倆都進行了試點,此時我們決定繼續我們在 iPod 上的這種良好關係,並且我們決定不在 CPU 方面擴展它。

  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And with regard to iPods, have you had any frustrations or issues with your channel partners given the supply constraints and the fact that you're running, I would assume, a significant amount of the iPods direct as opposed to going to other channels?

    關於 iPod,考慮到供應限制以及我認為您正在運營大量 iPod 而不是轉到其他渠道的事實,您是否對您的渠道合作夥伴有任何挫敗感或問題?

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • We have actually expanded the number of store locations around the world that are selling iPod over the last quarter, and it is now over 13,000.

    實際上,我們在上個季度擴大了全球銷售 iPod 的門店數量,現在已經超過 13,000 家。

  • And so, frankly, we have more people that want to sell it than we have supply for it just now.


  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And the 13,000, are those, I would assume, a significant portion of those have just started to sell the iPod -- or will actually start to sell the iPod meaning at the end of this year, or this month, given the launch in Europe?

    而這 13,000 台,我認為,其中很大一部分剛剛開始銷售 iPod——或者實際上將在今年年底或本月開始銷售 iPod,因為它在歐洲推出?

  • Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

    Tim Cook - EVP-Worldwide Operations

  • Going into last quarter, we had right at 12, and so we added about 1,300, 1,400 or so store locations across the last 90 days.

    進入上個季度,我們正好是 12 家,因此我們在過去 90 天內增加了大約 1,300、1,400 家左右的商店位置。

  • And have a, you know, another list of people who would like to sell it that we're currently looking at.


  • Shannon Cross - Analyst

    Shannon Cross - Analyst

  • Great, thanks.


  • Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Senior Director-IR and Corporate Finance

  • Thank you, Shannon.


  • A recording of today's call will be available for replay via telephone for seven days beginning at 5:00 p.m.

    從下午 5:00 開始,今天的通話錄音將在 7 天內通過電話重播。

  • Pacific time today.


  • The number for the replay is 719-457-0820 and the confirmation code is 439123.

    重播號碼為 719-457-0820,確認碼為 439123。

  • A replay of the audio webcast of this call will also be available beginning at approximately 5:00 p.m.

    下午 5:00 左右開始還可以重播本次電話會議的音頻網絡廣播。

  • Pacific time today at www.Apple.com/Investor and will remain available for approximately 12 months.

    太平洋時間今天在 www.Apple.com/Investor 上將保留大約 12 個月。

  • Members of the press with additional questions can contact Steve Dowling at 408-974-1896.

    有其他問題的媒體成員可以撥打 408-974-1896 聯繫史蒂夫·道林。

  • And financial analysts can contact Joan Hoover or me with additional questions.

    如果有其他問題,金融分析師可以聯繫 Joan Hoover 或我。

  • Joan is at 408-974-4570, and I'm at 408-974-5420.

    瓊的電話是 408-974-4570,我的電話是 408-974-5420。

  • Thanks again for joining us.


  • Operator


  • That does conclude today's conference.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may disconnect at this time.
