蘋果 (AAPL) 2003 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, everyone and welcome to this Apple computer conference call to discuss second quarter financial results.


  • Today's call is being recorded.


  • At this time for opening remarks and introductions, I'd like to turn the call over to the director of investor relations and corporate finance, Ms. Nancy Paxton.

    現在是開場白和介紹的時候,我想把電話轉給投資者關係和企業財務總監 Nancy Paxton 女士。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

  • Thank you.


  • Good afternoon to everyone.


  • And thank you for joining us.


  • Apple issued its second quarter earnings press release at approximately 1:30pm Pacific time today.

    蘋果公司於今天太平洋時間下午 1:30 左右發布了第二季度收益新聞稿。

  • And the earnigns press release and financials are available on FirstCall as well as on Apple's website.

    FirstCall 和 Apple 網站上都提供了收入新聞稿和財務信息。

  • Speaking today is Apple CFO Fred Anderson.

    今天發言的是蘋果首席財務官 Fred Anderson。

  • And he'll be joined by senior vice president of finance Peter Oppenheimer and vice president and corporate treasurer ((Gary Litsworth)) for the Q&A session with analysts.

    他將與財務高級副總裁彼得奧本海默和副總裁兼企業財務主管 ((Gary Litsworth)) 一起參加與分析師的問答環節。

  • Please note that some of the information you will hear during this call cosists of forward-looking statements regarding revenue, gross margins, operating expenses, income and expense, taxes, products, research and development, Apple's retail initiative, and net earnings.

    請注意,您將在本次電話會議中聽到的一些信息包括有關收入、毛利率、運營費用、收入和費用、稅收、產品、研發、Apple 零售計劃和淨收益的前瞻性陳述。

  • Actual results or trends could differ materially from our forecast.


  • For more information, please refer to pages 35 through 44 of Apple's latest Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 28, 2002.

    如需更多信息,請參閱 Apple 最新的 10-K 表格(截至 2002 年 9 月 28 日的財政年度)的第 35 至 44 頁。

  • Please also note should non-GAAP financial measures be included in today's call, such information should be viewed in addition to -- and not in lieu of -- Apple's GAAP results.

    另請注意,如果非 GAAP 財務指標包含在今天的電話會議中,則此類信息應作為 Apple 的 GAAP 結果的補充而非替代查看。

  • While we do not anticipate providing non-GAAP measures, should we do so, a reconciliation of the GAAP and non-GAAP measures will be posted on Apple's website at www.apple.com/investor.

    雖然我們預計不會提供非 GAAP 措施,但如果我們這樣做,GAAP 和非 GAAP 措施的對賬將發佈在 Apple 網站 www.apple.com/investor 上。

  • In connection with SEC rules on corporate disclosure, Apple is making this call open to the media and general public by broadcasting the call live over the Internet.

    根據美國證券交易委員會關於公司披露的規定,Apple 正在通過互聯網直播此次電話會議,向媒體和公眾開放此次電話會議。

  • And with that, I'd like to turn the call over to Fred Anderson.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Thank you, Nancy.


  • We're very pleased to report that despite an increasingly challenging and unpredictable environment, Apple generated revenues of $1.475 billion in our second fiscal quarter.

    我們很高興地報告,儘管環境越來越具有挑戰性和不可預測性,Apple 在我們的第二財季創造了 14.75 億美元的收入。

  • Net income was $14 million or 4 cents per diluted share.

    淨收入為 1400 萬美元或每股攤薄收益 4 美分。

  • These GAAP results include a 3 million pre-tax charge related to previously announced restructuring activities.

    這些 GAAP 結果包括與先前宣布的重組活動相關的 300 萬美元稅前費用。

  • These results are consistent with our guidance of flat sequential revenues and a slight profit.


  • Apple shipped a total of 711,000 CPU units during the quarter.

    蘋果在本季度共出貨了 711,000 個 CPU 單元。

  • A record 42% of units shipped were portables, boosted by the success of our new 12-inch and 17-inch PowerBooks.

    在我們新的 12 英寸和 17 英寸 PowerBooks 的成功推動下,42% 的出貨量是便攜式設備。

  • Though overall unit shipments were down 13%, higher average selling prices resulted in revenues that were about even with the year-ago quarter.

    儘管整體單位出貨量下降了 13%,但較高的平均售價導致收入與去年同期持平。

  • Average revenue per system jumped above $2,000, driven by a greater percentage of beyond the box sales, especially software and displays, as well as the richer mix of portables.

    每個系統的平均收入躍升至 2,000 美元以上,這得益於更大比例的盒外銷售,尤其是軟件和顯示器,以及更豐富的便攜式設備組合。

  • Software sales in particular were boosted by the addition of Keynote, iLife, and Final Cut Express.

    Keynote、iLife 和 Final Cut Express 的加入尤其促進了軟件銷售。

  • We ended the quarter with less than 4.5 weeks of channel inventory, well within our target range.

    我們在本季度末的渠道庫存不足 4.5 週,完全在我們的目標範圍內。

  • In terms of CPU's, we shipped 256,000 iMacs.

    在 CPU 方面,我們出貨了 256,000 台 iMac。

  • Of that total, 41,000 were the classic CRT iMacs, 86,000 were eMacs, and 129,000 were flat panel iMacs.

    其中,41,000 台是經典的 CRT iMac,86,000 台是 eMac,129,000 台是平板 iMac。

  • IBook sales were down slightly from the year-ago quarter due to some cannibalization by the new 12-inch PowerBook.

    由於新的 12 英寸 PowerBook 的一些蠶食,IBook 的銷售額與去年同期相比略有下降。

  • Sales of PowerBooks surged to 166,000, driven by strong demand across the board for all three models.

    PowerBooks 的銷量猛增至 166,000 台,這得益於對所有三種型號的全面強勁需求。

  • The 12-inch PowerBook, the smallest full-featured notebook on the market, received very favorable reviews and was the most popular of the three PowerBook models, with 82,000 units sold.


  • The 15-inch G4 titanium remained a very popular model, with 70,000 units sold.

    15 英寸 G4 鈦合金仍然是非常受歡迎的型號,售出 70,000 台。

  • And while bookings for the new 17-inch PowerBook were strong, shipments began later than we had anticipated.

    儘管新款 17 英寸 PowerBook 的預訂量很大,但發貨開始的時間比我們預期的要晚。

  • And we were only able to ship 14,000 units, ending the quarter with a substantial backlog.

    我們只能出貨 14,000 台,在本季度末大量積壓。

  • We are now through the manufacturing ramp and are quickly catching up with orders.


  • Sales of Power Mac G4's continue to be sluggish despite price performance improvements during the quarter.

    儘管本季度的價格表現有所改善,但 Power Mac G4 的銷售仍然低迷。

  • Including servers, we shipped 156,000 units, which was sequentially flat, but down 26% from the year-ago quarter.

    包括服務器在內,我們出貨了 156,000 台,環比持平,但比去年同期下降 26%。

  • We believe the creative segment continues to be especially hard hit by the weak economy.


  • We shipped a total of 78,000 iPods in the quarter, almost half of which were Windows units.

    本季度我們共出貨了 78,000 台 iPod,其中幾乎一半是 Windows 設備。

  • Our retail -- Apple retail stores had a great quarter.


  • We opened two stores early in the quarter, bringing the quarter-end total to 53 stores.

    我們在本季度初開設了兩家門店,使本季度末的門店總數達到 53 家。

  • Apple retail store revenues were $135 million, down seasonally from $148 million in the December quarter -- as was expected.

    蘋果零售店收入為 1.35 億美元,低於 12 月當季的 1.48 億美元——正如預期的那樣。

  • We achieved average revenue of 2.6 million per store during the quarter, flat with the year-ago quarter.

    我們在本季度實現了每家商店的平均收入 260 萬,與去年同期持平。

  • The retail segment loss was $3 million.

    零售部門虧損為 300 萬美元。

  • The manufacturing profit associated with the retail segment was 23 million.

    與零售部門相關的製造利潤為 2300 萬。

  • And this has been excluded from the segment results.


  • Our traffic records indicate that over 3 million people visited our retail stores during the March quarter for an average of about 4400 visitors per store per week.

    我們的客流量記錄表明,在 3 月季度,超過 300 萬人訪問了我們的零售店,平均每週每家商店約有 4400 名訪客。

  • And our most recent research indicates that about 50% of customers buying systems in our stores don't currently own a Macintosh.

    我們最近的研究表明,我們商店中大約 50% 的購買系統的客戶目前沒有 Macintosh。

  • We are targeting to have about 70 stores open by the end of this calendar year.

    我們的目標是在本日曆年年底前開設約 70 家門店。

  • Included in the next wave of store openings will be our third large format store, which will be located on Michigan Avenue in Chicago.


  • The U.S. education market continues to experience funding pressures as a result of the large budget deficits in many states.


  • Our CPU unit sales through the U.S. education channel were down 14% from the year-ago quarter.

    我們通過美國教育渠道銷售的 CPU 單元比去年同期下降了 14%。

  • But portable shipments in education remain a bright spot for us.


  • In the March quarter, 39% of our education unit shipments were portables, well above IDC's U.S. education segment average forecast of 21% for the March quarter.

    在 3 月季度,我們 39% 的教育設備出貨量是便攜式的,遠高於 IDC 對 3 月季度美國教育部門 21% 的平均預測。

  • The 10 for Teachers program has been a great success.

    教師 10 人計劃取得了巨大成功。

  • Since introduction of this program, we have put over 400,000 copies of OS X in the hands of K12 and higher education teachers.

    自該計劃推出以來,我們已將超過 400,000 份 OS X 交到 K12 和高等教育教師手中。

  • Turning now to gross margin.


  • Apple's gross margin was up 70 basis points from the December quarter to 28.3%, primarily due to lower component costs and a stronger mix of portables and direct sales.

    蘋果的毛利率比 12 月季度增長 70 個基點至 28.3%,這主要是由於較低的組件成本以及更強勁的便攜式和直銷組合。

  • Reported operating expenses were 422 million, including a 3 million pre-tax restructuring charge.

    報告的運營費用為 4.22 億美元,其中包括 300 萬美元的稅前重組費用。

  • Operating expense was slightly higher than our guidance due to the restructuring charge and stronger than expected foreign currencies.


  • Other income and expense was 23 million -- about 3 million higher than our previous guidance -- driven by higher than expected gains from sales of some available for sale investments.

    其他收入和支出為 2300 萬,比我們之前的指導高出約 300 萬,這是由於一些可供出售投資的銷售收益高於預期。

  • We are continuing to find it advantageous to close out on some of our longer term cash investments as we position our cash and investment portfolio toward shorter investment maturities.


  • The effective tax rate was 28%, consistent with guidance.

    有效稅率為 28%,與指引一致。

  • Turning now to the balance sheet, cash was up $64 million sequentially to $4.526 billion.

    現在轉向資產負債表,現金環比增長 6400 萬美元,達到 45.26 億美元。

  • That represents a fiscal year-to-date increase of $189 million.

    這意味著本財年迄今增加了 1.89 億美元。

  • We are very pleased with our working capital management, particularly receivables and inventories.


  • Consistent with a greater mix of direct sales and strong collections, day sales outstanding improved to 30 days while inventory remained lean at four days.

    與更多的直接銷售和強大的收款組合相一致,日銷售額提高到 30 天,而庫存保持在 4 天。

  • Looking ahead to the June quarter, I'd like to review our outlook which includes the types of information that Nancy referred to in the safe harbor statement at the beginning of the call.


  • We expect revenues to be approximately flat with the March quarter.


  • We also expect gross margins and operating expenses to be relatively flat on a sequential basis.


  • We expect other income and expense to decline significantly to about $15 million.

    我們預計其他收入和支出將大幅下降至約 1500 萬美元。

  • And we expect the tax rate to continue to be 28%.

    我們預計稅率將繼續為 28%。

  • As a result, we expect a slight profit for the June quarter.

    因此,我們預計 6 月季度將略有盈利。

  • I'd like to close by saying that we are encouraged by the significant achievements we've made this quarter as we continue to innovate our way through these challenging economic times.


  • We believe that our investment in research and development and our retail initiative will fuel future growth for the company.


  • With that, I'd like to open the call to questions.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, sir.


  • Today's question and answer session will be conducted electronically.


  • If you'd like to signal to ask a question, you may do so by pressing the star key followed by the digit one on your touchtone telephone.


  • Once again, that is star-one for a question or comment at this time.


  • And we'll pause for just a moment so everyone has a chance to queue.


  • Our first question today comes from Michael Hilmeyer from Merrill Lynch.

    我們今天的第一個問題來自美林證券的 Michael Hilmeyer。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Go ahead, Michael.


  • Michael Hilmeyer

    Michael Hilmeyer

  • Hi there.


  • Just wondering if the announcement that you guys made earlier this month about the stock options going over to restricted shares.


  • Is that included in this - in your outlook going forward here?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Well, let me be clear.


  • Michael Hilmeyer

    Michael Hilmeyer

  • Sure.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • There was a restricted stock grant to Steve Jobs that was announced.


  • And then separately, there was an exchange program for our employees who held options of $25 or higher.

    此外,我們還為持有 25 美元或更高期權的員工提供了一個交流計劃。

  • And both of those events have been contemplated in our guidance.


  • Michael Hilmeyer

    Michael Hilmeyer

  • OK.


  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Dan Niles from Lehman Brothers.

    我們的下一個問題來自雷曼兄弟的 Dan Niles。

  • Daniel Niles

    Daniel Niles

  • Yes, hi.


  • Fred, if you could talk a little bit about in your business kind of what you saw during the quarter?


  • In other words, did you guys see some impact from the war?


  • Could you sense that just by looking at sort of your run rate of business?


  • And sort of how did it go going into it?


  • And then kind of coming out of it?


  • And I guess just sort of a general linearity question around that?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • OK.


  • As you might imagine, we're not able to separate the war impact from other geopolitical or economic impact.


  • The only thing I can tell you is that we were very pleased that we met our guidance of flat sequential revenues.


  • In fact, we were up 3 million from the prior quarter.

    事實上,我們比上一季度增加了 300 萬。

  • And we delivered 4 cents in EPS which obviously was -- our guidance, it was 2 cents higher than FirstCall consensus.

    我們的每股收益為 4 美分,這顯然是我們的指導,比 FirstCall 的共識高出 2 美分。

  • And what I would say is that the consumer market on a relative basis remains the strongest for us.


  • Because of the budget deficits in states like California and the impact that they're having on funding of technology for education, I would say education remains a tough market as well as the creative markets for us, which are obviously impacted by creative businesses such as ad agencies and magazines being hard-hit during this economic downturn where there's been a cutback in advertising.


  • Daniel Niles

    Daniel Niles

  • Can I ask a follow-up?


  • I mean, when you look at your mix of business, I guess, you know, obviously portables was increasing pretty rapidly.


  • Could you give us what that mix was last quarter?


  • And then is there some target or do you have some sense on how that goes?


  • In other words, just trying to figure out, do you anticipate that sort of keeping on improving?


  • Or have you sort of gone to, you know, sort of a steady state?


  • Or where is that level?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Yes.


  • As you know, 42% of our CPU units shipped during the quarter were portables, meaning the combination of the iBooks and the PowerBooks.

    如您所知,本季度出貨的 CPU 單元中有 42% 是便攜式的,即 iBooks 和 PowerBooks 的組合。

  • And that was driven heavily in terms of the increase by the PowerBooks and the success of the new 12 and 17-inch models.

    這在很大程度上得益於 PowerBooks 的增長以及新的 12 英寸和 17 英寸機型的成功。

  • My answer would be that, you know, Steve believes this is going to be the year of portables for Apple.


  • And I think we have a much higher mix of portables than the rest of the industry.


  • Where it ends, you know, in terms of its evolution, I'm not sure.


  • Now, do you have what it was last year?


  • Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

  • Sure.


  • So in terms of the unit mix in the second quarter, iMac was 46%.

    因此,就第二季度的單位組合而言,iMac 為 46%。

  • Power Mac G4 was 26%.

    Power Mac G4 為 26%。

  • PowerBook was 11%.

    PowerBook 為 11%。

  • And iBook was 17% of units.

    iBook 是 17% 的單位。

  • Daniel Niles

    Daniel Niles

  • OK.


  • Great.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • OK.


  • Great.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question today from Evan (sic) McCarthy from Credit Suisse.

    今天我們將向瑞士信貸的 Evan (sic) McCarthy 提出我們的下一個問題。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Kevin McCarthy

    Kevin McCarthy

  • The name is Kevin, Thanks.


  • Fred, can you talk conceptually about your subscription plans in terms of music?


  • Is it something you feel you can just license?


  • Or again, conceptually, do you feel this is something that Apple will spend capital actually on content, content of media properties of one form or another?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • I don't have any comment on future products.


  • I'm sorry.


  • Kevin McCarthy

    Kevin McCarthy

  • All right.


  • Can I ask a follow-up?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Sure.


  • Kevin McCarthy

    Kevin McCarthy

  • Can you talk a little bit about, again I'll frame it in kind of conceptual language, your process or strategy?


  • There's been some speculation as you guys become increasingly frustrated with Motorola's lack of commitment to Power PC, that you would consider moving to an Intel design.

    隨著你們對摩托羅拉對 Power PC 缺乏承諾越來越感到沮喪,有一些猜測認為你們會考慮轉向英特爾設計。

  • Can you just talk in a conceptual framework?


  • Or is that something that you would consider at some point?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • We have no comment again on future products or processor strategies.


  • I'm sorry.


  • Kevin McCarthy

    Kevin McCarthy

  • You know, Fred, I'm running out of questions here.


  • Can I ask one more then?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Yes.


  • Hopefully something about the quarter.


  • Kevin McCarthy

    Kevin McCarthy

  • Well, how many stores do you plan to open in the U.S.?


  • And will you take it international this year?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • As I indicated in the preamble, we're targeting 70 stores by the end of the calendar year.

    正如我在序言中指出的那樣,我們的目標是在日曆年年底前開設 70 家商店。

  • Kevin McCarthy

    Kevin McCarthy

  • Any international plans?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • We have not announced any plans to open any stores internationally.


  • Kevin McCarthy

    Kevin McCarthy

  • All right.


  • I'm exhausted.


  • Thanks, Fred.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • You're welcome.


  • Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Kevin.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Yes.


  • Our next question comes from Rob Cihra with Fulcrum Partners.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Fulcrum Partners 的 Rob Cihra。

  • Rob Cihra

    Rob Cihra

  • Hi.


  • Thanks very much.


  • I wonder if -- on the Power Mac, it seems like the momentum just doesn't want to improve there.

    我想知道是否——在 Power Mac 上,勢頭似乎並不想在那裡改善。

  • I mean, you've added servers now.


  • You refreshed or recently dropped prices.


  • And yet it still doesn't really want to move.


  • You know, is there something fundamental here?


  • I mean, obviously the positive stuff is all in the notebook side.


  • Is there something fundamentally that you think can change that Power Mac cycle?

    您認為有什麼東西可以從根本上改變 Power Mac 週期嗎?

  • Or is it simply weakness in the customer base?


  • Or do you think it's just something that you guys are just more and more suited to notebooks, differentiated notebooks?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • I don't think it's -- I think it's a creative market weakness issue.

    我不認為這是 - 我認為這是一個創造性的市場弱點問題。

  • We subscribe to independent research like Trendwatch.

    我們訂閱了 Trendwatch 等獨立研究。

  • And all the data shows Apple with dominant market shares in the segments where we're focused on, you know, in the 60 to 80% range.

    所有數據都顯示,蘋果在我們關注的細分市場中佔據主導地位,你知道,在 60% 到 80% 的範圍內。

  • They show that the business conditions are the worst that they've been.


  • They survey every six months in the last seven years.


  • And clearly, they show that the overwhelming majority of people who are going to buy in the next 12 months are planning to buy Macs.

    很明顯,它們表明絕大多數打算在未來 12 個月內購買的人都計劃購買 Mac。

  • And so what I really believe is that we've got to look for an upturn here in the economy that's going to cause our creative customers to stop deferring buying decisions, which are typically, you know, they buy probably every two to three years.


  • And I think that they've just been deferring because of their own businesses being hard-hit.


  • So that's part of it.


  • The second thing is it certainly would help for us to get Quark Express finally on the platform -- hopefully sometime in the future here.

    第二件事是它肯定會幫助我們最終將 Quark Express 放到平台上——希望在未來的某個時候在這裡。

  • Native on Mac OS X, to be clear.

    本機在 Mac OS X 上,要清楚。

  • And then finally, I think, you know, as the performance improves in our Power Mac line, you know, the convergence of those factors will hopefully drive an upgrade cycle, and we think there's lots of pent-up demand there.

    最後,我想,你知道,隨著我們 Power Mac 系列的性能提高,你知道,這些因素的融合有望推動升級週期,我們認為那裡有很多被壓抑的需求。

  • Rob Cihra

    Rob Cihra

  • OK.


  • Great.


  • Thanks.


  • Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Rob.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Yes.


  • And before we take our next question, I would like to remind everyone how to queue for a question.


  • Just press star-one on your touchtone telephone.


  • Next we'll go to Richard Gardner with Salomon Smith Barney.


  • Cynthia Hiponia

    Cynthia Hiponia

  • Hi, Fred.


  • This is actually Cynthia.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Hi, Cynthia.


  • Cynthia Hiponia

    Cynthia Hiponia

  • Good.


  • I have two quick questions.


  • One was, what did ((FPD)) pricing do in the March quarter versus December and what are your expectations for June?

    一個是,((FPD))定價在 3 月季度與 12 月相比有何變化?您對 6 月的預期是什麼?

  • And then the second question ...


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • I didn't catch the first piece.


  • Cynthia Hiponia

    Cynthia Hiponia

  • Sure.


  • How did you see ((FPD) pricing in the March quarter versus December?

    您如何看待 3 月季度與 12 月季度的 ((FPD) 定價?

  • And what are your expectations for June?


  • And then I had a follow-up.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • OK.


  • Peter, you want to take the one on ((FPD)) pricing?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

    Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

  • Sure.


  • At the end of the quarter, we saw flat panel pricing begin to tighten.


  • There's a clear trend for people to buy flat panel displays versus CRT's, the trend going from notebooks to desktops and use in panels by non-PC products.

    與 CRT 相比,人們購買平板顯示器的趨勢很明顯,這種趨勢從筆記本電腦到台式機,並被非 PC 產品用於面板。

  • So as a result, we've seen pricing there stay flat and actually begin to trend up a little bit on some of the sizes.


  • Cynthia Hiponia

    Cynthia Hiponia

  • OK.


  • And then you guys rolled some significant price cuts on the Power Mac in late January.

    然後你們在 1 月下旬對 Power Mac 進行了大幅降價。

  • Did you see any type of response?


  • Or how was the linearity in the quarter in the Power Mac demand?

    或者本季度 Power Mac 需求的線性度如何?

  • I know you said it was disappointing, but did the significant price cuts at all help?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • I would say that we saw some significant elasticity of demand with the major price cuts we made in our displays, which obviously are for the Power Mac.

    我想說的是,隨著我們對顯示器的大幅降價,我們看到了一些顯著的需求彈性,這顯然是針對 Power Mac 的。

  • Do you want to add anything to that, Peter, in terms of the Power Mac line itself?

    彼得,您想就 Power Mac 系列本身添加任何內容嗎?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

    Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

  • No.


  • I think sales just sustained at the general levels that we'd seen them.


  • Cynthia Hiponia

    Cynthia Hiponia

  • OK.


  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Cynthia.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Yes.


  • Next we'll go to Rebecca Runkle with Morgan Stanley.

    接下來我們將和摩根士丹利一起去 Rebecca Runkle。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Rebecca Runkle

    Rebecca Runkle

  • Thank you very much.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Rebecca, could you speak up?


  • You're coming across faintly here.


  • We just can't hear you.


  • Rebecca Runkle

    Rebecca Runkle

  • Can you hear me now?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • We can.


  • Thank you.


  • Rebecca Runkle

    Rebecca Runkle

  • Sorry about that.


  • Just a quick question on the U.S. education market.


  • You were down 14%, you said, year on year.

    你說,同比下降了 14%。

  • Give us some color in terms of what you think the overall market did -- IE, how did you fare in terms of market share?

    就您認為整個市場的表現給我們一些顏色 - IE,您在市場份額方面的表現如何?

  • And then I have a follow-up.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • OK.


  • Unfortunately we don't have any market share data yet, and yes, we were down year over year 14%, so I don't want to get into speculating what happened to market share.

    不幸的是,我們還沒有任何市場份額數據,是的,我們同比下降了 14%,所以我不想猜測市場份額發生了什麼。

  • We'll certainly know when IDC publishes their market share information.

    我們肯定會知道 IDC 何時發布他們的市場份額信息。

  • Rebecca Runkle

    Rebecca Runkle

  • And then as we look forward to the June quarter since it's such an important quarter for the education market, any color that you can provide in terms of what you're expecting and as far as normal seasonality or not, especially within the context of some of the current state and local government budgets that exist?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • We're expecting a tough quarter, albeit that there will be some seasonal improvement as there always is.


  • But on a year-over-year basis, we're planning some decline.


  • Rebecca Runkle

    Rebecca Runkle

  • And then ...

    接著 ...

  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Because of the tough market condition.


  • Rebecca Runkle

    Rebecca Runkle

  • Particular to the state and local governments?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • I'm speaking of education, yes.


  • Rebecca Runkle

    Rebecca Runkle

  • And then just quickly, as it relates to the retail stores.


  • We were actually surprised, it didn't sound like you were but we were actually surprised that retail was down just 9% quarter to quarter, just given all the demand that you saw in the December period and given the holiday, et cetera.

    我們實際上感到驚訝,這聽起來不像您,但我們實際上感到驚訝的是,零售額僅下降了 9%,僅考慮到您在 12 月期間看到的所有需求以及假期等等。

  • So if you could provide any more color in terms of what you saw, if there were any particular trends, if you added additional programs.


  • Anything that would help explain that?


  • Because I thought ...


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • I'm sorry, could you clarify your 9% figure?

    對不起,你能澄清一下你 9% 的數字嗎?

  • Rebecca Runkle

    Rebecca Runkle

  • I think you said you were 148 in the December quarter and you did 135 this past quarter?

    我想你說你在 12 月這個季度是 148 歲,而在上個季度你是 135 歲?

  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • What are you taking, certain products?


  • Rebecca Runkle

    Rebecca Runkle

  • No.


  • Just looking at retail.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Oh, our retail stores.


  • I'm with you now.


  • I thought you were talking about retail as meaning consumer market.


  • Rebecca Runkle

    Rebecca Runkle

  • No, no, just your retail stores.


  • Sterling and I were both very impressed by the performance in the March quarter and I just wanted to follow up on that.

    Sterling 和我都對 3 月季度的表現印象深刻,我只想跟進。

  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • You know, basically what we're seeing is that, you know, we continue, if you look at the secular trend line, you know, we continue to add stores and we continue to do extremely well with our retail store division.


  • And as you commented in your observation, there wasn't a significant seasonal drop-off, you know, in our retail store business.


  • The decline was very modest.


  • Rebecca Runkle

    Rebecca Runkle

  • But any perspective as to why -- you only added two stores, so, I mean, any color that you can provide in terms of why that was the case so that we can try to get our arms around that performance, because I would have certainly expected it to be a much weaker number in March ...

    但是任何關於為什麼的觀點 - 你只添加了兩家商店,所以,我的意思是,你可以提供任何顏色來說明為什麼會這樣,這樣我們就可以嘗試讓我們的表現更好,因為我會當然預計 3 月份的數字會弱得多......

  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Well, if you look at the average stores open for the quarter, there was more of an increase probably than that.


  • In other words, more than just going from 51 to 53 stores.

    換句話說,不僅僅是從 51 家商店增加到 53 家商店。

  • So, I mean, one of the things you should look at is that we were -- as I indicated in the preamble, that we did an average revenue per store of 2.6 million in revenues for the March quarter, which was consistent with the prior-year performance.

    所以,我的意思是,你應該看的一件事是,正如我在序言中指出的那樣,我們在 3 月季度的每家商店的平均收入為 260 萬,這與之前的一致- 年的表現。

  • So one other thing that I might mention, we do have one area that's doing extremely well.


  • And that's that we are having, as you probably know, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays these store nights at our retail stores where we invite in K12 school districts, you know.

    正如您可能知道的那樣,這就是我們在周二和周三在我們邀請 K12 學區的零售店舉辦的這些商店之夜,您知道的。

  • And they have the parents, you know, observe the achievements of the teachers and students that are presented using our technology.


  • And I think we're now up to where we've done over 200 of those to date.

    我認為我們現在已經完成了 200 多項。

  • And so I think that the tie-in of our retail stores both to education and small business is probably helping them.


  • And they're doing that more than they were a year ago, when we were almost exclusively focused on the consumer market.


  • Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

  • OK.


  • Thanks, Rebecca.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Yes.


  • We'll take our next question from ((Howard Fleisher)) with Metropolitan West.

    我們將向 ((Howard Fleisher)) Metropolitan West 提出下一個問題。

  • Howard Fleisher

    Howard Fleisher

  • Hi.


  • Thanks.


  • I'm a little confused.


  • Can you just tell me, have you released -- made any press releases today attributed to Steve Jobs regarding the rumors that are going around?


  • I'm reading something that said that you did release a statement from Steve Jobs.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Yes, we did.


  • And I'd be happy to read the press statement from Apple.

    我很樂意閱讀 Apple 的新聞聲明。

  • Howard Fleisher

    Howard Fleisher

  • OK.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • "'Apple has never made any offer to invest in or acquire a major music company.


  • The press statements this morning attributed to Vivendi board member Claude Bebear are not true, as Mr. Bebear has confirmed in a later report,' said Steve Jobs, Apple CEO."

    蘋果公司首席執行官史蒂夫喬布斯表示,今天上午由 Vivendi 董事會成員 Claude Bebear 發表的新聞聲明並不真實,正如 Bebear 先生在後來的一份報告中所證實的那樣。

  • We will abide by Apple's policy of not commenting on rumors.

    我們將遵守 Apple 不評論謠言的政策。

  • Howard Fleisher

    Howard Fleisher

  • OK.


  • And can you then just sort of update on your internal policy and goals with respect to the cash that you have at your company, and it looks like you continue to generate even beyond working capital gains?


  • Thank you.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Well, we still have an outstanding authorization from our -- for our -- from our board for stock.

    好吧,我們仍然有我們的 - 為我們的 - 來自我們董事會的股票授權。

  • I think it's $283 million.

    我認為是 2.83 億美元。

  • And bottom line is that, you know, we continue to conserve our cash and we haven't made any buybacks under that authorization since as I recall September of 2001, and so, you know, we're very focused as a company on conserving cash.

    最重要的是,你知道,我們繼續保存我們的現金,自從我記得 2001 年 9 月以來,我們沒有根據該授權進行任何回購,所以,你知道,作為一家公司,我們非常專注於保存現金。

  • And, you know, we're proud that we've been able to increase our cash in short-term investments by $189 million in the first half of this fiscal year.

    而且,您知道,我們為能夠在本財年上半年將短期投資現金增加 1.89 億美元而感到自豪。

  • And, you know, from time to time, it's always possible that we will execute some buybacks under the remaining authorization.


  • Howard Fleisher

    Howard Fleisher

  • Is there anything that you can share with us regarding policies for acquisitions?


  • Obviously not commenting on the current rumors, but just general -- generally what you might hope to accomplish by an acquisition of any kind?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • You know, again, I don't want to comment -- just like we don't comment on products in the future, I don't want to go into comments on acquisitions or investments other than to say from time to time, the company over the last several years has made small acquisitions of particularly software companies where we felt there was a strategic fit, and that such an acquisition or investment could assist in the profitable growth of the company, and enhance shareholder value.


  • Howard Fleisher

    Howard Fleisher

  • Do you have any criteria regarding dilution on cash flow or dilution earnings per share or any financial-type metrics that you could share when you look at acquisitions?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • No.


  • Obviously the first filter for any potential acquisition if we were to look at one would be, is there a strategic fit for the company.


  • And then the second one would be, would it create positive financial returns and enhance shareholder value for the company over the longer term?


  • Howard Fleisher

    Howard Fleisher

  • OK.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • You're welcome.


  • Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

  • Thank you, Howard.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Jonathan Geurkink with Ragen McKenzie.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Jonathan Geurkink 和 Ragen McKenzie。

  • Jonathan Geurkink

    Jonathan Geurkink

  • Hi.


  • I have a couple questions.


  • First, what was the percentage of online revenue in the quarter?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Do you want to give that, Peter?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

    Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

  • Sure.


  • It was 46% of our revenue, which was up from 41% in the year-ago quarter.

    這是我們收入的 46%,高於去年同期的 41%。

  • Jonathan Geurkink

    Jonathan Geurkink

  • Thanks.


  • Second question, there's some chatter in the past couple weeks that you deauthorized a number of resellers as they refused to sign a new reseller agreement that came up due on March 31.

    第二個問題,過去幾周有傳言稱,您取消了一些經銷商的授權,因為他們拒絕簽署一份於 3 月 31 日到期的新經銷商協議。

  • I saw today that I guess Dell and Frye's and a couple of others are no longer deauthorized and so are going to continue to sell your products.

    我今天看到,我猜 Dell 和 Frye's 以及其他一些不再被取消授權,因此將繼續銷售您的產品。

  • Do you have any comment there or help you can give us?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Peter, you want to take that one?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

    Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

  • Sure.


  • As part of our regular renewal process with our authorized resellers, we invited our resellers to sign new agreements as of April 1, 2003.

    作為我們與授權經銷商的定期續訂流程的一部分,我們邀請我們的經銷商自 2003 年 4 月 1 日起簽署新協議。

  • Resellers who have not currently renewed made up less than one half of 1% of our worldwide revenue in 2002.

    2002 年,目前未續訂的經銷商不到我們全球收入的 1% 的一半。

  • And since the contracts have recently expired, some contracts as you mentioned are being signed each day.


  • Jonathan Geurkink

    Jonathan Geurkink

  • So any change in the contract there, or who's coming back to the table, I guess?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

    Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

  • We've signed with all of our significant channel partners.


  • Jonathan Geurkink

    Jonathan Geurkink

  • So no change to the contract terms?


  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • We don't want to get into discussing terms and conditions of our reseller contracts on a conference call.


  • Jonathan Geurkink

    Jonathan Geurkink

  • OK.


  • Fair enough.


  • Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

  • Thank you, Jonathan.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Rick Chu.

    我們將向 Rick Chu 提出下一個問題。

  • Richard Chu

    Richard Chu

  • That's OK.


  • I withdraw.


  • Operator


  • We would like to remind everyone that it is star-one for a question at this time.


  • Next, we'll go to Bill Fearnley with Midwest Research.

    接下來,我們將介紹 Midwest Research 的 Bill Fearnley。

  • Bill Fearnley

    Bill Fearnley

  • Hi.


  • Bood afternnon.


  • It's Bill Fearnley Could you offer additional color on the Apple channel, particularly the store within the store initiatives in the U.S. and internationally?

    是 Bill Fearnley 您能否在 Apple 渠道上提供更多顏色,尤其是在美國和國際商店計劃中的商店?

  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Sure.


  • Peter, you want to take that?


  • Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

    Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

  • Sure.


  • Within the U.S., CompUSA continues to go very well.

    在美國,CompUSA 繼續發展良好。

  • Beyond the box sales continue to increase and the customer experience has been strong.

    Beyond the box 的銷量持續增長,客戶體驗一直很強勁。

  • We're beginning to see the same results in Japan.


  • We have approximately 75 people in resellers in Japan.

    我們在日本有大約 75 名經銷商。

  • Around that's one of the reasons why I think sales were up so nicely sequentially in Japan, was a result of that program.


  • Bill Fearnley

    Bill Fearnley

  • When you say there's 75 people in resellers in Japan, how many locations is that?

    當您說日本的經銷商有 75 人時,那是多少個地點?

  • Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

    Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

  • It's less than the 75.


  • I don't have an exact number.


  • But some of the -- I think maybe in the 60s.

    但有些——我想可能是在 60 年代。

  • Bill Fearnley

    Bill Fearnley

  • OK.


  • Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

    Peter Oppenheimer - Senior VP Finance

  • We have several of the stores which are very large where we're putting more than one person.


  • Bill Fearnley

    Bill Fearnley

  • Thank you.


  • Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Bill.


  • Operator


  • Sure.


  • Next we'll take a question from Charles Wolf with Needham & Company.

    接下來我們將回答Needham & Company 的Charles Wolf 提出的問題。

  • Charles Wolf

    Charles Wolf

  • Hey, Fred.


  • I found your guidance for the March quarter to be fairly aggressive given that it's typically down from December.

    我發現您對 3 月季度的指導相當激進,因為它通常比 12 月有所下降。

  • And as I recall, June is typically down from March.


  • Yet you're guiding flat, so I was wondering -- what you see that I don't see.

    然而你在引導平面,所以我想知道 - 你看到的我沒有看到。

  • Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

    Fred Anderson - CFO and Executive VP

  • Well, I don't agree that normally we're down in the June quarter compared to the March quarter.

    好吧,我不同意通常我們在 6 月季度與 3 月季度相比下降。

  • And again, it will vary from year to year.


  • But I would say generally, our December quarter is our strongest followed closely by the September quarter, even though in the last couple years, you can't just look at what I'm saying is the trends because there've been other anomalies that have occurred that would change that.

    但我一般會說,我們的 12 月季度是我們最強勁的季度,緊隨其後的是 9 月季度,儘管在過去幾年中,你不能只看我所說的趨勢,因為還有其他異常情況已經發生了,這將改變這一點。

  • Then I would say the third strongest quarter would typically be the June quarter and the weakest quarter would be the March quarter.

    然後我會說第三個最強的季度通常是 6 月的季度,而最弱的季度是 3 月的季度。

  • And why do I say that?


  • Well, the strongest consumer quarter is typically the December quarter.

    嗯,最強勁的消費季度通常是 12 月季度。

  • The strongest education quarters are the June and the September quarters.


  • And basically the March quarter isn't strong typically for any of our businesses.

    基本上,對於我們的任何業務來說,3 月季度的表現通常並不強勁。

  • Charles Wolf

    Charles Wolf

  • OK.


  • Thanks.


  • Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, Charlie.


  • Do we have any additional questions?


  • Operator


  • I would like to give a final remind they're it is star 1 for a question at this time, and we'll pause for just a moment to make sure everyone got a chance to ask their question.

    我想最後提醒一下,他們現在是問題的星號 1,我們將暫停片刻,以確保每個人都有機會提出他們的問題。

  • It looks like we have no further questions, so I'll turn the conference back over to Ms. Nancy Paxton for any additional or closing remarks.

    看起來我們沒有其他問題了,所以我將把會議轉回給 Nancy Paxton 女士,以獲取任何補充或結束語。

  • Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

    Nancy Paxton - Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

  • Thanks, very much.


  • A recording of today's call will be available for replay by telephone for seven days beginning at 5:00 p.m.

    從下午 5:00 開始,今天的通話錄音將在 7 天內通過電話重播。

  • Pacific time today, and the number for that replay is 719-457-0820.

    今天太平洋時間,重播號碼是 719-457-0820。

  • The confirmation code is 208314.

    確認碼為 208314。

  • A replay of the audio webcast of this call will also be available beginning at approximately 5:00 p.m.

    下午 5:00 左右開始還可以重播本次電話會議的音頻網絡廣播。

  • Pacific time today at www.apple.com/investor, and that will remain available for approximately 12 months.

    太平洋時間今天在 www.apple.com/investor 上,這將保持約 12 個月。

  • Members of the press with additional questions can contact Lynn Fox at 408-974-6209.

    有其他問題的媒體成員可以致電 408-974-6209 聯繫 Lynn Fox。

  • And financial analysts can contact Joan Hoover or me with additional questions.

    如果有其他問題,金融分析師可以聯繫 Joan Hoover 或我。

  • Joan is at 408-974-4570 and I'm at 408-974-5420.

    瓊的電話是 408-974-4570,我的電話是 408-974-5420。

  • Thanks again for joining us.


  • Operator


  • This does conclude today's conference call.


  • And we'd like to thank everyone for joining us.
