百勝餐飲集團 (YUM) 2020 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and welcome to the Yum!


  • Brands, Inc.


  • Second Quarter 2020 Earnings Conference Call.

    2020 年第二季度收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Please note, this event is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Keith Siegner, Vice President, Investor Relations, M&A and Treasurer.

    我現在想將會議轉交給投資者關係、併購和財務主管 Keith Siegner 副總裁。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Keith Robert Siegner - VP of IR, M&A and Treasurer

    Keith Robert Siegner - VP of IR, M&A and Treasurer

  • Thanks, operator.


  • Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us.


  • On our call today are David Gibbs, our CEO; Chris Turner, our Chief Financial Officer; and Dave Russell, our Senior Vice President and Corporate Controller.

    我們今天的電話會議是我們的首席執行官 David Gibbs;我們的首席財務官克里斯·特納;以及我們的高級副總裁兼公司財務總監 Dave Russell。

  • Following remarks from David and Chris, we'll open the call to questions.


  • Before we get started, I'd like to remind you that this conference call includes forward-looking statements.


  • Forward-looking statements are subject to future events and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from these statements.


  • We're going to do our best to provide our current thinking about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business, but obviously, this situation is completely unprecedented and evolving.

    我們將盡最大努力提供我們目前對 COVID-19 大流行對我們業務的影響的思考,但顯然,這種情況是完全前所未有的,而且還在不斷發展。

  • So any forward-looking remarks should be considered in light of the uncertainty regarding the severity and duration of the pandemic and the variables that will be impacted as a result.


  • All forward-looking statements are made only as of the date of this announcement and should be considered in conjunction with the cautionary statements in our earnings release and the risk factors included in our filings with the SEC.


  • In addition, please refer to our earnings releases and relevant sections of our filings with the SEC to find disclosures and reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures that may be used on today's call.

    此外,請參閱我們的收益發布和我們向 SEC 提交的文件的相關部分,以查找可能在今天的電話會議上使用的非 GAAP 財務指標的披露和對賬。

  • Please note the following regarding our basis of presentation: First, all system sales results exclude the impact of foreign currency.


  • Second, core operating profit growth figures exclude the impact of foreign currency and special items.


  • For more information on our reporting calendar for each market, please visit the Financial Reports section of our website.


  • We are broadcasting this conference call via our website.


  • This call is also being recorded and will be available for playback.


  • Please be advised that if you ask a question, it will be included in both our live conference and in any future use of the recording.


  • We'd like to make you aware of upcoming Yum!

    我們想讓您了解即將到來的 Yum!

  • investor events and the following: First, disclosures pertaining to outstanding debt in our restricted group capital structure will be provided at the time of the Form 10-Q filing.

    投資者事件和以下事項:首先,我們將在提交 10-Q 表格時提供與我們受限集團資本結構中未償債務有關的披露。

  • Second, third quarter earnings will be released on October 29, 2020, with the conference call on the same day.


  • Now I'd like to turn the call over to Mr. David Gibbs.


  • David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

    David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Keith, and good morning, everyone.


  • I want to start by thanking and recognizing our employees, franchisees and restaurant team members around the globe.


  • They have adapted to the incredible challenges of 2020 with remarkable agility, bringing our delicious, affordable food to customers in a low-contact manner.

    他們以非凡的敏捷性適應了 2020 年令人難以置信的挑戰,以低接觸的方式將我們美味、實惠的食物帶給顧客。

  • As a result, we are well positioned to leverage our scale and capabilities to generate profitable system sales growth in the new customer environment.


  • On the foundation of our resilient, highly diversified business model, we are driving our Recipes for Growth and Good to emerge a stronger company for all stakeholders.


  • Our Recipe for Growth, using our 4 key growth drivers, continues to guide our business strategy.

    我們的增長秘訣,使用我們的 4 個關鍵增長驅動因素,繼續指導我們的業務戰略。

  • So I'll start with an overall review of the second quarter and use a few examples to illustrate the power of our relevant, easy and distinctive, or R.E.D., brands, unmatched operating capability and unrivaled culture and talent growth drivers.

    因此,我將從對第二季度的總體回顧開始,並用幾個例子來說明我們相關、簡單和獨特或 R.E.D. 品牌、無與倫比的運營能力以及無與倫比的文化和人才增長驅動力的力量。

  • Then Chris will share more details of our Q2 results, our bold restaurant development growth driver and our healthy liquidity position.


  • First, Q2 results.


  • The quarter was significantly impacted by COVID-19, the primary driver of our 25% core operating profit decline.

    本季度受到 COVID-19 的顯著影響,這是我們核心營業利潤下降 25% 的主要驅動因素。

  • Overall Yum!


  • system sales declined 12% with a 15% same-store sales decline offset by a 3% increase in net units year-over-year.

    系統銷售額下降 12%,同店銷售額下降 15% 被淨單位同比增長 3% 抵消。

  • The impact on our sales in each of our markets depended on the timing, severity and duration of the outbreak as well as our reliance on dine-in sales in the market.


  • Overall, our sales declines were primarily driven by temporary store closures, which peaked in early April at about 11,000 restaurants.

    總體而言,我們的銷售額下降主要是由於臨時關閉商店,在 4 月初達到頂峰,約有 11,000 家餐廳。

  • We then experienced a consistent pace of reopening until our June 10 8-K filing when approximately 5,000 units or 10% of our global system remained closed.

    然後,我們經歷了一致的重新開放步伐,直到 6 月 10 日提交 8-K 文件,當時大約 5,000 個單位或我們全球系統的 10% 仍然關閉。

  • I'm excited to share that closures have now fallen to less than 2,500 units, which means roughly 95% of our system is open for business in full or limited capacity.

    我很高興地與大家分享,現在關閉的單位已降至不到 2,500 個,這意味著我們大約 95% 的系統已滿負荷或有限容量地開放營業。

  • The remaining closed stores are dispersed around the globe with about 70% located in malls, transportation centers, airports and the like.

    其餘關閉的門店分佈在全球各地,其中約 70% 位於商場、交通中心、機場等。

  • We're encouraged that, generally speaking, when our stores are open, customer trust and demand are high.


  • This is true even though the majority of our dining rooms have been and remained closed, highlighting the importance of executing the off-premise occasion well and demonstrating the resilience of our business model.


  • Our brands are becoming even more R.E.D.

    我們的品牌變得更加 R.E.D.

  • by leveraging consumer insights to adjust operations, menu options and marketing and by digitally enabled off-premise capabilities across the globe.


  • With our focus on delivery, carryout and digital, we have passed some tremendous milestones this year.


  • We now have over 34,000 restaurants offering delivery around the world, representing a 13% increase year-over-year, in part, driven by expanded aggregator partnerships.

    我們現在在全球擁有超過 34,000 家提供外賣服務的餐廳,同比增長 13%,部分原因是擴大了聚合商合作夥伴關係。

  • Our digital sales mix has increased dramatically to over 30% of system sales, a 15-point year-over-year improvement.

    我們的數字銷售組合已顯著增加至系統銷售額的 30% 以上,同比增長 15 個百分點。

  • To put that into context, during the quarter, digital sales were approximately $3.5 billion, a $1 billion step-up from Q2 2019.

    綜上所述,本季度的數字銷售額約為 35 億美元,比 2019 年第二季度增加了 10 億美元。

  • Our brands, working in concert with our Yum!

    我們的品牌,與我們的 Yum!

  • central technology team, have shown remarkable agility and will continue to unlock sales growth over the near and long term.


  • That's a perfect segue to our 4 R.E.D.

    這是我們 4 R.E.D. 的完美選擇。

  • brands.


  • Let's start with KFC Division results.


  • Q2 system sales declined 18% as a 21% same-store sales decline was partially offset by 6% net new unit growth.

    第二季度系統銷售額下降了 18%,因為 21% 的同店銷售額下降被 6% 的淨新單位增長部分抵消。

  • Encouragingly, trends improved from early April troughs, fairly in line with the rate of store reopens.

    令人鼓舞的是,與 4 月初的低谷相比,趨勢有所改善,與商店重新開張的速度相當。

  • KFC started the quarter with 5,000 restaurants temporarily closed, peaked in mid-April with about 6,000 closures and following a massive effort to reopen, ended Q2 with about 95% of stores open.

    肯德基在本季度開始時暫時關閉了 5,000 家餐廳,在 4 月中旬達到峰值,關閉了約 6,000 家餐廳,經過大力重新開業,在第二季度結束時約有 95% 的門店開業。

  • Our performance in open stores was primarily linked to off-premise capability within a given market.


  • We saw consistent strength in Canada, the U.S. and Australia.


  • And after government-mandated closures eased, we saw resiliency in Germany and the U.K. All of these markets have good drive-thru coverage, strong off-premise capabilities and robust digital foundations.


  • Western Europe, in particular KFC France, which was hit hard early on, led the way in reopening markets where all channels and restaurants had been closed due to lockdown.


  • The local teams took action to keep our team members and customers safe while working with government bodies to ensure that we were among the first QSRs to reopen.

    當地團隊採取行動保護我們的團隊成員和客戶的安全,同時與政府機構合作,確保我們是第一批重新開放的 QSR 之一。

  • In the U.S., KFC is serving the right occasion at the right time, fulfilling families' needs for delicious meals to take home and unpack around the dinner table.


  • The timing of our launch of kfc.com for pickup and delivery, the addition of new aggregators and our bundled bucket meals that travel well all contributed to a fantastic quarter.

    我們推出 kfc.com 以進行取貨和送貨的時機、新的聚合器的添加以及我們旅行良好的捆綁式桶餐都促成了一個美妙的季度。

  • We recorded the highest average sales per store in the brand's history during a week in early May, and we finished with 7% same-store sales growth for the quarter.

    在 5 月初的一周內,我們創下了品牌歷史上每家商店的最高平均銷售額,本季度同店銷售額增長了 7%。

  • Moving on to Pizza Hut.


  • The division reported a Q2 system sales decline of 10% with a 9% same-store sales decline and a 1% net new unit decline.

    該部門報告第二季度系統銷售額下降 10%,同店銷售額下降 9%,新單位淨銷售額下降 1%。

  • Pizza Hut entered the quarter with over 3,500 restaurants temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with same-store sales growth trending in line with temporary closures.

    必勝客進入本季度,由於 COVID-19 大流行,3,500 多家餐廳暫時關閉,同店銷售增長趨勢與暫時關閉一致。

  • Closures then peaked in mid-April with about 4,000 restaurants temporarily closed.

    然後關閉在 4 月中旬達到頂峰,大約 4,000 家餐廳暫時關閉。

  • By the end of Q2, about 87% of Pizza Huts were open, with Pizza Hut U.S. Express stores representing half of the remaining closures.

    到第二季度末,大約 87% 的必勝客開業,其中必勝客美國快遞門店佔其餘關閉的一半。

  • In general, markets that operate a dine-in segment, have significant stores in malls or transport hubs or have Express units have been most impacted by closures and government restrictions.

    一般來說,經營堂食、在商場或交通樞紐擁有大量商店或擁有 Express 單位的市場受關閉和政府限制的影響最大。

  • While the effect has been partly offset by increases in delivery and carryout demand, the net impact globally has been a headwind.


  • At Pizza Hut International, temporary closures peaked at approximately 24% in April.

    在必勝客國際,臨時關閉在 4 月份達到了約 24% 的峰值。

  • Importantly, certain markets including Canada, Japan and Australia, closed the quarter with positive results, though this was offset by markets with substantial dine-in and Express footprints.

    重要的是,包括加拿大、日本和澳大利亞在內的某些市場在本季度結束時取得了積極的成果,儘管這被大量就餐和 Express 足蹟的市場所抵消。

  • Those markets include the U.K., much of Europe and Central America, the Middle East and select markets in Asia.


  • In aggregate, off-premise channels generated a positive 10% same-store sales growth and represented 80% of total sales internationally.

    總體而言,場外渠道帶來了 10% 的同店銷售額正增長,佔國際總銷售額的 80%。

  • At Pizza Hut U.S., we balanced value and innovation as we introduced the $9.99 large 3-topping deal and premium products such as the Big Dipper and the Big Dinner Box.

    在美國必勝客,我們平衡了價值和創新,推出了 9.99 美元的大型 3-topping 交易和優質產品,如 Big Dipper 和 Big Dinner Box。

  • Same-store sales grew 5% in the second quarter.


  • And I'm excited to share that in early May, the U.S. recorded its highest average sales week for delivery and carryout in the past 8 years.

    我很高興在 5 月初與大家分享,美國創下了過去 8 年來交付和結轉的最高平均銷售週數。

  • Our off-premise channel generated 21% same-store sales growth when excluding the drag of closed Express stores or 16% same-store sales growth when including the drag of closed Express units.

    我們的場外渠道在排除關閉的 Express 門店的拖累後實現了 21% 的同店銷售增長,或者在包括關閉的 Express 單位的拖累後實現了 16% 的同店銷售增長。

  • During the quarter, we launched our contactless initiative by adding additional pickup and payment options for customers.


  • Since March 2020, Pizza Hut has served close to 20 million contactless digital orders.

    自 2020 年 3 月以來,必勝客已為近 2000 萬份非接觸式數字訂單提供服務。

  • We've also welcomed several million new and reengaged customers to our Hut Rewards loyalty program.

    我們還歡迎數百萬新客戶和重新參與我們的 Hut Rewards 忠誠度計劃的客戶。

  • At Taco Bell, system sales declined 6% driven by an 8% same-store sales decline, partially offset by 4% net new unit growth.

    在 Taco Bell,由於同店銷售額下降 8%,系統銷售額下降了 6%,部分被 4% 的淨新單位增長所抵消。

  • Taco Bell temporary closures peaked at 500 at the end of Q1 and had reopened 100 units by mid-April.

    Taco Bell 臨時關閉的單位在第一季度末達到了 500 間的峰值,到 4 月中旬重新開放了 100 間。

  • By the end of Q2, about 97% of Taco Bell units were open.

    到第二季度末,大約 97% 的 Taco Bell 單位都在營業。

  • At Taco Bell U.S., we pivoted our marketing to promote group bundles, drive awareness of contactless drive-thru and delivery and thanked our fans, heroes and communities by giving away free Doritos Locos Tacos.

    在 Taco Bell U.S.,我們將營銷轉向推廣團體套餐,提高非接觸式得來速和送貨的意識,並通過免費贈送 Doritos Locos Tacos 來感謝我們的粉絲、英雄和社區。

  • We coupled this with abundant value offerings such as Cravings Boxes and Party Packs and our all-new At Home Taco Bar, which supported record-breaking sales on Cinco de Mayo and further established Taco Bell as a destination for groups.

    我們將這一點與豐富的超值產品相結合,例如 Cravings Boxes 和 Party Packs 以及我們全新的 At Home Taco Bar,這支持了 Cinco de Mayo 創紀錄的銷售,並進一步確立了 Taco Bell 作為團體目的地的地位。

  • And to adjust to widespread dining room closures, our company and franchise partners doubled down on world-class operations as Taco Bell served an additional 4.8 million cars through our drive-thrus while achieving an 18-second faster drive-thru time year-over-year.

    為了適應廣泛的餐廳關閉,我們的公司和特許經營合作夥伴加倍投入世界級的運營,因為 Taco Bell 通過我們的得來速服務額外提供了 480 萬輛汽車,同時實現了 18 秒的得來速時間。年。

  • Taco Bell has always been an easy brand for customers to access.


  • And now with the ability to order on the Taco Bell app and pick up through our world-class drive-thru, they are redefining the easy part of R.E.D.

    現在,他們可以在 Taco Bell 應用程序上訂購併通過我們世界級的得來速取貨,他們正在重新定義 R.E.D. 的簡單部分。

  • During the quarter, we added over 1 million new users to our active e-commerce platforms through our mobile app and tacobell.com.

    在本季度,我們通過我們的移動應用程序和 tacobell.com 為活躍的電子商務平台增加了超過 100 萬新用戶。

  • These operational improvements and increased focus on digital and delivery have made an impact in driving profitable growth for our franchisees, and we are extremely proud of our operators for making it happen.


  • Following an eventful first full quarter as our newest brand, I'm pleased to share details about The Habit Burger Grill.

    作為我們最新品牌的第一個完整季度,我很高興分享有關 The Habit Burger Grill 的詳細信息。

  • With the majority of the Habit's assets being in-line or end-cap units, COVID-19 significantly impacted Habit's sales just as we were closing on the acquisition in mid-March.

    由於 Habit 的大部分資產是直列式或端蓋式單元,就在我們在 3 月中旬完成收購時,COVID-19 顯著影響了 Habit 的銷售。

  • With over half of sales typically coming from dine-in and temporary closures running at approximately 10% of Habits throughout the quarter, they faced a massive headwind.

    超過一半的銷售額通常來自就餐和臨時關閉,在整個季度中約佔習慣的 10%,他們面臨著巨大的逆風。

  • Impressively, from the April sales lows, the Habit quickly turned things around by shifting focus to off-premise.

    令人印象深刻的是,從 4 月份的銷售低點開始,Habit 通過將重點轉移到場外迅速扭轉了局面。

  • They ended Q2 with an 18% same-store sales decline mostly due to temporary closures, and recent trends for open stores are flat to slightly negative.

    他們在第二季度結束時同店銷售額下降了 18%,主要是由於臨時關閉,而最近開店的趨勢持平或略為負面。

  • During the quarter, the Habit built customer awareness of new access options and shifted marketing to focus on family meal bundles such as the Variety Meal that can feed a family for only $30.

    在本季度,Habit 建立了客戶對新訪問選項的認識,並將營銷轉移到專注於家庭套餐,例如只需 30 美元就能養活一個家庭的 Variety Meal。

  • Digital ordering via mobile and kiosk represented 40% of sales during the quarter.

    通過移動和信息亭進行的數字訂購佔本季度銷售額的 40%。

  • And importantly, each month this year, we have seen a steady increase in the number of app downloads.


  • I've been incredibly impressed with the resilience of this brand, the agility of the entire Habit team and the know-how sharing taking place between Habit and our legacy brands.

    我對這個品牌的韌性、整個 Habit 團隊的敏捷性以及 Habit 與我們的傳統品牌之間的專業知識共享印象深刻。

  • None of us could have imagined how Q2 would play out when we made the decision to acquire The Habit, but I'm more confident than ever that the brand and the team will create a new long-term growth opportunity for Yum!.

    當我們決定收購 The Habit 時,我們誰都無法想像第二季度會如何發展,但我比以往任何時候都更有信心,品牌和團隊將為百勝餐飲創造新的長期增長機會!

  • I'd now like to spend a moment on the current state of the business.


  • Of course, there remains incredible uncertainty in the global macro outlook owing to COVID-19 and its implications as evidenced by the different trends we see in each of our 290 brand-country combinations.

    當然,由於 COVID-19 及其影響,全球宏觀前景仍然存在難以置信的不確定性,我們在 290 個品牌國家組合中看到的不同趨勢就證明了這一點。

  • Due to this uncertainty, we must remain vigilant.


  • That said, we are encouraged about our continued store reopenings, the general financial health of our global franchisee base and our own strong liquidity and balance sheet.


  • Just as importantly, same-store sales trends for open stores stabilized in June just a few points short of flat, and despite the majority of our dining rooms still being closed, these trends have continued into July.

    同樣重要的是,6 月份開店的同店銷售趨勢趨於穩定,僅比持平低幾個百分點,儘管我們的大部分餐廳仍然關閉,但這些趨勢一直持續到 7 月。

  • Finally, earlier this year, we elevated our Recipe for Good to serve as our road map for Yum!'s global strategy for citizenship and sustainability.


  • That recipe is built on the 3 key pillars of food, people and planet.


  • Those of you familiar with Yum!

    那些熟悉 Yum 的人!

  • know we have always been a people-first company, committed to ensuring a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for our customers and employees.


  • But recent tragedies across the U.S. have revealed a stark and unacceptable reality and have shown us that we must do more.


  • To that end, at the end of June, we announced our Unlocking Opportunity Initiative with a $100 million commitment over the next 5 years, of which $50 million was funded in the second quarter.

    為此,在 6 月底,我們宣布了我們的解鎖機會計劃,承諾在未來 5 年投入 1 億美元,其中 5000 萬美元在第二季度提供資金。

  • This initiative will promote equity and inclusion, education and entrepreneurship for our employees, frontline restaurant teams and communities around the world and will serve as the cornerstone of our Recipe for Good going forward.


  • I look forward to providing further updates on our progress on Unlocking Opportunity as we bring it to life.


  • With that, I'll turn it over to Chris.


  • Christopher Lee Turner - CFO

    Christopher Lee Turner - CFO

  • Thank you, David, and good morning, everyone.


  • Today, I'll discuss our second quarter results, bold restaurant development and our strong liquidity and balance sheet position.


  • But first, I'd like to express my appreciation for the focus and execution of our team members around the globe who rose to the occasion and generated competitively superior results.


  • It has now been a year since I joined Yum!, and the challenges COVID-19 has presented to the entire restaurant industry have given me an even greater appreciation for the power and resilience of Yum!'s unique and highly diversified business model.

    我加入 Yum! 已經一年了,COVID-19 給整個餐飲業帶來的挑戰讓我更加欣賞 Yum! 獨特且高度多元化的商業模式的力量和韌性。

  • That, combined with our tremendous strides in digital and delivery, innovation and operations, give me confidence that Yum!

    再加上我們在數字化和交付、創新和運營方面取得的巨大進步,讓我對 Yum! 充滿信心!

  • was, is and will remain a high-growth company generating attractive returns for all stakeholders.


  • To begin, let's discuss Q2.


  • As David mentioned, core operating profit declined 25% during the quarter, and overall Yum!

    正如大衛所說,本季度的核心營業利潤下降了 25%,總體來說,百勝!

  • system sales declined 12%.

    系統銷售額下降了 12%。

  • This was driven by a 15% same-store sales decline, partly offset by a 3% increase in net units year-over-year.

    這是由於同店銷售額下降 15%,部分被淨單位同比增長 3% 所抵消。

  • The brand most impacted was KFC where operating margin, excluding FX, decreased approximately 8% versus prior year driven by lower same-store sales due in large part to temporary closures, higher bad debt expense and lower company restaurant margins, partially offset by net new unit growth.

    受影響最大的品牌是肯德基,其營業利潤率(不包括外匯)較上年下降約 8%,原因是同店銷售額下降,這在很大程度上是由於臨時關閉、壞賬費用增加和公司餐廳利潤率下降,部分被淨新增單位增長。

  • Excluding The Habit, general and administrative expenses, excluding FX and special items, were approximately flat over the second quarter 2019 as onetime COVID-related expenses were offset by reduced T&E, other efficiency actions and onetime savings.

    不包括 The Habit 的一般和行政費用(不包括外彙和特殊項目)與 2019 年第二季度基本持平,因為一次性與 COVID 相關的費用被減少的 T&E、其他效率措施和一次性節省所抵消。

  • Interest expense was approximately $131 million, a 10% increase from prior year driven by higher debt balances, including our outstanding revolver balance, partially offset by lower interest rates on our floating rate debt.

    利息支出約為 1.31 億美元,較上年增長 10%,原因是債務餘額增加,包括我們的未償左輪手槍餘額,部分被我們浮動利率債務的較低利率所抵消。

  • We recorded $84 million of pretax investment income related to the change in fair value of our investment in Grubhub, which resulted in a $0.21 benefit to EPS in the second quarter.

    我們記錄了與我們在 Grubhub 投資的公允價值變化相關的 8400 萬美元的稅前投資收入,這為第二季度的每股收益帶來了 0.21 美元的收益。

  • As we recorded $24 million of pretax investment income in the second quarter of 2019 for a $0.06 benefit to EPS, our Grubhub investment favorably impacted year-over-year EPS growth by $0.15.

    由於我們在 2019 年第二季度錄得 2400 萬美元的稅前投資收益,每股收益為 0.06 美元,因此我們的 Grubhub 投資對每股收益的同比增長產生了有利的影響 0.15 美元。

  • Our effective tax rate was 18.8% during the quarter, a decrease from the prior year driven by tax benefits from share-based compensation.

    本季度我們的有效稅率為 18.8%,由於股權激勵帶來的稅收優惠,較上年有所下降。

  • Adding this up, EPS, excluding special items, was $0.82.

    加起來,不包括特殊項目的每股收益為 0.82 美元。

  • This represented a 12% decline compared to ex special EPS of $0.93 in the second quarter of 2019.

    與 2019 年第二季度的 0.93 美元的特別每股收益相比,下降了 12%。

  • On the bold restaurant development front, we delivered 3% net new unit growth over the second quarter of 2019.

    在大膽的餐廳開發方面,我們在 2019 年第二季度實現了 3% 的淨新單位增長。

  • This was benefited by the addition of 276 Habit restaurants in Q1 of this year and the stellar unit growth we had in the second half of 2019.

    這得益於今年第一季度新增 276 家 Habit 餐廳以及我們在 2019 年下半年實現的出色單位增長。

  • During the quarter, we opened 328 restaurants and closed 446, with openings led by China, Asia, the U.S., Russia and Thailand.

    本季度,我們開設了 328 家餐廳,關閉了 446 家,其中中國、亞洲、美國、俄羅斯和泰國的新店數量居於首位。

  • To put the quarter into context, COVID-19 impact and uncertainties led to lower-than-normal gross openings and somewhat higher-than-normal closures, which, in combination, drove year-over-year net unit growth to 3% compared to our recent run rate of 4%.

    從本季度的背景來看,COVID-19 的影響和不確定性導致總開業量低於正常水平,而關閉率則略高於正常水平,這些因素共同推動淨單位同比增長至 3%。我們最近的運行率為4%。

  • These uncertainties should abate in time, and we remain confident in the long-term outlook for net unit growth backed by strong unit-level economics.


  • Next, the vast majority of our restaurants temporarily closed due to the pandemic have already partially reopened, and we continue to monitor those few areas of the world where we have restaurants that remain temporarily closed.


  • COVID-19 economic impacts and recoveries are unique to each country and hard to predict.

    COVID-19 的經濟影響和復蘇對每個國家來說都是獨一無二的,而且難以預測。

  • Therefore, while it's possible some of these restaurants may end up closing permanently, as of now, it is too early to forecast that outcome with accuracy.


  • As we've highlighted over the past few months, we are supporting our 3C franchise partners during the pandemic.

    正如我們在過去幾個月中強調的那樣,我們在大流行期間支持我們的 3C 特許經營合作夥伴。

  • The primary tools for doing so include capital obligation deferrals and royalty grace periods, which have largely been successful in helping our franchisees.


  • Where a franchisee cannot continue to operate due to deep financial distress, our preference is to assist with having a new or existing franchise partner acquire and operate their restaurants.


  • As David mentioned, we have been encouraged by the resilience of our franchisees during the course of the pandemic.


  • Partnering with and supporting them through the crisis highlighted the importance of ensuring a strong system.


  • The general health of our global franchisee base is good, and the vast majority are expected to emerge from the pandemic well positioned for future growth.


  • As our focus shifts from short-term crisis management to long-term growth, our recently formed Franchisee Health Committee is working to enhance our visibility into the health of our global system and to ensure our franchisees maintain long-term financial strength.


  • As it relates to the Chapter 11 filing of NPC, one of our Pizza Hut U.S. franchisees, this was an expected development, and we view it as an opportunity to create a better future for Pizza Hut restaurants owned by NPC and, therefore, the overall system in the U.S. As the proceedings continue, we expect that there will be some issues that we can resolve with NPC and related parties directly and others that will require briefings and court rulings.

    由於它與我們的必勝客美國特許經營商之一 NPC 的第 11 章備案有關,這是一個預期的發展,我們認為這是為 NPC 擁有的必勝客餐廳創造更美好未來的機會,因此,整體美國的製度 隨著訴訟程序的繼續進行,我們預計會有一些問題可以直接與 NPC 和相關方解決,而其他問題則需要簡報和法院裁決。

  • Ultimately, we will support an outcome that results in a lower, more sustainable level of debt, a higher focus on operational excellence and a greater level of investment for the restaurants in the NPC system.

    最終,我們將支持降低債務水平、更可持續的債務水平、更加註重卓越運營以及對 NPC 系統中的餐廳進行更高水平的投資的結果。

  • In Q2, bad debt expense related to royalties, rent and other franchise services we provide was $13 million, an increase of $11 million compared to the second quarter of 2019 but well below our first quarter figure.

    在第二季度,與我們提供的特許權使用費、租金和其他特許經營服務相關的壞賬費用為 1300 萬美元,與 2019 年第二季度相比增加了 1100 萬美元,但遠低於我們第一季度的數字。

  • The expense was attributable to incremental bad debt in KFC International due to financial hardships encountered by certain franchisees largely due to temporary store closures as well as bad debt in the U.S. related to NPC.

    該費用歸因於肯德基國際的壞賬增加,原因是某些特許經營商遇到財務困難,主要是由於臨時關閉商店以及美國與 NPC 相關的壞賬。

  • This increase was partially offset by significant recoveries in the U.S. related to Pizza Hut as sales and unit-level profitability rebounded strongly during the quarter.


  • We are encouraged with the improvement shown in the second quarter.


  • Now for an update on our balance sheet and liquidity position as well as our latest thoughts on capital structure and priorities for capital allocation.


  • First, we ended Q2 with cash and cash equivalents of $1.2 billion, excluding restricted cash.

    首先,我們在第二季度結束時的現金和現金等價物為 12 億美元,不包括受限制的現金。

  • This represented 5.5x net leverage of consolidated EBITDA, which is slightly above our historical target of approximately 5x.

    這代表合併 EBITDA 的 5.5 倍淨槓桿,略高於我們約 5 倍的歷史目標。

  • Importantly, we began paying off our revolver draw during Q2, with only $575 million drawn at quarter's end compared to $950 million drawn at the end of Q1.

    重要的是,我們在第二季度開始償還左輪手槍抽獎,到季度末僅抽出 5.75 億美元,而在第一季度末抽出 9.5 億美元。

  • When considered alongside with the $0.47 dividend we declared during the quarter, we believe this should clearly demonstrate the confidence we have in our liquidity position at this time.

    與我們在本季度宣布的 0.47 美元股息一起考慮時,我們認為這應該清楚地表明我們目前對流動性狀況的信心。

  • Second, our capital priorities remain unchanged: invest in the business, maintain a healthy balance sheet, pay a competitive dividend and return remainder excess cash flows to shareholders via repurchases.


  • Regarding our commitment to a healthy balance sheet, we plan to continue repayment of our revolver drawdown and to grow back into our historical 5x consolidated net leverage target over time.

    關於我們對健康資產負債表的承諾,我們計劃繼續償還我們的左輪手槍提款,並隨著時間的推移恢復到我們歷史上的 5 倍綜合淨槓桿目標。

  • Third, we are ending the suspension of our $2 billion share repurchase program.

    第三,我們將結束暫停 20 億美元的股票回購計劃。

  • We may resume repurchases should business trends persist and should we continue to gain confidence in the time line for achieving a healthy balance sheet, as I just outlined.


  • As a reminder, we've not repurchased any shares under our current authorization, which runs through the middle of 2021.

    提醒一下,根據我們目前的授權,我們沒有回購任何股票,該授權將持續到 2021 年年中。

  • In summary, Yum!'s future is bright.

    總之,Yum! 的未來是光明的。

  • Our business model has proven resilient.


  • Growth in our digital capability and sales has accelerated, and overall sales continue to trend in the right direction as we reopen.


  • We remain confident our brands are purpose-built for delivering a modern off-premise dining experience to customers around the globe.


  • Just as important to our long-term growth, the investment case for building new units is as strong as ever, especially when enhanced by our continued investments in digital capabilities such as ordering and payment and an enhanced drive-thru and numerous contactless off-premise access options.


  • By leveraging these scaled benefits to drive profitable system sales growth for franchisees, we believe we are well positioned to accelerate growth and create value for all stakeholders in the future.


  • That said, lingering uncertainties remain for the near term, which make the time frame for such acceleration difficult to forecast with confidence.


  • Therefore, we believe it is still too early to reassert specific guidance.


  • We appreciate your understanding and look forward to discussing progress in coming quarters.


  • Now the team and I are happy to take your questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) The first question today comes from John Glass of Morgan Stanley.


  • John Stephenson Glass - MD

    John Stephenson Glass - MD

  • Chris, just going back to the comments on development.


  • What are the conversations with the franchisees?


  • What -- I know it matters by market, by brand.


  • Are you willing to change your philosophy in terms of capital allocation to sort of help rekindle that growth in certain markets?


  • How do they think about the share opportunity ahead of them in certain markets where some of these smaller chains independents?


  • I know you're not going to give specific guidance.


  • But can you talk about the relative enthusiasm?


  • Is it too early to even comment about that, about resuming growth in various markets?


  • Christopher Lee Turner - CFO

    Christopher Lee Turner - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Good question, John.


  • Obviously, unit development and growing our network has been an important part of our algorithm.


  • And we think in the long term, we remain confident that it will be an important part of Yum!'s story.


  • Obviously, given the uncertainty in the near term, we're not sure when we'll get back to that.


  • But if you think about the factors that actually are driving this conversation, it depends really on where you are around the globe.


  • We've got certain markets where sales are strong.


  • Our brands have proven their resilience, and our franchisees are forward focused.


  • You heard Yum!


  • China last night reaffirm their units for the year.


  • And then we've got other markets at the other end of the spectrum where we still got some closures and where sales are more impacted by COVID.

    然後我們在頻譜的另一端有其他市場,我們仍然有一些關閉,並且銷售受到 COVID 的影響更大。

  • Those franchisees are focused on just basic operations right now.


  • So the discussions really depend on where you are around the globe.


  • But in general, we believe the investment case for our restaurants will be even stronger going forward.


  • Our brands have proven resiliency.


  • We believe real estate costs should be more favorable going forward.


  • Our digital capabilities allow us to pivot to off-premise, and we'll obviously be looking at optimizing our footprints for that environment.


  • So we feel really good about the investment case.


  • David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

    David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

  • And look, that said, we're not wavering from our asset-light model, right?


  • Our model is for franchisees to do development.


  • Within that, though, we've been building a couple of Taco Bells, equity stores.

    不過,在其中,我們一直在建立幾個 Taco Bells,股權商店。

  • To the point of your question, John, we are going to continue to do that.


  • And then Habit, we talked about the data a little bit in the prepared remarks, but we've been really pleased with how Habit has gone through this and the resiliency of that business, and they have been building corporate stores.


  • We'll continue to do that as we slowly open it up to franchising over time.


  • So there will be company investment in mostly Taco Bells and Habit stores over the near term.

    因此,短期內公司將主要投資於 Taco Bells 和 Habit 商店。

  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Gregory Francfort of Bank of America.

    下一個問題來自美國銀行的 Gregory Francfort。

  • Gregory Ryan Francfort - Associate

    Gregory Ryan Francfort - Associate

  • You just touched a little bit on Yum!'s willingness, I guess, to maybe invest in some of these franchisees.

    你剛剛談到了 Yum! 的意願,我猜,可能會投資其中一些特許經營商。

  • And I guess the question comes back somewhat to the NPC situation.

    我想這個問題又回到了 NPC 的情況。

  • And I guess if you could put some capital in and maybe accelerate some of the asset changes there, is that something Yum!'s considering?


  • Or is that something that will be off the table at this point?


  • David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

    David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Again, back to the comment I just made.


  • We're committed to the asset-light model.


  • We never rule out any possibility, but there's plenty of interest in getting into all of our different businesses around the world as investors have seen how resilient our business is.


  • And we're not going to comment very specifically about the NPC situation but other than to say we're working productively.

    我們不會非常具體地評論 NPC 的情況,只是說我們正在高效地工作。

  • There's lots of interest in that business, and we expect it to be in the hands of a capable franchisee coming out of this process.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Sara Senatore of Bernstein.

    下一個問題來自伯恩斯坦的 Sara Senatore。

  • Sara Harkavy Senatore - Senior Research Analyst

    Sara Harkavy Senatore - Senior Research Analyst

  • I was wondering if you could maybe talk about Pizza Hut and KFC in particular.


  • They would -- I'd characterize them as maybe some of the few beneficiaries, if you will, of the changes in the consumer behavior during the pandemic.


  • Both, I think, comping better, certainly, the off-premise business for Pizza Hut, than we've seen in a long time.


  • Can you just talk about how you think about retaining some of that strength?


  • Specifically, the 2 dynamics I'm interested are what happens when people are able to go out, eat again, dining rooms are open.


  • How much of that do you think you get back?


  • And then also to the extent that you've taken market share, how do you keep that Pizza Hut ex closures and dine-in comps, I think, over 20%, which is actually pretty consistent with what we've seen from other large pizza chains who have historically, I think, led Pizza Hut in many quarters?

    然後在你佔據市場份額的範圍內,你如何保持必勝客的關閉和就餐的比例,我認為,超過 20%,這實際上與我們從其他大公司看到的非常一致我認為,歷史上曾在許多方面領導必勝客的比薩連鎖店?

  • So I guess, how do you capitalize on these things?


  • Or can you over the long term?


  • David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

    David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

  • Great question, Sara.


  • And it's obviously our intent to hold on to the gains that we've made.


  • A lot of the gains at Pizza Hut and KFC have been from the fact that they offer great family meal solutions, which is right for these times.


  • But one of the things that I'm really encouraged about all of our brands is the incredibly positive feedback we're getting in our customer satisfaction surveys, customers that are -- and the new customers that are being drawn to our brands during these times.


  • So those 2 things coupled together says that we should be able to hold on to some of these new customers given the great experiences that they're having and the new normal.


  • It's very hard, obviously, to predict what the world will look like 6 months from now.

    顯然,很難預測 6 個月後的世界會是什麼樣子。

  • I think we're most proud that we've demonstrated how resilient our businesses and how nimble we are and how we can pivot to meet customers as their needs change.


  • We know -- like a lot of other retailers, we're looking at data about how -- what happens when customers do return to dining in, in certain parts of the country or in certain markets.

    我們知道 - 與許多其他零售商一樣,我們正在研究有關如何 - 當客戶在該國某些地區或某些市場返回就餐時會發生什麼。

  • And we see a little bit of an impact on that to our business but not to the degree that would lead you to conclude we'll give up the gain -- all the gains that we've gotten here.


  • So it's a pretty bright picture in terms of what it paints for the future.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from John Ivankoe of JPMorgan.

    下一個問題來自摩根大通的 John Ivankoe。

  • John William Ivankoe - Senior Restaurant Analyst

    John William Ivankoe - Senior Restaurant Analyst

  • Apologies, I went through the release, obviously, very quickly.


  • First, the Taco Bell store margins really did jump off the page considering the comp that you guys reported.


  • Can you provide some color on that in terms of like what happened and what out of that margin is actually sustainable?


  • And if there is kind of a new Taco Bell company store margin coming out of this is the first question.

    如果有一種新的 Taco Bell 公司的商店利潤由此產生,這是第一個問題。

  • And secondly, if I may, there's obviously been a lot of news and disruption in terms of third-party delivery.


  • Can you comment on, in the U.S. business specifically and around the world, if you'd like to, your ability to grow delivery dollars year-over-year and how some potential changes in the relationship might benefit or, I guess, impact your business in some way?


  • Christopher Lee Turner - CFO

    Christopher Lee Turner - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Thanks, John.


  • Good questions.


  • On the Taco Bell store margins, I'd say, yes, obviously, a 24.5% outstanding result from Taco Bell.

    在 Taco Bell 商店的利潤率上,我會說,是的,很明顯,Taco Bell 取得了 24.5% 的出色成績。

  • And I think the main takeaway for us is that shows how resilient the Taco Bell business model is, similar to what we've seen in our other brands around the globe.


  • But I think that's the main takeaway for us is the resiliency.


  • That was primarily driven by some things that probably are related to pandemic.


  • So we have seen higher average check sizes as consumers are buying more for family occasions than prior to the pandemic.


  • We've also had some labor efficiencies as the dining rooms have been closed, and we've adjusted our operating hours for a bit.


  • So I'd say those 2 things were the primary things that helped.


  • Of course, we had some things on the other side of the equation.


  • We paid some extra bonuses to our frontline and had other COVID-related expenses.

    我們為前線支付了一些額外的獎金,並支付了其他與 COVID 相關的費用。

  • So that helped balance it.


  • So I think it was a good story.


  • But those 2 primary drivers of check and dining rooms, once those things go back to normal, those would be things that would sort of swing back to the other direction.


  • So I think the main takeaway is resiliency during the crisis.


  • On third-party delivery, I think at the highest level, our philosophy remains we want to be accessible to our customers where they want to do business with us.


  • And we build relationships with aggregators to serve that purpose.


  • In terms of total delivery capabilities around the globe, we saw a more than 10% increase versus last year in terms of our number of restaurants.

    就全球總交付能力而言,我們的餐廳數量與去年相比增長了 10% 以上。

  • We're now north of 34,000 restaurants that offer delivery, up from just over 30,000 at this point last year.

    我們現在有超過 34,000 家提供外賣服務的餐廳,而去年這個時候只有 30,000 多家。

  • Part of that's driven by our aggregated relationships.


  • Of course, we've got our own proprietary delivery capabilities in a number of those restaurants as well.


  • So it's a mix there.


  • But I think in general, where customers are doing business with aggregators, we want to be there.


  • David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

    David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • The other point about delivery, as much as we've seen delivery growth, we've also seen a lot of carryout growth with options like curbside pickup in a contactless way, which is obviously great for our operators because it's a high-margin business when you can do carryout in that way.


  • So the growth that we're seeing, yes, delivery is one of the drivers, but carryout is very much growing at the same kind of pace.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Dennis Geiger of UBS.


  • Dennis Geiger - Director and Equity Research Analyst of Restaurants

    Dennis Geiger - Director and Equity Research Analyst of Restaurants

  • I hope you're all doing well.


  • Just wondering if you could talk a bit more about Taco Bell, the strength of the brand and then the franchisees and kind of thinking about maintaining that industry-leading momentum going forward.


  • Maybe specifically, if you could comment on some of the latest developments, including the loyalty program, what the opportunity there is as well as menu simplification and if the drivers there are more operations in speed or making way for new items coming in the future.


  • David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

    David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Look, Taco Bell was a bright spot for the quarter.


  • If you look at -- they're basically flat on a 2-year basis, and they made tremendous progress during the quarter.

    如果你看一下——它們在 2 年的基礎上基本持平,並且在本季度取得了巨大的進步。

  • If you just look at our previous filings from sales results, you can see that they probably had the best results moving from April forward through the quarter.

    如果您只查看我們之前提交的銷售結果文件,您會發現從 4 月到本季度,它們可能取得了最好的結果。

  • If you think about what -- in the U.S., for example, Taco Bell, with almost 1/4 of their sales is dine-in and the late night and breakfast business, they were impacted the most.

    如果你想想——在美國,例如 Taco Bell,其銷售額的近 1/4 是堂食以及深夜和早餐業務,它們受到的影響最大。

  • So they had the most ground to make up.


  • And now we've gotten into July, and Taco Bell along with the other 2 big U.S. brands are all positive.

    現在我們已經進入 7 月,塔可鐘和其他 2 個美國大品牌都是積極的。

  • So that's enormous progress given the hit to their business.


  • It's due to the fact that they've pivoted really well, leveraging the option -- a menu that consumers love with items like the Grilled Cheese Burrito that's obviously proven a hit and the loyalty program, as you mentioned, which recently launched, still in its infancy but obviously has a lot of upside.


  • The margins actually were somewhat of a record, tying a record for us for store-level margins in the quarter.


  • So when you add all that up, it's the brand with a huge amount of momentum as we come out of the quarter and very excited about the future for Taco Bell.

    因此,當您將所有這些加起來時,隨著我們本季度的結束,這個品牌擁有巨大的發展勢頭,並且對 Taco Bell 的未來感到非常興奮。

  • The relationship with the franchisees, as you mentioned, couldn't be more positive.


  • They've been great partners working through all these challenging times.


  • Again, they were hit the most at the beginning of this pandemic, so they were the ones that were in some ways in the U.S. in the most dire straits but quickly partnered together with the franchisees.


  • Mark King and his team have done an amazing job to get the business on much more solid footing and with momentum right now.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Andrew Charles of Cowen and Company.

    下一個問題來自 Cowen and Company 的 Andrew Charles。

  • Andrew Michael Charles - Director & Research Analyst

    Andrew Michael Charles - Director & Research Analyst

  • As investors try to better understand when the business can return to 4% net restaurant development, can you help set the backdrop a little bit?

    隨著投資者試圖更好地了解業務何時可以恢復 4% 的淨餐廳開發,您能否幫助設置背景?

  • I'm looking to learn more about KFC International franchisees' access to capital, particularly in emerging markets since this is the biggest engine behind Yum!


  • development in the context of the bad debt expense step-up that you saw during the quarter.


  • David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

    David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Look, the return to 4% is not a matter of if, it's just a matter of when.

    看,回到 4% 不是會不會的問題,只是時間的問題。

  • And we have 2,000 franchisees around the world.

    我們在全球擁有 2,000 家加盟商。

  • The vast majority of them are coming out of this in good shape.


  • But we have pockets where franchisees are still challenged.


  • We still have a couple of thousand stores that are closed.


  • With our bigger presence in emerging markets and emerging markets struggling more to deal with the pandemic in their countries, that's a challenge, which all adds up to making it very difficult to predict exact timing on when we'll get back to our long-term algorithm.


  • But again, there's so many positive things when it comes to development in terms of availability of sites, how resilient our business model has proven, which is obviously attractive to investors that want to invest in this space, the partnerships that we've developed with the vast majority of our franchisees to get through this together and the positive feelings that creates interest in working together long term to grow the brand.


  • So it will vary by market.


  • It will vary by franchisee in terms of when we get back to the algorithm.


  • Obviously, Yum!


  • China is already there, as they announced last night, which is very encouraging.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Peter Saleh of BTIG.

    下一個問題來自 BTIG 的 Peter Saleh。

  • Peter Mokhlis Saleh - MD & Senior Restaurant Analyst

    Peter Mokhlis Saleh - MD & Senior Restaurant Analyst

  • I wanted to ask about your advertising strategy, especially in the U.S. in the second half of the year.


  • Do you guys plan to continue to advertise?


  • Or do you plan on pulling back at all with the election year?


  • And just my second question would be do you need to get the dining rooms open to start to recapture the previous same-store sales, I guess, momentum that you had pre-COVID?

    我的第二個問題是,您是否需要讓餐廳開放以開始重新獲得以前的同店銷售額,我猜,您在 COVID 之前擁有的勢頭?

  • Or can you do that with the drive-thru units that you have currently?


  • David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

    David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

  • Just taking the last one first on the dining rooms.


  • The reality is that we've got 24,000 dining rooms...

    現實情況是,我們有 24,000 間餐廳……

  • Christopher Lee Turner - CFO

    Christopher Lee Turner - CFO

  • That closed.


  • David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

    David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

  • That are closed today.


  • So -- and in the U.S., we really just have a fraction of our dining rooms open.


  • So when you look at the results that we're getting, when you talk about our -- excluding closed stores, we still have a lot of stores that are open with closed dining rooms, it's really quite impressive that we're able to get sales globally back to approaching flat without those dining rooms in the majority of our stores.


  • So it's not critical to our success.


  • It's obviously something that we will return to over time when it makes sense.


  • And the teams have developed all the right safety protocols to do that, as you can imagine with plexiglass on the front of the counter and cleaning captains in the dining room to make sure that we clean high-touch points every 30 minutes, all the different things that you would imagine we -- company -- the largest restaurant company in the world would develop to ensure the safety of our customers.

    並且團隊已經制定了所有正確的安全協議來做到這一點,正如您可以想像的那樣,櫃檯前面的有機玻璃和餐廳的清潔隊長,以確保我們每 30 分鍾清潔一次高接觸點,所有不同的您可以想像我們——公司——世界上最大的餐飲公司會發展以確保我們客戶的安全。

  • But the dining room piece is really something that we've been able to overcome quite successfully in most markets.


  • Certain markets, obviously more reliant on it.


  • Pizza Hut dine-in restaurants, obviously, in some cases, very reliant on it.


  • So it does -- the story does vary, but on average, it's a pretty good story in terms of overcoming dining rooms.

    確實如此 - 故事確實有所不同,但平均而言,就克服餐廳而言,這是一個相當不錯的故事。

  • On the advertising piece, obviously, our advertising algorithms have been changed in this environment.


  • And we're looking at different ways of promoting our brands.


  • The promotions that we're doing with products have changed.


  • You've heard announcements about us skinnying down our menu.


  • We're advertising more core products, advertising more through digital channels.


  • But for the most part, we're committed to continuing to spend the advertising spend that we -- each of our brands has.


  • It varies by brand in terms of what the percentage of sales they spend are, but we're committed to that for the balance of the year.


  • Operator


  • At this time, I'm not showing any additional questions.


  • Keith Robert Siegner - VP of IR, M&A and Treasurer

    Keith Robert Siegner - VP of IR, M&A and Treasurer

  • Okay.


  • David, do you want to wrap up?


  • David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

    David W. Gibbs - CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Look, thanks, everybody, for spending time with us this morning.


  • As you can tell from the comments, we're incredibly proud of the progress that we've made during the quarter.


  • We were joking that April feels like it was back in 2018.

    我們開玩笑說四月感覺就像回到了 2018 年。

  • It was so long ago.


  • And what's relevant is the momentum we have coming out of the quarter.


  • I think we've demonstrated that the business is incredibly resilient and nimble, that our teams around the world can move with speed to get new solutions out to meet customers' needs, and they've done that incredibly successfully.


  • And really, what's happened this quarter is accelerated a lot of the strategies that we already had in place, which is a big positive in terms of the business that we do digitally.


  • As we've mentioned, that's up $1 billion year-over-year -- actually more than $1 billion.

    正如我們所提到的,這比去年同期增加了 10 億美元——實際上超過了 10 億美元。

  • And we -- that was part of our plan to grow that business, and we're proud of the progress we've made there.

    我們 - 這是我們發展業務計劃的一部分,我們為我們在那裡取得的進展感到自豪。

  • And even things like moving from dine-in assets to delivery assets, that's been accelerated by Q2 2020.

    甚至像從就餐資產轉移到交付資產這樣的事情,到 2020 年第二季度也得到了加速。

  • So we're coming out of it much stronger, excited about the future.


  • Yum!


  • was, is and will remain a high-growth company for all stakeholders.


  • I think we've demonstrated that this quarter.


  • So thank you.


  • Operator


  • The conference has now concluded.


  • Thank you for attending today's presentation.


  • You may now disconnect.
