Xpeng Inc (XPEV) 2021 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Hello, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by for the first quarter 2021 Earnings Conference Call for XPeng Inc.


  • (Operator Instructions) Today's conference call is being recorded.


  • I will now turn the call over to your host, [Mr.


  • Zelin Ma] Director of Investor Relations of the company.

    馬澤林] 公司投資者關係總監。

  • Please go ahead, Mr. Ma.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Thank you.


  • Hello, everyone, and welcome to XPeng's first quarter 2021 earnings conference call.


  • Our financial and operating results were issued by Newswire services earlier today and are available online.

    我們的財務和經營業績今天早些時候由 Newswire 服務發布,可在線查閱。

  • You can also view the earning press release by visiting the IR section of our website at ir.xiaopeng.com.

    您還可以訪問我們網站 ir.xiaopeng.com 的 IR 部分查看盈利新聞稿。

  • Participants on today's call will include our co-Founder, Chairman and CEO, Mr. Xiaopeng He; our Chairman and President, Dr. Brian Gu; Vice President of Finance, Mr. Dennis Lu; and Managing Director of Strategy, Mr. Charles Zhang; and myself.

    今天電話會議的參與者包括我們的聯合創始人、董事長兼首席執行官何曉鵬先生;我們的董事長兼總裁 Brian Gu 博士;財務部副總裁盧志強先生;策略部董事總經理張朝陽先生;和我自己。

  • Management will begin with prepared remarks, and the call will conclude with a Q&A session.


  • A webcast replay of this conference call will be available on the IR section of our website.

    本次電話會議的網絡直播重播將在我們網站的 IR 部分提供。

  • Before we continue, please note that today's discussion will contain forward-looking statements made under the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

    在我們繼續之前,請注意今天的討論將包含根據 1995 年美國私人證券訴訟改革法案的安全港條款作出的前瞻性陳述。

  • Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties as such, the company's results may be materially different from the views expressed today.


  • Further information regarding these and other risks and uncertainties is included in the relevant public filings of the company, as filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


  • The company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required under applicable law.


  • Please note that XPeng's earnings press release and this conference call include the disclosure of unaudited GAAP financial measures, as well as unaudited non-GAAP financial measures.

    請注意,小鵬汽車的收益新聞稿和本次電話會議包括披露未經審計的 GAAP 財務指標,以及未經審計的非 GAAP 財務指標。

  • XPeng's earnings press release contains a reconciliation of the unaudited non-GAAP measures to the unaudited GAAP measures.

    XPeng 的收益新聞稿包含未經審計的非 GAAP 措施與未經審計的 GAAP 措施的調節。

  • I will now turn the call over to our co-Founder, Chairman and CEO, Mr. He Xiaopeng.


  • Please go ahead.


  • Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • (foreign language)


  • [Interpreted] Hello, everyone.


  • Thank you for joining us for XPeng first quarter 2021 earnings conference call today.

    感謝您今天參加我們的 XPeng 2021 年第一季度財報電話會議。

  • Heading into 2021, the electrification and modification are accelerating the disruption of internal combustion vehicles.


  • Notably in March, the penetration rate of high energy passenger vehicles in China surpassed the 10% threshold for the first time.


  • The EV adoption in top tier cities experienced a record high-growth, with the penetration rate reaching around 20%.

    一線城市的電動汽車普及率創歷史新高,普及率達到 20% 左右。

  • Being part of this unprecedented disruption opportunity, I strongly believe that XPeng is well poised to lead the development and transformation of the industry.


  • My belief is fairly underpinned by our long-term strategic investment and in leadership in Smart EV technology that we have been building out over the past years.


  • Our strong momentum continued in the first quarter of 2021, with another quarter of record vehicle delivery despite traditionally slower seasonal demand and challenges of industry-wide chip shortage.

    我們在 2021 年第一季度繼續保持強勁勢頭,儘管傳統上季節性需求放緩且面臨全行業芯片短缺的挑戰,但又一個季度的汽車交付量創下歷史新高。

  • Our total vehicle delivery number in the first quarter reached 13,340, representing a 487.4% year-over-year increase, consisting of 5,366 G3s and 7,974 P7s.

    一季度,我們的車輛總交付量達到13,340輛,同比增長487.4%,其中G3 5,366輛,P7 7,974輛。

  • According to the new car insurance registration data reported by China Automotive Technology & Research Center, in terms of volume the G3 ranks #1 amongst A Class BEV SUVs and the P7 ranked #3 among B Class BEV sedans in Q1.


  • We achieved this outstanding performance to our industry-leading full stack in-house developed software technology and our solid differentiated product strategy.


  • Fueled by strong delivery growth, our revenue reached RMB 2.95 billion in Q1, represented -- representing year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter growth of 616.1% and 3.5%, respectively.

    在強勁交付增長的推動下,我們第一季度的收入達到人民幣 29.5 億元,同比和環比分別增長 616.1% 和 3.5%。

  • Meanwhile, our profitability continued to improve, highlighted by a gross margin of 11.2%, an increase of 3.8% from the prior quarter.

    與此同時,我們的盈利能力繼續改善,毛利率為 11.2%,較上一季度增長 3.8%。

  • On January 26, we began to push OTA updates for XPILOT 3.0 to our customers and started to recognize revenues from XPILOT software.

    1月26日,我們開始向客戶推送XPILOT 3.0的OTA更新,並開始確認XPILOT軟件的收入。

  • As such, our vehicle revenues in the first quarter now includes software revenue for the first time in our history.


  • I believe that XPeng is the only Chinese automaker that has been able to charge full stack self-operated autonomous driving software separately.


  • Since mass deliveries of the P7 began in June 2020, we have delivered over 23,000 P7s as of March 31.

    自 2020 年 6 月開始大規模交付 P7 以來,截至 3 月 31 日,我們已經交付了 23,000 多台 P7。

  • And on a cumulative basis, the attach rate of XPILOT 3.0 has exceeded 20% as of March 31.

    並且截至3月31日,XPILOT 3.0的累計掛載率已經超過20%。

  • Such attach rate further increased to approximately 25% in March 2021.

    該附加率於 2021 年 3 月進一步增加至約 25%。

  • I believe that XPILOT software monetization will become a recurring revenue model and generate profits in addition to our sales vehicle.

    我相信 XPILOT 軟件貨幣化將成為一種經常性收入模式,並在我們的銷售工具之外產生利潤。

  • Going forward, building on our rapid technology iterations, powered by our full stack in-house R&D capabilities and hardware-software integration solutions will roll out XPILOT 3.5 and XPILOT 4.0, our next-generation of autonomous driving technology in the next few years.

    展望未來,基於我們快速的技術迭代,在我們全棧的內部研發能力和軟硬件集成解決方案的支持下,我們將在未來幾年推出我們的下一代自動駕駛技術 XPILOT 3.5 和 XPILOT 4.0。

  • Our XPILOT will make the enhanced autonomous driving experience accessible across a wider range of [rows and isles] and ultimately bring about end-to-end highly automated driving.

    我們的 XPILOT 將使增強的自動駕駛體驗在更廣泛的 [行和島] 範圍內獲得,並最終實現端到端的高度自動化駕駛。

  • They will also help to further distinguish our brand leadership in the Smart EV market.


  • Next, I would like to share our latest achievement in technology announcement for Smart EVs.


  • Since launching our Navigation Guided Pilot for the smart vehicles, or NGP in late January this year, NGP has assisted our customers in driving 2.3 million kilometers, which is approximately 1 million kilometers a month with the NGP-assisted mileage penetration rate exceeding [50%] amongst those P7 that accelerated as of March 31, 2021.

    自今年1月下旬推出智能汽車Navigation Guided Pilot(NGP)以來,NGP已協助客戶行駛230萬公里,月均約100萬公里,NGP輔助里程普及率超過[50%] ] 在截至 2021 年 3 月 31 日加速的 P7 中。

  • The strong usage frequency not only reflects the broad applications of NGP, but also testified to the satisfaction and trust customers have in using it.


  • In March, we successfully accomplished our NGP-guided expedition that crossed highways from Guangzhou to Beijing.

    3 月,我們成功完成了由 NGP 引導的從廣州到北京的高速公路探險。

  • This expedition of over 3,000 kilometers marked the nation's longest of it's kind.

    這次超過 3,000 公里的探險標誌著全國同類探險中最長的一次。

  • During the entire expedition, the NGP's human intervention was only 0.7x per 100 kilometers on average.


  • Notably, more than 90% of autonomous lane changes overtaking other vehicles, switching [ramps] and going through tunnels were executed successfully, which I believe outperformed all other mass produced autonomous driving systems in the market.

    值得注意的是,超過 90% 的自動變道超車、切換 [匝道] 和通過隧道都成功執行,我認為這優於市場上所有其他量產的自動駕駛系統。

  • Here, I would like to highlight the strategic importance of our capability of deploying our autonomous driving technology of mass-produced vehicles.


  • Through those vehicles equipped with NGP capabilities, we're able to collect highly valuable (inaudible) cases when our customers using NGP.

    通過這些配備 NGP 功能的車輛,我們能夠在客戶使用 NGP 時收集非常有價值(聽不見)的案例。

  • We're now able to achieve fast iterations of our algorithm on a weekly basis based on our advanced closed loop data capabilities.


  • With a growing number of P7s on the road, I believe XPeng will have the largest and fast-growing Smart EV fleet with closed loop data capabilities on China's road networks.

    隨著越來越多的 P7 上路,我相信小鵬將擁有中國道路網絡上最大且增長最快的具有閉環數據功能的智能電動汽車車隊。

  • Recruiting and retaining excellent technical talent is the foundation of our ability to lead innovations in technology and development in the Smart EV industry.


  • As of March 31, 2021, our R&D team represent approximately 40% of our total headcount.

    截至 2021 年 3 月 31 日,我們的研發團隊約占我們總人數的 40%。

  • With our firm commitment to build a strong R&D team, we aim to strengthen our leadership in cutting-edge innovations, including electrification and modification for Smart EVs and technological leadership in the industry.


  • We'll be able to continuously introduce new vehicle models featuring more powerful hardware to support our fast iteration of software.


  • At the Shanghai Auto Show on April 19, we unveiled the P5, the world's first mass produced Smart EV equipped with LIDAR.


  • The market warmly welcomed the P5 with enthusiasm supporting preorder reservations that exceed our expectations and surpassed 10,000 in just 53 hours following its debut.


  • The P5 is designed as an A-plus class sedan with a roomier inner space than most of the B class sedans in the market.

    P5 設計為 A 級轎車,內部空間比市場上大多數 B 級轎車更寬敞。

  • The more advanced autonomous driving systems and smart cockpit technology and roomy space, we have created for our customers a completely new experience of a smart safe space beyond their homes and workplaces.


  • Our customers can now use this space to take a nap, watch films like in a private cinema, and enjoy outdoor camping and more.


  • We plan to start deliveries of the P5 in the fourth quarter of this year.

    我們計劃在今年第四季度開始交付 P5。

  • Additionally, we plan to start internal user testing as XPILOT 3.5 with NGP autonomous driving capabilities on the major open road at the end of this year and release the OTA update at the end of next year.

    此外,我們計劃於今年年底在主要開放道路上啟動具有 NGP 自動駕駛功能的 XPILOT 3.5 內部用戶測試,並於明年年底發布 OTA 更新。

  • In our continuing efforts to improve software and engineering performance, we provide customers with the most powerful mass-produced autonomous driving system available for China's road system at an attractive price point.


  • Such approach significantly differentiate us from many of our peers.


  • In addition, we are making solid progress in the research and development of our next-generation autonomous driving hardware platform and next-generation powertrain system, including high-voltage and supercharging system.


  • We look forward to updating you on these developments in due course.


  • As the Smart EV market continues to grow fast, we are accelerating the build-out of our infrastructure facilities as part of our long-term strategic road map and investments.


  • As of March 31, XPeng's physical sales and service network consists of 178 sale stores and 61 service centers across 70 cities in China.

    截至 3 月 31 日,小鵬汽車的實體銷售和服務網絡由遍布中國 70 個城市的 178 家銷售門店和 61 個服務中心組成。

  • Of 178 stores, 88 were directly operated by us.


  • Notably in this regard, in April, we entered into a long-term strategic partnership with China's biggest auto dealership company, the Zhongsheng Group.

    值得注意的是,在這方面,4 月份,我們與中國最大的汽車經銷公司中升集團建立了長期戰略合作夥伴關係。

  • Actually, this partnership will serve to provide both XPeng's industry-leading Smart EV products and Zhongsheng's high-quality services to consumers across China and further accelerate Smart EV adoption.


  • We remain committed to expanding our nationwide sales network to approximately 300 stores, covering 110 cities by end of the year.

    我們仍然致力於在年底前將我們的全國銷售網絡擴展到約 300 家門店,覆蓋 110 個城市。

  • We also continue to expand our super charging network.


  • As of March 31, the number of XPeng's branded super charging station expanded to 172, covering 60 cities.


  • Additionally, our free charging program has been available on more than 1,000 supercharging stations as of April 30 this year, covering over 160 cities.

    此外,截至今年 4 月 30 日,我們已在 1000 多個超級充電站提供免費充電計劃,覆蓋 160 多個城市。

  • We expect that there will be more than 500 XPeng branded supercharging stations by the end of this year.


  • In terms of production at our Zhaoqing factory, we have completed upgrading the production lines so that they can produce both the P7 and the aforementioned P5 concurrently.


  • We now are conducting total production runs of the P5 model.

    我們現在正在進行 P5 模型的總生產運行。

  • We believe our manufacturing costs will be meaningfully declined when we are able to produce the P7, P5 and in Q3, the same production plant.

    我們相信,當我們能夠在同一個生產工廠生產 P7、P5 和第三季度時,我們的製造成本將顯著下降。

  • In addition, with financial support from the Wuhan government, in April, we entered into a cooperation agreement with the city of Wuhan to build our third factory there.

    此外,在武漢市政府的財政支持下,我們於 4 月與武漢市簽訂合作協議,在武漢建設我們的第三家工廠。

  • The new manufacturing base will contain both manufacturing and powertrain plants and have an annual capacity of 100,000 units.


  • With funding support from local governments in Wuhan and Guangzhou, we will expedite investment and construction of our plans in these 2 cities.


  • Once fully completed, XPeng's 3 factories located in Zhaoqing, Guangzhou and Wuhan will have a total annual design capacity of 300,000 units.


  • Moreover, with minimal factory reruns and increased workshops, the potential peak output can come close to 500,000 units in total.

    此外,在盡量減少工廠復工和增加車間的情況下,潛在的峰值總產量可能接近 500,000 台。

  • This provides us an excellent foundation for which we can capture widespread demand in the transformation towards Smart EVs.


  • Turning to our overseas development, in the first quarter, we exported more than 300 Q3s to Norway.


  • We plan to start deliveries of the P7 in Norway in the second half of the year.

    我們計劃在今年下半年開始在挪威交付 P7。

  • Moving forward, we'll actively boost our efforts in Norway and other European markets to expand our local sales, delivery and service mechanisms.


  • The Smart EV designer and manufacturer that knows China better than any other peer, XPeng will remain focused on delivering differentiated and smart products built upon our industry-leading autonomous driving technologies that meet vast market demands.


  • This relentless effort will further our mission to shape the mobility experience of the future.


  • Now moving on to our guidance, excluding preorders reservations of the P5, we're already seeing a historical high of our order backlog.

    現在繼續我們的指導,不包括 P5 的預訂,我們已經看到訂單積壓的歷史高位。

  • We'll strive to ramp up production and minimize the impact from industry-wide shortage.


  • In the second quarter of 2021, we expect our Smart EV delivery to be approximately 15,500 to 16,000 units, and our total revenues to be approximately RMB 3.4 billion to RMB 3.5 billion.

    2021 年第二季度,我們預計我們的智能電動汽車交付量約為 15,500 至 16,000 輛,我們的總收入約為人民幣 34 億元至人民幣 35 億元。

  • Thank you, everyone.


  • With that, I'll now turn the call over to our VP of Finance, Mr. Dennis Lu, to discuss our financial performance for the first quarter of 2021.

    有了這個,我現在將電話轉給我們的財務副總裁 Dennis Lu 先生,討論我們 2021 年第一季度的財務業績。

  • Hsuehching Lu - VP of Finance & Accounting

    Hsuehching Lu - VP of Finance & Accounting

  • Thank you, Xiaopeng He.


  • Hello, everyone.


  • XPeng's robust performance in the first quarter of 2021 validates our strong capability to make differentiated Smart EV appear to various means of the large and growing customer base.

    小鵬汽車在 2021 年第一季度的強勁表現證明了我們有能力使差異化的智能電動汽車以各種方式出現在龐大且不斷增長的客戶群中。

  • Thanks to our record-breaking deliveries in the traditional weak season, in quarter 1, we witnessed a quarter-over-quarter increase in our top line and further improvement in our profitability.


  • In particular, our gross margin continued in our trend sequentially, hitting double digits in the quarter.


  • Additionally, for the first time, revenue from our XPILOT software were recognized in top line and reflecting in gross margin, making a significant milestone in our Chinese EV industry.

    此外,我們的 XPILOT 軟件收入首次被確認為收入並反映在毛利率中,成為我們中國電動汽車行業的一個重要里程碑。

  • Moreover, our sound financial condition and strong cash position enable us to better execute our growth strategies, cement competitive advantages and see tremendous growth opportunity in the Smart EV sector.


  • Now I would like to walk you through our detailed financials for the first quarter of 2021.

    現在我想向您介紹一下我們 2021 年第一季度的詳細財務數據。

  • Total revenues were RMB 2.95 billion for the first quarter of 2021, representing an increase of 616% from RMB 412 million for the same period a year ago, and an increase of 3.5% from RMB 2.85 billion for the fourth quarter of 2020.


  • Revenues from vehicle sales were RMB 2.81 billion for the first quarter of 2021, representing an increase of 655% from RMB 372 million for the same period of 2020 and an increase of 2.7% from RMB 2.74 billion for the first quarter of 2020.


  • The year-over-year increase was primarily due to delivery of the P7, which started at the end of June last year.

    同比增長主要是由於去年 6 月底開始交付 P7。

  • The quarter-over-quarter increase was primarily attributable to the revenue recognition of XPILOT 3.0 software in the first quarter of 2021 since the functionality was fully delivered through the accumulated group of the software purchases, partially offset by the low government subsidy for the new energy vehicle starting from January this year.

    環比增長主要歸因於 XPILOT 3.0 軟件在 2021 年第一季度的收入確認,因為該功能已通過累積的軟件採購組完全交付,部分被政府對新能源的低補貼所抵消車輛從今年一月份開始。

  • Gross margin was 11.2% for the first quarter of 2021 compared with negative 4.8% for the same period 2020 and 7.4% for the first quarter of last year.

    2021 年第一季度毛利率為 11.2%,而 2020 年同期為負 4.8%,去年第一季度為 7.4%。

  • Vehicle margin was 10.1% for the first quarter of 2021 compared to negative 5.3% for the same period of 2020 and 6.8% for fourth quarter of 2020.

    2021 年第一季度汽車利潤率為 10.1%,而 2020 年同期和 2020 年第四季度分別為負 5.3% 和 6.8%。

  • The improvement was primarily attributable to the material cost reduction and revenue recognition of the XPILOT software sales.

    改善主要歸因於 XPILOT 軟件銷售的材料成本降低和收入確認。

  • Research and development expenses were RMB 535 million for the first quarter of 2021, representing an increase of 72% from RMB 311 million for the same period of 2020 and an increase of 16% from RMB 460 million for the first quarter of 2020.


  • The year-over-year increase was mainly due to, number one, the increase in employee compensation as a result of expanded research and development staff; number two, high expenses relating to the P5 development; and number three, share-based compensation expense recognized in the first quarter of 2021.

    同比增長的主要原因是,第一,研發人員擴大導致員工薪酬增加;第二,與P5開發相關的高昂費用;第三,2021 年第一季度確認的股權激勵費用。

  • The quarter-over-quarter increase was mainly due to, number one, increase in employee compensation in line with increasing engineering staff; and number two, higher expenses related to the development of the P5.

    環比增長主要是由於,第一,員工薪酬隨著工程人員的增加而增加;第二,與 P5 開發相關的更高費用。

  • Sales, general and administrative expenses were RMB 721 million for the first quarter of 2021, representing an increase of 124% from RMB 322 million for the same period 2020 and a decrease of 22% from RMB 918 million for the first quarter of 2020.

    2021 年第一季度的銷售、一般和管理費用為人民幣 7.21 億元,較 2020 年同期的人民幣 3.22 億元增長 124%,較 2020 年第一季度的人民幣 9.18 億元下降 22%。

  • The year-over-year increase was mainly due to, number one, higher marketing, promotional and advertising expenses to support vehicle sales; number two, the expansion of our sales network and associated personnel costs.


  • These expenses for the sales and service stores and commission for their franchise stores.


  • And number three, share-based compensation expense recognized in the first quarter of 2021.

    第三,2021 年第一季度確認的股權激勵費用。

  • The quarter-over-quarter decrease was mainly due to, number one, increase in employee compensation in line with increasing engineering staff; and number two, higher expenses related to the development of the P5.

    環比下降的主要原因是,第一,員工薪酬隨著工程人員的增加而增加;第二,與 P5 開發相關的更高費用。

  • Sales, general and administrative expenses were RMB 721 million for the first quarter of 2021, representing an increase of 124% from RMB 322 million for the same period 2020 and a decrease of 22% from RMB 918 million for the first quarter of 2020.

    2021 年第一季度的銷售、一般和管理費用為人民幣 7.21 億元,較 2020 年同期的人民幣 3.22 億元增長 124%,較 2020 年第一季度的人民幣 9.18 億元下降 22%。

  • The year-over-year increase was mainly due to, number one, higher marketing, promotional and advertising expenses to support vehicle sales; number two, the expansion of our sales network and associated personnel costs.


  • These expenses for the sales and service stores and commission for their franchise stores.


  • And number three, share-based compensation expense recognized in the first quarter of 2021.

    第三,2021 年第一季度確認的股權激勵費用。

  • The quarter-over-quarter decrease was mainly due to lower marketing promotional and advertising expense compared with the peak sales season in the fourth quarter last year.


  • Loss from operations was RMB 904 million for the first quarter of 2021 compared with RMB 649 million for the same period of 2020 and RMB 1.1 billion for the fourth quarter of 2020.

    2021 年第一季度經營虧損為人民幣 9.04 億元,而 2020 年同期為人民幣 6.49 億元,2020 年第四季度為人民幣 11 億元。

  • Excluding share-based compensation expense, the non-GAAP loss from operations was RMB 814 million for the first quarter compared with RMB 649 million for the same period of 2020 and RMB 1.1 billion for the first quarter of 2020.

    剔除股權激勵費用後,第一季度的非美國通用會計準則運營虧損為人民幣 8.14 億元,而 2020 年同期為人民幣 6.49 億元,2020 年第一季度為人民幣 11 億元。

  • Net loss was RMB 787 million for the first quarter compared with RMB 650 million for the same period a year ago and RMB 787 million for the fourth quarter of 2020.

    第一季度淨虧損為人民幣 7.87 億元,去年同期為人民幣 6.5 億元,2020 年第四季度為人民幣 7.87 億元。

  • Excluding share-based compensation expense, the fair value change on derivative liabilities related to the retention rights of preferred shares, the non-GAAP adjusted net loss was RMB 696 million for the first quarter of 2021.

    剔除股權激勵費用、與優先股保留權相關的衍生負債的公允價值變動,2021 年第一季度非美國通用會計準則調整後的淨虧損為人民幣 6.96 億元。

  • Compared with RMB 645 million for the same period a year ago and RMB 713 million for the fourth quarter of 2020.


  • Net loss attributable to the ordinary shareholders of XPeng Incorporation was RMB 787 million for the first quarter compared with RMB 935 million for the same period of 2020 and compared with RMB 787 million for the first quarter of 2020.

    第一季度小鵬汽車普通股股東應占淨虧損為人民幣 7.87 億元,2020 年同期為人民幣 9.35 億元,2020 年第一季度為人民幣 7.87 億元。

  • Excluding share-based compensation expenses, fair value change on derivative liabilities related to the retention right of preferred shares and accretion of the preferred shares to redemption value the non-GAAP net loss attributable to the ordinary shareholders of XPeng Incorporation with RMB 696 million for the first quarter of 2021 compared with CNY 645 million for the same period 2020 and also RMB 713 million for the first quarter of 2020.

    剔除股權激勵費用、與優先股保留權相關的衍生負債的公允價值變動和優先股贖回價值增加後歸屬於小鵬汽車普通股股東的非美國通用會計準則淨虧損人民幣 6.96 億元2021 年第一季度為 6.45 億元人民幣,2020 年同期為 6.45 億元人民幣,2020 年第一季度為 7.13 億元人民幣。

  • Basic and diluted net loss of American depository share were both RMB 0.99 for the first quarter of 2021.

    2021 年第一季度,美國存託憑證的基本和攤薄淨虧損均為 0.99 元人民幣。

  • The non-GAAP basic and diluted net loss per ADS were both RMB 0.88 for the first quarter of 2021.

    2021 年第一季度,每份 ADS 的非美國通用會計準則基本和稀釋淨虧損均為 0.88 元人民幣。

  • Each ADS represents 2 Class A ordinary shares.

    每份 ADS 代表 2 股 A 類普通股。

  • Now turning back to balance sheet, as of March 31, 2021, our company had cash and cash equivalents with restricted cash short-term deposit, short-term investment and long-term deposits in total of RMB 36.2 billion compared with 35.3 billion as of December 31 last year.

    現在回到資產負債表,截至 2021 年 3 月 31 日,我公司持有的現金及現金等價物受限制的現金短期存款、短期投資和長期存款合計 362 億元,而截至 2021 年 3 月 31 日為 353 億元。去年12月31日。

  • To be mindful of the (inaudible) of our earnings call for our first quarter financial results, I will encourage listeners to refer to the earnings press release for further details.


  • This concludes our prepared remarks.


  • We will now open to the call to questions.


  • Operator, please go ahead.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) The first question comes from the line of Jeff Chung with Citi.

    (操作員說明)第一個問題來自花旗銀行的 Jeff Chung。

  • Ming Chung - Director & Analyst

    Ming Chung - Director & Analyst

  • This is Jeff from Citi.


  • So I have 2 questions.


  • The first question is about the software.


  • Could you break down software revenue and gross profit in first quarter this year?


  • More specific, how much software revenue was derived from the first quarter this year?


  • And how much from the rest of 2020?

    2020 年剩餘時間有多少?

  • And the GP margin how should we see this software income and profitability in the second quarter and the second half?

    而GP margin我們應該怎麼看這個軟件在第二季度和下半年的收入和盈利能力呢?

  • So this is my first question.


  • Second question is about the vehicle GP margin.

    第二個問題是關於車輛 GP 利潤率。

  • It seems that the G3 equipping with LFP is accretive to the GP margin.

    似乎配備 LFP 的 G3 增加了 GP 利潤率。

  • So how much better compared with the LCM battery?


  • Secondly, in the 1Q announcement, you mentioned that the first quarter cost of goods sold came down Q-on-Q due to a lower material cost.


  • Could you quantify a bit in terms of what kind of materials leading to a lower cost?


  • And how would you see the cost trend into the second quarter?


  • (foreign language)


  • Hsuehching Lu - VP of Finance & Accounting

    Hsuehching Lu - VP of Finance & Accounting

  • Okay, thank you, Jeff.


  • Very good questions.


  • I will try to handle the questions and then Brian or Charles or Xiaopeng can supplement later.

    我會盡量處理問題,稍後Brian 或Charles 或Xiaopeng 可以補充。

  • Number one is the software.


  • Actually, in Q1, our total revenue from the XPILOT 3.0 software was about RMB 80 million.

    實際上,在第一季度,我們從 XPILOT 3.0 軟件獲得的總收入約為 8000 萬元人民幣。

  • Among that, 50 some million was from those contracts, we purchased -- the customer purchased last year, and the other around CNY 30 million is from the software we saw this year.


  • So in general, the software accounts for about 2.5 percentage points of the margin amounted 2.5 points, 1.5 will be contributed from those contracts we sold last year.

    所以一般來說,軟件佔保證金的 2.5 個百分點左右,總計 2.5 個百分點,其中 1.5 個將來自我們去年出售的那些合同。

  • And the other 1 percentage point is from those countries we saw in the first quarter.


  • Because we have a very good NGP scheme from the Guangzhou to Beijing, we actually are seeing the software and also the hardware for the XPILOT is increasing actually in March and also in April.

    因為我們有一個從廣州到北京的非常好的 NGP 計劃,我們實際上看到 XPILOT 的軟件和硬件實際上在 3 月和 4 月都在增加。

  • So we foresee the software penetration will be even higher in the second quarter.


  • But again, in the first quarter, the total revenue -- or the total margin includes around 3,000 units of those software the customer purchased last year.

    但同樣,在第一季度,總收入——或總利潤包括客戶去年購買的大約 3,000 套軟件。

  • So the second quarter [would not] as high as 2.5%, but definitely, it will be higher than 1 percentage points for the first quarter.


  • That's number one.


  • The second question is for the G3.

    第二個問題是關於 G3 的。

  • Yes, actually, we have material advantage compared with the LFP battery versus the LCM battery.

    是的,實際上,與 LFP 電池和 LCM 電池相比,我們具有材料優勢。

  • But I cannot tell you exactly number.


  • We are seeing, for example, we maintain the same MSRP, same available marketing.


  • However, we have the better material cost so that would improve our -- the G3 margin as well.

    但是,我們有更好的材料成本,因此也可以提高我們的 G3 利潤率。

  • We started the delivery of the LLP G3 in April, so we will foresee the margin improvement for G3 in the second quarter.

    我們在 4 月份開始交付 LLP G3,因此我們預計第二季度 G3 的利潤率會有所提高。

  • And #3 is for the material cost reduction.

    #3 是為了降低材料成本。

  • Yes, we have the material (inaudible) compared with the quarter 4. (inaudible) is primarily from the battery cost reduction.

    是的,我們有與第 4 季度相比的材料(聽不清)。(聽不清)主要來自電池成本的降低。

  • We actually -- we negotiate with our battery supplier to get the battery cost reduction.

    我們實際上 - 我們與我們的電池供應商談判以降低電池成本。

  • That basically was the negotiation was completed earlier this year.


  • So we have some material cost reduction.


  • The percentage will be from 5% to 10% in terms of the cost reduction versus the level at the end of last year.

    與去年底的水平相比,成本降低的百分比將在 5% 至 10% 之間。

  • I hope I answered your questions.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Edison Yu, Deutsche Bank.

    下一個問題來自德意志銀行的Edison Yu。

  • Xin Yu - Research Analyst

    Xin Yu - Research Analyst

  • Congrats on the quarter.


  • First question is, could you give us an update on the LIDAR testing and validation with Livox, is it meeting your performance requirements?

    第一個問題是,您能否向我們介紹一下使用 Livox 進行的 LIDAR 測試和驗證的最新情況,它是否滿足您的性能要求?

  • And are you confident that the P5 with a LIDAR on it will be hitting the streets in the fourth quarter?

    您是否有信心搭載激光雷達的 P5 將在第四季度上市?

  • And then second question is on the reservation number.


  • I know you disclosed it shortly after the release.


  • Could you maybe provide us an update?


  • And if it's not the exact number, I know you don't give that, but some sense of relative to your own expectations, how much higher is this number tracking?


  • I'll translate.


  • (foreign language)


  • Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • [Interpreted] So we have tested multiple LIDARs of different brands, and we compare them by different parameters in terms of their human craftmanship, their costs and also their capability of being mass produced.


  • And so the LIDAR that we use on P5 is actually DJI (inaudible) and what we are very open to other options.

    因此,我們在 P5 上使用的 LIDAR 實際上是 DJI(聽不清),我們對其他選擇持非常開放的態度。

  • So by 2022 to 2023, the new models that we are launching may adopt different brands that make -- that produce LIDARs.

    因此,到 2022 年到 2023 年,我們推出的新車型可能會採用不同品牌的激光雷達。

  • So basically, we are very confident that right now, with our capabilities of all around full (inaudible) market performance on our vehicles and also on our production capabilities.


  • We can actually be complementary to some of the LIDAR technology shortage for lighter technology disadvantage out there.


  • However, in the long run, we hope that we can achieve a good balance between the cost of the LIDAR technology and the capability being mass produced, at the same time, we can achieve (inaudible) balance among different performances across different parameters.


  • So we are very confident that by Q4 this year, we can launch P5 equipped with LIDAR.


  • And regarding your second question about reservation number, obviously, we can't disclose the exact number, but compared to P7's launch on the Shanghai auto show last year in the same period, actually, P5 reservation number is a few times more than that of P7.

    還有關於你的第二個問題,預約數量,當然,我們不能透露具體的數量,但是和去年上海車展同期發布的P7相比,其實P5的預約數量是P5的幾倍。 P7.

  • And also getting the feedback from our front line sales force, the same period last year when we first launched P7, they do feel some pressure from the market regarding the price of P7.


  • However, this year, with the launch of P5 every single feedback has been very positive regarding the launch of P5.

    然而,今年,隨著 P5 的推出,每一個反饋都對 P5 的推出非常積極。

  • So we're really confident that the actual performance in terms of the orders and deliveries of P5 will be very, very encouraging.

    因此,我們非常有信心 P5 的訂單和交付方面的實際表現將非常非常令人鼓舞。

  • Operator


  • The next question comes from the line of Tim Hsiao with Morgan Stanley. .

    下一個問題來自 Tim Hsiao 與摩根士丹利的對話。 .

  • Tim Hsiao - VP

    Tim Hsiao - VP

  • Congratulations on the solid results.


  • So my first question is about the components because compared to other EV start-up peers, XPeng this year apparently have much more new models, especially in second half.

    所以我的第一個問題是關於組件的,因為與其他 EV 初創同行相比,今年的 XPeng 顯然有更多的新車型,尤其是在下半年。

  • So while we expect the chip shortage might ease in second half, but what else has XPeng done to ensure other major component for either (inaudible) for new launches, would have sufficient components supply later this year, especially, I think there are a lot of new models where we'll also be coming to the market in the second half.


  • My second question is just a quick follow-up on the guidance.


  • What kind of visibility do we have so far on (inaudible)?


  • How much inventory do we have at the moment to support the production plan throughout the whole second quarter and meet the guidance of the sequential volume growth into the sequential volume growth?


  • (foreign language)


  • Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • [Interpreted] Thank you for your questions, regarding the shortage in chipsets, basically, it is now a big challenge for all the automakers out there and nobody out there can really promise that they can solve the problem in a short time.


  • And for Smart EV manufacturers, actually, I think Q2, upcoming Q2 will be the most challenging timing.


  • And we hope that by Q3 this year, things will get better.


  • However, if not, then Q1 next year, maybe things will become -- the tension may become more [relieved].


  • So in order to prevent ourselves into are getting into a difficult situation, we have taken several measures, for example, we have made a lot of preorders with our existing suppliers.


  • We communicate directly with the suppliers ahead of different supplies of chipsets to make sure that we have enough inventory and orders come in place to support our future development and production.


  • And also, because we have a lot of full [suite] automated R&D technology that allow us to be really flexible in adapting to different chipsets in manufacturing vehicles, we are able to actually look out for new partners and new manufacture chipsets that we can actually become more adaptive to market change and through this chipset shortage.

    而且,因為我們有很多完整的 [套件] 自動化研發技術,使我們能夠真正靈活地適應製造車輛中的不同芯片組,我們能夠真正尋找新的合作夥伴和新的製造芯片組,我們實際上可以變得更能適應市場變化和應對芯片組短缺。

  • So in the long run, we believe that, and we have confidence that this can be resolved, but we can't promise anything right now.


  • Hongdi Gu - Vice Chairman & President

    Hongdi Gu - Vice Chairman & President

  • Tim, this is Brian.


  • I just want to add, in terms of the guidance we gave for this quarter, we have considered the constraints of the chip shortage situation that Xiaopeng described.


  • So that reflected the constrained numbers.


  • Without constraints, obviously, the delivery number will be higher than what we have given out.


  • But on the other hand, I think the chip shortage visibility is still not very clear.


  • So it will be subject to the changes.


  • So we keep a very close eye on the situation.


  • Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • [Interpreted] Now in terms of other components, as we deliver more new models in Q3 or Q4 this year, we are going to face some constraints in terms of other components other than chip shortage.


  • For example, one important thing is the battery supply.


  • Right now, we are using LPF (sic) [LFP] for some of our vehicle models.

    現在,我們正在為我們的一些車型使用 LPF(原文如此)[LFP]。

  • And the rampup of the adoption of LFP, sorry, will take about 1 quarter.

    抱歉,LFP 的採用率上升大約需要 1 個季度。

  • And so by Q3 this year, we estimate that we will reach a comfortable level of adopting the new LFP batteries.

    因此,到今年第三季度,我們估計我們將達到採用新 LFP 電池的舒適水平。

  • And also, the market demand for LFP battery is actually larger than expected.


  • And that is why in Q3, Q4 this year, we are going to be able to reach a more comfortable level of production -- adopting this new battery.


  • And as was mentioned by Brian before, our guidance for this year later on actually included the calculation of all of those components that I've mentioned.

    正如 Brian 之前提到的,我們今年晚些時候的指導實際上包括了我提到的所有這些組件的計算。

  • Operator


  • The next question comes from the line of Nick Lai with JPMorgan.

    下一個問題來自 Nick Lai 與摩根大通的對話。

  • Y.C. Lai - Head of Asia Auto Research

    Y.C. Lai - Head of Asia Auto Research

  • Yes, it's Nick here.


  • My 2 simple question, the first question is margin in light of chip shortage and raw material price hike.


  • I think Brian and Mr. He have already answered part of that question regarding chip supply.

    我想 Brian 和何總已經回答了部分關於芯片供應的問題。

  • And so maybe just on the margin outlook in light of the raw material price, can you give us some indication or guidance how do you mitigate such kind of a high price -- material price headwinds.

    因此,也許只是關於原材料價格的利潤率前景,您能否給我們一些指示或指導,您如何減輕這種高價格 - 材料價格逆風。

  • And the second question really regarding the business model, XPILOT 3.0.

    第二個問題是關於商業模式,XPILOT 3.0。

  • At the moment, our customers pay roughly around 20,000 renminbi together XPILOT 3.0 service.

    目前,我們的客戶共支付約20,000元左右的XPILOT 3.0服務。

  • I'm curious as we launched -- as we rollout XPILOT 3.5 or 4.0 in the future, do customers have the facility to pay back on demand or more on subscription model?

    當我們推出時我很好奇——當我們在未來推出 XPILOT 3.5 或 4.0 時,客戶是否可以按需或訂閱模式支付更多費用?

  • (foreign language)


  • Hsuehching Lu - VP of Finance & Accounting

    Hsuehching Lu - VP of Finance & Accounting

  • Nick, this is Dennis.


  • Let me handle the first question.


  • Actually, in our first quarter margin, we did not have the material impact on the margin due to the chip or, the raw material, so not in your first quarter.


  • But looking at the second quarter, we do have some impact due to the raw material, for example, the steel, the aluminum, those raw materials, some slight cost impact to our margin.


  • And also, in terms of chip, we are also sourcing some alternative chip and also probably to help our supplier to get chips.


  • So there are some material -- some cost increase, but in total, these 2 components together, the impact would be less than 1 percentage point in terms of margin.

    所以有一些材料 - 一些成本增加,但總的來說,這兩個組成部分加在一起,就利潤率而言影響不到 1 個百分點。

  • The amount is somewhere around RMB 1,000 to RMB 1,500, but less than 1% of the margin impact to the second quarter.

    金額約為 1,000 元至 1,500 元人民幣,但不到第二季度利潤率影響的 1%。

  • For the third quarter, we need to close the monitor, but the situation probably won't be released in the third quarter.


  • Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • [Interpreted] So let me take the second part of your question.


  • Actually, in my opinion, paying by on demand model or a subscription model will actually cost our customer more than paying a one-off for that software and service change.


  • Going forward, we are also considering other service charge possibilities, and we will communicate in a timely manner when we have to update to the market.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from the line of Bin Wang with Crédit Suisse.

    下一個問題來自 Bin Wang 與 Crédit Suisse 的對話。

  • Bin Wang - China Auto Analyst

    Bin Wang - China Auto Analyst

  • (foreign language) My question is about (inaudible) service capability.


  • After XPILOT 3.5 XPILOT with the comparison between the (inaudible) solution and quality solution compared to XPeng's XPILOT 3.5 open NGP.

    在 XPILOT 3.5 之後 XPILOT 與(聽不清)解決方案和質量解決方案之間的比較與 XPeng 的 XPILOT 3.5 開放 NGP 相比。

  • Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • [Interpreted] Now actually, in terms of XPILOT 3.0 and its functionality, we will have an official release when we launch the P5 later on this year.

    [解讀] 現在實際上,就XPILOT 3.0及其功能而言,我們將在今年晚些時候推出P5時正式發布。

  • However, right now, I can comment on different solutions and different criteria for evaluating different solutions.


  • Basically, we have to balance several things or certain aspects.


  • First of all, you have to look at the combination of different functionality.


  • Second of all, you have to combine the -- you have to look at the integration of the hardware and software and the overall cost of using the solution.


  • The third aspect is that you have to look at the scenario of the usage or the scope of the usage of that particular solution.


  • Last but not least, you also have to take into consideration the data feedback from the users, whether or not they consider it a good experience to use that particular solution.


  • Now in the market right now, you might come across some videos or some solutions that claim that they're doing very good in certain aspects, but that is only in certain functionality or at a very high cost.


  • Right now, what XPeng is trying to do is that we are coming up with solutions, autonomous driving that can balance all of those aspects at a reasonable cost, so that we can deliver the most superior experience in terms of autonomous driving for our customers.


  • And we are launching different versions, and we want to go into the future where we can actually use these technology to support not just G3 but also to cover all of the other roads in China and then later on to all terrain traffic road scenarios in China and even go above that to go to the global scenario and scope.

    我們正在推出不同的版本,我們希望進入未來,我們可以實際使用這些技術,不僅支持 G3,還覆蓋中國所有其他道路,然後再擴展到中國的全地形交通道路場景甚至超越這一點,進入全球場景和範圍。

  • So that is an art, if I may, to balance all these different aspects in order to achieve the best solution for our customers.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from the line of Ming Lee with Bank of America.

    下一個問題來自美國銀行的 Ming Lee。

  • Ming-Hsun Lee - Research Analyst

    Ming-Hsun Lee - Research Analyst

  • (foreign language) My question, I have 2 questions, the first question is regarding the mid period Q3 upgrade.


  • So when will you start to do this?


  • And will you use a contract manufacturing business model?


  • Or you will use your own capacity to manufacture it?


  • And then if you manufacture it by yourself, will it become margin neutral or is slightly helpful to your margin?


  • And the second question is regarding the LFP battery orders.

    第二個問題是關於 LFP 電池訂單。

  • Last time, during your earning call, you mentioned that around 10% of orders of Q3 is for LFP battery version.

    上次,在你的財報電話會議上,你提到 Q3 大約 10% 的訂單是 LFP 電池版本。

  • And the 20% orders of P7 is for LFP battery version.


  • So after 2 months, do you see any structural change regarding your order combination?

    那麼 2 個月後,您是否發現您的訂單組合有任何結構性變化?

  • Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

    Xiaopeng He - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO

  • [Interpreted] Okay, about the new version of G3, we actually wouldn't do any upgrade in terms of its autonomous driving capability because we hope that by the next time, another newer upgrade of G3 will be able to support a higher level of autonomous driving.


  • And regarding the second part of your first question if we were to produce the next version of next model of G3 in our own factory, definitely, the margin will be improved, and it will also impact other models gross margin as well in a very positive manner.

    關於你第一個問題的第二部分,如果我們要在我們自己的工廠生產下一代 G3 的下一個版本,肯定會提高利潤率,這也會對其他型號的毛利率產生非常積極的影響方式。

  • And the second question regarding the demand for LFP battery, right?

    第二個問題是關於 LFP 電池的需求,對嗎?

  • Basically, we've seen more demand for that battery than expectation.


  • So for G3 and P7, that number, that order for LFP battery definitely have surpassed that we have the was disclosed in last conference call.

    因此,對於 G3 和 P7,LFP 電池的訂單數量肯定超過了我們在上次電話會議中披露的數量。

  • And so right now, we are in the process of proceeding with a lot of the battery suppliers and hopefully that they can ramp up their capacity production of that battery, so that we can support that order demand for Q3 this year.


  • In the long run, we are very confident that actually demand for LFP will continue to go up, and we are very confident that it will help us drive up the margin in general?

    從長遠來看,我們非常有信心 LFP 的實際需求將繼續上升,我們非常有信心它會幫助我們提高總體利潤率?

  • Hongdi Gu - Vice Chairman & President

    Hongdi Gu - Vice Chairman & President

  • So Ming, this is Brian.


  • Let me just add on the LFP battery front, what we see is that the increased demand is actually additive to our existing demand with the LCM battery-powered models.

    讓我在 LFP 電池方面補充一下,我們看到的是,增加的需求實際上增加了我們對 LCM 電池供電模型的現有需求。

  • In fact, we have not seen the number of LCM models decline as a result of the launch of LFP batteries.


  • We believe that LFP battery actually expanded our customer base and the reach because of the wider pricing.

    我們相信,由於定價更廣泛,LFP 電池實際上擴大了我們的客戶群和範圍。

  • And also, I think given the capacity ramp up, we think the mix will reach probably a steady state percentage high sometimes in third quarter, and that's where we think we don't see the most significant contribution on volume side.


  • Operator


  • As there are no further questions, now I would like to turn the call back over to the company for closing remarks.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Thank you, once again for joining us today.


  • If you have further questions, please feel free to contact XPeng's Investor Relations through the contact information provided on our website or the TPG Group Investor Relations.

    如果您還有其他問題,請隨時通過我們網站上提供的聯繫信息或 TPG 集團投資者關係聯繫小鵬的投資者關係。

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • This does conclude today's conference call.


  • You may now disconnect your line.


  • Thank you.
