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Greetings, and welcome to Xos's third-quarter 2023 earnings call.
您好,歡迎參加 Xos 2023 年第三季財報電話會議。
(Operator Instructions) Please note this conference is being recorded.
(Operator Instructions)
At this time, I would like to turn the conference over to the General Counsel of Xos, Christen Romero.
現在,我想將會議交給 Xos 總法律顧問 Christen Romero。
Thank you.
You may begin.
Christen Romero - General Counsel, Secretary
Christen Romero - General Counsel, Secretary
Thank you, everyone, for joining us today.
Hosting the call with me today are Chief Executive Officer, Dakota Semler; Chief Operating Officer, Giordano Sordoni; and Acting Chief Financial Officer, Liana Pogosyan.
今天與我一起主持電話會議的是執行長達科塔·塞姆勒 (Dakota Semler);首席營運官佐丹奴·索爾多尼;代理財務長 Liana Pogosyan。
Ahead of this call, Xos issued its third-quarter 2023 earnings press release, which we will reference during this call.
在本次電話會議之前,Xos 發布了 2023 年第三季財報新聞稿,我們將在本次電話會議期間參考該新聞稿。
This can be found on the Investor Relations section of our website at investors.xostrucks.com.
On this call, management will be making forward-looking statements based on current expectations and assumptions, which are subject to risks and uncertainties.
Actual results could differ materially from our forward-looking statements if any of our key assumptions are incorrect because of factors discussed in today's earnings news release, during this conference call, or in our latest reports and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
These documents can be found on our website at investors.xostrucks.com. We do not undertake any duty to update any forward-looking statements.
這些文件可以在我們的網站 Investors.xostrucks.com 上找到。我們不承擔更新任何前瞻性陳述的責任。
Today's presentation also includes references to non-GAAP financial measures and performance metrics.
Please reference the information contained in the company's third-quarter 2023 earnings press release for definitional information and reconciliations of historical non-GAAP measures to the comparable GAAP financial measures.
請參考公司 2023 年第三季財報新聞稿中包含的信息,以了解歷史非 GAAP 指標與可比較 GAAP 財務指標的定義資訊和調整表。
Participants should be cautioned not to put undue reliance on any forward-looking statements.
With that, I'll turn it over to Dakota.
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Thanks, Christen, and thank you, everyone, for joining us to review Xos's most profitable and highest revenue quarter yet.
謝謝克里斯汀,謝謝大家與我們一起回顧 Xos 迄今為止利潤最高、收入最高的季度。
On today's call, I will cover highlights from the quarter during which we delivered 105 units and achieved positive GAAP gross margins.
在今天的電話會議上,我將介紹本季度的亮點,在此期間我們交付了 105 台設備並實現了正 GAAP 毛利率。
Next, our COO, Giordano Sordoni, will provide an update on our manufacturing efforts.
接下來,我們的營運長 Giordano Sordoni 將介紹我們製造工作的最新情況。
To conclude, our Acting CFO, Liana Pogosyan will share the company's third-quarter financial performance.
最後,我們的代理財務長 Liana Pogosyan 將分享公司第三季的財務業績。
We are excited to report that deliveries were up 175% over the last quarter.
我們很高興地報告,上一季的交付量增加了 175%。
Importantly, we demonstrated our ability to scale unit volumes and simultaneously expand margins.
Importantly, our cost reduction efforts and investment in process improvements over the past 12 months paid off.
重要的是,過去 12 個月我們降低成本的努力和流程改善的投資得到了回報。
We attained a GAAP gross margin of positive 11.9% and unit gross margins of up to 20%.
我們的 GAAP 毛利率為 11.9%,單位毛利率高達 20%。
This positive performance gives us the headroom to achieve margins in line with best-in-class commercial truck OEMs.
Much of our ability to deliver more vehicles than ever came from the improved manufacturability of the 2023 stepvan.
我們能夠交付比以往更多的車輛,很大程度上得益於 2023 Stepvan 的可製造性的提高。
Such gains in manufacturing efficiency will continue to support delivery volumes in the fourth quarter and beyond.
Our diverse customer mix for the quarter underscores the continued demand we see for TCO competitive EV trucks.
本季我們多元化的客戶組合凸顯了我們對 TCO 競爭性電動卡車的持續需求。
The majority of our deliveries this quarter went to large fleets like Loomis, Aramark, and Canada Post, where trust was built over months of operating Xos segments.
本季我們的大部分交付都交付給了盧米斯 (Loomis)、愛瑪客 (Aramark) 和加拿大郵政 (Canada Post) 等大型車隊,這些車隊在 Xos 部門運營數月的過程中建立了信任。
These fleets typically follow a more regimented vehicle replacement cadence and smaller fleets, which translates into more predictable volumes for Xos.
這些車隊通常遵循更嚴格的車輛更換節奏和較小的車隊,這意味著 Xos 的數量更可預測。
Deliveries to small fleets were more impacted by macroeconomic concerns and contracted slightly this quarter.
However, this was more than compensated for by the large increase in deliveries to national fleets.
We anticipate that our strong delivery numbers this quarter will translate to a strong fourth-quarter flowing partly to the more consistent demand and charging infrastructure readiness of larger fleets.
We also had commercial victories in the public sector, where the California State Government selected Xos as an approved stepvan vendor.
我們還在公共部門取得了商業勝利,加州政府選擇 Xos 作為批准的小型貨車供應商。
This enables government fleets statewide to freely purchase Xos vehicles via normal procurement processes and limits the ability of our competitors to serve the same market.
這使得全州政府車隊能夠透過正常採購流程自由購買 Xos 車輛,並限制我們的競爭對手服務相同市場的能力。
Beyond stepvans, we achieved an important milestone with the Xos Hub, our mobile charging solution.
除了步進貨車之外,我們還透過行動充電解決方案 Xos Hub 實現了一個重要的里程碑。
We won approval for the core incentive from the California Air Resources Board or CARB that covers up to $160,000 for off-highway vehicle charging applications.
我們獲得了加州空氣資源委員會 (CARB) 核心激勵措施的批准,該措施為非公路車輛充電應用提供高達 16 萬美元的資金。
Immediately following approval, we saw an uptick in customer interest for deployment to construction sites, ports, and other eligible sites.
Our powertrain business also saw an uptick in interest from school bus and RV OEMs where established manufacturers are looking for a dependable EV powertrain solution.
In particular, a number of new parties came to the table following the Proterra bankruptcy, which provided an opportunity for their customers to consider a more cost-competitive alternative.
特別是,在 Proterra 破產後,一些新的參與者加入了談判桌,這為他們的客戶提供了考慮更具成本競爭力的替代方案的機會。
Turning now to positive momentum in the regulatory environment.
This October, California Secretary of State received the final version of the Advanced Clean Fleets or ACF rule with an effective date of January 1, 2024.
今年 10 月,加州州務卿收到了高級清潔車隊 (ACF) 規則的最終版本,生效日期為 2024 年 1 月 1 日。
ACF requires fleets in California to either purchase only zero-emission vehicles going forward or adopt a series of zero-emission milestones for their fleets.
ACF 要求加州的車隊要么僅購買未來的零排放車輛,要么為其車隊採用一系列零排放里程碑。
The regulation applies to any fleet operator with either more than $15 million in global annual revenues or more than 15 medium- or heavy-duty vehicles in operation.
該法規適用於全球年收入超過 1500 萬美元或運營中型或重型車輛超過 15 輛的任何車隊營運商。
This includes the vast majority of Xos's California customers, who will be required to either purchase only zero-emission vehicles after January 1, 2024, or meet the first milestone of 10% in zero-emission vehicles by January 1, 2025.
這包括 Xos 的絕大多數加州客戶,他們將被要求在 2024 年 1 月 1 日之後僅購買零排放車輛,或在 2025 年 1 月 1 日之前達到零排放車輛 10% 的第一個里程碑。
We anticipate that most of our customers will opt for the milestones, which will allow fleets to comply by purchasing increasing numbers of EV stepvans.
We expect that the step-up purchase requirements will stimulate significant commercial EV demand.
First milestone in 2025 requires 10% ownership of zero-emission vehicles by existing California stepvan fleets and will require thousands of new EV vehicles in California alone.
2025 年的第一個里程碑要求加州現有步進貨車車隊擁有 10% 的零排放車輛,並且僅在加州就需要數千輛新電動車。
As one of the only options for EV stepvans, Xos is well positioned to capitalize on this near-term demand.
作為電動踏板車的唯一選擇之一,Xos 完全有能力利用這一近期需求。
Future milestones of 25% EVs by 2028, 50% EVs by 2031, and 75% EVs by 2033, and 100% EVs by 2035 will support the industry for more than a decade.
未來的里程碑是到2028 年電動車普及率達到25%、到2031 年電動車普及率達到50%、到2033 年電動車普及率達到75%、到2035 年電動車普及率達到100%,這將為該行業提供十多年的支持。
The ACF rule includes a shortlist of exemptions available on a case-by-case basis to account for charging infrastructure delays and vehicle availability concerns.
ACF 規則包括根據具體情況提供的豁免候選清單,以解決充電基礎設施延誤和車輛可用性問題。
Such exemptions include time allowances for delays in charger installations and utility upgrades as well as exemptions for vehicles with range and power requirements not yet met by EVs.
Charging delay extensions will likely spread some of the 2025 milestone demand over a longer period of time, but will also encourage fleets to prioritize charging investments.
充電延遲的延長可能會將 2025 年里程碑式的部分需求分散到更長的一段時間內,但也會鼓勵車隊優先考慮充電投資。
Approval for an ACF extension requires an in-progress charging plan and documented evidence of slowdowns from contractors, utilities, and/or equipment suppliers.
ACF 延期的批准需要承包商、公用事業公司和/或設備供應商提供正在進行的收費計劃和記錄的減速證據。
Importantly, the vast majority of the stepvan market we serve will not be eligible for ACF's vehicle availability exemption as our long-range stepvan satisfies the vast majority of operational routes.
重要的是,我們服務的絕大多數步進貨車市場將不符合 ACF 的車輛可用性豁免資格,因為我們的遠程步進貨車滿足絕大多數營運路線。
Further, no exemptions are available to fleets that haven't already met the 10% milestone.
此外,尚未達到 10% 里程碑的車隊不能享有任何豁免。
In summary, Xos is positioned for success.
總而言之,Xos 已經做好了成功的準備。
As the leader in our sector, we have delivered more Class 5 and 6 EV stepvans than anyone else, achieved our lofty gross margin goals, and reinforced our strong backlog and customer pipeline.
作為我們行業的領導者,我們交付的 5 級和 6 級電動踏板車比其他任何公司都多,實現了我們崇高的毛利率目標,並加強了我們強大的積壓訂單和客戶管道。
Combined with a robust regulatory regime, we believe Xos is at a positive inflection point and on the horizon of a bright future.
結合強而有力的監管制度,我們相信 Xos 正處於一個積極的轉折點,並即將迎來光明的未來。
With that, I will turn the call over to our COO, Gio Sordoni, who will share an operational update.
接下來,我將電話轉給我們的營運長 Gio Sordoni,他將分享營運最新情況。
Giordano Sordoni - Co-Founder, Chief Operating Officer
Giordano Sordoni - Co-Founder, Chief Operating Officer
Thanks, Dakota.
This quarter we achieved a new milestone in the Tennessee factory.
Supported by customer demand, a culture of continuous improvement and a dedicated team, we sustained a build rate in excess of 700 stepvans per year.
在客戶需求、持續改進的文化和敬業的團隊的支持下,我們的年產量保持在 700 輛以上。
The team maintained this production rate for over a month, underscoring our ability to deliver substantially higher volumes without additional CapEx investments.
We expect to regularly achieve and beat this production rate for progressively longer periods over the coming quarters.
Improvements in factory efficiency such as simplified vehicle assembly processes and reduced shipping costs also contributed to our positive gross margins.
We channeled lessons from five years of building stepvans into our 2023 design.
我們將五年來製造輕便貨車的經驗教訓融入 2023 年的設計中。
Our team implemented important changes that resulted in a simplified built process and better shielded us from supply chain variability.
Increased use of sub-assemblies reduced congestion on the production line and minimize the impact of part availability disruptions by allowing more components of the stepvan to be assembled insynchronously.
Implementing these processes required close collaboration from our manufacturing, engineering, and supply chain teams throughout the design, validation, and launch phases of our gross margin positive stepvan.
實施這些流程需要我們的製造、工程和供應鏈團隊在毛利率為正的 Stepvan 的設計、驗證和啟動階段密切合作。
I'm proud to share the team's accomplishments and their positive impact on our overall delivery efforts.
To take advantage of our new subassembly-driven production line, we invested in the systems training and the tools used by our manufacturing team.
We better integrated our product lifecycle management tools with our manufacturing execution systems.
Vehicles on the assembly line are being built with digital work instructions and quality check stations built directly into the process.
Months of slow builds conducted with our engineering and manufacturing teams allowed us to unlock additional efficiencies in the design and on the factory floor.
Improvements to our work order systems and assembly instructions reduced downtime and decreased quality issues.
Additionally, as a result of our complete transition to in-house manufacturing, we reduced labor cost per vehicle and better leverage our in-house metal fabrication capabilities.
By building more parts in-house, we eliminated supplier margins and freight costs and accelerated implementation of design updates.
Finally, I'd like to provide an update on our supply chain.
We believe that things have settled into the new normal.
Some disruptions remain for capacity-constrained vendors but for the most part, concerns have shifted from part availability, pricing, and managing inflationary pressures.
Wiring harnesses remain challenging for the entire industry and occasionally disrupt our production lines.
However, most vendors are meeting our volume expectations and our supply chain team has turned their focus to improvements in purchasing terms to reduce the working capital held as inventory.
I'll now turn the call over to our acting CFO, Liana Pogosyan, who will cover our financial results for the quarter.
我現在將把電話轉給我們的代理財務長 Liana Pogosyan,她將介紹我們本季的財務表現。
Liana Pogosyan - Acting CFO
Liana Pogosyan - Acting CFO
Thanks, Gio.
For the third quarter, our revenue increased to $16.7 million from $4.8 million in the second quarter of 2023.
第三季度,我們的營收從 2023 年第二季的 480 萬美元增至 1,670 萬美元。
Our cost of goods sold during the quarter increased to $14.7 million compared to $8.5 million in the second quarter of 2023, largely as a result of our increased deliveries.
我們本季的銷售成本增加至 1,470 萬美元,而 2023 年第二季為 850 萬美元,這主要是由於我們的交付量增加。
GAAP gross margin during the quarter was a profit of $2 million compared to a loss of $3.7 million last quarter.
本季 GAAP 毛利率為利潤 200 萬美元,而上季為虧損 370 萬美元。
Margin improvements were driven by higher average selling price from the 2023 model year stepvans delivered in the current quarter.
本季交付的 2023 年 Stepvan 平均售價較高,推動了利潤率的提高。
Additionally, the company achieved a quarter-over-quarter reduction in direct materials, direct labor, and overhead costs on a per unit basis through the realization of previous investments in R&D and continued focus on cost reduction through strategic sourcing.
Reduced from physical inventory counts as well as releases of inventory reserves related to sold units also contributed to our improved margins.
It should be noted that GAAP gross margin for a vehicle OEM are impacted by a range of reserves that combined with changes in sales mix between direct dealer and prior model inventory sales introduce higher levels of volatility in quarterly results.
應該指出的是,汽車原始設備製造商的 GAAP 毛利率受到一系列儲備的影響,加上直接經銷商和先前車型庫存銷售之間銷售組合的變化,導致季度業績出現更高水平的波動。
For this reason, we continue to share consistent non-GAAP gross margin that you can find in today's earnings press release.
Turning to expenses, our third-quarter operating expenses decreased to $14.6 million from $16.8 million in the prior quarter, driven in part by the June 2023 reduction in workforce.
說到費用,我們第三季的營運費用從上一季的 1,680 萬美元減少至 1,460 萬美元,部分原因是 2023 年 6 月勞動力減少。
Non-GAAP operating loss for the third quarter was $11.2 million.
第三季非 GAAP 營運虧損為 1,120 萬美元。
We closed the quarter with cash and cash equivalents of $22.6 million compared with $27.8 million at the end of the second quarter.
截至本季末,我們的現金和現金等價物為 2,260 萬美元,而第二季末為 2,780 萬美元。
In addition to cash used in operating activities, we used $10.1 million during the third quarter in financing activities primarily related to payments on our convertible debentures with Yorkville.
除了經營活動中使用的現金外,我們在第三季還使用了 1,010 萬美元用於融資活動,主要與支付約克維爾可轉換債券有關。
Such payments to Yorkville are scheduled to conclude in the fourth quarter.
We continue to evaluate financial and strategic alternatives to provide additional liquidity and fund the business plan.
Inventory dropped to $48.9 million in the third quarter from $55.5 million last quarter due to a combination of faster turns and sell down of our remaining prior generations stepvan inventory.
由於週轉速度加快以及我們剩餘的上一代 Stepvan 庫存的拋售,第三季度的庫存從上季度的 5550 萬美元降至 4890 萬美元。
We anticipate inventory levels will continue to decrease next quarter.
Operating cash flow less CapEx while free cash flow of negative $8.4 million for the quarter was significantly lower than negative $15.8 million last quarter.
營運現金流減去資本支出,而本季自由現金流為負 840 萬美元,明顯低於上季的負 1,580 萬美元。
This change reflects a meaningful reduction in our burn rate from prior quarters, and we continue to see reductions in cash burn on a month-over-month basis.
Coming up our strongest quarter thus far, we are reaffirming our full-year 2023 guidance of 250 to 350 units delivered.
即將迎來迄今為止最強勁的季度,我們重申 2023 年全年交付量目標為 250 至 350 輛。
Revenue to be in the range of $36.3 million to $54.7 million and a non-GAAP operating loss of between $50.5 million to $61 million.
收入將在 3,630 萬美元至 5,470 萬美元之間,非 GAAP 營運虧損將在 5,050 萬美元至 6,100 萬美元之間。
Our priority remains getting to free cash flow generation as soon as possible.
This quarter was an important step in that direction and reflects the growing delivery volumes, strong margins, and improved inventory management.
I'll now turn the call back over to Dakota.
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Thanks, Liana.
To wrap up, Xos is at an exciting inflection point.
總而言之,Xos 正處於一個令人興奮的轉折點。
We are a leader in EV commercial trucks with over 450 deliveries to date.
我們是電動商用卡車領域的領導者,迄今已交付超過 450 輛卡車。
We are a leader in EV economics with top-tier gross margins.
We are well positioned for future success due in part to regulatory developments requiring the adoption of commercial EVs.
We see significant upside potential for our shareholders as we continue to deliver quality vehicles at competitive prices and the inevitable transition to medium duty EVs quickens.
Finally, we would like to thank all veterans and their families for their service and sacrifices made to protect our country and our freedoms through bravery and dedication in times of peace is particularly appreciated.
But in difficult times like we are going through globally, your sacrifices are truly heroic.
We wish to thank all past veterans and those serving today, who have done so much for this incredible country.
With that, let's open the line for questions.
We will now begin the question-and-answer session.
(Operator Instructions)
Jerry Revich, Goldman Sachs.
Unidentified Participant
Unidentified Participant
Hi, this is Adam on for Jerry today.
Thanks for taking my question.
It looks like COGS per unit came down around 35% sequentially quarter over quarter.
每單位 COGS 環比下降了 35% 左右。
Can you just unpack some of the moving pieces driving the sequential improvement and help us understand the level of fixed cost in cost of goods sold number -- just thinking about how we should think about the unit profitability trajectory from here if you're able to continue to ramp up deliveries sequentially?
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Yeah, absolutely.
And thanks, Adam, for that question.
So really quite a few things that contributed to that improved gross margin, the first of which being the launch of our Pelican program, which is our 2023 step van.
因此,確實有許多因素促進了毛利率的提高,其中第一個是我們的 Pelican 計畫的啟動,也就是我們的 2023 年踏板車。
That vehicle is the result of over a year of engineering work and supply chain work that helped improve overall direct material costs.
It helped reduce the amount of time it takes to assemble a vehicle, reducing labor allocations and overheads.
And we've also made it a more reliable, more durable vehicle.
So most of the changes came because our product mix started shifting to that 2023 model year vehicle that we've been shipping to key customers in the quarter.
因此,大部分的變化發生是因為我們的產品組合開始轉向我們在本季向主要客戶出貨的 2023 年車型。
The other thing that's contributed to improved gross margins is our continued focus on adjusting pricing for the market.
So we've seen several factors, including inflation rising, which has had an impact on all commercial vehicles.
And in the last several years, we've continued to update our pricing to ensure that it's in line with the market while still being competitive and enabling fleets to achieve that TCO savings.
在過去幾年中,我們不斷更新我們的定價,以確保其與市場保持一致,同時仍具有競爭力,並使車隊能夠實現 TCO 節省。
The price action that we've taken at the beginning of 2023 as well as a price change that we made in midway through 2023 helped us contribute to higher than average ASPs across the vehicles that were delivered.
我們在 2023 年初採取的價格行動以及我們在 2023 年中期進行的價格調整幫助我們使交付的車輛的平均售價高於平均水平。
But I'll let Liana add a little bit more color too, on the specifics.
但我也會讓 Liana 在細節上添加更多色彩。
Liana Pogosyan - Acting CFO
Liana Pogosyan - Acting CFO
So happy to provide additional context.
Our GAAP gross margins as we noted in our prepared remarks, is also impacted by various GAAP reserves.
正如我們在準備好的評論中指出的那樣,我們的 GAAP 毛利率也受到各種 GAAP 準備金的影響。
And over the last year, we made significant improvements in our overall inventory management process.
And as a result of that, we've seen those impacts in our financial performance of reduced inventory reserves this quarter that also contributed to improve margins.
Unidentified Participant
Unidentified Participant
That's helpful.
And then I think your guidance implies something like 125 units delivered next quarter at the midpoint.
然後我認為您的指導意味著下個季度中點交付 125 台。
So a nice little step-up from here.
How much visibility and comfort do you have on that ramp?
And any early thoughts on the trajectory for 2024 deliveries?
對 2024 年交付軌跡有何早期想法?
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
So specifically in regards to this quarter, we're reiterating guidance and expect to remain within that range.
I think it's going to be a strong end-of-year quarter, and we look to build momentum with each quarter and build upon successive growth.
And so that's what we're expecting for the remainder of this year.
Into 2024, as we discussed in our comments about the incentives, we believe that market will continue to be strong with our national account customers.
進入 2024 年,正如我們在有關激勵措施的評論中所討論的那樣,我們相信我們的國民帳戶客戶的市場將繼續強勁。
There's always a seasonal impact that comes as a result of the holidays, which slows down kind of towards the end of Q4 beginning of Q1.
But that ramps pretty, pretty quickly and particularly in areas like in parcel delivery, where folks are getting ready to build up their fleet over the summer months and spring prior to peak season for next year.
The other factor that you're really considering in building into our volumes for next year is growth in our powertrain business.
We're expecting significant growth in that area to come from some other specialty vehicle industries adjacent to last model delivery vehicles or our current stepvan vehicles that we're building.
So continue to see growth in that segment although we haven't issued full guidance for 2024 yet.
因此,儘管我們尚未發布 2024 年的完整指導,但該領域仍將繼續成長。
Unidentified Participant
Unidentified Participant
And then last one from me.
Can you just update us on how you're thinking about financing needs from here and different financing options that you can take in the current rate environment to bolster your liquidity?
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
So one of the things that getting to positive gross margin -- positive GAAP gross margins enables us to do is take more traditional debt financing options out.
因此,實現正毛利率——正 GAAP 毛利率使我們能夠做的一件事就是取消更多傳統的債務融資選擇。
So we've been having some really positive dialogues with various types of non-dilutive capital providers.
Although the interest rates and rates in these kinds of markets are still high, as we continue to grow and ramp volumes, it will be essential to have access to that sort of capital for working capital and funding growth of inventory to support our backlog.
The other thing we've been doing and considering is evaluating other strategic opportunities that exist in the market, whether that be equity capital opportunities or other strategic collaborations that bolster up the balance sheet or minimize our cash use.
And so we're looking to any kind of transaction that would help create synergies for the business and build up a better cash liquidity balances.
Unidentified Participant
Unidentified Participant
Thanks so much.
Mike Shlisky, DA Davidson.
Mike Shlisky - Analyst
Mike Shlisky - Analyst
Good afternoon.
Thanks for taking my questions.
I guess I wanted to start off I've asked this question before, but now that it's upon us, the ACF rules starting January 1.
我想我想開始我之前已經問過這個問題,但現在由我們來決定,ACF 規則從 1 月 1 日開始。
I guess maybe a two-part question.
At this point, are there any other providers of the stepvan types that you make that could possibly deliver the vehicles in the quantities that are needed for next year besides Xos?
目前,除了 Xos 之外,還有其他您生產的步進貨車類型的供應商可以提供明年所需數量的車輛嗎?
Is there anybody else out there that could compete on the forced EV adoption for next year?
And then maybe secondly, how you started thinking at this point, now that we're just 1.5, 2 months away, elevated incoming phone calls where we have to get these like vans or and these deals for prevent -- ASAP to either get them this year or we show that we're trying to get them to apply for an exemption?
其次,你現在是如何開始思考的,現在距離我們只有 1.5、2 個月了,來電數量增加,我們必須獲得這些,比如貨車,或者這些交易以防止 - 盡快獲得它們今年還是我們表明我們正在努力讓他們申請豁免?
Just kind of curious as to what the customer voice has been recently on that.
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Yeah, absolutely.
So Mike, in response to your question, I believe there is one other company that might be able to create a solution that would be compliant with the ACF rule in the stepvan market.
麥克,在回答你的問題時,我相信還有一家公司可能能夠創建一個符合步進廂式貨車市場中的 ACF 規則的解決方案。
But we don't work with them and don't know if they're capable of producing the volumes that are necessary for the market.
So that obviously still remains to be seen.
I think when you look at the customer list and customers that we've worked with in the past and are now working with and some of our new deliveries that will take place in Q4, including the leading parcel delivery companies in this space, I think it speaks to us having the most reliable, durable product for their operations.
And so we're excited about it.
It amounts to thousands of units that will need to be on the road by the end of 2024.
到 2024 年底,需要上路行駛的車輛數量將達數千輛。
And as we've shared previously in other earnings calls, a big part of that is going to be infrastructure and getting the trucks delivered before the end of the year.
So we're starting that process with several of our customers even as they're taking delivery of trucks, excuse me -- even as they're taking delivery of trucks now planning out infrastructure for next year.
Mike Shlisky - Analyst
Mike Shlisky - Analyst
I guess I was trying to get a sense of the sense of urgency among those customers today.
Are they getting a little more stronger?
I guess I'm trying to figure out how serious are they about complying with the rules.
Or are they all trying to find exemptions at this point?
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
I would say there's been some dialogue coming from industry trade groups around challenging the rules and not complying, although CARB has shown in the past that even with those kinds of challenges, they've still issued citations and have issued notices to comply to large fleets that haven't met the rule.
我想說的是,行業貿易團體圍繞著挑戰規則和不遵守規則進行了一些對話,儘管 CARB 過去已經表明,即使面臨這些挑戰,他們仍然發出了罰單並發出了遵守大型車隊要求的通知就是不符合規則。
So when it comes to large national accounts and large fleet customers in California, they're known to work within CARB's rules and comply with them.
因此,當談到加州的大型國民帳戶和大型車隊客戶時,眾所周知,他們會在 CARB 的規則範圍內工作並遵守這些規則。
It's generally the smaller fleets that you don't see as much compliance with.
And that's because they have a lot of risk if a large parcel delivery or our uniform rental company can't operate within the state of California, it's one of the largest markets for most of the fleet.
So they need to be able to have continuing operations, and they'll pay to comply and make sure they can legally operate.
Mike Shlisky - Analyst
Mike Shlisky - Analyst
Got it.
I'll switch over to gross margins and EBITDA margins really quickly.
我將很快轉向毛利率和 EBITDA 利潤率。
I'm just trying to do some -- throwing some balls against the wall of math here.
But it sounds like maybe given the fixed costs we've got today -- it's been coming down a bit -- you could turn EBITDA positive at maybe 1,000 units a year.
但聽起來也許考慮到我們今天的固定成本——它已經下降了一點——你可以在每年 1,000 台的情況下將 EBITDA 轉為正數。
I'm on the right track there, or can you give us any update on when you think you might be able to start showing some breakeven EBITDA or some free cash flow?
我的方向是正確的,或者您能告訴我們您何時可以開始顯示一些損益平衡的 EBITDA 或一些自由現金流嗎?
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Yeah, it's a great question.
So I think as we shared about a year ago in our previous earnings call, we had a calculated plan to reduce direct material costs, reduced fixed costs of operating the business and other OpEx and improve our trajectory to getting the business to gross margin positive.
And the next thing we shared was that the next step on our roadmap is getting to generating positive free cash flow.
So we haven't guided to a specific date, but I think we've made some incredible accomplishments in the last year to achieve these goals and to get there in the very near future.
First and foremost, we've got unit gross margins ranging anywhere from the low teens percentage all the way up to low 20s percentage points.
Second, we've cut operational expenses significantly, nearly 50% year over year, which demonstrates that we can continue to operate our model, scale sales, and scale growth of our products into the field while maintaining a lean operational structure that supports the ongoing needs of the business, including engineering, supply chain, and our service requirements to keep our vehicles supported in the field.
And then the third thing is we continue to increase volumes quarter over quarter.
And so our focus as we increase volumes is to get to that point where we're generating positive EBITDA and eventually positive free cash flow in the near-term future.
因此,隨著產量的增加,我們的重點是在不久的將來實現正的 EBITDA 並最終實現正的自由現金流。
Mike Shlisky - Analyst
Mike Shlisky - Analyst
Got it.
Maybe one last one from me because that's your last answer there.
You've got a bunch of vehicles.
Now they've been on the road for well over a year or two, maybe more than that.
Do you guys sense that in 2024, the parts and service will start to be a bigger part of the revenue?
你們是否認為到 2024 年,零件和服務將開始在收入中佔據更大的比例?
Should we start to actually model any actual numbers there?
And I guess on related note, can you give -- share with us what your customers have shared about uptime of your vehicles compared to other ICE models or even other EVs that you may have out there?
我想在相關說明中,您能否與我們分享您的客戶對您的車輛與其他 ICE 車型甚至您可能擁有的其他電動車相比的正常運行時間的看法?
I would appreciate both those answers.
Thank you.
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Yeah, it's a great question.
So we've had vehicles on the road all the way since 2018, but a substantial portion of vehicles have been put on the road in the last couple of years.
因此,自 2018 年以來,我們一直都有車輛上路,但很大一部分車輛是在過去幾年才上路的。
We are continuing to see our service needs grow in the field from unplanned maintenance events.
And we do have a small amount of service revenue coming in through parts sales as well as service labor to help repair those vehicles out in the field.
And when we say unplanned maintenance events, we're talking about things like breaking the mirror off or a tire or a wheel; systems that aren't failing because of the reliability of the vehicle and maybe because an operator error or other kind of issue.
So we are seeing some parts revenue on that front and expect that will continue to grow as more vehicles are out there in the field and more powertrains are out there in the field.
The other component, which is start as we start to see vehicles age into the field -- it will be a few years before we see significant replacement costs on things like battery or powertrain components just because the expected lifespan of a lot of those components is far longer than these vehicles have been out there in the field.
As you probably remember, Mike, we have a hybrid model of how we serve our service and support customers in the field.
We have a team of Xos technicians across the country from California, all the way to the East Coast and covering Midwest and Texas and other areas.
And for those technicians who are conducting repairs and diagnostics on vehicles, that's where we'll sell a direct part.
But then we also have certain markets where we work with strong dealer partners to sell our parts and utilize their service teams to support our vehicles.
And so in that case, margins on parts revenue is a little bit lower, but it is still coming in as we get more vehicles out into those markets.
Mike Shlisky - Analyst
Mike Shlisky - Analyst
I appreciate the discussion.
I'll pass it along.
Thank you.
Donovan Schafer, Northland Capital Markets.
多諾萬‧謝弗 (Donovan Schafer),北國資本市場。
Donovan Schafer - Analyst
Donovan Schafer - Analyst
Hey, guys.
Congratulations on the quarter and this looks great.
You guys have been sticking through things, and you're kind of putting up some numbers from the initiatives you've been working on.
I want to start by -- I dialed in late, so it's possibly missed this if it was in the prepared remarks, but EV charging has been such a headache historically.
So can we get an update on that?
And is it something that you feel like at this point is actually kind of behind us?
Or is it still touch and go enough that we could get quarters that run into those issues -- something changed or that's kind of in the rearview mirror or we're quite out of the woods yet per se?
Any clarification on that would be helpful.
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Yeah, charging infrastructure is a really important aspect of our customer deliveries, Donovan, I think.
Thank you for asking the question.
As we delivered more vehicles into the field and as our orders have shifted to be supporting more national accounts and small and medium-sized regional fleets, the infrastructure problems and challenges have lessened, but they are still very much there.
As we've shared in previous calls, we anticipate that these infrastructure challenges will be there for years to come.
I shared earlier in the call that there are different phase in milestone requirements.
In California, for instance, the first one is 10% of high-priority fleets by the end of next year.
例如,在加州,第一個目標是到明年年底佔高優先車隊的 10%。
The next iteration is 25%.
下一次迭代是 25%。
So the infrastructure that will need to be deployed over the coming years will continually increase each year.
And with that, we anticipate challenges, particularly for some of these large deployment sites where there might be 100 or 200 vehicles parked out.
因此,我們預計將面臨挑戰,特別是對於一些可能停放 100 或 200 輛車的大型部署地點。
And but that being said, our deliveries in the quarter were actually trending much more towards large national accounts.
And we anticipate that continuing in the next 12 months or so, really because that's where we're seeing our strongest recurring order base right now.
我們預計這種情況將在未來 12 個月左右持續下去,因為這就是我們目前看到的最強勁的經常性訂單基礎。
So with those customers' infrastructure problems generally lessen and more proactive about creating long-term infrastructure plans.
Generally, they have more sites to deploy their vehicles across.
And so it's not always constrained to a single or a few locations.
And it gives us more flexibility to work with those customers on long-term planning.
So to answer your question, yes, we anticipate it being a problem, although the shifting customer mix will help somewhat in alleviating customer deliveries going forward.
Donovan Schafer - Analyst
Donovan Schafer - Analyst
That's helpful.
And then turning to -- and you talked about the off-road -- I think it's the $160,000 per unit California credit.
然後轉向——你談到了越野——我認為這是每單位 160,000 美元的加州信用額。
You mentioned marine or port (technical difficulty) and you also talked about the powertrain business doing well and looking strong or growth opportunities there, which, of course, makes you think of Wiggins power lift, which has been one of the powertrain customers before.
So I'm curious, how much do you see the -- I think in California, there's a new law driving lower emissions at the ports.
And then if you have these different -- those would be, of course, applications that are not on roads and so you could use the $160,000 credit.
然後,如果您有這些不同的應用程式 - 當然,這些應用程式不在道路上,因此您可以使用 160,000 美元的信貸。
And also, so, how much are kind of those multiple regulations that would come into play in a port marine type environment?
How much of a driver and potential is there in that area?
If you can give any color on that, that'd be great.
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Yeah, happy to.
So as a category of top line, our Powered by Xos and our Xos Energy Solutions business still represent less than 10% of our overall revenues, but we anticipate them growing at an even faster rate next year than vehicle sales.
因此,作為營收的一個類別,我們的 Powered by Xos 和 Xos 能源解決方案業務仍占我們總收入的不到 10%,但我們預計它們明年的成長速度甚至比汽車銷售還要快。
And part of that has accelerated by those regulations that you touched on, requiring all vehicles operating in and around airports and ocean ports in the state of California to go to zero emissions over the next few years.
We also anticipate a lot of the environments there needing additional charging infrastructure that's flexible to be able to support the needs of various types of equipment from forklifts to reach stackers to yards spotters, and all of the other associated port material handling equipment.
While we can't provide specific color on having guided to that market yet, I think you will continue to see more growth in that segment as well as other on-highway segments from the powertrain business that will show really fruitfully for us in 2024 and had strong gross margin unit sales as well as more infrastructure sales.
雖然我們還無法提供有關進入該市場的具體信息,但我認為您將繼續看到該細分市場以及動力總成業務的其他公路細分市場的更多增長,這將在2024 年為我們帶來真正豐碩的成果,單位銷售毛利率強勁,基礎建設銷售也增加。
One anecdotal point that I'll share is as we've launched the Hub product into the market, we've had a whole array of new customers, both in the ports and airports, but also in other industrial sectors that need charging infrastructure that's rapidly deployable, including smaller, lighter duty Class 1 and Class 2 vehicle fleets that are looking for rapidly deployable charging infrastructure.
我要分享的一個軼事是,當我們將 Hub 產品推向市場時,我們已經擁有了一大批新客戶,無論是在港口和機場,還是在其他需要充電基礎設施的工業領域。可快速部署,包括正在尋找可快速部署的充電基礎設施的小型、輕型1 級和2 級車隊。
So we anticipate that products like our Hub will continue to see growth in other ancillary markets that are facing similar regulations to the ones our customer fleets are facing.
因此,我們預計像我們的 Hub 這樣的產品將繼續在其他輔助市場中看到成長,這些市場面臨與我們的客戶車隊面臨的類似法規。
Donovan Schafer - Analyst
Donovan Schafer - Analyst
That's very interesting.
And then just as a clarifying question, because Luminous has been a big and repeat customer, consistent customer for you guys, when you get orders or when we are talking about Loomis armored trucks and when you're talking about Powered by Xos, so the armored trucks fall under -- do you treat that as a Powered by Xos or is it more of like the 2023 stepvan-type chassis with armored car body?
然後作為一個澄清問題,因為 Luminous 一直是你們的大回頭客,始終如一的客戶,當你們收到訂單時,或者當我們談論 Loomis 裝甲卡車時,當你們談論 Powered by Xos 時,所以裝甲卡車屬於- 您是否將其視為由Xos 提供動力的卡車,還是更像是帶有裝甲車身的2023 年Stepvan 型底盤?
And so you treat it -- just thinking about when give color and commentary about, this is doing well.
We except growth here, we expect growth there -- when you're talking about -- what bucket do you put the armored trucks into?
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Yes, the armored vehicles are still on the 2023 stepvan chassis.
So it's still our conventional vehicle business.
When we think about Powered by Xos, we're not building the overall chassis.
當我們考慮 Powered by Xos 時,我們並不是建造整個機箱。
We provide powertrain components, things like battery systems, motors, high-voltage distribution, all the software and other auxiliary components, but generally not the drive line, the chassis, the vehicle frame of those vehicles.
Donovan Schafer - Analyst
Donovan Schafer - Analyst
That's helpful.
Okay, great.
Thanks, guys.
I'll take the rest of my questions offline.
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Dakota Semler - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Thanks, Donovan.
This concludes the conference call and the Q&A.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your participation.
This concludes today's teleconference.
You may disconnect your lines.
And have a wonderful day.