TTM Technologies Inc (TTMI) 2021 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by. Welcome to the TTM Technologies' First Quarter 2021 Financial Results Conference Call. (Operator Instruction]

    下午好,女士們先生們,謝謝你們的支持。歡迎參加 TTM Technologies 2021 年第一季財務業績電話會議。 (操作員說明)

  • As a reminder, this conference is being recorded today, April 28, 2021. I would now like to turn the conference over to Sameer Desai, TTM's Vice President of Corporate Development and Investor Relations to will now review TTM disclosure statement.

    謹此提醒,本次會議將於今天(2021 年 4 月 28 日)進行錄製。

  • Sameer Desai - Senior Director of Corporate Development & IR

    Sameer Desai - Senior Director of Corporate Development & IR

  • Thanks, Casey. Before we get started, I would like to remind everyone that today's call contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities and Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements related to TTM's future business outlook. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements due to one or more risks and uncertainties, including factors explained in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K and our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    謝謝,凱西。在開始之前,我想提醒大家,今天的電話會議包含 1995 年《私人證券和訴訟改革法案》含義內的前瞻性陳述,包括與 TTM 未來業務前景相關的陳述。由於一種或多種風險和不確定性,實際結果可能與這些前瞻性陳述有重大差異,包括我們最新的 10-K 表格年度報告以及我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的其他文件中解釋的因素。

  • These forward-looking statements are based on management's expectations and assumptions as of the date of this presentation. TTM does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any of these statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or other circumstances, except as required by law.

    這些前瞻性陳述是基於管理階層截至本簡報發布之日的預期和假設。 TTM 不承擔公開更新或修改任何這些聲明的義務,無論是由於新資訊、未來事件或其他情況,除非法律要求。

  • Please refer to the disclosure regarding the risks that may affect TTM, which may be found in the report on Form 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K, the registration statement on S-4 and the company's other SEC filings.

    請參閱有關可能影響 TTM 的風險的揭露,該揭露可在 10-K、10-Q、8-K 表格的報告、S-4 的註冊聲明以及公司其他 SEC 備案文件中找到。

  • We will also discuss on this call certain non-GAAP financial measures as adjusted EBITDA. Such measures should not be considered as a substitute for the measures prepared and presented in accordance with GAAP, and we direct you to the reconciliation of non-GAAP to GAAP measures included in the company's press release, which is filed with the SEC and is available on TTM's website at

    我們也會在這次電話會議上討論某些非公認會計準則財務指標,例如調整後的 EBITDA。此類措施不應被視為替代根據 GAAP 準備和提出的措施,我們會指導您對公司新聞稿中包含的非 GAAP 與 GAAP 措施進行協調,該新聞稿已向 SEC 備案並可獲取請訪問TTM 網站。

  • We have also posted on our web day slide deck, which we will refer to during our call.


  • I will now turn the call over to Tom Edman, TTM's Chief Executive Officer. Please go ahead, Tom.

    我現在將把電話轉給 TTM 執行長 Tom Edman。請繼續,湯姆。

  • Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

    Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Sameer. Good afternoon, and thank you for joining us for our first quarter 2021 conference call.

    謝謝你,薩米爾。下午好,感謝您參加我們的 2021 年第一季電話會議。

  • I'll begin with a review of our business strategy, then an update on how COVID-19 has impacted our business, followed by highlights from the quarter and a discussion of our first quarter results.

    我將首先回顧我們的業務策略,然後介紹新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 對我們業務的影響,最後介紹本季度的亮點並討論我們第一季的業績。

  • Todd Schull, our CFO, will follow with an overview of our Q1 2021 financial performance and our Q2 2021 guidance. We will then open the call to your questions.

    我們的財務長 Todd Schull 隨後將概述我們 2021 年第一季的財務表現和 2021 年第二季的指導。然後我們將開始電話詢問您的問題。

  • I am pleased to report that in the first quarter of 2021, TTM generated revenues and non-GAAP EPS above the midpoint guided range. All end markets performed better than guidance, while year-on-year growth was led by strength in the automotive and data center computing end markets.

    我很高興地報告,2021 年第一季度,TTM 的營收和非 GAAP 每股盈餘均高於中點指引範圍。所有終端市場的表現均優於預期,而年成長則由汽車和資料中心計算終端市場的強勁帶動。

  • These results were achieved despite higher raw material costs and production inefficiencies due to COVID-19.

    儘管由於 COVID-19 導致原材料成本上升和生產效率低下,但仍取得了這些成果。

  • The pandemic continues to create operational difficulties, macroeconomic uncertainty and employee concerns.


  • These challenges are currently compounded by increasing prices and lead times of copper clad laminates, or CCLs, a key raw material for the manufacturer in circuit boards.

    目前,由於覆銅層壓板 (CCL) 的價格和交貨時間不斷增加,這些挑戰變得更加複雜,CCL 是電路板製造商的關鍵原材料。

  • CCLs are made from epoxy resin, glass cloth and copper foil, all of which pursuing limited supply as price increases. In addition, metals such as copper, gold and palladium are also used in our manufacturing process.


  • We are actively managing higher raw material costs through such measures as supplier diversification, ongoing operational efficiency efforts and quotation adjustments to mitigate the impact to TTM.

    我們正在透過供應商多元化、持續提高營運效率和報價調整等措施積極管理更高的原材料成本,以減輕對 TTM 的影響。

  • I'm extremely proud of how TTM employees have worked deliver excellent performance despite the formidable challenges of this environment.


  • I would also like to highlight that in Q1, we generated solid cash flow from operations and our leverage remained at a comfortable 1.4x.

    我還想強調的是,在第一季度,我們從營運中產生了穩定的現金流,並且我們的槓桿率保持在舒適的 1.4 倍。

  • Looking into Q2, I am optimistic that we are seeing healthy demand trends across virtually all of our end markets. Which is supported by our stronger-than-normal backlog coverage.


  • Next, I would like to provide an update on our long-term strategy. TTM is on a journey to transform our business to be less cyclical, and more differentiated. We believe that over time, investors will be rewarded with more stable growth, strong cash flow performance and improving margins.

    接下來,我想介紹一下我們的長期策略的最新情況。 TTM 正在努力將我們的業務轉型為週期性更強、更具差異化的業務。我們相信,隨著時間的推移,投資者將獲得更穩定的成長、強勁的現金流表現和不斷提高的利潤率。

  • As part of the strategic transition, we sold our mobility business last year. As a reminder, our operating margins with mobility as part of our business in Q1 of 2020 were 5.8% and non-GAAP EPS of $0.18, which was greatly impacted by the seasonality of that business, among other factors.

    作為策略轉型的一部分,我們去年出售了行動業務。需要提醒的是,2020 年第一季度,我們的行動業務營業利潤率為 5.8%,非 GAAP 每股收益為 0.18 美元,這很大程度上受到該業務季節性等因素的影響。

  • We are now able to generate more consistent cash flow and earnings with our strong set of technologies and broad exposure to longer cycle end markets.


  • A key part of our ongoing strategy will be to add capabilities and products that are complementary to our current offerings, both internally and through acquisitions.


  • Looking forward, our balance sheet is in a strong position to pursue further acquisitions as well as to support our organic investment needs.


  • I would also like to update you on the COVID situation. At the time of last quarter's conference call in February, we were seeing a surge in North America COVID-19 cases following the winter holidays, which we expected to have some impact on production.

    我還想向您通報新冠肺炎疫情的最新情況。在 2 月召開上季度電話會議時,我們看到寒假後北美 COVID-19 病例激增,我們預計這將對生產產生一些影響。

  • Since then, cases in North America have dropped off, and as a result, we are seeing a significant reduction in new cases in our sites as well. We are hopeful that the vaccine rollout will further reduce new cases, and we are looking forward to being able to welcome customers and other important visitors back into our plants in the not-so-distant future.


  • In the meantime, we will continue TTM's protective measures, such as masking, temperature checks and proper distancing across our facilities worldwide, along with routine internal communications to keep our employees informed.


  • Because of the stringent preventative measures in place and our culture of transparency and communications, COVID-19 has had less impact on our operations that might have been the case without these precautions.

    由於採取了嚴格的預防措施以及我們的透明度和溝通文化,如果沒有這些預防措施,COVID-19 對我們營運的影響可能會較小。

  • Now I'd like to review our end markets. All historical end market disclosures exclude the mobility business unit and the 2 EMS plants, which halted production in December of 2020.

    現在我想回顧一下我們的終端市場。所有歷史終端市場揭露均不包括行動業務部門和 2 個 EMS 工廠,這些工廠於 2020 年 12 月停止生產。

  • For more details on end market disclosures, please refer to Page 4 of our earnings presentation, which are posted on our site.

    有關終端市場披露的更多詳細信息,請參閱我們網站上發布的收益報告第 4 頁。

  • The aerospace and defense end market represented 36% of total first quarter sales compared to 38% of Q1 2020 sales and 38% of sales in Q4 2020.

    航空航太和國防終端市場佔第一季總銷售額的 36%,而 2020 年第一季銷售額為 38%,2020 年第四季銷售額為 38%。

  • We continued to experience a positive defense climate, with our A&D program backlog increasing to a record $694 million compared to $687 million in Q4. Q1 revenues were up 1% year-on-year as solid growth in defense more than offset sharp year-on-year declines in commercial aerospace.

    我們繼續經歷積極的國防氣氛,我們的 A&D 計劃積壓從第四季度的 6.87 億美元增加到創紀錄的 6.94 億美元。第一季營收年增 1%,國防領域的穩健成長足以抵銷商用航空航太領域較去年同期大幅下滑的影響。

  • Growth in the defense market is a result of our strong strategic program alignment and key bookings for ongoing franchise programs. We saw significant bookings in the quarter for Northrop Grumman's AESA Radar Systems for the F-35 program.

    國防市場的成長得益於我們強大的戰略計劃調整和正在進行的特許經營計劃的關鍵預訂。我們在本季看到諾斯羅普格魯曼公司用於 F-35 專案的 AESA 雷達系統的大量預訂。

  • We expect sales in Q2 from this end market to represent about 34% of our total sales. Automotive sales represented 17% of total sales during the first quarter of 2021 compared to 13% in the year ago quarter and 17% during the fourth quarter of 2020.

    我們預計第二季該終端市場的銷售額將占我們總銷售額的 34% 左右。 2021 年第一季汽車銷售佔總銷售量的 17%,去年同期為 13%,2020 年第四季為 17%。

  • Automotive grew almost 50% year-over-year and continued to grow sequentially despite a normally slow -- seasonal slower period for Chinese New Year. We are aware of the distorted semiconductors is currently letting automotive production. But this situation has not directly affected our business since we do not purchase semiconductors.

    儘管農曆新年通常是季節性放緩時期,但汽車行業同比增長近 50%,並繼續環比增長。我們知道,目前汽車生產中的半導體產業已經發生了扭曲。但這種情況並沒有直接影響我們的業務,因為我們不購買半導體。

  • While we are monitoring the situation closely, to date, it has had a very limited indirect impact on our PCB demand. We expect automotive to contribute 17% of total sales in Q2.

    雖然我們正在密切關注事態發展,但迄今為止,它對我們 PCB 需求的間接影響非常有限。我們預計第二季汽車銷售額將佔總銷售額的 17%。

  • The medical industrial instrumentation end market contributed 17% of our total sales in the first quarter compared to 19% in the year ago quarter and 16% in the fourth quarter of 2020.

    醫療工業儀器終端市場占我們第一季總銷售額的 17%,而去年同期為 19%,2020 年第四季為 16%。

  • In Q1, instrumentation customers in the semiconductor capital equipment end market were stronger than expected. For the second quarter, we expect AMI&I to be 17% of revenues.

    第一季度,半導體資本設備終端市場的儀器儀表客戶強於預期。對於第二季度,我們預計 AMI&I 將佔收入的 17%。

  • Networking communications accounted for 15% of revenue during the first quarter of 2021. This compares to 16% in the first quarter of 2020 and 16% of revenue in the fourth quarter of 2020.

    2021 年第一季度,網路通訊佔營收的 15%。

  • We saw relative strength on a year-on-year basis in the networking segment compared to the telecom segment as the 5G build-out has been slower to ramp. In Q2, we expect the segment to be 16% of revenue.

    由於 5G 建設進展緩慢,我們看到網路領域的同比表現相對較電信領域強勁。在第二季度,我們預計該部門將佔收入的 16%。

  • Sales in the data center computing end market represented 14% of total sales in the first quarter compared to 12% in Q1 of 2020 and 13% in the fourth quarter of 2020. This end market was up 24% year-on-year, due primarily to growth from our data center customers.

    資料中心計算終端市場的銷售額佔第一季總銷售額的 14%,而 2020 年第一季為 12%,2020 年第四季為 13%。來自我們資料中心客戶的成長。

  • We expect revenues in this end market to represent approximately 14% of second quarter sales as data center continues to drive year-on-year growth.

    由於資料中心持續推動年成長,我們預計該終端市場的營收將佔第二季銷售額的 14% 左右。

  • Please note that we have renamed this segment to better represent our customer mix and growth opportunities.


  • Next, I'll cover some details from the first quarter. All of the following operations' metrics exclude the mobility business unit and the 2 EMS plants that were closed. This information is also available on Page 5 of our earnings presentation.

    接下來,我將介紹第一季的一些細節。以下所有營運指標均不包括行動業務部門和關閉的 2 家 EMS 工廠。此資訊也可在我們的收益簡報的第 5 頁上找到。

  • During the quarter, our advanced technology business, which includes HDI, rigid Flex and RF subsystems and components, accounted for approximately 31% of our revenue. This compares to approximately 28% in the year ago quarter and 31% in Q4.

    本季度,我們的先進技術業務(包括 HDI、剛柔結合和射頻子系統及組件)約占我們收入的 31%。相比之下,去年同期約為 28%,第四季約為 31%。

  • We are continuing to pursue new business opportunities and increase customer design engagement activities that will leverage our advanced technology capabilities in new programs, and new markets. Capacity utilization in Asia Pacific was 80% in Q1 compared to 52% in the year ago quarter and 63% in Q4.

    我們將繼續尋求新的商機並增加客戶設計參與活動,這些活動將在新項目和新市場中利用我們的先進技術能力。第一季亞太地區的產能利用率為 80%,去年同期為 52%,第四季為 63%。

  • Our overall capacity utilization in North America was 55% in Q1 compared to 67% in the year ago quarter and 58% in Q4.

    第一季我們北美地區的整體產能利用率為 55%,去年同期為 67%,第四季為 58%。

  • Our top 5 customers contributed 33% of total sales in the first quarter of 2021 compared to 34% in the fourth quarter of 2020.

    我們的前 5 名客戶貢獻了 2021 年第一季總銷售額的 33%,而 2020 年第四季為 34%。

  • Our largest customer accounted for 13% of sales in the first quarter. At the end of Q1, our 90-day backlog, which is subject to cancellations, was $540.5 million compared to $470.8 million at the end of the first quarter of last year and $483.9 million at the end of Q4. Our PCB book-to-bill ratio was 1.2x for the 3 months ending March 29.

    我們最大的客戶佔第一季銷售額的13%。截至第一季末,我們的 90 天積壓訂單(可能被取消)為 5.405 億美元,而去年第一季末為 4.708 億美元,第四季末為 4.839 億美元。截至 3 月 29 日的 3 個月,我們的 PCB 訂單出貨比為 1.2 倍。

  • I'd like to conclude by, again, thanking our employees for continuing to contribute to TTM and our critical mission of inspiring innovation with our customers.


  • Despite the COVID-19- and raw materials-related challenges we faced in Q1, our business performed better than we expected as a direct result of our employees' concerted efforts to engage and support our customers. We've also taken positive strategic moves that will strengthen TTM for the long term.

    儘管我們在第一季面臨與 COVID-19 和原材料相關的挑戰,但我們的業務表現優於我們的預期,這是我們員工齊心協力參與和支持客戶的直接結果。我們也採取了積極的策略舉措,從長遠來看將加強 TTM。

  • Now Todd will review our financial performance for the first quarter. Todd?


  • Todd B. Schull - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Todd B. Schull - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Thanks, Tom, and good afternoon, everyone. I'll be reviewing our financial results for the first quarter, which are also shown in the press release distributed today as well as on Page 6 of our earnings presentation, which is posted on our website.

    謝謝湯姆,大家下午好。我將回顧我們第一季的財務業績,這些業績也顯示在今天發布的新聞稿以及我們發佈在我們網站上的收益簡報的第 6 頁上。

  • For the first quarter, net sales were $526.4 million compared to $497.6 million from continuing operations in the first quarter of 2020. The year-over-year increase in revenue was due to growth in our automotive, data center computing, and aerospace and defense end markets, partially offset by declines in our medical, industrial and instrumentation, and networking telecom end markets.

    第一季的淨銷售額為5.264 億美元,而2020 年第一季持續經營業務的淨銷售額為4.976 億美元。成長市場的下滑部分被我們的醫療、工業和儀器儀表以及網路電信終端市場的下滑所抵消。

  • A portion of which was due to the closure of 2 EMS plants last year. GAAP operating income for the first quarter of 2021 was $19.8 million, compared to GAAP operating income from continuing operations of $16.2 million in the first quarter of 2020.

    其中一部分是由於去年關閉了 2 家 EMS 工廠。 2021 年第一季的 GAAP 營業收入為 1,980 萬美元,而 2020 年第一季的持續經營業務的 GAAP 營業收入為 1,620 萬美元。

  • On a GAAP basis, the net loss in the first quarter of 2021, which included $15.2 million of expense associated with the refinancing of our high-yield bonds, was $3.2 million or $0.03 per diluted share.

    根據公認會計原則,2021 年第一季的淨虧損(包括與高收益債券再融資相關的 1,520 萬美元費用)為 320 萬美元,即稀釋後每股虧損 0.03 美元。

  • This compares to a net loss from continuing operations of $3.2 million or $0.03 per diluted share in the first quarter of last year.

    相比之下,去年第一季持續營運淨虧損為 320 萬美元,即稀釋後每股虧損 0.03 美元。

  • The remainder of my comments will focus on our non-GAAP financial performance. Our non-GAAP financial performance excludes our divested mobility business unit, nonroutine tax items, M&A-related costs, restructuring costs, certain noncash expenses and other unusual or infrequent items.


  • We present non-GAAP financial information to enable investors to see the company through the eyes of management and to facilitate a comparison with expectations and prior periods. Gross margin in the first quarter was 16% compared to 16.8% in the first quarter of 2020. But gross profit was higher by $0.8 million. These results reflect approximately $13 million of headwinds related to stronger Chinese currency, higher raw material costs due to increased quality prices, primarily copper, and continued expenses related to the COVID pandemic.

    我們提供非公認會計準則財務信息,使投資者能夠透過管理層的視角了解公司,並便於與預期和前期進行比較。第一季毛利率為 16%,而 2020 年第一季為 16.8%。這些結果反映了與人民幣走強有關的約 1,300 萬美元的不利因素、由於優質價格(主要是銅)上漲而導致的原材料成本上漲以及與新冠疫情相關的持續支出。

  • We were able to mitigate most of these headwinds through higher revenue and production and spending efficiencies. Selling and marketing expense was $15.6 million in the first quarter or 3% of net sales versus $15.7 million or 3.2% of net sales 1 year ago.

    我們能夠透過提高收入、生產和支出效率來緩解大部分不利因素。第一季的銷售和行銷費用為 1,560 萬美元,佔淨銷售額的 3%,而一年前為 1,570 萬美元,佔淨銷售額的 3.2%。

  • First quarter G&A expense was $26.6 million or 5% of net sales, compared to $29.6 million or 5.9% of net sales in the same quarter last year. In the first quarter, R&D expense was $4.4 million or 0.8% of revenues. Compared to $4.8 million or 1% of revenue in the year ago quarter.

    第一季管理及行政費用為 2,660 萬美元,佔淨銷售額的 5%,去年同期為 2,960 萬美元,佔淨銷售額的 5.9%。第一季研發費用為 440 萬美元,佔營收的 0.8%。相比之下,去年同期營收為 480 萬美元,佔營收的 1%。

  • Our operating margin in Q1 was 7.2%. This compares to 6.7% in the same quarter last year. Interest expense was $10.9 million in the first quarter, a decrease of $5.4 million from the same quarter last year due to lower levels of debt as we repaid $400 million of our term loan and our $250 million convertible bond.

    我們第一季的營業利益率為 7.2%。相比之下,去年同期為 6.7%。第一季利息支出為 1,090 萬美元,比去年同期減少 540 萬美元,因為我們償還了 4 億美元的定期貸款和 2.5 億美元的可轉換債券,債務水準較低。

  • During the quarter, there was minimal foreign exchange impact below the operating line. Government incentives and interest income resulted in a positive $1.8 million or approximately $0.01 of EPS. This compares to a gain of $2.4 million approximately $0.02 of EPS in Q1 last year.

    本季度,營業線以下的外匯影響微乎其微。政府激勵措施和利息收入帶來了 180 萬美元的正收益,即每股收益約 0.01 美元。相比之下,去年第一季每股收益增加了 240 萬美元,約 0.02 美元。

  • Our effective tax rate was 12% in the first quarter. First quarter net income was $25.3 million or $0.23 per diluted share. This compares to first quarter 2020 net income of $16.7 million or $0.16 per diluted share. Adjusted EBITDA for the first quarter was $61 million or 11.6% of net sales. Compared with first quarter 2020 adjusted EBITDA of $60.2 million or 12.1% of net sales. Depreciation for the first quarter was $21.5 million. Net capital spending for the quarter was $21 million.

    第一季我們的有效稅率為 12%。第一季淨利為 2,530 萬美元,或攤薄後每股收益 0.23 美元。相比之下,2020 年第一季淨利潤為 1,670 萬美元,即稀釋後每股收益 0.16 美元。第一季調整後 EBITDA 為 6,100 萬美元,佔淨銷售額的 11.6%。與 2020 年第一季相比,調整後 EBITDA 為 6,020 萬美元,佔淨銷售額的 12.1%。第一季折舊額為 2,150 萬美元。該季度的淨資本支出為 2,100 萬美元。

  • Our balance sheet and liquidity positions remained very strong. We completed the offering of $500 million of senior notes at 4% interest due 2029. We used the proceeds from that issuance to redeem $375 million of senior notes with a coupon of 5 5/8% due in 2025 and to repay $40 million of our U.S. ABL.

    我們的資產負債表和流動性狀況仍然非常強勁。我們完成了5 億美元優先票據的發行,利率為4%,將於2029 年到期。 2025 年到期,並償還我們的4000 萬美元。

  • In addition, cash flow from operations was $41.1 million in the first quarter or 7.8% of payment. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the first quarter of 2021 were $539.6 million. At the end of the first quarter, our net debt divided by last 12 month EBITDA was 1.4x.

    此外,第一季營運現金流為 4,110 萬美元,佔付款額的 7.8%。 2021 年第一季末現金和現金等價物為 5.396 億美元。第一季末,我們的淨債務除以過去 12 個月的 EBITDA 為 1.4 倍。

  • Given this financial strength, during the first quarter, we announced a $100 million stock buyback program. However, due to market blackout restrictions, we were able to implement the program until late in the quarter, after we completed the offering of our senior notes.

    鑑於這種財務實力,我們在第一季宣布了 1 億美元的股票回購計畫。然而,由於市場封鎖限制,我們直到本季末完成優先票據發行後才實施該計劃。

  • As a result, we had no buyback activity during the first quarter. We also have approximately 25.9 million warrants outstanding related to our redeemed convertible bond, which allowed for holders to acquire TTM stock at $14.46 per share. These warrants expire ratably between March 15, 2021 and January 25, 2022.

    因此,我們在第一季沒有回購活動。我們還有大約 2590 萬張與我們贖回的可轉換債券相關的未償還認股權證,這些認股權證允許持有人以每股 14.46 美元的價格購買 TTM 股票。這些認股權證將於2021年3月15日至2022年1月25日期間到期。

  • During the first quarter, we renegotiated or negotiated an amendment that allows TTM to settle 60% of these warrants in cash rather than issuing shares. TTM has exercised that option for warrants expiring through the second quarter.

    在第一季度,我們重新協商或協商了一項修正案,允許 TTM 以現金而非發行股票的方式結算 60% 的認股權證。 TTM 已對第二季到期的認股權證行使了該選擇權。

  • This will help reduce the potential dilution of warrants to our stockholders and effectively acts like a stock buyback program. We will determine whether to exercise that cash settlement option for future quarters at a later date.


  • Now I'd like to turn to our guidance for the second quarter. We expect total revenue for the second quarter of 2021 to be in the range of $525 million to $565 million. We expect non-GAAP earnings to be in the range of $0.27 to $0.33 per diluted share.

    現在我想談談我們對第二季的指導。我們預計 2021 年第二季的總營收將在 5.25 億至 5.65 億美元之間。我們預計非 GAAP 攤薄後每股收益將在 0.27 美元至 0.33 美元之間。

  • The EPS forecast is based on a diluted share count of approximately 109 million shares. Our share count guidance includes dilutive securities such as options and RSUs, but no shares associated with our warrants.

    EPS 預測是基於約 1.09 億股的稀釋股數。我們的股份數量指導包括選擇權和 RSU 等稀釋性證券,但不包括與我們的認股權證相關的股份。

  • For every dollar increase in the average share price above $14.26 during the quarter, our shares outstanding would increase by approximately 1 million shares. We expect this impact, however, will decline through the year as we settle the warrants.

    本季平均股價每上漲 1 美元超過 14.26 美元,我們的流通股就會增加約 100 萬股。然而,我們預計,隨著認股權證的結算,這一影響將在今年有所下降。

  • We estimate that SG&A expense will be about 8.2% of revenue in the second quarter. And R&D to be about 0.8% of revenue. We expect interest expense to total approximately $10 million. Finally, we estimate our effective tax rate to be between 10% and 15%.

    我們預計第二季的 SG&A 費用將佔營收的 8.2% 左右。研發費用約佔收入的 0.8%。我們預計利息支出總計約 1000 萬美元。最後,我們估計我們的有效稅率在 10% 到 15% 之間。

  • To assist you in developing your financial models, we offer the following additional information. During the second quarter, we expect to record amortization of intangibles of about $10.4 million. Stock-based compensation expense of about $3.5 million, noncash interest expense of approximately $0.5 million, and we estimate depreciation expense will be approximately $21.4 million.

    為了幫助您開發財務模型,我們提供以下附加資訊。在第二季度,我們預計無形資產攤銷將達到約 1,040 萬美元。股票補償費用約為 350 萬美元,非現金利息費用約為 50 萬美元,我們估計折舊費用約為 2,140 萬美元。

  • Finally, I'd like to announce that we'll be participating virtually in several conferences this quarter, including Goldman Sachs Leverage Finance and Credit Conference on May 17, The Needham Technology and Media Conference on May 18, the Barclays High Yield and Syndicated Loan Conference on May 25, the Craig-Hallum Institutional Investor Conference on June 2, the UBS Global Industrials and Transportation Conference on June 8, the Baird Global Consumer Technology & Services Conference on June 9 and the Stifel Cross Sector Insight Conference on June 10. That concludes our prepared remarks, and now I'd like to open the line for questions. Casey?

    最後,我想宣布,本季我們將虛擬參加多個會議,包括 5 月 17 日的高盛槓桿金融和信貸會議、5 月 18 日的 Needham 技術和媒體會議、巴克萊高收益和銀團貸款會議5 月25 日的會議、6 月2 日的Craig-Hallum 機構投資者會議、6 月8 日的瑞銀全球工業和運輸會議、6 月9 日的貝爾德全球消費者技術與服務會議以及6 月10 日的Stifel 跨部門洞察會議。凱西?

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) We'll take our first question from William Stein of Trust Securities.

    (操作員說明)我們將回答信託證券公司的 William Stein 提出的第一個問題。

  • William Stein - MD

    William Stein - MD

  • I actually apologize for any background noise here. I'm still working from home. I wanted to ask about long-term operating margin trends. You just delivered, I think, of a 7.2% op margin. At the last Analyst Day you established a goal of 12% to 14%, quite a bit higher than where we are, and you've sold one business that I don't know if it was lower on average, but certainly much more volatile and, I think, lower in most of my recollection.

    事實上,我對這裡的任何背景噪音表示歉意。我仍然在家工作。我想詢問長期營業利潤率趨勢。我想,你們剛剛實現了 7.2% 的營運利潤率。在上個分析師日,您設定了12% 到14% 的目標,比我們目前的目標高出很多,並且您出售了一項業務,我不知道該業務是否低於平均水平,但肯定波動性更大而且,我認為,在我的大部分記憶中,這個數字都較低。

  • And you also shut down most of your EMS business, but I would think both of which certainly have a stabilizing effect and probably net higher effect on operating margins. So I understand you're probably not going to set a new target for us today.

    你們也關閉了大部分 EMS 業務,但我認為這兩者肯定具有穩定作用,並且可能對營業利潤率產生更高的淨影響。所以我知道您今天可能不會為我們設定新目標。

  • But I wonder what investors can expect the path to be, whether we should still expect a path to significantly higher operating margins from here, and what it will take to achieve that.


  • Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

    Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

  • Will, thank you for the question. And I think that's a pretty practical question, given the performance of the quarter. We did pretty well on the top line, and we're seeing some growth there.


  • And that growth is delivering incremental margin that we would expect, kind of in that neighborhood of 25%, but it was fortunately offset, if you will, from the issues that we're facing in terms of significant challenges of foreign exchange, commodity pricing and still some residual challenges with COVID as we try to wind down our -- or the impact of the virus on our operations.

    這種增長正在帶來我們預期的增量利潤,大約在 25% 左右,但幸運的是,如果你願意的話,它可以抵消我們在外匯、大宗商品定價方面面臨的重大挑戰的問題當我們試圖減少病毒對我們營運的影響時,仍存在一些與新冠病毒相關的殘餘挑戰。

  • And I highlighted the fact that we had $13 million of headwind in the quarter. And those are things that are -- we don't view as permanent. We are -- in some cases, they'll correct themselves. In others, we are taking steps and measures to mitigate the impact of that -- some of that $13 million.

    我強調了一個事實,即本季我們遇到了 1300 萬美元的逆風。我們並不認為這些是永久的。我們是——在某些情況下,他們會自我糾正。在其他方面,我們正在採取步驟和措施來減輕其影響——其中部分資金為 1,300 萬美元。

  • So point in highlighting that is that if you looked outside the $13 million, our operating margins would have been quite strong. And that's really what we're looking at on a long-term basis.

    因此,需要強調的是,如果你考慮 1,300 萬美元以外的情況,我們的營業利潤率將會相當強勁。這確實是我們長期關注的問題。

  • We have these challenges short term. And when you have steep adjustments in foreign exchange rates or commodity pricing, in particular, if those changes happen very rapidly, it will negatively impact our operating margins temporarily while we work through a period of digestion. And how do we work on these things? Well, obviously, in the case of commodity pricing, we're working to diversify the supply base. And we're also working on making sure that we're adjusting our pricing models so that we're passing these costs on to our customers.


  • So with that in mind, back to the original statement you made about our target margins, we're still believers of those. We just -- we have to get through this issue in the short-term with the market that we're dealing with, both in terms of the virus that's out there as well as commodity pricing that we're dealing with. And then -- and have continued growth in the revenue, which we are starting to see now.

    因此,考慮到這一點,回到您最初對我們的目標利潤率所做的陳述,我們仍然相信這些。我們只是 - 我們必須在短期內解決我們正在處理的市場的這個問題,無論是在病毒方面還是在我們正在處理的商品定價方面。然後——收入持續成長,我們現在開始看到這一點。

  • So hopefully, that gives you some kind of context. And some confidence that we have in the business model itself.


  • Operator


  • And we will take our next question from Mike Crawford of B. Riley Securities.

    我們將回答 B. Riley 證券公司的 Mike Crawford 提出的下一個問題。

  • Michael Roy Crawford - Senior MD, Head of The Discovery Group & Senior Analyst

    Michael Roy Crawford - Senior MD, Head of The Discovery Group & Senior Analyst

  • Are there any changes in conversations you're having with your defense customers, given the new administration and/or the reopening of the Pentagon with less severe travel restrictions?


  • Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

    Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes. So this is Tom. I'll answer that one, Mike. Thanks for the question. What I would say at this point, first of all, encouraging news on the budget. Sort of what we commented on last quarter has been coming to pass. I think the Biden administration recognizes that -- how important defense is. There have been some shifts in strategy.


  • But in terms of overall budget, looking at a relatively flat budget, which is great news for us because we're in the programs that are still benefiting from that budget.


  • So I think that's continued to be a positive trend for us. As you mentioned, things gradually opening up. There's a couple of developments here, right? The government, certainly Defense Department looking at strategically, how can we continue to -- or how can we return the building of our manufacturing infrastructure, both for defense and also for dual use kind of requirements? Then while there's nothing short-term to report there, I think that's an encouraging trend certainly for a company such as TTM with such a strong footprint in North America.


  • And then, as you mentioned, yes, there's an opening up in terms of the ability to have dialogue with the Defense Department. And that, again, not our direct customer, our customer's customer, in most cases, but being able to have that dialogue as needed allows us to learn more about the strategic priorities, make sure that we are, in turn, meeting those requirements from a technology development standpoint and also that our footprint continues to meet those requirements from a production, ongoing production standpoint. So all positive developments, I would say.


  • Michael Roy Crawford - Senior MD, Head of The Discovery Group & Senior Analyst

    Michael Roy Crawford - Senior MD, Head of The Discovery Group & Senior Analyst

  • Okay. And just one follow-up, just on the footprint. In addition to that strong North American footprint, is there any updates on your aspirations to get anything in Europe and/or Southeast Asia?


  • Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

    Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

  • Continuing to actively look. I think nothing has changed in terms of the meat. Let's put it that way. The -- from our customers, the desire to see that support in Europe is still there.


  • We're doing -- I think our team does a great job of meeting requirements out of North America, but there are opportunities in Europe as well.


  • And then Southeast Asia from a volume standpoint, with the shift in administrations, really, there hasn't been -- there may be a shift in tone in terms of the absolute urgency to move the footprint, but no shift in tone in terms of the long-term need to move that footprint.


  • So our dialogue with our customers continues around how do we ensure that we have the right footprint for their long-term needs. So continuing to look at that, Mike.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Christian Schwab of Craig-Hallum.

    我們將回答 Craig-Hallum 的 Christian Schwab 提出的下一個問題。

  • Tyler Leroy Burmeister - Research Analyst

    Tyler Leroy Burmeister - Research Analyst

  • This is Tyler on behalf of Christian. First question, I wanted to revisit these headwinds you're seeing. You quantified almost $13 million in Q1 for the foreign exchange and broad commodity price increases and some residual COVID impacts.

    這是泰勒代表克里斯蒂安。第一個問題,我想重新檢視你所看到的這些不利因素。您量化了第一季外匯和大宗商品價格上漲以及新冠疫情的一些殘餘影響的近 1300 萬美元。

  • I was just wondering if you could maybe give a little more color on a time line you expected these to ease? And maybe how much costs are you assuming continues in Q2?


  • Because your guidance does apply a relatively nice step-up in margins. So any color there would be great.


  • Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

    Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

  • Tyler, thanks again for asking the question because I think this is really the key topic that we're dealing with. So if you take the three pieces, right?


  • COVID, we're certainly seeing some progress here in North America, where we're most impacted the last several quarters. In the general population and what's happening with the decline now since the year-end or the beginning of the year in COVID cases, the increasing rate of vaccinations for people, these are all favorable.


  • Our employees live in the general population, so they're subject to those same challenges as the average person is in America. So that progress is encouraging. We will -- we still expect to see some challenge in Q2 as we begin to come out of -- we're spread across the country, and different states and regions have different protocols.


  • And as we work through those issues and able to support our business and get our people back to work more consistently, we'll see some effect in Q2. But that should start to wind pretty consistently with what you're looking at in terms of vaccination rates in general, virus -- new virus cases in the general population.


  • So I think that's something you can monitor and kind of have a sense of direction from as you watch the news.


  • In the case of raw material pricing, that continues to be a challenge. And typically, we adjust quotations going forward. But obviously, you have product that's already in the pipeline with fixed pricing.


  • And so there's challenges as to how you can adjust pricing to mitigate those cost increases, which tends to lag, right? Pricing changes tend to lag the actual cost changes.


  • And so we continue to see pressure there. So I think we'll continue to face some challenges with that as we go into the second quarter, certainly. And how much beyond that is difficult to say. But certainly, the second quarter will continue to feel some pressure from that.


  • Foreign exchange started to look a little bit better during Q1. But then since the start in April, we've seen it strengthen -- the Chinese currency strengthen again, which puts a little more pressure on us.


  • Year-over-year, it continues to be a challenge, but that's something that we build into the cost structure and we work on in terms of pricing and, particularly, we work on in terms of cost management.


  • Our team does a great job of trying to get more efficient all the time. And we saw some of the benefits of that in Q1. Even though we had $13 million of headwinds, we -- our margins came down a little bit, but not $13 million worth.

    我們的團隊一直在努力提高效率方面做得很好。我們在第一季看到了這樣做的一些好處。儘管我們面臨 1300 萬美元的逆風,我們的利潤率還是下降了一點,但價值並沒有下降 1300 萬美元。

  • We mitigated some of that with revenue increase, but a big chunk of that was through production and other spending efficiencies, which is a reflection of the efforts of the team to improve yields on products and to just manage costs very carefully, and becoming more productive.


  • So we just -- we do that all the time. We just need to keep doing that to help offset some of these challenges over longer term. So we'll continue to face some pressure on that in Q2.


  • We've tried to reflect that in the forecast, but also noting some improvement as we continue to make progress on these things.


  • And we'll just have to watch and see what happens in the market on commodities and whatnot as we go through the second quarter to have a better sense of what it's going to look like when we get to the third quarter. So I hope that helps a little bit.


  • Tyler Leroy Burmeister - Research Analyst

    Tyler Leroy Burmeister - Research Analyst

  • That was great. That was great color. I appreciate that. Second question, if you could. I was hoping to maybe get an update on your kind of outlook on the telecom market, in particular, China's progress or time line to begin their phase 3 5G rollout. Any update or your outlook from conversations with customers there would be great.

    那很棒。那是很棒的顏色。我很感激。第二個問題,如果可以的話。我希望了解您對電信市場的最新看法,特別是中國的進展或開始第三階段 5G 部署的時間表。與客戶對話中的任何更新或您的展望都會很棒。

  • Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

    Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure. Yes, I think if you look at the telecom situation, the critical point in terms of China is when does the phase 3 investment cycle really start? It sounds like that's going to be -- versus sort of being a single auction. It looks like it's going to be more phased in here as we go through Q2 and into Q3, which is a new development.


  • So more of a phased-in approach. I don't -- I haven't seen any change in terms of certainly the official forecast. I think the official forecasts are still somewhere around 600,000 base stations, up from about 580,000 last year being required.

    所以更多的是分階段的方法。我沒有——我沒有看到官方預測有任何變化。我認為官方預測仍約為 60 萬個基地台,高於去年所需的約 58 萬個。

  • So that number hasn't changed. Where we are seeing activity and as we had forecast last quarter, is in the non-China piece of telecom and strong activity in North America, certainly, activity in Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia starting to warm up.


  • Balance of the world, slow. So EU, slow, certainly, Latin and South America slow, but a pickup in the rest of world that is pretty much as we had forecast last quarter.


  • So with TTM, of course, you see -- you tend to see that our revenues are pretty well balanced. But if anything, a little bit weighted towards China on the revenue side. If you start thinking about our component business, more weighted for rest of world.

    因此,對於 TTM,當然,您會發現我們的收入非常平衡。但如果有什麼不同的話,那就是在收入方面稍微偏向中國。如果您開始考慮我們的零件業務,它對世界其他地區的影響更大。

  • So we're still agnostic. We'd love to see all of our customers succeed here and certainly look forward to China, the demand coming out of China as that phase 3 starts to kick off.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Alvin Park of Stifel.

    我們將回答 Stifel 的 Alvin Park 提出的下一個問題。

  • Alvin J. Park - Associate

    Alvin J. Park - Associate

  • Going on, on behalf of Matthew Sheerin. I wanted to follow-up on the book-to-bill. You mentioned that at 1.2, which is relatively elevated. And you did mention for auto that the current semi shortages, supply shortages, is not having a direct impact to your overall bookings volume.


  • But in terms of that elevated bookings level, how much of that, do you think, is involved with inventory builds versus true demand follow-through? And looking further into the year, how do you think the -- those order trends might progress given what's going on with the general industry and the supply chain?


  • Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

    Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure. Yes. I think the -- certainly, the comment overall on the bookings level on the commercial side, very strong. That's reflected in that backlog number. Glad to see the commercial bookings really move now across our footprint, not just Asia Pacific, but benefiting our North America footprint as well, which is a great development.


  • And then if you start looking specifically, where the inventory concerns have been raised is predominantly around the automotive side. What we're hearing from customers at this point, as I mentioned earlier, is that they continue to want to see a ship. And in discussions with those customers, they're saying, look, the demand is still there that they need us to continue to ship.


  • Part of that is, frankly, inventory replenishment from last year.


  • So there is a little bit of inventory replenishment, I'd say, there. But in terms of potential inventory adjustments, we certainly haven't seen that. And the demand has continued to remain there. It remains strong for us here.


  • And certainly, that's what we're seeing in the second quarter as well. What we're looking to, particularly in automotive, is what does the end market look like as we head into the second half of the year. We've been encouraged -- encouraging trends in Asia. North America, encouraging as well.


  • I think the only question out there right now, as we look at our business, is Europe, and when do we see a stronger recovery out of Europe. And how does that then impact the second half of the year? So still, I would say, second half of the year, we're not yet sure yet. But certainly, through the first half, it looks strong, looks like the end market demand really across the commercial sector is holding up very well. So very pleased to see that.


  • Alvin J. Park - Associate

    Alvin J. Park - Associate

  • And if I may, for a follow-up, you clearly detailed the COGS in your gross profit margin and the associated commodities headwinds and FX headwinds and the like. But could we get more color on how you're looking into OpEx later into the year and beyond, once, hopefully, the world gets back into post-pandemic recovery and things go back to normal?


  • And I believe for the OpEx guidance, including R&D, the guide was around 10% of revenue versus last quarter guide, which was at 9.6%, and that has been trickling up slightly. Should we be looking at OpEx going up or down with the increase of travel, but COVID costs are decreasing? With all the puts and takes, how should we be looking at that going forward?

    我相信,對於包括研發在內的營運支出指導,該指導約為收入的 10%,而上季度指導為 9.6%,而且這一比例一直在小幅上升。我們應該考慮營運支出隨著旅行的增加而上升還是下降,但新冠疫情成本卻在下降?考慮到所有的看跌期權,我們該如何看待未來?

  • Todd B. Schull - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Todd B. Schull - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • I'll try to respond to that, Tom. Alvin, you're correct in observing that last year's OpEx numbers were probably -- well, certainly suppressed because of the virus, right? We curtailed all travel. We also took aggressive actions proactively to be very cautious, and we ran as lean as we possibly could in terms of headcount and managing the business.


  • And so we're below average or below what we -- what I would call as a normal sustainable run rate when you look at the 2020 kind of OpEx numbers.

    因此,當你查看 2020 年的營運支出數據時,我們低於平均或低於我所說的正常永續運作率。

  • As you go into this coming year and you start to look at Q -- what we've given guidance on in terms of Q2 and how that compares to Q1, we're gradually starting to ramp up.

    當你進入明年並開始關注 Q 時——我們在第二季度給出了哪些指導以及與第一季相比如何,我們正在逐漸開始加速。

  • Travel is still relatively muted. But will increase as the virus gets under better control here throughout the year. That would probably be one of the biggest factors influencing some of our spending.


  • And we're not talking $5 million worth of OpEx here. We're really focusing on modest growth as we deal with some of the one-offs, travel being one.

    我們這裡討論的不是價值 500 萬美元的營運支出。在處理一些一次性問題時,我們真正關注的是適度成長,而旅行就是其中之一。

  • Also you get fluctuations quarter-to-quarter depending on what happens sometimes with like accounts receivable with bad debt reserves and things like that. We did have a little bit of a recovery in Q1 that probably -- well, suppressed our results or our G&A expense by about $1 million.

    此外,季度與季度之間也會出現波動,具體取決於有時發生的情況,例如帶有壞帳準備金的應收帳款等。我們在第一季確實有一點復甦,這可能會導致我們的業績或一般管理費用減少約 100 萬美元。

  • That's not likely to repeat next quarter. So you got to take out some of those one-off anomalies. When you look at our overall run rate on OpEx, a number up in that $50 million range is not unreasonable for kind of a normal number. So that's probably something you should look at longer term in terms of expectations as we go through the year.

    這種情況不太可能在下個季度重演。所以你必須消除一些一次性的異常現象。當您查看我們的營運支出整體運行率時,您會發現 5000 萬美元的數字對於正常數字來說並非不合理。因此,在我們度過這一年的過程中,您可能應該從長遠的角度來看待這一點。

  • Operator


  • We will take our next question from Tyler Bailey of Needham.


  • Unidentified Analyst

    Unidentified Analyst

  • I'm filling in for Jim Ricchiuti. You mentioned again you guys continuing to build a strong balance sheet. So just wondering if you could maybe provide some insight into your M&A pipeline and maybe possibly more on which verticals you might be targeting?

    我將接替吉姆·里奇烏蒂 (Jim Ricchiuti)。你們再次提到你們將繼續建立強大的資產負債表。因此,我想知道您是否可以提供一些有關您的併購管道的見解,以及您可能瞄準的垂直行業的更多資訊?

  • Todd B. Schull - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Todd B. Schull - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Sure. Yes. So the theme for us and really strategically, the direction for TTM is to continue to focus on differentiation. And that differentiation comes in a couple of forms that tie directly to our M&A strategy. One is in terms of really how we build on top of our printed circuit board, and that's really oriented around RF, our building on the Anaren acquisition of several years ago, continuing to add RF expertise in the component area for our commercial business and in the -- and with RF engineering strength for our aerospace and defense business.

    當然。是的。因此,我們的主題以及真正的策略方向是,TTM 的方向是繼續專注於差異化。這種差異化有多種形式,與我們的併購策略直接相關。一是我們如何在印刷電路板上構建,這實際上是圍繞射頻的,我們建立在幾年前收購 Anaren 的基礎上,繼續為我們的商業業務和在組件領域增加射頻專業知識。航空航太和國防業務的射頻工程實力。

  • So that's the primary thrust of our M&A direction. From -- a secondary area of differentiation for us is in our footprint capability between our North America strength and backed up by volume production in Asia.


  • As we see customer needs shift in terms of requirements, we'll continue to look at M&A opportunities as related to our footprint expansion as well.


  • So those are the -- really, the 2 primary areas. I would comment that the market or the valuation expectations out there, still a little bit of a disconnect in terms of where we believe, when we look at cash flow analysis, which is critical for us.


  • When you look at our cash flow based valuations, still a little bit of a gap there in between expectations and what we would look at as really a discounted cash flow-based valuation. But that will -- that changes over time. It hasn't shifted our strategic direction here as we look at M&A. So hopefully, that helps you with that question.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) we'll take our next question from Paul Coster of JP Morgan.

    (操作員說明)我們將接受摩根大通的保羅·科斯特(Paul Coster)提出的下一個問題。

  • Paul Chung - VP & IT Hardware Analyst

    Paul Chung - VP & IT Hardware Analyst

  • This is Paul Chung on for Coster. So just on seasonality, today, now with cellular gone, that kind of lessens the volatility of 3Q and 4Q. But how do we kind of think about sequential trends throughout the year? 2Q you got a bump from your guidance, but should we still expect a larger second half relative to the first half? Any comments there would be helpful.


  • Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

    Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

  • Maybe I can start, Todd, and you can jump in if I miss anything. I think that from -- you're absolutely right, Paul. From a seasonality standpoint, really, the seasonality that's left in our business model is mainly just around Chinese New Year. And that's based on our customers' production schedules being impacted by Chinese New Year as well as well as our own factories and production being limited. So that's the seasonality that we have left. It mostly now we're looking at markets that work on cycles. And so it's very much end-market specific. Now as we start looking at the second half of this year, and, certainly, as we've indicated in


  • the second quarter, we're seeing commercial market strength generally. If you look at -- start with just running quickly through the businesses, if you look at automotive, certainly, automotive continuing a rebound. I covered the second half.


  • I do think we're going to get to a steady state here, but still good, solid strength there driven by the end market. Data center, continuing to grow. We had a very good year last year in data center computing.


  • And it looks, again, this year, a lot of design activity with our customers and very encouraging environment. MII, if you look at medical industrial instrumentation, I highlighted semiconductor capital equipment.

    今年,我們與客戶一起進行了許多設計活動,環境也非常鼓舞人心。 MII,如果你看看醫療工業儀器,我強調了半導體資本設備。

  • Everyone knows that's been a strong area, certainly has impacted our business. What I'm excited about is we're now seeing medical -- really the elective surgery related medical business start to come back. Last year, we were dealing with urgent requirements for ventilator and patient monitoring systems.


  • Now we're back to seeing that mix shift towards more steady, solid growth in that medical business. I'm really excited to see that coming into our mix now. And industrial, for us, industrial, a lot of our industrial work is automation, robotics related, starting to really come back now.


  • So our MII area is now looking to be much better balanced and that certainly bodes well here as we go through the course of the year.

    因此,我們的 MII 領域現在希望更加平衡,這在我們今年的進程中無疑是個好兆頭。

  • And I commented on networking communications and that telecom piece, again, from a revenue standpoint, I would expect China to reemerge on that side as we go through Q2 and Q3 and complemented by rest of world demand. Networking continues to look solid.


  • So overall, commercial business looks very good here as we go through the course of the year. And as the economies overall recover post-COVID.


  • Aerospace and defense, defense remains solid. And what -- again, slight encouragement here in terms of commercial aerospace. And what has been really a business bumping along the bottom, we're starting


  • to see a little bit of positive movement there that's encouraging to see we'll see if it holds up. But certainly, a better situation than a quarter ago, though still subdued on a year-on-year basis.


  • So hopefully, I'll give you a quick run-through, but much more related to these end markets and their demand trends now than any particular consumer-based seasonality.


  • Paul Chung - VP & IT Hardware Analyst

    Paul Chung - VP & IT Hardware Analyst

  • Got you. That's very helpful. And then on your capital structure, it's in very good shape. And you mentioned share buybacks may become a priority, which you really haven't been active on in years.


  • So are you kind of signaling a pause on M&A and maybe focused more on increasing margins organically and then more share buybacks?


  • Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

    Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

  • What maybe I can -- I'll start out and, Todd, you jump in. The -- we view this as complementary. We have -- as you know, we've always had a structure, a balance sheet goal of being in that 1.5x to 2.0x. We're very comfortable operating in that neighborhood.

    也許我能做的——我會開始,托德,你也加入進來。如你所知,我們一直有一個結構,資產負債表目標是 1.5 倍到 2.0 倍。我們在那個街區經營非常自在。

  • As we saw our sales coming down below that 1.5x. That's when it starts making sense to look at returning money, capital, to shareholders as part of the overall capital allocation strategy. But that by no means reduces the priority around M&A.

    當我們看到我們的銷售額下降到 1.5 倍以下。從那時起,將資金、資本返還給股東作為整體資本配置策略的一部分就開始有意義了。但這絕不降低併購的優先順序。

  • What it really just says is, Look, we've got another tool in the toolbox here as we manage our overall balance sheet. So think about it that way in terms of certainly the TTM orientation. But, Todd, any other comments there?

    它真正想說的是,看,我們的工具箱裡還有另一個工具,可以用來管理我們的整體資產負債表。因此,從 TTM 方向的角度考慮這一點。但是,托德,還有其他評論嗎?

  • Todd B. Schull - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Todd B. Schull - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • No, I think I'd just highlight, we've reached a point where it kind of ties to your seasonality question, Paul With the absence of seasonality, we have much more consistent performance, and we're much more predictable in that way.


  • And so it's increased our confidence level in the ability of the business in terms of the cash generation capability. And as Tom highlighted, we are moving forward on both fronts. We believe that we can do both. They're not mutually exclusive.


  • Now there may be a time if we do a big deal or something like that, that we might have to throttle back on the stock buyback for a period of time. But over the longer haul, we see room for both actions or both opportunities in terms of helping our shareholders increase their value.


  • Paul Chung - VP & IT Hardware Analyst

    Paul Chung - VP & IT Hardware Analyst

  • Okay. Great. And then last question, free cash flow, if I listen to what you're saying about the steadiness of the quarters on a seasonal basis, does that kind of apply to your free cash flow as well to flow through?


  • And what's kind of your outlook on working cap. You had a pretty big benefit in '20. There's some noise with the sale of cellular, but how should we think about overall free cash flow for the year-end conversion?

    您對工作上限有何看法?你在 20 世紀獲得了相當大的利益。手機銷售存在一些噪音,但我們應該如何考慮年終轉換的整體自由現金流?

  • Todd B. Schull - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Todd B. Schull - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • So I would just kind of -- I'll go at the answer kind of backwards. Let me do the CapEx part of it first because we manage that pretty carefully.


  • But as we noted, I think, last quarter, Q1, our cash CapEx was $20 million or $21 million, I think. We're expecting cash CapEx for the year to be $80 million, plus or minus.

    但正如我們所指出的,我認為上個季度,即第一季度,我們的現金資本支出為 2000 萬美元或 2100 萬美元。我們預計今年的現金資本支出為 8,000 萬美元(上下)。

  • And that's in that 4% to 5% of revenue range, which we talk about as kind of our long-term swim lane for CapEx, making sure that we continue to invest in technology as well as capacity challenges and being a good corporate citizen relative to environmental safety and whatnot.

    這佔收入的 4% 到 5% 範圍,我們將其視為資本支出的長期泳道,確保我們繼續投資於技術和產能挑戰,並成為良好的企業公民親戚環境安全等等。

  • So that's pretty consistent, and we can turn that down if we need to if the economy is soft, but that's certainly not a situation that we're looking at this year.


  • In terms of cash flow from operations, generally speaking, we're -- we expect to be relatively consistent, but Q1 always is a little softer than the rest of the quarters. If you look year-over-year, our Q1 cash flow from operations is up significantly compared to last year.


  • And then we tend to do better as we go through the year. We're targeting -- we'd like to be around 10% of revenue in terms of our cash flow from operations. But that's subject to a lot of different variables.

    然後,隨著這一年的過去,我們往往會做得更好。我們的目標是——我們希望營運現金流佔收入的 10% 左右。但這受到很多不同變數的影響。

  • Profit, obviously, is a key piece of that as well as managing working capital. And we are -- we have programs in place internally where we're working to make sure that we're managing both of those aspects appropriately.

    顯然,利潤以及管理營運資金是其中的關鍵部分。我們 - 我們在內部製定了計劃,我們正在努力確保我們適當地管理這兩個方面。

  • So I think we're looking for good consistency. Yes, we had some potential with the sale of mobility business, and winding down that working capital helped us a little bit last year. But we will still be producing some pretty strong numbers, and I think we'll be very proud of them by the end of the year here.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. And this concludes our question-and-answer portion for today's teleconference. I would now like to turn it back over to Tom.


  • Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

    Thomas T. Edman - President, CEO & Director

  • I'd just like to close by summarizing some of the critical points. First, we delivered revenues and earnings above the midpoint of guidance. That's despite some of the challenges we had from COVID-19, currency and supply chain.

    最後我想總結一些關鍵點。首先,我們的收入和收益高於指導中點。儘管我們面臨著來自 COVID-19、貨幣和供應鏈的一些挑戰。

  • Second, our end market diversification really enabled solid year-on-year growth in the mid-single digits. And third, we generated strong cash flow and we issued new bonds at a lower rate than the ones we redeemed.


  • So in closing, I'd like to thank our employees again for all of their efforts, our customers, our investors as well for your continued support as we navigate our business challenges and we continue on our long-term strategic direction. Thank you very much, and thank you for the questions. Take care.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for participation in today's teleconference. You may now disconnect.
