TJX Companies Inc (TJX) 2025 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by. Welcome to the TJX Companies First Quarter Fiscal 2025 Financial Results Conference Call. (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference call is being recorded, May 22, 2024. I would like to turn the conference call over to Mr. Ernie Herrman, Chief Executive Officer and President of TJX Companies, Inc. Please go ahead, sir.

    女士們先生們,謝謝你們的支持。歡迎參加 TJX 公司 2025 財年第一季財務業績電話會議。 (操作員說明)謹此提醒,本次電話會議將於 2024 年 5 月 22 日進行錄音。

  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • Thanks, Courtney. Before we begin, Deb has some opening comments.


  • Debra McConnell - SVP of Global Communications

    Debra McConnell - SVP of Global Communications

  • Thank you, Ernie, and good morning. Today's call is being recorded and includes forward-looking statements about our results and plans. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to vary materially from these statements, including, among others, the factors identified in our filings with the SEC.

    謝謝你,厄尼,早安。今天的電話會議正在錄音,其中包括有關我們的結果和計劃的前瞻性陳述。這些陳述存在風險和不確定性,可能導致實際結果與這些陳述有重大差異,其中包括我們向 SEC 提交的文件中確定的因素。

  • Please review our press release for a cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements as well as the full safe harbor statements included in the Investors section of our website, We have also detailed the impact of foreign exchange on our consolidated results and our international divisions in today's press release and in the Investors section of along with reconciliations to non-GAAP measures we discuss.

    請查看我們的新聞稿,以了解有關前瞻性陳述的警告聲明以及我們網站 投資者部分中包含的完整安全港聲明。我們也在今天的新聞稿和 的投資者部分中詳細介紹了外匯對我們的綜合業績和國際部門的影響,以及我們討論的非公認會計原則措施的調節。

  • Thank you. And now I'll turn it back over to Ernie.


  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • Good morning. Joining me and Deb on the call is John. I want to start by thanking all of our global associates for their ongoing commitment to TJX and for delivering great value to our customers. I especially want to recognize the hard work of our store, distribution and fulfillment center associates across the company.

    早安.加入我和黛布通話的是約翰。首先,我要感謝我們所有的全球員工對 TJX 的持續承諾以及為我們的客戶提供巨大價值。我特別想表彰全公司商店、配送和履行中心員工的辛勤工作。

  • Now to our business update and first quarter results. I am very pleased with our first quarter performance. Overall, comp store sales were up 3%, which was at the high end of our plan. Again, this quarter, the comp increase was entirely driven by customer transactions. We see this as an excellent indicator of the strength of our business. As to first quarter profitability, both pretax profit margin and earnings per share came in well above our plans, which was terrific to see. John will talk to the drivers of this profit outperformance in a moment.

    現在介紹我們的業務更新和第一季業績。 我對我們第一季的表現非常滿意。總體而言,Comp Store 銷售額成長了 3%,這是我們計劃的上限。同樣,本季的薪資成長完全是由客戶交易推動的。我們認為這是我們業務實力的一個很好的指標。至於第一季的獲利能力,稅前利潤率和每股盈餘都遠高於我們的計劃,這真是太棒了。 約翰稍後將討論利潤表現出色的驅動因素。

  • Our first quarter results are a testament to the sharp execution of our teams who focused on offering our shoppers excellent value on every item, every day. Our results also highlight the benefits of our flexible business model. Throughout the quarter, we flexed our store assortments and leaned into categories that many consumers were looking for.


  • Further, we remain disciplined in managing our buying, inventory and expenses and remain focused on driving profitability. Looking ahead, our value leadership in retail gives us great confidence in TJX. The second quarter is off to a good start and we are excited about the opportunities we see for our business. We are very happy with our inventory levels and are in great position to capitalize on the outstanding buying opportunities that we see in the marketplace.

    此外,我們仍然嚴格管理採購、庫存和費用,並繼續專注於提高獲利能力。展望未來,我們在零售領域的價值領先地位讓我們對 TJX 充滿信心。第二季有一個好的開端,我們對看到的業務機會感到興奮。我們對我們的庫存水準非常滿意,並且處於有利地位,可以利用我們在市場上看到的出色購買機會。

  • We plan to flow fresh assortments to our stores and online, this spring and summer and throughout the year. Longer term, we remain convinced that we are well positioned to grow our global footprint, gain market share in our geographies around the world and increase the profitability of TJX. Before I continue, I'll turn the call over to John to cover our first quarter results in more detail.

    我們計劃在今年春夏以及全年向我們的商店和網上供應新鮮品種。從長遠來看,我們仍然相信,我們有能力擴大我們的全球足跡,在全球各地獲得市場份額,並提高 TJX 的獲利能力。在繼續之前,我將把電話轉給約翰,以更詳細地介紹我們第一季的業績。

  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Ernie. I also want to add my gratitude to all of our global associates for their continued hard work. Now I'll share some additional details on the first quarter versus last year. As Ernie mentioned, our consolidated comp was at the high end of our plan and entirely driven by customer transactions. Comps in both our apparel and home categories increased with home outperforming apparel. Pretax profit margin was 11.1%, was up 80 basis points.


  • This was 50 basis points above our plan, primarily due to a larger-than-expected benefit from lower freight costs, a reserve release and higher net interest income. Gross margin was up 110 basis points. This was driven by a benefit from lower freight costs and favorable mark-on, partially offset by the timing of capitalized inventory cost and supply chain investments. SG&A increased 20 basis points due to incremental store wage and payroll costs, partially offset by the reserve release.

    這比我們的計畫高出 50 個基點,主要是因為貨運成本降低、準備金釋放和淨利息收入增加所帶來的效益超出預期。毛利率上升 110 個基點。這是由於較低的貨運成本和有利的加價帶來的好處,部分被資本化庫存成本和供應鏈投資的時機所抵消。由於商店工資和工資成本增加,SG&A 增加了 20 個基點,但部分被準備金釋放所抵消。

  • Net interest income benefited pretax profit margin by 10 basis points. Lastly, we were very pleased that diluted earnings per share were up 22%. This was well above our plan due to our pretax profitability outperformance and a lower-than-expected tax rate that benefited first quarter diluted earnings per share by $0.03. Now to our first quarter divisional performance. Across all our divisions, our comp increases were entirely driven by customer transactions, which again is such a great indicator of the strength of our value proposition.

    淨利息收入使稅前利潤率提高10個基點。最後,我們非常高興稀釋後每股收益成長了 22%。這遠高於我們的計劃,因為我們的稅前獲利能力表現出色,而且稅率低於預期,使第一季稀釋後每股收益增加了 0.03 美元。現在來看看我們第一季的部門業績。在我們所有部門中,我們的薪酬成長完全是由客戶交易驅動的,這再次很好地表明了我們價值主張的強度。

  • At Marmaxx, comp store sales increased 2% and segment profit margin was 14.2%, up 20 basis points. Despite some periods of unfavorable weather, both Marmaxx's apparel and home categories saw positive comp store sales with home outperforming apparel. Further, we were very pleased to see comp sales increases at stores in demographic areas with average household incomes above and below $100,000.

    在 Marmaxx,Comp Store 銷售額成長了 2%,部門利潤率為 14.2%,成長了 20 個基點。儘管有一段時期天氣不利,Marmaxx 的服裝和家居品類均實現了積極的對比店銷售,其中家居品類的表現優於服裝。此外,我們非常高興地看到平均家庭收入高於或低於 100,000 美元的人口統計區域的商店的贈品銷售額有所增長。

  • At our U.S. e-commerce sites and at Sierra, which we report as part of this division, we were happy with their strong sales performance. HomeGoods comp store sales increased 4% and segment profit margin grew significantly to 9.5%. This was a 220-basis point improvement versus last year. HomeGoods and HomeSense offer customers a differentiated shopping experience for home fashions.

    在我們的美國電子商務網站和 Sierra(我們將其報告為該部門的一部分)中,我們對其強勁的銷售業績感到滿意。 HomeGoods 比較店銷售額成長 4%,部門利潤率大幅成長至 9.5%。與去年相比,這一數字提高了 220 個基點。 HomeGoods 和 HomeSense 為顧客提供差異化的家居時尚購物體驗。

  • Our buyers source products from around the world to bring customers eclectic selections and affordable ways to upgrade their home decor. Moving to our international divisions. At TJX Canada, comp store sales were up 4% and segment profit margin on a constant currency basis was 12.4%, up 110 basis points. At TJX International, comp store sales increased 2% and were up in both Europe and Australia. Segment profit margin on a constant currency basis improved significantly to 3.9%, up 120 basis points.

    我們的買家從世界各地採購產品,為客戶帶來不拘一格的選擇和實惠的方式來升級他們的家居裝飾。轉向我們的國際部門。在 TJX Canada,Comp Store 銷售額成長了 4%,以固定匯率計算的部門利潤率為 12.4%,成長了 110 個基點。 TJX International 的比較商店銷售額成長了 2%,歐洲和澳洲的銷售額均有所成長。以固定匯率計算的分部利潤率大幅提高至 3.9%,上升 120 個基點。

  • We believe we are performing better than most other major retailers in Canada and Europe. We are confident we will continue to be a leading shopping destination for value-seeking customers in Canada, Europe and Australia. Moving to inventory. Balance sheet inventory was down 3% versus the first quarter of last year. Inventory on a per-store basis was down 5% and driven by the lower inventory at our distribution centers.

    我們相信我們的表現比加拿大和歐洲的大多數其他主要零售商都要好。我們相信,我們將繼續成為加拿大、歐洲和澳洲尋求價值的客戶的領先購物目的地。轉向庫存。資產負債表庫存較去年第一季下降 3%。由於配送中心庫存減少,每家商店的庫存下降了 5%。

  • Importantly, in-store inventory was in line with last year's levels. We feel great about our inventory levels and are in a great position to take advantage of the outstanding availability we are seeing in the marketplace. As to our capital allocation, we were very pleased to start another year generating strong cash flow, reinvesting in the growth of our business and returning cash to shareholders through our buyback and dividend programs.


  • Now I'll turn it back to Ernie.


  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • Thanks, John. I'd like to highlight the reasons we have great confidence in the near- and long-term growth opportunities for TJX. We have a long track record of success through many kinds of retail and macro environments and our value proposition has always served us well. Our off-price business model is extremely flexible and resilient and I believe we are set up for a long runway of exciting growth in our geographies around the world.

    謝謝,約翰。我想強調一下我們對 TJX 的近期和長期成長機會充滿信心的原因。我們在多種零售和宏觀環境中擁有長期的成功記錄,我們的價值主張始終為我們提供了良好的服務。我們的折扣業務模式極其靈活且富有彈性,我相信我們已做好準備,在全球各地實現令人興奮的成長。

  • First is our wide customer demographic reach. We want to sell everyone. With our flexibility and opportunistic buying, we offer expansive assortments of good, better and best merchandise for shoppers across a broad range of income and age groups. We continue to attract new Gen Z and millennial shoppers to our stores, which we believe bodes well for our future growth. It's really great when we see multiple generations shopping our stores together.

    首先是我們廣泛的客戶群。我們想賣掉所有人。憑藉我們的靈活性和機會主義購買,我們為不同收入和年齡層的購物者提供種類繁多的優質、更好和最好的商品。我們繼續吸引新的 Z 世代和千禧世代購物者來到我們的商店,我們相信這對我們未來的成長來說是個好兆頭。當我們看到幾代人一起在我們的商店購物時,真是太棒了。

  • Second, we are convinced that significant market share opportunities remain across the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia. Over the long term, we see potential to further expand our store footprint by at least another 1,300-plus stores with our current retail banners in our existing countries alone. Third, with our more than 1,300 global buyers, sourcing from a universe of more than 21,000 vendors and from over 100 countries, we are confident that there will be plenty of quality branded merchandise available to us to support our growth plans.

    其次,我們相信美國、加拿大、歐洲和澳洲仍存在重要的市佔機會。從長遠來看,我們認為僅在現有國家/地區就可以進一步擴大我們的商店足跡,至少再開設 1,300 多家現有零售橫幅的商店。 第三,我們擁有 1,300 多名全球買家,從 100 多個國家/地區的 21,000 多家供應商進行採購,我們相信,我們將有大量優質品牌商品來支持我們的成長計畫。

  • Throughout our history, availability of inventory has never been an issue. In fact, in recent years, we have seen availability become even better as vendors look for additional ways to grow their businesses. We've opened thousands of new vendors, which keeps our store assortment fresh and fuels the differentiated treasure hunt shopping experience for our customers.


  • Our stores receive multiple deliveries each week of fresh branded merchandise to surprise and excite our customers. With our rapidly changing assortment, shoppers are inspired to visit us frequently to see what's new. Lastly and most importantly, are the talented associates who do an exceptional job executing on our initiatives. I truly believe the level of off-price knowledge and expertise within our organization is unmatched. We have a highly differentiated global business and we have developed a specialized talent and teams to support it. We have many leaders across TJX with decades of off-price experience. Additionally, we focus on developing newer associates and the next generation of leaders within our organization.

    我們的商店每週都會收到多批新鮮品牌商品,讓我們的顧客感到驚喜和興奮。我們的產品種類日新月異,吸引了購物者經常光臨我們的網站,了解新品。最後也是最重要的是,才華橫溢的員工在執行我們的計劃方面表現出色。我堅信我們組織內的低價知識和專業知識水平是無與倫比的。我們擁有高度差異化的全球業務,並培養了專業人才和團隊來支持它。我們在 TJX 擁有許多擁有數十年折扣經驗的領導者。此外,我們也專注於在組織內培養新員工和下一代領導者。

  • We take great pride in our TJX University and other training programs. Our very deep bench gives us the ability to rotate talent between divisions and geographies and to deploy teams where needed. All of this strengthens our company as we pursue our goals for growth and is a tremendous advantage for TJX. I am also very proud of our culture, which I believe is another key differentiator and major component of our success.

    我們對 TJX 大學和其他培訓課程感到非常自豪。我們的人員陣容非常強大,使我們能夠在部門和地區之間輪換人才,並在需要的地方部署團隊。所有這些都增強了我們公司的實力,幫助我們追求成長目標,這對 TJX 來說是一個巨大的優勢。我也為我們的文化感到非常自豪,我相信這是我們成功的另一個關鍵差異因素和主要組成部分。

  • For our corporate responsibility update, I'll share more about our culture, which includes supporting our associates and making TJX a terrific place to work. Our associates bring our business to life and we strive to foster workplace where they feel welcome, valued and engaged. A key priority is helping our associates grow and develop at TJX, which we support both through formal and informal training.

    對於我們的企業責任更新,我將分享更多有關我們文化的信息,其中包括支持我們的員工以及使 TJX 成為一個絕佳的工作場所。我們的員工將我們的業務帶入生活,我們努力營造讓他們感到受歡迎、受到重視和參與的工作場所。首要任務是幫助我們的員工在 TJX 成長和發展,我們透過正式和非正式培訓提供支援。

  • Our associate resource groups, or ARGs and our inclusion and diversity committees have played an important role in creating an inclusive workplace. Within the last year, both the number of ARGs and the number of associates participating in them have continued to grow. As always, you can read more about our corporate responsibility work on

    我們的關聯資源小組 (ARG) 以及包容性和多元化委員會在創建包容性工作場所方面發揮了重要作用。去年,ARG 的數量和參與其中的員工數量都在持續成長。像往常一樣,您可以在 上閱讀有關我們企業責任工作的更多資訊。

  • Summing up, we are very pleased with the overall performance of TJX in the first quarter and that the second quarter is off to a good start. We feel great about our positioning in today's consumer environment and we'll continue to emphasize our value proposition to consumers through our marketing initiatives. Longer term, I am confident that the characteristics of our business set us up extremely well to capitalize on the market share opportunities that we see out there.


  • Lastly, I want to reiterate that we will not be complacent and are committed to looking at ways to further increase the profitability of TJX over the long term. Now I'll turn the call back to John to cover our full year and second quarter guidance and then we'll open it up for questions.

    最後,我想重申,我們不會自滿,並致力於尋找進一步提高 TJX 長期獲利能力的方法。現在我將把電話轉回約翰,介紹我們的全年和第二季度指導,然後我們將開放提問。

  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks again, Ernie. I'll start with our full year fiscal '25 guidance. We're now planning consolidated sales to be in the range of $55.5 billion to $55.9 billion. This is about $200 million lower than our previous guidance due to the impact of foreign exchange. We continue to expect overall comp store sales to increase 2% to 3%. We're increasing our pretax profit margin guidance to a range of 11% to 11.1%.

    再次感謝,厄尼。我將從我們的 25 財年全年指導開始。我們現在計劃合併銷售額在 555 億美元至 559 億美元之間。 由於外匯的影響,這比我們先前的指導低了約 2 億美元。我們繼續預期實體店整體銷售額將成長 2% 至 3%。我們將稅前利潤率指引提高至 11% 至 11.1%。

  • This would be up 10 to 20 basis points versus last year's adjusted 10.9%. We continue to expect gross margin to be in the range of 30% to 30.1%, a 10- to 20-basis point increase versus last year's adjusted 29.9%. We expect this increase to be driven by a higher merchandise margin, which includes a small benefit from freight, partially offset by our supply chain investments, we continue to plan shrink to be flat versus last year.

    這將比去年​​調整後的 10.9% 上升 10 至 20 個基點。我們繼續預期毛利率將在 30% 至 30.1% 之間,較去年調整後的 29.9% 成長 10 至 20 個基點。我們預計這一成長將由較高的商品利潤率推動,其中包括貨運帶來的小額收益,部分被我們的供應鏈投資所抵消,我們繼續計劃與去年持平。

  • We continue to expect SG&A to be approximately 19.3%, flat to last year's adjusted SG&A. We're planning incremental store wage and payroll costs to be offset by lower incentive compensation costs and a benefit from items that negatively impacted us last year. We're now assuming net interest income of about $156 million, which will have a neutral impact on our year-over-year pretax profit margin. Our full year guidance assumes a tax rate of 25.4% and a weighted average share count of approximately 1.14 billion shares. As a result of all these assumptions, we now expect full year diluted earnings per share to be in the range of $4.03 to $4.09. We would represent -- this would represent an increase of 7% to 9% versus last year's adjusted diluted earnings per share of $3.76.

    我們繼續預期 SG&A 約為 19.3%,與去年調整後的 SG&A 持平。我們計劃透過降低激勵補償成本以及去年對我們產生負面影響的項目帶來的好處來抵消商店工資和工資成本的增量。我們現在假設淨利息收入約為 1.56 億美元,這將對我們的同比稅前利潤率產生中性影響。 我們的全年指引假設稅率為 25.4%,加權平均股數約為 11.4 億股。由於所有這些假設,我們現在預計全年攤薄每股收益將在 4.03 美元至 4.09 美元之間。我們表示,與去年調整後的稀釋每股收益 3.76 美元相比,這將意味著成長 7% 至 9%。

  • Moving to our second quarter guidance. We're expecting overall comp store sales to be up 2% to 3%, consolidated sales to be in the range of $13.2 billion to $13.3 billion, pretax profit margin to be in the range of 10.4% to 10.5%, flat to up 10 basis points versus last year. Gross margin to be approximately 29.8%. This would be a decrease of 40 basis points versus last year. This is primarily due to the lapping of a significant freight accrual benefit last year in supply chain investments, partially offset by an increase in merchandise margin.

    轉向我們的第二季指引。我們預計實體店整體銷售額將成長 2% 至 3%,綜合銷售額將在 132 億美元至 133 億美元之間,稅前利潤率將在 10.4% 至 10.5% 之間,持平至增長 10%與去年相比的基點。毛利率約29.8%。這將比去年​​下降 40 個基點。這主要是由於去年供應鏈投資帶來了顯著的貨運應計效益,但部分被商品利潤率的增加所抵消。

  • SG&A to be approximately 19.6%, a decrease of 50 basis points versus last year. This is primarily due to a benefit from lapping higher incentive accruals and a reserve related to the write-off of a German COVID program receivable last year, partially offset by incremental store wage and payroll costs. Our second quarter guidance also assumes net interest income of about $42 million, a tax rate of 26.3% and a weighted average share count of approximately 1.14 billion shares. Based on these assumptions, we're expecting second quarter diluted earnings per share to be in the range of $0.88 to $0.90, up 4% to 6% versus last year's $0.85.

    SG&A 約 19.6%,比去年下降 50 個基點。這主要是由於去年德國新冠疫情計劃應收帳款沖銷帶來的更高的應計獎勵和準備金帶來的好處,部分被商店工資和工資成本的增加所抵消。 我們的第二季指引也假設淨利息收入約為 4,200 萬美元,稅率為 26.3%,加權平均股數約為 11.4 億股。基於這些假設,我們預計第二季攤薄後每股收益將在 0.88 美元至 0.90 美元之間,比去年的 0.85 美元增加 4% 至 6%。

  • Lastly, our implied guidance for the second half of the year assumes that overall comp store sales will be up 2% to 3%, pretax profit margin will be in the range of 11.3% to 11.5% and earnings per share will be in the range of $2.22 to $2.26. In closing, I want to emphasize that we are in an excellent financial position to continue to invest in the growth of our company, while simultaneously returning significant cash to our shareholders.

    最後,我們對今年下半年的隱含指引假設整體商店銷售額將成長 2% 至 3%,稅前利潤率將在 11.3% 至 11.5% 範圍內,每股收益將在2.22 美元至 2.26 美元。最後,我想強調,我們的財務狀況良好,可以繼續投資於公司的發展,同時向股東返還大量現金。

  • Now we are happy to take your questions. As a reminder, please limit your questions to 1 per person so we can answer as many questions as we can. Thanks and now we'll open it up to questions.

    現在我們很樂意回答您的問題。溫馨提示,請將您的問題限制為每人 1 個,以便我們可以回答盡可能多的問題。謝謝,現在我們將開放提問。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Matthew Boss from JPMorgan.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自摩根大通的 Matthew Boss。

  • Matthew Robert Boss - MD & Senior Analyst

    Matthew Robert Boss - MD & Senior Analyst

  • And congrats on another nice quarter. So Ernie, could you elaborate on drivers of the market share gains across both apparel and home that you cited? And just your confidence in the multiyear runway for continued gains, maybe near term, have you seen any change in business momentum here in May? And then, John, just speaking of runway, how best to think about merchandise margins multiyear, just given the structural changes on the buying front that you've discussed?

    恭喜又一個美好的季度。那麼,Ernie,您能否詳細說明您提到的服裝和家居市場份額增長的驅動因素?您對多年持續成長(也許是近期)的持續成長充滿信心,您是否看到 5 月份的業務勢頭有任何變化?然後,約翰,剛才談到跑道,考慮到您所討論的購買方面的結構性變化,如何最好地考慮多年的商品利潤率?

  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • So Matt, let me start. Well, obviously, we don't give category-specific information on which categories we're driving the comps. But one thing I can tell you it was pretty balanced across the board. It wasn't one -- any one area that was driving our total any more than we planned on it. We did feel a little bit of a weather pattern hit that during the quarter and it was kind of an on and off thing, which you probably read about and heard about from other retailers talking about it.


  • So in our case, those type of patterns can impact us in areas just like it does anyone else in terms of foot traffic tends to impact our apparel layers but our apparel ended up healthy for the quarter. So whether it was home, apparel, accessories, everything kind of was in line with the way we thought it would have been for the quarter. The confidence -- and again, I think your second part of the question was about -- and again, I can't give you specifics on the categories, the second part of the question, I guess, is about what gives us confidence in the future, right, on how we're going to continue to drive this. And am I getting that right, Matt on the second?


  • Matthew Robert Boss - MD & Senior Analyst

    Matthew Robert Boss - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Yes. Continued drivers of market share gains and just business momentum. Have you seen any change?


  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes. No, the momentum is really consistent where it's been in the last few months. And the -- I think what gives us a lot of confidence is we are the only retailer right now that I see that is able to take brands and fashion and quality and put all of that together in this treasure hunt format, remember, I'm talking about having good, better, best, good, better, best, a range of all income and age groups, whereas all the other retailers, and I know, Matt, we've talked about this before, I really don't know of any other retailer brick-and-mortar oriented that is creating a treasure hunt of this excitement level and entertainment level because they're trading so broadly as we are.


  • And so that is extremely differentiated in this environment, fortunately for us. We're able to take advantage of the excess inventories across the e-com business as those flex and some of those, as you know, some of the vertical players as well as the full-line players, they've had spill off of goods. That has been a supplier of extra inventory for us.


  • As always, we see availability to continue to propel us because we are now becoming more and more important to our vendors which has -- we were important in the middle of COVID, pre-COVID. Now we're at a different level, I believe, of importance to our vendors. And the neat thing with that is the vendors have figured out ways to work with us even more consistently than in the past.


  • So your question, by the way, as you can imagine, as I'm going on here, it's just -- it really encompasses all the reasons why we're so bullish. I mean we have the value leadership positioning right now. And another thing that's happened, as we become a cooler place to shop, so the other thing giving us confidence is, we are now more gift-giving-oriented all year long. So now we're starting to get a greater consumer traffic coming to us for gift giving, whether it's at holiday and we've delivered strong fourth quarters.


  • But even in the other time periods, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, whereas a handful -- I don't know, 10 years ago, maybe we weren't the place on X percent of gifts that people were comfortable with giving. So sorry for the long-winded answer. I could keep going but I think that's enough to give you the confidence of why I think we're going to continue on a healthy trajectory here.

    但即使在其他時間段,母親節、父親節、情人節,而少數人——我不知道,10 年前,也許我們並不是人們願意送出的 X% 的禮物。很抱歉這麼冗長的回答。我可以繼續前進,但我認為這足以讓你相信為什麼我認為我們將繼續沿著健康的軌道前進。

  • Matthew Robert Boss - MD & Senior Analyst

    Matthew Robert Boss - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • John, did I leave anything for you?


  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • No. I think right now.


  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • No, but I think you had. Did you?


  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • What was the question for me, Matt? I think Ernie might have answered it.


  • Matthew Robert Boss - MD & Senior Analyst

    Matthew Robert Boss - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Runway multiyear with merchandise margins, just given the structural changes that you made on the buying front.


  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • That's back to me probably.


  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • That's back to me probably. I just wanted you to know, Matt, John is looking back at me. So the -- wow, I'd say we just started to touch on that. So as you can see from the healthy merchandise margin, we just delivered and we believe there's still a opportunity in our pricing as we go forward to continue to selectively raise our prices as well as what's happened is, buy better.


  • It's kind of a 50-50 right now. We're winning on both fronts in terms of buying better and retailing goods. And I have to tell you, 1 team, our marketing teams measure our perception of value with the consumers regularly and what they would tell you is that -- our surveys tell us our customer perception on our values that we offer continues to show us as being stronger than the competition really overall through the business.


  • So we're always monitoring that in addition to looking at the true numbers but our customers perceive our values as extremely strong relative to competition, which I believe gives us in merchandise margin, to your question, the ability to continue to leverage our pricing and our buying power. Always keeping a pulse on that, which our buyers are excellent at monitoring where our retails are versus the competition. Hopefully, that answers that.


  • Matthew Robert Boss - MD & Senior Analyst

    Matthew Robert Boss - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Great color. Best of luck.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Lorraine Hutchinson from Bank of America.

    我們的下一個問題來自美國銀行的洛林‧哈欽森 (Lorraine Hutchinson)。

  • Lorraine Corrine Maikis Hutchinson - MD in Equity Research

    Lorraine Corrine Maikis Hutchinson - MD in Equity Research

  • My question is around new customer acquisition. Are you still attracting a younger customer to all of the banners? And are you seeing any increased sign of trade down from a higher income demographic?


  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, Lorraine, so we do continue to attract more new customers that are skewing to a younger age as well, as we've seen for the last number of quarters. And what was -- I'm sorry, what was the second part of your question?


  • Lorraine Corrine Maikis Hutchinson - MD in Equity Research

    Lorraine Corrine Maikis Hutchinson - MD in Equity Research

  • Signs of trade down.


  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • Oh, the trade down, trade down. So again, it's hard for us to see specific customer data because we don't -- our credit card isn't as penetrated as other retailers. But what we are seeing, when we look at our sales by stores that are in different demographics, like we said on the call, we're seeing above and below $100,000, they were both positive. Now this quarter, it skewed a little bit more towards the lower income customer. But again, it was strong on both sides of that point, that $100,000.

    哦,交易下降,交易下降。再說一次,我們很難看到特定的客戶數據,因為我們看不到——我們的信用卡不像其他零售商那樣滲透。但我們所看到的是,當我們查看不同人口統計的商店的銷售額時,就像我們在電話中所說的那樣,我們看到高於和低於 100,000 美元,它們都是積極的。現在這個季度,它更多地向低收入客戶傾斜。但同樣,10 萬美元這一點的兩邊都很強勁。

  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • Lorraine, I would just also jump in on one of the things that we believe is healthy for us, again, as we talked about in the beginning, the way we trade to good, better, best. On the age demos, where we have been appealing to more younger customers, it -- what's been great is, we also track the age group and the income groups like John is saying, and we are pretty balanced.


  • So also, we have desired to not as much as appeal to younger customers. We don't want to swing a pendulum on any age group because we want the customer to vote and we try to drive across as many income and age demographics. At the same time, planting the seeds, as you know, our emphasis has been younger customers. So once you know that we're always keeping a pulse though on -- as best we can on measuring -- having a balance, I guess, you would call it, across age and income.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Brooke Roach from Goldman Sachs.


  • Brooke Siler Roach - Research Analyst

    Brooke Siler Roach - Research Analyst

  • Can you speak to your outlook for further market share capture and momentum in the HomeGoods segment and the home segment in aggregate. As you begin to cycle the step-up in sales and profit trends from last year, do you think that you can continue the momentum? And where do you see the biggest opportunity for further gains in comp and margin improvement?


  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes. I'll start with this question, Brooke. Yes. So when you look at our comps going forward, let's say, on a 2-year stack basis, we do have a large fourth quarter. But the one thing to note is that when we came out of COVID, first of all, if you look at the history, it's been somewhat choppy as we've guided towards more of a normalization.


  • But when you look at our comps on a stack versus our last base year, which is FY'20 pre COVID, you'll see that they are very consistent quarter-to-quarter. The other thing is we're seeing our sales growth through transaction growth, which is very healthy. It's a healthy way to grow your top line. So that, again, gives us confidence that we're still appealing to a lot of customers, still picking up a lot of customers that are new to us. So that gives us the confidence to, again, be confident about the 2% to 3% comp we have going forward for the remainder of the year.

    但是,當您將我們的比較與上一個基準年(即新冠疫情爆發前的 20 財年)進行比較時,您會發現它們的季度與季度非常一致。另一件事是我們看到我們的銷售透過交易成長而成長,這是非常健康的。這是增加收入的健康方式。因此,這再次給了我們信心,我們仍然吸引著許多客戶,仍然吸引了許多對我們來說是新的客戶。 因此,這讓我們有信心再次對今年剩餘時間的 2% 至 3% 的薪水充滿信心。

  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • I think, Brooke, the industry, as you know, has had a lot of upheaval and inconsistent results and whether interest rates and big picture with housing slowdown, et cetera, reiterating what John said, I think there's this continued market share opportunity though. And when you look at the -- we look at where our volume was pre-COVID to now, that way you get rid of all the ups and downs and all the noise that happened in that time period. And we have averaged very healthy comps, which I think bodes well for the future.


  • Obviously, the industry -- you can see it out there. The furniture business in the industry, that has been rather soft across the board everywhere. But what we're happy, the reason we don't take a hit as hard as others is we're able to flex, this is where our flexible business model comes into place. And whether it's in HomeGoods or in HomeSense, we were able to flex the categories to where the action is more and the demand is more happening. As well as the other thing we've been doing there is going after consumables, things where they are driving repeat traffic in the HomeGoods. So that's another place we think we'll continue and I won't get into those specific categories. But it's in that place, I think we're going to continue to gain market share.

    顯然,這個行業——你可以在那裡看到它。該行業的家具業務,到處都相當疲軟。但令我們高興的是,我們不像其他人那樣受到那麼大的打擊,因為我們能夠靈活應變,這就是我們靈活的商業模式發揮作用的地方。無論是在 HomeGoods 或 HomeSense 中,我們都能夠將品類靈活調整到活動較多、需求較多的地方。除了我們一直在做的另一件事之外,我們還關註消費品,這些消費品正在推動家居用品的重複流量。 所以這是我們認為我們會繼續的另一個地方,我不會進入這些特定類別。但正是在這個地方,我認為我們將繼續獲得市場份額。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Ike Boruchow from Wells Fargo.

    我們的下一個問題來自富國銀行的 Ike Boruchow。

  • Irwin Bernard Boruchow - MD and Senior Specialty Retail Analyst

    Irwin Bernard Boruchow - MD and Senior Specialty Retail Analyst

  • I guess I wanted to talk about the HomeGoods business. And I assume you're not going to give us specifics on the outlook on either comp or margin. But I guess if I'll kind of frame it as a high-level question, how are you thinking about the business as you balance the solid recovery in margin against what seems like it's becoming a little bit more competitive or tougher in the furnishings and furniture space, just as you kind of like look out to the rest of the year. If you want to give specifics on guidance, that's also okay.

    我想我想談談家居用品業務。我認為您不會向我們提供有關補償或利潤前景的具體資訊。但我想,如果我將其視為一個高層問題,當你在利潤率的穩健復甦與家具和家具方面似乎變得更具競爭力或更強硬之間取得平衡時,你如何看待業務? ,就像你喜歡關註今年剩下的時間一樣。如果您想提供具體的指導,也可以。

  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • It's very nice of you, Ike.


  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • Look, I think we're confident in HomeGoods as we are in our other divisions. Ernie talked about the replenishment business that we've increased in our home, both in home and Marmaxx -- in home -- in HomeGoods, that gives the customer a reason to come to HomeGoods that's outside of maybe decor and big-ticket items. And when they're in the store, a lot of times, they will find things else -- things other -- that they can put in their cart. So giving the customers more reasons to shop all of our stores is a key to us driving that top line.

    看,我認為我們對家居用品充滿信心,就像我們對其他部門一樣。厄尼談到了我們在家居用品和 Marmaxx 家居用品中增加的補貨業務,這給了顧客一個來到 HomeGoods 的理由,而不僅僅是裝飾和大件商品。當他們在商店裡時,很多時候,他們會發現其他東西——其他東西——可以放入購物車。因此,讓顧客有更多的理由在我們所有的商店購物是我們推動營收成長的關鍵。

  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes. And I think even given what's going on in the environment, you can see these ups and downs where they don't go picture perfect. But you remember, not long ago, I think it was 3 quarters ago, we were talking about making incremental improvement and we've exceeded it at times and then we come in now a little bit more kind of in line with where we might have thought we've been and we're not exceeding at the moment.


  • But we always have faith that the model is so different than everybody else and where fashion and utilitarian driven and the impulse nature of HomeGoods, I'm just not concerned about where we're going to be as we move forward over the next 9 months.

    但我們始終相信,這種模式與其他人有很大不同,而且時尚和功利主義驅動以及家居用品的衝動本質,我只是不關心我們在未來 9 個月中前進的方向。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Paul Lejuez from Citigroup.

    我們的下一個問題來自花旗集團的 Paul Lejuez。

  • Paul Lawrence Lejuez - MD & Senior Analyst

    Paul Lawrence Lejuez - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Can you talk about the competition for deals and whether you've seen any changes within the good, better and best opportunities and maybe where you're seeing better deals in IMUs within that good, better, best? And then second, just curious how you characterize the promotional landscape that you're playing in now.

    您能否談談交易競爭,以及您是否看到了良好、更好和最佳機會方面的任何變化,也許您在 IMU 方面看到了更好、更好、最好的更好交易?其次,只是好奇你如何描述你現在所處的促銷環境。

  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • Sure, Paul. So on the competition for deals, you're talking about kind of at the market vendor level, could be other retailers competing with us. Is that?


  • Paul Lawrence Lejuez - MD & Senior Analyst

    Paul Lawrence Lejuez - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Correct. Yes. Overall with those looking for the same deals.


  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, yes, ironically, of course, there's competition. The only thing that's happened is, first of all, our buyers that are extremely well trained. And I don't know if I say this enough. Our buyers -- part of their training is to be easy to deal with and be courteous and respectful, yet be demanding on price, to get to the right value, which is what they do. Now you take that training and where they are with the fact that the market has, as you know, has consolidated a bit in terms of all the amount of brick-and-mortar stores.


  • And we have continued to grow our brick-and-mortar stores, so more and more vendors, they have even more reasons to want to sell us versus others because their goods in our store now hang with the best. They hang even more assorted than ever before. They're part of a very eclectic mix even more so than ever before. They're dealing with a buying team that's very straightforward and a company that has cash and will be paying. So the competition is there, like competition has always been there.


  • But I would say, like I said earlier on the call, we're more important today to the vendors. And probably the vendor relationships are even better than they've ever been due to that. I'm sure you can always find an exception here or there because we sell thousands -- we deal with thousands of vendors. But overall, the relationships are just fantastic.

    但我想說,就像我之前在電話會議上所說的那樣,我們今天對供應商來說更為重要。因此,供應商關係可能比以往任何時候都更好。我確信您總是可以在這裡或那裡找到例外,因為我們銷售數千個產品 - 我們與數千個供應商打交道。但總的來說,雙方的關係非常棒。

  • And so our competition, some vendors want to split up goods. And no matter who they are, they're going to allocate goods to certain retailers. Most, I would say, want to deal with us because they -- it's the best thing for them to know where the goods are going and they're getting spread out dramatically. The promotional environment that you're asking about, I would say is, to me, very similar to what -- I don't see any noticeable difference.


  • The only thing as you probably read -- there's more word in the media more describing of pricing being adjusted more than necessarily promotions and we've taken a look at that, in most of those situations and the retail is talking about -- it tends to not be in the categories that we're dealing with where our emphasis is in.

    您可能讀到的唯一一件事是——媒體上有更多的文字更多地描述了價格調整,而不是促銷,我們已經研究過這一點,在大多數情況下,零售業正在談論— —它傾向於不屬於我們正在處理的重點類別。

  • So I think that's a form of if -- and many retailers have been soft on traffic and transactions. I think we're going to see more -- my prediction would be, we're going to see more of that, talk about lowering prices on certain commodity items for them to try to get customers back. Fortunately, for us, it tends to not be in the -- with the vendors or the categories that we actually do business in.

    所以我認為這是一種假設——許多零售商在客流量和交易方面一直表現得很軟弱。我認為我們會看到更多 - 我的預測是,我們會看到更多這樣的事情,談論降低某些商品的價格,以試圖重新贏得客戶。幸運的是,對我們來說,它往往不屬於我們實際開展業務的供應商或類別。

  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • And just to add on to what Ernie was saying, in promotional environments, the fact that we buy so close to need, our buyers oftentimes are able to react to those promotional times and price the goods competitively.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Michael Binetti from Evercore.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Evercore 的 Michael Binetti。

  • Michael Charles Binetti - Senior MD

    Michael Charles Binetti - Senior MD

  • Congrats on an nice quarter. I have a few. I guess, John, I know you guide on pretax margin but the implied EBIT margin you expect for the year is up about 10 to 20 basis points. It's a little better than it was 90 days ago, plus 10. So it's moving up but you said a few times you need 4% comp to lever the business. You've held the 2% to 3% here but the margins keep getting better.

    恭喜您度過了一個美好的季度。我有幾個。約翰,我想,我知道您對稅前利潤率的指導,但您預計今年的隱含息稅前利潤率將上漲約 10 到 20 個基點。比 90 天前好一點,再加上 10 天。你在這裡持有 2% 到 3% 的利潤,但利潤率不斷提高。

  • Any reason to think you're having some successes in moving the leverage point down into this comp range, if this is the new normal for a while. And then I'm curious, California has had some very big changes fairly recently in the hourly wages over on the restaurant side. I mean I assume your teams there are thinking about that and how it will radiate out to your hiring and retention and hopefully, comps. Any thoughts you have early days on the changes in California?


  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes. So I'll start with the 2% to 3%, the fact that we're levering on a 2% to 3%. So our leverage point continues to be flat to up 10 basis points on a 3% to 4% comp with no outsized expenses. What you're seeing in our guidance is that we had a number of onetime items last year that are benefiting us. So we had incentive accruals, the German reserve accrual that we wrote off. And on a full year basis, there's that we shut last year.

    是的。所以我將從 2% 到 3% 開始,事實上我們正在利用 2% 到 3% 的槓桿。因此,我們的槓桿點繼續持平,以 3% 至 4% 的比率上升 10 個基點,且沒有巨額費用。您在我們的指導中看到的是,去年我們有許多一次性項目使我們受益。因此,我們有應計獎勵,即我們註銷的德國應計儲備。從全年來看,我們去年關閉了。

  • So when you look at that, that gives us the ability to leverage the business. Now one of the other things, if you look at our, let's say, our Q1 versus our guidance that we had, one of the areas that we did outperform was in freight. So our freight was -- we were more efficient on how we were moving our goods in the first quarter. So we benefited there.


  • And then, of course, the mark-on was also favorable in the first quarter. So both of those things also support our ability to leverage on a comp that's lower than that 3% to 4%. And then wage, sorry, wage in California, we see wages going up in different geographies. And one of the things that we've talked about is that -- we're not looking to do across-the-board wage increase, rather, in our plans, we have funds available to be able to adjust on a market-by-market basis where we need to.

    當然,第一季的加價也很有利。因此,這兩件事也支持我們利用低於 3% 至 4% 的比較的能力。然後是工資,對不起,加州的工資,我們看到不同地區的工資都在上漲。我們討論過的一件事是——我們不打算全面提高工資,相反,在我們的計劃中,我們有可用的資金來根據市場進行調整—— -我們需要的市場基礎。

  • So we track very closely our attrition rates, our ability to hire and where we see the need, we have the ability to increase wages pointedly, which we have in -- as part of our guidance.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Adrienne Yih from Barclays.

    我們的下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的 Adrienne Yih。

  • Adrienne Eugenia Yih-Tennant - MD, Senior eCommerce & Brand Retailing Analyst

    Adrienne Eugenia Yih-Tennant - MD, Senior eCommerce & Brand Retailing Analyst

  • Great. Ernie, this is a follow-on something you said earlier. So last year, you had some strategic pricing very specific to particular categories you were looking at. It sounds like the environment is maybe not meaningfully more promotional but we've seen a definite uptick in April and May and then the target announcement yesterday about sharpening those price points.


  • So I guess my question is, how do you think about taking -- how do you think about your pricing strategy in light of kind of new information and sort of the dynamic environment? And then for John, my question for you is, can you continue to run sort of negative low to mid-single-digit per store inventory and drive a positive comp?


  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • All right, Adrienne. So yes, on the first one, here is the crux of the -- most important thing to always remember is -- and you mentioned the right word, which is a dynamic environment in terms of the pricing, which is I think how you said it, which is spot on to what can happen here. And our buyers comp shop weekly of what the out-the-door retail is on the exact SKUs or the like SKUs that we carry to ensure that we always maintain a gap between our out-the-door retail and any retailers retail.

    好吧,艾德麗安。所以,是的,在第一個方面,這是關鍵 - 最重要的是要永遠記住 - 你提到了正確的詞,這是定價方面的動態環境,我認為這就是你所說的它恰好說明了這裡可能發生的事情。我們的買家每週都會對我們攜帶的確切 SKU 或類似 SKU 上的戶外零售情況進行比較,以確保我們的戶外零售與任何零售商零售之間始終保持差距。

  • In fact, I think we've talked about this before, we will not be undersold. So that's the first thing to always know is that is a foundational key point that all our merchants live off and we will not be undersold by any retailer. Sometimes we could be at the same price if it's another off-price retailer or another format, nobody is ever below us knowingly and then we adjust if that was the case. Then we always look at our gap between the out-the-door what we're selling for.


  • And this is embedded in the way our merchants are trained and the way they operate all the time. So we would react if there were categories that, that started to happen and we would react quickly to those. I still believe from what the categories I know that the retailers are talking about adjusting, it would not be in the categories for the most part that we're in.


  • So I believe we're going to be fine in terms of overall, I would say, in all of our families of business. However, if we run into items or specific SKUs, we will adjust. I don't see and that -- which is different than when we talk promotion, sometimes that sale promotions at department stores are percentage off on a website, an e-com player, those are really never a concern because we're always below those out-the-door promotional prices.

    所以我相信我們所有的企業家族整體來說都會很好。但是,如果我們遇到商品或特定 SKU,我們會進行調整。我不明白這一點——這與我們談論促銷時不同,有時百貨公司的促銷活動在網站上、電子商務播放器上有一定的折扣,這些實際上從來都不是一個問題,因為我們總是低於那些戶外促銷價格。

  • So even though there might be more of that activity, it doesn't take away from our value difference. And at the same time, we measure -- just so you know, we measure statistically our turns by area to make sure we are spinning in the stores appropriately, which would be a sign of if we weren't the value equation as well as the survey, which I talked about in the beginning. So again, we take this all extremely seriously. But right now, no signs of impact but we'll adjust if there ever were.

    因此,即使此類活動可能會更多,但這並不會消除我們的價值差異。同時,我們進行測量——正如您所知,我們按區域統計地測量我們的旋轉,以確保我們在商店中適當旋轉,這將是一個標誌,如果我們不是價值方程式以及我在開始時談到的調查。 再次強調,我們非常嚴肅地對待這一切。但目前還沒有影響的跡象,但如果有的話我們會進行調整。

  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • So the inventory, so as we said in our release, on an average per-store basis, inventories are down 5%. However, store inventories are in line with last year. And that's the important point to note. When you look at our inventory, as far as our distribution center inventory, in FY '22, excuse me, FY '23, our inventory levels were higher than what we wanted as the logistics networks sped up and the outsized comps from FY -- we were coming down from the outsized comps in FY '22.

    庫存方面,正如我們在新聞稿中所說,平均每家商店的庫存下降了 5%。不過,商店庫存與去年持平。這是需要注意的重點。當你看到我們的庫存時,就我們的配送中心庫存而言,在22 財年,對不起,在23 財年,我們的庫存水平高於我們想要的水平,因為物流網絡加速,而且財年的規模龐大——我們從 22 財年的超大規模競爭中走出來。

  • So in FY '24, we packed away or FY '23, we packed away a lot of inventory that we start -- that we bled through in FY '24. So in the first quarter, you have that packaway inventory that was much higher than we would normally want to carry and packaway in the first quarter. So when you back out that packaway difference, our inventories are in line in total on an average per store basis with last year. So it's just really the timing of the packaway from the previous year.

    因此,在 24 財年,我們打包了 23 財年,我們打包了很多我們開始的庫存——我們在 24 財年耗盡了這些庫存。因此,在第一季度,包裝庫存遠高於我們通常希望在第一季攜帶和包裝的庫存。因此,當您取消包裝差異時,我們的平均每家商店的庫存總額與去年一致。所以這確實是去年打包的時間。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Jay Sole from UBS.

    我們的下一個問題來自瑞銀集團 (UBS) 的傑伊·索爾 (Jay Sole)。

  • Jay Daniel Sole - Executive Director and Equity Research Analyst of Softlines & Luxury

    Jay Daniel Sole - Executive Director and Equity Research Analyst of Softlines & Luxury

  • Great. Ernie, I heard you mentioned in the prepared remarks that you see a lot of store growth potential just in your existing banners, in existing countries. I was just wondering if that was sort of a (inaudible) and maybe there's even potential to grow outside of your existing countries. I'm just wondering if there's anything, any new developments over the last 90 days that you see in terms of TJX's potential to grow beyond maybe where you are today?

    偉大的。厄尼,我聽到您在準備好的發言中提到,您在現有國家/地區的現有橫幅中看到了很大的商店成長潛力。我只是想知道這是否是一種(聽不清楚),也許甚至有可能在現有國家之外發展。我只是想知道在過去 90 天內,您是否看到 TJX 的發展潛力超越您今天的水平?

  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • So Jay, the -- first of all, great question. Unfortunately, this is one of those things we just -- we don't talk externally about it until we're at a point where we think we could announce. We're always looking, by the way. And I think what you're getting at is other markets, correct? Potentially? Yes.


  • And we're always looking. But at this point, we can't really say which has typically been our posture, when we're at this.


  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • And we're confident in our store plans -- or store growth plans that we have in our existing markets. We still see ability to grow our store base in the U.S. and Canada. And in Europe, also in -- particularly on the continent, particularly in Germany, we still see opportunity to grow our store base.


  • Jay Daniel Sole - Executive Director and Equity Research Analyst of Softlines & Luxury

    Jay Daniel Sole - Executive Director and Equity Research Analyst of Softlines & Luxury

  • Got it. And maybe can you give us an update then on HomeSense and Sierra how those performed in the quarter?

    知道了。或許您可以為我們介紹一下 HomeSense 和 Sierra 在本季的表現如何?

  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • We're pleased with how -- we don't break them out but we're pleased with how they performed.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Aneesha Sherman from Bernstein.

    我們的下一個問題來自伯恩斯坦的 Aneesha Sherman。

  • Aneesha Sherman - Research Analyst

    Aneesha Sherman - Research Analyst

  • My question is a follow-up on the comments on international. International has been growing slightly in the mix the last 2 years but the margins remain pretty low. It was 4% this quarter. I know a couple of years ago, you talked about high single digits as being the kind of long-term target for margins. Is that still the case? Or has that view evolved?

    我的問題是對國際評論的後續。過去兩年,國際業務略有成長,但利潤率仍然很低。本季為 4%。我知道幾年前,您談到高個位數是利潤率的長期目標。現在還是這樣嗎?或者這種觀點已經演變?

  • And then a quick follow-up, John, on the gross margin comments you made earlier. You talked about freight becoming more efficient, which sounds different from kind of recapturing the headwinds that you've had the last 2 years and you also talked about mark-on. So would you say it's fair that you think there's going to be a structural improvement in gross margins beyond the kind of recapture of headwinds for the last 2 years? Is the business actually becoming more efficient?


  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • Well, I'll start with that question there. Yes, the freight itself, so we -- when the freight rate was going against us, we dropped 300 basis points and we -- last year, we clawed back 200 basis points. In my comments then, we said that going forward, it's about -- so we don't see -- we see a stickiness in the freight where driver salaries, there was a train strike that caused higher wages, higher benefits. So those kind of increases to the cost structure of freight are sticky.

    好吧,我將從這個問題開始。是的,是運費本身,所以當運費對我們不利時,我們下降了 300 個基點,而去年我們又收回了 200 個基點。在我當時的評論中,我們說,展望未來,這是關於——所以我們沒有看到——我們看到貨運中司機工資的粘性,火車罷工導致了更高的工資和更高的福利。因此,貨運成本結構的這種增加是黏性的。

  • And we don't see that those are necessarily going to go away. For the first quarter, we were able to shift some of our inbound product a little bit more towards the intermodal versus truck, which is more cost effective. So that's kind of what we're looking to do going forward, which is, try to be as efficient as possible as both inbound and outbound of how we move the goods. And as far as the international segment, yes, we are still very confident in our ability to approach the 8% that we've said. And we are -- that division is working very hard on that as well.

    我們認為這些不一定會消失。在第一季度,我們能夠將一些入境產品更多地轉向聯運而不是卡車,這更具成本效益。這就是我們未來希望做的事情,也就是盡量提高貨物進出的效率。 就國際市場而言,是的,我們仍然對達到我們所說的 8% 的目標充滿信心。我們——該部門也在這方面非常努力。

  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, Aneesha, I think you had pointed out that the first quarter was a 4%.

    是的,Aneesha,我想你已經指出第一季的成長率是 4%。

  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes and that was up from last year.


  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • So we continue to, I just saw your -- right. Traditionally, that first quarter internationally is always a low quarter. This first half is low -- and then -- so -- but you could see it's incrementally up from 1 year ago. So directionally, we're heading in the right place as we look out for the back half.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Laura Champine from Loop Capital.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Loop Capital 的 Laura Champine。

  • Laura Allyson Champine - Director of Research

    Laura Allyson Champine - Director of Research

  • We thought the execution was so strong that you might comp up better than 2% in Marmaxx in this quarter. So I'm wondering if you could comment on what you think the macro backdrop is that you face now. And whether or not you actually do see any pressure on market share from the Chinese discounters like Temu and Shein.

    我們認為 Marmaxx 的執行力非常強勁,您可能會在本季獲得超過 2% 的回報。所以我想知道你是否可以評論一下你認為你現在面臨的宏觀背景是什麼。無論你是否真的看到 Temu 和 Shein 等中國折扣店對市場份額造成的壓力。

  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes, I'll start with this one. So in Marmaxx, we did round down to a 2% comp. But when we look at the business itself, the departments that aren't weather dependent performed much better. And the regions that didn't experience as much unfavorable weather also performed better. So that tells us that where we saw the regions in the departments that were strong, that tells us that, okay, that's leaning more towards weather. And we're very confident on our comps for Marmaxx going forward.

    是的,我將從這個開始。因此,在 Marmaxx 中,我們會四捨五入至 2% 的補償。但當我們審視業務本身時,不依賴天氣的部門表現會好得多。那些沒有經歷太多不利天氣的地區也表現得更好。因此,這告訴我們,我們看到部門中表現強勁的區域,這告訴我們,好吧,這更傾向於天氣。我們對 Marmaxx 未來的表現非常有信心。

  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • And the teams there, we do -- John's team does a bit of analysis to kind of, right, to look at control groups as such to figure that out. So yes, it feels like weather did hit us and resulted in us rounding down to 2%, right? Laura, on the question about some of those online players you were talking about, we feel just as similar -- they're so commodity-driven and so not the brands that we would carry, very much not the good, better, best type of branded mix that we would go after.

    我們那裡的團隊 - 約翰的團隊做了一些分析,對吧,看看對照組本身,找出答案。所以,是的,感覺天氣確實襲擊了我們,導致我們四捨五入到 2%,對嗎?勞拉,關於你所談論的一些線上玩家的問題,我們感覺很相似——他們都是商品驅動的,所以不是我們要攜帶的品牌,非常不是好的、更好的、最好的類型我們追求的品牌組合。

  • We see very little issue with them taking market share from us. I could see that their business model could overlap with some other brick-and-mortar guys or some other online guys for sure. But we just don't see that as bumping up with our customer base or end use.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Dana Telsey from Telsey Group.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Telsey Group 的 Dana Telsey。

  • Dana Lauren Telsey - CEO & Chief Research Officer

    Dana Lauren Telsey - CEO & Chief Research Officer

  • As you think about the pace of remodels, I think you mentioned 450 remodels this year on the last call. How are they going? What are you seeing? And any details on any of the banners and how the performance is different? And then also on shrink, are you still looking at shrink being flat this year? Or any changes to what you're seeing in shrink?

    當您考慮改造的速度時,我想您在上次電話會議中提到了今年的 450 次改造。他們怎麼樣了?你看到什麼了?任何橫幅的詳細資訊以及性能有何不同? 還有關於收縮,您是否仍然認為今年收縮持平?或者你在收縮中看到的有什麼改變嗎?

  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes. On the remodels, again, remodels are more about making sure that our stores maintain an excellent fit and finish. And so when we do the remodels, what we see is that stores that are much older are able to compete or I should say, comp as good as, let's say, a store that's 10 years old. And so it's about maintaining the base and making sure that you don't get into a situation where now your sales start to falter and you have to start to really invest in them and catch up.

    是的。在改造方面,改造更多的是為了確保我們的商店保持良好的配合和外觀。因此,當我們進行改造時,我們看到的是,歷史悠久的商店能夠競爭,或者我應該說,與擁有 10 年歷史的商店一樣好。因此,關鍵在於維持基礎並確保您不會陷入銷售開始下滑的情況,並且您必須開始真正投資並迎頭趕上。

  • So for us, it's about maintaining and making sure that when the customer comes in, that it's a pleasant shopping experience no matter what store they come into. Now on the remodels, we always try to make sure that we're putting fixtures in that make it easier for the customers to shop. When you look at our remodels, as far as the beauty department, it's better lighting, it's a cleaner look. And all those things, we think, do add to the top line.


  • As far as shrink goes, we're still highly focused on shrink. As I said in my comments, we're planning shrink to be flat year-over-year. But we still have a high focus on making sure that we balance protecting the goods with making sure that the customers can shop easily and get -- and be able to buy the goods while also maintaining safety in our stores.


  • So one of the things that we've added, we started to do last year, late towards the year, were body cameras on our LP associates. And when somebody comes in, it's sort of -- it's almost like a de-escalation where people are less likely to do something when they're being videotaped. So we definitely feel that that's playing a role. Also, during the end of the year, when we look at our shrink results, we're able to then set our plans for the following year and seeing what worked, what didn't and so it's about continuing to lean into the strategies that worked last year. But again, we count our inventory at the end of the year and that's when we would be in a position to give guidance.

    因此,我們從去年年底開始做的一件事就是為我們的 LP 同事配備隨身攝影機。當有人進來時,這幾乎就像是一種降級,人們在被錄影時不太可能做某事。所以我們確實覺得這正在發揮作用。 此外,在年底,當我們查看縮減結果時,我們可以製定下一年的計劃,看看哪些有效,哪些無效,因此需要繼續採用以下策略:去年工作過。但同樣,我們會在年底計算庫存,那時我們才能提供指導。

  • Operator


  • Our final question of the day comes from Marni Shapiro from Retail Tracker.

    今天的最後一個問題來自 Retail Tracker 的 Marni Shapiro。

  • Marni Shapiro - Co-Founder

    Marni Shapiro - Co-Founder

  • Love closing out the call. Congratulations on a nice quarter. The stores look great. Can we talk about your shopper just a little bit? It's been a couple of years now, you've been talking about getting the younger shopper in, they've been coming in, traffic has been up. I guess a couple of things. Does this younger shopper open credit cards? Is it something that is -- that you guys are pushing them to do?


  • And are you finding that they shop across the different brands? And are you marketing to them to shop across the different brands? Because arguably a shopper that shops both TJX or T.J. Maxx and HomeGoods is going to be a more loyal shopper to the company in total. Can you just talk a little bit about what that younger shopper looks like internally for you guys?

    您是否發現他們購買不同品牌的商品?您是否向他們推銷不同品牌的商品?因為可以說,同時購買 TJX 或 T.J. 的購物者。總的來說,Maxx 和 HomeGoods 將成為該公司更忠誠的購物者。能簡單談談年輕購物者對你們來說是什麼樣的嗎?

  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes. So Marni, let me start and John will jump in as well, he's very -- also we're both kind of involved in all of the opening credit cards and loyalty, you're touching on a whole loyalty cross shopping. And by the way, you're spot on when you do get the customer that you build loyalty, if they open a TJX Rewards, even a younger customer, ideally, we'd like them to open the credit card and then they cross-shop more. John, right?

    是的。 Marni,讓我開始吧,John 也會加入進來,他非常——而且我們都參與了所有的開放信用卡和忠誠度,你正在觸及整個忠誠度交叉購物。順便說一句,當您確實獲得了建立忠誠度的客戶時,如果他們開通了 TJX 獎勵,即使是年輕的客戶,理想情況下,我們希望他們開通信用卡,然後他們交叉-多購物。約翰,對吧?

  • John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

    John Klinger - Senior Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes. It's -- but again, the credit card is not as penetrated as it is with a lot of our competitors. So a lot of our read that we get on the customers comes from customer surveys and we do get credit card information that is available to us that we partner with organizations that pull that information together.


  • And that's where we're getting the large majority of the comments that we make as far as being able to -- that we're attracting these younger shoppers. So that has been a pretty much a steady increase over the last handful of years, attracting a larger percent of our new customers in the lower age -- in the younger age demographic. So we are looking at a large data pool when we're making those comments. That's beyond just our credit card.


  • Marni Shapiro - Co-Founder

    Marni Shapiro - Co-Founder

  • And are they -- do you see the data that they are already cross-shopping the departments? And I guess, what are you guys doing on the marketing side to really push that? Because it feels like a real opportunity as these people come into your brand. It's different for somebody like me who is old and has been shopping there forever versus somebody who's new, who came in with mom and maybe is now buying their first house or buying their new apartment.


  • Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

    Ernie L. Herrman - CEO, President & Director

  • So we tried to use our -- our digital marketing is really aimed at trying to go out -- when we get e-mails, okay, we are able to drive the other brands with the customer. We have also done things in store as well. I think the measuring of it is where, I think, John and I would say it's -- we can't measure a lot of this as well as we would like.


  • All right. In closing, I want to emphasize that we are really in an excellent financial position to continue to invest in the growth of our company, while simultaneously returning significant cash to our shareholders. Now we will thank you for joining us today and we look forward to updating you again on our second quarter earnings call in August. Thank you, everybody.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes your conference call for today. You may all disconnect. Thank you for participating.
