目標百貨 (TGT) 2021 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the Target Corporation Third Quarter Earnings Release Conference Call.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • As a reminder, this conference is being recorded, Wednesday, November 17, 2021.

    提醒一下,本次會議將於 2021 年 11 月 17 日星期三錄製。

  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. John Hulbert, Vice President, Investor Relations.

    我現在想將會議轉交給投資者關係副總裁 John Hulbert 先生。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • John Hulbert - VP of IR

    John Hulbert - VP of IR

  • Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us on our third quarter 2021 earnings conference call.

    大家早上好,感謝您加入我們的 2021 年第三季度收益電話會議。

  • On the line with me today are Brian Cornell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer; Christina Hennington, Chief Growth Officer; John Mulligan, Chief Operating Officer; and Michael Fiddelke, Chief Financial Officer.

    今天與我聯繫的是董事長兼首席執行官布萊恩康奈爾;克里斯蒂娜·亨寧頓,首席增長官;約翰·穆里根,首席運營官;和首席財務官 Michael Fiddelke。

  • In a few moments, Brian, Christina, John and Michael will provide their perspective on our third quarter performance and our outlook and priorities for the fourth quarter and beyond.

    稍後,Brian、Christina、John 和 Michael 將就我們第三季度的業績以及我們對第四季度及以後的展望和優先事項發表他們的看法。

  • Following the remarks, we'll open the phone lines for a question-and-answer session.


  • This morning, we're joined on this conference call by investors and others who are listening to our comments via webcast.


  • Following the call, Michael and I will be available to answer your follow-up questions.


  • And finally, as a reminder, any forward-looking statements that we make this morning are subject to risks and uncertainties, the most important of which are described in our most recently filed 10-K.

    最後,提醒一下,我們今天早上做出的任何前瞻性陳述都存在風險和不確定性,其中最重要的在我們最近提交的 10-K 中有所描述。

  • Also in these remarks, we refer to non-GAAP financial measures, including adjusted earnings per share.


  • Reconciliations of all non-GAAP numbers to the most directly comparable GAAP number are included in this morning's press release, which is posted on our Investor Relations website.

    所有非 GAAP 數字與最直接可比的 GAAP 數字的對賬都包含在今天上午的新聞稿中,該新聞稿發佈在我們的投資者關係網站上。

  • With that, I'll turn it over to Brian for his thoughts on the quarter and his perspective on our outlook.


  • Brian?


  • Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Thanks, John, and good morning, everyone.


  • Our third quarter results are consistent with what our team has been delivering quarter after quarter for years now.


  • And they continue to demonstrate the extraordinary level of engagement we're seeing from our guests, both with our brand and with our team.


  • In the third quarter, comparable sales expanded 12.7%, on top of a nearly 21% increase one year ago.

    第三季度,可比銷售額在一年前增長近 21% 的基礎上增長了 12.7%。

  • Consistent with recent quarters, traffic was the primary driver of this year's growth as our guests increasingly turned to Target to serve their wants and needs.

    與最近幾個季度一樣,流量是今年增長的主要驅動力,因為我們的客人越來越多地轉向 Target 來滿足他們的需求。

  • Across our sales channels, store sales were the primary growth driver this quarter, while same-day services propelled our digital growth.


  • Since the third quarter of 2019, prior to the pandemic, Q3 store sales have expanded by $3.8 billion, while digital sales have increased another $3.1 billion.

    自大流行之前的 2019 年第三季度以來,第三季度商店銷售額增長了 38 億美元,而數字銷售額又增加了 31 億美元。

  • This provides a vivid demonstration of the flexibility of our operating model to serve our guests no matter how they choose to shop.


  • All of these results reflect the level of guest engagement far beyond what many would have imagined a few years ago, when we started making huge investments throughout our business, in our stores, new brands, same-day services, supply chain, and importantly, our team.


  • Back then, Target was already known for our world-class team, a differentiated shopping experience, unique assortment and an iconic brand.

    那時,Target 已經以我們的世界級團隊、差異化的購物體驗、獨特的商品種類和標誌性品牌而聞名。

  • But we knew there was much more to do.


  • We saw a clear opportunity to build on that solid foundation, finding new ways to enhance our capabilities, while strengthening the bond with both our team and our guests.


  • And today, those bonds have never been stronger.


  • As I mentioned, within our digital capabilities, more and more of our guests are trying and embracing our industry-leading same-day services.


  • Third quarter sales through these services have expanded by nearly 400% or $2 billion over the last 2 years.

    在過去 2 年中,通過這些服務實現的第三季度銷售額增長了近 400% 或 20 億美元。

  • Through the first 3 quarters of the year, sales through these services have grown by more than $6 billion since 2019, a number larger than the total sales of many prominent retailers.

    自 2019 年以來,今年前 3 個季度,通過這些服務實現的銷售額增長了超過 60 億美元,這一數字超過了許多知名零售商的總銷售額。

  • Beyond fulfillment capabilities, our balanced multi-category assortment is another key driver of flexibility and resiliency within our business model.


  • The breadth of our assortment, both within and across our core categories, allows our team to quickly and seamlessly serve our guests, even when their wants and needs are changing rapidly.


  • In the third quarter, we saw consistent strong growth across our entire merchandising portfolio.


  • More specifically, all 5 of our core merchandise categories saw a double-digit growth in the quarter, ranging from the low double-digits to the mid-teens, resulting in strong market share gains on top of unprecedented share growth in 2020.

    更具體地說,我們所有 5 個核心商品類別在本季度均實現了兩位數的增長,從低兩位數到十幾歲不等,在 2020 年前所未有的份額增長基礎上,市場份額強勁增長。

  • And we're not slowing down in our efforts to serve our guests.


  • We continue to invest in key partnerships that enhance our assortment and experience, including the opening of more than 100 Ulta Beauty shop-in-shops and our recent announcement that we're doubling the number of enhanced Apple experiences in electronics.

    我們將繼續投資於重要的合作夥伴關係,以增強我們的產品種類和體驗,包括開設 100 多家 Ulta Beauty 店中店,以及我們最近宣布將 Apple 在電子產品方面的增強體驗數量增加一倍。

  • Christina will provide more details in a few minutes.


  • In our conference call 3 months ago, we outlined multiple actions we're taking to support our inventory and in-stocks, given the supply chain challenges that have emerged throughout the pandemic.

    在 3 個月前的電話會議上,鑑於整個大流行期間出現的供應鏈挑戰,我們概述了我們為支持我們的庫存和庫存而採取的多項行動。

  • As you know, those pressures only intensified in the third quarter.


  • And our team has done an outstanding job in the face of these challenges, identifying bottlenecks and finding solutions to keep inventory flowing throughout our network.


  • Although those efforts drove some incremental costs in the quarter, we view them as a continuation of the many productive long-term investments we're making in our business in support of the trust we have built with our guests.


  • And obviously, our guests responded to these efforts with strong third quarter traffic, which we expect will continue in Q4 and beyond.


  • Beyond our supply chain, the team has done a great job navigating through broader cost pressures as many vendors have raised wholesale prices to accommodate higher costs within their businesses.


  • As our team faced these cost increases, they maintained a guest-first approach and a focus on value while managing overall profitability as well.


  • As a result, our business delivered strong third quarter financial results, from the top to the bottom of the P&L, while building on the trust we've established with our guests.


  • So I want to pause and acknowledge the incredible effort of our teams across the company, from headquarters to stores, from our merchandising, distribution and transportation teams to our sourcing offices around the world.


  • Because of your agility, energy and selfless collaboration, Target delivered for our guests and our shareholders in the third quarter.

    由於您的敏捷、精力和無私的合作,Target 在第三季度為我們的客人和我們的股東提供了服務。

  • And as we enter the fourth quarter and ramp up for the peak holiday season, we're really well positioned to continue delivering for all of our stakeholders and close out an already amazing year.


  • I want to thank you for everything you do.


  • So the theme you'll hear in today's call is that we're excited and ready for the holiday season.


  • We know our guests are excited to celebrate, following a year in 2020 when many families stayed apart due to safety concerns.

    我們知道,在 2020 年一年之後,我們的客人很高興慶祝,當時許多家庭因安全問題而分開。

  • This year, our guests have eagerly started their holiday shopping, as they respond to our holiday promotions, low price guarantees and our ongoing efforts to provide ease, reliability, safety and value across every shopping experience.


  • And importantly, we have taken multiple actions to support our guests during the holiday season and beyond.


  • On top of the investments in inventory, in-stocks and value I outlined earlier, we've announced that we're hiring 30,000 new year-round supply chain team members to support our current and expected growth.

    除了我之前概述的庫存、庫存和價值投資之外,我們還宣布我們將招聘 30,000 名新的全年供應鏈團隊成員,以支持我們當前和預期的增長。

  • In our stores, we're providing our team members with more pay, flexibility and reliable hours this holiday season, offering more than 5 million additional hours to our existing team, an investment of more than $75 million over the holiday season.

    在我們的商店,我們在這個假期為我們的團隊成員提供更多的薪酬、靈活性和可靠的工作時間,為我們現有的團隊提供超過 500 萬小時的額外工作時間,在假期期間的投資超過 7500 萬美元。

  • To supplement the additional hours from our existing team, we're hiring another 100,000 seasonal team members throughout the country, many of whom will have an opportunity to stay on with Target after the holidays.

    為了補充現有團隊的額外工作時間,我們將在全國范圍內再招聘 100,000 名季節性團隊成員,其中許多人將有機會在假期後繼續留在 Target。

  • And importantly, during a season in which our guests are busier than any other time of the year, our merchandising and marketing teams are focused on cutting through the clutter.


  • That means we're keeping our marketing messages and promotions simple and our operations flexible to offer an easy and reliable experience for our guests no matter how they choose to shop.


  • And finally, while Target has already had an outstanding year, our team is looking ahead and not slowing down.

    最後,雖然 Target 已經度過了出色的一年,但我們的團隊正在展望未來,並沒有放慢腳步。

  • We're continuing to invest in our future, in our new stores and existing stores, our supply chain and fulfillment capabilities, in our owned and national brands, and the safety and well-being of our team.


  • We're investing in Target Forward, an ambitious commitment to co-create an equitable and regenerative future.

    我們正在投資 Target Forward,這是一項雄心勃勃的承諾,旨在共同創造一個公平和可再生的未來。

  • Together with our guests, partners and communities.


  • All of these efforts are focused on advancing Target's leadership position within retail, taking a guest-led approach to everything we do and supporting our company values to care, grow and win together.

    所有這些努力都集中在提升 Target 在零售業的領導地位,對我們所做的一切採取以客人為主導的方法,並支持我們的公司價值觀,以共同關心、成長和共贏。

  • I have the privilege of working alongside this great team as they bring our values to life every day across every part of the company.


  • I'm endlessly grateful for their passion and support of our guests of our brand and for each other.


  • With that, I'll turn the call over to Christina.


  • A. Christina Hennington - Executive VP & Chief Growth Officer

    A. Christina Hennington - Executive VP & Chief Growth Officer

  • Thanks, Brian, and good morning, everyone.


  • Our third quarter results demonstrate what happens when our team lives out our purpose: to help all families discover the joy of everyday life.


  • When we lead with our guests first, we continue to build upon the trust that we have carefully earned with them over time.


  • And when our strategies are guest-led, we grow our business, which supports our team, our financial performance and our ability to give back to our communities and the planet.


  • As you heard from Brian, third quarter comparable sales grew 12.7%, reflecting double-digit growth in every one of our core merchandising categories.

    正如您從 Brian 那裡聽到的,第三季度可比銷售額增長了 12.7%,反映了我們每個核心商品類別的兩位數增長。

  • Even within those core categories, sales strength was broad-based, and virtually every area of the business grew over last year.


  • This shows the power of our multi-category assortment in driving guest relevance and affinity for Target.

    這顯示了我們的多類別分類在推動客戶相關性和對 Target 的親和力方面的力量。

  • While growth came from all categories, third quarter performance was led by our Essentials, Beauty and Food & Beverage categories, all of which delivered comp growth in the mid-teens.


  • These businesses continue to deliver substantial share gains on top of last year's gains through both trip frequency and basket growth.


  • In Essentials, growth was led by baby care, pets and over-the-counter health care categories.

    在 Essentials 中,嬰兒護理、寵物和非處方醫療保健類別引領增長。

  • Strength in Food & Beverage was most notable in our fresh and frozen categories as well as in snacks and candy.


  • Hardlines, which comped in the mid-teens on top of mid-30% comps last year, was fueled by incredible momentum in our toys and sporting goods businesses, which both saw comp growth north of 20%.

    Hardlines 去年在 30% 左右的收入基礎上增長了 10 多歲,這得益於我們的玩具和體育用品業務令人難以置信的發展勢頭,這兩個業務的收入都增長了 20% 以上。

  • Electronics delivered low single-digit comp growth on top of last year's comp of nearly 60%.

    電子產品在去年接近 60% 的業績基礎上實現了低個位數的業績增長。

  • In our Apparel business, comp sales grew in the low double-digits despite unseasonably warm weather across much of the country.


  • Performance was strongest in swim, young contemporary, intimates and hosiery.


  • In Home, low double-digit comp growth was led by seasonal and stationary categories, and reflected record-setting performance in the back-to-school, back-to-college and Halloween seasons.


  • We have seen consistently strong results across seasonal categories, results that clearly signal that our guests are excited to celebrate the holidays with loved ones in new, old and reimagined ways.


  • However they celebrate, our guests remain focused on meeting their wants and needs with ease, convenience and value.


  • And as the holidays approach, they are turning to Target for these solutions.

    隨著假期的臨近,他們正在向 Target 尋求這些解決方案。

  • This is about more than just checking items off the list.


  • Beyond working through the logistics of the holiday, our guests are looking to us to provide joy, and a joyous holiday is exactly what we plan to deliver.


  • We continuously evaluate our guests' mindset, which serves as a North Star for all our strategies and decisions.


  • We remain laser-focused on their experiences with us and expectations of us.


  • And we strive to build flexibility and agility into our plans to ensure we show up at our best for them during the holidays and all year round.


  • We are confident in our ability to navigate the broader retail landscape.


  • And we're eager to share all that we've planned for the upcoming holidays.


  • Whether our guests are rekindling old holiday traditions or finding new ways to celebrate the season, we're focused on making Target the destination that makes it easy, safe, inspiring and affordable to celebrate what matters most, the magic of spending time with those we love.

    無論我們的客人是在重燃舊的節日傳統還是尋找新的方式來慶祝這個季節,我們都專注於讓 Target 成為能夠輕鬆、安全、鼓舞人心和負擔得起的目的地,以慶祝最重要的事情,與我們的人共度時光的魔力愛。

  • As John will outline in more detail, our teams are working diligently to get the right inventory to the right place at the right time.


  • Doing so has driven some near-term gross margin pressure, an appropriate long-term investment in the relationship with our guests.


  • Bottom line, based on the incredible efforts of our team, we feel good about our inventory levels heading into the holiday season.


  • In addition to the investments in our inventory position, we remain committed to providing great value with every trip to Target.

    除了對我們的庫存狀況進行投資外,我們仍然致力於為每次前往 Target 提供巨大的價值。

  • And that value goes far beyond delivering exceptional everyday pricing.


  • It includes offering compelling holiday deals, great quality products and an array of options to support all budgets, including accessible payment options.


  • Last year, we spread our promotions throughout the months of November and December to avoid crowding in stores, and we heard from our guests that they loved it.

    去年,我們在整個 11 月和 12 月都開展了促銷活動,以避免商店擁擠,我們從客人那裡得知他們很喜歡它。

  • As a result, we're spreading savings throughout the season again this year to give guests flexibility to get the best deals on their terms whenever and however they choose to shop.


  • We'll feature compelling offers throughout the season on top items, great weekly deals and surprise deals of the day, both in-store and online, as well as additional deals for Target Circle members.

    我們將在整個季節提供令人信服的頂級商品優惠、每週優惠和當天的驚喜優惠,包括店內和在線,以及針對 Target Circle 會員的額外優惠。

  • And to reinforce value throughout the season, we recently announced the launch of our Holiday Price Match Guarantee, our most robust price match ever.


  • When guests see Holiday Best deals at Target, they can shop confidently, knowing they are getting Black Friday sized savings with our best planned price of the season.

    當客人在 Target 看到 Holiday Best 優惠時,他們可以自信地購物,因為他們知道他們正在以我們本季最優惠的計劃價格獲得黑色星期五的優惠。

  • In essence, any time they see a deal at Target, our guests can be confident it's the right time to buy.

    從本質上講,只要他們在 Target 看到交易,我們的客人就可以確信現在是購買的合適時機。

  • We also know that our guests want flexibility, not just in what they want to buy and how they want to shop, but how to manage their budget as well.


  • That's why with the help of 2 new partners, Sezzle and Affirm, we've added new payment solutions that allow our guests to buy what they need now, take advantage of our best deals and pay at a pace that works best for them.

    這就是為什麼在 2 個新合作夥伴 Sezzle 和 Affirm 的幫助下,我們添加了新的支付解決方案,讓我們的客人可以購買他們現在需要的東西,利用我們最優惠的價格並以最適合他們的速度付款。

  • With a strong inventory position and a great value proposition, we're able to lean into our uniquely Target assortment to build upon our traditional offering great gifting ideas and easy gathering solutions, like even more creative Gingerbread House making kits, Bullseye's top toys and gift sets for any budget.

    憑藉強大的庫存狀況和巨大的價值主張,我們能夠利用我們獨特的 Target 分類,在我們傳統的提供出色的送禮創意和簡單的收集解決方案的基礎上再接再厲,例如更具創意的 Gingerbread House 製作套件、Bullseye 的頂級玩具和禮物為任何預算設置。

  • Spanning beauty, apparel, food and beverage and more, these gifting options will bring together the best of only our Target-owned brands with curated national brands.

    這些禮品選擇涵蓋美容、服裝、食品和飲料等更多領域,將我們 Target 自有品牌中的佼佼者與精心策劃的民族品牌結合在一起。

  • And for those seeking extra inspiration, our thoughtfully curated digital shopping lists will bring the joyful discovery our guests love, helping them find the perfect gifts for anyone on their list, whether they are shopping our stores or on our site.


  • In addition to gifting, guests are focused on gathering with friends and family.


  • And we have everything they need to create memorable moments, whether it's preparing a delicious meal, throwing a festive family party or hosting a game night with friends.


  • From Good & Gather cheeseboard starter kits and Favorite Day baked-goods, to Threshold fall collections, including festive baking dishes, serving platters in the colors of the season, and an array of plates, linens and other table toppers, all $15 and under.

    從 Good & Gather 奶酪板入門套件和最喜歡的一天烘焙食品,到 Threshold 秋季系列,包括節日烘焙菜餚、當季顏色的盤子,以及一系列盤子、床單和其他桌面裝飾品,價格均在 15 美元及以下。

  • We want to create joy for all of our guests this holiday season, and we are excited to do so with our most inclusive assortment to date.


  • Throughout our digital and in-store shopping experience, our guests are sure to see themselves reflected in our culturally relevant gifting and gathering solutions.


  • We'll highlight Black-owned businesses in Beauty, Hardlines, Food & Beverage and Home, including McBride Sisters wine pairings, Bipoc Author in our $10 book assortment and a limited time Black artist partnership in wrapping paper.

    我們將在 10 美元的圖書分類中重點介紹黑人在美容、Hardlines、食品和飲料和家居領域擁有的企業,包括 McBride Sisters 葡萄酒搭配、Bipoc Author 以及限時黑人藝術家合作包裝紙。

  • And our guests will see themselves represented in inclusive gift card messaging and imagery, providing options that celebrate the many meaningful holidays of the season, including Kwanzaa and Hanukkah.


  • We're also delivering joy beyond our holiday assortment by building on our incredible legacy of creating differentiated shop-in-shop experiences that drive traffic and inspire our guests.


  • They continue to tell us how much they love our exciting and expanding partnerships, with brands like Disney, Ulta Beauty and Apple.

    他們繼續告訴我們,他們非常喜歡我們與迪士尼、Ulta Beauty 和 Apple 等品牌的激動人心且不斷擴大的合作夥伴關係。

  • With each partnership, we're adding excitement, convenience and newness for our guests, while unlocking incremental growth for each of the partners.


  • So it's no surprise we're building on this momentum in time for the holiday season.


  • We are tripling the number of Disney stores at Target locations and doubling our Apple shop-in-shop experiences.

    我們將目標地點的迪士尼商店數量增加了兩倍,並將我們的 Apple 店中店體驗增加了一倍。

  • On top of that, of course, this will be our debut holiday season featuring Ulta Beauty at Target.

    當然,最重要的是,這將是我們在 Target 推出 Ulta Beauty 的首個假日季。

  • And on the subject of Ulta Beauty at Target, our guests are telling us it's clearly hitting the bullseye, with makeup, skincare, bath and body, hair care and fragrance from more than 50 top brands now available at Ulta Beauty at Target.

    而關於 Ulta Beauty at Target 的主題,我們的客人告訴我們,它顯然是擊中靶心,現在 Ulta Beauty at Target 有 50 多個頂級品牌的化妝品、護膚品、沐浴和身體、護髮和香水。

  • Both in stores and online, there's plenty to love about this new partnership, and we are so excited for all that is yet to come.


  • And we'll build on our tradition of joy making partnerships this December when we will launch an exclusive lifestyle collection of products with one of the most beloved toy brands ever, Lego.

    我們將在今年 12 月繼續我們的歡樂合作傳統,屆時我們將與有史以來最受歡迎的玩具品牌之一樂高推出獨家生活方式系列產品。

  • Think brick-inspired hooded sweatshirts, colorful Lego-shaped tumblers and of course, iconic Lego brick and mini figure sets.


  • This collection builds on our long-standing partnership with the Lego Group and reflects our shared values of inclusivity, optimism and joy.


  • With nearly 300 must-haves for the family, pets and home, and most of the colorful brick inspired items under $30, our guests are sure to find something everyone will love on any budget.

    有近 300 件家庭、寵物和家居必備品,以及大多數 30 美元以下的彩色磚啟發物品,我們的客人一定會在任何預算下找到每個人都會喜歡的東西。

  • Joy, ease, value, inclusivity, the ingredients helping to deliver on our purpose to help all families discover the joy of everyday life, a recipe that we refine quarter after quarter by listening to our guests, learning from their choices and working across our talented team.


  • And these plans wouldn't come to life without the many talents and contributions of our dedicated team.


  • So with deep gratitude and humility, I want to thank our team for serving the communities, for showing up every day for our guests and each other, and for bringing Target's values to life.


  • You inspire me with all that you do.


  • And because of you, I know we will win this holiday season.


  • With that, I'll turn the call over to John.


  • John J. Mulligan - Executive VP & COO

    John J. Mulligan - Executive VP & COO

  • Thanks, Christina.


  • Every day, across the operations team, we focus on execution.


  • On our supply chain team, the focus is on moving the right amount of inventory to the right place at the right time.


  • In our stores, which fulfill more than 95% of our total sales, the team focuses on delivering a great guest experience across hundreds of millions of guest transactions every quarter.

    我們的門店佔總銷售額的 95% 以上,我們的團隊專注於為每個季度的數億客戶交易提供卓越的客戶體驗。

  • And on our properties team, the team focuses on optimizing our physical footprint, including the planning and construction of new stores and distribution facilities, along with our investments to maintain and enhance the productivity of our existing buildings.


  • Of course, all of these aspects of operations matter all year long.


  • But in the fourth quarter, when we handle the largest volumes of the year, everything moves faster, making the need for detailed planning and precise execution even greater.


  • That's why, every year, we construct our plans with the fourth quarter in mind so we can remove distractions and roadblocks in advance of the holiday peak.


  • That means on the properties team, we plan our remodel and new store projects so they're completed before the holidays.


  • And our technology team rolls out new systems and tools on the same time line.


  • In the supply chain and in our stores, we carefully plan the ramp-up of seasonal hiring and team member training in advance of the holidays so everyone is ready to handle the additional volume.


  • That's what happens every year.


  • But as Brian and Christina have already mentioned, this year, our teams have been facing additional out-of-the-ordinary challenges as they plan for and deliver record-setting volumes while facing unprecedented bottlenecks in the global supply chain.


  • So while I'm lucky to work with our amazing team every day, it's at times like these that our team shines brightest.


  • Beyond their skill and expertise, they face every challenge with good nature and a collaborative mindset.


  • I can't describe how proud I am to represent everything they've accomplished this year, as they've delivered historically strong growth on top of record increases a year ago.


  • Within our supply chain, the team has been methodically working around multiple obstacles and challenges throughout the network, prioritizing our holiday-sensitive categories within our import receipts, while thoughtfully planning domestic transportation to ensure products reach the shelf at the right time.


  • And while we continue to see some periodic outages across different items and categories, we're entering the holidays with a very healthy inventory position overall.


  • Specifically, at the end of the third quarter, inventory on the balance sheet was more than $2 billion higher than last year, representing growth of about 18% from a year ago.


  • Looking back to the pre-COVID period, our Q3 ending inventory has grown more than $3.5 billion since the end of Q3 2019, representing 31% growth over a 2-year period.

    回顧 COVID 之前的時期,自 2019 年第三季度末以來,我們的第三季度期末庫存已增長超過 35 億美元,在 2 年內增長了 31%。

  • A sizable amount of this inventory will continue to flow to our stores over the next few weeks.


  • And our team has clear visibility to where the inventory is located and when it will arrive in our stores.


  • In our overseas operations, we've benefited from a significant reduction in delay times.


  • And of course, given that we were already anticipating tight conditions many months ago, the team has been writing this year's holiday purchase orders much earlier than last year to proactively mitigate the risk of both known and unexpected delays.


  • We're also benefiting from really strong performance across our domestic transportation network.


  • And we've secured the necessary capacity across both rail and over-the-road trucking to accommodate anticipated shipments throughout the fourth quarter.


  • At the intersection of our overseas and domestic supply chains, the team continues to work around significant port delays, diverting shipments to less congested entry points and relying on air freight in certain cases.


  • And while Target's port operations have long been considered best-in-class, our team has been actively collaborating with government and port officials to help find solutions that will allow everyone's containers to move through the ports more quickly.

    雖然 Target 的港口運營長期以來一直被認為是一流的,但我們的團隊一直在積極與政府和港口官員合作,幫助尋找解決方案,讓每個人的集裝箱更快地通過港口。

  • And we're encouraged with the changes that have recently been put in place.


  • I also want to pause and emphasize the ongoing collaboration that's been happening between our supply chain, merchandising and marketing teams.


  • These teams have worked together to develop promotional and marketing plans that are much more fluid and nimble than in the past, enabling the incorporation of real-time data on inventory availability and location within our holiday plans in order to maximize their impact to the benefit of both our guests and operations.


  • In our stores, the team has been preparing for fourth quarter all year.


  • And they're energized and ready to serve our guests throughout the season.


  • This will be the first holiday season since we launched our new service initiative, which is all about empowering our teams and increasing their confidence to build authentic connections with our guests.


  • Also new this year, we've rolled out a new point-of-sale system across more than 90% of our stores, providing more speed, efficiency and enhanced experience at both the checkout and our service counter.

    今年也是一項新舉措,我們在超過 90% 的門店推出了新的銷售點系統,為結賬和服務櫃檯提供了更快、更高效的體驗。

  • To continue building on our industry-leading in-store Pickup and Drive Up experiences, we've been rolling out new capabilities all year.


  • These efforts include capital projects to add permanent storage capacity in more than 200 high-volume stores, investing in flexible fixtures to provide temporary storage areas to support seasonal peak, adding thousands of new items to the list available for Pickup and Drive Up, doubling the number of Drive Up parking stalls compared with last year, and designating stall numbers to help our teams deliver Drive Up orders more efficiently.

    這些努力包括在 200 多家大容量商店增加永久存儲容量的資本項目,投資靈活的固定裝置以提供臨時存儲區域以支持季節性高峰,將數千種新商品添加到可供取貨和上車的清單中,使Drive Up 停車位與去年相比的數量,並指定停車位編號以幫助我們的團隊更有效地交付 Drive Up 訂單。

  • Even as we're adding these new capabilities, we're also supporting our long-standing commitment to providing a safe shopping experience, maintaining the enhanced COVID cleaning and safety routines that we implemented throughout the pandemic.

    即使我們添加了這些新功能,我們也支持我們長期以來的承諾,即提供安全的購物體驗,保持我們在整個大流行期間實施的增強的 COVID 清潔和安全程序。

  • We've also been investing in team member hours, processes and training to prepare our team to handle record freight and fulfillment volumes this year, all while enhancing safety messaging and actively monitoring processes to protect the safety of both our guests and our team.


  • And of course, as Brian mentioned, our team is focused on being fully staffed across the store and supply chain throughout the holiday season.


  • Our stores have been hitting their seasonal hiring milestones.


  • And because of the advancements we've made in scheduling this year, average hours per store team member are running significantly higher this year in comparison to past years.


  • In fact, unlike what you're hearing from many others, because of the investments we've made in pay and benefits and our focus on team member training and engagement, the hourly turnover rate in our stores is actually running lower this year compared with 2019, particularly for our newly hired team members.

    事實上,與您從許多其他人那裡聽到的不同,由於我們在薪酬和福利方面的投資以及我們對團隊成員培訓和參與的關注,我們商店的小時周轉率與今年相比實際上更低2019 年,尤其是對於我們新聘用的團隊成員。

  • And we're continuing to invest in our team.


  • Following the recent rollout of the most comprehensive debt-free education program in the industry, we announced that to sustain our momentum through the holidays, we're offering pay premiums during peak periods in our stores and distribution centers over the holiday season.


  • As we've said many times, our investments in the team are the most productive ones we've made.


  • Turning to the work of the properties team.


  • We expect to finish about 145 remodels in 2021, having completed more than 40 remodels prior to the end of Q3, with more than 100 additional projects slated to wrap up before the holiday.

    我們預計 2021 年將完成約 145 次改造,在第三季度末之前完成了 40 多項改造,另外 100 多個項目計劃在假期前完成。

  • The team also opened another 15 new stores in the third quarter, bringing the year-to-date total up to 30.

    該團隊還在第三季度又開設了 15 家新店,使年初至今的總數達到 30 家。

  • Among those projects, we've opened new stores ranging from 11,000 to 160,000 square feet, which demonstrates the flexibility we've developed to design the optimal store size for an individual neighborhood, based on their local needs and available real estate in the market.

    在這些項目中,我們開設了面積從 11,000 到 160,000 平方英尺不等的新店,這展示了我們開發的靈活性,可以根據當地需求和市場上的可用房地產為個別社區設計最佳商店規模。

  • To increase the capacity and efficiency of our supply chain, our team has also opened 2 new distribution centers this year.

    為了提高我們供應鏈的容量和效率,我們的團隊今年還開設了 2 個新的配送中心。

  • In addition, we have 2 new sortation centers set to open in the fourth quarter, with 2 more on track to open early next year.

    此外,我們還有 2 個新的分揀中心將在第四季度開業,另外 2 個分揀中心有望在明年初開業。

  • While our supply chain has had to address a host of unique challenges, I also want to acknowledge the tireless work of our construction team, which enabled them to successfully bring a huge number of store and distribution projects to completion this year.


  • These are highly complex projects across multiple geographies, which require precise coordination across a large number of regional construction providers, along with a diverse group of fixture and equipment vendors, all of whom have been facing the same bottlenecks we've been facing in our merchandise supply chain.


  • Our construction team has handled all of these challenges with good humor and resilience, allowing us to continue reaching guests in new neighborhoods and support the growing supply chain needs of the entire chain.


  • In support of those growing needs, we recently announced that we're adding more than 30,000 permanent positions across our supply chain network to support the growth we expect to continue delivering in the fourth quarter and beyond.

    為了支持這些不斷增長的需求,我們最近宣布,我們將在我們的供應鍊網絡中增加 30,000 多個長期職位,以支持我們預計在第四季度及以後繼續實現的增長。

  • These team members will support new buildings in our regional DC network, adding replenishment capacity to support an increasingly productive store network.


  • They'll also be staffing and supporting our new sortation centers, which deliver efficiency, speed and additional capacity in support of last-mile fulfillment.


  • And it's amazing to pause and look back at how much our network needs have grown in a short time.


  • For the entire fiscal year in 2018, our business generated $74 billion in sales.

    在 2018 年整個財年,我們的業務產生了 740 億美元的銷售額。

  • Less than 3 years later, our business had already delivered $74 billion in sales through the third quarter, with the biggest quarter of the year still ahead of us.

    不到 3 年之後,我們的業務已經在第三季度實現了 740 億美元的銷售額,而今年最大的季度仍然在我們前面。

  • Our team and supply chain infrastructure have done an outstanding job in supporting that growth.


  • And given that we don't expect it to end anytime soon, we are committed to growing our physical footprint and our team so they can continue to deliver on behalf of all of our stakeholders in Q4 and beyond.


  • When I first started working here in 1996, Target delivered just under $18 billion in revenue, for what was then called Dayton Hudson Corporation.

    1996 年我剛開始在這里工作時,塔吉特為當時的代頓哈德遜公司帶來了不到 180 億美元的收入。

  • While many things have changed since then, both in retail and at this company, we successfully maintained what's made Target successful and unique for nearly 60 years.

    雖然從那時起許多事情發生了變化,無論是在零售業還是在這家公司,我們成功地保持了近 60 年來讓 Target 成功和獨特的東西。

  • We've maintained our focus on offering affordable design in support of a unique merchandise assortment, providing a differentiated and outstanding shopping experience, investing in the best team in retail and giving back to the communities that sustain us.


  • This is another example of what we call the power of 'and'.


  • The reason Target has stayed relevant for so many decades is our ability to stay true to our values and continually evolve in the way we serve our guests.

    數十年來,Target 一直保持相關性的原因是我們能夠忠於我們的價值觀,並在我們為客人服務的方式上不斷發展。

  • With that, I'll turn the call over to Michael.


  • Michael J. Fiddelke - Executive VP & CFO

    Michael J. Fiddelke - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, John.


  • Over time, we've emphasized our commitment to making the appropriate investments in our business, ones that will deepen Target's relationship with our guests, driving engagement, which ultimately leads them to shop at Target more often.

    隨著時間的推移,我們強調了對我們的業務進行適當投資的承諾,這些投資將加深 Target 與客人的關係,提高參與度,最終導致他們更頻繁地在 Target 購物。

  • And while it's our job to focus on driving performance every day, we've committed to making investment decisions with a long-term perspective, not limiting our horizon to a month, a season, a quarter or even a year, but thinking about how to position Target as a leading retailer for generations.

    雖然我們的工作是每天專注於提高績效,但我們致力於以長遠的眼光做出投資決策,不將我們的視野限制在一個月、一個季節、一個季度甚至一年,而是考慮如何將 Target 定位為世代領先的零售商。

  • That's how I think about our third quarter.


  • In the face of multiple challenges in the external environment, we maintained our focus on our guests and took specific actions to ensure we have a healthy inventory position going into the holidays, even though those actions involve some incremental cost.


  • And importantly, as we face those decisions, we had the resources we needed, including the best team in retail, a sophisticated global supply chain and a durable model that could accommodate those guest-focused investments.


  • And while we're making these decisions with a focus on the long term, we've already seen the benefit of this year's inventory investments, given that they helped to power third quarter traffic and sales growth that exceeded our expectations.


  • In addition, given strong expense discipline across the organization, we benefited from a compelling amount of leverage on our SG&A and D&A expenses, resulting in solid EPS growth despite the sizable investments we were choosing to make.

    此外,鑑於整個組織嚴格的費用紀律,我們受益於對我們的 SG&A 和 D&A 費用的巨大槓桿作用,儘管我們選擇進行大量投資,但仍實現了穩健的每股收益增長。

  • As Brian mentioned, our 12.7% comp in the third quarter came on top of a nearly 21% increase a year ago.

    正如布賴恩所提到的,我們在第三季度的 12.7% 的薪酬高於一年前近 21% 的增長。

  • As expected, within the quarter, we saw a shift in a portion of our back-to-school sales back into August, given that most schools across the country began the school year with in-person learning.

    正如預期的那樣,在本季度內,鑑於全國大多數學校以面對面學習的方式開始新學年,我們看到我們返校銷售的一部分回到了 8 月。

  • As a result, our August comp was our strongest of the quarter, our September comp dipped down to about 10%, and we accelerated back into the low teens in October.

    結果,我們 8 月份的業績是本季度最強的,我們 9 月份的業績下滑至 10% 左右,我們在 10 月份加速回到低點。

  • Among the component drivers of our sales, growth continues to be driven by traffic, even as we retain nearly all of the basket growth that happened a year ago.


  • Specifically, third quarter traffic increased 12.9% on top of a 4.5% increase last year, while average ticket declined only slightly, about 20 basis points, after growing more than 15% a year ago.

    具體而言,第三季度客流量在去年增長 4.5% 的基礎上增長了 12.9%,而平均票價在一年前增長超過 15% 後僅略有下降,約為 20 個基點。

  • Among our sales channels, stores comparable sales grew 9.7% in the quarter, on top of 9.9% last year, while digital comp sales grew 29%, on top of 155% growth a year ago.

    在我們的銷售渠道中,本季度門店可比銷售額在去年增長 9.9% 的基礎上增長了 9.7%,而數字產品銷售額在一年前增長 155% 的基礎上增長了 29%。

  • Within our digital fulfillment, sales on orders shipped to home increased slightly over last year, while same-day services grew about 60%, on top of a more than 200% increase a year ago.

    在我們的數字化履行中,送貨到家的訂單銷售額比去年略有增長,而當日服務在一年前增長超過 200% 的基礎上增長了約 60%。

  • Among those same-day options, both in-store Pickup and Shipt grew more than 30% in the quarter, while Drive Up grew more than 80%, on top of more than 500% a year ago.

    在這些當日選擇中,店內取貨和發貨在本季度均增長了 30% 以上,而 Drive Up 增長了 80% 以上,而一年前則增長了 500% 以上。

  • Put another way, since 2019, sales through Drive Up have expanded more than 10x or about $1.4 billion in the third quarter alone.

    換句話說,自 2019 年以來,僅在第三季度,Drive Up 的銷售額就增長了 10 倍以上,即約 14 億美元。

  • Moving down the P&L.


  • Our third quarter gross margin rate of 28% was 2.6 percentage points lower than a year ago.

    我們第三季度的毛利率為 28%,比一年前下降了 2.6 個百分點。

  • Among the drivers, core merchandising accounted for 2 percentage points or more than 3/4 of the rate decline, driven primarily by incremental freight and other inventory costs.

    在驅動因素中,核心商品銷售佔降幅的 2 個百分點或超過 3/4,主要是由增加的運費和其他庫存成本驅動。

  • Among the other gross margin drivers, payroll growth in our supply chain accounted for about 70 basis points of pressure, while category sales mix contributed about 10 basis points of benefit.

    在其他毛利率驅動因素中,我們供應鏈的工資增長帶來了約 70 個基點的壓力,而類別銷售組合貢獻了約 10 個基點的收益。

  • Notably, digital fulfillment had an approximately neutral impact on gross margin rate in the quarter, as the costs associated with higher digital volume were offset by the benefit of a shift in fulfillment mix towards our same-day options, which have meaningfully lower average unit costs compared with traditional e-commerce.


  • On the SG&A expense line, we saw about 160 basis points of improvement in the third quarter, reflecting disciplined cost management, combined with the leverage benefit of unexpectedly strong sales.

    在 SG&A 費用線上,我們看到第三季度大約 160 個基點的改善,反映了嚴格的成本管理,以及意外強勁銷售的槓桿效益。

  • On the D&A line, we saw about 20 basis points of rate improvement, as sales growth more than offset the impact of higher accelerated depreciation, which reflects the continued ramp-up in our remodel program.

    在 D&A 方面,我們看到利率提高了約 20 個基點,因為銷售增長抵消了加速折舊的影響,這反映了我們改造計劃的持續增加。

  • Altogether, our third quarter operating margin rate of 7.8% was about 70 basis points lower than a year ago, but more than 2 percentage points higher than 2 years ago.

    總體而言,我們第三季度的營業利潤率為 7.8%,比一年前下降了約 70 個基點,但比兩年前高出 2 個百分點以上。

  • On a dollar basis, operating income was 3.9% higher than a year ago and double the number recorded in the third quarter of 2019.

    按美元計算,營業收入比一年前增長 3.9%,是 2019 年第三季度記錄的兩倍。

  • Moving to the bottom of the P&L.


  • Our third quarter GAAP EPS of $3.04 was 52% higher than last year when we recorded more than $500 million of interest expense on early debt retirement.

    我們第三季度的 GAAP 每股收益為 3.04 美元,比去年高出 52%,當時我們記錄了超過 5 億美元的提前債務退休利息支出。

  • On the adjusted EPS line, where we excluded early debt retirement expense, we earned $3.03 in the quarter, representing an 8.7% increase from a year ago.

    在調整後的每股收益線上,我們排除了提前債務退休費用,本季度我們賺了 3.03 美元,比一年前增長了 8.7%。

  • Compared with 2 years ago, both GAAP and adjusted EPS have increased more than 120%.

    與兩年前相比,美國通用會計準則和調整後每股收益均增長了 120% 以上。

  • Turning now to capital deployment.


  • I'm going to start, as always, with our long-term priorities.


  • First, we look to fully invest in our business and projects that meet our strategic and financial criteria.


  • Next, we support the dividend and look to build on our long history of annual increases, which we maintained every year since 1971.

    接下來,我們支持股息,並希望在我們自 1971 年以來每年保持的長期年度增長歷史的基礎上再接再厲。

  • And finally, we're returning the excess cash within the limits of our middle A credit ratings through share repurchases over time.

    最後,隨著時間的推移,我們通過股票回購在我們的中等 A 信用評級範圍內返還多餘的現金。

  • On the CapEx line, we'd invested $2.5 billion through the first 3 quarters of 2021 and expect to reach about $3.3 billion for the full year.

    在資本支出線上,我們在 2021 年前三個季度投資了 25 億美元,預計全年將達到約 33 億美元。

  • As I mentioned last quarter, this is somewhat lower than our expectation going into the year and reflects the retiming of project spending into next year, given that we've experienced delays on some projects relating to external factors like permitting and inspections in some communities.


  • However, as John mentioned earlier, we're eager to invest in a long list of productive growth opportunities over the next few years: adding new stores, remodeling existing stores, building replenishment capacity in our supply chain, and rolling out additional sortation centers.


  • As of today, we continue to believe these investments will amount to CapEx in the $4 billion to $5 billion range in 2022, and we'll continue to refine our view in the months ahead.

    截至今天,我們仍然相信這些投資將在 2022 年達到 40 億至 50 億美元的資本支出,我們將在未來幾個月繼續完善我們的觀點。

  • Turning now to dividends.


  • We paid $440 million in dividends in the third quarter, up $100 million from last year.

    我們在第三季度支付了 4.4 億美元的股息,比去年增加了 1 億美元。

  • This increase reflects a 32% increase in the per share dividend, partially offset by a decline in share count.

    這一增長反映了每股股息增加了 32%,部分被股票數量的下降所抵消。

  • I want to pause here and take note of the fact that, with the payment of our December dividend, we'll officially achieve our 50th consecutive year of annual increases in the per share dividend, something very few companies have achieved.

    我想在這裡暫停一下,並註意這樣一個事實,隨著我們支付 12 月份的股息,我們將正式實現每股股息連續第 50 年年度增長,這是很少有公司能夠實現的。

  • And lastly, given our cash position and strong cash generation by our operations, we continue to have ample capacity for share repurchases within the limits of our middle A ratings, even after we've made robust investments in CapEx and dividends.

    最後,鑑於我們的現金狀況和運營產生的強勁現金,即使在我們對資本支出和股息進行了強勁投資之後,我們仍然有足夠的能力在我們的中等 A 評級範圍內進行股票回購。

  • In the third quarter, we deployed $2.2 billion to repurchase 8.8 million of our shares, bringing our year-to-date total up to $4.9 billion.

    第三季度,我們部署了 22 億美元回購了 880 萬股股票,使我們年初至今的總額達到 49 億美元。

  • As I've mentioned in prior quarters, given our continued strong financial performance, our debt leverage has been lower and cash on the balance sheet has been higher than we'd expect to maintain over the longer term.


  • As a result, going forward, we expect to increase our leverage and reduce our cash position at a pace that's consistent with our financial expectations, credit rating goals and assessment of the external environment.


  • I've mentioned before that the time line to move those metrics fully back to historical levels will likely be a multiyear journey.


  • And the rapidly changing conditions we've seen over the last 2 years demonstrate why it's prudent to maintain a thoughtful pace.

    我們在過去 2 年中看到的快速變化的情況表明,為什麼保持謹慎的步伐是謹慎的。

  • As always, I'll end my review of performance with our after-tax return on invested capital, which measures the quality of our current performance in the context of the investments we've made over time.


  • For the trailing 12 months through the end of Q3, our business generated an after-tax ROIC of 31.3% compared with 19.9% a year ago.

    在截至第三季度末的過去 12 個月中,我們的業務產生了 31.3% 的稅後投資回報率,而一年前為 19.9%。

  • This is incredibly robust performance and demonstrates why we are enthusiastically planning to continue investing in our business.


  • Now let me turn to our expectations for the fourth quarter and full year.


  • 90 days ago, we said we were planning for high single-digit growth in our comparable sales over the back half of the year.

    90 天前,我們表示我們計劃在今年下半年實現可比銷售額的高個位數增長。

  • While we still believe that's in the range of possible outcomes for the fourth quarter, we just exceeded that expectation in Q3.


  • As such, we're planning for a Q4 comp in the high single-digit to low double-digit range, consistent with the range we've seen over the last 2 quarters.


  • In terms of profitability, we continue to expect that our business will deliver a full year operating margin rate of 8% or higher, up significantly from 7% in 2020.

    在盈利能力方面,我們繼續預計我們的業務將實現 8% 或更高的全年營業利潤率,遠高於 2020 年的 7%。

  • This rate favorability, combined with the full year sales growth we're positioned to deliver, would translate into another incredibly strong year of profit growth, following a record year in 2020.

    在 2020 年創紀錄的一年之後,這種利率優勢,加上我們有能力實現的全年銷售增長,將轉化為又一個令人難以置信的強勁利潤增長年。

  • So now as I get ready to turn the call back over to Brian, I want to pause and address a question that I'm certain you'll be asking, which is, how much of the current cost pressures will turn out to be temporary and how much will turn out to be structural?


  • And I'll give you the honest answer, which is that it's almost certainly some of both.


  • And no one knows the precise answer.


  • That said, there's no doubt that supply chain bottlenecks should ease over time.


  • However, beyond the supply chain, we're also facing product cost increases from some vendors, driven by higher costs in their businesses.


  • And while you heard from John that we're extremely well positioned given our team investments over the last few years, the labor market remains very tight across the country.


  • So how do we think about the future?


  • From a financial standpoint, we focus first on serving our guests and translating that focus into further growth, an area where we see a lot of runway.


  • As you've seen with the investments we've made and continue to make, we're earning deeper trust and engagement from our guests.


  • This trust leads to more trips and broader shopping across our merchandise assortment and fulfillment services.


  • With a skilled and agile team focused on driving guest engagement, further growth and market share gains, we're confident that our durable model can continue to offer compelling value for our guests, accommodate continued investments in our team and deliver outstanding financial performance, even in the face of a challenging external environment like we're facing today.


  • This is one more example of the power of 'and'.


  • So now I want to pause and thank our entire team for delivering a great Q3, which came on top of years of already strong performance.


  • The financial results I have the privilege of sharing quarter after quarter wouldn't be possible if Target didn't have the best team in retail.


  • With that, I'll turn the call back over to Brian.


  • Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Thanks, Michael.


  • Before we turn to your questions, I want to pick up on something Michael just mentioned, which is the growing agility of our team.


  • This comes in part from a heightened focus on prioritization in which we ask our team to focus on a small list of key enterprise-wide priorities, with a goal of making much more rapid progress towards the goals that matter most.


  • With prioritization, we've also seen more alignment across the organization.


  • Regardless of where specific team members might work, our enterprise priorities guide their decision-making, allowing them to take action and change course faster when facing rapidly changing external conditions.


  • Beyond prioritization and alignment, we've also achieved a higher degree of collaboration.


  • When tackling business problems, it becomes easier for everyone to communicate and partner cross-functionally to achieve our common goals together.


  • Prioritization, alignment, collaboration, 3 important concepts that deliver compelling outcomes in a large organization like ours.

    在像我們這樣的大型組織中,優先級、一致性、協作這 3 個重要概念可提供令人信服的結果。

  • And in our remarks today, you've heard us highlight some of those benefits, which helped drive strong Q3 performance despite challenging macro conditions: a unified focus on serving our guests; collaboration between merchandising, marketing and operations teams as they optimize holiday promotions; joint efforts between our stores, supply chain, merchants and vendors to address supply chain bottlenecks and find solutions in support of our inventory.


  • To say we're feeling the impact of those benefits already this holiday season would be an understatement.


  • In fact, I place them alongside our multi-category portfolio, our unmatched same-day services and the skill of our extraordinary team as keys to our holiday readiness.


  • So once again, I want to thank our team.


  • There is no question that because of their dedication and connection to our guests, we stand ready for an exceptionally strong holiday season.


  • Throughout the team, across every function, I've seen the energy and passion as they prepare for the busiest season of the year.


  • And I'm confident that same energy and passion will ensure Target's consistent and sustainable growth over the longer term as well.

    而且我相信,同樣的精力和熱情也將確保 Target 在長期內實現持續和可持續的增長。

  • Now Christina, John, Michael and I would be happy to take your questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question is from Michael Lasser with UBS.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自瑞銀的 Michael Lasser。

  • Michael Lasser - MD and Equity Research Analyst of Consumer Hardlines

    Michael Lasser - MD and Equity Research Analyst of Consumer Hardlines

  • Michael, you began the question already by suggesting you're not sure how long the gross margin is going to last.


  • Can you at least help us understand if the third quarter was the peak gross margin degradation that you expect to realize over the next few quarters?


  • And what are you doing to mitigate this gross margin pressure in terms of passing along price increases to the consumer?


  • Michael J. Fiddelke - Executive VP & CFO

    Michael J. Fiddelke - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks for the question, Michael.


  • As you know, we don't guide margins specifically out into future quarters.


  • But I will say and reiterate what I said in my remarks.


  • I think you're seeing in the third quarter, the result of some very specific investments we made.


  • And the biggest of those investments is an investment to make sure we've got a great inventory position heading into the fourth quarter.


  • And pulling all the levers within the system to ensure we're there for the guest has been our priority.


  • And some of those levers, think of expediting product to come at a cost, and you saw some of that in the third quarter.


  • But I feel really good about the payoff from an investment decision like that.


  • We've got inventory of $2 billion north of last year, up almost 20% on a year-over-year basis.

    去年以北,我們有 20 億美元的庫存,同比增長近 20%。

  • And that's fueling the continued top line growth that we see.


  • So I feel really good about the set of investments that we're making and how they have us positioned for the back part of the year.


  • Michael Lasser - MD and Equity Research Analyst of Consumer Hardlines

    Michael Lasser - MD and Equity Research Analyst of Consumer Hardlines

  • My follow-up question is, even without providing any context on the gross margin for at least the fourth quarter, can you give us a sense for how much you're able to offset or continue to offset this gross margin pressure with further SG&A reductions?

    我的後續問題是,即使沒有提供至少第四季度毛利率的任何背景,您能否讓我們了解您能夠通過進一步減少 SG&A 來抵消或繼續抵消這種毛利率壓力的程度?

  • Should we expect your SG&A dollars in the fourth quarter to grow at a similar rate that they grew in the third quarter?

    我們是否應該期望您在第四季度的 SG&A 美元以與第三季度相似的速度增長?

  • Michael J. Fiddelke - Executive VP & CFO

    Michael J. Fiddelke - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • On the SG&A side, I think the theme you see in Q3 is just an example of how powerful productivity improvements that come with growth are for our business.

    在 SG&A 方面,我認為您在第三季度看到的主題只是一個例子,說明增長帶來的生產力提高對我們的業務有多麼強大。

  • We generate astounding leverage when the top line is running forcibly in the right direction, and it certainly was in the third quarter.


  • That's one of the reasons.


  • We want to make sure we're so well positioned to support continued growth because the P&L works great when we're generating that SG&A leverage, just like you saw in Q3.

    我們希望確保我們能夠很好地支持持續增長,因為當我們產生 SG&A 槓桿時,損益表效果很好,就像你在第三季度看到的那樣。

  • Operator


  • The next question is from Chris Horvers with JPMorgan.

    下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Chris Horvers。

  • Christopher Michael Horvers - Senior Analyst

    Christopher Michael Horvers - Senior Analyst

  • So 2 question.


  • My first question is, you raised the outlook for the fourth quarter, can you talk about what you're seeing from the consumer so far this holiday season?


  • Are you seeing any indication of that holiday sales could be pulled forward?


  • And does the guidance reflect any risk on stock-outs as we progress toward Christmas and then, obviously, stimulus slap in January?


  • Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Chris, as we sit here today, we see continued momentum in the marketplace, and our guests to shopping, all of our categories, utilizing both our stores and our digital channels, and we think that's going to continue throughout the holiday season.


  • All indications are that the U.S. consumers looking to celebrate the holiday season, they are anxious to get together with family and friends.


  • We've seen a great response to seasonal activity as we look at the first 3 quarters of the year.


  • Record Halloween season, very strong back-to-school, back-to-college, a guest that we believe is going to enjoy Thanksgiving with family and friends and is really looking forward to the holiday season, which means robust gifting throughout the season.


  • So we're off to a very good start.


  • We think that's going to continue throughout the holiday season.


  • And we think we made the appropriate investments in inventory.


  • Our inventory levels are up $2 billion, almost 20%.

    我們的庫存水平增加了 20 億美元,幾乎增加了 20%。

  • And we think we're well positioned with those key items.


  • The gifting items, the toys, those items the guest is going to turn to celebrate the season to make sure we build on our third quarter momentum and continue to take market share as we go through the holiday season.


  • Christopher Michael Horvers - Senior Analyst

    Christopher Michael Horvers - Senior Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then I'll take a second cut probably of many on the gross margin and the gross margin outlook.


  • Seasonally, usually, gross margin does sort of go down 200, 300 basis points just relative to the third quarter rate.

    季節性地,通常,毛利率確實相對於第三季度的利率下降了 200 到 300 個基點。

  • However, you talked about a lot of -- I think there's like 2 components here to think about.


  • One, you talked a lot about expediting product in during the third quarter.


  • So there are some sort of periodic costs there.


  • But then you have a lot of the product that comes in overseas, has all that ocean freight.


  • And I think that product is hung up -- that cost is hung up in the inventory.


  • So I guess as you sort of roll those 2 pieces together, and ignoring mix for a second, how are you thinking about those 2 relative costs?


  • As sort of the freight component that's hung up in inventory get worse, but the periodic cost of bringing in 3Q comes down and those 2 things sort of net to neutral, or in which direction?


  • Michael J. Fiddelke - Executive VP & CFO

    Michael J. Fiddelke - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • Chris, we -- you're thinking about it conceptually, I'd say, in the right way, in that the third quarter and fourth quarter kind of straddle the big inventory build and relief that happens for us in advance of the holiday season every year.

    克里斯,我們 - 你在概念上考慮它,我會說,以正確的方式,因為第三季度和第四季度跨越了假日季節之前發生的大量庫存增加和緩解每年。

  • And so those will be the factors at play, while I won't begin to get into the specifics of that level of gross margin for what that means in Q4.


  • But I just zoom out and I feel really good about our ability to manage all of the levers and to see EPS growth of almost 9% in the third quarter, and yes, some investment in gross margin, but also a ton of leverage on the SG&A line.

    但我只是縮小範圍,我對我們管理所有槓桿的能力感到非常滿意,第三季度每股收益增長近 9%,是的,對毛利率進行了一些投資,但也有大量的槓桿作用SG&A 線。

  • And we feel really good about how that positions us for the fourth quarter and the investments in inventory.


  • And importantly, the investments in value for our guests, I think, will be investments that continue to pay off.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Karen Short with Barclays.

    下一個問題來自 Barclays 的 Karen Short。

  • Karen Fiona Short - Research Analyst

    Karen Fiona Short - Research Analyst

  • Sorry to try this a little bit differently.


  • So when you look at your top line growth in 3Q relative to your EBIT growth, and then -- so we look at the gap on those 2 in 3Q, and then back into 4Q, it looks like you will have much stronger -- a much wider -- or sorry, a much narrower gap on top line relative to EBIT growth in 4Q.

    因此,當您查看第三季度相對於息稅前利潤增長的收入增長時,然後 - 所以我們查看第三季度中這兩個的差距,然後回到第四季度,看起來你會變得更強大 -更大——或者抱歉,與第四季度息稅前利潤增長相比,頂線的差距要小得多。

  • So is that a function of the fact that a lot of the supply chain costs and inventory costs were pulled into 3Q?


  • And then I guess what I want to ask bigger picture is, looking at '22, how should we think about that algorithm generally, top line growth relative to EBIT growth?

    然後我想我想問更大的圖景是,看看 22 年,我們應該如何看待這個算法,相對於 EBIT 增長的頂線增長?

  • Michael J. Fiddelke - Executive VP & CFO

    Michael J. Fiddelke - Executive VP & CFO

  • Well, thanks for the question, Karen.


  • It's -- I guess I'd start by saying it's wrapped into the guidance we've given for the balance of the year.

    這是 - 我想我首先要說它包含在我們為今年餘下時間提供的指導中。

  • We would expect op income rate of 8% or higher.

    我們預計營業收入率為 8% 或更高。

  • And that's inclusive of a lot of moving pieces and puts and takes throughout the P&L.


  • But I'll tell you the place that starts is growth, and that's why high single-digit to low double-digit expectations for the fourth quarter are kind of where the short-term algorithm starts.


  • And with that kind of growth, we feel confident in our ability to put together a P&L that works.


  • The time will be right in the future to unpack the future year algorithm.


  • But I will say, over time, we expect to be a growth company.


  • We expect to be a company that's growing the top line and gaining share over time.


  • And that's where that algorithm will start.


  • Karen Fiona Short - Research Analyst

    Karen Fiona Short - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just a follow-up.


  • You didn't mention markdowns or what your thoughts are on overall markdowns.


  • I know originally, you'd hope that you would have enough excess inventory to be able to have a healthier markdown season.


  • Just wondering where you stand on that.


  • Michael J. Fiddelke - Executive VP & CFO

    Michael J. Fiddelke - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • I describe us as still chasing.


  • The strength in the top line means that we're still not seeing those clearance markdowns return in force, like you've heard me talk about quarter-over-quarter.


  • And so that said, we feel really good about how inventory is positioned for the fourth quarter.


  • And so that $2 billion higher than last year, up almost 20%, it means we'll be ready to serve our guests for the important holiday season.

    因此,比去年增加了 20 億美元,增長了近 20%,這意味著我們將準備好在重要的假日季節為我們的客人提供服務。

  • Operator


  • The next question is from Kelly Bania with BMO Capital.

    下一個問題來自 BMO Capital 的 Kelly Bania。

  • Kelly Ann Bania - Director & Equity Analyst

    Kelly Ann Bania - Director & Equity Analyst

  • Just wanted to ask really about the competitive environment.


  • And clearly, you're maybe not passing on all the cost pressures that maybe you could.


  • And my understanding is you're kind of investing here in that relationship with your guests.


  • But do you see this as an investment to sustain these share gains?


  • Or are you already seeing any signs of consumer price sensitivity?


  • Or is it just an anticipation of that as we move forward and this is maybe more of a proactive absorption of those costs here?


  • Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Kelly, you've heard us say a number of times already today, we're investing in growth.


  • We're investing to maintain and continue to build market share positions and build on the extraordinary results that we delivered last year, where we added $9 billion of market share and continue to see that momentum grow in 2021.

    我們正在投資以維持並繼續建立市場份額地位,並在去年取得的非凡成果的基礎上再接再厲,我們增加了 90 億美元的市場份額,並在 2021 年繼續看到這一勢頭增長。

  • So we're a company that's going to continue to invest in growth, do the right thing for our team, the right thing for the guest, and utilize all of our assets to continue to build on the momentum that we have today and build market share across all of our key categories.


  • Kelly Ann Bania - Director & Equity Analyst

    Kelly Ann Bania - Director & Equity Analyst

  • That's helpful.


  • And maybe just a follow-up on the supply chain.


  • Obviously, you've been ahead of that year -- ahead of it this year and pulling inventory ahead of schedule.

    顯然,你已經領先於那一年 - 今年領先於它並提前拉動庫存。

  • What is your expectation on when that resolves?


  • And are you still pulling inventory ahead of schedule for early next year?


  • Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Kelly, I'll start, and then I'll ask John to provide any additional comments.


  • But we've certainly seen supply chain challenges going all the way to the start of the pandemic as demand across the U.S. continued to build.


  • So we've done a terrific job.


  • And I think our teams have shown great agility.


  • They've adjusted to the marketplace to make sure that we've been able to meet the demand in our system.


  • But we don't expect those supply chain challenges to go away as we go into the start of next year.


  • And I think they'll dissipate over time.


  • So we're doing our fair share to make sure that we're alleviating some of the congestion in the ports and making sure that we're unpacking containers and off-peak hours.


  • We've utilized other ports across the country to try to relieve some of the congestion in L.A. Long Beach.


  • But as John can attest, we know that we're going to still face some supply chain challenges as we go into 2022.

    但正如約翰可以證明的那樣,我們知道,進入 2022 年,我們仍將面臨一些供應鏈挑戰。

  • There's still uncertainty as we think about supply from Asia as different factories from time to time are closed.


  • And we're just going to have to show great flexibility and agility to provide the products that our guests are looking for and our system requires as we plan for the next fiscal year.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Kate McShane with Goldman Sachs.

    下一個問題來自高盛的 Kate McShane。

  • Katharine Amanda McShane - Equity Analyst

    Katharine Amanda McShane - Equity Analyst

  • I wanted to ask a quick question on labor.


  • It sounds from the prepared comments, that from a staffing level, you might be in a good place right now.


  • Could you maybe comment on how you're feeling about your labor in the stores versus the DCs, and what you're seeing in the competitive environment when it comes to wages?


  • John J. Mulligan - Executive VP & COO

    John J. Mulligan - Executive VP & COO

  • Yes.


  • Kate, I think we feel really good about where we're at.


  • And this really goes back a little bit like the supply chain thing.


  • This is something we've been on top of for a very long time.


  • We've made investing in our team an absolute priority.


  • You've seen us do that for years now, investments in wage, investments in training, investments in benefits and investments in their safety over the past couple of years.


  • And so that all starts and leads to retaining our current team.


  • And from our perspective, that's the way we achieve our staffing goals, is retain the team we have.


  • This year, particularly in our stores, we spent a lot of time, individual conversations with every team member about what's the hours they want and what can we do to cross-train you to get you the hours you need.


  • And so that's been a huge success for our team and for us as we've looked at staffing.


  • More recently, we've said we're investing in our DC team, our supply chain teams to grow the staffing, and we feel great about applicant flow.

    最近,我們說我們正在投資我們的 DC 團隊、我們的供應鏈團隊以增加人員配置,我們對申請人流感覺很好。

  • We feel great about the turnover of our team.


  • It's below 2019 right now.


  • So overall, we feel we're really well positioned for the fourth quarter, and more importantly, for beyond the fourth quarter, because labor is going to continue to be tight, and we'll continue to focus on retaining our existing team.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Paul Lejuez with Citigroup.

    下一個問題來自花旗集團的 Paul Lejuez。

  • Paul Lawrence Lejuez - MD and Senior Analyst

    Paul Lawrence Lejuez - MD and Senior Analyst

  • I know you don't give guidance.


  • Obviously, you didn't for third quarter gross margin.


  • I'm sure you had some view on where it would shake out.


  • So I'm kind of curious just how much of what we saw in the third quarter was unexpected to you and maybe tied to decisions that you made during the quarter, intra-quarter and how much was tied to higher-than-expected sales.


  • And I just want to make sure I'm clear.


  • I don't know if you'd answered the question earlier, was there an aspect of some costs getting pulled forward into 3Q out of 4Q?


  • Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • I'll start.


  • I think one of the positive surprises for us in Q3 was just the continued strength in traffic.


  • To see our traffic grow by almost 13% was something that we actually didn't anticipate.

    看到我們的流量增長了近 13%,這是我們實際上沒有預料到的。

  • We certainly were planning for a very strong quarter and continued market share gains.


  • But to see the type of performance across our business, the strength of stores, comping up almost 10%, in a period when we were comping over a 9.9% growth rate in the prior year, to see our digital business grow by almost 30%, comping over 155% growth the year before, those numbers are actually stronger than we might have expected.

    但要看到我們業務的表現類型,商店的實力,在去年我們的增長率超過 9.9% 的時期內增長了近 10%,看到我們的數字業務增長了近 30% ,比前一年增長超過 155%,這些數字實際上比我們預期的要強。

  • To see the consistent growth across every one of our major merchandising categories, double-digit growth, just the way the guest was responding to our assortment, the value we were delivering, the great in-store experience, those were all really positive results in the quarter and actually exceeded our expectations when we were planning for Q3.


  • Operator, we have time for 1 more question today.

    接線員,我們今天有時間再回答 1 個問題。

  • Operator


  • Our last question is from Robbie Ohmes with Bank of America.

    我們的最後一個問題來自美國銀行的 Robbie Ohmes。

  • Robert Frederick Ohmes - MD

    Robert Frederick Ohmes - MD

  • Brian, I -- kind of a follow-up to what you were just talking about.


  • I wanted to ask you about grocery.


  • I know that Target historically has said, we're not a full grocery shop.

    我知道 Target 曾說過,我們不是一家完整的雜貨店。

  • But I'm looking at the numbers you guys have been putting up in grocery, Food & Beverage, Beauty and Essentials.


  • And can you maybe just speak to longer-term opportunity given the momentum you have there?


  • And could you do more there?


  • And maybe also, does it tie into -- does it drive general merchandise?

    也許還有,它是否與 - 它是否推動了一般商品?

  • Is it key to driving these digital numbers on very strong digital numbers?


  • Any help to think about that would be great.


  • Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Robbie, why don't I start and let Christina add to my comments.


  • But I think you've highlighted one of the real success stories within our business over the last few years.


  • And the progress we've made from a Food & Beverage standpoint, the changes we've made in assortment, the market share gains that we've seen quarter after quarter now for multiple years, and the great response we're seeing to our own brands, and the strength and response we're seeing to Good & Gather is a real highlight for us.

    從食品和飲料的角度來看,我們所取得的進步、我們在品類方面所做的改變、多年來我們看到的一個季度一個季度的市場份額增長,以及我們看到的對我們的巨大反應自有品牌,我們看到 Good & Gather 的實力和反應對我們來說是一個真正的亮點。

  • But as Christina can build in more detail, we're also seeing tremendous growth in our Beauty business, and ongoing strength in Household Essentials.

    但隨著 Christina 可以更詳細地構建,我們也看到了美容業務的巨大增長,以及家居必需品的持續實力。

  • And that's helping drive trips and leads to cross shopping across our multi-category portfolio.


  • So the position we're in today in Food & Beverage is dramatically different from where we were 5 years ago.

    因此,我們今天在食品和飲料行業所處的位置與 5 年前截然不同。

  • We're connecting with the guest.


  • The quality, the assortment, the value we deliver is being really well received from the guest who shops our stores.


  • And we're seeing accelerated growth with our Food & Beverage business from a digital standpoint.


  • A. Christina Hennington - Executive VP & Chief Growth Officer

    A. Christina Hennington - Executive VP & Chief Growth Officer

  • I was just going to add a little bit of commentary to Brian's point about how Food & Beverage fits into the broad portfolio.


  • The multi-category portfolio and the strength across the entirety is part of Target's sweet spot.

    多品類產品組合和整體實力是 Target 的最佳選擇。

  • So Food & Beverage is certainly an incredible proof point that's grown and driven share acceleration and traffic, but we rely on all of our categories to play that role at different times of year.


  • And it's that combination that makes it so compelling whether it's back-to-school whether it's Halloween, whether it's Memorial Day or whether it's just your everyday trip when you need to pick up milk and bread.


  • So this is part of the strategy that's accelerating the relevance for the consumer across the board.


  • Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    Brian C. Cornell - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Robbie, thank you.


  • And that, operator, concludes our third quarter conference call.


  • We look forward to talking to all of you as we go into 2022.

    我們期待在進入 2022 年時與大家交談。

  • So thank you.
