Teladoc Health Inc (TDOC) 2024 Q4 法說會逐字稿


Teladoc Health 公佈了 2024 年全年和第四季度的財務業績,報告稱醫療保健市場表現穩健,戰略重點取得進展。他們討論了收入、EBITDA 和 2025 年指引,重點關注成本節約、生產力和成長計劃。

該公司強調了綜合護理和 BetterHelp 領域面臨的挑戰和機遇,強調了客戶成長、參與度和收入驅動因素的重要性。他們討論了有關收入成長、營運因素以及商業模式可持續性的問題。



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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, and thank you all for attending the Teladoc Health Q4 2024 Earnings Call.

    下午好,感謝大家參加 Teladoc Health 2024 年第四季財報電話會議。

  • My name is Brika, and I will be your moderator for today.

    我的名字是 Brika,今天我將擔任你們的主持人。

  • All lines will be muted during the presentation portion of the call with an opportunity for questions and answers at the end.


  • I would now like to pass the conference over to your host, Michael Minchak, Vice President Investor Relations at Teladoc Health.

    現在,我想將會議交給主持人、Teladoc Health 投資者關係副總裁 Michael Minchak。

  • Thank you, you may proceed.


  • Michael Minchak - Vice President of Investor Relations

    Michael Minchak - Vice President of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, and good afternoon.


  • Today, after the market closed, we issued a press release announcing our Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2024 financial results.


  • This press release and the accompanying slide presentation are available on the Investor Relations section of the website.

    本新聞稿和隨附的幻燈片簡報可在 網站的投資者關係部分找到。

  • On this call to discuss the results are Chuck Divita, Chief Executive Officer; and Mala Murthy, Chief Financial Officer.

    參加本次電話會議討論結果的有執行長 Chuck Divita;以及財務長 Mala Murthy。

  • During this call, we will also discuss our outlook, and our prepared remarks will be followed by a question-and-answer session.


  • Please note that we will be discussing certain non-GAAP financial measures that we believe are important in evaluating Teladoc Health's performance.

    請注意,我們將討論我們認為對評估 Teladoc Health 績效很重要的某些非 GAAP 財務指標。

  • Details on the relationship between these non-GAAP measures to the most comparable GAAP measures and reconciliations thereof can be found in the press release that is posted on our website.


  • Also, please note that certain statements made during this call will be forward-looking statements as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual results for Teladoc Health to differ materially from those expressed or implied on this call.

    此外,請注意,本次電話會議中所做的某些陳述將屬於 1995 年私人證券訴訟改革法案所定義的前瞻性陳述,此類前瞻性陳述受風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致 Teladoc Health 的實際結果與本次電話會議中明示或暗示的結果存在重大差異。

  • For additional information, please refer to our cautionary statement in our press release and our filings with the SEC, all of which are available on our website.


  • I would now like to turn the call over to Chuck.


  • Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

    Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Mike.


  • We reported a solid finish to 2024 and continue to make progress on our strategic priorities.

    我們報告了 2024 年取得的圓滿成功,並繼續在策略重點方面取得進展。

  • Mala will comment more on our results and initial 2025 guidance in a moment.

    稍後,Mala 將對我們的結果和 2025 年初步指導發表更多評論。

  • As we close out the year and look forward I would also like to provide some updates on the business and areas of focus.


  • As you know, we operate in a complex and dynamic health care market, which continues to be impacted by macro factors such as medical cost inflation, disease prevalence, mental health challenges, pressures on health care providers and regulatory matters, amongst others.


  • We believe Virtually Enabled Care can play an important and constructive role in supporting the needs of our customers in this regard, and that we are uniquely positioned given our scale, experience and range of products and services.

    我們相信,Virtually Enabled Care 可以在支援我們客戶的需求方面發揮重要且建設性的作用,並且憑藉我們的規模、經驗以及產品和服務範圍,我們擁有獨特的優勢。

  • To strengthen our ability to pursue opportunities in this environment and navigate through respective challenges, we've taken several actions over the past several months to streamline the organization deepen market focus and advance important initiatives.


  • These chains are well aligned with our priorities, have driven significant cost savings and created additional capacity to invest.


  • With respect to Integrated Care, we're building on these and other efforts to enhance our competitive position and pursue important growth factors focused on 4 strategic priorities.


  • First is net growth in customers and membership and the engagement and usage of our services.


  • In 2024, we added over 4 million members in the US and grew underlying visit volumes by 6%, a key metric as the market continues to move towards visit oriented arrangements.

    2024 年,我們在美國增加了超過 400 萬會員,基礎訪問量增加了 6%,這是一個關鍵指標,因為市場繼續走向以訪問為導向的安排。

  • And we recently implemented new technology at the point of care to support additional services for our customers.


  • We see this as an important element of our value proposition and differentiation going forward.


  • We also grew Chronic Care management enrollment by 4% in 2024, and we see opportunities to further innovate in this space as well, including through our recently announced agreement to acquire Catapult Health.

    到 2024 年,我們的慢性病管理入學人數還將增加 4%,我們也看到了在這一領域進一步創新的機會,包括透過我們最近宣布的收購 Catapult Health 的協議。

  • More on that in a moment.


  • From a selling season perspective, we saw some nice wins to close out the year, including the strongest year of bookings since 2020 in our employer channel and the important addition of TRICARE in the government space.

    從銷售季節的角度來看,我們在年底看到了一些不錯的勝利,包括自 2020 年以來雇主通路預訂量最強勁的一年,以及政府領域 TRICARE 的重要加入。

  • We've also had some key client expansions with respect to Chronic Care programs, including weight management, which is seeing continued interest in the market.


  • Of note, one of our largest customers added our solution for 2025 and we expect the enrollment to ramp over the year.

    值得注意的是,我們最大的客戶之一添加了我們的 2025 年解決方案,我們預計註冊人數將在今年內增加。

  • As we mentioned in the third quarter call, we are seeing pressures in the health plan channel given some of the broader challenges.


  • With that said, we expect to have opportunities during 2025 across our various channels, and we will remain focused on managing through these uncertainties as well, both of which are reflected in the guidance ranges that Mala will cover.

    話雖如此,我們預計 2025 年我們的各個管道都會有機遇,我們也將繼續專注於應對這些不確定性,這兩者都反映在 Mala 將涵蓋的指導範圍內。

  • I'm pleased to report that we had a very successful implementation season with over 800 new clients launched on January 1.

    我很高興地報告,我們的實施季非常成功,1 月 1 日就有超過 800 個新客戶加入。

  • This was a critical priority given earlier challenges, and I'm proud of how the team collaborated and delivered for our customers.


  • Another important priority is deepening our impact on patient care and outcomes.


  • For example, in addition to the point-of-care technology I mentioned earlier, we're also excited about a new capability we'll be bringing to market soon that provides the ability for external ecosystem partners to efficiently integrate with us to support longitudinal care needs and other strategies of our customers.


  • We're also focused on driving greater impact through our suite of products and we're looking forward to jointly leveraging the capabilities of Catapult, including an initial focus on patients with chronic conditions.

    我們也致力於透過我們的產品套件發揮更大的影響力,並期待共同利用 Catapult 的功能,包括最初關注患有慢性病的患者。

  • And with Catapult's approach to preventative care, including [ Kania ] testing, screening and nurse lead engagement model as well as an impressive Net Promoter Score of 80, we see opportunities to further complement our solution set.

    透過 Catapult 的預防保健方法,包括 [Kania] 測試、篩檢和護理師主導參與模式以及令人印象深刻的 80 淨推薦值,我們看到了進一步補充我們的解決方案集的機會。

  • From a revenue growth perspective, we intend to leverage our scale distribution to offer Catapult services into our customer base.

    從營收成長的角度來看,我們打算利用我們的規模分佈向我們的客戶群提供 Catapult 服務。

  • And for Catapult's patients that are also eligible for our other services, we'll be creating a seamless enrollment pathway for our Chronic Care Management and additional entry points for services such as mental health and primary care based on patient needs and preferences.

    對於同時符合我們其他服務資格的 Catapult 患者,我們將根據患者的需求和偏好,為慢性病管理創建無縫的註冊途徑,並為心理健康和初級保健等服務創建額外的切入點。

  • As context, roughly half of the people engaged by Catapult have one or more chronic conditions.

    背景是,Catapult 所接觸的人中大約有一半患有一種或多種慢性疾病。

  • Many indicate challenges with depression and anxiety and nearly 1/3 share that they don't have an established primary care relationship.


  • Our products and services align very well with these needs.


  • Through these and other initiatives, we're looking to extend our clinical care capabilities and ultimately to further participate in the value we can create for customers.


  • Another important priority is expanding our International Integrated Care business.


  • I recently had the opportunity to meet with our international team and hear from some key clients as well.


  • I was highly impressed with our team and how they are building strong and sustainable positions in their respective markets.


  • And their efforts drove another strong year in 2024, delivering mid-teens revenue growth and continuing to expand markets and services.

    他們的努力推動了 2024 年又一個強勁發展的一年,實現了中等水平的收入成長,並繼續擴大市場和服務。

  • For example, in France, we're partnering with the public health system to provide virtual psychiatry services in places with the scarcity of providers.


  • And in Canada, we are combining virtual services with the proprietary devices and software of our hospital and health system solutions to serve needs across several provinces.


  • These are great examples of organizational collaboration and differentiation in the market.


  • Finally, a priority of increased access to virtual mental health services through our scale position.


  • In addition to BetterHelp, we also have a scaled B2B Mental Health offering in Integrated Care, where we offer digital tools, coaching, therapy and psychiatry services.

    除了 BetterHelp,我們還在綜合護理中提供規模化的 B2B 心理健康服務,其中包括數位工具、指導、治療和精神病學服務。

  • We completed nearly 1 million visits in 2024, a 10% increase from 2023.

    2024 年,我們完成了近 100 萬次訪問,比 2023 年成長 10%。

  • Over 60% of our membership base in the US has access to our mental health offering and at an enterprise level, B2B Mental Health generated approximately $150 million in revenues in 2024.

    我們在美國超過 60% 的會員可以使用我們的心理健康服務,在企業層面,B2B 心理健康服務在 2024 年創造了約 1.5 億美元的收入。

  • We will continue to assess synergies across our Mental Health offerings going forward.


  • Moving now to the BetterHelp segment specifically.

    現在具體轉到 BetterHelp 部分。

  • The business continues to be the largest of its kind serving an unmet need in a way that resonates with consumers as evidenced by its high consumer Net Promoter Score above 70.

    該業務繼續成為同類業務中規模最大的業務,以一種與消費者產生共鳴的方式滿足尚未滿足的需求,其消費者淨推薦值高達 70 以上就是明證。

  • And in January of 2025, we surpassed a historical milestone but having served over 5 million people across dozens of countries.

    2025 年 1 月,我們突破了歷史里程碑,為數十個國家的 500 多萬人提供了服務。

  • With that said, the business continues to operate in a challenging environment, which impacted financial performance in 2024 and our expectations for 2025.

    話雖如此,業務仍在充滿挑戰的環境中運營,這影響了 2024 年的財務業績和我們對 2025 年的預期。

  • We remain highly focused on stabilizing results and returning to a long-term growth posture.


  • And we aim to do this through 4 key priorities.


  • The first is growing user base and levels of engagement.


  • During 2024, BetterHelp served over 1 million unique paying users, supported by a broad and diverse therapist network.

    2024 年,BetterHelp 在廣泛且多元的治療師網路的支持下,為超過 100 萬獨立付費用戶提供服務。

  • We were encouraged to see sequential growth in average paying users in the fourth quarter versus the third quarter but we have not yet reached the level of stability we are striving for.


  • We also have a priority on advancing our value proposition through new features and enhancements.


  • This includes ways to improve affordability and accessibility such as a pilot we launched in the third quarter of 2024 to test a weekly pricing model.

    這包括提高可負擔性和可訪問性的方法,例如我們在 2024 年第三季啟動的試點,以測試每周定價模型。

  • Initial results were positive, and the model was subsequently expanded and now widely available.


  • We'll continue to monitor performance on key measures such as conversion rates, retention and net user growth.


  • We're also pursuing new features and other offerings, including furthering international expansion through new localized country models with respect to language content and therapists.


  • This includes a recent launch in France and additional markets in Europe over the course of 2025.

    其中包括最近在法國推出的產品以及 2025 年在歐洲其他市場推出的產品。

  • And international was again a bright spot for BetterHelp in 2024, accounting for approximately 20% of segment revenues.

    2024 年,國際業務再次成為 BetterHelp 的一大亮點,約佔該部門收入的 20%。

  • Finally, BetterHelp's initiative to provide consumers with an ability to access their mental health benefits coverage continues to progress.

    最後,BetterHelp 為消費者提供心理健康福利保障的措施正在持續取得進展。

  • Operational capabilities are now in place, and initial network discussions with select health plans have begun.


  • As shared previously, we don't expect any material contribution during 2025 in this area, and we'll also continue to explore additional ways to accelerate our progress, consistent with our broader mental health strategy.

    如同先前所分享的,我們預計 2025 年在此領域不會做出任何實質貢獻,我們也將繼續探索其他方法來加速我們的進步,這與我們更廣泛的心理健康策略保持一致。

  • In closing, I'm gratified by the way we finished 2024 and how the organization is aligning around our strategic priorities, which are focused on delivering long-term sustainable growth.

    最後,我對我們在 2024 年取得的成績感到滿意,也對我們組織如何圍繞我們的策略重點進行調整感到滿意,這些重點是實現長期可持續成長。

  • While there is more work ahead, we are operating with appropriate urgency and a strong competent driving performance across our business.


  • With that, I'll turn it over to Mala.

    說完這些,我會把話題交給瑪拉 (Mala)。

  • Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

    Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Chuck and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Fourth quarter results were generally in line with our previously discussed expectations.


  • Consolidated revenue was $640 million and adjusted EBITDA of $75 million represented an 11.7% margin.

    合併收入為 6.4 億美元,調整後 EBITDA 為 7,500 萬美元,利潤率為 11.7%。

  • Net loss per share was $0.28. Full year 2024 consolidated revenue of $2.6 billion decreased 1% versus 2023 while adjusted EBITDA of $311 million represented a 12.1% margin.

    每股淨虧損為 0.28 美元。 2024 年全年綜合營收為 26 億美元,較 2023 年下降 1%,調整後 EBITDA 為 3.11 億美元,利潤率為 12.1%。

  • Net loss per share of $5.87 included a noncash goodwill impairment charge of $4.63 per share pretax, amortization of acquired intangibles of $1.35 per share pretax and stock-based compensation expense of $0.86 per share pretax.

    每股淨虧損 5.87 美元,其中包括每股稅前 4.63 美元的非現金商譽減損費用、每股稅前 1.35 美元的收購無形資產攤銷費用和每股稅前 0.86 美元的股票薪資費用。

  • Full year free cash flow was $170 million and we closed 2024 with nearly $1.3 billion in cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet.

    全年自由現金流為 1.7 億美元,截至 2024 年,我們的資產負債表上現金及現金等價物接近 13 億美元。

  • Turning to segment results.


  • Fourth quarter Integrated Care revenue increased 2% year-over-year to $391 million, above the midpoint of our guidance range, driven by Virtual Care visits, Chronic Care and International.

    第四季綜合護理收入年增 2% 至 3.91 億美元,高於我們指引範圍的中點,這得益於虛擬護理就診、慢性病護理和國際護理。

  • We added 4.2 million US Integrated Care members versus the prior year period and ended the fourth quarter with 93.8 million members, up 5% year-over-year.

    與去年同期相比,我們增加了 420 萬美國綜合護理會員,第四季結束時會員總數達 9,380 萬,年增 5%。

  • Chronic Care program enrollment was just over 1.2 million at quarter end, growing by 4% versus the prior year period.

    截至季末,慢性病照護計畫的報名人數剛過 120 萬,比去年同期成長 4%。

  • Fourth quarter Integrated Care adjusted EBITDA was $53 million, representing a 13.6% margin.

    第四季綜合護理調整後息稅折舊攤提前利潤為 5,300 萬美元,利潤率為 13.6%。

  • This was near the upper end of our guidance range and down 95 basis points versus the prior year period.

    這接近我們預期範圍的上限,比去年同期下降了 95 個基點。

  • Recall that based on upside in the third quarter, we discussed incremental investments in the fourth quarter to advance our key priorities, which drove a headwind to adjusted EBITDA margin.

    回想一下,基於第三季的上行勢頭,我們討論了第四季度的增量投資以推進我們的關鍵優先事項,這給調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率帶來了阻力。

  • For the full year, Integrated Care segment revenue increased 4% to $1.5 billion.

    全年綜合護理部門營收成長 4%,達到 15 億美元。

  • Revenue benefited from double-digit growth in US Virtual Care Visit revenue, with volume up by 6% year-over-year, a mid-teens increase in our International business and growth in Chronic Care.

    收入受益於美國虛擬護理訪問收入的兩位數增長,其中訪問量同比增長 6%,國際業務實現十五六% 的增長以及慢性病護理的增長。

  • Integrated Care adjusted EBITDA grew 21% over 2023 driven by revenue growth as well as cost and productivity initiatives.

    在收入成長以及成本和生產力措施的推動下,綜合照護調整後的 EBITDA 比 2023 年成長了 21%。

  • Adjusted EBITDA margin increased by about 215 basis points versus 2023.

    調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率較 2023 年增加約 215 個基點。

  • Landing in the upper half of the initial guidance range we had provided last February.


  • Shifting to BetterHelp.

    轉向 BetterHelp。

  • Fourth quarter revenue was $250 million, down 9.5% versus the prior year period, reflecting a modestly lower rate of decline versus the third quarter.

    第四季營收為 2.5 億美元,較去年同期下降 9.5%,降幅較第三季略有下降。

  • Fourth quarter average monthly paying users grew by 2,000 users over the third quarter to 400,000 marking the first sequential increase since the second quarter of 2023 and driven by continued International growth and a net benefit from the weekly pricing model.

    第四季平均每月付費用戶數較第三季增加了 2,000 名用戶,達到 40 萬名用戶,這是自 2023 年第二季以來的首次連續成長,這得益於國際業務的持續成長以及每周定價模式帶來的淨收益。

  • Fourth quarter BetterHelp adjusted EBITDA increased to $22 million from $15 million in the third quarter, and adjusted EBITDA margin of 8.7% compared to 5.9% in the third quarter.

    第四季度,BetterHelp 調整後 EBITDA 從第三季的 1,500 萬美元增至 2,200 萬美元,調整後 EBITDA 利潤率為 8.7%,而第三季為 5.9%。

  • This was consistent with commentary on our third quarter call regarding a much smaller sequential step-up in fourth quarter adjusted EBITDA.

    這與我們第三季電話會議上關於第四季度調整後 EBITDA 環比增幅小得多的評論一致。

  • For the full year, BetterHelp revenue was $1 billion, a decline of 8% versus the prior year, while adjusted EBITDA of $78 million represented a margin of 7.5%.

    BetterHelp 全年營收為 10 億美元,較前一年下降 8%,調整後 EBITDA 為 7,800 萬美元,利潤率為 7.5%。

  • Now turning to guidance.


  • We expect full year 2025 consolidated revenue to be in the range of $2.47 billion to $2.58 billion.

    我們預計 2025 年全年綜合收入將在 24.7 億美元至 25.8 億美元之間。

  • Consolidated adjusted EBITDA is expected to be in the range of $278 million to $319 million.

    合併調整後 EBITDA 預計在 2.78 億美元至 3.19 億美元之間。

  • We expect full year free cash flow of $190 million to $220 million which represents year-over-year growth of 12% to 30%, driven mainly by net working capital benefits.

    我們預計全年自由現金流為 1.9 億至 2.2 億美元,年增 12% 至 30%,主要受淨營運資本利得推動。

  • We project stock-based compensation expense of $120 million to $130 million in 2025, down by about $20 million at the midpoint versus 2024, and 38% lower versus 2023 levels.

    我們預計 2025 年的股票薪資支出為 1.2 億至 1.3 億美元,比 2024 年中位數下降約 2,000 萬美元,比 2023 年的水準下降 38%。

  • For the first quarter, we expect consolidated revenue in the range of $608 million to $629 million, and adjusted EBITDA in the range of $47 million to $59 million.

    對於第一季度,我們預計綜合營收在 6.08 億美元至 6.29 億美元之間,調整後 EBITDA 在 4,700 萬美元至 5,900 萬美元之間。

  • Looking at the segments.


  • For Integrated Care, we expect 2025 revenue to be flat to up 3% year-over-year on an as-reported basis.

    對於綜合護理,我們預計 2025 年的收入將與報告基礎持平或同比增長 3%。

  • This assumes 0.5% to 3.5% constant currency growth and a roughly 50 basis point headwind from foreign exchange.

    假設固定匯率成長率為 0.5% 至 3.5%,且外匯阻力約為 50 個基點。

  • Constant currency growth includes about 200 basis points of contribution from the Catapult acquisition, which is expected to close at the end of February.

    固定匯率成長包括 Catapult 收購帶來的約 200 個基點的貢獻,該收購預計將於 2 月底完成。

  • We are guiding to an adjusted EBITDA margin of 14.8%, plus or minus 50 basis points, inclusive of a roughly 40 basis point headwind from the Catapult acquisition which we expect to be dilutive to adjusted EBITDA margin in 2025.

    我們預計調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率為 14.8%,上下浮動 50 個基點,其中包括 Catapult 收購帶來的約 40 個基點的阻力,我們預計這將稀釋 2025 年調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率。

  • Excluding Catapult, our adjusted EBITDA margin guidance for 2025 would be roughly flat year-over-year at the midpoint.

    不包括 Catapult,我們對 2025 年的調整後 EBITDA 利潤率預期將與去年同期大致持平。

  • And this is consistent with our preliminary 2025 outlook where we said we endeavor to maintain adjusted EBITDA margin in line with 2024 levels.

    這與我們對 2025 年的初步展望一致,我們表示將努力將調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率維持在與 2024 年水準一致。

  • FX is neutral to Integrated Care adjusted EBITDA margin.

    外匯對 Integrated Care 調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率沒有影響。

  • There are several factors that are impacting the first quarter and quarterly cadence.


  • First, we expect a slightly greater sequential revenue decline in the first quarter versus prior years.


  • While typical seasonality is driven in part by enrollment dynamics within our Chronic Care business, 2 additional factors are contributing to a lower 2025 starting point.

    雖然典型的季節性在一定程度上是由我們的慢性病護理業務內的招生動態所驅動,但另外兩個因素也導致了 2025 年的起點較低。

  • The first is the selling season, which we had previously discussed.


  • And the second is an FX headwind due to currency movements since our October earnings call.

    第二個是自 10 月財報電話會議以來匯率變動導致的外匯逆風。

  • Next, while we continue to expect increased membered to drive visit growth over time, based on recent trends, we now expect a more extended visit ramp at TRICARE, as it takes time for the contractors to implement the new program, impacting what is typically a strong quarter for visit volumes.

    其次,雖然我們繼續預期會員數量的增加將隨著時間的推移推動訪問量增長,但根據最近的趨勢,我們現在預計 TRICARE 的訪問量將進一步增長,因為承包商需要時間來實施新計劃,這會影響通常訪問量強勁的季度。

  • In addition, we have some key expansions in our Chronic Care business in 2025, with enrollment expected to grow over the course of the year.

    此外,2025 年我們的慢性病照護業務將進行一些重大擴展,預計今年的註冊人數將會增加。

  • However, tempering this benefit is an incremental impact from attrition as we were informed by a client earlier this month, our plans to transition a portion of their business during the second quarter.


  • Finally, we expect a full quarter of contribution from Catapult Health beginning in the second quarter, while the fourth quarter is typically their seasonally strongest of the year.

    最後,我們預計 Catapult Health 將從第二季度開始貢獻整個季度的業績,而第四季度通常是他們一年中業績最強勁的季節。

  • Taken together, these factors are expected to lead to a first half, second half revenue split in 2025.

    綜合起來,這些因素預計將導致 2025 年上半年和下半年的收入分割。

  • That would be slightly more back half weighted relative to 2024.

    相對於 2024 年而言,這將稍微增加一半的權重。

  • From an adjusted EBITDA standpoint, the expected ramp in Chronic Care enrollment and TRICARE visits will have a more significant positive impact on adjusted EBITDA in the second half while we also will be comping against some discrete benefits in the second and third quarter of 2024.

    從調整後的 EBITDA 的角度來看,慢性病護理登記人數和 TRICARE 就診人數的預期增長將對下半年調整後的 EBITDA 產生更顯著的積極影響,同時我們還將在 2024 年第二季度和第三季度抵消一些單項收益。

  • We are guiding to first quarter Integrated Care revenue down 0.5% to up 2% versus the prior year period on an as-reported basis.

    根據報告,我們預計第一季綜合護理收入將比去年同期下降 0.5% 至成長 2%。

  • A year-over-year tailwind from Catapult and an FX headwind largely offset.

    Catapult 的同比順風與外匯逆風基本抵銷。

  • Adjusted EBITDA margin is expected to be in the range of 11.25% to 12.75% with Catapult about 20 basis points dilutive to the adjusted EBITDA margin and an immaterial FX impact.

    調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率預計在 11.25% 至 12.75% 之間,其中 Catapult 將對調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率造成約 20 個基點的攤薄,外匯影響不大。

  • Moving to the BetterHelp segment.

    轉到 BetterHelp 部分。

  • We are guiding to 2025 revenue down 3.75% to down 9.75% versus 2024 on an as-reported basis.

    根據報告,我們預計 2025 年營收將較 2024 年下降 3.75% 至 9.75%。

  • This assumes a decline of 3% to 9% on a constant currency basis and a roughly 75 basis point foreign exchange headwind.

    假設以固定匯率計算,經濟將下降 3% 至 9%,外匯逆風將加劇約 75 個基點。

  • Based on what's currently known, we are comfortable near the midpoint while the wider range reflects uncertainties given the early stage of the year, including traction from growth initiatives as well as the macro backdrop, demand levels, customer acquisition costs and churn rate.


  • We are guiding to an adjusted EBITDA margin of 6.25% to 7.75%.

    我們預計調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率為 6.25% 至 7.75%。

  • Excluding an FX headwind of roughly 50 basis points, adjusted EBITDA margin would be generally flat to the midpoint versus 2024.

    排除約 50 個基點的外匯不利因素,調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率將與 2024 年的中點基本持平。

  • For the first quarter, we are guiding the BetterHelp segment revenue down 9% to 13.5% year-over-year on an as-reported basis.

    根據報告,我們預計第一季 BetterHelp 部門營收將年減 9% 至 13.5%。

  • This assumes that 8.25% to 12.75% decline on a constant currency basis and a 75 basis point FX headwind.

    假設以固定匯率計算下降 8.25% 至 12.75% 且外匯逆風為 75 個基點。

  • We expect an adjusted EBITDA margin of 2% to 4.25% with a roughly 60 basis point headwind from foreign exchange in the first quarter.

    我們預計調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率為 2% 至 4.25%,第一季外匯阻力約為 60 個基點。

  • Higher conversion rates related to the weekly offer has led to a year-over-year improvement in customer acquisition cost, and we expect it to remain at current levels over the balance of the year.


  • While churn is higher, we expect the weekly offer to remain a net positive.


  • We are also assuming an increase in users and revenue as we roll out our localized offering to additional markets in Europe, although we are being methodical as we learn and refine our approach in each market.


  • As a result of these factors, we are targeting modest sequential revenue improvement beginning with the second quarter and continuing through the balance of the year.


  • And as year-over-year comps ease as we progress through 2025, we are targeting BetterHelp fourth quarter revenue to be relatively flat on a year-over-year basis.

    隨著我們進入 2025 年,同比營收成長將會減緩,我們的目標是 BetterHelp 第四季的營收與去年同期相比保持相對持平。

  • I'll now provide an update on our cost savings and productivity initiatives.


  • We continue to execute against our previously discussed program and are exceeding those targets modestly.


  • This is helping fund investments in the business to position the company for long-term success.


  • We remain focused on managing to an appropriate level of performance and are committed to taking additional actions accordingly.


  • As we continue to evaluate opportunities for further efficiencies, our focus will be on optimizing technology and development and G&A costs as well as lowering stock-based compensation expense.


  • Finally, we closed the year with $1.3 billion in cash on our balance sheet and our business is generating solid free cash flow which we believe provides us a high degree of financial flexibility.

    最後,我們在年底資產負債表上有 13 億美元現金,而且我們的業務正在產生穩健的自由現金流,我們相信這為我們提供了高度的財務靈活性。

  • As it relates to our capital allocation priorities, first and foremost, we intend to maintain a strong balance sheet.


  • This is a key area of client interest, ensuring [ community ] and demonstrating an ability to invest in innovation.


  • We continue to expect to retire our convertible bonds due in June 2025 with cash.

    我們繼續預計將以現金償還 2025 年 6 月到期的可轉換債券。

  • We are evaluating our long-term financing and believe we have options as we look ahead to the June 2027 maturity.

    我們正在評估我們的長期融資,並相信我們在 2027 年 6 月到期時有很多選擇。

  • Second, we will focus on investing in the business to support our strategy, both on an organic and inorganic basis.


  • As we further expand our capabilities, we can leverage our large customer base and scale distribution platform, further executing on our land-and-expand strategy.


  • And third, share buybacks remain a potential use of excess cash.


  • With that, I will turn the call back to Chuck.


  • Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

    Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Mala.


  • To wrap up, we are continuing to make progress against the key strategic priorities that we have laid out, although there is more work ahead.


  • Despite some likely near-term headwinds from macro and other factors, we are focused on execution and delivering on our commitments to all stakeholders.


  • I am confident that the actions we're taking this year will provide a strong foundation for us to deliver improved performance over the longer term.


  • We look forward to sharing more in the coming months.


  • With that, we will open it up for questions.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • Thank you, Chuck.


  • We will now begin the question-and-answer session.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Lisa Gill, JPMorgan.

    摩根大通的麗莎吉爾 (Lisa Gill)。

  • Lisa Gill - Analyst

    Lisa Gill - Analyst

  • Thanks very much.


  • And Chuck, Mala, thank you for all the details.


  • Chuck, I want to go back to a comment that you made when you were talking about net customer growth and talked about some of your contracting being more focused on visits.


  • Can you talk about how contracts have changed, if at all, in 2025?

    您能談談 2025 年合約將發生哪些變化嗎?

  • And it looks like at the midpoint, you're adding about 8% growth in Integrated members based on the guidance that you're giving.

    根據您給予的指導,看起來在中間點,綜合會員數量增加了約 8%。

  • What are you seeing as far as utilization trends?


  • And the flu season started much later than we've seen in the last couple of years, but historically, the flu has been good for Teladoc.

    與過去幾年相比,今年的流感季節開始得晚了很多,但從歷史上看,流感對 Teladoc 來說是有利的。

  • So just curious like what you've seen more recently on the overall utilization trend?


  • Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

    Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

  • I'll make some comments and then certainly, Mala, if you want to jump in.


  • So a few things that I would say as many years ago in this space, I think there was a lot of [ PMCM ] models because it was sort of new to the buyer and new to organizations such as ourselves.

    所以我想說,很多年前在這個領域就有很多 [ PMCM ] 模型,因為它對於買家和我們這樣的組織來說都是很新的。

  • And so that provided a level of predictability and there's still a predominance of that out there.


  • But as you know, the rest of the health care system primarily works on a visit basis on a utilization basis.


  • So you've seen over time now that virtual visit space has matured, more and more interest in moving more towards the rest of the delivery system looks like.


  • So that's not a new trend that's been going on for a while.


  • And that can use so that's why we highlight the importance of the visit volumes because ultimately, that's a driver of revenue, but it's also a signal of the level of engagement that we have.


  • And as we add those members that you mentioned, we should and we expect, as we have see increases in visit volumes which we have seen pretty steadily.


  • And I think that's important.


  • It's also important because those visits are more than just a visit for that particular event, their engagement points.


  • And I think part of our strategy is how do we activate those engagement points more holistically.


  • One last thing I would say before asking Mala to comment.


  • I was very proud of the way that our team responded to the surges this year.


  • When you think about the volumes that we experienced, which are massively larger than others, when you think about the holiday season, and making sure that we could match providers with patients throughout all of that (inaudible) or SLAs and do it at scale, I think, is pretty remarkable.

    當您想到我們所經歷的業務量比其他業務量大得多時,當您想到假期時,並確保我們可以在所有這些(聽不清楚)或 SLA 中將服務提供者與患者進行匹配並大規模地做到這一點時,我認為,這是非常了不起的。

  • But maybe, Mala, if you want to comment more on the flu season and other matters.


  • Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

    Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • So I would say, Lisa, just addressing your broader question on trends.


  • As we spoke about at JPMorgan with you, there certainly is a shift we have been seeing over time.


  • To be crystal clear, it isn't as this is a shift on mass across all of our clients.


  • We have plenty of clients who are still in the traditional structure of access fee plausibility but certainly, we are seeing some amount of interest and migration towards the fee arrangements.


  • And I'd characterize this as the shift has been happening for a time.


  • We continue to expect it to continue gradually over time as say we are in the middle innings in this.


  • As it relates to the flu season and sort of utilization trends to the point that Chuck made, this is why strategic pillars we talked about at JPMorgan really are important, right, making every visit count more, driving more value with every visit.


  • Chuck in has prepared remarks talked about investments we have made and capabilities we have added to do exactly that, right, to drive the value in the business.


  • Our utilization trends have remained generally stable but that is absolutely a point of focus for us from an investment standpoint, both that as well as driving increased enrollment, which is the other way we accrete revenue.


  • In terms of flu, I would say the following.


  • I'd comment more, not just on flu but overall visit volumes and revenue.


  • We talked about 6% growth last year in our visit volume.

    我們談到去年我們的訪問量成長了 6%。

  • That actually translated from a visit revenue perspective to high single-digit revenue growth.


  • And we felt the benefit of the visit mix as a part of that kind of visit revenue growth.


  • I would expect that momentum to continue this year, both in the first quarter, but also as we go through the rest of the year.


  • Operator


  • Jessica Tassan, Piper Sandler.


  • Jessica Tassan - Analyst

    Jessica Tassan - Analyst

  • Hi guys, thanks again for the detail.


  • I just had a question on the BetterHelp efforts to expand payer coverage.

    我只是對 BetterHelp 擴大付款人覆蓋範圍的努力有一個疑問。

  • I guess can you just give us a little bit of qualitative detail around what -- today, what behavioral health offerings exist within the Integrated Care segment?


  • And then just what incremental capabilities or network access would an employer or a payer be gaining by bringing BetterHelp in network.

    那麼,雇主或付款人透過將 BetterHelp 引入網絡,究竟能獲得哪些增量能力或網絡存取權限呢?

  • If you could just kind of qualitatively describe the nature and difference between those 2 offerings.


  • Thanks.


  • Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

    Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, happy to.


  • And on the B2B side, on the Integrated Care side, as I mentioned, we have a scaled mental health position there and it's been growing nicely.

    在 B2B 方面,在綜合護理方面,正如我所提到的,我們在那裡擁有規模化的心理健康職位,並且發展良好。

  • About 60% of our installed base has access to our services, which is you have digital tools, we have coaching, we have psychiatry, and a range of services.

    我們大約 60% 的安裝基數可以使用我們的服務,包括您擁有的數位工具、我們的輔導、我們的精神病學和一系列服務。

  • And as I mentioned, around $150 million in aggregate on B2B revenues.

    正如我所提到的,B2B 收入總計約 1.5 億美元。

  • So that's scaling well.


  • I think when you step back from this issue, Mental health has actually been one of the most widely adopted in the virtual care setting post the pandemic and continues to have a lot of secular trends around that, and we see that continuing.


  • I think when you get into the network contracting, there's 2 pieces.


  • One is getting a network and meeting those requirements and so forth.


  • And the other is actually utilization.


  • It's one thing to be a network that you need to actually have a brand that resonate and people use your services.


  • And that's what BetterHelp really brings.

    這正是 BetterHelp 真正帶來的。

  • They not only do they have a strong consumer brand and well-known brand but massive amounts of volume.


  • And so you've seen post pandemic, a lot of players were able to get into network arrangements and so forth but some are struggling to get the volumes because you have to activate the membership.


  • And so I think both are important, getting a network but also having the brand and the ability to market your services and meet the need.


  • And I think that's where people are seeing an interest in BetterHelp.

    我認為這就是人們對 BetterHelp 感興趣的地方。

  • I mean the ability for it to match patients with providers, 95% within 48 hours, a diverse Airbus network.

    我的意思是它能夠將患者與醫療服務提供者進行匹配,95% 可以在 48 小時內完成,這是一個多樣化的空中巴士網路。

  • So there's a lot that brings to the table, notwithstanding the challenges that it takes to get into that space.


  • Operator


  • David Roman, Goldman Sachs


  • David Roman - Analyst

    David Roman - Analyst

  • Thank you, and good afternoon, everybody.


  • Maybe you could help us break down a little bit beyond the guidance, just some of the operational factors as you look at 2025 compared to 2024, can you maybe walk through how some of the key business dynamics are evolving on a year-over-year basis by segment?

    也許您可以幫助我們分析一下超出預期的情況,例如 2025 年與 2024 年相比的一些營運因素,您能否介紹一下各個細分市場中一些關鍵業務動態的逐年變化情況?

  • And then as you consider the factors in the BetterHelp side, we understand the weekly pay model, I think, and then the evolution of the business model.

    然後,當您考慮 BetterHelp 方面的因素時,我認為我們了解了每週付費模式,然後了解了商業模式的演變。

  • But how are you going to sort of land the plane on what a sustainable direction is in that business as you look forward?


  • Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

    Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • Let me address those questions in order and Chuck chime in, please.


  • So let me start with Integrated Care, as I think about revenue growth for Integrated Care, we have essentially on a constant currency basis, guided up 0.5% to 3.5% revenue growth on a year-over-year basis.

    因此,讓我先從綜合護理開始,當我考慮綜合護理的收入增長時,我們基本上在固定匯率的基礎上,預計收入同比增長 0.5% 至 3.5%。

  • The way I think about the drivers and the components of that are as follows: number one, international within that growing in the low double digits on a constant currency basis.


  • So that's one.


  • Second, in the US, if I think about our B2B business, there are certain things that are informing that growth.

    其次,在美國,如果我考慮我們的 B2B 業務,有一些因素正在推動這種成長。

  • Number one, we have assumed 10 months of Catapult we expect to close that transaction shortly.

    首先,我們預計 Catapult 的營運時間為 10 個月,很快就會完成交易。

  • So that is number one.


  • The second is, as we just talked about, we are seeing visit revenue growth as I just talked about showing nice momentum.


  • And I expect TRICARE as we ramp through the year to add to that visit momentum as well. we did talk about an extended ramp for TRICARE.

    我希望隨著 TRICARE 全年的推進,我們的訪問量也能進一步增加。我們確實談論過 TRICARE 的延伸坡道。

  • That said, we should expect to see TRICARE momentum in the back half of the year.

    儘管如此,我們應該預期 TRICARE 將會在今年下半年呈現良好的發展勢頭。

  • So that is number two.


  • Number three, as always, Chronic Care enrollment ramp through the year.


  • So certainly, a slower start in Q1 because of the selling season challenges and dynamics we talked about in the October (inaudible) and Chuck talked about that in his prepared remarks.

    因此,由於銷售季節的挑戰和動態,第一季的開局肯定會比較慢,我們在 10 月談到過(聽不清楚),查克在他的準備好的發言中也談到了這一點。

  • But enrollment in Chronic Care happens through the year, and so that will contribute as we through the year.


  • And included within that is the traction that we are seeing from weight management.


  • I would say the couple of headwinds offsetting all of these are: first, we have talked about the foreign exchange dynamics overall from a revenue growth standpoint.


  • And then the second, I would say, is we -- as we said in our prepared remarks, are incorporating in our guidance the impact of a client loss that we were informed about earlier.


  • So those are the different puts and takes that essentially are informing our overall revenue growth momentum.


  • From an adjusted EBITDA standpoint, I would say in Integrated Care, we typically will see adjusted EBITDA margins ramp as we go through the year as revenue ramps, especially in Chronic Care.

    從調整後的 EBITDA 的角度來看,我想說,在綜合護理領域,我們通常會看到調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率隨著收入的增加而增加,尤其是在慢性病護理領域。

  • Now keep in mind, adjusted EBITDA margins are impacted seasonally by stronger visit volumes in 1Q and 4Q.

    請記住,調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率受到第一季和第四季度訪問量增加的季節性影響。

  • But absent that, it is sort of advancing through the year.


  • The only other thing I would say for adjusted EBITDA margins is, we are comping benefit from Q2 and Q3 of 2024, for different reasons that we have spoken about in those quarters.

    關於調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率,我唯一想說的另一件事是,我們將從 2024 年第二季和第三季獲得利潤,原因我們在這兩個季度已經討論過。

  • So it's just something to keep in mind on that.


  • Now turning to BetterHelp, I would say, what we have talked about consistently internally for BetterHelp and externally is, we are looking for stabilization as we go through the year.

    現在談談 BetterHelp,我想說,我們在 BetterHelp 內部和外部一直討論的是,我們希望在全年實現穩定。

  • What does that mean?


  • It means a few things.


  • One, we have to keep monitoring the customer acquisition cost landscape we are assuming that it stays relatively stable in our guidance.


  • But the reason we have provided a relatively wide guidance is because we have learned in the last 18 months to 2 years that this can be very volatile and can change quickly.

    但我們之所以提供相對較廣泛的指導,是因為我們在過去 18 個月到 2 年的時間裡了解到,這種情況可能會非常不穩定,而且變化很快。

  • So that is sort of customer acquisition trends are an important driver.


  • The second is we have talked about our international efforts and our international growth.


  • That is an important contributor to our growth -- revenue growth this year.


  • And we have talked about within international growth we are making, as (inaudible) said, localizing our product and platform experience.


  • We have, for example, launched a localized experience in France, early days yet, going well thus far.


  • We need to monitor how that does.


  • And we have plans to localize in other countries.


  • We don't want to be public with which countries, but we do have plans.


  • So I would say international growth and efforts remain an important initiative for BetterHelp.

    所以我想說,國際成長和努力仍然是 BetterHelp 的重要舉措。

  • What we've also talked about is just continuing to improve the core platform and user experience across the board and in the US This is a product and a platform with high NPS.

    我們也談到了繼續全面改善核心平台和使用者體驗,在美國,這是一個具有高 NPS 的產品和平台。

  • We need to continue to invest in it and nurture it.


  • And so making sure that the core experience is good and continues to be good.


  • It is an important driver for us.


  • So I would say to you, it is all of those things we are making efforts on driving benefit coverage.


  • We have always said we do not expect it to be a material revenue growth driver in 2025.

    我們一直表示,我們預計它不會成為 2025 年的實質收入成長動力。

  • We expect it to be material in the years as we ramp up in future years.


  • So that's a little bit of a longer answer to your question on the dynamics across the different segments.


  • David Roman - Analyst

    David Roman - Analyst

  • I appreciate all the detail and thanks for letting me sneak a multi-part one in here.


  • Operator


  • Sean Dodge, RBC.

    肖恩·道奇(Sean Dodge),加拿大皇家銀行。

  • Sean Dodge - Analyst

    Sean Dodge - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Maybe just staying on BetterHelp.

    也許只是留在 BetterHelp。

  • Chuck, as you mentioned, it's encouraging to see the paying user number stabilize but it looks like the average revenue per user declined sequentially.


  • Is that just a function of the rollout of the weekly membership offering you mentioned?


  • Or is it growth in international?


  • Is that price lower than in the US or maybe doesn't have to do with the elevated churn Mala mentioned.

    這個價格是否比美國低,或者可能與 Mala 提到的客戶流失率上升無關。

  • Just trying to understand why revenue per user is down and maybe the extent we should expect that to continue or not?


  • Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

    Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • Maybe I'll handle this.


  • So it's driven by a couple of things.


  • First, just to be very clear, right now, the weekly pricing is really no different on a versus the monthly in that, our weekly is essentially our monthly pricing divided by 4, that's what it is.

    首先,需要明確的是,目前,每週的定價與每月的定價沒有什麼不同,我們的每週定價基本上就是每月定價除以 4,就是這樣。

  • Now I will tell you based on the traction that we are seeing with our weekly offer in better conversion.


  • We are absolutely going to experiment with different pricing contracts on the weekly.


  • And that is something that is on docket for us to look into for 2025.

    這是我們 2025 年要研究的。

  • But so far, any change that you see in our average revenue per user on a monthly basis is really not driven by weekly being different from monthly.


  • What you said, Sean, is absolutely right.


  • We have talked about the fact that our international headline price is lower and I would also say to you, this is where the fact that we are in international markets, and we do take international taxes on our revenue does matter to our overall revenue per user because it's a [ contra ] revenue as an offset to our revenue.


  • Again, this is something that was -- that has been factored into our overall international economics.


  • But that is the reason why you're seeing the ARPU or revenue per user going down.

    但這就是你看到 ARPU 或每個用戶收入下降的原因。

  • And thirdly, as international goals has been growing, you will see that impact.


  • Sean Dodge - Analyst

    Sean Dodge - Analyst

  • Okay, that, that's great.


  • Thanks for the detail, Mala.


  • Operator


  • Richard Close, Canaccord Genuity.

    Canaccord Genuity 的 Richard Close。

  • Richard Close - Analyst

    Richard Close - Analyst

  • Yes, thanks for the question.


  • Maybe a follow-up on the International BetterHelp.

    也許是國際 BetterHelp 的後續行動。

  • Mala, if you could remind us what that was last year?


  • And then follow-up for Chuck.


  • If you can just talk about the health plan channel, you said it's slow.


  • Obviously, there's some issues there.


  • Does it have anything to do with your product set?


  • Or how are you thinking about that channel evolving this year?


  • Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

    Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • Let me start with the last part first.


  • So I think there's a few things going on.


  • Obviously, everyone on the call is familiar with all the dynamics in the health plan marketplace that they're navigating through.


  • And they will.


  • These are sophisticated organizations, and they're adept at doing that.


  • But if you're a player in the Affordable Care Act, you've got the subsidies ending at enhanced subsidies at the end of 2025.

    但如果你是《平價醫療法案》的參與者,那麼到 2025 年底,補貼將會結束,補貼將會增加。

  • If you're a heavy indicated, you've got some questions going back and forth around that Medicaid expansion.


  • In the commercial business, you've got some inflationary trends working their ways through the system.


  • So there's a variety of things that the health plans are working through.


  • We continue to have business with health plans.


  • We grown business health plans, the people expanded.


  • But I do think it's reasonable to think as they work through their strategies and how they're going to play those strategies going forward, that, that creates some level of headwind in terms of whether it's belt tightening or focusing on other strategies.


  • I will say this though, the secular tailwinds around unfortunately, the medical cost inflation, the disease prevalence.


  • The reason why I highlighted all those things in my prepared remarks is because those haven't gone away.


  • And that's why we're making a lot of the investments we are in terms of how do we activate our engagement points differently and support of those strategies, how do we make our Chronic Care Management programs even more impactful in terms of cost of care and so forth.


  • So I don't think it's necessary -- I mean, our products -- companies like us always have to innovate our products, but we continue to resonate in the market.


  • Having said that, I do think that we've got this near-term and a headwind that I think is reasonable for us to sort of navigate through.


  • Mala, do you want to cover the BetterHelp?

    Mala,你想回報 BetterHelp 嗎?

  • Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

    Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • So international for BetterHelp was 20% of the segment's revenues in 204 and that's up from mid-teens in 2023.

    因此,對於 BetterHelp 來說,國際業務在 204 年佔該部門收入的 20%,而到 2023 年,這一比例將上升至十五六%。

  • Operator


  • Daniel Grosslight, Citi.

    花旗銀行的丹尼爾‧格羅斯萊特(Daniel Grosslight)。

  • Daniel Grosslight - Analyst

    Daniel Grosslight - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks for taking the question.


  • As we think about Chronic Care growth for this year, can you rank which programs are growing the fastest?


  • And with respect to the weight loss program, it sounds like you've had nice traction there for this year.


  • We've heard from some employers a little trepidation adding in utilization management to GLPs as that could put rebates at risk.

    我們聽到一些雇主表示,他們對於在 GLP 中添加利用率管理有些擔心,因為這可能會使回扣面臨風險。

  • Can you also just speak to how you work with PBMs and employers to help control GLP-1 costs without necessarily impacting rebate dollars?

    您能否談談您如何與 PBM 和雇主合作以幫助控制 GLP-1 成本而又不一定影響回扣金額?

  • Thank you.


  • Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

    Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, a couple of things.


  • What we're seeing the most traction in right now is our bundled services where we have a variety of things that we can offer for set price and then we activate those members.


  • Certainly, weight management is on the mind and a source of interest and a source of growth for us.


  • I think the challenge with the GLP-1s, and you've mentioned it, is there a lot of -- well, first of all, employers are trying to figure out their strategy.

    我認為 GLP-1 的挑戰,正如您所提到的,有很多——首先,雇主正在試圖制定他們的策略。

  • So there's not a sort of monolithic view of how they're approaching that.


  • But generally speaking, if those GLP-1s are out there, there are significant rebate dollars.

    但一般來說,如果有 GLP-1 上市,就會有相當多的回扣。

  • And I think the PBMs are leaning in that as well.

    我認為 PBM 也傾向於此。

  • And I think employers are working with their PBMs as to how to address this issue.

    我認為雇主正在與他們的 PBM 合作解決這個問題。

  • And I think that's something that we're just going to have to work through.


  • I think the rebate question in my mind is, if I'm an employer and those rebates are their dollars.


  • They're not the PBMs dollars.

    它們不是 PBM 的美元。

  • And I think the employer should have the ability to design programs that are best for their employees and their dependents and not be sort of held hostage in terms of rebates.


  • Now that's up to individual employers and how they want to approach that.


  • But from my perspective, as a former health plan person, the rebates are the employers, not the PBMs.

    但從我作為前健康計畫人員的角度來看,退款屬於雇主,而不是 PBM。

  • Operator


  • Jailendra Singh, Truist.

    Jailendra Singh,Truist。

  • Jailendra Singh - Analyst

    Jailendra Singh - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • This is Jailendra Singh from Truist.

    這是來自 Truist 的 Jailendra Singh。

  • I actually wanted to follow up on your comment around client planning to transition a portion of their business in second quarter.


  • Can you provide any more color there in terms of drivers behind that change?


  • Was it a health plan?


  • And what offerings were they using.


  • Any color on membership, could would be helpful.


  • And how do you feel about the confidence in -- it looks like you still work with them on other offerings, but just you just help us your confidence in retaining that client for other offerings?


  • Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

    Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • Look, I'm not going to comment on specific clients in that regard.


  • But I will say a lot of the comments that I've already made in terms of the macro factors are in play here.


  • It was in the health plan channel.


  • We continue to do some business with this particular entity and I think it's just a sign of the times in terms of some of the pressures that health plans are under in and some are making decisions in certain ways like that.


  • But again, I'll go back to what I said.


  • We continue to have significant business with health plans.


  • We've expanded our services with health plans, the conversations that we're having now and that we're participating in, they're really looking for new types of solutions and how can we better support their strategies in a variety of ways.


  • So I feel very comfortable that we've got a strong offering, including the investments that we've been making in terms of how we can create more value for customers.


  • Jailendra Singh - Analyst

    Jailendra Singh - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • George Hill, Deutsche Bank.


  • George Hill - Analyst

    George Hill - Analyst

  • Hey, good evening, guys, and thanks for taking the question.


  • Well, My question is on BetterHelp.

    嗯,我的問題是關於 BetterHelp 的。

  • But if you look at the full year guidance, it looks like there's significant discretionary cost cuts that will have to come out of the business to hit your EBITDA targets.

    但如果你看一下全年指引,你會發現,為了實現 EBITDA 目標,你需要大幅削減業務成本。

  • So I guess I would just love to hear you talk about like as costs come down as the business kind of comes down a little bit, is there more -- like, I guess, is there more -- should we see more like pressure on the gross margin line or in the discretionary cost base?


  • And I just -- I would love to hear you talk about where costs come out of that business?


  • Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

    Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • What I would first give context on the BetterHelp businesses, and we have said this before, George.

    我首先要介紹一下 BetterHelp 業務的背景,喬治,我們之前已經說過了。

  • This is a business that runs from a fixed OpEx and infrastructure point of view, relatively lean.


  • It's a largely variable margin business.


  • And I would say, if I think about the key expense items in that P&L.


  • It really is around advertising and marketing spend because that is an important driver of user acquisitions yield on that and the efficiency on that are important as we think about the bottom line, the adjusted EBITDA margin for that business.

    這確實與廣告和行銷支出有關,因為這是用戶獲取收益的重要驅動力,而當我們考慮底線,即該業務的調整後 EBITDA 利潤率時,其效率非常重要。

  • One thing that we are looking to do, as we have now talked about for a while, is balancing top line growth with bottom line growth.


  • And what that means is we are certainly going to be even paced.


  • And I want to say -- if I think about the [ A&M ] as we go through the year, it will not be as hockey stick as it has been in certain years past.

    我想說——如果我回顧這一年,我會發現 A&M 不會像過去幾年那樣起伏。

  • You actually saw that impact in Q4 of this year.


  • Q4 adjusted EBITDA in BetterHelp was largely in line with our expectations because we wanted to invest in international markets.

    BetterHelp 在第四季調整後的 EBITDA 基本上符合我們的預期,因為我們希望投資國際市場。

  • That is an area of growth for us, that is an area where we are going to be acquiring users and new users.


  • So we made those investments in the fourth quarter in the BetterHelp business.

    因此我們在第四季度對 BetterHelp 業務進行了這些投資。

  • That said, though, I will say we expect to be relatively judicious and prudent on how we are going to spend advertising and marketing in the BetterHelp business.

    儘管如此,我想說的是,我們希望在 BetterHelp 業務的廣告和行銷方面投入相對明智和審慎。

  • But in 2025 and even going beyond that is certainly going to be a key factor in the overall BetterHelp adjusted EBITDA margin in 2025.

    但在 2025 年甚至更久以後,這無疑將成為 2025 年 BetterHelp 整體調整後 EBITDA 利潤率的關鍵因素。

  • But I'll remind you, this is largely a variable margin business, and it will continue to be so.


  • George Hill - Analyst

    George Hill - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And if I could have a quick follow-up is just the gap between the EBITDA guidance and the cash flow guidance to

    我可以快速跟進 EBITDA 指引和現金流指引之間的差距

  • [the cap software].


  • Are there any big moving pieces there?


  • Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

    Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • It's a good question.


  • So the -- the difference between the 2 is the following.


  • There are 2 important pieces.


  • Besides the growth in -- if you think about our adjusted EBITDA growth, we look at it internally in terms of what are the actual segments delivering.

    除了成長之外——如果你考慮我們的調整後 EBITDA 成長,我們會從實際分部交付情況的角度進行內部審查。

  • And then we also look at our internal compensation in terms of what it takes to drive those results.


  • We certainly are picking up from a cash flow perspective, some year-over-year benefit in 2025 relative to 2024 in terms of compensation, cash-based compensation.

    從現金流的角度來看,我們肯定會有所回升,就薪酬、現金薪酬而言,2025 年相對於 2024 年將有一些同比增長。

  • And look, that is based on our results for 2024, and that has a consequence on our overall compensation.

    這是基於我們 2024 年的業績,並且會對我們的整體薪酬產生影響。

  • The second is we are driving and focusing on working capital improvement, collections, DSOs, et cetera.

    第二,我們正在推動並專注於營運資本改善、收款、DSO 等。

  • So you see those two things essentially resulting in the cash flow dynamic that you see.


  • George Hill - Analyst

    George Hill - Analyst

  • Helpful, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Charles Rhyee, TD Cowen.

    查爾斯·瑞(Charles Rhyee),TD Cowen。

  • Charles Rhyee - Analyst

    Charles Rhyee - Analyst

  • Yes, thanks for taking the question.


  • Maybe just asking about sort of TRICARE and sort of like how should we think about the offering into the TRICARE membership and talk a little bit how more specifically you plan to market directly to this population, what kind of requirements does that require in terms of either investments or the investments you've already made?

    也許只是詢問有關 TRICARE 的問題,例如我們應該如何考慮向 TRICARE 會員提供服務,並稍微談談您計劃如何更具體地直接向這個人群推銷,這在投資或您已經進行的投資方面需要什麼樣的要求?

  • Because you made the comment earlier that customer acquisition cost has been moderating or falling.


  • And certainly, that's a function, I think, of right, marketing spend versus sort of the conversion of that dollars into paying members at least on the BetterHelp side.

    當然,我認為,這是行銷支出與將這些錢轉化為付費會員之間的函數,至少在 BetterHelp 方面是如此。

  • Just trying to think through the different avenues -- sorry, it's really kind of 2 questions.


  • It's really sort of what are you doing sort of better conversion?


  • And how are you kind of implying that as we think about TRICARE generally in the business?

    當我們考慮 TRICARE 的業務時,您是如何暗示這一點的?

  • Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

    Charles Divita - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • I wouldn't necessarily single out TRICARE.

    我不一定會單獨挑出 TRICARE。

  • I think our strategies around activating visits are pretty consistent.


  • And obviously, with the brand that Teladoc has and the reach we have in terms of our marketing campaigns, we think we've got that covered.

    顯然,憑藉 Teladoc 的品牌和我們行銷活動的影響力,我們認為我們已經涵蓋了這個範圍。

  • So I don't want to talk about specific tactics on a particular account, but I will say it's a pretty broad-based approach and (inaudible) that generating visit volume.


  • Charles Rhyee - Analyst

    Charles Rhyee - Analyst

  • And if I could just add one quick follow-up.


  • If we think about the new visit type of model contract versus your existing old contracts on a like-for-like basis, is that similar profitability and similar revenue to you from the old access model?


  • Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

    Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

  • So that's a slightly nuanced question.


  • I would say the following, typically, when we have these conversations with our clients in transitioning from the traditional model to visit the model.


  • We are looking to structure the pricing such that -- it is gross margin neutral over time.


  • It may be so right at the outset from the point of transition.


  • But typically, when we have these conversations, it will be in the context of the expand part of land and expand.


  • So Charles, what will happen is we will talk about revenue-accretive product that we will now be selling into the population or other factors that will essentially allow us in most instances, to essentially be gross margin neutral or gross profit dollar accretive.


  • But it really does depend on a case-by-case basis.


  • Charles Rhyee - Analyst

    Charles Rhyee - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • That's helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Michael Cherny, Leerink Partners.

    Leerink Partners 的 Michael Cherny。

  • Michael Cherny - Analyst

    Michael Cherny - Analyst

  • Afternoon, thanks for taking my question.


  • Maybe if I can just go back to George's a bit on the dynamics, on the cost side?


  • And Mala I know you mentioned numerous times, the idea of balancing growth for profitable growth.


  • I know you don't have a long-term guidance of it, but how should we think whether it's exiting the year or what may it be about the long-term opportunity for you to generate profit dollars through revenue contribution versus profit dollars versus through discretionary cost cuts.


  • So what should the philosophical model look like going forward?


  • Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

    Mala Murthy - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • It's a great question.


  • So here's what I would say.


  • And let me start with BetterHelp.

    讓我先從 BetterHelp 開始。

  • I'm assuming your question is for BetterHelp or is it broader than that?

    我假設您的問題是針對 BetterHelp 的,或者比這更廣泛?

  • I'll address it for both segments.


  • So look, for BetterHelp, I would say, it really all comes down to us being able to see the sequential progression in the business and stabilization in the business as we go through the year because what matters for a variable margin business like BetterHelp is revenue growth.

    所以,對於 BetterHelp 來說,我想說,這一切實際上都歸結於我們能夠看到業務的連續發展和業務的穩定,因為對於像 BetterHelp 這樣的可變利潤率業務來說,重要的是營收成長。

  • And so we need to that improvement and lower and lower decline with every quarter as we roll through the year.


  • So that is what we are looking to see as we think about the longer term for BetterHelp.

    因此,當我們考慮 BetterHelp 的長期發展時,這就是我們所期待看到的。

  • Now I will say that model and the comments I made is certainly going to be different when we think about benefit coverage that has different unit economics, that have different margins, et cetera.


  • And so we will address that when that becomes material, which it isn't in 2025.

    因此,當這個問題變得重要時,我們會解決這個問題,但目前還不是在 2025 年。

  • On the Integrated Care side, it really is about 2 things.


  • One is it is about driving revenue growth because what we have always said is the Integrated Care segment is the one that has operating leverage.


  • So the more revenue growth and gross profit dollars you drive, the more leverage you drive.


  • And the way we are looking to drive revenue growth and gross profit dollar growth is certainly by all the strategic things, the priorities that Chuck mentioned in his prepared remarks, right?


  • It is driving member engagement and greater utilization and enrollment.


  • It is driving greater value in every visit and making it more impactful because that allows us to sit down with our clients and certainly earn a greater share of their spend wallet.


  • So things like that, that is going to drive greater top line growth.


  • We will continue to drive productivity in our cost of goods sold, and we will continue to drive productivity in our OpEx items, specifically, I would say, around technology and development and G&A.


  • And then we have shown some really nice discipline in stock-based comp, and I expect that to continue as well.


  • So hopefully, that gives you some color on how we think about us progressing on driving profit.


  • But it's a combination of top line growth and driving and maintaining discipline on our cost structure.


  • Michael Cherny - Analyst

    Michael Cherny - Analyst

  • Thanks, Mala.


  • Sorry to get ahead on the question.


  • Operator


  • I can confirm that does conclude today's question-and-answer session.


  • And I can confirm that does conclude today's conference call here.


  • Thank you all for joining, and please enjoy the rest of your day.


  • You may now disconnect from the call.
