Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (TAK) 2025 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • (interpreted) Thank you very much for taking time out of your very busy schedule to join us for this first quarter earnings call by Takeda for FY24.

    (解釋)非常感謝您在百忙之中抽空參加我們召開的武田 2024 財年第一季財報電話會議。

  • I'm the master of ceremony today.


  • My name is O'Reilly from IR, I'm the Head of IR.

    我叫 IR 的 O'Reilly,是 IR 的主管。

  • I would like to explain the language setting first.


  • Please find the language button at the bottom on the Zoom window.


  • If you wish to listen in Japanese, please select the Japanese; if English, please select the English.


  • If you want to listen to the original, please turn them off.


  • Before starting, I would like to remind everyone that we'll be discussing forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

    在開始之前,我想提醒大家,我們將討論 1995 年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》含義內的前瞻性陳述。

  • Actual results may differ materially from those discussed today.


  • The factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially are discussed in the most recent Form 20-F and in our other SEC filings.

    可能導致我們的實際結果出現重大差異的因素在最新的 20-F 表格和我們的其他 SEC 文件中進行了討論。

  • Please also refer to the important notice on page 2 of the presentation regarding forward-looking statements and our non-IFRS final measures, which will be also discussed during this call.

    另請參閱簡報第 2 頁上有關前瞻性陳述和我們的非 IFRS 最終措施的重要通知,這些內容也將在本次電話會議中進行討論。

  • Definitions of our non-IFRS measures and their reconciliations with the comparable IFRS financial measures are included in the appendix of the presentation.


  • Now without further ado, we would like to move on to the presentation of the day, which will be given by Christophe Weber, President and CEO; Milano Furuta, Chief Financial Officer; and Andy Plump, R&D President.

    現在,閒話少說,我們想進入當天的演講,由總裁兼執行長 Christophe Weber 進行; Milano Furuta,財務長;和研發總裁 Andy Plump。

  • Following the presentations, we have the time for Q&A.


  • Now let us begin.


  • Christophe, over to you.


  • Christophe Weber - President, Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director

    Christophe Weber - President, Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director

  • Thank you, Chris and thank you, everyone, for joining us today.


  • It's a pleasure to be with you all.


  • Overall, we had a very positive start to fiscal year 2024.

    整體而言,我們 2024 財年有一個非常積極的開始。

  • In the first three months, revenue grew 2.1% at constant exchange rate.


  • Performance was driven by the continued strong momentum of our Growth & Launch products, which grew 17.8% at constant exchange rate, and they now represent 46% of our total revenue.

    業績是由我們的成長和推出產品持續強勁的勢頭推動的,按固定匯率計算,這些產品增長了 17.8%,目前占我們總收入的 46%。

  • ENTYVIO growth has started to accelerate since last quarter with the launch of ENTYVIO Pen in the US.

    自上個季度以來,隨著 ENTYVIO Pen 在美國的推出,ENTYVIO 的成長開始加速。

  • Still early days as we are getting full access coverage but encouraging.


  • We also saw robust growth of our immunoglobulin portfolio, TAKHZYRO, QDENGA and FRUZAQLA.

    我們也看到我們的免疫球蛋白產品組合 TAKHZYRO、QDENGA 和 FRUZAQLA 的強勁成長。

  • We are also managing actively the life cycle of our Growth & Launch portfolio.


  • In Q1, we further expanded our main product geographic reach with approval of LIVTENCITY in Japan and FRUZAQLA in Europe.

    第一季度,我們進一步擴大了主要產品的地域覆蓋範圍,並獲得了日本 LIVTENCITY 和歐洲 FRUZAQLA 的批准。

  • In the first quarter of the fiscal year, our core operating profit margin was at 31.6%, benefiting from phasing of R&D investment, reduction in other OpEx and temporarily lower-than-anticipated generic erosion of VYVANSE in the US.

    本財年第一季度,我們的核心營業利潤率為 31.6%,受益於研發投資的分階段、其他營運支出的減少以及美國 VYVANSE 仿製藥侵蝕暫時低於預期。

  • Over the remainder of the fiscal year, we expect multiple pipeline programs to progress into Phase 3, and we are awaiting our R&D investment towards future quarter accordingly.


  • We also expect VYVANSE generic erosion to come back in line with projection.

    我們也預計 VYVANSE 通用侵蝕將恢復與預測一致。

  • We continue to be very focused on improving our core operating profit margin through our multiyear efficiency program.


  • This program is focused on three areas of opportunity: increasing organizational agility, improving procurement savings and strengthening how we leverage data, digital and technology across Takeda.


  • Our progress on this program is on track.


  • In Q1, we took concrete steps to improve organizational agility, for example, in R&D and in our US commercial organization.


  • We also identified and executed new procurement-led efficiencies.


  • For example, we have been using data, technology and AI to optimize our supplier selection process.


  • We believe that our investment in data, technology and AI will yield productivity and efficiency gain across our value chain.


  • For example, in manufacturing and quality, our goal is to accelerate the release of drug batch, which will improve our working capital and our ability to supply it.


  • We also took steps to further enrich our pipeline.


  • We signed two option agreements for mid- and late-stage programs: one with Ascentage for olverembatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia and other hematological concerns; the other with AC Immune for ACI-24.060, an active immunotherapy designed to delay or slow Alzheimer's disease progression.

    我們簽署了兩項中期和後期計畫的選擇協議:一項是與Ascentage 合作開發olverembatinib,用於治療慢性粒細胞白血病和其他血液學問題;另一項是與Ascentage 合作開發olverembatinib,用於治療慢性粒細胞白血病和其他血液學問題;另一個是針對 ACI-24.060 的 AC Immune,這是一種主動免疫療法,旨在延遲或減緩阿茲海默症的進展。

  • Agreements such as these complement our existing pipeline and portfolio and all promise for enriching our pipeline in the future.


  • We also made notable advancements in our organic pipeline, too, and Andy will discuss this in more depth in his presentation.


  • In closing, we are very pleased with the progress we made in this first quarter, which reinforced our ability to deliver on our mission to transform the life of patients while driving long-term business growth and profitability.


  • I will now hand over to Milano to discuss our financial results.


  • Thank you.


  • Milano Furuta - Chief Financial Officer, Director

    Milano Furuta - Chief Financial Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Christophe, and hello, everyone.


  • This is Milano Furuta speaking.


  • And slide 6 summarizes our Q1 financial results.

    第 6 投影片總結了我們第一季的財務表現。

  • Revenue was just over JPY1.2 trillion, an increase of 14.1% or 2.1% at constant exchange rate, we call it CER.

    營收略高於 1.2 兆日元,成長 14.1%,以固定匯率(我們稱之為 CER)計算成長 2.1%。

  • Top line performance of CER was driven by our Growth & Launch Products with some upside from milder-than-anticipated VYVANSE generic erosion.

    CER 的營收表現是由我們的成長和推出產品所推動的,其中一些上漲來自於比預期溫和的 VYVANSE 仿製藥侵蝕。

  • Core operating profit, or core OP, was at JPY382.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 17.1% or 4.5% at CER.


  • This core OP growth benefited from phasing of R&D investments, which we expect to be weighted more heavily in the remainder of the year.


  • Reported operating profit was JPY166.3 billion, a decline of 1.3%, including the impact of restructuring expenses for the cost efficiency program and the impairment of soticlestat after the Phase 3 study readouts.

    報告營業利潤為 1,663 億日元,下降 1.3%,其中包括成本效率計劃重組費用的影響以及第三階段研究結果後 soticlestat 的減值。

  • Core EPS and reported EPS were JPY176 and JPY61, respectively.

    核心每股盈餘和報告每股盈餘分別為 176 日圓和 61 日圓。

  • Operating cash flow was JPY170.3 billion, primarily driven by core OP improvements.

    營運現金流為 1,703 億日元,主要由核心營運改善推動。

  • And adjusted free cash flow was JPY23.7 billion, reflecting almost JPY100 billion of business development activity in Q1 and including the in-licensing of rusfertide from Protagonist and our option agreement with AC Immune.

    調整後的自由現金流為 237 億日元,反映第一季近 1000 億日圓的業務開發活動,包括 Protagonist 的 rusfertide 許可以及我們與 AC Immune 的選擇權協議。

  • Please note that we have introduced the term adjusted free cash flow in fiscal year '24, but the calculation is exactly the same as we used for free cash flow in our presentations last year.

    請注意,我們在 24 財年引入了調整後自由現金流這一術語,但計算方法與我們去年演示中用於自由現金流的計算完全相同。

  • Let's look at the year-on-year revenue dynamics on slide 7.

    讓我們看看幻燈片 7 上的年比收入動態。

  • Takeda's Growth & Launch Products grew 17.8% at CER in Q1, more than offsetting the loss of exclusivity impact such as VYVANSE in the US and AZILVA in Japan.

    武田的成長和推出產品第一季以固定匯率計算成長了 17.8%,遠遠抵消了美國 VYVANSE 和日本 AZILVA 等獨家影響力的損失。

  • Additionally, net positive growth in other brands contributed to 2.1% revenue growth at CER.

    此外,其他品牌的淨正成長推動 CER 營收成長 2.1%。

  • The depreciation of the yen versus major currencies was an additional revenue tailwind of JPY127.2 billion, resulting in a 14.1% growth on actual FX basis.

    日圓兌主要貨幣貶值帶來了 1,272 億日圓的額外收入推動力,導致實際匯率增加 14.1%。

  • Takeda has a balanced portfolio across 6 key business areas, which are all growing, except neuroscience due to VYVANSE LOE.

    武田在 6 個關鍵業務領域擁有均衡的投資組合,除 VYVANSE LOE 帶來的神經科學外,這些業務領域均在成長。

  • These are driven by Growth & Launch Products, as Christophe said, which now represent 46% of total revenue and is now growing at 17.8% at CER.

    正如 Christophe 所說,這些都是由成長和推出產品推動的,這些產品目前佔總收入的 46%,並且按固定匯率計算,成長率為 17.8%。

  • All of these products performed broadly in line with expectations in Q1.


  • ENTYVIO growth was 7.6% at CER.

    以固定匯率計算,ENTYVIO 的成長率為 7.6%。

  • We have seen an uptick from the prior quarter supported by the launch of ENTYVIO Pen in the US.

    我們看到,由於 ENTYVIO Pen 在美國推出,銷量較上一季有所上升。

  • As of July, 2 out of 3 patients have an access to ENTYVIO Pen based on US health plan adoption.

    截至 7 月,根據美國健康計劃的採用,三分之二的患者可以使用 ENTYVIO Pen。

  • We expect growth to further accelerate this year with expansion of access.


  • TAKHZYRO continues to have a strong momentum with growth of 19.8% of CER.

    TAKHZYRO 繼續保持強勁勢頭,以固定匯率計算成長 19.8%。

  • It is capitalizing its leading position in the expanding prophylaxis market in HAE.

    它正在利用其在不斷擴大的 HAE 預防市場中的領先地位。

  • Within PDT, immunoglobulin grew 21.9%, while albumin declined 14.2% due to anticipated phasing of supply to China.


  • We expect albumin revenue to recover and reaffirm the full-year forecast to single-digit growth at CER.


  • We are happy to see the first launch uptake of FRUZAQLA and QDENGA.

    我們很高興看到 FRUZAQLA 和 QDENGA 的首次推出。

  • For FRUZAQLA, it is still early days, but the first quarter sales are slightly better than we expected with revenue of JPY11.9 million.

    對於 FRUZAQLA 來說,現在還處於早期階段,但第一季的銷售額略好於我們的預期,營收為 1,190 萬日圓。

  • We expect momentum to continue with EU approval in June and approval in Japan anticipated soon.

    我們預計歐盟將在 6 月獲得批准,日本也將很快獲得批准,這一勢頭將持續下去。

  • QDENGA, our dengue vaccine, is now available in 21 countries.

    我們的登革熱疫苗 QDENGA 現已在 21 個國家上市。

  • We see strong demand in both endemic and non-endemic markets.


  • Recently, the WHO added QDENGA to their list of pre-qualified vaccines; and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, approved its support for our dengue vaccine program.

    最近,世界衛生組織將 QDENGA 加入其資格預審疫苗清單中;全球疫苗和免疫聯盟 (Gavi) 批准支持我們的登革熱疫苗計劃。

  • These acknowledgments should drive further awareness and access for QDENGA going forward.

    這些致謝應該會進一步推動 QDENGA 的認知和使用。

  • Slide 9 shows the year-on-year bridge for core operating profit.

    幻燈片 9 顯示了核心營業利潤的同比橋樑。

  • You can see how LOE had a proportionally larger impact on profit than revenue due to the high gross margin of products like VYVANSE and AZILVA.

    您可以看到,由於 VYVANSE 和 AZILVA 等產品的毛利率較高,LOE 對利潤的影響比對收入的影響更大。

  • In Q1, this was offset by phasing of expenses, particularly in R&D.


  • R&D investment in Q1 decreased by 7.7% at CER, but we still expect a modest increase for the full year as multiple programs move into Phase 3 in the coming months.

    以固定匯率計算,第一季的研發投資下降了 7.7%,但我們仍預計全年研發投資將小幅成長,因為未來幾個月多個專案將進入第三階段。

  • In other OpEx, we saw a decline versus prior year benefiting from initiatives, including the rationalization of real estate we executed last year.


  • The cost efficiency program that we announced in May is also progressing on track.


  • We expect savings from this program will ramp up in coming quarters.


  • When it comes to reported operating profit, higher impairment of intangibles, mostly for soticlestat, and higher restructuring costs associated with efficiency program more than offset the core OP growth.

    就報告的營業利潤而言,無形資產減損的增加(主要是針對 soticlestat)以及與效率計劃相關的更高的重組成本遠遠抵消了核心營業利潤的增長。

  • Restructuring costs in Q1 totaled JPY40.9 billion, tracking in line with our expectations for the full year.

    第一季重組成本總計 409 億日元,符合我們對全年的預期。

  • Also, in Q1, we booked a legal provision in other expenses according to our agreement in principle to resolve US product liability litigation related to Prevacid and Dexilant.

    此外,在第一季度,我們根據原則協議在其他費用中計入了法律準備金,以解決與 Prevacid 和 Dexilant 相關的美國產品責任訴訟。

  • The full year FY24 outlook is unchanged from what we provided in May.

    2024 財年全年展望與我們 5 月提供的展望相同。

  • We will continue to monitor the VYVANSE generic erosion alongside performance of the rest of our portfolio and FX rates.

    我們將繼續監控 VYVANSE 的一般侵蝕以及我們其他投資組合的表現和匯率。

  • We will provide an update at the Q2 earnings in October.

    我們將在 10 月提供第二季收益的最新資訊。

  • A brief update on the financing activities.


  • In June, we issued a new hybrid bond of JPY460 billion.


  • All the proceeds will go towards refinancing the JPY500 billion of hybrid bonds from 2019 that we will call in October 2024.

    所有收益將用於為 2019 年起的 5,000 億日圓混合債券進行再融資,我們將於 2024 年 10 月發行該債券。

  • The balance of JPY40 billion will be refinanced with hybrid-backed loans, which will come into effect on the call date.

    400 億日圓的餘額將透過混合支持貸款進行再融資,該貸款將於贖回日生效。

  • In July, we executed USD3 billion of debt financing.


  • We used this to prepay USD1.5 billion of bonds maturing in 2026 and to pay down another USD1.5 billion of outstanding commercial paper.

    我們用這筆資金預付了 2026 年到期的 15 億美元債券,並償還了另外 15 億美元的未償商業票據。

  • I just want to clarify, as all these are refinancing activities, they are leverage neutral, and they have smoothed out our debt maturity ladder, as you can see.


  • We maintained 100% of our debt at a fixed interest rate, and the weighted average cost is now approximately at 2%.

    我們將 100% 的債務維持在固定利率,加權平均成本現在約為 2%。

  • Thank you for your attention, and I'll now pass over to Andy.


  • Andrew Plump - President of Research & Development, Vice President of Subsidiary, Director

    Andrew Plump - President of Research & Development, Vice President of Subsidiary, Director

  • Thank you very much, Milano.


  • Hello to everybody on today's call.


  • So if we go to the next slide, please, Chris.


  • Thank you.


  • We start with soticlestat, which recently completed Phase 3 trials in two indications: Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndrome.

    我們從 soticlestat 開始,它最近完成了兩種適應症的 3 期試驗:Lennox-Gastaut 和 Dravet 症候群。

  • As previously communicated, soticlestat failed to demonstrate clinical benefit in Lennox-Gastaut.

    正如之前所傳達的,soticlestat 未能在 Lennox-Gastaut 中證明臨床益處。

  • Soticlestat also failed to meet its primary endpoint in the Dravet syndrome Phase 3 trial, narrowly missing with a p-value of 0.06.

    Soticlestat 在 Dravet 症候群 3 期試驗中也未能達到其主要終點,p 值為 0.06,僅差一點。

  • However, the totality of data from this study with meaningful effects on key secondary endpoints, combined with the highly significant results from the large Phase 2 study, suggest clear clinical benefits for soticlestat in Dravet patients with a differentiated safety profile.

    然而,本研究的全部數據對關鍵次要終點具有有意義的影響,再加上大型 2 期研究的高度顯著結果,顯示 soticlestat 對 Dravet 患者俱有明顯的臨床益處,且安全性差異顯著。

  • Given the large unmet medical need in Dravet, we are investigating a potential regulatory path forward.

    鑑於 Dravet 存在大量未滿足的醫療需求,我們正在研究潛在的監管路徑。

  • This quarter, we had important Phase 2b data presented for TAK-861 and mezagitamab that we will describe later in the presentation.

    本季度,我們提供了 TAK-861 和 mezagitamab 的重要 2b 期數據,我們將在稍後的演示中進行描述。

  • FRUZAQLA and LIVTENCITY had additional approvals that expand their geographic reach.

    FRUZAQLA 和 LIVTENCITY 獲得了額外的批准,擴大了其地理覆蓋範圍。

  • Maralixibat was filed in Japan for Alagille syndrome and progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis.

    Maralixibat 在日本申請用於治療 Alagille 症候群和進行性家族性肝內膽汁淤積。

  • In addition, we continue to expand the depth and breadth of our pipeline by signing two option deals, as Christophe mentioned, for mid- and late-stage programs.


  • From percentage Ascentage Pharma, olverembatinib is a third-generation PCR-able tyrosine kinase inhibitor to treat CML and other hematological malignancies.


  • From AC Immune, ACI-24.060 is an active immunotherapy aimed at slowing Alzheimer's disease by targeting toxic amyloid beta.

    AC Immune 的 ACI-24.060 是一種主動免疫療法,旨在透過靶向有毒的澱粉樣蛋白 β 來減緩阿茲海默症。

  • Building on the optionality we have gained with these two deals, let's now turn our attention to the overall momentum we are generating in our pipeline.


  • Next slide, please.


  • Our rich R&D pipeline continues to advance with two significant opportunities: zasocitinib, our selective TYK2 inhibitor; and TAK-861, our orexin 2 receptor agonist, both poised to deliver near-term Phase 3 readouts.

    我們豐富的研發管線繼續推進,有兩個重大機會:zasocitinib,我們的選擇性 TYK2 抑制劑;和 TAK-861,我們的食慾素 2 受體激動劑,兩者都準備提供近期的 3 期讀數。

  • Zasocitinib has the potential to be the leading oral treatment for patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, addressing a significant unmet medical need for patients seeking clear skin.

    Zasocitinib 有潛力成為中度至重度斑塊狀乾癬患者的主要口服治療藥物,解決尋求清潔皮膚的患者未滿足的重大醫療需求。

  • The Phase 3 trials are enrolling rapidly, and we expect to complete enrollment in fiscal year 2024.

    第三階段試驗正在迅速招募,我們預計在 2024 財政年度完成招募。

  • TAK-861 is also advancing rapidly as we have initiated global Phase 3 trials in narcolepsy Type 1.

    隨著我們啟動針對 1 型發作性睡病的全球 3 期試驗,TAK-861 也迅速進展。

  • We will provide updates on the zasocitinib and TAK-861 pivotal trial designs, our overall program timelines and market potential later this year at our R&D Investor event.

    我們將在今年稍後的研發投資者活動中提供有關 zasocitinib 和 TAK-861 關鍵試驗設計、我們的整體計劃時間表和市場潛力的最新資訊。

  • Beyond these two programs with significant revenue potential, we have significant depth and breadth in our late-stage program -- pipeline that will further contribute to Takeda's long-term growth.


  • Our partners at Protagonist have been making strong progress with rusfertide, which continues to enroll well with a target filing expected in fiscal year 2025.

    我們在 Protagonist 的合作夥伴在 rusfertide 方面取得了強勁進展,該藥物的註冊情況繼續良好,預計在 2025 財年實現目標申報。

  • Fazirsiran continues to advance, and mezagitamab will begin Phase 3 trials for immune thrombocytopenia or ITP in the second half of fiscal year 2024.

    Fazirsiran 繼續推進,mezagitamab 將於 2024 財政年度下半年開始針對免疫性血小板減少症或 ITP 的 3 期試驗。

  • Near-term Phase II readouts that can expand our growing late-stage pipeline include ADZYNMA in immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura or ITTP and TAK-227 in celiac disease.

    近期的 II 期試驗可以擴大我們不斷增長的後期產品線,包括治療免疫性血栓性血小板減少性紫斑症的 ADZYNMA 或治療乳糜瀉的 ITTP 和 TAK-227。

  • We have additional data inflections within our early-stage pipeline and intend to continue targeted business development activities to further enhance our maturing pipeline.


  • Now let's review some of the exciting data that was presented this past quarter.


  • Next slide, please, yeah.


  • These transformative Phase 2b data presented at the SLEEP conference demonstrate the potential to revolutionize the treatment of narcolepsy Type 1 or NT1.

    SLEEP 會議上提出的這些變革性 2b 期數據證明了 1 型或 NT1 型發作性睡病治療的潛力。

  • Unlike existing treatments, by addressing the underlying pathophysiology of the disease, TAK-861 has shown the ability to significantly improve patients' quality of life and, in many cases, normalize the entirety of their symptoms.

    與現有的治療方法不同,透過解決疾病的潛在病理生理學問題,TAK-861 已顯示出能夠顯著改善患者的生活質量,並在許多情況下使患者的整體症狀恢復正常。

  • Greater than 80% of the NT1 patients on the mid to high twice-daily doses were within the normal ranges for the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test.

    每天兩次中至高劑量的 NT1 患者中,超過 80% 的患者在 Epworth 嗜睡量表和維持清醒測試中處於正常範圍內。

  • Weekly rates of cataplexy were driven to near 0.

    每週猝倒率降至接近 0。

  • This efficacy was stained over an eight-week treatment period, and 95% of patients rolled over into a long-term extension study with no patients discontinuing due to treatment-related adverse events.

    這種療效在八週的治療期內得到體現,95% 的患者轉入長期擴展研究,沒有患者因治療相關不良事件而中止。

  • We are observing sustained efficacy in our long-term extension study with no evidence of hepatotoxicity.


  • Over 100 patients have now been treated for at least six months on active therapy and approximately 20 patients for greater than one year.

    目前已有 100 多名患者接受了至少六個月的積極治療,大約 20 名患者接受了一年以上的積極治療。

  • We intend to present long-term efficacy and safety data at a medical conference this fall.


  • It's worth noting that current NT1 therapies have shown maintenance of wakefulness times ranging from 3 to 10 minutes and Epworth sleepiness scores around 12 to 15, underscoring the unmet need for patients with narcolepsy.

    值得注意的是,目前的 NT1 療法已顯示出可維持 3 至 10 分鐘的清醒時間,Epworth 嗜睡評分約為 12 至 15,這凸顯了發作性睡病患者未滿足的需求。

  • We are committed to bringing this exciting therapy to patients as quickly as possible.


  • Let's now focus on the mezagitamab immune thrombocytopenia or ITP data.

    現在讓我們專注於 mezagitamab 免疫性血小板減少症或 ITP 數據。

  • Next slide, please.


  • Mezagitamab is an anti-CD38 antibody which depletes antibody-producing plasma cells as well as impacting a range of other cells involved in inflammatory processes.

    Mezagitamab 是一種抗 CD38 抗體,可消耗產生抗體的漿細胞,並影響參與發炎過程的一系列其他細胞。

  • This leads to a rapid onset of response and a long-lasting immunomodulating effect.


  • The unmet medical need in ITP is high with relatively few approved therapies and as many as one-third of patients not well controlled on existing therapies.

    ITP 未滿足的醫療需求很高,核准的療法相對較少,多達三分之一的患者在現有療法中控制不佳。

  • In this Phase 2b trial, we assess the efficacy of mezagitamab in a deeply treatment-experienced population of patients with persistent or chronic ITP.

    在這項 2b 期試驗中,我們評估了 mezagitamab 在經過深度治療的持續性或慢性 ITP 患者群體中的療效。

  • The study demonstrated consistent dose response and high response rates at the high doses.


  • There also appears to be the potential for durable and long-term remission after therapy is stopped.


  • The treatment of emergent adverse effects were similar between treatment and placebo arms.


  • We will be starting a Phase 3 program in ITP in the second half of the fiscal year.

    我們將在本財年下半年啟動 ITP 第三階段計畫。

  • Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our R&D Day to be held December 12 in the evening, Eastern Standard Time, and the morning of December 13 in Japan.

    最後,我想藉此機會邀請您參加我們將於 12 月 12 日晚上(東部標準時間)和 12 月 13 日上午在日本舉行的研發日。

  • We will review data, development plans, timelines and our assessment of the market opportunities for zasocitinib, TAK-861 and other late-stage pipeline programs.

    我們將審查 zasocitinib、TAK-861 和其他後期管道項目的數據、開發計劃、時間表和市場機會評估。

  • Please save this date in your calendars.


  • Thank you very much, and I will now turn it over to Chris to open the Q&A session.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • (interpreted) We would like to invite questions.


  • In addition to Christophe, Milano and Andy; Julie Kim, President of US Business Unit, will also join the Q&A.

    除了Christophe之外,還有Milano和Andy;美國業務部總裁 Julie Kim 也將參加問答。

  • (Event Instructions)


  • The first question, from Jefferies, we have Barker-san.


  • Steve, please unmute your microphone and ask your question.


  • It looks like he put his hand down.


  • So let's move on to the next question, Matsubara-san from Nomura Security.


  • Hiroyuki Matsubara - Analyst

    Hiroyuki Matsubara - Analyst

  • (interpreted) Yes, this is Matsubara from Nomura Securities.


  • Can you hear me okay?


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • (interpreted) Yes.


  • Hiroyuki Matsubara - Analyst

    Hiroyuki Matsubara - Analyst

  • (interpreted) I have two questions.


  • First question is about VYVANSE.

    第一個問題是關於 VYVANSE 的。

  • The generic supply will start again in August.


  • So what is the current situation?


  • And in the second quarter, do we see a decline in revenue?


  • Or do we see that in the third quarter?


  • What is your view?


  • And the second question is about immunoglobulin.


  • I understand that it's growing right now.


  • But donor fee or other measures, maybe you can implement measures to improve OP margin?


  • Are you doing that right now?


  • And have those measures changed since the last quarterly call?


  • Thank you.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Okay.


  • Thank you for your question.


  • So the first question on the latest status of VYVANSE in the US and the soticlestat generic supply and when we expect that to accelerate, I'd like to ask Julie to comment on that question.

    因此,第一個問題是關於 VYVANSE 在美國的最新狀況和 soticlestat 仿製藥供應,當我們預計這種情況會加速時,我想請朱莉對此問題發表評論。

  • And then the second question about any changes in our plasma business, particularly around donor fees, margin improvements, any commentary on that?


  • I'd like to ask perhaps Christophe to take that question.


  • Julie?


  • Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

    Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

  • Thank you, Chris, and thank you for the question, Matsubara-san.


  • In terms of VYVANSE, as you've noted, we have seen the supply from generics companies improve over the past quarter and, therefore, our VYVANSE demand has declined, although it was above what we were expecting.

    就 VYVANSE 而言,正如您所指出的,我們看到仿製藥公司的供應在過去一個季度有所改善,因此,我們的 VYVANSE 需求有所下降,儘管高於我們的預期。

  • Quarter over quarter, we do expect the supply situation for the generics to improve, but it is very difficult for us to accurately predict exactly what their supply might be.


  • So we are monitoring this closely for VYVANSE.

    因此,我們正在密切關注 VYVANSE 的情況。

  • We do not have any supply challenges.


  • And as I said, we do expect the overall supply for the generics to improve quarter over quarter.


  • And so we saw, from a VYVANSE perspective, roughly just over 30% decline versus last year, and we expect our continued erosion of VYVANSE to proceed as planned.

    因此,從 VYVANSE 的角度來看,我們看到與去年相比下降了大約 30% 以上,我們預計 VYVANSE 的持續侵蝕將按計劃進行。

  • Thank you.


  • Christophe Weber - President, Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director

    Christophe Weber - President, Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director

  • Thank you, Matsubara-san for the question regarding PDT.

    謝謝松原先生提出有關 PDT 的問題。

  • A strong quarter indeed in terms of growth.


  • We expect the growth to be slightly lower for the full year, but very strong demand.


  • Our margin has been improving now for a few quarters, starting just after COVID, in fact.


  • This is due to the fact that we are optimizing our supply chain.


  • We are growing our revenue using our manufacturing capacity fully.


  • And the donor fee has been stable now for a couple of quarters.


  • So -- and we expect them to remain stable, but we will see how this is evolving.


  • So overall, this is really how we are increasing our margin.


  • We are actively managing donor fee.


  • We are growing our revenue.


  • Our subcu also is growing faster, which is helping our overall margin.

    我們的 subcu 成長速度也更快,這有助於我們的整體利潤率。

  • And then we are optimizing the utilization of our manufacturing capacity.


  • Thank you.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • (interpreted) Now Jefferies, Mr. Steve Barker, it seems you raised your hand.


  • Please go ahead, Steve.


  • Steve Barker - Analyst

    Steve Barker - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Thank you for giving me this opportunity to ask two questions, both are related to pipeline.


  • Firstly, I was wondering if you could comment on your decision to end your partnership with JCR for Hunter syndrome candidate JR-141.

    首先,我想知道您是否可以對終止與 JCR 亨特氏症候群候選藥物 JR-141 合作關係的決定發表評論。

  • And then second question is regarding your deal with AC Immune for Alzheimer's.

    第二個問題是關於你們與 AC Immune 治療阿茲海默症的協議。

  • And given the regulatory challenges that Eisai's LEQEMBI continues to suffer, I think there are questions in people's minds about the amyloid thesis in general, but this deal seems to indicate that Takeda believes that this is a very legitimate target.

    鑑於衛材的 LEQEMBI 繼續面臨監管挑戰,我認為人們普遍對澱粉樣蛋白理論存在疑問,但這筆交易似乎表明武田認為這是一個非常合法的目標。

  • And I was wondering if you could comment on that topic generally and on this program more specifically.


  • Thank you.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Steve.


  • Andy, would you like to take those two questions, please?


  • Andrew Plump - President of Research & Development, Vice President of Subsidiary, Director

    Andrew Plump - President of Research & Development, Vice President of Subsidiary, Director

  • Sure.


  • Steve, it's Andy Plump.


  • So firstly, as you know, we've undergone a very significant prioritization of our pipeline over the last year to increase capacity to support our emerging late-stage pipeline, and the JCR-121 decision was really just a part of that prioritization.

    首先,如您所知,去年我們對管道進行了非常重要的優先排序,以增加支持我們新興後期管道的能力,而 JCR-121 決定實際上只是該優先排序的一部分。

  • So we're quite enthusiastic about the program.


  • We hope for patients and for JCR that that's a successful program.

    我們希望對於患者和 JCR 來說,這是一個成功的計劃。

  • For the ACI-24.060 program, actually, I have a different -- slightly different take than the one that you just described.

    實際上,對於 ACI-24.060 計劃,我的看法與您剛才所描述的略有不同。

  • I think that the benefits that we've seen with the amyloid beta clearing passively administered antibodies are unequivocal.


  • There's clear clinical benefit.


  • The benefits are modest, which many people believe reflects the timing of intervention.


  • We think that with the active immunotherapy, the vaccine, firstly, we have the potential to generate a safer profile based on the kinetics of raising these antibodies.


  • And secondly, if -- and of course, we need to wait and see the Phase 2 data.


  • We still haven't seen the Phase 2 data.


  • This is a very early program.


  • But if we're seeing the kind of amyloid beta clearing that the passively administered antibodies have seen, we think we have the potential to go in even earlier in these patients with a very convenient administration.


  • And we and many believe that by going in earlier, you have the potential to significantly increase the level of efficacy.


  • It's clear that the uptake of these antibodies has been slow.


  • But we think that the vaccine has a very different profile that could really potentially transform the treatment of this disease.


  • Steve Barker - Analyst

    Steve Barker - Analyst

  • Thanks, Andy.


  • Just to follow up on the first topic.


  • Takeda already has the best-selling treatment for Hunter disease, ELAPRASE.

    武田已經擁有最暢銷的亨特病治療藥物 ELAPRASE。

  • And presumably, you thought that the new asset you were developing with JCR had the potential to displace that.

    想必您認為與 JCR 一起開發的新資產有潛力取代它。

  • Is there something that you've seen in the market performance of -- is cargo in Japan, for example, that made you rethink that view?


  • Do you think that ELAPRASE can continue to be the most popular treatment for Hunter syndrome going forward?

    您認為 ELAPRASE 未來會繼續成為亨特氏症候群最受歡迎的治療方法嗎?

  • Andrew Plump - President of Research & Development, Vice President of Subsidiary, Director

    Andrew Plump - President of Research & Development, Vice President of Subsidiary, Director

  • Well, maybe I'm going to ask Julie to step in here, but maybe just to level set, so there was -- the JCR, the 141 asset actually was unique relative to ELAPRASE that it had a shuttle mechanism that allowed it to traverse the blood-brain barrier.

    好吧,也許我會請朱莉介入這裡,但也許只是為了水平設置,所以就有了——JCR,141 資產實際上相對於 ELAPRASE 來說是獨一無二的,它有一個穿梭機制,允許它穿越血腦屏障。

  • And so our hope and our continued hope for JCR and for patients with this asset was the ability to expand the treatment potential of this replacement enzyme to treat children that have neurological manifestations as well.

    因此,我們對 JCR 和擁有這項資產的患者的希望和持續的希望是能夠擴大這種替代酶的治療潛力,以治療也有神經系統症狀的兒童。

  • But Julie, maybe you want to comment as well?


  • Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

    Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

  • Sorry, just trying to get myself off mute.


  • So yes, in terms of ELAPRASE, we continue to be pleased with the presence of ELAPRASE on the market.

    所以,是的,就 ELAPRASE 而言,我們仍然對 ELAPRASE 上市感到滿意。

  • And there are a couple of small competitors, as you are aware, in some of our markets for the Hunter patients.


  • And we also had, as you know, another program that we were studying in terms of Hunter that did not meet its endpoints in the Phase 3.

    如您所知,我們還研究了另一個針對 Hunter 的項目,該項目在第 3 階段並未達到其終點。

  • So we continue to see that there is interest in developing further treatments for Hunter patients.


  • But at least for now, ELAPRASE continues to serve the needs of those patients.

    但至少目前,ELAPRASE 持續滿足這些患者的需求。

  • Thank you.


  • Steve Barker - Analyst

    Steve Barker - Analyst

  • Thanks very much.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • (interpreted) Moving on to the next question, Morgan Stanley, Mr. Muraoka.

    (解釋)繼續下一個問題,摩根士丹利,Muraoka 先生。

  • Shinichiro Muraoka - Analyst

    Shinichiro Muraoka - Analyst

  • (interpreted) Yes.


  • Hello.


  • Good evening.


  • This is Muraoka from Morgan Stanley.


  • Thank you.


  • My first question is about ENTYVIO.

    我的第一個問題是關於 ENTYVIO 的。

  • I think ENTYVIO Pen is a wonderful story.

    我認為ENTYVIO Pen是一個精彩的故事。

  • And the CER for full year is 16%, that's the target.

    全年的 CER 是 16%,這是目標。

  • And if you think about the gap against the target, you have to really accelerate the growth in the second quarter.


  • Otherwise, you cannot really achieve the full year target on a constant currency basis.


  • Do you believe that you can catch up before the end of the year?


  • And if so, do you have any evidence?


  • Why do you think that?


  • Sorry, that was the first question.


  • And the second question is at the time of our R&D Day, TAK-079, mezagitamab IgAN POC data, can we expect to see that on the R&D Day?

    第二個問題是在我們研發日的時候,TAK-079,mezagitamab IgAN POC數據,我們可以期望在研發日看到它嗎?

  • That's the second question.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Okay.


  • Thank you for your question.


  • So the first question on ENTYVIO and the confidence in the full year target of 16% growth.


  • Considering the importance of the Pen launch in the US, I'd like to ask Julie to comment on our expectations for the rest of the year for ENTYVIO and the Pen uptake.

    考慮到 Pen 在美國推出的重要性,我想請 Julie 評論一下我們對今年剩餘時間對 ENTYVIO 和 Pen 的採用的期望。

  • And then the second question on whether we will see TAK-079, mezagitamab IgAN data at the R&D Day later in the year, I'd like to ask Andy to comment on that.

    然後第二個問題是我們是否會在今年稍後的研發日看到 TAK-079、mezagitamab IgAN 數據,我想請 Andy 對此發表評論。

  • Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

    Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

  • Yes.


  • Thank you for the question, Muraoka-san.


  • And in terms of ENTYVIO in the US, as you've noted, the Pen launch has gone well thus far, and we are continuing to increase our access for patients.

    就 ENTYVIO 在美國而言,正如您所指出的,迄今為止 Pen 的推出進展順利,我們正在繼續增加患者的使用機會。

  • We've seen 6.5% growth in Q1 in the US.

    我們看到美國第一季成長了 6.5%。

  • And we do expect, since the Crohn's indication was also just approved a couple of months ago, that we will see further acceleration as we continue to pull through not just the UC indication on Pen, but also the Crohn's indication on Pen.

    我們確實預計,由於克羅恩病的適應症也在幾個月前剛剛獲得批准,隨著我們不僅繼續克服Pen 的UC 適應症,而且還克服Pen 的克羅恩病適應症,我們將看到進一步的加速。

  • As Christophe mentioned in the presentation and Milano as well, we are continuing to increase the access for patients in the US.

    正如 Christophe 在演講中和米蘭提到的那樣,我們正在繼續增加美國患者的就診機會。

  • And with the combination of the two indications, plus improved access, we do expect to see an acceleration in the second half of the year for Pen in the US.


  • I would also note that last year, we had, across the globe, 12% growth in volume, and we do expect to see lower EU claw backs this year, so that will also contribute to our ability to achieve the 16% growth year on year for ENTYVIO, which we acknowledge is ambitious.

    我還要指出的是,去年我們在全球範圍內的銷量增長了 12%,我們確實預計今年歐盟的追回金額將會減少,因此這也將有助於我們實現去年 16% 的增長。 ENTYVIO 雄心勃勃。

  • But we do have positive indications in terms of our ability to achieve that.


  • And as I said, we continue to push in the US and growth in Europe continues to be strong as well.


  • Thank you.


  • Andrew Plump - President of Research & Development, Vice President of Subsidiary, Director

    Andrew Plump - President of Research & Development, Vice President of Subsidiary, Director

  • Yeah.


  • Muraoka-san, thank you.


  • It's Andy.


  • So obviously, we'll take a deep dive into the mezagitamab program as one of the key areas of focus at the R&D Day in December.

    顯然,我們將深入探討 mezagitamab 計劃,將其作為 12 月研發日的重點領域之一。

  • It's including ITP, IgAN and other indications that we're considering this, the mechanism of action for this molecule suggests the potential for benefits across a range of indications.

    它包括 ITP、IgAN 和我們正在考慮的其他適應症,該分子的作用機製表明其在一系列適應症中具有潛在的益處。

  • We're clearly committed to ITP.

    我們明確致力於 ITP。

  • We have very robust Phase 1b data in IgAN.

    我們在 IgAN 中擁有非常可靠的 1b 期數據。

  • IgAN is an extraordinarily competitive field.

    IgAN 是一個競爭異常激烈的領域。

  • We think our profile is equal to or better than anything that's been reported, but we're being thoughtful in terms of how we proceed.


  • Our intent right now is to disclose data at a medical conference in the fall and to have that data available to share with you at the R&D Day, but we're also thoughtful of the competitive landscape.


  • And so more to come.


  • Thanks.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Okay.


  • Thank you very much.


  • I'd like to call on the next question, Mike Nedelcovych from Cowen.

    我想請來自 Cowen 的 Mike Nedelcovych 回答下一個問題。

  • Mike Nedelcovych - Analyst

    Mike Nedelcovych - Analyst

  • Hey.


  • Thank you for the questions.


  • I have two.


  • My first is on TAK-279.

    我的第一個是 TAK-279。

  • So as I'm sure you're aware, another competitor TYK2 inhibitor failed in a mid-stage IBD trial.

    我相信您已經知道,另一種競爭對手 TYK2 抑制劑在 IBD 中期試驗中失敗了。

  • Relative to deucravacitinib, you have noted in the past that TAK-279 is being tested at higher equivalent doses, and that could make the difference in IBD.

    相對於 deucravacitinib,您過去已經注意到 TAK-279 正在以更高的等效劑量進行測試,這可能會對 IBD 產生影響。

  • Should we apply the same logic when comparing to the Ventyx molecule?

    與 Ventyx 分子進行比較時,我們是否應該應用相同的邏輯?

  • Or are there additional factors to consider?


  • And my second question relates to guidance.


  • VYVANSE again performed better than expected this quarter and, at least by our estimation, all of your key products as well.

    VYVANSE 本季的表現再次優於預期,至少根據我們的估計,你們所有的關鍵產品也是如此。

  • So I'm curious if your reiteration of full-year guidance is meant to lean cautious or if there may be headwinds in the rest of the fiscal year that we're not considering?


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Mike.


  • So I think the first question for Andy.


  • And then the second question on guidance, I'd like to ask Milano to comment on that, please.


  • Andrew Plump - President of Research & Development, Vice President of Subsidiary, Director

    Andrew Plump - President of Research & Development, Vice President of Subsidiary, Director

  • Hi, Mike.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • So of course, we've seen essentially what you've seen with respect to the Ventyx disclosure, which is just a press release.

    當然,我們基本上已經看到了您所看到的有關 Ventyx 披露的內容,這只是一份新聞稿。

  • So we don't have all the data in front of us.


  • What we know from that press release is that it was a relatively small study that was running Crohn's disease at doses that were equivalent to the doses that were used in their psoriasis Phase 2 program.


  • We know from the psoriasis program that the data were -- subclinical data were suboptimal relative to our 30-milligram dose in TAK-279, directionally slightly better than deucravacitinib, slightly worse than TAK-279.

    我們從乾癬計畫中得知,相對於 TAK-279 的 30 毫克劑量,亞臨床數據不是最理想的,方向上略好於 deucravacitinib,略差於 TAK-279。

  • Those are the same doses that were used in IBD.

    這些劑量與 IBD 中使用的劑量相同。

  • The disclosure for the IBD trial was that they failed in their primary endpoint, which is a very subjective endpoint, very unusual to use this endpoint, which is called the CDAI in a Phase 2 study and that they showed dose-dependent positive effects and a much more robust objective endpoint, which is endoscopy.

    IBD 試驗的揭露是,他們在主要終點上失敗了,這是一個非常主觀的終點,使用這個終點非常不尋常,在 2 期研究中被稱為 CDAI,並且它們顯示出劑量依賴性積極作用和更穩健的客觀終點,即內視鏡檢查。

  • So of course, we're going to have to wait to see these data.


  • But our internal sense is it's actually encouraging for TAK-279.

    但我們內心的感覺是,這對 TAK-279 來說其實是令人鼓舞的。

  • We continue to have strong belief in the potential in IBD, and both the Crohn's and ulcerative colitis studies are enrolling, and we expect to see them read out in 2026.

    我們仍然堅信 IBD 的潛力,克羅恩病和潰瘍性結腸炎研究都在招募中,我們預計將在 2026 年看到這些研究結果。

  • Milano Furuta - Chief Financial Officer, Director

    Milano Furuta - Chief Financial Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Mike, and then I'm going to answer to the second question, so the -- about the guidance.


  • So we don't change the guidance.


  • It's not about the headwinds, but rather maybe two components for the both the top line and the expense side as well.


  • So top line, you commented about VYVANSE, but yes, we did have some upside in VYVANSE at the beginning of this quarter.

    最重要的是,您對 VYVANSE 發表了評論,但是,是的,我們在本季度初確實看到了 VYVANSE 的一些優勢。

  • But we do see now VYVANSE generic erosion is coming back to our sort of expectation.

    但我們現在確實看到 VYVANSE 仿製藥的侵蝕正在回到我們的預期。

  • And then we do expect that generic erosion is going to be accelerated the coming quarters.


  • And for expense side as well, the R&D investments are weighted toward the rest of the year.


  • So the -- all in all, if you look at the full year, there is not much the big, big component at this moment we think we should change the guidance as of now.


  • But we will monitor the situation, and we will come back at the Q2 announcement in October.

    但我們會密切關注事態發展,並會在 10 月發布第二季公告時回來。

  • Mike Nedelcovych - Analyst

    Mike Nedelcovych - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks so much.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • (interpreted) Thank you.


  • Moving on to the next question, JPMorgan, Mr. Wakao, please.


  • Please unmute yourself and ask your question.


  • Seiji Wakao - Analyst

    Seiji Wakao - Analyst

  • (interpreted) Yes, this is Wakao, JPMorgan.

    (譯)是的,我是摩根大通的 Wakao。

  • I have two questions.


  • My first question is about ENTYVIO.

    我的第一個問題是關於 ENTYVIO 的。

  • SKYRIZI was approved for the indication of UC recently.


  • Does it impact ENTYVIO's share or revenue in a negative way?

    這會對 ENTYVIO 的份額或收入產生負面影響嗎?

  • That is my question.


  • What is your view on this?


  • And the second question is about the gross profit margin -- gross margin.


  • 65.5%, I think, is the target for the full year, and the first quarter was at 68%.


  • So what are the factors that would lower this number from the second quarter and beyond?


  • That's all.


  • Thank you.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Wakao-san, for the question.


  • So the first question on ENTYVIO impact from the approval of SKYRIZI in UC, any impact on market share?


  • I'd like to call on Julie to comment on that.


  • And then second question for Milano on gross margin, 68% in Q1 with an outlook for 65% for the full year.

    第二個問題是米蘭的毛利率,第一季為 68%,全年展望為 65%。

  • What are the reasons why it will decline in the coming quarters?


  • Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

    Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

  • Thank you for the question, Wakao-san.


  • In terms of UC indication, ENTYVIO continues to hold our strong position as market share leader in first line.


  • Where we do see churn in terms of patients is in second line and beyond, and this is where SKYRIZI had their initial impact with CD and that's where we are seeing their initial impact for UC as well.

    我們確實看到二線及以上患者流失,這就是 SKYRIZI 對 CD 產生最初影響的地方,也是我們看到它們對 UC 產生最初影響的地方。

  • So again, from a mechanism of action perspective, ENTYVIO remains the only gut-selective therapy that's out there for IBD patients, both in UC and CD, and the new entrants seem to be impacting more within the other classes, the other MOAs.

    因此,從作用機制的角度來看,ENTYVIO 仍然是唯一適用於 IBD 患者(無論是 UC 還是 CD)的腸道選擇性療法,而新進業者似乎對其他類別、其他 MOA 產生了更大的影響。

  • Thank you.


  • Milano Furuta - Chief Financial Officer, Director

    Milano Furuta - Chief Financial Officer, Director

  • (interpreted) Thank you, Mr. Wakao.


  • This is Furuta speaking.


  • In terms of outlook of gross margin, after the first quarter, for the remainder of the year, VYVANSE and AZILVA, high gross margin products will be shrinking, especially VYVANSE.


  • So that's the impact.


  • And also, albumin, lower-margin products, we will see recovery in terms of demand as well as revenue, and this is why we expect the gross margin to lower somewhat.


  • Q1 gross margin is in line with our expectation.


  • So currently, we want to maintain the existing guidance.


  • Seiji Wakao - Analyst

    Seiji Wakao - Analyst

  • (interpreted) Thank you very much for the answer.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Wakao-san.


  • Okay.


  • Moving to the next question, I'd like to call upon Tony Ren from Macquarie.

    轉到下一個問題,我想請麥格理的托尼·任 (Tony Ren) 發言。

  • Tony, please unmute and ask you question.


  • Tony Ren - Analyst

    Tony Ren - Analyst

  • Yeah, sure.


  • Thank you for the opportunity to ask my questions.


  • So I want to ask about your IVIG, your immunoglobulin in CIDP.

    所以我想詢問一下您的 IVIG、CIDP 中的免疫球蛋白。

  • So we saw some data, some results coming out of argenx.

    所以我們看到了一些數據,一些來自 argenx 的結果。

  • Their VYVGART was approved in CIDP, I believe, quite late in June.

    我相信,他們的 VYVGART 在 6 月底就在 CIDP 中獲得了批准。

  • And they said the uptake in CIDP is exceptionally strong.

    他們表示 CIDP 的接受度非常高。

  • I think that's their wording in their transcript.


  • So I just want to see what type of -- are we being -- so we've had competition from them for about a month now.


  • I just want to see, what are you seeing in the market?


  • And then I also want to go back to the market share for ENTYVIO as my second question.

    然後我還想回到ENTYVIO 的市佔率作為我的第二個問題。

  • If you look at AbbVie's pronouncements and what they say during their earnings about IBD, they are obviously very aggressively targeting the frontline bio-naive IBD setting.

    如果你看看艾伯維(AbbVie)的聲明以及他們在財報中對 IBD 的看法,你會發現他們顯然非常積極地瞄準了一線生物性 IBD 環境。

  • And I just want to see your view on that.


  • And also, I believe you guys used to show a longitudinal market share graph of ENTYVIO and its competitors in IBD.

    而且,我相信你們曾經展示過 ENTYVIO 及其競爭對手在 IBD 中的縱向市佔率圖。

  • I don't believe I've quite seen it in this presentation for the first quarter.


  • I just wanted to see if I'm not missing anything here.


  • So that's my second question.


  • Yeah.


  • Thank you.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Tony.


  • I think we can call on Julie to answer both of these questions.


  • Julie?


  • Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

    Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

  • Yes.


  • Thank you, Tony, for the questions.


  • So let me start with your first one in regards to CIDP.

    那麼讓我從您關於 CIDP 的第一個開始。

  • So in terms of CIDP, our expectations have not changed in terms of the long-term position for IGIV or IGs in general, not just IV, both our GAMMAGARD LIQUID and HYQVIA in CIDP.

    因此,就 CIDP 而言,我們對 IGIV 或整個 IG ​​的長期地位的預期沒有改變,而不僅僅是 IV,我們的 GAMMAGARD LIQUID 和 HYQVIA 在 CIDP 中的地位都沒有改變。

  • And so, of course, for patients, it is always a positive situation when they have more choice, especially with the disease area like CIDP where the patients are heterogeneous, and we know that not all patients respond to IG therapy.

    因此,當然,對於患者來說,當他們有更多選擇時總是一個積極的情況,特別是像CIDP 這樣的疾病領域,患者是異質的,而且我們知道並非所有患者都對IG 治療有反應。

  • But IG does remain the gold standard.

    但 IG 確實仍然是黃金標準。

  • And we are pleased with our launch of CIDP and HYQVIA over the past several months.

    我們對過去幾個月 CIDP 和 HYQVIA 的推出感到高興。

  • Moving to ENTYVIO.


  • So you had a couple of questions on ENTYVIO.

    您對 ENTYVIO 有幾個問題。

  • So let me see if I remember them correctly.


  • So the first, in terms of ENTYVIO share in first-line vis-à-vis AbbVie.

    首先,就 ENTYVIO 與艾伯維 (AbbVie) 的一線市佔率而言。

  • So as I mentioned for first-line bio-naive share, we are still the market share leader both in -- overall.


  • And then when we talk about the market share graph, which I think is your second question.


  • So as you are aware, I'm sure everyone is aware, there was a cyber-situation earlier this calendar year that impacted claims and claims processing.


  • And because of that, at this point, we're not able to show the current share data.


  • As soon as that has been sorted and worked through in terms of the claims data in the US, we will be able to revert and show the share data again.


  • But in terms of first-line bio-naive, ENTYVIO is still the market share leader.

    但就一線生物原藥而言,ENTYVIO 仍是市佔率領先者。

  • I hope that addresses your questions.


  • And if I missed something, please ask again.


  • Tony Ren - Analyst

    Tony Ren - Analyst

  • That's very clear.


  • Thank you very much, Julie.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • (interpreted) Moving on to the next question, UBS Securities, Haruta-san.


  • Please ask your question.


  • Kasumi Haruta - Analyst

    Kasumi Haruta - Analyst

  • (interpreted) Yes, this is Haruta, UBS Securities.


  • My first question is about R&D organization.


  • Margin improvement program is in place.


  • And within FY24, in terms of headcount, organizational structure, I understand that you'll finish reorganizing, and you mentioned that.

    在 24 財年內,就人員數、組織結構而言,我知道你們將完成重組,你們也提到了這一點。

  • I think some of the functions will be centralized and the efficiency will be improved.


  • But with a fewer headcount, how can you improve productivity?


  • And how do you intend to run -- operate the new organization?


  • So that's my first question.


  • My second question is about the ENTYVIO biosimilar.

    我的第二個問題是關於 ENTYVIO 生物相似藥。

  • I think some companies are advancing in the development, not necessarily in all indications, but in '25 or '26, some of the Phase 3 studies will be completed according to my estimation.


  • Now, status of biosimilar development, considering this status, do you think ENTYVIO can protect itself against the biosimilar until 2030, 2032?


  • Do you maintain this assumption?


  • Or do you have any updates on how long you can protect yourself against biosimilars?


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Haruta-san, for your questions.


  • So the first question on R&D organization, with the restructuring of the organization that's taking place this year, how can we make sure that we are improving productivity through this period of change?


  • And then the second question was on ENTYVIO biosimilar timing.

    第二個問題是關於 ENTYVIO 生物相似藥的時機。

  • So I think the first question, for Andy, and then second question, I think perhaps, Christophe, if you could comment on our latest biosimilar entry timing assumptions for ENTYVIO.

    因此,我認為第一個問題是安迪提出的,然後是第二個問題,克里斯托夫,我想您是否可以對我們最新的 ENTYVIO 生物仿製藥進入時間假設發表評論。

  • Andrew Plump - President of Research & Development, Vice President of Subsidiary, Director

    Andrew Plump - President of Research & Development, Vice President of Subsidiary, Director

  • Thanks, Chris, and thanks, Haruta-san.


  • So we're continually looking at our pipeline.


  • We're continually making data and strategic-driven decisions to prioritize our pipeline, and we're continually looking at how we operate to ensure that we're operating in the most effective and efficient way possible.


  • We -- over the course of the last year, as I mentioned earlier, we went through quite a significant pipeline prioritization to ensure that we were concentrating our resources as much as necessary to support our growing late-stage pipeline, which now has six programs in it and the potential for more programs to come.


  • As Christophe has mentioned, previously, we've also year-on-year been increasing our R&D budget to ensure that we can support that pipeline.

    正如 Christophe 之前提到的,我們也逐年增加研發預算,以確保我們能夠支援該管道。

  • So the efficiency program that we've undertaken over the past year, and that's in full swing right now, is really designed to ensure that we have an organization that can drive fully that pipeline forward.


  • Given the prioritization, we feel that we're rightsized to deliver on that pipeline.


  • We're also, as we've mentioned in many different settings, we're also looking to leverage more and more efficiencies in automation from data, digital and technology.


  • And we're starting now to realize some of the benefits of that strategy.


  • Thank you.


  • Christophe Weber - President, Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director

    Christophe Weber - President, Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director

  • Thank you for the question regarding ENTYVIO biosimilars.

    感謝您提出有關 ENTYVIO 生物相似藥的問題。

  • Look, based on what we know, and we look at, of course, development stage of biosimilars, but also, we look at the defense of our patent set.


  • We don't see any reason to change.


  • Our current assumption is that the earliest biosimilar could enter the market in the US will be 2030 to 2032.

    我們目前的假設是,生物相似藥最早進入美國市場的時間是 2030 年至 2032 年。

  • So no change to our assumptions so far based on what we know.


  • I will also mention, because we get the question very often, that the ENTYVIO Pen, which is very important right now, as Julie mentioned, it does allow us to keep our leadership in bio-naive patients.

    我還要提到,因為我們經常收到這個問題,ENTYVIO 筆現在非常重要,正如朱莉所提到的,它確實使我們能夠在未接受過生物治療的患者中保持領先地位。

  • We have not seen a market share decline because of the ENTYVIO characteristic.


  • But the ENTYVIO Pen is not allowing us to have a longer protection.

    但ENTYVIO Pen並沒有讓我們擁有更長久的保護。

  • So this is why we -- no change to our assumptions when it comes to biosimilar entry.


  • Thank you.


  • Kasumi Haruta - Analyst

    Kasumi Haruta - Analyst

  • (interpreted) Thank you.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • (interpreted) Next question, from Citi, Yamaguchi-san.


  • Please go ahead.


  • Hidemaru Yamaguchi - Analyst

    Hidemaru Yamaguchi - Analyst

  • (interpreted) Can you hear me?


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • (interpreted) Yes.


  • Hidemaru Yamaguchi - Analyst

    Hidemaru Yamaguchi - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • This is Yamaguchi from Citi.


  • I have two questions.


  • The first question that might be in the presentation, but I may have missed it, but the QDENGA, the Q1 looks very strong.

    第一個問題可能在演示中,但我可能錯過了,但 QDENGA、Q1 看起來非常強大。

  • And is there any kind of one-time factor why this is the kind of basic number for this quarter, which I can think over the 4 times more than this one?


  • So that's the first question, QDENGA situation.

    這就是第一個問題,QDENGA 的情況。

  • The second question is kind of a repeated question, but the progress rate in the Q1 as far as earnings is concerned, except currency, except VYVANSE, is it in line or is it still pretty, looks good as far as the earnings progress is concerned, except currency and then VYVANSE?


  • Thank you.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Yamaguchi-san.


  • So the first question on QDENGA performance, I'd like to ask Christophe to comment on that.

    關於 QDENGA 效能的第一個問題,我想請 Christophe 對此發表評論。

  • And then the second question on Q1 progress rate versus the full year, excluding FX, I'd like to ask Milano to comment on that, please.


  • Christophe Weber - President, Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director

    Christophe Weber - President, Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director

  • Thank you, Yamaguchi-san.


  • Look, I think QDENGA is off for a strong start.

    看,我認為 QDENGA 已經有了一個好的開始。

  • We see a very significant demand where it is -- I mean, in endemic countries as well as countries where there is a travel market.


  • We are ramping up our manufacturing capacity.


  • This is a limiting factor right now.


  • The demand is way greater than our supply capacity.


  • We are expanding this supply capacity.


  • So yeah, we are very pleased with the takeoff.


  • I don't think there is any special case in here.


  • There is -- there will be in the future, by the way, because there is a private market that is quite predictable and linear, if you like, but more and more because we are going into public immunization programs.


  • They are not obviously phased, if you like, depending on the order, on the supply that we can provide to a government.


  • But really, product is off to a fantastic start.


  • And as we all know, dengue is a major issue in many countries.


  • Thank you.


  • Milano Furuta - Chief Financial Officer, Director

    Milano Furuta - Chief Financial Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Yamaguchi-san, for the question.


  • So the -- overall, I think on the top line side, we are -- we think it's on track.


  • It's according to our expectation.


  • And VYVANSE indeed have some upside at the beginning -- especially beginning of the quarter.

    VYVANSE 在開始時確實有一些優勢——尤其是在本季初。

  • But we do expect it's coming back -- that generic erosion, will come back to our expectation level going forward.


  • For the expense side, the -- there was some phasing in R&D.


  • So we spent less in R&D for the first quarter.


  • And then those development costs are weighted toward the rest of the year.


  • So it's going to ramping up.


  • So the -- yes, we did have less expense in Q1, but it will catch up.


  • So all in all, according to our expectation, and then that's why we don't change the guidance at this moment.


  • Thank you.


  • Hidemaru Yamaguchi - Analyst

    Hidemaru Yamaguchi - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Yamaguchi-san.


  • I think we have time for just one final question, so I'd like to call on Miki Sogi from Bernstein.

    我想我們只有最後一個問題的時間,所以我想請伯恩斯坦的 Miki Sogi 來回答。

  • Miki, please unmute and ask your question.


  • Miki Sogi - Analyst

    Miki Sogi - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity.


  • So first question is the TAKHZYRO and immunoglobulin.

    第一個問題是 TAKHZYRO 和免疫球蛋白。

  • It seems like these two products had a really strong growth in first quarter.


  • Is there any market dynamics that -- can you explain this -- the growth?


  • And also, is this something you are expecting to sustain over the year?


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Miki.


  • Julie


  • --


  • Miki Sogi - Analyst

    Miki Sogi - Analyst

  • On the second -- okay.


  • Maybe I should have asked the second question


  • --


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • (multiple speakers)


  • Miki Sogi - Analyst

    Miki Sogi - Analyst

  • Yes, exactly.


  • And so for the second question is the -- so TYK2 from the BMS.

    第二個問題是來自 BMS 的 TYK2。

  • We have been hearing that these products, TYK2 inhibitor, the first-in-class has been -- its launch has been quite underwhelming.


  • And this is due to the fact that the payer coverage has been quite slow.


  • I just wanted to see, is it the kind of fate that your TYK2 inhibitor would also have?


  • Or if not, what would you do differently?


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Great.


  • Thank you, Miki.


  • So Julie, would you like to comment on both of those questions?


  • Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

    Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

  • Okay.


  • So the first one, in terms of TAKHZYRO and the immunoglobulin growth, I'll speak primarily to the growth in the US versus rest of world.

    因此,第一個,就 TAKHZYRO 和免疫球蛋白的成長而言,我將主要談論美國與世界其他地區的成長。

  • I'd make a couple of comments on that.


  • But in terms of US, what we continue to see for TAKHZYRO is a very strong growth in terms of patients year over year.

    但就美國而言,我們繼續看到 TAKHZYRO 的患者數量逐年強勁增長。

  • And so even though the product has been on the market for quite a number of years and we've had new entrants like orals come on, we continue to see a strong growth in patients.


  • So for example, in Q1 of this year, we had roughly 25% of our start forms come from prescribers who are writing TAKHZYRO for the first time.

    例如,今年第一季度,我們大約 25% 的起始表格來自首次使用 TAKHZYRO 的處方者。

  • So we're quite pleased with the continued growth of TAKHZYRO in the US.

    因此,我們對 TAKHZYRO 在美國的持續成長感到非常滿意。

  • And outside of the US, we continue to see further patient growth as well as launches in our markets outside of the US.


  • So that's what's driving the strong growth for TAKHZYRO.

    這就是推動 TAKHZYRO 強勁成長的原因。

  • In terms of the immunoglobulins in the US, we've had, as I mentioned in an earlier answer, the approval of our CIDP indication for HYQVIA and GAMMAGARD LIQUID.

    就美國的免疫球蛋白而言,正如我在先前的回答中所提到的,我們的 HYQVIA 和 GAMMAGARD LIQUID 的 CIDP 適應症已獲得批准。

  • And we've had very strong growth overall for our IGs in general because of the continued ramp that there is in terms of diagnosis and optimization of treatment in primary immune deficiency and now with the addition of the CIDP indication, strong growth in the US.

    由於原發性免疫缺陷的診斷和治療優化方面的持續增長,加上現在 CIDP 適應症的增加,我們的 IG 整體成長非常強勁,在美國的成長強勁。

  • Outside of the US, there continues to be more demand than supply, which is contributing to growth outside of the US.


  • And Chris, remind me of the second question?


  • Apologies, I've -- it slipped my mind.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thoughts on the TYK2 uptake in the US and implications for TAK-279.

    關於 TYK2 在美國吸收的思考以及對 TAK-279 的影響。

  • Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

    Julie Kim - President of US Business Unit

  • Sure.


  • On the TYK2 uptake, so look, it's not our place to comment on our competitors' performance.

    關於 TYK2 的採用情況,我們沒有資格評論競爭對手的表現。

  • But as you heard from Andy, in terms of TAK-279, we believe in the differentiated profile that we've seen thus far for TAK-279.

    但正如您從 Andy 那裡聽到的,就 TAK-279 而言,我們相信迄今為止我們所看到的 TAK-279 的差異化概況。

  • And from a commercial perspective, if that data bears out in Phase 3, that will give us a very strong position from a commercial standpoint to launch successfully against the existing products in the space in psoriasis as well as vis-à-vis the existing TYK2 product as well.

    從商業角度來看,如果該數據在第 3 階段得到證實,那麼從商業角度來看,這將使我們處於非常有利的地位,能夠成功推出針對牛皮癬領域的現有產品以及現有的 TYK2產品也是如此。

  • Thank you.


  • Miki Sogi - Analyst

    Miki Sogi - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Milano Furuta - Chief Financial Officer, Director

    Milano Furuta - Chief Financial Officer, Director

  • Sogi-san, sorry, maybe let me add some comments around IG.

    Sogi-san,抱歉,也許讓我在 IG 上添加一些評論。

  • So yes, the IG's growth in Q1 was pretty strong comparing to our annual guidance, but the growth rate in a quarter-by-quarter growth rate of PDT can fluctuate a bit.

    所以,是的,與我們的年度指導相比,IG 在第一季的成長相當強勁,但 PDT 的季度成長率可能會略有波動。

  • So the -- we expect to stay the full-year growth would be within the guidance, which is in the 5% to 15%.

    因此,我們預計全年成長將保持在 5% 至 15% 的指導範圍內。

  • Miki Sogi - Analyst

    Miki Sogi - Analyst

  • Thank you very much for your explanation.


  • That's great.


  • Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

    Christopher David O'Reilly - Head of Investor Relations

  • Great.


  • Thank you, Sogi-san.


  • With this, we've reached the end of the call.


  • So thank you, everyone, for joining us today, and we wish you all the best.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Editor


  • Portions of this transcript that are marked (interpreted) were spoken by an interpreter present on the live call.


  • The interpreter was provided by the company sponsoring this event.
