思佳訊 (SWKS) 2020 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, and welcome to Skyworks Solutions Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2020 Earnings Call.

    下午好,歡迎參加 Skyworks Solutions 2020 財年第三季度收益電話會議。

  • This call is being recorded.


  • At this time, I will turn the call over to Mitch Haws, Investor Relations for Skyworks.

    此時,我會將電話轉給 Skyworks 投資者關係部的 Mitch Haws。

  • Mr. Haws, please go ahead.


  • Mitchell J. Haws - VP of IR

    Mitchell J. Haws - VP of IR

  • Thank you, Rob.


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to Skyworks' Third Fiscal Quarter 2020 Conference Call.

    大家下午好,歡迎參加 Skyworks 2020 年第三財季電話會議。

  • With me today are Liam Griffin, our President and Chief Executive Officer; and Kris Sennesael, our Chief Financial Officer.

    今天與我在一起的有我們的總裁兼首席執行官利亞姆·格里芬 (Liam Griffin);以及我們的首席財務官 Kris Sennesael。

  • Before we begin, I would like to remind everyone that our discussion will include statements relating to future results and expectations that are or may be considered forward-looking statements.


  • Please refer to our earnings press release and recent SEC filings, including our annual report on Form 10-K, for information on certain risks that could cause actual outcomes to differ materially and adversely from any forward-looking statements made today.

    請參閱我們的收益新聞稿和最近向 SEC 提交的文件,包括我們的 10-K 表格年度報告,了解可能導致實際結果與今天所做的任何前瞻性聲明產生重大不利差異的某些風險的信息。

  • Additionally, the results and guidance we will discuss include certain non-GAAP financial measures, consistent with our past practice.


  • Please refer to our press release within the Investor Relations section of our company website for a complete reconciliation to GAAP.

    請參閱我們公司網站投資者關係部分的新聞稿,了解與 GAAP 的完全一致。

  • With that, I'll turn the call to Liam.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Thanks, Mitch, and welcome, everyone.


  • Before we discuss our Q3 results, I want to briefly comment on the COVID-19 pandemic, which continues to impact families, businesses and markets worldwide.

    在我們討論第三季度業績之前,我想簡要評論一下 COVID-19 大流行,該流行病繼續影響全球的家庭、企業和市場。

  • I'd like to start by recognizing the tireless efforts of our talented Skyworks team as we've rapidly adapted and responded to a new working environment.

    首先,我要對我們才華橫溢的 Skyworks 團隊的不懈努力表示認可,因為我們已經迅速適應並響應了新的工作環境。

  • We've implemented rigorous protocols designed to protect the health and safety of our employees, along with our valued customers and trusted partners.


  • In parallel, we continue to deliver the vital connectivity solutions that people worldwide are depending upon to navigate the pandemic.


  • Now we'll turn to an overview of our third quarter performance.


  • Skyworks delivered results well above consensus in the June quarter as our Sky5 platform gains traction, powering innovation in 5G applications at the leading smartphone OEMs and increasingly across our IoT customers.

    Skyworks 在 6 月份季度的業績遠高於共識,我們的 Sky5 平台獲得了關注,推動了領先的智能手機 OEM 廠商以及越來越多的物聯網客戶的 5G 應用創新。

  • For the third quarter, we reported revenue of $737 million, nearly $50 million above our guidance.

    第三季度,我們報告收入為 7.37 億美元,比我們的預期高出近 5000 萬美元。

  • We achieved gross margin of 50.1% and operating margin of 31.3%.

    我們的毛利率為 50.1%,營業利潤率為 31.3%。

  • We posted earnings per share of $1.25, beating our guidance by $0.12.

    我們公佈的每股收益為 1.25 美元,比我們的指引高出 0.12 美元。

  • And we generated strong operating cash flow, totaling $259 million in the quarter.

    我們產生了強勁的運營現金流,本季度總計 2.59 億美元。

  • Our momentum continues to improve, reflecting on our execution across a rapidly evolving business landscape as well as the broadening adoption of 5G.

    我們的勢頭持續改善,反映了我們在快速發展的業務環境中的執行力以及 5G 的廣泛採用。

  • A few data points highlight the growth of this critical technology.


  • Globally, 5G subscriptions are continuing to grow with estimates approaching $3 billion over the next 5 years.

    全球範圍內,5G 用戶數量持續增長,預計未來 5 年將接近 30 億美元。

  • 5G handset demand is accelerating across a diversified set of customers and geographies.

    不同客戶和地區的 5G 手機需求正在加速增長。

  • In fact, in China, during the month of June, approximately 60% of all smartphones sold were 5G-enabled.

    事實上,在中國,6 月份銷售的所有智能手機中約有 60% 是支持 5G 的。

  • And a new 3GPP standard was also released, validating the extension of 5G technology into IoT, V2X, multimedia broadcast and other services.


  • Clearly, 5G, along with other advanced wireless technologies such as WiFi 6 and enhanced GPS are spawning new usage cases and fortifying the backbone of an expanding connected economy.

    顯然,5G 以及 WiFi 6 和增強型 GPS 等其他先進無線技術正在催生新的使用案例,並鞏固不斷擴大的互聯經濟的支柱。

  • During the quarter, we secured key design wins across numerous applications, from the mobile phone to industrial IoT, automotive, cognitive audio, aerospace and defense.


  • Specifically in mobile, we are expanding our Sky5 platform across multiple flagship 5G models at Samsung, Motorola, Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi.

    特別是在移動領域,我們正在將 Sky5 平台擴展到三星、摩托羅拉、Oppo、Vivo 和小米的多款旗艦 5G 機型。

  • In addition, we are populating some of the highest performing 5G platforms that we'll be launching later this year.

    此外,我們正在填充一些性能最高的 5G 平台,這些平台將於今年晚些時候推出。

  • In IoT, we're enabling AT&T's tri-band gateways with our WiFi 6 solutions; ramping indoor and outdoor access points at Aruba, Juniper and Linksys; powering integrated connectivity in Amazon and Ring security systems; launching voice assistant solutions and mesh routers at Google; and we're leveraging our 4x4 MIMO and WiFi engines and premium sound bars at Sonos.

    在物聯網領域,我們通過 WiFi 6 解決方案支持 AT&T 的三頻網關;增加 Aruba、Juniper 和 Linksys 的室內和室外接入點;為 Amazon 和 Ring 安全系統中的集成連接提供支持;在谷歌推出語音助手解決方案和網狀路由器;我們正在利用 Sonos 的 4x4 MIMO 和 WiFi 引擎以及優質條形音箱。

  • In addition, we delivered new cognitive wireless audio solutions, powering the leading gaming headsets.


  • Now moving to the industrial space.


  • We are supporting IoT platforms at Bosch and Gemalto, and leveraging our GPS circulator in advanced filter solutions at leading aerospace and defense companies.

    我們為博世和金雅拓的物聯網平台提供支持,並在領先的航空航天和國防公司的先進過濾器解決方案中利用我們的 GPS 循環器。

  • And in automotive, we're capturing new designs with Sky5 at BMW, Ford and other leading manufacturers.

    在汽車領域,我們正在利用 Sky5 為寶馬、福特和其他領先製造商捕捉新設計。

  • These wins demonstrate our market leadership, underpinned by a diverse and growing set of critical technologies, resolving increasingly complex architectures and preparing our customers for the performance gains demanded in 5G.

    這些勝利證明了我們的市場領先地位,以多樣化且不斷增長的關鍵技術為基礎,解決了日益複雜的架構,並幫助我們的客戶為 5G 所需的性能提升做好準備。

  • During the pandemic, we have witnessed a sharp inflection in the usage case of our core technology, enabling a variety of work-from-home applications, online learning and education, media and gaming, at-home fitness, safe telemedicine and a sustainable shift to touchless commerce.


  • Given this increased demand for high-speed data consumption, networks are being taxed as never before.


  • To illustrate how the pressure on the network is intensifying, on a typical day, in just 1 second, there are 96,000 gigabytes of Internet traffic, 85,000 videos watched on YouTube, 84,000 Google searches and 5,000 Skype calls.

    為了說明網絡壓力是如何加劇的,在典型的一天中,在短短 1 秒內,就有 96,000 GB 的互聯網流量、85,000 個 YouTube 視頻觀看次數、84,000 次 Google 搜索和 5,000 次 Skype 通話。

  • Now more than ever, always-on connectivity is paramount, creating a compelling market opportunity for Skyworks' proven solutions.

    現在,永遠在線的連接比以往任何時候都更加重要,這為 Skyworks 成熟的解決方案創造了引人注目的市場機會。

  • Whether it's Zoom, Teams, Facetime, telemedicine or touchless home delivery, at Skyworks, our commitment is to make these connections seamless and efficient.

    無論是 Zoom、Teams、Facetime、遠程醫療還是非接觸式送貨上門,在 Skyworks,我們的承諾都是使這些連接無縫且高效。

  • Looking forward, we are not bounded by handset volumes as our reach continues to expand across the IoT space, enabling a wide range of industries, applications and customers, all benefiting from the performance and utility of our solutions.


  • In short, our unique technologies have never been more valuable, essential and critical, with an expanding opportunity set emerging in ways that we have never imagined.


  • With that, I will turn the call over to Kris for a discussion of Q3 and our Q4 outlook.


  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Liam.


  • Skyworks' revenue for the third fiscal quarter of 2020 was $737 million, which is $47 million higher than the midpoint of the guidance coming into Q3.

    Skyworks 2020 年第三財季的收入為 7.37 億美元,比第三季度指引的中值高出 4700 萬美元。

  • Revenue was down 4% year-over-year.

    收入同比下降 4%。

  • However, excluding Huawei-related revenue in both Q3 of fiscal '19 and fiscal '20, revenue was up 2.5% year-over-year, despite the negative impact from COVID-19.

    然而,排除 19 財年第三季度和 20 財年第三季度與華為相關的收入,儘管受到 COVID-19 的負面影響,收入仍同比增長 2.5%。

  • Gross profit in the third quarter was $369 million, resulting in a gross margin of 50.1%.


  • Operating expenses were $139 million, up slightly year-over-year as we continue to prudently manage OpEx while making the necessary investments in research and development to accelerate future growth of our business.

    運營費用為 1.39 億美元,同比略有增長,因為我們繼續審慎管理運營支出,同時對研發進行必要的投資,以加速我們業務的未來增長。

  • We generated $230 million of operating income, translating into an operating margin of 31.3%.

    我們創造了 2.3 億美元的營業收入,營業利潤率為 31.3%。

  • We had $2.3 million of other expenses, mainly driven by ForEx losses.

    我們還有 230 萬美元的其他費用,主要是外匯損失造成的。

  • And our effective tax rate was 7.5%, driving net income of $211 million or $1.25 of diluted earnings per share, which is $0.12 above the midpoint of the guidance.

    我們的有效稅率為 7.5%,淨利潤為 2.11 億美元,攤薄後每股收益為 1.25 美元,比指導中值高出 0.12 美元。

  • Turning to the balance sheet and cash flow.


  • Third fiscal quarter cash flow from operations was $259 million.

    第三財季運營現金流為 2.59 億美元。

  • Capital expenditures were $72 million, resulting in $187 million of free cash flow.

    資本支出為 7200 萬美元,自由現金流為 1.87 億美元。

  • On a trailing 12-month basis, our free cash flow margin is 32%.

    在過去 12 個月的基礎上,我們的自由現金流率為 32%。

  • We paid $73 million in dividends and repurchased approximately 670,000 shares of our common stock at an average price of $87.42 for a total of $59 million.

    我們支付了 7,300 萬美元的股息,並以平均價格 87.42 美元回購了約 670,000 股普通股,總計 5,900 萬美元。

  • During the first 3 quarters of fiscal 2020, we have repurchased 4.6 million shares.


  • And during the last 12 months, we have returned 84% of the free cash flow back to the shareholders through a combination of dividends and share buybacks.

    在過去 12 個月中,我們通過股息和股票回購的方式將 84% 的自由現金流返還給股東。

  • We ended the third fiscal quarter with cash and investments of $1.2 billion, and we have no debt.

    截至第三財季末,我們擁有 12 億美元的現金和投資,並且沒有債務。

  • Now let's move on to our outlook for Q4.


  • We expect double-digit sequential revenue and earnings per share growth, driven by the strong demand for our market-leading solutions.


  • Specifically, we anticipate revenue to be between $830 million and $850 million.

    具體來說,我們預計收入將在 8.3 億美元至 8.5 億美元之間。

  • We expect gross margin in the range of 50% to 50.5% and operating expenses of approximately $142.5 million.

    我們預計毛利率在 50% 至 50.5% 之間,運營費用約為 1.425 億美元。

  • Below the line, we anticipate roughly $1 million in other income and a tax rate of 9.5%.

    在此線之下,我們預計其他收入約為 100 萬美元,稅率為 9.5%。

  • We expect our diluted share count to further reduce to approximately 168 million shares.

    我們預計稀釋後的股份數量將進一步減少至約 1.68 億股。

  • Accordingly, at the midpoint of the revenue range, we expect to deliver diluted earnings per share of $1.51.

    因此,在收入範圍的中點,我們預計稀釋後每股收益為 1.51 美元。

  • Lastly, given our confidence in Skyworks' strategic outlook and strong cash flow generation, we announced a 14% raise to our quarterly dividend to $0.50 per share.

    最後,鑑於我們對 Skyworks 的戰略前景和強勁的現金流產生充滿信心,我們宣布將季度股息提高 14% 至每股 0.50 美元。

  • And with that, I'll turn the call back over to Liam.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Thanks, Kris.


  • With 5G gaining traction, we are now at the cusp of a multiyear upgrade cycle, one in which Skyworks is uniquely positioned to outperform.

    隨著 5G 越來越受歡迎,我們現在正處於多年升級週期的風口浪尖,在這一周期中,Skyworks 具有獨特的優勢,能夠跑贏大盤。

  • Our Sky5 platform provides tremendous flexibility to our customers, purpose-built to be baseband agnostic, while powering the most innovative 5G handsets.

    我們的 Sky5 平台為客戶提供了巨大的靈活性,專為基帶無關而設計,同時為最具創新性的 5G 手機提供支持。

  • In addition, these same 5G solutions are now expanding across industrial and automotive applications.

    此外,這些 5G 解決方案現在正在擴展到工業和汽車應用。

  • And as complexity intensifies, we are aggressively adding to our enabling technologies.


  • With ongoing investments in both TC-SAW and Bulk Acoustic Wave filtering.

    持續投資於 TC-SAW 和體聲波濾波。

  • In fact, we just exceeded shipments of 150 million BAW-enabled modules, and we see strong momentum for this technology in both mobile and broad markets.

    事實上,我們剛剛突破了 1.5 億個支持 BAW 的模塊的出貨量,並且我們看到了該技術在移動市場和廣泛市場中的強勁勢頭。

  • Our proven ability to advance key connectivity protocols, delivering higher speeds and lower latency across 3G, 4G and now 5G, positions us well to capitalize on rapidly evolving market opportunities.

    我們在推進關鍵連接協議方面擁有成熟的能力,能夠在 3G、4G 和現在的 5G 領域提供更高的速度和更低的延遲,這使我們能夠很好地利用快速發展的市場機遇。

  • Indeed, our mission of connecting everyone and everything all the time has never been more relevant.


  • Finally, the strength of our balance sheet and cash generation capabilities allow us to accelerate the investments that fuel long-term profitable growth while enabling Skyworks to deliver premium returns for our stockholders.

    最後,我們強大的資產負債表和現金生成能力使我們能夠加快投資,推動長期盈利增長,同時使 Skyworks 能夠為我們的股東帶來豐厚的回報。

  • That concludes our prepared remarks.


  • Let's open the line for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And your first question comes from the line of Vivek Arya from Bank of Montreal -- or America, sorry.

    (操作員說明)您的第一個問題來自蒙特利爾銀行(或美國銀行)的 Vivek Arya,抱歉。

  • Vivek Arya - Director

    Vivek Arya - Director

  • Yes, Bank of America.


  • Congratulations, Liam and Kris, on the strong results and execution.

    祝賀 Liam 和 Kris 取得的出色成果和執行力。

  • Liam, I'm curious, what drove the $50-million-or-so upside in the quarter -- in the June quarter and what's driving the strength in September?

    Liam,我很好奇,是什麼推動了本季度 6 月季度 5000 萬美元左右的上漲,以及是什麼推動了 9 月份的強勁增長?

  • I asked that because a few weeks ago, one of your competitors had mentioned the possibility of a delay in one of the flagship 5G phone.

    我之所以這麼問,是因為幾週前,你們的一位競爭對手提到了一款旗艦 5G 手機可能會延遲上市。

  • So I was wondering if you were impacted by that or by any potential kind of supply-related or trade tension-related pull-ins by any Chinese customer.


  • So just give us a sense for what the upside kind of tells us about the true state of demand and your progress with customers?


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Sure.


  • Well, the upside came from a number of opportunities that we're able to execute upon, largely the launch -- the initial launch of 5G products much through China with some of our partners that we mentioned, Samsung, Oppo, Vivo and others.

    好的方面來自於我們能夠利用的許多機會,主要是發布——與我們提到的一些合作夥伴(三星、Oppo、Vivo 等)在中國首次推出 5G 產品。

  • We also had some nice penetration in our WiFi portfolio.

    我們的 WiFi 產品組合也取得了不錯的滲透率。

  • Our Wi-Fi 6 launches, they were beneficial to us.

    我們推出了 Wi-Fi 6,它們對我們有利。

  • But there was still a great opportunity in core mobile to grow.


  • We did have to combat some supply chain issues to be fair, but we started to improve through the quarter with acceleration through the last month of the quarter that's now propelling us into Q4.


  • So we're very comfortable with where we are right now.


  • I think the team did a good job.


  • Still navigating the COVID-19 headwinds for sure, but executing well through our factories and delivering what our customers need.

    當然,我們仍然在應對 COVID-19 的逆風中,但我們的工廠表現良好,並滿足客戶的需求。

  • Vivek Arya - Director

    Vivek Arya - Director

  • Got it.


  • And for my follow-up, does -- how should we think about then seasonality going into December?

    對於我的後續行動,我們應該如何考慮進入 12 月的季節性?

  • Because I imagine that this year is perhaps more special because there are these big 5G ramps, but there is also all the disruptions because of COVID and the macro headwinds because of COVID.

    因為我認為今年可能更特別,因為有這些巨大的 5G 發展,但也有由於新冠肺炎而造成的所有乾擾以及因新冠肺炎而產生的宏觀逆風。

  • So how should we think about your December quarter seasonality given all these puts and takes?

    那麼,考慮到所有這些看跌期權和看跌期權,我們應該如何考慮 12 月季度的季節性?

  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Sure.


  • Sure.


  • Now obviously, today, we guided our Q4 quarter.


  • But as we start to think about December, based on the traction that we're working and the demand for this 5G technology, which is still just tremendous, we think that the December quarter should be strong for us.

    但當我們開始考慮 12 月份時,基於我們正在努力的牽引力以及對 5G 技術的需求(仍然是巨大的),我們認為 12 月份的季度對我們來說應該是強勁的。

  • And that will come across with a number of customers, but we have some really powerful design wins that we've created.


  • We talk a lot about content reach here at Skyworks, and I think you're going to see that when you look at some of the new launches that will happen at the end of the year.

    我們談論了很多關於 Skyworks 的內容,我想當您查看今年年底將發布的一些新產品時,您會看到這一點。

  • So we're very well positioned for it.


  • As we've always talked about, complexity is our friend.


  • The technology bar is high.


  • That's exactly what we want to see, and we'll be able to demonstrate that through 5G handsets here in the second half, for sure.

    這正是我們希望看到的,並且我們肯定能夠在下半年通過 5G 手機來證明這一點。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Toshiya Hari from Goldman Sachs.

    您的下一個問題來自高盛的 Toshiya Hari。

  • Toshiya Hari - MD

    Toshiya Hari - MD

  • Congrats on the strong results.


  • I guess my first question is on broad markets.


  • Kris, if you can help out by sort of sharing what percentage of revenue came from the broad markets business in the quarter.


  • And I guess more importantly, Liam, you talked about a number of businesses within broad markets and kind of the design wins there.


  • But what were some of the key drivers in Q2 and if you were to highlight 1 or 2 perhaps?

    但第二季度的一些關鍵驅動因素是什麼?您是否要強調 1 或 2 點?

  • And what's the outlook into September in broad markets?

    整個市場 9 月份的前景如何?

  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • So broad markets revenue in the June quarter was approximately 31% of total revenue.

    因此,第二季度的廣泛市場收入約佔總收入的 31%。

  • As a result of that, broad markets was approximately flat on a sequential basis compared to the March quarter there.


  • Looking forward into the September quarter, we do see an acceleration of the business there.


  • And we do expect in the September quarter, our broad markets to be up double digits on a sequential basis.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, Toshi.


  • And just a little bit of color on customers and design wins.


  • A lot of new customers brought under our umbrella here this last quarter, more design wins with names like Sonos, did some really good work with AT&T on gateways, design wins at Honeywell, infrastructure designs with Ericsson and Fujitsu.

    上個季度,許多新客戶加入了我們的保護傘,贏得了更多像Sonos 這樣的品牌的設計,與AT&T 在網關方面做了一些非常好的工作,贏得了霍尼韋爾的設計,贏得了愛立信和富士通的基礎設施設計。

  • So a very broad reach of broad markets.


  • And then also, our audio portfolio is starting to gain some momentum here, and we've got some great wins with cognitive audio in some of the gaming platforms.


  • So a pretty diverse portfolio in broad.


  • There's a lot more we can do on the top line.


  • We're going to be up strong in Q4 in broad markets, and the customer roster continues to grow.


  • Toshiya Hari - MD

    Toshiya Hari - MD

  • Got it.


  • And then a quick follow-up on BAW.

    然後是 BAW 的快速跟進。

  • You talked about exceeding the 150 million mark recently.


  • I think a couple of months ago, you put out a press release on passing 100 million.


  • So you're clearly seeing good momentum there.


  • Curious, what are some of the key applications where you're seeing the ramps at your customers?


  • And for context, I was hoping you could provide roughly what percentage of your business today is BAW?

    就背景而言,我希望您能提供一下 BAW 目前在您的業務中所佔的大致比例是多少?

  • I imagine it's still pretty small at this point, but if you can kind of share how big or how small at this point BAW is, that would be helpful.

    我想現在它仍然很小,但如果你能分享一下 BAW 目前有多大或多小,那會很有幫助。

  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Sure.


  • Sure.


  • Well, the way that we look at our technologies, filters of any kind, whether it's TC-SAW or Bulk Acoustic Wave, they're going to be enabling technologies that will go into a system solution like a Sky5.

    好吧,我們看待我們的技術、任何類型的濾波器的方式,無論是 TC-SAW 還是體聲波,它們都將成為能夠進入像 Sky5 這樣的系統解決方案的技術。

  • So we're addressing that right now.


  • There were times where we were procuring that with third parties or actually trying to develop solutions with a different technology node to try to compete with BAW.

    有時我們會與第三方採購,或者實際上嘗試開發具有不同技術節點的解決方案,以與 BAW 競爭。

  • Now we have it in-house.


  • Now we have it within our own factories.


  • It gives us a great deal of flexibility.


  • Certainly, in the cellular world, our reach extends with Bulk Acoustic Wave technologies.


  • We've got design wins in ultra-high band pads.


  • We've got some design wins in other areas.


  • And again, it's -- 150 million units is great, but there's so much more market share out there for us to go get.

    再說一次,1.5 億台固然很棒,但我們還有更多的市場份額需要爭取。

  • So it's early innings.


  • I'm happy with the team's progress.


  • We've invested in the technologies deliberately and carefully over the years to be ready for this, and I think the team is accelerating really well.


  • We've got a lot of traction with customers, a lot of interest.


  • And that design win pipeline should fortify here over the next 6 to 12 months.

    在接下來的 6 到 12 個月內,設計獲勝渠道應該會得到加強。

  • Operator


  • And your next question comes from the line of Craig Hettenbach from Morgan Stanley.

    您的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Craig Hettenbach。

  • Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

    Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

  • Liam, just a follow-up on that, on BAW.

    Liam,只是 BAW 的後續行動。

  • Can you just talk about today kind of positioning within the receive pass versus transmit path?


  • And maybe how that evolves for you kind of over time in the next few years?


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Sure, Craig.


  • Well, I mean, the application for BAW can be in many different segments, we can go UHB, we can go mid band, high band.

    嗯,我的意思是,BAW 的應用可以在許多不同的領域,我們可以走 UHB,我們可以走中頻段、高頻段。

  • We're actually -- we actually have opportunities in our WiFi modules as well.

    事實上,我們的 WiFi 模塊也有機會。

  • So there's a lot of growth that we can capture.


  • Now certainly, some segments are more challenging than others.


  • But when you start to look at 5G, you've also -- you're also dealing in 5G with a TDD, time division duplexing, which does create some unique opportunities for BAW and for our technology.

    但是,當您開始關注 5G 時,您還會發現 5G 具有 TDD(時分雙工),這確實為 BAW 和我們的技術創造了一些獨特的機會。

  • So we'll see some growth there of technologies that have been in handsets and then new technologies that are 5G only, we can capture with BAW.

    因此,我們將看到手機技術的一些增長,然後是我們可以通過 BAW 捕獲的僅限 5G 的新技術。

  • And then we can also deploy the technology in other markets, like I said, WiFi and some other adjacent markets.

    然後我們還可以在其他市場部署該技術,就像我說的,WiFi 和其他一些相鄰市場。

  • So it's a great technology that have under our roof.


  • As I said, we've been cultivating it for a long time.


  • We understand the mechanisms.


  • We understand what filters belong and what frequencies and what spectrum.


  • But you should expect more from us, and we'll continue to update you.


  • Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

    Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

  • Got it.


  • And then just as a follow-up, just since it's been a little while since you completed the Avnera acquisition in broad markets.

    然後作為後續行動,自從您在廣泛市場完成對 Avnera 的收購以來已經有一段時間了。

  • Would love to get an update on just how that's performing.


  • What being part of Skyworks has helped in terms of perhaps your scale and reach and just any update there?

    加入 Skyworks 對你們的規模和影響力以及任何更新有什麼幫助?

  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Sure.


  • Sure.


  • Great question.


  • Well, we had a really exciting, I'd say, 6 months here with Avnera, and the acceleration of the technology has been incredible.

    嗯,我想說,我們與 Avnera 一起度過了非常令人興奮的 6 個月,技術的加速令人難以置信。

  • We're seeing some great lift now in products like gaming headsets, high-performance audio.


  • We're moving to technologies now that have not only just audio itself, but really the voice synthesizing, right?


  • Thinking about voice as an interface is a very, very powerful thing.


  • Looking at what we're dealing with the pandemic and touchless commerce and touchless transactions, some really good stuff.


  • So having said all that, our momentum has accelerated.


  • We don't have BU by BU, we basically don't report by segment on BUs.


  • But we have a really strong portfolio in the AIS business, what we call AIS.

    但我們在 AIS 業務方面擁有非常強大的產品組合,我們稱之為 AIS。

  • And it's been -- this last quarter was our -- the best quarter we've had so far, and we expect that to continue to grow over the next several quarters.


  • But really good momentum there.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Blayne Curtis from Barclays.

    你的下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的 Blayne Curtis。

  • Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

    Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

  • Liam, I'm curious, this latest restriction on Huawei does seem like has some teeth, and I think they're going to shift to emerging solutions.


  • I'm just kind of curious what you've seen either -- I think maybe update us, I think Huawei is very small for you.


  • Is there any opportunities, I guess, with them?


  • And then as we look out, maybe the box could gain some share.


  • Have you seen anything change in terms of positioning once that restriction happens?


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, Blayne, it's still an interesting dynamic.


  • On one hand, the exposure that we have has really come down quite a bit.


  • So as a result of the trade ban, our revenues with Huawei have come down, not at 0, but they have come down.


  • We've been able to offset that with more position here, increasing position with the European players, the Nokias, the Ericssons, even Fujitsu, on infrastructure.


  • Most of the Huawei business for us is on the infrastructure side.


  • So it has been a headwind.


  • And -- but at the same time, we've been able to do quite well with other players in China, Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi.


  • Again, we continue on the infrastructure side to diversify with Ericsson and Nokia.


  • And I would say that the worst is behind us right now with respect to Huawei.


  • They certainly were a large customer for us, but it's been slowly coming down, and we've been able to offset that with design wins in other markets in adjacent spaces.


  • So I think we've weathered that storm, but it had been -- has been a bit of a headwind, but it's been abating.


  • Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

    Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

  • Got you.


  • And then maybe another question on Android.

    也許還有一個關於 Android 的問題。

  • Just curious to your perspective on the trajectory of the market.


  • You mentioned 60% 5G.

    你提到了60% 5G。

  • I think it's been coming at the expense of 4G.

    我認為這是以犧牲 4G 為代價的。

  • I do think there are mid-range phones coming later in the year.


  • I'm just kind of curious as you look to the back half of the year, your perspective on the overall handset market.


  • Obviously, 5G content is good for you either way.

    顯然,無論哪種方式,5G 內容都對您有好處。

  • I'm just kind of curious to your perspective as to whether you see this market reaccelerating in the back half.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, you're right.


  • I mean 5G is going to be an inflection for all segments.

    我的意思是 5G 將成為所有領域的轉折點。

  • So obviously, at the highest end, we're going to have the most complex technology and the richest level of content.


  • But if you think about it on a relative basis, many of the opportunities that we have in China and even at Samsung, the return on the content is significant.


  • So you could be looking at platforms that in a 4G world maybe offered $4 to $5 for us, in a 5G world, it could be $8 to $10 or even $15.

    因此,您可能會考慮在 4G 世界中為我們提供 4 到 5 美元的平台,在 5G 世界中,它可能是 8 到 10 美元甚至 15 美元。

  • So on a relative basis, there's more of a pop-up in some of the mid- and lower-end platforms than they may be in the larger ones.


  • Now the large ones, of course, can have more units and give you a little bit more dense.


  • But we've done quite well with populating the China brands.


  • We're doing much better at Samsung right now because we've set our sights on the high-performing technologies, the 5G solutions, and kind of really stepped a little bit away from 3G and 4G there, and that's worked out great for us.

    我們現在在三星做得更好,因為我們把目光投向了高性能技術、5G 解決方案,並且確實遠離了 3G 和 4G,這對我們來說非常好。

  • It gives us a chance to really demonstrate the technology prowess that we bring.


  • So we're going to have a nice combination in that area, but I think now it's kind of meshing together.


  • And one of the things that we do well as a supplier is just to create the right solution for the right customer.


  • So a Sky5 engine for one customer may be very different than what we do with someone in China or somewhere in Korea.

    因此,為某個客戶提供的 Sky5 發動機可能與我們為中國或韓國某個地方的客戶提供的發動機有很大不同。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Chris Caso from Raymond James.

    您的下一個問題來自雷蒙德·詹姆斯 (Raymond James) 的克里斯·卡索 (Chris Caso)。

  • Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

    Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

  • I wonder if you could give a little more granularity about what you're talking about with regard to Sky5 and where you're seeing traction on that.

    我想知道您是否可以更詳細地介紹一下您所談論的有關 Sky5 的內容以及您在哪些方面看到了這方面的吸引力。

  • And given that, that Sky5 is a higher-end product, where you'd be competing a little more against Qualcomm modems, where, obviously, they're trying to get their RF there, how that's helping you to compete against Qualcomm's own RF solution?

    考慮到這一點,Sky5 是一款高端產品,您將與高通調製解調器進行更多競爭,顯然,他們正試圖將自己的 RF 帶到那裡,這如何幫助您與高通自己的 RF 競爭解決方案?

  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, Chris, I think one of the things to remember, and I know you've been following this for a long time, is that the technology inflections have always been a challenge.


  • 2G to 3G was years ago, but that was a challenge.

    2G 到 3G 是幾年前的事了,但那是一個挑戰。

  • 3G to 4G was much harder.


  • But the leap from 4G to 5G is really significant, and I think anyone in this industry would agree with that.

    但從 4G 到 5G 的飛躍確實意義重大,我想這個行業的任何人都會同意這一點。

  • And so one of the things that has allowed us and positioned us to be ready and at the precipice of all this is that we've been working on these markets for years.


  • This has been our bread and butter.


  • Working in wireless technologies, cultivating and crafting the right enabling solutions, bringing in our own TC-SAW, bringing in our Bulk Acoustic Wave, leveraging our own gallium arsenide in Boston and L.A., we're crafting this stuff.

    我們致力於無線技術,培育和製定正確的解決方案,引進我們自己的 TC-SAW,引進我們的體聲波,利用我們在波士頓和洛杉磯的砷化鎵,我們正在打造這些東西。

  • So when we go in, we call it Sky5, but that Sky5 could have 8 to 10 permutations depending upon the customer need, depending upon the baseband.

    因此,當我們進入時,我們將其稱為 Sky5,但 Sky5 可以根據客戶需求和基帶有 8 到 10 種排列。

  • So we want our products to be baseband agnostic.


  • They can work with Qualcomm, they'll work with MediaTek, whoever.


  • And that's an important thread for us.


  • So I think that's what makes us unique.


  • And there's some great solutions out there, point solutions.


  • But what we've been seeing is our customers want to pick the very, very best solutions and create their own architectures and really not just run off of a baseband reference design.


  • So that's the way we see it.


  • We understand the complexity in 5G.

    我們了解 5G 的複雜性。

  • It's more than just the product itself, it's the people engagement, it's the FAE engagement, ensuring that the know-how that we have at Skyworks can transfer over to our customers and put them in position to win.

    這不僅僅是產品本身,還包括人員參與、FAE 參與,確保我們在 Skyworks 擁有的專業知識能夠轉移給我們的客戶,並幫助他們贏得勝利。

  • Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

    Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

  • For a follow-up, I guess, the question on use of cash and Liam, how you're positioning the company over the next few years.


  • And you're starting to see the fruits of the 5G cycle.

    您開始看到 5G 週期的成果。

  • It sounds like you guys are really confident in your ability to generate cash from that.


  • How are you going to use that cash and sort of position the company beyond this cycle?


  • This historically runs a couple of years.


  • And what are you thinking after this?


  • What's the sort of longer-term plan beyond this 5G cycle?

    5G 週期之外的長期計劃是什麼?

  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • So first of all, I think we're very well positioned from a balance sheet point of view.


  • We have $1.2 billion of cash, no debt.

    我們有 12 億美元現金,沒有債務。

  • We will continue to generate a lot of cash despite the fact that we make major investments advancing the technology.


  • We will continue to invest in R&D.


  • As you can see in our operating expense level, we will continue to invest in our factories as well with our CapEx, which is running on or about 10% to revenue.

    正如您在我們的運營費用水平中看到的那樣,我們將繼續投資我們的工廠以及我們的資本支出,資本支出佔收入的 10% 左右。

  • Most of the cash that's being generated is being returned back to the shareholders, a combination of our dividend program.


  • And we've just increased our dividend by 14% as well, of course, as continue to be active from our share buyback program.

    當然,我們剛剛將股息增加了 14%,因為我們的股票回購計劃繼續活躍。

  • But yes, we are continuing to make major investments, advancing the technology on all the levels in our power amplifiers, our filter business, TC-SAW and more and more so BAW as well as driving those complex integrated solutions.

    但是,是的,我們正在繼續進行重大投資,在我們的功率放大器、濾波器業務、TC-SAW 以及越來越多的 BAW 的各個層面上推進技術,並推動這些複雜的集成解決方案。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Timothy Arcuri from UBS.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞銀 (UBS) 的蒂莫西·阿庫裡 (Timothy Arcuri)。

  • Seth Gilbert - Equity Research Associate of Semis

    Seth Gilbert - Equity Research Associate of Semis

  • This is Seth on for Tim.


  • I was wondering if you could give us a little bit more color on the gross margin.


  • It seems to have come in a bit lighter than we would have expected at these revenue levels.


  • If there's anything additional to call out there?


  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • First of all, I'm pleased with the gross margin performance in the June quarter.


  • We did 50.1%.


  • We guided on or about 50%.

    我們的指導價為 50% 左右。

  • So we beat that just by 10 basis points.

    因此,我們僅領先 10 個基點。

  • And so we just guided September to be up sequentially into the 50% to 50.5% range.

    因此,我們剛剛指導 9 月份的增幅達到 50% 至 50.5% 的範圍。

  • So making some good traction at improving the gross margins.


  • Part of that is, of course, driven by a richer mix with more 5G products into our overall mix.

    當然,部分原因是我們的整體產品組合中加入了更豐富的 5G 產品。

  • There is a little bit of a headwind as a result of COVID-19.

    COVID-19 帶來了一些阻力。

  • There is some disruption in the supply chain, logistic costs as well as in our own factories.


  • But I -- we'll continue to work that, and I assume that over time, that headwind will go away as well.


  • And then we will continue -- as we grow the top line, as we continue to execute on our cost reduction actions, as we see more and more 5G as the overall mix, we will continue to make further improvements on the gross margin towards our target of 53%.

    然後我們將繼續——隨著我們收入的增長,隨著我們繼續執行降低成本的行動,隨著我們看到越來越多的5G 作為整體組合,我們將繼續進一步提高毛利率,以實現我們的目標。目標為53%。

  • Seth Gilbert - Equity Research Associate of Semis

    Seth Gilbert - Equity Research Associate of Semis

  • And just as a follow-up.


  • I was wondering, you gave some good color on China smartphones.


  • I was just wondering if you could give us maybe a little bit more color on how the revenue kind of trended in June, percent of revenue or any other details.

    我只是想知道您是否可以給我們更多關於 6 月份收入趨勢、收入百分比或任何其他細節的信息。

  • And kind of what the demand looks like, specifically from China, going forward.


  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • So China, overall China revenue is approximately 23% of total revenue.


  • Mostly of that is Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi.

    其中大部分是 Oppo、Vivo、小米。

  • There's very little Huawei left.


  • And then, of course, some other smaller Chinese customers.


  • As Liam indicated before, 5G is really kicking off in China.

    正如 Liam 之前所指出的,5G 在中國真正拉開帷幕。

  • And so we have great relationship with those customers.


  • There is a big step-up in content in those 5G phones compared to the 4G phones.

    與 4G 手機相比,5G 手機的內容有了很大的提升。

  • And as a result of that, our revenues with the Chinese players is up on a year-over-year basis and is expected to further accelerate strongly into the September quarter.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Edward Snyder from Charter Equity Research.

    您的下一個問題來自 Charter Equity Research 的愛德華·斯奈德 (Edward Snyder)。

  • Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

    Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

  • Liam, 150 million BAW-enabled modules, which is very good.


  • The BAW on those modules, is that all manufactured by Skyworks?


  • Or do you still source from other suppliers as it make sense for your manufacturing plan?


  • And given your discussion of 5G, it sounds like a lot of that would be coexist and receive side filters, which is right up your power alley, have you started shipping production shipments out of BAW duplexers?

    鑑於您對 5G 的討論,聽起來很多都是共存的,並且接收側濾波器也正是您的電源通道,您是否已經開始從 BAW 雙工器中發貨?

  • And then I have a follow-up, please.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Sure.


  • Well, the good news that it is all organic under our roof now.


  • So we've been working on this for quite a while.


  • Team has been doing a great job.


  • We've got some great technologists working not only in the labs, but also in the factories to get this right.


  • So that technology is still early innings.


  • 150 million units is great, but you and I both know that these are -- there's 1 billion units out there to be captured.

    1.5 億個單位固然很棒,但你我都知道,還有 10 億個單位可供捕獲。

  • So we're -- still a long way to go, but the technology looks good right now.


  • And it's been endorsed by all important customers, so that's good.


  • And the second part of your question is also true.


  • So we're leveraging not only BAW on the transmit side, but the diversity receive technology is equally important in bringing downlink speeds up.

    因此,我們不僅在發送端利用 BAW,而且分集接收技術對於提高下行鏈路速度也同樣重要。

  • So we're going to be able to populate both ends with Bulk Acoustic Wave.


  • So we're really looking forward to executing there.


  • And we've got some great traction now, and we're going to be seeking out more customers as we move forward.


  • Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

    Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

  • But most of that is on the receive side, given your strength in DRx, right?

    但考慮到您在 DRx 方面的實力,其中大部分都在接收方,對嗎?

  • And then...


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, it is today.


  • But I think we're going to broaden that reach and start to also look at TX chain add and I think we have some design wins with customers there, too.

    但我認為我們將擴大這一範圍,並開始考慮 TX 鏈添加,我認為我們也與那裡的客戶取得了一些設計勝利。

  • But the lion's share of the print today has been on the DRx side, but we certainly can take that technology and drive it in the transmit chain.

    但今天的大部分打印都在 DRx 方面,但我們當然可以採用該技術並在傳輸鏈中驅動它。

  • We've got customers that want us there as well.


  • And with our Sky5 solution, we can create some really unique, highly performing engines that make it very simple for our customer to use in a 5G spectrum.

    借助我們的 Sky5 解決方案,我們可以創建一些真正獨特的高性能引擎,使我們的客戶能夠非常輕鬆地在 5G 頻譜中使用。

  • So it's going to be a really important technology for us.


  • And as I said, early indications are strong.


  • Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

    Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

  • But isn't it the case that the transmit is coming to you rather than you going to transmit?


  • Given what's going on in 5G, especially with China mobile and the dual connectivity they're looking at, it sounds like transmit is starting to show up in the DRx section, which would actually make it much easier for you guys to address kind of a BAW duplex without trying to go head-to-head with Avago or Qorvo.

    考慮到 5G 的發展,特別是中國移動和他們正在考慮的雙連接,聽起來傳輸開始出現在 DRx 部分,這實際上會讓你們更容易解決某種問題BAW 雙工,無需嘗試與Avago 或Qorvo 正面交鋒。

  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • No, no, you're right on that.


  • That's correct.


  • That is correct.


  • So that's going to create another door for us to drive technology as well.


  • Yes, with some of the partitioning that we see in those 5G solutions, there is some unique opportunities that are opening up as well.

    是的,隨著我們在 5G 解決方案中看到的一些劃分,也出現了一些獨特的機會。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Gary Mobley from Wells Fargo Securities.

    您的下一個問題來自富國銀行證券公司的加里·莫布里 (Gary Mobley)。

  • Gary Wade Mobley - Senior Analyst

    Gary Wade Mobley - Senior Analyst

  • At the risk of being accused of asking you guys a softball question, I wanted to ask about your relative performance on the mobile unit versus the market.


  • So if my math serves me correct, your -- you drove 2% year-over-year growth in the first half of calendar year '20, and that's against the backdrop of maybe a 20% unit decline in the mobile handset units.

    因此,如果我的數學正確的話,你的——你在 20 日曆年上半年推動了 2% 的同比增長,而這是在移動手機銷量可能下降 20% 的背景下實現的。

  • Can you, in rank order, sort of walk us through how you've been able to manage so well against a tough market and in particular, with respect to share gains and content growth?


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Sure.


  • That's a great question.


  • So I'll try to go high level and maybe get a little more detailed as we go through it.


  • So I think the underpinning catalyst for growth here is the 5G inflection, and it's really -- that's the genesis of this.

    所以我認為這裡增長的基礎催化劑是 5G 的轉變,這確實是它的起源。

  • So what you get there is if you look back 2018 and early '19, everybody's phone was either 2G, 3G or 4G.

    所以,如果你回顧 2018 年和 19 年初,你會發現每個人的手機都是 2G、3G 或 4G。

  • 5G just didn't exist, right?


  • The technologies were being readied.


  • They were almost to market, but they hadn't yet launched.


  • So the initial stages of 5G launch now are starting to show up.

    因此,5G 推出的初始階段現在已經開始顯現。

  • They showed up in our Q3, and they're going to show up strong in Q4.


  • And so with that, we have known content, known content, customizable stuff that we created specifically for 5G that we'll start laying in to these platforms.

    因此,我們已經有了專門為 5G 創建的已知內容、已知內容、可定制的內容,我們將開始將其部署到這些平台上。

  • And the 5G additive is incremental to what you already have.

    5G 附加功能是您已有功能的增量。

  • So you already have a 4G phone that has whatever the content you want to call it, $8 or $9 in print, maybe $15.

    所以你已經有了一部 4G 手機,裡面有你想叫它的任何內容,印刷版售價 8 美元或 9 美元,也許 15 美元。

  • And then you add 5G as an incremental engine on top of the 4G engine.

    然後在 4G 引擎之上添加 5G 作為增量引擎。

  • So that's really important.


  • So it's -- you're going to have a device now in 5G that still carries 3G, it carries 4G and then carries the incremental high-complexity, high-performing 5G engine.

    所以,你現在將擁有一個 5G 設備,它仍然承載 3G,它承載 4G,然後承載增量的高複雜性、高性能 5G 引擎。

  • So that's a big deal.


  • And we are still very early in this cycle.


  • This is very early.


  • Some of the most compelling platforms have not yet launched, and we know that they will.


  • So we have a lot to look forward there.


  • So that's one of the most important things.


  • When we think about how that growth profile looks, we cited a few stats that said, look, over the next 5 years, we could have 3 billion subscribers carrying 5G technology.

    當我們思考增長情況時,我們引用了一些統計數據,這些數據顯示,在未來 5 年內,我們可能會擁有 30 億用戶使用 5G 技術。

  • Today, that number is really low.


  • It's in a couple of hundred million units.


  • So there's really much to do in capturing the opportunity in 5G.

    因此,要抓住 5G 機遇,還有很多工作要做。

  • And in addition to the handset, there's great usage cases now in IoT and some of the other markets that we've seen.


  • The work-from-home markets are showing a need for much faster technology that could be delivered with 5G or WiFi 6. So some really interesting themes that are coming together right now at this time that can propel our business significantly.

    在家工作市場顯示出對更快技術的需求,這些技術可以通過 5G 或 WiFi 6 提供。因此,現在出現的一些非常有趣的主題可以極大地推動我們的業務發展。

  • Gary Wade Mobley - Senior Analyst

    Gary Wade Mobley - Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Appreciate that.


  • As my follow-up question, I wanted to ask about the emergence of the mid-tier price point in China.


  • So China has been great in the first half of the year, perhaps driving 250 million 5G units in 2020 globally.

    因此,中國在今年上半年表現出色,可能會在 2020 年帶動全球 5G 設備數量達到 2.5 億台。

  • But I'm curious to know your relative positioning as the midyear portion of the 5G market in China opens up and how that compares to where you're positioned at the same sort of price tier in 4G.

    但我很想知道隨著中國 5G 市場年中部分的開放,你們的相對定位以及與你們在 4G 相同價格層的定位相比如何。

  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • I mean so we have had a very good reputation and position with the players in China, the Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi names for the most part, and have done very well and had a great partnership.

    我的意思是,我們在中國的玩家中擁有非常好的聲譽和地位,其中大部分是 Oppo、Vivo、小米,並且做得非常好,並建立了良好的合作夥伴關係。

  • We've been able to leverage our 4G solutions extremely well.

    我們已經能夠很好地利用我們的 4G 解決方案。

  • And when we get into 5G, one of the things that really is unique for Skyworks is that the breadth of our technology and the knowledge base that our team has in developing these solutions, we become a really good partner for the China brands to launch these technologies.

    當我們進入 5G 領域時,Skyworks 的真正獨特之處之一是我們的技術廣度和我們團隊在開發這些解決方案方面所擁有的知識庫,我們成為中國品牌推出這些解決方案的真正良好合作夥伴。技術。

  • 5G is very difficult.


  • I said it already.


  • But having a partnership with Skyworks, not just on the hardware, but actually on the FAE side, the people side, to get these products to market and get them to launch, we've been great at that, and it's allowed us to really line up and be very close to the names that matter.

    但是,與Skyworks 建立合作夥伴關係,不僅是在硬件方面,而且實際上是在FAE 方面、人員方面,為了將這些產品推向市場並讓它們推出,我們在這方面做得很好,這讓我們真正能夠排隊並靠近重要的名字。

  • So we think there's a great opportunity in China.


  • It's already happening now.


  • But there's still -- as I said, if you look at total units globally and where units could be in 5 years, there's a huge upside.

    但正如我所說,如果你看看全球的總銷量以及 5 年後的銷量,就會發現還有巨大的上升空間。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Craig Ellis from B. Riley FBR.

    您的下一個問題來自 B. Riley FBR 的 Craig Ellis。

  • Craig Andrew Ellis - Senior MD & Director of Research

    Craig Andrew Ellis - Senior MD & Director of Research

  • Nice job on the execution, guys.


  • Liam, I wanted to go back and just understand the BAW module business a little bit better.

    Liam,我想回去更好地了解 BAW 模塊業務。

  • So it looks like shipments were up about 50% in the last quarter, we're at 150 million.

    看起來上一季度的出貨量增長了約 50%,達到 1.5 億部。

  • But from the press release, it looks like you're shipping BAW modules on both integrated mobile and broad markets.

    但從新聞稿來看,您似乎正在向集成移動市場和廣泛市場提供 BAW 模塊。

  • So can you give us some sense for how that splits out now?


  • And as you ramp BAW module significantly over the next 4 to 6 quarters, how does that split play out?

    當您在接下來的 4 到 6 個季度大幅增加 BAW 模塊時,這種分配會如何進行?

  • We've got the huge units in integrated mobile, but ultimately, IoT units in broad markets will be even bigger.


  • So how do you see that playing out intermediate to long term?


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • Yes.


  • No, that's a good question.


  • So right now, for the most part, we're probably 80% 5G mobile with our Bulk Acoustic Wave solutions.

    因此,目前,在大多數情況下,我們的 5G 移動設備可能使用我們的體聲波解決方案。

  • And again, those solutions are integrated in Sky5.

    同樣,這些解決方案已集成到 Sky5 中。

  • We are seeing a growing opportunity in technologies like WiFi.

    我們看到 WiFi 等技術的機會越來越多。

  • We're using filtering within our integrated WiFi solution, it creates a great technical performance.

    我們在集成 WiFi 解決方案中使用過濾,它創造了出色的技術性能。

  • So that's an opportunity.


  • But I will say that if you think about the number of units that we produce, just as a statistic that we've said before, we manufacture about 8 billion TC-SAW filters a year, about 8 billion.

    但我要說的是,如果你考慮一下我們生產的設備數量,就像我們之前說過的統計數據一樣,我們每年生產大約 80 億個 TC-SAW 濾波器,大約 80 億個。

  • And our BAW modules, we're doing great.

    我們的 BAW 模塊做得很好。

  • We did 150 million.


  • There could be more than 2 filters in the device potentially.

    設備中可能有超過 2 個過濾器。

  • But the difference between where we are in technologies like TC-SAW and where we are in BAW, it's incredible the opportunity that we're going to have.

    但我們在 TC-SAW 等技術領域與 BAW 技術領域之間的區別在於,我們將擁有令人難以置信的機會。

  • We're still crafting the technology.


  • We're happy with what we've done so far, but there's just so much more to go.


  • So there's going to be a clear line of sight in mobile because the mobile device print today has BAW, right, and if there are sockets that are there right now that we could address.

    因此,移動領域將會有一個清晰的視線,因為今天的移動設備打印有 BAW,對吧,如果現在有我們可以解決的插座。

  • As we move into IoT in some of the broad markets, it will be a kind of a teachable performance for us.


  • We're going to basically try to power some of these solutions that maybe weren't wireless before.


  • Maybe they were wired, and we try to create technologies that will unwire them.


  • Maybe we do more in WiFi, leveraging Bulk Acoustic Wave.

    也許我們可以利用體聲波在 WiFi 方面做更多的事情。

  • So it's going to be much more individual market-specific solutions that will go to the IoT space.


  • But then back in mobile, which we know so well and we're under the hood with every customer, those opportunities we can see directly today, and it's on us to go out and capture it.


  • Craig Andrew Ellis - Senior MD & Director of Research

    Craig Andrew Ellis - Senior MD & Director of Research

  • That's really helpful.


  • Then the follow-up question is related to both the near term that you're seeing and then longer term.


  • So clearly, the business is running very robustly right now, and you've got very strong guidance for the September quarter, and you're seeing very good trends seasonally in the December quarter.

    很明顯,該業務目前運行非常強勁,並且您對 9 月份季度有非常強有力的指導,並且您在 12 月份季度看到了非常好的季節性趨勢。

  • The question is this, as we look at the longer-term performance of the business before industry ran into trade and entity list and COVID Buzzsaws, yours was a business that could do $1 billion plus per quarter.

    問題是這樣的,當我們在行業陷入貿易和實體清單以及新冠疫情圓鋸之前,看看該業務的長期業績,您的業務每季度可以實現 10 億美元以上的收入。

  • As you look at your pipeline and your design wins that, at this point, should be extending well into next year, do you feel like you're starting to get the visibility for when the business can get back to that $1 billion a quarter level?

    當您查看您的管道並且您的設計獲勝時,此時應該會很好地延續到明年,您是否覺得您開始了解業務何時可以恢復到每季度 10 億美元的水平?

  • Or is that only going to come to you as you work through things in the first half of next year?


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • No, that's a great point, and we were there, right?


  • We know how to play at the $1 billion a quarter level.

    我們知道如何達到每季度 10 億美元的水平。

  • And certainly, the opportunity in front of us, I think, is actually much more favorable and conducive to what we do now than it was 3 years ago.


  • And I say it because these technologies that we've been talking about are really difficult.


  • 5G is hard to do, really hard to do.


  • And you have to have great people with experience, but you also have the -- you have to have the technologies.


  • It's not a fabless play.


  • You've got to craft the stuff.


  • So I think the fact that we're going into an inflection that requires daunting technological performance from your factory to your FAEs, right to the customers' installation, that's going to play well for us.

    因此,我認為,我們正在進入一個需要從工廠到 FAE,再到客戶安裝的令人畏懼的技術性能的轉變,這對我們來說將是有利的。

  • That's going to play well.


  • And we wouldn't be where we are if we didn't put the 20 years of work into this technology, years and years of work.

    如果我們沒有在這項技術上付出 20 年的努力,年復一年的努力,我們就不會取得現在的成就。

  • And now that work is starting to really flow in the right direction for us.


  • So we're looking forward to that.


  • And I think over time that the revenue is going to take care of itself if we just continue to knock out the design wins.


  • We know the content has been increasing.


  • And the other thing is, I talked about it in the prepared remarks, the usage cases around connectivity right now are really important.


  • And I don't think this is going to go away when we hopefully clear this pandemic.


  • I think there's going to be some lasting behavior around connectivity and wireless performance, and it's going to be used by the masses.


  • So we really -- that's something that we weren't thinking about a year or 2 ago, but we're starting to see that now as a new theme around our portfolio, and it's something that could be quite positive for Skyworks.

    所以我們真的——這是我們一兩年前沒有考慮過的事情,但我們現在開始將其視為我們產品組合的一個新主題,這對 Skyworks 來說可能是非常積極的。

  • Operator


  • Our last question comes from the line of Karl Ackerman from Cowen.

    我們的最後一個問題來自考恩 (Cowen) 的卡爾·阿克曼 (Karl Ackerman)。

  • Karl Fredrick Ackerman - Director & Senior Research Analyst

    Karl Fredrick Ackerman - Director & Senior Research Analyst

  • I wanted to focus first on just kind of the near term.


  • What sort of visibility do you have into orders for the second half?


  • I ask because while production plans seem extremely strong, I think there's some investor consternation that improving production plans may fall on weaker consumer demand over the next several quarters in the context of just the challenges we've been seeing with COVID-19.

    我之所以這麼問,是因為雖然生產計劃似乎非常強勁,但我認為,在我們看到COVID-19 帶來的挑戰的背景下,生產計劃的改善可能會因未來幾個季度消費者需求的疲軟而受到影響。

  • So I guess, how do you handicap that in the context of your inventory depletion and gross margin expectations over the next several quarters?


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • So we have very good visibility of -- into demand right now, and we don't take that lightly all.


  • I mean we understand the volatility that we've all seen with the COVID situation, and we continue to see it.


  • But we have a very strong backlog position right now with some core technologies.


  • We have to go ahead and execute all that.


  • But it is -- looking at where we are now and looking at other periods of time, we're in a very good position to execute through the second half of the year.


  • I'll let Kris talk a little bit more about the inventory situation.


  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • No.


  • I feel very comfortable where the inventory level is right now, given that we just guided a very strong sequential growth into September, and we are -- and we expect further strong sequential growth into the December quarter.

    我對目前的庫存水平感到非常滿意,因為我們剛剛指導了 9 月份的非常強勁的環比增長,而且我們預計 12 月季度將進一步強勁的環比增長。

  • We have been loading our factories in order to drive maximum usage of our capital equipment and then trying to minimize our capital expenditures.


  • And so most of the inventory that we have is based on backlog and firm orders that we have on the books.


  • So there is very little risk for E&O.

    因此,E&O 的風險很小。

  • And so I feel really good about where we are from an inventory point of view and being able to serve our customers as the business continue to grow in September and December.

    因此,從庫存的角度來看,隨著 9 月和 12 月業務的持續增長,我對我們的現狀感到非常滿意,並且能夠為客戶提供服務。

  • Karl Fredrick Ackerman - Director & Senior Research Analyst

    Karl Fredrick Ackerman - Director & Senior Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • And for my follow-up, if I may, you are baseband agnostic, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on the growing opportunity -- content opportunity at MediaTek, that would seem to be a healthy driver for you targeting low to mid-tier 5G handsets over the next year or 2.

    對於我的後續行動,如果可以的話,您對基帶不可知論,但我很想听聽您對不斷增長的機會的想法——聯發科的內容機會,這似乎是您瞄準中低端市場的健康驅動力- 未來一兩年推出5G 手機。

  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, absolutely.


  • I agree.


  • MediaTek is one of the key players for us in the baseband agnostic world.


  • We're doing a lot of good work there.


  • We've got great performance on a number of their new platforms.


  • And as you know, they're a great feeder system into China and even other emerging markets.


  • So we've got -- some of our platforms are $6 to $8 in MediaTek right now that are growing.

    因此,我們的一些平台目前聯發科的售價為 6 至 8 美元,而且還在不斷增長。

  • We've done a great job with them in 4G, and we're now helping them in 5G.

    我們在 4G 方面與他們合作做得很好,現在我們正在 5G 方面幫助他們。

  • We've got -- not only do we have transmit chain, but we have some really good DRx receive side technology that we talked about on a different question.

    我們不僅擁有傳輸鏈,而且擁有一些非常好的 DRx 接收端技術,我們在另一個問題上討論過這些技術。

  • And their volumes are starting to pick up in 5G.

    他們的銷量在 5G 中開始回升。

  • So MediaTek, they've been around for a while, but they're starting to really emerge again as a leader in the emerging markets and in the China landscape.


  • So they're supporting a lot of the names that we talked about, Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi.


  • Very often, you have that MediaTek baseband inside those solutions, and we have a great alignment with the MediaTek baseband as well.


  • So they've been a great partner for us, and we see momentum on their end.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes today's question-and-answer session.


  • I'll now turn the call back over to Mr. Griffin for any closing remarks.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Director

  • Thank you all for participating on today's call.


  • We look forward to seeing you at upcoming conferences.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude today's conference call.


  • We thank you for your participation.
