思佳訊 (SWKS) 2021 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, and welcome to Skyworks Solutions Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2021 Earnings Call.

    下午好,歡迎參加 Skyworks Solutions 第四季度和 2021 財年財報電話會議。

  • This call is being recorded.


  • At this time, I will turn the call over to Mitch Haws, Investor Relations for Skyworks.

    此時,我將把電話轉給 Skyworks 投資者關係部的 Mitch Haws。

  • Mr. Haws, please go ahead.


  • Mitchell J. Haws - VP of IR

    Mitchell J. Haws - VP of IR

  • Thank you, Rachel.


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to Skyworks' Fourth Fiscal Quarter and Year-end 2021 Conference Call.

    大家下午好,歡迎參加 Skyworks 第四財季和 2021 年年終電話會議。

  • With me today are Liam Griffin, our Chairman, CEO and President; and Kris Sennesael, our Chief Financial Officer.

    今天和我在一起的是我們的董事長、首席執行官兼總裁 Liam Griffin;和我們的首席財務官 Kris Sennesael。

  • Before we begin, I would like to remind everyone that our discussion will include statements relating to future results and expectations that are or may be considered forward-looking statements.


  • Please refer to our earnings press release and recent SEC filings, including our annual report on Form 10-K for information on certain risks that could cause actual outcomes to differ materially and adversely from any forward-looking statements made today.

    請參閱我們的收益新聞稿和最近提交給美國證券交易委員會的文件,包括我們關於 10-K 表格的年度報告,以了解可能導致實際結果與今天做出的任何前瞻性陳述產生重大不利影響的某些風險的信息。

  • Additionally, the results and guidance we will discuss includes non-GAAP financial measures consistent with our past practice.


  • Please refer to our press release within the Investor Relations section of our company website for a complete reconciliation to GAAP.

    請參閱我們公司網站投資者關係部分的新聞稿,以了解與 GAAP 的完全對賬。

  • With that, I'll turn the call to Liam.

    有了這個,我會把電話轉給 Liam。

  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Thanks, Mitch, and welcome, everyone.


  • Before I touch on the fourth fiscal quarter results, I want to highlight the significant accomplishments that underpin a record-breaking year for Skyworks.

    在談到第四財季業績之前,我想強調一下支撐 Skyworks 破紀錄的一年的重大成就。

  • First, total revenue grew to $5.1 billion, 52% ahead of last year, representing an increase of over $1.7 billion.

    首先,總收入增長至 51 億美元,比去年增長 52%,增幅超過 17 億美元。

  • We increased earnings per share to $10.50, up 71%.

    我們將每股收益提高到 10.50 美元,增長 71%。

  • Operating cash flow expanded to $1.8 billion, an increase of 47%, and we completed a strategic and compelling acquisition, immediately diversifying our product portfolio and expanding our market reach.

    經營現金流擴大至 18 億美元,增長 47%,我們完成了一項極具戰略意義的收購,立即豐富了我們的產品組合併擴大了我們的市場範圍。

  • Finally, with the investments we've made, Skyworks navigated a complex supply chain environment, leveraging world-class manufacturing capabilities across strategic technology.

    最後,通過我們所做的投資,Skyworks 駕馭了複雜的供應鏈環境,在戰略技術中利用了世界一流的製造能力。

  • Now turning to Q4, where Skyworks delivered record performance.

    現在轉向第四季度,Skyworks 實現了創紀錄的業績。

  • Revenues in our mobile and broad markets portfolios both grew at double-digit rates sequentially and year-over-year as we capitalized on broad-based momentum, fueled by demand for our unique connectivity solutions.


  • Specifically, we delivered revenue of -- $1.31 billion, achieved gross margin of 51% and operating margin of 37.2%.

    具體來說,我們實現了 13.1 億美元的收入,實現了 51% 的毛利率和 37.2% 的營業利潤率。

  • We posted earnings per share of $2.62, exceeding our guidance by $0.09 and generated strong operating cash flow totaling $398 million in the quarter.

    我們公佈的每股收益為 2.62 美元,超出我們的指引 0.09 美元,並在本季度產生了總計 3.98 億美元的強勁運營現金流。

  • The complexity inherent in 5G and the demand for highly integrated solutions were a major catalyst in driving our performance.

    5G 固有的複雜性和對高度集成解決方案的需求是推動我們業績的主要催化劑。

  • The momentum in global 5G carrier subscription is building with estimates of 580 million users today, expanding to more than 3 billion users by the end of 2025.

    全球 5G 運營商訂閱的勢頭正在增強,目前估計有 5.8 億用戶,到 2025 年底將擴大到超過 30 億用戶。

  • As expected, smartphones are leading the early transition but new innovative use cases are emerging from automotive and industrial IoT, to enhance virtual reality, gaming and telemedicine.


  • Importantly, the power of 5G is increasingly being harnessed to drive sustainability efforts across industries worldwide, providing the wireless backbone to AI-powered ecosystems, combining measurement, analysis and optimization.

    重要的是,5G 的力量越來越多地被用來推動全球各行各業的可持續發展努力,為人工智能驅動的生態系統提供無線骨幹網,將測量、分析和優化相結合。

  • For example, a major U.S. manufacturer is combining wireless sensor-enabled cameras with artificial intelligence to reduce chemical usage by 90%.

    例如,一家美國主要製造商正在將支持無線傳感器的攝像頭與人工智能相結合,以減少 90% 的化學品使用量。

  • And a European start-up is deploying wireless climate sensors and agricultural applications to drive crop yields up to 3x.

    一家歐洲初創公司正在部署無線氣候傳感器和農業應用,以將作物產量提高 3 倍。

  • Looking ahead, 5G has the capacity to manage diverse connections across industries as it becomes the universal connector from the home to the office to the factory floor and to the farm.

    展望未來,5G 有能力管理跨行業的各種連接,因為它成為從家庭到辦公室、工廠車間和農場的通用連接器。

  • Skyworks is uniquely positioned to capitalize on this transformation with decades of connectivity leadership.

    Skyworks 具有獨特的優勢,可以利用數十年的連接領導地位來利用這一轉變。

  • The acceleration of 5G powered a broad set of use cases in Q4 with design wins encompassing the newest, most innovative smartphones and IoT devices, as well as gains in wireless infrastructure.

    5G 的加速推動了第四季度的廣泛用例,其中包括最新、最具創新性的智能手機和物聯網設備的設計勝利,以及無線基礎設施方面的收益。

  • Specifically, in mobile, we accelerated the reach of our Sky5 portfolio, powering the latest launches at leading Tier 1 smartphone OEMs supporting more than 20 platforms.

    具體而言,在移動領域,我們加快了 Sky5 產品組合的覆蓋範圍,為支持 20 多個平台的領先 1 級智能手機 OEM 的最新發布提供支持。

  • In addition, we shipped Sky5 solutions across Samsung Galaxy's tablet portfolio.

    此外,我們還為三星 Galaxy 的平板電腦產品組合提供了 Sky5 解決方案。

  • In IoT, we continue to gain new customers and expand content.


  • We delivered 5G CPE connectivity solutions to Nokia.

    我們向諾基亞交付了 5G CPE 連接解決方案。

  • We partnered with Swisscom to launch their WiFi 6 GPON residential gateway.

    我們與 Swisscom 合作推出了他們的 WiFi 6 GPON 住宅網關。

  • We ramped WiFi 6 and 6E platforms at NETGEAR and Cisco.

    我們在 NETGEAR 和 Cisco 增加了 WiFi 6 和 6E 平台。

  • Launched connectivity and home security devices with Amazon, Ring and Comcast, and captured design wins at Garmin supporting mobile fitness applications.

    與 Amazon、Ring 和 Comcast 合作推出連接和家庭安全設備,並在 Garmin 贏得支持移動健身應用程序的設計。

  • In automotive, we supported autonomous driving systems with a market-leading Robotaxi platform and enabled advanced Charge Control Unit systems for a Tier 1 European automotive OEM.

    在汽車領域,我們通過市場領先的 Robotaxi 平台支持自動駕駛系統,並為歐洲 1 級汽車 OEM 啟用了先進的充電控制單元系統。

  • Across the infrastructure markets, we provided power isolation solutions to a strategic manufacturer of EV including residential solar and energy storage systems, and we secured multiple design wins in next-generation MIMO and small cell base station installations.

    在整個基礎設施市場,我們為包括住宅太陽能和儲能係統在內的電動汽車戰略製造商提供電源隔離解決方案,並在下一代 MIMO 和小型蜂窩基站安裝中獲得多項設計勝利。

  • Moving ahead, we see a multiyear secular technology evolution with our aperture widening from smartphones to industrial, automotive and an expansive set of IoT devices.


  • Skyworks is fueling this dramatic technological shift with our unique capabilities, integrating not only 5G, but increasingly with our other critical connectivity protocols, including high-performance Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and precision GPS.

    Skyworks 憑藉我們獨特的能力推動了這一巨大的技術轉變,不僅集成了 5G,而且越來越多地與我們的其他關鍵連接協議集成,包括高性能 Wi-Fi、藍牙和精密 GPS。

  • As these opportunities emerge, Skyworks is positioned to win.

    隨著這些機會的出現,Skyworks 有望獲勝。

  • With the breadth and depth of our customer relationships established over 20 years, our experience across multiple technology transitions and a dedicated and talented workforce that executed extraordinarily well during fiscal 2021.

    憑藉我們 20 多年建立的客戶關係的廣度和深度、我們在多次技術轉型方面的經驗以及一支敬業且才華橫溢的員工隊伍,他們在 2021 財年表現出色。

  • With that, I will turn the call over to Kris.

    有了這個,我會把電話轉給 Kris。

  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Liam.


  • Skyworks revenue for the fourth fiscal quarter of 2021 was $1.311 billion, up 17% sequentially and up 37% year-over-year, driven by both mobile solutions and broad markets.

    在移動解決方案和廣闊市場的推動下,Skyworks 2021 年第四財季收入為 13.11 億美元,環比增長 17%,同比增長 37%。

  • Gross profit in the fourth quarter was $668 million, resulting in a gross margin of 51% up 40 basis points sequentially and 60 basis points year-over-year.

    第四季度毛利潤為 6.68 億美元,毛利率為 51%,環比增長 40 個基點,同比增長 60 個基點。

  • Operating expenses were $180 million or 13.8% of revenue, demonstrating leverage in our operating model while continuing our strategic investments in support of future growth.

    運營費用為 1.8 億美元,佔收入的 13.8%,顯示了我們運營模式的槓桿作用,同時繼續我們的戰略投資以支持未來的增長。

  • We generated $488 million of operating income, translating into an operating margin of 37.2%.

    我們創造了 4.88 億美元的營業收入,轉化為 37.2% 的營業利潤率。

  • We incurred $11 million of other expenses, and our effective tax rate was 8%, driving net income of $439 million.

    我們產生了 1100 萬美元的其他費用,我們的有效稅率為 8%,淨收入為 4.39 億美元。

  • So top line momentum and execution on margins drove diluted earnings per share of $2.62 ahead of consensus estimates.

    因此,頂線勢頭和利潤率執行推動每股攤薄收益超過共識預期 2.62 美元。

  • EPS grew 22% sequentially and increased 42% compared to Q4 of last year.

    每股收益環比增長 22%,與去年第四季度相比增長 42%。

  • Turning to the balance sheet and cash flow.


  • Fourth fiscal quarter cash flow from operations was $398 million.

    第四財季運營現金流為 3.98 億美元。

  • Capital expenditures were $263 million, and we paid $93 million in dividends and repaid $250 million of our term loan.

    資本支出為 2.63 億美元,我們支付了 9300 萬美元的股息並償還了 2.5 億美元的定期貸款。

  • Let's also review our record-breaking full fiscal year performance.


  • Revenue grew 52% to $5.1 billion, adding over $1.7 billion in incremental revenue over fiscal 2020.

    收入增長 52% 至 51 億美元,在 2020 財年增加了超過 17 億美元的增量收入。

  • Gross profit was $2.6 billion, resulting in a gross margin of 50.9%.

    毛利潤為 26 億美元,毛利率為 50.9%。

  • Operating income increased 73% to $2 billion with an all-time record operating margin of 38.2%, up 450 basis points from the prior year.

    營業收入增長 73% 至 20 億美元,營業利潤率達到創紀錄的 38.2%,比上年增加 450 個基點。

  • Net income was $1.8 billion, translating into $10.50 of diluted earnings per share, up 71% year-over-year.

    淨收入為 18 億美元,相當於每股攤薄收益 10.50 美元,同比增長 71%。

  • Cash flow from operations was up 47% to $1.8 billion.

    運營現金流增長 47% 至 18 億美元。

  • And during fiscal 2021, we returned $536 million of cash back to the shareholders with $340 million in dividends and $196 million in share buybacks, all during Q1 of fiscal '21.

    在 2021 財年,我們在 21 財年第一季度向股東返還了 5.36 億美元現金、3.4 億美元的股息和 1.96 億美元的股票回購。

  • Starting in Q2 of fiscal '21, we temporarily suspended our share repurchase program in connection with the acquisition of the Infrastructure & Automotive business from Silicon Labs.

    從 21 財年第二季度開始,我們暫時暫停了與從 Silicon Labs 收購基礎設施和汽車業務相關的股票回購計劃。

  • Given the strength of our business and the progress we have made on integrating the acquisition And given the low leverage ratio of less than one turn, going forward, we will, from time to time, consider share repurchases as part of our capital allocation strategy depending on market conditions, and in addition to our dividend program and further term loan repayments.


  • In summary, the Skyworks team executed exceptionally well, delivering record revenue, profitability and cash generation, while making the investments that advance our technology leadership and manufacturing footprint in order to drive long-term profitable growth.

    總而言之,Skyworks 團隊執行得非常出色,創造了創紀錄的收入、盈利能力和現金生成,同時進行投資以提升我們的技術領先地位和製造足跡,以推動長期盈利增長。

  • Now let's move on to our outlook for Q1 of fiscal 2022.

    現在讓我們繼續我們對 2022 財年第一季度的展望。

  • We expect to deliver another quarter of double-digit sequential revenue and earnings per share growth in the December quarter.

    我們預計在 12 月季度將實現另一個季度兩位數的連續收入和每股收益增長。

  • Specifically, we anticipate revenue between $1.475 billion and $1.525 billion.

    具體來說,我們預計收入在 14.75 億美元至 15.25 億美元之間。

  • At the midpoint of $1.5 billion, revenue for the quarter is expected to increase 14% sequentially.

    在 15 億美元的中點,本季度的收入預計將環比增長 14%。

  • Gross margin is projected to be in the range of 51% to 51.5%.

    毛利率預計在 51% 至 51.5% 之間。

  • We expect operating expenses of approximately $184 million to $187 million.

    我們預計運營費用約為 1.84 億美元至 1.87 億美元。

  • And below the line, we anticipate roughly $10 million in other expense and a tax rate of approximately 9.5%.

    在這條線以下,我們預計其他費用約為 1000 萬美元,稅率約為 9.5%。

  • We expect our diluted share count to be approximately 167.5 million shares.

    我們預計我們的稀釋股數約為 1.675 億股。

  • Accordingly, at the midpoint of the revenue range, we intend to deliver diluted earnings per share of $3.10, an increase of 18% sequentially.

    因此,在收入範圍的中點,我們打算實現每股攤薄收益 3.10 美元,環比增長 18%。

  • And with that, I'll turn the call back over to Liam.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Thanks, Kris.


  • Skyworks' record financial performance demonstrates our ability to capture robust demand across a diverse set of customers and end markets.

    Skyworks 創紀錄的財務業績表明我們有能力在不同的客戶和終端市場中捕捉強勁的需求。

  • Our execution has been powered and fortified by deep customer relationships, coupled with decades of investments with a square focus on execution and best-in-class performance.


  • Looking ahead, Skyworks will continue to strategically invest in next-generation technologies and capital expansion, positioning us for market leadership and sustainable growth as a transition to 5G and other advanced connectivity technologies accelerates.

    展望未來,Skyworks 將繼續對下一代技術和資本擴張進行戰略性投資,隨著向 5G 和其他先進連接技術的過渡加速,我們將在市場上處於領先地位並實現可持續增長。

  • That concludes our prepared remarks.


  • Operator, let's open the line for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) SP01 Thank you.

    (操作員說明)SP01 謝謝。

  • And as a reminder, to ask a question.


  • And we draw your question, -- Given time constraints, please limit yourself to 1 question and 1 follow-up Your first question comes from the line of Gary Mobley from Wells Fargo Securities.

    我們提出您的問題,-- 鑑於時間限制,請將您自己限制為 1 個問題和 1 個後續問題 您的第一個問題來自 Wells Fargo Securities 的 Gary Mobley。

  • Gary Wade Mobley - Senior Analyst

    Gary Wade Mobley - Senior Analyst

  • I want to start out just simply by asking about the revenue mix between broad markets and mobile, not only for the quarter, but is embedded in your guidance?


  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes, Gary, I'll start with that, and I'll provide some numbers and then Liam can provide some more qualitative commentary.

    是的,Gary,我將從這個開始,我將提供一些數字,然後 Liam 可以提供一些更定性的評論。

  • In Q4 the quarter -- the September quarter that we just closed, broad markets was approximately 29% of total revenue.

    在第四季度——我們剛剛結束的 9 月季度,廣泛的市場約佔總收入的 29%。

  • So that was basically up 31% on a year-over-year basis and up 13% sequentially.

    因此,這基本上同比增長了 31%,環比增長了 13%。

  • Also, I just want to point out on a full year basis, broad markets was over $1.4 billion in revenue, growing at 45% on a year-over-year basis.

    此外,我只想指出,在全年基礎上,廣闊市場的收入超過 14 億美元,同比增長 45%。

  • So very strong performance in our broad markets business.


  • On the flip side, of course, we had mobile, in Q4 was 71% of our revenue, up 40% year-over-year and up 19% sequentially.

    另一方面,當然,我們有移動業務,在第四季度占我們收入的 71%,同比增長 40%,環比增長 19%。

  • So really strong execution there, of course, as we supported the ramp of new phone platforms at our largest customer.


  • On a full year basis, just in mobile, we did more than 3 point -- or approximately $3.7 billion of revenue, up 55% on a year-over-year basis, clearly, supported by the early adoption of 5G.

    在全年的基礎上,僅在移動領域,我們就實現了超過 3 個百分點的收入,即大約 37 億美元的收入,同比增長 55%,這顯然得益於 5G 的早期採用。

  • And maybe, Liam, if you want to add something on broad markets.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Yes.


  • I mean, to reiterate Kris's comments, we continue to catalyze our broad market portfolio, gaining customers, gaining content, moving into new industries.

    我的意思是,重申 Kris 的評論,我們將繼續促進我們廣泛的市場組合,獲得客戶,獲得內容,進入新行業。

  • The customer roster continues to get better and stronger, names like Honeywell, names like Ford, looking at some of the players that we see in the infrastructure space with Nokia and others and plenty of room to grow from there.


  • So good work in broad markets.


  • As Kris noted, we've got some substantial top line.


  • We're going to continue to drive that.


  • Our research and development folks are driving innovation every day, not just in broad but also deeply in mobile.


  • And that recipe is working very well.


  • In addition, the manufacturing assets that we have and the technology development that we put forth really gives us the flexibility to hit each and every one of those customers in a way that they want to see the products.


  • Gary Wade Mobley - Senior Analyst

    Gary Wade Mobley - Senior Analyst

  • As my follow-up, I wanted to do sort of a welfare check on the I&A acquisition to maybe perhaps ask if we can get an update on if they performed according to your expectation for the quarter?

    作為我的後續行動,我想對 I&A 收購進行某種福利檢查,也許會問我們是否可以了解它們是否按照您對本季度的預期執行?

  • If it's performing according to your expectation as we start the new fiscal year?


  • And then as well, now that it will be a full year contributor, what the overall impact to the company's gross margins may be?


  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes, Gary.


  • So we closed the acquisition of the Infrastructure & Automotive business of Silicon Labs on July 26.

    因此,我們於 7 月 26 日完成了對 Silicon Labs 基礎設施和汽車業務的收購。

  • And so we had 2 out of the 3 months included into our September quarter.

    因此,我們將 3 個月中的 2 個月納入了 9 月份的季度。

  • We are very excited and pleased with the acquisition.


  • Again, I believe we paid a fair price for a very talented group of people with great technology, a strong product lineup in some really high-growth markets like electrical vehicles, the solar business, data center, data communication, 5G infrastructure and so on.

    同樣,我相信我們為一群非常有才華的人付出了公平的代價,他們擁有出色的技術,在電動汽車、太陽能業務、數據中心、數據通信、5G 基礎設施等一些真正高增長的市場擁有強大的產品陣容.

  • So the business since we've acquired it in the last 2 months in September, has performed really well in line with our expectations.

    因此,自從我們在 9 月的最後 2 個月收購它以來,該業務的表現非常好,符合我們的預期。

  • We are not going to break out every revenue of every subproduct line that we have in our portfolio.


  • We will report the revenue contributions within our broad market segment.


  • But again, the business is performing well.


  • We are really happy with the acquisition, and we'll continue to drive further growth in that business as we explained at the time of the acquisition.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from the line of Harsh Kumar from Piper Sandler.

    下一個問題來自 Piper Sandler 的 Harsh Kumar。

  • Harsh V. Kumar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Harsh V. Kumar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • First of all, let me just congratulate you guys on some pretty solid results based on all the volatility in the market and supply issues.


  • I wanted to follow up on Gary's question earlier.

    我想更早地跟進 Gary 的問題。

  • You were gracious enough to give us a September breakdown.


  • But may I trouble you to ask about how you think mobile versus broadband will perform in the December quarter?

    但我能否麻煩您問一下您認為移動與寬帶在 12 月季度的表現如何?

  • And then I've got a follow-up.


  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • So we just guided for total company at $1.5 billion, which is up 14% sequentially.

    因此,我們剛剛指導公司總規模為 15 億美元,環比增長 14%。

  • And we do see both mobile and broad markets growing at double digits sequentially, probably a little bit stronger in mobile than in broad markets, but both at the double-digit sequential growth.


  • Harsh V. Kumar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Harsh V. Kumar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Understood, guys.


  • And then there's a lot of talk about China trends right now, and there's a lot of mixed signals being given by the earnings that are coming out.


  • I was hoping you could -- Liam, you could talk about what you -- what kind of trends you're seeing in the Chinese market?

    我希望你能-- Liam,你可以談談你-- 你在中國市場看到了什麼樣的趨勢?

  • If you're seeing any mix shift up or down either ways that may be benefiting you are not benefiting you?


  • Just curious what color you got in China.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Sure.


  • Sure, Harsh.


  • Appreciate it.


  • Yes.


  • Well, as you know, we've been a player in China for years and have been able to navigate the ecosystems and the platforms regardless of baseband partnerships.


  • And that continues.


  • So we've got a great position with the OVX portfolios, continuing to drive them up into the 5G lanes, which brings content up for us.

    因此,我們在 OVX 產品組合中處於有利地位,繼續推動它們進入 5G 通道,從而為我們帶來內容。

  • The business has been very solid for us.


  • Now we know there's tremendous upside given the low base relatively in China smartphone.


  • So we're certainly well positioned to navigate through that.


  • We definitely have the technology that is needed to make that lift in China.


  • And our numbers there continue to look very strong.


  • So it's a great part of the portfolio.


  • It definitely is an opportunity to kind of enrich the technology within those phones.


  • They're still a little bit lighter than some of the flagships that we have in the U.S. But we have to know how to do it.


  • The other thing about the China market is they want integration.


  • They want labs to fast types of products.


  • They want our applications engineers.


  • They need people that can make the job easier for them and fulfill a smooth transition to the consumer.


  • So all that stuff around the edges, that's our bread and butter.


  • So we are a great advocate there, and we're a great partner to those OEMs.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Timothy Arcuri from UBS.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞銀的 Timothy Arcuri。

  • Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

  • Kris, now that the fiscal year is over, can you give us a sense of what your top customer was for fiscal '21?

    克里斯,現在財政年度結束了,你能告訴我們你在 21 財政年度的主要客戶是什麼嗎?

  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • The top customer came in at 59% of total revenue on a full year basis.

    最大客戶佔全年總收入的 59%。

  • By the way, in Q4, that was approximately the same 59%, which is slightly up from the Q4 of fiscal '20, which was at 56%.

    順便說一句,在第四季度,這一比例大致相同,為 59%,略高於 20 財年第四季度的 56%。

  • But of course, you have to take into account the timing of the launch of some of the new smartphone platforms there.


  • This -- I mean, this is a big number, but it really underscores the deep customer engagement that we have with this customer, by the way, not only in their smartphone lineup, but almost in every other product that they have and that they sell, you will find Skyworks inside.

    這 - 我的意思是,這是一個很大的數字,但它確實強調了我們與該客戶的深度客戶互動,順便說一下,不僅在他們的智能手機產品線中,而且在他們擁有的幾乎所有其他產品中,他們賣,你會在裡面找到Skyworks。

  • Also, in Q4, the quarter we just closed, the Skyworks team really executed well, supporting the launch and the ramp of a new smartphone platform that yet again, for now almost 10 or 13 times in a row, we were able to obtain higher dollar content per phone as witnessed by the tier downs that came out when the phone came out.

    此外,在第四季度,也就是我們剛剛結束的那個季度,Skyworks 團隊的表現非常出色,支持了新智能手機平台的推出和坡道,目前我們已經連續 10 到 13 次獲得更高的成績。每部手機的美元內容,正如手機問世時出現的分層所證明的那樣。

  • And you can see when you look at the tier downs, we really provided multiple high-performance, very complex, highly integrated solutions, multiple sockets in that form that includes, in many cases, multiple best-in-class filters, including TC-SAW and bulk acoustic wave technology across the transmit chain, the receive chain as well as many other functionalities, including GPS and WiFi, of course.

    當您查看分層時,您會看到,我們確實提供了多種高性能、非常複雜、高度集成的解決方案,這種形式的多個插槽,在許多情況下,包括多個一流的過濾器,包括 TC- SAW 和體聲波技術跨越發射鏈、接收鏈以及許多其他功能,當然包括 GPS 和 WiFi。

  • So great execution there by the team.


  • Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

  • I guess as my follow-up, there's kind of a lot of noise in the China market.


  • I know that you don't have as much exposure to the domestic market or at least the Chinese OEMs as some of your peers do, but there's some diverging data points.

    我知道你們對國內市場或至少中國 OEM 的接觸不如你們的一些同行那麼多,但有一些不同的數據點。

  • I mean, end market sell-through is not great.


  • But definitely, the high tier seems pretty tight.


  • So can you just talk about what you're seeing in China maybe -- and maybe you can have a distinction between sell-in and sell-through?


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Yes.


  • I mean the China market is important to us and we've played that quite well.


  • We have great partnerships with all the leading brands.


  • I think the key here, and Kris kind of mentioned it, it's all about performance.

    我認為這裡的關鍵,Kris 提到過,這都是關於性能的。

  • It's not just -- it's not phone to phone, it's technology to technology.


  • And you see a very, very different technology in the higher-end players in China, where they are embracing the kinds of increasingly complex signals that Kris mentioned, using bulk acoustic wave, using our TC-SAW, using an integrated approach, a Sky5 approach.

    你會在中國的高端玩家看到一種非常非常不同的技術,他們正在接受 Kris 提到的日益複雜的信號,使用體聲波,使用我們的 TC-SAW,使用集成方法,Sky5方法。

  • In that side of the field, it's great, and we have a tremendous opportunity.


  • We're continuing to grow the content because the complexity is going up.


  • The complexity is what's driving the content.


  • So we're making that adoption happen rapidly depending -- independent of market conditions.

    因此,我們正在使這種採用迅速發生,這取決於 - 獨立於市場條件。

  • And we're also trying to uplift the lower end.


  • There's still a pretty high percentage of lower-end phones in China that we want to uplift and bring them to full 5G capability.

    在中國,仍有相當高比例的低端手機需要我們提升並使其具備完整的 5G 功能。

  • And in those cases, you could have a $2 to $3 content that could move to $4 to $5.

    在這些情況下,您可能擁有 2 到 3 美元的內容,而內容可能會變為 4 到 5 美元。

  • And so there's pretty good leverage on that side.


  • So you've got multiple market focuses within China.


  • We're able to address all of them from the highest to the most economical.


  • And that's one of the strategies that's worked for us.


  • And very often, the first phone that we may work with a customer, we'll have that customer for 5 to 10 years and continue to move the dial on content and performance as we step along.

    很多時候,我們可能與客戶合作的第一部電話,我們將擁有該客戶 5 到 10 年,並在我們前進的過程中繼續調整內容和性能。

  • So it's really a strategy around bringing the best technology to the customer and having that be enjoyed and celebrated by the end user.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Ambrish Srivastava from BMO.

    您的下一個問題來自 BMO 的 Ambrish Srivastava。

  • Ambrish Srivastava - MD of Semiconductor Research & Senior Research Analyst

    Ambrish Srivastava - MD of Semiconductor Research & Senior Research Analyst

  • Liam, we heard conflicting commentary yesterday from 2 of your peers.

    利亞姆,昨天我們從你的 2 位同行那裡聽到了相互矛盾的評論。

  • Just wanted your perspective on constraints.


  • And if -- clearly, it seems like it's not impacted your business.

    如果 - 顯然,它似乎沒有影響您的業務。

  • But how has that trended?


  • And more importantly, given the very well-publicized shortfall in one of your large customers, what does that mean for the March quarter seasonality?

    更重要的是,鑑於您的一位大客戶的短缺已廣為人知,這對 3 月季度的季節性意味著什麼?

  • And then I had a follow-up for you, Kris.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Okay.


  • We'll try to unpack that one at a time.


  • With respect to our ability to execute and deliver in cases maybe where some others were not able to do that, is really about investments that we've made and investments that we made early.


  • So if you let me indulge here for a minute, go back to where we were a year ago.


  • we went from $3.3 billion to $5.1 billion in 1 year, in 1 year with no M&A.

    我們在 1 年內從 33 億美元增加到 51 億美元,在沒有併購的 1 年內。

  • How do we do that?


  • Well, we made those investments months and months, 6 to 12 months before to ready ourselves to win.

    好吧,我們在 6 到 12 個月之前進行了數月和數月的投資,以便為獲勝做好準備。

  • And also knowing that we have the right customer set that appreciated the performance and technology that we could bring to the market.


  • And so that worked great for us, and we executed tremendously.


  • So the upside to that is those capital assets and those technology investments are there.


  • They're on the job today, but there's a lot more we need to do.


  • So of course, we were nipped up a little bit here in the supply chain issues and shortages.


  • But having our assets in-house, and you've heard me talk about this for a long time, having those assets in-house are strategic.


  • It's critical.


  • It's what customers want to see, all the way from gallium arsenide to packaging, assembly and test, TC-SAW, bulk acoustic wave, standard SAW, all of that.

    這是客戶希望看到的,從砷化鎵到封裝、組裝和測試、TC-SAW、體聲波、標準 SAW 等等。

  • We can mix and match to put the right solution together.


  • So that is one of the reasons why our numbers here that we're talking about today, they're very strong.


  • And certainly, we're experiencing the same market environment, but it was the ability to invest early, drive that cash flow, drive that performance to continue to do that and then bring those products to market in ways that are very flexible and having the ability to go from IoT to 5G, to Bluetooth, to WiFi -- whatever the connectivity protocol may be, we will have the technology execution vehicles within our company to execute for our customers.

    當然,我們正在經歷相同的市場環境,但它是早期投資的能力,推動現金流,推動業績繼續這樣做,然後以非常靈活的方式將這些產品推向市場,並擁有從物聯網到 5G、藍牙、WiFi 的能力——無論連接協議是什麼,我們都將在公司內部擁有技術執行工具來為我們的客戶執行。

  • Ambrish Srivastava - MD of Semiconductor Research & Senior Research Analyst

    Ambrish Srivastava - MD of Semiconductor Research & Senior Research Analyst

  • Sorry.


  • And what about the seasonality for March?


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Yes.


  • I mean we're not going to get into March at this point.


  • March tends to be a little bit of the soft spot in the year.


  • I mean, that's been traditional, but we don't really have a guide here at March at this point.

    我的意思是,這是傳統的,但目前我們在 3 月份還沒有真正的指南。

  • Ambrish Srivastava - MD of Semiconductor Research & Senior Research Analyst

    Ambrish Srivastava - MD of Semiconductor Research & Senior Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Got it.


  • Okay.


  • Kris, I had a quick one and a longer one, sorry.


  • The quick one is capital -- CapEx for this fiscal year.


  • And really just looking at your cap intensity, I think it ties back to what Liam just said.


  • It's much higher than -- at least your closest peer.


  • So should we expect it to stay in the high single-digit, double-digit?


  • And then longer term, you now have a business that has a much bigger footprint of higher-margin, broad, diversified business segments (inaudible).


  • So is it the time to revisit the long-term margin target?


  • And why should it not trend up versus what you have given us in the past?


  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • So first of all, on the CapEx in fiscal '21, CapEx was running at about 12% to revenue, which is somewhat in line with the last couple of years.

    因此,首先,在 21 財年的資本支出中,資本支出佔收入的比例約為 12%,這與過去幾年有些一致。

  • We've been in that 10%, 12% range.

    我們一直在那個 10%、12% 的範圍內。

  • And we're very fortunate that we did make the investments.


  • I mean as we just explained, we grew the revenue 50 -- more than 50% year-over-year.

    我的意思是,正如我們剛剛解釋的那樣,我們的收入增長了 50 - 同比增長超過 50%。

  • If we would not have made the necessary investments in our manufacturing footprint.


  • By the way, not only just expanding the capacity but also adding new technology and improving the performance of our technology and our products that was a very smart decision by the team here, proactively putting that capacity in place.


  • And that's why -- I mean there is a lot of supply issues in the world, but it's not necessarily because of Skyworks.

    這就是為什麼 - 我的意思是世界上有很多供應問題,但這不一定是因為 Skyworks。

  • I mean there is tightness and there are -- we're not perfect, right?


  • We -- the demand is higher than the supply, but Skyworks has, compared to peers and competitors and other industry players executed really well because we did not hesitate and put the CapEx in place.

    我們 - 需求高於供應,但與同行、競爭對手和其他行業參與者相比,Skyworks 執行得非常好,因為我們毫不猶豫地實施了資本支出。

  • And again, this is just the beginning of a long 5G cycle, the beginning of WiFi upgrade, the beginning of proliferation of 5G outside of mobile into broad markets.

    再說一次,這只是漫長的 5G 週期的開始,WiFi 升級的開始,5G 在移動之外向廣闊市場擴散的開始。

  • And so we are not going to hesitate that we are going to make the necessary investments to further continue and support the growth of the business.


  • As it relates to gross margin, it's -- we did 51%, so we went up 40 basis points sequentially, up 60 basis points year-over-year.

    因為它與毛利率有關,所以我們做了 51%,所以我們連續上升了 40 個基點,同比上升了 60 個基點。

  • I mean, we all wish it was higher, and the team will continue to work and drive it higher.


  • But I've talked about that before.


  • We are still facing COVID-19 headwinds.

    我們仍然面臨 COVID-19 的逆風。

  • And yes, it is a tight supply constrained environment, and we are facing some input cost increases right now.


  • Again, the team is handling it very well.


  • We continue to drive further operational efficiencies.


  • And when you put it all together, we have a path to further improve gross margins over time.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Chris Caso from Raymond James.

    您的下一個問題來自 Raymond James 的 Chris Caso。

  • Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

    Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

  • Question is on the magnitude of the content gains this year.


  • And based on your guidance, it looks like second half mobile revenue is up about 9% year-on-year and looking at the second half to normalize for the different product launches.

    根據您的指導,下半年移動收入似乎同比增長約 9%,並且下半年將針對不同的產品發布進行正常化。

  • But I guess the question is out of that 9%, is that all attributable to content?

    但我想問題不在這 9% 之內,這是否都歸因於內容?

  • Is there any kind of unit growth in there?


  • Is there any unit decline baked in those numbers?


  • I recognize that we're coming off some pretty exceptional content gains last year, but trying to gauge what they look like this year.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Yes, Chris, I mean, we certainly see the opportunity to again put forth greater content, greater value, and it comes with technology, right?


  • So I think our teams are constantly crafting and developing next-generation solutions and also broadening the reach.


  • So it isn't just a certain set of customers.


  • It's a broader set of customers.


  • And what we find is that there's just a tremendous need for performance, right?


  • I mean, performance is really what's going to drive this.


  • And then performance really means that you've got to deliver the technology behind that.


  • So we're spending a lot of money in that area.


  • But strategically, we've got some great R&D folks in-house that are crafty that know how to get stuff done and developing solutions for the next wave, right?


  • Markets like WiFi 6 and 6E are also right now in a great position for growth as we move forward.

    隨著我們向前發展,WiFi 6 和 6E 等市場現在也處於有利的增長位置。

  • And I think connectivity around WiFi is going to be great, and we'll complement what we're doing in classic mobile device.

    而且我認為圍繞 WiFi 的連接將會非常好,我們將補充我們在經典移動設備中所做的事情。

  • So I think there's a lot of good stuff going on.


  • The appetite with our customers is fantastic.


  • I mean there's no end to the ideas, on the inquiries and the challenges that we're being asked to address, which is great.


  • I mean, I'd much rather talk about that than worry about supply chains.


  • And I think on the supply chain side, we're doing quite well.


  • But we really want to continue to raise our bar with our technology and our R&D teams and our execution to bring customers the performance levels that they really need.


  • Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

    Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Well, I was going to ask you a follow-up question on the supply chain then.


  • So it's something you don't want to talk about.


  • But with regard to some of the supply constraints, and we've heard from many others in the industry that you weren't able to -- many haven't been able to ship everything that the customers wanted here in the second half of the year.

    但是關於一些供應限制,我們從業內許多其他人那裡聽說您無法做到 - 許多人無法在下半年運送客戶想要的所有東西年。

  • Is that still happening with you folks?


  • Are you still constrained to the fact that you can't ship everything that customers ask for?


  • And does that suggest that there's going to be some catch-up in terms of your shipments as you go into the seasonally slower first half of the calendar year?


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Yes.


  • I mean it's a tricky situation.


  • On one hand, the fact that we have our own manufacturing assets allows us to be really close to the demand curve.


  • So we're not subject to these big overhangs where we're waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for parts.


  • We're making our products.


  • So we're largely an in-house technology company with -- around the edges, we will use some fabless partners.


  • So our exposure to that is much, much lower than others.


  • Do we still have some effects, of course, because it only takes 1 or 2 parts that could muck up a finished product and everybody understands that.

    當然,我們是否還有一些影響,因為它只需要 1 或 2 個部件就可以破壞成品,每個人都明白這一點。

  • So it does create some wrinkles.


  • But I would say that given the work that we've done at Skyworks for years and then more lately, as we talked about, as evidenced by the 3.3% to 5.1%, the ability to stretch and scale the business is a pretty good indicator of what our capabilities are.

    但我想說的是,鑑於我們在 Skyworks 多年來所做的工作,以及最近我們談到的,如 3.3% 至 5.1% 所證明的那樣,擴展和擴展業務的能力是一個非常好的指標我們的能力是什麼。

  • So I believe that we're going to do very, very well when we've got a tailwind, and we're going to do well when it's a muddy field.


  • We're capable of doing it either way.


  • And again, a lot of that has to do with managing your own technologies, making those investments, with your own people, your own teams and platforms that you know exactly where they're going to go.


  • So that's kind of our strategy as we go forward.


  • And I think that going to work very, very well for the future.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Edward Snyder from Charter Equity Research.

    您的下一個問題來自 Charter Equity Research 的 Edward Snyder。

  • Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

    Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

  • Kris, one of the standout parts that you landed at your largest customer is the transmit diversity module, which is a very rich part uses BAW filters as well as I'm sure TC-SAW, you've not had that before.

    Kris,您在最大客戶那裡獲得的傑出部件之一是發射分集模塊,這是一個非常豐富的部件,使用 BAW 濾波器以及我敢肯定 TC-SAW,您以前沒有過。

  • I know it's one part among many.


  • But given the content in that part, I would expect the margins on that are going to be better than, at least the average, if not highest among that.


  • And given the customer the unit volumes would be pretty high.


  • Should we expect that we see more of those, not just at that customer, but at others as Samsung and those folks move to more of the sophisticated 5G features that would be a significant margin driver for you given the size of mobile and the size of these customers?

    我們是否應該期望我們看到更多這樣的產品,不僅是在那個客戶身上,而是在其他人身上,因為三星和這些人轉向更多複雜的 5G 功能,考慮到移動設備的大小和移動設備的大小,這對你來說將是一個重要的利潤驅動因素這些客戶?

  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • So I assume you can understand, I can't discuss specific gross margin on specific parts for specific customers.


  • But it ...

    但它 ...

  • Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

    Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

  • But I think it was a trend.


  • I'm looking for the trend because 5G, obviously, for the high-end phones is now moving from basic connectivity to vast, the more advanced connectivity in part and parcel that are going to be transmit DRx modules, so this is the first one we see.

    我正在尋找趨勢,因為 5G 顯然,對於高端手機來說,現在正在從基本連接轉向廣泛的、更先進的連接,部分和包裹將成為傳輸 DRx 模塊,所以這是第一個我們看。

  • So as we see more of those in all phones, especially from you, should we expect margin to increase too?


  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • No, absolutely.


  • And I've talked about that before, right?


  • The largest contributor to our overall gross margin improvement strategy is to bring higher complexity, higher value-added, more highly integrated parts that really enhances the performance of the product of our customer.


  • And our customers understand that, that requires a lot of R&D that, that requires CapEx dollars to be invested and that requires a certain value to be paid for that.


  • And that is how we have been driving the gross margin improvements for the last 20 years as we move from 2G to 3G to 4G and now to 5G and indeed adding more value to our products.

    這就是我們在過去 20 年中一直在推動毛利率提高的方式,因為我們從 2G 到 3G 再到 4G,現在再到 5G,確實為我們的產品增加了更多價值。

  • You're absolutely right about that.


  • Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

    Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Let me -- and then if I could, you've kind of been under earning a little bit at Samsung.


  • They were lower than -- they were high single-digit percentage revenue probably last quarter.

    他們低於 - 他們可能是上個季度的高個位數百分比收入。

  • I know they're on the way up here.


  • Did they approach 10% this quarter?

    他們本季度是否接近 10%?

  • And more importantly, if I look at the next couple of quarters, especially the beginning of next year, should we expect you to continue to gain ground here or will mix because I know they're favoring more of the lower-end products at this point?


  • Will mix kind of hold lid on it for the short term, and then we just look for out periods, maybe late next year, so to see further gains?


  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • So they were not a 10% customer, but you are right, they are up to the right.

    所以他們不是 10% 的客戶,但你是對的,他們是正確的。

  • So the trend is -- the business is growing sequentially as well as year-over-year as we -- as Liam pointed out before, we have great design win momentum with them.


  • As you can see in some of the tier downs as well with some very rich complex parts in their phone line up.


  • And by the way, not the similar to with the large customer, not only in their phone lineup, but many of their other devices that they sell that have wireless connectivity embedded as well.


  • Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

    Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

  • And if I could maybe a final one, Liam, for you.


  • It's no secret that Qualcomm is gaining some share in the low-end China phones low band.


  • They've landed some of those, got a mid-high band.


  • There's a lot of chatter in the chain anyway that it's kind of a combination of things.


  • The performance at low band filters has improved certainly.


  • But also, as we saw yesterday, the shortages in chips is giving them even greater leverage and kind of compelling some of the smaller OEMs or the low end of the bigger OEMs to use some of their RF products.

    而且,正如我們昨天看到的那樣,芯片的短缺給了他們更大的影響力,並在某種程度上迫使一些較小的 OEM 或較大的 OEM 的低端產品使用他們的一些 RF 產品。

  • How do you see that shaking out for your share in China short term?


  • And maybe you could comment on the long-term trend with that.


  • Do you think it will be sticky given the supply and the modem?


  • Or will -- once supply chain eases up, we'll get a reversion back to the mean?


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Yes, I think there's a lot of opportunity in China.


  • We've been in the market the OVX portfolios and the Android portfolios for quite a while.

    我們已經在市場上銷售 OVX 產品組合和 Android 產品組合已有一段時間了。

  • It seems like over the last year or so, the larger kind of higher-end players have done better vis-a-vis the overall market.


  • Now having said that, we serve everybody.


  • One of the things that is really advantageous for Skyworks, and we talked about the technologies and the in-house capacity and scale.

    對 Skyworks 真正有利的一件事,我們談到了技術以及內部容量和規模。

  • It's going to help us quite a bit in China because in China, as you know, the content is not as rich as it is in some of the higher-end phones, but there's a tremendous opportunity to lift that content.


  • And a lot of that comes down to the technical knowhow in demonstrating what a couple of dollars of incremental content can do to the user experience to the performance of the connected devices.


  • And it's significant.


  • And I think those that are deeply in this industry know that.


  • So we have to do a little bit of engagement there to continue to demonstrate with our customers what performance can really mean to the user.


  • And we're getting very, very good response to that, and that's going to drive our content because you've got to have a catalyst to get that content up there.


  • And I think when users can see the performance levels that really are right there in front of them, they just need to embrace it.


  • There's an opportunity for them to see a much better -- and gain a much better experience with connected solutions that we can provide.

    他們有機會看到更好的東西 - 並通過我們可以提供的連接解決方案獲得更好的體驗。

  • So -- and we do that with many, many other customers with much higher end performance marks.

    所以 - 我們與許多其他具有更高性能標記的客戶一起這樣做。

  • We know how to do it.


  • We have great application engineers that can work across each baseband as well.


  • So there's a lot to do there.


  • And I think it's one of the markets and one of the areas in the market that still has a tremendous opportunity of growth despite some of the things that we're talking about in supply chains.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from the line of Toshiya Hari from Goldman Sachs.

    下一個問題來自高盛的 Toshiya Hari。

  • Toshiya, if you're on mute, please unmute your line.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Rachel, go ahead and go to the next question.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Blayne Curtis from Barclays.

    我們的下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的 Blayne Curtis。

  • Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

    Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

  • I just want to follow up on the broad markets.


  • I guess I was a little bit confused.


  • So the business is up about $40 million.

    因此,該業務增長了約 4000 萬美元。

  • I think the acquisition adds more than double that.


  • So I guess I didn't hear from you what's weak?


  • Is it a supply issue?


  • I think if I had it right, I think Wi-Fi might have been a little weak in June, and I think you were looking for it to come back.

    我想如果我做對了,我認為 6 月份的 Wi-Fi 可能有點弱,我想你正在尋找它回來。

  • So in respect of what's weak?


  • And then, I guess, you're forecasting it to rebound in December, what's driving that?

    然後,我猜,你預測它會在 12 月反彈,這是什麼驅動?

  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes, Blayne, you're absolutely right.


  • I mean there are -- when Liam talked about some of the tightness in the supply chain, it's especially more so in the broad markets business.


  • By the way, not only because Skyworks is not able to supply, but the issue of full bill of materials or kitting issues, right?

    順便說一句,不僅是因為 Skyworks 無法供應,而且是完整的物料清單問題或配套問題,對吧?

  • Some of our customers are struggling to get parts from peers and competitors or other players in the industry.


  • And so as a result of that, they don't necessarily need the Skyworks parts right now, they will need them later.

    因此,他們現在不一定需要 Skyworks 部件,他們以後會需要它們。

  • So that I think was driving most of that in broad markets.


  • But again, looking ahead to December and then beyond, we do assume that some of the tightness in the supply gets resolved, that they will get to full bill of materials.

    但同樣,展望 12 月及以後,我們確實假設供應中的一些緊張問題得到解決,他們將獲得完整的材料清單。

  • And that, of course, also Skyworks can resolve some of the tightness in its own supply chain, and that will further drive revenue growth in broad markets because if you look at it overall, high level, there is very strong demand for connectivity in a broad set of products.

    當然,Skyworks 也可以解決其自身供應鏈中的一些緊張問題,這將進一步推動廣闊市場的收入增長,因為如果你從整體上看,高水平,在一個廣泛的產品。

  • If you look at automotive, industrial, some consumer type of applications, there is very strong demand, and we don't see that slowing down.


  • Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

    Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then can I ask a similar question on the mobile side?


  • I mean given the ample revenue that you reported, it's not perfect math, but it does seem like Android is down in September, maybe double digits.

    我的意思是,鑑於您報告的大量收入,這並不是完美的數學計算,但 Android 似乎在 9 月份出現下滑,可能是兩位數。

  • And I'm just kind of curious if I had that math right?


  • Is it a similar issue with kitting or something else?


  • And I guess for December, the whole group should be -- the whole mobile group should be up double digits, as you said.

    我猜在 12 月,整個團隊應該是 - 正如你所說,整個移動團隊應該是兩位數。

  • But I was just kind of curious if Android would be part of that given it was down in September.

    但我只是有點好奇 Android 是否會成為其中的一部分,因為它在 9 月份就停產了。

  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • No.


  • That has been, for the last 5 years that I have been with the company, right, when in September and December, when the large customer launches their new platforms, they have priority in the supply chain, not only with Skyworks, but with many of the peers and competitors.

    在過去的 5 年裡,我一直在公司工作,是的,在 9 月和 12 月,當大客戶推出他們的新平台時,他們在供應鏈中擁有優先權,不僅是 Skyworks,而且還有許多同行和競爭對手。

  • And so Android understands that, and they're not going to put up a fight for supply with the large North American customer, especially this year when it's very tight, even more so than in the last 5 years, you will see some seasonal fluctuations there, absolutely.

    所以 Android 明白這一點,他們不會與北美的大客戶爭奪供應,尤其是今年非常緊張,甚至比過去 5 年更嚴重,你會看到一些季節性波動那裡,絕對。

  • Operator


  • Our final question comes from the line of Karl Ackerman from Cowen & Company.

    我們的最後一個問題來自 Cowen & Company 的 Karl Ackerman。

  • Karl Ackerman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Karl Ackerman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • I wanted to focus on your broad markets business, if I may.


  • You now do have a more diversified products in end markets within broad markets through the integration of SLAB's auto industrial business.


  • I was hoping you could describe whether the acquisition is performing in line with your initial expectations?


  • And if you could peel back the onion and discuss some of the opportunities you are seeing for your timing, power isolation and WiFi products.

    如果你能剝開洋蔥,討論一下你在計時、電源隔離和 WiFi 產品方面看到的一些機會。

  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • I'll start.


  • And as I said before, yes, the I&A business, with now 2 months under our belt in September quarter and 1 month more here in the December quarter.

    正如我之前所說,是的,I&A 業務,現在在 9 月季度有 2 個月的時間,在 12 月的季度還有 1 個月的時間。

  • It's -- we're really excited about that acquisition and great people, great technology, great product, great customer relationships, high-growth markets and the business is doing really well.

    這是 - 我們對這次收購和優秀的人才、優秀的技術、優秀的產品、良好的客戶關係、高增長的市場和業務發展非常興奮感到非常興奮。

  • By the way, it's a fabulous business model, as you know.


  • So there's definitely some tightness from a supply point of view.


  • The demand is bigger than the supply.


  • But there, the team as well is working on creating more supply and bringing on more supply.


  • And so it's working out well.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Yes.


  • And let me add to that.


  • I mean there's a tremendous diversity -- diversification lever here with the I&A business from SLAB.

    我的意思是有一個巨大的多樣性——這裡的多元化槓桿來自 SLAB 的 I&A 業務。

  • I mean there's tremendous opportunity in the technologies.


  • We have scale that is just incredible compared to the size that had been there before.


  • So we are working very closely on the strategic technologies within the I&A portfolio.

    因此,我們在 I&A 投資組合中的戰略技術方面開展了非常密切的合作。

  • We're seeing some great, great opportunities there.


  • And we're going to bring a lot of that stuff in-house, into our sites, into our factories and streamline.


  • We're also going to do some strong kind of cross-pollinization of the sales team to make sure that we understand exactly where the opportunities are, and the scale plays are.


  • And I think there's a lot that can be done there.


  • There's great technology there.


  • We just need to bring it to the right customers and raise the game.


  • The supply chain issues kind of hit that portfolio a little bit harder than others, but it doesn't take us off our track.


  • And the technologies that we acquired are outstanding, and we're going to cultivate and grow those technologies with customers for sure.


  • Karl Ackerman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Karl Ackerman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • I appreciate that.


  • For my follow-up, if I may, I know this has been asked several times, so I will try and ask it in a different way.


  • You suggested that mobile will grow double digits next quarter.


  • I'm curious if that reflects some moderation of mobile products within China.


  • And I ask because it seems that some of the demand in China has pushed from December into March.

    我之所以這麼問,是因為中國的一些需求似乎從 12 月推到了 3 月。

  • And I'm curious if you would endorse that view.


  • Simply put, is this a supply issue?


  • Is this a demand issue?


  • And how would you see that being rectified over the next few quarters?


  • Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

    Kris Sennesael - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • So when you look at the data, the demand for 5G phones in China continues to be very strong.


  • There's no question about that.


  • I'm not talking here about 4G, 3G or 2G phones.

    我在這裡不是在談論 4G、3G 或 2G 手機。

  • I'm talking about 5G phones.


  • Demand in China continues to be very strong.


  • And there's multiple suppliers.


  • Of course, the large North American customer supplies into China and is doing really well there.


  • And then, of course, there's the Android players as well.

    當然,還有 Android 播放器。

  • Now as I said before, there is seasonality to that business.


  • And September and December are not the strongest seasonal quarters for that business because a lot of the supply goes to the large North American customer.

    9 月和 12 月不是該業務最強勁的季節性季度,因為很多供應都流向了北美的大客戶。

  • But you typically see somewhat of a rebound into the March quarter as well with Chinese New Year being part of that March quarter, and we expect that to play out this year as well.

    但您通常會在 3 月季度看到一定程度的反彈,因為農曆新年是 3 月季度的一部分,我們預計今年也會出現這種情況。

  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes today's question-and-answer session.


  • I will now turn the call back over to Mr. Griffin for any closing comments.


  • Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

    Liam K. Griffin - CEO, President & Chairman of the Board

  • Thank you all for participating on today's call.


  • We look forward to talking to you with you at upcoming investor conferences.


  • Thank you.
