Stitch Fix Inc (SFIX) 2019 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, everyone, and welcome to the Stitch Fix Fourth Quarter 2019 Earnings Conference.

    大家好,歡迎來到 Stitch Fix 2019 年第四季度財報會議。

  • Today's call is being recorded.


  • At this time, for opening remarks, I'd like to turn things over to David Pearce.

    現在,關於開場白,我想把事情交給 David Pearce。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • David Pearce - Head of Strategic Finance & IR

    David Pearce - Head of Strategic Finance & IR

  • Thank you for joining us on the call today to discuss the results for our fourth quarter and full fiscal year for 2019.

    感謝您今天加入我們的電話會議,討論我們 2019 年第四季度和整個財年的業績。

  • Joining me on today's call are Katrina Lake, Founder and CEO of Stitch Fix; Mike Smith, President and COO; and Paul Yee, our CFO.

    和我一起參加今天電話會議的還有 Stitch Fix 的創始人兼首席執行官 Katrina Lake;總裁兼首席運營官 Mike Smith;和我們的首席財務官 Paul Yee。

  • We have posted complete Q4 and full year financial results in our shareholder letter on our IR section of our website,

    我們已經在我們網站 的 IR 部分的股東信中發布了完整的第四季度和全年財務業績。

  • A link to the webcast of today's conference call can also be found on our site.


  • We would like to remind everyone that we will be making forward-looking statements on this call, which involve risks and uncertainties.


  • Actual results could differ materially from those contemplated by our forward-looking statements.


  • Reported results should not be considered as an indication of future performance.


  • Please review our filings with the SEC for a discussion of the factors that could cause the results to differ.


  • Also, note that the forward-looking statements on this call are based on information available to us as of today's date.


  • We disclaim any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law.


  • During this call, we will discuss certain non-GAAP financial measures.

    在這次電話會議中,我們將討論某些非 GAAP 財務措施。

  • Reconciliations to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures are provided in the shareholder letter on our IR website.

    我們的 IR 網站上的股東信中提供了與最直接可比的 GAAP 財務指標的對賬。

  • These non-GAAP measures are not intended to be a substitute for our GAAP results.

    這些非 GAAP 措施無意替代我們的 GAAP 結果。

  • Finally, this call, in its entirety, is being webcast on our IR website, and a replay of this call will be available on the website shortly.

    最後,我們的 IR 網站正在通過網絡直播此次電話會議的全部內容,並且很快就會在網站上提供此次電話會議的重播。

  • I'd now like to turn the call over to Katrina.


  • Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

    Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

  • Thanks, David, and thank you for joining us.


  • After the market close today, we issued our quarterly shareholder letter with more details on our results and our strategy, which I encourage you to read.


  • I'm excited to share our fourth quarter and full fiscal year results, which demonstrate strong top line growth in both periods while we continue to make strategic investments to drive long-term growth and profitably.


  • In Q4 '19, we generated net revenue of $432 million at the high end of our guidance range, reflecting 36% year-over-year growth.

    在 19 年第四季度,我們在指導範圍的高端產生了 4.32 億美元的淨收入,同比增長 36%。

  • As a reminder, fiscal year 2019 was a 53-week year, with Q4 '19 consisting of 14 weeks.

    提醒一下,2019 財年有 53 週,其中 19 年第四季度有 14 週。

  • Removing the impact of the extra week in Q4, we grew revenue by 26% in the quarter.

    除去第四季度額外一周的影響,我們本季度的收入增長了 26%。

  • We also delivered $7.2 million in net income and $6.4 million in adjusted EBITDA, in line with our guidance.

    根據我們的指導,我們還實現了 720 萬美元的淨收入和 640 萬美元的調整後 EBITDA。

  • During the quarter, we grew our active client count to 3.2 million

    本季度,我們的活躍客戶數量增加到 320 萬

  • (technical difficulty)


  • [494,000] clients and 18% year-over-year.

    [494,000] 客戶,同比增長 18%。

  • In addition, we grew net revenue per active client by 9% year-over-year, our fifth consecutive quarter of growth and a reflection of our strengthening ability to help clients find what they love.

    此外,我們每個活躍客戶的淨收入同比增長 9%,這是我們連續第五個季度實現增長,這反映了我們幫助客戶找到他們喜歡的東西的能力增強。

  • 2019 was a very busy year for us, and we're proud of all that we accomplished in our second year as a public company.

    2019 年對我們來說是非常忙碌的一年,我們為上市公司第二年所取得的成就感到自豪。

  • We grew net revenue 29% year-over-year to $1.58 billion, generated positive adjusted EBITDA for our fifth consecutive year and deliver $37 million in net income.

    我們的淨收入同比增長 29% 至 15.8 億美元,連續第五年產生正的調整後 EBITDA 並實現 3700 萬美元的淨收入。

  • We captured more of our large addressable client base by adding nearly 0.5 million active clients in 2019, and we're serving those clients even better, evidenced by our growth in revenue per active client in every quarter in fiscal 2019.

    通過在 2019 年增加近 50 萬活躍客戶,我們贏得了更多龐大的可尋址客戶群,並且我們正在更好地為這些客戶提供服務,我們在 2019 財年每個季度每個活躍客戶的收入增長就證明了這一點。

  • We further extended our addressable market by launching in the U.K., our first international market, and recently, celebrated our 1-year anniversary of Kids.


  • We're excited about the longer-term opportunity for both of these markets, which add to the already significant opportunity we have to continue growing our Women's and Men's categories.


  • Even while we invested in our Kids and U.K. categories, the health and scale of our Women's and Men's categories allowed us to offset these investments and drive leverage across our business.


  • We grew our gross margin year-over-year and turned our inventory at a rate of more than 6x annually, a function of our continued scale, strengthening capabilities and the growing impact of data science, such as our inventory optimization algorithm and Style Shuffle platforms.

    我們的毛利率同比增長,並以每年超過 6 倍的速度周轉我們的庫存,這得益於我們持續的規模、增強的能力和數據科學日益增長的影響,例如我們的庫存優化算法和 Style Shuffle 平台.

  • We also continue to invest in, strengthen and diversify our marketing capabilities.


  • Our marketing strategy focuses on return on investment and quick payback.


  • This means, we may not always be managing to the lowest customer acquisition cost without regard to quality of client, and it also means that we are not spending to a hypothetical lifetime value, but instead, optimizing for payback within a few quarters.


  • We wanted to illustrate this strategy with data in a onetime disclosure in our Q4 shareholder letter.


  • This disclosure shows that over 4 recent quarterly cohorts, each has generated payback on marketing spend of over 2 to 4x in their first 3 to 6 full quarters.

    這份披露顯示,超過 4 個最近的季度隊列,每個隊列在前 3 到 6 個完整季度中都產生了超過 2 到 4 倍的營銷支出回報。

  • Having both near-term paybacks and returns that grow as clients continue to engage with us over many years is a strategy that helps us to deliver long-term growth as well as probability.


  • To share one last highlight on the marketing front, 2019 also marked our first investment in [longer-lens] marketing channels with the launch of our first integrated brand campaign.

    為了分享營銷方面的最後一個亮點,2019 年還標誌著我們對 [長鏡頭] 營銷渠道的首次投資,推出了我們的第一個整合品牌活動。

  • We're excited about the prospect of using brand marketing as another channel to frame our value proposition and drive greater awareness and affinity with both new and existing clients over time.


  • I'd now like to take a moment to look forward and discuss the significant opportunity we see to extend the reach of our personalization capabilities to capitalize on the extensive market share we have available to us in 2020 and beyond.

    我現在想花點時間展望未來並討論我們看到的重要機會,即擴大我們個性化能力的範圍,以利用我們在 2020 年及以後可用的廣泛市場份額。

  • For many years, we have characterized the business that we are in as that of personalization.


  • We believe strongly that winners in apparel retail will be those who most effectively help clients find what they love.


  • This company was founded with the premise that personalization is the best way to help clients navigate the crowded world of apparel retail.


  • This was our belief in 2011, and we have even deeper conviction today that personalization is the future.

    這是我們在 2011 年的信念,今天我們更加堅信個性化是未來。

  • We've been in this business of personalization for almost a decade, and we believe that our investments in these capabilities is precisely what sets us up to be successful for many decades to come.


  • Almost all of the nearly 5 billion of apparels and accessories we sold in the last 5 years have been through recommendation, not chosen by the end customer.

    我們在過去 5 年銷售的近 50 億件服裝和配飾中,幾乎所有都是通過推薦,而不是最終客戶選擇的。

  • Our business model has required us to build an incredibly strong set of recommendation capabilities, made possible by the wealth of data we've collected across these transactions.


  • We now have a personalization engine that gives us the ability to deeply understand clients and products and generate powerful recommendations on what products will be successful and with whom.


  • To date, this personalization engine has generated great value to us and it has powered our primarily 5 items fixed format.

    迄今為止,這個個性化引擎已經為我們帶來了巨大的價值,它為我們主要的 5 項固定格式提供了支持。

  • While this one form factor has served us and our clients extremely well, we believe the market opportunity for personalized experiences and apparels is massive and that our platform can be extended much more broadly than this one form factor, and we're excited to start talking about it and demonstrating it in 2020.

    雖然這種外形為我們和我們的客戶提供了非常好的服務,但我們相信個性化體驗和服裝的市場機會是巨大的,而且我們的平台可以比這種外形擴展得更廣泛,我們很高興開始討論關於它並在 2020 年展示它。

  • With that, I'd like to discuss one example of an initiative that demonstrates how we plan to extend our personalization platform.


  • Recently, we began testing an offering called Shop Your Looks.

    最近,我們開始測試一種名為 Shop Your Looks 的產品。

  • This offering is part of our new direct-buy functionality, which enables clients to choose and purchase items outside of a Fix directly from our website.

    此產品是我們新的直接購買功能的一部分,使客戶能夠直接從我們的網站選擇和購買 Fix 之外的項目。

  • However, unlike most e-commerce offerings, which choose to show every available product to every visitor, what's unique about Shop Your Looks is that it's hyper curated and personalized to every client.

    然而,與選擇向每位訪問者展示所有可用產品的大多數電子商務產品不同,Shop Your Looks 的獨特之處在於它為每位客戶精心策劃和個性化。

  • The feature is based on items that clients have already purchased from us, but also presents a personalized subset of algorithmically generated items delivered to clients in a form of shoppable styling recommendations for pieces already in their closet.


  • At any given time, we might have tens of thousands of items available in our inventory assortment that we could be showing clients, but we are so confident in our personalization capability that we choose to only show clients an average of 30 to 40 shoppable items at one time on this page.

    在任何給定時間,我們的庫存分類中可能有數以萬計的商品可供我們展示給客戶,但我們對自己的個性化能力非常有信心,因此我們選擇僅向客戶展示平均 30 到 40 件可購物商品一次在此頁面上。

  • We are excited and optimistic that even an imperfect, not yet optimized beta test offered to a portion of our Women's clients that through this hyper-personalized shoppable experience, we've seen success.

    我們感到興奮和樂觀,即使是不完美、尚未優化的 Beta 測試也提供給我們的一部分女性客戶,通過這種超個性化的可購物體驗,我們已經看到了成功。

  • In fact, in just a brief 8-week beta test, over 1/3 of clients that purchased through Shop Your Looks engaged with us multiple times, and approximately 60% of clients, who buy through the offering, purchased 2 items or more.

    事實上,在短短的 8 週 Beta 測試中,超過 1/3 通過 Shop Your Looks 購買的客戶與我們進行了多次互動,並且大約 60% 通過該產品購買的客戶購買了 2 件或更多商品。

  • While Shop Your Looks is still early and there remains a lot for us to learn and enhance with the products.

    雖然 Shop Your Looks 還為時過早,但我們仍有很多需要學習和改進產品的地方。

  • The offering leverages the personalization engine we've built over the last 8 years and demonstrates its tremendous potential as we explore maximizing our capabilities in new and incremental ways.

    該產品利用了我們在過去 8 年中構建的個性化引擎,並在我們探索以新的和漸進的方式最大限度地發揮我們的能力時展示了它的巨大潛力。

  • Leveraging these capabilities in a direct-buy format is an exciting step for us and one that has the potential to drive further engagement between Fixes, increase our ability to serve clients well and get deeper share of wallet.

    以直接購買的形式利用這些功能對我們來說是令人興奮的一步,它有可能推動 Fixes 之間的進一步互動,提高我們為客戶提供良好服務的能力,並獲得更大的錢包份額。

  • Innovation, such as this one, also provides potential benefit with respect to new clients.


  • Enabling more ways for clients to experience the benefit of personalization can provide new entry points into our business and allow us to customize the ways in which people want to buy and engage with us to address many more types of clients [in these days].

    為客戶提供更多體驗個性化優勢的方式可以為我們的業務提供新的切入點,並允許我們定制人們想要購買和與我們互動的方式,以解決更多類型的客戶 [in these days]。

  • It's this confidence in our personalization platform that feeds our investment strategy in 2020.

    正是這種對我們個性化平台的信心推動了我們 2020 年的投資戰略。

  • Last year, we invested in new categories to extend our market opportunity, and in 2020, we'll be investing in our digital products, creating more possibilities in making the incredible capabilities that we have more expansive and better positioned to capitalize on the enormous opportunity in the markets we are in.

    去年,我們投資於新類別以擴大我們的市場機會,而在 2020 年,我們將投資於我們的數字產品,創造更多可能性,使我們擁有的令人難以置信的能力更加廣泛和更好地利用巨大的機會在我們所處的市場中。

  • We have deep conviction in the capabilities we have developed and excitement for what we can do in the near and long term.


  • This gives us confidence in 2020 to guide at the high end of our long-term growth target as Paul will share in a few moments.

    這讓我們有信心在 2020 年引導我們實現長期增長目標的高端,保羅將在稍後分享。

  • Now I'll turn it over to Mike, who'll discuss how our strengthened data science capabilities and improved inventory assortment have allowed us to enhance our personalization.


  • Michael C. Smith - COO & President

    Michael C. Smith - COO & President

  • Thanks, Katrina, and hello to everyone joining us on today's call.


  • Over the course of 2019, we've talked about how we continued to invest in our data science advantage and in our inventory assortment to deliver greater personalization to our client.

    在 2019 年的整個過程中,我們討論了我們如何繼續投資於我們的數據科學優勢和我們的庫存分類,以便為我們的客戶提供更好的個性化服務。

  • I'd like to take a few minutes to discuss both of these areas and highlight how these investments are supporting stronger client and business outcomes.


  • Let me take a minute to step back and remind people of the advantages of scale that we've achieved in this business and how it relates to this platform.


  • To date, we've shipped over 200 million items and saw that over 85% of shipments in 2019 result in direct client feedback.

    迄今為止,我們已經運送了超過 2 億件物品,並且發現 2019 年超過 85% 的出貨量產生了直接的客戶反饋。

  • We believe that these client feedback loops and the resulting rich data we receive are instrumental in strengthening our recommendations and capabilities.


  • Over time, we've begun leveraging our data science strength to more broadly inform our strategic decisions.


  • One recent example of this is Style Shuffle, which has become a valuable platform that is now fueling multiple areas of our business.

    最近的一個例子是 Style Shuffle,它已經成為一個有價值的平台,現在正在推動我們業務的多個領域。

  • As a reminder, we launched Style Shuffle in 2018, and as of today, we've collected over 3 billion ratings with over 80% of our active clients providing detailed feedback.

    提醒一下,我們在 2018 年推出了 Style Shuffle,截至今天,我們已經收集了超過 30 億個評分,超過 80% 的活躍客戶提供了詳細的反饋。

  • To date, we've used the ratings to learn about our clients' style preferences and to inform better inventory matching.


  • Over time, we've seen multiple other end uses of the platform that include informing our merchandise buys, testing new styles and further personalizing our marketing campaigns.


  • Most recently, we integrated Style Shuffle data into our styling application to improve our recommendations.

    最近,我們將 Style Shuffle 數據集成到我們的樣式應用程序中以改進我們的推薦。

  • Style is one of the most challenging areas of retail to unlock, and we believe that this data enables us to address this pain point.


  • We've now translated Style Shuffle learnings into visual galleries that provide stylists with greater visibility into each clients' style preferences.

    我們現在已經將 Style Shuffle 的經驗轉化為視覺畫廊,讓造型師能夠更好地了解每位客戶的風格偏好。

  • Since integrating these insights for our Women's clients, we've increased the number of items purchased per Fix, average order value and client satisfaction.


  • The deep insights from Style Shuffle reinforce our powerful data advantage and show the platform's growing impact across our businesses.

    Style Shuffle 的深刻見解增強了我們強大的數據優勢,並展示了該平台對我們業務的日益增長的影響。

  • Nearly 1/3 of our data scientists used Style Shuffle insights to power other initiatives across the business.

    我們近 1/3 的數據科學家使用 Style Shuffle 洞察來推動整個企業的其他計劃。

  • This investment continues to clearly show a competitive advantage and, as Paul will share, is why we plan to continue investing in building our data science and technology teams in 2020.

    這項投資繼續清楚地顯示出競爭優勢,正如保羅將分享的那樣,這就是我們計劃在 2020 年繼續投資建設數據科學和技術團隊的原因。

  • In 2019, as we further improved our inventory management capabilities to match product and clients, we reinvested the resulting working capital gains in the inventory breadth to support our growing and diverse client base.

    2019 年,隨著我們進一步提高庫存管理能力以匹配產品和客戶,我們將由此產生的營運資本收益再投資於庫存廣度,以支持我們不斷增長和多樣化的客戶群。

  • This investment enables us to apply our launch-and-learn strategy to new categories, such as Kids in the U.K., expand our addressable market and capture a greater wallet share.


  • For example, in Women's, we increased the number of brands we shipped by nearly 50% and grew the number of styles we offer by nearly 70% over the last 2 years, which allowed us to further penetrate our addressable market and serve more clients.

    例如,在女裝領域,我們在過去 2 年中出貨的品牌數量增加了近 50%,我們提供的款式數量增加了近 70%,這使我們能夠進一步滲透目標市場並為更多客戶提供服務。

  • We also grew our assortment of items with distinct end uses, such as workwear, special occasion and casual wear by over 5x since 2017, enabling us to better serve our clients' diverse needs and drive greater wallet share.

    自 2017 年以來,我們還增加了具有不同最終用途的商品種類,例如工作服、特殊場合和休閒服,數量增加了 5 倍以上,使我們能夠更好地滿足客戶的多樣化需求並推動更大的錢包份額。

  • In Men's, we also expanded our assortment of brands, styles and end uses.


  • In active wear specifically, we doubled the number of products and brands over the last year to more closely align with our clients' style and fit preferences.


  • Even while making these investments, we continued to quickly turn our inventory at a rate of more than 6 times annually.

    即使在進行這些投資的同時,我們仍繼續以每年 6 倍以上的速度快速周轉庫存。

  • Over time, we plan to use data science to inform even more of our inventory decisions, enabling us to enhance our assortment, better serve clients and capture greater wallet share.


  • In today's shareholder letter, we discussed how our enhanced data science capabilities and strengthened inventory assortment have allowed us to deliver stronger personalization for our client.


  • Specifically, we shared that in both 2018 and 2019 cohorts, we grew our average success rates for items across clients' first, second and third Fixes.

    具體來說,我們分享了在 2018 年和 2019 年的隊列中,我們提高了客戶第一次、第二次和第三次修復項目的平均成功率。

  • For clients in our 2018 cohort, we've increased success rates between their first and second Fix by 8%, and between their first and third Fix by 14%.

    對於 2018 年隊列中的客戶,我們將他們的第一次和第二次修復之間的成功率提高了 8%,第一次和第三次修復之間的成功率提高了 14%。

  • We saw increasing success rates across Fixes in our 2019 cohort as well.

    在 2019 年的隊列中,我們也看到修復的成功率有所提高。

  • In addition to illustrating our success within a cohort, we also highlight our strengthened personalization capabilities across cohorts.


  • For example, the success rate of items sent in the first Fix of our 2019 cohort was 17% higher than in the first Fix of our 2018 cohort.

    例如,我們 2019 年隊列的第一次修復中發送的項目的成功率比我們 2018 年隊列的第一次修復高 17%。

  • We believe this shows that our data science insights, paired with our strengthened inventory assortment, offer significant competitive advantage that we expect will grow over time.


  • With that, I will now turn the call over to Paul, who will discuss our financial performance and outlook.


  • Paul Yee - CFO

    Paul Yee - CFO

  • Thanks, Mike.


  • Our results demonstrate our ability to invest for the long term while balancing growth and profitability.


  • We delivered revenue growth in both Q4 and full year 2019 above our stated long-term range of 20% to 25%.

    我們在 2019 年第四季度和全年實現的收入增長均高於我們規定的 20% 至 25% 的長期範圍。

  • At the same time, we made strategic investments in talent, inventory and marketing that fueled healthy client growth and gains in net revenue per client.


  • We also laid down planks for future growth with the first-ever integrated brand campaign and our expansion into the U.K.


  • Katrina highlighted new ways we're using our personalization capabilities to engage with clients, and Mike shared how we continue to harness the power of data and feedback loops to serve them better.

    Katrina 強調了我們使用個性化功能與客戶互動的新方式,Mike 分享了我們如何繼續利用數據和反饋循環的力量更好地為他們服務。

  • As we look to FY '20, we remain firmly committed to self-funding initiatives that widen these competitive moats, and our FY '20 revenue guidance reflects our confidence.

    展望 20 財年,我們仍然堅定地致力於擴大這些競爭護城河的自籌資金計劃,我們的 20 財年收入指引反映了我們的信心。

  • Q4 net revenue was $432 million, representing 35.8% growth year-over-year.

    第四季度淨收入為 4.32 億美元,同比增長 35.8%。

  • FY '19 net revenue was $1.58 billion, 28.6% above last year.

    19 財年淨收入為 15.8 億美元,比去年增長 28.6%。

  • Removing the impact of the extra week, the revenue growth rate for both Q4 and the full year was approximately 26%.

    除去額外一周的影響,第四季度和全年的收入增長率約為 26%。

  • Gains in both periods were at the high end of our guidance and were driven by both Women's and Men's as we continue to ramp Kids in the U.K.


  • Active clients grew to 3.2 million or 18% year-over-year.

    活躍客戶增長至 320 萬,同比增長 18%。

  • Active clients represent anyone who check out of Fix or was shipping items using our new direct-buy service in the preceding 52 weeks, measured as of the last date of that period.

    活躍客戶代表在過去 52 週內使用我們新的直接購買服務結賬或使用我們新的直接購買服務運送商品的任何人,以該期間的最後一天計算。

  • Net revenue per active client grew 9% year-over-year or 7%, excluding the impact of the extra week, representing our fifth consecutive quarter of growth, even as Men's and Kids became a higher mix of our business.

    每個活躍客戶的淨收入同比增長 9% 或 7%,不包括額外一周的影響,這是我們連續第五個季度增長,即使男裝和童裝成為我們業務的更高組合。

  • Q4 gross margin was above our expectations at 44.1%.

    第四季度毛利率為 44.1%,高於我們的預期。

  • This represent a 30 basis point decline from last year driven by the increase in inventory reserve as we invested in inventory year-over-year.

    這比去年下降了 30 個基點,這是由於我們逐年投資於庫存,導致庫存儲備增加。

  • Full year gross margin was 44.6%, representing a 90 basis point improvement versus last year.

    全年毛利率為 44.6%,較去年提高 90 個基點。

  • This expansion was driven by lower clearance as we managed our inventory effectively and implemented initiatives to reduce shrink.


  • Q4 advertising was 9.0% of net revenue versus 9.1% in Q4 '18.

    第四季度廣告占淨收入的 9.0%,而 18 年第四季度為 9.1%。

  • This leverage reflected our choice to spend less in July and deploy marketing dollars more effectively at other times of the year.

    這種槓桿作用反映了我們選擇在 7 月減少支出,並在一年中的其他時間更有效地部署營銷資金。

  • For the full year, advertising was 9.6% of net revenue compared to 8.3% in FY '18 driven by our brand investments concentrated in Q3.

    全年來看,廣告占淨收入的 9.6%,而 18 財年這一比例為 8.3%,這主要是因為我們的品牌投資集中在第三季度。

  • Other SG&A, excluding advertising, was 34.6% of net revenue in Q4 and 33.4% for the full year.

    其他 SG&A(不包括廣告)佔第四季度淨收入的 34.6%,佔全年的 33.4%。

  • This line increased year-over-year as we built out our U.K. team and invested in payroll and stock-based compensation to attract and retain top talent.


  • Together, our over 200 engineers and 125 data scientists introduced new product features, strengthened our Style Shuffle platform and expanded the ecosystem of algorithms that guide our daily operations.

    我們的 200 多名工程師和 125 名數據科學家共同推出了新的產品功能,加強了我們的 Style Shuffle 平台,並擴展了指導我們日常運營的算法生態系統。

  • Notably, these SG&A investments were partially funded by higher efficiencies in our warehouse and styling teams.

    值得注意的是,這些 SG&A 投資的部分資金來自我們倉庫和造型團隊的更高效率。

  • Today, variable labor costs represent less than half of our other SG&A, excluding advertising, reflecting a very strong unit economics.

    如今,可變勞動力成本占我們其他 SG&A(不包括廣告)的不到一半,反映出非常強大的單位經濟效益。

  • We expect to continue leveraging variable costs through efficiency initiatives and expansion of our direct-buy capabilities over time.


  • Q4 adjusted EBITDA was $6.4 million or 1.5% of net revenue, and FY '19 adjusted EBITDA was $39.6 million or 2.5% of net revenue, in line with our guidance ranges.

    第四季度調整後的 EBITDA 為 640 萬美元,占淨收入的 1.5%,19 財年調整後的 EBITDA 為 3960 萬美元,占淨收入的 2.5%,符合我們的指導範圍。

  • Q4 net income was $7.2 million and diluted EPS was $0.07.

    第 4 季度淨收入為 720 萬美元,稀釋後每股收益為 0.07 美元。

  • For FY '19, net income was $36.9 million and diluted EPS was $0.36.

    對於 19 財年,淨收入為 3690 萬美元,攤薄後每股收益為 0.36 美元。

  • Lastly, we're proud of our ability to grow our business in a capital-efficient way.


  • In 2019, we self-funded meaningful investments across technology, marketing in new markets, and did so while maintaining profitability and generating $47.8 million in free cash flow.

    2019 年,我們在技術、新市場營銷方面自籌資金進行了有意義的投資,同時保持了盈利能力並產生了 4780 萬美元的自由現金流。

  • We ended the year with $368 million in cash, cash equivalents and highly rated securities and no debt.

    我們在年底擁有 3.68 億美元的現金、現金等價物和高評級證券,並且沒有債務。

  • Our healthy balance sheet continues to enable us to self-fund our growth and maintain flexibility.


  • Before I provide 2020 guidance, I'd like to step back and share how we're approaching decisions around growth and investments and their impact on our financial outlook.

    在我提供 2020 年指導意見之前,我想退後一步,分享一下我們如何圍繞增長和投資做出決策,以及它們對我們財務前景的影響。

  • First, on growth.


  • We are more confident than ever in our platform of personalization and our ability to extend our capabilities to enhance the size of our addressable market and improve our ability to serve clients.


  • In addition, our early reads across our direct-buy platform only fuel our conviction.


  • This confidence is reflected in the full year growth outlook that I'll share in a moment.


  • We also believe that by investing more aggressively in these capabilities, we'll strengthen our service and extend our leadership in personalization.


  • As a result, we plan to invest more heavily in technology and talent in 2020 to accelerate our momentum.

    因此,我們計劃在 2020 年加大對技術和人才的投資,以加快發展勢頭。

  • With that, I'll start with our full year fiscal 2020, and then share how our Q1 outlook fits within this year.

    有了這個,我將從我們的 2020 財年全年開始,然後分享我們今年第一季度的前景如何。

  • For full year fiscal 2020, we expect net revenue in the range of $1.90 billion to $1.93 billion, representing growth of 20.5% to 22.5% year-over-year.

    對於 2020 財年全年,我們預計淨收入在 19 億美元至 19.3 億美元之間,同比增長 20.5% 至 22.5%。

  • Importantly, adjusting out the impact of a 53rd week in FY '19, our guidance range reflects growth of 23% to 25%, the high end of our long-term growth target.

    重要的是,調整了 19 財年第 53 週的影響,我們的指導範圍反映了 23% 至 25% 的增長,這是我們長期增長目標的高端。

  • In line with my earlier commentary on our ramping FY '20 talent investments, we expect EBITDA in the range of $10 million to $30 million.

    根據我之前對我們增加 20 財年人才投資的評論,我們預計 EBITDA 在 1000 萬至 3000 萬美元之間。

  • Besides investments across our operations, this guidance includes stock-based compensation, or SBC, of $75 million as we plan to invest aggressively in our data science engineering teams to advance our personalization capabilities, including direct-buy.

    除了對我們的運營進行投資外,該指南還包括 7500 萬美元的基於股票的薪酬或 SBC,因為我們計劃積極投資於我們的數據科學工程團隊,以提高我們的個性化能力,包括直接購買。

  • Given these talent investments, as we look ahead, we recognize the need to balance the ongoing importance of SBC while driving leverage in our business.

    鑑於這些人才投資,展望未來,我們認識到需要平衡 SBC 的持續重要性,同時推動我們業務的槓桿作用。

  • At the same time, we know that comparable companies exclude SBC from adjusted EBITDA.

    同時,我們知道可比公司將 SBC 排除在調整後的 EBITDA 之外。

  • As a result, in FY '20, we'll provide EBITDA, both including and excluding SBC, and believe that by providing this visibility, we can more clearly demonstrate the leverage we drive across our business.

    因此,在 20 財年,我們將提供 EBITDA,包括和不包括 SBC,並且相信通過提供這種可見性,我們可以更清楚地展示我們在整個業務中推動的槓桿作用。

  • In FY '20, this will result in adjusted EBITDA, excluding SBC, in the range of $85 million to $105 million.

    在 20 財年,這將導致調整後的 EBITDA(不包括 SBC)在 8500 萬至 1.05 億美元之間。

  • By comparison, this range is higher than last year's adjusted EBITDA, excluding SBC, of $75 million.

    相比之下,這一範圍高於去年 7500 萬美元的調整後 EBITDA(不包括 SBC)。

  • Finally, note this guidance includes impacts in the recently announced List 4 tariffs.

    最後,請注意本指南包括對最近宣布的清單 4 關稅的影響。

  • While today, these tariffs have been immaterial to our business, we're working closely with brand partners to mitigate potential future impacts while also continuing to diversify our supply chain.


  • For Q1 '20, we expect net revenue in the range of $438 million to $442 million, representing growth of 20% to 21% year-over-year.

    對於 20 年第一季度,我們預計淨收入在 4.38 億美元至 4.42 億美元之間,同比增長 20% 至 21%。

  • We planned Q1 softer than our full year growth for 2 reasons.


  • First, we've had greater success this year with summer products, like T-shirts and sleeveless tops.

    首先,我們今年在 T 恤和無袖上衣等夏季產品方面取得了更大的成功。

  • While these items carry a lower average unit retails and average order values, we're happy to see this seasonal product successful deep into December season.

    雖然這些商品的平均單位零售價和平均訂單價值較低,但我們很高興看到這種季節性產品在 12 月銷售季取得成功。

  • Second, as I noted earlier, we spent less on marketing in late Q4, which meant we had fewer clients to contribute to revenue at the start of Q1.


  • Our guidance reflects continued momentum in our revenue per client growth, which was 9% in Q4, and consistent client count growth, which was 18% year-over-year in Q4.

    我們的指引反映了我們每個客戶收入增長的持續勢頭,第四季度為 9%,以及客戶數量持續增長,第四季度同比增長 18%。

  • We expect Q1 EBITDA in the range of negative $7 million to negative $4 million.

    我們預計第一季度 EBITDA 在負 700 萬美元至負 400 萬美元之間。

  • This includes SBC cost of $13 million as well as planned investments in marketing in the U.K., resulting in adjusted EBITDA, excluding SBC, in the range of $6 million to $9 million.

    這包括 1300 萬美元的 SBC 成本以及計劃在英國進行的營銷投資,導致調整後的 EBITDA(不包括 SBC)在 600 萬至 900 萬美元之間。

  • Looking ahead to Q2, we expect EBITDA to return to positive levels.

    展望第二季度,我們預計 EBITDA 將回到正水平。

  • In summary, we are proud of the strong growth and profitability we delivered in 2019 and are confident the strategic investments we're making in 2020 will fuel our personalization capabilities and allow us to capture greater market share over time.

    總之,我們為 2019 年實現的強勁增長和盈利能力感到自豪,並相信我們在 2020 年進行的戰略投資將增強我們的個性化能力,並讓我們隨著時間的推移獲得更大的市場份額。

  • With that, we're ready to open it up for questions.


  • Operator, over to you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) We'll hear first today from Edward Yruma with KeyBanc Markets.

    (操作員說明)我們今天將首先從 KeyBanc Markets 的 Edward Yruma 那裡聽到。

  • Edward James Yruma - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Edward James Yruma - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • I guess first, it seems like you've unlocked an exciting growth opportunity in kind of more self-selection through Extras and maybe now Shop Your Looks.

    我想首先,您似乎已經通過 Extras 和現在的 Shop Your Looks 開啟了更多自我選擇的激動人心的增長機會。

  • How does that change the longer-term economic model, given that it seems like a more automated process?


  • And then I guess as a follow-up on tariffs, I know, Paul, you mentioned that you're working to mitigate, but what's the impact that you baked into guidance?


  • Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

    Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

  • Thanks, Ed.


  • I'll take your question probably to start on new models, and then Paul can speak a little bit about the financials and the tariffs.


  • Yes.


  • We're really excited about kind of being able -- for years, we've talked about how -- what we're building is a set of capabilities and this ecosystem of personalization.


  • And this is -- it's just really exciting for us to be able to demonstrate how we're going to take that outside of the box format.

    這是 - 能夠展示我們將如何採用開箱即用的格式,這對我們來說真的很令人興奮。

  • So I think we shared pretty early results here.


  • We're about 8 weeks into the beta test that we have.

    我們已經進行了大約 8 週的 Beta 測試。

  • And so while we can't speak specifically to like how much of our business will this be or what will that kind of -- what proportionality will it be in the future, I think Paul has some perspective on the financial side, and he can speak to tariffs as well.

    因此,雖然我們不能具體說明這將占我們業務的多少,或者那種 - 未來的比例是多少,但我認為保羅在財務方面有一些看法,他可以也談談關稅。

  • Paul Yee - CFO

    Paul Yee - CFO

  • Ed, right now, as you're aware, we have a very positive [view at] economics.

    埃德,現在,正如你所知,我們對經濟學的 [看法] 非常積極。

  • So as you think about direct-buy as a future channel of growth, we see opportunities to be additive on that front.


  • So over time, we'll give you more color on that.


  • But as we scale the business, we see opportunities to improve our margins overall for the business with direct-buy.


  • And specifically with tariffs, I noted in my remarks that we've integrated the impact of tariffs, including the List 4-A, 4-B tariffs in our guidance.

    特別是關於關稅,我在評論中指出,我們已經整合了關稅的影響,包括我們指南中的清單 4-A、4-B 關稅。

  • We deem the net impact of these tariffs to be immaterial.


  • We've been working very closely with our brand and manufacturing partners to mitigate the impact.


  • And so overall, for the year, we deem the number to be fairly immaterial, and we'll give you updates along the way as we see how this progresses.


  • Operator


  • We'll hear next from Doug Anmuth with JPMorgan.

    接下來我們將聽到來自摩根大通的 Doug Anmuth 的講話。

  • Douglas Till Anmuth - MD

    Douglas Till Anmuth - MD

  • First, I was just hoping you could talk a little bit more about why you spent less on marketing in late 4Q.


  • What the trend is going forward?


  • And why you think the growth will accelerate through 2020?

    為什麼您認為到 2020 年增長會加速?

  • And then also just on stock-based comp for this coming year, the $75 million, has something changed in the business or does it just reflect the competitive nature of the industry?

    然後,僅就來年的股票補償而言,7500 萬美元的業務發生了變化,還是僅反映了行業的競爭本質?

  • Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

    Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

  • Right.


  • Thanks, Doug.


  • I'll start a little bit on marketing, and then I'll have Paul wrap it up.

    我將從市場營銷開始,然後我會讓 Paul 總結一下。

  • I mean firstly, we're really happy to share disclosures on the marketing side.


  • And so just philosophically stepping back, we talked a little bit on the call and our disclosure show that we're -- on -- our philosophy and marketing is not to acquire clients just for the sake of acquiring clients, we're looking to acquire thoughtfully clients that are going to be successful through our business and that generate quick payback, and we're not kind of spending to this hypothetical LTV.

    因此,從哲學上退後一步,我們在電話中談了一點,我們的披露表明我們——關於——我們的理念和營銷不是為了獲得客戶而獲得客戶,我們正在尋求深思熟慮地獲得將通過我們的業務取得成功並產生快速回報的客戶,我們不會為這個假設的 LTV 花錢。

  • And so the disclosures hopefully can help to share a little bit of kind of what the strategy is around there.


  • And so as we're thinking about planning out our year, as we are looking to kind of -- as we finished out this last year, we're looking to be on the high end of our growth range again in the next year.

    因此,當我們正在考慮規劃我們的一年時,正如我們希望的那樣 - 正如我們去年完成的那樣,我們希望在明年再次處於增長范圍的高端。

  • And we're really thoughtful about where we're placing those marketing dollars so that we can make sure that we're generating the best return on those dollars, and at the same time, achieving our growth goals at a high level.


  • Paul Yee - CFO

    Paul Yee - CFO

  • Doug, this is Paul.


  • In regards to your question around SBC, now that we've been a public company for 2 years, when we look back, we're very proud of the capabilities we built, the competitive [notes] we built in personalization, and what underpins that is talent.

    關於您關於 SBC 的問題,既然我們已經成為一家上市公司 2 年,當我們回顧時,我們為我們建立的能力、我們在個性化方面建立的競爭性 [notes] 以及支撐的東西感到非常自豪那就是天賦。

  • And as we looked and planned out 2020, we knew that we had an opportunity to continue to widen that moat, not only to continue to hire and retain great data engineering and -- data science and engineering talent but also hire world-class leaders.

    當我們展望和規劃 2020 年時,我們知道我們有機會繼續拓寬這條護城河,不僅要繼續聘用和留住優秀的數據工程和數據科學與工程人才,還要聘請世界級的領導者。

  • That translates into our SBC guidance of $75 million for the year.

    這轉化為我們今年 7500 萬美元的 SBC 指導。

  • We think this visibility is helpful for investors to understand that we do feel confident in growing this business over the long term.


  • That being said, a lot of other companies, as we benchmark, do exclude SBC from EBITDA.

    話雖這麼說,正如我們的基準一樣,許多其他公司確實將 SBC 從 EBITDA 中排除。

  • And we felt by sharing that number, people can do their own analysis, it is a noncash expense, but internally, we have looked at that as an investment and one that will pay out over time.


  • Douglas Till Anmuth - MD

    Douglas Till Anmuth - MD

  • And just a follow-up, any more clarity just on the acceleration through the course of the year, just what drives the confidence there?


  • Paul Yee - CFO

    Paul Yee - CFO

  • Absolutely.


  • So our guidance for the full year is 23% to 25% on an adjusted 52-week basis.

    因此,在調整後的 52 週基礎上,我們對全年的指導是 23% 至 25%。

  • One area is direct-buy.


  • It's very much an early -- in early stages today, but the reads we have so far give us confidence that will play out over the course of the year.

    這是非常早的 - 今天處於早期階段,但我們到目前為止的閱讀給了我們信心,這將在一年中發揮作用。

  • We have a whole variety of other initiatives.


  • Style Shuffle is a platform that's continuing to allow us to get to know clients better and get them the right product.

    Style Shuffle 是一個繼續讓我們更好地了解客戶並為他們提供合適產品的平台。

  • So those initiatives are reflected in our full year guidance.


  • And then finally, while Kids in the U.K. are still small, they are growing and they will continue to grow throughout the year.


  • So all of these initiatives come together to reflect a full year guidance of 23% to 25% on an adjusted basis, which is on the high end on our range on the long-term basis.

    因此,所有這些舉措共同反映了調整後 23% 至 25% 的全年指導,這在我們的長期範圍內處於高端。

  • Operator


  • From Barclays, we'll move to Ross Sandler.


  • Ross Adam Sandler - MD of Americas Equity Research & Senior Internet Analyst

    Ross Adam Sandler - MD of Americas Equity Research & Senior Internet Analyst

  • Team, I had 3 questions.

    團隊,我有 3 個問題。

  • So first one, the gross margin was down a little bit, then you mentioned inventory.


  • I assume this is mix into the new categories.


  • Can you talk a little bit about the trends that you're seeing with gross margin in Women's versus kind of the newer categories?


  • Is that mostly just the mix or any color there would be helpful?


  • And then, Katrina, going back to the marketing comment.


  • So you mentioned in your prepared remarks that you can actually target higher-quality clients and pay a higher CAC because you know the frequency or the retention might be better.

    因此,您在準備好的評論中提到,您實際上可以瞄準更高質量的客戶並支付更高的 CAC,因為您知道頻率或保留率可能更好。

  • So is this a new capability or is this something that you've done fairly recently to get those payback period improvement?


  • Any color there.


  • Lastly, and sorry for the 3 questions, Amazon recently rolled out a personal shopper product for wardrobe.

    最後,抱歉這 3 個問題,亞馬遜最近推出了衣櫃個人購物產品。

  • So any initial thoughts on that -- are you seeing any impact on -- from that offering?

    那麼關於這個的任何初步想法 - 你是否看到任何影響 - 來自該產品?

  • Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

    Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

  • Sure.


  • I'll probably have Paul start, and then I can take your questions on competition and on marketing.


  • Paul Yee - CFO

    Paul Yee - CFO

  • Ross, it's Paul.


  • In regards to your question on our gross margin, it was 30 basis points lower year-over-year and that was in line with our expectations.

    關於您關於我們毛利率的問題,毛利率同比下降 30 個基點,這符合我們的預期。

  • There was a slight mix impact due to the U.K., but more notably, this reflects our choice midyear last year to invest in more inventory.


  • We knew we had an opportunity to meet customer demand in the second half and continue to broaden our inventory, speaking to what Mike talked about, to build a sort of broader and more diverse client base.


  • And when you have higher inventory, you do have a reserve impact.


  • So year-over-year, we did have a higher inventory reserve cost that was reflected in our gross margins.


  • We'll see this sort of annualize in the first half of 2020, and again, it's reflective of our confidence in our ability to buy the right inventory and get the right clients.

    我們將在 2020 年上半年看到這種年化,這再次反映了我們對購買合適庫存和獲得合適客戶的能力的信心。

  • And so overall, the health of our gross margins by virtue of our inventory management and operating efficiencies will shrink and also expanding in excess of brand as those trends continue, and we'll just have some investments underneath it that we're allowing -- that these initiatives are allowing us to invest accordingly.


  • Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

    Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

  • Ross, so your question on marketing.


  • So firstly, I think we -- the capability of I guess like there's a 2-part question here.

    所以首先,我認為我們 - 我猜這裡有一個由兩部分組成的問題的能力。

  • Like one is really just like our philosophy, and our philosophy is not new.


  • And so we've been thinking about our customer acquisition cost and payback in a short period of time for a long time.


  • And that's why we've been profitable for 5 years now.

    這就是我們 5 年來一直盈利的原因。

  • This has been a strategy that we have employed since the early days of how we can make sure that we're building a healthy business with healthy margins along the way.


  • I think what you're seeing that's newer is in the last -- in probably 2019 or so, we really honed our capabilities on the using algorithms in the marketing world, being able to target clients that we can actively know that we can spend more for, but that we know we're going to get payback for.

    我認為你最近看到的是最近的——大概在 2019 年左右,我們真正磨練了我們在營銷領域使用算法的能力,能夠瞄准我們可以主動知道我們可以花更多錢的客戶因為,但我們知道我們會得到回報。

  • And I would say that was newer in the last year or so compared to prior years and so that helps us to get confidence to buy -- to spend more in certain times versus others because we can feel like we're going to see that really good payback.


  • And so that's a good new capability that we're really proud of.


  • On the competition for -- I mean just to step back, we're in a huge -- we have $400 billion of market opportunity here and 80% of that market opportunity is still in stores.

    關於競爭——我的意思是退後一步,我們處於一個巨大的——我們這裡有 4000 億美元的市場機會,而其中 80% 的市場機會仍在商店中。

  • And so I would say that our -- from -- our competition is really the migration of those dollars that are stuck in kind of retail stores and migrating those dollars online.

    因此,我想說我們的 - 來自 - 我們的競爭實際上是那些停留在零售店的美元的遷移,以及在線遷移這些美元。

  • And so I think head-to-head competition-wise like we're not necessarily looking at look-alike models of who the competitive set is.


  • And I think we see our differentiation as being really strong and that why my personalization is entirely what we're focused on.


  • Even in Shop Your Looks which we talked about, which has more of a direct buying component, in that case, we are doing almost the opposite of showing you everything.

    即使在我們談到的 Shop Your Looks 中,它有更多的直接購買成分,在這種情況下,我們所做的幾乎與向您展示一切相反。

  • We are taking tens of thousands of things and actually only showing you at any given time 30 or 40 shoppable items.

    我們正在收集數以萬計的東西,實際上在任何給定時間只向您展示 30 或 40 件可購買的商品。

  • And so it's a very counter approach to what a lot of other e-commerce does, and that's really compelling and that's really driven by our feedback model.


  • And Mike reinforced the statistic that we had that 85% of our interactions are generating this really powerful first-person, high-signal feedback data, and that's really what helps us to be able to deliver that capability, to be able to understand that people are going to love.

    邁克強調了我們的統計數據,即我們 85% 的互動都產生了這種非常強大的第一人稱、高信號反饋數據,這確實有助於我們提供這種能力,能夠理解人們會愛上。

  • And then lastly, we're differentiated in our roles with vendors and brands.


  • I mean brands love working with us, and we're a channel that really helps them to preserve their brand integrity that helps them to be introduced to clients in a really authentic way, and I think that's another huge point of differentiation in our model.


  • Operator


  • Next, we'll hear from Mark Mahaney with RBC Capital Markets.

    接下來,我們將聽取 RBC Capital Markets 的 Mark Mahaney 的意見。

  • Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - MD and Analyst

    Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - MD and Analyst

  • Can I ask 2 questions, please?


  • First, your year-end Stitch Fix for Kids, could you talk about some of the learnings you've had from that?


  • And then secondly, on this direct-buy functionality, I think this is fascinating.


  • I think it could be highly material.


  • And I wonder if you already know to what extent it increases spend per customer.


  • I get the data point about how you have these -- this short -- very short-term cohort had whatever 2 items or more purchasers, the clients who did buy that way.

    我得到了關於你如何擁有這些——這個短期——非常短期的隊列的數據點,有 2 件或更多的購買者,那些以這種方式購買的客戶。

  • What I can't tell is, is that cannibalistic from what they would've bought from their Fix.


  • And if not, that's highly accretive.


  • If you assume, in a 6-day week period, that your average customer would maybe purchase 2 items a month or 3 items a month, you're talking about 25% to 50% increase in spend potentially.

    如果您假設,在每週 6 天的時間段內,您的普通客戶可能每月購買 2 件商品或 3 件商品,那麼您的支出可能會增加 25% 到 50%。

  • So just talk about whether it's too early to know?


  • Or what your guess is, is to how much of that's going to be incremental spend with you?


  • Or how much of that could actually be just reduction in what they purchase from Fixes?

    或者其中有多少實際上只是減少了他們從 Fixes 購買的商品?

  • Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

    Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

  • Thanks, Mark.


  • Thanks for your questions and for your enthusiasm.


  • I'll have Mike start out, and then I'll talk a little bit about direct-buy.


  • Michael C. Smith - COO & President

    Michael C. Smith - COO & President

  • Yes.


  • We continue to be really excited about Kids' product market acceptance with all of our clients, boys and girls with a wide range of ages continues to be very strong.


  • We continue to learn that we can develop great product on the [exclusive] brand side and have a phenomenal market brand business.

    我們不斷了解到,我們可以在 [獨家] 品牌方面開發出色的產品,並擁有非凡的市場品牌業務。

  • Our team is really strong, and I think the combination of exclusive brands and market brands and the product acceptance and the strength of the team gives me a lot of confidence that sort of when I was GM of Men's, we had this very good glide path expectations of gross margin and where we would land, and I'm seeing the same thing in Kids.


  • Kids has now kind of expanded into 2 warehouses versus it was just in one.

    Kids 現在已經擴展到 2 個倉庫,而不是原來只有一個。

  • Men's is now in 4. And it's fun to kind of see these businesses start as seedlings as Kat has talked about in the past, and then ultimately, grow to more maturity.

    男裝現在是 4 歲。看到這些企業像 Kat 過去所說的那樣從幼苗開始,然後最終成長到更加成熟,這很有趣。

  • So as we get further along in Kids, we'll be able to share more as we learn and grow, just like we did in Men's.

    因此,隨著我們在 Kids 中的進一步發展,我們將能夠在學習和成長的過程中分享更多內容,就像我們在 Men's 中所做的那樣。

  • But excited about where Kids is today.


  • Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

    Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

  • And then on direct-buy, we definitely -- we share your enthusiasm and excitement.

    然後在直接購買方面,我們絕對 - 我們分享您的熱情和興奮。

  • That being said, it's 8 weeks in, and so I don't think we are in a place right now to know exactly how this is going to interact with our other ways of buying.

    話雖這麼說,它已經 8 週了,所以我認為我們現在還不能確切地知道這將如何與我們的其他購買方式互動。

  • But we definitely think that in aggregate, it's very incremental and it's going to be very incremental in that.


  • This is allowing people another way to buy and another way to find things where they are looking for something more specific, where they can have confidence that we recommend that it's going to fit and that it's going to fit their style.


  • And the other thing is, eventually -- and this isn't today, but eventually, we see that this is actually going to be a way that we can actually bring people into the Stitch Fix ecosystem in a more productive way, in a more lightweight way.

    另一件事是,最終 - 這不是今天,但最終,我們看到這實際上將成為一種方式,我們可以以更高效的方式,更有效地將人們帶入 Stitch Fix 生態系統輕量級的方式。

  • And so while dollar-for-dollar, we'll have to figure out how much of it is going to be overlap in spend.


  • And there will be a small portion of that, that will be cannibalistic.


  • It is broadly really incremental to our company and our service because it's really allowing people another touch point to engage with Stitch Fix that, in some cases, is going to allow them to increase their share of wallet with us, and in some cases, actually might allow for a better entry point or a more productive entry point into the Stitch Fix ecosystem.

    從廣義上講,它對我們公司和我們的服務來說確實是增量的,因為它確實讓人們可以通過另一個接觸點與 Stitch Fix 互動,在某些情況下,這將使他們增加與我們的錢包份額,在某些情況下,實際上可能允許更好的切入點或更高效的切入點進入 Stitch Fix 生態系統。

  • And so we're excited.


  • Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - MD and Analyst

    Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - MD and Analyst

  • Katrina, when will Shop Your Looks be available for Men?

    Katrina,Shop Your Looks 何時可用於男士?

  • Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

    Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

  • That's a great question.


  • Right now, it's actually only available to, I think, 20% of Women's.

    現在,我認為它實際上只適用於 20% 的女性。

  • So it's still a pretty narrow beta.


  • And we will definitely share more as we roll it out.


  • Operator


  • We'll hear next from Scott Devitt with Stifel.

    接下來我們將聽到 Scott Devitt 與 Stifel 的對話。

  • Scott William Devitt - MD

    Scott William Devitt - MD

  • I had 2. First one is just a clarification on the first reason for the 1Q guide relating to the summer products.

    我有 2 個。第一個只是對與夏季產品相關的 1Q 指南的第一個原因的澄清。

  • And I just wanted to make sure that I understand it.


  • I think what you're saying is that you're comping summer -- lower-priced summer products relative to fall sales last year because the weather was warmer in the first 2 months of the quarter.


  • So just want to make sure that, that is actually what you're saying.


  • And then secondly, on China and supply and you mitigating the impact.


  • Could you talk about how much supply does come from China?


  • And how you're mitigating it or suppliers sourcing from other moving manufacturing out into other locations?


  • Are they digesting the tariffs and not passing prices on to you?


  • Or are you tweaking price to the consumer?


  • Which of those levers are you pulling or suppliers pulling to kind of mitigate the impact?


  • Paul Yee - CFO

    Paul Yee - CFO

  • Scott, this is Paul, thanks for your questions.


  • First, with regards to Q1, we noted that we are selling more summer product this year year-over-year.


  • It's still hot in August, which is the first month of Q1, and we were really pleased that we are able to serve those clients' needs.

    8 月仍然很熱,這是第一季度的第一個月,我們很高興能夠滿足這些客戶的需求。

  • A lot of retailers out there mark down all of their goods in July.

    許多零售商在 7 月份對所有商品進行降價。

  • By comparison, we knew that we have a high demand to meet and be able to satisfy clients.


  • So year-over-year, there was an impact on AOV early part in the quarter, and those metrics have normalized now that we're squarely in the fall season.

    因此,與去年同期相比,本季度早期的 AOV 受到了影響,現在我們正處於秋季,這些指標已經正常化。

  • And specifically to tariffs, our mix of China, like a lot of apparel retailers, is large.


  • It's a big source of manufacturing for the apparel industry.


  • The good news is we have 3 key parts of our toolkit to allow us to mitigate that cost.

    好消息是我們的工具包中有 3 個關鍵部分可以幫助我們降低成本。

  • And that's why the financial impacts in our full year guidance is not material.


  • First and foremost, we have very strong partnerships with our brands as well as our manufacturing partners.


  • So as a result, we can partner together on finding ways upstream to reduce cost and mitigate the tariffs.


  • Two, we talked about this before, with our data science capabilities, we do have an ability to look at pricing options.


  • Should we have to [surgically] pass on cost to clients, we can do so in ways that are not very impactful.


  • And then finally, more long term, working with both our brands as well as our own exclusive brand partners is to reduce our mix in terms of country of origin from China.


  • That work is already underway.


  • That is longer term in mind, and we want to balance sort of the marketplace and make sure we have a diversification on that front.


  • So all in all, we feel very confident in our tools, and we'll, again, update you as we see how this progresses.


  • Operator


  • We'll move on to Piper Jaffray's Erinn Murphy.

    我們將繼續討論 Piper Jaffray 的 Erinn Murphy。

  • Erinn Elisabeth Murphy - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Erinn Elisabeth Murphy - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Two questions as well for me.


  • I guess first, just following up on the inventory up 39% versus your low-20s guidance for sales in the first quarter.

    我想首先,只是跟進庫存增長 39%,而第一季度的銷售指導低於 20 多歲。

  • Can you just kind of walk through what that disconnect is?


  • And I guess, Paul, as it relates to that, are you expecting pressure on the gross margin in Q1 as a result?


  • And then secondly, Katrina, for you, more on the U.K., can you share what you're learning?


  • Kind of how the brand mix is evolving there?


  • How long it takes on average for a customer to get their Fix?


  • And then just any kind of expectations of what's implied in 2020's guidance for the scaling of that business?

    然後是對 2020 年該業務擴展指南中暗示的任何期望?

  • Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

    Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

  • All right.


  • Thanks, Erinn, I'll have Paul start out.

    謝謝,Erinn,我會讓 Paul 開始。

  • Actually, I'll probably have Mike, who's a little closer to the U.K. business, talk a little bit more on the U.K.


  • Paul Yee - CFO

    Paul Yee - CFO

  • Sounds good.


  • Erinn, this is Paul.


  • We ended the year with 39% higher inventory and that was in line with our expectations, our plans.

    我們年底的庫存增加了 39%,這符合我們的預期和計劃。

  • We noted earlier, Q2 last year, we made the conscious decision to invest in inventory.


  • We turned 6 times a year.

    我們每年轉 6 次。

  • And so we knew we had an opportunity to reinvest some of our working capital gains and the ability to personalize.


  • And Mike talked about some changes we've been able to make year-over-year in terms of broadening our number of brands, our SKUs in Women's as well as across the business.

    邁克談到了我們在擴大品牌數量、女裝 SKU 以及整個業務方面能夠逐年做出的一些改變。

  • And that gives really great confidence to be able to serve a very broad set of clients.


  • And so that's been an investment that continues in the first half of this year.


  • So from a gross margin standpoint, less on clearance but more on inventory reserve, which is a function of how much inventory we have in the books.


  • We do see that reflected in our gross margins in the first half, and that's reflected in the guidance I've given for Q1.


  • But stepping back, we are really good at managing inventory, and we're really excited that we'd be able to use that capability to serve even more clients better going forward.


  • Michael C. Smith - COO & President

    Michael C. Smith - COO & President

  • Erinn, on the U.K., it's still early, we launched in May, but there's a couple sort of nuggets that I'd say: one is, our Men's product is really reaching clients in a favorable way, like our clients love the Men's product; and I'd say the second thing is brands, we were able to work with all brands that we want to work with.

    Erinn,在英國,現在還早,我們是在 5 月份推出的,但我想說的有幾點:一個是,我們的男士產品確實以一種有利的方式吸引了客戶,就像我們的客戶喜歡男士產品一樣;我想說的第二件事是品牌,我們能夠與我們想要合作的所有品牌合作。

  • And so it's really fun to have a wide range of brands, both in Men's and Women's as well as work with all the brands we want to work with.


  • Some learnings for us is like how do you do click and collect.


  • And how do you have different transportation options.


  • So we're working through those kind of as we launch, and as a reminder, we talked about on the call, we spend a lot -- a decent amount of time in this launch-and-learn phase between sort of new businesses.


  • And it allows us to better the customer experience, figure out what capabilities like Style Shuffle, kind of when to include them into these newer business lines.

    它使我們能夠改善客戶體驗,找出像 Style Shuffle 這樣的功能,以及何時將它們包含到這些較新的業務線中。

  • And that's kind of where we are in the stage of the U.K.


  • Operator


  • And from SunTrust, we'll move on to Youssef Squali.

    我們將從 SunTrust 轉到 Youssef Squali。

  • Youssef Houssaini Squali - MD & Senior Analyst

    Youssef Houssaini Squali - MD & Senior Analyst

  • I have 2 questions.


  • Can you speak to growth in the Women's category, I guess, relative to what you've seen in the last couple of quarters?


  • What I'm trying to figure out is are we really -- are we seeing any signs of maturation in this category since it's your oldest.

    我想弄清楚的是,我們真的 - 我們是否看到了這一類別的任何成熟跡象,因為它是你最老的。

  • And then second, you rolled out a new onboarding flow.


  • Trying to figure out what kind of impact is it having on conversions and marketing efficiency.


  • I think one of your employees was quoted or had a blog in which she talked about seeing maybe a 15% lift in style profile completion rate.

    我認為您的一位員工被引用或有一個博客,她在博客中談到看到風格檔案完成率可能提高 15%。

  • Just trying to see if that potentially could be a good indicator [of lift] in conversions as well.

    只是想看看這是否也可能成為轉化率 [of lift] 的良好指標。

  • Paul Yee - CFO

    Paul Yee - CFO

  • Youssef, this is Paul.


  • I'll take the first question, and then we'll get to the next one.


  • So overall, Women's continues to be very healthy part of our business.


  • Our client growth in Q4 was across Men's, Women's and Kids.


  • U.K. was very early.


  • And then as I noted, 9% growth in revenue per client would only be possible because of Women's.

    然後正如我指出的那樣,只有女性才能實現每位客戶 9% 的收入增長。

  • The newer categories -- while still very exciting opportunities have a lower revenue per client.

    較新的類別 - 雖然仍然是非常令人興奮的機會,但每個客戶的收入較低。

  • So Women's continues to be very healthy.


  • In fact, we're investing in inventory to broaden our ability to serve many Women's clients.


  • It gives us great conference going forward in 2020.

    它為我們帶來了 2020 年的精彩會議。

  • Michael C. Smith - COO & President

    Michael C. Smith - COO & President

  • And Youssef, this is Mike, I'll take the onboarding flow question.

    Youssef,我是 Mike,我來回答入職流程問題。

  • I mean we are testing a lot of different things on conversion all the time, and we have a very robust kind of EV test as we talk about.

    我的意思是我們一直在測試很多關於轉換的不同東西,而且我們有一種非常強大的 EV 測試,正如我們所說的那樣。

  • To Paul's point about the investment strategy and data science and engineering, we're going to continue to do that because of how much opportunity I think we have to optimize the experience.


  • But some of these tests work and some of them don't, and it's an important part of our profile to always be testing things that we think are going to improve the client experience.


  • So no kind of specific conversation about that specific conversion test but we do that all the time.


  • Operator


  • We'll hear next from Ike Boruchow with Wells Fargo.

    接下來我們將聽到 Ike Boruchow 和 Wells Fargo 的對話。

  • Irwin Bernard Boruchow - MD and Senior Specialty Retail Analyst

    Irwin Bernard Boruchow - MD and Senior Specialty Retail Analyst

  • Apologies, 3 questions from me.

    抱歉,我有 3 個問題。

  • So first, you say you spent less on marketing in 4Q.


  • I was curious is that a dynamic that should reverse in 1Q.


  • Just kind of curious, maybe Paul, what's baked in for marketing spend in the first quarter in that guidance.


  • The Q1 revenue, just curious, the revenue dynamics, if I kind of plug in similar type of rev per customer, that gives me, basically, no net adds.


  • I'm kind of curious if you could comment rev per customer versus net adds.


  • And then apologies, the last question.


  • Bigger picture, I think this year is an implied around 1% full year EBITDA margin, which includes the SBC, and now we have the shift in the direct-buy strategy.

    更大的圖景,我認為今年隱含的全年 EBITDA 利潤率約為 1%,其中包括 SBC,現在我們已經轉變了直接購買策略。

  • I'm just curious how does this all inform your thinking on the longer-term EBITDA margin guide of 11% to 13%, just longer term when you think about the business.

    我很好奇這一切如何影響您對 11% 至 13% 的長期 EBITDA 利潤率指南的思考,只是從長遠來看,當您考慮業務時。

  • Is any of that changing when you think about 5, 10 years down the road?

    當您考慮未來 5 年、10 年時,這些情況會發生變化嗎?

  • Paul Yee - CFO

    Paul Yee - CFO

  • Ike, this is Paul.


  • So your first question was around our marketing spend.


  • So we were in July, this was the depth of summer.


  • We didn't just see the efficiencies there, so we made the choice not to invest in that period and just rather spend it when there are efficiencies.


  • We are very focused on ROI, and we'll be spending some of that in Q1.


  • But we did leverage our marketing spend, as I noted, 9.0% this year versus 9.1% last year.

    但正如我所指出的,我們確實利用了我們的營銷支出,今年為 9.0%,而去年為 9.1%。

  • In Q1, now that we're in the fall, where we do see efficiencies, we have real confidence in spending both paid and brand in the quarter, and these investments are reflected in my EBITDA guidance for Q1.

    在第一季度,現在我們正處於秋季,我們確實看到了效率,我們對本季度的付費和品牌支出都有真正的信心,這些投資反映在我對第一季度的 EBITDA 指導中。

  • Specifically, to the -- sort of drivers of Q1, we see growth in both revenue per client, seeing that momentum continue, that was 9% in Q4 but also consistent growth in client counts.

    具體來說,對於第一季度的驅動因素,我們看到每個客戶的收入都在增長,看到這種勢頭繼續下去,第四季度為 9%,但客戶數量也持續增長。

  • So there will be -- mathematically when you do that, net adds quarter-over-quarter.

    所以會有 - 從數學上講,當你這樣做時,淨增加季度環比。

  • And that's a reflection of our continue to focus on ROI-positive performance marketing initiatives.


  • And then finally, in terms of your EBITDA question for long term, we are very confident in our long-term margins of 11% to 13% and also growing 20%, 25% for many years to come.

    最後,就您的長期 EBITDA 問題而言,我們對我們 11% 至 13% 的長期利潤率非常有信心,並且在未來許多年內還將增長 20%、25%。

  • We're also confident in our investments this year.


  • Again, 2 years in, we've been able to set the stage and deliver on our commitments.


  • And this year, we see near-term opportunities investing in amazing talent that's continued to build the pipeline of initiatives.


  • Shop Your Look is just one of many initiatives we have ahead of us to continue to engage with clients and to get to know them really well.

    Shop Your Look 只是我們要繼續與客戶互動並真正深入了解他們的眾多舉措之一。

  • So from that standpoint, that's the fuel that's going to allow us to grow 20%, 25% for many years to come and that's the path of scale that will get us to the long-term margins.

    因此,從這個角度來看,這是讓我們在未來許多年內增長 20%、25% 的燃料,這就是讓我們獲得長期利潤的規模化道路。

  • But right now, we see the opportunities, and again, we have great confidence given our past 2 years of performance.


  • Operator


  • We'll now hear from Rick Patel with Needham.

    我們現在將聽到 Rick Patel 和 Needham 的對話。

  • Rakesh Babarbhai Patel - Senior Analyst

    Rakesh Babarbhai Patel - Senior Analyst

  • Two for me as well.


  • So a very nice continuation of growth in sales per active client.


  • Can you provide some additional color on what the drivers of this were in the fourth quarter?


  • And your confidence in the sustainability of this trend as you look out to fiscal '20?

    展望 20 財年,您對這一趨勢的可持續性有信心嗎?

  • It sounds like direct buying will be a pretty big driver, but curious what else is embedded in guidance.


  • And the second question is really around investment spending going forward.


  • So if we put SBC aside, you plan incremental investments for the U.K. in the back half of fiscal '19.

    因此,如果我們將 SBC 放在一邊,您計劃在 19 財年的後半段對英國進行增量投資。

  • As we look out to fiscal '20, I'm assuming this will continue to be a pressure point until you anniversary it.

    當我們展望 20 財年時,我假設這將繼續成為一個壓力點,直到你周年紀念日為止。

  • But what else may be in the pipeline for investment spend that we should be keeping in mind?


  • Paul Yee - CFO

    Paul Yee - CFO

  • Rick, thanks for your questions.


  • This is Paul.


  • So first of all, yes, we're really excited with the fact that we've grown revenue per client 5 quarters in a row and that is a function of a whole variety of initiatives.

    所以首先,是的,我們真的很興奮,因為我們已經連續 5 個季度增加了每個客戶的收入,這是各種舉措的結果。

  • Specific to Q4, we talked about Style Shuffle has being -- as being transformative and our ability to understand client style, so we've embedded that information into our algorithms to guide our stylists and that's helped us drive wallet share.

    具體到第 4 季度,我們談到 Style Shuffle 具有變革性和我們理解客戶風格的能力,因此我們將該信息嵌入到我們的算法中以指導我們的造型師,這有助於我們提高錢包份額。

  • Another thing we talked about earlier is that our client base is quite diverse.


  • And early on, we've had opportunities for clients who are very early in our journey with us to serve them better.


  • Mike talked about the fact that over the first 3 Fixes, we've gotten better at increasing our success rates over those 3 Fixes.

    Mike 談到了這樣一個事實,即在前 3 個修復中,我們在提高這 3 個修復的成功率方面做得更好。

  • And that's helping us drive overall improvements in revenue per client.


  • And then final driver is the fact that we've invested in inventory and broadened the assortment.


  • And that, again, continues to allow us to serve clients well.


  • All of these initiatives continue to play out in 2020 and then direct-buy is layered on top of that.

    所有這些舉措將在 2020 年繼續發揮作用,然後直接購買是最重要的。

  • In terms of the investments we're making in 2020 beyond SBC, as you noted, we really ramped up cost in terms of people and infrastructure in the U.K. in the second half.

    正如您所指出的,就我們在 2020 年在 SBC 之外進行的投資而言,下半年我們在英國的人員和基礎設施方面確實增加了成本。

  • That was $12 million in the second half of last year.

    這是去年下半年的 1200 萬美元。

  • Those will be analyzing in the first half and that's reflected in my guidance for Q1 and the full year.


  • Secondly, marketing.


  • We ended last year with marketing as a percent of revenue at 9.6%.

    我們去年結束時營銷佔收入的百分比為 9.6%。

  • That's the low end of our stated long-term range of 9% to 11%.

    這是我們規定的 9% 至 11% 長期範圍的低端。

  • You've seen the quick paybacks we have in our shareholder letter.


  • We're starting to really build out our brand capabilities.


  • So we see for the full year opportunity to inch that up further to the midpoint of the range and continue to drive long-term returns on our marketing spend.


  • So all of these investments taken together give us great confidence that we can grow 20% to 25% for the long term, and that's also reflected in the full year guidance for 2020.

    因此,所有這些投資加在一起讓我們充滿信心,我們可以長期增長 20% 到 25%,這也反映在 2020 年的全年指導中。

  • Operator


  • And at this time, I'd like to turn things back to Katrina for closing remarks.


  • Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

    Katrina Lake - Founder, CEO & Director

  • Great.


  • Thank you all for joining us.


  • We look forward to seeing many of you on the road, and we'll connect next quarter.


  • Operator


  • That does conclude today's conference.


  • Again, thank you all for joining us.
