Rekor Systems Inc (REKR) 2024 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to today's Rekor Systems Inc. conference call.

    女士們、先生們,下午好,歡迎參加今天的 Rekor Systems Inc. 電話會議。

  • My name is Kevin, and I'll be your coordinator for today.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • As a reminder, this conference call is being recorded for replay purposes.


  • Before we start, I want to read the company's abbreviated safe harbor statement.


  • I want to remind you that statements made in this conference call concerning future revenues, results of operations, financial position, markets, economic conditions, products and product releases, partnerships and other statements that may be construed as a prediction of future performance or events are forward-looking statements.


  • Such statements can involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements.


  • We ask you to refer to the full disclaimers in our earnings release.


  • You should also review a description of the risk factors contained in our annual and quarterly filings with the SEC.

    您還應該查看我們向 SEC 提交的年度和季度文件中包含的風險因素的描述。

  • Non-GAAP results will also be discussed on the call.

    非 GAAP 業績也將在電話會議上討論。

  • The company believes the presentation of non-GAAP information provides useful supplementary data concerning the company's ongoing operations and is provided for informational purposes.


  • I'd now like to turn the conference over to Mr. David Desharnais, President and CEO of Rekor Systems.

    現在我想將會議交給 Rekor Systems 總裁兼執行長 David Desharnais 先生。

  • David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

    David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

  • Thank you, operator, and thanks to everyone for joining us today.


  • I'll start with a brief update on customer activity, followed by an overview of the current market and our strategic priorities.


  • Eyal will walk through our Q3 2024 financial results, and I'll conclude with an update on our market position, goals for 2025 and the path forward.

    Eyal 將介紹我們 2024 年第三季的財務業績,最後我將介紹我們的市場地位、2025 年目標和前進道路的最新情況。

  • I'm pleased to report that the pipeline we've been nurturing for months is now entering the deployment phase, validating our growth strategy across all three core product areas.


  • Urban Mobility with Discover, Transportation Management with Command and Public Safety with Scout.

    透過 Discover 實現城市交通,透過 Command 實現運輸管理,透過 Scout 實現公共安全。

  • In each area, we're seeing steady platform expansion, increasing customer engagement and expanding strategic partnerships.


  • Starting with Discover, we recently achieved the much anticipated inclusion of our systems on Florida's approved product list, or APL.

    從 Discover 開始,我們最近如期實現了將我們的系統納入佛羅裡達州批准產品清單 (APL) 的目標。

  • We have now begun the first wave of statewide deployments spearheaded by the Central Office of Florida DOT.


  • These deployments are part of a statewide effort to provide comprehensive coverage across every district, ensuring precise roadway data and advanced analytics for emergency operations and beyond.


  • I'm especially proud to report that our first installations have already been battle tested and proved their value.


  • During one of the most challenging hurricane seasons in Florida's history, Rekor was a reliable and accurate source of traffic data for the state and its emergency operations, facilitating the safe evacuation of millions.

    在佛羅裡達州歷史上最具挑戰性的颶風季節之一,Rekor 為該州及其緊急行動提供了可靠、準確的交通數據來源,促進了數百萬人的安全疏散。

  • While these back-to-back hurricanes required Florida DOT to prioritize emergency operations and evacuations for citizen safety during this time, we are now excited to be making renewed forward progress in Q4.


  • With our inclusion on the APL and strong endorsement from Florida DOT's central office, we are collaborating with multiple districts to expand the reach of Discover, leveraging existing and discretionary budgets for wider implementation across the region.

    隨著我們加入 APL 並得到佛羅裡達州交通部中央辦公室的大力支持,我們正在與多個地區合作,擴大 Discover 的覆蓋範圍,利用現有和可自由支配的預算在整個地區更廣泛地實施。

  • With our existing involvement in servicing Florida's legacy data collection network, we believe we are well positioned to modernize thousands of outdated sites across the state, many of which are currently underperforming or in disrepair.


  • With APL approval of our advanced technology now behind us, our established relationships and operational momentum make Florida a cornerstone for our growth this year and beyond.

    隨著 APL 對我們先進技術的認可,我們建立的關係和營運勢頭使佛羅裡達州成為我們今年及以後成長的基石。

  • Although the approval took longer than expected, it marks a pivotal step allowing us to expand the delivery of reliable and mission-critical insights that validate our strategic direction.


  • As we prepare to deploy hundreds and eventually thousands of units in Florida, this continued rollout not only positions us for sustained growth in one of the nation's largest and most influential states, but also sets the stage for expansion beyond.


  • Florida has built a strong reputation with the Federal Highways Administration as a leading state for advanced data collection approaches, serving as a model for other states.


  • Florida's exceptional results through the recent hurricanes has been particularly instructive for other coastal regions and states that face similar and severe weather challenges.


  • We are confident that our ongoing work in the region sets a powerful example and will help to facilitate accelerated adoption nationwide.


  • Securing an initial order in a new state requires winning the confidence of key decision-makers as well as successfully navigating a challenging procurement process.


  • Complex state procurement policies can present unexpected challenges that lead to frustrating delays.


  • To address this, we've streamlined our approach by codifying essential elements such as documenting our steps to eliminate AI risks, implementing robust cybersecurity and data protection measures and establishing predefined contract vehicles, all into a structured framework.


  • This framework is designed to simplify our collaboration with procurement departments, reduce friction and accelerate time lines in future engagements.


  • Building on our growing momentum with Discover, I'm pleased to also announce that New York, our latest customer and another one of the largest and most influential states in the country has officially advanced Rekor Discover from proof of concept through procurement.

    基於我們與 Discover 不斷增長的勢頭,我還很高興地宣布,我們的最新客戶、美國另一個最大、最具影響力的州之一紐約已正式推進 Rekor Discover 從概念驗證到採購的進程。

  • This achievement grants us access to approximately 115,000 miles of public roadways and serves as a critical entry point for a potential broader rollout statewide.

    這項成就使我們能夠進入約 115,000 英里的公共道路,並成為可能在全州範圍內更廣泛推廣的關鍵切入點。

  • With this milestone, Rekor can now engage with various local union, engineering and construction firms to install our Edge AI devices for use at numerous data collection sites across the state.

    憑藉這一里程碑,Rekor 現在可以與各個當地工會、工程和建築公司合作,安裝我們的 Edge AI 設備,以便在全州眾多數據收集站點使用。

  • Based on their experience with our currently installed systems, New Mexico has also made the recent decision to move away from outdated 1990s side-firing radar technology, opting instead to leapfrog directly to our AI-based solutions for a major interstate highway upgrade project.

    根據我們目前安裝的系統的經驗,新墨西哥州最近還決定放棄過時的 20 世紀 90 年代側射雷達技術,而是選擇直接跨越到我們基於人工智慧的解決方案來進行重大州際高速公路升級項目。

  • The state is investing over $200 million in a multiyear roadway infrastructure project, and we are well positioned to capture a portion of that spend.

    該州正在投資超過 2 億美元用於一個多年期道路基礎設施項目,我們有能力獲得其中的一部分。

  • They have designated Rekor as the official system of record for advanced data collection, and we are collaborating closely with state leadership to plan further expansion.

    他們已指定 Rekor 作為高級資料收集的官方記錄系統,我們正在與國家領導層密切合作,計劃進一步擴展。

  • Now, on to our transportation management area.


  • In Q3, we were pleased to see our Command solution for traffic management continue to gain additional ground in Texas, where Texas DOT, Austin and the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, or CTRMA, have implemented Command as its AI-based incident detection and response platform as well as for work zone management and real-time public notifications.

    在第三季度,我們很高興看到我們的交通管理Command 解決方案在德州繼續取得更多進展,德州交通部、奧斯汀和德州中部地區交通管理局( CTRMA) 已實施Command 作為其基於人工智慧的事件偵測和回應平台以及工作區管理和即時公共通知。

  • To date, the performance has been impressive with TxDOT reporting a 29% reduction in secondary crashes and the ability to restore normal traffic flows on average 44 minutes faster using Command.

    迄今為止,性能令人印象深刻,TxDOT 報告稱,使用 Command 將二次崩潰減少了 29%,並且能夠平均加快 44 分鐘恢復正常交通流量。

  • TxDOT has also presented our solution to the Texas House legislator as a model for future roadway management.

    TxDOT 也向德州眾議院立法者展示了我們的解決方案,作為未來道路管理的模型。

  • Our deployment and its outcomes were highlighted in a recent video featuring testimonials from senior leaders at TxDOT, including the state CIO and Head of Traffic Management.

    最近的一段影片強調了我們的部署及其成果,其中包括 TxDOT 高級領導(包括州首席資訊長和交通管理主管)的感言。

  • This video underscores Command's value as a transformative tool for helping to create safer, smarter and more efficient roadways and communities and highlights their plans for statewide enterprise-level deployment of Rekor.

    這部影片強調了 Command 作為變革工具的價值,有助於創建更安全、更聰明和更有效率的道路和社區,並重點介紹了他們在全州範圍內企業級部署 Rekor 的計劃。

  • If you haven't seen the video, it's available on our website and various social media channels.


  • We are excited about our ongoing progress here and believe that both Texas and Florida have the potential to become some of our top revenue generating states in the coming years.


  • In addition to these specific projects, we are currently engaged with over a dozen states that manage 1.2 million miles of roadway data collection in aggregate.

    除了這些具體項目之外,我們目前還與十幾個州合作,管理總計 120 萬英里的道路數據收集。

  • Our expanding footprint now includes Hawaii through our new partnership with a large and trusted local infrastructure service provider for the state.


  • This collaboration will bring our advanced solutions closer to many communities in Hawaii, providing the most advanced digital infrastructure for their departments of transportation and public safety.


  • Speaking of public safety, we are pleased to see the continued momentum building for our Scout platform.

    說到公共安全,我們很高興看到我們的 Scout 平台不斷發展勢頭。

  • With increasing concerns about crime across communities in the United States, this is a market segment that is expected to see significant growth in the coming years.


  • Notably, more than 70% of all crime involves the vehicle, underscoring the need for high-performance and accurate vehicle recognition technology and roadway intelligence.

    值得注意的是,超過 70% 的犯罪涉及車輛,這凸顯了對高性能、準確的車輛識別技術和道路智慧的需求。

  • We recently announced our partnership with SoundThinking, a leading public safety company trusted by thousands of public safety agencies nationwide.

    我們最近宣布與 SoundThinking 建立合作關係,SoundThinking 是一家領先的公共安全公司,受到全國數千個公共安全機構的信賴。

  • Our collaboration and joint offering is already seeing positive initial results in the market with SoundThinking reporting multiple millions of dollars of new pipeline already established and with more to come.

    我們的合作和聯合產品已經在市場上取得了積極的初步成果,SoundThinking 報告稱已經建立了數百萬美元的新管道,並且還將有更多管道。

  • In addition, our participation at the recent International Association of Chiefs of Police, otherwise known as IACP, was well received with other companies in the public safety domain approaching us for potential partnerships as well.

    此外,我們最近參加了國際警察局長協會(也稱為 IACP),受到了公共安全領域其他公司的好評,這些公司也與我們尋求潛在的合作夥伴關係。

  • This reinforces our confidence in the growth outlook for Scout and our Public Safety segment over the coming months and years ahead.

    這增強了我們對 Scout 和公共安全部門未來幾個月和幾年的成長前景的信心。

  • Also, we are pleased to announce that Scout has recently passed an initial technology approval for New Jersey's statewide networked ALPR program, or NJ SNAP, marking an important milestone on our journey to establish Scout as the trusted vehicle recognition solution for New Jersey law enforcement agencies and public safety initiatives.

    此外,我們很高興地宣布,Scout 最近通過了新澤西州全州聯網ALPR 計劃(NJ SNAP) 的初步技術批准,這標誌著我們將Scout 打造成新澤西州執法機構值得信賴的車輛識別解決方案的過程中的一個重要里程碑和公共安全舉措。

  • As part of our growth strategy, we are continuing to forge industry-leading partnerships that enhance our capabilities and strengthen our market position.


  • Notably, as industry leaders, Amazon Web Services and NVIDIA are intensifying their focus on public safety and transportation infrastructure, and they are aligning with strategic partners they believe will be the leaders in this space.

    值得注意的是,作為行業領導者,Amazon Web Services 和 NVIDIA 正在加強對公共安全和交通基礎設施的關注,並且正在與他們認為將成為該領域領導者的策略合作夥伴結盟。

  • They have chosen Rekor and are putting weight behind our solutions.

    他們選擇了 Rekor 並支持我們的解決方案。

  • We previously highlighted our deep collaboration with AWS across each of our business segments.

    我們之前強調了我們與 AWS 在各個業務領域的深度合作。

  • Now, NVIDIA has published a case study on our integration with their full stack accelerated computing platform.

    現在,NVIDIA 發布了有關我們與其全端加速運算平台整合的案例研究。

  • By leveraging NVIDIA's AI and neuro inference microservices or NIM, we harness generative AI to accelerate deployments and strengthen data security.

    透過利用 NVIDIA 的人工智慧和神經推理微服務(NIM),我們利用生成式人工智慧來加速部署並增強資料安全性。

  • We are also running multiple large language and computer vision models on NVIDIA's Triton AI inference server.

    我們也在 NVIDIA 的 Triton AI 推理伺服器上運行多種大型語言和電腦視覺模型。

  • This provides critical capabilities for data annotation, workflow automation and camera calibration and advances the state-of-the-art for our AI-driven roadway intelligence.


  • Maintaining visibility and influence is critical for Rekor as it fuels innovation and keeps us at the forefront of a rapidly evolving industry.

    保持知名度和影響力對於 Rekor 至關重要,因為它可以推動創新,並使我們始終處於快速發展的行業的前沿。

  • In Q3, Rekor had a strong presence at over 30 industry events, reinforcing our role as a thought leader and strengthening ties with current and future clients.

    第三季度,Rekor 在 30 多個行業活動中表現出色,強化了我們作為思想領袖的角色,並加強了與當前和未來客戶的聯繫。

  • Our national profile is also on the rise.


  • We were recently featured on MotorWeek, the nation's longest running automotive television series, where our brand and technology reached a broad audience, reinforcing Rekor as a leader in enabling the future of safer, smarter transportation.

    最近,我們在美國播出時間最長的汽車電視連續劇《MotorWeek》中得到了專題報道,我們的品牌和技術吸引了廣泛的受眾,鞏固了Rekor 作為實現更安全、更智能的未來交通的領導者的地位。

  • I'm also honored to share a significant milestone for my personal commitment to advancing transportation and infrastructure.


  • In addition to serving on the Board of Directors for the U.S. Department of Transportation Center for Multimodal Mobility for the past year, I'm now pleased to share that I was recently inducted to the Board of Directors of ITS America as well, the leading authority in the intelligent transportation industry.

    除了在過去的一年中擔任美國交通部多式聯運中心的董事會成員之外,我現在很高興地告訴大家,我最近還被任命為 ITS America 的董事會成員,該機構是領先的權威機構在智能交通業。

  • This is a strong recognition of Rekor's vision and role in shaping the future of digital infrastructure and roadway intelligence nationwide.

    這是對 Rekor 在塑造全國數位基礎設施和道路智慧未來方面的願景和作用的強烈認可。

  • Together, we will set the standard for safer, smarter and more connected communities.


  • As I've shared in previous calls and outlined in my recent shareholder letter, all indicators point to what is an inevitable decade-long wave of transformation toward digital infrastructure, a seismic technology shift that will fundamentally redefine roadways and communities across the U.S. and beyond.


  • Rekor is poised to lead this transition with our innovative AI-based technology and unparalleled expertise in roadway intelligence.

    Rekor 準備憑藉我們基於人工智慧的創新技術和道路智慧方面無與倫比的專業知識來引領這一轉變。

  • However, navigating government procurement cycles requires adaptability and patience as time lines in the B2G sector can be unpredictable.

    然而,駕馭政府採購週期需要適應性和耐心,因為 B2G 領域的時間表可能難以預測。

  • Since assuming the CEO role this past summer, I have focused on creating a meaner, more efficient Rekor 2.0, a company ready to capitalize on significant breakout opportunities in 2025 and beyond.

    自從去年夏天擔任執行長以來,我一直專注於創建一個更精簡、更有效率的 Rekor 2.0,一家準備充分利用 2025 年及以後重大突破機會的公司。

  • While progress toward our long-term goals may not always be linear, our growing customer momentum, expanding backlog and meaningful partnerships have strengthened our opportunities for sustainable self-funded growth.


  • Together with my senior management team, we are fully committed to executing our plans and creating lasting value for shareholders, customers and employees alike.


  • To stay resilient in this environment, we've taken the necessary steps to adjust to the unpredictability of government procurement time lines and trim our expenses.


  • This expense realignment is designed to achieve up to $15 million in annualized savings and gave us the confidence to eliminate an additional $20 million in optional advances we had in place with Yorkville.

    這項費用調整旨在實現高達 1500 萬美元的年度節省,並讓我們有信心消除約克維爾額外 2000 萬美元的可選預付款。

  • These actions demonstrate our commitment to operating within our means, reducing reliance on external capital and positioning ourselves firmly on the path to positive cash flow in 2025.


  • With industry-leading technology platforms across all business segments and strong partnerships within the ecosystem, Rekor is poised to transform 4.2 million miles of US roadways, setting the standard for smart AI-driven infrastructure.

    憑藉跨所有業務領域的行業領先技術平台以及生態系統內的強大合作夥伴關係,Rekor 準備改造美國 420 萬英里的道路,為智慧人工智慧驅動的基礎設施設定標準。

  • Our statewide engagements are stronger than ever, steadily propelling us toward our vision of becoming the global leader in roadway intelligence.


  • I'm immensely proud of our team's daily dedication to making that happen.


  • Today, we're on an exciting journey to build safer, smarter communities, and I am confident in the road ahead.


  • I'll now hand the call over to Eyal Hen, Rekor's CFO, to review our Q3 financial highlights.

    現在,我將把電話轉交給 Rekor 財務長 Eyal Hen,以回顧我們第三季的財務亮點。

  • Eyal?


  • Eyal Hen - Chief Financial Officer

    Eyal Hen - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, David, and thanks for joining us today to discuss our results for the 3 and 9 months ended September 30, 2024.

    謝謝 David,謝謝您今天加入我們討論我們截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日的 3 個月和 9 個月的表現。

  • I'd like to begin by highlighting recent strategic actions we've taken to optimize our cost structure, which are projected to reduce 2025 expenses by up to $15 million compared to 2024.

    首先,我想強調我們最近為優化成本結構而採取的策略行動,預計這些行動將在 2025 年比 2024 年減少高達 1500 萬美元的支出。

  • These initiatives include workforce restructuring to better align our cost base with current business needs.


  • We have placed our emphasis firmly on current operations and near-term revenue producing opportunities while ensuring that we retain key talent and maintain the operational capacity required to deliver high-quality service to our customers.


  • In addition, to a thorough evaluation, the time line for our longer-range development efforts and reduction of other expenses, we have implemented targeted compensation adjustments that include more equity-based compensation in the total compensation packages.


  • This demonstrates the long-term faith of our top employees in our future success.


  • Now, for the third quarter numbers.


  • We had revenues of $10.5 million, an increase of 16% compared to Q3 2023 and for the 9 months ended September 30, 2024, we achieved $32.8 million in revenue, an increase of $8.9 million or 37% over the same period last year.

    我們的營收為 1,050 萬美元,比 2023 年第三季成長 16%,截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日的 9 個月,我們營收 3,280 萬美元,比去年同期成長 890 萬美元,成長 37%。

  • Our Urban Mobility segment, which consists of revenue derived from roadway data aggregation activities, was the main driver of our growth in the quarter.


  • Recurring revenue reached $5.5 million in the third quarter of 2024, an increase of 14% over the same period last year.


  • For the 9 months ended September 30, 2024, recurring revenue totaled $16.8 million, an increase of 13% compared to the same period last year.


  • Adjusted gross margin for the 3 months ended September 30, 2024, was 44%, a decrease from 52.6% for the same period last year.


  • For the 9 months ended September 30, 2024, adjusted gross margin was 48.2%, a decrease from 52.6% for the same period last year.


  • As indicated in previous calls, we are still in an early growth phase and margins can fluctuate on a quarterly basis.


  • The decline in Q3 2024 was largely driven by lower gross margin projects and some adverse weather conditions over the late summer months.

    2024 年第三季的下降主要是由於毛利率項目較低以及夏末的一些惡劣天氣條件造成的。

  • We expect gross margins to bounce back over the coming quarters, driven by new wins and delivery of our higher-margin offerings.


  • Adjusted EBITDA loss for the third quarter of 2024 was $9.2 million, an increase from $6.6 million in the same period of last year.


  • The higher adjusted EBITDA loss was largely due to the aforementioned lower gross margin.

    調整後 EBITDA 損失較高主要是由於上述毛利率較低。

  • For the 9 months period ended September 30, 2024, adjusted EBITDA loss was $24.3 million from $23.2 million for the same period last year.

    截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日的 9 個月期間,調整後 EBITDA 虧損為 2,430 萬美元,而去年同期為 2,320 萬美元。

  • Our Q3 2024 financial results reflect the variability we have previously noted in serving government sector clients.

    我們的 2024 年第三季財務表現反映了我們先前註意到的為政府部門客戶提供服務的可變性。

  • To help smooth out this unpredictability, we are proactively optimizing our cost structure, focusing intently on near-term revenue generation and trimming back personnel in longer-range development areas as well as other nonessential expenses.


  • Although these decisions are challenging, they are necessary to streamline our operations, accelerate our path to profitability and strengthen our balance sheet.


  • We anticipate implementing the majority of our targeted reduction on an annual full run rate basis by year-end.


  • As part of our commitment to prudent financial management, we have made strategic adjustments to our financing arrangements.


  • In October, we amended our prepaid advance agreement with Yorkville Advisors and eliminated the option for an additional advance of $20 million.

    10 月份,我們修改了與 Yorkville Advisors 的預付預付款協議,並取消了額外預付款 2,000 萬美元的選項。

  • This decision reflects our confidence in our current realignment, growing operating momentum and commitment to delivering value to our shareholders.


  • Despite some near-term challenges, our financial and operational strategies are laying a solid foundation for strong future growth and profitability.


  • I want to reiterate that our actions position us to operate within our means and reduce our reliance on external capital.


  • This will put us on the path to achieve positive cash flow in 2025.

    這將使我們走上 2025 年實現正現金流的道路。

  • We are confident in our forward outlook and grateful for the continued support of our investors.


  • Now, I will turn the call back to David to cover additional business highlights and the path forward.

    現在,我將把電話轉回給 David,以介紹其他業務亮點和前進道路。

  • David?


  • David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

    David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

  • Thank you, Eyal.


  • As you can see, we are taking deliberate actions to align our cost structure with the realities we've experienced in the government procurement cycle.


  • Through a disciplined financial approach, we are positioning Rekor for sustainable, self-funded growth with a clear line of sight to positive cash flow in 2025.

    透過嚴格的財務方法,我們將 Rekor 定位為可持續、自籌資金的成長,並明確目標是在 2025 年實現正現金流。

  • At the same time, we are at a defining moment in the evolution of roadway technology.


  • Transportation departments across the US are at a crossroads.


  • They can either continue with outdated, unsafe, labor-intensive methods or embrace modern AI-driven solutions that provide better worker safety, deeper insights and increased efficiency and future proofing.


  • We are well positioned to lead the way and support our forward-looking customers as they continue to embrace digital infrastructure a part of this inevitable and massive wave of modernization and technology transition.


  • Rekor has the capacity to deploy hundreds of thousands of our AI edge units along with our software, ultimately transforming over 4.2 million miles of U.S. roadways.

    Rekor 有能力部署數十萬個 AI 邊緣單元以及我們的軟體,最終改變超過 420 萬英里的美國道路。

  • While exact deployment time lines are difficult to predict, once these agencies commit to this transition, we believe there is a potential for a 40% compound annual growth rate in revenue over the next 5 years.

    雖然確切的部署時間表很難預測,但一旦這些機構致力於這一轉變,我們相信未來 5 年收入有可能實現 40% 的複合年增長率。

  • Achieving this level of growth would establish Rekor among a select group of industry leaders.

    實現這一成長水準將使 Rekor 躋身行業領導者之列。

  • Looking beyond technology and partnerships, we are building a company prepared to endure and thrive.


  • As we move forward, we expect to deliver consistent revenue growth, expanding gross margins and enhanced predictability.


  • Our disciplined approach and commitment to financial independence not only supports a self-sustaining growth model, but also paves the way to unlock Rekor's multibillion-dollar potential and to deliver outstanding value to our stakeholders.

    我們嚴格的方法和對財務獨立的承諾不僅支持自我維持的成長模式,而且還為釋放 Rekor 數十億美元的潛力並為我們的利害關係人提供卓越的價值鋪平了道路。

  • We're excited about the road ahead.


  • With Rekor's dedicated global team, leading AI solutions across each of our product lines and strategic partnerships, we are uniquely positioned to modernize millions of miles of U.S. roadways and pave the way for global expansion.

    憑藉Rekor 專門的全球團隊、在我們每個產品線和戰略合作夥伴關係中領先的人工智慧解決方案,我們擁有獨特的優勢,可以實現美國數百萬英里道路的現代化,並為全球擴張鋪平道路。

  • Rekor's thought leadership and influential presence on the boards of leading industry bodies also places us squarely at the forefront of transforming the future of transportation.

    Rekor 的思想領導力和在領先產業機構董事會中的影響力也使我們處於變革交通未來的最前線。

  • The future is bright, and we look forward to continuing this journey together, building safer, smarter and more efficient infrastructure for communities everywhere.


  • Now, I'd like to open the floor for any questions you may have.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Mike Latimore, Northland Capital Markets.

    麥克‧拉蒂摩爾 (Mike Latimore),北國資本市場。

  • Mike Latimore - Analyst

    Mike Latimore - Analyst

  • Congrats on the ITS appointment, David.

    大衛,恭喜您獲得 ITS 任命。

  • Just a couple of quick things on the results in the quarter here.


  • So, recurring was down sequentially.


  • And if I recall last year, the similar dynamic occurred when a hurricane came through in the third quarter.


  • So, I guess is recurring revenue going to sort of, was it impacted by the hurricanes in the quarter, like particularly the mobile site revenue?


  • And does that bounce back in the fourth quarter?


  • David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

    David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

  • Yes, Mike.


  • Thank you for the question.


  • You are correct.


  • We incurred the same kind of weather conditions or even worse in Q3 that results lower recurring revenues or lower revenues from recurring contracts.


  • And we anticipate this to come back in Q4 and forward.


  • Yes.


  • Mike Latimore - Analyst

    Mike Latimore - Analyst

  • And then with regard to Florida, great to see you on the APL list.

    然後關於佛羅裡達州,很高興看到你出現在 APL 名單上。

  • You say deployments have commenced.


  • Can you give a little more detail there?


  • Is there a detailed plan for a number of endpoints per month?


  • Or are certain districts farther ahead than other districts?


  • Maybe just talk a little bit about kind of how visible this deployment program is.


  • David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

    David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

  • Yes.


  • So, Mike, in regards to Florida, as you know, the hurricane season has been pretty nasty this year, right?


  • The intention of the Central Office of Florida is they want to be able to have effectively eyeballs in every district to be able to get good coverage across the state during emergency operations.


  • Obviously, I think you're in that market.


  • And so, Hurricane Sara is brewing again and you understand there's a time line associated with this.


  • And they're trying to get as much done between now and May to make sure that they're prepared for whatever may come in the next season.


  • And so, in terms of distribution, you can imagine every district will have a certain number of units, and they're planning that out right now, and we're working with them daily on it.


  • I wouldn't be prepared to give you that detail on here just for competitive reasons and other things, right?


  • But yes, it's a very, very close relationship.


  • I would say in part because of the performance that we've demonstrated there in the past year of our engagement, but it really reached a peak of undeniable evidence during the performance during the storms themselves where we were literally the only device is able to provide accurate, reliable, sustainable data during the storm.


  • So, that really accelerated a lot of things that I would say otherwise would have taken a slower boat through the channels and the labor and the procurement and things.


  • So in this case, never let a crisis go to waste in that way, and it's really helped kind of accelerate the planning there and also the confidence in the state to move very quickly.


  • Now, beyond that, every district operates also independently.


  • So you have central office or Central Florida that overlooks across the state for their needs.


  • And then you have every district that has day-to-day operational needs for things like class count and speed and other statistics.


  • And so, we're engaged in parallel with the districts as well as the central office.


  • And the districts themselves have their own needs.


  • And when we talk about the potential in a state like Florida, say, 18,000 devices over time, right?

    當我們談論佛羅裡達州這樣的州的潛力時,比如說,隨著時間的推移,設備數量將達到 18,000 台,對吧?

  • If you look at that as the potential TAM of that area, then the districts play a pretty heavy role in that.

    如果您將其視為該地區潛在的 TAM,那麼各地區在其中發揮著相當重要的作用。

  • And as we look to go beyond central office, we'll get that done.


  • And then also in parallel working with the districts that opens up tremendous footprint and tapping into different budgets, some of which are existing budgets, some of our discretionary budgets and some are budgets to come based on their future planning.


  • But I would say net-net, very, very tight trusted relationship we're building with Florida, and we expect, again, that to be one of our largest revenue-producing states over time.


  • So, I hope that provides some color there, Mike.


  • Mike Latimore - Analyst

    Mike Latimore - Analyst

  • And then just maybe thinking about it more broadly here in terms of the addressable market.


  • You're talking in Florida here about several thousand units.


  • And then I think historically, you've mentioned kind of maybe the TAM is in the millions, but Florida is one of the bigger states.

    然後我認為從歷史上看,您提到 TAM 可能有數百萬,但佛羅裡達州是較大的州之一。

  • So, can you kind of think of like that broader TAM versus what we're seeing in Florida right now?

    那麼,你能想像一下更廣泛的 TAM 與我們現在在佛羅裡達州看到的情況嗎?

  • David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

    David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

  • Yes.


  • I'll try to color that up in a way that you can extrapolate to how we think about this across different states.


  • So, if I take Florida, and for those of you that don't look at the stats here, Florida has about 122,000 miles of public roadways, our concentration is really on the highways and interstates.

    所以,如果我以佛羅裡達州為例,對於那些不看這裡統計數據的人來說,佛羅裡達州有大約 122,000 英里的公共道路,我們的重點實際上是高速公路和州際公路。

  • And if you look at the mileage of highways and interstate miles, it's around 13,500 or so, right?

    如果你看看高速公路和州際公路的里程,大約是 13,500 英里左右,對嗎?

  • And if you look at the 18,000 sort of site potential in there, it equates to about 1.3 sites per mile and in some cases, it can be up to 2 per mile.

    如果你看看那裡 18,000 個站點的潛力,它相當於每英里大約 1.3 個站點,在某些情況下,可能高達每英里 2 個。

  • Now, I can tell you, living in the North or Mid-Atlantic, I should say, I will tell you going up and down 95 every quarter a mile or so, I can tell you there's devices there.

    現在,我可以告訴你,住在北部或大西洋中部,我應該說,我會告訴你每四分之一英里左右上下 95 度,我可以告訴你那裡有設備。

  • So, when we start looking across the states, whether if you look at Texas and their road miles, if you look at Florida and their road miles, you look at Hawaii and New Mexico road miles, we see pretty easily 750,000 to 1 million, 1.5 million sites potential as a TAM.

    所以,當我們開始觀察各州時,無論你看看德克薩斯州和他們的公路里程,如果你看看佛羅裡達州和他們的公路里程,你看看夏威夷和新墨西哥州的公路里程,我們很容易看到75 萬到100 萬, 150 萬個站點有可能成為 TAM。

  • Now, if you think about the devices, and this is how we think about it, we have an opportunity to be able to serve each of those states on the roadways with the superior data that we do produce for them for class count and speed.


  • However, once you have that real estate, we'll just call it real estate, the ability to do upsells and cross-sells there is enormous.


  • And so, when we think about the potential that 750,000 to 1.5 million sites provides, it's not just one and done.

    因此,當我們考慮 75 萬到 150 萬個網站所提供的潛力時,我們發現這不僅僅是一個就完成了。

  • It's the ability to expand upon that, add value-added services on top.


  • And frankly, we're starting to see this now pull in our additional platform.


  • So, what I'm talking about right now is Discover, but we also have our Command platform, and we also have our Scout platform.

    所以,我現在談的是Discover,但我們也有我們的Command 平台,我們也有我們的Scout 平台。

  • And those are tied together on the back end that allows us to do expansion.


  • So, the TAM is pretty significant.

    所以,TAM 非常重要。

  • Even if you just looked at that independently as our Urban Mobility segment with Discover, it's a very, very good TAM overall.

    即使您只是將其獨立地視為我們的城市交通部分與 Discover,它總體上也是一個非常非常好的 TAM。

  • But then you start to look at the cross-selling and upselling capability, it becomes really terrific.


  • And that's what we see ahead for us.


  • Mike Latimore - Analyst

    Mike Latimore - Analyst

  • And one last one, just on G&A, that was up sequentially.

    最後一項,就 G&A 而言,是按順序上升的。

  • Was there any onetime item in there?


  • Eyal Hen - Chief Financial Officer

    Eyal Hen - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • You're right, Mike.


  • We have a significant amount of onetime items there associated with the financing transaction we did in Q3, like the Yorkville, we did a new shelf and we did the warrant exercise that happened all in Q3 and resulted in expenses.


  • Mike Latimore - Analyst

    Mike Latimore - Analyst

  • So, the $15 million of savings you expect is basically relative to the OpEx in the third quarter, probably excluding those onetime items, I would imagine?

    那麼,您預期的 1500 萬美元節省基本上是相對於第三季度的營運支出而言的,我想可能不包括那些一次性項目?

  • Eyal Hen - Chief Financial Officer

    Eyal Hen - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • Excluding the onetime items, as we said, we did the salary realignment with equity and some other measures to reduce our expense structure significantly in 2025.

    正如我們所說,排除一次性項目,我們透過股權調整薪資和其他一些措施,以在 2025 年大幅減少我們的費用結構。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Louie DiPalma, William Blair.


  • Louie Dipalma - Analyst

    Louie Dipalma - Analyst

  • You are making significant progress in Florida with the APL and you announced developments with Texas and New York.

    你們透過 APL 在佛羅裡達州取得了重大進展,並且宣布了與德克薩斯州和紐約州的進展。

  • We were wondering how might the new presidential administration impact Rekor's business as there has been a lot of discussion of Dodge reducing red tape and bureaucracy and you have cited the inconsistent government procurement cycles, but could Dodge like expedite procurement and lead to a faster conversion of this like very large 750,000 TAM into like deployments and revenue?

    我們想知道新的總統政府將如何影響 Rekor 的業務,因為已經有很多關於道奇減少繁文縟節和官僚主義的討論,並且您提到了不一致的政府採購週期,但道奇是否可以加快採購並導致更快的轉換這相當於750,000 TAM 的部署和收入?

  • David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

    David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

  • That's something we've given a lot of thought to, obviously, leading up into the election season and obviously, the outcomes of the election.


  • A couple of things I would say just as sort of contextual points is that the Infrastructure and Jobs Act or the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, thankfully, was intended to extend beyond a single administration.


  • So, that's still in place, that's still $1.2 trillion, and it's still within a 5-year duration of time.

    所以,這仍然存在,仍然是 1.2 兆美元,而且仍然在 5 年的時間內。

  • So regardless of the outcome of the election, that still stands and the money that has been earmarked or allocated already is still earmarked and allocated.


  • Now, as we've kind of looked at this scenario planning here for what may happen, we kind of took a look at Trump's first term and just sort of as an indicator of what we can expect.


  • And there's been no announcement of the Secretary of Transportation yet or the Department of Energy, those are still open positions yet to be fulfilled.


  • But they will still have the infrastructure law to depend on and deploy.


  • And the reality is that nothing has really fundamentally changed in terms of we've got increasing demand for travel, infrastructure is aging.


  • The fact that fuel tax revenue is going down and that the existing sort of program spend for Departments of Transportation is insufficient to do what they need to do, the need to be able to leverage and tap the infrastructure law or the bipartisan infrastructure law is still there.


  • And Trump is known to have a heavy focus on highway expansion for sure.


  • When we think about an emphasis on rural areas of border surveillance, domestic ICE vehicle production, so standard petroleum vehicles.


  • I mean, all of that bodes well for what we have as an offering today and we don't see anything but positive ahead.


  • I mean it's going to be AI focused, it's going to be about being able to have scalable, affordable solutions that enable labor reduction.


  • So, you think of Dodge and some of the efficiencies that may come up as a result of that and the streamlining of bureaucracy and the need to reduce friction.


  • So, procurement, we expect we'll have maybe a simpler path forward there.


  • Again, all of this is speculation, but that's how we're looking at this.


  • So, overall, I would say we're feeling good about the transition as it relates to our business and the path forward.


  • And we're excited to see who the Secretary of Transportation is going to be and looking forward to aligning with that.


  • Now, the last thing I'll say here, Louie, is that Rekor's presence and influence in the industry is growing.

    現在,Louie,我在這裡要說的最後一件事是,Rekor 在行業中的存在和影響力正在增長。

  • And our ability to have good insight into what's to come and our ability to help shape what's to come at the highest levels of the U.S.


  • Department of Transportation, Federal Highways Administration and now with my appointment on the ITS America Board of Directors, I think that puts us in a very strong position to help shape the future here.

    交通部、聯邦公路管理局,以及我現在被任命為 ITS America 董事會成員,我認為這使我們處於非常有利的地位,可以幫助塑造這裡的未來。

  • So for us, it's green lights, full steam ahead for us.


  • Louie Dipalma - Analyst

    Louie Dipalma - Analyst

  • And it seems the progress of the 1,000 camera deployment with State X has been impacted by the hurricane season, but what is the new time line for when that deployment should be completed?

    State X 部署 1,000 個攝影機的進度似乎受到了颶風季節的影響,但完成部署的新時間表是什麼?

  • And once it's completed, should investors expect follow-on orders from State X?

    一旦完成,投資者是否應該期待 X 州的後續訂單?

  • Like what is the market opportunity?


  • And are you already in negotiations for follow-on tranches with State X?

    您是否已經在與 X 國就後續付款進行談判?

  • David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

    David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

  • Yes.


  • So yes, yes and yes, Louie.


  • So, State X, as we've referred to before in previous calls, as I've hopefully tried to make more clear today is Florida.

    所以,正如我們之前在之前的電話會議中提到的那樣,X 州是佛羅裡達州,我希望今天能更清楚地說明這一點。

  • With our inclusion on the APL, there's an enormous opportunity there.

    隨著我們加入 APL,那裡存在著巨大的機會。

  • And our position in the state is very favorable, again, based on performance and based on relationship and the momentum.


  • Keep in mind, we've had a long, longtime relationship with the state in Florida.


  • And Florida is influential to other states, not only around Florida and adjacent to Florida but really across the nation.


  • They are one of the top states when it comes to Federal Highways administration, and so many times, the question becomes what is Florida doing?


  • And maybe that's what we should do when it comes to states and how they make decisions and so we're really pleased with that.


  • The opportunity that I've outlined there is very real, and we're extremely well positioned.


  • So, we're working with the districts now on deployment plans.


  • It will tie into their program spend, it will tie into discretionary funds.


  • And, yes, I mean, again, that's yes, yes and yes for us.


  • We still have day-to-day operational things that we'll go through with them, there's still things that we're working on and time lines, how to stage that through the districts and labor and things related to that.


  • But, yes, the opportunity is immense there.


  • Louie Dipalma - Analyst

    Louie Dipalma - Analyst

  • And is there also the equivalent of approved product lists in some of your other large markets, such as New York and Texas and California?


  • David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

    David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

  • There are and it becomes relevant depending on -- so APL or approved product list, there's different names for it, but similar kind of thing.

    有並且它變得相關取決於 - 所以 APL 或批准的產品列表,它有不同的名稱,但類似的東西。

  • Not every state has them, but a lot of states do.


  • And a lot of states have reciprocal agreements.


  • So, what one state does, another state will follow.


  • And if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us without having to go through what can be an elongated process sometimes.


  • But having gone through now in multiple states, we have a growing experience on this and a lot of this can be templatized.


  • In my earnings remarks, I talked about dealing with procurement and how we're codifying the process and building a framework.


  • And part of that is we know this is going to become something.


  • And we have answers now and I think we can accelerate that process.


  • That's our expectation.


  • So, that's for states that are buying equipment that they need to have on an approved product list.


  • But our business model provides alternatives, like for example, some states don't need to buy equipment they will do data services only.


  • And if it's a data services only, there's no equipment to buy per se so there's no approved product list to worry about.


  • You're delivering a service, a data service at the end of the day.


  • So, what we expect to see happen is that states that do have the opportunity to procure hardware is that we will navigate through the APL process, if there is one, we will lean on existing APLs that we currently have to help accelerate that process and or have a reciprocal agreement there.

    因此,我們期望看到的情況是,確實有機會採購硬體的州我們將瀏覽 APL 流程,如果有的話,我們將依靠現有的 APL,我們目前必須幫助加速這一流程,並且或在那裡達成互惠協議。

  • And the third option there is that we would look to partner with a local integrator that is already enabled with everything lined up with an APL to accelerate that process.

    第三個選擇是,我們希望與本地整合商合作,該整合商已經啟用了與 APL 一致的所有功能,以加速這一過程。

  • So, I think, again, going back to just the main point is that states do have APLs.

    所以,我認為,再次回到要點,各州確實有 APL。

  • They become relevant if they have to buy equipment, but we see more and more states moving to more of a hybrid model and/or even a data services model.


  • So, it will become less relevant, I would say, as we move forward.


  • But if there is one, we'll navigate it.


  • If there isn't one, that's great, too.


  • Louie Dipalma - Analyst

    Louie Dipalma - Analyst

  • And lastly, does the $15 million in cost savings initiatives, does that provide enough liquidity cushion for Rekor to execute its plan until the company becomes free cash flow breakeven or free cash flow positive in the second half of next year?

    最後,1,500 萬美元的成本節約計劃是否為 Rekor 提供足夠的流動性緩衝來執行其計劃,直到該公司在明年下半年實現自由現金流盈虧平衡或自由現金流為正?

  • Eyal Hen - Chief Financial Officer

    Eyal Hen - Chief Financial Officer

  • Hi, Louie, yes.


  • So the way we look at it, yes, we look on our expense structure and focus really on near-term revenues generating activities.


  • And we believe that we did and the $15 million savings that we have will give us enough run rate to get to a free cash flow in 2025.

    我們相信我們做到了,我們節省的 1500 萬美元將為我們提供足夠的運行速度,以便在 2025 年實現自由現金流。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • We reached the end of our question-and-answer session.


  • I'd like to turn the floor back over for any further or closing comments.


  • David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

    David Desharnais - President, Chief Operating Officer

  • I just want to say thank you very much for tuning in today.


  • We've made, I would say, tremendous progress in a short period of time.


  • We're a young company still, we've accomplished a lot.


  • And a good example, I think, is getting through the processes with Florida as sort of a template and an example.


  • We've learned a lot in that process, and I think it's going to accelerate our path forward.


  • So, a lot of goodness coming out of that.


  • And the changes that we've made from an operating expenses perspective is significant.


  • Something like that is difficult to do.


  • And we've got some amazing people and some rock stars that will be on to their next adventure, and we wish them well.


  • But the folks that are remaining are fully committed to the plan here.


  • We believe that the changes that we've made are going to allow us to cash flow our business as we move forward to profitability.


  • And we're starting to see the business turn in the way that we expected.


  • It took a little longer than we'd like to see, but it's on its way, and we expect this to continue into '25 for sure and beyond.

    它花費的時間比我們希望看到的要長一些,但它正在路上,我們預計這種情況肯定會持續到 25 年甚至更久。

  • And so, we're excited about the path forward.


  • We have a lot of work to do, and we're clear-eyed about that, and we're on it.


  • So, thank you very much for the support and the patience and I believe that you're going to be well rewarded as we continue to navigate the path forward to what is an inevitable future.


  • So, thank you very much for today, and I look forward to updating you in the next quarter.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • That does conclude today's webcast.


  • You may now disconnect your line, and have a wonderful day.


  • We thank you for your participation today.
