PPG Industries Inc (PPG) 2019 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, and welcome to the PPG Industries Third Quarter 2019 Earnings Conference Call.

    下午好,歡迎參加 PPG Industries 2019 年第三季度收益電話會議。

  • My name is Carrie, and I will be your conference specialist today.

    我的名字是 Carrie,今天我將成為您的會議專家。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Please note, this event is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to John Bruno, Director, Investor Relations.

    我現在想將會議轉交給投資者關係總監 John Bruno。

  • Please go ahead.


  • John Bruno - Director of IR

    John Bruno - Director of IR

  • Thank you, Carrie, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Once again, this is John Bruno.


  • We appreciate your continued interest in PPG and welcome you to our third quarter 2019 financial results conference call.

    感謝您對 PPG 的持續關注,並歡迎您參加我們的 2019 年第三季度財務業績電話會議。

  • Joining me on the call from PPG are Michael McGarry, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer; and Vince Morales, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

    與我一起接受 PPG 電話會議的還有董事長兼首席執行官 Michael McGarry;和高級副總裁兼首席財務官文斯·莫拉萊斯。

  • Our comments relate to the financial information released on Thursday, October 17, 2019.

    我們的評論與 2019 年 10 月 17 日星期四發布的財務信息有關。

  • I will remind everyone that we have posted detailed commentary and accompanying presentation slides on the Investor Center of our website, ppg.com.

    我會提醒大家,我們已經在我們網站 ppg.com 的投資者中心發布了詳細的評論和隨附的演示幻燈片。

  • The slides are also available on the webcast site for this call and provide additional support to the opening comments Michael will make shortly.


  • Following Michael's perspective on the company's results for the quarter, we will move to a Q&A session.


  • Both the prepared commentary and discussion during this call may contain forward-looking statements, reflecting the company's current view of future events and their potential effect on PPG's operating and financial performance.

    本次電話會議期間準備好的評論和討論都可能包含前瞻性陳述,反映了公司當前對未來事件的看法及其對 PPG 運營和財務業績的潛在影響。

  • These statements involve uncertainties and risks, which may cause actual results to differ.


  • The company is under no obligation to provide subsequent updates to these forward-looking statements.


  • This presentation also contains certain non-GAAP financial measures.


  • The company has provided in the appendix of the presentation materials, which are available on our website, reconciliations of these non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures.


  • For additional information, please refer to PPG's filings with the SEC.

    如需更多信息,請參閱 PPG 向 SEC 提交的文件。

  • Now let me introduce PPG Chairman and CEO, Michael McGarry.

    現在讓我介紹 PPG 董事長兼首席執行官 Michael McGarry。

  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Thank you, John, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • We appreciate you joining our third quarter earnings call.


  • Today, we reported third quarter 2019 financial results.

    今天,我們公佈了 2019 年第三季度的財務業績。

  • For the quarter, our net sales were about $3.8 billion and our adjusted earnings per diluted share from continuing operations were $1.67.

    本季度,我們的淨銷售額約為 38 億美元,調整後的持續經營業務攤薄後每股收益為 1.67 美元。

  • Earnings were a record for any third quarter.


  • Consistent with our improvement targets, we delivered strong year-over-year adjusted earnings per growth -- per share growth of 15%.

    與我們的改進目標一致,我們實現了強勁的調整後每股收益同比增長——每股增長 15%。

  • Our earnings growth was driven by continued selling price realization and strong cost management.


  • This quarter, we accelerated our momentum in margin recovery, with segment margins up about 220 basis points versus last year.

    本季度,我們加快了利潤率恢復的勢頭,分部利潤率與去年相比上升了約 220 個基點。

  • As we stated in the past, our overall objective is to return to the aggregated segment margins that we maintained prior to this recent inflationary cycle, and we believe this objective is achievable in 2020.

    正如我們過去所說,我們的總體目標是恢復到我們在最近的通脹週期之前保持的總分部利潤率,我們相信這個目標可以在 2020 年實現。

  • Now let me provide some additional color on our third quarter results.


  • Our net sales in constant currency were higher than the prior year by about 2%.

    我們按固定匯率計算的淨銷售額比去年高出約 2%。

  • Sales volumes were down nearly 3% and were notably impacted by weak global industrial production that continued to affect global automotive production and most of our general industrial end-use markets.

    銷量下降了近 3%,並且受到全球工業生產疲軟的顯著影響,全球工業生產繼續影響全球汽車生產和我們的大部分一般工業最終用途市場。

  • This weakness was also broad-based geographically.


  • Aggregate selling prices were 2.6% higher, marking the 10th consecutive quarter of improved selling -- year-over-year selling prices and our sixth consecutive quarter with selling price increases of at least 2%.

    總售價上漲 2.6%,這是連續第 10 個季度銷售價格同比增長,也是我們連續第六個季度銷售價格至少上漲 2%。

  • We're continuing to work with our customers to ensure that we're receiving fair value for our products and services and expect price gains of about 2% in the fourth quarter despite a more difficult pricing comparison in the prior year fourth quarter.

    我們將繼續與我們的客戶合作,以確保我們的產品和服務獲得公允價值,並預計第四季度的價格漲幅約為 2%,儘管與去年第四季度的價格比較更加困難。

  • Finally, our net sales were affected by a significant unfavorable currency translation of about 2% or nearly $80 million.

    最後,我們的淨銷售額受到約 2% 或近 8000 萬美元的重大不利貨幣換算的影響。

  • We expect unfavorable currency translation to continue at a similar rate in the fourth quarter.


  • Moving to some business trends in the third quarter.


  • In our Performance Coatings reporting segment, aerospace coatings continued to deliver very strong volume growth, outpacing industry performance in most major regions.


  • In automotive refinish, sales were higher as strong selling price gains and acquisition sales from SEM outpaced lower sales volumes, reflecting lower demand in most regions as many of our customers focused on inventory management.

    在汽車修補漆方面,由於銷售價格的強勁增長和來自 SEM 的收購銷售額超過了較低的銷量,銷售額較高,這反映了大多數地區的需求下降,因為我們的許多客戶都專注於庫存管理。

  • Year-over-year, organic sales were again higher in our architecture coatings EMEA business driven by higher selling prices.

    在銷售價格上漲的推動下,我們的建築塗料 EMEA 業務的有機銷售額同比再次增長。

  • Aggregate sales volumes were slightly lower as we saw mixed demand trends by country during the quarter.


  • In Mexico, our PPG-Comex business increased organic sales, aided by higher selling prices.

    在墨西哥,我們的 PPG-Comex 業務在銷售價格上漲的幫助下增加了有機銷售額。

  • Sales volumes remained soft as consumer demand reflected the overall lower economic activity in Mexico's economy.


  • The PPG-Comex business continued its growth by adding nearly 100 concessionaire stores through September of 2019.

    到 2019 年 9 月,PPG-Comex 業務繼續增長,增加了近 100 家特許經營店。

  • Organic sales volumes in architectural coatings Americas and Asia Pacific modestly increased during the quarter as sales volumes growth in the DIY and independent dealer channels offset lower sales volumes at our company-owned stores, including a difficult comparison period last year, where we delivered strong high single-digit percentage growth.

    由於 DIY 和獨立經銷商渠道的銷量增長抵消了我們公司自有商店的銷量下降,包括去年艱難的比較期,我們在該季度實現了強勁的高銷量,因此美洲和亞太地區建築塗料的有機銷量在本季度小幅增長個位數的百分比增長。

  • Led by strong growth in the Asia region, our protective and marine coatings business continued to deliver above-industry sales volume growth of mid-single-digit percentage during the quarter.


  • We expect sales to remain at elevated levels in the fourth quarter, albeit with lower year-over-year growth due to the significant growth we have experienced in the past year.


  • In our Industrial Coatings reporting segment, sales volumes continue to be adversely impacted by weak industrial demand in most major regions of the world.


  • Global automotive OEM industry builds declined, including the impact of unexpected or unintended and extended customer shutdowns in multiple regions during the quarter.

    全球汽車 OEM 行業的增長有所下降,包括本季度多個地區的意外或意外和長期客戶停工的影響。

  • In aggregate, PPG's automotive sales volumes were lower by mid- to high single-digit percentage, consistent with the reduction in global builds.

    總體而言,PPG 的汽車銷量下降了中高個位數百分比,這與全球製造量的減少一致。

  • As a partial sales offset, our automotive OEM business realized higher selling prices in each major region for the third consecutive quarter.

    作為部分銷售抵消,我們的汽車 OEM 業務連續第三個季度在各主要地區實現了較高的銷售價格。

  • Weak global industrial production activity impacted most of our general Industrial Coatings business subsegments, including wood, general finishes and transportation end markets.


  • Also, our packaging coatings sales volumes decreased modestly as solid beverage can demand was offset by weakness in other packaging end-market segments.


  • We expect this business to return to growth in 2020.

    我們預計該業務將在 2020 年恢復增長。

  • From an earnings perspective, as I mentioned earlier, our third quarter adjusted earnings per diluted share was $1.67.

    從收益的角度來看,正如我之前提到的,我們第三季度調整後的每股攤薄收益為 1.67 美元。

  • Our earnings were negatively impacted by about $10 million of unfavorable foreign currency translation or about $0.04 per share.

    我們的收益受到約 1000 萬美元不利的外幣折算或每股約 0.04 美元的負面影響。

  • Our effective tax rate was about 23% in the third quarter, which is higher than the approximately 21% rate in the third quarter of 2018.

    我們第三季度的有效稅率約為 23%,高於 2018 年第三季度約 21% 的稅率。

  • The increase relates to realizing lower nonrecurring favorable discrete tax items in the third quarter of 2019.

    增加與在 2019 年第三季度實現較低的非經常性優惠離散稅收項目有關。

  • We're anticipating a tax raise of about 24% for the full year 2019.

    我們預計 2019 年全年將增稅約 24%。

  • Our EPS results were supported by increase in our selling prices, improved manufacturing performance, excellent progress on our cost savings programs, which delivered about $20 million in cost savings during the quarter and remains in line with our objectives.

    我們的每股收益結果得到了銷售價格上漲、製造績效改善、成本節約計劃取得顯著進展的支持,該計劃在本季度節省了約 2000 萬美元的成本,並且仍然符合我們的目標。

  • In addition, as we targeted, we benefited from achieving comparable margins in our U.S. and Canadian architectural business to the third quarter of 2017 before our customer assortment changes.

    此外,正如我們的目標,我們受益於在我們的客戶分類發生變化之前,我們在美國和加拿大的建築業務中實現了與 2017 年第三季度相當的利潤率。

  • The 4 acquisitions that we had made in the past year also contributed positively to earnings although at overall lower-than-company average margins.

    我們在過去一年進行的 4 次收購也對盈利做出了積極貢獻,儘管總體利潤率低於公司平均利潤率。

  • As we look ahead, we expect global economic activity to remain weak in the fourth quarter.


  • We expect global general industrial demand to remain unfavorable year-over-year and roughly comparable to what we experienced in the third quarter.


  • Year-over-year sales comparisons will ease in the automotive OEM business, but we still forecast aggregate global automotive builds to decline in the fourth quarter compared to prior year.

    汽車 OEM 業務的同比銷售比較將放緩,但我們仍預測第四季度全球汽車總產量將比去年同期下降。

  • Positive developments around regional and country trade disputes could provide a spark to industrials demand as inventory levels in many of our end-use markets remain low.


  • Specific to our businesses, we believe that lower U.S. interest rates could add growth in the U.S. housing market and also favorably impact automotive OEM and U.S. architectural sales.

    具體到我們的業務,我們認為較低的美國利率可能會增加美國房地產市場的增長,並對汽車 OEM 和美國建築銷售產生有利影響。

  • There will be continuing impact to our sales related to customer shutdowns in the automotive OEM business in the U.S.

    與美國汽車 OEM 業務的客戶關閉相關的銷售將繼續受到影響。

  • In Latin America, we anticipate economic activity to be similar to that experience in the third quarter, and we'll continue to add new PPG-Comex concessionaire locations to expand our customer reach.

    在拉丁美洲,我們預計經濟活動將與第三季度的情況相似,我們將繼續增加新的 PPG-Comex 特許經營商地點以擴大我們的客戶範圍。

  • In Asia, demand rates are expected to remain consistent in comparison to the third quarter.


  • In the fourth quarter, sales comparisons to last year will be easier given the weakness in Asian demand that occurred late last year.


  • We expect demand growth will return in China next year.


  • Economic demand in Europe is expected to remain soft as industrial production is forecast to remain at low levels.


  • In our automotive OEM business, comps are also easing year-over-year, and we should experience a lower sales volume decrement in the fourth quarter.

    在我們的汽車 OEM 業務中,comps 也同比下降,我們應該在第四季度經歷較低的銷量下降。

  • We expect our architectural business to continue to grow driven by higher selling prices and strong cost management.


  • Brexit remains an overhang and is beginning to modestly impact our business trends.


  • We continue to closely monitor the situation and have prepared contingency plans to the best of our ability to prepare for unknown impacts.


  • As we said last quarter, we continue to work with our supplier base to ensure that our input costs are reflective of current industry demand conditions, including the ongoing uncertainty and weak global industrial production.


  • We will continue to focus on reducing our cost structure, and we target to reduce $20 million of cost in the fourth quarter related to our cost savings program, including the news program we announced in the second quarter, which will have a full year run rate savings of about $125 million upon completion of the program.

    我們將繼續專注於降低成本結構,我們的目標是在第四季度減少 2000 萬美元與我們的成本節約計劃相關的成本,包括我們在第二季度宣布的新聞計劃,該計劃將具有全年運行率計劃完成後節省約 1.25 億美元。

  • Earlier today, we provided EPS guidance specific to the full year of 2019.

    今天早些時候,我們提供了針對 2019 年全年的 EPS 指導。

  • The guidance of $6.17 to $6.27, which includes an unfavorable impact from foreign currency translation of $0.18 to $0.20 per share.

    指導為 6.17 美元至 6.27 美元,其中包括每股 0.18 美元至 0.20 美元的外匯兌換的不利影響。

  • This puts us at the low to mid-range of our original full year 2019 adjusted earnings per share growth of 7% to 10%, excluding currency translation impacts.

    這使我們處於原始 2019 年全年調整後每股收益增長 7% 至 10% 的中低端,不包括貨幣換算影響。

  • While we would like to be closer to the upper end of the range, our earnings performance has been very solid when considering the severity of the downturn in the global industrial activity.


  • We have generated strong cash flow through the first 9 months of 2019, with cash generation of nearly $1.3 billion.

    我們在 2019 年前 9 個月產生了強勁的現金流,產生了近 13 億美元的現金。

  • This is an increase of about $600 million when compared to the same period last year and has been driven by strong working capital management.

    與去年同期相比,這增加了約 6 億美元,這得益於強大的營運資金管理。

  • Our focus on cash flow generation will continue, and our goal remains to reduce working capital as a percent of sales compared to 2018 levels.

    我們將繼續關注現金流的產生,我們的目標仍然是與 2018 年的水平相比,降低營運資本佔銷售額的百分比。

  • We completed the Dexmet acquisition early in the third quarter.

    我們在第三季度初完成了對 Dexmet 的收購。

  • I continue to be pleased with the early performance of all 4 recently completed acquisitions, including Hemmelrath, SEM and Whitford, which collectively will add about $400 million of annualized revenue.

    我繼續對最近完成的所有 4 項收購的早期表現感到滿意,包括 Hemmelrath、SEM 和 Whitford,這將共同增加約 4 億美元的年收入。

  • Acquisitions remain one of our preferred cash deployment options given the value that these have created for our shareholders over the year, and currently, our pipeline continues to remain solid.


  • In addition to acquisitions, we progressed our key capital expenditures during the third quarter, and we still expect total spending to be up to 3% of sales in 2019.

    除了收購之外,我們在第三季度還增加了關鍵資本支出,我們仍然預計 2019 年總支出將高達銷售額的 3%。

  • In the third quarter, we increased our dividend to $0.51 per share or roughly a 6% increase.

    在第三季度,我們將股息提高至每股 0.51 美元,增幅約為 6%。

  • We have paid uninterrupted annual dividends since 1899, and we are pleased to continue to prioritize our dividend increases.

    自 1899 年以來,我們一直不間斷地支付年度股息,我們很高興繼續優先考慮增加股息。

  • We ended the third quarter with more than $1.5 billion of cash in short-term investments, which continues to provide us with significant financial flexibility.

    我們在第三季度結束時擁有超過 15 億美元的短期投資現金,這繼續為我們提供了顯著的財務靈活性。

  • Finally, I'd like to recognize and thank our employees around the world for their continued commitment to serve our customers.


  • Every day, our dedicated employees are focused on driving the PPG way in delivering value to all our stakeholders and shareholders.

    每天,我們敬業的員工都專注於推動 PPG 為所有利益相關者和股東創造價值的方式。

  • This concludes our prepared remarks.


  • Once again, we appreciate your interest in PPG.

    再次感謝您對 PPG 的關注。

  • And now, Carrie, would you please open the line for questions?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) The first question will come from Ghansham Panjabi with Robert W. Baird.

    (操作員說明)第一個問題將來自 Ghansham Panjabi 和 Robert W. Baird。

  • Ghansham Panjabi - Senior Research Analyst

    Ghansham Panjabi - Senior Research Analyst

  • I guess first off, you've obviously given us really good detail on how to think about volumes for the fourth quarter.


  • I understand it's early, but what is your initial view as it relates to the volume outlook for 2020 at this point, as it relates to your major end markets?

    我知道現在還為時過早,但您對 2020 年的銷量前景有何初步看法,因為它與您的主要終端市場有關?

  • And on your margin recovery comment by 2020, Michael, are you referring to the run rate at the end of the year or margins on an absolute basis?

    關於到 2020 年的利潤率恢復評論,邁克爾,您是指年底的運行率還是絕對利潤率?

  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • I do expect margins to continue to improve.


  • As you can see, our margins in our Performance Coatings segment are essentially back to peak, and we think there's still more upside there, so we're going to continue to work hard on that.


  • We also have made, as you saw, significant -- more than 200 basis point improvement in the industrial segment, and we still have more runway to go there.

    如您所見,我們還在工業領域取得了顯著的進步——超過 200 個基點,而且我們還有更多的路要走。

  • As we said, we had positive price coming in the fourth quarter.


  • And I would expect that we would continue to push price as we move forward, as we still have an environment where we have inflation and think about salaries, warehouses, freight and distribution, things like that.


  • So...


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • And Ghansham, on your question with respect to the 2020.

    還有 Ghansham,關於你關於 2020 年的問題。

  • A little early to answer that question, but what we can say confidently is that a lot of our customers are carrying very low inventory levels.


  • Typically, they achieve their inventory levels at the end of the year, not by the end of Q3 as they have done this year.


  • So heading into 2020, we do think there could be some inventory upside.

    因此,進入 2020 年,我們確實認為庫存可能會有一些上漲空間。

  • It's too early to make a call in the economy and the other geopolitical issues.


  • But a couple of our key industries, we know, auto, we feel a little bit better about auto next year, specifically in Asia, the biggest market.


  • And a couple other markets, in general, industrial are down this year.


  • We're hopeful that they will have at least a modest rebound next year, not counting the inventory rebuild.


  • Ghansham Panjabi - Senior Research Analyst

    Ghansham Panjabi - Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And just as a follow-up to that, Vince, for the industrial segment specifically, how should we think about operating leverage for that segment as volumes start to recover?


  • I mean obviously, you're adjusting the cost footprint, and I've seen some of the cost will reverse as demand picks up.


  • But I just want to get your sense as to operating leverage during the initial phase of improvement.


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Ghansham, this is Michael.


  • That's going to be a strong positive for us.


  • When you think about the past quarter, earnings in that industrial segment were up despite volumes being down.


  • And we anticipate to continue to drive cost out.


  • And so you should expect to see a nice operating leverage should volumes come back.


  • And right now, we're certainly planning on our outlook for 2020 would include some modest recovery.

    現在,我們當然正在計劃我們對 2020 年的展望,其中包括一些適度的複蘇。

  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Christopher Parkinson with Crédit Suisse.


  • Christopher S. Parkinson - Director of Equity Research

    Christopher S. Parkinson - Director of Equity Research

  • Regarding your volume outlook, can you kindly walk us through the key end-market verticals for which you believe PPG is poised to benefit from, let's say, secular themes, regulatory changes under new products?

    關於您的銷量前景,您能否向我們介紹一下您認為 PPG 有望從長期主題、新產品監管變化中受益的關鍵終端市場垂直領域?

  • Non-BPA and the move towards aluminum cans will be one, I guess, in packaging; low cure products and EV battery-protected in auto.

    我猜,非 BPA 和向鋁罐的轉變將是包裝中的一個。低固化產品和電動汽車電池保護。

  • Just -- if there are a few others just generally based on what's inside of your control?


  • What are the key verticals for which we can expect you to outperform and why?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • So Christopher, you've covered automotive pretty well, so I'll pass on that one.


  • We have on -- in the industrial business, as part of the industrial segment, that one I would point to like high-edge powder as one of them.


  • And if you think about moving into packaging itself, the sustainability to can is number one, so you could see the shift away from plastic.


  • That's going to be a long-term secular win.


  • For -- housing is continuing to -- we got low interest rates around the world, so I think housing has continued to be a nice little market for us.


  • Aerospace is clearly going to be a continued winner for us.


  • We're going to continue to outgrow the industry there with the launches that we have had, whether it's new transparencies or new coatings.


  • And then talk about -- we talked about, in our press release, MOONWALK for refinish.

    然後談談——我們在新聞稿中談到了用於修補漆的 MOONWALK。

  • This is a new technology that allows people in Europe to be able to mix refinished paints more precisely, allows the technician to spend more time painting the car as opposed to mixing paint, drives higher productivity in the paint shop.


  • So I think net-net, we're in a pretty good shape long term-wise.


  • Christopher S. Parkinson - Director of Equity Research

    Christopher S. Parkinson - Director of Equity Research

  • And just in regards to your margin outlook, can you simply outline in order which variables will be the most material to achieving and surpassing prior peak margins just between price, input cost, inflation, mix, acquisition, integrations and just broader volume improvement?


  • Just any key thoughts on how The Street should be thinking about that as we head into 2020.

    在我們進入 2020 年時,關於華爾街應該如何考慮這一點的任何關鍵想法。

  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Hey, Chris, I'll start, and Michael could certainly add to what I say.


  • But the -- we're still sitting on a significant amount of inflation that's a multiyear inflation.


  • We have seen very little of that unwind to this point.


  • We alluded in our call about the economy, the weakness in industrial activity, so we're still working to get price to offset this accumulated inflation.


  • But there is a significant amount of inflation we would not expect with the supply/demand environment, where it is in our supplier base.


  • We still have self-help.


  • We announced the self-help program in May.


  • We still have a variety of actions to do against that program.


  • We're expecting significant savings from that program.


  • That will be primarily next year.


  • And then the last one is we don't know the volume outlook so the things within our control we're managing, but as Michael just mentioned on a prior question, if we do get any volume especially in some of our industrial businesses, we should have a significant amount of leverage.


  • So those would be the way I'd prioritize.


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • And Chris, I would -- the one thing I would add is that with a couple of the acquisitions we've made, they're below company average.

    克里斯,我會 - 我要補充的一件事是,通過我們進行的一些收購,它們低於公司平均水平。

  • They're fairly decent-sized ones.


  • I'm excited because I get a monthly report on the integration as well as the performance, and we are seeing month-over-month improvement.


  • In fact, when I look at the Hemmelrath numbers for the month of September, it was the best month they've had ever.

    事實上,當我查看 Hemmelrath 9 月份的數據時,這是他們有史以來最好的月份。

  • And obviously, they're benefiting from some of our ability to integrate them, but I see even more positive coming.


  • They have relationships with customers that are slightly different customers than we have from a standpoint of mix.


  • And so we're able to take the best of both worlds.


  • Their great relationships and our great technology, and put the 2 together and we've already won a substantial number of new program wins since we bought Hemmelrath.

    他們的良好關係和我們出色的技術,將兩者結合在一起,自從我們收購 Hemmelrath 以來,我們已經贏得了大量新項目的勝利。

  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Bob Koort of Goldman Sachs.

    下一個問題將來自高盛的 Bob Koort。

  • Robert Andrew Koort - MD

    Robert Andrew Koort - MD

  • Michael, you guys gave some commentary about your U.S. architectural business.


  • I guess it seems like going on a few years now, there's puts and takes and maybe not complete uniform consistency by channel.


  • Can you talk a little bit about the DIY market?


  • It sounds like maybe that's starting to percolate a little bit.


  • Certainly, we're seeing some of these housing stocks rally dramatically.


  • Are there some signs that maybe we're going get liftoff in DIY?

    是否有跡象表明我們可能會在 DIY 中起飛?

  • And then in your store base, I guess I would have thought maybe some of those contractors that were hiding from the rainy weather in the June quarter would have come back out in the September quarter.

    然後在您的商店基地中,我想我可能會認為,在 6 月季度躲避陰雨天氣的那些承包商中的一些可能會在 9 月季度回來。

  • So is there anything idiosyncratic to your store base, either regionally or end market-wise, that would have precluded you from having a little bit better volume there?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • So Bob, let me first start with the DIY.


  • So we're gaining share in the DIY segment.

    因此,我們在 DIY 領域獲得了份額。

  • Our customers are doing pretty well and inside our customers, we have continued to launch new products, and that's been a real positive.


  • So you think about PPG TIMELESS at Home Depot as well as the OLYMPIC Stain at Home Depot, both those guys are growing above company average.

    所以你想想 Home Depot 的 PPG TIMELESS 和 Home Depot 的 OLYMPIC Stain,這兩個人的增長都高於公司平均水平。

  • So we're really pleased with that.


  • I think the one thing that doesn't really come through when you think about our company store average is, if you remember in some of the prior calls, we kind of talked about doing a little bit of everything in that segment.


  • So some of it is delivery, some of it is the stores, and some of it is what we call our premier authorized dealer network or where we're trying to make it simple for the customer to say I can pick up in a dealer location or I can pick up in a PPG store location.

    所以其中一些是交付,一些是商店,還有一些是我們所謂的首要授權經銷商網絡,或者我們試圖讓客戶簡單地說我可以在經銷商位置取貨或者我可以在 PPG 商店取貨。

  • And obviously, we have, let's call it, a little bit less than 900 stores between U.S. and Canada.

    很明顯,我們在美國和加拿大之間的門店數量略少於 900 家。

  • Well, if you include that plus the nearly 5,000 dealers that we have, that gives our customers a lot more opportunities to pick up paint.

    好吧,如果您將其加上我們擁有的近 5,000 家經銷商,這將為我們的客戶提供更多獲取油漆的機會。

  • And so if you look at our dealers, if you noticed in our commentary in our press release, we said dealers were positive, and historically, as you know, this has been a long-term secular minus 1 kind of trend line as dealers age out and move on.

    因此,如果您查看我們的經銷商,如果您在我們的新聞稿中的評論中註意到,我們說經銷商是積極的,從歷史上看,正如您所知,隨著經銷商年齡的增長,這一直是長期的長期負 1 趨勢線出去繼續前進。

  • But with this new strategy, we are picking up additional business through the dealers.


  • We added 50 new dealer locations in the third quarter.

    我們在第三季度增加了 50 個新的經銷商地點。

  • We're up to about 140 locations in the third quarter, a total of 427 new locations where they can pick up paint.

    我們在第三季度增加了大約 140 個地點,總共有 427 個可以取漆的新地點。

  • And we expect that to continue to accelerate.


  • As other dealers see this work, they're going to want to jump on that bandwagon as well.


  • So I think that's a little bit nuanced, that maybe doesn't come out in the overall numbers.


  • Bob?


  • Robert Andrew Koort - MD

    Robert Andrew Koort - MD

  • Can I ask you on the balance sheet?


  • You've been accruing cash nicely through the year and haven't been doing any share repurchase.


  • Should that be a reflection of the acquisition activity?


  • Or is there some other reason you want to put more of that capital back to use to repurchase?


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes, Bob.


  • Just as Michael pointed out in the opening remarks, we've had a very good cash generation.


  • Year-to-date, we've got about $1.5 billion on the balance sheet.

    年初至今,我們的資產負債表上大約有 15 億美元。

  • We do have some term debt coming due in Q4, so some of that cash will be applied to the term debt coming due.


  • But besides that, we do have a strong balance sheet, and we're still looking at a variety of acquisitions.


  • The acquisition pipeline is still rich.


  • We are not immune to doing share repo.


  • We haven't done any to date based on just the acquisition pipeline.


  • But if the acquisition pipeline lessens or we think there's a need to do share repo for different reasons, we'll do so.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Michael Sison of Wells Fargo.


  • Michael Joseph Sison - Senior Analyst

    Michael Joseph Sison - Senior Analyst

  • Question on the -- just quickly on the stores.

    關於商店的問題 - 很快就到了。

  • You said you're a little bit less than 900.


  • Can you maybe walk us through what your strategy is there going forward?


  • Are you looking to continue to expand the stores?


  • Or is kind of this dealer network really the area where you can have the combined growth for your business there?


  • But just kind of curious where you think the store strategy and growth potential is going forward.


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • So Michael, what I would tell you is our strategy hasn't changed.


  • We're going to add stores where it makes sense in those markets that are growing, so think the Southeast and the Southwest.


  • We're not going to be adding stores in the Northeast or in the West or the Upper Midwest.


  • Those aren't focus areas for us for stores.


  • What they are, are focus areas for us for this premier authorized dealer network because we think there's plenty enough between our stores and our dealers to adequately service our customers.


  • So we're going to continue to do that.


  • I -- compare and contrast that to Mexico, where we've added nearly 100 stores year-to-date, and we're going to finish the year at nearly 200 new stores.

    我 - 將其與墨西哥進行比較和對比,墨西哥今年迄今為止已經增加了近 100 家商店,我們將在今年結束時新增近 200 家商店。

  • Same thing where we've added stores in the U.K., we've added stores in Australia.


  • So we're going to take what we call a micro-market strategy.


  • We're going to look at each of the different markets and make the best decision for our shareholders in that regard.


  • Michael Joseph Sison - Senior Analyst

    Michael Joseph Sison - Senior Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then just a quick follow-up.


  • When you think about volume growth whenever, I mean, whether it comes next year or sooner than later, what do you think your leverage is going to be?


  • Meaning, if you grow your sales to 1%, is that leveraged to 2% EPS growth, 3% EPS growth?

    意思是,如果你的銷售額增長到 1%,那是否會影響到 2% 的 EPS 增長、3% 的 EPS 增長?

  • I just kind of want to feel for the upside potential, and we all hope that demand picks up at some point.


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Mike, this is Vince.


  • In the past, we've said pretty regularly that our leverage on a normal increase in sales is somewhere in the mid-20% range.

    過去,我們經常說,我們對銷售額正常增長的影響在 20% 左右。

  • And in Europe, it's higher because of the latent opportunity we have there, so we said, in Europe, it's in the mid-30% range.

    在歐洲,由於我們在那裡擁有潛在的機會,它更高,所以我們說,在歐洲,它在 30% 的中間範圍內。

  • I'd actually say that if you look at the cost we've taken out globally, we're inching up to 30% on average for the globe in terms of a leverage factor.

    我實際上會說,如果你看看我們在全球範圍內的成本,就槓桿因素而言,我們在全球範圍內平均微升了 30%。

  • Now this obviously can be based on which business, et cetera, but on average, I think we're closer to 30% now than the 25% we were previously.

    現在這顯然可以基於哪個業務等等,但平均而言,我認為我們現在比以前的 25% 更接近 30%。

  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Frank Mitsch of Fermium Research.

    下一個問題將來自 Fermium Research 的 Frank Mitsch。

  • Frank Joseph Mitsch - Senior MD

    Frank Joseph Mitsch - Senior MD

  • Looking at the refinished business, following the second quarter, there was an expectation that the volumes would improve in the third quarter given the easy year-ago comp because of inventory destock that occurred.


  • And that didn't come.


  • So the volumes were down in 3Q, and you called out inventory management as well, lower collision claim activity.


  • Is there any reason for us to anticipate that we're going to see a rebound in this business?


  • Obviously, you highlighted MOONWALK, so maybe from a technology perspective, but just from an overall macro perspective, would you say, if the future's on the cards, et cetera, how should we be thinking about automotive refinish down the line?

    顯然,您強調了 MOONWALK,所以也許從技術角度來看,但從整體宏觀角度來看,您是否會說,如果未來就在眼前,等等,我們應該如何考慮汽車修補漆?

  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Frank, this is Michael.


  • I think this is still a great business, so I don't want anybody to walk away, to think anything differently.


  • I mean certainly, claims were down 1.2% and a little bit more than that in Europe.

    我的意思是當然,索賠下降了 1.2%,比歐洲的下降了一點點。

  • But we had a couple of large customers, CEO changes who came in and take even a more aggressive approach on inventory.

    但是我們有幾個大客戶,CEO 更換了進來,他們對庫存採取了更積極的方法。

  • I mean we've continued to have net body shop wins in all regions of the world, so that is a positive.


  • When you look at our integration of SEM, that is primarily a U.S.-based business.

    當您查看我們對 SEM 的集成時,這主要是一家美國業務。

  • We've launched those products in Canada.


  • The first set of products went to Australia in September, so we'll start to see some sales there.

    第一批產品於 9 月銷往澳大利亞,因此我們將開始看到那裡的一些銷售。

  • We're doing better in sundries.


  • But I think, overall, the one message I want to leave you is our earnings in refinish will be up year-over-year at the end of the year.


  • So we're able to price effectively in this business, and this remains a great business for us.


  • Frank Joseph Mitsch - Senior MD

    Frank Joseph Mitsch - Senior MD

  • All right, very helpful.


  • And just in general, as I look at the third quarter, you hit the high end of the guidance that you put out following the second quarter.


  • And it's clear that the macros were mostly running against you during the quarter, particularly in European activity in autos, et cetera.


  • So I'm just curious, what on the other side really went right for you in order to again hit the high end?


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • So Frank, this is Vince.


  • I'll let Michael again add here.


  • But we are pacing ahead of our cost targets.


  • So we did have additional cost benefit in Q3 that we thought may come in Q4 but we caught up to a little bit earlier.


  • That's one item that was helpful to us.


  • Michael, I don't know if you want to add...


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes, the other one I would tell you is the automotive team.


  • We've been challenged in the automotive team to get ahead of this volume decline, and they really have worked exceptionally hard to do that in the second and third quarter.


  • And I think that what we saw in the back half of the third quarter was that accelerating.


  • So I think that would be the other one I would point to.


  • Frank Joseph Mitsch - Senior MD

    Frank Joseph Mitsch - Senior MD

  • Very interesting.


  • So the automotive side, and I presume you're talking about the OEM side.

    所以汽車方面,我想你是在談論 OEM 方面。

  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • Frank Joseph Mitsch - Senior MD

    Frank Joseph Mitsch - Senior MD

  • Was able to outpace kind of your initial expectations even though sales were down, you faced strikes, et cetera?


  • That's very interesting that, that would be the area that you would [point out to.]


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • So the automotive team has done a good job this year, OEM.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from David Begleiter of Deutsche Bank.

    下一個問題將來自德意志銀行的 David Begleiter。

  • David L. Begleiter - MD and Senior Research Analyst

    David L. Begleiter - MD and Senior Research Analyst

  • Michael, were raws up year-over-year in Q3?


  • And what are you thinking about for Q4 on raws?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, of course, we think about our costs more than raws, David.


  • So in the third quarter, they were moderating.


  • We had a couple up.


  • We had some down.


  • But net-net, they were moderating.


  • As I've tried to point out in my opening comments, we still have freight and distribution.


  • If you think about dangerous goods warehouse cost, especially in Asia, they have significantly increased.


  • And so that's why we continue to invest in our business, we continue to invest in our people.


  • So that's obviously a cost on the rising side.


  • But net-net, I would say raw materials were moderating.


  • David L. Begleiter - MD and Senior Research Analyst

    David L. Begleiter - MD and Senior Research Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • And just on the impact of the GM strike in Q3 and Q4, do you have an estimate on that impact?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, we're not going to talk about any individual customers.


  • What I would tell you is that we have a very diverse customer mix in automotive, and so no one particular customer is going to have a significant impact on our overall business.


  • And our team, when it was announced, immediately took aggressive cost action to ensure that the impact was minor.


  • So I think, overall, like I said to Frank's question, the automotive team did a good job.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from P.J. Juvekar of Citi.

    下一個問題將來自花旗的 P.J. Juvekar。

  • Eric B Petrie - Senior Associate

    Eric B Petrie - Senior Associate

  • This is Eric Petrie on for P.J. So what kind of vehicles represents a market opportunity for you?

    這是 P.J. 的 Eric Petrie。那麼什麼樣的車輛代表了您的市場機會?

  • How much coatings could you sell into EVs compared to other light vehicles?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, Eric, what we've always said is that the EV vehicles can be anywhere from 2 to 3x more coatings on them than a standard vehicle.

    好吧,埃里克,我們一直說的是,電動汽車上的塗層可以比標準汽車多 2 到 3 倍。

  • Right now, I don't have the latest number in my figure, but I think it's 0.7% of all cars are electric vehicles, so it's still a very small number.

    目前,我的數據中沒有最新的數字,但我認為所有汽車中有 0.7% 是電動汽車,所以這仍然是一個非常小的數字。

  • And what's interesting is that everybody does that differently.


  • So one guy might, through their batteries, might need protective coatings.


  • Another guy might just need industrial coatings.


  • Another guy might use all 3. Some are using powders.

    另一個人可能會使用所有 3 個。有些人正在使用粉末。

  • Some are using liquids.


  • Some use third parties.


  • Some do it in-house.


  • Right now, unlike when you look at a traditional car, you can use kind of broad guidelines.


  • Right now, this is still in its infancy and there's still a lot of unknowns about how this is going to shake out.


  • But clearly, what we see in every case is more paint on an EV vehicle than on a traditional vehicle.


  • Eric B Petrie - Senior Associate

    Eric B Petrie - Senior Associate

  • For my follow-up in packaging, can you discuss the market opportunity to continue gaining share in non-BPA coatings?

    對於我在包裝方面的後續行動,您能否討論一下繼續在非 BPA 塗料中獲得份額的市場機會?

  • And then is the industry shift from plastic bottles to cans, is this a tailwind for the business?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Certainly, the plastics to cans will be a tailwind.


  • It's too early in that process to know what that curve will look like, but it's certainly a long-term positive.


  • Our BPA-NI has -- we significantly outpaced the market in '16, '17 and '18.

    我們的 BPA-NI 在 16 年、17 年和 18 年顯著超過了市場。

  • We've been slightly less than the market in '19.

    我們在 19 年的表現略低於市場。

  • We expect to be back on that track of at/or above market in 2020.

    我們預計將在 2020 年重回處於/或高於市場的軌道。

  • We have some new technology that's coming out.


  • Right now probably, I would say food has been probably, let's call it, 70% converted; beverages less than 50%, and it varies conservatively by region, with Europe much farther ahead and Asia, much further behind.

    現在可能,我會說食物可能,我們稱之為,70% 的轉化率;飲料不到 50%,而且因地區而異,歐洲領先得多,亞洲落後得多。

  • But there's still more work to be done there.


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Eric, just back on your first question, I mean, the statistics we've seen, these aren't our statistics, but a 1% drop in plastic bottles, if this converts to aluminum cans, is a 6% increase in cans.

    埃里克,回到你的第一個問題,我的意思是,我們看到的統計數據,這些不是我們的統計數據,但是塑料瓶下降 1%,如果這轉化為鋁罐,則罐頭增加 6%。

  • We are seeing also efforts in the industry to replace our single-use serving cups as well.


  • So I think the industry in overall packaging, aluminum packaging industry does have some positive traits forward as we head into next year.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Kevin McCarthy of VRP.

    下一個問題將來自 VRP 的 Kevin McCarthy。

  • Kevin William McCarthy - Partner

    Kevin William McCarthy - Partner

  • I think you've been very clear that your contribution margins are higher regionally in Europe relative to the U.S., for example.


  • I was wondering if you'd be willing to comment on which product lines are your highest and your lowest contribution margins in a given region.


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Not something we typically comment on, Kevin.


  • Kevin William McCarthy - Partner

    Kevin William McCarthy - Partner

  • Okay.


  • Secondly, I had a small question on the financial side.


  • Your Slide 9 indicates net interest expense of $27 million to $28 million, and I believe the 3Q number was $23 million.

    您的幻燈片 9 顯示淨利息支出為 2700 萬美元至 2800 萬美元,我相信第三季度的數字為 2300 萬美元。

  • And so I'm wondering why your net interest would increase $4 million, $5 million sequentially when your leverage seems to be down roughly $450 million.

    所以我想知道為什麼當你的槓桿似乎下降了大約 4.5 億美元時,你的淨利息會依次增加 400 萬美元、500 萬美元。

  • Does that have to do with capital structure or deployment plans?


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Well, a couple things on that, Kevin.


  • First of all, we are paying off some term debt, but that term debt has very low interest associated with it and one of them was close to a 0% interest.

    首先,我們正在償還一些定期債務,但該定期債務的利息非常低,其中一個利息接近 0%。

  • So even though we're paying debt off, it doesn't have an effect on lowering the interest cost.


  • We have been carrying extra cash and earning some money on that cash in Q3, that will go away in Q4 as we pay down that term debt.


  • And we do have, as is traditional in our business, seasonally, a much higher CapEx spending in the fourth quarter.


  • We typically spend 30% to 40% of our capital between October 1 and the end of the year, so we'll have additional capital outlays versus what we did earlier in the year.

    我們通常在 10 月 1 日至年底之間花費 30% 到 40% 的資本,因此與今年早些時候相比,我們將有額外的資本支出。

  • So those would be the biggest factors.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from John Roberts of UBS.


  • John Ezekiel E. Roberts - Executive Director and Equity Research Analyst, Chemicals

    John Ezekiel E. Roberts - Executive Director and Equity Research Analyst, Chemicals

  • Michael, there have been some press reports that PPG has been working as part of a joint bid for Axalta.

    邁克爾,有一些媒體報導稱,PPG 一直在參與聯合競購艾仕得。

  • Could we assume antitrust issues for both auto OEM and refinish would be really high so that your interest is primarily in the industrial non-auto?

    我們是否可以假設汽車 OEM 和修補漆的反壟斷問題會非常高,因此您的興趣主要集中在工業非汽車?

  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, John, first of all, we are always flattered when people associate ourselves in the rumor market.


  • But as you can imagine, we're not in a position to comment about another public company.


  • We are going to continue to drive the consolidation of the coatings space.


  • And as we mentioned earlier, our pipeline remains active.


  • But as far as any particular company, it would be inappropriate for us to comment.


  • John Ezekiel E. Roberts - Executive Director and Equity Research Analyst, Chemicals

    John Ezekiel E. Roberts - Executive Director and Equity Research Analyst, Chemicals

  • Okay.


  • Then maybe based on the IHS auto builds outlook for the fourth quarter, could you -- just based on their assumptions, can you give us maybe a range for your auto OEM coatings volumes in the fourth quarter by region and what it would roll up to in aggregate?

    然後也許基於 IHS 第四季度的汽車製造前景,您能否 - 僅基於他們的假設,您能否給我們一個按地區劃分的第四季度汽車 OEM 塗料數量的範圍以及它將匯總到什麼?合計?

  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • So John, we're going to bet for just an easing of comps as we look at prior year.


  • So I would look at the IHS' revision that just came out this week, and we would be looking at our performance being somewhere in line with that -- with those build forecasts.

    因此,我將查看本周剛剛發布的 IHS 修訂版,我們將查看我們的表現是否與該修訂版相符 - 與那些構建預測。

  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • And John, the only other thing I would add is that from a very, very small minor green shoot area, we did see build start to pick up in the last 2 weeks of September in China.

    約翰,我唯一要補充的另一件事是,從一個非常非常小的小綠芽區域,我們確實看到在 9 月的最後兩週在中國開始建設。

  • So we'll wait and see whether this is a trend line.


  • Some of the local Chinese guys were behind the curve on meeting the emission standards, so maybe they're just catching up, but we'll continue to keep an eye on it.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Don Carson of Susquehanna.

    下一個問題將來自 Susquehanna 的 Don Carson。

  • Donald David Carson - Senior Analyst

    Donald David Carson - Senior Analyst

  • First, a question on the sustainability of the price increases.


  • Michael, you mentioned that most probably price increase will moderate in the fourth quarter, but you've had 6 quarters now of over 2%.

    邁克爾,您提到價格上漲很可能會在第四季度放緩,但您現在已經有 6 個季度超過 2%。

  • How much longer do you think you can sustain that and particularly as you get pushback from customers in the industrial sector?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, first of all, John -- I mean, Don, we have not had any pushback yet from customers.


  • I mean you get your normal pushback, but at the end of the day, they know full well, that we've had more inflation than what we've recovered.


  • They can read the financial statements just as well as you can.


  • So they know we're behind.


  • They also know that we're -- if you look at some of our regions, we're below the curve line, if you will, on volume.

    他們也知道我們 - 如果你看看我們的一些地區,如果你願意的話,我們在曲線下方。

  • And some of that is because we've said we're going to need to continue to get price, and we're going to take price.


  • And if they want to move volume away, that's perfectly acceptable to us.


  • And so right now, we know we're going to get price in the fourth quarter.


  • I'm pretty optimistic we'll still have a positive price number in Q1, and we're going to continue to push because at the end of the day, we should be asking for value commensurate with the value that we create for our shareholders -- or our customers.


  • And so we're going to continue to ask for it.


  • Donald David Carson - Senior Analyst

    Donald David Carson - Senior Analyst

  • And a follow-up on U.S. architectural.


  • How do you see the industry growing given some fairly good housing data, both maintenance and new homes?


  • And now that you've got the law -- the customer mix issues behind you, do you think PPG can grow in line with the market or greater than the overall market?

    既然你已經掌握了法律——你背後的客戶組合問題,你認為 PPG 可以與市場同步增長還是超過整體市場?

  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, for the industry next year, we have budgeted between 2% and 3% growth.

    好吧,對於明年的行業,我們的預算增長在 2% 到 3% 之間。

  • We think that's a realistic number.


  • Our architectural team is on the optimistic side, but I think this is a point where we have to show and not -- it's kind of like the show-me stage, let's see what happens.


  • And I think our goal would be to start with continuing to meet the industry numbers, and we'll see how well the team does.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Arun Viswanathan of RBC Capital Markets.

    下一個問題將來自 RBC Capital Markets 的 Arun Viswanathan。

  • Arun Shankar Viswanathan - Analyst

    Arun Shankar Viswanathan - Analyst

  • Just a question here, a little bit higher level and looking into 2020, if I could just ask this in a different way.

    這裡只是一個問題,稍微高一點,展望 2020 年,如果我能以不同的方式問這個問題。

  • Yes, you guys had referenced kind of 2%-plus price now for a little while.

    是的,你們已經參考了 2% 以上的價格有一段時間了。

  • Volumes have been kind of flat to down.


  • Next year, if I think about some of your end markets: aerospace facing some pretty tough comps; architectural could be up slightly in your comments here; automotive, it doesn't really appear that it's getting better, although you cited that may be slightly better than your expectations.


  • So when I put all that together, it sounds like, next year, volumes could be also flat to down slightly, and then I don't know if you're necessarily going to have the price.


  • So just kind of trying to understand how you're thinking about sales growth from here.


  • It would appear that next year would likely be lower than this year just given the lack of pricing actions.


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, Arun, I think it might be a little bit early to call that.


  • When I think about some of the innovations that we have out there, I think if you think about the low temperature cure, that's still an opportunity for us.


  • For aerospace, we have a number of customers who are qualifying in ecoat for airlines, so that's still an opportunity for growth.

    對於航空航天,我們有許多符合航空公司 ecoat 資格的客戶,因此這仍然是一個增長機會。

  • We still have more share to gain back in Europe because we have been leading the price charge over there on that.


  • So I'm not where you are right now.


  • It's a little early to say that.


  • So I will say that we should be more on the positive side.


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes, Arun, just to reiterate what I said earlier.


  • We think most of our customers and many channels are carrying very low inventory levels, so with any modest economic recovery, we think there's going to be a dual effect, the recovery itself plus some kind of inventory replenishment level.


  • So it's again still early to make that call, but as we talk to our customers, they're very low in terms of their inventory on the balance sheet.


  • Arun Shankar Viswanathan - Analyst

    Arun Shankar Viswanathan - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • And just as a follow-up, it looks like you've taken some very swift action on the cost front.


  • Those are coming through nicely.


  • Your price cost is heading in the right direction.


  • I guess I'm just curious, and then you have the new product pipeline.


  • What else could you do from a standpoint?


  • You've completed 4 deals.

    您已完成 4 筆交易。

  • Are you also open to something a little bit more transformative?


  • The strategic review kind of unveiled that breaking the company up isn't really advantageous.


  • But is there anything larger or more strategic that you could pursue to shift the focus a little bit forward, I guess?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, Arun, I would tell you that nothing is off the table.


  • We're always going to be looking to do what's in the best interest of our shareholders.


  • We're going to be disciplined though.


  • We're not going to be -- do anything that doesn't create value.


  • We still have more opportunities.


  • When I think about the EV market, that is still a wonderful opportunity for us, and we're obviously anxious for it to play out sooner rather than later.


  • We can't control that.


  • There's still a challenge where the EV cars cost significantly more than a traditional car, and they have to figure out a way to get those costs more in line, just so they can sell more cars.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from John McNulty of BMO Capital Markets.

    下一個問題將來自 BMO Capital Markets 的 John McNulty。

  • John Patrick McNulty - Analyst

    John Patrick McNulty - Analyst

  • Just going back to the architectural stores business that you have, last quarter, you had expected for this quarter, at least in the guidance, you had kind of indicated you were looking for low single-digit demand growth.


  • And I guess given some of the pent-up demand around the wet season, we would have thought it would be even better than that.


  • I guess relative to those expectations, what change or what was off?


  • Is it just that it went more and more quickly to the independent dealers?


  • Or is there something else in the mix that we should be thinking about?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, John, first of all, I'm not sure where that -- your inference came from.


  • We grew third quarter of '18 at high single digits.

    我們在 18 年第三季度以高個位數增長。

  • And jumping over that comp was going to be a challenge.


  • And given the way we structured the stores and the dealers, we thought it would be a challenge.


  • So overall, I would tell you that we're pleased with the rollout of this premier authorized dealer network.


  • So Vince, I don't know if you'll say anything...


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • No, I -- well, I'm going to say the same thing, but maybe in different ways.


  • We look at the stores in our dealer network as -- we're kind of merging that into a singular channel.

    我們將經銷商網絡中的商店視為 - 我們正在將其合併到一個單一的渠道中。

  • We're trying to optimize what we do on a micro-market basis, as Michael mentioned earlier, so we're not overlapping as much, and whether the sale goes to a dealer or to our store is inconsequential to us.


  • So we have to look at these combined.


  • And again, if you look at the dealer results this quarter and year-to-date, they're up nicely, and that's a lower cost to serve for us.


  • So I think we're -- it's probably more semantics than anything.

    所以我認為我們 - 它可能比任何東西都更具語義。

  • John Patrick McNulty - Analyst

    John Patrick McNulty - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • No, that's helpful.


  • And then on the unexpected customer shutdowns, is this something that you typically recapture as the volumes come back on?


  • I mean do you see the customers -- your customers essentially try to run harder to catch back up?


  • Or is it something where, look, the business, it's come and gone and it's kind of something we kind of have to just get past?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • No.


  • I would suspect that if you take the case of our friends up in Detroit, they're kind of being short of trucks, so they're going to be trying to catch up that volume.


  • Now on the car side, they're probably not as worried about that.


  • But net-net, I think they will be trying to optimize their inventories, and it may be different at one plant versus another on how hard they're going to ramp up.


  • But some of that volume will come back, but definitely not all of it.


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • We've seen customers' curtailments on both sides of the quarter.


  • You saw July shutdowns are normally traditional annual time periods to do shutdowns.

    您看到 7 月的停工通常是傳統的年度停工時間段。

  • Some of those were extended.


  • We saw obviously different shutdowns in September.

    我們在 9 月看到了明顯不同的停工。

  • If you look -- but again, if you look at the inventories as a microcosm in the automotive OEM business, the inventory levels are very low in almost every region relative to historical levels.

    如果你看 - 但同樣,如果你將庫存視為汽車 OEM 業務的一個縮影,與歷史水平相比,幾乎每個地區的庫存水平都非常低。

  • And so again, I think that's another good news story at some point.


  • They are running below -- well below historical inventory levels.

    它們的運行低於 - 遠低於歷史庫存水平。

  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Jeff Zekauskas of JPMorgan.

    下一個問題將來自摩根大通的 Jeff Zekauskas。

  • Jeffrey John Zekauskas - Senior Analyst

    Jeffrey John Zekauskas - Senior Analyst

  • Earlier in the call, Michael, you talked about raw materials moderating.


  • Were they down about 2% in the quarter?

    他們在本季度下跌了約 2% 嗎?

  • And can you comment on raw materials in the United States, in that propylene is, I don't know, $0.38 a pound and last year, at this time, it was $0.58 a pound, so maybe it's down 35%?

    你能評論一下美國的原材料嗎,我不知道,丙烯是每磅 0.38 美元,而去年,當時是每磅 0.58 美元,所以可能下降了 35%?

  • So is there much more raw material depreciation in the United States than there is in other regions?


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Let me take the total question, Jeff, and Michael -- in total, our cost buckets were not down 2%, anywhere near that.

    讓我來回答一下整個問題,傑夫和邁克爾——總的來說,我們的成本桶並沒有下降 2%,幾乎沒有下降。

  • We did, as Michael mentioned, have a variety of other costs that are elevated or are still elevating.


  • We aggregate that.


  • And then when you aggregate that, we had very modest moderation of raw material costs in the quarter and year-over-year.


  • And again, that's after several years of accumulation of inflation.


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • And Jeff, I know you sound like one of our customers who are selectively picking up propylene in North America.


  • But you forgot to mention ethylene in North America is at $0.27 and this time last year was at $0.20.

    但是你忘了提到北美的乙烯價格為 0.27 美元,而去年這個時候是 0.20 美元。

  • So -- and I always tell people, we don't buy ethylene, we don't buy propylene, we buy the derivatives, so the supply and demand of the derivatives is also important.


  • So where you might have propylene down 15%, you have ethylene up 30%.

    因此,丙烯下降 15%,乙烯上升 30%。

  • So there are some puts and takes.


  • Jeffrey John Zekauskas - Senior Analyst

    Jeffrey John Zekauskas - Senior Analyst

  • Well, contract ethylene was $0.33.

    好吧,合同乙烯是 0.33 美元。

  • But -- so secondly, when you contemplate your acquisition strategy, are you -- do you have a bolt-on strategy?


  • Or is it something larger than a bolt-on for the next year?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, I think as we've always mentioned, we're active in looking at the pipeline where we're going to take the best use of our shareholder's money, and we're going to be disciplined in that approach.


  • So it could be either/or.


  • But right now, the opportunities are -- historically have been on the bolt-ons.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Duffy Fischer with Barclays.

    下一個問題將來自巴克萊的 Duffy Fischer。

  • Patrick Duffy Fischer - Director & Senior Chemical Analyst

    Patrick Duffy Fischer - Director & Senior Chemical Analyst

  • You've mentioned a number of times kind of the cumulative impact of the inflation you've seen over the last couple of years.


  • How much price do you need from here if you hold those costs constant?


  • Do you need to get back to par?


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • That's a great question, Duffy, because we still need more price, and that's why we tell our sales guys and ladies everyday that we're still not, on a cumulative basis, recovered.


  • It's different obviously by region, by business, but we still need -- we're not able to give an exact number, but it's more than we have today.


  • And cumulatively, our prices that we've given out the past couple of years were up just shy of mid-single digits, and we need to be just north of mid-single digits.


  • Patrick Duffy Fischer - Director & Senior Chemical Analyst

    Patrick Duffy Fischer - Director & Senior Chemical Analyst

  • All right.


  • And then historically, when you've built cash, sometimes, you've put parameters around that cash or you'll give us a time frame, or either via acquisitions or buybacks, you'll consume that cash.


  • Has that worked in your mind historically when you've done that?


  • And if it has or hasn't, how would that impact what you might do going into 2020 with the cash you've built?

    如果它有或沒有,這將如何影響你在 2020 年用你所建立的現金可能會做什麼?

  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Well, yes, I'll remind you that we have about $600 million or $650 million of the cash on the balance sheet today is slated for term debt paydown.

    嗯,是的,我會提醒你,我們今天的資產負債表上有大約 6 億美元或 6.5 億美元的現金用於償還定期債務。

  • And we did some term debt issuance in Q3.


  • We like the interest rates, and we're going to swap that out for payment in Q4.


  • We'll look at our -- we look on a recurring basis, a monthly basis at a minimum at our cash and our cash uses and potential cash use for the next couple of quarters.

    我們將查看我們的 - 我們定期查看,至少每月查看我們的現金和我們的現金使用以及未來幾個季度的潛在現金使用。

  • We'll do that again certainly through the fourth quarter.


  • And if we want to give guidance on that, we'll do so in January.

    如果我們想就此提供指導,我們將在 1 月份提供。

  • Right now, as Michael said, the acquisition pipeline is active, and we'd still like to keep some dry powder until some of the things get out there.


  • But we're not immune to giving it.


  • We're not immune to not giving it.


  • It just depends on what we see going forward and what we feel shareholders want to hear from us.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Laurence Alexander of Jefferies.

    下一個問題來自 Jefferies 的 Laurence Alexander。

  • Daniel Dalton Rizzo - Equity Analyst

    Daniel Dalton Rizzo - Equity Analyst

  • This is Dan Rizzo on for Laurence.


  • You mentioned before that Brexit is kind of cropping up as a headwind.


  • I was just wondering if -- what a no-deal Brexit means or what a deal would mean or if it doesn't matter as long as there's like just a removal of the uncertainty.

    我只是想知道 - 無協議脫歐意味著什麼,或者達成協議意味著什麼,或者只要消除不確定性,這是否無關緊要。

  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, the best thing would be the removal of the uncertainty without having aborted prices.


  • Right now, we're not able to predict that, as you can guess.


  • We are prepared for either way.


  • What we do see is our architectural business has hung in there pretty good, but then if you look at our little business up in Northern Ireland, that is -- there's way more consternation and churn up there than there might be in, say, Southern Europe -- or in Southern England.


  • So I'd say it varies.


  • But at this point in time, it's still a huge watchout for us.


  • Daniel Dalton Rizzo - Equity Analyst

    Daniel Dalton Rizzo - Equity Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then my second question, you mentioned, I think, adding 50 new distributors this quarter.

    然後我的第二個問題,你提到,我認為,本季度增加了 50 家新分銷商。

  • I was wondering if we should think about it as a kind of a general run rate going forward, like 50 a quarter and 200 a year.

    我想知道我們是否應該將其視為一種未來的總體運行率,例如每季度 50 次和每年 200 次。

  • Am I thinking about that, right?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, that is a new program this year, so we do have some earlier sign-ups.


  • That's probably a good number we should probably look at for our Q4 call to try to give you guys some parameters.


  • It's too early to make that call right now.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Vincent Andrews of Morgan Stanley.


  • Vincent Stephen Andrews - MD

    Vincent Stephen Andrews - MD

  • Just trying to think through the comments earlier about the potential for customers to rebuild inventory next year.


  • And I guess what I'm trying to square in my head is that we've had, as you say, 6 quarters of very solid 2% price increases going through and yet the customer base seems to be running at lower than average or normal levels of inventory despite the fact that it's very clear you're going to -- were to continue to take pricing.

    而且我想我想弄清楚的是,正如你所說,我們已經經歷了 6 個季度非常穩定的 2% 的價格上漲,但客戶群的運行似乎低於平均水平或正常水平儘管很明顯您將要繼續定價,但庫存水平仍然很高。

  • So other than some economic fly-ups, what is it that's going to -- or could cause customers to rebuild inventory levels versus if they've been at low levels for a long period of time and they're generating greater cash flow for that reason?

    因此,除了一些經濟飛漲之外,這將是什麼 - 或者可能導致客戶重建庫存水平,而不是他們長期處於低水平並且他們為此產生更大的現金流原因?

  • Why wouldn't they just stay where they are?


  • So what are the pros and cons on that?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, the first reason why they've rebuilt and if they had confidence that their end-use demand is going to pick up, so think about the heavy-duty equipment guys, right?


  • They're wondering what the heck is going on in the farming business and whether or not they're going to be selling more combines.


  • Right now, there's a lot of churn in that segment, so they're trying to figure that out.


  • If they had more clarity on what the future will look like, the farmers would be more willing to spend their money.


  • If they had a better idea about the crops, they would have a better chance of spending it.


  • So I think that would be one.


  • The other one is consumer confidence in China.


  • Right now, consumer confidence in China is down.


  • PMI in China is down.


  • And so if they thought that the trade churn was behind them, I think people in China would get behind that and start making major purchases.


  • Right now, they have deferred on major purchases.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Stephen Byrne of Bank of America.


  • Steve Byrne - Director of Equity Research

    Steve Byrne - Director of Equity Research

  • You mentioned just a few moments ago about your volumes in OEM auto to be roughly in line with IHS expectations.

    您剛才提到您在 OEM 汽車中的銷量大致符合 IHS 的預期。

  • It seems your third quarter volumes underperformed or were more challenged than the global auto build rate contracted.


  • Is there something in there that you can attribute that to?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, part of it, Stephen, was in China.


  • So we have a pretty good split of the local Chinese OEMs.

    因此,我們對中國本土 OEM 有很好的拆分。

  • And these guys were behind on the emission changeovers, and so they were suffering from that standpoint.


  • So they underperformed significantly the China as well as the Asian standard.


  • So that's probably the single biggest thing.


  • Steve Byrne - Director of Equity Research

    Steve Byrne - Director of Equity Research

  • And then just a quick one on your stores, your architectural stores.


  • If you have a loyal paint contractor to your own stores, if they were to shift to a dealer location, is that particular mix of paint that they're buying and the composition and the menu and all of that, is that transferred to that dealer?

    如果你有一個忠誠的油漆承包商到你自己的商店,如果他們要轉移到經銷商的位置,他們購買的油漆的特定組合,成分和菜單等等,是轉移到那個經銷商的嗎? ?

  • And how is your margin on that gallon of paint that's shifted from your store to a dealer?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • So think about it this way, without getting into the specifics, we're agnostic to whether he picks up in the store or picks up at the dealer.


  • The key is that he can pick up at his price at the location that's most conducive for him winning the business.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Mike Harrison of Seaport Global Securities.

    下一個問題將來自 Seaport Global Securities 的 Mike Harrison。

  • Michael Joseph Harrison - MD & Senior Chemicals Analyst

    Michael Joseph Harrison - MD & Senior Chemicals Analyst

  • Just wondering if I can maybe build on this idea of the premium dealer channel or dealer network.


  • Can you help us understand exactly what is changing in the model and maybe if there are any costs associated with it and what stage you're in, in this process?


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Mike, I think we heard your question about trying to understand the differences in the business model.


  • You were coming through pretty lightly.


  • But if I understood your question right, we'll just give you one example.


  • We have a city in the Northeast -- in the Midwest.


  • We had 8 or 10 stores in that city.

    我們在那個城市有 8 或 10 家商店。

  • We sold those stores at a dealer in that area.


  • We're selling through that dealer.


  • And we're no longer competing with them.


  • It's lowered everybody's cost to serve.


  • The paint contractor has the same opportunities they had before.


  • So again, what we're trying to do is optimize our distribution points to the customer.


  • That's really the focus of this strategy.


  • And I hope that was your question.


  • Michael Joseph Harrison - MD & Senior Chemicals Analyst

    Michael Joseph Harrison - MD & Senior Chemicals Analyst

  • Yes, I guess the question I was really trying to get to is what stage are we at in that process of shifting to a different strategy with the dealers and -- or other costs associated with it?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes, Mike, we're in, I would say, a little bit more than a year.


  • The first -- early on, it was the trial stage.


  • We saw some real good positives with that, now we've accelerated it.


  • There's no real additional cost.


  • There is some -- we need to make sure when they pick up in our dealer stores that they're getting the PPG price.

    有一些——我們需要確保當他們在我們的經銷商商店提貨時,他們得到的是 PPG 價格。

  • So there is some transfer of data that has to happen, but that's electronic, and so I would not regard this as any material cost.


  • And as Vince said earlier, typically, it's a lower cost-to-serve channel to support our dealers.


  • Michael Joseph Harrison - MD & Senior Chemicals Analyst

    Michael Joseph Harrison - MD & Senior Chemicals Analyst

  • All right.


  • And then the other question I had was within the industrial business, were there pockets within that business that were stronger or weaker?


  • And just in terms of the trends across all 4 regions, it looks like volumes were down during the quarter.

    就所有 4 個地區的趨勢而言,本季度的銷量似乎有所下降。

  • Were the trends stable, or were the trends worsening in industrial?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • So I would say that the trends were somewhat moderately lower, and it really varied by region.


  • So Europe was a little bit lighter, Asia Pacific a little bit lighter, U.S. relatively the same, Latin America relatively the same.


  • The segment that outperformed were like extrusion, electronic materials, those kind of things.


  • We were on the upper end of that curve.


  • Clearly, the ones that were weak were general finishes, wood and parts or transportation equipment under -- the under-the-hood parts that typically show up in our industrial segment.


  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • But based on our cautious outlook, Mike, again, I'd say industrial activity modestly weakened throughout the quarter.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Dmitry Silversteyn of Buckingham Research.

    下一個問題將來自 Buckingham Research 的 Dmitry Silversteyn。

  • Dmitry Silversteyn - Director

    Dmitry Silversteyn - Director

  • A couple of questions, kind of regional, I guess.


  • Vince, you talked about sort of in your expectations for 2020 that you would expect China to recover a little bit from a macroeconomic perspective.

    文斯,您在對 2020 年的預期中談到了從宏觀經濟的角度來看,您預計中國會稍微復甦。

  • Trying to understand, besides the easy comps in automotive, what gives you the confidence that the Chinese economy and the Chinese consumers are going to come back in 2020?

    試圖了解,除了汽車行業的簡單競爭之外,是什麼讓您對中國經濟和中國消費者將在 2020 年回歸充滿信心?

  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Well, we have been talking about this all year, Dmitry, that the Chinese consumer is still accruing buying power.


  • Employment rate there is no different than it was 3 or 4 years ago.

    那裡的就業率與 3 或 4 年前沒有什麼不同。

  • They've moved to more of a saving economy.


  • I think they're feeling -- they're apprehensive about the geopolitical environment.


  • And our expectation, our hope is that gets somewhat resolved or some of that breaks free because they've moved to more of a consumption model and they've saved for, I'd say, well over of 9 months to a year now.

    我們的期望,我們的希望是,這會得到一定程度的解決,或者其中一些會擺脫困境,因為他們已經轉向更多的消費模式,並且他們已經存了,我想說,現在已經超過 9 個月到一年了。

  • And I think that they will be more comfortable spending next year.


  • That's the biggest single item.


  • If you look at the service economy, they're doing well.


  • So again, I think there's still some good trades in that economy that would bode well for increased consumer spending.


  • Dmitry Silversteyn - Director

    Dmitry Silversteyn - Director

  • Got it.


  • And then to follow up on your comment on Comex about the growth there being on same-store basis at least in the low single-digit range.

    然後跟進您對 Comex 的評論,即至少在低個位數範圍內,同店增長。

  • It was a much faster business when you bought it.


  • I think you grew it very nicely in the first few years of ownership.


  • You talked about some kind of political headwind and economic headwind.


  • Looking in your -- at your tea leaves, when can we -- or when do you expect the -- whatever the situation there that's going on to resolve itself?

    看看你的 - 看看你的茶葉,我們什麼時候 - 或者你預計什麼時候 - 無論那裡的情況如何自行解決?

  • Or is that something that's going to drag on to -- through 2020?

    還是會一直拖到 2020 年?

  • In other words, is there a particular data point or an event that you're looking for?


  • Or is it just a matter of anniversary-ing whatever headwinds are being faced by that business?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • So Dmitry, I'd say there are 2 factors that we're watching closely.


  • The first one is government spending.


  • So with the transition to the new government that -- run by AMLO, as they call him, they are cautious, and they have not cranked out the government spending that we typically see.

    因此,隨著向由 AMLO 管理的新政府的過渡,正如他們所說的那樣,他們很謹慎,並且他們沒有像我們通常看到的那樣增加政府支出。

  • We think that will loosen up, so that should be up year-over-year.


  • And then the other one that we're watching cautiously is major projects.


  • So a lot of the folks that have the money were nervous when AMLO was elected, and so they let their major projects wind down.


  • They haven't restarted new major projects.


  • But what's interesting is that the president has the highest approval ratings ever.


  • And so I think, over time, people are going to start to loosen up and start to go back to restarting major projects.


  • So those are the 2 factors that we're watching.


  • The good news is our mix continues to improve significantly, and our earnings are going to be an all-time record for Mexico.


  • And we're projecting another record year for them next year.


  • The business feels very good about themselves.


  • We're moving into the major paint season.


  • As you know, the holidays, Thanksgiving through Christmas in Mexico, huge family time, and this is going to be a period of time when we see our highest volumes in the fourth quarter.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Garik Shmois of Longbow Research.

    下一個問題將來自 Longbow Research 的 Garik Shmois。

  • Garik Simha Shmois - Senior Research Analyst

    Garik Simha Shmois - Senior Research Analyst

  • I just wanted to follow up just on the dealer network evolution there.


  • Will that end up changing your end-market exposure in architectural, particularly in the U.S.?


  • Does that make you more exposed to new construction versus repaint or not really?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • No.


  • No material change, Garik.


  • Garik Simha Shmois - Senior Research Analyst

    Garik Simha Shmois - Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just lastly, just on aerospace, you talked about in the outlook for the fourth quarter moderating growth, but I think it's really just a function of a tough comp from a year ago.


  • So I just want to be clear on that and then just wonder if you can maybe provide an outlook into 2020, how you view aero just because the comp will be tough throughout the balance of next year.

    所以我只想澄清這一點,然後想知道你是否可以提供一個到 2020 年的展望,你如何看待航空,因為在明年的平衡中,比賽將是艱難的。

  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • We still expect clearly the comps that we put in place this year, high single digits and even in Q1, Q2, when we had low double digits.


  • It's going to be tough to jump over.


  • But when I look at the new technology we rolled out, the new wins we've had, I'm still optimistic that they're going to have a very good year in aerospace.


  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Jim Sheehan of SunTrust Robinson Humphrey.

    下一個問題將來自 SunTrust Robinson Humphrey 的 Jim Sheehan。

  • James Michael Sheehan - Research Analyst

    James Michael Sheehan - Research Analyst

  • In packaging, you talked about some customers were trialing some things.


  • You had some packed tests.


  • Could you give some more detail on that?


  • Where these food packages or beverage packages?


  • And how did the test turn out?


  • Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

    Michael H. McGarry - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, it's mostly on the beverage side.


  • As I had mentioned earlier, Jim, the food guys are much, much further along in these conversions.


  • So on the beverage side, basically, we don't get packed test results for quite some period of time.


  • It depends upon the severity of it, whether they're moving them all around the world, sending them to hot spots like Saudi and cold places like Norway or how extensive are the changes.


  • So we basically have packed tests going on all the time in this business.


  • What I would tell you is that we fared pretty well in these things.


  • And as these tests come in, typically, that then leads to new business.


  • James Michael Sheehan - Research Analyst

    James Michael Sheehan - Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then in European automotive OEM, I think that you had some difficult comps with last year due to some emissions changes, which had pulled forward demand.

    然後在歐洲汽車 OEM 中,我認為由於一些排放變化,你與去年相比有一些困難,這拉動了需求。

  • And you would think that might lead to an easier comp in the fourth quarter, but it looks like the IHS numbers are still not that optimistic.

    你會認為這可能會導致第四季度的比較容易,但看起來 IHS 的數字仍然沒有那麼樂觀。

  • Is there something else -- or is the export demand trend from Europe offsetting the benefit you might get from the change in the WLTP implementations?

    是否還有其他問題——或者來自歐洲的出口需求趨勢是否抵消了您可能從 WLTP 實施變化中獲得的好處?

  • Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

    Vincent J. Morales - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes, Jim, I think you've hit the nail right on the head.


  • We do see fewer exports out of Europe to Asia.


  • That's one of the drags year-over-year, no different than the Asian sales indigenous in the region.


  • So that's a factor.


  • And obviously, the industrial activity and the lack of industrial activity in Europe is another factor.


  • Operator


  • And this concludes our question-and-answer session.


  • I would like to turn the conference back over to management for any closing remarks.


  • John Bruno - Director of IR

    John Bruno - Director of IR

  • Yes.


  • So thank you, Carrie.


  • I'd like to thank everybody on the call today for your time and interest in PPG.

    我要感謝今天電話會議上的每一個人,感謝你們花時間和對 PPG 的興趣。

  • If you have any further questions, please contact our Investor Relations department.


  • This concludes our third quarter earnings call.


  • Operator


  • The conference has now concluded.


  • Thank you for attending today's presentation.


  • You may now disconnect your lines.


  • Have a great day.
